THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 9, 1915. What Society i ,v Doin ft TSFk 'm m a HB maids anl men of the I younger set ars much Inter' l eBted this evening- in the Frl- day night dancing club pariy which will be held at Chrlatensen'a hall. This is the fifth of the Series - of six eubacrlption parties which -th Friday K'Ight clab Is giving thia year. These danoes are especially interest ing to the debutante set and are among the ?ery smart events of the season. The patronesses Include Mrs. J. Wes ley Ladd, Mrs. E. C. Shevlin, ' Mrs. Adrian ' 8. Fleming, Mrs. Elliott R. Corbett. Mrs.- John K. Kollock, Mrs. Etskln Wood, Mrs. Charles Hlndmau and -Mrs.' William, Hurd Lines. Congratulations Received. : Messages of congratulation are find ing their way to Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Dinwiddle, whose home was gladdened with the arrival this morning of a lit tie son. J. IT. G. Club. Tomorrow evening at the Irvington Tennis club the J. U. G. club will hold another of their delightful dancing parties. The club members include a group of girls of the school set In Irvington. Miss Joland Feted. - Mrs. C, W. Jensen entertained last ' Saturday evening for Miss Mabel Jo lahd of Salem, who made her departure Wednesday for San Francisco, where she will meet her relatives and attend . the exposition, and later visit through out the southern part of the state. B. B. Bridge Club Meets. The B. B. Bridge club met on Satur- day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Sarah Moore. Mrs. Dora Bolter re - celved the high score. Those present were Mrs. Dora Bolter, Mrs. Harry J. Miller, Mrs. M. H. Gunther, Mrs. Julius Dllg, Mrs. Herman Froatdorf, Mrs. William ' T. Norton, Mrs. Shephard, : Mrs. Sarah Moore, Mrs. Maude Giles, Miss Winhif red Kendall, Miss Lieta McCarver and Miss Hazel Coote. " The next meeting will be with Mrs. Julius Dllg. ' Miss Hembree Hostess. . "A. charming hostess of Wednesday venlng was : Miss Maxine Hembree, who entertained the Delta Alpha club and a number of additional guests with a muslcale. The reception and drawing rooms were beautifully decked with spring blossoms and ferns. Be fore refreshments were Served, a mu sical contest was .held, honors falling to J. C Allen, Stella COhrad and An thony Conrad.- Many, enjoyable mUBi- cal selections were given by Miss Hem bree, Miss Conrad, Miss Maud Burgraff . and Alton Gund arson. Those present were the Misses Maude Burgraff, Clara Johnson, Stella Conrad, Liva Jackson, ' Pearl Westburg, Martha Allen, Isa bella Munn, Ethel Richmond, Mary Reynolds, Maud Hively, Ethel Price, Mamie Barkman, Mildred Jack Son, Hlla ; Jackson, Ina Winkle man, Mae Floding, Violet Llhk, Abbis Coryell, Mae Johnson and Mil dred Oppenlander; Mrs. , Farrlngton, Mrs. Robert Elmer Smith, Mrs. A. L. Hembree, Mrs. John Burgraff, and the hostess; Messrs. H. R. Sallisbury, J. C. Allen, Harry Johnson, Alton Gunder son, Anthony Conrad, Clegg Hosea, E. Earls Hembree, Herman Oppenlander, Earl Shef eves, James Richmond, A. P. Rasmusen, H. Johnson. C. B. Harrison, . K. Reynolds, Arthur Allen, E. B. Ga briel, Albert Hembree and I. B. Mosher. -. Portland Heights Club. The first post-Lenten affair Of the Portland Heights club will be given tonight for young and old. Special accommodations will be provided for those who prefer cards to dancing. The -plan of having a different social com mittee each month. Instead of one for the entire season, has proven a great success, resulting in parties varying in character, according to the ideas of the different committees, but all highly enjoyable. Society Notes. