The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 04, 1915, Page 47, Image 47

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.i . .... . V . . . ....
Vaudeville sketch presented by Delta.
Gamma. 5. Vocal solos. a "Spanish
Romance" fSayer), (b) "Weie I a
the birthday anniversary of the PhU
Metschans. father and son. and It was
expected that the marriage would take
place last Saturday.
y At Oregon City, Saturday, March 26,
Hilding Carleson. who recently arrive!
here .from South America, and Ml
SIgny Hauan, of this city, were quiet
ly married. The wedding came as a
complete surprise to their friends, who
had not in the least been let In on the
secret. They are at home to their
friends at the Glenn Court.
Star (Forster), Marjorie Maxwell.
Presented by Kappa Alpha Theta.
Male chorus, presented by". Alpha PhL
7. . Greek interpretative dance, Mildred
Keata. Presented by P( Beta Phi. 3.
Portland Ad Club quartet, N. A. Hoosc,
first tenor; Dr. Rives M. Emerson,
second tenor; Hartrldge Whipp, bari
tone; R. O. Davidson, basso. Present
ed by Chi Omega. 9. Vocal solos by
, ... ;M -
'vZCi, ' q
5 rl - I 1
'fit f i S
Is essential and foundational. The
question of permanence and progress
Tin our national work should be beyond
the caprice of party and administra
tion." ' -
The factional diesentions which have
.stirred the national meetings of the
society are deprecated by Mrs. Guern
sey In her platform, which calls for
the elimination of all - party lines.
"This." she declares Jn a statement ac
companying her platform, "means , the
removal ,ef ( discord and rancor from
the coutactls Of a great ' organization
over 'objects of no "moment and ques
tions of no vital Importance. This will
not be accomplished by attempting to
repress free speech, or suppressing
open courageous argument and i inde
pendent action, but by directing the
affairs of the organization along the
wholeBome lines- of what is good for
the Boclety rather than what Is fx
pcdierjt for some particular party." .
AM another reform to eliminate fad
tional strife, Mrs. Guernsey advocates
one term of three years with no , re
election for all national officers.
Questions of mileage relating to the
travels of national officers and flnan
cia tangles of the society's magazine
will be aired at the coming congress.
; Wljth i these and other questions and
th--election of national officers loom
ing ahead, the congress .will be fullof
interest to the 2000 or more delegates
who will attend. ,
jCmrm. r.. iv usseue ana Mrs. u nomas
ft. Campbell of Salem were hostesses
tor a cleverly planned birthday sur
prise idinnen glyen at the home of
Mrs. Busselle Wednesday afternoon. In
honor of Mrs.. Frank J. Miller. The
rooms were most artistically decorated
in yellow and ' white and these colors
' were ; carried out in the beautifully
appointed ainrer tapie. covers were
laid for .12 guests. Unique games
were'lth. diversions and honor prizes
fell to Mrs. Bertis II.. White and Mrs.
Frink J. -Miller; the consolation prizes
being captured - by MiS Hagen and
"Mrs. i Coates. Mies Maria Campbell
gave violin selections accompanied by
Mrs. C. J. Greene, and a delightful
program was furnished by the Vic-
trola.i Mrs. Miller was presented with
a handsome' cut glass vase given by
the ladies of ! the Pliblic, Utility Com
inlssion of Oregon club, of which kMrs.
Miller is president., Mrs. Campbell
: made- the presentation speech. after
which a toitt wag drunk. Mrs. Bus
selle and Mrs.: Campbell were assisted
by Misses .Marie, Gertrude. Eleanor
and Catherine Campbell. , The out of
town ' guests were Mrs. Aton Coates
tnd Mrs. William Woods, of Albany.
The guest list included: Mrs. Frank
J. Miller, Mrs. O. P. Hoff, Miss Delia
Hagen, Mrs. Lo Roy Leedy, Mrs. Carl
Smith, Mrs. E'. W. Moreland. Mrs.
C. J. Green. Mrs. Bertis H. White,
Mrs. Perry H. Raymond, Mrs. T. C.
Davis. Mrs. Alton Coates and Mrs.
W llllawiv Woods. ,
The Present-Dav club held a lunch
eon . Tuesday afternoon with Mrs.
Owen M. Scott, at 1 o'clock, at her
home, 84 4 East Salmon street. The
house was decorated effectively in
old-fashioned flowers. After luncheon
the -' Book Covers' Story was read by
Mrs. ii G. Tipton, and plans fcr next
season (.re .discussed. , The member"
present ere: Mrs. W. O. MunselT.
s Mrs. fj. X. Bennett, Mrs. T., A. Cahill.
