The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 02, 1915, Page 17, Image 17

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Recruits Who Are Being Lined
! Up Carry Plenty of Beef for
.v Hard Campagin,
ProbM. Advent 4t Sttl Will Oiv
,' Tvnm T&of Gums; Drafts ny.r "
" - WUI' Oto Tlr. ,
' . Portland fans ait going to have Jna
! of th lastest bockjfey clubs that, money
'can procur to represent, them Ii the
Paclftc . Coast ttookey association for
the coming winter season. The man
faremeftt of, the Hippodrome in. its
! spare -moments betlween seasons is now
delving into the hockey records of all
the western nockeytlsts looking for ma-
teri&l to fill out, tike weak; spots in the
Portland's makeup.
Any team a member 'or the Paclric
, Coast' Hockey association Jia the
power to sign up players In the west
i rn territory, which Is west ,-of;-. Fort
"William, Ontario. (.Any player east ct-
that city comes under the jurisdiction
.of the National Hockey association and
cannot be signed by a wwstern club un
less the eastern' clubs waive On such,
'ti vmr Th Pacific Coast heretofore
i has had the power to draft three mertl
very season iromi wia eseiern raguo,
' . Lata last season when It looked ua
it the agreement between the east and
-the -west wasf to be disrupted because
en eastern club plaj&ed . a player who
refused -to report to 'the coast .league.
President Qulnn off, the Eastern league
made the Coast league an offer of the
privilege of drafting six men, which
' would meaaMej man from each of the
r clubs in the National: association- This
-offer as a peace settlement .was, ac
cepted and "next year six eastern stars
iwilti be wearing the uniforms ? of .the
Coast league. ' ;
: ; ''Seattle is ' Coming In.
5" . By all accounts Seattle is to be in
the league, which will mean a four
team combination composed of Van
Icouver and "Victoria representing the
(Canadians ancl Portland will have Ke
attle as a running; mate In upholding
the American end. I A iour team league
will i add greatly so the - interest in
hockey. , Seattle will have a strong
lineup to represent them. X majority
.-of the men secured Ihy the Coast league
through draft wllj go to the Seattle
i t The Vancouver team will be kept in
tact. Taylor has (signified his inten
sions of hanging u the stick and tell
ing the future generation what a fine
player he was wheii he quit the game,
yJffct no doubt he will be found out on
Hhe Ice again, circling and turning with
t.that dexterity which keeps the op
Txslnr team wondering what he is go-
-?,lBg to do next, i Cook, the big defense
player, wno performed on the wing
after Manager Patrick donned a suit,
has returned to th farm for the surn
ame r and the strenuous pastime of
Jforking hay and oatts -will tend jto keep
lxk muscles in trim. ' McKay has re
turned to bis hornet in Ontario, as also
has Lehman, the Vancouver net guard
ian, whose "' occupation is road con
structing. All th rest of the Van
'vseuver players aretlstill on the coast :
j The Victoria team Is In for a shake
'b'p. ' I The team-' held together for three
-.years and won twopchampionsh'ips, but
last : winter thicy (took ' jl bad slump.
'Manager Patrick is looking fori three
'Xorwards and a couple of ctefenae men
fand'lby the time that, the season- is
jTeady to open he will have a good 11 ne
.up In sight. Patrick counted on the
Vpast' season- to be his last but by the
I way the big fellow traveled When he
.-performed with the local club against
the j Vancouver septet, it looks as if
he was just starting in' his career in
frtead of finishing tt. In the first
?pam. be ecored five goals and got
Ithree assists to his credit, which was
,more than some ; of the players had
credited to them all season, 1
Jt Ksw Boselraiaa In' Idnetip.
5' 'The Portland team .will nave several
Jiew faces on Its f lineup. The man--agement
will probably spend -:" the
s'ioney which it would. -have 'to pay for
urmiiu putera as ininsporwuon ex-,
penses of young players who figure
that they have a chance to make good!
