r MAGAZINE SECTION 1 PICTORIAL' SUPPLEIIHIT - : - PORTLAND, OREGONj SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 18, 1915 "Z!T. 7 rf- jrr-y 7 f 1 - " r ' f i - f -: 7V v y 5 ti":J- 4 . (4' 7 tu ! . .,4--" 1; ' . v ; " , v ' ' 4 f "I 1 A mmm -0 's- - - . ' - - t'"'Si -, r V , I ' .- mm mm: 5 r "I - , : CKUM3 OTAN . s as r r i J 5 i 4 1 let. v - Mr. r- & J if x 'It -j By Marshall N. Dana. are dandelions. And yonder pink and A dreary place .would be this' earth, white patterns are the daisies. Oh, " .If there were no little people in it; my yes, you may pluck them! And The song of life would lose its mirth, when you turn them upside down you Were there no children to begin it. Py the dandelions are , fairies , in f - dresses of gold, arid the, daisies their in the joy. They; fly .on wings that flit or buzz, they move on the ground with feet .that may be swift or may be slow,-but they are all happy. And there are some things - that do not move but have life. .' Mother. Nature colors: the leaf y walls of her big out- IME has four seasons. Summer cavaliers in white and pink satin. And belongs to lovers, autumn to the 1 do you remember, .little oDcs, what- door room with the royar purpof . was. said ahcfut.th Haiav? ; : the lilacs and- ? the . soft. bluxhea harvest and winter to the sturdv. . ' But springis for the little folks. Old Small, service is true service while i Mother Nature fits them up with ; a fine big outside room. She cleans house with the breezes, she scrubs her earthy floors v with the ; showers . and she makes a celebration with the sunshine. She spreads an elegant soft carpet of grass ' velvet - and she ' figures! it: with real flowers. 'No imi ; tations I for old Mother Nature ! 4 She leaves that for the ladies' Easter bon nets. ' j ' - ;r " Those yellow spots in'-Mother ' Na ' it lasts, ' - ' Of humblest friends, bright - crea ture, ! scorn not one ; The daisy by the shadow Uiat it casts Protects the ; lingering dewdrop from the sun; I almost : forgot to tell -you how : large Mother Nature's family of little people ' is. The children, of' course, come first, but she is very fond, too, of the millions of tiny, creatures that the 1 lilacs 'and- the r soft' blushes ; of apple blossoms, ; and . the confetti for the sunshine's celebration that she scatters down consists of white cherry petals. ' - ; : - - ; Whether you look - or whether - you ' j listen, - ., You can hear life murmur or gee if glisten. : . - . ? , , Have you been in any of the city parks yet this year? . -No? . " . Well this will serve ; to : introduce . tur'sxarjei.aren't gold doUa and arc Eartners xcontiaued w Pa;j5, jnus Bectionj.