I" " V SECTION FOUR I SOCIETY, CLUBS, MUSIC I'AREXT-TEACHEIt NEWS ? TEN PAGES SOCIAIi SERVICE' ACTIVITIES j FASHIONS AND NEEDLE'VORK Portland; Oregon, Sunday morning, april is, ms. IN FY V 4,?;-V $' V- v? V -'tV A) 7 ill Av-. V . ivV 'JES-l I ' , ' '-4j- J.v - x 111 - ty VvO -J -:'riT 1 ' v 'rfiMVff CLNTXTE,. ff r V 111 ' " ' .AiBAH W&IE.01 '' III ' v - :' ' 'I ) ,1 V v News for rubllcation In the Sunda fosiety pages must be In The Journai office by Friday ; afternoon -:. - By Nona Lawler. PLEASANT weather, enjoyable so cial functions, interesting vls- itors Jn the city, have combined in the week just past to dispel all feellntr of ennui that some times comes with spring and flowers. Maids, and matrons of society have been kept In a whirl of gaiety with the lesser luncheons and teas which have been given, as well as the liiore notable events of the week. T!-.e: cot ton ball Wednesday .evening was the occasion of many dfnner parties that evening. Miss Sullivan, with Mrs. "Wheelwright. Miss Draper at the honor, Mrs. Helen Iadd Corbett and Mr. and Mrs. Phlnister Proctor. the guests of Mrs. Margaret Burrell Bid die, all have inspired much entertain ing of an informal nature among the married set, and Miss Renee duPont, the guest of Miss Allsa MacMaster, has been feted by the younger Bet. - .For Miss Sullivan of Washington, I. C, the house gutst of Mrs. "William r. Wheelwright. Mrs. Holt C.Wilson gave a luncneon Thursday afternoon. Circling the taM were Miss Sullivan, Mrs. C. E. S. Wood. Mrs. Theodore B. f Wilcox. Mrs. Wheelwright, Mrs. Wil liam MacMaster, Mrs. Winslow B. t "couver barracks, Mrs. Joseph Nathan ;i Teal", Mrs. -Charles H. Martin, Mrs. John ' O. Edwards, Mrs. Robert W. Lewi?. Mrs. Frank K. Hart. Mrs. J. Andre Fouilhoux. Miss Failing, Miss Hirsch and .the hostess. Wednesday Mrs. J. Andre Fouilhoux . presided , at luncheon at the Waverly Country club for the pleasure of the t.Lltn, Uo m,Dt urAi-a lUlco Culli. .... trA WhjulirTtorVit ATt- -U74no1nn B. Ayer, Mrs. K. C Shevlin, Mrs. - Thomas Scott Brooke and Miss Flan ders. ' . Mrs. C. S.. Jackson will entertain with a bridge tea in her honor Thurs ; day afternoon of this week. ' ' " ... The debutante set have entertained extensively for -Miss Renee duPont. -Saturday Miss Rhoda Rumelin gave a luncheon of 12 covers." Friday Miss Margaret Mears had four ' tables at bridge and one at dominoes, a number -j of additional guests coming In later for tea. Miss Maisie MacMaster, Mar Jorle Hoffman, Miss Rhoda Rumelin ana wisa Jean Mackenzie presided at ; the tea table, which was adorned with scarlet tulips. . ATout the rooms were white and lavender lilacs'. Thursday afternoon Miss Nan Rus sell entertained at her apartments in the Benson hotel, having luncheon for eight. Pink syringa and lilies of the valley decked the table, at which were seated the Misses Maisie and Ailsa uuMuciii gat'QDSi AnOua Huinelln. Margaret Mcars. Louise 'Burns, Claire Wilcox, the honor guest and Miss Russell. Mrs. 1L C Wortman entertained Tuesday for the visitor, asking girls of the younger set for luncheon to Her home. ! Killamey roses formed an ef fective center for-the table. " Later the guests j. were , entertained on the Wort man yacht. Sea Otter, and passed a delightful afternoon on the river, hav ing tea during the . afternoon. Mrs. Wortman's guests were the Misses du Pont,. ,Maisie and Ailsa MacMaster, Rhoda j Rumelin, Elizabeth Jacobs, Nan Russell and Mary Stuart Smith. . -' Reveling in the fashioning art of terpsichore, society - danced Wednes day night at the cotton . ball given for the benefit of Scadding house. The j entire mezzanine floor of the