11 RUSSIANS OPENING NEW OPERATIONS IN CARPATHIAN REGION Task of Invading Hungary .Will Start When Weather Conditions Will Permit. MINOR SUCCESS CLAIMED Austro-Grerman Beport of Bee en t De feat of SsiiUdi lm Emphat ically Denied. Petrograd, April 19. (I. N. S.) "w'ith the first phase of the Russian - campaign in the Carpathians ended by weather conditions, trie czar a- troops today were busily engaged In strength ening positions already won and with - opening- new operations to clear Aus-tro-Germans from Buckowlna and East em Galicla, As soon as this task is completed and normal weather) condi tions obtain, the task of Invading Hungary will be resumed. Minor Russian successes about Ros tokl, 40 miles south of Cernowitz, were reported today. The Russians once again have crossed the Dneister river and today were engaged In a drive on Jablonlca pass, through which leads the -railroad to Haramaros Sziget. Austro-Uertnan claims that tiie lius sians have lost 500,000 men in the. Car pathian campaign and were decisively defeated were emphatically denied in a statement issued by the Russian war office. "On the contrary," says the state ment, "the operations in ttte 1 Carpa thians were a complete success. We have taken all positions attacked de spite terrible difficulties and flooded atreama and muddy roads. "The nature of the fighting and the fact that the Russians were on the offensive made our losses severe, but tiic losses on the enemy wete much heavier than ours." Allies' Claim iH-nicd.. Berlin, via wireless to .Sayville, L. I., April. 19. (U. P.) British and French claim-s of victory on the Western front are "sheer inventions," according to an officiiil statement issued today; by the ish troops had been sent to the Le war office here.' The statements of I vant for operations against Turkey, the enemy countries were declared to There have been rumors to this effect, be "untrue in every particular." 'but the only definite fact has been In the region of Ypres and in other sections tiie British have been ejected from advanced trenches which they Vere able to occupy during the early fighting, it was stated. The losses of the British troops have been extremely heavy, especially near Gulinusten. Between tiie Meusc utid Moselle only artillery duels arc in pro n revs, the ; statement declared. l-'rench attacks about Combres, in tiie Y'usgea, have failed. Turk Iteceive Setback. Constantinople, April (I. N. S.) -Turkish ei forts to reach tho Persian gulf have received a setbu' k, according toan official statement issued here to day by tho Turkish wur office. Tl)e arrival of British reinforcements in the Basra district forced the sultan's troops to retire. ' ue advance guard," says the state- ment. made- a number of successful attacks m the Basra district., and niuth serious f gluing followed at , bjario and Alhujiwiilj W pene- trated the enemy a fortified positions. but retired with the arrival of British reintoroeincnts. " j Germans in Norfh Sen. London, April 19. (I. N. S.) Five 1 German torpedo-boat 1. t-troyers wore alghted north of the Hinder lightship by the captain of a London steamer, according to reports received here to day from Amsterdam. Several torptdo-boat destroyers and four submarines were sighted 25 miles ! 'northwest of Ymiden by the captain ' Of a Newcastle vessel. Tiie squadron was steaming west when sighted. Similar reports of a flotilla of war- snips cruising the .North sea were made by varigus trawlers arriving at English ports. That the fleet is Ger- man was regarded here as a certainty. -Heavy fogs prevailing over the North "sea and the British channel today made another German air raid wore than a possibility, and a heavy force of special constables was being held in constant readiness to man the aerial guns in case the air craft of the tnemy should be sighted. , DIVORCE SUITS ARE FILED baivid Nassikof sky. known locally as 1 David Green, proprietor of a store at 145 First street, this morning sued Baba Risel Nassikofsky for divorce, alleging cruelty. H. E. McKlnney sued Mabel E. MeKinney for divorce,' alleg ing cruelty. Circuit Judge Ganienbein this morning granted a divorce to Theresa Gaudlitz from Adolph Gaud litz on grounds of. cruelty. Circuit Judge" Morrow Saturday granted a divorce- to Ella K. Moylan from James 1, Moylan on grounds of desertion, and Judge Catena -granted a divorce to Catherine C. Sigrist from Jacob C Sigrist on grounds of cruelty. Charging that her husband struck at her with a carpenter's square, which stuck in the door when it miesed her, Dora Putnam sued Fritz Putnam for divorce this morning, alleging cruelty. On the ground that Mrs. Annie Mc 3ermott deserted William MeDermott In Helo, Hawaiian inland-. H months, after they were married in Honolulu in 1908. Circuit Judge Gatetis this morning granted MeDermott a divorce. STOCK WILL BE. SOLD Arrangements are under way today for the- taking over by Jones' Cah Store of the stock of Rioe & Phelan, wholesale supply firm, at 200 Oak street, which made an assignment Sat urday. The matter is being worked out through the adjustment bureau of the Portland Credit Men's associa tion. . An "Acid" Stomach needs soothing-not the harsh ness of a cathartic. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil (Cap sules) from Holland is a balm for all stomach troubles. Price 25c. SOc & $1.00. All Dr-iyrists! Monty refunded if they do not lielp Too. Genuine Haarlem Oil Mfg. Co. j American utnee. 