-HE OREGON. 'DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. APRIL 2. 1915. TOWN TOPICS (924 DAT or 1918.) AMUSEMENTS HEILJG "Broadway at Taylor. Curtain 2:13 and 8:15. Persy O'NaU In ' "fe O'My fcieart." Wedoesoaf and Saturday matinees. BAKEB -Broadway and Birth, - Curtains 2:20 mtt8:'J(X. t .Matinees Sunday, Wedneaday, - Tburaday and Saturday; baker Playera la "Damaged uooda." ORPUKUAl Broadway at Static VaudsrlllS. Curtains 2:aO. S:aO. ; PA NTAOKS Broadway at Alder. TsuOevllls. Curtains 2:80. 7:30 And 0:10. LOLW'H EMPRESS t lfroadway at Yamhill. -. Vaudeville, Continuous. 1:30 to 5:30. 7 :30 to t:ia week days, continuous 1 to 11 Ban LYUIC ronrtn at Stark. Vaudeville. Oontln- uoo. l to u p. ii. COLUMBIA fclxtb, between Wasblsgtoa and Stark streels. Motion pictures. , 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. Pfcol'LKa Wet Park at Alder street. Mo- vun pictures, a. m, v ix:ou p. ui. STAB Washington at Park. Motion pictures. - 11 a.-to. to 11 p. in. - NATIONAL Park and Weat Park, at Stark. Motlutt- pictures, 12 m. . tu 11 p, m. MAJKSTIU Wasblnxton at Park. Motion pic tures, 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. SUNSET Washington at Broadway. Motion pictures. 11 a. ui. to 11 p. n. ART Mi.KEIIU fifth anri Tsrlor. Honrs B to 6 week days. 2 to 3 Sundays. Pre after- nouns of Tuesday, luursday, r rlday, Satur- . . nay. . . .r, Today's Events. Daily- noonr meetings at Baker theatre. Public schools close for Kaster vacation aVnrll 2. . Jefferson banquet at Portland hotel April Coming Event. Oregon Civic league luiicneun at Multnoman notet April a. - Eaet Hide Business Men's luncheon April ft, - Rotary club luncheon at Benson hotel April 6. Portland Automobile club annual meeting at Commercial Club building. April tt. Good roads mass meeting . of women, Yeon building, ground flour, Tuesday aiternoon, ADrfl 6. i Annual convention ef dairy and food inspec tors at imperial hotel April t. i. a. - Ad club luncheon at Multnomah hotel. April 8. Progressive Business Men's luncheon April 9. Arbor liAr Ai.rll Portland Symphony orchestra concert at the Heme tnestre, April 11. Public schools reopen Monday, April 12. Good road bond Issue election April 14. Central Library Meetiags. " Batloriallst society, every Sunday evening. Oregon Civic lesgue lectures every Thurs day evening. ' i Pacific university extension lectures, every Wedneaday evening. . - -.. ; Port 'Information Supplied. Information regarding this port may be ob tained from tbe Portland Chamber of Com merce. 6 Fifth street. Telephone Msln &U3 or A-1203. J . ... - ' Fire an! Police. firs department Msln 7700, A-1323. Polios department Main 7181, A-6751. Today's Forecast. ! Portland and vicinity: Rain tonight and Saturday; aoutberly winds. " Oregon and Washington: Rain tonight and Saturday ; aoutberly winds, moderate aoutberly . gale along the coast. Idaho: Rala tonight and Saturday; cooler 1 foulght aoutbweet portion. "Weather Conditions. , The British Colombia " disturbance is mov ing slowly eastward. It has caused rain In Washington, western Oregon and extreme northern California. Tbe following maximum wind velocities occurred yesterday afternoon: Tatoosh Itliud, 46 miles south and North Head 48 miles southeast. A large - high pressure area overlies ; the Mississippi valley, and tbe barometer la relatively low over Florida. Un usually mild temperatures prevail in the Pa cific and northern Rocky mountain states. Small craft warnings were ordered up again tbla morning at 7 o'clock for a moderate aoutberly gala. . The- conditions are favorable for rain in this district tonight and Saturday. - It will , be "cooler tonight in southwestern Idaho. - j EDWARD A. BEALS. .-.,-.'.(; ' ' A ' District.; :Porecsster. " ' i Observations. Temperature ,, g . -( STATIONS a at t 3 P i" s II s - : Z 6 a .3 cca t BukerOr. I 48 2 I 2 1 48 8 J 5" Jtoston Mass 38 - 2 52 SS 12 0 Chicago, t Illi;.. 