V - - - v-"' if) t 1 r ? , , smmm 1 1 V V Ml "111 x J? ' e S " ' ? I f rr a "iJ' i 4 I f v rZJ srfZ-y v i ill maline ribbon on the other. ..Inside ,. the basket -were placed conundrums tied wi.th red ribbons which extended v. to ctich plap, where a red carnation ",, favor was attached.. Each guest pulled their riddle. Toasts were found n (.tUe back of their carnation place cards, and were read aloud by each of the t guests. The prize for five hundred waa won? by J. E. Durham. Those present bds,ides the host and j hostess were Jude and Mrs. . W. L. "Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. ('. V. Hodsnn, Ir. and Mrs. F, I. Kali, Mr, and Mrs. ! " J. K. Durham, Mr. and Mrs. P. P. j Young and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Rine- ! hart. . ! i The New England society was de- ; lightfully entertained last Thursday" evening by Dr. Clement B. Shaw in "his studio, 507 Tilford building. The folowmg program was given: Piano. "Air de Ballett" . (Chaminade), Mor idaunt Goodnough; bass solo, "Song lof the Bow" (Aylward), Dr Clement IB. . Shaw; vio'lin, "Llebes Freud" j(KreisBler), P.' Hampton Wing: vocal duet, "Flow Gently Diva" (Parry), IMiss Hazel Bradford and Dr. Shaw; '.piano. "Gavotte" (Bach). Mr. Good Cnough; duet, "Though I Should Be .'Doomed" (Cherubini), Miss Sara JNaugle and Dr. Shaw;'violin. "Minuet" ., ; Beethoven), Mr. Wing; ' duet, "Dans Ce Palais Regiment" (Donizetti), Miss ;Katherinei Gabriel and Dr. Shaw; song, jVhen You Come Home" Squlres), JMlss Gabriel. , ; The meetintr clbsed with an ad dress on New Kngland life and art illustrated by V. Ij. Knowles, the New 'England artist. About 100 were pres ent and many made out applications for membership. ; - i-.-, ... The -relatives and friends gave a surprise party on' the twenty-sixth wedding anniversary" Sunday evening, March ; 21. of Mr. -and Mrs.' Henry ;ir. Schmeer. Music and - recitations ;were given followed by dainty refresh- ments. . The couple was presented jjwlth a beautiful basket of ferns In a hammered brass jardiniere. ; Those "present were: Mr. and Mrs.l James F. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. i Albert WalUng, Mr. and Mrs. Rome Williams, . .Mr. and Mrs. Krnest Benbow, Mr. and 'Mrs. P.. E. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. i-Lloyd ! Harbin, Mr. and Mr. C. T. "Rupell, Mr. and Mrs. Prank Steinel, - : Mr. and Mrs. Jack Haines, Mrs. George Carten, Mrs. Cora Belding, Miss Ag- . ness Young, Clifford Williams, E. Carter, Miss Bertha Hamilton, Har riet Elixabeth Hamilton, Alva Linp. .Karle ; Schmeer, . Master Merle Van . ,-Alstyne. Master " James Hamilton and '.host and hostess. . . ' " Stained the Harmony club on Saturday Announcement: I beg to inform my . patrons and friends that I have reopened my Dressmaking Establishment with a great selection of Novel ties in Materials, Laces, Trim mings, also Gowns, Waists and fancy Tailored Suits. v Thanking you for -past favors, I am yours respectfully, Madame Regine 434 MORRISON STREET I Mr. and Mrs. Benzo Mitsui of Tokid, Portland on their hone'ymoo n here. . Below Is a photograph costume. evening with a St Patrick's party, the house being tastefully decorated with St. Patrick favors. Cards were ' en joyed during the evening, honors fall ing to Mrs. ,F. M. Bell and J. N. Pearcy. Those enjoying Judge , and Mj-s. McKenneys hospitality were: Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sheldon; Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Pearcy, Dr. and Mrs. F. M. Bell, Dr. and Mrs. H. R. Cliff, Mrs. Mayger and C. B Wintler. Miss Reva Funk was a delightful hostess Saturday, evening when ' ahe entertained with a dancing party at the Kenton club house for about 60 guests. The lub rooms were a bower of cherry blossoms and cedar boughs SKIRT PLEATING HEMSTITCHING Button Holes, Scalloping, Side Pleating. Box Pleating, Ac cordion Pleat ing, Cloth Covered But tons. Mall orders given prompt attention. , ART Embroid ery and .' BUTTON CO. 633 HtrfU war. Japanv who have arrived In and plan to make their home of Mrs. Mitsui in quaint native ' which formed a pretty background for the merry dancers. Among . those present were: Miss Veda Povey, Miss Florence Herman, Miss ' Mary Dunbar, Miss Frances Soden, Miss Helen Woodcock, Miss Mary Page, Miss Mar gurete Palitzh, Miss Charlote Geiger, Miss Naomi Woodcock, Miss Eva Bos- I Gxclusive Apparel forWomcrv Cxclusive Apparel forWomcrv Pillock Block FOR EVENING AND DANCING CALLING AND AFTERNOON : DINNER GOWNS . Specuxf iTDatAtafiie S3. 