12 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 30, 1915. SIT U ATIO S FOIAtE Continued) LiESlKE. position as doctor's or den- ... , . V. i TiT f j r . iir-vl v f e " In dental office. Y-2t7. Journal, KXPERll'CKU ntenographer desires position in mecucai line, iioias at tendant, nu rues' certificate. il-385,' Journal. . LA1Y wihes to care for children by hour, afternoon, evening or day. Ref erences. Phone Tabor 1761. YOUNG -lady' would like position sell 4 lngr tickets for picture theatre or cashier for restaurant. 0-317, Journal. LAUY with baby wishes work a housekeeper for. one or more work- lngrneife F-24, Journal. AlILiDLE aRwd lady wants day work; be st of refere n ces; phone Tahor f326.. DItESSMAKIXG 40 DRESSMAKING and alterations. 692 Lovejoy. Main 3324. 1 ji.ii.-v ht,H wnru yftf. hrtur HA or chiLdJe5 Z.,mlv(ihOUr- SPECIALTY Eaton suits. Main 3324 FURNISHED ItOOMS nsoniahotelT : 124 14th St., cor. Washington. Most desirable .location, strictly modern, private baths, phones In every loom, $3 week up. Katas to tourists. Main 1443. YOUNG i.ien may consult without charge register of furnished rooms at Y. M. C. A., listing several hundred in all parts of the city, also those in the Association bul'clng. 'Madras Hotel toultes fa. . Outside rooms S3 UP. court rooms, 12.50 up. By day 60c, 75c, $1; cor. 12th and Washington sts. OUTSIDE cURNliH ROOM. $2.75; other outside rooms, $2.50; in side room, $1.76 week; brick; steam heat; free phone and bath. 283 13th .-n. A KEYV nicely lurmshed rooms at $1.50 per . Week, ti per month; free phones and bath. ' 4a Alder st., near mh, -zr ETHElruN HOTEL. 105 12th St., fitjar Wash, clean, quiet, modern conveniences, summer rate; Sbi wk. up; TranM. . tiolicjted. Mar. 27il. WANTED Room mate to reduce ' s rooming expense. Fireproof build ing, shower baths, individual beds. Call or address Y. M. C. A. business office. A QUIET PLACE FO-l QUIET PEOPLE HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison St., near Grand ave. Cleanliness and' comfort, $3 per wk. up. THE ALBION HOTEL. 212 V4 3d, and Salmon. Rooms $1.75 week up; steam heat, hot and col d-w ate r;freeba t h, phone. DON'T WASTE MONEY. If you want a cleaner better room Tor less money, go to Hotel Amsdon, 68 3d st., cor Jefferson. MikAHblib tiALii, residential hotel. . 201 14th st.. rooms single or en suite; modern, rates' reasonable; in I - I hn ii)lr-t of hilttir.:4K district ! HOTEL ARTHUR, Uth near Alorrioon. t Transient khu permanent, rooms with all modern conven ieni.es. $1 7. 50 mo. up. PollTNOMAH yFTS., living room. bath, kitchen, phone, close in, $16.50. 200 K. -13th. Tourist Hotel, 1st and Mor., modern front rooms. $3.50 up; others $2.50 up; tran. 5uu up.; Iran. tade sol. 1 AND 2 f urnishfl housekeeping rooms, - hot and cold water, steam heat and electric lights. 42 I'nion. East 7114. VlOTEL BUSHMARIv furnished looms. -$1.50 per week and up. 665 'x Wash-i Ington st. j - - v i-jii. iv up. ciean. warm, inodci n fur. rooms, cent ral. The King. 309 Jeff. B2.7 K1XT1I Large trout room, all con- veiiiencew. Marshall 5784. ROOMS and apartments in modern no- tel. $2.50 we-,k arid up. 455 Alier. $2 WEEK, up, clean, warm, modern fur. rooms, central. The King. 309 Jeff. Nicely furnished A D DATT 25c day up. 228 V& Wash, st. rtPDU I I 1.50 wk. up. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, 'mention- The Journal. FURNISHED ROO,IS 7tt PEIVATE FAMILY oK.U'i li uu uiie of rooms, private :.bath, heat, light and phone: entrance off large roomy porch; large yard, view and air grand; furniture highest quality and new; in strictly private home, close walking distance. 489 Jef fprson. off of 14th. . iOH HIL-Lt district, 2 pleasant outside rooms. housekeeping privileges; electric lights; phone.;-, 657 Flanders st. Marshall 461. S 'THREE room furnished suite, free y phone, heat and light; also aMic and basement rooms; walking distance, West Fhle. 66 N. 21st st, , NICELY furnished front roofii for 1 or 2 people, fireplace, near park. 12 minutes' walk, private family. 393 Harrison. t ' 3S7 Vi MILL ST., 2 pleasant rooms, free bath 'and phone service. Phone Mar shall 631. NICE large 'room, opposite bath, mod ern home, short walking distance, Jite for 1 or 2 men. East 1652. 2 LIGHT, cheery f rontiJsooins in good home, running water in room, piano, $10 and $12. 741 Glisan. ONE front room witli alcove for 2; a single room, bath, jhone, heat and piano; young folks; 40 10th. M. 80S4. WELL furnished room, $6 per month. Sit Main st. GOOD comfortable room, free phone. bath. 4(15 W. Park. Phone M. 45S.i. . ' UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 TVO largo rooms, water. $5; single, $3.50; 4 rooms, $9. 188 Market st. THREE unfurnished rooms, connecting. 262 14th st. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 PARKVIEW HOTEL. 386 Montgomery st. at West'Park. Family hotel; all modern conveniences; rates for regular and transient guests. - iiiuf.ii miy, anu uuutug rooms. Best home cooking if desired. Half block park, near carline. $5 up. 346 College st. THE HAZEL, cor. 3d and Monteomerv Fine iurnisned rooms and board, $5 ; lip; stearn heat, hot baths: free phone. BEST home cooking, 2 meals day, clean, - light rooms; parlor privilege:, piano; rates for 2. 228 13th st. , MUK front room, all family conven- lencea. Main 1070. 449 3d St. - NiCE large "airy rooms, home cooking Casa Rosa, .300 Jefferson. ROOMS AND BOARD PBTTAT1! FAMILY VKRY reasonable furnished rooms. " ..with-.-or- without board, in a juiet home. 781 Pettigrove. Marshall 6896. .FURNISHED rooms, with or without - board. 347 Grand ave. Also sleep- Uff porch. LARGE, clean, light rooms, all mod . em- conv., furnace heat, with or without board. $5.75. 347 Hall. WO furnished rooms with or without . board, private family; piano and phone? o 21st st. N. Main 1544. fKACIiCAh nurse would take two or three small children; good home and rre. 1461 E. Everett, near 65th. 1T1 RST class room and board, private family, home cooking; T90 W. Park. ROOM and board for 1 or 2 gentle men; 54 N. 16th. cor; Davis. Sii 10th it. j Modern. M. 6979. A-2865. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD WANTED Good couple without chil dren to care for girl 2 H years old. bv the month. L-4 3 5. Journal. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS $9 FOUR unfurnished housekeeping rooms, close In: adults. East 963. G1LM AN hotel. 