1G THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL .15, 1915. , BARBERS AND SUFPIJES 09 Barbers7-Supplies Lckb "for standard goods. Witch Hazel. J1.10 gal. Bay. Rum Compound, $2.60 gal. T'Micro" Tonic. $4 gal.; J1.35 7-4 n. Henkle Scissors. $1, etc. Iept. 6, Clarice-Wood ward Drug Co Woodlark Bldg., Alder at West Park. ' Portland. Or. Ktevator to 6th fIoor. YOUNG man with wife And young baby, thoroughly competent machin ist and erector, must have work. Will ing to accept any kind of a position. Beet of references as to ability. Ad- flreHg imp;, juui:u.i EXfEKIENCED t grocer clerk would like Job in stores or on-dellvery wagon in small town. - i-4ober and industrious. Can give referetce. Address 189 W. park st. Room 12. - YOUNG man, T" . year's experience in dental mechanics, wishes to learn the trade more evenings. Call Main 3147 morning. Skilled Carpenters Furnished on ftiort notice. Mar. 7CS. YOUNG married 'nan (Scotch) wishes position as stitbleraan; very com petent; references L-448, Journal. UAHKIBD man v ants work on farm; " good milker, iaeaverton, Or., Route 2, ' box 33." - ' r I'APERHANOlNGf. and tinting and - furnish materiofls, ; $2.50 per room. Marshall 80se. STITCHER and leaner. Man. First class i and ' steaiy. Reference. V 854, Journal. " X'OSITION 'as chauffeur or driving auto truck; uncferstand machinery. can w oouiawn ana. -PRINTING- pressntan wants position; cylinder or plateit. V-948. Journal. THK window cleaner, houseman day or hour. 1 oc. Main 2302. SITUATION. 'EMALu MiDDLlg aged lady "would like to meet - party planning, tof go on a trip from one to threjv tnoVitns; would go as a tom)anlon lor a convalescent or chil dren's nurse. Q-82i6. .Tournal. TEMPORARY work bv first class, ex- perlenced stenographer, owning type writer. Knowledge of bookkeeping. V 855, Journal. 1 MIDDLE-AGED German lady, experi enced, wants cot 'king- or general housework in fedult family. Wrdln. 3663. xi i nrir.v. niirit wolnan wants house work in small family. Marshall 6046. KASTERN lady . w3shes position as housekeeper in widower's family. Phone Marshall 391 f. WOMAN wants hoiAsecleanlng. wash- Ing, or ironing, by iay or nour. naain 4765 LADY wants day wirk, 25e hour. M. 6800. Koom 3o. illJmsi. HTENOGRAPHER bind bi raduate. bookkeeper. bus iness rollegc g M-2302. WOMAN wants work by day or wash- Ing or ironing. Marshall 2651. WOMAN wants woik. hour or day. Woodlawn 41i.i. SiXLATlOJS'S AVA3VTKD MAIaE Ami FKMALK S3 MAN and wife (ticot.-h) with boy 10 years old. want pcsitlon on ranch; both good milkers; mferencea. V-657, Journal. 1 J )KESSL Jl NO 40 D11ESSMAKINO and tailoring, rea sonable. 1325 K. YiWilhill, near 47th and Belmont eta. . . LKSiiS OO 'AN efficient nurse ca.jpa.ble of handling any case; best of aty and doctors references. Tabor 497:2. 4 i i , . n . r. i. . .. i . . .- i I nurse, reasonable, rfefc.-ences. Tabor 2213. . FURNISH KD t ROOMS 9 V A R WAR .WAR. On hotels. Hotel Oak. Ion Oak between l; road way and Park; .fcteam heat, run ning water all rooms good beds and mattresses, clean as u. pin, in heart of city, for $1.50 per -freek. YOUNG men may fcotisult without charge register of jlurnished rooms at Y. M. C. A., listing jf. iral hundred in all parts of the citv. also those In the Association bulldiiig. VvANXKiJ Room ntiite to reduce rooming expense. l?ireproof build ing, shower baths, individual beds. Call .... D4rf,aiu V M C A ,l.nulns99 nffifa Madras Hotel Z? ituuld rooms, 12.50 up. By diky 60c, 75c. SI; is. $2.50 up. By diky 60c. 75c. 12th and Wasiungti n ats. cor ETHELTON H. JT.EL. 105 12th St., near Waa h, clean, quiet, modern conveniences, sutnmer rates: $3 wk. up; Trans, .solieitod. Mar. A QUIET PLACE FO.i QadlKT PEOPLE HOTEL CUFifOUD. East Morrison st., nar Grand ave. Cleanliness and comfort.) 3 per wk. up. - THE ALBION lfvUi'EL. e 212 3d ana Eilmon. Rooms $1.75 week u;; steam heat, hot and cold water, frew bath, phone. MAXWELL HALL, a cl iarming family hotel in business distr.lct; home priv ileses; modern; t'2 week ip. 207 14th st. NICE, clean, furnisheti and unfur nished rooms by Unci; Sam Wafler, : 2.13 Burnaide, Portlanid. TOURIST hotel, 1st aild Morrison Modern front rooms, $.5.50 up; others $2.50 up; tran., 50c up; 1 1 an. trade sol r OUTSIDE rooms, brick 5juiltting;. free phone and bath; $2 aijd $2.50 week. 2S3 13th st CLEAN, light rooms, sini'le and double. free bath, both phone K, steam heat. 445 Columbia. Main 741j), A-3973. HOTEL ARTHUR, iltn iiear Morrison. Transient and permanent, rooms with all modern conveniences. $17.60 mo. up. ROOMS nd apartments n modern ho - tel. $2.60 werk and u 455 Alder. Nicely furnished A D DHTf T lay up. i-l&Vt WTasu at, ADDU I I 1.50 wk. up. . 4 WiitiK. ap, clean, war. pi, modern fur. rooms central. The Kifrig. 309 Jeff. FURNISHED liOOMS PRIVATE PA11ILT 70 jij..vTLY furnished attic room, cool for summer, furnace heat, electri city, hot water, bath, phctne, $6 per mo. 123 N. 23d. - NIOWLY furnished larg room; also smaller, $8 nip; prlvatej family. S95 11th, corner Harrison. ATTRACTIVE rooms Id nice home, every convenience. 32 . E. 15th. East 1551. Price $9. $2 NICE front room, large closet, bath, phone. -594 ISvefett at- Main 306. i BRIGHT, attractive roon; very mod erate. 268 12th st. i . lJANHY little room, closie to business center.- i. 44 xarryjui. .VERY attractive rooms :5on 2 or 3; all conveniences.' 4xa xtn St. S OR 4 fur. rooms. Gas akid coal range, electric lights. 167 17th st., K. ONE nicely furnished rom. 389 llth NICELY furnished room.:' 387 Mill st. ROOMS AND BOARD PSITATB PAMJLT 72 NOB HILL. 62 Lucretia. fcft., near Wash ington. well furnished-room In attractive-modern home f fir gentlemen; breakfast and dinner if desired. : $5 PER week for board aifcd room, mod ern, best of everything;, bath, phone, music. Hawthorne car, ,J3. 13th. 654 r:. Madison st. FURNISHED rooms witlh or without board in private family. Rooms all newly furnished. 434 Mill et. Main 6140. ROOM and board, all conveniences, use of piano.