9 5 Worth 5.00 to $6.5o 1 ASSORTED CREPE DE. CHINES Broken Line Assorted Colors cavich. Miss Marion Wiley. Miss Una Brown, Miss Margurete Dixon, Miss Glayds Anderson, Miss Fay Trembly, Miss Marie Wynn, Miss Erma Nelson, Miss Helen McCarthy, Miss Ruth Woodcock, Carl Logan, Harlan Little Johns, Lewis Serrs, Joseph Cosegrove, Leon Robertson, Arthur Calahan, Her bert Metsger, Ernest Maguis, Frank Davis, Clayton Patterson, George An derson, Ross Geiger, Paul Cudlipp, Pete McLaughlin. Fred Hickox, Glenn Laldlaw, M. Montgomery and T. Kurts. A large crowd was present ; last Wednesday evening to attend an ex cellent entertainment given by the En deavorers at Mizpah Presbyterian church. The following program was excellently rendered: Piano solo. Miss Lillian Reicha; solo.. "The Gardenof My Heart," Miss Helga Thompson; vio lin solo. Miss Helen Harper; reading. Miss Mary Trachsell; baritone solo, R, Robertson; vocal duet. "Whispering Hope," Miss J. McGregor and Miss Elizabeth Poage; saxaphone solo, Earl Martin; contralto solo. "Little Gray House in the West." Mrs. L. W. Mo Caw; piano solo. Miss Jean Harper. At the close of the program the young people served refreshments and played old time games. ; Mrs. Schuyler C. Spencer gave a very attractive yellow luncheon Wednesday, In honor of Mrs. A. L. Richardson of La Grande, Or. Great bow la of jon quils and feathery ferns were in "evi dence in all the rooms. Bridge was played after luncheon. Mrs. Arnold Lindsay won first prize and Mrs. A. R. Vejar the consolation. Mrs. Rich ardson sang a group, of songs in her delightful way. The guests were: Mrs. Alfred L. . Richardson, Mrs. Robert Berger; Mrs. Arnold Lindsay, Mrs. E. E. Coovert, Mrs. Frank Johnson, Mrs. A. E. Beals, Mrs. C. C. Shay, Mrs. Harry Palmer, Mrs. A. R. Vejar. Miss Elizabeth Boone, Mrs. C. J. Allen,- Mrs. Theodore Nicolal, Mrs. B. F. Weaver, Mrs. Alva Person, Mrs. J. H. Barbour. Honoring Dr. E. B. McDanlel, chief surgeon of S., P. & S. railroad, his sis ter. Miss Birdie McDaniel, gave a din ner party last Friday evening at their home, 930 Melinda avenue, the occa sion beino- the birthday of Dr. McDan iels. Unique decorations were ar ranged on the table, the center being of pink carnations with little pink globed electric lights hidden amidst the flowers. Those who circled the board were the following officials of the line: P. H. Pohl, G. E. Johnson. E. Pearson. G. W. Neilson, C. A. Ver million, H."H. Keck, R. H. Crozier, W. W. Wilkes, F. F. Clark, J. O. Freck, H. Sheedy, D. C. Freeman, S. G. Rees, E. P. McDaniel and Dr. R! C. Mc Daniel , U-re-ka card club was entertained Wednesday afternoon at t the home of Mrs. Louise Williams. Card honors were won by Mrs. Burr C. Wagner and Mrs. B. F. Padrick. Spring blos soms and greens were gracefully ar ranged about the rooms and decking the luncheon table. Dainty refresh ments were served. Those present were Mrs. D. K. Iliff. Mrs. A. C. Thorpe. Mrs. W. A. Gill. Mrs. Burr C. Wagner, Mrs. D. L. Povey, Mrs. J. Boon, Mrs. B. F. Padrick, Mrs. E. C Kroll, Mrs. F. E. Drisbrow, Mrs. J. C Johnson, Miss Ada Taylor, Miss Myr tle Thorpe and Mrs. Louisa Williams. Mrs. B. F. Padrick will entertain the club at its next meeting, April 7. A pleasant surprise was tendered Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Campbell, at their sub urban home at Risley, by the Decern Girls, Thursday, March 25. The eve ning: was spent in cards and music, after which dainty refreshments were served. Each guest was presented with a beautiful bouquet of daffodils by Mrs. F. M. Youngs. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Campbell. L. P; Campbell Sr., Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Youngs, Truday Moffat, Lottie Cha pelle, Minnie Shclland, Blanche Roark. Gertrude Kuizenga, Edith Dart, Mina Smith, Evelyn Youngs, Elizabeth Bird and Marcus You"ngs. The B. B. Bridge club met on Satur day afternoon at the home of . Mrs. Dora Bolter, Mrs. M. H. Guntlier re .ceiving the hie:h score. Those present were: Mrs. Sarah Moore, Mrs. M. H. Gunther, Mrs. Harry J. Miller, Mrs. Herman Trostdorf. Mrs. Julius mig, frfrs. Maude Giles, Mrs. Gray, Mrs.. Dora Bolter, Mrs. William T. Norton, Miss Leila McCarver, Miss Winnifred Kendall and Miss Hazel Coote. The next meeting of the club will be with Mrs. Sarah Moore. The Gleaner society of Anabel Pres byterian church held a most delightful meeting Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. A. Gibson, 6506 Thirty sixth avenue, southeast. Miss Erick son gave a talk on Alaska, where she passed five years as a missionary. A social hour followed. The next meeting will be held April 28 at the home of Mrs. D. Kingsbury, 4205 Fifty-ninth avenue southeast. The Junior Assembly club met Fri day evening, March 26, at Christen sen's hall. Dancing was enjoyed fi-'om 8 until 10 o'clock, under the direction of Mr. and .Mrs. Mose Christensen. The -patronesses for the evening were Portland, Ore. 0 cea&ianS Mrs. C. W. King. Mrs. J. Shemanskl. Mrs. J. C English, Mrs. . -Theodore Nicolai. Mrs. Robert Gillan and Mrs. J. A. Strowbridge. .' . The German Ladies' club was enter tained at luncheon on Thursday after noon "vby Mrs. Else Schwabe at ., her home, 334 Halsey street. Members present were: Mrs. A. F. Clauss, Mrs. J. Basler, Mrs.C A. '"Bl gelow.. Mrs. F, Diedrich, Mrs. Albert Bittner. JMrs. A E. Kern, Mrs. Charles Hacker and Mrs. Else Schwabe. j COMING EVENTS - -a Entitled their 1914-15 Review, the Arcadians will hold the sixth of this season's dancing parties Thursday eve ning, April . 8, at Christensen's hall. There is a promise of uhusuaTwxel lence in the program arranged for the rest periods during the evening, which will be taken up with novel entertain ment. The musical program has been arranged to contain only the 1914-15 hits, and will be in charge of Carl Stoll, of the Portland Symphony or chestra. The special features will in clude MX?- W. L. . Cornell, contralto' and the Misses Irene and Marie Wat son, juve&lle dancers, in Spanish cos tume and group dances. On the eve ning's floor committee are: C E. Tra vlllion. Stuart McQueen, Radford Shawcross, L. Cunningham, Dr. E. B. Wheat. Ralph Delano, F. E. Peterson, W. J. Condit, J. F. Garrow, F. L. Carl ton and Arthur C. Dayton, assisted by the Misses Ruth Johns, Pauline Pow ell, Irene Painter, Anne Dillinger, Hazel Coates, Adele Barnickel, Axla Paget and' Mesdames A. C. Dayton, James H. Abrey, Royden Coster and J. G. Garrow. The committee on ar rangements appointed f6r the evening is C. Jerrold Owen, Raymond K. May nard Jr., R. J. Clary, Arthur W. Stein and Charles M. Olsen. c The ladles of St. Lawrence parish will give their annual Easter supper Tuesday, April 13, from 6 to 8:30 p. in., followed by a dance In the St. Law rence assembly hall. Third and Sher man streets. Mrs. W. J. Smith is chairman of the committee, Mrs. W. P. Llllis secretary and Miss Daisy Fleming treasurer. The Young Ladies' Sodality will assist the ladles of the parish In the affair. ' The Hibernian Social club will en tertain their members and friends with n dancing party on Easter Monday at the Hibernian hall. The committee is: James B. Joyce, chairman; Charles Ward, Andrew Healy, Miss Margaret Whitney, Miss Mary Dougherty, Miss Mary Lafferty, Miss Anna Leonard, Miss Katherine Leonard, Mjrs. J. Con way and Mrs. J. O'Hanlon. Scout Young Auxiliary of the United Spanish War Veterans will hold an Informal reception at their headquar ters on the fifth floor of the court house, in honor of the G. A. R., the Women's Relief Corps and the Ladies of the G. A. R.. all of which organiza