j " t THE OREGON r SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND; SUNDAY MORNINO, APRIL 19, 1915. 51 . ' . QUICK LOAN SERVICE. $20,000 CASH BEADT. - 1000 TO $3000. ON FIRST MORT " OAUW AT 8. WILL, BUY FIRST." i - OR SECOND MORTGAGES OR CON TRACTS. ' WILL LOAN MONET TO ASSIST 3 IN BUSINESS ENTERPRISES. WILL LOAN UPON COR BUY! LIFE INSURANCE ' POLICIES, 'EQUITIES IN ESTATES, ETC., UPON LIBERAL TERMS. - - IT WILL PAY YOU TO LOOK V9 - UP. PATTERSON & BURKITT, 209 SELLING BUILDING. . MONEY FOR QUICK LOANS. $100 OR MORE PRIVATE AND ESTATE MONEY. NO DELAYS, ANY APPROVED SECURITY. WILL BUY (OR LOAN UPON) MORTGAGES, REAL EST ATE (OR OTHER) CONTRACTS, LIKE IN SURANCE POLICIES, ETC. AO DRESS BURKETT PATTERSON, 809 SELLING BLDG. " FIRST and second mortgages, also eel--lers interest in contracts, purchased. Oregon and Washington. It. E. Noble. Lumbermens bldg. ' - FIRST mortgage, $530, 8. 24 years to run, on first class security, for sale. Inquire SI lib Northwestern Bank blag., city. 1 WANT iomeon to put up a garage for hie. I am prepared to guarantee 12 per cent on your investment. N-416, Journal. ' ; HELP WANTED LALE Y. M- C A. EMPLOYMENT DEPT. Record for year 1914: Calls for men 1792 Positions filled 1314 All young men seeking employment are cordially invited to consult witn the secretary of the employment de partment MAN for lumber office, capable of figuring lumber and log- estimates, using typewriter and adding, machine; tat age, experience and referenced; $76 per month, V-849, Journal. YOUNG married man on fruit farm. . must know how to handle horses; wire can nave employment in thin ning and sorting fruU; give references. T-454. Journal. , , FIRST class painter and paperlianger with tools for 3 days' work. Must be reasonable. Call Last 17i)5, bet. 6 and 7 p. m. WANTED Canvassers to sell our line; outfit free; cash weekly. Ad dress Capital City Nursery Co.. ta- em, or. WANTED at once, a flrBt-class cheese- maker. Address the Lorane Cooper ative Cheese Co.. Lorane. Or. WANTED - Experienced ice cream maker and to assist in general cream ery work. H-26. Journal, VANlED Contractor to clear and ' plow 18 acres; easy clearing-. Mc- coy, 83Z gnamcer commerce WANTED Experienced newspaper . advertising solicitor. McCoy, 332 Chamber or commerce. SuIVE salesman with automobile can make good connection by calling at 823 Mohawk bldg. WANTED An Italian salesman; we will pay good salary- to the right man. Call 800 Dekum bldg. PAINTER wanted to do tinting- for rent of an apartment. Main 8389. WIREMAN and helper. State experi ' ence and wages. H-45, Journal. HELP WANTED- MISC. 49 SALESMAN For general mercantile -trade-In Oregon, to sell a NEW prop osition of MERIT. Vacancy May 1. At attractive commission contract, $35 weekly for expenses. Miles F. Bixler Co., Wholesale Jewelers, 227-16, Car- pT bldg.. Cleveland, unio. 16.000 GOVERNMENT jobs Open to . men-women, $65 to $160 month. Common eduation sufficient. Portland examinations soon. Write immediately for free sample questions and full de scription. Franklin Institute, Dept. 860-D. Rochester, N. Y. SECRET HKRVICEr-Ameriean. travel ing and ioreign: splendid opportunity for experienced and Inexperienced to Obtain, expert, training, with chances for connection with' extensive high class organisation. , (J-6 23. Journal. STEADY employment, good wages, day . and night classes, few months' learning, profitable work, positions guaranteed. watonmaKing-ii.ngraving school. Via commonwealth PiUg., bin ang Anneny. r'ortiano. USE your spare time to build up a 1 mail order business of your own. We help you start for a share in rrorits; z opportunities; particulars iree. opportunities Exchange. But raio, n. y. LEARN AUTOMOBILE repairing and driving at the BEST EQUIPPED, most UP TO DATE and only PRAC TICAL AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL in Portland. L. fe M. Auto Repair Co., 869 Hawthorne ave. WOOD eutter. experienced Swiss, Wants responsible working man with several thousands cash or credit to help on a suoo cord cutting con tract- A-88B. journal. DO EASY, PLEASANT CULOillNG WOKK, at nome; gooa pay, no can vassinff: no experience reauird. lllim particulars free. IDXLPlKu HAND STORES, Chicago LADIES Immediately. Home work evenings. btamping coupons, etc $8 per 1000. Steady. No experience. No canvassing. Excellent opportunity. Knciose stamp, irtirs a co., Toronto. YOUNG MAN GO INTO BUSINESS FOR XUUKSliLF. BECOME A MOVING PICTUJilS TKAVEL1NO SHOWMAN. WE WILL TEACH IOU. 64 BHOAUWAT FIVE bright, capable ladies to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers, $23 to &u per weeic .Kail road tare paid. Goodrich Drug Co., Dept. 610. Omaha, Neb. INTELLIGENT PEB.SON MA V EARN" . $8 to $20 weekly during spare time at home, writing for newspapers. Send ror particulars. fusnssa fa i JN UlCATiu, 408 Washington. D. C. AN INTELLIGENT person may earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers. No canvassing. Send for particulars. Press Syndicate, 7u7 Lock port, N. Y. MEN WOMEN, $25 weekly collecting all kinds names and addresses; no canvassing; send stamp. Superi.a Co., A.-J.PO. cainniurg, giu. GOVERNMENT positions are e;-sy to get. My free booklet Y-368 tells how. Write today NOW. Earl Hopkins. wasnirnrton. l. u CIVIL Service Guide Positions, sal aries, tests, complete instructions, ny-wi ex-examlfier. price $1.00. H. Sands, 33. N. High st., Columbus, Ohio MEN WANTED for detective work; also Instructed by former U. S. gov ernment detective. Write J. Ganor. 2309 Calumet. Chicago. PACIFIC AUTO AND GAS ENGINE Booklet Free. 286-268 11th St. iXHO U SAN D S government jobs open to men and women, $65 to $160 month. Writ for list. Franklin Institute; Dent X49.r. RnnhaatoF TOT "V f rm xriat qeiore r.nronnienL -"- WANT YOUNG MEN TO OPERATE.. TO"S ,SA,5N .1 11 TO $35. A WANTED Names of men. 18 Or over, wishing government Jobs. $65 mo. journal. WANTED Organizers to obtain mem- Ders And establish IrvdfirAa.An- nvYimla- ilon. Tns Owls. South Bend. Ind. CrATCHES cleaned, 76o; main spring. 75c; work guaranteed. 218 Common t ealth bldg, 9th and Ankeny. . jAlJTO driving taugnt; price reasona I -fcle. Call East 677, Room 24. fore- boons. jCOOK headquarters Caurornla Win Depot. 291 Yamhill. Near 5th. JNCALLi- i . i "r i.'tilT mad suits ifi snf up. Taylot. -t I;-Tailor. 289 & Burnside. FINANCIAL IltCLl tVAVTElMISG. 