- 485 E. 15th- cor. Division Ft W. R. Bellwood jitne.'a. , WOULD like congenfal roommate; walking distance, Laad's addition. East 4842.' LARGE front room; best home cook ing and baking, $20. 37 12th st- MODERN rooms, with - or without board. Phone Main 681 Hoyt. WANTED Small child to care for by , ine monu. vtii woouiawn aoa. ROQ31S AND BOARD 15 PARkviEW HOTEL.- 386 Montiomerr t. at West Park. Family hotel; all modern conveniences: rates for regular and transient guests THE HAZEL, cor. 3d and Montgomery Fine furnished rooms and board. $5 ur: wteam heat, hot baths: free phone. FIRST class board and room, best cooking, $5 up; 346 College st. NICE large airy rooms, home cooking. Casa Rosa. 3t Jefferson. WHEN you answer these Want Ada. mention The Journal. . HOUSEKEEPING ROOJIS 8 ONE room with kitchenette, complete ly furnished, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone in every room; 7 blocks from 5th and Morrison ts.; $12 and up. 291 Columbia st. corner 6th st. NICE,, furnished 2 and 4 room house keeping suites at 244 Killings worth ave. ; low rent. , Phon Wood lawn 680. C-1387. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, Ughts, bath, phone. $1.60 week up. Wll- lamette. avvz Jbturnsioe. $1 to $2.5j week, furnished H- K. rooms: gar, rree neat, laundry, oatn. Phone East 6039; 203 Stanton. TJ. car. 1 AND 2 room H. K. suites, $8 to $12 month; steam heat. 245 N. 17th st., corner Marshall. Marshall 4943. SINGLE H. K., $5 and $6 per month; electric lights, running Tvatcr, gas, free phone. 20th and Morrison. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 376 Yamhill, cheap rent, also basement rooms. $9 4 UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms., 610 E. Clay. Adults. East 963. ROYCREST. 175 12th Suites and single rooms by day, week or month. G1LMAN hotel, 1st ana Alder. Fur nished H. K. rras., cheap. $1.50 wk. up. Cambridge bldg., furnished J.L 1C rooms, central, cheap. 1656 3d; cor Mor'n. GEM APTS., 1. 2,: 3 room suites, free bath, phone: $1 wk: up. 401 1st at, WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal , HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 73 PEIVATE FAMILY LARGE, modern housekeeping rooms, single or en suite, finely equipped, electricity, phone, convenient to bath; rent reduced for summer: walking dis tance; on good carllne. 87 N. 16th St. $1.60 BASEMENT H. K. room, nlco for gentleman. 694 Everett st. Main 3306. 2 H, K. rms.. with alcove, large sleep ing and private porch, sleeping rms. Sbiks. Wash. 714 Everett, cor. 22d. FRONT parlor suite, first floor, also S room suite, second floor; very rea sonable; walking distance. 67 N. 20th t. Marshall 713. FOUR clean furnished H. K. rooms, newly papered and painted, range, gas. 618 7th. B'way drive. Main 4529. $8.60, THREE clean, unfurnished H. K. rooms, cottage, gas, bath, yard, separate entrance. 610 1st. Tabor 1114. DANDY 2 room housekeeping suite or ,2 single housekeeping, close in, very reasonable. 189 Park st. 361 TAYLOR Suites and single H. K. rooms, free light, phone, bath, laundry. 3 ROOMS, all convenience s; walking distance. Very reasonable, near W. Park. Porch, big yard. 415 Mill. FURNISHED 1L K. rooms. 71 East llth st., N. ' FRONT H. K. room, $2 up. Gas, bath, electricity. 349 12th st. Phone. OUTSIDE housekeeping and sleeping rooms, $2. 400 2nd st. LARGE front room, $2 week; nice one, $1.50. Lovely yard. 195 S. Grant! FOR RENT HOUSES 12 MEIER & FRANK'S FREE RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. Tenth Floor, Temporary Annex Complete and reliable list of all va cant houses, flats, apartments and bungalows in the city; make use of this service when you desire; this does not obligate you in any manner to this store. You will find us willing and ready at all times to help you in locating. Newcomers in Portland will find this service especially valuable. Real estate men and owners of private property are Invited to list their un occupied apartments, flats and houses at Meier & Frank's freo rental bureau. FOR RENT A 2 room house and gar den ground 100x225. lots of fruit of all kinds, chicken yard 60x100; right in town; 10 minute- car service. $6 a month. 512 E. Tvler st.. Stj Johns. 8 ROOM beautiful house, attic, gar age, lawn, fruit. Corner. East' 475 Broadway. Owner, 385 Yamhill, West eicie. FOR RENT I'art of modern house 1 block from Hawthorne car on 32d st. Tabor 4972. FOR attractive houses to rent use Clark Rental Service, 2d floor Title & Trust bldg. $6.50 3" room house, lot 50x170; fruit trees and garden spot. 719 E. 29th St., N. C-2677. 8 ROOM house, attractive interior, cor. McMillen and Wheeler, near Wil liams ave., low- rent. East 1357. 3 ROOM house, $3; 5 rooms, modern, $7; 8 rooms, modern, a dandy, $20. Smith & Houck. 301 Henry bldg. FOR RENT Modern cottage, 5 rooms, 233 Adams st., near Holladav ave., walking distance; rent $14. East 2635. $7.50 NICK 5 room residence. 419 Web ster and 6tb. Alberta car. 8 ROOM house, close in, $12.50. 6 room nouwe 402 SwPtland bldg. TWO houses, 5 rooms each, $12 per mo. Apply 484 Washington. 8 ROOM modern house for rent- 595 Marshall St.. A or Main 2474. $6.50 5 room gas; 3 room, $4.50. 603J juii .ve., myrtle rare. MODERN 6 room house. 931 E. 10th N. FURNITURE FOR SALE S2 MODERN west side 8 room flat, walk ing distance, part or all furnished, for sale very reasonable. STEPHEN SOCIETY LAND DEPT., 723 Chamber of Commerce. - ADS of furniture for sale are pub lished in the Household Goods class! fication when house is not for rent. FURNISHED HOUSES 36 FIVE room cottage furnished com plete, close in. nice lawn, 8 kinds of fruit trees; must be seen to be ap- preciateq. izi Aniteny, cor. 21st st. $15 Modern 5 rom cottage, 4 rooms t neauy lurnisnea. large yard. 612 Delay st. Take L car to Stanton, then 1 block west. ! 3 ROOM house, furnished, big garden. fruit, berries, flowers, $10 per mo. Steady, careful family wanted. 728 ciicrrttt ave., oeuwooq car. $20, FURNISHED 4 room cottage; walking distance. 882 Vancouver m-iv. casi 006. MODERN 4 rooms, completely ur nlshed. frfH -l f 1 f 1 1 -vai-rl rlno. lit Adults. 853 Sacramento et. C-l 160. COMPLETELY furnished cottage. 