1st ana Alder. Fur - pjyhed H, K. rrfts.. cheap. $1.5Q wk. up. LARGE housekeeping rooms, $2.50 per month. .375 N. lth St. Cambridge bldg., furnished H. K. rooms, central, cheap. 165 14 3d. cor. Morn. GEM APTS.. 1. 2. J room suites. fre9 bath; phone: $1 wk. up. 401 1st st. WHEN you answer these Want -Ada. mention The Journal. .-- 8 j ONE room with kitchenette, complete- I turnisnea, steam neat, runnins cot ana cold t water, phone in j room: 7 blocks from 5th and M every Morrison sts.; 112 and ; up. ......... r . i . i 291 Columbia st HOTEL. BUSHMARK Furnished .housekeeping rooms, reasonable, walking? distance, modern brick build ing, aba Washington st. 1 AND 2 room H. K. suites. J8 to 12 montn. steam heat. Z45 w. um St.. corner Marshall. Marshall 4943. HOUSEKEEPING and furnished rooms, $1.50 week up. Willamette. 230 Vi Burnside. ' FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, modern, free phone and baths; very reasonable. 54 8 V. Washington st. 414 JEfrfEKSON st, h. k. 1 and 2 rooms; phone, hot ' and cold water. $3.60 per week up. J1.&0 TO 12.75 wek, furnished H. K. T rooms, gas, rreo heat, laundry. Dam. Phone East 6039. 406 Vancouver ave. HOUSEKEEPING ItOOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 73 LARGE, clean, airy rooms for house keeping, strictly modern, close in, everything furnished, electric lights, gas, phone; references exchanged. Call aftjr 9 a. m. 87 N. 16th st. $11 MONTH 2 nicelv furnished rooms for housekeeping, including clothes closet, gas range, linoleum, Navajo rug and bath, everything clean. 5 min utes from postoffice. 326 6th St. $8.50-33 CLEAK, unfurnished house keeping rooms, cottage, gas, bath, yard, Separate entrance. . 610 1st, Tabor 1114. THREE beautifully furnished house keeping rooms, all modern conven iences, reasonable. Main 4839. 700 Flanders. , THREE furnished housekeeping rooms in Irvli.gton on carline, adults. East 4384. TWO or 3 modern rooms with kitchen ette, all conv., walking distance, run ning water, reasonable. 475 Olay ONE and 2 room housekeeping suites. newly tinted, front, close in. 293 lOtli st. SINGLE sleeping, also housekeeping rooms, suitable for plain working men, $1.25, $2. 6.5 Conch, cor. 18th. M'j t,ui:iu clean, I ui nisiieO housekeeping - rooms, modern, nice lawn and trees. 95 K. 30th. cor. Washington: adults. iiUtStKhtHNti rooms. 3 or 4 well furnished rooms, lower floor; walk Ins distance. 387 11th. $15 PER MONTH 2 completely fur nished housekeeping rooms, cooking gas fre. 694 Everett. Main :306. TWO large H. K. rooms, kitchen, gas range; also single H. K. and sleeping rooms. $3 up. 475 Main st. . $8.00 TO $18.00 Large bay window rooms, with kitchenette, at 153 13th St., corner of Morrison. FROMT room and kitchen furnished for H. K., gas, phone, light, $9 per month. 634 E. Morrison. 75c IP weekly, outside rooms, com plete housekeeping, bath, .phone free. 504 -K. Clay. THREE furnished H. K. rooms, Dutch kitchen, private bath. 72? Milwaukie hlGH'l', hear.. front housekeeping suite, 208 13th st. 3 SMALL rooms, suitable for 2 people, $10 month. 312 Columbia st. TWO or 3 clean H. Stark st. K. rooms. 540 E. $S for 2 room suites, iurnlhed; 4y: Clay. II. K rooms, $1.50 week up; phone anl light free. 244 Montgomery. 1 AND 2 very nice, large H. K. rooms, $8 and $10. 392 Columbia. LIGHT, front housekeeping suite. 208 13th Ft. FOR RENT HOUS S 12 MEIER & FRANK'S FREE RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. Tenth Floor, Temporary Annex Complete and reliable list of all va cant houses, flats, apartments and bungalows in the city; make use of this service when you desire; this does not obligate you in any manner to this store. You will find us willing and ready at all times to help you In locating. Newcomer In Portland will find this service especially valuable. Real estate men and owners of private property are Invited to list their un occupied apartments, flats and houses at Meier At Frank's free' rental bureau. $10 PER MONTH Newly painted, kal somitied 5 room modern cottage, good locality, near Uount Scott car. This beats spring cleaning. Tabor 1279. MODERN 5 room cottage, newly paint ed and papered, large yard, near O-W. It. & N. shops. $13.50 including -viator. 618 Delay. Take L oar. $11.00 NICE 5 room, modern house, large lot, fine view. 709 Maryland avenue. Marshall '4569. FOR RENT 9 room house. 629 East Ankeny; suitable for light house keeping. " . $12.504 ROOM house, basement, chicken house, barn, close to car an1 scriool, 395 Stafford. Wood lawn 1070. FOR attractive houses to rent use Clark Rental Service, 2d floor Title & Trust bldg. FOK RENT 1385 Curtis ave.; good housed large garden with variety of fruit. Cor. Curtis a v. and Portland Bid. 8 ROOM, unfurnished house, large, light, airy, rooms: close in. West Side. 394 Broadway. Rent cheap. FOK KKNT 'lean 4 room cottage, fine place for 2 persons. $8 month. 452 K. Grant St. , Phone East 298 $12 MODERN, !4 rooms. -screened porch, cooling closet, 75x100 ft. lot. FROST. 518 Corbett bid,?. $12 3 rooms, 100x100 foot lot. berries, trees, chicken house and yard. FROST, 518 Corbett bldg. FOR RENT New 6 room house, in j good condition: 3 blocks of car; $5 per month. 14.N. 6th st. Main 3849. MODERN 6 room -house, walking dis tance, block to car and school: rpnt 15. 66 E.' 29th st., near Davis. $6 2 room plastered cottage, 5.0x100 or 100x100 foot lot. , - FROST. 518 Corbett bldg HOCSE for rent, water, light, garden. Phone Tabcr S2. 4 blocks to car. FOR RENT Neat 5 room cottage, close in. Phone East S36. $10 Four room E. 56th St.. N. house for rent. 116 MODERN 8, room house for rent. 42 E. 15th st. Call 8 ROOM house, Belmont and 58th, $16. Main 3863. . 6 ROOM house,! close in, west side, low rent. Call Marshall 997. 5 ROOM furnished cottage, water. 693 K. Morrison. East 401. I HOUSES for rent cheap. 138. Call Tabor 7 ROOMS, sleeping porch, chicken house, fine view. Tabor 3555. $8 6 ROOMS, basement, wood hoist. bath, Dutch kitchen. B-2832. 674 E. Oak st.. 5 room, clean, modern, rent reasonable. East 2669. FURNITURE FOR SALE 32 HOUSES FOR RENT ADS of furniture for sale are pub lished In the Household Goods classi- ncation wnen nouse is not for rent. NEW furniture 8 room modern house; (3 rooms rented), no dealers. Call afternoons. 412 Main st. o sxwjsia. jaesi 01 rurniture. MustJ be sold at once. No reasonable of-1 ier reiuseo. airs. Jonnson. 168 10th -st WELL furnished house of 14 rooms, best location. 294 Jefferson st. FURNISHED HOUSES 30 FOR RENT Furnished house, large, light rooms. Marshall S45L $123. room house, gas, bath, elec tricity, walking distance. 