40 C Continued) - SALES AGENT We want a live state . sales agent under 40 years of age for our Portland territory. Man must be a. real salesman, -able to sell him self, and also able to organise a pro ductive sales force under htm. Man must maintain bis own office and be able to buy a small Initial stock of merchandise. Product is a quick sell ing specialty. Give your age. selling ex perience, financial condition and refer ence. No attention will be paid to any other communications. This Is a legitimate monejr-maklng opportunity for a wide-awake salesman. As we are out of your city, give full particu lars in your first letter. HX-19, Jour nal. - . Y. M. C. A. ' Automobile School Day and -night Instruction in repair ing, driving, selling and machine work, including forge, lathe, Bhaper, drill press, etc. Moderate charges. Fair dealing and expert training. Time va limited. . Before enrolling (elsewhere x Call at educational office, T. M. C A. eldg.. and secure piss entitling you to in' li YEARS ago I started a small mail order business at home in spare time With a few dollars' capital. I wanted to make $30 or $40 a month, evenings. The net proits the first year averaged $200 a week. Five years" work netted me $50,000. I will show you how to start a small mail order business. Send today for my proposition. . . It's inter esting. No canvassing. Heacock, box 87 0, LvQOKpOrt, IS. Ii WANTED 20 men to cooperate clear ing land by a new method; light work; ach man gets 10 acres cleared land worth $125 an acre for $300 cash and $400 In labor. If you are tired of looking for a job, want a chance to work for yourself, look into this. G. Wynn Wilson, 903 Chamber SALESMEN WANTED.- Experience unnecessary; easy worn;, big pay; write now for large list of openings offering opportunities to earn from $100 to $500 a month while you learn. Address nearest office. Dept. 312, Na tional Salesmen's Training association. Chicago. JNew YorK, fcjan Francisco. WANTED -T wo high grade specialty salesmen or capable ex-merchants for 1915. Vacancy now. Staple line. Liberal weekly advances. Protected territory. Old established -house. 8, E. Kline, 275-16 Crafts bldg., Cleve land, Ohio. WANTED Bright young man with auto, open delivery car preferred, to travel all summer with a doctor: straight salary paid; car must be well equipped for Jong trip. Answer, stat ing fully all details; give phone num- ner to reach you, '1-838. Journal, SALEMAN experienced In. any line to sell Kcjieral trade in Pacific terri tory, unexcelled ' specialty proposi tion. Commission contract. $35 weekly for expenses. Continental Jewelry Co., 76-16 Continental bldg., Cleveland, ' Ohio. v- GOVKRNMENT positions In postof fice. . railway mail and other branches are good. Prepare for "ex ams'" under former U. S. Civil Service secretary-examiner. Booklet H-34 free. Write today. Patterson Civil Service School, Rochester, . N. Y. CUdfKHATE with me; easy home bus iness, i spare time; no canvassing; capital or experience necessary; I will furnish everything. I have averaged $100 weekly for -4 years in same line. You should do as well; particulars free. Voorh i es. Desk 151, Omaha, Neb. DISTRIBUTORS "$50 for Riving away 400 pkgs. Borax Soap Powder' is title of proposition we send you free. No money or experience needed. B. N. Ward & Co., 216-Institute, Chi cago. I HELfr WANTElFEMATiK 2 SMART, I refined girl or woman for general housework. Must be good cook and congenial as companion to Invalid jady. Good home with mod erate salary to right party. Four in family, no children. State age, refer ences, salary expected and phone num ber. G-392. Journal. GIRL -wanted for general housework in small family at Seaside; return to Portland June 1. Position perman ent, if satisfactory. Want girl who likes children and. who can appreciate good home. Small wages. State age and give- relerences. .. Z.-49. Journal, PANTS operators wanted at once, in custom pants ehop. Must be experi enced, nest wages paid in the city. Steady position. 2934 Stark st Room 306. t WANTED Cultured teacher of execin tive ability for responsible position; good appearance necessary; references. For appointment telephone, room 795, Hotel Benson, Monday morning. WANTED - Thoroughly experienced tailors, also sRirt and waist help; no others need apply. 205 Columbia WANTED- Home" for boy 4 years old in private home; board and care by month; must have yard. State price and location. X-846, Journal. WANTED 4 ladies to solicit the wholesale trade; 20 per cent Com. Ad dress 669 3d St., Portland. Or. G1KL or woman to assist with house work; small wages, board and room loth st. WANTED Ladies to demonstrate res- - idential work, cltv and road, $2 and up. itoom buo cotumnia piag. WANTED, girl to assist with second worK. 320 llth st. Phone A-188H WANTED School girl for board, room ana some pay. F-7S9. Journal. HELP ; WAlCTftD -IttAJLES AND FEMALE 20 MEN and women to learn the barber trade, wages paid while learning; tuition reduced, positions secured. The only chain ox scnoois in tne world. Send for free catalogue. MOler Barber College, H, 48 N. 2d St. Orecon Barber College will teach vou the trade in i weeks) scalp and face massaga specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed; pay while learning; tu- tion reaueed mis term,, zaa Maanun. WANTED, agents Of ability to handle something new; best on the market; sens in every npuse, iN-iat journal WANT man and wife to work on far mi Cows to milk. can. Main 847 WHEN 'you answer these Want Ads, .mention The journal. MAN and Wife for fartm Wdltl. 2143. DARUBIIS AND SUPPLIES 60 Barbers'. Supplies loweItices FOR STANDARD GOODS. Witch Hazel, $1.10 gal. Bay Rum Compound, $60 gal. "Micro'" Tonic, $4 gaL; $1.3o 7-in. Henkls Scissors, $V. etc. Dept. 6, Clarke-Woodward Drug Co., Woodlark Bldg, Alder at West Park, Portland. Or. Elevator. to Bth floor. . GRIFFON CUTLERY WOKkS Solinget, Germany! Bridgeport, Conn.: Montreal. Can.; M. L, Pollook, Lee Kemp factory representatives. Ap f (ointments solicited. Larga. selected lne fall cutlery. Lee Kemp, 661 E. trtn st. north, yortianq, ur, LEWIS-STENGER Barbers' Supply CO. Morrison and 10th. Oldest and most reliable house on-tns.cqsst...ThSt all. SAVE money on Larber supplies. Port. Cut. & Barb. Sup CO-. 88. 6tb. WASTED AGENTS WANT agents to handle fast selling home arid office necessity, 100 per cent profit, surs repeater; exclusive territory, ; Sample ,10o. NoeckeLs, 211 farKwyjwg., , r-nuaaeipma, pa. BIGGEST agents' proposition ever of fered; get busy today; absolutely hew; biiT profits; particulars free. enry j-teissner. anerwood. or. AGENTS for Oregon to sell life in nranc to thasfer Masons Rtata m-r. erience. .' A-95, Journal. . ? FO' UR lady agents! something new: sold in every home! blar commission. Appty pi' Reserve st. Vancouver, Wn. EXPERIENCED advertising sales mart -watitaA tiublisTuir Of & ek. ly magain, Q-S47, Journal. WOMAN with experience as solicitor wsjited try publisher of s, weekly tnagasine. 