PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 24, 1915. ' ! These Are Troublesome Knights of Hook and Line Dot Days for Kin River g Salmon Where Daily, Combining Sparkli Work and ng Willamette Flows Pleasure in Angling : rf 'SKsrztrj-f---, - - -ri - --: "',??" : -4 v." V !W V :- 'J 3- s- sjt "vT-WC , - r ' s f-: ::: i 'in' llirrn1rr-y:wfa, Mill . . ... ..... ... . .Mjjuf.. . .... -jjX. feoj """" "GEE. I WISH A BIG ONE WOULD BITE" On row , of "Isaack Waltons" waiting opposite Jennings Lodge for something to happen at the other end of the line. -1 f im iff 1i o 9- A r. f v A i - r fit- t it rri ft .y.v-. s i. 4 ' xAi ? I ; I 1 . v.:;SW.1k-:?Xriv..x . . s fr F A i v a "iiiMil ' ' y (y - v . - . , , V . 1 , . ' ' ' - " ' K " V ' ' ' , . ' ' I , mill i minima ij-J , ... 1 WELL. WELL. AND HERE ARE SOME MORE OF 'EM Some of the anglers who are not so sure of their luck brine chairs along prepared to make a day of it. Two are in this picture. TB ! i IB t, 4r'556, x j 1 xOGOOWKC'-aM' U Ul III.. " "I-"-- J" Jz v J X.' , " -"X " ' V X" J&g&l A't-e XSUf im iwar'y1 ft" ..)KR 'YE-E-E. I LANDED HIM ALL RIGHT. FELLOWS" After you had struggled with a whopper many minutes, and you were becoming nervous, and you were being watched by the whole bunch, and then you got him. fei 1 1 "' , ' ' t -. g'xg "inmiwMii -vv0 a" j ' -wxofcx. Miilll III Il" ' uul. I '''' 5 IX iwtr; 1 rx . IW I .... Jtnl!f&'s ONE OF THE MANY CATCHES . . The smile-that-won't-come-off brightened this fisherman's face as he held up this monster -salmon that he had just yanked out of the water so he could get in the same picture with it. f - SALMON CREATES GREAT FUSS TO REGAIN LIBERTY u :re - scene that womld make the eyes of eastern fishermen pop out with envy. The big salmon' is making a desperate fight to escape and is churninz the water kv, , the blades of a propeller. After the strike the fish was willed to the side of the boat, where it was hooked. t "P. n cnurmng tne water like i i : 1 4'