,ln professional hockey. - To win a.i
ichamplonship takes, speed.' and endur- j
.ance, coupled witii the experience of !
fa' few older -players.. With Johnson 1
and Rochon on the defense, the Port-
land team. will have a brace of defense '
'men hard to equal; JRochon has writ- i
ten the management stating that he is
in good shape . again and his leg has
'.not troubled him for. some time. Ro- j
xhon Is a cool, heady player, a heavy!
body checker and also a ery - clean !
.Tlayer, who seldom: comes ; under . the
jjeyes i of; the officials. 1 '
Mitchell will have opposition in the!
,n5ts. On the forward line there will ;
be three or four new men trying to do
;the veterans out of their jobs.
The new recruits will carry a lot oft
,beef which will - enable them to stand
.the hard bumps, i Seme of ' the new
-playera-who are expected to report are
.Cae iUawes. the . Calumet." Mich., won
der, and Delores Chaput, the fast skat-i
Ing Frenchman' of the Bame team. Alf. j
.'Barbour o Blalrmore has already come
-jto" terms. Others are Jimmy Leach
vof Prince Albert, who was the leading!
sscorer ln the Northern league; . Clem I
O'Laughlin, a defense man of the "Win-1
mipeg Amateur champions, holders of
the Mann cup. and Bill Adanu of "the
Fort William team, the. leading scorer
in tne .amateur ;up games played
against Winnipeg. -Adams is a big
man weighing in the neighborhood Of
'ISO pounds. He Is fast on his skates
Hand was one of the' hardest checking
xorwaras tn amateur circles. - Strings
"are" out for several other men ; front
th boundary country so that with the
material In sight to bolster up last
'year's team,- Portland should have a
septet that should represent -the coast
in -the. next world's championship
'series, v ' . . . . -.t ,
Eddie , Tlorham ' . n'mf..iAn.i
,sculler -of Toronto, is coaching David
xvesan, me mraio single sculler who
;holda the intermediate amateur single
Js . 'anxious - ta win ) -th
isculls event in the national regatta to
,ue t neia, - at - tspringuelfl. Mass In
August next.. ;
Z&C Green Trading Stamps Will Be Given on All Charge Accounts II Paid In Full by the 10th ol Each Month Open a Charge Account at This Store Tomorrow
Take Your Dovvp-Tovvn Luncheon in Our Bautilul Tea Room on the Fourtti Floor Ladies Home Journal Patterns tor Jane Now In
Double Stamps
OnCaoh .
(D)E(ils9W(D)irfliMaiim EM
? Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Pacific Phono MarahaB 4800
-I - " ' 1 1 ' 1 1 .. . . - . . . - , ,
i Hom Phone A-623 1 '
Remnantsat One
Half Price 1
Main Floor Clean-Up Sale of
hundreds of -Wash Goods Rem
nants lawns,' ginghams, per
cales, etcin good, useful lengths
for v waists and t w'
dresses. I Choice l JrriCe
Double Stamps
i;Ji Donble Stamps
Aflfl PepaFfimnieimtl
The Chief Executive of die state has appointed May 4 to 11 "Clean-Up Week, througfaoyt the whole statc the Chief Ex
ecutive of thi" citv h annnintMl a uClrA Tr Wot" fn PnfUnJ-nJ U ri,:.(T..M.t:... t .u:. ' ::J.j
"Clean-Up Week" for this store, and the order has gone forth to every department manager to' cleanup his or her department
Many Thousands of Bargains Will Be Offered During This Great Clean-Up Sale!
