The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 02, 1915, Page 17, Image 17

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Grace Liner Will Load One
Cargo of Nitrate and Then
Return to Portland Route.
Absence of Available German Carriers
. -Makes JTltrate Cargoes X.uoratlT
Business at Present.
- -That the . Grace steamers may be
again placed correctly, the steamer
r Santa Catallna, making her first voy
age since having .been burned and re
constructed here. Is to go from New
, York to a nitrate port and return. The
' four New York-Portland steamers of
- that line are within 3 days of one an
other and it is hoped to again 4iave
- them placed at 18 day intervals.
By sending the Santa Catallna to a
nitrate port in the north of Chile only
about one month will be lost by the
- steamer and the spacing of the eteam
. era can be done without financial loss.
- The nitrate trade is at present as lu
crative as is the wheat trade from this
port and the Catallna undoubtedly se-
cured a high rate.
When word first came from New
. . York that the steamer was to be sent
away it was understood she would
make London with her nitrate. Ship
per here were yery wrathy until the
true facts -were ascertained.
"We have refused to load ourselves
up with any huge advance orders for
. deadweight cargo," said George M. JIc-
uowen, Portland agent for the line, to
day, "and as a consequence are hand
- ling the best class of freight through
, the canal. Were we handMng the lower
class goods we could "afford to keep
the steamers bunched 'this way." How
ever, correct spacing la demanded by
... the shippers and the company has
taken this way to reach this end with
out loss."
The Santa . Catalina will not tte the
first steamer to be sent on trips of
this kind since the war opened. Owing
to the tying up of the German' steam
ers which had carried- the greater por
tion of this freight, the su-Sply of ni
trate n as been entirely inadequate. Nu
merous . American steamers hve been
v able to secure advantageous charters
for that service.
-x - -'- - y , . Ant iff, r;,K
' ' "' s : "X'f 'f ? ' - - At 1 "f-, ' t, , ' V -i ' o
fiappenlafs of Human Interest Occurring Throughout the World
After Yesterday's Issue Weut to . Press.. i
Steamer South Pactflc sunk after delivering grain cargo from this pott.
JLrfndon, April 2. The British steam
er South Pacific va? sunk in cO'JuOon
with an unknown vessel off the coast
cf Scotland. The crew was saved. The
vessel was bound for New York. She
was of 2310 tons -net .register snd was
built in 1913. J
Tle South Pacific was dispatched
form Portland with wheat and flour
for Cape Town, October 26. by Kerr,
Gifford & Co. She was the first of
the 1914-15 fleet sent to Capo Town.
She was commanded by Captain Proc
tor, i !
-She arrived out December 24, and
probably returned to the United King
dom, which aceounts for her presence
orr tne coast or Scotland.
help out while Observers Drake and
Wyatt are away on frost work.
Captain W. A. Magee, of the steamer
Nann Smith, reports 19 feet of water
at mean low ide on the Coos Bay bar
in a communication received by the U.
8. Hydrographlc office this morning.
Captain Carner, of the gas schooner
OUie S., reports 10.5 feet on the New
port bar, and advises mariners to pass
159 feet south of No. 3 buoy and 150
feet north of Fairway buoy PS. in go
ing out of that -harbor.
The entire population of St. Helens
was at the doc-k to see Mr. and Mrs. E.
B. Wood, a bride and groom, leave on
he steamer Multnomah, according to
Frank Bollam, city ticket agent for the
independent steamers, who, with his
son ind E. B. McBride, is en .route to
San Francisco on- the steamer.
The dredger Chinook returned to As
toria yesterday, and as soon. as the
weather permits will return to her
work on the bar. She will dig again
on the same range used last summer.
Salaries of HaTry Campion, superin
tendent of towing, and his clerk, v il
liam J. Kshenbaugh, .were returned to
the figure from which they were cut
last fall, respectively $200 and $100, by
the Port of Portland commission yes
terday. Hlight increases were allowed
in other deparments also.
Hum ctty ,
Geo. W. Elder.,
Yaentao ,
Bear.r.. :
. . Coos Bay .... s ... April
.. S. V. at way... April
..Coos Bar ....... .April
..S. F. and way.-.. Abrll 11
U. and way. ..April 12
- S. r ....April 17
Steamers Due to Depart.
J From Date
S" - ....Indef.
vr. r.wer.,.Pf . .;oon Bay.. .. .April 4
Sc"rr r.- iga way... April
Boanoke., ,.j. ..8. D and way.. .April
reaswater....i . r, and way... April 9
Roae City S. F. and way. ..April 12
.......... o. r. ana wj. April 17
E. V. Aight Begins Duties As
? SIanager of rort."
-Thfat the choice-of the Port of Port
land commission of ,E. y. Wright as
general manager was a popular one is
indicated in the flood of congratulatory
telegrams which poured in yesterday
from all over the. northwest. In his
26 years, Jn maritime circles Mr.
Wright has made many friends, all of
whom wish him success in his new
venture. .
The port's new general manager took
hold at once and this morning made a
inp to linnton, where he is planning
. im ir tne ssneii company's new
plant. Considerable dredging is to be
done in the river In front of Linnton
ana me material will be placed ashore
Arrangements ror this fill, will.-in al
prooaDinty te made.
Iron Works Takes Old ' Freighter.
Kan Francisco, Cal., April 2. The
Union Iron works today took over the
old freighter Manila from J. -W.