297 Han cock.' -'-. - $17 5 ROOM furnished house. East 45th st. 188 HOUS KEEPING BOOMS fContinnstf) . FURNISHED HOUSES S6 (Contlnnsd) : i . FOR RENT 6 room bouse, furnished, arro irrAnnil' fit trees, chickens. Just outside city limits. Be fare, half mile station. Riverdale district. J. K. Cole. 68 6th St. Main 6300., 9 -v. Neat little cottage,: all furnished, near Laurel wood. nice yard, some fruit. Fred W. German Co., 14 Cham- ner or commerce. BEACH lot free to desirable tenant; 6 rooms, bath, basement, tubs, lawn, view, trees, water, etc.; near Portland academy. Call 141 latn. at Aiaer PARTLY furnished modern 9 room. 4 rooms rented. 687 Cilisan St. FURNISHED' cottage, west ide; 659 Northrup; rent 16. Phone East 12b2. EURXISHED AND UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS 43 MONTGOMERY APTS., corner 3d and Montgomery Building brick and strictly modern, all outside, light, fur nished, 2 room apts.. private bath, phone and electric elevator; good serv- i. ......... lit minutes' walk to postoffice; rates $20 to $26, including electric lights. Phone Main 9466. HANTHORN APARTMENTS. 251 12th St., 3 room apartments, modern m every respect; furniture absolutely new. each apartment has private bal cony; unfurnished apartments thor oughly renovated, spick and span, like new, waiKing Qieiaiii--c. a tic. 2 room furnished apts., private bath, phone, dressing room, large kitchen; all outside rooms; modern, brick; $10 minutes from business center; $2d and $25 Marshall 4637. i . - - " i i -r u v L- THE CODY, cor E. 7th and Tavlor sts., has been remodeled with pri vate batna. new furniture and carpets. The cleanest house in the city, 2 and 3 rooms; l.ht and phone free; rent very reasonable. Call East 44. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apts. Walking distance. References. BALBOA APARTMENTS. 429 Harrison, near 12th st. Extra large 2 room furnished apts, modern, reasonable rent; phone; good service. Marshall 2900. References. A1ASTEN APARTMENTS. A three room modern, new, furnished apartment in new brick building that has only 9 apartments, $18 a month. 927 Union ae., N.. corner Skidmore. THE FLORENCE APTS., 388 11th st. Corner apts, blue rooms, completely furnished, private bath and phone. Roof garden; very reasonable; walking distance. THE ORLANDO, corner 20th and Wash, sts., veiy desirable, elegantly funustied 2 room apts:. $25 to $28; 3 rooms apts., $30 to $42.50. Every mod ern convenience. References. War. 184. THE IRIS A DTs. 3d arid Mill St. JULIETTE APTS. 2d and Montgom ery. Modern 2, 3 and 4 room apts., furnished or. unfurnished, $17 month u p. No cli arge for cooking gas. THE MOK'i'O-N. cor.;K'ing and Wash., new inan'g.; 3 and 4 rooms, fur., ana unlilr. apts., reasonable rent. Pacific phone in apts. Main 1083. A-6749. POixl'NOiViAil 3 and 4 rooms, sleep ing porches, hardwoOd floors, un furnished, moving expenses paid. 200 K. 13th st. COMPLETELY furnished 3 room steam heated apartment, easy walking dis tance, $20 per rao., including lights. 17 17th St., near Yamhill. JEFFERSON IAN APARTMENTS. 16th and Jefferson, 2 and 3 room furnished apartments. Ground floor, $17 and up. HIE SHn.1- FIELD 270 Broadway, south, 3 and 4 rooms, well arranged, easy walking distance, at very rea sonable rent; best of service. M. 25o6. NICE large 2 room apt-, $20 month; sleeping rooms $2 a week and up; free phone, bath, heat; 208 17th; Main 7923. ' PENINSULA APTS., concrete bldg., 2 and 3 rooms, hot and cold water, baths, steam heat. . phone, $13, up. C 1170. AMERICAN-MARLBORO UGH. Highest class apts. in the city, 4, 5 and 6 rooms, walking distance, reason able. Mar. 3360. Main 7516. A-267. THE DEZENDORF. 208 16TH ST. Marshall 2316. Exceptionally nice 5 room furnijhed and unfurnished apt. DOWNTOWN modern apts., fur. or unfur., $16 mo. up, including light, heat, etc.' Royal Annex, 350 Mor rison. ALCO APTS. 3S7 E. Couch, cor. of Union. 2 room apts., newly furnished and decorated. Summer rates. $15 up. East 2403. COMPLETELY' furnished 3 room apartments, including piano, all out side rooms, for 3 months or longer. References. Phone Marshall 1804. THE CHETOPA, 18th and Flanders, 2. 3 and 4 room apartments, fur nished or unfurnished. Best service; references. 'lllKr.h new, nicely furnished out side rooms, including light, heat, phon.-. hath. $20. 260 E. 23d. K. 1 678. 414 4th Nicely. furnished 2 and 3 room apts.. private bath, $18 up. Mar slmll 1691. DHICKSTOX 448 11th St.; modern 2, S room full apts., $2u to $30; walking Qtstance: excellent service. Mar. 57 TWO room apts., newly furnished, reasonable rent. Sawyers Apts.. 82 N. loth. A-2238. THE ORMONDE Modem 4 and 5 room apartments. 656 Flanders St., Nob Hill. Main 8251. THE LEONARD, 3 toom apartment. modem, all outside rooms. 66fc E. Main. THE LACRKTTK 3 room furnished apts.: private hath, prions. 229 11th. MEREDITH 3 & im. apts., reason able. 712 Washington, opp. 22d. M.7134 THE PAGE APTS 3 rm. apts. with all modern conveniences. East 3566. Ardmay Terrace. 595 12th St. Large i room fur, apts. Mrs. John Cran. mgr '13 4 RCWMpTnap 3 room lower, strictly modern, water included, $15; 3 room modern furnished flat, including water, $18. Tabor 1811. FOR RENT 2 new modern 6 room flats on carline. $10 per month. Call Tabor 3118. TWO beautiful 4 room flats, new throughout. Wallace Drug to.. 1094 Hawthorne. Tabor 773, B-3527. 5 ROOM modern lower flat, fireplace. 685 Hoyt st., near 21st. Key 255 21st. cor. Northrup. CLEAN 5 room upper. 5 room lower flats, west side, walking distance. B-2032. Sellwood 1551. iVKAiLl furmsned 3 room flat, private bath, large grounds, walklnsr dls- tance: desirable; cheap. 671 Belmont. THREE room flat unfurnished, con venient, adults only. 506 K. 22d St. MODERN 4 room lower flat. Inquire 628 Williams ave. East 1977. $12.50 4 ROOM flat, walking distance. 628H E. Main. Phone East 997. FOR RENT Large 6 room lower riat, neat and clean. $19; 330 2d st. UPPER outside 6 room flat, 660 Bel mont E. 3113. 18th and E. Alder. $22.50 East Burnside, corner 12th modern flat. 5 largerooms. - E. 2301. $32.5o Modern 8 room flat. 208 14th near TaVlor. East 2301. MODERN 3 room Hat. $11. Woodlawn 1953. 706 Vancouver ave. FOR cheap rent call at 515 Mill; apart ments or flats. $15, NICE 6 rcom flat, corner 18th and E. Burnside. Phone East 2409. MODERN 5 rooms, free water, - heat, phone and garbage. Tabor 2515. kOutKin 4 and t rooms, near City park, reanonahle M. 8 988 or A-2676. FURNISHED FLATS SO 3 AND 5 room, clean, modern, nicely furnished flats, $10.50 and $15, in cluding water. 