THE OREGON SUNDAY,. JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 18, 1915. 11 16 NOW IS THE TIME. ' s SANDY ROAD ACREAGE TRACT. Outside of city limits yet by the road bonds Just voted you will nave paved street past your property with no assessments. Think what it .means. Besides it has water, telephone, and electric light connections now in front or property, 2 short blocks to car and only short distance to school, size 132 x281 feet; terms very easy. See A. II. Hickman at . ' HARTMAJ & THOMPSON. 4th and Stark. - ' ROSE CTTT PARK ' 'Deal direct with tha owners, the original platters of this beautiful part of Portland. Call on ur realty, de partment, cor. 4th and Stark. HART MAN A THOMPSON $550 LOT, snap $500. 1100 down, bal ance $5 per month. Lot 2. block 12. .North Irvington, between Mason and Shaver, 2nd lot south of Mason faces, "west. (B. Dorr E. Keasey & Co, ; 2nd floor. Cham, of Com. PIVRVIHW LOTS 100x100 corner, high, sightly, grand view, look right Into city, on River road. 60 car fare, $250; new garage on place, chicken house-and yard, fruu -trees and all kinds of shrubbery, and only $1400. Real estate men look this up. Z-45, Journal. , I HAVE an attractive lot. close in oa the Heights which I will sell for a vrv riuuionable price and will make terms that will be satisfactory to you. This lot is almost level and has a splendid view. Will sell for one-half of its real value. T-840. Journal. taiTir.n ntow H,,t first see this fine FOR SALE LOTS (Con tinned) residence site, 100x120. 100 feet ott"iJS7'Al:.1i!2u ilSWUluiuo ouuire, vi. .u.o.., neighborhood, near new Franklin High school site. All improvements in, rujr of owner; save commission. Tahor 2329. : 100x100, BEAUTIFUL, view, ground plowed, ready for garden, water, sidewalk, 20 minutes' car ride. Buy now while property and lumber is way down: $400. Easy terms to right party. Bee it. 703 N. W. Bank bldg. BUSINESS CORNER, $450 WORTH $1100. S. W. corner 21st and Klllingsworth, 68x100, 100 ft. on Killingsworth; as sessed value $490; terms all cash. Fred W. German Co., 914 Cham, of Com. FINE homes! to on the west side. 15 t -II. E fjr-o fitxr mlmrtea car ride 5c fare, city wa ter. for only $350; $10 down, $5 per month. This is the best value In the city. M. E. Lee. 505 Corbett bldg. LOT 56x169. Mt. Tabor, large, select fruit trees end berries, room for gar den and chickens. This will suit you at the 'price. Tabor 2759; evenlngs ACREAGE 57 2 and 3 Acre Tracts 7c fare, 20 minutes 4th and Wash ington on Fourth street line, near both Raleigh and Olsen stations and mile Portland Golf club; face on main TBeholls Ferry road: very attractive place, half cleared, balance a natural park: no waste land; view of all the valley and Mt. Hood; .prices 40 un der market for, quick sale; comparison of prices in this locality will convince you; $600 per acre; 1-5 cash. J. G. RAINKY. 0 Yeon bldg. j Marshall 3177. ; A Little Park 2 acres east of Parkrose and near Sandy boulevard. Jitney and car serv ice, beautiful spring stream, also Inch water main, beautiful grove cedar, maple and dogwood, large bee tree, bargain at $1000. Terms. S. P. Osburn, 602 McKay bldg. . s CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port land; Gresham district, electric sta tion mile. New subdivision. Sun shins Valley orchard tracts; best soil, free wood; elegant location. Prices only $75 to $150 per acre in small tracts: easy terms. Frank McFarland Realty Co., 309 Yeon bldg.. Portland. Or. ATTiT)Tt:n A r R F. TRACTS On the. west side. Bull Run water, lights, gas fine view, good soil, 7 cent fare. $250; $5 down, $5 per month. RICHARD SHEPARD, ' 464 Washington st., near 13th, Phones Main 865. A-4710. Five Acres 40 miles south; best of soil; all level and plowed; new house; price $1200; will take a cheap lot as first payment. H-20, Journal. 110 ACRES mile from Monroe, on tjorvauis eiectric; uauu .a. two sides have .sold at $450 an acre; 20 acres cleared; no rock; fine soil; want $80 acre; no trades; owner, H-27, journal o A . I? ."Si A -f' h i A 1H JA. O .) . 1 acre cleared, balance easy clear- j lng; good soil, no rocks. Terms $50 cash. $12.50 month LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of commerce. 5 Acres Close, to Oregon Electric; finest of soil; all in cultivation; 2 acres logan berries; 40 fruit trees; 2 room house; $800: $100 cash. H-22. Journal. Oswgeo Lake Acre tracts for $400, $10 down and $10 per month. Water, lights, and telephones. xn Atomson-Auen Co.. 600 Concord tsid 2d and Stark. Gibson Half Acres Good soli, city water, close to car line, easy terms; will build to suit gurchaser. Phone Marshall 16S5 or ellwood 478. John H. Gibson, owner. FOR SALE, cheap. 3 acres of good land in cultivation, on Base Line Road, which will be hard surfaced now near Ascot suu, mi. iiooa canine. Inquire after 4:30 p. m. at 660 Raleigh street. 8 ACRES highly cultivated land; I acre grove of timber, 1 mi. to Metz rer and Tigard eta., on Taylor Ferry Road. Will sell or trade for Portland property. Inquire 403 Front St. STOP THAT RENT and buy a half acre tract in city limits, level, cleared. Bull Run water, gas, 5 cent carfare. $10 down. $5 per month. Whltmer-Kelly Co.. 711 Pittock blk. HALF acre near Gsweero Lake. only good Very S300: fine view, nice trees. oil. - close to electric station. email first payment, $5 per month. N 88 b. journal. 5 ACRES'. $300 CASH. 'Extra fine soli near electric car. 8 miles east of city limits. Price $1200. Security Development Co.. cor. 4 th and Pine sts. ; 13 ACRES, all cultivated, good soil. su minutes riae, a nun. to station. Only $10 down. Can you beat it? 600 Concord Bldg.. 2d and Stark. ACRE of ground and cozy 4 room bungalow, $750; close to electric station. lOo fare; easy terms. 0617. Journal. FROM 4 to 9 acre tracts, $20 down, - $10 per month, at Valle Vista, United Ry. Nicholas Kies, Hillsboro. Route 1. Box 151. FOR SALE 5 acres, mile to sta tion St. Louis, on the Oregon Elec tric Railway. Worth $1400; will take $700. F-629, Journal. 10 ACRES. $150 PER ACRE. 15 miles out on Oregon Elec. car. Part In cultivation. Security Develop ment Co., cor. 4th and Pine sts. $ ACRES choice garden land. 1 mile east Milwaukle. A bargain for cash. vwncr, x-ogu, journal. A SWELL 2 acre tract at Tigard, all in cultivation, tn tnn all . 