PORTLAND. OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 18. 1915. H0WTI1dS LECTURER GIVES TIP John :Kendrick Bangs Says for Matter of Acoustics the . Houston Building Is Best, EXPERIENCES ARE TOLD Author Says Out of 186 Citl H Has -o-uxd Perfect Kalla in Tova Pr Cent of Them. John Kendriek Bangs, the humorist, wlio was in Portland last week tin a leoture tour. Js well verwed In the wJlea and ways of auditoriums. He knows their every ltlnk and curvts. He has talked, and since he attained the dignity of beinj? a lecturer, he has lectured in ' auditoriums of-every siae mid decriptlon, in hamlet and city, from one-coast to the other. And .to sum up his experience an auditorium Is no auditorium at all unless the audi- encw can hear. Any other sort of an a auditorium Is a travesty on the word, be says, and so he advises Portland to pay especial attention to acous tics in the proposed municipal audi torium, "In my little pocket diary there are named 19 so-called principal cities of the United States and I have addressed audiences in 186 of them," remarked Mr. Bangs during his Portland visit. "In about four per cent of them I have - found perfect halls, for speaking, in about 60 per cent halls that were merely tolerable, and in the balance architectural monstrosities which made a day's work sawing wood an easier Job than that of trying to lec ture Tor an hour and a half. Zln to Look Upon. "Down at San Francisco the other day 1 held forth in that enclosed Mu nicipal Golf Links they call the Mih .- n Id pal Auditorium. Outside the edi fice is a building of fine dignity, beau ty and expressive of its purpose. In side to put It mildly It is an atrocity. A speaker there has about as much chance of getting his points over to his audience as a sand-piper would have In arousing an echo in the Grand Canyon of Arizona with his last twi light peep. One needs a bellow, as - Well as a bellows, to reach his audi ence, and after my lecture on Friday ; morning my voice was 'beaten to a frazzle.' I am told that even for danc--ing- purposes the place is a failure, because no matter where your orches tra la stationed dancers 50 yards away can't tell whether It is p'-tylng Tipper ary, , Chopin's Funeral March or the leatb of Hlegfried. ""Now of course "there is a lot of public speaking-, for which that kind of a nan is, just suited. The average ,. wind-Jamming campaign speech for in-' ; stances would better be lost in the abysmal depths of Just such munici pal spaces. Half the debates In con gress would be better off there than in Washington, but after ail, when a community startsin to spend a vast .sum of money on a public building . it ought to be made as nearly right in the beginning as it can be. Houston Building rest. "Wherefore, desiring only to serve the city of Portland, let me s&y that In my Judgment the most perfect mu nicipal hall in the United States is the Municipal Auditorium at Houston, Texas. It is externally a beautiful edifice. Within it seats comfortably - 8U00 people, and while its cubic space Is vast, I personally found when I lectured there" before an audience, of 6OO0 people that my voice reached the remotest nook and cranny of the audi torium with no more effort on 'my part than I should exert in an ordinary conversation with' a friend." Mr, Bangs doesn't remember the nam of the architect who designed the Houston auditorium, butiinasmuch as this man did, such . a good job in the Texas city he advises the Portland authorities to get in touch with him and reproduce the Houston building as nearly as possible here. Many architects, according to the humorist, know how to plan beautiful structures with facades and pillars i, and whatnot, but with bsolutclv ro regard for acoustics. . Would Maka Good Confessional. "If you were building a confession al on a titanic scale, the San Francis co auditorium would be a perfect model," said Mr. Bangs in conclusion, . "but if you design your edifice for the ordinary purposes for which auditori ums generally are built, you would better travel further afield, and take a leaf out of the book of Houston. U any critical reader of this interview shall rise Up and ask what business i ia 01 mine wnetner you build a deaf and dumb asylum or a real auditori i "m et me say J conclusion that I , like Portland so very much Indeed! that i hope to come back' here to talk everv year, and I naturally desire to find here a place where