4 rooms and bath, $16, including water. ov failing st. aiarsnau 2663, FURNISHED 6 room house, modern. cheap, part cash, no - agent. 501 Swetland bldg. CRN1SHED 6 room cottage, with bath. $12; . Kenton car. 1488 Mel bourne st. 5 ROOMS Nicely furnished, garden in, Hawthorne car. adults only. In- uirejn Jii.;4,Bin FURNISHED house, 8 rooms. 830 Hal SPV Mt- I nmi t fj. T 17 TI n .. .. , t ! i Clackamas st. Phone East 638 FOR RENT 3 room house, furnished: small fruit, garden. $9. 1025 E. 39th PARTLY furnished house of 10 rooms, suitable roomers and boarders. 24S N. 20th. WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal. FURNISHED HOUSES 3 ;- Contlnned '--'.:' $16 Modern 3 room cottage neatly furnished, newly papered, large bath room, also trunk room. 1067 E. 25th st. N. Take Alberta car. Phone E. 3612. ; 2 ROOM. 1316 E. ISth N. $5. ; Phone East 864. APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Wellesley Court EAST 15TH AND BELMONT STS. Furnished and unfurnished. Mgr. East 3469. References- , MASTEN APARTMENTS! " A 3 room new modern steam heatea furnished apartment at 927 Union ave. N., cor. Skidmore. for $18, in new brick DUiiaing oi oniy nitaruutuw, " i air, canvas covered sitting room on rwi. yvwumwu flao. HANTHOKJS APARTMENTS, 251 12th St.. 3 room apartments, modern - in every, respect; furniture agsolutely new, each apartment has private bal cony; unfurnished apartments f"' oughly renovated, spick and span, I'ke new, walking distance. VILLA ST. CLARA. I2t and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apt. Walking distance. Ref crencea. THE LUZERNE. 2 room furnished apts., private bath, phone, dressing room, large kitchen; all outside rooms: modern, brick; $10 minutes from business center; $20 and $25. Marshall 4637. HIGHLAND COURT API'S.. 22D AND GLISAN. Largest, most homelike, high class apts. in city, furnished or unfurnished. Sleeping porches. Walking distance. MARSHALL 3249. UKOAUWAi CKMTKAli BLOCK Rooms and apartments, modern, new, up to date, furnished elaborately, three block east of Broadway bridge. Sum mer rates. Enst 6663. C-1572 THE IRIS ATto. 3d and Mill St. JULIETTE APTS. 2d and Montgom ery. Modern 2. 3 and 4 room apts., furnished or unfurnished, $17 month up. No charge for cooking gas. THE CODY, cor. E. 7th and Taylor sts., has been remodeled with private baths, new furniture and carpets. 2 and 3 rooms; light and phone free; rent very reasonable. Call East 44. PORTNOMAH 3 and 4 rooms, sleep ing porches, hardwood floors, un furnished, moving expenses paid. 200 E. 18th st. , THE MORTON, cor. King and Wash., new man'g.; 3 and 4 rooms, fur., and unfur. apts., reasonable rent. Pacific phone In apts. Main 1082. A-5749. NICE 3 room apt., $17 mo splendid furniture for sale cheap. Call at once to get a snap. Phone East 4276. Act. 2. 200 E. 13th St., cor. Taylor. THE WI ELAND APTS. Modern 1 and 2 room apts., steam heat, phone, lights, large yard, walking distance, $5 up. 63 jn. istn. GRAY Gables, 289 10th St.; 1 and 2 rooms, light, bath, phone free, house cleaning finished, 5 nits, business dis trict. Keasonable. 6 ROOM apt., all outside rooma, largo sleeping porch; also largo back porch. Maryland Apts., 666 Flanders. Main 825L THE SHEFFIELD 270 Broadway, south, 3 and 4 rooms, well arranged, easy walking distance, at very rea sonable rent; best of service. M. 250o. LOWEST RATES. 3 and 4 room, strictly modern apts., best service, private phone. Rosenfeld, 14th and E. Stark. PENINSULA APTS, concrete bldg., 2 and 3 rooms, hot and cold water, baths, steam heat, phone, $12 up. C- 1170. AMERICAN-MARLBOROUGH. Highest class apts. in the city, 4, S and 6 rooms, walking distance, reason able. Mar. 3360. Main 7516. A-27i. THE DEZENDORF. 208 16TH ST. Marshall 2316. Exceptionally nice 6 room furnished and unfurnished apt. ALCO APTS. 387 E. Couch, cor. of Union. 2 room apts., newly furnished and decorated. Summer rates, $15 up. East 2403. THE EVERETT. 644 Everett st. Fur nished 3 room apartments, modern, walking distance. THE ALBEMARLE, 2 & 3 room apts.. steam heat, private bath and phone, sum, rates. $18, $27. 383 Wms. E. 4193. DRICKSTON 448 llth St.; modern 2, 3 room fur. apts., $20 to $30; walking distance; excellent service. Mar. 67. THE EVELYN APTS., 267 21st St. N. 3 room furnished apartment. Mar shall 1323. THE Page Apts. 3 rm., large front apt., all modern conveniences. E. 3566. THE ORMONDE Front 4 and 5 rooms. 656 Flanders. Nob Hill. Main 8251. Ardmay Terrace. 395 12th st- Large 2 room fur. apts. Mrs. John Cran. mgr. KEELER APTS.. 14th and Clay 3 and 4 room unfurnished: references. 1, 2, 3, room furnished apartments; pri vate baths; reasonable. 109 N. 18th TWO and 4 room furnished and un furnished apts., $12 up. 401 10th st. MEREDITH 3 & rm. apts., reason able. 712 Washington, opp. 22d. M.7134 FOR RENT FLiATS 13 MODERN 6 room, sleeping porch, free phone. Walking distance, $18. E. 3737. E. 2173. kuUbKN 4 and 6 rooms, near City park. faMinabli. M 8988 or A-2676. NEW 6 room moderj flats, $10; on car line. Tabor 31irf. FURNISHED FliATS 50 CLOSE In East Side, furnished, clean 3 room flat, large porch and yard. 2 car lines. Sellwood 289. $12 Neatly furnished 4 room upper flat; phone and water, large yard. 900 E. Grant St., bet- 29th and 30th. W-R car. 4 ROOM furnished flat with sleeping porch, close in. 65SV Gantenbein ave. WELL furnished modern 5 room flat. $27.50; walking distance west side. Phone evenings after 7. Mar. 5238. FOR RENT HALLS 59 381 E. Mori-son St.. new lodges and dances; very reasonable terms. E. 28 STORES AND OFFICES 11 BRICK warebjupe In South Portland for rent, trackage, light and airy. On paved street, jreasonable. Journal Publishing Co.. Broadway and Yamhill. SHOP, 271 Hawthorne ave.. east end of bridge. H. N. Burpee. M-3330. - -- -( HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC. 18 ; . i SPAN of 4 and year old geldings, well broken and sound, heavy bone and very block built, weighing 2650 lbs., $250; soan of mares weighing 2200 lbs., sound and young, guaranteed to be good workers, single or doubJe, with pet of new harness, $190. Model Sta bles. 5th arid Davis. Commission Auction Of horses, vehicles, harness, wagons, every Monday and Thursday at 2 p. m. LOiumma Maoi's, .