184 Water Sit. mm - ... . . . . . - BLIND ORATOR TO SPEAIJ WEDNESDAY Atwood. Wednesday, night, April ''l, the Knights of Pythias of Portland and a number of surrounding towns and cities will assemble to hear the won derful blind orator, Frederick S. At wood, three times grand chancellor of Minnesota, and said to be one of the great fraternal orators of the decade. Th 1 ff r iirfl will h arivn in 1 n-f ! P. Temple, at Eleventh and Alder. Th public is invited. There will bo no charge and no collection. The sub ject ia "Fraternaiism and Pythian Knighthood.' Sir Knight Atwood is a discovery of Gus Moser. When Mr. Moser went to Winnipeg last summer to capture the supreme convention for Oregon In 1916 which he did he heard Atwood and capitulated. Since then Gus Mo ser has kept on boosting for Atwood. WAR SUMMARY BY J. W, T. MASON Former European Manager of the United Press. New York, April 19. The attemDt of a Turkish torpedo boat to sink a Brit ish transport off Chios brought the first official announcement that Brit- that the French embarked trooDs for Turkey a month ago, but diverted them to Egypt. The change in the French plans was not due to the necessity of reinforc ing the British army in Egypt. A convenient place was desired, accord ing to Paris, to rest the troops pend ing the commencement of the land campaign against Turkey. Why there was so long an interval between the arrival of the French and British is a mystery. It is apparent that' plans were changed after the French em barked for Turkey. The reason is kept secret by the London and Paris gov ernments. It is probable that the fail ure of the naval attack on the Dar danelles forced the conclusion that the Turks, directed by the Germans,- were more formidable adversaries thin the allies wej-e first willing to admit. Then Hvas decided that land opera tions fajlght fail also, unless carried t h'is, orv tm, -.,,- 1.4 - pialn the holding of the French troops in Egypt, but not the delay of the British in sending their own. After the first shock of surprise cau8ed by tho resistance of the Dar- danelles i defenses and the conclusion that the land force employed against the Turks must be of the greatest strength; It is probable that indecision arose as to the advisability of at tempting such a movement. It was realized that these troops must be withdrawn from the present and pros pective armies in France and Belgium, and the question was whether the military exigencies would permit the weakening of the continental forces. Hence the delay which has been the puzzling feature of the Turkish 'opera tions., Now that the British, are positively known to be in Levantine waters, it seems to be a safe conclusion that the British decided in favor of a serious land movement against the Turks. It is more probable that more important gains will result from the Turkish op erations than at Neuve Chapelle or St. Mlhiel. The disappointing out come of the western offensive was probably the determining Influence In the apparent decision to transport a largei army to Turkey. The time is nearing when the land campaign against Turkey will take precedence in interest over the f igllt- ins elsewhere. Subjects for Essay Contests Announced Higli School Students Will Eave One Topio While Grammar Pupils Are to Subjects for the hygienic essay con tests lnthe public schools have been announced. For the best essay from the fourth, fifth and sixth grades a prize of ;$5 will be awarded. For the grammar, grades, any grade above the sixth, the prize will be $10, whfle a prize of $5 will be" given for the best essay from each high Bchool. For the lower grades the subjects are: "The Dangers of Impure Water," "The Ventilation of Rooms," "The Care of the Eyes," "The Cigarette Habit," "The Effect of Alcohol on the Body." Two subjects are given for the grammar grades, as follows: "Why Business Men Demand Abstinence on the Part of Their Employes" and "In toxicant and Athletics." The subject for the high schools is "The Value of Total Abstinence to a Life." It is announced also that pupils may enter their essays in the state contest, in which prises of $5, $10 and $15 are being offered. FIRE IN SAN FRANCISCO San Francisco, April 19. (U. P.) Fire destroyed 10 business houses and practically wiped out the block be tween Franklin and Ellis streets here early today. The loss exceeded $30, 000. Fireman Frank Smith was knocked; unconscious by a falling tim ber. Hens Make Good Showing. H. N. Frazer of the Frazer- Detention home reported that 569 dozen eggs of the value of $137.25 were gathered at the home in the six months from Octo ber to March, inclusive. He said 48 aI-IaI,.,, v,Arh (91 irorA nfloH frt frtrti The cost cf feeding tha chickens at the home h said was about $ i a month, or $30 for the six months. Frederick S IN THE CONTROVERSY ABOUT STATE ROAD FUNDS Efforts of Commissioners Madden and Leerv in Be half of North Unavailing. JOSEPHINE : GETS MONEY Matter of Diversion of Ttu.de Ordered Investigated by the State- Engineer. Salem, Or.. April 19. Efforts of Commissioners Madden end Lever of Jackson county to have the state high way commission agree to the expendi ture of $40,000 of the-state's funds on the northern section of the Pacific highway, rather than on the Siskiyou section, failed today. The money was appropriated by the last legislature for hard surfacing of the Siskiyou section and the commis sioners contended that the grades and tills, which make up about half of the Siskiyou section, would not be in shape to hard surface this year, and that anyway Jackson county's money had been extravagantly spent b$ the form er Hta.te highway engineer and that the state should make good in some way. Commissioner Madden insisted at one stage of the meeting that the state should ' skin its own skunks." JCay "Ftiitt Back." Madden recalled that State Treas urer Kay had promised at Medford that tiie state would give an amount equal to that spent by Jackson coun ty on the Siskiyous. Jackson county spent $200,000 on that section. Kay said he did not make the promise and that it must have been former Gover nor Welt who made it. Madden brought up the matter of $35,000 claimed by Contractor