"Mrs.fJ. M. Laue, Mrs. A. L.. licas.
Mrs. j A. W. Moore, Mrs. H. Morgan.
Mrs. Alexander Mulr. Mrs. C. W. Pal-
letU Mrs. F. T, Richards, Mrs.- S. W.
Robinson. -..Mrs.--Wi-'H. Ross, Mrs. W.
IT. -Sanford, Mrs. E, H. Sensenlch, Mrs.
vv. jf, staiey, ftirsv F,. D. Stephenson,
Mrs. t a. Tipton and the hostess, and
; additional guests Mrs. JVS. Moore.
Gray. ( -
Mrs. "William H. Staiger was a
; charming hostess of last Monday aft
ernoon, when she entertained for th
pleasure of Mrs. Harold Johnston, of
Seattle who will be remembered as
Miss; Corrinne Crook,- a former Port
land; girl. Mrs. Johnston is visilingat
the , howe-of her motherin-law. Mrs.
; Frank Johnston, in Irvineton. An n.
Jdyaole afternoon was passed at auc-
upn, iiere being 10 tables at caids nr.
ranged. ' The rooms were adorned with
dogwood, Indian arrow root,: with clus
ters i or pinic tulips. -The electroliers
were1:. covered ' with pink tulle bows
Card; honors fell to Mrs. C B. Clark
Societv Events
Call for' liifmi HriTT A TM . ,1
SquaV- Pigeon Club. Phon Tw
S83. Office E27 Chamhi- r.
- hiw- I
Kt r-M fax, ? i
- '- $
Prominent Society Matrons who are assisting in arranging for the
"Cotton Ball" to be given April 14. for the benefit qf . the
Scadding. House. (Top) Mrs. Walter F. Bdrrell. (Bottom)
Mrs. Margaret Burrell Biddle.. .
and Mrs. Clinton Shomo. A number
of additional guests called at teatime,
when a dainty collation was eerved.
They included: Mrs. Frederick Eg
gert, Mrs. David Lofgren, Mrs. A.
Staiger, Mrs. William Staiger. Mrs.
Arthur Hobaon, Miss Rose Avery. Miss
Llna Linnahan and Miss Wilema
Munro.. .
The regular meeting of Pan-Hellenic
was held Saturday, March 20, :nt the
home of Mrs. Frederic Kiehle, Kappa
Kappa Gamma acting as. hostess Aft
er a business meeting, at whub the
various committees .reported oh the
college; fete, Professor Reddle delight
fully : interpreted Bernard Shaw's
"Caesar and Cleopatra." "Dainty re
freshments were served, Mrs. Hugh
Henry and Mrs. Edwin Knowing pre
siding at the tea table. The regular
monthly meeting of , Kappa Kappa
Gamma will be held Friday, April 9,
at the ;hom of Mrs. Leigh Mayne Hug
gins,. 7522 Fifty-seventh avenue S. E.
The college fete to be given April
16 at Cotillion hall has occupied the
time and energies of the members of
the Pan-Hellenic society for many
weeks, and bids fair, to be a most in
teresting event. . The program will be
as follows: , 1. The Oregon quartet.
Delbert Stanard, Earl Fortmiller,
Francis Curtis and Willard Shaver,
Presented by Delta Delta Delta. Z.
Pantomime, "Little Maude," Charles
Battel Loomis. Presented by Kappa
Jvappa Gamma. 3. Solo dance, Ztllah
Crawford and partner. Robert Cook.
Presented by Kamma Phi Beta. 4.
unfiiiiuiiniiiinniiiriiinnHHii hi imnrnmiiin!
For the Best
See .Us! '
; . (Bill's
tni J. GtU Co., 3d Aider
Miss Dasrma Kelly, selections.
Tuesday. April 18, a dramatis inter
pretation' of "Miss Glbble Gault" will
be given at Ilnnea hall by Miss Char
lotte Sanfield. under the patronage of
Women's Guild of . the i St. Stephen's
Pro-Cathedral. An informal dance
will follow, with Billie Webb's orches
tra to furnish the music Tickets may
be obtained from the women of the
guild, or any of the following women.
who are' acting as patronesses for the
affair: Mrs. ,E. T. C. Stevens, Mrs.
Horace Ramsey, Mrs. George. F. Rus
sell, Mrs. M. C. Banfield. Mrs. E. A.
de Schweinitz, . Mrs. Arthur Murray
Sherwood, Mra. Frederick C- Mlpas.
Mrs. J. C. Robinson, Mrs. A. G. Brown
ing, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Holman.
, 4
A play is being' rehearsed for the
benefit of the Consumer's Ieagrue, to
be given by the Daughters of St.