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Keash of Bos ton, Mass., who have been traveling extensively for the past six months, visiting the Grand Canyon, Yosemite and the exposition at San Francisco, left Portland for their home last Mon day after visiting their cousins, Mrs. A. R. Mattingly and A. H. mcnarason, Of this city. ver." B. C, a well known vocalist, ia a guest at me xuoiei -aianuy. Mrs. A. Robinson and daughter Net tie, of the Keeler apartments, started lor Calliornia last .Sunday evening, They are visiting friends and relatives In Los Angeles, Santiago and San Fran Cisco, where they will remain until about October. Makes Your Stuffed. Catarrhal Head Clear as a Bell When yon wak in the morning plagued witn tae tortures of head colds end catarrh. hed, nose and throat (topped np, air pass ages Clog fed with obnoxious, catarrhal flis cKargM that hare collected daring the night . and joxt can hardly breathe Juat put k little Hyomel Pocket Inhaler charged with the pleas- tat healing on of Hyomei between your Mds. : Hold It there while dressing and breathe the awdlcated, antiseptic, germ killing air deep into your aose, t&roat and longs with ttetj breath you draw. By the tlme-ytm are dressed your head will be as clear as s bell, you will breathe with ease nd comfort,' eat your breakfast with s relish and go a boat your day's work with a clear brain and steady eye. This clean smelling, germ destroying- air of Hyomel eenetrates deeo dowa Into ererv fold ' and ere ice of the membranous linings of onr nose, throat and lungs where no liquid pray could possibly get and absolutely kills Snd drires out of Tour system erery rerm It finds there, heals the inflamed swollen tissues ana alter the yery first trial you notice And every catarrhal gerni is killed and drive of your system. g gists eyerywhere think so Well of Hyo th every complete inhaler set yon purchase I rnri ' run ft v, , f ' . w I . Mmmm SOeQtSTlONS WANTED CHOOSING QUEEN OF FIESTA OF ROSES Plan Must Include No Ex pense to Contestants, Say Directors. SEND JOURNAL YOUR IDEA Intention Is to Make Queen and Prin oesses Trtlly Popular Balers; Contest Closes April 17. Miss Virginia Brown, Photo by C. Elmore Grove, a popular Lincoln High School girl. MUSIC LOVERS REVEL IN STERLING RENDITION OF "AIDA" AT BAKER Popular Priced Opera Proves as Popular in FacUas in Name. that they agree to give you C guarantee jmiia every complete mnajer set yon puree that If it does not satisfy they will a-fadly turn every cent yon paid for it, but if using for the first time be sure to ask for the com plete Hyomei Pocket Inhaler outfit, as the mauer pacaagre does not contain the inhaler. The Owl Drug Co., or most any other reliable druggist, will gladly supply you ott request.Adv feKWASB of dangeraas benzlnsw Bspbtha Of gasoline for all cleaning- purposes. s Sake? Demand For Safety iac lcmauu , - Remove Gresisa Spots Inatatntly lie. 25c SOe tt Bottles . . AM Iraggists By J. lu W. Popular priced grand opera seems to be popular here in fact as' well as name, for last night the opening per formance of the Lambardi Opera com pany drew a capacity house to the Baker theatre. From the orchestra pit to the uppermost seat In the gallery not an unsold seat remained. Busi ness Manager D'Allatour called it good business and was well satisfied. If such splendid attendance continues, Portland may retain the Lambardi company for an Indefinite period, a month or more. General Director Cecchetti, the hard est working individual In the entire company, was much pleased,: too, for the audience wag responsive and ap plauded with genuine enthusiasm that Indicated real appreciation. Verdi's magnificent "Aida" was the opera chosen for the opening perform ance and it was adequately staged. Apparently many of the costumes were brand new. ; The cast of principals was splendid, with Katherina Lynbrook, American, in Che title role. Miss Lynnbrook is a dramatic soprano of Sparkling voice with a Wide range and seemingly un limited power. She would be ideal for Wagnerian roles, as for instance Elsa in "Lohengrin." As Aida she was a trifle tall for the tenor, Eugenio