Sweeney in addition, to the amount allowed" by Engineer Bowlby. John H. Albert, member of the advisory committee. suggested during the discussion of this matter, that when the board de parted from the fundamental princi ple of accepting an engineer's report or estimate, it was getting on danger ous ground. Representative Blanchard, of Jose phine county, appeared before the board in regard to the expenditure of $6oo0 on highway improvement, and the commission authorized that the money should be expended by the coun ty court under the direction of the state highway engineer. The commis sion also decided to have Cantlne go to Josephine and Douglas counties and investigate the complaint made by Blanchard tiiat by diverting the route of the Pacitic highway to Glendale, Douglas county was taking it away from the road already improved by Josephine, and that a junction would be impossible. Cantlne said that Columbia county wanted to divert funds as in Jackson county, and suid it would be well to wait until his engineers got through investigating in Columbia. Political Danger Seen m Bank Case Matter InTolving the Blffge National Bank's Charge Against Administra tion May Come Before Cabinet. Washington, April 19. (U. P.) Po litical danger is scented by the admin istration in tiie suit of the Riggs Na tional bank here for an injunction to restrain the treasury department from exercising jurisdiction over it. The bank alleges a plot to wreck the Riggs Interests. Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo, who recently underwent a surgical op eration, cut short his convalescence to take charge of the situation. There were : indications that an attempt would be maie to reconcile the appar ently contradictory statements of Louis W. Brandeis of Boston, special investigator for the department of jus tice, officials of the department. Attor ney General Gregory and Comptroller of the Currency Williams, all of whom have had something to say about the affair. Signs of friction between various heads of departments were manifest at the capitol. President Wilson appeared to be very much interested. The Riggs case undoubtedly will be discussed at the meeting of the cabinet tomorrow. Foreign Colonists To Settle in Valley Vang-uaxd of Germans ana Anstrians WU1 Arrive About May 1 rrom Alberta, Canada. J. W. Brewer, manager of the farm land bureau of the new Chamber of Commerce, is arranging today for the settlement of five German 'and Aus trian families upon Willamette vailey farms. The five are the advance guard of a colony o 30, and they will arrive May from Coalhurst, Alberta. Lands contiguous to one another are desired by these new settlers, letters from them indicating that their resi dence in Canada has been complicated by the European war, and that they wish to establish a new colony. John Gargas, representing seven Iowa families who ; are seeking new homes, called at the bureau today to learn of prospects for homesteads. H is investigating lands west of the Cas cades, and also prospects in the Inland Empire. TILLAMOOK .WAS CLOSED Tillamook, Or., April 19. Following notice from District Attorney Coyne, that the stores must close on Sunday, all business was suspended yesterday. Even the drug stores closed, and only one bootblack stand, telephone office and livery stable were open. For tho most part the storekeepers welcomed the change. One company sold over $40 worth of fishing tackle after 6 o'clock Saturday night. Victim of Freight Train. CA.ttla Wish Anrll 19 Pnllon sn? nnimttf authorities are endeavoring to- ! day to learn the identity of a young ' man apparently about 18 years old. who' was run over and killed by a vnr.hom Pacific freight train. Th" r h train derlam Mt . . 1J: i T. 1 1 C O .,. - - w - " . "- lying on the track with his head rest ing on a raiL The only clue to the identity ,Of the body ia laundry slip bearing the name . E. C. Marshall, found- in the young man's clothes. War Correspondent To Visit Portland 1- ; James 7. 3. Archibald: Xas Juet Re turned Trout Kt XXonths With Ger man and Austrian Armies. One of the! visitors to the coast this summer will be James F. J. Archi bald, noted war correspondent, cf Scrlbner's magazine, who has Just re turned after' having spent five months with the German and Austrian armies at the front. Mr. Archibald has participated in every campaign in the past 20 years. including the Chinese-Japanese, Nica ragua-Honduras, Britleh-Boer, Span ish-Ameriean, Russo-Japanese besides many or lesser importance. mere Is a possibility of Mr. Archi bald remaining long enough in Port land to giv one of his famous war talks while en route to California. Inspects Timber Holdings. Thomas Shevlin, of St. Paul, Minn., rormer tootbali star and owner of ex tensive timber holdings in Central Oregon, spent a few hours in Portland Saturday. Mr. Shevlin and his asso ciates had Just re-turned from an in spection of their properties near Bend, but had no plans to announce as to development of their interests. WANT AD RATES lu effect ociutier 1, ml. ALL Flit: VIOL'S UAXES CANCELLED CHAliGhMJ ALVLUlIbLilt..Mii Uiiilj T Simday 1 cent per word per lu.ertion. Tai charge ia fur ul.' classification!, ex cpptmg -(or aent in i-rirate Family," "Koom and Board ia Private Jr'amilj," "Situation wanted and -Wauu-a to Keut" ads, wuicb are I'm cent per worj per Insertion. Ho ad charged for .csa thun 13 ceuts. CAKH AUVtlKTlSEMEN'lij IU renta iifr w.uil f,,p Mil .u4ffu,flnn. axcpntiiiir "Fob Rnt 1m 1'rlvut. L.n-iu 'Koom and Board ia Private FainUv," "Situ'a Hon Wanted..." and "Waited to Bent" d wbicn are IVi cent pe.- wurd. Couecutlv uuwuo.'i 01 casa jut ads: 3 insertions f r tUe price of 3. 