my ebullitions may : be heard. and not taU idly upon the . deserv ear or desert- air. as the case Entertainment May V Replace Canteens Appropriations Art Asked to Establish Clubs at Army aad XTavy Porta by Anti-Saloon Xaag-aa. Washington. April 17 I. N. S.) Announcement of a campaign for greater appropriations for entertaln . ment clubs, established at army and navjr posts as a. substitute for the can teen, was made here oday by Dr. A. .P. Baker, national superintendent of the Anti-Saloon league. , Congress- made an appropriation of $3, 387, 630. S5 for the purpose, but more is needed, according to pr. Baker, , . The money, if secured, will be ex pended for better general facilities in connection with moving picture exhibi - tlons, dancing and other amusements. AVhere Is Ed Rankin? .. . Efforts are being made by Mayor A J bee to locate Kd Kan kin of Porti'ind. : -whose brother. V. c. Rankin, is said to be dying in the Southern California ftate hospital. A letter was sent to . J.dward Hunk in, local real estate hefti er, by JDr. J. A. UeiUy. head of the ho?? pital, -who thought W. C Itankin hia . Mother. Rankin turned the letter over A N ew Millinery Order Announcing a New Plan 'The commanding position in millin ery occupied By our store makes us jealous of our patronage. To be helpful for every occasion is our sole aim -the best and most artistic our ideal. Our people will be glad to go to any trouble to serve you thor oughly. . : " " To maintain our leadership we must ever be to the fore with everything that is new, correct and in vogue. To accomplish this object we have determined UPON A VERY DRAS TIC MEASURE. Every trimmed hat remaining in our store over 21 days MUST GO. So over 700 hats are forced into this event. ' ..--''-,.'.-' This the Week of Our First Sale . Offers to You, Madame, and You, Mademoiselle Hats of Beauty and Individuality Such as Have Never Been Offered in Our History The Most Artistic Hats, Regular to $ 1 2.00 Monday $3.95 -Positively nothing heretofore reaches the magnitude of this millinery occa sionnew and strictly correct models, original styles and reproductions of the finest millinery creations. -A hat for everyone who attends this sale a hat for every occasion a hat in any color you desire hats in black, in black and white combinations hats in dark blue, Army blue, battleship grays, in fact, all the leading colors of the season will be found in this wondrous collection. Small, medium and large picturesque hats hats with shadow brims of French crepe and trimmings of flat flowers hats with the new tailored wing or feather trimmings trimmings of silk and velvet ribbons, flowers and wreaths. ' 1 Sacord Xloor. ' These Remarkable New $4.00 Voile Blouses Monday, Very Special at $2.75 The daintiest of new styles, in fine, soft-finished voile, in a variety of allover and em broidered designs. - Some have vestees of lace insertion, others with panels of embroid ered organdie, yokes, sleeves and cuffs finished with hemstitching and embroidery. The collars are in the new flaring shapes, of embroidered and -lace-edged organdie, others of hemstitched voile or batiste. Third Floor All Ready for Summer With a Special Offering of i Chinese Sea Grass Furniture v Cool comfortable furniture that goes to make a pleasant Summer in town or country. Furniture that was imported direct by us.' The high quality of this furni ture recommends itself to people who demand the best. ? These pieces are all hand built and are firmly woven of selected stock. The designs are most pleasing built for comfort and service and are appropriate for indoor use as well as porch. Large Grass Arm Chairs, Special. . .$4.00 to $ 6.S0 Comfortable Rockers, Special, $5.00 to $ 7.50 Lounge Chairs, Special at $7.50 to $11.00 Grass Tables, Special at $6.00 to $11.00 mftb noor- I Curtains and Drapery Materials At Reduced Prices That Offer the Greatest Savings 5 7.50 and $6.50 Lace and Scrim Curtains $4.79 $ip.00 and $8.50 Lace and Scrim Curtains $6.45 Imported net curtains, scrim and marquisette curtains, in new patterns with Battenberg lace edge and insertion, or attractive fancy borders a large variety of dif ferent styles to choose from. All may be had in white, cream or Arabian colors, in 2 yard lengths, 40 to 50 inches in width. 45c and 50c Imported Madras, yard , 29c 50c Fancy Bordered Curtain Scrim, yard. .'. .33c 45c Fancy Bungalow Curtain Net, yard. '. 