Strong, who purchased her some time
ago from the government and had her
remodeled. The Manila was loaded
with a Cargo of freight for the west
coast of South America about two
weeks ago, but .water was discovered
in the hold, and the cargo had to be
discharged. The Manila' was origin
ally a Spanish gunboat, then a Spanish
prison ship and at the battle of Manila
was captured by Admiral Dewey. She
next became a prison Ship at Mare
T 11
Some charter -activity Is expected
within he next few days, as it is said
L 1 1 ci L TWrt fiTiimAra hAuA v . . .
here for May loading. '
The steamer Bear hdi250 passensrers
and 2400 tons of freight when she
snueci tor san Francisco this morning
- The steamer Beaver, of the same fleet
s Que to arrive here at 2:30 this after
. noon with better than 1000 tons of
ireignt and 280 passengers.
n tne steamer Breakwater, which
sanea this morning, were 45 passen
gers and 375 tons of freight bound for
coos $ay points. i
- - The steamer Geo. W. Elder arrived at
i.oiumoia oocr rrom Coos Bay and
Kureka at 11 o'clock this raorninir.
The gas schooner Ahwaneda arrived
irom Newport j yesterday with a full
cargo of fvelght.
Laden with lumber for San Francis
co, -the little, schooner Santa Monica
lert westport last night.
. The steamer Thomas Ll Wand.' Can
tain Nygren. cleared with 615,000 feet
or lumber and laths, tne last of which
sne is loading at Rainier today.
" H. J. Kimball Jr collector of the
port of Coos Bay, js jn the city, on his
way ; to Nebraska to visit his parents.
A. M. HamrIT a weather observer
from the Los Angeles office, has been
transferred to the Portland office to
Swish! Corns Gone!
1 1 3 :
2 Seconds. 2 Drops Corns Vanish!
r or . everyoooy witn corns., there is
in every orug store in the land one of
the. real wonders of the world, and
that's "GETS-IT" for corns! It s the
frst and only corn-cure ever known
uat removes any and every corn or
roy Trot. Mman. Whmtt Cone
GmT - Yea, I Um4 'GETS4T."
callus without' fail, without fussing
with Jhick bandages, toe ; harnesses,
corn-swelling salves, irritating oint
ments. It's applied In 2 seconds bing,
b!ng- 2 drops., the work is done, the
corn shrivels up. your corn agony ends
snd the corn leaves forever! All the
iimpmg, tne pains that dart to your
hearts core, the crucifixion of having
to wear shoes over screaming corns,
the danger of blood poison from mak
ing them bleed by using knives, razors
?H scissors are gone at last! "GETS
IT is the new way, the sure, simple,
painless way. Try it for corns, cal
luses, warts and bunions.
".GETS-IT", is sold by druggists
everywhere, 25c a bottle, or sent di
rect by E.- Lawrence & Co., Chicago,
feold in Portland and recommended as
the-world's best corn cure by The Owl
r,," Co..
Canal Will Be Inspected.
On what will likely be the. last of
ficial inspection trip to the Celilo canal
before the grand opening- May E,.Lieu
tenant Colonel Jay J. Morrow and Cap
tain T. H. Dillon, United States engi-
Vefuels in Port.
Nam . i i
Lljrhtthip No. S7i Am. atr.
Katanga, Bel?, (bark
David Evans, BrJ ath
Majanku, Nor. Bb
Pampa, Rum. bark
John C. Mevcr, Am. bk
Professor Hoch, Buss. bark.
Skjold. Nor. bk...
Vlrgiula. Am. seh
Mabel Gale, Am. ech
Thor, Nor. str..,l
Levi O. Burgess,: Am. bark
Datey Gadsby, Am. atr
Werribee. Br. atr
HiawaUia, Nor. bk
Berlin, Am. bk.
Santa Barbara, Am. atr...
.Heaver, Am. atr
Ceo. W. Elder, Am. str . .
Tamalpaic. Am.i str
Akutan, Am. str Gobi
Arnoldua Vinuen, Ger. sh ;.. "cuftos
AJIianoe, Am. str q' p
Cf iDook, V. 8 dredger Oregon dryd'ock
niV, K: SMlchKt' V- S- dredger. .N. W. Steel
Dalbek. Ger. bk m at
Golden Gate, Am. str "o'vy pl
KnS'-VSJ' Am" ,tr .".'.St." Haiens"
Kurt, Ger. ah........ WnttmM
N ehalem. Am. str . . . . .V.St. Heten.
.Oregon Dry dock
...I.-P. Lbr. Co.
......... .Astoria
North Bank
. . Oregon drydock
. .uregon' drydoek
I .linnton
. . . . . . . Westport
.....itortn Bank
...P.'C. Bnnkera
Bound up
At Neighboring Ports.
ABtorla, April 2. Arrived at midnight and
left up at 1:30 a. m. Steamer Geo. W Elder
from Eureka and Coos Bay. Arrived at 5
nd left ap at T a. m. Steamer Beaver from
San Pedro and San Francisco.. Sailed at mid
nightSteamer Santa Monica for San Fran.
Cisco. Arrived at 8 and left up at :16 a. m.
Steamer Tamalpaig frou San Francisco.
Rotterdam, - Murcb 31. Arrived British
steamer Cranley. from Portland.
Cristobal, Manh 31. Sailed Steamer North
ern Pacific for Portland.-
Astoria, April 1. SaileC at 12:20 p m.
Steamer Multnomah for gab Francisco'. ' Ar
rived down at 1 p. m. Barkentlne Joba C.
Meyer. Sailed at 2 p. m. Steamer W. V.
Herrln for San Francisco.
Newport, Or., April 2. Gas schooner Tilla
mook crossed in from Portland vesterdav aft.
ernoon. Heavy southwest wind blowinr todnv.