De Faiso, as Radames, who on- the other hand is a bit short in his 5 feet 8 or less, but whose fresh and sparkling voice compensates for his shortcom ings In stature. ; The aria,. "Celeste Aida," In the opening scene was sung with such fervor and beauty of style and color that DeFalco had to repeat It twice. In Olinto Lombardi, the company has a splendid basso, who has not only the depth of voice but also the Ideal appearance. As Ramphis, the high priest, be scored a bit hit. Luisa Cecchetti, mezzo soprano, sang Am neris in the required commanding style, and with the Others came in for much applause. Filippo Benyam- as Amonsaro, father of Aida, revealed a mellow, pleasing baritone voice. The orchestra of local musicians as a whole did well, taking into consid eration the fact that there bad been comparatively little time i for re hearsals. Society and veteran opera lovers ap peared in full force, and music stu dents fairly reveled in the opportunity to drink: in the operatic "atmosphere Tonight's opera is Verdi's "Traviata" with Genia Trivelli, lyric soprano, as Vloletta, and Gerolamo Ingar, lyric tenor, as Alfredo. Romance of Hope Type, Star's Best "The Unafraid, with Rita Jolivet, Is the Lasky offering holding the Star's screen for the remainder of the week. It is a romance of the AnthOny Hope type, With generous proportions of melodrama, but It proves only fair ly food. - The story Is placed with Montenegro and deals with twp brothers, one good, the other had. The bad one seeks to betray his country, the good one pre vents It, With an American heiress playing an Important role In the de velopments. ' The brothers and the se cret agent are played by perfectly un mistakable Americans, while the American heiress ls portrayed by - a perfectly unmistakable French woman. The storv nroeTessea with ttimna unri bobnfla minus a number of necessary explanatory links. Miss Jolivet Is beautiful and talented. House Peters makes all h can nf tha B-nnA Hmii and Page Peters portrays the bad one. The Interior setting's are grood and there are some effective exteriors. A stood Nestor comedy and Patha vppklv complsts th bill. " v What Do You Want? Think it 'over and then try to ob tain it with the aid of a Want Ad in tha Swap Column o Th Journal. Ad. FRATERNAL NOTES Degree of Honor's Highest Offl cer Will Visit Portland. Mrs. Frances Buel Olson, superior chief jf honor of the Degree of Honor, A. O. U. W., the highest officer of that order, will be a guest of the Ore gon grand lodge at its meeting in the Multnomah hotel April 19 and 20- She will be met en route from San Fran cisco by Mrs. Margaret Herrin of Port land, grand chief of honor, and may visit lodges of the D. of H: in Eugene, Albany, Salem and other places if ar rangements can be made. O-rand Warden on. Visit. Henry S. Westbrook, grand warden of the grand lodge or Oregon, Inde pendent Order of Odd Felldws,. will visit The Dalles April 89 and oh behalf of the grand master, William Gallo way, will dedicate the new Odd Fel lows' hall there. He will visit the Stay ton lodge April 28 and deliver the anniversary address. " Grand Chief Visiting lodges. Mrs. Margaret ' Herrin, grand chief of th Degree of Honor, A. O. XJ. W., Is in Lane, Linn and Benton counties this weeft visiting local lodges. She will continue the visits next week. - The United Artisans of Portland claim 12,000 members in -Oregon, of which 8000 are m Multnomah county, Thers are 20 assemblies in the county, e Clan Will Meet Tonight. Clan Macleay Will have games and a social time tonight at the K. of P. hall, starting immediately - after a short business meeting. The clan will Sow 6 hall the Qtieea Be Chosen? Have you an Idea on the proper method of selecting the queen of the Coming Rose Fes tival? Last year's plan of conduct ing a voting contest was effi cacious, but the festival direct ors want something new, a