THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY . MORNING. APRIL 4, , 1915. rate r International Fathion Bureau. ParU, New York, t Chicago. m mm ill Win ' .1 ! I Willi 111 L Sew5P' r V y O V vCv ws-. -A I l V 1. yAv 1 ssMfSf , i and a silver buckle. There was a full set of four pockets on the Jacket. Black and white striped silks continue in vogue . So sio checked. Plaids of all colors are combined with plain fabrics in . suits and dresses, or used even alone, j I Tight-fitting basques are seen. But I the blbused waist held with a trig girdle has ' not disappeared. V . I Choker collars are back in high favor with makers- of lifagerie waists. But as. many low-necked fronts in blouses are displayed as ever. Elbow sleeves are good. So are sleeves of j wrist length. "Set your sleeves in at the arm and you meet approval. You are not declasse, however, if you stick to the kimono sleeve, and there are rag lan sleeves galore in the new modes. About the only thing I can' say positively I have n Veen is draped overskirts. I But come to think of it, a net drapery caught with rosebuds on a little French -model for evening wear', looked perilously like panniers. And that irregular edge of the tunic of the white gaberdine gave it a decidedly overskirted appearance. i ; Shall we be wearing draped overskirts next, I wonder r With love. International Fashion Bureau. Pari., New York, Chicago. heart's content, and don't let anyone bluff you into thinking "anything newer than anything else, because there isn't, except goods fresh off the bolt. Even in colors, nothing is new and. that is the truth. I don't know whether it is because of the lack of good German 'dyes and fair designs from French and English mills, but this is a neutral season, even to colors. White and sand tones prevail, with or without pipings of color. At the Easter openings street costumes in white and sand led in lighter colored garments, and, in darker suits, emerald or dark green, violet and Belgian, and navy or midnight blue, which is the old-time color blue-black. . This bltte-black, by the way, makes up into stunning suits in poplin. A white wool gaberdine fresh from Pari3 starred in one shop at an Easter display had a straight, rather narrow skirt, and over it a circularly cut tunic with irregular edge. " The waist length loose jacket wavered between a bolero and an Eton. Pearl buttons and button holes were the sole trimming, except for a black stock collar of faille. Another street suit in natural colored rajah ;had a straight-away military coat and full, plaited skirt, the coat held in at the waistline by a narrow, belt of the pongee i s-wm - A T the extreme left is shown a hat of blue French il crepe edged with black Milan and trimmed with picot edged ribbon flowers of many shades. Its cftfc ties in the high, sharp lift of the brim toward the ack, with never a sign of streamer. Next to it is a George tte j model, a toque of ' pansies shading from I violet through American beauty to vermilion and set off by a loop and long ear of violet velvet. With the, suit of white rajah-of. military .cut, with its cartridge pockets, neat belt and plaited skirt, is worn a black tricorne of novelty hemp braid trimmed with large made wings and black satin pump bow and binding. : ; 3 rf HIS smart Easter toilet is c Paris importation J. of white wool gaberdine, with1, an Eton jacket set off with large pearl buttons and black stock and a nar row skirt with tunic cut with an irregular edge. The hat with its double brim of black and white ta gal and white faille top is trimmed with a white ostrich plume.. We've Jotted Down a Few Notes and Prices on - - . ' ' ".I . L. gene Displayed in Oar Salons Net and embroidered voile com bination, deep tucked skirt, rich i&J; $35.00 Embroidered Voile, 'elaborately trimmed in lace, lovely embroid ered Bolero jacket, C1 H Kf brocaded sash ...... V-- V Basket Ratine used in a tailored frock, with ; fine crepe hand embroidered cuffs, collar and prlS $25.00 Misses' Frock, flounce'd organdy filet lace edged, shirred net yoke; short sleeves, (tOK 00 satin girdle ... . ... ,; V&O.W Net creation, four deip flounces and bertha edged with satin rib- S&!S $17.50 Hundreds of daintiest new mod- Hp'to"d..-: - $75.00 Oann.nt Salon, ronrtb rioor, eta-8t Bldr. fiVU&C Tub QuALrrV Store or Portland I V w giiiiimmmir, Wiiitiiiiiiitiiiiiiiw tliiiiiiiiiimiiiij. 1 l I 4 - -- i. ,