406 McKay Bldg.. Main 934. FOR SALE Equity in nice acre on - Base Line, very cheap. Out of work; must raise money. X-852. Journal. I, 2 OR 4 acres, close to Estacada car ,.liBe'?2L0 f11 acre- Walters, r irts pi BROKE, must sacrifice IVi acrna river iv, irruiii. Q-J15, journal. 40 ACRES. 8 miles south Clatskanie; price $2000; $1250 paid; goes for 40c on dollar. 255 N. 17th st. 40 ACRES. years. Tabor 4090. 57 Continued) $3000; Cash $750; Balance Terms Big Bargain at Tigard 1 0 acres, level as a floor, 9 cultivated and in crop, A-l soil. Fine ' for dairy proposition or trench garden; no buildings. Worth $4000. Owner must raise cash in next 30 days to meet note. tB) Dorr E. Keasey & Co.,. 2d Floor. Chamber1 of Commerced Little Farms for Sale 1 acre on electric line. 6c fare; plenty of fruit. Price $1100; $200' cash. 1 acre Oregon City line, near Milwaukle; good, house and fine location; $1600. 3 acres on electric, just out from Vancouver; nice, level land, all - kinds fruit; good house, barn and chicken house. Price $1500; only $300 down. Wallace Investment Co. Room 508, Oregonian Bldg. RICR ' DKMP SOIL Rich land can be bought direct from owners at $15 to $40 per acre and on easy terms, within 5 to 12 miles from , ABERDLEN and HOQUIAM. two I prosperous cities, with three transcon- I tlnental railroads and the largest lum- ber industry in the world, where labor ffli. which fh murkot la ..nllmff right here on Grays Harbor. There are schools, stores and postoffices on the land, also good roads. For further iniormation write at once to WASHINGTON STATE COLONIZA TION CO.. ABERDEEN, WASH Tigard Bargain Bungalow and 10 Acres $32o0 6 acres In cultivation, most of balance part cleared, pretty grove, right of way to Tualatin river: level, ricli land. frY tn null, Bit Good well, barn, chicken house, small uit. etc.. 5 room bunizalow: nwnnp must sell and will let this place go Jjoo per aere under market; $100 tasu, iiu iraue. - J. G. RAINEY. 904 Yeon bldg. Marshall 8177. 9 ACRES, $250. $10 down and 35 a month bum acre3 logged off land, between Portland ana centrana, on main line of 3 rail roads, li miles from town of 800 pop ulation; sawmills, shingle mills and other industries. Some of these tracts are partly cleared, and have a spring ji i uniiiii stream on. frice irotn $35 to $75 per acre. Many tracts of differ ent size to choose from. Good soil, lies wen, iiue iuca;ion, perrect title. BELL, REAL, ESTATE CO., jib itaiiway Kxcnange. METZGER ACRE TRACTS METZGER -' APRR TR4PT9 Coma out and see METZGER ACRE TRACTS, which I am selling now at a great bargain; concessions made to those that contemplate building homes. Only 25 minutes from Jefferson street siaiion. on tne Oregon Electric- Ry. (Salem , line). Commutation -fare, ftr- Call at my office, 310 Oak St., Portland, , . ... .... . . . . HERMAN METZGER. OWNER. $125 LAND FOR 170. Under 40 mile's from Portland. 3 mi. to railroad -and river. We are clearing land and offering it at $70 an acre ready to plow. Adjoining land held at $125 to $200 an sere. None better in the west. Terms $300 cash, balance in light labor at $2.50 a day. Inves tigate. Ki. vvvnn Wilson. iJ3 ( ham. ber of Commerce, Portland. SANDY. BOULEVARD WILL, BE '" PAVED. 5 acres east of Parkrose, near Sandy boulevard, beautiful building spot, view Columbia and mountains, in cen ter of large platted tract with water piped to-each lot. Jitney and car serv ice, bargain at $2000. S. P. Osburn. 502 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark. 3 ACRES WITH 1000 FOOT FRONTAGE. On road to be paved. All cleared. except a beautiful grove for building sue. An exceptionally nice tract. Price $1900. Very easy terms. LUEDDEMANN COMPANT, : i13 Chamber of Commerce. 10 ACRES FOR 3600. In Vt mile of R. R. and 27 miles of Portland, all good land. 6 A. can be put in cultivation this season. baL easy, to clear, 1 mile to school and store. $100 down, bal. can be paid in installment to suit you. J. B. Ruley Co.. 928 Cham, of Com. 10 ACRES right at Shattuck station, your own terms; owner, Main 8380. FOB SALE FARMS 17 ROAD SOON TO BE PAVED 31 acres, 20 miles east of Portland, near Columbia highway, macadam road now by place. 18 acres in culti vation and in crop; 4 room bouse, barn, and out-buildings; finest loam soil; team, two wagons, mower, 8 or 10 hogs, chickens, etc. Price for ev erything, $4500. $1600 cash, terms on balance. If you have clear house that Is worth every dollar you ask for it, might consider exchange. H08TBTLEB & ANDERSON 725 Chamber of Commerce. 80 ACRES one mile from Yamhill, on fine rock road, new modern S room bungalow, new barn, machine shed and out buildings, barn 30x40 with basement for cows, 80 acres in clover, 8 acres prunes, family orchard, good team. 4 cows, 12 hogs. 25 sheep, 60 chickens, wagon, buggy, harness, mow er, rake, plow, harrow, cultivator, 10 tons of hay, a beautiful home all for $150 per acre, half cash, will take trade to $4000. Magoon Realty Co., Yamhill. Oregon. ! ';817.B0 PER ACRE 80 acres, all under fence. 12 acres have been In -cultivation. 40 acres good tillable land when cleared. fine stream through property, large lout range; 11 miles to railroad; price j.4uu, rasa, Daiance long time. uillman & Howland Corner 8th and Main. Oregon City, Or, 40 ACRES. WELL STOCKEDl 0 in cultivation, balance slashed i ana in grass, tine running stream, springs, 'i miie or nara surraced i road to Portland, gooa nouse, rair barn. 5 cows. 4 heifers, 4 sows. pigs, chickens. team, complete -set good implements. Price $6750. Easy terms, if you have as mucn as fisuv casn, or possibly some traae, ir conservative. NEILAN & PARKH ILL, 303 Stock Exchange Bldg. GOOD STOCK RANCH. 1200 acres close county seat, fine road; ,all fenced, good buildings, fine water; best of grain land and good pastures. irlce s 25 an acre. WALLACE INVESTMENT CO., Room 606, Oregonian Bldg. $10.000 440 ACRE fine shut farm. 240 acres in grain, will take city v ij uy iu uvu, kit ien years on balance payable In eroo narmmtn leased for 1-3 of crop which goes to purchaser. vv. j. uavie, 605 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE 6 acres. 4 roomed house, barn, ehlcfe. en house, fruit trees, berries: close to Oregon city. rice tzooo, $600 down. GARLAND & LIND, 191 4th st. Phone Main 8774. . ESTACADA bargain; 160 acres, near county road, $12.50 per acre; terms; chance to make good; small clearing, fine creek; some alder, cedar, fir. 703 Lewis bldg. : Go See Today Cost lOc from your door, improved small ranch at your price. Tabor 4286. 