The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 18, 1915, Page 48, Image 48

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-Left to right Mrs. Henry Waldo Coe and Mrs. Lloyd E. Gllman.
'- Francisco), both recent brides.
(photograph by Matzene, San ,
, Catherine McGulre. the Misses Martha
r Fordney, Ethel Yerkes, Mary Devine, of
' Portland; , Dorothy Cox, of Eugene,
. Or.; Dora and Babe Thorn, of North
. Bend, Or.; Matilda Leverman, of Aums-
ville. Or.; .Margaret Jackson, of Hub
bard. Or, Lenora Bromley, of Salt
" Iake "City, Utah; Emma Brack, of
'.Woodburn, Or.; Mary Silver and Julie
Busch, of Oregon City; Messrs. John
Schroth. Andrew Weber, Arthur
-Yerkea, Paul Sophy, Pat Fordney, Rex
Vancouver, B. C; Waldo Silver. Ore
iron City, and Harold Sproul, Ontario,
.. ; '
The Illinois society of Oregon en-
tertained at the Commercial club last
Tuesday evening. Dr. J. O. Pitt, bari
tone, accompanied by Miss Mary In
? man, gave -vocal solos, "On the Road
"to Mandalay," "Uncle Reme," and
"Alone in Love's Garden;' Mrs. Jame.i
H. McMenamin, accompanied by Miss
Marion Bennett, gave violin solos.
Miss Marion Bennett, pianist, gave
' Boloa,' Miss Clarabelle Lucas.- reader.
rendered a selection. "The Man. the
Maid and the Suit Case."
The latter part of the evening was
"taken up by dancing and refreshments
were served. The society has made
" arrangements to have regular meetings
on the second Tuesday of each month
during the year. The-place of meet
' ing has not, been definitely fixed, but
' arrangements are being made to have
-'a definite meeting place.
. "
5 . The betrothal of Miss Lena M. Pay-
son to Fred ,S. Cutler was announced
I on Friday evening, April 9. at a party
given at tne nom 01 me nnue
5 sister and brother-fn-law, Mrs. John J.
! Koegel. The wdding will take place
S In June.' Assisting the hostess were
Mrs. H. N. Payson and Miss Aurita E-
Payson, the bride elect's mother and
i sister.
2 Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.
C. L. Lindner. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Ray
J mond, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Barbour.
i Mr. and Mrs. F. Horseman, Mr. and
; Mrs, Cari R. Mallory, Mr. and Mrs.
t Earnest Gillhousen, Miss M. Chamber
t lain, Mr. E. T. Jones. Mrs. 11. J.
I Hesseldenz, Mrs. Edward Saunders.
5- Chas. M. Lannlng, Mrs., R. B. Perigo of
Hood River; Miss Aurita E. Payson,
Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Payson.
1 Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Grant cnter
Z tained, last Thursday evening with
! five hundred at their home. Their
2 guests included: Mr. and Mrs. V.
? Kolb, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Loder. Mr.
t and Mrs. Henry Greisel, Mr. and Mrs.
I P : Park, Mr. and Mrs. James Loder,
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Byrne. Mr. and
Mrs. H. Wenning, Mrs. Benjamin Cat
rlngton, Mrs. H. Relfeurath, Dr. Ra
venia Spurrier, Miss Nelli Parker,
Miss Thelma Park, Mrs. F. B. Tucker.
I. Shaver Walter and Miss ' Helen
Th first prizes were won by Mrs.
Greisel, and Mr. Kolb and the second
honors"' fell to Mrs. Edward Loder and
J Mr. Park.
The Sons and Daughters of the In-
dian War Veterans held their last so
2 cial at the home -of Mrs. Martvn.
5 where the evening was spent in five
2 hundred, ' after which a collation was
; served, all having a good time, and
Z voted to meet at the residence of the
S past president, Mrs. F. L. Benedict.
J 353 Hall street, on Saturday evening,
J April S4. All members are cordially
J invited,
J Mrs. Clarence P. McDowell, assisted
by Mrs. Don Stewart Washburn, en.
j tertained for her daughter. Miss Altie
Come to Ly swiii Camp
or the banks of the beautiful Willam
ette. Only two miles to Oregon Citv.
,Yeu can take a trip to the falls every
day. Church, school, stores and post
office. Just the home for the busi
nessman. Can reach Portland by auto,
toat or lectric ear in 46 minutes. En
joy country life with all city con
veniences. Ideal salmon fishing, boat
ing, bathing. . Boats for hire and taken
rare of. Lots $150 and tip. Houses
built for 1175 and up. Free camp sites.
Little bungalows for rent.