12944 Journal. -- - WANTED AGENTS 6 rrj u ?yy-?.,,-.-L.'rT'.ii-Li-ii - $9 DAILY average selling improved advance pump governors.- They make the hardest working pumps work easy, windmills turn in slightest wind, pumping engines, work with less than nan tne - gas; m . aii pumps; war ranted 6 years; pries ! each. Honor able men wanted to sell them every where. International Foundry Co., Ht. Paul, Minnesota. - RARE OPPORTUNITYr-To represent old established well rated . factory, manufacturing exclusive fast selling patented articles used everywhere; few hours evenings at home with little cap ital should start Sou in highly profit able, fascinating business: no canvass ing; experience unnecessary; big prop osition; write 'quick. Pease Mfg. CO. Dept. F-65, 61 Broadway, urraio, N. x, acknts if I had voiir name I could" show you how to earn $25 to $5d weekly, ureatest sener in years, uver 700,000 sold in last six months. Every housewife Will buy On sight. Postal brlbgs liberal proposition and free sam pie. Address, ianumciurer, i union q.. N. Y AGENTS We have an exceptiohally attractive proposition for general and special agents. Exclusive terri tory granted. Excellent opportunity for paying business of your own. The Pathescope Co., 7184 Third ava., 8e- attie, wasn. WE start ypii in business, furnishing everything, men arid women, su 19 $200 Weekly, operating our ''New Sys tem Specialty Candy Factories " -home anywhere, no canvassing. Opportunity lifetime, booklet free. itagsdaie Co. Box Z. East Orange. N. J... ; BE ONE of our enthusiastic agents. Rla-a-eat Klllnir nror.OHl tion vtr of fered. New and attractive. $2S to $50 a week easily made. Start now. Write for full particulars. Allison-Oliver V. V' . , , ' . AVO, PCCl. ., ftllj. AGENTS make 600 per cent profit selling .Novelty Sign cards." Mer chants buy 10 to 100 On aight. 800 varieties. -aiaiog iree, . - SULLIVAN CO., 1234. Van Burep Ht-, Chicago, jii, RELIABLE manufacturing concern seeks responsible party to control state rights on sure repeating neces sity, no competition, big- demand. PERFECTION COMPANY. 13 West 3ist st., New York. USE your spare time to build up a mail order business of your own. We help you start for a share In profits. 27 opportunities. Particulars free. Mutual Opportunities Exchange, reuiraio, jn. , AGENTS Wonderful LESWERK UONDRr TABLETS. Everybody buys again and kgain, Bigr profits. Send 10c for month's supply and prop osition. LESWERK MFG. CO., Rich- mono Hill. JN. I. AGENTS Snappiest household line on earth, red hot sellers, steady repeat ers: goods guaranteed; over lot)1 profit: write auick hurrv. E. M. Kelt man. sales mgr., 1694 3rd st, Cin cinnati, Ohio, - AGENTS Salary or commission; greatest seller yet; every user pen and ink buys on sight; 200 to 500 profit; one agent's sales $620 in 6 days. anotner 32 in 2 nours. Monro? Mig. Co., X-244, La Crosse, W1S; AGENTS everywhere; best selling household specialty: everybody wants it; success assured; Investigate today; particulars free. The Rackur Specialty co. room 312. liberty Diag Seattle, vvasn. AGENTS 100 per cent profit; some- wunK new wnicn sens ai signi. csena for particulars today. The Reliable Cn.reU T-Kav. 1 T 1 . kU Spokane, JWasb. . AGENTS Wanted to advertise our Roods by distributing free samples to con sumer; u cents an hour: write lor run particulars. Favori Products, 7137 vvayne biog. Dayton, Ohio, WANTED Salesman for book just is sued; good Beller. .Apply In per Eotl. F.. Cornelius Hotel. SITUATIONS MALE rUi msisS-TSi''JiiWt i i ' i WANTED Summer engagement with some good band by a good musician, who cah play anything in band except slide or reed instruments; played in Portland with police and Uarriman. vv. O. Weber, .room Z'ii Masonic bldg.. The ualles, or. WANTED Positloh in auto supply store or garage, by a let-class ma chinist who has had good experience In operating machines and eooJ gen- eral knowledge of the business. All around to be very useful; good ref- erengea. H-34, journal. POSITION by sober married man as foreman, or overseer, concrete or construction; can furnish A-i refer ence, Willing to go anywhere. A-3D7, J purnai, ...... EXPERIENCED, reliable man wants lawn, landscape ana general garden ing, Bod. laying work, day or contract. Tabor 386, from 8:80 to 5 o'clock. Tabor 256, evenings references. POSITION wanted from large wholes sale firm by reliable, experienced collector; best references. H-25, Jour nal. EIjUKRLY man wants any kind of lignt worn; sooer. nanny, goon work er; must have work. quick. H-42. Jour nal WANTED By single man, age 23. so- Jber and honest, work Of any kind, at $30 per month. Call or address 76UVS Kelly st. EXPERIENCED man wants work gar denihg. 7125 64th ave, S. E. Phono 1 abor 24 8a. Skilled Carpenters Furnished on short notice. Mar, 7GS. YOUNG married man (Scotch) wishes position aB stableman: Very coin- petent; references. 1-44 8, journal, mahhihu man wants work on larnij good milker. Beaverton, Or., Route 2 hr,T aa PAINTER, all around hand, married, wants work; $3 a day; references.X 848, journal, SINGLE man, aged 85, wants work on farm; good milker and teamster. X- B36j Journal YOUNG mart wants position with suf Vey party. Three years experience; will go anywhere. journal. SINGLE man, age nT, wants farm work, can milk and handle horses. 1105 Hawthorne ave. STITCHER and planer. Man. First class and steady. Reference. V- B54, jonrnai. CARPENTER-FOREMAN wants work, day or contract- Address 6014 49th St., 8. E. Mala 6273. , MAN wants painting, tinting, house Cleaning, any kind of work. A-1575, room 17,. YOUNG, .single man wants position on dairy farm, thoroughly experienced; pest of rererences. a.-&o, journal APERHANGER, painter and tiijter must nave work. ijnone Marshall 726. THE window cleaner and houseman wants. wprk, day or hour. Main 2302. WHEN yoti want a carpenter for any fPERIENCED cafpettter wants work fcLECTRlC CLEANING 50c per hour 2 hours or more. Manor 190, PRINTING pressman wants position; cylinder or platen. V-9.48, Journal, GOOD painter Wahts work for con- tractor. .hone Woodlawn . J.56 8. PAINTING, kaleomlning rooms $1.50 up...fapernanging,. Mam, zaag. ALL around restaurant cook; can: give good references. G-155, Journal. SlTUATlOAS -FEMALE LACE curtains band laundered, 25c up. aiiearor, eeuwooa is LACH curtains done by experienced. 