8tt 2 88 38 a .02 retiver, Cote. . , . . 36 6 64 80 .02 Dodge, Kan 24 - 4 44 24 8 .01 Duluth. : Minn.... 24 - 4 44 24 8 .01 Galveston, Texas. 44 - 6 66 44 8 0 Havre.. Mont..... 60 422 2 48 12 0 Jacksonville. Fla. 56 MO 60 64 8 0 Kansas City, Mo. 38 6 42 86 4 0 Is Angeles. Cal. 66 O 82 i 66 4 0 Montreal, Que.... 34 O 42 ; 32 lo . O New Orleans, j La. 48 O 64 , 44 14 . O New York. N.! V.. 38 0 48 34 8 O N. Head. Wash. 62 0 62 62 86 1.86 Portland,- Or.. 67 3 84 5T 0 .64 Roseburg. Or. 64 2 76 tt 4 0 St. Louis, Mo . 39 2 42 36 4 0 St. Paul, Minn... 82 0' 40 30 4 O Salt lke, Utah.. 44 4 60 44 0 S. Francisco, Cat 56 O 0 64 10 0 SeatUe, Wash.... 56 2 60 56 8 1,42 Sitka, Alaska... 44 - 4 .... 42 4 0 Spokane, Wash... 48 4 64 46 6 .18 Tacoma. Wash... 56 6 62 66 4 ,82 Tatoosh I'd.. Wn. 62 64 62 8 .1.76 -Valdes Alaska.. 30 12 18 4 2.36 Walla Walla, Wvn 54 - 4 68 54 4 - .02 Washington. D. C. 36 O 60 , 34 6 0 Winnipeg. Man... 22 - 2 38 f 18 0 Afternoon report of preceding day. Inspection la Approved. Weekly In spection of Portland's theatres- by tire. detartmentf officials is heartily ac- proved by Mrs. John Nissen, nlKUt officer :of ;the juvenile court. Mrs. Nissen reported to the fire department herself many violations of city , ordi nances. -As result of. the Inspection the hundreds of moving picture houses or rortiana are now using--every pre caution to safeguard the lives of-the thousands of men, -women and children who patronize them. Lights have been provided all theatra exits, aisles have been kept cleared, &l rubbish of an Inflammable nature has been removed from the houses, and smoking behind the curtains has been prohibited. testified to branding two steers in con troversy. District Judge Jones yester day took the branding irons used by each ' and compared them with the brands on the steers. The Willard com pany - was given judgment , because Judge Jones held that the brands were put on the steers by the man from whom - the company- purchased the steers at Ia Center, Wash. Each used an "S" brand and placed the i brand in the same place, vbut the brands were different in design.. i . , TJ. f o. Sxtenslon Classes. Uni versity of Oregon Extension classes will "meet in Central library tonight as1 follows: At 8 o'clock, in room H. psychology; at 7:30 o'clock, in room E, calculus; i at 8:"30, room E, first year mathematics. On - Saturday -evening. Professor Reddle Will - meet His class In advanced public speaking, in room H, at 8 o'clock, and in. room B, at 7:30 Mrs. Parsons : will meet her class in rhetoric Professor Prescotfs class in public speaking, for men, will meet April 8,! in room B, at 7:30. Dr. Schmfett'B class in German literature, which ordinarily would meet this even ing, will not meet until April 9. - Spsxjisl ZUsrtsr Telegraph Blanks The Western Union' has introduced a special - blank and service for Easter greetings. , A wAite blank, decorated with Easter lilies in green and yellow, has been adopted. The greeting tele grams will be delivered on the special form. They may be,filed any time dur ing the week for delivery Sunday morn ing, and those filed Sunday will be for warded. Immediately. The new -blank was prompted by the success attending the , blanks and service for Christmas and New Years' greetings. - and social in the Masonlo temple. Re freshments were served. It is intend ed to make socials such as this month ly features and to Invite outsiders as well as members and their'famllles. Well Known Conductor. J ohn Q. Dorera, who was . burled yesterday from the parlors of J. P. ytnley -ss Son in the Mount Scott cemetery, was one of the oldest railroad conductors In the United States. He was. known to many railroad men in all parts of the west, and had been in Mexico for several veam ui Intervals until the! recent revolutionary troubles. He had lived in J&rtland and Eugene at dif ferent times in the last 2 years. He leaves a widow, Mrs. Una Porem, in Eugene. He was a native