plan that will entail no expense to the candidates : and yet afford the widest possible range so that the queen and her six prin cesses may represent the great est number of people. To this end, the plan of hold ing a suggestion contest has been decided upon. Send your plan to The Journal's Queen Contest Editor not later than April 17. An elaborate ceremony calling for the crowning of the queen at the fes tival center on the park blocks and a stage setting -for the event that will produce a miniature fairyland, are fea tures of the program of the 1915 Ross Festival. To secure a queen and six princesses that will represent the greatest num ber of people of the city is the one de sire of the board of governors, and Portland residents are asked to submit suggestions for a contest plan that Will give the fiesta a queen and royal escort that will make her highness in very truth the most popular ruler that ever occupied a throne. the plan of festival directors is to have no expense to contestants, nor money consideration for votes. The contestants must be residents of Port land or its suburbs. Dean Vincent, festival director and chairman of the queen contest com mittee, says that the central Idea of the contest will be to secure a queen and princesses that will represent the choice Of the largest number of peo ple. "By this plan." says Chairman Vin cent, "everyone in Portland will have an opportunity to submit a plan. The suggestion contest will close the night of Aptll 17. The details of the best plan will be announced soon there after." Li. D. Hughes Accused, to bring L. D. Htighes back to face charges of larceny by bailee, Jailer George Hurlburt Is on his way to Lowell, Mass. armed with extradition papers. Hughes Was first Charged with stealing a diamond ring and soma cash entrusted to his care by his fi ancee. Miss Maud Penny. Later a charge was brought by the Unique Tailoring company, give Its annual "Gathering of Clans" concert and dance April 80. Alberta Assembly to Xntertala. Alberta assembly, United Artisans, will give a Card party and dance at East Seventeenth and Alberta streets, April 14. mm Jmk-m m . - - Don't Buy Molasses, Unless It's Pelican Open Kettle New Orleans Molasses- On Special Sale at All Grocers Next Week telican is a strictly high-grade, genuinely-pore, open kettle Molasses from that section of New Orleans where the best Molasses is produced. The special price concession is made to acquaint yon with its merits try it. You'll like Pelican. Don't Forget the Tea Garden ie Contest $75 First Prize - - - - Second $25 tt you've tried your skill at making Tea Garden dainties, send us the recipe. It may be Just the one to get one of the cash prizes for the Best Tea Garden recipe. " Tea Garden Is a delightful food syrup for the children Ask your grocer for a can. - Pacific Coast Syrup Co. Portland Oregon i ml Wr amai Si EM Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods ' ; C CANDY DAY Tomorrow DellclQqs Con dies Underprlced Bargain Clrctc First Clccr Take Down ToWn Inncncon In Oar Tea Room on the Fonrth Floor -U Prompt Ccrvlca Sporting Gootln t FOURTH TLOOH Full line Fishing Tackle, Baseball and Tennis Goods, best makes at lowest prices. Ilcadtiuanerl for Hammocks, Tents, Lawn and" . Porch Swings. New 191$ madili itv Co-Carts, Baby Carriages, etc., how on exhibition here. Pacific Phone Marshall 4800 Home Phone A-6231 Bpft)Il(g TiraidlfiimcpT StMinmps All Over the Store 5 Tomdrrdvir Great Book-Filling Event for Stamp Savers Fill Your Books in a Hurry by taking advantage of these Special Double Stami Offerings. Thousands of beautiful and Useful Article to choose from Absolutely Free. Visit the Pftmium Parlors On the 4-th Floor and see for yourself. " - 4 Splendid Bargains in Dainty New Waists j DEPT. SECOND FLOOR This notable sale of dainty Waists will make friends fof our popular! Waist sectioh. Score