11 years. Tabor. 5933, Mrs, Scott WOMAN wants day work. Washing . and cleaning. . Mala. 65S3.. ' Room. 26. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper. DUBineea college graayate. M-Z303, WOMAN would like work by day or . hurrMftln 891. . , 1 . ' ; WANTED---Housecieanrng by ths day y competent women, j4.-ga3. jou rn a t. RIVATE lessons in English, 25c les- poii. inain iin. . . ..... Cp'RTAINS laundered at home. Main V13V. WOMAN wants 'work, ia-ur or " day. Woodlawn 41xL SITUATION S--iraSIAlik YOUNG' lad v at ability wants position In city; 10 years' experience in of- rice; some experience wun tjpewnwr, Quick, capable; best of references box g 6 . ca mas. , yv as n. ESpERIENCED cook and housekeep er would like position In good fam ily. 14 years' experience in one fam ily. Send answer oy man io nv ua 'ont si-, foruano. vr, LAD if with trl, aged 11 years, wishes position as housekeeper tn a refined home; caii give -ood references; Will go out of city. Phone Tabor 3803. 12 67tn st, . YOUNG woman with girL 10, position as housekeeper; refined, neat, good cook; best of references; no triflers. H-f 4Z. journal FOR 25c an hour have your letters written or uuuno jiubicu uy cpci lenced stenographer and bookkeeper. Phone Marshall 897. . . . , .. ' YOUNG lady wishes position as cashier or assistant in aentiet s or uocior a office. Neat, attractive and reliable. Must have work. t-3i, journal.'. EXPERIENCED lady will take charge of apartments or rooming house for room and emau salary. caii eeii. 1233 WANTED, to tjare for a girl, very reasonable; will spend summer on our homestead if mountains: . respon Bible people, can mornings. n-iszt RELIABLE girl, age 32. would like position as housekeeper in or out of town by May 15 or June l. N-404, Journal, WIDOW, with bov 14. wants house. keeninir bositlon on ranch or other Wise: good cook, good reference. Ta bor 2313. IM-Uf, journal. RESPONSIBLE, middle aged lady wili care for house during summer for party leaving city. neterences mr nisiieq. s- 6 . journal. DINn KtrlS! narties. weddinsrsa etc.. planned, prepared or served; refer- ehegs.. . seuwood ib. POSITION as chamber maid or house perienced. reference. Phone. Mar, 470 FIRST-CLASS laundress wants bundle washing and rougn ary. Measonaoie. Woodlawn 63L WANTED, aewihg or cleaning by day. Best of references. Address 7928 61 st ave., S. lfl., city.. ... ,. , COMPETENT woman wartts work as chambermaid: must go borne nights, Tabor 5011, Good xteadv eirl wants place to learn dressmaking or other day work. Phone woodlawn S52i. EASTERN lady wishes position as nouseKeeper in tv iuu vi a uiu irjione .giarauaii aai? WOMAN wants Work by day, H. C. and other work. Reference. Phone B.1041. - GIRL employed during day wants place in private family to work eve nings ror Doara ana room, rnuns vruin 1849, Monday. DRAMATIC reader desires engage ments: reasnable. Mrs. Blowers. 312. 180 E. Harrison. H-35. journal HOUSEKEEPER wahts position with widower with children, write Mrs, Ellery, E. 72d, Fremont. WILL cleah house Or do washing. $1.50 day and carfare. Tabor 2735 A 1'OUNG German woman, with expe- rience, wishes work in home Dakery. Call Main 3113. SITUATIONS WANTED JUALE AND FEMALE 23 REFINED, middle aged Woman , wants position, housekeeper for widower Tf 1 1 II I'tlllU. VII, V t ... H'J ...v., economical; home maker. G-879, Jour nai. - - . MAN and wife (Scotch) with boy 10 years old, wish position., oh. ranch j good workers; references. F79 Jour- Tlftl. DKESSrWAKINQ 40 npuasvi itnMI! stilt Knit fiiSatfc- makeover3, corset makinjti abdomi nal support a specialty. Tabor 6249, 18 81 Htwtnornt, f nt u noftr Hrsasmsklnfr. remodellntr. 25 per hour. Tabor 6596. 272 E. 86th st. H MRS. BLACK, expert dressmaking and repairing. neasonaDie. etsv wasn ington. FIRST class dressmaker, wants sewlng by day; work guaranteed; Alain 75g FASHIONABLE dressmaking. Re modeling. Marshall 1963. .. . DRESSMAKER will do general sewinj? in families. l.25 a day. 170 jv. ltn. NUltSES 60 AN efficient nurse capable of handling any case; best of city and doctors references. Tabor 4?2. PRACTICAL nurse, confinements pre ferred; doctors' references; terms reasonable. E. 6374. ; EXPERIENCED nurse would like care of invalid; would travel; or would like care of child. Main 918ft. b'V IN IHHK1I IUJOMS tUIT DOWN EXPENSES. Save paying light, water, c as, wood, car fare and other bills by living kt the SARGENT HOTEL. Grand . and Hawthorne, and have a large, light, nutsida room, with board, for 2 Peo ple, $54 a month. Plenty of hot watef and heat, elevator service day and night, elubroom with pool table and piano for use bt guests, larfre lawn ana roses,, ana many spciai auvantaEep, COR. THIRD AND MAIN STB. Thoroughly modern and clean, and conducted as a first-class hotel, tifide." the personal supervision of the oWfi--ers; special rates ty 4 the week 6f month to desirable .parties. . . , WAR WAR WAR On hotels. Hotel Oak, on Oak between Broadway sjid Park; steam beat, tun ning water all rooms, good beds and mattresses, clean as a pin, in heart of city, for. .81. 60 per. Week. Madras Hotel KISS ttwFSft rooms, $2.tv up. ar oay tuo, 'c, j; cor. Kla.ftna . vv agtmig mu. Bf. ETHKLTON HOTEL, 106 lth st., har Wash, clean. Quiet, mo'defn conveniences, summer rates, $i w k. u Pr-Trans, solicited. Mar, , , I t 1 it ' . . i i li.7 t . t TlI lli inside room. $1.75 week; brick, steam neat; iree pnone and oatn. zb latn St. A QUIET PLACE FO-tuUIET PEOPLfl - . , .. . n A i 1 Cleanliness and c-dmfort. 83 per Wk. Up. i tilVlNU rooni basement, furnished: tilnii. all other nbnliances fr? for $15 per month. 209 2d et, room 309; elevator, ftiain aopg 124 14th st.. cor. Wash, desirable 1d cation, strictly modern, private bath, phone, $3 up. Rates to tourists. M, 14.43 THE ALBION HOTEL, 212 3d and Kalmorjk Rooms $1.79 week up; steatd beat, hot and cold water, free bai. phone. ROOM STROOMS, ROOMS. Single $a. to 8 week; with bath, $4.50. Transient 60e, 75c, $1. 131 11th st. ; MAXWELL HALL, a- charming tamily hotel in business district; home priv lleges: modet-n: 82. Week, np. 207 tjthst. HOTEL BUSHMARK, modern single sleeping rcoms. ja.su up. 6B Washington. CLEAN, light rooms. sinsUi and double. iree patn, botn pnones, steam neat. 443 Oofutnbfa.- Mkfil 7410. A-S978. NICELY furnished A rooms, facing titfrlr IS mlfintea tn T O PrtlrotA family. References retttiired. 