-soz from st. 1100 LB. mule 5 years, $25; buggy with pole and shafts, $15; farm wagon, $15; single harness. $5. 1561 E. Asa. near 60th. WANTED Second hand wagon. 3 or - 3 in.; must be in good shape; will pay cash. Write to Leon F.. Robinson. Sherwood, Or. BARGAINS in new roy dump wag ons and dump boxes. J. L Case T. M. Co.. E. 1st and Clay. Phones East 49. B-1227. - DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co . . HARNESSA good set of double team - harness cheap. Take Mississippi car to Webster st, 155. $150 TAKES pair of 2300 lb. mules - with good double harness; trial b lowed. 1967 E. Stark St., cor. E. 78th. DEAD horses and cattle taken ; call day or night.; Tabor 4203. HORSES, VE-UCLES, ETC. 18 ME UNION TRANSFER CO., at llth I and Hoyt ats., have the following to i sell aa they have . Replaced with auto ! trucks and take this means of dispos ing or their stock: 4 Mares Teem of matched mares. ! weighs close to 2800 lbs., are good true pullers and prompt waJners, ooia nave had units makine them Droven brood rnares of the highest type, gentle and ! kind for lady or boy to feed or handle. Bet gooa neavy narness, ui wuniww at low price of $265.; Team mares, one heavy in foal, they are low, heavy bone chunks, good true workers, gentle and kind in all places, make fine orchard team, set good heavy harness and a good used farm wagon, at one price for all. $225. Come and try them. Team geldings weighs close to 2850 lbs., are .full brothers, a dark rich brown in color, a team anyone will be I pruuu to own or drive, me dcui e eigni years oio. ana a true puiuiik, ii walking pair that will give satisfac tion to the most particular. Set good heavy harness, all at low price of $250. Mules Team of good, ' fat, free working mules, both mares, gentle ana kind and the best team of walking mules you ever saw, here Is a team of mules for little money that will: do as much work as a team of $400 horses. Set good heavy breeching harness and all at the low price of $150. Good light larm wagon at low price of $30. Make good cheap farm outfit. Trial given. Single mares and horses Bay marc weighs 1200 lbs., only 5 years eld and a good worker, single or double and will ride, price $100. One black horse. 105J) lbs., is good little horse, 6 years old and price is only $50. One big low heavy set mare in foal and always has good colts, Is fat and ready to work, will fo.il roon, at low price of $85. One big bay horse little thin but good worker and true to pull, at low price of $60. One gray horse fat and hand some, at low price of $65. Call and see these bargains. Large assortment of farm wagons from $22.50 up, also several sets of heavy double harness from $16 up to $25, all second hand. Three stock sad dles. Call or address UNION. TRANS FER CO., llth and Hoyt sts. LIVESTOCK 35 FOUR fresh cows, 4-year-old Jersey, 3 gals, per day, with heifer calf, $60. Others are Jersey, Holstein and Jersey Durham. Extra good, rich -milkers and price reasonable. Will trade for beef. 1480 Macadam st. Fulton car to Idaho st. 15 HEAD of good dairy cows, some Just fresh with calves; will sell herd at $70 per head, all tested; this is a bargain, or will sell one or more Come and take your pick. Two blocks east of Reed college. Phone Sell. 747. COWS WANTED. Modern home, near Mt Tabor, to trade for cows, heifers, etc., to supply my ranch; sacrifice of $500 to make a deal for $500. George Moulton, 63U Washington. Main 9276. JUST arrived, 40 head of dairy cows, Jerseys and Durham, fresh and springers; $50 up; 3 blocks north 1 west. Kenton Bank A-l YOUNG fresh Jersey and brlndle cow and calf. Owner leaving city. 1327 E. 24th St.. N. Take Woodlawn car. FOR SALE Cows, heifers, pigs, on the old Perlot ranch, 2 miles south west of Willamette. E. E. Knicksehm, Oregon City, Or. R. 7. COME and see us about all breeds dairy cows. Geo. R. Mokel Cow Co., 607 Commercial block. Main 6120 WANT Milch cows. Will trade or sel! good span mules with harness. Call or write 60 E. Stafford st. PASTURE for stock adjoining city limits. Phone Woodlawn 1998. POULTRY AND PIGEONS 37 GET the Belgian Hare Guide, 25c. T-. (i r. (i i ... .3 WHITE Leghorn baby cnlx, best utili ty stock, $8 per 100; for April and May delivery. We guarantee safe ar rival. No dead or weak chix to pay for. The Pioneer Hatchery, Petaluma, Oal. OREGON Poultry and Pet Stock Ex change, 65 6th st. Eggs, baby chicks, cocks, cockerels, hens, pullets, best laying strains; lots up to 5000. Tur keys. pigeons, ducks. Belgian hares. FIRELESS brooder free with 50 or 100 day old White Leghorn chix. at 10c each. Brooders for sale, custom hatch ing. Baker-Hart Poultry farm. Beaver ton. Or. BARRED ROCK and White Leghorn eggs of extra good layers. $1.60 for 15. $6 for 100. J. A, Stuart. Latourell, Or. BARRED Plymouth Rock eggs for sale, $1 per setting, delivered. E. Ek. Wdln. 2397. 18 laying pullets for sale. Z-37, Jour nal. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 FEDERAL 1 ton truck, was guaranteed by Federalf agents for 1 tons. Has body and curtains. This. truck is now being overhauled and will serve you like a new one. Write or call on u for further information. Terms if desired. Address Mr.' Gilbert, Oregon Motor Car Co. Chapman and AMer sts. Main 9402. RKO truck. 1500' pounds, bought last May from C. L. Boss, used very lit tle. Come and see it, or write us at once. Price $350; terms. Address Mr. Gilbert. Oregon Motor Car Co. Chapman and Alder sts. ' Main 9402. GENERAL auto and truck repairing. Reo truck sprockets a specialty. Forg ing. Good work, square prices. Try us. E. L. Taylor & Co.. 71 1st st. BODY BUILDING. PAINTING. SEAT COVERS,- TOPS. Largest, best equipped shop in Port land; expert work, low charges. Wil lamette Carriage & Auto Works, E. approach Hawthorne bridge. East 616. OREGON VULCANIZING CO. "The Tire Shop." 550 Washington st., at 18th Marshall 379. BEST TIRE REPAIRING. TIRES! t raae new tires tor old ones. IMPHflVRll PnRTAHf.P n A t a t.