Men's 20.00 to g30.00
Sunntts att
MEN'S STORE, MAIN FLOQR-4Just V183 Suits in this phenom
. enal -Clean-Up offering. ; Odd lines from our regular stock of
standard . makes. Every garment hand-tailored throughout. In
the assortment are blue serges, checks and plain fabrics, in sizes
, ranging: from 34 up to 42. No man who has a Suit to buy can af
ford, to miss this sale. Regular j $20 to $30 Suits, (gl O FA
We have priced these for our Cleaik-Up Sale at 'only J)XtJU
Men's Shirts Wow
Regular $1,25-S2 Grades
MEN'S STORE, MAIN FLOOR Here, irten, is an unusual op
portunity to buy Shirts at substantial savings. Several hundred
are included in this great lot we place on sale at above price. Per
cales, Madras and Oxfords in godd colorings and attractive 'pat
terms. Styled with stiff and French cuffs. Reg. $1.25 to $2 0QJ4
Shifts in well-known makes. Priced special tomorrow at OOL
. ' . ... .!:;..'? j.t .!.- r : - - -.
75c tlo 81.50 (Erswles
To Be Cleaned Up at, Yd.
On Sale in Basement Undcrpgice Store
The iriost wonderful sale of Silks in tle history of our Basement 'starts tomorrow morning. Over ' 11,000 yards
are involved, and the price we have pt upon them averages considerably under half their regular worth. All
the most popular weaves and hundreds of patterns and colors to j select -from. The entire center "aisle of our
Great Basement Salesroom will be demoted to this Sensational Silk - Offering. An unprecedented opportunity for
thrifty buyers to supply their presenjt and future needs at a fraction of real worth. Beautiful high-grade Silks
for Summer f dresses, waists, petticoaljs, linings, Wimmrng-, etc., in vast-assortment of patterns. - Your choice 'at
$1 Union Suits 75c
Main Floor- Men's Union Suits
in white and ecru cottoi. Short
sleeves and .'ankle,, length, sizes
34 to 38; long sleeves, ankle
length, in sizes 34 to 44. rTK
$1.00 Union Suits, now til
50c Underwear
3 Garments $1
Main Floor Men's Shirts and.
Drawers in Balbriggan and cot
ton mesh. rAlso some large sizes
in Athletic blurts or checked
madras; 50c grade
350 or 3 for only
S3.50 Union Sails at Sl-75
Main - Floor Special line of the
celebrated "Vassar" Union Suits
for men. Short and long sleeves,
ankle length. Fine grade mer
cerized " lisle. . ; Sizes C"f "T?
34 to 38, Special at . S O
$1.50 Silk Sox at 98c
$3.50 Grades, S1.48
Main , Floor Clean-Up' Sale of
men's fine accordeon plaited
sSilk ilose. Regular $3.50 grades
at $1.48 $1.50 grades QOW
on sale tomorrow at onlywOl
1700 yards Fancy Silks 36 inches
wide. Worth to $1.50 a yard
1600 yards Printed Pongee Silks
. 36 inches wide. Regular $1 grade
450 'yards Plain Silk-and-Cotton
Crepe de Chine. Reg. 75c grade
2250 yards Printed Crep de Chine
36 inches wide. " Reg.85c grades
2700 yards 33-inch Imported Pon
gee Silks. Regular $1.00 grades
400 yards of $1.00 Silk! Poplins
975 yards of 75c Pongoro Silks
OF i , i '
Women's Suits at
I Grades Selling Up to G32.50
-UlFTM ZJJ rLOOK New bonne styles in box-back and scnu-
Fitted models, also the smart belted effects and short-coatj styles,j
Here arc suits embodying the very latest ideas to be sold far below
regular prices. Materials include poplins, serges, tweeds,! home
spuns, 'and. many other desirable fabrics. Shown in all the (wanted
plain colors, and many in checks and stripes. Suits fljl O
worth up to $32.50. , Priced special tomorrow at only V--P0
Women's Siiitts afl S24L48
, S22.S0 Coats for S14.85
Second ' Floor Women's and