San FranclsOO. Cal.. Am-il 2. ArritrA
neers, who -have superintended the
greater part of the building of the I American steamer Celilo, Columbia river, 1 a
new WAterwtv 1ft tViia mnrnln fnr I .. F- ? Loop, Seattle. 6 a. ;m.; Pasadena
Big Eddy. Together they wU goover ffi S TlVt
me wnoie ranai, anenaing to tne details l fiego, jo a. m.: overnor, Sao Dieto. 10 a
yet remaining to be worked out. They I P ' "entiss. Eureka, H i. m. Sailed Amer
will also arrange a date for the tem
porary opening of the canal.
ican iitamer L;eiiJO, san Pedro, 3 a. m.
weeian steamer Cuxco. Victoria - 7 a. m
Seattle, Wash., April 2. Arrived American
steamers Admiral Schley, San Franelsco, 5 a.
m.; Arisonan, New York, via San Franciaco,
4:30 p. m. yesterday. Sailed Japanese steam
er Seattle Maru, orient. 10:20 a. m.; American
whlcn sails today for Australia, will
carry 5000 tons of cargo, of which
there is 1000 tons of oats
Shipping at San Francisco.
Van Francisco. Cal.. April 2.- Th
Standard Oil -company has chartered7 ?i'mILAd?,lri WSt?n' te- m.;
the Japanese steamer Asama Maru to vi.toria, April 2. Passed British steamier
tarry- case on irom can r rancisco to coyne, rjsquimalt for Vancouver.
New Zealand. Victoria. April 2. Arrived British steam
The new naval' oil carrying steamer " t.S'.t'K " "n.c,- 1
' " " ' v "in uc lauuiiicu Auut Aa ail I srenmer uriTr Harfnr. Km n K'r, Ti.ifi
Mare island navy yard. I Tatooeh Island. April l. Passed out Ameri-
The Union line steamer Waltemata, I r,B BnlP Charles B. MOody, towing, 6:40 a. tn.
4 ,,s,.-i- m , - i i bsi in American steamer nuuam coat-
ham, H.BO a. m
San Francisco. April 2. Arrived, Amer
ican steamer Wilmington, Port Angeles, noon;
American steamer Tahoe, Grays Harbor, 8:30
p. m.; American steamer Shoshone, Gray
Harboy, 8:40 p. m.: American steamer Daisy
Pntnais, Columbia river, 3:40 p. m.; American
steamer North Fork. Enreka, 5 p. m. ; A Bier
lean steamer Ravalli. Eureka, 5:50 p. m.;
:20 d.
m.; American steamer Lakme. Kureka. 8:30
p. m. : American steamer Colonel B. I.. Drake,
Port Angeles. :40 p. m.; Americas steamer
Elisabeth. Bandon, 8:40 p. m. American
steamer .Whittier, port San Luis, B:oO o. m
American steamer Brooklyn, Bsndoa. 10:30 d.
m. Sailed, American steamer Rose City. Port
land, 11:30 a. to.: U. S. steamer Glacier. Saa
Dtego. 1:30 p. m. ; American steamer Atlas,
Seattle. 2:20 D. m.: American steamer Carlos.
Coos Bay. 8:40 p. ni.: Amerloan steamer
James A. Moffett, Seattle, 8:10 p. m.: Amer
ican steamer Johan Foul (ten, Columbia river.
4:30 p. m.: American steamer Alvarados. Co-
lurcMa river. 4usO p. m. ; American steamer
Kl Lobo, Palta. 5 p. in.: American Steamer
Centralia. Eureka 5 p. m. : America a steamer
Taboe, San Pedro, 5 0. to.
Balboa, March so. sailed. American steam-
Vessel Out of Channel.
While bound .for Westport last night
tne steamer uaisy UadSby grounded
just outside of ' St. Helens and it was I American steamer Honker. Hneneme,
necessary ror tne port of Portland tow-
boat Ocklahama to be sent to her as
sistance. The Gadsby was over 200 feet
out of the Channel, the accident being
blamed to the heavy mist. The bottom
is soft mud at that point and no dam
age waa aone tne vessel. tne was
floated at 4 o'clock this morning.
Ruling on Seamen's Bill.
( Interna tiutial News Service.)
Washington, D. C, April 2 -Attor
ney General Gregory has ruled that the
L.A toilette seamen's bill would not be-
Chicago Packers;
Intend to Build
tibby, McUeal ft tlbby will XstabUsh
Caaaery at The Oalles, Railroad
vunuuuiossr xs i oid.
At a hearing held by Frank J. Mil
ler, chairman of the state railroad
commission, at The Dalles yesterday
positive statements were made by rep
resentatives of Libby, McNeal & Libby
or cnicago tnat a fruit and vegetable
cannery will be established at The
Dalles Immediately if the company's
application for a grade crossing over
tne kj-w. ti. Ac w. tracks is granted.
The company ha secured a destr
able site for a cannery, but it Is inac
cessible unless a permit can be ob
tained from the : railroad commission
for a grade crossing over the railroad
Announcement was made at the
hearing that the company would spend
$60,000 on & .cannery plant, which
would be erected in time to handle the
crops this year. ; The plant will em
ploy 300 people. ,
Commissioner Miller said the hear
ing was attended by a big crowd of
The Oalles citizens. He said more in
terest was manifested than has been
shown at any hearing held bv tiio
commission for a long time.
Wayward Boy Told
To Obey His Father
"One way to make a man of your
boy and to comply with my wishes is
to get a cowhide and give the boy a
good thrashing if he does wronc
again," said Circuit i Judge Davis, in
paroling David Millwood, 18 years old,
to his father, a waiter in a grill. The
boy pleaded guilty to a charere of lar
ceny from the store of J. Jannuzzi, and
was sentenced to one to five years in
tne penitentiary.