David, at St: David's pariah , house,
April 15, at 8:15 p. m. SiThe Rebellion
of Mrs. Marclay" is the title of the
comedy, which Is clever: and interest
ing. Mrs. Mabel Wallace Butterworth
is directing the rehearsals, and the
committee of arrangements includea
Mrs. Henry Russell Talbot, Mrs. J.
Andre Fouilhoux and Mrs. Harold M.
The parish house is located at East
Twelfth and Morrison streets, and all
who are interested in the work of the
league are Invited, to attend.
The Portland . Heights club is plan
ning two interesting social evenings
for the near future. April 9 they will
hold a dancing. and card party at the
club for all the members, both young
and old, and April 16 a grand reunion
party will be held-at the club when al
who have ever been members of the
club are Invited to attend. The social
committee ineludes: Mrs. James F.
Ewing, Mrs. Wilfred Shore and Mrs.
A. B. Slauson.
k a
A very beautiful wedding took place
on the evening of March 24, at tha
hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A
Henkle. 603 East Eleventh street
when their daughter, Floy, was united
in marriage with Rossk Murphy by the
Rev. John D. . Nlsewander. pastor of
the First United Brethren church
The ceremony was performed at 8:30
in the presence of the guests, who
gathered about the bridal couple, who
stood under a, canopy of flowers. Miss
Wilma Zeigle played softly Mendels
sohn s "Wedding March" during the
service. The bride was gowned in
white silk crepe and carried a beauti
ful bouquet of Bride roses and
Do Not Forget
We are growers of cut . flowers and
plants for any and all occasions.
Suitable plants for porch boxes and
hanging baskets, as well as for beau
tifying lawns. Funeral designs a
specialty.. Both prones:
Greenhouses and Store
697-699 Williams Ave.
We Are an Old-Established Firm.
maidenhair- fern. After the ceremony
tne couple received the congratula
tions of the guests. A delicate and
Earl Bartmus, of Hood River, delight
ed the guests with two vocal solos.
air. ana Airs. Murphy spent a few
days in southern .Oregon, having re
turned last week. They will be at
home to their many friends at 603
East Eleventh street.
Among those present were: Miss
Foye Henkle, Mrs. Orr enkle, Lyon
Henkle, ail of Raymond. Or.; H. C.
Gilbert, of Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs.
Bartmus and family, of Hood River:
Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Conner, Mr. and
Mrs. Gruntz, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, Mr.
and Mrs. Murphy, Rev. and Mrs. J. D.
Nlsewander. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mann,
Miss Una Dixon, Miss Wilma Zeigler!
Mrs. Pearl Disinger, Mrs. Seifert John
B. Long and Robert Henkle.
A quiet but pretty wedding took
place Friday noon at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. C. F. Hendricksen. at 606
Buffalo street, when their daughter,
Miss Olga Charlotte, was united in
marriage to R Bugge. At 11 a, m.
Miss Haynes sang "Until You Came."
after which the bridal chorus from
Lohengrin was played by Miss Bertha
Schmeirer, and the bride, preceded by
her sister. Miss Hilda Hendricksen.
appeared on the arm of her father,
who presented her- to the groom. Mr.
Bugge was attended by his brother, M.
B. Bugge. The ceremony was .per
formed by the Rev. J. Allen Leas, pas
tor of St. James' Lutheran church.
They stood under- a huge bell made of
spiraea and camelias. The bride looked
charming in a pretty gown of white
crepe charmeuse with beaded" trim
' v AH X-m' if
W' fly .-.:&' :' r-l
SSGirls of the "High School Follies d ance commltiee, '(left to right)1; w
. 1 Miss Margaret j Mansfield, Misa Marian Grebel and Miss June Fiske. -
mings. She carried a shower bouquet
of Biide roses and lilies of the val
ley. Miss Hilda Hendricksen wore a
gown of pink silk with lace overdresa.
Mrs. Hendricksen, the mother of the
bride, wore a bottle green dress of
silk crepe. About 30 guests were seat
ed at the wedding dinner. The only
out-of-town guests were H. Sabro, of
Bandon, Or., and H. Kallandsrud, ot
Mosier, Or., both friends of Mr. Bugge.
Mr. and Mrs. Bugge left on the
Shasta Limited for San Francisco,
where they will visit friends and at
tend' the fair, after which they will
locate at Marshfield. where Mr. Bugge
is to be connected with the Scandina
vian1 American bank.
Miss Arvilla Harrington and Arnold
M. Spcngler were united in marriage
Sunday morning at the First Church
of the Nazarene, corner of East Sev
enth and Couch streets. The Rev. C.