Misses' Suits in tailored and
novelty effects. Many in, this
assortment, shown- in the stylish
new black-and-white checks and
stripes.' Military; models, trm'i
with braids, belted styles , w
flare and plaited ' skirts, and
scores of other COI AO
models. SpecialaVvirla
Second Floor Women's and
Misses' Coats in a wdndcrful
showing of the newest and best
styles. $4 - and mediuni-length
models in flare effects .with rxll-
n'd J ing cpllars, high collars, fancy
hi H ;cufs patch" pockets, etc. An v
number of smart models! to se
lect from. Priced Ct A OCT
theretofore to $22.50
Women's S20 Dpcsiscs S13,05
Silk Petticoats for $3.69
Women's Fine Stl! Hose
$1.00 Grades, 65c
Main Flor-nother line
of Women's 1 lose in styl
ish all-ilk boot effects, on
Main Floor W o m e n's
black Silk Hose of splen
did quality j and " well
known makesj. Hose usu
ally selling at $1,- priced
for Clean-Up Sale (IFZf
at,- special, the. pair OtiU
sale 'at substantial - reduc
tion. These icome in black
only. Regular 50c
nose, priced,' pair
Women's S il k 6 1 6 v e s
; 51.25 Grades, 95c
Main Floor Women's 1U
silk Milanese Gloves in
white nd blacks Full 16
bntton length and. splen
did quality. Standard $1.25
Gloves;, Clean-Up QK
Week : at, the pair vuL
Main Floor rAnother lot
women's 16-button length
Silk Gloves' in whitej black,
gray, tan and navy gloves
selling in the regular way
at 85c and $1.00, on FJtZg
sale tomorrow, pair til
Second Floor Special lines of
Women's and Missis' . Dresses',
selected from regular stock and
greatly reduced for Clean-Up
Week. Poplins, Series, Checks,
Voiles, Crejpe Meteof, etc : Mod
els suitable for dreis or street
wear-t Worth up C"f O QC
520. on sale for vAO.OU
Second Floor 200 Women's
Petticoats enter the Clean-Up
Sale at substantial savings. Taf
fetas, Messalines and Silk-Jersey
of splendid quality. New- circu-
lax flounces in plain or plaited
effects. Complete line! of all
colors. Priced for PO C Q
this sale tomorrow at Vp.Ul
to $20' on sal r for
Wash Dresses at Clean - Up Prices
UEFT., SECOND FLOOR Clean-Up 'Sate of Children's
JJresses odd lines of only a few of a size and style. Sizes
years, aiso a icw ioomer .uresses, sizes- & . to o years
to $.00, at 39c . Dresses
to $p5, at 69c ' Dresses
off Fiction
Pollyanna Grows Up .'. .
: . -. fi':: : "" By Eleanor Porter. a .
Angela's Business
By" Henry S. Harrison.
The Turmoil I.L.... ............ .........
i By Booth Tarkinston.
The Sword of Youth .
i By James Allen. -
The Seven Darlings --. . . . .. . .
; By Gouverneur Morris.
The Rim of the) Desert-....
i By Ada Woodruff Anderson.
The Pretender 1 . . ; . ;.,
By Robert W. Service. I
The House of the Misty Star
. v . i By Frances Little. ,
His Royal Happiness .."
. j By Everard Cotes.
Homeburg - Memories- . . . . . '. ... . i .
. ; By George Fltchi I
. . New ibooks. are arriving daily.
.. Come in and look them over.
.The Book Section, First Floor.
.Li,. $1.35
'f . ,.-
-Up ofi lUMerinniiiisllilinis; alt: Haillfi Prnce
On the Bargain Booth, Between the Elevators, Second Floor
Women's Gowns at Hail
Women's Night Gowns of crepe de chine,
nainsook and batiste. Empire, Slipover and
open-front styles in great -variety. . Beautifully ,
trimmed. ' Don't fail; to see "these tomorrow.
$ 6.50
Combinations at Halt
-Wptrien's j Combinations in Princess and
Wkistline'siyles, open drawers,! straight and
knickerbockers" . -Also envelope Chemise.
Crepe de chine, silk crinkle crepe, etc., etc.