"You must stop cigarettes and obey
your father and mother,"- the judge
advised, Millwood. "The first cigarette
you smoke will be a violation of thi3
parole. Go to the country and make
ft man of yourself."
.Pacific Coast.
i The Idaho state board of health waa
Organized over the protest of Governor
Alexander with the election of Dr. O.
B. Steeley as president. There had
been, -a s bitter fight between the gov
ernor and the secretary of the board.
The, regent of the University of
Washington inspected the wheat land
belonging to the university in Douglas
county. The board owns 28,000 acres'
Ci land, and the same will be sold. . .
- The Wenatchee Valley Box Agency
has been incorporated, and the new
agency will become a central selling
agency: for fruit box output of four
i Fall wheat is looking fine in the
Genesee-,. Idaho, section, only one grow
er reporting any loss as result - of
weather conditions.
i, Because former city officials Of
Cashmere, Wash., 5 voted free water.
light and power bills, without author
ity, they will have to reimburse the
city in the sum of $600.
Alleged consolidation of rival south
ern Idah"o hydro-electric power compa
nies into the National Securities com
pany, subsidiary of the Electric Bond
and Share company of New Tork, the
holding concern Willi be investigated
by;: the attorney general of Idaho.
Ranchers of the Rogue River Valley
4istrict are Jubilant over the heavy
fall of rain in the past few days. The
largest fruit crop in the history :of
the valley has been set to trees -ana
a bumper yield is expected.
Fifteen hundred pounds of potatoes
were shipped from Baker to Sumpter,
the weight being determined by the
new postmaster, John D. Foster' of
: Fifty wagonloads Of rubbish were
collected and burned by the citizens of
Carlton cleanup day. Civic Improve
ment club furnished hot lunch at the
city hall.
By a vote of 158 to 44, bonds in the
sum of $15,000 were authorized for the
ererftlon of a new high school at Stay-ton.
Simple dresses will be the rule of
the graduating class, of the normal
school at Monmouth this year, the
limit for goods and .trimmings being
placed by the girls at $5.
J. A. Buchanan, captain of Roseburar
Company, Coast Artillery, has been
made a member of -the state military
staff. ,
A full report on the death of Leon
Chester Thrasher, the young American
engineer ,who was drowned when the
British steamship Falaba was tor-
pedoed 'Vy a German submarine, is
awaited; by Secretary of State Bryan
from . Ambassador Page. The Amer
ican note ! to Germany' will depend on
the text of this report. i .
Thev strained situation between China
and Japan is expected by Washington
officials to take a turn one way or the
other in the near future. It is not be
lieved that the present crisis can con
tinue, and that the situation 'must; Im
prove or become very acutely serious
soon. j !"" ' t; :; ' ' j' .
- United States eustorris receipts for I
March totaled $l$,B8,325, which Is the
largest surd collected in any one month J
since the outbreak of the European
war. ' - ? . ,
Acting Secretary of . the ' Treasury
Newton has written Governor Whit
man of 'iNew York urging, the transfer
of the New ; Tork quarantine station
to the control of the federal gevera
ment. :.( - v t ,. t j . -.j
Chile and Paraguay signed a peace
treaty which Is identical with -Secretary
Bryants peace commission con-
vention J between .United States and
Chile. , .(.' -(..
1 ; European War."
Germany loses. A us. an Important
trading station .in-German West Af
rica, with the occupation of the place
by Union of South Africa troops, says
a report from London. I -
Number of. vessels o the allied
fleet are keeping up bombardment of
the Dardanelles fortifications in order
to protect mine sweepers and prevent
the Turks from repairing s their bat
teries. .,.: " j
The war office t "Vienna declares
that He openitowh of Orzeva , having
been bombarded the Austrian troops
replied .by attacking Belgrade. !
uerman has taken steps to protect
the fodder supplies and Seep prices
from rising too high. " . !
Aviation Lieutenant Garos of - the
French armed corpB brought down a
German j aeroplane by a machine gun
lire. ? j
Lady at 'Phone Say. can you give
roe the number of years-Mrs. Oldblrd
has been incumbering the earth?
Voice on Wire No, niadamt
Lady at "Phone Fine service! The
telephone book says if - one doesn't
know a I number to ask the inrorira
tion operator. -
Sflngy Husband Full many a r?-'
of purest ray serene, the dark u
fathomed caves of ocean bear.
Wife True, -dear, but you seem t
forget that there are still a fev
quarts left in the Jewelry stores.
of the Band v river thru, tract of .
-acres h,g on W. line, !Sec. 3), - T.
1, N. K.-i 4 K., is N. l,?deg.
v iiruF hi. sec
J. C. Drtnainer, uod. B-BOth 810 ft
in, d. uiucd i aa
Charles L. Stager, ex-customs ex
aminer, was found guilty in the United
States court at New Tork for dlvulg
ing secrets of trade and prices on im
ported goods. i '
Ten thousand men who have been
idle for; three months returned to
work inf the steel mills and factories
of Chicago Heights, a euburbj of Chi
cago. j If '
Business conditions in thie Ninth
federal reserve district, embracing
Minnesota, North and South i Dakota,
Montana, northern Michigan and. part
of Wisconsin, are improving, accord
ing to Official report. - .
""T1"." Wesenbera- and husband to K.
w wiramt et al. I,. 18, w B. a
L. 2. B. 4, Lincoln Parkk "!
JPh j; Hlnton and wife to Joba "
Def cr. L. 14. B. 24. Overlook ... .77
Fi!lw'i r00!! to K- M JMcCrea. I
1. N. H, U. 8. B. 10. Granville...."
,Rhole to Wm. S. Bboades. L.