--" 10x16. best materials, erected on your lot complete, $32 up. Any other style you want at prices that can't be beat. B. T. ALLYN, Garage Specialist, 7 PASS. 6 cylinder Pierce Arrow, new ly painted, good tires and seat cov- Wmt nnat1 ai c? rr nil mm An Mm. uui' uoi.i puiqu -Li aq J'ttl L payment. Wlnton Motor Car. Co., 23d rvH 1. nuhinornn 4-a . i A 4-CYL1NDER MAXWELL CAR. 2 ! PASSENGER, NEW TOP, PRESTO RELROSE GARAGE. E. 27TH AND BURNSIDE. E-4096. FOR SALE, 1913 Ford; looks almost like new. Presto tajik, electric light, shock absorbers, tires practical ly new. all in good condition, for $360. Call at 663 Va E. Morrison. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOS. Large stock, prices $300 to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.. Sttidebaker bldg.. Corner Chapman and Alder. Written guar- a n t e e witn every spring. 26 N. 16th st. RECOVERING auto tops, $18.50 up. Auto painting, $20 up; all work guar anteed. -United Painting & Auto Top Co.. 15th and Washington. Mars. 94a. FOR SALE 7-pass fore door Chal mer. Ask owner, 247 Salmon. Phone Main 9560 days, Wldn. 997 evenings. SLIGHTLY used tires, largest stock in Portland, $3 to $15. Fine repalr 1 n g. Tire Supply Co., 207 Madison. ONE 6 passenger car for sale. A-l condition; $225, Phone A-3231. 293 Montgomery st. HIGHEST prices paid for old rubber, metals. J. Leve. 186 Columbia. M. 5198 EXPERT . auto repairing, reasonable . charges. J. J. Zlmmer. 123 N. 6th st J o AUTOMOBIIiES-ACCESSORXES 44 . . " (Continued) m aw w mr mw mr um MOTOR CARS) Spring Clearance Sale ON Used Quality Cars AT PRICES NEVER BEFORE OFFERED. Here is your opportunity to purchase a real automobile at bargain price. We have for sale this week: PACKARD 18 5 Passenger. PACKARD 30 2 Passenger. PACKARD 305 Passenger. PACKARD 38 6 cyl., 5 Passenger. PACKARD 48 6 cyl., 5 Passenger. PACKARD 30 7 passenger limou sine. Frank C. Riggs Company Cornell Road. 23d and Washington Sts. Phone Main 4542. WE will pay cash for second hand FORD CARS?, or trarin nn nnes for Pthem. Cars sold on terms. Asrents for Gray & Davis Ford starting and light ing system. Benj E. Boone & Co. FORD AGENTS. Portland. Hillsboro. 614 Alder St. Phone Main 3966. 1914 Cadillac Has had good care and shows It. Mo tor smooth running and car in fine shape all around. See this car at once. Covey Motor Car Co. 21 ST AND WASH. PORTABLES GARAGES AND HOUSES Built of best materials, ar tistic designs. Erected complete, lock and key. $32 up. " Portable bouses, $125 up. Immediate delivery. TAKE DOWN MFG. CO. Foot of Harriso-i St. Phone Main lt7. Used Auto' Snap . LIBERAL. TERMS GIVEN. AMERICAN 4 pass.. Cole 5 pass.. Chalmers 6 pass.. HUPP 5 pass., Reo 1 ton truck with body. SEVERAL OTHERS TO SELECT FROM. Free service given on all used cars. Northwest Auto Co. BROADWAY" AND COUCH STS. Main 8887. A-4959. Peerless Late model 7-pass., electric lights and starter. Newly repainted. Will sell at great sacrifice. Investigate. Covey Motor Car Co. 21ST AND WASH. Fords - Fords Fords Fords 31914 FORD. 6 pass., practically new, 1913 FORD, roadster, $295. 1913 FORD. 6 pass, $385. 1913 FORD, 6 -pass.. $350. 1912 OVERLAND. 5 pass, $385. 1911 MOLINE 30, 5 pass., $195 Francis Motor Car Ex. E. 1199. E. 13th and Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE Dandy Mitchell touring motor in fine shape. Looks Just like ..c. oaiTiiiue ana maxe llDeral terms, and will consider trade. See this today. C-2392. 603 IJ. 50th, N. Electric Beautifully upholstered and finished. Everything practically new. See it at Covey Motor.Car Co, 21ST AND WASH. WT5NTON SIXES, thoroughly over- ;',- - ""i"-, J 11 mmu pass, models; cars are fully equipped and ,.uaiu ruarauu, or trie win ton company for one year: be sure and see us before you buy a used Car. I.iriPrtll tar-m lf i . v . -- - i in iuh aoior xi. ,o., .m a in wash sts. FIVE pass. Overland, cheap. 1731 Dl- VtDIVll Fl. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 7H . 1,1,-iiig moaei. in good condition, from owner; must "" jv-upp. journal t -pott t r 1 KJ1- ?y y.ou sPot cas" for your i,1 TancJ Motor Car Ex.; E jva xj 1 1 n. rv iiiorne ave. NEW piano for sale on terms or will ' trade for light automobile. L-649 ; Journal. ; WILL pay $25 'cash and $15 a week a.,? ttPJW- ord a.uto in sood con- .j.i.ii. u-ono, journal. WA-y aut for IanU contract. Tabor AUTOS FOR HIRE FORD $1 per hour, $ day. East 305. MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES 63 tUH, SALE Bonlta bicycle with s ...v. nv, combination gas and electric light, good tires, $l5f a '-an at b4 K. Burnniri t Pope motorcycles and bi- and tised Snnnii.. F. P. Keenan Co.. 190 4th. HARLEY Davidson, twin, 7 p. equipped, $140. Marshall 1675 after 1 1 a m. 1913 7 H.-P. motorcycle fully equipped; must sell; make me an offer. .Sell wood 1555. 7. H, P. motorcycle, good as new. $135. Tabor 4049. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 4 FOR SALE or will trade for motor cycle, small gasoline 10 pass, launch. i . duiuia Duuinuune. FOR SALE cheap, 8 room houseboat In . good-repair. Call Tabor 5511 morn ing or evening. m ?3I THtUtAi lCy LAUNCHES AND BOATS 04 n . .jlContlnued , - EVINRUDE Detachable Row boat Motors for ro wboats, tatnoea. motorboata and fisn boats are in use by over 15 governments- The Evinruae is world famous for- remark able power, speed arjjl n derf uf waterproof ma mto built within flywheeL In use tt irr Hatm rtmAiiL handling 80-ft- pontoons. 9Yeri,400?. use in Columbia river, Alaska, ana Scandinavian fishing fleets. ; A,"!010' you can carry by hand will give as much speed as average 6 horsepower motorboat, and the price of $08 to 3 is so low anyone can own a motorboat ew special mouei ,. j 1 ...T. as low as $80. Free catalogue; address Kvlnrude Motor Co.. i J1""""11- HOUSE boat moorage .for rent, vvith plot of ground, for bale cheap tot cash; flock of chickens and. ducks, good houses, yards fenced and grow garden, new incubator, will hatch in week. B-434, JournaL PiAXfia ORGANS AND 34 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PLAYER PIANO $296; all lateat im provements; terms to suit, iree mUE.IL HOLT PIANO COMPANY. 