$ 5.00 Grades $2.50
$ 6.50 Grades $3.25
$ 8.50 Grades $4.25
$ 9.50 Grades $4,50
$11.00 Grades $5.50
$12.50 Grades $6.25
$15.00 Grades $7.5C
$16.00 Grades $8.00
White Petticoats at Halt
Women's Nainsook and Longcloth Skirts,
trimmed with fine' lace flounces and lace in
sertions. Also a few French hand-made
skirts. Scores of beautiful styles to select from.
$3.50 Skirt at
$4.00 Skirts at
$5.00 Skirts at $2.50
$5.00 Skirts at $3.00
Siiks arid Dress Goods
$ 8.50 Skirts at $4.25
$10.50 Skirts at $5.25
$120 Skirts at $6.25
$17.50 Skirts at $8.75
$5.00 Silks for S2.98 $3.00 SilUs tor $1.25
Fancy Moire and Bengaline Silks $2.50 and; $3.00 Heavy ' Imported
for suits and ; coats. Shown in Natural Pongee for suits and auto
black, cream an4 wanted colors, coats. A great bargain at $1.25.
$4.00 allies for $2.29 $2.50 ail ks f jr 51.69
Matelasse, Moire Befigalines and Fancy, Jacquard Crepes and Bro-
Souffle Crepes in' black, cream caded Satins in light blue ecrti
and all the desirable colors. rose, brown, taupe, etc.,' $1.69.
Clca n-Upofi TaMe Linchis
72-tnch Ds mask $1.48
Richardson's 72-4nch fine quality
Damask in big . assortment of
handsome designs Spcl. $1.48 yd.
$3.50 Towels at $1.75
hand - embroidered
Towels in dainty' desiens. On
Saleof Shenvln- Williams Paints
Liquid 1 Veneer I20c-40c-90c
25c Stove Pipe Enamel at 15c
3d ..Floor Special low prices on
Sherwin -Willfams J Guaranteed
Paints for inside i and outside:
Floor Pain ts-j-price, quart 55c
Floor Paints price, - gal $1 .90
House Paints-H-price, quart 65c
House Paints-r-price, gaL $2.20
Sherwin-Williams 3-f-ifMarnot"
will beautify yoursfloors.; Sherwin-Williams
Flat-Tone j for
your ; bedrooms walls. Sherwin-,
Williams "Floorlac," a brighten
up stain for floors. "Handcraft"
stains for woodwork and furni
ture. "Enameloid." Bath Tub
Enamel, Porch- Paints, etc., for
every use. (, PAINT UP NOW!
II a Dni'n ft Electric
50i Yankee Cleaner ncr at 35c
tv iUUJI X1411U1C5 uuw ior A OC
60ci Parlor, Brooms now for 40c
$1.20 6-foot Step Ladders 96c
35c 1 No-Dust ? : Sweeping Com-i
pound. On special sale at 25c
25c Rug Beaters on sale for 19c
$1.50 Vacuum Washers at' 75c
Hose, Lawn Mowers, f Garden
Tools, ! Refrigerators and - other
seasonable goods. . Double
Stamps will be "given with cash
purchases in all Depts." tomorV.
Irons Guaranteed - fo
years v- $3.50 size ' now r at
Polish Mop ;
Third Flor Everywhere and
not a particle of dust escapes
to mix with the air. The
O'Cedar Polish Map- collects
all the dust and hoVds it until
shaken or washed out. It puts
Lan end to back-breaking, stoop
ing; to clean polished floors;
standing woodwork, etc. .-" ;
makes it easy to clean in hard-to-get-at
places. And theidean
ing is quicker and better than
any, other known method.
O'Cedar Mops are made in .
triangular or - round styles
Priced now at 75c and $1.25
O'Cedar Oil 25c. 50c to. $20
75c Toweling 58c Yd.
Richardson's Huck Toweling of
splendid quality, 25 inches wide.
75c grade on sale at 58c a yard.