20 ACRES near Hillsboro, all cleared. leuu, good terms; pwner, m. ssso. ACREAGE FOR SALE FARMS 17 (Costumed) Land! 20 Years to Pay! Get Tour Farm ' Home- from ' the Ca nadian Pacific. , Most productive soil good climate ready markets fine transportation m.n tne comrorii ana ways or maKing money farming that you find in the nest rarmmg sections everywhere. LOW PRICES r AND $2000 LOAN This rich land only $11 to $30 per acre Irrigated land from $35'. Twenty years to pay think of it. Long be fore your final payment is due your xarm wul nave paia ior liseir. we lend you up to $2000 for farm Improve ments, on certain conditions, with no security but tne land itseir. Twenty rears to repay it. Interest 6 per cent, f you want a farm home all ready to step Into, get one of our Ready Made Farms. Dairying, hogs and livestock, make Dig lome nere. i lianas laeai zor these purposes. Present conditions in Europe assure highest prices known for everything raised. These offers based ion good land finest on earth for mixed farming and grain growing. The best land will be taken first, so time's precious to you. Write today for handbook and full par ticulars to Y. E. THORNTON, Colonization Agent. Canadian Facinc Railway 112 W. Adams St.. Chicago. Til. OPPORTUNITY FOR LIVE FARMER. ; 224 acres, three miles from Stella, Wash., on the lower Co lumbia, 80 acres in cultivation, fair house and barn, railroad through the place. One of the largest logging companies on the river owns the railroad and this farm. The logging com pany uses on an average of 800 fallons of milk per month and rom $200 to $250 worth of meat, vegetables and eggs per month. The logging company agrees to take all these supplies from the party purchasing this place. THIS IS A WONDERFUL OP PORTUNITY FOR THE RIGHT PARTY. Will make terms. (Bl.) DORR E. KEASEY & CO., Id floor. Chamber of Commerce. 20 miles from Portland, 5 miles from North Plains and electric line. 10 acres- in cultivation, . fine spring, close to school, on county roaa; price iizoo; $300 cash, balance in 10 years, 6. 40 acres. 6 miles N. Plains. 20 acres and other outbuildings: orchard, ber ries; team, cow, 4 head young cattle, hogs, chickens and all farm imple ments; price $3800; half cash, balance easy, 6. 24 acres. 3M, miles from N. Plains, 1 acre cleared, spring; some fine cedar; on county road. Jr-rlce. iizuo; ssoo cash, own terms on balance. 120 acres. 7 miles from N. Plains, 8 in cultivation: new house, some or chard, some fine timber. Price $3200; $600 cash, own terms on balance. 411 HENKY A BARGAIN. 160 acres near Columbia river and Pacific highway, 2 miles to depot and boat landing; from 15 to 20 acres now in cultivation; gooa Dearing or chard; 5 room house, barn, etc.; about 10 acres in small fir brush, very easy to clear; more than 1000 sticks pile timber and an unlimited amount ties and cord wood on place; about 60 of place can De cultivated, Daiance good pasture land, watered by springs: price $4000; must have $1000 cash and will take balance in Portland property. COWLITZ CO. TITLE & XNV. CO, Kaiama, wasti. Partner Wanted Experienced, successful dairyman. with $5000 cash, wanted to take inter est in well equipped $35,000 Benton county dairy and operate same under liberal lease. Address owner. Box 216, Corvallis, Or. DOWN THE COLUMBIA. 10 acres or more of fine level ground, good soil, no rock or gravel, on county road, close to school; this ground will grow anything that can be erown in this climate: Rood markets and shipping- facilities. Price $30 -per acre; to per acre down; will give terms on balance that any industrious man can meet. No interest. F. L. GORDON, CLATSKANIE, OR. For Sale or Exchange 82 acre farm. 50 in fruit, consisting of apples, prunes and pears, 14-year-old; fine 11 room modern house; all fenced with good wire fence; fine wa ter; 3 miles from good town. Part cash, balance in eood income property. Price $18,000. ARMSTRONG & KINCART, Oakland, Or. 40 ACRES, 20 in crops, new six room house, new barn and out buildinas. all fenced hog tight, good young team, nveignt 14&0, cows, nogs. 150 chickens, wagon, harness, good cevered hack, new plow, cream separator, some fur niture and farm implements all for $4500. $2400. cash, balance 8 vears. 6, will take some trade. Magoon rteany uo., lamnni, ure. HIGH SCHOOL ONE MILE. 12 - acres, mostly cultivated- fine loam,' 2 houses, barn, orchard, 4 poul try bldsrs.. 150 chickens: shon. incu bator, separator, 2 cows, large horse and hack; tools, stream, berries, as paragus, etc., ii walnuts, crops; don t write; must sell. I. Wheeler, owner, Langy, ur. SALE By owner, 40 acres, or portion 36 cultivated: 8 prunes. 4 hops, bal ance grain, potatoes; sloping, no rock nor gravel, running water, line spring. nine lium eiBcuic iiauuu, near cnurci ana scnooi, m miies to jportiana, mile td Pacific Highway. 6400: cash. Box 35. R. F. . 3, Sherwood, Oregon. 160 ACRES dairy farm, complete with cows, hogs and young stock: also machinery of all kinds; good buildings. Located in a prosperous German set tlement ana on tne Willamette river. For sale on easy terms. Address 211 v. K.iiiingswortn ave. Fhone Wood lawn 114 BOTTOM LAND. Have some of finest black loam bot tom tana in Willamette valley. Few acres cultivation. Balance small brush easily cleared. Only $60 per acre. A. K. HILL, 419 .Henry bldg. FOR SALE 28 acres. 3 miles from Wlnlock, 13 acres cleared, house, Darn, cnicaen nouse, aii iencea; 3 cows, 1 heifer, 1 pig. 140 chickens, 1 horse, wagon, harness, separator, all tools and furniture. Price $3400 Half down, balance 6. K. P. Keldsen, Star Route, Winlock, Wash. WHO wants a cheap place? 60 acres 3 miles from Yamhill on good rock road, nice spring, small house and barn, hi mile to school, only $1600 half- cash, the balance to suit. Magoon Realty Co., Yamhill. Ore. ACRES land in Orenco, 16 miles form Portland. 3 acres clear, rest Is pasture; nice young orchard; house; good sidewalk; well. ' Price 22500. Easy terms. Write John. Dobra, T)ren co.. Or. FOR SALE: 240 acres fruit and al falfa ranch on Rogue river, near school, daily mail, phone; on read to Crater lake; -good hunting- and fishing. T. M. Peelor, Prospect. Or. SOUTH DAKOTA. Sale or trade 1-60 acres 7 miles R. R., 2V4 to store, hi R- F. D., school acress road; timber land preferred. ; W. O. Hlnton. 6836 47th av. S. E. 50 ACRES. 