333 Morrison Street- . Northwestern National Bank BIock. LARGE stocK of band instrume nts in our exchange dept. " at ' ,erkb,le reductions. Also special C G. conn cornet sale. New horns for 01a. GRAVES MUSIC CO.. Fourth Street. $495 BUYS BEAUTIFUL SOHMKR grand piano, slightly used, but can not be told from new; terms. E. H. HOLT PIANO COMPANY. 333 .Morrison ji Northwestern National Bank Block FOR SAL $400 solid oak piano tor $237.50. Call at 680 bi. $175 BUYS large size mahogany case piano;; beautiful tone; terms to suit. E. H- HOLT PIANO COMPANY. 333 Morrison Street. Northwestern National Bank Block. TYPEWKITERS 77 r x ,u .ut'Dtttr . TVPPWRITERS. Underwoods, Remingtons, L. c. Smith. Oliver, Smith-Premier, Royal, etc., S 16 and up; terms. Agents for the "Corona" folding typewriter. Type--writer desks, tables and chairs. The J. is.. U11I UOm gq ana aium WE save you from 60 to li per cent on all makes of typewriters.' oenu our illustrated folder; retail depart ment. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 3Z1 Washington gt. TYPEWRITERS for rent, 3 months for $5 and up; 6 months' rental ap plied on purchase price. - Remington .typewriter jo op pnauq NEW, rebuilt, 2d hand, rentals cut rates, f. u. u. kso z&x cir. HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 03 FURNITURE 7 rooms, oriental rugs, brlc-a-brae, Haviland china, cut glass, draperies, piano, etc. East 1795, before 11 a. m., after 2 p. m. 618 E. 24th N. SPLENDID furniture for three rooms, rhfan Cnll n t once. This is a snap. Phone East 4276. Apt. 2. 200 E. 13th st.. cor. Taylor. PIIRKITIIRE. uonkinir utensils, dishes, etc.. for sale. Call at 342 East 66th St., near Hawtnorne. pnone i. ao. ( . CALL Bell Auction Co. ana get gooa price tor your furniture. Alar. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 SEWING MACHINES. 60 slightiv ifsed machines. Singer, dropheads ,.$10 and up Wheeler & Wilson d'pheads $15 and up New Home dropheads. . .. .$15 and up Domestic, dropheads $15 and up New Royal, dropheads. ... .$10 and up Willamette, dropheads $10 and up Soma Stencil machines. dropheads $ 7 and up Box top $ 3 and up All makes of machines xor rent, $ per month. Two Stores: THE WHITE SEWING MACHINES. 383 Alder st. 243 Alder st. Phone Main 2183. A-4599. Main 2978, A-3559. S. S. Slgel, Agent. Electric Motors Bought, sold, ' rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works, 413 Burnside, cor. 10th. Main or A-5674. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS" -Typewriters"- and "Household Goods" mrt separate classifications. All adver tisements of these goods are published under their respective classifications. 1 00k them over. ' BILLIARDS New and second-hand carom and pocket billlara tames, bowling alleys and accessories, easy payments. Tables for residences. The Brunswick-Baike-coiienaer to., o-a 6th st. Phone Main 4970. $1.25 ROOFING 76c. We have some good roofing which we will sacrifice rather than carry It through the summer. 1 piy oc, a piy $1 per roll. Dayton Hdw. Ac Mach. Co., 194 1st. . FOR horses and venlcles. dogs and household pets or poultry, read the sds, under these respective headings. The Journal leads all other mediums in these classifications I HAVE 3 good toilets. 1 good bath tub, 1 marble sink, double wash tuo and a good furnace for sale cheap. It comes from a fine home. Sacrifice. Marshall 1376. Z-40. Journal. ' SEWING machines, new and second hand, sale or rent, $2 up; Sewing Machine Emporium, 190 3d St., near Taylor; Main 9431, A-3626. NATIONAL cash registers surprising ly cheap; big saving. Call and see All registers guaranteed. Cash Reg ister Exchange, 351 Washington st- AUTOMOB1LES, motorcycles, launches or boats are separate classifications. A large listing can be found under these different headings. Owilnrr M o r h n otv Sold. Rented, OOWIIIS maviiiii&o Repaired. Easy terms. 382 Morrison. A-6110. Mar. 721. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; made in Oregon. $1.65 gallon. Port land Paint Co.. 230 Front. Mar. 100, IVOROID house paint, $1.25 gal.; clos ing out line; was $1.76 gal. Timnis Cresa Co., 184 2d st. PORTLAND'S LEADING AND LAR GEST MOVING PICTURE SUPPLY CO 64-66 BROADWAY. MIMEOGRAPHS, supplies, circular let-5 ters. Elliott addressing macnines ami supplies. W. E. Flnzer & Co.. BtarK FOR SALE U. S. army tent 10x12. Phone woodlawn 3i40. SAFES Stark st. $12.60 DROPHEAD sewing machine with attachments. 152 Grand ave. OE V U KTZ furniture store, 208 lau Liowest cann prices in tne city. PLUMBING supplies, wholesale prices. . . . . , . ...! o .1 , . . . 7(1? blarK-uaviS JO.. iilii wu. aiam iji. w,' t;uv and sell used machinery. FOR KALE: U. S. patent well casing perforator. Beauditt. 534 E. 14th st. WANTEIJMlSCELLAAEOUS 5 'NOTICE TO M o VERS." V We want to buy '$1000 worth of sec ond hand furniture and pay all the cash It Is worth. Williams Ave. Fur niture Exchange. East 636. LEVIN HAHOWARE -& FUKN1TUKB COH 221 ifront sc. Dttys za nana xur nlture. carpets, stoves, ranges, hard ware or tools of any kind. Call A-7174 or Main 9U72. t'ur ouyer cans iiroinpu?. WAiSTKL I'be people of Portland to a . . i.-i.A ... .1. r r-l r Tnr KnOW A Vy lAlfc, i.iv - - household goods. Prompt attention. B. 6707. N. M. Seater. 143 Russell st. WANTED Two 5 or 8 foot refrigera tor show cases, cash register, butch er's block and refrigerator. G-185, journal. WANT pasture for 20 - head young stock. Chris Desme, Lents, Or. Ta bor 1102. I NEED good used furniture and men s clothing; pay casn. nirsiii om. CROW. FUBN. CO. pays top prices for furniture. 209 First. Mar. 2ftt3. iLi KAiNO cloinins and everything. Highest nricea. M. 20K0. 25 1st CLOTHES. shoes bought; 55 up for suits. Main 7673. 247 Madison st. 25 WILL trade my $310 equity in $550 lot for diamond worth $100 and $150 cash. Call East 911. ' - SWAP New ay gasoline .engine. 