; 10 DE MAND FOR MOUNTS TO END THE DAYS OF Europe's Buyers for War Purposes Threaten His Ex tinction in Near Future. HIS SPIRIT FAST GOING Constant Association With BKan, In stead of Roaming- Over Confined Plains, Telia on Elm. Denver, April 17. The European war promises to mark thet final passing of the wild horse of the range, the dis appearance of the bucking bronco se long associated with the west. Even now there are practically no wild horses such as once roamed the ranges, and with the inroads being made upon the horses of the west by the war, his half civilized brother, the bronco, promises to disappear. Thou sands of horses have been taken from Colorado, Wyoming and other western states. Not only have British and French buyers invaded this section, but-representatives of the Italian gov ernment have combed the country for mounts. During: the last few weeks an Italian buyer purchased several hun dred horse.5? and so great was his haste to get them to his home country that they were tent by express from Denver to the east, instead of by freight. There they were to be hurried aboard a steamer for Italy. Country Combed by Buyers. Several million dollars have been spent for these horses for war pur poses The greatest demand, of course. Is for stout, sound -horses, ca.pa.Ble of work as cavalry mounts or for artil lery. The entire country has been enn a nvpr two or f hrpp timpfi hv I 1 1 - ers for different countries, and still .the demand has not been filled. This draining of the west of horses rneans that in the rehabilitation, a bet. ter breed of horse will be produced. It Is. this that sounds the death knell of the bronco. The government has been working for years encouraging the breeding of better horses. Stal lions and mares of standard breeds, draft and general purpose horses, have been placed throughout the west. Their progeny are already influencing the general trend of development of tho horses in the sections in which the work of the government is being centered. .As the demand for horses to replace those sold for war service Increases, it will be animals of better breeds which will take their places. - renting1, of Banches a Factor. Another factor having a great influ ence Is the fencing of ranches some thing which was unknown in year., gone by. This ended the day of the wild horse and the bronco, although given to bucking and pitching, has gradually become turner and more do mesticated. There was a time when it wts not AUCTIOXS Automatic At Edwards' Co. 400 pieces of furniture going to the Ugliest bidder, S:30 a. m. to 5:00 p. m., dally. A new and original way of sell ing at auction, eliminating a greater part of competition in bidding, usually experienced at regular auction sales. Following goods offered for what they win o ring i nnwa oat rockers, dining chairs, napoleon wood beds, mahogany Chiffoniers, fins parlor sets, bed daven ports, parlor tables, office chairs. Birdsey writing desks cad scores of other pieces. All bids to be aubmitted tn writing1 and opened at 5:00 p. m. sacn day. For further details, see Sis- Play Ad on Fags a, first section. EBWABDS' COMPANY, A Good Place to Trade 185-191 FIRST STREET. o.BoJVtrttCo , t ESTABLISHED 1872. ON TUESDAY NEXT JWE SHALL SELL THE UPRIGHT PIAWU AND COSTLY FURNISHINGS PROM HOMES' IN PIEDMONT AM) RVINGTON, comprising itich Toned Jpright piano in Mahogany case, -gather, upholstered Rockers, Daven orts. Oak and Mahogany Library Turniture, Sectional Bookcases, iuarter-sawed Oak Hall Clock, Hall Seat and Mirrors, Portieres, Lase Cur alns, Wilton, Brussels and Axmdnster Hugs, Fiber Rockers and Chairs, Cel arette Jardinieres, Brass Bed, best Springs, Hair and Felt Mattresses, arge quantity of Bedding, Oak, Ma togany and Enameled Dressers and Chiffoniers. Brussels stair carpet, touches, two Dining Room Suites, ne very costly in Fumed Quartered )ak, vis., 6-t-in. Top Table, Large Suffet and Leather Seated Chairs. This suite is equal to now. Glassware ind Dinner Ware, Duntley Pneumatic Cleaner. Gas Ranges, Steel Range, awn Mower, Garden Tools. Hose, Refrigerator and many other costly lots. AUCTIONEERS' NOTE "We are unable to do this large list If ' Furniture justice in this ad. If rou will- kindly call tomorrow between I and 5 p. ni. and inspect these costly furnishings you will find them well worthy of your most careful attention. ON THURSDAY NEXT W shall sell a very large consign ment of Good Household Furniture, GOODS ON VIEW WEDNESDAY AF- IIRNOON. AUCTION on THURSDAY NEXT at 10 o'clock. . Unclaimed Baggage Sale Th Seml-Annual sale for the O. Iv". R. & N. and the S. P. R. R. Co. km be sold at the Ash st. dock. On Wednesday, Apr. 28, '15 Call at Auctioneers office for list. tV. CC BAKER AND W. H. DEAN, Furniture Dealers and Auctioneers, - 166-188 Park St. .Both phones. - THE BUCKING BRONCHO so very difficult to find a horse in the west which no human being.could ride. That day has now gone by. The last great horse of this stripe was Steam boat, which died only this- year. It Is claimed that no man ever rode Steamboat legitimately. The greatest riders of the entire west tried and failed, all finally being thrown in some way or other. When th British government was .purchasing horses for dse In the Boer war it was necessary to employ bronco busters, who- spent weeks battling with the prospective mounts for British cav alrymen before they were conquered and sufficiently subdued to the saddle to satisfy the government agent. , Bronco's : Spirit Has Flickered. This year there is little evidence that the British or French are In dan ger of suffering casualties through en countering the American horses. Constant association with man through the years between .the Boer war and the present, instead of roam ing oyer unfenced plains, has had its Influence on the horse. The "never say die" fighting spirit of the old bronco In his struggle against the touch of leather and his intense hatred of man, because be was representative of enslavement to the saddle, has slowly flickered out. Breeding and association has brought about the in evitable.' Wlfcfrrn a few years it will probably be hard for even a "wild west" show manager to find a western horse which will buck constantly and consistently, as though he meant it. Call Issued for a Women's Convention Nw York. Anril 17. For the first time in the historv of this country a political convention of women voters is to be called. Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont AUCTIOXS AT Wilson's Auctionliouse 166-168 FIRST ST., NEAR MORRISON Regular Sales Days MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY Each Day at 10 A. M. MONDAY'S SALE Includes Mahogany Parlor Furniture, Leather Easy Chairs, Good Rockers. Library and Center Tables. Couches, Fumed Oak Dining Suite. Also, good Golden Oak Buffet, Brass Beds. Bun galow Enamel Beds, all complete with springs and mattresses: Pillows. Bed ding:. Dresser with triple plate mir ror. Oak, White Maple and White En ameled Dressers, Chiffoniers, Carpets, Rugs, Curtains. Pictures. Steel Range, Cook Stove. Gas Ranges, Refrigera tors and other effects. WEDNESDAY'S AND FRI DAY'S SALE will Include a full assortment of all kinds of housefurnishings. GOODS SOLD AT PRI VATE SALE We carry the largest and most com plete line of good second hand FUR NITURE, CARPETS. RUGS, STEEL KANC.ES, GAS RANGES. REFRIG ERATORS, etc., to be found in the city. Goods sold at private sale fully guaranteed and delivered free. See what we have before you buy. Wilson's Bankrupt Stock Store, 173 Second Street, Corner Yamhill Phone Main 2032 Groceries, Tobaccos, Cigars. SILVERWARE. CUTLERY. SHELF HARDWARE. PAINTS and other mer chandise sold to you at retail and about the wholesale cost. Also STORE FIXTURES of all de scription. J. T. WILSON. Proprietor. AUCTION SALE Tomorrow (Monday), at 2 p. m., at 420 Second St, Corner Hall St We shall sell for MR. KELCHER the furnishings of his 6 room flat, comprising large Easy Chair in gen uine leather. Push Button Morris Chair, good Oak Rockers. Center Ta bles, Costly Oil Paintings. Pastels and Etchings, Lace Curtains. Sanitary Couches, Ext. Table and Chairs, Crockery and Glassware, Axminster and Velvet Rugs. STEEL RANGE. GAS RANGE, Linoleum. Dishes, Uten sils and other effects. Sale Monday at 2 p. m. J. T. WILSON. Auctioneer. AuctionSales EXECUTOR'S SALE On Tuesday Next at 10 a- m. at 1015 Raleigh St, Near 29th, Willamette Heights. We are instructed" by the EXEC UTOR to sell at PUBLIC AUCTION, the COSTLY FURNISHINGS of the above residence, being the former home of MRS CELIA BURCHARDS, deceased. COMPRISING DRAWING ROOM FURNITURE in costly walnut frames and best tapestry upholster ings. MAHOGANY ROCKERS AND ARM CHAIRSi OVAL MAHOGANY LIBRARY TABLE. STEEL FRAME TURKISH CHAIR. Tabourettes and Jardiniere Stands, large PIER MIR ROR In gilt frame with stand. BRASS READING LAMP. STEEL ENGRAV INGS. Genuine' Turkish Rugs t LARGE ANGLO-PERSIAN HUGS. Imported VELOUR PORTIERES, BRUSSELS NET, BATTENBERG and HAND EMBROIDERED CURTAINS DINING ROOM WALNUT SIDE BOARD, antique design, with inlaid ?anels: walnut EXTENSION" TABLE, good DINING CHAIRS, decorated H VI LAND CHINA DINNER SET. Silverware, Glassware, large walnut HALL TREE, Body Brussels Hall and Stair Carpets. MASSIVE BLACK WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE, com plete, vis.. Bedstead. Dresser. Com mode, SOMNOE, TABLES,. Rockers, Chairs, Chiffoniers and Wardrobe, IRON BEDS, Best Springs, Curled Horsehair Mattresses. Woolen Blan kets, Sheets, Slips. LARGE MAHOG ANY DRESSER. Body Brussels Bed room Carpets and complete outfit for servant's room. , KITCHEN contains large RELIA BLE GAS RANGE cost $55). TILE LINED REFRIGERATOR. Cooking Utensils. Inlaid - Linoleum and other effects. Sale TUESDAY next at 10 a. m. Take W or Morrison car to 27th and Raleigh mtm, walk 2 blocks west. J. T. WILSON. Auctioneer. . of this city has accepted the Invita tion of the executive board of the Na tional Congressional Union to act as chairman of the committee which has called a convention for November 14, IS A rtrl IS In Can JfrHnhluRO- ? Women t from all the suffrage states will be asked to attend. The convention will be called to ma ture plans for definite political action on the part Of the women voters of the country on the National Suffrage amendment, which the union is sup porting, the one known as the Bristo'w Mondell amendment. The Congressional Union says In sending out the call for the convention, that there are now approximately 4, 000,000 women voters tn the country, that they control one quarter of the national senate, one sixth of the house, and one-fifth of the electoral college. With this strength among the women inn feels that by united action in support of the suffrage amendment it can be "passed. Dies Trying to Save Cat. Philadelphia, April 17. Samuel T. Rathell, a wealthy oyster dealer. Is uead irom injuries received in rescu ing a kitten from the slippery ridge of th glass skylight above his office along the Delaware river front. Rathell climbed out on the roof to as sist the cat and was bringing it back in his arms when he crashed through the skylight and fell 30 feet. The dead man waj ; well known for his ' many benevolences to needy persons along the river front. j Late Arrivals. - From the Washington Star. "What got me in bad," said the captured burglar, "was the 'confounded pet dog of your wife's. It began to bark as soon as I put my foot on the stair." "Too bad." replied Mr. Meekton. "Evidently the dog mistook you for ma." j .ifcraj2ffga NEW TODAY LAME)! 