of Ohio and leaves a brother In Ohio and a sister in Kansas. He was 63 years of agar-: TeXaat Prices rail. Frank Tu. Smith is cutting prices.. Porterhouse steak, rib steak, loin steak and pork chops are 16c. Tripe is 8c. Halibut, stur geon, boiling beef and corned beef are 10c. Pork sausage, roast beef and roast veal are 12ttc Pot roast beef and roast pork are lie Oregon eggs are 22 c. - Bacon Is 17 Vic. Hams, whole or half, are 16c. Butter is 26c Come to Smith's, main market, 228 Alder street, for these good, cheap taeats. (Adv.) Injured la Collision. Mrs D. E. For est, of the Y. W. C. A., was badly shaken up and received a cut over the eye yesterday when a taxicab in which she was riding and which- was driven by H. B. Pooge, was struck by an auto mobile driven by C. A. Taylor. Mrs. Forest was taken to the Y. W. C. A. Tbe cars were slightly damaged. K. Ii. Prssr Was Old Bssident. Ne- hemiah Tu. Freer, who died March 27, In Portland, first came to Oregon in the early seventies, residing here until 1901 when he removed with his family to the pedee valley. He was bom in Ulster county, New York. January 19, 1844, and serving a year In the Union army during the Civil war came west to California. A brother, Beverly H. Freer, two sons, Edwin B. and. Ber nard E. Freer, and two daughters, Mrs. M 4- O'Brien and Mrs. May Brown, survSve. Fruit Men Ask Mora Attention. Resolutions adopted by a committee of fruit growers, meeting In the Commer cial club, urge the new Chamber of Commerce ' to give more attention to the fruit industry than has been given in the past by Portland organizations. A. P. Bateham was elected president of the committee and C. D. Mlnton secretary. Take Easter Kike. The Maa&mas will begin their spring and mmer : week-end schedule with a Short Easter afternoon hiking trip over Rocky Buttessituated In the ex treme northeastern part of the city. The crowd will meet at the Mount Hood station 1 In Montavilla at 2:30. They will then walk north to the hill, climb it by the south trail, and traverse the' ridge to the north end, thence back to the city by the RosjClty Park line. Miss Esther Pen well will lead. . rnneral of A. B. ShaddncTc The body of Allison S. Shadduck has been shipped to Arlington, Or., for inter ment. Funeral services were held at Chambers' undertaking parlors, Wil liams avenue and Kirty street, last Wednesday. He was 65 yeara of age, and left a son, Guy, and. a daughter. Vera. Two brothers survive him, T. M. Shadduck of Portland, and W. J. Shadduck of Lyons, Iowa. lecture for EnrliiMn.ThA .station ary Engineers tomorrow evening will listen to a second lecture on "Boiler Room Efficiency." bv Profimr v w Rosencrantz of the Oregon Agricultural college. The lecture last month at- t r rt tr1 a lr?A nnmhA, :re t k - - and visitors. The lecture will be de livered In Aliskv hall, -and an v iwrann Interested .is Invited. T&eturns Xrom Inspections. -Colonel Clenard McLaughlin, commanding the Third Infantry, Oregon National Guard. has returned from Utah, where he went in his capacity as a representative of the United States army to. inspect the National Guard there. Holiness Meeting Tonight. Good Frida evening, at 8 o'clock, in the Sal vation Army, hall, 207 Salmon street, there will be a united holiness meeting held by corps Nos. 1 and 4. Staff Cap tain Gale, assisted by Adjutant Whit ney will be in charge of the meeting. The Corps string band will be in at tendance. will bold Its regular meeting tonight at 8 o'clock at its club rooms, at East Sixty-ninth and Belmont streets. Whit ney L. Boise will explain to the" mem bers of the association why the pro posed $1,250,000 road bond issue, which Is to be voted on April 14, should be carried. Other topics of interest to the residents of the district will be 'discussed. Coal, $&50 Per Ton, Mendota Fuel Co., 1st and E. Taylor. Both phones. &ew Prices om Printing of all kinds. V. W. Baltejs &Co. Main 165. A-1165. Ad. Today 4Be sure to get your Royal Hot Cross1 Buns. Adv. v Sr. W. A. Trimble has moved to 748 750 Morgan building. (Adv.) . "Dr. W. Zb Wood has returned. 