29c 60c and 50c Art Cretonne and Chintz, yard 27c 35c Fancy Curtain Scrim at, yard. . . .21c 20c Bordered Curtain Scrim, yard. , . 9c 5000 yards in this sale, including the newest, scrims, fancy curtain nets, cretonnes and chintz, in the latest Spring designs and color effects, in a wide range of patterns, suit able for all uses. Firth Floor ; New Washable Summer Materials Linens, Silk Mixed Crepes and Other Weaves WHITE GABARDINE One of the most wanted fabrics this season, suitable for dresses and 1 skirts. Medium weight. Special, at 39c, 50c and 85c yard. BASKET'W&A VE CHEVIOTS I i Entirely new material, made especially for skirts and suits. Comes 30 r inches wide. Pure white Special at 29c to 59c yard. ! CREAM WHITE GOLFINE , One of the most popular wash fabrics makes up beau tifully in either separate coats or skirts, as well as suits. Full 30 inches wide. Special, 65c and 98c yard. THE NEW VOILES AND CREPES - Seed voiles, embroidered crepe de chine and plain silk mixed crepes, imported embroidered crepes and voiles, in white and colors. 25c to $4.00 yarL- . 60c SILK-MIXED CREPE DE CHINE 49c Comes in all the new shades in white, me dium and dark colors in stripe effects. 36 inches wide. ' " ( $1.00 EMBROIDERED CREPE, 75c Something entirely different from the regu lar crepe. Made on the crepe de chine weave and embroidered on white, pink and lavender grounds. ; 36 inches wide. THE NEW LINENS In pure white, oyster white, ecru and tan.; Warranted pure line and shrunk. Special, 59c to 85c. - ;- Basement i XT' We Certainly Expect - You Tomorrow At a Remarkable Sale of Think of It The Newest Laces The Scarcest Laces The MostxVVanted Laces Selling Regularly $1 .50 to $3.50 Yard In Two Lots S : Laces to $ 1 .50 Laces' to $3.50 j Sale 25c Sale 49c ' Venise edges and insertions. Chantilly galloons, bands and in sertions, in black, white and cream. Oriental edges and flouncings. Silk and cotton shadow lace flouncings. Maline laces in two-tone effects. 36-inch nets in black and white. 18-inch novelty allover laces. Cluny flouncings and bands. The edges in this sale are from llA to 45 inches in width. 36-inch shadow allover laces. Silk Chantilly allover laces, 18 inches wide. . Japanese silk 'allover laces. Embroidered net allovers. Silk and cotton shadow lace flouncings. . Chantilly lace flouncings. - i Metal edges and bands. Oriental flouncings and allovers. Venise allovers. . In this special group of laces you will find the most artistic patterns in a great variety of designs laces that are in greatest favor this season s ' tart rioor. Women's White. Pink and Blue $3, t 1 Q $2.75 and $2.50 Glove Silk Vests . Xl:- Tirrt rioor. Mail and Telephone Orders Filled by Expert Shoppers n of of Merit Only Pacific Phone Marshall 5000 Home Phone A-6691 New Genuine Sheffield Plate A Sale at Special Prices You Have Never Before Enjoyed $22.00 meat platter, tree design, with well ....-$14S6 ? 11.00 combination oval vegetable dish, 11-in., two dishes in one $6.75 8.50 gravy or sauce boat, with tray .......... $4.90 $ 7.50 sandwich basket with loop handle, 11-in. size, fluted shape $4.50 $ 5.50 oval bread tray, 12-inch size -$3.75 $ 5.00 open vegetable dish, 8-inch i. ...$3.25 $3.00 footed olive dish, with handle $1.75 $ 9.50 baking dish, 8-inch size. ,.. .$6.75 $ 8.00 whip cream bowl, with tray .$4J50 $10.00 footed salad bowls, 8-inch .$6.75 $ 4Q openwork handle bon bort dish $2.75 OCTAGON VASES, GRAPE OR THREAD DESIGNS $4.50 vases $2.75 $8.50 vases ........ . $4.75 $12.00 16-inch vase $6.50 $25.00 27-inch vases ......$13.75 Sixth Floor Women's Silk Boot Stockings in Black and All the New Shades . . . . !50. Tirt Tloor. Why Not Buy the Best Machine When You Are Buying? Let Us Prove to You That The Free Sewing Machine Sold at $1.00 Down and $1.00 Week is the best be cause it will sew faster, runs light er and makes the most perfect stitch. Because it has all of the latest improvements. Such as the . -Rotary Spool Pin the Shuttle ejec tor, improved head latch, belt guard, and the celebrat ed Rotoscillo I movement, and I toggle link take up. ad Floor, Tomorrow, an Apparel Sale That Will Personally Meet With Your Unreserved Approval $13.75 i Will Purchase Monday Chiffon Taffeta .Dresses. That Sell Regularly $18.50 Two extremely new models in taffeta ' dresses, styles never shown before, Of fine soft-finished chiffon' taffeta in black, Belgian blue and navy blue. One model made with the new