. 2.i, B. , rtriaud ...... o.
A'. E. Rhoads to Jerome E. Hhoades,
JfOD? J Rhoades to Wm. 8." Rhoad'ea.
L. 24, B. 6. Flrland. ......... ...... ,!
Investment , Co. to B. W. Oreesbamer. .
L. 10, J2r! K. 20. Irvlngtos Park
T. M. Hurlburt. Shf. to Wondard
Clarke E; Co.. W. 86 ft., B. 45 ft.
f . 12. Bj 2H4. Coach's ad. (assigned
March .8o,.-jBl5. to Veva Boothy Mo-
Kosslind Kfnrsley Resd and hnsband to
vTiiueraT-uppeuKarci inv. Co., It. 9,
. U. . Brockton, B. 6. 7i
Delraer Rbitver aod wife to T. H. Mr-'
. Ilollandj,L 4. W. h. B. B 1.
. Olui.ted Park V .71. ..
Csrl I'auck and wife to Ottllle More- ,
bead, C, 4. B. 16. City View Park..
Riverton Land Co. to Mnltnomab Co
8.5 acres of tract Riverton Iand Oo.
Gas Rosenblatt et al. Exe to Jacob
" 1
Mult. CO..
io, 11, T.
Today's Happenings Wita tbe Builders, Architects. Contractors and
Realty Brokers. , j
Southern Pacific Traffic Officials
In California Transferred.
Architect to Arrive Tomorrow.
; Lewis-P. Hobart of San Francisco,
srehitect for the new Portland post
office building, will be in Portland to
morrow for a final discussion of work
ing plans with Postmaster P. S.
Myers. The next step toward actual
construction will be the advertising
for bids. i
IdO ft., beg. aJrWE. cor. L. 1. B. 17,
Ainawortb Tract. L. 31, 32, 33. U4, B.
1. 1st Elec. ad
A. H. Uardlnc and wife to W. J. Hal
J5'k. L. 13, 14, B. 8. Columbia
Henry Jennins to Barbara Jehnlntr. L.
B. 6. Bi 115, L. 6, 6, B. 185, liolla
day'a ad., also B. Ill, East Portland
xc. part occupied by O. R. A N. of
W. and atrip 81.87 ft. wide NT of
and adj. id. B. Ill -frotn E. side lne
Lnion ave. to W. Ttoe Grand nve..;.
F- ? J?chlS,ld ,nd to W. J. Ball et '
o 'J!- 13 ft' U 8- B- ' BartsCh
r ark ad.... ...-r....
Chas. Scbmid to same. L.
13. 14. B.
Two Cities : Affected.
Southern Pacific traffic officials of
the California districts yesterdav for
mally were reassigned in accordance
Structures Will Cover Two Blocks.
; Construction work on the proposed
1 . . r it.. . . . o t ... ..
The Dalles will probably begin Mon- Same to same. 100x43 ' ft." "bei. In' 'n
day. The structures will cover two 'lne Hple Tract wbr. same X. e!
b!ockB and will be 636 by 132 feet In ii",?' C.-Bt i beln BW- eot-
dimensions. Cost is to be 1 80.000. Same to Taame. i'ik"i'9'vl""
Frank Sclimid to same. . I. a n
To Plan Franklin Hizh School, rr'- v
L The school board at its meeting yes- L Stewart Psrt '. .. '
terday . directed F. A. Noramore, su-I c"8"--P-tgehmld to same. L. 21, 22,
perintendent of, properties, to begin Frp,i' f' i'".VVVV
Plans for the proposed Franklin high HdSnnTnTw?fenL.Wj,?8.t0B,f4n
schooL I TroutdaJe '. " ,'
v l7 i?- Mlnkier and hsband to Mary
A. Tatom, L. 11. ,-B. 21. Walnut
i ..........
- 800
Permits for Residence.
with a program outlined some weeks' mlts yesterday to erect two residences
F. E. Bowman & Co. took out 'per- Morton and' wife to "j. !'M.'iiion
' . vwm niiou
come effective until November 4 Thlr- I Hawaiian. Boston, for San Francisco.
. ' I Balboa. March St. Swedish motor
ty thousand American seamen are af
tected by the. bill
Balboa. March SI. Swedish motorshla
Suecia, uotbenburg, for San Francisco.
Defense . Hinges on Chart.
Ban Francisco, Cal., April 2. Cap1
tain H. Potsih- of the steamship Gen
eral Frisbie, was charged with negli-
Arrivals Aorll 2. i gence and unskillfulness by: 'James
Beaver, American ateimer xr..nn I rSuthriA anrt I .Inapnh Tin tan TTnltpd
ItnTgSis'.& Fl f"ooABWto Stt!fS rine,Wectors following in-
vroiifiavivu j ia t w a wss vtic
steamer on Anita rock in San Francisco
week. Captain Potzia will be
tried Monday. - His defense hinges on
the position of the market buoy ' at
Anita Rock, which he" contends was
moved 200 yards without notice to
mariners. .
The lighthouse inspection service-de.
clares the new position was charted
with -due notice.
Geo. W. Elder. American tiumu r-.nt.
Lofstedt. passenger and freight from Eureka I steamer
and Coos Bay, North Pacific Steamship Co. j bay last
.u.u'.i". Auiriu'ig Bifnnier. vaptatn An
derson, freight from San Francisco, Dodge S.
- Departures April S.
Bear. American steamer. Cantain -iui.mi.r
passengers and freight for San Franclfco and
Lm Angeir. ss. r . it I . a. SS. Co.
oreaawaier, American steamer Captain Mac-
ron, p.wnirrni ana ireigui ior Loos Bar.