6 miles from Lents Junc tion; small house and barn. Price $100 per acre; terms. Homestead Real- ty Co., zszfc vashington st. room 16 FOR SALE 2 acres; good buildings, near carline; 10c fare. Snap. Part down, rest like rent. See' John Lenox. itamapo, tsiacaaa line. A WELL improved 80 acre farm close to Newberar: mnan for cash. 4ns McKay Bid;. Main 934. 17 Continued) Splendid Little farm Bargain Consisting- of 15 acres of which about 13 acres . . are under - plow, balance .pasture; no waste land. - There are a oouple of acres In clover. Some winter grain and all spring grain sowed. The Improvements consist of an old 6 room house, fairly good barn, all fenced. Personal prop erty: Span of horses, 4 good cows, a few dozen chickens, 6 stands of bees, all necessary Implements, light farm wagon, dou . ble set. one single set of harness; single seated buggy. This place is lo cated In the vicinity of Hillsboro. only 1 miles from town on a good road; school house on one corner of place. The price Is $2800, everything included. $900 will handle it. Balance at 6. Best buy on the mar ket, considering every thing. Otto & Harkson Realty Co. 418 Chamber of Commerce. Some Choice Farm Buys Highly improved valley farm of 450 acres, close to two railroads, modern buildings, best fenced farm in valley. Fine water and lighting plants; best of equipment. Price for all, $45,000. 200 acre dairy fram in valley. 150 cultivated, well fenced, running water, well stocked and equipped, good build ings, fine orchard. $110 per acre. 73 acres good land near Browns ville, all cultivated, fenced and cross fenced, 15 acres grain; no buildings; $4200. 65 acres, 10 miles from Portland postoffice, 45 cultivated, best of soil, some timber, nearly all in cron: koo4 stock and implements; good buildings; all for $226 per acre. 30 acres. IV, miles from Gaston: 12 cultivated, 4 slashed and seeded, good soil; 'fine young orchard; small houBe, fair barn; price $2000. 800 acres good wheat land In Baker county, 800 cultivated, fenced and has smau buildings; $8000, hall cash. 12 acres. 6 miles from city limits. half in cultivation, bal. seeded, good Darn, small house, fruit of all kinds; $4000. Have many other good ones Call and get particulars. NEAL BROWN, 209 Panama bldg.. 3d and Alder. A FEW of many bargains in Cowlitz county. Wash., near kaiama. the county seat: no. 25 160 acres. 24 miles out, 15 acres cultivated, 6 room house, barn. b acres bearing orchard, more tnan enough piles to pay for place; price flOUU, fiVUV CUBU. No.' 16 120 acres, 6 miles out. unimproved, 65 per cent can be culti vated, lots of pile and tie timber, easy to clear; only $10 per acre; terms. No. 17 80 acres, 6H miles out, on county road and river; most all can be cultivated, principally pile timber; price only $13.50 per acre. rso. 22 20 acres, 7 miles out. z& acres cultivated, 60 acres seeded, most All n o v. V, n. . 1 . 1 .... . . .A Kan iences. ramiiy orcnard. etc.: scnooi on land; price $25 per acre. No. 24 63 acres, 2 miles out, 16 acres cultivated, good house, barn. outbuildings, all fenced; tools go with place; price $2500. COWLITZ CO. TITLE & INV. CO., Kaiama, vvasn. SEE THIS a vi vy auitj ..a.c, m tu.uvauuii, tillable when cleared, 35 acres in pas ture and good timber, land slightly rolling but not rough, 4 miles from Philomath. Benton Co.. good road. 20 i r r . 1 i acres vetch and oats, 20 acres clover, j xa acres oats, x acres young Dearing UltUHlU ill UUU UUllUlllUU, K1UUB VI- I small truits ana Derries, gooa nouse, j rooms, barn and other outbuildings. good team, 6 head Jersey cows and J heifers, wagon and harness, buggy. plow, harrow, mower and rake, all new, also nearly full set of old tools, some hogs, chickens, span yearling Belgian mare .polts, everything goes for $7600 on good terms. Might con sider smaller place near Portland as part payment. Chittenden & Neill, 310 Oak st. $20.00 PER ACRE. 290 acres. 20 in cultivation, 75 level, balnce rolling, but nearly all tillable; small buildings, fine soil, running wa ter, near school. R. F. D., etc., Wash ington county, 35 miles Portland. Will sell on easy terms, or will take $4500 in good city property and balance cash. We have party ready to loan $1500 on above place. Neilan & Park hlll. 803 Stock Exchange bldg. 40 Acres Cheap 20 acres, cultivated, 10 acres more partly cleared, balance timber and pas ture; all rich soil; free outrange for stock; barn, house and orchard; stock, crop and Implements included- close to railroad town, 38 miles from Portland. Price only $2500; terms. The best cheap buy in Oregon. A. K, hilu 419 Henry Bldg. $1350 BUYS 67 4 acres. 8 miles from Willamlna, 12 acres bottom land, 7 acres in cultivation, 10 acres bench land easily cleared, balance in brush and logged off land. Small creek run ning through the place, excellent fish ing, good outside range; mile from school on rural route. Very good six room house and stock shed. East 6298. For sale by owner. 23 ACRES near Hillsboro, all in cul tivation except 2 acres, which is tim ber. Modern 9 room house; city water; electric lights; convenient to two elec tric stations; 5 acres onion land worth $800 per acre; good barn and other out buildings; improvements worth $4500. Price $11,500; trade for Portland resi dence or Income property. Stroud & Co.. Beaverton, Or. - 100 ACRES of good land, 3V4 miles from Yamhill, 60 acres in crops, 12 acres prunes, family orchard, small fruits and berries, 6 room -house, barn and out buildings, team, harness, wag on and farm implements, $76 per acre, $2500 cash or will trade for small ranch close to town up to $2500 or $3000. Magoon Realty Co., Yamhill, Oregon, MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY MY 10 ACRE HOME. Right at station on electric line, .only an hour from business center of Port land; A-l buildings, running water, fruit. Will take less than the im provements have cost and throw in the land. $3500, half cash. 303 Stock Exchange bldg. , 80 ACRES, 4 miles city limits of Port land; first class subdivision propo- .UfAn. An a mil, fWim - rallpno n n 1 . mile from electric cars This 80 sur rounded by land selling S400 an acre. Level, good soil. Contains $6000 cord- X-842. Journal. ' FOR SALE at a bargain, as it must ' be sold. 320 acres of fine wheat land. or a good stock ranch: lots of outside range; a house and other buildings; f ood water; 160 acres fenced and cross enced; 160 acres in cultivation; will sell on best of terms. F. A. Weed. Vida. Farm, Stock, Implements 40 miles from Portland, close to town, on electric line; good roads, milk route: all in crop; good Income and beautiful surroundings. - Price and terms to suit. 411 Henry bldg. wo sir x. J- A fine hog and dairy farm of 290 acres, good buildings, nice creek, fine bottom land, near school. Price rea sonable. Address v Box 60. Looking Glass. Oregon. E)ANDY 10 1 acres, near Beaverton, iciiceu, in vuii.ivit.uvii, vg ouiigaiow. $3250; easy terms. Bunnell, owner, 20$ Henry Tjldg. FOR SALE FARMS i FOR SAIiE FARMS r 11 j Mr. Investor, Read - And consider the best buys in the state or wasnmgton, ir you are in terested in the prune business. ;No 1. 