; w. b. jEirsmros,
. Bote 34, Janniags Xodge, Or.
Society Events
Call for luelous SQUABS. .Northwest
Fuab & Pigeon Club. Phone Tabor
4883. Office 427 Chamber of Com. Ad. I
McDowell, Thursday evening at her
beautiful home, on Seventeenth street.
The color scheme, of pink and white
was carried out by a centerpiece of
pink and white carnations and dainty
hand painted place cards of the same.
Baskets filled ' with hyacinths and
lilacs formed the decorations. A
dainty five course luncheon was
served. Among those present were
the Misses Marion Howarton, Corinne
Powers, Vivian Fieke, Ethel Medsker,
Grace Nylan. Dorothy Wykoff and
Altie McDowell.
i Complimenting Captain T. J- Mac
Genn of the steamer Breakwater, Miss
Elizabeth Hoben entertained on Thurs
day evening at her home on Larrabee
street, the occasion being Captain
MacGenn'a birthday anniversary.
I A short program in which many of
the guests participated was an enjoy
able feature, after which dainty re
freshments were served.
iWhite and purple lilacs tastefully
arranged formed the table decoration,
while in the other rooms red carna
tions were used to excellent advant
age. Congratulations were showered upon
the guest and all joined in wishing
him many happy returns of the day.
The Triads were entertained with a
hard times party Wednesday evening
at the home of one of its members.
Miss Isabelle Murphy. A pleasant
evening of music, dancing and games
was enjoyed by all, after which sup
per was served.
Lloyd and Louise Stearns enter
tained a few of their friends at their
residence', 655 Belmont street, Friday
evening. Games and music furnished
the evening's entertainment. A de
licious luncheon was served. Those
present wer'e: The Misses Frances
Lanning, Dorothy Ariss, Carrie Baa
tow, Alvera Thunlow, Edith and Helen
Park, Clarissa Churchill. Helen Stew
art, Ruth Thayer and Messrs. Trehan,
Ringler, Forrester, Hammersly, Stew
art and Miller.
At the home of Mrs.vC. Arthur Mil
ler, Wednesday last, the women of
Circle No. 1 of the Central Christian
church received their friends from 2
to 5. The reception cemmltfee in
cluded Mrs. H. E. Bloyd, Mrs. W. G.
Calhoun, Mrs. Leonard Cleek, Mrs.
Miller, and Mrs. W. S. Hollis. An in
teresting program was given. White
lilacs and Easter lilies' were used
throughout the rooms,- and ' massed
around the punch bowl where Miss
Lovell and Miss Williams presided.
Miss Helen N. E. Ogden celebrated
her birthday with a dinner party last
Sunday. The guests included the
Misses Hazel Ogden, Lillian Compton
and Adelaide Boldenweck and Messrs.
Keith Murray and Joseph Ogden.
Mrs. Eva Hamilton celebrated her
fifty-third birthday Tuesday afternoon,
when a number of old-time friends
called to congratulate her at h,er home,
1031 East Twenty-second street.
For the pleasure of the members and
friends of Mount Tabor M. E. church,
Mrs. E. A. Niblin gave a silver tea at
her home, 1771 East Morrison street,
on Wednesday from 2 to 5 p. m.
Mrs. Peter C. Field, wife of Major
Field, gave a Card party Wednesday
afternoon In honor of Mrs. H. C.
Moore, who recently arrived here from
Pendleton. White and purple lilacs,
carnations, pansies, wallflowers and
greens were used profusely throughout
the house, while a color scheme In
green and white was carded out in
the dining room by white carnations
and lilacs and greens. The prizes at
the six tables of auction bridge wero
won by Mrs. Murray Baldwin, Mrs.
George S. Young, Mrs. Davis, Mrs.
David J. Baker. Mrs. Ulrich of Port
land, and Miss Tiernan of West Vlr-
vinia. w-ho is the house guest or ner
sister Mrs. Charles x. ung. Mrs.
William Brook. Mrs. David J. Baket
and Mrs. Charles T. King assisted
the hostess In serving tea at 5 o'clock.
when a number of additional guests
dropped in.
Lieutenant arid Mrs. James B. Wool-
nough have as their house guests, Mrs.
Carrlck and Mrs. Woolnough of Minne
Anolix. crnnd mother and mother of
Lieutenant Woolnough. who arrived
last week for a short visit In the
Mrs. James B. Woolnough was host
ess at a charming tea n Thursday
afternoon, when all the ladies of the
post were invited to meet her guests,
Mrs. Woolnough and Mrs. Carrlck of
On Monday afternoon Mrs. H. C.