7 insertion fjr toe pries of 5. ZJitef Statistics 172 arriagcs.BIrtbs. Deaths. BUSINESS CAJRDS W. G. Smith & CO. n Third floor. Morgan bldg. UHtSS suits for rent, ail sizes. Unique lauoring uo., 303 stark st. IlEATHM A j FUXE1ULS 75 LABBK In th!a c!t April IS, at his late itwidence. 777 H MiRSissippi avenue, Paul Lab tie, aged 5S years, tiualiand of Marie Laube. and brother of Mrs. Julia Mathaiot. of ButteviUe, Or., Mary D. Labbe, of Milwankie, Or., Jobn and David Labbe of Onaga, Kansas, and William Labbe. Portland, and nephew of B. Labbe, Portland. The funeral services will be held Tuesday. April '20. at 2 o'clock p. ui-, at the reskience establishment of J. P. Finley & fcicn. ilontKoujery1 at Fifth. Friends Invited. SAMKEUii In thl- citv. April 18. at the renideure. IMfO Kast sixteenth street. Julia Matilda bamberg, ayi-il 47 vrurn, 9 months. 14 days, beloved wife of Gutav and mother' of Mary KeiUiel, Kinma. Alum and Oiga Ham berg. The funeral will b buhl from the above residence at 8:45 a. in. tomorrow (Tues day), thence to the Church of the Sacred Heart, where servicea will be fccld at 9 a. in. Friends invited. Inurement at Mount Calvary cemetery. - SAlUiLNT In this city. April 19. at bor iate residence, 4134 Fit ty-gf-cond street. 3. E., Julia Saraent. The reiuHins are at the resldrnce establishment of J. I'. Fiuley tc son, Montgomery t Firth. MARTIN & FORBES CO.. florists. 347 Wash. Main 26a. A-1269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., florist, fine flowers and floral designs. 287 Morrison st. CLARK'S Flower Shop-Funeral d sirrns. flowers. 430 Wash. Main 3771. FUXEIlAb DIRECTORS A splendid residence undertaking es tablishment, with private driveway. J. P. FINLEY ci SON. Montgomery at Fifth. MR. EDWARD HOLMAN, the leading funeral director. 220 3d st., corner Salmon. Lady assistant- Phones A' 1511, Main 607. Dunning & McEnteeMuod" taacra e rn in very detail. Broadway and Pine sts. Main 430, A-4t8. L,acly assistant.. F. S. Dunning, Inc. Eat Side Funeral East Alder st. East 52 Directors. . B-226. 414 Chambers Coi ad ey!1 lawn 830t. C-1133. Lady embalmer. A D Vollor rr 682 V.illiamr ave. ri Hi Z-Dlici uuiEast 1.08S. C-1088. Lady attendant. Day and night service. Walter C. Ken worthy 1632-1634 E. 13th. Se'lwood 71. B-1123. A. D. KEKWOHTHY CO Calls nrnmr.tlv answerer! fri Nfla"USrts of City. I. O. 6- F. bldg., Lents. Tabor 5387. Uorvsiltn E. 80th and Glisan. Fu- Hamilton n eral services. Tabor 4313 R. T. Byrne and Knott . C-19.43. BREEZE & SNOOK, B-1252, T. 1258. 1026 Belmont st., at 34 Sunnyside. PEARSON 1080. 869-371 Russell st. SKEWES 0 Undertaking Co. Main 4162. A2321. Cor. 3d and Clay tt3IPQnMRiDENCK UND. PLS. LniVjOUlNjL 6133. A-2235. 445 Mor. P. L. LERCH. leading east siae urtaet taker. E. 11th & Clay. B-1888. E. 781. MONUMENTS Schanen-BIair Co.i MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. Largest stock of fine marble and granite in Portland. Beautiful granite from our Oregon quarry. 287 Haw thorne ave. East 6566. BLAESING GRANITE Ca PORT LANU MARBLE WK 364-263 4th st. opp. city hall. M. 8564. A,I51fl. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 7 ROOM modern house,; cor. lot, less than $3000; terms; 2 blocks south of Sandy; by owner. 642 E. 68 C-2891. $360 cash buys $800 equity in a room house in Arleta, $9 a month pays balance. 2X198, Journal. - CLASSY, new, modern 6 room bunga low, cneap. : cash or terms. ator 1404. MODERN home, , $3500. for $2&ol. Owner leaving city; fine location. P't,X. 4,''. . , SOUTH Mt. Tabor residence of 7 r -.-". -"r sale cheap. terms easy. laoor &sus. PLANS $5. i PLANS $5. Let us plan your bungalow. Phon. Mar. 2500. 09 McKay bldg. $50 down, balance like rent, new, mod ern 6 room bungalow, restricted dis trict. Owner. Sellwood. 2204. . ei 6 ROOM bungalow, modern, furnished . J or unfurnished, with buffet, paneled ' dining room, bookcases, Dutch kitchen, large front porch, big garden, fruit; trees; going away and must sell; small i payment down; $15 per month. Price 1 S20OO. Atrxar lmnravmAnls sll naift. 2023 E. Yamhill st. Mount Tabor. 2-car lines. i ROSE CITT PARK , HOMES. Deal direct with the owners; the original platters of this beautiful part of Portland. Call on our realty de partment, cor. 4th and Sti-xk. liAKTAIAN & THOMPSON ; MOOJERN 7 ROOM BUNGALOW. i My modern 7 room bungalow has 4 large rooms on first floor, 3 and bath on second iloor, furnace and fireplace, full cement basement and tubs, street work all done and paid for; $2200 loan on property 7 interest, due January 1, 1SJ1S. Come and see this property. 1 will take car of interest to January 1, 1316. Phone Woodiawn 3240. A DANDY new 5 room bungalow, oak ! floors, fireplace, cement basement, all kinds built in work, lutch Kitchen, with breakfast nook; terms or cash. Hawthorne car to 60th and Division, west to 5Sth. south ,to 216 SSth st. Owner. YOU are able to buy. Can you find a better investment than to pur chase our 6 room modern bungalow, bath, fireplace, built in features, ce ment basement, choice location near carline. You can buy this for $2t per month, interest included. Oil Mar shall 3569. , SUNNi'SlDK Nice 8 room modern home; all improvements in; 0th near Belmont; email payment down balance easv installments; interest 6 -er cent; no mortgage to assume. Might con sider lot as first payment. Venry C Prudhomme. 528 Morgan blag- 1DKAL home for man and wifj. newly built, set to fruit and -rubbery, convenient to center of ci; rapid transit tacilities. beautiful view, cash sale: ygur price. U-874, Jourjial. BY owner. Aiberta, modern 4 room house: bleeping porch. ' 10x16: lire place, gas, electricity, chick-is, tur niture and piano. 1V4 plocki to car, $230.1. 