27 acres with about, 13 acres of bearing prunes. 25 acres under cul tivation, good house, barn, prune dryer, one of the most sightly places on the Columbia river, overlooking Portland and the river, close to rail and boat transportation, it will pay 25 on the Investment: orlce $8000. V, cash and the balance terms. Including stock, andj implements. No. 2. 40 acres located about six miles from Vancouver, very good several acres of the finest onion land on this plaee, a fine creek which fur nishes water for stock, it's in an Ideal location, eood road, close to carline. i about 30 acres under cultivation, all kinds of other fruit, the price includes all stock and farm implements; price $6400; com j and let me show you thi property; it s a snap. No. 3 54 acres with 85 acres under cultivation, 12 acres in bearing prunes, about 2 acres of assorted orchard, new 7 room house, new barn and the usual outbuildings, spring and running wa ter, tnis is located on the famouj prun district, no crop failure, r As or chard last year produced the largest prunes ever produced in the gate, averaging: 29 to the pound, dried, for entire crop; all stock and implements goes for $175 per acre; good terms can be arranged, and the cwner will taKe a place in Portland un to J3000: if you want something good, see the aoove places: mv time is yours. E. F. Gilbert 101 Washington st.. Vancouver. Wash. 29 ACRES all in bearing prunes and walnuts, modern house, dryer, barn, and other out buildings, school 44 mile, 4 miles Vancouver, on good auto road; 120,000 wiy bake. $5000 In trade. inis piace win nave $5000 crop this year. DJ.r.f eKrinF Pnes.S0d crop Xv 7 .i, u r 1 '-"'" '""fc only 4 miles from Vancouver, on good b.uio roaa, ioo. siaoo casn, Daiance X . i" , . . . .-" " 1 u M.'U uaii y laitvu, O l equipped, cows, horses and hogs, three sets of buildings, running water, lots of outrange, "4 mile from school, $16.- oou, win taoce part trade. 320 acres. 80 acres in cultivation, ex tra good modern buildings, on good auto road, fenced with woven wire. and four Wires. J40.000: Will take city income property and assume some, 9 acres all in cultivation, flne gar- den soil, on the Pacific highway, a paved road, just outside of Vancouver $4500. Want to trade for farm and will assume some. If you want to trade your farm or city property, consult us. We make trades when others fail. ATKINSON & NICHOLS 611 Main Street Phone 832J or 648 Sundays, Vancouver. Wash. 42 acres in cultivation. 8 acres in pasture and timber, all good level land. crop, potatoes and sarden m. & room bouse, barn, electric carline inrougn property, witn station, raw Sia soa Will tlr nftn in Pnrtion hnnP onrl lnt vonr into 1 o-il ".7.;:- Ul man. & HOW and - Corner 8th and Main. Oregon City. Or. vniT pm ni-VT it u c t nni.' 240 acre stock farm, southwest of aiem. .fom tu: 40 in cultivation. house. barn. other oufe-bulldincs: 1 R. town, and only $27.50 per acre; terms. HOSTETLER & ANDERSON 725 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT FARMS A Few Snaps Left for Rent 10 acres. 7 acres in cultivation. house, barn, outbuildings, team, wagon, harness, plow, harrow and tne rent paid up to. April 1, 1916, for $200; 7 miles of Portland. ftftft firM npr fUnrlnonirota, mruA house, barn, orchard, windmill. 12 acres in crop, 25 acres plowed and ready for crop; win rem reasonaoie. , . H1V 1CL1 U19 IU I it-ll (3 ior city property; get on tne rarm; your living given to you while you sleep. 204 Lunf 'hZ fand Stark. Will Sn5ffYcMSnx IVL m. to 4 f FOR RENT A large stock and alfal- ia rancn. juocatea in tne Deal grass section of eastern Oregon, of outside range. This place wil of sheep. Stock for sale, long lease on I niiKh xc-iii lot. unnnn I Will take $10,000 to handle this. For particulars call at 209 Pan am a bldg 7 Vi ACRE improved fruit ranch. 2 miles from good town in Washing ton. not far from North Yakima. Paid tin WQt-nT l1frnr nAW R rnnm nlaatararl house. Must have some one move on at once. Jordan, 301-2 Lumbermens bldg. THREE farms, two chicken ranches. one aairy, tor rent, casn or snares. Close in, 6c carlinea. McCoy, 332 cnamoer or commerce. 300 0 ACRES 14 miles i from Vancouver, Rose City Park preferred; will as $1i rl,?1nthi I?,on4hB iree rent- Sell sume: owner. Marshall 1240. wood 479 I j f Jit. xiai x inun bl. ONE acre at Metzger station, on Ore- gon Electric line; will rent on shares. C3-g87, journal. FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUY 38 WE want to hear from some farmers I wno want to sen out. we nave t inv i-0.,t ,g A . some first class Portland properties LAP,Y 1 Z"t l 1 " f Cl 1 ' i ,Al If0- S and income brick store buildings to fhft fiv voi? trade, any amount from $10,000 to ?u?hf e fo'n nav youT Good lnconle. $100,000. All correspondence strictly "arsna11 6Si0- ! . confidentlaL Will deal with owners FINE improved farm joining town only. C. DeYOUNG & CO., Land Deal- ite In Minnesota; consider acreage ers, 614 Chamber of Commerce. or desirable residence part payment. WANTED LAND FOR SCAN DINAVIAN COLONY. A large tract in western Oregon, partly improved, good soil. H-24 journal. 1 WANTED to rent Dairy farm with HALF acr with nearly new cozy little stock by thoroughly experienced house at Montavllla. $1700: want va dairyman. Best of references. L-689 cant lot for $1000 equity. W. H. Ross, W ANTRn tn hPflr frnm nwnor rxt mru fn ft. sola Gani. ri a K K4 1 c.rintinn d w. Rush. M(nnannii. I r.. " ' I JMinn. IF you have a real farm bargain list I wiui U9i Moitti piuii;ue uuyers. , . . . x . a ft.n i I. i ... tjiil g xurur.