20 Years to Pay! Omt Ywr rnn Hont frmm ft CmmHm Pacific. Most productive soir good climate i ady markets fine transportation ail the comforts and ways of making money farming that you find in the best iarm iS sections everywhere. Low Prices and $2,000 Loan This rich land only $11 to per acre Irrigated' land from $15. Twenty year to pay ibink of rt. I -n before your Anal payment is due your ' tn wilt have paid for itself. We lend you up to . U) tor farm improvement, oa certain conditions, with no security but the land Itself. Twenty years to repay it. Interest 6 per cent, li you want a farm home all ready to step into, get one of our Ready Made Farms. Dairying-, Hosts and Livestock Mtck "t Incomas Mar. Lands ideM for these purposes. Present conditions in Europe assure highest rces known for everything; raised. These Offers Based on Good Land Knest on earth for mixed fanning; and erain growing. The best land will be taken first, so time'sprecioustoyou. Writ or call today or fr handbook andtdl particular: I L. K. THORNTON. Distv Rep. S71 Fine St. (Multnomah Hotel Bids.) Portland, Or. Big Sacrifice X live In Detroit, M3ch. I must im mediately dispose of 200 feet of East Broadway frontage. Four lots, 60x100 ft. each, on north side of Broadway, between 25th and 26th streets. Will sell for $1250 cash each. Includ ing corners. All Improvements paid to date, purchaser to assume balance. Property unrestricted. The prices are 50 cents on the dol lar of actual value. W. J. DENLER, Owner 3025 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mich. FARM LOANS We are loaning Eastern Life Insur-, ance money and will make choice Willamette Valley farm loans at lowest rates ever quoted in Oregon. The DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE CO 607 Concord Building Second and Stark Streets Portland Oregon MORTGAGE LOANS on improved city and farm prop erty at current rates. Attractive re payment privileges. Loans quickly closed. Mortgages bought. Call today. 6 XiABQS LOANS OH 6 BTJSIITESS FBOFEBTIES A. H. BIRRELL CO. 217-219 Northwestern Bank Building. Marshall 4114. A-4118. QUICK REAL ESTATE LOANS On city residence and Willamette valley farm property. E. A. CURTIS, 267 Oak St., Ground Tl. Main 1743. MORTGAGE LOANS Made on City and Nearby Farm Prop erty Interest 7 and 8 Per Cent. No Overcharges. No red tape. Straight Loans on Straight Propositions. OSXQOH XXTV. ft MOKTO. CO., ! Stock Exchange Building-, Third and xamjxui streets. WANT AD RATES In effect October 1. 1914. ALL PKEVIOUS HATES CANCELLED CHARGED ADVLKTISKMENia Dally Jt Sunday !H cents per wurd oer Insertion. Tola charge is for L' classifications, ex cepting "For Kent In Prlrate FamUy," "Boom and Board in Private Family." 'Situation Wanted" and "Wanted to Kent" ads. wnlcn are 1V4 cents per wori per lnertlon. So ad charged for .es than 15 cents. CASH AlFiJUTlSEMKNTa 1H cents per word for ail classification, excepting "For Kent in Private Family." "Room and Board In Private Family." "Situa tion Wanted," and "Wat.ted to Bent" ads, wnlcn are 1 H cents pe.- word. Cooaocotive luaertlo-. of cash . act ads: 8 Inrertlona for the price et i.. T insertions f jr the prlca of 5. MKETiXC. NOTICES 41 GEO. WASHINGTON CAMP. No. 261, W. O W.. V- O. W. Temple, 128 11th st. "500" at 8:30; dancing at 10:00 Admission 10c. Tuesday. April 20. ORPHIA Temple IS. iythian Sisters, meets on Thursday evenings of each week In K of P. hall, 11th and Alder. Helen M. Lamar. M. ol R. & C 41 600, entertainment and dancing. Eureka coun cil. No. 204, Knights and Indies of Security, Mon dany evening, April 19, East Side W. O. W. hall, E. 6th and Alder.' Ad mission free. Members and friends inviteL MAUD L. JOHNSON. Secretary. 7f W,N A.. ROSE CITY CAMR. NO. S46S, meet tomorrow (Monday) even ing. Selling-Hirsch Hall. 386 . Wash, street. De gree work. Visitors al ways welcome. SOL RICHANBACH, . .. LOU8U1, F. J. Darlington, Clerk, 212 Abington building. Main 2439. . - B. P. O. E. .No. 142 M embers are requested to meet in the lodge room this (Sunday) afternoon, 1:30 o'clock, whence they will proceed to the resi dence, 495 East Davis street, to con duct the funeral services over the re mains of our late brother, John B. Harrington. Visiting brothers Invited to attend. By order of the E. R. ' M. R, SPAULDING, Sec. PORTLAND STAR HOMESTEAD NO. 42. B. A. Y. meets every Thursday evening in the Woodmen Hall, 128 11th street. Visitors welcome FRANCES FRY. Ann RTMPsrve rt Phone Woodlawn 94. Correspondent. KIRKPATRICK COUNCIL. 2227, Knights and Ladles of Security Big. free, open meeting next Friday, April 23, 8:30 p. m. sharp. Moose halt, Morrison and Broadway. Cards, "500." Kntertainment, dancing. Best union music. Good prizes. Come and bring your friends for a good-time. MACCABEE function The entertain ment committee of Portland Tent No. 1. 409 Alder, has arranged a pro gram for Thursday evening, April 22, that promises to be something extra ordinary. All Knights and Ladies of The Maccabees and their friends are cordially invited. Admission free. GOOD TIMES DANCE Given by the United Degree teams, W. O. W., Wednesday evening, April 21. at Kist Side Woodmen hall, E. Sixth and Alder. Admission: ladies 5c and gentlemen 50c. Union music PORTLAND COUNCIL, No. 2, Modern Foresters will give a 500 party Tues day evening. April 20, 1915. in hall. 400 Alisky Bldg.; 24 hands; good prizes. Admission lac. Wtet Statistics marriages. Births. Lteatbs. MARRIAGE LICENSES B. H. Bailey, 7544 Sandy road, 23, and Edith M. King, 754' Sandy road, i0. Michael Kaschko, Astoria, Or., legal, and juiiene jiangus, ga uregon St., legal. W. G, Smith & Co, JE Third floor, Morgan bldg. DRESS suits for rent, ail sizes. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark at. BIRTHS ZENTNER To Mr. and Mrs. Albert K. Zent ner, 966 Brooklyn street. April 11: a daugh ter. WOLFF To Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Wolfe. 