7 Park. HOTEL ARTHUR, llth near Morr),oii Transient ana permanent, rmrai witn II modem conveniences. it.pq. mo. up. ROOMS- and apartments in modern no tel. 83.50 werk ana op.. 45 Alier. Nicely furnished A D bnTT day Hp. I2S Wasn. st ADDUI I 1.60 wk. up! ii WEEK up, Vleani warn moiiern fuf. rooms, central, 'in iin& soy Jeff. MOTEL t EMI TOURIST hotel, 1st and Morrison- Modern froflt rooms, $3.60 tip; Others $2.60 up; tran., SOc up: trait. tpadesoL mtNISlltel HOOMS . mmi mm- - 11TH AND YAMHILL. H Under New Management. Nicely furnished, clean rooms, single or en suite; elevator service, hot and cold water, phone in every room; $10 up. Excellent cuisine. Transients soli cited. Phone Main 6963, i PLEASANT HOTEL ACCOMMODA i - TIONS. toe mm Tiifs llth at Stark, Lobby on 41th St. Modern Outside Rooms; $3 weekly and up. ! WE PAL! ! . 350Mi Alder street. ., 4 ' Located In the heart of-the shopping and business district. Transient trade solicited. Reasonable rates. Main lss3, A-2U74. HoteT 12d lSth Bt.. . E. Cor. Washington Large, clean, front rooms, with all modern conveniences, hot and cold wa ter arid private phone in every room; vaeuum cleaner service. Rates $4.00 week up. Transient trade Solicited. YOUNG men may consult without chares rearieter of furnished-' ronmn at Yt M; C, A,, listing e-era hundred in all parts of the city, also those In tne Association puuoing. i. . . 1' 1. . 1 wain i t. ij itoom mate to reduce rooming expense. Fireproof build ing, snower batns, individual beds. Call or aoaress t. m. c. a. business office. FURNISHED ROOMS 70 garr ATS ta.uxx.-x 2 NICE furnished rooms, private fam 41 A m-. 4i - -1- . . . ,1. .1 m i TT.. tijt 99 aim 1 uei iiiuiilu, o xiau- cock st., near Union ave. Phone East $16 Irvington district. furnished room in C. S. family. Walking dis tahce. Breakfast if desired. East 4414. 2 NICELY furnished, modern, i lii?ht and airy rooms, large yard; rent very reasonable; walking distance: dulet surroundings. 424 3d St.. cor. Han. t MO., elegantly lurnished room. Drl- Vate bath; new modern house, 6 inin ute car, jitney service. 103Z is.; Z7tn in.'. Alberta car. CLEAN, pleasant, airy rooms, 6 blocks from P. O. Refined family, bath arid phone. 218 W; Park. Main'73BL WANTED A blue working girl to snare . modern apartment, SB. 60 mpntn. Journal FRONT room, suitable 2 eentlelnen. Private family. 03 Ella. Reason- anie, DESIRABLE, large room, suitable 2 gentlemen. Modern. Hot water. 490 Taylor. NEWLY furnished large room; also smaller, $8 up; private family. S8a J 111. Wl llll imi 1 1 1-. 'V 1 1 . TWO nice, clean, well furnished rooms in private lamuy. walking distance. jwg Kast isrq Bt., g $2 WEEK, larse bav window .room : bath, phone, close iri. 420& Jef- lereon. , NEATLY furnished room, rent reason. able, close in. 606 E. Main, phone mast 2767. FINELY furnished, very large front room, strictly modern, ll per mo, 332 Harri- . st. FURNISI w t rooms, modern, 6 mln ute Walk from 5th and Wash. $1.50 per week ana up. mam s3Y4.. $2.00 NICE front room, large closed bath, phone. 694 Everett st. Main S1NGLEL furnished rooms, $6 to fW. "..11 iib-iia auu iiaiii mtiuueu. D i eavier st. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room in private rami iy ror $6 month; break- mai 11 oesirea. rnone lanor 360 SINGLE and double sleeping rooms. $2 up. 403 Broadway. LARGE front sleeping room for 2 gen- iienien. nient price. a otn. WEST SIDE, close in, an Ideal placS for 4 young ladles. . Main 6309. JITNEY driver, furnished rooms. $2.60 per week, r re garage. lapor lg'j. 12.60 WEEK I large rooms, 2 beds, range and sink. 408 Jefferson st OKS large outside furnished room. o-o per mo. z tu. Bin St., w. NICELY furnished room. 887 Mill st. tNr-ruNisMED nooiia 10 FOR RENT--4 rooms In private resi dence, upstairs, laree fileuWuie porch. light furnished. 1835 Alberta St., Al- perta car. ... ROOMS AND BOARD IS PARKVIEW HOTEL,- 386 Montgomery st.. at West Park, Family hotel; all modern conveniences; rates fef regular ana . transient guests THE HAZEL., eor. 3d and Montgomery, Fine furnished rooms and board. $8 up.: steam n?at. not, natps: rree pnone. FiRST class board and ..room, best cooking, 6ft up; 848. college st. NICE large airy roorhs, home cooking, f asa Rosa. It Jefferson.. WHKN ton answer tbCM Wants Ada. ucntimi . The Xournal. ROOMS AND BOARD 72 , . . ,Ajra y Aani.T ,u . NOB HILL, 82 LUcretia St., near Wash ington, well furnished room in at tractive modern home for gentlemen; organ rapt ana-ainner ir desired. ROOM and board for 2 ladies, couple of men: homa brivileeeSi reasonable! phone today. C-2692 or call 982 EL iztn st. n. FURNISHED rooms With Or Without toafd in private family. Rooms all newly furnished. 434 Mill St. Maid 6140. ROOM and board for 1 or 2 gentleaaen. with all the comforts of home. 64 w.. lgtn st., cor, uavis. PLEASANT room, walking distance. With or without board. 641 E. Main! Eagt2Qf I ROOM and board, all conveniences, use of ninn - iSR R. 15th frr Tllvialnn X. . w . rt 1 1 ...., . i j i 1 . .. . r-" r : : WANT a child 3 to 6 to board -yery : reasonable, ror company. Mrs. l . ii. emithj 473 iiiiiamg. aye, .upstairs. ROOM and board, every home privi lege, large rooms, porcnes, rine view. 910 Kelly,. s, P,, Marshall 4662. LARGE, light, clean rooms, single and double. uoaro ir desired. 36 up. gg Washington.. FRONT room, good board, very rea- sonable. Mar. 2618. 166 N. 18th. $5.86 up, pleasant rooms, good board. walking distance. 83 wortn 17th MODERN rooms, with or without board. Phone Main 3787. 681 Hoyt. ia WEEK, room, board with Scotch ram ll y; 111 in. I7tn st. WANTED-Small fchild to care for by the month. Call Woodlawn 268. FTTrNISHED room with -board.. $29 llth st. .PhotieA-1636., ...... WoiSkiAN with good home wants chil dren to board. Marshall 4226. HOUS atEElISO ROOMS 8 FURNISHED H K. rooms, laundry, bath, phone free; $1.60 week up. vYlitarnene, &avy oumwae, 9 4 UNFURNISHED . Housekeeping rooms. 610 B. Clav. Adult. Earnl V63. OILMAN hotet lst ana Alder. " Fur nished H. K. rirn cheap. $1.50 Wk. up. Cambridge bldg,i furnished tl. aL rooms, . central,, cheap. . li4 -Sd.. cor Morn. WHEN you answer these Want Ada. mention Tne Journal, FRONT suite. ti single' H. K, rooms. $& per mo. ast llei RdYCRfcS'P; 14 iith, feuites "iha singis rooxam pgr -day, . week-c r tno&uu IlOt'SKKKlPlXO ROOMS 8 (Oosdkiiedt ONE csom with i kitchenette, complete ly furnished, I steam heat running hot and cold water, phone la every room; 7 blocks from 8th and Morrison sts. ; $1 2 and up. Ill Columbia, it, corner etn st, II. K. SUITES beautiful' grounds, trees' and flowers; $3 per week. 889 N. 19th, 16th or 8 ear. Baths water, phone and garden space free. Marshall 1 E . - I LARGE front room and kitchenette, $3. 