Gibne-r entertained at a sewing party.
The house was artistically decorated
with lilacs and greens, while a bou
quet of the same flowers centered the
dining table. Mrs. Edgar A. Fry
served the salad, Mrs. Peter C. Field
poured the coffee. About 25 ladies
of the post and Mrs. Margaret Waring
and Mrs. Sears of Vancouver, were the
Miss Margery Page, sister of Cap
tain John H. Page, Jr., is very ill at
the home of her brother.
The Post Musical club will meet
next Friday afternoon with Mrs.
Edgar A. Fry, when the Russian com
posers will be studied and a number
of their compositions played. j
A number of officers and women of
the post have been attending grand
opera in Portland.
On Thursday the fiftieth anniver
sary of the death of President Lincoln
flags were at half mast and military
duties were suspended as a tribute to'
the martyred president.
Lieutenant and Mrs. Rutherford
Hartz entertained informally last Sat
urday night for a number of the musi
cal people of Portland and Vancouver.
Dr. and Mrs; H. C. Moore have ar
rived from Pendleton. Dr. Moore is a
member of the Medical Reserve Corps.
Robert Offley, son of .Captain and
Mrs. Offley, recently returned from
Washington, D. C, where he took the
entrance examinations for West Point.
The result of the examination will not
be known for several weeks.
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Order of Hibernians are now making
preparations for a card party and
dance to be given In Hibernian hall
Friday , evening. April S. The com
mittee Is. composed of Misses Mary
Frances McCarthy, Ella Sullivan, Anna
Donovan, . Agnes Dowd, Mary Lawler,
Katherine Ryan and Cecelia Flynn. -.
There will be a eanc at the Rose
City Park club house, Friday night,
April 23. The committee are Mrs.
D. b. Howell, chairman: Mrs. W. P.
C. Poole, E.:
Mrs. E. J. Mann, Mrs. A
F. Rice, and L. L. Sharp.
Nebraskanl society will hold their
regular monthly meeting at the . Cen
tral Library! building, Monday evening,
the 19th. An election of officers will
be held and all Nebraskans are . re
quested to be present.
. j m m
The Harriman club will give a danc
ing party at Cotillion hall Friday eve
ning. April j 23. Patronesses will be
Mrs. J. D. Farrell. Mrs. J. P. O'Brien,
Mrs. D. W. I Campbell and Mrs. R. E.
Strahorn. .
Seattle, April 17. Miss Carolyn
Nearing Gillespy, daughter of Mrs.
Sherwood Gillespy, was , married I J
Willis Kellogg Clark of Portland
Thursday afternoon at 6 o'clock in the
Church of Epiphany, Denny-Blaine
park. Simplicity "marked the service.
Apple blossoms predominated in the
decorations, with palms and greens
making an effective background. On.
the altar was a profusion of pink
- In the evening a reception was held
at the home of the bride on Bixtee-nth
avenue north, where the rooms were
decorated In apple blossoms. Mr.
Gillespy was assisted In receiving by
Mr. and Mrs. G. Clinton Butler nd
Mr. and Mrs. Harry. II. Starkey, sunt
and uncle of the bride. After a short
trip Mr. and Mrs. Clark will be t
home at Newberg, Or,
Mrs. Thomas J. Casey is In Portland
(Concluded on Page 7, Thla Section
1 1 1 ff f ff '" ' -
Mrs. L. P. Bergman (nee Searing), a bride of the past
Scout Young Auxiliary, of the
United Spanish War Veterans, are
making- elaborate preparations for a
dancing and card party at Christen
sen's hall Thursday evening, April 29,
in commemoration of their first, an
niversary. Mrs. William Coplan. the
president of the organization, is chair
man of the committee on arrangements
and is assisted by a corps of zealous
workers, composed of Mesdames C. R.
Thompson, H. H. Anderson," James Mc
Carren, W. A. Monroe. W. N. Green,
Nicholas Becker, C. R. Nicholson, H.
P. Cloyes, . Jack Auterson and M. J.
Tunney. i.
One of the special features of the
evening will be a solo, "Star Spangled
Banner," by Miss Harriet Leach, one
of Portland's favorite singers.
Card tables will be arranged in the
beautiful card room overlooking the
dancers and four unique and 1 costly
prizes will be given the highest scores.
The patronesses are: Mesdames
Owen Sommera, Sr., Diana McDonnell,
L. A. Bowman, George A. White, W. E.
Finzer, William Coplan, MargarPt
Reed, L. H. Knapp and Marius B.