1123 East Twenty-eighth street north, April 2; a son. SMITH To Mr. and Mrs. Basil B. Smith. 41 Church street, April 7; a boo. t SAPPINGTON To Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Rar plngton, 818 Lovejoy street, April 12; a son. THOMAS To Mr. and Mrs. John M. Thomas, t13 East Fifteenth street north, April 13; a son. GKAXT To Mr. and Mrs. John P. Grant, 4811 Forty-fifth avenue, April 9: a daughter. ERICKSON To Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Ericsson, 795 First St., April 14, a daughter. SMOKEK To Mr. and Mrs. William Smoker, 528 Tacouia ave., April 13, a daughter. SUMMERS To Mr. and Mrs. Owen Summers Jr.. Ill Laarelhurst ave.. March 1, a son. DEATHS AND FUNERALS 75 DONOVAN At her late residence, No. 161 East 18th st.. cor. Belmont, in this city, April 17, Catherine Donovan, widow of Wil liam Donovan and beloved mother of Ellen. John D., Josephine (Mrs. D. J. Maher), Wil liam E. (deceased), Catherine. Ann and Daniel Donovan. Funeral at 9:45 a. m. Monday from the above residence, thence to S't. Francis' church, where requiem high mass will be cele brated at 10 o'clock. Burial in Kiverview. Please omit flowers. ATTENTION Comrades of the G. A. R. are In vited to attend the tuneral of Com rade Edward M. Hitchcock, at the Sellwood crematorium, at 2:30 p. m.. Sunday. Auril 18. 1915. Take - Sellwood car. Michigan papers please copy. By order W. M. HENDERSHOTT. Commander of iJncoln-Garfield No. 3. Attest: J. P. SHAW. Adjutant. SHELDON At North Yakima. WaEh.. April 14. Curtis C. Sheldon, aged 25 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Sheldon and brother of Wavne. Hal, Lemah and Dorrls Sheldon, and Mrs. R. C. Hurst, of this city. The fu neral services will be held at the conserva tory chapel of F. S. Dunning, Inc.. East Side funeral directors, 414 East Alder, Sun day, April 18, flt 3 p. m. Frienda invited. Interment in Love's cemetery. JACOBS April 17, at 1447 Commercial street, Aldona Jacobs, aged 0 years, beloved daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jacobs. The funeral service will be held from above resi dence Monday April 19, at 11 a. m. Inter ment llo8 City cemetery. Remains are at A. R. Zellar company parlors. Will be at above residence after 2 p- m. toda (Sunday). HARRINGTON The funeral of the late John B. Harrington will be held from the family residence. 495 East Davis St., at 2 p. m. today (Sunday), thence to St. Francis' church, where services will be held at 2:30 n. ra. Friends invited. Remains will be placed in rami ly vault at the 1'ottianq crematorium. EltDNER The funeral services of the late George J. Erdner Will be held today (Sun day), at 1 o'clock p. m. at the residence es tablishment of J. P. Finley & Sorr, Montgom ery at Fifth. Friends invited. Interment at Riverview cemetery. Please omit flowers. JACOBSON in this city, April 16. Mrs. Annie J. Jacobson, aged 25 years. Funeral services will be held today (Sunday), AprU im trim FHi'snn'a fiintril warlors. 12th and Morrison St., at 2 p. ni. Friends Invited.0! Interment Mount seott farg cemetery. STAYTON The funeral services of Lulu P. Stayton will be held' today (Sunday), at 2:30 o'clock p. m. at the residence establish ment of J. V. Finley & Son, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Interment at River- vlew cemetery. JACOBS AprU 17 Rt 1447 Commercial St., Al dona aged 9 years, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jacobs. ' Remains at A. R. Zeller Co.'s parlors. Funeral announcement later. f RUMMER Louis E. Trummer. 288 11th fit., April lO) U- jewn, O'MALLEY Margaret O'Malley, Base Line road, April 13, 70 years, pneumonia. LL'ND Elisabeth Lund, St. Vincent's hospital, April 15, 18 years, sarcoma of pleura and MACATJLEY Thomas R. Macauley, Portland sanitarium, April 15, 32 years, tumor of BEEBE Timothy F. Beebe, Portland surgical . . . . ii 1 rz u 1 ...... n luip nf it. nospiia-i, aiitu w, u. jc, ..v.... stomach. ' . STAYTON Lulu P. Stayton, St. Vincent s hos- pltal. April 15. 29 years, acute appendicitis. MARTIN & FORBES CO., florists, 34 7 Wash. Main 269, A-1269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arraiigen CLARKE BROS., florists, fine flowers and floral designs. zs -mmtiwu rinnior Khntw Euneral Aer signs, flowers 430 Wash. Main 3771. FUNERAL. DIRECTORS A. R. Zeller Co East 1088. C-1088. Lady attendant. Day and night service. Walter C. Ken worthy 1532-1534 E. lSth. Sellwood 71, B-11Z2. A. D. KEN WORTHY & CO. Calls promptly answered In all P3-1',0-1 City. 1 . ,. yJ- r . diqh unu. x um " -" Uamiltnn 8h and Olisan. u nali 1IIIUII neral services. Tabor 4313 D T Dwrna .Wiiiiaros and - Knotl fit Ii Ujfino Ks Sast 1115. C-1843. BREEZE & SNOOK. B-1252. T. 1258. 026 Heimont st-. at a auunjaiu DC A DCHM Undertakers. East 0O- 1 LAHOUII 369-371 Russell si CI C M CQ Undertaking Co. Main 4162. orL VV CO a-2321. Cor. 3d and Clay C R I OQO M RESIDENCE UNO. PLS: C.niUOUlijj. 133 A-2235. 445 Mor. MEETING NOTICES (Continued) KUNEKAIi DIRECTORS '- (ContlBTjax!l A splendid residence undertaking es tablishment, with private driveway. J. P. H'liNLay Gc SUJN. Montgomery at Fifth. MR. EDWARD HOLMAN, the leading funeral director. 220 8d st.. corner Salmon. Lady assistant. Phones A 1511. Main 507. Dunning & McEnteeMdeArne,in every detail. Broadway and Pine ta Main 430. A-4558. Lady asslatanC F, S. Dunning, Inc. Eat Side Funeral Directors. 41 East Alder Ht. East 62. B-226. Chambers.Co. JISVtSE lawn 3306. C-1133. Lady embalmer. P. L. LERCH. leading east side under taker. E. 11th & Clay. B-1888. L. 781. MONUMENTS Schanen-Blair Co, MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. Largest stock of fine marble and granite In Portland. Beautiful granite lrorn our Oregon quarry. 