Eton jacket effect and shirred yoke, flare skirt, as illustrated. White organdie collar and cuffs. The other model has a circular yoke on the waist, cut in V shape at the neck, organdie collar rand cuffs also finish this model. And shirred top, flare skirt. You" Have Heard of j the New Tailored, Braid-Bound Suits? Tomorrow We Place on Sale Our $27.50 Tailored Braid-Bound Suits at $21.45 These suits are as smartly tailored and finished as any made-to-order suit, fashioned in the new mannish style and from men's wear serge, in black, navy blue, black and white shepherd checks. Braid-bound and trimmed suits are now the vogue, and in these models we have introduced the last word in silk-bra id trimmings. The skirts feature a smartly flare style which is braid -bound and button trimmed to match the jackets. The jackets are peau ,de cygne lined. The model illustrated was sketched from a black-and-white check suit in this offering. The Famous Pellarcl Tailored Suits The Finest $50.00 Suits Ever Produced Priced Specially at $42.50 During the past week we have been receiving; daily shipments of new models of the celebrated Pellard tailored suits. Owing to the limited number of models in this special group makes it possible to sell them at the above special price. Suits of serge, gabardine, shepherd checks and hairline stripes, in black, navy blue, black with white checks and stripes. v Some of the models show the short-jacket effect, bound and trimmed with silk brwij others with flare skirts and fancy box plaitings and plaited skirts. , , ' ; ; L 1 . . , .j. , . TTtitT Women's New Dimity Underwear ; Monday at Very Special Prices These dainty garments look most effective under a sheer blouse, and promise to u- : ) the place of silk garments for-Summer wear. Corset covers, envelope chemise, combina i suits, drawers and gowns, all of fine crossbar dimity, adorned with dainty lace inserti: . and edges,-fine embroideries, beading drawn with ribbons; one very attractive combination suit has a yoke of fine organdie, j ' - . .59c Envelope Chemise. . .98c and $1.10 $1.19 75c Open and Closed Drawers. .CCc $1.19 $1.85 Night Gowns for. . . . . .$1.CD 75c Corset Covers $1.50 Combination Suits $1.50 Ntght Gowns for A New $1.50 Tripl ope Combination Suit for $1.19 This is one of the new three-piece garments, combining vest, envelope drawer and cor set cover.' Made of soft longcloth.' trimmed with lace and embroidery.. Fourth Floor 1 More Room Size Rugs on Sale These rugs are the practical sorts that most sensible people buy Brussels, Velvet Wiltons, Axminsters and Wool Wiltons, in. handsome patterns and coloring and from makers whose names are guarantee of wearing qualities. 1 ; t There are no less than a hundred patterns to choose from a variety especially suitable for each room in the house. And, best of all, they are shown in new patterns not obsolete patterns and designs that have gone out of date, which one so often encounters in the average sales about town but every rug a new rug. j . $21.50 AND $22.50 BRUSSELS AND VELVET RUGS $16.45 $30.00 AXMINSTER RUGS . . . . . . . v ............... . $19.85 $45.00 WILTON RUGS , . . ..$33.45 I " rtr noon A SALE TOMORROW IN HAIR GOODS Our hair goods shop has earned a place high in the regard of an exclusive clien tele. These special offerings are particularly interesting: Gray Transformations all around the head, $1.45 to $20 Gray Switches for $1.95 to $25. " $8.45 Natural color Switches. 30 to 32 inches, $4.15. Special three-stem Switches for 95c to $1.85. , Second Floor Women Should Throng the Silk Section Monday There Will Be of Bewitchingly Beautiful and Most Stylish Imported and American Foulards A handsomer lot of foulard silks was never shown. Many, new designs have been intro duced this season in foulards, and they are all here awaiting your inspection. These are the finest of shower-proof fou lards, such as are wanted by women who demand the best . and most fashionable in dress silks. There are exactly 5000 yards in this of fering, which, by special arrangements, were we fortunate in securing from the manufacturer.;- 1 .-. . -To those women who were unable to se cure a dress length (a few weeks apo when we first presented a foulard silk sale) this offering will come as a great satisfaction. See window display every pattern will be shown. -.' j- .. Regular Price $1.00. Sale 50c On Sale Second Floor to Mayor A idee yesterday. -