Hotel ' Multnomah was turned over to the guests of the " balL Socfety in ail her '"sets," circles and angles was there, all enjoying a delightful even ing and helping a wordy charity. Cotton; ' gowns proved a success, too, ' and i many a discriminating critic" who "sat among, the spectators remarked that Portland women ' with their fresh complexions and , marked good' looks wore the more simple even ing gowns with becoming-advantage. There were pretty prints that had been fashioned at home at a cost of a very few dollars ; which - in their- crisp new ness," made altogether charming "danc ing frocks." The-young and old attended, the school set vieing with their grand parents in the keen enjoyment of th new dances. The men, too, conformed; l-IAjeTHA. "WX1ITING. BRID2STXA.II with the 'informal' decree and many appeared for once entirely comfortable in their white flannels and soft shirts. Why men should eved dance in formal evening dress is beyond understanding, anyway. - i " . The group of prominent : women who have assisted . in arranging th- affair acted ' as hostesses during the evening. -They included: Mrs. Thomas Honeyman, Mrs. Donald Green, Mrs. Arnold 1 Roth well, , Miss Cornelia Cook, Mrs. Henry Russell Talbot.. Mrs. Solo mon Hirsch, Mrs. Holt C Wilson, Mrs. William D. Wheelwright. Mrs, Helen Ladd Corbett, Mrs. James E.f Davidson, Mrs. Theodore B. .-Wilcox.'. '- Mrs.-- Helen . Ladd 'Corbett hair re turned home from a short visit in San. Francisco and has as her house gruest Miss Ruth Draper of New Tork, the noted reader, who entertained the Drama league Friday night at the Art museum. Miss Draper is a close friend of Mrs. Henry L. Corbett, who was a former New York girl, and many en joyable social - events marked , the short stay of the visitor. ' ;"Tuesday evening a number of matrons and men of smart society enjoyed an evening ' of entertainment . by Miss Draper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Winslow B. Ayer. The presence in the city of Miss Ruth Draper of New York last week was the occasion of much informal en tertaining. She is in mourning and accepted only informal affairs; She ia a most interesting girl, the daughter of an o'd and prominent New York familv. Her father was an eminent physician of that city and her in other ai. noted philanthropiet and a patron of art and music whose support for years cf the New York Philharmonic through its years of struggling endeared her to. '.the music loving people of the city. Miss Draper as a monologlst stands uniquely alone. She began her study Jn that line as an amateur, and grad ually drifted into the professional field in her love of the work. Her selections are her own and show the lieen insijht into human . nature that Pile has gotten through being the daughter and sister of physicians, and following them in their work, especial ly among the foreign colonies. .She has another brother who is before the public as ; a successful Leider singer, Paul Draper, a pupil of Jean deReszke. She was in Portland under the pa tronage of the Drama club "and ap peared before them at the art museum Friday evening, in a series of. mon ologues-" including "The Scottish Im migrant," "The .German Governess," "Three Generations in ;the Domestic Relations' Court," and others.' : AmAng, th social affairs . tendered in her -home was a luncheon Wednes day at the- home of Mrs,, Henry 1 Corbett,f a luncheon ; Thursday at- the Wa veriy Country club given by M rs. Helen Ladd Corbett, a tea Thursday afternoon given! by Miss Failing, and that evening' Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett had a-few guests at dinner in