729 Williams ave., flat 1. FOUR rooms, nicely ' furnished,- $18; close in: 3 carlin'es; light, clean. Phone C-2961. , - SO MODERN upper 5 room furnished flat, 1 two porcnes. wnite oatn room, iraica kltchen$18. 674 Kirby st. Wrdln. 3989. STORES AND OFFICES 11 BRICK warehouse In South Portland for rent, trackage, light and' airy. On paved street, reasonable. Journal Publishing Co.. Broadway and Yamhill. SPLENDID large outside office rooms, from $5 up; also some good work rooms. Marshall 2595. GOOD, location for doctor or dentist, living rooms If desired. Tabor 2515. NEW store for rent. B-2832 FOR RENT HALLS 59 NICE, large hall, suitable for any pur pose; rent very cheap. 632 Williams ave. 381 E. Morrison st., new lodges and dances; very reasonable terms. E. 23 WANTED TO RENT WANT to rent modern house,, best of references and permament; no chil dren. In reply give price per month and location; prefer west side. N-81, Journal. HORSES, VEaitLKS. ETC. 18 GOOD WORK HORSES FOR SALE CHEAP. One bay horse, 1300 lbs.. $75.00 One. bay horse, 1400 lbs., $100.00 One bay horse, 1450 lbs., $125.00 One gray horse. 1450 lbs.. $140 00 One bay horse, 1500 lbs.. $150.00 One span of good mules, 2700 4bs. $300. All of the above are good workers, and are in good shape. Can be seen at the Country Club race track, barn No. 18. Take' Rose City Park car. Boarders Wanted Now that we have got tlie Rose City stables in shape, we are ready to handle about 20 head of horses 'to boara: w also will rent a few stalls reasonable, Williamson & Son, 606 Alder st. AUCTION SALE. Of horses, vehicles and harness at Columbia stables, 302 Front, every Thursday at 2 p. m. We sell on com mission. Satisfaction guaranteed both buyer and seller. If you want to sail, bring your horses, to our auction. If you want to buy. attend this sale. FOR SALE, 4 irst-class 2 ton camel back or goose neck and one business buggy; also to rent, fireproof stalls. room for 20 horses. Green Transfer Co., East 1200. 482 Albina ave. TWO 3-year-old mules, well broke to work, $250 cash; will take a good milch cow in trade at cash value. E. E. Swenson, Beaverton, Or. 8 HEAD good horses, mares, weighing 1100 lbs. to 1500 lbs.: all young, well broke; they lust came from Southern Oregon; sell cheap. Stables Foot Main. 1300 LB. Clyde mare, work any piaco, $60. Ask for Mrs. Graves. S car Sc. to Sherman, walk 2 blocks east to Hood. 2 blocks south to Chester, 180. 950-lb. work mare, light farm wagon, double breeching harness, buggy, single harness, plow, cultivator, in cubator. 1561 East Ash. $200 BUYS established transfer busi ness, good team weighing 1400 lbs. each, wagon and harness. Tabor 2489. DEAD horses and arilmals hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. FOR SALE 1 team, harness and farm wagon. 1125. Mrs. Steelink. 9th St.. east of Garrison. Vancouver, Wash. WHEN you answer these Want Ads. ' mention The Journal. FOR SALE Cheap team heavy draft horses. East 3308. TEAM cheap, bays. 2000 lbs. 233 N. J4th st. GOOD farm team, wagon and harness, tor sale cheap. 1967 E. Stark st. DEAD horses day or night. and cattle taken free. Tabor 4203. GOOD delivery wagon, good condition. $35. Main 9103. TEAM Weigh 2400, new harness and wagon. $200. 348 E. 7th st. LIVESTOCK 33 TWO very fine registered Jersey bulls for sale. Lucillis Royal Champion No. 129,246, age 1 year and 6 months. Silverheel3 Jersey King No. 129,247, ago 1 year and 3 months. For price and information, phone E. 5611; ad dress 666 E. Main St., F. B. Davis. REGISTERED, also standard bred. Duroc Jersey hogs, boars, sows, lit ters. Derry & Derry, Route 5, Vancou ver, Wash. 35 DAIRY cows and heifers, Jersey and Guernsey, fresh and springers. 3 blocks north, 1 block west Kenton Bank. REGISTERED Jersey bull, best blood, price $75; address C. W. Altman, Portland, route 1; phone Woodlawn 2771. TWO fresh cows, rich milkers. Will trade for small delivery auto or chickens. Mt. Hood Poultry Ranch, Fairview, Or. WANTED Good pasture for young stock. Sellwood 2164. 605 Spalding bldg. AN extra good young Jersey cow, fresh, 956 E. 39th st. Woodstock car to 47th ave. 2 blocks -west. COME and see us about all breeds dairy cows. Geo. R. Mokel Cow Co., 607 Commercial block. Main 6120. 25 HIGH GRADE Holsteins, fresh and springers. Woodlawn 4026. POULTRY AND PIGEONS 37 SOLD TO CAPACITY. Account of big demand for these fa mous Browndale strain S. C. WTiite Leghorn baby chicks, we are. sold to capacity to May 1. Have several hun dred yearling and 2-year-old hens to sell this spring. BROWNDALE FARMS, INO, Box 1 06. Aurora. Or. T 8 FINE silver Campine hens from Dixon's best eggs, $2 each; 1 White Leghorn cockerel from Califor nia University farm, with 12 good hens. $1 each; Utility Ancona cockerel and 10 hens, $1 each. Changing plans makes this sacrifice necessary. C. L. Thorn pson, McMinnville, Or. s FOR SALE Full blood Plymouth Rock rooster, price $5. 1036 E. 28th N. OREGON Poultry and Pet Stock Ex change, 65 6th st. Eggs, baby chicks, cocks, cockerels, hens, pullets, tet laying strains, lots up to 6000. Tur-" keys, pigeons, ducks, Belgian hares. BARRED Rock and Rhode Island Redo. $1 for 15 eggs; White Pekin ducks, $1 per dozen; bronze turkey eggs, 25c each. 1866 Washburn. LAYING gullets R. I. Reds, Barred Rocks and Buff Orpingtons, deliv ered at $1.10 each. 564 E. 6th st. Sellwood 1109. r PEKIN duck eggs for hatching 60c a dozen; baby ducks, '15c. L. B. Mc Clane, Route 2, Box 33, Vancouvr, Wash. iTARRED ROCK and White Leghorn eggs of extra good layers, $1.50 for 15, $6Tor 100. J. A. Stuart, LatourelL Or. - S. C. W. leghorns baby chicks. $12.60 per 100. Also hatching eggs, $1.00 per 15. P. C. Ross. 1144 Woodstock ave RHODE lsiaud Red eggs. $1 for 15. Mail Box 244, 8 2d st; take Mt Scott car, get off at Grays Crossing. ' THOMPSON Ringlet Barred liock eggs, incubator lots, cheap. Phone Tabor 187. WHITE Minorca eggs, $1.50, $2 15; thoroughbred stock; extra good lay ers, Wm. Jacobs. 92 M 6th st. TWO Barred Rock cockerels $3.50; 1 Blue Andalusian cockerel, $2.50; 900 E. 6th N. 2 CHICKEN brooders, 200 capacity each, cheap. 