1103 E. 29th St.. N. BUY direct from owner, & room moa ern bungalow. Rose City Park; must sell, furnished or uniurnish - at a bargain. Phone C-2027, or X-80&, Journal. $600 $100 down. $15 per montii buys a S room completely finiehfd bun galow, west side, beautiful lot, best home value in the city. M. y-. Lee, 505 Corbett bldg. . LET US BUILD YOU A H'-MB On your lot or ours; by your own plana or ours; pay us like rent THE OREGON HOME-BUII JERS, 1830 Northwestern Bank Bldg. PORTLAND Heights Very Cory bun calow. two beautiful wooded lots; only $4350; would consider good lot part payment. Owner. 528 Morgan oiug. 3 ROOM house, 50x100, cor. lot, 2 blks to Rose City car. 40u; some can. Giving this away on account of sick ness. Sa4 E. 72d St. north. WHY pay rent when you can Duy a room Tiouse $500: $76 cash. $10 per month M. E. Lee. 605 Cor- tett bldg. $56u $75 down, $10 per month buys a a room bunttalow on the west side. M. E. Lee. 505 Corbett bldg. FURNISHED 6 room bouse, mouern. cheap, part caau, no aueni. . ovx Swetland bldg. . LET Lri BUILD YOU A BUNGALOW, EASY TExtAlS. fAl Liift-E. ntwi. H. A. WILLIAMS. 60! McKAY BLDG. NEW modern house, never ocjuplett. 31st ana xammu. jaiocjt bluuvhius car. Tabor ai. C. HERMES, houses, lots, rentals. 4811 61st ave.. S. :. V-W car, aen. louo. FOR SALE IXTTS 16 P.OSl CITT LOTS PARK rieui dlrnpt with the owners, the original platters of this beautiful part of Portland. uau on our reaiiy uw partment. cor. 4th ana btaric 1A tix MAIN et j. nua" owi BEAUTIFUL view homesite, west siae. 15 minutes car riae, ou iui only $350; $10 down, $0 per momn. best value in tne ciiy. . j-cc, uw Corbett bldg. oOtloo LOT, basement and foundation in, for sale at liair puce, caau. ---7. Journal- ACREAGE 57 CHICKEN and fruit ranches D-ar Port land; uresham aisiricc, eietuio tion mile. iew suoaivision. 5U"- shine Valley orcnara tracts; du.i, free wood; elegant location. only $75 to $150 per acre in small tracts: easv terms. Frank McFarland Kealtv Co., 30 YeoH bldtf.. Portland, Or. : QUARTER ACRE TRACTS. On the west side. Bull Run water, lights, gas fine view, good soil, 7 cent fare $J50; $5 down.' $5 per month. . ' RICHARD SHEPARD, 464 Washington Bt., near 13th. Phones Main 865. A-4710. "1 Gibson-Half Acres Good soil, city water, close to car lin.. f-aav terms; win ouiia to sun nnrehascr. Phone Marsrall 1686 or . , John H. Qiboon. owner. I OR SALE, cheap, i acres of goou land in cultivation, on Base Lino Road wnich will be hard surfaced now Iiar Ascot sta., Mt. Hood carline. Inquire after 4:30 p. m. at 660 Raleigh street- ' STOP THAT RENT and buy a half acre tract in city limits, level, cleared. Bull Run water, gas, 5 cent carfare $10 down, $5 per month. Whitmer-Kelly Co.. 711 Pittock bik. ONE acre all cleared. 4 room huuwt, with chicken house, 30 minutes' ride on Oregon City car; price $1260; easy terms,- Owner, Tabor 210. ' - FOR SALE Equity in nice acre on Base Line, very cheap. Out of work; mimt raise money. X-852, Journal. 1 2 OR 4 acres, close to jstacaaa car ' line $250 an acre. R. F. Walters, 133 Mi 'First St. , FOR S.ALE FARMS 17 HIGH SCHOOL ONE MILE. t acres, mostly cultivated; fine loam, 2 houses, barn, orchard, 4 poul try bldgs., 150 chickens; phone. Incu bator, separator, 2 cows, larg horse and hack!; tools, stream, berries, as paragus, etc., 11 walnuts, crop.; don't write; must eil. I. Wheeler, owner, Cantry. Or. SALE By owner, 40 acres, or portion; 35 cultivated; 8 prunes, 4 hops, bal ance grain, potatoes; sloping, no rock nor gravel, running water, fine spring, mile from electric station, near church and school, 19 miles to Portland, mile to Pacific Highway; $6400; cash. Box 35. R. F. D. 3, Sherwood, Oregon. 160 ACRES dairy farm, complete with cows, hogs and young stock; also machinery of all kinds; good buildings. Located in a prosperous German set tlment and on the Willamette river. For sale on easy terms. Address 211 W ": Killingsworth are. Phone Wood lawn 1714. IF you are looking for stock ranch or valley farm it would pay you to see me ; at once as I have some excellent places priced right,, and owners would exchange for good Portland property. W. J. Davie. 505 Corbett bldg. 9V ACRES land in Orenco. 1 miles form Portland, 3 acres clear, rest is pasture; nice young orchard; house; good sidewalk; well. Price $2600. Easy terms. Write John Do bra, Oren- co.. or. FARM for sale.' in Curry county, at 'a bargain. I am going on boat Fri day. If interested, write me. 167$ Haven st.. city. JXAIRY ranches- near Scappoose from $4000 to $40,000; some trades. Joseph Parker. Beappoose. Or. FOH RENT FARMS 14 300 ACRES. 14 miles from Vancouver, $15 month; 3 months free rent. Sell- 1 wood 479, 796 E. Harrison St. FOR SALE HOUSES ( Continue ) I EXCHANGE REAJj ESTATES 24 EIGHT room hnuiu: all bald for. Trade for farm in valley. 280 acres Minnesota land, trade for Portland property. 160 acres Montana land, trade for farm in valley. " , 320 acres Franklin county, Nebraska trade for Onron land , 65 acres, close to Woodburn. Wants Portland property up ,fJ $4000. Call ur write. - STEPHEN SOCIETY LAND DEPT., 723 Chamber of Commerce. INCOME $200 PER MONTH. Most desirable quarter block, on Mis sissippi ave.. improved with store, modern apts. and 3 new houses, al ways rented; closest Investigation in vited. Price $20,000: trade for unin cumbered houses and lots - to $14,000, balance to suit. Yates Realty Co., 249 4th st. FINE improved farm Joining town site in Minnesota; consider acreage or desirable residence part payment. Z-57, Journal. ' HAVE you a good building site on f east side, close in, to traae ior a beautiful 2 story apartment house on tne west sideT owner. k-o&, journal ANY amount of choice acreaee on Cap ital highway, at all prices. Some exchange; owner, 11, ureber, -ligara, Oregon. WII.l. trnri 120 nrrai uniinDroved. 2 mi I ah of Portland, needs very littl clearing; $35 acre: also clear lots, for house. Owner, 687 Pittock biocK. Ws' A VI' emu i imnrnvftrv H(T,aUA on O egon Electric, clear, for improved wneat rancti, eastern Oregon, woa'i val. $3500. XX-844. Journal 20 .AP.R1CR. S0Q! clear of Inc.. trad for good lot. Owner. 