412 Oregonlan Bldg (Adv.) Hv. 8. C. Brown. Zye, Ear. Mohawk bldg. (Adv.) Tatarks' $OJM Shoes, 243 "Wash. (Ad.) - Z M. Pox. optician. Journal bldg. Ad. ReurrariA Rnnlrlo-. Ti-intAl r '. The report on the O-W. Tt tm m- grade work is' how contained In a booklet issued by Robert G. Dieck, commissioner of public works; The total -cost -of 100 ronton In ihrait S7 of which $31 went for cuts, $50 for printing and the remainder for correc tions and inserts; It is proposed to print 300 more copies for distribution. MEN'S SUITS FOR LESS Kirn Grade Aeadv-to-Wsar. I give you more for your money. I eliminate the proIt for high rent huge eleetric signs, fixtures and win dow displays. -820 men's suits for $14.75; $25 men's suits for $18.75. Jim my Dunn. 315-16-17 Oregonlan bldg. Elevator to 3d floor. (Adv.) Cough Stop la a rear stopper Plum mer Drug company. Third and Madi os. (Adv.) CELILO OPENING IS HERALDED NATIONAL . EVENT IN ARTICLE H -- " !" , :. Official Recognition Given by J Congress Is Explained in Story Released Today. ; i - ., t. . .... . .1 '- . - r IMPORTANCE IS DESCRIBED Wast Watershed of ColnmbU Xlrer and Tributaries Detailed In : Figures; Other Saia Olvsn. : A valuable contribution to the pub licity "attendant upon j the plan of commemorating the completion of. the Celllo canal, by a celebration from Lewiston to Astoria during the week of May 3-8 is provided b.y the Na tional Rivers and Harbors congress in a news article released today which had . been given j national dis tribution. ! . "Official recognition has been riven to the event by the congress of the United States, which passed a for mal resolution in the closing hours of the Sixty-third congress, authoris ing the appointment of a committee of three United States' senators and nine members '-of congress to repre sent the United States government," reads the article. i "The watershed of the Columbia river and its tributaries embraces an area of approximately 250,000 square miles In the United States and 1 an additional 50,000 In British Colum bia, making a territory larger than the German empire and larger than Pall Proves PatavU Frank Moran aged 48, who fell from a second story window In the Delmonlco hotel. East Clay and Union avenue, Wednesday night, died at 6 o'clock last night at St. Vincent's hospital. Deputy Coro ner Smith took the body In charge. Meeting at Woodlawn Tonight. The Woodlawn ; Improvement association will meet tonight at 8 o'clock. In Wood lawn hall. Dekum avenue. Election of officers and other Important business Is to come before the meeting. Open Saturdays until 10 p. m. Men! You can buy your Easter suit tomor row until 10 p. m.. at Jimmy Dunn's upstairs clothes shop, 315-16-17 Ore gonlan bldg. Elevator to 3d floor. Xiadies Spring Trimmed $2 and $3 Eats 60c. Children's and little girls' hats, 25c Ladies' $30 and $35 spring suits, choice, $7.50. We close Saturday 6 p. m. 212 First street. aqv.) Outdoor Sketch Class. If the rain nvmtin,Aa th rlnB. will mMt n t the School studios. Fifth and Taylor, at 1 o clock tomorrow. Sf, Howard, Electro-Therapy and oxyoline, for chronic diseases and long troubles. .; 304-6 Rothchild bldg. (Adv.) Xnights Templar Enterain. Last night the Oregon Commandery, Knights Templar, gave an Informal card party Steamer Jesse Sarklns for Camaa Washougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock at 2 p. m. iaovj TJr. W. A. Wise at Bar View hotel from March 28 to April 4. Dental work by appointment. Main zuza. Aav.j McCavrsrar, Bates St Xlvely Fire, cas ualty ana auio m j i- ua insuiauuv. bids. Teiepnone-saain ios- (auv.; , v. smA Snnils. ThA Ta bor Heights Improvement association Powers Saturday Night Special 3 Child Diss In Spasms. Harvey Wil termood, 7 years old. died at 4:10 o'clock this morning, following spasms. He lived with his mother. Mrs. May Wlltermood. at the . Southern hotel. ' 640 -First street. Deputy Coroner Smith 'said an autopsy will be held to determine the cause of the boy's ceath. Civil Service Examination.