69 -N. 3d st DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 46 CHEAP registered. Airedale .bitc,b 2 years old, trained ton', small var mints; also quarter bloodhound pups, or will trade pups for chickens. Main 7864. WANTED Pup. cheap or free. Cherry, 655 E. 75th st. N. Theo. WKKN you answer ttie Want Ada, mention The Journal. .... ? FTTRNISHED FJLiATS t Continued) AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 WE HAVE SEVERAL GOOD CARS AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES. CADILLAC, a serviceable car $850 CADILLAC, fine condition $450 Cadillac, tourinz car $700 CADILLAC, brand new j... $1300 ALSO SEVERAL OTHER MAKES. . IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE THESE 1 CARS. i I Covey Mator Car 60, Corner 21st and Washington Sts. Main 6244. A-2577. Used Auto Snaps LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. We offer you the following list to select from. Free service given on all usei cars. FORD. 5 pass., nearly new. with ex tra equipment. R. C. H., 5 passenger, four door. CHALMERS. 5 passenger. 30 H. P. COLE, 5 passenger. 30 H. P. GARFORD, 4 passenger. 40 IL P. HUPP. 5 passenger. 32 H. P. A --'jKRNO.'. 5 passenger. 40 H. P. COLE. 4 passenger. 40 H. P. MICHIGAN. 5 passenger. 33 H. P. REO, 2 passenger roadster. 30 H. P. Several others to select from. Northwest Auto Co. BROADWAY AND COUCH ST. Main; 8887. A-4959. PORTABLE GARAGES AND HOUSES Built Of best materials, ar tistic designs. Erected ' eo inlet, lock and key. $32 up. Portable houses. $125 up. Immediate delivery. TAKE DOWN MFG. CO. Foot of Harrison St. Phone Main 1187. GUARANTEED USED CARS ON EASY PAYMENTS. LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. INVESTIGATE OUR BARGAINS. J. W. LEAVITT & COMPANY. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. 627 WASHINGTON STREET. Look! Snap! Reo Truck Two-ton. with van body In first class condition; will sacrifice for quick sale. Northwest Auto Co. BRUIDVV'AY AND COUCH ST. Main SSS7. A-4959. FEDERAL 1 ton truck, was guaran teed bv Federal amenta fnr 1 14 tons Has body and curtains. This truck is now being overhauled and will serve you like a new one. Write or call on us for further information. Terms If desired. Adlress Mr. Gilbert. Oregon Motor Car Co. Chapman and Alder sts. Main 9402. REO truck, J500 pounds, bought last May from C. L. Boss, used very lit tle. Come and see it or write us at once. Price $3o0; terms. Address Mr. Gilbert. 0 Oregon Motor Car Co. Chapman andlAlder sts. Main 9402. IMPROVED PORTABLE GARAGE. 10x16, best materials,- erected on your lot complete. S32 un. Anv nhr style you want at prices that can't be oeat. a. i ALLTN, Garage Speclal ist. 1191 E. Salmon ft. Tabor 194. OREGON VULCANIZING CO. "The Tire Shop." 550 Washington st, at 18th , Marshall 379. BEST TIRE REPAIRING. Trade new tires for old ones. gIRES A JITNEY or stage bargain, large 7 pass. Garford, just overhauled and repainted, new top and new tireit See it before you buy. WINTON MOTOR CAR CO.. 23d and Washington sts. WINTON SIXES, thoroughly over hauled and rebuilt, in 4 and 7-pass. models; cars are fully equipped and carry standard guarantee of the Win ton Company for one year; be sure and see us before you buy a used car. Liberal terms. WINTON MOTOR CAR CO.. Cor. 23d and Washington sts. BAROaINS IN USED AUTOS. Large stock, prices $300 to-$750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.. Studebaker Bldg. Corner Chapman and Alder. ONE 5 ton truck, good shape, $950. 1 1 ton truck. $250. 1 2 ton truck, $800; Garford touring car, $175. Laurelrose Garage, E. 27th and Burnside. B-1642, East 4096. Written guar a n t e e with every spring. 26 N. 16th st A 1913 FORD roadster with $100 ex tra equipment $285. Also several other good buys. 170 Union ave. soutlu Open T to 4 S inday. FIVE passenger Haynes. 1914; cost $2150; electric lights and starter; will trade for first mortgage on im proved property. V-645, Journal. RECOVERING auto tops, $18.60 up. Auto painting, $20 up; all work guar anteed. United Painting & Auto Top Co., 15th and Washington. Mars. 946. AUTO SPRINGS Ai.- Frank Lange. 228 Salmon. Main 181. 1911 Studebaker condition, $275 3973. "30," roadster, good cash. Phone Main HIGHEST prices paid for old rubber, metals. J. Leve. 186 Columbia. M. 6198 EXPERT charges. auto J. J. repairing, reasonable Zimmer. 123 N. 6th st ONE 2 pass, auto in excellent condi tion. till Wednesday $150. 83 N. 10th. PORTLAND lot, clear, for late model auto. 311 Alisky bldg. FOR SALE 1916 big Six Hudson, bargain for oash. O-802. Journal. WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 WE have several parties looking for good cars; If you have a good auto mobile we can dispose of It for you. Acme Auto Co., 531 Alder. Main 8775. WANT 2nd hand auto, any condition, in recent model. Must be excep tional bargain. State price. R-34, Journal. 1 A GOOD invention, grader; trade for a good Ford. Look this up. R. 1, box S. Linnton, Or. WANTED Small delivery auto for cash. Mt. Hood Poultry Ranch, Fairview, Or. $900 equity in modern Hawthorne bungalow for 5 or 7 passenger auto worth $700; trade even. R-32, Journal. LOT on paved street for a good auto. Swank. 601 Northwest bldg. WHEN you answer these Want Ada. mention The Journal. MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES 53 pApp Motorcycl .''-. ( cash or In es and Bicycles. cash or Installments. New and used. Supplies and repairing. F. P. KERNAN CO.. 190 4th st ALMOST new 8 H. P. Harley-Davidson, $225 today. Stein's Loan Office, 26 N. 6th. FINE Harley Twin, good tires, $95. Answer soon. A-381, Journal. WHEN you answer these- Want Ada, mention The Journal? . s- o LAUNCHES AND BOATS 64 EVINRUDB Detachable Row boat Motors for rowboats. canoes, motorboata and fish boats are in use by over 16 governments. The Evinrode Is world famous for remark able newer, speed and won derful waterproof magneto built within flywheel, in use by U. 8. War Department, handling 80-ft. pontoons.' Over 4000 in use in Columbia- river. Alaska and Scandinavian fishing fleets. A motor you can -carry by hand will give as much speed as average 6 horsepower niotcrboat. and the price of $58 to $3 is so low anyone can own a motorboat. New special model 6-passenger boats as low as $80. Free catalogue; address Evinrude Motor Co., 186 Morrison. L OR SALE or trade, gasoline launch, 29 feet long. 6 feet beam. 45 H. P. Value $600; call 721 Lynn ave., St. Johns. ' MOTORBOAT for sale cheap, 22x6 ft. 10 h. p., fine for fishing. See Mr. Amos, foot of Madison st. - FOR SALE Houseboat furnished or unfurnished; also launch and row boat; terms. Phone Woodlawn 3545. ROWBOATS Suitable for Oregon City salmon fishing. 