The young ladies of St. Rose parish
wish to announce their next dancing
party Friday evening, April 23, at
Vincent's hall, corner of East Forty
third street North and Sandy boule
vard. The patronesses are: Mrs.
James Browne, Mrs. C. Conlin, Mrs.
J. Bates, Mrs. C. B Merrick,. Mrs. D.
E. Dawson, Mrs. E. J. Ryan. The com
mittee includes: The Misses Lorraine
Mahoney, Rachel Ryan, Helen Browne,
Rita Bates, Helen Conlin, Mary Lang-
try, Grace Kyne, Isabelle Keeley.
The Salvation Army Women's
league will hold a. bazaar Wednesday
and Thursday, April 28 and 29, for
the benefit of their self-denial fund
at 207 Salmon street. Luncheons will
be served and tire Juniors will have
charge of the exhibit of fancy and
useful articles which will be offered
for sale. All friends of the army
who wish to donate bits of fancy
work for the cause can communi
cate with Mrs. Gale, staff captain.
The New England Society of Oregon
will give a social card party and dance
next Thursday evening. April 22, in
Cotillion hall, at 8 o'clock sharp. The
president, George C. Flanders, who
has just returned from a five montns
trip through California, will preside
and make a short address. All - for
mer residents of th itfew England
states and their families are cordially
Oregon Rose Camp Royal Neighbors
of America will entertain with thei?
annual Easter party on next Wednes
day evening, April 21, in Royal Aca
demy hall, S5Ji Fifth street. The
patronesses for the evening are Mrs.
Jessie Barnum, Mrs. Fannie Smock,
Mrs. Geo. McAfee, Mrs. W. Angel, Mrs.
W. Volmen Mrs. Lura Fredrickson
will preside at the punch bowl.
Portland Lodge, 209. the Fraternal
Brotherhood, is issuing invitations to
yourself and friends to a dance Tues
day evening, April. 20, in the Royal
Academy hall, S6H Fifth street-
The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Ancient
cSwfuie QpfrcwatfaTPomen
Our Mr., Settle has just returned from New York
where he has been in the interest of late styles in
Suits, Gowns, Dresses, Coats, Blouses, etc. These
recent selections ; are now arriving daily. You will
find; these new garments not only attractive in their
style features, but also especially, attractive ; from a
standpoint of value.
X.atest la Check Salts Xwttes In Black Salts
Latest in Wavy Salts Latest la Band Bolts
Latest In Belgian Blue Bolts
Faille, Bengaline and Taffetas, all shades.
Worthy of Your Attention. ' ..
$25.00, $27.50, $35.00, $37.50,
$45.00, $48.50, $55.00
Will Be Shown During the Coming Week.
Special Voile Blouses Special Lace Blouses
$3.75 $5.75
m BZ
Blufe Bird Week
pOR all tkc lovers of Blue, in all
its VAfierl slnades an A Vines, a fraf awaif-s
VTStoJay in viewing the Eastern s window disnlav
There are the quaintest, prettiest Blue Dresses of softest ;
silk. Chic Suits, from navy to brightest Belgian; shim- j
mering Waists, contrasting or blending with the suits,
yet bearing gut the color note. Smart Skirts fori busi-
ness or sport wear; Coats of richest material and those
on the plainer order. And, not to be overlooked, the
very hats to set off a tasty costurne, some all blue; others j
blue-trimmed, carrying out the symphony of color and j
blending with the blue-paneled background; '
Suits $17.50 up Coats upwards from $7.00
Dresses, Hats, Skirts and Waists Very Moderatelg Priced
Your Privilege
405 Washington St., at Tenth
Your Privilege
m ra - 1 - - 1.:. m
jk 1 1 1 i-x - s mil " -. . '
mmi raid 'i 1 1
1 11 M
urn a -
- Illl , i
m 1 1 xx
Illl f 1
SHOWING in our
scores of individual
models in Suits, Coats
and Dresses for women
and misses at moder
ate prices.
Suits of modern mate
rials in a varied array
gabardine, shep
herd's check, poplin,
'serge and silk fabrics
Priced at $17.50
$19.50, $24.50
$29.50, $34.50
Coats for motoring, golf
ing, street and afternoon
wear, in both silk and
woolen materials.
Priced $12.50, $15, $18.50
$20, $25
Dresses of Crepe de Chine, Taffeta,
Silk Poplin, Gros de Londre and
Crepe de Meteor. -
Priced $14.50, $17.50
$19.50, $22.50
SPECIAL White Chinchilla
Balmacaan Coats $9.85 $15,
$19.50, $25
-Third Floor
Sport Suits $17.50, $24.50, $32.50
Morrison at Fourt