018 Board of Trade. 1 480 ACRES, stock and alfalfa ranch to trade for clear city property Phone East 810 L 40 ACRE improved farm. crop, stock and implements, for Portland prop erty; an Allany Diqg. CLOSE-IN acreage, clear of inoum brance, to exchange for elty proper ty. vv. J. Davie, 505 corbett Diag. CLEAR Portland property to excliange for farm land. W. J. Davie, 605 Corbett bldg. ' L WANTED Improved acreage near car line, for residence; give full particu Jars and price. X-180. Journal. $10,000 CLEAR income city property to exchariee for improved farm if clear, by owner. A-846, journal. EXCHANGE, 60 rooms furniture, for lots or house and lot. No cotnmls sion. East 4259, Roswell. REAL estate for good restaurant. Mean business. Swank. 601 North west biag. 50,000 land. ACRES in U. S. T-456. Journal. for Mexico EXCHANGE, 2 nice city lots for tim ber land. A-892. Journal. WHEN you answer the Want Ads. mention Tne Journal UNIMPROVED land for eity property 811 AHaky bldg. 4 MODERN houses, close in, for farm Owner, 6405 44th st.. S. E. WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 WANT residence to $4000; have some cash, clear, lots, and $1000 second mortgage due in 10 months. Will as sume $500 or 1600 mortgage or pay additional cash for unincumbered res idence. Tabor 4323, W ANTED, near carline, X room hou&e on 1 acre or more, suitable for poul try; from owner, who wili accept lot equity part payment and $10 monih. Give full particulars. N-421. Journal. WANTED Cheapest lot in Columbia Heights, for cash. Phone W.lln. 24 27 ROOMING HOUSES r:i $300 BUYS the best 14 room bouse, dll H. K., in Portland; electric, gas, rui- tiace, well lurnisnea: must sen on ac count of other business; rent $36; $150 cash, balance to suit buyer. See own er. 410 Jefferson. Transient House 20 rooms, all on one floor; rent $50; in very heart of city. Price today for all, 850. PETERS, 16 North 6th wt. LEAVING city; will sacrifice beautiful 14 room house, west end; very best furnishings: income over 3100 Per mo Here's a chance seldom found; $450 handles. Room 8, 376 Yamnili st. Rooming House Owners I have a lady with cash and -city lot, free and clear, to trade for one from s to 20 rooms. Main 6377. TO LEASE My 26 room furuisned workingman s boarding house. 22th and Sandy blvd.; modern conveniences, elec. lights, bath, reasonable. East 108i. FOR SALE by owner. 12 room house, partly H. K.: good for boarding house if wanted. Beat location. Terms or trade. N-408. Journal. IS ROOM rooming house, low rent must sell on aocount of sickness. Sell very cheap. 293 XU Front st. FURNITURE. .7 rooms, $1i5; handle or trade. 129 Grand Main 8527. A-7271. will ave, SMALL house and lot .in Lents for rooming house. 311 Aiisky Bldg SMALL rooming house for sale. 188 10th st. Main 8898. Call BUSINESS OPJPORXITIKS go FOR SALE Lease and furniture of large strictly modern, 3 and 4 room apartment house. Electric elevator service. Larue, shady, private grounds. Catering to exclusive patronage. Rent very reasonable, good income. Other business makes it imperative that I sell in 10 days at less than ha?f value; part trae! can Marenau zosi. CIGAR store on best transient street in city; cheap rent; doing good busi ness; stock and fixtures will, invoice $1300. Price today for a.1, $296. Peters, 15 N. Sth st. SMALL jewelry store and agate cut- ting plant for sale cneap on account of sickness. Would teach both trades to the party if desired. A-l location. V-857, Journal. SMALL- grocery and confectionery; close to college; 2000 students; chance for good business. Must sacri fice. Price $750. Terms. O. A. C. Store. Corvallis.s Or. 1 216 Jefferson st. FOR SALE OR RENT Moving pic ture theatre in Astoria, Or., 490 seat ing capacity: might exchange partly. Particulars I. H. Welch, Astoria, Or. ESTABLISHED machinery business. Take about $10,000 to swing. Other interests; reasons for selling. . G-163, Journal. nniMTHio Get pne else- rnllM I IINU -where, then ours. Gut P riCeS iry!ei92 Third. PARTY with drag saw wants wood cutting contract, the larger the bet ter. Mam 5120. Dayton hotel, 1st and Taylor, ' BEST location in city for cash grocery store; rent reasonable. Phone week- days. Marsh. 394o. A-1543 1000 Business Cards $.85 Rydor PU- Co.. 8. W. cor. 3d & Morrison BARGAIN in Yamhill Sanitary market. Small investmene in butter stand. See the manager. FOR SALE, tailor shop, well known, good place for any one looking for business. A-393. Journal. ) TAILOR'S cleaning and pressing shop, cheap rent. 192 Union ave.. N. -TILE and hrick works for sale, trade, or lease. X-179. Journal. I GOOD butter and buttermilk route tit sale. H-41, Journal. BUSINESS OPJ-OKTUSUTIES WANTED 16 HAVE a few hundred dollars and serv ices to put into a paying business. L-766. Journal WANT' party with 'cash or good real estate to take interest and work in general store. 4.7 Pittock bloclc MONEY TO LOAN KEAIi ESTATE 27 $500 to $6000 PRIVATE MONEY. O 831. Journal. ' $60o, $800. $.uo0. no commission. Ward. 407 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, and 7 par cent. Louis Solomon A Co- 229 Stark st. 27 LOANS on Improved city property or for building purposes; advance made as building progresses; liberal repay- ment privileges: so commlsilo Lipscomb. 