'. . C. B. 8. g. Cff. ., '
Santa Monica. American steamer. In
oanc rancisco, i;rosctt. v estern Lumber Co.
lDoroag i.. Hna, American steamer
tain yjrran. lumper for San Francisco.
wood Lumber Co.
Marine Almanac.
Weather at River'a Mouth.
North Bead. Aoril a. Condition at the motv,
o ine river at o a. m., moderate; wind south.
w antes , weaiuer, rainiDg anu tocpy.
Bun and Tides April 3.
Sun rise 5:47 a. m. "Son sets 6:42 p. m.
Tides at Astoria.
Biah water. i Law ei!m.
2:32 a. m.. 2.7 feet. :37 a. m.. o r toot-
p. bj., (.1 .Iff-i. p.. m. Z.ft leet.
JJaily Hirer Iteadinfrs.
Hr?. Congressman , Urges
Spanish Be Taught
Johnson Sees Wonderful Opportualty
for High Sducatlonal Xattitntloag la
Oregon and ; Washington.
I I e
' r-e a
-a " o
V s
IS "
is ? St
Albany . .
Salem ....
Portland .
24 'ft. 7 O.l
25 f.6 0.1
10 B.8 0.2
20 8.80.1
20 8.7 0.2
87 6.4 0.2
15 7.2 0.8
( ) Fallln;
River Forecast.
The Willamette river at Portland will rise
slightly Saturday and remain nearly station
ary Sunday. ..'',
ZSteaihships to Arrive. .
Name - .t From Dste
Great Northern... S. f. ........... ..Indaf.
Poaaoke.. .......... S. D. and way. ..April 4
..-(.. . -.
Special to Tbe Journal, )
Aberdeen, Wash., April 2. Congress
man -. Johnson, i who returned to Ho
quiam last night after a tbur of Cali
fornia, says the idea he got from the
exposition is that ;the universities ef
Oregon and Washington should pay
3 much attention to the teaching of Span-
l ish. "Tlfe exhibits from the South
jjj I American republics show us vividly
o"os I temperate aone below the equator."
-2J5 j says the congressman. . "The Pacifia
coast has the greatest opportunity for
o.27 I Dusiness , in eoutn America, and to
make our relations successful it will
be necessary that our young men know
Spanish. They should not only be our
pioneers to the! Argentine Kepublic. and
other southern countries, but, should
he our trade missionaries and business
gents .- j ( ' -
Johnson will leave April 28 for Hono
lulu with a party of senators and rep.
resentatives, being chairman of the
sub-committee on territories. - ;
js. uatturs. general nasseneer I ceen commissioned by the Monteomerv I A"P uanioerir and husband to fiuth
in Iyos Angeles, was transferred etat& to make repairs amounting to uf."? ?'B- Pomona. . . . .
. '. Horsburgh's place. John J.JSJ200 to Montgomery dock No. 2. The Huiin et aiTl. 1 S - l Pan ad' to
, who has been district f reiehr i repairs will beHn nature'Of replacins I ...Woodstock
t in I.oh AniPlo. tnnir npn I of fender nilea and altpratinna tn h I . coii Thompsen and wife -to Sberldan
ago of shifting the staff at Los Ange
les to ban irranclsco and the San
rancisco men to Lot Angeles. James
Horsburgh Jr., of San Francisco, gen
era! passenger agent of the northern
division, took the position of general
passenger agent in Los Angeles, and
to Mr.
in San Francisco and his position was
niiea Dy tne transfer of Eugene W.
ciapp irom Tucson. ;
Oerfln Promoted.
Walter A. Gerfin, for seven Sears a
member of the Canadian Pacific's, pas
senger department staff in Portland.
has been promoted to the position of
city passenger solicitor for the com
pany at Seattle. He will begin . his
new work at once.' Mr. Gerfin will be I ae:
Mil lfArl orf H - VV u Mar : , I "wii
4 cuiuiecieu wun ine company at Nel- I E. 2Sth
son, u. u. I
Traffic Manager at SpokaneC.
rank w. Robinson, assistant traf
flo manager of the O-W. R. & n ts at
Mpoxane in conference with the Cham
ber of Commerce officials and other
in Bowman addition, one to cost $8000
and . the other ,6000. The proposed
nouses, are being built for Mrs. L. W.
lkle and M. D. Hawes.
Dock Will Be Repaired.
The Cowlitz Bridge company has
4. Hi. Dixon and wife to Emmet Mor
ton anwite. L. 2. B. 3. Oak Kooil..,
W?', Wa,lke,, 1n1 wife to A. K. Cfals
holm. H. V, L. 4, N. 14 ft. L. 2. B.
5, Piedmont . ;
E. Chisholm snd wife to Port
land Tr. & Ssv. Bk.. L. 3. 8. M, L.
4. N 14 ft. L. 2, B. 6; Piedmont....
Lanrelhurst Co. to Alice 1. Pike, L.
V Building Vermits.
, tan Johnson Erect 1 story frame shed.
Skid more between Patton and Concord; builder, i
BV 111 , iVJ.
JOEpnb M. Rise Erect 1 tnr rr m rion.
ing. Milwaukie bejtweeni Ramona and Sootb;
C. P. Carev Erect 2 storv frame Juiiinr :
30th ave. between 71st and 73d sts.: builder, 1
Mrs. L,. M. lkle Erect 1 story frame a-ar-
L.- 18. B. 28, Rose City
Wr N BJ? 5na wlf M. 8. Allen,
L. B, 7. Porter's ad
Alice C. Fields and bnsband in MarV
A. IooIlUle et al. L. 10. n. r i
Vivian i
B. 6.
Mrs. M. 1. Ls Rov tn Mr
Boss lie i Crawford. - K B. 6
Welleslev ad. .77.