- The United States civil service coramlssran announces that a stenographer 'and typewriter examination, for the field service, 'will be held In this city on May 15. 191.5. ' ' Branding 'Xrons Determine . Cast. After witnesses for both sides in the replevin suit of Frank L Smith against the Willard Commission company had UNION DENTISTS Corner of Second and Morrison. Look for tbe big Union sign. All work guar- t - - anteed.. - ..-W - ' Open 8 A. M. to 6 P. IK. No Sunday Sours. Full Set Teeth, that fit . . $5.00 Gold Crown, 22-k . . . . . $3.50 Bridge Teeth. 22-k . .! . . . $3.50 Painless Extraction . . . . .50c - Sr. Whetstone, Mgr. ;chvab pmrjTiric co 'DCiT rUKCtNt-rlAKKY FISCHER $2.50 Heavy Ten Inch ChOr Aluminum Spiders for CC- ON SALE SATURDAY AFTER 4 P. M. Hero is a splendid special for after 4 Saturday. A high qual ity 10-inch aluminum spider, fitted with black wood handle, with end hanging ring. Handle is securely riveted to frame, which measures 2j4 inches deep and is lipped on both sides, of splen did quality aluminum, silver finish. A spider that would cost $2.50 in the ordinary way, toj sell at this most unusual price. ONLY ONE jTO A CUSTOMER NO PHONE OR C. O.. D. ORDERS. NO DELIVERIES ! $ 50 Worth of Furniture $ 5.00 Cash $1.00 $ 75 Worth of Furniture $ 7.50 Cash $1.50 $100 Worth of Furniture $10.00 Cash $2.00 3- $125 Worth of Furniture $12.50 Cash $2.25 T $150 Worth of Furniture $15.00 Cash $2.50 $200 Worth of Furniture $20.00 Cash $3.00 Week Week Week Week Week Week The TX'riir-v Habit will get you X, JIIIIllIIIIfIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIII1IIlIIIIlI1IIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllIIIIlIIIIIIIIIlIIHLS I A BIG SPECIAL I 1 OFFERED TO EACH CUSTOMER i to the 1 JONES MARKETSATURDAY ONLY 1 By Columbia Fish Co. S BUTTER BUTTER i "SkamokaWa Creamery Butter." S 5 Acknewledged by all who use this butter to be the best quality butter on the market. Only 60c Per Roll Regular price 70c per roll. , SATURDAY ONLY 1 S ' Order a nice chicken for your Easter dinner. Roasting S chickens, fat hens to fricassee, fryers, broilers, ; turkeys, j S capons, squabs. The only market wher you ! can get EE 5! everything in poultry at all times. 5 I Columbia Fish Co Jones' Market j We DeUver Main 5, Marshall lt A-6281. TIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIII1IIIIII1IIIIIIIIIII1IIIII1IIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIII1I17 II iasmnm a toi H Pacific Marshall 1, Home A-6281. "JONES' QUALITY" EASIER OffERIG Roast Spring Lamb (MINT SAUCE) The National Easter Dish lOO Selected Baby 1915 SPRING LAMBS FOR THIS SATURDAY'S SALE See Our Display Window. .' .- 30 lb. ...22 lb. :....40 lb. full hind quarters., full fore quarters . . chops, The pound ..... BOCK SAUSAGE, This Saturday. 20c lb 'The First of the Season. Choice Milk-Fed Stock ' Leg or Loin Roasts J . .......... . Shoulder or) Breast Roast 1 Rolls of Veal (Boneless and Larded) ...... Veal Loaf . ... J 1 1 Rack Roasts of Veal ! (Frenched) larded. . . : 17$ lb. ....15 lb. v..-17 lb. .... 15. lbl ....X7 lb. Mild Cured Smoked Meats Jones "Pride of Oregon" Brand Hams, y2 or whole .... .... ..... ...... .16 lb. Hams, Shoulders only .... . lb. Hams Cottage (Nearly Boneless) ' 14 lb. Bacon Back Tenderloin, ov whole strip. . . . . .17sj lb. Bacon, Light Stock, ' or whole strips. ..... . .20 lb. All Kinds of Assorted Meats at a Big Reduction in Price for the market shopper that patronizes our Special Bar gain Meat Counter This Saturday. ' ths antlra. Mew England states, New York, ; v New Jersey, Pennsylvania. Ohio t and West , Virginia combined. The soiL resources and cllmatlo con ditions of this territory are or such a nature ; as to stamp it among- the world's : greatest productive regions, which ultimately, when fully devel oped, .will be able to support propor tionately l a larger population than any similar section of the globe.". Much - more Is said about the na tional transportation importance of the event, the fact that the Celllo canal is second only to the Panama canal In ! the view of the Pacific northwest, and tae stimulus which will be given water transportation by its opening and the extension of uninterrupted water navigation from the Pacific ocean 500 - miles Inland. Unpleasant Theme Mars Production Hypnotism ; and the control which a hynotic manipulator holds over an un willing girl form the very unprofit able and unpleasant theme on which is built. "The Fakir," the Domino fea ture at the Sunset. Rhea Mitchell, the Portland girl. Plays the girl and plays her splendidly. The entire cast has been well chosen and the picture is so excellently produced that it 1 -bad to -have chosen such a rlst. feature that holds a lot of heart terest is "His Brothers Keeper." detail with which the picture ties I made is notable and it has a vie;. Civil war battle scene that is very fectl ve. It is a play of types that r all well sustained. For comedy 1 Is a Komlc. Mlxed Values." that 1 a-lot of laughs, as well as the i: stone, "A One Night Stand," that better than i usual. ' A company of Indians has . teen t crulted In Canada and sent across t water to be used, for acoutlns r poses. '.': . . " " rt-a .usslrfS Store. Opens Daily at 830 a. m., on Saturdays 9 a. rri. Store Closes Daily at 5:30 p. m., Saturdays at 6 p. m. Children's Seta AT 25c UP TO $1.50 A : complete showing of the season's best styles for children from 1 to 14 years 6f age: They come in fancy braids, hemps, Milan, Palm Beach Panamas, silk, etc., and with trimmings cf fine ribbons - and flowers our window will .give you n idea of the styles all prices from ZZz up to $1.50. -. . A Great Pre-Easter Sale! of Boauifxil li Grade UndeFrnTusMim Daintily Trimmej Combination Suits in Fine Nainsook or Crepe ! The Popular lew Envelope Chemise and Gowns in Various Styles Regular $1,25 to $1.75 Values Priced for This Sale at 'A very important and timely sale of billowy heaps of snowy lingerie Combination Suits, Chemise and Gowns- the sort that particular women delight, in buying; garments made of suck qualities of muslins,' nainsook or crepe and finished in such a perfect manner that they will prove a comfort and satisfaction to every . wearera matchless array of most elaborate trimming styles to choose from, beautiful qualities of lace and embroideries have been selected for this purpose. The Gowns come in V-shaped, low neck and in slipover styles "with long, short or half length sleeves. ,Thei Combination, Suits are cut in the latest styles and are elegantly trimmed with laces, embroideries and .ribbons -and. the Chernise are shown in the popular new. envelope style. : All are crisp new AO garments made to sell regularly at $1.25 to $1.75 a yard, and all On Sale Tomorrow at OC 50c CORSET COVERS, VALUES TO 75c, PRICED AT ONLY An extensive variety, of styles with la'ce, em broidery and ribbon trimmings fine well made garments., of crepe and nainsook, f A all sizes in values to 75c. This Sale at DUC MUSLIN DRAWERS, VALUES CA TO 75c, SPECIALLY PRICED O l V Included are all the. latest styles. . All extra well made and finished. They come in nain sook, cambric and crepe: All sizes, in r a reg. values sold up.to 75c. This Sale at DUC Hook Front and Cross Back Brassieres In Sizes. 32 to 46. On Sale at.:..... . , . . .25 Special Pre-Easter Showing of Fashionable and Noxr 9 men's JiiimTOS INCLUDED ARE THE MOST POPULArI MODELS IN PATENT KID AND DULL LEATHERSALSO IN VEL VET AND WITH CLOTH TOPS ALL SIZES AND WIDTHS AND ALL OF $3.50 QUAUTY-r-PECIAL AT That a woman has a reason to think of this store first, when con? ,! ; iiz'ii ,Oflfv this splendid early season display and pre-Easter sale. Included are the most popular styles in patent, kid and dull leathers ; also in velvet and with cloth tops the new short vamp Shoes and two button combination: strap Pumps. 