tions hold their meetings in the court house. Also, Margaret Wolfe Auxil iary, United Spanish War Veterans, of Vancouver, Wash. Thursday evening, Aprn 8, the Cadet club, Oregon Assembly No. 1. United Artisans, will give a hard times party at their hall in the Sell-ing-Hirsch building. A fine will be imposed on all guests who appear in any "finery or fixin's."; The patron esses will be: Mrs. C. Huntley, Mrs. H. C. Counter, Mrs. S. A. Hyattand Mrs. M. D Arcy. The lnter-school hop committee an nounces their next dance as an Easter party, April 9, at the Multnomah hotel. The entire mezzanine floor will be turned over to the young people. V . The Hibernian Building association will give an Easter ball, April 9, at Hibernian hall, at Russell street and Rodney avenue. . - Under the auspices of the Hibernian Building association, a dancing party will be given April 9 in the Hibernian haljl. The patronesses are Mrs. W. A. EiVers, Mrs. T. S. Hogan, Mrs. P. Douglass,, Mrs. E. H. Deery, Mrs. M. t r A Spring Coat Vould lend a smart touch to your wardrobe see our complete lines, priced $10 upwards. r Lawler, Mrs. M. J. Driscoll. Mr J. Foley, Mrs. F. J. Devlne and Mrs. P. E. Sullivan. . , 4c The Sons and Daughters of the Ark, a new fraternal organization Incor porated In the state of Oregon, will give an open entertainment to their members and friends . Monday eve ning, March 80, at the Foresters' ball. Fourth and Washington, consisting of dancing, music and a 500 party. , The ladies of the Montavilla M. E. church will hold their Easter bazaar in the gymnasium at East Eightieth and Pine streets next Wednesday, March 31. afternoon and evening. From t o 7:30 chicken pie dinner will be served. " ' Mrs. C. M. Frederickson and Mrs. Charles Klinkenbeard will entertain the Rose Social club, R, N. A., at the former's home, 926 East Sixteenth street north, nexl Thursday afternoon, April 1. All Rdfal Neighbors are in vited. The Minnesota Gophers are actively engaged In hustling for new members. The next meeting of the Mlnnesotans will be held at Cotillion hall. April 14. All former residents of the NorthT, oiar siaie are most cordially invited. ' The opening lnter-school boating party will be held April 24 on the steamer Joseph Kellogg; PERSONAL MENTION The following are among the lat est arrivals at the Hot Lake, Or., sanatorium: Mr. and Mrs. H. Bulger, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hinkle, Mrs. D. C. Reese, Miss Florence Raese and W. M. Mat toon, all of Portland. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES By Margaret Mansfield of Lincoln. "Lincoln spirit is up with the times," They have instigated a pe tition that school will end at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, giving the students more time for outside reference work. This idea is carried on with great success in eastern high schools. - A delightful evening was spent by the Adelphian society at the home of Miss Bain and Miss Smith, of the fac ulty, last Saturday. The first part of the evening was spent in playing games, after which initiation of new members took (lace. Dainty refresh ments were served at the 'close of the evening. " 1, The monthly ceremonial meeting of the Nakanakl campfire girls of Lin coln was held at the home of Moreita Howard Friday evening, March 19. After all the club business had been attended to a delightful dinner was served in honor of St. Patrick. The members present were: Miss E. Amos, Mrs. W. Amos, Miss M. Schneider, Miss R. Rhoades, Evelyn Davenport, Ethel Langley, Enid Benson, Louise Tauble, Elizabeth Tillson, Mary Ans Jaw, Candace Landers, Ruth Pearson, A If led Pearson, Ruby Lldell, Hasel Hippeh, Alvena Howard and Moreita Howard. One of the largest" entertainments attempted by the Philo society this semester was given last Thursday af ternoon in honor of the-Tolos, the boys debating society. First a debate was given: Resolve: That the federal control of natural re sources should be further strengthened and extended." Those representing the affirmative