E. A. McGrstb and wife to O. L. Price
m t ml I. -11 , T 1 .
Emily L. Bowman and husband to Kd-
gar Stevens, L 6, , B. 3. Carson
e j:;.?ith between Tillamook and Tbomp- forthWestern " Trnst '' Co. to rijmVtrlus
n; builder, K. E. Bowman a- Co., S150. J Sydack, L. 1, h,B. 13. Stanford
O- Ma wes Erect 1 story .frame . garage; 1 Hts. ........ i( .....i.
between Tillamook and I'hnmnK.n
Mrs. L. M. Inkls Erect 2 storv fram dirU.
Ing, E. .28th between Tillamook and Thomtv
son; bunder, F.'E. Bowman &. Co.. tSOOO.
m. if. rwiwes erect 2 aiorv irinm nntn
E, 28tb between Tillamook . and Tlnmna,JT.
builder. T. E. Bowman A Co.. ftflooO.
H. wolf Repair 8 story frame stores, 6th 1
John A. Carlson to Herman W. ftnd
Stedt. L- S. B. S. Rna. ('it Park :
A. D. Oeden. and wife to 3. C. Tbomn.
on, all riifht and title to R. of W.
for wagon road alona and on the hank
. 10
10 ir,tr,Kt thlr Jt L i w 1 1 Mt ween Oak and Stark ; builder, same, $500.
7..-.J. i " fortlana lumber Co. Repair 3 story brick
rate situation. I n,,n.r. .i n r... u , .
Montjtonierr ana nu. sts. ; builder. Portland
Elevator Co.. JttOO.
Pacific Iron works Beoalr bnlldlnir. v. tttv,
id Clackamas: builder. Portland Elevator r.
C. ii. strout Repair 2 story frame dwelling,
Victoria between. Broadway and Hancock-
.. ; i.) ... '
V. C. Arata Repair story frame dwelling,
E. 12tb corner Aukeav: builder, mm. sts
Selllna-Hlrsch estate-l:eDalr 3 storv hrica-
ordinary stores and rooms, "Washington be-'
tween W. Park and -Oth sts.;! builder, West
ern g.tove Pipe Sheet Metal Co.. $225, -
R l.u n..i: Vi.... -.t i.-i Bangeuca Lutheran church Re-
. u.y ,. .uuikji icci use pair l story trame cnurcb, yarso between
ieaa or oiaaatr ootners you I av,Dy m'l? .."t -J D"Iiaev- IBe 1-
Meat forms uric acid.
Msrv B. Cudiwbisth Keoair 1 stirv trim
awetnng, ueiiisiotf-ieiween Kin ana lwtb; j
ouuaer, vv ins; ac . .vuu. fuw.
Real Estate Transfers.
Portland-Pacific Inv. Co. toi Orvllle
T. Jackson et al. 8. 13 ft. Ii. 24. 1.
23. B. 14,, Hawthorne sve. ad. . . . . .1 800
Most folks forget that the kidneva.
like the bowels, get slueaisb and
clogged and need a flushing oa.inn.
ally, else we have backache and dull Robert Twentymsn and wife tofAdoiphe
misery in the kidney region, severe I euter et al. W. 83 ft. L. 2. B. 3,
headaches, rheumatic twinges, toroid I.. ? fd u.'V,ll'""j".i":";;---
, j . luipiu t --infred a. Huntley and wife to Mary
liver, acid stomach, sleeplessness and Bell. L. 3. B.-8. Excelsttw ad...,
all sorts of bladder disorders. (James J. Hooker to rretl A. Robinson
You simply must keep your kidnev I and wife, L. 3,,, B. 125, Wood-
rVtnhfaSi. S?,, nlt,ne.yOU ' t John Finer;
feel an ache or pain in the kidney f 12, B. 24, Rose City Park
region, get, about lour OUnaW of Jarl 1 Edith M. Cave and husband to V. R.
Salts from any good 4rur store hor. I Bilyeur - W. B. 1. Barnett'a
take a tablespoonful In a glass of water U. Ginn and wife' to Occide;;i Piii
"'""t a. --ew aays anal co., and. mt. l... 1, jf.-5 ft. I. 2,
jwui Riuutyi wm men act line. This I "". touca j u. i ........... . .,
famous salts Is made from the acid of Wr,niB B,ri2?wt1uF',,lie " G"e'
utiXrAtl K ' u I Benton I,. Yost and wife to Ann. C.
lithia, and is harmless to flush c nu I lUtchhir 1.7 it. - is. pri.n 7
kidneys and stimulate them to normal I L. Bewley. Tr . to Battle jr. "web
acUvlty. It also neutralises the a-M I ter. W. 75 ft. L. 2. 8, B. 87. Couch'a
thus ending bladder disorders. I aa. a. B. 29. Mvdf. p.rk "
Jad Salts is harmless; inexpensive-' I B,ma to Blanche Todd, l 23. 24, 25, B.
makes a delightful effervescent lithial I ni,.,'ldti ''-fL'L.'-".' Vi"i.'
water drink Which evervru- -hi.TT I HiT1"?.8; hnsband to B.
take now and then, to keep their kM.. Home Installment aa. to R W Tinn
neys clean, thus avoiding serious com-1-' aI L-.4- B Meadowhnrst.....
tliCal.tlOIlB . arci tua VXTij as ovnum BUU flUepgDQ TO
A well-known lhr.l dr..l.. . ZiuZJ-Sn&?.lt U '
" " a- -j d iic itmnwi xmv. ....... ..........
sells lots of Jad Salts to folks whoWm- w- twr'e sad wife to Herbert
oeiieve in overcoming Kidney trouble I ; v a' v ' aiee..
wnue it is omy 'trouble. Adv. -
L 201
10 !