Square Dollies a t Half
Richardson's . hand - embroidered
Square ; Doilies in . sizes 6 to 10
inches, on sale now at Price.
Ktcnardson s, ha
Towels in daint
iT,II?nTmTTTTrh ol Embroideries, Itib-
$2.50 Flcnncinqs at 98c
Main Floor Dainty Embroidery
Flouncings I in splendid assortment:
of styles, worth up to $2.50. QQ
Special for tomorrow at yard :01
white and colors. Finest of -Swiss
hand-woven work; $3.50 yi
to $12 yard. . Now at 2
to $1.50, at 98c
to $2 at
2 to 14-
of asc-
200 MiiBmedl Halls
Worth Up to S15
On Display
..- lin
, . Salons
On Display
... in.
Second ,
See Morrison Street Window
bons, Laces, Beits, Etc
- 4 ' . , ' Bill I LI I
65c Neckwear for 19c
Main Floor Odd "lines of Women's
Neckwear pieces which have beco'me
sngnuy sottea. t Miliars ana j
60c Moire Faille Ribbons now 38c
65c Fancy Edge Taffeta now 38c
6-inch Moire Taffeta, the yard 28c
5-inch Taffeta, - Ottoman edge 22c
50c Fancy Edge Taffeta yard 28c
REMNANTS of Ribbons in plain
a'nd fanear'cffects.v Lengths to 1J4'
yards.vVorthi up to 50c a " P i
yard, f bn sale, tomorrow ? at ; tl C
soiled. ' Collars
Vestees, worth up to 65c, now
65q to $1.25,Belts at 19c
Main Floor Clean-Up Sale I of a
number, of Women's- Belts in j small
sizes. . Excellent --' quality' leather.
Grades selling at 65c to $l.-25, "I Qn
priced for, tomorrow at only Xl
$3.75 Auto Veils at $1.50
Main Floor Chiffon Auto Veils, 2
yards long by. 27 ins. wide. ' White,
pii?k, t light blue, champagne also
black Shetland Veils. fl-f rf
$1.98 up, to $375 grade' tpl.OU
Women's" 50c to 65c Linen OQ g
Handkerchiefs, priced'at onlyIU
hundred of these -Hats are from our rfechlir ktnclc
and a hundred of them represent a very, special our-
-chase just received. Tht assortment is composed
of smart, up-to-the-minute hats in laree. medium
and small, effects, with trinimines of flowers, rib'
bons, wings, quills, birds, fruit, etc. Black, black-
and-wjhite and all the leading colors are 'shown
this lot. Trimmed
priced for this sale
worth up to $15.00, CQ
tomorrow at, your choice Vt
SalellPrgss TFimminnilmiggs
at -Oiie-Halfi Price
Main Floor Beautiful high-grade Dress Trimmings enter the
Clean-Up Sale at a reduction of V regular prices. An unparalleled
opponunuy to ouy ana save.
d;ihuo Artu nuuita invemoroiaered: nets m j
gold and silver effects," etc. Now on ' sale at just z 1CC
EMBROIDERED BANDS 4 to 6-inch widths, in rich Persian
designs---also Beaded Bands in combination of spangles, Spearls
and white-and-gold beads mixed. 'd Beautiful, novel- i r.t.
ties!; Now on sale at -J- PriCC
BEADED GRECIAM BANDS 7 inches wide and i nUfo
3 to 6-inch Black Embroidered Bands. Now at "2" CC
BLACK SPANGLED GALLOONS and 3-inch black-and-white
Beaded Bandsalso Silver Combinations in edges 'and" bands, and
12-inch Novelty Black Laces - with V colored em- i riI.
broidery. Now on sale at'just .'....;......,;.... 2 CICS
WHITE NET EDGESwith ; go!4 embroider 18-inch- in
net -Allovers with black and colored grounds 18-inch Venisc and
Oriental Allovers arid beautiful, novelty colored i TJ9
.Laces in vast assortment of designs. Now 'at just 2' FiCC