24$ Stark st. Main ssion. j. f. 4420. PRIVATE money: to loan on improved city property. iWill consider desir able building loans. No delay; funds in any amount, reasonable rates, Hen rv c. Prudhorame. Morgan bid. Mortgage Loans ' I. Ju: 'WHITE, 701 Belling bldg. BUILDING LOANS on city and subur ban property; money advanced as work progresses. W. Q. Beck. $16 Fail ing bldg. Main 8407. WE have money to loan on your teal estate; first mortgages only. 4 HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 428 Chamber of Commerce. CASH Daid for mortaaees. notes, con tracts: mortgage loans; reasonable rates. F. H. Lewis & Co.. 8 Lewis bldg, $100,000 on mortgages, city and farm property, fir insurance. McKenzie & Co., Qerlinger bldg.. 2d and Alder. MONEY' to loan in amounts of $100 to f&ooo on city: property. A- . null. sol Qerlinger bldg. . MORTGAGE leans at current rates. Real estatefsecurity. Apply room 203 atocK i-jxcnange, ao ana yainnut. $200, 1860. tf00,t0U, Si.OO, lfttU. Fred w . uerman to.. 14 Cham, or com, $40.0U0 OH LESS. FAKUiNGTON, BO 4th et. Board of Trade bidg. MONEY to loan 6 to per cent. W. H. Sells & Co., 310 Spalding bldg. MONEViTO 1AAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 7 IMMEDIATE LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY AT EASTERN RATES. We have one of the finest retail Jewelry stores in the city. A loan de partment is conducted in connection with same, .malting business STRICT LY CONFIDENTIAL. Aosulutely no signs designating loan business aia played in front of our store. All mer chandise pledged Is held for a period or seven montns, wntuer or not in terest is paid when due. We are li censed ana have been established since l&9y. No connecti&n witii any other loan establishment In this city. A. & M. DELOVAGE, JEWELERS. 3 24 Washington, st. Notice NeW Address LOANS IN SIX HOURS' TIME. Ai Legal Rates , We loan money on diamonds, pianos, livestock, storage receipts, plain note or furniture. . Portland Loan Co. Licensed by State. , 311 Dekum Bldg., ' Srd. and Washington. Mar. 5286. 4 A.2S97. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NUitb- ABSOLUTELY, NO SECURITY. Business Strictly Confidential. STATE SECURITY COMPANY. - LICENSED. 809 FAILING BLDG. MONEY AT ONCE. Diamonds, Watches, Musical instrum'ts separate dept. lor ladies. ELBY CO. (Licensed.) 320 Lumber Ex. bid;.. 2d an.J Stark. MONEY to loan on diamonds, jewelry. S. W. King, 45 Washin gton bid g. LOANS WANTED HO WANTED, loan of $3.0 for 2 yra. 8 per cent; security, tirst mortgage on good vacant lots. Address- I. O. Box- 42. $800 wanted on eastern Oregon wheat ranch, vai. $3600. HX-28. Journal. FINANCIAL 51 FIRST and second mortgages, aleo sel lers' interest in contracts, purchased. Oregon and Washington, ii. E. Nobis. l,umrermenw bldg.- HELP WANTlvD MALE Y. M. C. A. EMPLOVMiuNT DEPT. Record for vear1914: Calls for men ..179! Positions filled ..i ...1814 All young men seeking emolovnient are cordially invited to consult with the secretary of the employment da- partment. LIVE salesman with automobile can make SOOd connection hv fulllnc at 323 Mohawk bidg., PAIN'IER, paperhttnuer; raleto man to learn. Room 12'v 2 45A Morrioh t. W AN i ED Upholsterer and mattress 666 Front. maker and all-round man. ilKLl VVANTEJJ 3HSO. iU Y. Mi C. A. Automobile School Dav and nlcht Instruction in rnir. (n. Jrluln. r. . . 1 1 i .. ,.t.l . , including forge, lathe, -iiapor. drill press, etc. Moderate chargew. Fair ceating ana expert training. Time un limited. Before enrolllnr elsewhere call nt educational office, Y. LI, C. A. oldg.. end tucur pass entitling you to ia- Bpect our shop end methods. ud your spare tune to nulla UD a mail order business uf vunr own We helD you start for a mar. in profits; H opportunities; particulars free. Opportunities Exchange, Buf- XUIO. XN. -. LEARN AUTOMOBILE repairing and driving at th BEST EQUIPPED, most UP TO DATE and onlv PkAfi. T1CAL AUTOMOBILE SC1IOOL in Portland. L. & M. Auto Repair Co., 86 9 Hawthorne ave. WOOD cutter. experienced Swiss. wants responsible workinar man with several thousands cash or credit to neip on a auut cord cutting con tract. X-83!, Journal. PACH' IC A Li t o AND GAS ENGINE SCHOOL, Booklet Free. (266-208 11th St. Free Trial Before Enrollment. THOUSANDS government jobs open to men and women, $65 to $160 mor-tn. Write for list. ; Franklin Institute Dept. 349-D, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Names of men, 1H or over. : wishing government Jobs. $65 mo. GX-160. Journal. 1 AUTO driving taught; price reasona- ble. Call East ha, Room 24, fore- noons. COOK headquarters California WllH Depot. 291 YamhiU. Near 6th. UNCALLED for tailor made suits 16.6a up. rayior. tne i anor, z&yi, Burnside. HELP WANTEI FEMALE g LIPMAN, WOLFSl & CO. require the services oi a tnorougniy experienced woman for stationery department: permanent v position. Apply superin tendent's office, 7th floor, between 9 and 10 a. m. i WANTED rLadlee to demonstrate res ldentlal work, citv and road. 12 nd up. Room 50$ Columbia bldg. WANTED School girl for board, room and some pay. F-769. Journal. HELP WANTED 51ALE AND FEMALE 20 MEN and women to learn the barber trade, wages paid while learning; tuition reduced, positions secured. The only chain of schools in the world. Bend for free catalogue. Moier Baroer College. H4 8 N. 2d st. I Oregon Barber College will teach you the trade In $ weeks: scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; poslttons guaranteed; pay while learning; tul tion reduced this term. 288 Madison. WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal. " BAKBI-IIS AND SUPPLIES OH GRIFFON CUTLERY WORKS Sollnger. Germany; Bridgeport. Conn.: Montreal, Can.; M. L. Pollock, Le Kemp factory representatives. Ap- fiointments solicited. Large selected ine fall cutlery. , Lee Kemp. (.61 E. 66th st. north. Portland. Or. LEWIS-STENGER Baroers Supply Co. Morrison and loth. Oldest and most reliable bouse on the coast. That's ail. MONEY TO LOAN - REAL- ESTATE (Continued) BARBERS AND SUPTULE3 C fOontinne4) Barbers' Supplies owic: FOR STANDARD GOODS. Witch Hazel.. 