4 room suite and pantry, $4.60. Cheerfully furnished, electric light and bath free. Four minutes' walk to bus iness center. 806.4th st. NEATLY furnished 2 room houeekeep ing suites, sink, gas, bath, free phone and electric lights; Walking distance1, rehts $2.25 per week and up. 872 E. Clay, cor. Union. The Dunford. NICE, furnished 2 and 4 room house keeping suites at 244 H Killings worth ave.: low rent.. Phone Wood- Id T. II no' i1vi.ool CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooms, ,$1.50 per week and up, en suite; free phone and electric lights. 264 Jeffer son . st a -- - . . . . , . $1 to $2.00 week, furnished H. K. rooin: tree neat, muuui ), umu. Phone East 6039; 803 Stanton. U. car. 1 AND i room H. K. suites, $8 to $13- month; steam-heat. . 845 N. lftn st-, corner Marshall. Marshall 443 r- v- CV I licr tx OL i a nail, J.i ai phh.ii Tew SINGLE H. K.. $5 and $6 per month; electric lights, . running water, gas, .. V. . A1.1. .1 iiw jiiuiic. ivll niiu.mmi.pyi 3 ROOM suite with pantry, first floor; light and airy. 1T0 Chapman near Morrison, ' ' . HOusEKfcuri-Va roois 73 PRIVATE AUXX.t LARGE, modern housekeeping rooms, single or en suite, finely equipped, electricity, phone, convenient to bath; rent reduced for summer; walking dis tance; on gooa canine. ,87 n, letn st. $18 MONTH, 2 large connecting house keeping rooms,' ground floor, private bathroom; separate entrance, fireplace, lovely yard, cooking gas furnished: close in. Single housekeeping room $8 month. 276 Williams. .Phone A-2684. 8 CLEAN. furbished housekeeping rooms; private toilet, batht private front, back poreh, yard electric lights, linens, wster; all for $10.60 per month. 195 E.'74th st; N, M-V car. 4 ROOMS, furnished complete, entire lower -floor, pantry, sink, bath, range, fas, furnace, reasonable. 2 blks. Haw horne car. 755 , E. Main, corner 83d. B-1849. 2 LARGE, cokv housekeeping rooms, In private home, with all modern con veniences, nice vara, rent $14. 130 El. 19th. Phone East 1696 2 OR 8 clean, new tinted, airy furnished housekeeping rooms, gas and vood stove to cook, laundrv and bath. Phone . r- -t t a P. , - . . 1 - I'.aBt pill., ni.ju. giurrinun. S8.50 Three nice unfurnished house keeping rooms, cottage, gas, bath, vnrd. separate entrance, close in. 610 First . $2.25 AND $2.50 weekly, clean, well furnished housekeeping room, cool stid quiet; large porches and yard. 171 3th. . .. . .. WO large housekeeping rooms, $6 mohtn; first floor, witn porcn: nan block -from Hawthorne. car: no children. 291 E. 49th St. . , . WO, front, gas -ange. sink, pantry, closet, 2 beds, bath, phone, furnace. Houseaeeping rooms, west jeiuo, pri vate family: ,4Z MarKef. . TWO housekeeping rooms, water, gas, private entrance, $3 a week, .289 Salmon st. ' . ' : H FURNISHED housekeeping rooms and sleeping porch. 914 is. xamnni. Tabor 2193 tlOUSEKEEPlNG and sleeping YOoms. walking distance; clean, $1 and $2.25. 400 2d, Ct. THREE furnished h k. roomsi nice lawn, gas, electricity, bath; rent $12.60. ast 6506 BEAUTIFULLY furnished 8 room suite, all modern conveniences. Main 4839. 700 Flanders st 2 H. K. rms., with alcove, large sleep ing and private poreh, sleeping rmav 2 blks. Wash. 714 Kverett, cor. 22d. LARGE H. K. room, modern, free hone, batn ena electricity. a. iu i Oth st. fvm. . ... . . . . . 8?I TAYLOR Suites and single H. K. rooms, free light, phone, bath, laundry. LARGE pleasant front room, electric ity, running Water, first floor. 206 ltth t .... - H Ki and sleeping rooms, close in, $1.60 up. 26 N. 17th; modern con veniences. SMALL, well furnished room and kitchenette; reasonable. 821 West Park. $12.60 4 H. K. outside reoma, yard, tinrrhm. machine. b.br crib. 418 Vancouver, kiani pass TWO connecting rooms, first floor, hot water; also single H. K. rooms. 827 W. Park. ... CAN arrange housekeeping rooms in twos, three and singles, at low rate; Close in. 105 W. 10th S. Mar. 6915. CLEAN, well furnished housekeeping rooms: water, lights, bath and phone, walking distance, i 271 Montgomery st. LARGE, light, clean 2 room suites, furnished complete; $3 and' 89 per tno. 831 Thurman et- near torn. NICELY furnished housekeeping rms. 62 per WK. 324 Main, cor. Btn st. . . TWO room H. K. suite, everything com plete. $3. 294 llth.. .... LARGE, clean front room, also 2 room suite. HO, 294; Jeff ergofi. 2 AND 3 room apts., $18 to $25; also Blngle. . 835 Montgomery FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 1st floor. 71 E. llth st, N. LARGE double room, suitable for nouseaeeping. izo win inseny t. i i - i 1 .' j 1 i 1 ui i TWO outside housekeeping rooms, $10 per mo. 646 Washington st., nr. 16th. LOOK, good IL K. rooms Cheap. 6S1 Williams ave. East 6S65. THREE desirable rooms, completely furnished for housekeeping, 641 6th. FOR RfcVf HOCS.8 12 FOR RENT 7 room house, with yard; . strictly modern, almost new, goou neighborhood, on i east side, I block irom .canine, ypone Tapor GOOD 6 room house for rent. lOOYeet In, CRvlflO ilA lawn . 1 V . 1 V . t 111 1., . . W V . . . . and rose bushes. Ayren ft Smith. 601 Northwest bldg. Main 75. 256 ROOM modern, R. C. Park, $1.6 6 room oungaiow. $7 4 room cottage. ' .. 49S e. 5otn st. n, . la.por IQ8I, t OK BENT 5 room modern house. For particulars j and Key call next door. 6501 42d st.,1 S- E., near 66th ave. Kenneth floetz, B-lt9. NEW C room house, modern conve niences, gas. electricity, only $12.60, also furnished 6 room house. . Call Woodlawn 1044.. J .', ....... . SIX room bungalow, 3 lots, near Lau relhuret, $17.50 to responsible par ties. C, DeYouttg, 614 Chamber of Commerce X 1- 1 . UUI. . DU..I..M1,I W ..,.., WUW .U good carllne; 100x100 lot; nice lawn anri fir trees. Mam ;&36s SUBCRBAN 1 acre, modern house fruit, barn, garden, within city lim its. Bell wood nil electric lights, gas and bath, $1. Phone Sell wood 1 934. . . MODERN 6 room bouse for rent 40th 1 a,4v -ttmA van. 191. K , $14 SIX room house, gas. eleo.tricity, .,11 lnf rnilt- Chilian nan 147B E. Gllean, 49th at. ; E; Ankehy car. 6 ROOM cottage, good locality.. Benton St., 2 J blks N. K. Broad t2t way Bridge. $22.60 NEWLY renovated cottage, 89 XI isth i IipV 91 1. Room 911 Molllnir biag. ,Maif 83z- $18 ' room wungalowi hall . buf fet, fireplace, furnace, modern; 1 blocks Hawthorne car. ,z?y r;. &utn.. pmi, ROOMED -house pleasant corner yard, west 5 side. 394 Broadway. Cheap. y.oy.. . .. . f ,,, , ,..,.n,TT ,),,.,,-, 3 ROOMS in double . house. -$10 too. 1281 Corhett st. Key next, door . il2 WEST side 6-room - bouse rood' emidltlon. . 