.10 I
Locomotor I
In a very Interesting article on toco- 1
motor Ataxia, Dr. Henry O. Story aayt
that drugs have practically no beneficial
effect In these cases. He says that rest
Should be insisted upon, and there should .
be no worries -or tranblxa. Plant i
fresh air and moderate exercise must be
Insisted noon, but oer-exrtrn. in
jurious. The use of tobacco and alcohol -
apouid te strictly forbidden, and over
eating la danserons. anisaiv when th
food is poorly masticated. The food
must be of the most nourishing kind,
and the Quantity and variety must be
changed so that the patient will not lose
bis appetite. The most annoying Symp
tom In these eases la the pain which at
times is almost unbearable. Tr. '
saya that be finds two Antl-kamnla Tab
lets repeated in an hour If necessary,
gives nromnt relief and rest -to th
patient. These Tablet can be obtained
stall druggists in any quantity desired.
Aak for-A-K Tablets. - ,
Also unexcelled for headaches, neural- '
gia and all Paias. xdv
Oregon Hurtiane Society
7 Oraaa Ave. K between Conca aad
Davis. Pnoaas Sss 1483. B-aB15. !
Renort all cases of crueltv to thli
office. : Lethal: chamber for small ani
mals. ' Horse ambulanca for sick at
disabled animals at a moment's. notices
... .j. --. .
ad: to A 1Mb
Wm. w. George ta: Mark George, six
10 1
fispfiont. riiniiiiliini
thJj44,fscesnl HmbaTTu drBrrista.
Assnts for C. S HO Beskmaua SVtlLX.
Mnraass is trirt 1 na
in Rec! 10. T. 1 K. n 1
nancy M.l rinke et al to
etrin . fi f t. wide in SecJ
t N.. H. 1 K . 3.R
Mants Bidr. 4tlnr. Co., to Deborah B.
Chamberlain, X. 20. B. 4, Irvlnicton.
Peninsula Industrial Co. to' Multnomah
-uo., parcel A. amp SO ft. wide
neg. in ix; line land of Riverton Lsnd
eeciiio. x. 1. n.. bj 1 n.. ia.l
B." strln SO ft. slita
hf Inr 21 ft. Wlv. from and flo tt
. Kly. fromHIne beg;, at X. of cont. line
acres; -psreel
zi - rt.
2,C )
1 )
of Prby Bt.7 evtd. northward with t
N. line John Rsnkla V. ! C. sec. 0.
T. 1 N R. 1 K... 7...... ,r
Geo, M. Stroud and wife to Louisa
Almy, L. 0. B. 1. Stroud i
B. t). Cameron to Margaret A. Cameron,
beg. NX. cor. SK. VI. Hec. 1H. T. 1
8.. B. 1 K-. th. S. SOO.n ft., th.
,. Wly. par. N. line ad. sea. 6W0.7R f t ..
tU. Nly. S58.P2 ft-, th. E. l0.fl5 ft.
to -beg. 10.02 acres, also beg. rW0.5
aft. W. of NB. cor.. 88. 4, Bsc. l!i .
T. 1 B K. .1 K,. , -. 1
Chsa. T. Cliamberlsiu and Wife to
Mauls Bids;. Inv. Co.. - L. IS, B.
us. Irvlnaton .....................
A. E. Austin snd wife te Wsbster I..
Smith. L. 88, 39, B. 19, Ureenoe
Same te V. B. Cn sties. L. 3d. R8, B.
8, It. 44. B. 8, U S, 9. B. . I,. 14.
B. 11, It. 42, B. l4. V. 31. B.-1H,
U 24. 25, B. 17. L. ie, B. 18. L. 4i
to 4d, B. IS. Qreenrxi Hts 1
Luellaitt. Halsht to II. F. Travis'. U.
1. 2. 3, B. 1, Hla-liiand Place i
Roltert: . O'Nell- to V. K. Hnwniaa
A Co.. land beg. in W. line K. 2Mth
i 8t.. 100 ft. N. 8. line- I,. 4. Bower
Ing Tract, also beg. 1 fl. W. of W.
line K. 28lb st. on N. line Thomp
son at. ... , lS.Oni
Ben Blesland and wife to' 3. ,. Byaa
et al. IL. 12. B. S. Alder Snrinors - ftel
Geo. Plrle snd wife to F. W. iielder-
niom. Tract 0, Frimrose i Acres. . 1.40 )
Ambrose B. Scott and wife to Johanna
lorr ad 2 40,1
Wm. Artanjs. Tr . to Victor Ijind
Co.. 1 ilO, 81. 32. B. 8, l l, 2,
S. 4. ft. B. 12. Kant Portland . I.M
H. a. Huntington and wife to L. D.
Winters. L. 4. B. 1. Murlark ad 10
Portland City Ileal Estate Assn. to Mo
ftronp. u.-iz. a. 41. Tows of West
Portland i i
Title TTtist Co. t Welleslev Lsnd
C.. Ia.- B, 6. B. , Wslleslsy (to 7
release deed , ei twoa i
a uteri b. nfinn i ai, jr., a rrank X
t.oiller, 1.. 11, B. B. Dixon Place'...,
Here's Your
lo Obtain f
a Real Book
the World
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Its a bighandsome book 378'pageB, and hundreds of interest
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tract gives us the right to distribute this great
war history among our patrons at the, bare cost
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oeen low at tnat price, and it is worth the money.
, ur I'mitCd Offer puts the book in your hands
for 98c.
v r : .
Broadway and Washington Stt., Portland, Ore-cn