1185 Omaha. St Johns car. TYPEWRITERS 77 GILL'S REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. Underwoods, Remingtons, L. O. Smith, Oliver, Smith-Premier, Royal, etc., $15 and up; terms. Agents for the "Corona" folding typewriter. Type writer desks, tables and chairs. . The J. K. tJill Co., 3d and Alder sts. ' WE save yu from 60 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters. Send for our Illustrated folder; retail depart ment WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Washington st TYPEWRITERS for rent. 3 months for $5 and up; 6. months' rental ap plied on purchase price. Reminstou Typewriter Co.. 86 Broadway. ' NEW, rebuilt, 2d hand, rentals, cut rates. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. M. 140. PIANOS, ORGANS AND 34 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS fl95) Standard make piano. Terms. Taylor, 328 Clay st. ' JLACK walnut square grand piano cheap for cash. Main 5924. HOl'SEHOLD GOODS tor SALE 5 OAK furniture of 6 room bungalow; good as new; iron beds, springs, mattress, rugs, buffet, dining room table and chairs. Chambers' encyclo pedia. Wednesday all day, 957 E. 27th st. N. Phone Wednesday only. Wood lawn 1439. HANDSOME $65 combination dining and poker table. 45 Inch top, solid oak, early English finish, new, $20. X 821. Journal. . FOR SALE Furniture .7 rooms, rea f sonable. Phone E. 6526. CALL Bell Auction Co and get good price for your furniture. Mar. 4783. A BARGAIN, furniture of four rooms. Marshall 3797. FOR KALE Furniture for 4 room flat, cheap for easily Marshall 1235. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 1U SEED CORN. My stock of .OREGON grown, ac climated seed c6rn is larger and bet ter than ever. Two varieties. Minn, and 23 introduced by O. A. C: also, Mercer's Hlbred. Price 6c per pound (8 pounds per acre), f. o. b. Dufur, Or. M. M. BURTNER. Dufur. Or. SEWING MACHINES. All makes, new, 2d hand, for sal or rent $2 up. Sewing Machine Emporium, 190 3d St.. near Taylor. Main 9431 tlectric Motors Bought, sold, rented anfl retired. Walker Electric Works, 413 Burnside, cor. 10th. Main or A-5674, "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," "Type writera" and "Household Goods" an separate classifications. All adver tisements of these goods are published under their respective classifications, look them over- ivf FOR SALE- -New and second hand Carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys aiid accessories, bar fix tures of all kinds, easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Colander Co, 46-48 6th st. Main 769. A-1769. FOR horses and vehicles, dogs and household pets or poultry, read the 8ds, under these respective headings. The Journal leads all other mediums in these classifications. LEAD pipe, sheet lead, pig lead, -fish-line sinker, general machine work. NORTHWEST LEAD & MACHY. CO.. 311 Front. Main 6492. ALTUMOBlLtS, motorcycles, launches or boats are separate classifications. A large listing can be found under these different headings. . SECOND fiand 11 inch Barnes lathe, with chuck and tools; ' used only short time: splendid 'shape. Dayton Hardware & Machinery Co.'. 194 1st St. EASTMAN No. 4A takes plates, rol ler, film pack, extra lens, all acces orles; cost $70, nearly new,, $43. Z-15, Journal. DIAMOND house paints, 6triUly pure; made in Oregon. $1.65 gallon. Port land Paint Co., 230 Front. Mar. 100. IVOftOID House Paint $1.25 gal.: clos--Ins out line; Was $1.75 gal. Tlmms Cress Co.. 184 2d st Sewing Machines 1"' terms. 382 Morrison. A-S110. Mar. 721. QAFfQ Tn Mosler bate Co 26 1 Onl LO Stark st. $12.50 DKUPHKAD (tewing machine with attachments. 152 Grand ave. UKVUKTiS furniture store, 208 Lowest cash prices in the cit'y. 1st SKED potatoes for sale., 1115 N. Woodlawn, 1588. 35c sack. PORTABLE bake oven cheap., 1047 Belmont st Tabor 4346. $110 BUYH FINJhl UPRIGHT PIANO. 320 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. FOR SAL.E- Reed baby carriage, good as new. Phone Woodlawn 2 7 S3. COW manure and horse manure sale; w-e deliver. Phone C-l 725. for PLUMBING supplies, wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co.. 212 3d. Main 797. - WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal. WANTED MISCKJjLAXKOUS 5 NOTICE TO MOVERS." We want to buy $1000 worth of sec ond hand furniture and pay all the cash It Is worth. Williams Ave. Fur niture Exchange. East 636. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO.. 221 Front st, buys 2d hand fur niture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hard ware or' tools of any kind. Call A-7174 or Main 9072. Our buyer calls promptly. FURNITURE WANTED-WE PAY THE HIGHEST PRICES ON HOUSEHOLD GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. KLINE'S. EAST 7169. 87 GRAND AVE. WANTED The people of Portland to know I pay highest cash price for household goods. Prompt attention. BV? 6707. N. M. Seater, 143 Russell st. CLOTHES, shoes bought; $5 up for suits. Main 3595. 247 Madison st 2D HAND clothing; and everytr.ing. Highest prices. M. 2080. e5 1st W'E pay top prices .for old furniture. Mish Furniture Co. Main 6768. WANTED One 6 or 8-foot counter re frlgerator. X-S20. Journal. - . I NEED some good used furnituie; will pay cash. Marshall 587. WHEN you answer these Want Ads mention The Journal. SWAP COLUMN FIRST class carpenter work, painting or kalsornlnlng, for plumbing fix tures. Sellwood 1665. . WILL trade 3 passenger Duryea runa bout for generators or motors. Okcen Electric Works. 400 Ollsan st. -CHARTER Oa raligre for horse; booiis ior tent. laoornan. 10 GAUGE double barrelled shotgun to trade for chickens. Tabor 2261. CLEAR of incumbrance. Portland-lot for furniture. Main 4954. PAINTING. TINTING, papering ex changed for house rent. Alain 757. SWAP COLUMN , 23 'ri . t CContlnned) . ' -' ' - BRAND new Jitney bus; can be seen on Lents run; will trade for house and lot free of incumbrance. Phone Tabor 2489. v PATENTED sealing device for bottles, also black tent. 18x40, nine ft. wall; what have you? O. G. Graham, 653 Going st. WANT Ford car. late model; have $550 equity in $1250. Rossmere lot. See me evenings or write particulars. $12 Marguerite ave. -- W A NTED Motorcycle or second hand auto: must be In good condition- in exchange for diamond rings, 8 perfect stones. R-44. Journal. SET of 8 I. C. S. chemistry books, in first class shape, to exchange. What have you? Hardy. 402 Rothchild bldg. LOST AND FOUND FOLLOWING articles were found on Light & Power Co., and owners thereof may ciaim same at the First and Al der Street station: March 27: Marshall 6100-A-6131 5 umbrellas, 2 packages, 2 purses (6c), 1 tobacco pouch, 1 suit case, 1 roll films, 1 book, 1 glove. 