Howard David assisted by the Evan
gelist W. E. Shepard. performed the
ceremony in the presence, of a large
congregation, at the 11 o'clock serv
ice, i. The bride was attended by her
eister. Miss Myrtle Harrington, and
the groom by George Clolen. The
bride is a daughter of Mrs. Lydia
Harrington of Swanton. Ohio, who is
here to attend the wedding. Mr.
Spengler is in the employ of the P.
R., L. & P. company.
After a few days' visit at Salem,
Mr. and Mrs. Spengler will be at home
to their friends at their new bunga
low, 1249 East Twenty-second street.
Miss Marie Roberts and G. S. Bots
ford surprised their many friends in
Portland with the announcement of
thoir marriage Sunday afternoon in
T T IS our constant aim
to be of "The Greatest Serv-
' ice to the greatest number"
to be a store of ACCOMMODA
TION and CIVILITY and it ia
& U with -this thought in mind we
daily open our doors to the public.
1 9
Get the Habit of Looking Into the
Eastern's Show Windows
It's a habit good to acquire. The Eastern's
show windows are the style and price barometers of this
community. Always something; new and interesting, giving
you a mirrorscopic idea of what is on display inside the big
Arid a word, about our CREDIT.
This is a one price store not one cent dis
count is given for cash nor one cent added for
credit. Deal with us as you would your grocer
there is' nothing undignified about it. Pay
.as you wish in 30 days if convenient, but if
nqt, make small payments as you desire. We
are glad to be able to offer you this convenient,
sensible way of purchasing your wearing apparel.
405 Washington St.
at lenth.
Vancouver. The pastor of the First
Presbyterian -church at Vancouver re
ceived the young couple and performed
the ceremony in the presence of Mrs.
C. L. Bofsford, the mother of the
bridegroom, and his two brothers. iW.
K. and D. M. Botsford. The wedding
date had been set for June and their
sudden change of plans was a com
plete surprise to their friends and (the
parents of the bride. Captain and Mrs.
J. H. Roberts, .aet evening they be
came reconciled to the affair and
joined the bridal party at a wedding
dinner at the Multnomah hotel. j
The bride is a graduate of the iSt.
Helen's Hall. She has many friends in
the city, being popular in her set. She
is also known through her singing, be
ing possessed of a sweet lyric soprano
voice. In the recent Multnomah club
show at the Heilig she, was one of ;the
soloists. ! -
Mr. Botsford is a graduate of Okla
homa university and a member of the
Kappa Alpha fraternity. i 1
The couple are now domiciled at the
Wheeldon Annex, where they will- be
at home. to their friends. In June they
will carry out their original plans and
take their wedding trip to California.
The following note from a Seattle
paper is of Interest to the many
friends of the bride here:
A small but exceptionally pretty
wedding took place Saturday, March
27, at high noon when Miss Mabel
Selover of Portland. . Or., became the
bride of jQbn Jerome Conway of Spo
kane, i
The wedding, solemnized in- ithe
presence of relatives only, took place
at the home of the bride's brother and
sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Selover, 1410 Thirty-fifth avenue. J '
Mrs. Charles D. Calley, neice of, the
bride, attended her as matron of
honor. Mr. Calley acted as best mari
for the groom. Following the cere
mony a breakfast wan served. The
bride and groom . left for Spokane,"
where they will be at home after April
20 ati the Westminster apartments.
The bride is well known in this city
as an accomplished singer. . She at one
time was a member of St. Mark's
: - ';:'
Henry Detles Elsmann and Ml
Marie Mftmhiin'.hnfh n f rirmntm r.--l
were quietly married Monday , afteri
noon by the Rev. C, E. Cline of Port!
land. Mr. - Elsmann Is a well known
Grants Pass automobile dealer and
Miss Metsclian is the daughter of
Frank Metsehan of Grants Pass and
granddaughter of Phil Metsehan Sr.;
proprietor of the Imperial hotel, Port
land. . -
The couple came - to ; Portland last
week with Frank Metsehan to attend
Hints forUfostesses
d Dane
Our New Feature
Organise your own party" and
learn the new dances at the Wed
nesday Informal Club. Fifteen min
utes' free instruction under the per-i
sonai supervision ot Mr. ana Mrs.
reference. Dancing, at 6 o'clock.!
Committee Mrs. I ryon. Miss Axa
Paget. Miss Sherman. A. W. Pflng
sten, Bruce Baird.
forming new class for adnlt be
rinnera. Chrlstllllaa Clnb Meets
tomorrow night. -
. -Vain 6017 A-480.