312L 20th .St, . MODERN 6 room, aiouss. WdV 416L 12 - HOUSES. ; $10 4 rooms at W139 49th ave. S, E. W-W car to i Howe station. , $12.60 6 rooms, large -yard, at 1744 r'isk st. tit. Johns car. -6 rooms, modern, at 997 Commer cial at, neaf Blamieha. $17.5o 7 rooms, 789 E. Ash st $257 rooms. 8E. l$th st-. neaf B. Washington. ' , j , ' $37.60 9 rooms, not, water heat, suit able for boardlnrf house, at 666 Gli san st., near 20th, across from new Couch school. $35 10 rooms at 144 North 18th St.. near Hoyt. 1 $408 rooms, modern, at 771 Hoyt it, bet. 23d and 24th sts -$50 9 roorus, gafaje, at 451 E. 24th st N., Irvington. ' ' H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox bldg. j Main 8699, A-5663. MEIER & FRANTra FREE RRNTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. Tenth Floor. Tsmoorary Annea Complete and tei:ble list of all va cant houses, flats, apartments and bungalows in the city: make use of this service When you desire; this does not obligate: you in any manner to this store. Toil will find us willing and ready at all times to help you in locating. Newcomers in Portland wilt find this service especially valuable. Real estate men and owners of private property are invited to list their mi occupied apartments, flats and houses at Meier . Frank treo rental bureau. MODERN up to date 4 room bflnga lows, with built in beds, buMets, bookcases.: window seats and coolers, also seif-lightlng j gas ranges,- water heaters, linoleums in kitchen and bath rooms, full attic with electric lights, full basement with wash trays, gas and 'electricity, fine lawn, windows tuily screened; Webster and Sumner sts., 1 block north of Alberta car. Blanchard & Clethsoh, 762-3 Belling '. rnwie funuay. or evenings c-rzi?. $10 PEU Inonth, ibodern 6 room cot tage, H block from car. good neigh borhood, newly finished: payments ap ply ' on purchase of property, if you choose: will trade. What have youT W. F. Brock, 162 Main St., Lents. Tabor 12 IV, AT Greenburg, Oregon Electric, 2.a acres, partly closed bungalow, toilet, well, chicken house, yard, garden, per Hps. wood for fuel, walking distance, $6 per mo. rent; commutation ticket. 10c. Write Beaverton, Or R. F. D. it oox jai. .ureennurg, 7 ROOM house, in first class condl Uon, all modern conveniences, near school and stores,! good neighborhood, on . Sellwood carllne; . rent $16. 603 Henry ave. . NEW, modern 6 room house, never occupied, cor. Ei 52d and Sherman; goad car and jlthey service; rent $17. Including water. Phone Tabor 1406 or Marshall 646. NEAT 4 room buriHalow, 686 71st st. N., 2 blocks south of Rose City car- line: ground tor garden. s month, Iti- ciuaing Adams. to RENT After MavL 610 a month. 6 toom -bungalow, Woodlawn dis trict, near car. school and stores: has gas stove. 441 Magnolia. Phone nvguiawn V2, i SINGLE young man will reht to right party, -with no small children. Tnod ern 6 room house, close in, east side, for bis room and board. Address Sales- pian. IBS second b ?ti BEAUTIFUL Portland Heights. $8, .room rustle cottage, not modern, an acre of ground, bearing berry bushes. Surrounded by fine' homes. Fred W. uerman co-i .914 Cham, of com. FOR RENT An old house in suburbs (north), to Small family with satis factory references) $7 and pay it in worn t BUi.twoie. rs-, journal FIVE room strictly modern bungalow1 with garage. aved street, large porch, corner E. bid and Clinton) rent is per montp; prrpne ri. 9ZB ft ROOM sunny residence, beautiful -yard, eiectriciiy.f gas, batn and ga- age. fine condition. 475 K. Broadway, zo. owner, sss zamnm st. URNISHED or unfurnished house, izi cnuKenyara ana garden ii Stanton st., bet. Commercial And iter by, FIV'K room strictly modern bungalow. Hawthorne district. 1186 E. Grand St., near E, 89th; rent $16 per month. Phone East 926. FOR RENT $16 month, modern 8 rooms, den fireplace, near car, pi en y grouna. Atarsnau 4B, FOR attractive ' houses to- rent use Clark Rental service, 2d floor Title trust Diqg, FOR RENT 6 room house ai Lents, rtght art car stop, only $6. Address uog pvt. or, $12, INCLUDING water; large, lighti 6 rooms, 661 8d,west side, walking distance; gas, bath. Inquire 649 2d. ROOM house and basement house stands in back of lot. South Broadway. MODERN 6 room house, block to car and school; walking distance; rent en r;ast zin,jnear uavin. FOR RENT 7 roomhouse, garden iof, chicken park, roses: 1 -block from Jellwood car; $16. I Call BeHwood $68, VI V Wwinm timiHn J miHt-Ur l.iri.lr tot ground, fill kinds of fruit. Hawthorns district none laoor 6Z4 FOR RENT 3 room hou&e, 1 acre gar- oen land, fs per montn. u, tlend son, box 123 Miiwaukie No. 2. son, pox Hiij mwun no, . $g MdNtll-6 foocnj cottage, west" aids, close in, nightly, in good repair, lh- $156 room house, 'excellent condition. uwner next door, ji Mi, Htara. Ta- DOr 654 MODERN 6-foom house, electrjo lights snd furnace, 818; 36th and Wood ward ave. phone c-ioeo. 1 rooms, modern 8 nice lots, near nawtnorne car, rent 9Z3.su. Phone Main. 5466. T . 0 ROOM bouse, furnace, roses, block to car. Rose City' Park. Call 617 E. 68tb NV or Tabor 126 2. ..j .. . ... -. ... .. PORTLAND IlTs., S modern 7 tooth house. 4 blocks from school, fins condition) rent 627.60. Marshall 217, $7.60 NICE 4 toom cottage with two lots. Mrs. R. McContiell, 674 R&- mona ave FOR RENT -5 rooms, modern, tiles Faro, rruit, ciose n illl ugens. rnone wooaiawn lsoa. ROOM modern house for rent, de sirabls location. ; iKeflt $85, Inquire eat lynrmiitii mi 6 ROOM house. 8 .lots. Dlet.lv fruit. close in. 87 per Mo. Call phone A- 3628, after 4 p. rn, i . FURNISHED house with garsge, all new furniture. Call 1060 North ltth st. Monday, morn EIGHT roomed house cheap, with 3 lots and plenty of fruit and flowers, yau xyay jvortn nin wennay morn. GOOD 8 room house near Belmont car. Mt. ; laoor, m, ; wain B83 SMALL house, two- or three lots for garc rden. Frank Clark, 1701 E, Stark. 8 and 4 room cottages, 186 and 189 N" 6 room modern house for rent, No. 6 eaq st., wontaviua. eheap, GOOD 7 room house, i 120 . Harrison j ..Pt.jtt Qpenf loday, r .. TWO houses. 6 ro'.rrn each. $1$ per i'fi ipir "ip! YTMninnmn. MODERN 6 room cottage, rent $12, walking distance. j6 6 3 E- 14th at, MODERN 6 room bungalow. Call 'laoor 3108. RENT J room house. No. 331 Larrabee St. Phone Cast 3219. "l0 MONTH, 6 room eottage7 bath, fiectrie ugnts. igoor ouw. - u ' U - r r r- I-'"" . -r r-- FOR riENT-4 room house, cor. Mouth ave., K..4tn st. Kine. corner, Hent $9. MODEHN 7 room house, 935 Wood ward aye., ynone., pen woea .Hal 1 ROOM house. and garage, 423 Union ave. in., rent $ is 1 10, CLE'AN'S roprns. gas," bath, walk ing oisiance. , rasr. az. i3. NICE 4 room cottage and 6 room . riat, close in pnone Fast Z403. TWO modern 6 room houses, $i0 and io. rnone wooaiawn 1 7 9 OB RKNT HOUSES tOotttiau) . I NEWLY painted bungalow,' lift",'' tut' nished. $14. Main 8130. - i - ir FOR RENT IIOHSKS oeatieaear HOUSES FOR RENT, rooms. 