287 Haw thorne ave. East 5566. THIS is the time of the year to make the selection of that monument you have been thinking of erecting this spring. By placing your order now you will not be disappointed -in de livery before Decoration Day. We have a full stock for your inspection. OTTO SCHUMANN Granite and Marble Works. Phone East 743. East 3d and Pine sts. 3E BLAESING GRANITE CQ SX CO w. MADISON. POHTLAMJ MARBLE VV Kb., 264-26S 4th St.. opp. city hall. M. 8564. A-1516. BUSINESS PROPERTY 6Q $1000 BELOW VALUE. Business corner, a snap for invest ment; corner Mississippi ave. and Goldsmith. Calr 704 Miss. ave. Terms. Owner. $12,000 BUSINESS property netting 12 per cent from rents; no trades; am selling account retiring from active . . . r i n T . 1 pusiness. owner, a-bio, juunmi, GOOD building and lot on Alberta st. Price $1500, $500 cash and terms. Building rented. Smith-Wagoner Co- TWO stbrv warehouse with trackage. E. 2d arid Alder, cheap. Main 8320. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 Hawthorne Avenue Bungalow 6 room modern and complete bungalow on East 47th, large living room, fireplace, built in bookcases, large den, dining room, built-in buffet, 2 large bedrooms, Dutch kitchen; can make 2 rooms upstairs: new range and gas heater. Inlaid linoleum kitchen and bath room floors, fixtures and shades: full cement basement, wash trays; on hard surface st. Lawn all In; for only $2800. Terms. G. H; Kleinsorge Co, Main 5782. 310 Board of Trade. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. B rooms, with fireplace, full base ment and attic, good location, over looking the city, on Mt. Tabor, close to 3 carllnes. on paved streets; price tzivv. terms. y G. E. WELLER. 1405 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 1048. 2642. YOU are able to buy. Can you find a better investment than to pur chase our 5 room modern bungalow, bath, fireplace, built in features, ce ment basement, choice location near carline. You can buy this for $25 per month, interest Included. Call Mar shall 3569. $2500 6 room house, cor, lot. 60x100, N. E. corner E. 25th and Oregon. J, J, Oeder Grand ave.. at E. Ankeny SIX room house. 1 Vi blocks from Hawthorne ave.. west of 39th st. al most new. raved streets and side walks in and paid for; has fireplace, full cement basement, fine neighbor hood; worth $3o00: will sell for $Z450 Mr. Phelps. Main 7141. . $850 5 ROOMS. PARKROSE Half block south of Sandy blvd. car line on Nottingham ave.; fireplace, big living room, garden all in, nne lawn oom see it todav: vacating: Dlace to morrow. Ask Parkrose motorman for Mr. Grooms residence. ippi.w FTVnS R ATiCtATTCS Listen 7 room modern house, hard wood floors, beamed ceilings, all built Ins, fireplace, sleeping porch, full ce- Tnnnt jiaQAmflnt XC hlrtolc from par. full size lot, restricted district; all for $1800: easy terms. 3Z3 nenry omg, SUNNYSIDE Nice 8 room modern home; all improvements n; iuin near Belmont; small payment down, balance easv installments; Interest 6 per cent; no mortgage to assume. Might con sider lot as first payment. Henry C. $600 A NEW 4 room bungalow, on water, and some good furniture, all goes for above price on very easy tenms. See owner .at 213 Chamber of commerce. will sell cozy cottae, well Improved earden. berries, fruit, lot 40x120. also two large lots in city limits, cash- or terms. call eiuo autn st. tsox izo. Lents. Or. A SNAP In a new 4 room bungalow, all mod ern and a big snap. 3 blocks from Mt. Tabor car; lot 50x100; must be sold this week, Jizt0 will Duy it, on easv terms. B-436. Journal. ; ALAMEDA PARK HOME. Modern home, six rooms, furnace. Price reduced from $4500 to $3850 for quick sale. Call East 4154 or Mar shall 892. ; SACRIFICE big new - 6 room bunga low, 100x100. fruit trees, garden, chicken house, near car, 20 minute car ride, $2200. Terms to party with proper reference. 705 N. W. Bank big. SUNNYSIDE. 5 room house west of 34th on Main St., bathroom and furnace, $2500. $25 down $25 per month. Geo. T. Moore Co., 518 Abington bldg. WHY pay rent when you can buy a neat three room bungalow ready to move into for $600. $100 down $J0 per month. M. E. Lee, 605 Co.--bett bldg. 5 ROOM modern bungalow, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet, base ment, cement walks, corner lot; $50 down, $10 month. Must be sold. Tabor 5 745. Ow n er Artistic Bungalows In Rose City Park. Phone Monday. Ask about them. Main 6456. PORTLAND Heights Very cozy bun galow, two beautiful wooded lots; only $4350; would consider good lot part payment. Owner, 528 Morgan bldg. FINE corner' on Alameda Drive. Rose City Park; block from car; will fur nish plans and build at terms that will suit you. Tabor 3260. TWO room house, big lot, 20 minute car ride, west side; snap; only $400. See it; easy terms. 705 N. W. Bank bldg. . C HERMES, houses, lots, rentals. 4811 61st ave.. S. E. W-W car. Sell. 1605. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 (Oontlnn-d) f - Beautiful Mt. tabor .7 room house on E. 67th et- 1 block south of Hawthorne, all modern, facing east, on hard surface street, lot 60x100. sur rounded by beautiful homes; large living room, dining room, -breakfast room, kitchen. V bed room and toilet downstairs; two sleeping porche. two bedrooms and bath upstairs; full cement basement, fireplace, furnace and garage in;- fact, a, complete .home, for only $-500. G. H. KLEINSORGE, 310 Boarc of Trade, i Call ua tip Main 6782. U . - SWELL BUNGALOW, $25 CASH. New modern 6 room bungalow, tire place, hardwood floors, built in effects, doubly buiit, cement basement, laundry trays, concrete front porch, brick pil lars; fine fixtures, shades and ready to move into. Price 92760; $26 cash and $25 per month,- including interest. Why pay rent? Sellwood car to Rey nolds ave., Hi block west: 12 minutes' ride from Front and Madison. See it today; .then see the owners. UHITSSI & BOLD8, 326 Board of Trade bldg; Main 7452. . CASH BUYER. Modern 8 room bungalow in Haw thorne district, full cement basement, wash trays, furnace, hardwood floors,, buiit in bookcases, beautiful buffet and fireplace; beamed ceiling, Dutch kitchen, beautiful wood work, house double constructed and very best of material and i workmanship. Big sac rifice tor cash. WILBERG-OPPEGARD INVEST MENT CO., Owners. 