her hon or: Friday Mrs. C. K. S. Wood had a luncheon- and .in- the afternoon ht4 went to Mrs. Theodore B. AVlleox's for - tea. - i .. . . A - - Mr. and Mrs.: Elliott R. Corbett are receiving v messages of congratulation on the arrival Tuesday of a - little daughter. ; : "Alice in Wonderfand." the charming fairy story,! will be given by local tal ent about the middleof May under the direction of the Association of Collegi ate Alumnae for the Scholarship Loan Fund. Miss Frank Tow si ee, la mem ber of : the association, is staging and drilling the affair. The dramatiza tion being used sn-as written, by Paul ine Sherwood Townsend oCWard Bel mont college, Nashville, Tenn. Sho' lias become noted through i-'jher 'connection with" the "Municipal -Pageant" tot that city. The performance will be .fantas tic and colorful, with about 100. people in the -rant. Thei members of the asso ciation are taking the grown-up parte and prominent chltdren are to be ?cast in other leads, i There . will be 35 speaking parts, .including the promi nent figures In the deck of cards -which will bring 62 children onto the, stage. Miss Mayo Methot will take" the lead ing part of "Alice." She is well known as a child actress to Portland's theatre going public,, through her work with tire Baker Stocks company. - Miss Mil dred Keats will , do fancy dancing and other: , prominent, children in the : cast' are Bobbie ilewis, Rlehar Nunn, Utllle Hawkins land Blllie War fens.; - . - t Rehearsals have been in progress f'1 two weekand the affair already elv promise of rivaling I the klrmeff whhh have been given so nucceMfull; In the past. Mrs. Chester G. .'Murphy and .Mi iUlph C. Matson were joint lio.it : - at "the home of Mrs. KTurnh.v In Kit) streef Wednesday nTternon, 1c. nearly 'J.eo women called for tea. J a pretty spring frn ks ojf the giiet-ts .Hr pearcd in-the .lovely netting of flowT" which decked the roinK. - White. lavender lilacs were upeil, with tprn.v of the delicate rhododendron bloc-noun Mrs. James A. Iwnigherty received wit : her sister and Mrs. Matfon. In tn dining room Miss Klla Hirsch, Mi George A. , Warren. Mrs. A. J. Gie and Mrs. Morris Whiteside presided . the tea table, which was gaily, arrayt (Continued on Following P.ie r You Can Do Better for Less on Third St red Quality First" ed-DavenDort Week at P 1L - 1 i Stamps hZ2 ThisWillBeB overs High Qiualitjr Karpen arid Kroehler Bed-Davehports Offered at Very Special Prices The Kroehler Has Its Simplicity of Operation Led the Way Whenever an improvement in Bed-Davenports was annoonced it was the makers of the Kroeh ler that made the announcement, and in this Kroehler Bed you will find, the very latest fea tures brought out by the makers. When you place this Bed in your home you will have the ' satisfaction of knowing that there isn't a Bed- Davenport made that operates more simply than this one. Assures Lasting Wear The more complicated anything is" the more liable to go wrong in some way. The extreme simplicity with which these Davenports operate greatly lessens any chance of Jhem getting out of order. They are designed for service, and' no matter whether you use it as a bed; every night or one night a month, it's always ready, never out of order changing, from a beautiful piece of parlor furniture to a comfortable bed, smoothly and silently. i Instead of Moving in a Larger Flat Move in a Kroehler When you. rent a house or an apartment your rent is based largely on 4he number of rooms desired. With a Kroehler you combine two rooms tn one, , lessening your 'monthly rental. You have a handsome piece of'parlor or living room lurmture ty day ana a