- oi& AuinBion oiag. - WANTED To hear from owner of I farm or fruit rancn ror sale. O. O. Mattson, Minneapolis, Minn. . FRTTIT LANDS FOR SALE 45 FOR SALE BY OWNER. Fine Paying orchard In Hood River: I close in. Owner must sell from disa- blllty- XY-233, Journal. I HOfESTE.1XS 47 J USE your right to a timber claim and ' make some money. Six claims onen to entry unaer iimoer ana stone act. Guaranteed to cut from 2 to 4 millions S1-, Jt-articuiars irom A. B. C. j N- 111, juurnai. k HOMESTEAD relinquishment in Sher man, Co. to acres ready ror plow. Trade for team or cows J-846, Jour nal, i uoji siT.E Relinquishment -v. I , in "western Oregon, on good wagon I roaa. uwner. jr. w. oox buy, roruana, I ijregon. i i HOMESTEADS located, Eastern Ore- J gon. near railroad. McCoy, 332 Chamber of Commerce 80 ACRE relinquishment, miles from Medford; house, some improvements. $350. Box 17-A, Route 4. Medford. Or. -TIMBER 28 8,000,000 FEET, 320 ACRES. $3200. Alsea river runs through tract, land all tillable, $500 cash, balance to suit purchaser, biggest snan in timber wa ever heard of.- Fred W. German Co, 914 Chamber of Commerce, EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE! 24 " :- C Continued) . - Foothills of Sacramento" Valley - The finest dairy and hog ranch In California; 1200 acres fenced and cross fenced. 850 acres in alfalfa and 150 acres fine bot tom land that can be seeded to alfalfa. This would make a total of 600 acres In alfalfa with an absolute free water right, balance of ' land fine for grain and pasture. There are 65 head of dairy cows, 26 head of stock cattle, 100 head of calves up to one and one-half years old, 6 horses, 50 head of hogs, farm ing implements, threshing ma chine, houses, barns, cream-; ery and everything complete for. a big money i maker. Will take clear property up to $25,000 and $20,000 in cash, balance 6 years 6 Price $75,000. This ranch is a paying proposition, clear ing now over $10,000 yearly. The 600 acres of creek bottom silt soil is worth over $100,000 alone. This Is absolutely one of the best buys in California. Owner getting old: wants to retire. Flnei trout fishing and hunting. This will not stay on the market very long, so get busy. We will pay all of your expenses if this ranch is not as represented. Dorr E. Keasey & Co, 1 2d Fl. -Chamber Commerce bldg. 1240 Acres, $42,000 Wheat land, 3 miles from R. R. I ttofinn t i vr,. irt.n Ueres in cultivation; all fenced. sets DJQgs near 8 good towns, 2 It. K. lines; all IPinds of farm implements. Price $42,000. -Will take Income prop- I eriy witn small casn payment. Ralph Ackley Land Co. 204 Falling Bldg. EIGHT room house; all paid for. Trade xor larm in valley. I Portland nrnnortv I 160 acres Montana lanA. trad for farm in valley. 320 acres Franklin county, Nebraska, trade for Orecon land. I 65 acres, close to Woodburn. Wants Portland property up to $4000. Call I or write. STEPHEN SOCIETY LAND DEPT.. 723 Chamber of Commerce. 116 Acres, $8000 On Sluslaw river. Lane Co.. Or.: 40 acres cultivated, mile to school 3 Mi miles to R. R. station; 1 acre orchard; 4 room house, barn and hay shed; farm implements. Price $8000. Will ex change equity for anything; mortgage Ralph Ackley Land Co. 204 Failing Bldg. ISO ACRES fin blacJt soil. Bo aer cultivated bal timbrr on nir.v ni -r,A.," v!"'. DJ"- '""Der on lumy fll S iencea. no ouiiaings; line trout stream "n or stock ranch.. $66 per I dise or city. ! tturs. j r M ll st I itr njunwarA mArrnfln. 1 0 Vm acres bottom land, s rm rinuaa omefruit, $800, $300 cash, balance " . . FARM EXCHANGE, CLOSE IN". ' 128 acres. 100 nuirlT J1 In rron half mile from station, on eleotrio line, good set buildings, a high class place; 17 cows, lot hogs 6 horses, lots of farm machinery and Implements, a money making place; will take up to $10,000 jacob haas. oernnger bidg. 1 OCi A n m CorrVi Maj- flmnSnntr n"'0 I aim Ileal UlCOIiaill Mostly in cultivation, good 6 room house, barn, about 100 bearing fruit trees, all good landbeautlful surround- infcTH fmn In amiria - pain nni .1,...., cash price $5500; consider $3000 house I or-$2400 vacant lots. S. P. Osburn, 602 i mviay piag., aq ana ptarK I iJljAL-JioMlTHO -take nOtlCfi 2 IjC I acres in small town In Marion cin in rich, farming community' 10 room plastered house, also 2 room hnuaL $)PSlLl&iJ3Zt fc" ? wi crown, zv ranama bldg. e-oort trade F.421 Jnnmal' goq traae v-tzi, journal. Bio-cs tao Must sen or trade 44 rooms, steam heat, hot and cold wa ter, full all time; downtown location; win lane o room orungaiow, clear debt balance cash, or time; owner, no agent need apply. L-641, Journal. - TWP residences in Spokane and one in Cheney, close to business center, to excuansa ior roruana property, or farm land near Portland. Address 120 E. 27th St., N. FOR TRADE. 8 room house. 60x8.1 lnt 9 MifV. OWNER will exchange $800 lot and 26 room rooming house, close in. 1.7 rooms furnished, eSr fn, fltr home or smau acreage. Cf-381, Jour nal. BAY OCEAN'S best, lot 4. block 65, for St. Louis or near St. Louis nronertv Franlr Krhill 41 Hornritv hi Ho- fit' Louis, Mo. " Z.-B7, journal. i HAVE good exchange for a first class alfalfa proposition: unincumbered ?rtland Properties lor valley farms. wn j.uiui, oiA numgmn uiug. HAVE you a rood bulldinir site on fiftt niH A. clOMA In. ffb t ra A A tftm A i beautiful 2 story apartment house on I V, J- T EEC T. . "ga. OLJtT3 . VI T. Iirri IVill. J, JUUI llOLl ANY amount of choice acreage on Cap- ital hiKbwav. at all prices Soma exchange; owner, .11, Greber, Tigard, Oregon. ; . - HAVE 4 room cottage: will put in a 1st payment on modern bunealow and pay bal. monthly; Montavllla dist. preferred. D-7. Journal. - 40 ACRE improved farm, crop, stock ana implements, ror Jfortiand prop- erty; 311 Alisky bldg. WANTED Improved acreage near car. tlne. for residence: a-iva, full partlcu. lars and price. X-l 80. Journal.- $10,000 CLEAR Income city property cl S ownir X-SAS Journal clear, Dy; owner. A845. journal. to exenange ior improved larm ir LARGE farm for sale and trade. with stock and machinery. Owners answer, fnone TaDor 1641. 40 OR 60 acres, unincumbered, near Hillsboro. for unincumbered bunga low. -Main 8380. WANT small tract of unimproved land in exenange ror equity in Portland residence. D-Btt, journal. NEW 6 room cottage (clear) for Seat- tie property or same vaiue ( 1 or 2 acres;, xva ta. iin sc. in EXCHANGE, 60 rooms furniture, for lots or house and lot. No commis sion. East 4269. Ro swell. 2 ACRES, garden home, clear, close to station, for modern bunealow. a. 389, Journal. - 5 ROOM bungalow; will take lot as first payment. H-23. Journal. EXCHANGE. 2 nice city lots for tim ber lana. a-3z. journal. WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention Tne Journal. TRADE H acre for - building house. 