6924 Foster road. . Phone Tabor 619 evenings and Sundays, Tabor 3179.- MELDRUM station, on Oregon City carline; attractive 8 room pressed brick bungalow and 1 1-3 acres; lies 460 feet east of Meldrum station; 36 fruit trees, chicken house and yards, nice lawn and roses; the house is mod ern in every iway; pressed brick fire place, built-in fixtures; also 4 82-100 acres just across street of. highly im proved land; 32 trees of different kinds fruit, also grapes, raspherrles, goose berries, barn . and pressed brick for a house; this property can be had at a bargain; no mtg. By owner. Alex Gill. 6 ROOM bungalow, modern, furnished or unfurnished with buffet, paneled dining room, bookcases, Dutch kitchen, large front porch, big garden, l'ruit trees; going away and must sell; small payment down; $15 per month. Price $2000. Street improvements all paid. 2023 E. Yamhill st. Mount Tabor, Altarrfcad. Get off at 80th st. Near 2 car lines. - We witl ouiid iu any part of city HOMES costing from $2000 to $20,000. Alro apart ments and flats. We have money- to loan. Call and see plana. F. K. BOWMAN & CO.. Comrrerci Club tlde. MODERN 7 ROOM BUNGALOW. My modern 7 room bungalow has 4 large rooms on first floor, 3 and bath on second tloor, furnace and fireplace, full cement basement and tubs,' street work all done and paid for; $2200 loan on property 7a interest, due January 1, 1918. Come and see this property. I will take care of interest to January 1, 1916. Phone Wbodlawn 3240. HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS. $2000 10 lots, all in cultivation, i room house, '-apple, plum and pear trees, Lo ganberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, currants, 1 miles from Multnomah station; jitney line passes door, $500 cash. This is an ideal coun try home. Fred W. German Co.. 914 Chamber of Commerce. A GOOD modern 8 room house on paved street, lot 50x102, on E. 27th St.. near Tillamook- Trvino-tAn HgrH. wood floors, i furnace, fireplace, built in ouriet, all taxes paid, house Insured for $3000: now rentfd for taft For sale at ; $4200; any reasonable terms. A snap. -4 20, Journal FOR SALE hi acre tract, 3 room house, woodshed, fruit trees, other smau irun, rose ousnes, city water. 5 blocks to Mt. Scott and Cazadero cars. 2 blocks from city limits and arc lights. Apply L. E. Schueler, .one nine east 01 i xenis scnooi noufe, till bert road. ! ROSE' CITY PARK! New 6 room bungalow, 2 sleeping porcnes, targe Dearooms with linen .closets: full , cement basement and trays. Location: E. 39th and Tilla mook, lidbQ; $2o0 cash, balance terms, John L. Karnopp, Ry. Exchange bldg. A DANDY new 5 room bungalow, oak floors, fireplace, cement basement, all kinds built in work, Dutch kitchen, i 1, V. 1.- 1. - . V. Hawthorne car to 60th and Division, CO - KJ WOIU, DUUbU IU QIO O III B L. BRAND NEW, $2500. Bungalow at E. 28th and Ainsworth every desired convenience, including hardwood floors and cement basement. Close to car and school, beautiful loca tion, will take lot and terms to suit. Phone Builder, Sellwood 1619. 407 EAST. 39TH ST. NORTH. Will be home all day Sunday. WHAT FOR? To sell my equity in 8 room house and lot, Rossmere, or will trade for clear lot in good district. Set this snap. $2000 GOOD 7 room house, half acre. fenced; all kinds of fruit, one block from Mount Scott car; will take $500 down or good auto as first payment; balance to suit at 6. A. J. Farmer, iui bcock n.xcnange Diag. 3 ROOM house. 915 E. 70th st, N., 6 blocks from Sandy blvd.. hot water, fine garden, i cement walks, lot $650; payments $10 per month, no interest; taxes paid; $225 paid on lot; will sell ror ii'Utf casn; party leaving town MUST sell at once. Will sacrifice my $1400 equity in a modern 5 room bungalow, 50x140 lot, for $800, balance like rent. See it at 69th and Morris, Rose City car to 68th, go 2 blocks soutn, one east. . NEW 4 room cottage that I refused $1800 for when I built it; have to nave money; will sell for $1200; $500 will handle lit. Bearing fruit trees. Address 91 E. 69th st. N.. M-V car. IDEAL home for man and wife, newly built, set ito fruit and shrubbery, convenient to center of city; rapid transit facilities, beautiful view; cash sale: your price. U-874. Journal. MUST SELL 7 room modern house, built 3 years, in O. K. shape, 1 block to good car ser vice, on corner lot with east front. Call Woodlawn 3396 for appointment. IRV1NGTON i bungalow, facing east. 6 rooms, well arranged, fireplace, built In buffet, modern; lot high and sight ly; $3500, half cash. Z-56. Journal. 5 ROOM modern bungalow, furnace, fireplace, 1 block to Hawthorne car; owner leaving city; $2650; easy terms. 1172 E. Madison. ONE 5 room modern bungalow in Love leigh Heights. Owner. Price $2300. Lot 60x100. Near Portland boulevard. Woodlawn 800. $1350 4 ROOM -cottage, lot 6xl00, electric light, gas, fruit trees, gar age. Hermes, 4811 61st ave., S. E. W-W car. Sellwood 1505. 1 A LITTLE HOME FOR YOU. $850 Furnished. Some terms; 4 rooms, plastered house. Nice garden. 08 Panama bldg. $2550 Five room bungalow in Rose CUt Park.! Verv cheap, as I am leaving city. ; N- is. journal. EAST MADISON at 42nd. new 5 room bune-alow. large lot, equity cheap Call today. Tabor uzs HAWTHORNE line, beautiful, modern 6 room home, cement walks. $1450; terms. Eagt bza. FURNISHED 6 room house, modern. cheap, part casn, no agent. wi S wetland bldg. LITTLE home, full lot. 2 blocks car: - must go: $425: terms. Tabor 2546. S ROOM house for sale or trade for team or farm tools. Z-68. Journal. SNAP 6 room bungalow: terms to suit: no agents, labor 4jiu $1750 FOR 6 room house, .full lot; 604 Vancouver avew . 