1 hammer, 1 overcoat, 1 note booK, 1 .glass Jar, 1 package box. x suoe, t paiirr gloves. Marqh 28: 10 umbrellas, 2 gloves, 1 hair pijuU straw grip, 1 pair giovfes, 1 hand bag, 1 grip, 1 basket 1 flash iigm, o ounqies. 1 PARTY known w hn tnnlt mi rei .... ,1 si Cl talning lodge receipts and money Olds & King's lavatory. Monday even ing, return superintendent, no questions asked. LOST Thursday on Vancouver car leaving Portland 4:10 p. m., lady' gold watch; number known; finder please phone Main 1607; suitable re ward. LOST At the Cotillion hall, Saturday night. March 27, small . gold locket with chip diamond, and containing baby's picture. Call Marshall 1201. Reward. 1 LOST Male pit bull, black with white ring around neck, white breast and feet License No. 1681. Woodlawn 64. Reward. LOST Opera glass. French, plush aiid chamois lined bag container. Finder will be rewarded to extent of 01 glass, hi ir-mocK DIOCK GOLD brooch found; owner can have feline oy paying ior au una reward. Woodlawn 2125. - LOST Between Majestic theatre and 3d and Morrison, a. black plume. Leave at Journal. j- FOUND Rosary. Call at Journal of fice. LOST Friday, a man's wedding ring. Marshall 5890. Reward. PEltSONAL 22 SPIRITUALISM, Rev. M. A. Price, cir cles, fue;. 2 p. m.; Wed., Bun. 8 p. in. Readings daily. 603 6th st Mar. 3960 Dermatologist (residential) halrdress-1-ng, manicuring, electrical equipment M. 6520. Miss Johnson. BALM of Figs, remedy for diseases or women. &U4 oavis st. Main 2393, HARTNESS. leading feather workers, wholesale, retail. Cor. Park, Yamhill. n AW SUITS ILMar. 4368 imrivate free council. IT314 Buchanan Bldg. Lawyer Consultation free. Main 4993. 708 Selling bldg. Chiropractic, chronic cases, 31 treat ments. $15. Others less. 80 rms. 121 4th CHIROPODY Mrs. De Barr. office 215 Royal Annex bldg. 350 ',4 Morrison. SCALP specialist office Morrison st 202, 350 'A RESIDENTIAL .hair dresser. 8601. Apt. 211.' Main WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal. " . . . ' : Professional and ' ACCORDION PLEATIMO ACCORDION, KNIFE AND BOX rLBATINd, FICOTlNtS. HEMSTlTCm.Vl, BRAIDING. KMBUOIDKRING. KASTERN NOVELTX Mt'O. CO.. M 5th ST.. NEAR OAK. K. K'fKPHAN Hem stttubluic. accordion, aid and annbnrat pleating: boUona covered, goods aponged.- Scalloping. 33 Alder. M-9373. ATTORNEYS FREE advice, enperlencd attorney. Terma to suit client. 807 BpalJIrg bldg Marshall 1363. BIANK BOOK MAKER DAVJS AV HOI-MAN, Inc. JOU 2d at. Blank borik manufacturers; agent for Jones' Im proved Loo Leaf Ledgera. tie tba new Eureka Leaf. A-31K3. Main 1S3. CARPET CLEANING JOYCE BROS. Electric Cleaning worka. carpets cleaned and laid, refitting our specialty. Eaat 4441. K-1W13. ran Ti. ivin at. n. CARPETS cleaned, refitting and laying. IV. Packer, Tabor IPS, tlnoleorp pollahad. CARPET WEAVING NORTHWEST P.. O. CO., ruga from old car pets, rag ruga, carpet cleaning. 188 E. 8th. VVOrK cailea Tor. jat oo , PENINSULAR Bug Worka Rag rug and car pet weaving. 1518 Patton ave. Woodl'n. 2S5. CHI-RO-PRACTIC PHYSICIAN DR. Me.MAUON. 121 -ta St. CU oulc diseases requiring extended time. 31 treat enta $15. DR. I'OUUSON. specialist in paralysis, nervoua. chronic diseases. KSO Plttock blk. M. M14. COAX i-ND WOOD DELIVERED in reasonable distance from 3d and East Stsrk, 4 foot fir wood $4.25 per Crd" STANDARD WOOD CO. East 2315; B-PSP5 - NEER & FARfi and luslde block wood. 4 foot or sawed to order. Telephones ff A I Main 4596. A-4547. wUnL NICE dry box wood md cordwood, 4 feet or aawed. Summer prices. (Standard Wood Co., East 2315. B-l95. pLor- F. 1. EVEKT8, MAIN 8767. UnarCOal rooTor cubby stbekt. HEAVY plank wood, sawed stove . leugtns, $3.50. Also wreckage. $: East 4070. COLLECTION AGENCIES J BUY accounts, bills, notes and Judgments of every name and nature anvwber. For qtiPk results answer M-5WW. Journal. SHAKON Collection Agencv Collections bsn dlcd with discretion. Apt. 43 New York spts. CONTB ACTORS AND BTJIXPEBg Notice to Home Builders , Mattman Bros., builders, will save you 20 on voiir home. Call Marshall 547D. DRY CLEANING AND PBES8INO WO UK called for and delivered; raasonabls ratea. Main 918. - ELECTRIC MOTORS AND DYNAMOS liO'IOKS, generators bougbt. sold, reutsd and repaired. We do all kinds of repairing and rewinding. AH work guaranteed. H. U. H. Electric Co.. 31 it. it St. Phone Ms In 0210. WE buy. si-11, rent and exebsnge new snd 24 . . . 1 , b . . wisa'n nana riioi.irs; repair bvi, n mrc cfiLj . ERN ELECTRIC 'VF.S., 213 6th st. Mar. WtH. EYE. EAR. NOSE. THROAT, LPNOS . tfeclallst. Moderate prices. Ulaases fitted. Dr. F. r. Casseday. 517 lx knm bldg..8d st Wash. EDUCATIONAL DANCING I'KOK. WAL, WILteO.N' waits, bealtatlon. ou atep. fox trot, maxlxe: morning, afternoon and evening; 4 prlvats ieaaooa 2. Guarantee to teach anyone who walka hovr to dancs. Claaaea Thursday and Satcrday everiogs. 7 to 8:3(. 25c. 85 5th.. bet. Htark Oak. M. 7637. UU. AM) UKii. UfcATH' H ctcbool. fancy stage, social and all the latest, dances tsnght. Walts and lwo-st gna run teed In 4 private lessons. Claaa Vnes and Krl. eves., S to 10 1Q9 2d bet. Waah and Stark. Ieasona 25e MUSIC SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS E. 1 Ull-JI.HOEN. violin teacher, pupil rievclk, 2X7 i'leldner -bldg. A-4:0O. Marshall 1629. - Manufacturcrs- -JoU DBT 000DS WHOLESALE Fleischner, Mayer & Go. FARM IMPLEMENTS te VEHICLES H M. WAI'K A CO.. 322-Q2H Haw'borne avs. LEATHER AND FINDINGS ' tHA8. L. MA.S'flC'K st CO.. 74 iront. Leather of every description; findings, - PAINT, OIL AND GLASS U A SAIL IMS EN II CO. High fctandsrd" paint. U. E. Corner 2d -ad Taj lor. It- 1771. A-6531. 23 C Continued) A FIGHV on hlch prices. Why oav S5 to $10 for elaanea. when I can fit your eyes with first quality lenses in a gold-filled frame as low as $1.60? C. W. Goodman, 209 Morrison St.. near bridge, Mail orders promptly filled. Write f r rurth'"lnr. ASTHMA of 9 years' pending relieved by the first treatment, now ured. was the .experience of a well known Portland manufacturer at the Swedish Institute, 12th St., coiner Alder. Main 1683. A-282". 