11 sizes rtq An and all widths and all of regular $3.50 quality. Priced This Sale at.... ....... ..OLt.J & Special Number 2 $2.47 Mary Janes for women - and young ladies they come in kid, velvets and gunmetal leath ers. All sizes.. Regular $3,00 lines. On Sale at GIRLS' MARY JANES AND BROAD TOE SHOES Sizes 113 to 2, On Sale alt. ...... ...S1.67 Sizes 9 to 11, n Sale at. .$1.37 aKTiimtxar? Baby Doll Pumps, also velvet, gunmetal and patent two and three strap styles. All sizes. The kind regularly sold at $2.50. rn On Sale at... ... . . . ............ a ar 4? BOYS' DULL CALF SHOES, SOLED ALL THROUGH In Sizes 9 to lZy3, On Sale at. . . . . . .81.57 In Sizes 1 to 5, On Sale at. . ... ... . .$1.07 r 29c Pre-Easter Specials in u Neckwear Veils and Ribbons Our popular Fancy Goods Section is filled to overflowing with dozens and dozens of dainty things needed to com plete Milady's Easter War drobe.. These Great Specials for Tomorrow; NOVTY NECKWEAR,' Reg. 50c to 65t Values Priced at Included are the new styles in Organdie Vestees, Sets. of Col lars; also Oriental Lace Col lars, and aiv elegant line. -of novelties in qualities regularly sold from 50c to 65c OQ On sale tomorrow at. . . sae7i TIPPERARY VEILS, 75c to 95c Values Priced at: Only A very important underpricing of the extremely popular Tip perary Veils in black silk meshes, bound with silk velvet or s'atin ribbon. Regular 75c to 95c grades. On sale K(l A tomorrow at .......... V Beautiful New Ribbons for Easter An .jinlimited. variety to select from stripes checks, plaids, warp prints and novelties in rich color combinations also plain, colored satins, taffetas, moire1 1 taffetas, faille ' moire, etc; ribbons suitable for milli nery, bows, sashes, trimmings and- many other purposes good widths in regular 35c to 48c qualities. On sate OK A Friday at AO U 50c Mi tr. &' I ill, r Special Pre-Easter tJnderpricine: of Women's & Misses' 43c Your j new Easter wardrobe will not be complete without' appropriate Hosiery.- Here is a sale of standard dualities that should interest you. . ' FIBER SILK HOSE for Women, the 75c Grade at, a Pair A fashionable Stocking' of per fect ; fit!, and finish; made of fine, durable fiber silk comes with- reinforced heel and toe and in all sizes. Shown in black, white and all desirable colors. I A Stocking of stand ard j75c quality. This Sale at . . . ..... SILK LISLE HOSE for Misses, the 35c Grade at, a Pair A sale, of misses' best quality Silk Lisle Stockings, made with extra spliced heel and toe. They come in black, white and the best shades of tan all sizes. It is a well-fitting Stocking, regularly sold at 35c a pair. This Sale 1' V 43c 19c Special Pre-Easter Of ferings Sale of Ilon'o Fine Plains Whito Drees They come in Coat style with plaited bosom and attached cuffs. All sizes. Best QKA $1 2i crade, at ......... J L Just inside. the Third-street en trance is located an attractive idispiay of Men's Furnishings land Underwear. ' You'll be (surprised when you learn of the moderate price?. Take, for instance, this fine- line of men's plain white Dress Shirts of custom makeperfect fit ting and well finished. They come with plaited bosom and attached cuffs and are shown in coat style. All sizes. A shirt of standard $1.25 QC0 quality. This Sale at.. VOC MEN'S GLOVES, Rcj. $1 Grades on Hf, Sale at, a Pair yL A r special underpricing of Men's Kid Gloves one of the best known makesin grey un dressed kid. All sfzes. A reg ular $1.00 Glove. Thfs IJO n Sale atv. J. ......... J.. 4 HANDKERCHIEFS, tl- on Sale at Only ilu Handker- Men's; plain white chiefs that are all pure linen. They come in a good size and neatly hemstitched.. Regular 20c grade. : This Sale at Only .... Sale at'0 Ob: a tA STREET