61 Hawthorne ; District CASH Buys this beautiful new5 room bung alow on full 60x100 lot In -choice resi dence" district. It la double constructed throughout with heavy building paper between and has all the up to da to features you would expect In a modern home. Attractive exterior. Living room 26x14. Dining room 14x16. Pressed brick fireplace. Built-in bookcases. v Beamed belling. Beautiful wide buffet. - Hardwood floors 2 nice light airy bedrooms. Dutch kitchen, finished In old Ivory. i Cosy breakfast room. Full cement basement, with ce ment floon Owner ' 294 39th St, SOUTH OF HAWTHORNE AVE. House open Sunday for your inspection. Beautiju! Mt; Tabor 7 room house, overlooking the city, on E. 67th bC, 1 block south of Hawthorne ave., on hard sur face street. This home should be seen to be appreclated-'-'Has large? living room, with ftre- Place; kitchen, with built-in con veniences; 3i large bedrooms and attic all celled, can make 2 large rooms; full cement basement, wash tray, furnace, wood range and gas range; beautiful lawn, lot 160x104; 12 full bearing cherry trees, 6 apple and 6 pear trees; shrubbery of all kinds. Go see this plat e and call us up. No. of house, 332 East 67th st. PRICE $6500, $1000 CASH, BAL. 5 YEARS. 67c 1 ' G, H, Kleinsorge & Co, . 310 Board of Trade. Main 6782. Oak Grove 1 acre. 4 blocks to station. 6 room house electric light, fire place, bathj screen doors and windows, all kinds of fruit trees, small fruit, plants and roses, fencie.d. running water, etc.; close to river: $:100 cash, balance $l5i per' month. Price $3000. C) Dorr E.jK.easey& Co, 2d Floor, Chamber of Commerce. IF YOU. WANT THIS, -GET BUSY. "3 room house, lot 50x123. 15 min utes' walk south from Hose City Park car; near new fireproof school; large garden, all planted. $S7D. $30 down, $10 month. 10 per cent discount for cash. j $250 WORTH of furniture almost given away. Call j Tabor 3610 today and 1 11 meet you at the end of Rose City Park carline. N-414. Journal. Bargaml Bargainl A genuine sacrifice; by owner; new modern bungalow in Piedmont; recep tion -hall, living room, dining room, breakfast room, Dutch kitchen, bed room, bathroom and den downstairs; two bedrooms and sleeping porch up stafrs; fireplace, buffet and hardwood floors; corneri" lot, east front. 1197 Haight ave. Woodlawn 702. ROSE CITY- PARK j HOMES. Deal direct with the owners, the original platters of this beautiful part of Portland. Call on our realty de partment, eor.j 4th arid SUJlc HAF.TMAN & THOAlPSON Away Down Price Lot 65x150. jelose to car, 11 bearing fruit trees, 4 room house, furnished furniture first class, rnd all for $1050. ivxust be $825 cash. Neul Brown, 209 Panama bldg. i HAWTHORNE DISTRICT, f $2250. New 5 room! bungalow, with shades, fixtures, linoleum, ready to move in. Location 410 E. 39th; beautiful cor ner. J. L. Karnopp, Ry. Ex. bldg HAWTHORNE BUNGALOWS. $2000, other $2350; both brand new, 34th st, and 49th St.; most any oil terms. My clients must sell. Fruit and shade trees, berries. aOxlOO lot. Phone Sellwood 75. - SNAP Large t room house. lut50x 142, 11 bearing fruit trees; fctreet' paid for; worth $4000; If Bold soon will take $2750; $500 down and bal. zo Per month; near 39th and E. Taylor. A. J. Farmer. 407 Stock Exchat.ge. BY owner. Alberta, modern 4 room house: sleeping jorch, 10x16: fire place, gas, electricity, chickens, fur niture and piano, lbb blocks to car, $2300. 1103 E.j 29th ft.. N. BUY direct from owner. 5 room mod ern bungalow. Rose City Park; must sell, furnished: or unturnlshed at a bargain. Phone C-2027, ' or X-858, Journal. - ' LET US BUILD TOU A HOME On your lot cr ours; by your own plans or ours; pay us like rent. THE OREGON HOME-BL.ILDER8. 1330 Northwestern Bank lildg. A SNAP 5 room house, on Vernon avt nlastsresd. electric lights, good plumbing, faces cast. $350 cash han dles this. G-159. Journal. BY owner, actual cost, $3300; 6 rooms modern, gooa car ervic-e, improved stfeet, garage, I fruit, roses, mortgage $800, equity casn, -di, journal FOR SALE, small modern house, West Side, paved street, $1760, in cluding improvements. owner, nzo Corbett st. BARGAIN 3 room house, 48x100. and garden, place for fruit, flowers chickens: $750, terms. Owner, 1027 l 39th. W. w. car, DANDY new modern bungalow. 3 rooms. 15 minutes from post office; west side. $1250; terms like rent. N- 840. Journal, 5 ROOM bungalow Just completed, Jn Laurelhurst; price $2500. $100 cash, $25 per month. iMarsh. 2500. 11. A. WIU liams. 60S Mcrvay piuk, A SNAP $8,5,? terms, 4 room house. 100x100 grounu, sma.ii nuii, oij eon; Marsnaiit itat: NO AGENTS, NO COMM I tsSION. icw fi -room bunnalow. 340 E. 41st St.. near llawtnorne ave.; moor uit LET US BUILD YOU A BUNGALOW, H. A. WILLIAMS. 609 McKAY BLDG. k:Fw modern heuse. never ocjuoied. siat and Yamhill. Block Sunnyslde car. Tabor gray, 7 ROOM modern house, cor. lot, less than $3000; terms; 2 blocks south of Sandy; by owner. rA m. iwdhi $350 cash buys$800 equity in 6 room houKA in Arleta. $9 a month pays balance. ZX-J . Journal CLASSY, new, modern 6 room bunga low, cheap. . vaan or terms. laour Ixflx 1 MODERN honie, $3500. for $290. - - - - Owner leaving cny; xiue location. D-1634. ' SOUTH ML .' Tabor residence of 7 rooms, new, ) stnctiy inuuern, nr . ' I... r 9 A (, Sale Cheap. xrrm t-nwj. j ai'r tj'. PLANS $5. i PlNS $6. Mar. 2500. 609 McKay bldg. MODERN a room bungalow, Rot-e City Park, close to carj maU good terms. . . II t T.. m. ..... hlM Neal rJrowii, v, x wichii .) $50 down, balance like rent. new. mod ern 6 room bungalow, restricted dis trict. Owner. Sellwood 2204. FOR SALE HOUSES Oontlte loo ei Oontlnnd Must Sell at One - : I ' - Brand New, 5 Rooms, Floored Attic j Full cement basement with con crete frtnt room; beautiful old Ivorv enamel finish; hardwood floors: large buffet, screened in porrh. 