comfbrtapie-sleep- piece of fur ve you con ing room af night. It is the only niture irr your home that will g tinuous 24-hour service. $41.50 Duofold Davenport covered Q" in Chase leather, similar to cut. . .. q7JOil JS39.7S long size oak frame, with slat Bed-Davenport, $OQ 7C ends. Special JJI J $55.56 Massive Colonial Bed Daven- &A(Z Of port in quartered oak, 5 -inch arms tD0 $10700 genuine leather all uphol stered Bed-Davenport, to sell at... 548.50 roll arm and post ch?.s? leather Beu-IJavenport witliYufilec tront . . t a ; $39.75 $74.50 $72.50 Colonial frame leather up CQ f?C holstered Duofold Bed-Davenport Dl.OD The Great A-B Sanitary Gas Range Has Given Satis faction Everywhere There are so many exclusive features hi, the construction of the A-B Sanitary Gas Range, and so. many Improve ments over the ordinary gas range, that when compared with others ita superiority is easily seen. It is without ques-. tlon the most economical gas range for sale today, consuming 25 6er cent less Tuel by reason of "the patent burners. Kvery part can e taken out in a moment and cleaned the same as a dish. 'The new automatic lighter, which requires no matches. Is a feature which always pleases. Made in 30 sizes and suitable for any space. The New White Tile Models Are Wonders Special Priced Drapery Materials 16oWXS White dotted Hwlu, in ... small, medium and large dots, speoiaj. 11. the yard J I 1C LOO BTTHDOUm Plain 60-Inch iHun- Uour, in brown, green, rose and gold, ?Q special, per yard , . ; , 0C 3e MABXaa Green figured Madras, 10 inches wide, excellent 35c quality, OQ now, the yard ...... i ... . mZtJC $2.08 CTOtTAXWS XottinRhiim. - Ca ble Net and Madras Weave Curtains, - QC extra special, the pair....... y COHFOBT8 New Down. Cotton and Wool Comforts, unususl color ings, long line of grades to choose Q f( from, from $8.50 to L 'ipOJU Sfln Printed I.innlpnmf; SJ1 SfllnlaifH.fnnlpiimQ w m m mww mm w w wmmmm V mmmmm WW mm mmm A number of excellent patterns of Consisting of. the standard grades. Printed Linoleums, some of the best such as Wiles. Potters and Nairns. in designs we have ever shown, patterns wood floor, tile and checked effects, floor at on"ly.ntheUya?de' lald n y0Ur Special, per yard, laid on your floor c $1.17 ((xSr mi Worth of Worth of Worth or Worth of Worth of Worth of Fornitnrt $ 6.00 Fornltaro t 7.50 Fu mi tare $10.00 Furniture $12.50 Fumitura $15.00 Furniture $20.00 Ca.fa f 1.C9 Weet Cah $10 VVc Cash $2.03 We el Ch $2.25 Weel Cash $2.50 Wee! Cah-$3.00 Wee! (B 9x12 Extra Heavy Seamless Brussels Rug: Mere Is an orfering of seamless BrusseW) Rugs - that is unusual. There are six exceptionally good fl Tl 'l i3 IT patterns to select from., in pretty colorings, and VV II .I in both Oriental and small effects. Long wearing- n J.m9m9tM 9x12 rugs, that are unusual value at the special jjf J f Three Rooms Furnished Complete $127.00 $18.75 Plank Top Library Table $ 1 285 A Library Table unusually heavy In appearance, with thick plank top. massive legs and slat ends. 44 inches in length, either fumed or golden quartered oak. Hi Jm 1 tm n mm L.mwttmwmr $19.75TarnishProof Brass Bed. Like Cut to Sell at This handsome) bed Is exactly as pictured, having large 2-inch con tinuous posts and fitted with ten filler rods ball connections join the filler rods to tne posts. The bed is finished royal satin and very rigid in construction. .- The Most Comfortable Mattress on Earth TUC17-AF.- Guaranteed for 20 years acalnot be coming lumpy or bunchy and sold on 3" nights' free trial. Th most com for table mattred vet prodtued. No r tufts or ties Just a great, big pillow for the bod. The Price . . C2C " 4