81.10 gal. Bay K Micro'' Tor . $4 gal.; $1.35 7-lu. Henkie Scissors, etc. Dept. 6, Clarke-Woodward Drug C . Woodlark Bldg.. Alder at West Par Portliind, Or. I'.levator to 6th flof , SAVE money on barber supplies. I ui t. Cut. & Barb. 8up Co.. 66 6th. .WANTED AGENTS V, $9 DAILY average selling improve i advance pump governors. ' They make the hardest working pumps work easy, windmills turn in slightest wind, pumping engines work with less thun half the etas; fit all pumps; war ranted 6 years; price $5 each. Honor able man wanted to sell them every where. International Foundry Co., at. r'a-ui, Minnesota. AGENTS lor Oregon to sell life ii - suranco to master Masons. State e- perlence. A-396. Journal. WANTED Salesman fpr book just is sued; good seller. Apply in per son. F.. Cornelius Hotel. SITUATIONS -alALE POSITION wanted fro'm large whole sale firm by reliable, experienced collector; best references. li-5. Jour nal. . Skilled Carpenters Furnished on! short notice. Mar 7CS. MARRIED ina want work on farm; good milker. Beavtrton, -Or., Routa 2. hut 33 YOUNG man wants position with sur vey party. Three years experience; will go anywhere. L-69-. Journal. SINGLE man, i age 31, - wants farm work, can milk and handle horses. 1105 Hawthorne ave. ' I IN SMITH (Swede) wants work a years' experience. O. Johnson. 313 Clay at. i CHEF cook, a real good man, require -liuation, hotel ' or restaurant,' or club. T-469. Journal. A1AN with coriHldei able experienca in gardening wants work. Phone Men's Resort, or address T-458. Journal. BOY lb wants any kind of work. C Kitffler, 226 E. 34th st. PAIJERHANGEIl, painter and tlnter. must have work. Phone Marshall 7.6. PRINTING pr.Bsnian wants position; cylinder or. platen. . v-s, journal. uood painter wants work tor goh tractor. Phone Woodiawn 2568. PAINTING, kalsomlnlng rooms $1.60 up, Paperhanglng. Main 2629. MAN with small family, like work on farm or dairy. Call B-27 93, ALL around restaurant cook; can give good references. G-lfio, Journal. - SITUATION liMALK RELIABLE girl, age 32. would like Position as housekeeper in or out of town by May lb or June 1. N-404, journal. DINNERS, parties, weddings, etc., planned, prepared or served; refer ences. Hellwood 1696. DRAMATIC reader desires etiKaae- inents; reasnable. Mrs. Blowers. 312. 180 K-. Harrison. H-35. Journal. LACE curtains hand laundered, io up. Called for. Hell wood 1696. LACE curtains done b experienced. 1 1 years. Tabor 693: Mrs. Scott. WOMAN wants day. work. Washing and cleaning. Mam 6683. Room !! WOMAN would like work by day or hour. Main 2891. CURTAINS laundered at home. Main 9130. WOMAN wants work, hour or day. Woodiawn 41. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AN1 FEMALE S3 MAN and wife (Scotch) with boy 10 years old, wish position on ranrn; good workers; references. F-479, Jour. rial. DIIESS.HAKINO 40 DRESSMAKING, silk suits, coats, makeovers, corset malting; abdomi nal support a specialty. Manor Piiy. latiiiA IJawthorne, Flat T. kl WU I I . A 4 "IV expert dresamakinir and UilkJ DW.Vi v - repairing. Reasonable, 6it9 Wasn- ington. FIRST class dressmaker wants sewing by day; work guaranteed. Main J76W. Fash ion abli dressmaking. modeling. Marshall 1963. NURSES fiO AN efficient nurse capable of handling any case; best of city and doctors references. Tabor 4972. PRACTICAL nurse, confinements pre ferred; doctors' references; terms' ruiMorifltile. K. 6374. EXPERIENCED nurse would like cars of invalid: would travel; or would. liU.j tare of child. Main 9130. I t tMSHKl) RU031S It WAR WAR WAR On hotels. Hotel Oak, on Oak between Broadway and Park; gteam heat, run ning water all rooms, good beds and mattressea, clean as a pin, in heart of city, for $1.50 per week. . lULiVU men may consult without charge register of furnished room at Y. M. C. A., listing Beral. hundred in all parts of the city, al.o those in the Anxiitlon building. " WANiLD - itooiu mate to reduce rooming expense. I- ireproof build ing. showrljalhs. Individual beds. Call or address Y. M. C, A. business riffle. Madras Hotels l?J!u2i rooms. $2.60 cor. 12th and up. By aay 60c, 76c, $1; Washington its. ETHELTON HOTEL. 105V4 12th St., nar Wash, clean, quiet, modern conveniences, summer rates: 12 wk. up; Tran h. woii cited. Mar, i it ). 0STautu 'CORNER Rbo37 ' $2.7i; oilier outside rooms, $2.60; Inside rootn, $1.75 week; hi leu, steau heat free phone and bath. 283 13th wt. A VI U i EX PLACE FO-t QUIET PEOPLij IIOTEL CLIFFORD. East Monisoii St., near Urand ave. Cl-a nlinei a nd comfort, 8 3 p.r wk. up. ANSON iXTlOTEU 121 14th St., cor. Wash., desirable lo cation, strictly modern, private bath, phone, A up. itates to tourlstw. M. 144i.- THE ALBION HOTEL, - ziM a ana tsaunua. Rooms $1.75 week up; steam heat, hot and cojd water, free batu, phone. ItOOMSTRobMSritOOMS. Single $2.26 to $ week; with bath, $4.60, Transient 60c, 7&c, $1. 131 11th st. MAXWELL HALL, a charming lainiiy hotel in business district; home Drlv. Ilem-w; modern; $2 week up. 207 14th s t. HOTEL BU8HMAKK, modern single eleeping rooms, $2.60 up. fcti 3 "a - wsNiingion. TOUmST hotel, 1st and Morrison- Modern zront rooms, $3.60 up; others $2.50 up; tran., 60c up; tran. trade sol. ,1 tr 4 KI I I ,. h . , ,. . , n . I . . . ........ free bath, both pnones, steam best. 445 Columbia. Main 7410, A-3973. HOTEL ARTHUR, llth near Morrl.yo, . Transient and permanent, rooms Witn all .modern conveniences. $17.60 mo, ;. ROOMS and apartments In modern hi tel. $2.50 we.k and up. 455 A Her. STEAM heat, hot, cold water. $2 to per week. 208 8d. Nicely furnished A DPHTT 5c day up. 228. Wash.st. ,ADDUI 1 tl.Bdwk.up $. WEEK jp, clean, warm, modern fur. rooms, central. The Klnsr. 309 Jeff. FUItMSIIED liOOiia 70 PRITATR TAMILY FRONT room, suitable 2 gentlemen. . Private family. 68 Ella. Reason able. ' " NEWLY furnislied large room; 1mi smaller, $8 up; private family, Zii llth. corner Harrison. - $2.00 NICE fro ny room, large cloft. bath, phone. 694 Everett st. Main 3306. '." WEST SI)E. clone in, an ideal place for 4 young ladles. Main 6309, (Continued on Next Page) 1