of yles in the season's newest materials. ' WAISTS AT $1.39 Many dainty styles shown in this lot High and low necks, long aftd short sleeves. Made from fine, sheer marquisettes, lawns, ba tistes,, etc. All sizes. - QQ Priced special tpX.O WAISTS AT $3.95 In this assortment are many of the sea son's newest models with new long or short Sleeves. Trimmed with tucks, etc. Materials are crepe de chine, tub Q QPC silk, taffetas. Special OOe7tJ WAISTS AT $5rAttractive new Waists of shacfow laces, nets, Georgettfe crepes, crepe de chine and voiles. Latest mod els, trimmed ' with hand-embroidery, lace insertions, silk bands, etc. Choice of dozens of, JBT pretty styles. Price....:.; pO WAISTS AT $6.75 Beauti ful models of laces, crepe de chine, taffetas, etc., in latest ef fects. All popular !? rTff colors. Priced PVfelJ Menu's 5 SSnoes 03.85 Department Main Floor Double Stamps tomorrow with all Cash Pur chases made throughout the store. Special sale of Men's High-Grade Shoes in black and tan leathers. Lace and button styles in good, comfortable i lasts, ' New English . models in eluded. Standard $4.50 and $5.00 flQ Qfif Shoes, the pair J)OeOJ Women's Shoes 32.9S MAIM FLOOR Women's Spring Footwear high shoes in lace and button styles, suede, patent, dull calf, vici and cravenettes. Many Cloth tops are included. fJO HP Worth to $6.00 pair.... W&tVD WOMEN'S LOW SHOES 1000 pairs Women's Pumps and Oxfords in various popular styles some with straps. Strictly high-grade footwear selling in the usual way up to $5.00. Priced spe- 10 Qp? dal for this sale at, paif . : i Psae7tJ Saturday Sales In the Basement Double Trading Stamps will be given with air Cash PufchasftS made tomorrow in . all depart" ments of the store. Women's Suits $5,00 Basem't Women's and Misses' Suits odd lines in good, season able styles. Black and fancy mixtures. All perfect fitting and nicely tailored. Rtg- E flfl ular $15 Suits', at.... tptlellU Union Suits tor 25c Basement Women's Spring weight Union Suits-low neck, sleeveless style, with either tight-fitting or loose knee, trimmed with lace. All sizes. Special, suit...... 0 Boys' 75c Pants 49c Basement Special one-day sale of Boys' Corduroy and Serge Pants. Ages 8 to 16. Made to Stand hard usage Priced AQn special, a pair .......... TciC Shoes to $4 at $1.98 Basement Hundreds of pairs ' Women's New Spring Shoes in lace and button styles. Many with the nfew colored tops. Worth to $4.00 at, 1 QQ the pair tJAe!70 $2.50 Kimonos, $1.00 Basement Women's Long- Ki monos of dainty cotton crfcpfcs, in attractive patterns and olors fegttlaf $1.50 and $2.00 Q" grades, on sale one day at $1.25 MnslinvT'r, 50c Basem e n t Women's Sample Undetmuslins in newest styles. Slightly soiled. GOwns. combi nations and skirts. Garments worth up to $1.25, your fTfl choice ;....-DUC Just In From New Yorti One hundred Women's and Misses' Tailored Suits in the latest models -Also a hew shipment of Women's and Misses' Coats Second Floor. D Underpriccd tor Saturday ISc Pears' Unsccnted Soap 126 15c 471 White Rose Soap 12c $1 Imported Bocabtlla Castile Soap priced special, the bar 65c 10c Monkey Scouring Soap 5c 10c Hand or Kitchen Sapolio 7c 25c Massatla Talc. Powder lit 25c Imperial Talc. Powder 12c 50c Dora Bourjois Powder 39c 25e Petro, 1-pound jar, now 10c 25ft Denvef Mud, on sale at 15c 50c size 30c; $1.00 Hie tt 60c 25c Pasteurine Tooth Paste 15c 50c Cold Cream in jars now 28c 25c Ricksecker's Cold Cr'ni 15c 50c Swamp-Root on sale at 39c 10c Fluff's Moquet, for hair. Be 50c bottle pure Olive Oil at 38c 25c Hospital Cotton now at 18c 80c Sanitary Napkins now 35c 50e Phefeolax Wafers now 35e -Regular $1-00 Listerlne for 59c $1 Hair Brushes fiOc Main Floor Special offering to morrow. Rubber Cushion Hair Brushes, standard $1.00 FAa grade. Priced special at O Ut Kleen-lt Clolho tor Silver Main Floor Special reduced prices on Kleen-It Qrrths