411 llth st. S6j . rooms, 667 Madison t., 122.60. rooms. $37 N. lotli St., $16. rooms,' 267 Hall St.. $15. -rooms. 489 Alder st., $16. rooms, 618 Front st, $10. rooms, 833 Madison st.. $20. rooms, 650 Upshur St., $18, rooms, 863 12th St., $30. ; , rooms, 38? First st., $15. rooms. 6ii Mill St., 910 rooms, 173 N. 17th St., rooms. 46$ Market St., rooms, 18$ N. 17th St., rooms, 708 Everett st.. 25, ' 40. it rooms, 289 llth st.. $26. rooms, 470 Hoyt st., $14, rooms, 668 Irving St., $26, rooms, 17$ Meade st.. $16. rooms, 678 Main st., $16j rooms. 40i W. 12th st. NJt I2. rooms, 205 Union ave. N., $17.60. rooms. 686 E. Ankeny, $26. rooms, 476 Holladay are,, $30. rooms, 404 K. 12th at. N.. $20. rooms 194 Cherry st., $20. rooms, 800 East 1st N $27.60. rooms. 176 East Id st. N., $J0. rooms, 607 E. Harrison st., $10, rooms. 168 E. 13th at., $12. I'ARRIBH .WATK1NS CO., 106 Second t. 1 6 7 7 8 9 -7 $ e 6 RENT, MONEY" WILL B.UY IT. POSITIVE! SACRIFICE. ; 6 ROOMS AND BATH. MODKHM (NEARLY NEVV). BIG 1 1 p. FLOWEHS. FRl'lt TREES., ETC-1 NEAR MT. SCOTT CAR. ''001 MERE STATION," NO. 7811 671H AVE.. NEAR 77TH ST.. ! .,rAA ACTUAL CASH VALtm $3r,p0; FOR "QUICK DEAL" WILL HLI.L. FOR $2600; SAlALL RENT PA -. MENTS. Oft CONSIDER 6omi: TRADE ON FAIR BASIS. AD DRESS (OWNER), W. J. PATTERSON, 209 SELLING Hl.UG. PHWFUC MAliN. ibui'. t . . OK RiCNT, J ,,A 6 room cottage. 89 K. 46tli St. Ho. 6 room cottage, 46$ K. Cpiich St., $12.60. j 6 room cottage. 467 E. Couch st., $12.60. 8 room house. 875 14th St.. $25. 6 room house, 1008 Kelly St., $15. 8 room house, 611 K. Grant St.. $15. , v 6 room house, 743 10. Yamhill St.. $la. 7 room house, $18.60. I 7 room house, furnace- and fireplace. $17.60. - - ! THE LAWRENCE CO .171 4tb at... j . Main 6916. A-f8l6.'J . FOR RENT Houses and Flats - J, J, Oeder I Real Estate knd Rehtais, Cof. Orand ave. and ,H... Ankn y. FOR RENT, 2 acres, 4 room house Willi attic, chicken houses, small fruit, Sood well. See Mr. Rue Sunday at reenbura station, 30 minutes out on Oregon Electric. Week days phone Main 7173. A-6061, ; NEW 6 ROOM BUNGALOW $16. Good residence district, near School, church and stores. 5356 46th at. S. 1?. Take Woodstock cr, get of at 631 ave Large lot, j. v. outnrie, m. NEW 6 room bungalow, good locality fine lawn. roses. garden, whlb enamel Dutch kitchen, all modern Con veniences, 100 ft. north Mt. rU'-ett fr 69th ave., hear 83d st.;. $14. Tahpr.4934, 6 ROOM hofise $7 Nartllla. $i4." 6 room house, 698 Jefferson, $14. 6 room flat. 268 HtOut, $16. Keys t 290 Stout st. : ! tXUNlTLHIi r-Olt J J . HOUHES FOIt IllSXT ' FURNITURE of modetn 1 room house (4 rooms rented), terms to i tellable party. fl2 Main at, ' Aim of furniture tor sals are pub lished In tlie Household Goods elsssl r ifstion when house is pot io f rin t. FURNITURE Of I rooms, cheap, house for rent if desired, 418 Etigene pt, FURNITURE sale or trade for team, rent cheap.: 68 Llnnton rosd. City. FUHNIBIIED HOUHKS C3 $15, MODERN 6 room cottage, neatly furnished, large .yard. 612 Delay St., near O-W. R. N. shops. Take L car. Phone East 8412. J . , . . 6 ROOM buhgalow furnished . com pletely ahd fine fruit orchard with place; all for $1$ per mo, Inquire 404 Front st. Modern 6 room bungalow, electri city and gas, at 6422 87th ave., H. E. Keys at 6404 38th aVe., S. E- No cniioren or oogs. HaV13 im.k,l' at' alt ' Places and now offer ours most rea sonable. 108 East 6 5th. near Washing ton, wunnyside car. MV completely furnished six room home, everything new knd cleah, $44 Prescott st., I blocks from Irvington car; l'"0"pl to rprn s loie; reo p i e. FL'RKJSIIKli 7 r66TiTwslSTlrbs.i: rooms, all modern, fine View, romn, lawn garden planted, cheap rent, 704 Mississippi ave. $ ROOM furnished house, garden snf chicken-house, $6 a month. Inquire at 6408 e ave. 8. E. Mt. Scott ear- Iine. MODERN home Rose City Park, beaul tlfully furnished: roses galote; will lease lof ymr, Call Tabor 4966 fiuu day. Main 6273 later. . ; ...'.:.. , NICELY furnished 6 room house. wlti fine garden spot. and plenty rones: water furnished; $16 month) lovely home. Main 4657 of 608 Couch, t MODERN .4 rooms, complete) y f ur nished, besutlful yard, close, in. -Adults. 863 Bacrsmento st. C-l 1 80. SIX" room Furnfshed" house, Chlckeri park, 2 lots, barn; will take soma rent )n 'W'OrH. .Phone East, 8.792. . .. 6 ROOM house, furnished, ehleken park and barn. 2 lots, I block to car. Phone Tabor 64f. ...... PARTY going away or summer ti t thelf furnished house. Marsh. 1077, 887 Montgomery at. . NEW modern " furnished house for , rent, $16. 10$$ E. 87th st N, Wdin. modern house Ea-a'lal iiii.I Division sts.. no. 988, Phone East 6783. Rent $14. FURNISHED house tent for sleepInK, floor and side walls. 474 Alder . K. eor, 14th . $12. $ 20. . FultNls iIed" 4 room cottanej walking distance. $82 Vabcouver ave. East 6848. room modern furnisheoL 'f'ins view, cleans 120 Broadway Drlre. COMPLETELt furnished J ,ruo.,i house, gas, bath, piano, tftagnifl'-eht view, close )h, west slde Mfft 3. 6 ROOM--Nicely furnished. aardn in, nawtnorne car, adults only, in- quire.su rj. 4tn. FOR RENT Small furnished hou; close to river. George Mors, Jn- nlhgs Lodge, Or, . 6 ROOM furnished house, cheap rent. 617 Powell at-, near lth. BroOkiya car. MODkRN 6 room cottage, coniplet.; rurnisnea: preier miaoif'tgta cou fls per ma fitifly, ' East 8699, URNISITeD 8 room houso wiah gir age. 14 7. Larrabee st, near Broad way oriqge. KENT strictly modern, i room parlv leaving city; reasonable rent ft re sponainie party, pnone jceat oa, $li, FOUR room house, partly fur nUhed. 624 Mill, near lth Jlt H ROpM.'furhlshd house, 'Piedmont park; 2 lots, plenty fruit, Wd In, P07. FURNJSH1CD 3 room house) close In. $1 B, 7th st. bet. Oak and pin-, $ 1 $8 8 room hungal ow. nicely furnisiied. garden. jicr 43. $16, 6 Room furnished home, E. 1 Jth and .Alnsworth. East 8185, . FOUR foom furnished house, Inuuire 664 Vancouver ave. .... WHEN Jrou answer thee Want Au. tni ention i ne journal FURNISHED 3 room hu, gas aui oathr 4o n. aim, c"r. itn, ROOM .furnished t-ottsge, wsterl Irht, flJi no childrer). Ktift 1802. E W house, 1 room, nice yard, pho.. water,- light. . Wdln. $784. (OoatXauad oa l,t-k ikit)