1 SPECIALIZE The Works of your phonograph or sewing machine thor oughly cleaned and oiled; for tstl mates, call George Sinit, 603 Board of Trade. Main 5534, Main 9594. A-.".)7. GERMAN trained nurse, gives iii.isx.iko and baths for rheumatism, neurulgla, etc. 452 Salmon st., corner 13th. Mar shall 6033. Open Sundays. Allib. SILVIAS, 21 years PoruanUa renowned palmist and clairvoyant, has her book. "Palmistry Made Eaay,'1 on sale. 291 H Morrison St. bUFn LUOUS HAIR, motes, warts, etc., destroyed forever by electrla needle; no pain, no si:r, cure guaran teed. Mile. De Long. 604 S wet land bkig. SPIRITUALISM Me'dtum. Rev. Vir ginia Rowe. Reading-; healing daily: clrcltts Tuesday and Friday evenings, i o'clock. 231 6th st. Phone A-7116. MM E. DREYFUS, teaches card reading and psychology. 405 Goodnough bldg., opposite postbftice. HAVE your nair permanently wavu. Guaranteed to last." Sanitary Beauty rarlorw. 400 Dekunv. Marshall 1702. MEXICAN Hair Prrparations, scalp' treatments. Shampooing, 4116 Good nongh bldg., opposite postoffice. DR. G. V. KETCH UM vVonun s mala dies and acute diseases 'of nun. Wash. bldg.. 4th Ar Wash. Km. 41. Ml. 44S LESSONS in phrenology and curd rendiims. 235 6th st. l'lmn M. 754. NOTICES SBAI.li.1i prupnunln will be rwelv-! at the f'f fice tff the untlfrHliftit'O, 4ul rourtlioOMt', un til 5 p. in., Friday, April U, 11(15, for tit-iiilng and-vfntllatitiK of new Kennedy iIumi1. hlila will be oi.eiiP'l at the xuuitt Uiuu In room iio-4. ourthotifte. I'luna bud a peel f Ira turn mar ls perlutt'iident of properties, .:! eour'hoiiw. 1 polt of (10 is reuuired (or iUn and spo Ifira- tloun. Certified rherk for 10 per rent or lue amount of th prnpoMl. pajahle to it. M. TIioiohs, acbool clerk, muat accompany each proinasaU Hoard of dlrt-elora reserves the rluLt to r- Ject ai7 and all proponl. It. 11. l tiujUAa, dcoooa viera. Hated March 27, 1915. SEALKD pruHiaala In Irlpllc-ute will be re ceived by the quartermaster Kciieral of th army, Washington, 1. '., nnill a o'clock p. m., eastern time, April 7, 1U15. for fuinlxliliiK cordaite, rope and tv.lnc for delivery during the fliM-al icnr l'JIH at depoia of the quarter master corps liHted In aohediile. riehednlea fur nlNbed upon application to quartermaster Bn eral, I'. 8. army. Waahli.Rtuti, l.' C, or by HiartermaatPr l'rtland. or. gUAUrEUJUXTEU'H orri.c. Portland, Or., March 27 litis. Sealed . prnpoaala 111 tripli cate will tie received here until 11 o'clock a. m., Pacific time, Ap'.-ll 27 , 11S. for furnlsh liitf at Portland, Or., or oilier prouilnttnt rail road points, 4'MiO tuns buy and Mx tona naU. Information furnished ou application. Quar teriiiaster. Portland, Or. - I'KOI'OSAI.S for animals. Tort Keith, .Monl ., March 2lt, lillS. Sealed prnpoaiilM for fnr. nibbing ami delivering 2oO pack mules will be received here until 12 noon, mountain time, April 2t. 1015. and tlien opened. In fcruntloii furnished n application. Ham. Van I er. :wpt.. J. M. t'orpw. ' rilol'OiSAI-S for nodes. Iiepoi qusrl rniHster a office, lost! North I'uiut st.. Man Kraocla". Cal., March 2i, 1!)1.". Sealed proposals lll be received here until '5 a', m., April i.'H, 1!I .1, and then opened, fur fi rnlslili it 2is park mules. Information on appllcailou. W. 11. 11 A Iff, Depot Quartermaster. t 1 W1I.I, not Ik reMjiouMllilo for anv debts con traded by iny wife, ilra. I". or I., f. I'nwell. (Signed.) I '.. 1'tlWF.lX. n ; : " ; Business Directory MUSIC SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS FRKDKltll K f, l I'.UINtil'lt. organist. Rer otid Cliurcb of Clirlsj, hi leui Ixt, teacher piano Snd pine organ; aliidlo 4H Kllera tlilg. C. El) WAR I fRlr'KIN tenorT nupll of Gorgora: 40W Ellera bldg. Main BH5.V NATUROPA'fHIC FHYSICIAK8 IlR MilLLII'S I'aralvsla. nervoim iid chrt.K ic diseases. 504-5 Oreaonlan Mdit M. 3142. POPULAR MUSIC RAUTIMB on lilano guaranteed l-gluiiera In - 10 lessons. Plcttiro rili.ylrig. free demon stratton. Free booklet. Sol Ellera bldg. SCHOOLS AUD COLLEOI8 LINK 8 HL'sT.VKSg f OI.LEUK, &tli floor. 'Til ford bldg.. Portland, or. 1'ln.ne Main (103. INSURANCE PACK1IC STATES FIRK INSIJItANCR CO.. cnly Oregmi fire Insurance company. " MACHINERY ELCYRLH t o., HiOH l'UUK-k Wk. Kleam ahov. els, dredges, !,. Tj KiiNsell. Hepreaentatlva, MATTRESSES HYGIENIC) -MATTRESS CO., old mattresses made new with our Hygienic process. 8S4 Rnsaell. cor. TJnlon. C-A2I1. E.' SM3. MOVINO PICTURE SUPPLY HOUSE MOVINO. picture- niaclilues. films, lanterns, slides to order. 64 Hradway. PAVINO COMPANIES THE BARltiat ASPHALT t'AVINU CO., I'orl land office 'rg-'l Khe-i.wk bldg. PAIN1TNO. PAPEBHAarOINO. TINTINO "FIT N'XINU, kalolliluiug ps.erliaugllig. ali work gilHranteil. I'hotis Wnwllns-n .'lsil). BUTCLlKc'B 4k UI.IKU. t-sl w-,rk In painting, papering. M. IM72. A-222.'.. I2U lltb st. tilM'IMi, tlutlug, ptrliHi,glug. E. T. Crane. 170 10th at. Main 2320. BUBBER STAMPS AND SEAL : ALSO st.u.lls, trad licck. l-.s.s algaa. PAC1HU COABf SXA11P WOKK8 231 Washington Ht. M I n Tlo. A-7tO SCREENS wade U ordur; alao furnltura re paired, fre delivery. Estimate furulabed, Talior 6143. SHEET METAL WORKS REPAIRING, tin sod gravel roofa. Jacob Dxll. 81Q First St. 1'i.one Main 1424. SHIPPING AND FURNITURE PACKINO BEDLCED FltLiUHT I IIAUiiEi OS HiyLSli llOLU GtH'ilS First class furniture ind crockery packing. Ask to have estimator call and nnme pries for handling yonr gol. alalu bl.UI, A-4J2S. Evenings Marshall CtMll'KHA'l I VE FREIGHT IORWARDIM3 -AOKNCY. 723 CHAMBER OF ttjMMKHt.K. TRANSFER AND BTORAOE C O. PICK Irauafer at Hlorsgs Co. Office and commodious 4 story brick wsrehwuos with separate Iron rooms and fireproof vault for valua tiles. N. W. corner 2d an-1 I'lne ata. I'lanos aud furniture moved and packed for Shipping. K peels 1 rates mads on good la through cars to all domestic and foreign points. Main MW1. A-lK!tf. ' OLKEN-KOK TBANHFt.lt CO. Ktw fireproof w .rbouso with separata rooms.- We move 'n.i pack household gooils and pianos and ship at reduced rata. Auto vans snd teams for moving. Forwarding aud distributing agents. Free trsrkag. Offks and warehouse 15th .snd llovt. Main 547, A-224. Oregofi Transfer' Co. Eatalisbed 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents Storage, Fre Tracks; Offlc- and tor2a 474 Ollsao St. 13th and Glisan. " Msln . A-11. SJ2 GE TKANMFF.R liKKVTJt CO i,4 PI? ST. MAIN 12 A -1203. WALL PAPEB MOKGAN WALL PAI'EK CO. Halmon. -213 2d at., near WINDOW CLEANING EXPERT WINDOW CLEANLU - A-47CJ. Msin 6327. 212 Henry ldg. Wholesalers ers- PIPE WOOD PIPE K'HTLANL1 WtOW PIl'K CO. Factory ami offl-e nesr 241 h nl York sts. Mwln 3tHfl. ' PLUMBING PIPE 81EAM slUPPLIES M.-L.tKLINE h4-Hi-j7-ht FRONT STREET BOPE AND 3INTER TWINE Portland Cordage Co, WHEN you suawar the Waul Alls weiiUou The Journal. PERSONAL