4203 iitk ave. TPfo air in nn TDinu I Duncn- House and lot in Montavllla. worth "" " acres in crop; t acre or. Plenty $2500. will eacreale sor.orhai I ?!fdan- f"hln' Df J? Pn,P 11 carry U.v. vnnf 7nn oi.ri,. . ! turo and timber; fenced; fine aprinas: huiiia 1 :: '.: .. T i .T f" ..,?. .t ' new bunealow. basement- barn hniH. EXCHANGE REAIj ESTATE 24 (Coatlnuad) - Farm Trades Hargrove, & Sons' 12 Acresj at Tigard You could find no nicer coun try home than this, if you looked all summer. ; There are .12 ft acres, all in high state of culti vation, rich, mellow soil, choice bearing orchard, hard surfaced road, modern 6 room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, ce- " ment basement, new barn and outbuildings. Price $8000. Take home to $t000. j 16 Acres, Oregon Electric 9 Miles Out - This is a choice piece of land, 1 mile from Greenberg station. 9 miles from Portland. There are 1 6 acres, lies j perfectly, very rich, about 8 acres in cultiva tion, balance nice timber, 4 room bungalow, barn, etc. Price $6500. Take house to $4000. . i . . . 60 Acres, Columbia View Highway TVe cannot properly describe this farm. It must be seen to be fully appreciated. If inter ested, we will take you out to See the place, and if you have never been out that way. it will be a revelation to you. This farm is located at one of the most scenic points on the entire Columbia Highway. 20 miles east of Portland, right at Chanticleer Tavern. There are 60 acres of land, very valuable for its won derful scenic beauty, yet It is the very richest of land, none rfther. There iare 40 acres in cultivation, good 6 room house,, fine barn, outbuildings, perfect water system, nice bearing or chard, price 1 $18,000. Take good city property up to $12,000. We have numerous farms to trade for city property. We can get you a satisfactory exchange. Hargrove & Sons ; 123 N. 6th St;. Near Glisan. . Main 4381. . j A-7259. 1036 ACRE wheat Tarm, 600 in wheat. all coea With tibn, ln. .....11 V. . . . i . i ..ww. .in. loll buildings good farming outfit, Owner wi11 cfic all for $25,006. Take about P?00, in gbod Property, a little ri. : lunK nice, low interest. 1240 acre whmt farm ..... . - lair buildinrs. rln tn inn in all.J??es wilh placd. coniplete farming outfit price $40,000. Consider town ur va.iiey property to $25,000. balance your own terms. -I Hardware business In Portland, Large brick hotel and store build ing, in Eastern Oregon town. Consider wheat or stock farm to equal value. Price $65,000. 1600 acre stock farm. Southern Ore gon; lot of cattle. Price $35,000. Con ider mercantile business. Party owns 160 acres fine wheat land; all has been cultivated, i Surrounding land held from $15 to $25 per acre. Party will sacrifice for cash, $1000. L. K. : MOORE, 817 Board of Trade bldg. Reduced $900 Absolutely modern eight room house on? East Everett, near 23d. All improvements in and paid for. Was $5500. Of fered now at $4600; terms. Will tajke a good lot. See Mr. Brown." j Fred A, Jacobs Co. 269 Washington St. 49 Acres,! $10,500 Highly improved! bottom land, iu Lane Co.. near new Santiam R. R. bridge; fine 8 room house, good barn and outbuildings: larg-e orchard; over $1000 worth of stock and Implement: good neighborhood, j Will take about Mt in city residence. Balance 8 years, 6 per cent Interest. Ralph Ackley Land Co. 204 Failing Bldg. WANT CALIFORNIA PROPERTY 160 acre farm in Willamette valley; 60 head stock; personal property, big team horses, 3 cattle, 21 hogs, some wagon, Duggy, piows. narrows, all kinds of tools. ; First class farm close to transportation. Price $10,000. Bell for half cash,, or exchange for Viuuvrnia property, i . LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 813- Chamber of Commerce. 324 Acres,' $20,000 In Linn Co., near Crabtree; 150 acres cultivated. 30 acres good timber, bal ance partly slashed; orchard, running spring water; zoo acres level land good house. 2 barns. 60 head cattle I hogs. 3 horses, chickens, farm tools. Will take 1st payment Of $6000 la traae, in fortiano city property. Ralph Ackley Land Co, 204 Falling Bldg. WHAT HAVE YOU FOR THK8R? 80 acres partially improved. 1 miles to town, school and railroad station on tne piace, in tne best part of Wash lngton. Price, $3250. 20 acres near Walla Walla, Irri gated alfalfa land, 6 acres bearing iiencue, one acre, grapes. -rioe, JtJUOO Will assume. i i 27 acres, Yamhill county, cultivated, fruit, fenced, buildings, horse and toois, ffjt mnes to town, frlce, $3000, Chas. WT Carr, 219 Board of Trade. TWENTY acre aDDla orchard. traoA t ' room house, barn, i outbuildings and an equipments necessary; located ivt miles from Hood River. tn main hard. surfaced road, excellent view and de sirable in every wayi heavy crop this year; will sacrifice for $14,000. Home incumorance. want Portland property Don't miss this. If, you want some thing good, see W. R, HalzllP. 405 Stock Exchange bldg1., or Box 23, Ar- leta Station. Fine Home v , On Lovejoy st, west side, close In; elegant 8 roc-m house, bungalow style; price $14,000. Will trade even for sub urban acreage or improved acreage close to Portland. . j Ralph Ackleyj Land .Co. 204 Falling bldg. STORE building, 2 rooms, on good east side street: 7 room, new, modern house, near lst-class school, stores, etc. Also good building lots in good location, pear carline. Want good country property, California preferred. W. II.. Hazllp, owner. Box .23, Arista Station. J 5 ACRES and. bungalow, fronts ci river road at Courtney Batlve trees, 1 acre fine garden! soil, attractive country homes! te. Exchange clear for clear, or even upon mortgages. Con sider values to $10,090. Prefer ranch or income. X-176 Journal. .'' 5 Acres, Tualatin Close in to electric! car. beat of soli, beautiful home site. .Sell, or trade. Value $1250. - X R. F. FEEMSTER. 309 Ablngton Wdg. 29 ACRES near Oregon City, 25 in cult., - 6 acres timber, balance - light brush; rood 6 room house, barn and outbuildings; $250 per acre; sale or trade. Address owner, Q-386, Journal. BEAVERTON ACREAGE HOUR. 2 blocks from Ore, Elec, sta., modern 7 room house, fine soil, all cultivated; value $3500. Want Portland home. V 842, Journal. ' WHAT have you for a -fine. 10 acrew. all tn cultivAlon, (no buildings), 10 min. walk from high school atHllls bproT C, D. St row, 114 fltoclj Exch. bldg. -" EXCH ANG E-REA L- ESTATE . Oontlno Exchanges; 40 acres, under ditch. Laid law nf!;' -borhood, over half cultivated and fenced, for Portland improved. 