For the Dinner, Tea or
Afternoon Party
Morrison Near Fourth
The "Popular Sweet Shop"
Nortonia Hotel
- i
Where you can entertain with large or
small Tea, Card or Dancing 1
- - . , Parties. .-'
trader - Personal Supervision of the
- Management.
THEHB ! lodlVldntU
ity in ear, work
Natnrliux wltb
ddwirc A dl
t taction not orta
.Stotooaft'L, tunl . ret. grMtljr
r f aDDreciatea. .
SINCE 1888
We - make . a "; spe
cialty of fine Hair
foods to - order for
.adies and Gents.
Hairdreeslng, Mas
sage, Manicuring.
147 Broadway near
Laura Baldwin Doolittle
r y-""'.- STUDIOS j
Remodel the Draperies or Refurnish
.for You This Spring. - .j
Telephone Marshall 438. A-4238
414-417 Eilers Building , j
Hovenden Piano.Co.
87 ttrru 0T. .
Bet. Stark aad Oak Kain 677
343 Alder, near Broadway.
The Needlecraft Shop
Mr. anu Mrs. Frank L. Tobcy aivt
their little T daughter, Edith Carroll,
left last Monday on an extended trip
through the south. They will top at
San Francisco, where 'they will visit
the fatr,'-tylng with friends. From
there they will go to New Orleana ami
several, of ' the southern states, Ar
kansas being Mrs. Tobey's former
home. They expect to return by-way
of Michigan, wheTe they will visit Mr.
Tobey'a old home, the guests. of rela
tives. ;...-','
Among the prominent Portlanders
who have returned home from visiting
the exposition in San Francisco are
Mr. and Mrs: C. H. Davis Jr, and Rod
erick Macleay.' Miss Barbara Mac
Kensie returned home the first -of the
week, after passing several weeks
south. E. W. Ortmann is expected
home In about a week.
m '
Mrs. Harel Blumauer Lltt enter
tained informally at luncheon at tha
Hotel Benson Monday afternoon. Cov
ers were laid for Mrs. Kurt Koehler,
Mrs. Polly Young of Vancouver Bar
racks, Miss Louise Burns, Mis Claire
Wilcox, Miss Violet Erskine and the
hostess. ,j. . I ;
Miss Ethel Whiteside, who played
last- week at the Empress, was the
cuest of Mr. andMrs; George Fauea
of 660 East Morrison street. . She is
accompanied by her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Pickle of Seattle. The
visitors have many friends in the city
and were much entertained. 1 . ;
A. B. Cain, accompanied by his fil
ter. Miss Agnes I,. Cain, of Scio.'.Or.,
have left for Bushton, Kansas, where
they were palled suddenly on account .
of. the serious ' illness of theli auot.
(Continued on Following
. w I I '
Marck Dance Records
Millicent Walts
A 6633
12 Inrh
12 ln'-b
1 (HcKm) rrlne't Orchettrm.
) Walts. Prinoe Orcheitra.
)8YNC0PATED -WALK, from "Witch
) Your Step" (Berlin), rox-trot.
) Prino' Band.
TICK1IKO LOVE TAPS, from "Bull."
(Pertohk). One-step. Prlnc' Bni.
I"0a SOLDIERS (Oarwiki, On-
Up. Prlnoe'i Bind.
000 DB YE OintS. I'M THE OUCH,
from "Chin Ohio" (Cryll), Ooa-aUp
Prtnos'a Band.
CHIM CHiN WAlIi (Caryll).
1 uiam m nana.
Columbia Graphophone Co.
489-431 WA8KIW0T0N ST.
Ernsts Ice Cream
Ices and Punches
Delivered1 to All Parte of the City."
Main-1689 A-1SPV
Arrange to mem youraelvee -in motion
pictures, in your own home.
Northwest Weekly
Vtaoae laain 943.
For All Occasions.
Musical Services of all descrlpHon
contracted for. Only litst of
talfnt f urrttBhd.
Mualcal Bnrean
Oeorge K. I Jef fery. Mgr. A TMrector
Office and Besidonc Studio Z30
baTe St,, woodlawn 3345. -
8peH11y made: to ftarmooize
with your ctflor aclit-nie.
Cat 'rt Fiddle
' On Broadway, 143
Theatre Bow
dft4 Not
Sfnff rnt
34S Washington U. Morgan Bnildirr
Beautiful Effect
Can now be sitd In Sprloar Flowera. rff..
dlla. Tulip and Frein at reaaouabl pric,
Martin & Forbes Co.
Baia S. . JXOaiSTS. . A-l
Bast iiijjTjVr 1 TiTnTTii
B-11S4 - M1 ' . . . A-171
... 4