2Vi horsepower. What have you 7 Y" 578. Journal. . - TRADE dandy gas - range for wood range. No jimk. 404 Park. '. LOST AND FOUND 21 FOLLOWING articles were found on the Portland Railway. Light & Power Co's. cars, and owners thereof may claim same at the First . and Alder street station:- I April 12th Marshall 5100. A-6131: 2 suitcases. 9 umbrellas, 1 can varnish. 1 package curtain fixtures, 1 glove, 1 sack eggs, 1 surveyor's tape, 1 music roll. 1 valise, 2 packages clothing, 1 book interurban car tickets, 1 roll of paper, 1 sample case. packages, ' 1 knife, lady's hat. ' FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power-Co., and owners threeof may claim same at the First and Alder EttrGG fitft tlpn ' April 13th Marshall 6100. A-6131: 12 umbrellas, 1 suit case, 1 package shoes, 1 bottle Ink, 1 glove, 1 book- Interurban car tickets, 1 basket clothing, hand grip, 1 saw. 1 . wicker hand grip. 1 square, 1 receipt book. 1 note book, 1 lunch box, 1 lawn mower fixture. PARTY that found hand embroidered combination suit on "S" car kindly Tel. Marshall 5201 or return to owner st 1 Front st. I LOST pit bull, black with white ring around neck,: white breast and white feet, ears sore on account of being trimmed. Call Wdln. 64. Reward. LOST Small brooch. 3 small 4 leafed clovers and pearls, crescent shape. mnder please phone Main 61. - LOST 1 black horse. 1000 lbs. Wood lawn 847. -i LOST Station G.i Oak st. office, 3 postal saving checks. Finder call Mar. 3254. ' - l MADAME MUNZKLLA teaches palm istry and card reading. 4224a Mor rison. Office 2. ! LOST Elk tooth t charms , Call East 4098. B-2421. Reward. WHEN you answer' these Want Ads. mention The JournaL lERSONAIi PANAMAS cleaned, bleached, 75c; felt. straws, duc; sa 3a. pet, stars & ugit, WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal. CHIROPRACTIC .doctor. Painless ad. justments; 31 treatments $15. 121 4th HARTNESS. leading feather workers. wnoiesaie. retail.' oor. Parlt. Yammu. laulPr Consultation free. Main LaWVCI 4993. , 708 Selling bldg. BALM of Figs, remedy for diseases of women. 604 Davis st. Main 2393. LESSONS in phrenology and card readings. 235 6th st. Phone M. 7548. Professional and ACCORDION PLEATING ACCOUKION, K.MUt AMI BOX 1'IJCATINU. P1COTINQ, HEilSTITCHlNQ. BHAIDINO, EMBUOIDEKINU. EA3TKKN NUVELTI aim. CO.. . nth FT.. NEAR OAK. K. STKl'HAN Hematlicblng. accordion, aide and aiuibnrst pleating; buttof, covered, gooda aponged. BcalloplnK. H83 Alder. M-0373. - . BIAKK BOOK MAKERS Davis a hoi.man.1uc. iou ltd at. Blank book nianutacturera; ngenta for Jones' Im proved Loose Leaf Ledgers. tiea tUa new Eureka Irfaf A-HI83. Muln 183. . BRASS AND MACHINE WORKS HARl'Klt a Brass Works. Krasa casting and machine works. HW N. 6th at. Main 3702. CARPET CXEANINO JOYCE BKOS. Kieclric Cleanlnif works, carpel cleaned and laid, refitting our specialty. East 440. B-10A.I. 204 E. lth at. w CAKPlilS cleaned, relHtlus and laying. W. Packer. Tabor 105.' Llnoleonr pollabea. CARPET' WEAVING KOUTUWUST 1'.. O. CO., rut from old car peta. rag ruga, carpet cleaning. K- etn. Work called for. Kast .S580. B-1S0. PKMNSUl-AU Bug Worka Uag rug and car pet weaving. 1618 Fatten ave. Wwiil'n. 2H5. CHI-RO-PRACTIC PHYSICIAN 1B McMAiloN. 121 4th at. Ch onlc diseases requiring etenrted ttm". St treatments $15. DB. foULSON. apeclallst In paralysU, nervuua. chronic dlHeaaes. 8&0 Plttock blk. M. 8414. E)K. C.W.MlLLliU, ltll-03 Nat l. Theatre bldg.. Park and btark. 12 to 6 p. m. Main 8212. COAL JJD WOOD Vll-r-D P. CADD-A-1 dry fir. oak. aau Xr,Ln Ci6 l M1U1 and lnalda block wood. 4 toot or aawid to order. Telephonea f-f A I Main 4506, A-4547. j WUIL KICK dry box wood t.nd cordwood, 4 feet or - aawed. Summer prices. Standard Wood Co., Easr Z.HD. .a-iauo. rU -.-.l J- KVfcKXS, MAIN SfUl. UKAV plank w.xid, "ulb"' f:i.ao. Also wrecKoge, "- -,-1 FIRST growth dry fir cordwood delivered, on west aide at 4 75 otr cord. Main 3.WU. COLLECTION AGENCIES I BUX acctiunts. bills, notes and judgment of every name and nature, anywhere, for quick results answer M-fM. JournaL ELECTRIC MOTORS AND DYNAMOS Vlo'lOHJi. generators bought, sold, ranted, and repaired- VV do all kluda of "pairing and rcwiiidlua-. All work guaranteed. H. M. a. Metric t3o.. al N- ft at. I'bone Main 2lK WE buy. sell, rent and. evchange new and 2d band uiotors; repair work a fc'yV- WET- J?KN KI.hX'TBIO -S-. itl Hh at. Mar. Him. EYE, EAR. NOSE. THROAT, LUNGS tpecialiat. Mwlerate j.rlcea. Olaaaea fitted. Dr. V. V. Caaaeday. 517 iXrkum bldg..3d tt Wash. EDUCATIONAL DANCING tBOF W VL W1LSN. walta, hesitation, ona etcp" fox trot, inaslie; morning, afternoon and cvenint:: 4 private lesaona) Uuarantea to teach anyone who walka bow to dance. Clnaaea Tlmraday and Saturday ereninga, 7 to H 'Mi . rH, 5tu, Jet. Stark A Oak. M. 71.17. MB. AMJ MKsT ilSAIH' S SimioT fancy ataae. oial and all tha la teat dance taught. Walta and two-atep guaranteed In 4 private leaaons. Clnaa i -nea. and rrL evea., 8 U 10 1K 2d let. Wash and Stark. Leaaona 2o MUSIC SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS FBEDKRICK C: yKBLVOKB. organist. Sec ond Church of Christ,. Scientist, teacher plan and pipe organ: studio 4Io Htearne "lg E THIKLHOBN. violin teacher, pupil Hevclk, NATUROPAXHIC rHYBICIANg OB I'UlLLllS laxalyi.l, nervoua and caron lc dlseawa. 5Q4-5 Oregonlan bldg, M. 8142. POPULAR MUSIC BAOTIMK oxS piano cuarantead beglnnera la -i i i . . u u. . . i,i..,ia r. Ii v 1 ti i li'r ,1 metti. atratlon. Free booklet- 501 Eilera bldg. SWAP COLUMN Manufacturers Jobbers 1 AViiolesalerav DRY GOODS WHOLESALE - Fleischner, Mayer & Co. FARM IMPLEMENTS A VEHICLES li M. WAf)K-f Ctt.J llaw'horna ave. LEATHER NP PINDINOS- CHAS. L. MASTICK Sc. CO.. 74 JronL Leather of every, deacrlptttn'-; flndlnga. PAINT. OIL AND GLASS. UASMUbSKN A CO.. t"iiigb Jatandard" paint. N. E. Corner 2d -nJ Tal. M. 1771. A-6o41. j INFORMATION COUPON . Oregon Journal! Representative Bureau, - please send" ine tbe name of a reliable house In the followinz lines of business: -....' Line Line 2.. Line 3.-...... ................... ' Tour name. ............................... i ... ,, . .Tour atddres- '.. ......... .. 