were: Alvira Harry, Elsie Burgoyne; the negative, Agatha De Carte, Martha Larette. The students then adjourned to the library where refreshments were served, Helen- Brlgham and Mar garet Cundy assisted by several other girls presided at the punch bowls. The committee in charge of the social part of the program was Alvera Harry, Margaret Cundy and Helen Brigham. Last Thursday afternoon the Adel phian society enjoyed a lively debate: "Resolved, that the commission form SThe Call for New SUITS If you like something a lit tle out of the ordinary and decidedly 1 dif f eren t , ' ' drop in at the Eastern. All pop ular shades in a profusion of smart Suits. $17.50 up Easter Hats original and exclusive models! designed to meet the taste of particular women. Large shapes and small ones, trimmed shapes and plain ones an exten sive variety from which to choose. Credit 405 Washington St, At Tenth of government is preferable to the council system." The affirmative was upheld by Jessamine Harding and Mil dred L. Hawes; the negative by Rose Johnson and Agnes Leslie. The judges decided in favor of the affirmative. A reading of several Scotch poems by Bessie Leslie concluded the program. . Last Friday afternoon the Athletic association elected new officers. Joe Llllard was elected track manager; Mr. McTarnahan, football manager. The Athletic board Includes Mr. Lll lard, Mr. Fordyce, Mr. Paget, Miss Stain and Miss Montague. , Several candidates lost by a small number of votes. Those included are. E. R. Bloch, Adolph Bloch and Hits Mansfield for athletic board and Jack O'Brien for football manager. Miss Eva Anderson-entertained last Saturday night at her home in Irving ton, Those present were Louise Gal lian, Evelyn Snow, Florence Jacob son, Romona Mllllgan, Rolland Mc Nary, Grant Reddlck, Lucille Phillips, J. W. Carlton, Margaret Mansfield, Eva Anderson, Fred Carlton, Marie Johnston, Elwood Gallian, Robert Mer cer, Gordon Cameron, Lester Jacobson, Earl Heitsralth, Miss Smith, . Logan Stewart and L Hansen, The June, '15, class Is planning a matinee dance for next Friday after noon, at Lincoln high gymnasium. The committee Is John Boyd, Jack Morrow, Mlas Marjorle Crlttendon, Miss June Flake and Sam Welnsteln. ' - . At 'Washington. 'One . of the most interesting pas times at Washington Is tennis. Ar rangements have been made for three tennis tournaments, the first one com mencing March 29. About 38 have announced their in tention of entering. A partial list of these is: -Marion Stephensen, Helen Ball, Vivien Pallett. Ruth .Williams, Mabel Ryder Miss Carey, Maude Wright, Harriette Johnson, Alice Boll man, Louis Wilson, Alberta Smedley, Marie Eastman, Miss Beckstead, Mil dred Whiting, Anna Sutton, - Marie Flynn, Edna Bateman, Marim Weiss, Mildred Lauderdale, ' Ruby Wanless, Elizabeth London, Bernnice Krouse, Madeline Du parcq; Doris Hawkins, Marion Bennett, Helen Cate, Bertha Aylesworth, Given Stevens, Margaret Rosslter, Alice Shefler." B. Finzer, Gladys Melvin, Frances Fleekenstein, Freida Breckle, Bessie Legg, Zureta Yoder, Ruby Prosser, Margaret Brand and Antonla Patzlett. A committee In charge of the tour nament Is: Alice Bollman, Mabel Ryder and Harriette Johnson. An interesting debate was given last Friday afternoon by members of the Phrenodeken society. "Resolved: That toll in going through the .Panama American Coastwise Ships Should Pay Toll in- Going Through the Panama Canal." Genevive Williams, and Bar bara Nisley represented the affirma tive; Marlon Conn and Dorathy Nlell, the negative. The negative won by unanimous vote, t The Eukrlneon -boys' debating so ciety had as their guests the Phreno dekens, the girls debating, society. Professor Herdman gave an interest ing talk which was greatly enjoyed. Immediately after Easter the Phrenodekens are planning a party to be given in honor of the 10 new mem bers recently added to their numbers. At their last meeting an Interesting talk was given by Grace Smith on the Oregon building of the Panama-Pacific exposition.' After this followed an