80 acres, 20 cultivated, house, b tr end outbuildings, 30 acres fenced, acres apple orchard, good water, wit team, -wagon and harness, harrow, plo and small implements. Will take ku 5 lot for equity; balance of $3200 v a easy payments. 12S0 acre wheat ranch, Adams C , Washington, 600 acres in wheat, fe -acres summer fallow, fair set build ings, good well, windmill and pun r, 6 miles to good town, 2 miles to loadi' station. Will consider good Income t part, balance long time and easy ten". 820 acres good wheat land. RlUvlil, vvash half in wheat, crops go witn place, balance summer fallow, to ex change for small place in valley or city income. AVhat have you fur jrood southern Alberta wheat landsf lave all siisM from 160 acres up rft 3000 for ex change, improved , or unimproved. Chittenden & Neill $10 Oak Street. i Sale or Exchange ?2 acres, part under cultivation, more very easily cleared; dandy gooi nouse, barn and outbulldlngx: on l'u clflo highway, within 10 blocks ot street car; paved street by door, Iec w lt.rfbtaM trout stream, all fine sH. , niiU from Vancouver; . ideal hf! dairy or fruit and chicken ranch. Will consider a GOOD home lu Vancouver or Portland. , , . 13 aeres, 10 under cultivation, chean buildings; all good, rich land; goui water; 6 miles out. near railroad uta uon, school and store. - Will consider Vancouver or Portland property, 320 acres, 180 under cultivation; new house, barn, etc.; fine trout streHruT 70 acres timber. Will trade for wheat ranch or GOOD cltv propertyj bee us if you are in the market for farm property. T .w THOMPSON & SWANi plxth and Main eta., 'Vancouver, WaH. 20 Acres 14 Miles From Hawthorne Bridge 17 acres. Including 8 acres mlscel laneous orchard, under cultivation. 3 acres Umber; all fenced; fine view; nd ",,ue carries paving within 3 miles;, will exchange for clear prop erty, or will take house euuity as pari payment. 617 Board of Trade Bldg. j 120 Acres, $10,000 I 110 acres cultivated; 49 acres in clo ver; 15 acres bottom land, balance val ley: all lies level; 4 room house. Darn w outbuildings. Uood orcharU. Would make a fine dairy ranch; locate.l riear Willamette river, i miles from $a8n6dpeKr aci. " mal Cf' raU- .Ralph Ackley Land Co, 204 Falling Bldg. 3 Acres r Adlolninr rltv nf WmithM.n1 ri a -oom cottage, barn and chicken'hous'es; " wiuumru, improvea roaus on two sides; good -soil. Can have ' electria lights and city water. Will exchauui for a house and lot worth $3000. Ralph Ackley Land Co. 1 204 Falling Bldg. j WHEAT RANCH EXCHANGES. X.argest and best selected list of eastern Washington and Oregon to 176.000. Want income, city and val ley ranches. U. S. MORTGAGE A INVi CO.. 606-607 Yeon Bldg. ,1 LARGE CORNER AND HOUSE. SUN- r, , . NYSIDK. Will take -good vacant property, small, oe 2d mortgage contractu, and will price above property at pres ent cash value. It will pay you to in- Zl?1.- NElLAN & PARKHILL, 803 htock Exchange bldg. 4 . AN EQUIPPED FARM, we have an Improved farm In the valley, close to a good town, well stocked and equipped, valued af $6600 to exchange for a residence in Jort. land. ' WANT vacant lot or lots In Piedmont . for equity of $2500 In $6500 Laurel hurst home. Mortgage is $2750, 2 years; street $260. or will trade for $6600 to $6000 Piedmont home. Rea son, owner's friend In Pleimont. (Ii) Dorr E. Keaney & Co., 2d floor Cham ber of Commerce. ' j ., We - have several stock and! dairy farms from $10,000 to $100,000, to exchange for Portland pr Income prop erties. We deal with nwnora nnlir. Come Jn and tell us what you want. C. DeYoung & Co., 614 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. -f T ItADE i Uores. Falln Vlewv,: Oregon, City, and 4 lots. $9000. for income property, no - Incumbrance, and as sume to $16,000; 1 mile from court house. 16 minutes' walk to car. Give full particulars In first letter.; J. V.. 911 7th st.. Oregon City. Or. 40 ACRES, r well located diveritlIe.l I farm: house, spring, etc., team, har ness, wagon. Implements and tools; ready to go right to work. Will ex change for good Portland residence. Worth $3600 clear of indebtedness. H-199. Journal. - i HAVE a 2 story store building. Oregon town, 8 store rooms below and hall above. Price $2500; mortgage only $250; exchange equltv for equity tn modern bungalow here in Portland. Jordan, gQl-2 Lumbermens tiiflg. $60006 acren, small houxe, about 3 acres cleared. 43 fruit trees. Villa ave., about 1 mile east of city limits. Will take house up to $3500 as firtt payment, balance to suit. W. J. Davie, 606 Corbett bldg. SNA P 60-acre Snake river ; ranch; well Improved: 35 acres fruit. 80 acres alfalfa. 100 acres in wheat.1 About rod acres finest bunr-n rrass. Hell $in,, 000 lens than worth. Some trade. G 39, Journal. HOUSE FOR VACANT LOTS. T Have $1600 equity in good close In Alblna house and lot rented, for va cant Portland lots. NEILAN & PAHK HILL, 303 Stock Exchange bldg. 5 HOUSES and lots 'In Portland to trade for a farm in Willamette val ley of same value: price $8200; clr of Incumbrance. Geo, T. Moore Co.. 618 Ablngton bldg. ' sTore f6r' farW. ! $11.000 Ready-to-wear and ' hoiJ good location; want farm land. Wash ington county preferred. B. B, Cook 6 Co., 605 Corbett bldg. WILL trade 120 acres unimproved 2 5 miles or Portland, needs very little clearing; $36 acre: also clear lots, for houe Owner. 637 Plttock Mock. LONG list farms, stopk ranches, city properties for sale and exchanr. 10c stamps. Homesteads located. Mc- Coy, 332 Chamber of Commerce. TRADE modern 6 room bunealow. nicely situ ilea; no incumbrance, Submit proposition: will assume. 469 Bldwell ave- (Pellwood car). HAVE good realty for exchanae for hotel or apartment house; might as sume. HTTP! GAGE, 186 west Park st.' EXCHANGE 820 acres. Fine laying prairie land, close to county sent and R. R., frr clear city property or farm land. Write C-919. Jowmel. 20 ACRES, $800; clear of Inc., tra5 for good lot. Owner, vis Board of Trade. .- S ROOM house in Salem to trade for Portland property. 4920 E. 41st St., . p. city. 480 ACRES, stock and alfalfa ranch to trade for clear city property. Phone East 3101. WHEN you want to buy. exchange or sell real estate or bulne. see Smlth-Waaroner Co., 612 tftock Ex. BUSINESS pronerty, trade for ferm nr acreage; good locality. 206 Jei:r- son st. iContlnned on Uext jpg v. " 0