2"J iContimiad) f S v-f S X A FlOfciV or I J prices. Why V ' to $io xor i on high cay a b lasaaa. when X can fit vour uvea with first quality lenneM in a gold-filled frame an low as $1.50T C. W. Goodman. 20 Morrison et.. near bridge. Mail orders prommlv filled. Write Ur particulars. REDUCED over 16 lbs. and in meas ure about 10 Inches less In 6 treat ments was tiie experience of a well known capitalist of this city; also Mr. H. is now 40 inches less In measure and stronger than ever. Swedish Iti htltute. 12th St.. corner Alder. f Phrenology 40 years' exr PROF. YOUNG 40 years' experience. Hundreds -f testimonials. Consult him and convincea. 21 Morrlaon. SPIRITUALISM Medium, Rev. Vlr- circles Tuesday and Friday evening 8 o clock. 231 6th st. Phonff A-711! Mit6. ous,VhN8, il years-Portland s renowned palmist and clairvoyant, has her book "Palmistry Made Eay.": on sale. 291 H Morrlaon st. ATTORN FY teo reasonable. Cauvt rtl wIlltL I O settled without noto riety. All cases treated with courtesy. 813 Buchanan bid g. Marshall 4368. 7A.flT. nRVVli-no l.nihiu. ii.fi'tilin' . . . V 1 - I J IV l. ' ' ' I . .. - I.WF9, and card reading. Distributor Me' limn hair preparations. 4n6 "Gooil nough bldg.. opposite postoft'loe. LADIES Have your hair colored ami touched up ax home; prices i cawon- DR. G. V.-TKETOHUM Women's mala - dies and acute diseases of men. Wash. bldg.. 4th & Wasn. Rm. 41. Ml. 44H HAVE your nalr permanently waveu. Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Beauty Parlors 400 Dekum Marshall 1702. bPl Hi i UA1.1S.M, Rev. M. A. Price, cir cles, Tues. 2 p. in.; Wed., Sun. 8 p. 'n. Readings duilv. 603 6th st. Mar. 8960. NOTICES 2U SEALEU blilK will be ri-oflvod at the off lea of It. H. Thuuia, chiKl clerk, 4r iHmrl hoime, Portland, Or., until 5 p. m., Mny 5. 1913, and will be vpeoed at a uieetiug uf tli board to be held in room SKH renrthuiiv. at 4 ?. m.. May Sth, tor lubouliii-a untl eiutpuiaut or Oiklfy Ureen nianuul traliiliir lop. A certified cbuck payable to H. 11. 'lliuma. chool clerk, fur 5 t the bid muat accom pany enon propoaal. . Kpeclflratlnii may be obtained tt tbe of fice of tha uuderatgned. Board of dlrertora wterrea the riirht to re ject auy and all bids. 11. II. THOMAS, April 12. 1915. Hi-hool Clerk. SEALED proponul In ItIj11cu1 will ba re ceived by tbe ijuarteruiualre Kfiiwral of tba army, Waaliliigtou,' 1. v., until a o'clock p. m., eaatern time, April 22. 1U13, . fur fur nlHhlUtf toilet urtkld, chaTlug brukbcn, ra Bora, bnndkerchlcfa, towela, Linking, borax, metal pollub, lnuuilry anil toilet wiap, etc., for delivery during tha fixoal year 101H at depot a of th quartermaater -corpa Hated In acbedule. 8-beilule fumlnhed uimu appllcu tl in to quartermaster general, U. P. army, Washington, 1). C., or by guurtei master Port land, Or. Business Directory INSURANCE Paofik; htatk.h kiuk INSUHANCB CO.. cnlr Oregon fire Insurance company. LAWN MOWER GRINDING Lawn Mower Grinding We inuke a apeelalty of lawn mowers- Wa call for and deliver; guarantee aatlHtactlnn. East 65TS. am K. Morrlaon. II. J, Ucpp. Bepalr t'o. LEAD PIPE, WOOL, MACHINERY NOHTIIWKST I.UAU. at MAC1I1NEKV CO. o(ll-:ni JTuhl. Main MIIJ MACHINERY BLCKHUit CO.. ttob 1'ilUM.k blk. Sieaui alio,. . els, dredgea. I.. T. Kuaaell. lteireaTita live. MATTRESSES BVU1K.NKJ 11 A ii U1.K3 CO. old uiattresaea made new with our Hygienic pria-esa, as I RniuM-ll, cor. Union. C-HL'M. K. (Ih3. PAVINO COMPANIES 'Ilia BAHilHll 19I IUL1 I'AH.NU CO., IVll lanrt office Whe-ox-k hlilg. PAINIINO. Alt .0.11 AX GIN Q, TlU'llHQ . a'Al.N'liAti, kaiaiiuiiiung, pai.iuaiJKiug, a,l work gtiai-anieed. I'li.fiitf WotMlfawii ;inuu. BLTCLll k'E it ULlk.il, Ixat wik In palutlug, papering. i. 17. A-za. 12U 1 1 ill at- l'Al.il.U, tluliug, paDi-Uanglutf. Crane, 110 loth st. Main iMl't). - It. T. MODEL AND DIE MAKINO 61'KCIALTI' uiui blue Hoik, deaigiiliilT uualct - making, repttliiiig, corrckpoiHli-ia-M aullrltcd, Arinatrong Mlg. Co., 4 2d at, Ma III 070. fc.UBita.it BlAkii-B ANO at.AU.rn A LOU aloucila, trade check, brass algua. Pacific coasi uiiiui' works 2a 1 Waablnatoii nt. Mala 111), A illO SCHOOLS iU COLLEUkS BEUNKE-WALKEU BUril.NLei.i COLLLGii. 4111 61.. iMIAtt MOKUlSt'.v DAI AXU MOll'i' HCllOOL OYER 2UOO ULHNKK-VV Al.Kk.it bTL'DENTH .. IN OOUl fOalXiU.NS LINK'S BLSlNtivl Cil.t-On., utb floor, Xll7 ford blilg.. fortland. Or. I'lioiw Main fton.l. SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS OLAi' KVLl.O, maker of acrecu iliwrs and windowa, :i4U Union avi-. Wooliawii Idor,. SHEET METAL WORKS UEPAIU1NU, tut and gravel routa. Jacuo Loall. 10 Khat at. l'one Hum 1424. SHUff Lttur AU lUkMlUkA PACAiJiO BJUCca.! tuaioui cuAit.ck.d or; Aioooa, BOLD tiOKDtt rirat claaa furuliura and crockery packing. Aak to have estimator call and name pme fur handling your guoi. alala bMt, A-4JJ. Evenings Marsbull iiool. CO-OPfcKAllVE UttKJIiT tOUWAKDINU AGENCY, 723 CI1AMHEU OK ('(iMMKKt'K. IRAN SEEK AND 8TORAOE C. O. tlCn. Xrauafur tt Sloraga Co. Otlica and coutmodloua 4 a tor buck wareuous with separate iruu roouj and Ilri proof vault for valuables, N. W. corner 2d au l l ine ata. Pianoa and furnltura moved and . packed tut abipplng. Kpoclal ratt-a made on giaxla la through cars to all uouieatlo and furtlgu points. Main A-VWSrt. OLSEN-BOU IHA.SrtFtU CO. Near fireproof wrebouv witn separata rooiua. We move au-i pack nouaahold goods and planujt and ablp at reduced raiea. Auto vans and taama for moving, korwardlng and distributing agenta. life trackage. Office and wtrrhmiw l.'.ib and Hoyt. Main f47, A-22-t. Oregon Transfer Co. EatalUhei 1X70. Transfer and forwarding agents' Storage, k'rea 3rackasa Offlr and Etora 474 Uiiaan St. ISth and fJllaan. Main 0, A-11W. BAOUAOK TUANHa Kit fcEK Vi'JK CO.r PINE ST.. MAIN ia A-ial.'l. WALL PAPER MORGAN WALL I'Al'fcK CO. VI 3 id at., near U .. 1 n, i ii i.ii . WINDOW CLZANINP EXl'EBT WINIjOW 1 LKA N Llta A-47(M. Mala 6327. 212 Henry ldg. PIPE WOOD PIPE PC'RTLANL VUt HIl'K CO. I acUjry ami office near 24th and V.rk ats. Main 3M. PLUMBING PIPE HI EAM iU?PLIES M. L KLINE 84-X(-7-tf FBONI" S I BEET ROPE AND 3ITTDER TWINE Portland Cordage Co. , WHEN ysc aosarar. tl.tv-v Want Ada man lieu Tba Journsl. PERSONA!..