impromptltude debate. Washington high school will again have the pleasure of entertaining a university glee club. Th time the Pacific university glee club, will ap pear in the auditorium next Friday night for the benefit of the students. : At Franklin. Franklin high school is taking a prominent place in school social and athletic affairs. . , The student body recently organized a dramatic club. The following of ficers were elected: Clarence Lewis, president; Louis Tomlinson, vice pres- ..ft' Remarkably Pretty Dresses on the quaint, old-fashioned lines now in vogue. You will enjoy seeing the many different styles and will be pleasantly surprised in the very low prices. Miilinery Your Privilege Ident; Maifred Rheinhart, propert man;. Harry Turtledove, buBlness man ager; Miss Landers, librarian. The Committee has planned a number of plays which will take place in the near future. " ANNOUNCEMENTS Coming a a surprise to her many friends was the announcement of the engagement of Miss Cora Maffctt and Lynn Moore at a luncheon given by the Misses Norma and Frankte Coy kendall. After all were seated, tih bons were pulled and cuplda appprci to reveal a secret. A color m-home of yellow and white was carried out throughout the luncheon. Covers were laid for eight: Mrs. William oemp ner, Mrs. Peter Korth, Miss -Mildred Worden. Miss Cora Mafrett. Mi Olive J. Guy, Miss Alice Shelrp. of Spokane, and the hostesses. Mtin Maffett and Mr. Moore are prominent Harrlman club members. The wedding will be an event of the, early summer. ' The engagement of Miss Eileen L Mon to Roy Kldd, both of this cttv. has been announced. i-Mtss LeMon Is the charming daughter of John Le Mon. a well known artist of San Fran cisco, Cal. Roy Kldd la well known here, being for years connected with the Portland Railway, Light & Power company of thl city. They have r,t the happy day In the coming month of June. Mrs. Annie E. Coote announces the engagement of her daughter Hazl to Dr. Edwin Boone Wheat. Miss Coot Is a graduate, of Washington . high school and has a wide circle of friend here, s Dr. Wheat is connected with one of the pioneer families of Oregon and is a prominent club man. The wedding will take place in June. YACHT CLUB NOTES Chairman Hugh llaslett has about completed the plans for the officers reception and the annual ball at Cotil lon hall on April 16,. and he anticipates the most successful annual the club has ever had. On Wednesday evening a very pret ty house party turned Into a recep tion for Mr. and Mrs. Earl O'Brien and Sam Ramsey. Mr. Ramsey Is being entertained this week by Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Ramsey. Tin Is on his way home. New York City, after spending a month at the exposition cities of California. - - Fleet street has been renamed to "Bridal Walk." The latest newly weds are Mr and Mis Earl O'ltrkn, who moved Into tK.irnew quartern at the club the past Week. Commodore and Sirs. Bain and Miss Edith Bahi will Tmove into tlirlr summer home the first of the month. -- Mr. and Mrs. T. :J. Mendenhall will move to the club about the first of the month. r J Chance to Purchase i A Chateau Cheap Austrian Archdukes Offer Them for Bale, ton no Takers; Rapsbnrg Tam ily Buys Amerloan Stocks. Geneva, Switzerland, March 27. TTe ports have .reached Innsbruck from Vienna that members of the Haps--burg family, not Inciting Emperor Francis Joseph, purchased in 1h United States in February real estat and American stocks of the value of 70,000,000 crowns (about $1 7,f.00,000t. The purchases are said to have been made through Intermediaries In New York and the purchasers loHt heavily, owing to the exchange rate. It Is an open secret here that sev eral splendid chateaux belonging to Austrian archduke," have been on sl? for the last three months with no of fers. . London has 24 clubs xcfuslv-lyf or women. New Waists . Arriving Daily -dainty creations, ' priced as low as $1.35. Some em broidered, others tucked or hemstitchedall on authen tic Spring lines -as sheer and pretty as can be. 8048