to morrow.'; ' ' " : "7 , 5c Kleenvit Cloths at. each. .3c 10c Kleen-It Clotha at. each, ,7c 15c Kleen-It Cloths at. each 10c 20c Kleen-lt Cloths at. each 15c 25c Frostilla.. special at 50c Canthrox, special at 14c .30c 2Sc 25c Tooth Brushes now at lc Vel-Chamel for cleaning: on 5C 10c cehne iingr ot . . .15' Lyons' Tooth Powder 15c Sempre Glovine now at ?ftc D. &. R. Cold Cream at 3lic Fletcher's Castoria at 23c Packer's Tar Soap alow 14c Corvloosis Talcum at 12c JifTdllet Paper, full 1500 sheets to the roil. Special at only iuc Hair Brushes on sale at 38c 0 Hedden's Toilet Water 51 Fairskin Oatmeal Soap 7c Fitch's Hair Tonic at 35c Sterne's Rouge, special 28c Pompeian Mas. Cream 40c LustHte Salve and Enamel sale tomorrow at only lrc Graves' Tooth powder 15c 23cBathaweet on sale at 17c Emery Boards on iaie at 2c Jergen'S Old-Fashioned Glv ine Soan on sale at. cake 7c Good grade Whisk Brooms 10c Demon giro t Ion ot I Uorden'a fellltx Main Floot Borden's Malted Milk should be'ln every home. A delightful beverage healthful arm invigorating for ' 6ld or young. Try it Free at. the detnonitration booth. SPECIAL PRICES Regular 50c size ftotf for 40c Refcular $1.00 size now for 60c Reg. $3.98 Hospital size $2.03 Free Treatment Llaurlnc Toilet Prcp nratlon, In the Reat Rooms, 2d Floor Well-grOOmed, dainty, fair ahd wholesome without atiy'appear ance of make-up this Is what every) woman seeks. Maurine soft ens the skin and causes disappeawfttce of blackheads and large pores. Visit the Rest Rooms of thfc Second Floor and Receive a Free Treatment j :. : . , . 35c Ribbons, 19c Yd. Basement 5-inch All-Silk Rib bona in great many different patterns and all leading colors. Regular 35c grades, on 10 sale at, yard .......... . XaIJ Wonea Silk Host 39c Basem e n t Women's Allover Silk Hose in fast black, with double heel, sole and toe. Mill seconds ' of Splendid ' quality. Shown in all sizes. Spe- OOa cial. pair OuC Sattmiirdlaiy Salle Tgfinmiinnied Malls Choice ot 300 Bcautllul Ncvj Models Jast Rec'd Modelo I Worth Up to 812,75 Saturday Pontile Slanips With All Cnsh Pnrchasco fJade Tomorrow MlLLlKERY SALONS. SECOND FLOOR Direct from New York ! come these beautiful new Trimmed Hats we place on sale tomorrow. The styles represent fashion's latest creations for late Spring wear smart models in tailored effects to go with ihi new-suits also exquisite flower trimmed models for dress I Occasions. Th4 assortment comprise just 300 hats, and there is scarcely more than one or two of a style, thus affording an extraordinary opportunity for every wdman to choose a pleasing model. New small and large sailors and other wanted shapes in splendid quality straws. : Especially strong showing of the new black-add' white effects. Hats in this lot O A worth to $10.00 and $12.75. Saturday.... .; i... J... O Mens and Boys' gpgflimgii AppaFgH2 Special showing tomorrow of Men's and Young Men's New Spring Suits hand-tailored through out Exceptionally fine fabrics and choicest of patterns. 'Prices range $15. $20 and $25. i Kew Spring styles in Men's Soft and Stiff Hats now ready. ; 'choble" rShedrain,' and other fa mous makes, $2 to $4. t Beautiful new patterns in Men's Wash Ties, all colors. Priced 25c and 50c t ' Men's New Soft Cdff ShirU, $1.50 grades $1.16 Men's $1.25 Light Weight Ribbed Union Suits, sizes 34 to 50. Special 95c. - Boys' and Children's Hat in all the new shapes for Spring and Summer on display. New Rah Rahs 50C to $1 Boys' Balmacaans $1 to $1.50. Complete line new Straw $1.50 up to 3.C0. Extensive showing of Children's New Wash Suits in daintiest off patterns and fabrics. Prices range 98c to $7.50. We have fust received another shipment of 200 Boys' Norfolk Suit! With 2 pair pants, to sell at t3.50. Exceptionally well made and latest patch pocket models. Ages 6 to 18. Price, suit SS.EO. Boys' SG.50 Blue Serge Morfolti Suits Opec'l GC.05 o