10x12; la bor saving kitchen, with several spe cial conveniences; shades, flxturon. lawn; east front. 60x100; mountain view. E. 45th St.. Rose, City Iaik. Paved streets. Will throw $700 off the price and sell for $2800 and give good terms. Call Tabor I 233 morn ings or evenings. I I 'OT .T T V W t A DP1T TV -r x- , r Hawthorne Avenue Bunaglow 6 room . modern "mnplete hurrgalow. on Kant sth 5t. facing east, on hard surface 8t. Hall with full length, mirror door, living rrnom with fireplace, dining room with built-in buffet. 2 bedrooms, large Dutch kltc-hen,t. full cement basement, wai(h trays, fine furnace, electric fixtures, inlaid linoleum on kitchen and bathroom floors, lawn all in; this is a complete home for only'$2850i Terms. i G. H, Kleinsorge Co, 810 Board of Trade. Main 5782. "RENT MONEY" WILL BUY IT. POSITIVE SACRIFICE. 6 ROOMS AND BATH. MODERN (NEARLY NEW), 3 BIG iJ ITS, FLOWERS. FRUIT TUKES. ETC.! NEAR MT. SCOTT CAR, "WOOD MERE STATION' NOj 7811 S7.TU AVE.. NEAR 77TH ST.I ACTUAL CASH VALUE $3500; FOR "QUICK DEAL" WU-L SKMi MENTS, OR CONSIDER SOM 1-1 TRADE ON FAIR BASIS. AD DRESS (OWNER), W. J. PATTERSON, 209 SELLING BLDG. PHONE MAIN 1 soil. $6750 $750 Cash Down The biggest bargain on the Heights; 1 acre, 7 room house, modern, garage, bain, 50 bear ing fruit trees. 20 years old, chicken houses and garden. -There is no other such spot on' the Heights that Is worth $12. 000 offered at $6750. (U) Dorr E. Keasey & Co, 2d Floor, Chamber of Commerce. BRAND NEW. JUST WHAT YOU . WANT. $2950. - , High class bungalow, doubly con structed and built by day labor; has hardwood floors, cove and beam ceil ings, beautiful and artistic fireplace, large, roomy kitchen, all tho latest built-in features, full cement basemoiit arid very large attic. This Is located 111 LUC X-XCI-'HIVA- X iu.s X n vi..jr block from UNION AVENUEv with car service from two carllnes. Price only $2950. Terms easy. Hurry, if you want It. Cannot bo duplicated for this money. C. DeYOUNG, Owner, 614 Chamber of Commerce. Hawthorne Avenue A dandy 5 ; room strictly' modem bungalow; must be seen to be appre ciated; first-class neighborhood; near stores, school, tc. Come out to 12J7 I - , t ... . . . . . . AnM A. ilkl I xu. XJl(li:uiii luuai Bi. wu vr - ' " and Hawthorne and south to Lincoln. Price $2500; very easy terms, or phon owner, Tabor 684,"or Tabor 661. UlforJow Qnon h' rnnmm nd breakfast room, newly !nnlntri and -decorated, white enamel finish, 3 good bedrooms, full base ment, furnace, fireplace: this is a sur. prise. See it today. 312 E. 26th at. North between lialsey and Clackamas. Owner, C-2384. . Rose City Park Two Eklund Bungalows $3250 and $3000 Modern and complete In every detail. Phone Tabor 680 or Tabor 1483. If You Want a Snap Come out and p my bungalow, which Is located in the best part of Rose City Park; 6 rooms, modern and up tn date: beautiful yard, with trees and shrubberv. Price onlv $2960 for quick sale." I might consider a lot as flret payment. Owner, 692 E. EUtli nt. N. 80x100. 2 hounds. 1 garuK-, 1 auto mobile, income $50 per month. liiHd, taxf-s $142 1914; price $6400; $2MJ0 cash, balance time. F. W. NEWEiU 602 Corbett bldg. $550 $76 CASH. $10 per month buy a three room bungalow on the went Fide. Why pay rent whftti you can bitv a house on such easy ternis. Thi.l.i the best value In the city. M. E.-lee, 505 Corbett bldg. , 5 ROOM bungalow. Roue City i'Hik dlst., $2400; hardwood floors, fix tures, shades, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, laundry trays; easy tfrnw, Phone owner. Tabor 680 or Tabor 1483. - ! I1S00 INCLUDING ail Improvenx nU. Modern 6 room bungaUw, modi r;i plumbing. Nlf roses and lawn. f -rr.ent walk, 3 blocks car. 1327 Dela ware ave. Owiif-r. - 1 NEAT three room bungalow on Ue west side, only 15 minutes car ride. 5c fare 'on a beautiful view tract fur only $500; $75 canh. $10 per month. HKJIJXl IIUUtlK, .ki 4 ""' to Roh City car.' $450: 'some cati. Giving this away on account of Hteli-m,sa- 34 Fi. 72d st. north. ?"t irl ' .r,t u l.t.iri ltifiM-. Uiff-liri in!'. X l . . f , . - i i . . ....... 1 , i . 1 L- . ner, 80x126, fruit shrubbery. Closet In. $2300. X-H54. Journal!. liKAClI I'ltOI'KKT V I QIC H. LK BEAUTIFUL cottage at Sea Vw, 4 lota, 60x100, at saoriflcp, phone Main 6456 Monday. 1010 Venn PI1k. FOll BALK LOTH JO A SURPRISE 100x100 Portland Iltn., 2 blocks from car, building ixi shingled, with basement No asschh- menu. $1000 cash. My lo8s your gain. 11-33, Journal. WILL sacrifice 100x100 rii Went hldj worth $2600 for $1600.1 Not let than $700 cash, balance ttrmn. Mi- Ke-nsle & Co., 5 1 5 jiUnjLJl FOR SALE Heights lot near 12th and College sts., splendid vlow; price $1600, part cash, one-third Value. Z-34. Journal. TWO 60 ft. lots. Base Line Road, $00 each; $4 down and $1 month. 1521 Knowles ave. FINE corner lot in Wheeler, clotto t depot and bank; price $36u; part rami: owner going east, A-394, .ffHirtial. FOR BALE Half corner lot, 50x100. choice location; sacrifice. L-6.12, Journal. j BARGAIN DAY I.OT 60x1 0. E. 26th, all Improvements, deed and nbBtract: $1150: owner. Tabor 2546. A NICE lot for summer tent bonne, Montavilla district, near; car; $375; easy terms. Phone Tabor 4627. TWO nice lots Rose City Park, all fmnrovea. liarsraln 1 r metlil at once. B-49M. Journal. FOR BALE Beautiful view lot.- two blocks from carline. Ridge Realty Co.. 41st St. and 68th ave, H. E. 0x100 heat of Hoil. IE mlnulpi from poe toff Ice; west side; $3000. $10 per month wm take it. U-W73, journal. 60x100 LOT. basement and loundati.-u In, for sale at half price; cash. X 857. Journal. (Continued oa Sex Page) FOR SALE HOUSES