"1 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY . MORNING, MARCH 28, 1915. 12 3 hi KXCIIAXGK RKAfc ESTATE 84 11AIXAB. 170 A.. 122.000. Dairy ranch, stock and equipped, 100 acres rich bottoms, cultivated, fine improvements, I Mtge, $7800, 6. Take city and assume as much, or close in small ranch. See Copper.;-;- .-. U S. MORTOAOE & INV. , CO, SOfi-fiO" Yeon bldg. I WANT J acres or more on Oregon City carllne; will give clear house in exchange. J- V. Guthrie, 506 bpaldmg bldg. '-"'.- ooinmnog A Diversified ROOMING HOUSES 53 .Rooming House Trades '40 rooms, rent $110; clears $100 a . month ; price $ 1 500. Trade it. . 30 rooms, modern, rent $J0, Pct $1600; moneymaker. Bargain; trade. 52 rooms, very elegant; want real . 1 estate clear. Clears $2o0 month. Snap. 85 room apts.. modern, $'u 20 rooinsi, housekeeping, : 50 rooms, apts, modern. $J00O. All of Jiese are alitor part J or ex change. Turn your real estate into money. Don't worry 'Abtnrtr-Biaking a ' living. Opportunity knocks. Square deal guaranteed at 502 Couch bldg. ' , 48 Rooms, Must Sell Newly furnished; good building; al ways full; tine location; cheap rent. ' Owner leaving city ami will sell tor Vi value. Act quick lor this snap. Price $550, Half Cash INQUIRE 8S 10TH NEAR STARK. yOK SALE 12 room modern house with 3 sleeping porcuea. housekeeping yooms; also tent house with door and windows in, can bo used leaving entire house to rent ex ceedingly cheap. Thif is worth any one's investigation. Terms to suit buyer. 472 Main Ht. Marshall (.048. A BARGAIN 1 will sacrifice my rooming house for $650 furnished, 27 rooms, doing good business, good lo cation, on account of death in family. No agents, buy from owner. '-23 Mar ket st., Villa, 1st and Market sts. Phone Main 5634. 10 Rooms;. Rent $20 . Rooms rented, fine west side loca tion. Act quirk for this. Price $160; $100 Cash INQUIRE S-S IQTlt NEAR STARK. 22 Room Apt,, $65 Profit ' Clean, nicely furnished. White Tern pie district; first felass and money maker. $500 handles. If you want something nice see this. 503 Rothchild bldg. A Winner 37 rooms, location the - best; will clear $80 to $150; will sell at snap o trade for good property. Chance, 142 Second st. ' 11 LARGE rooms, running water, elec tric liglitf. A-l furniture; located near White Temple; clears $50 month and have fine home. Sick, must sell quick. Here is a snap for some one. INQUIRE SS 10TH NEAR STARK.' A FINE furnished 20 room house, close in on Park st., low expense, $85 above expense; will sell for $400 pay ment, bal, monthly or trade for clear acreage or house. Y-261, Journal. 12 Rooms, Income $60 Lovely Ideation, nicely furnished, al v -ways full. $200 will handle. 509 Rothchild Mdg. LEAVING city, the biggest sacrifice In Portland; my beautiful 12 room house, furnished in the very best, clearing $65 a month. Make an offer. L-668. Journal. 88 ROOMS on Broadway, close to Washington, strictly modern, all full, cheap rent, worth $35; price today for all, $1800; terms. Peters,. 15 N. 5th st. SACRIFICE-1 30 rooms, central, lease, $3 per room; steam heat; all full. Take $350 cash, some trade. Going away. Main 284. WANTED Rooming house. Have clear lots, acreage, etc., to trade for good rooming house; might put In some money. 0-415, Journal 26 ROOMS, good furniture, walking dis- i tance, brick building; sold 3 years . rn for $3600. If sold this week. $1000 ( i' . r-iinh fiwnr. Y-20'2. Journal. -fWILL LEASE. TRADE OR SELL,- 26 room boarding and rooming house, furnished; located 16th and East Main. 703 Lewis bldg. . Main 8078. 20 ROOM rodming he ouse, central lo cation, rent" $45. all H. K., well m $45, ai worth $800; price today for all. $325. yeters, is in. gtn bi. JlO ROOM rooming house, in heart of ' city; rent $22.60. W'ell furnished. (Trice today for all, $90. Peters, 15 N. fth st. -kBMALL boarding house, fine West t - Bide location; paying business; rea vwonabla. Owner going south. Main '1014. FOR SANE, on easy terms, 4 flats 1 with lot; owner must change eli minate. 642 Karl st-, on Sellwood car Tine. fiTJRNITURE 10 rooms, fine West Side corner location, walking distance, for lyale cheap by owner. Main 780?. INVEST a little and save your rent and expenses. Good location, rooms -11 rent. Going away. Main 1634. jl7 ROOM boarding or rooming house, lT in St. Johns, fine location. 1 block to ,rar. ' Phone Mllwaukie 4SX. 'NINE housekeeping rooms, .rent $25; sickness; goes at best offer. 330 6th. . 6MALL rooming house for sale. 188 10th st. Main 8898. Call 140 ROOMS, money maker; owner leav- lng; sell for half price. East 1161. ;IAKE offer on this 86 rooms today. Owner, 252 Columbia st. BUSINESS OPjTORTUNITIES 20 jLXjTQFitXtsa "and supply; Goln, filling station, stock and equip rnent, Invoice $800. Pays well. Reason ifor sacrifice, $400; investigate. 609 Kotncnuq ag. fW ANTED A partner with about $700 to start a factory. An article every farmer needs. Will hear investigation iA enap for the right man. O-60L Jour nal. " . . i CONFECTIONERY, doing over $20 weekdays; paid $1400 3 weeks ego, but -owner unable to continue. Will ,eell at a bargain. -Make me an offer. Must be cash. 619 Lamber Exchange. .GASOLINE filling station for sale, in oluding living rooms, furnished; making good money now. Am going .east next montfC reason for selling. 1400 cash. 619 Lumber Exchange. PARTNER wanted for the automobile business; good pay and your money fully secured. Call room 329, Morgan piqg.' . " ' WANTEJJ farty wttn little money to patent automobile tire; absolutely puncturo proof; big money. Y-266, .journal. . POOL HALL and cigar stand at bar ' Kaln. if taken this week: eood loca tion and business. 317 Railway Ex- icnange. - - (TO BUY, sell or exchange property or business, any kind, anywhere. Ad- f1res Northwestern Business Agency, uepi. x, Minneapolis, Minn. -' RESTAURANT Have openinar for energetic - man and It requires Terjt rutua money, uui room axy morgan if log. - - - - - kro BUY, sell or exchange, property or business.- any Kino, anywnere. Aa ress Northwestern Business- Agency, eot. I. Minneapolis. Minn. r- pi MOVING picture, best location In city. oneaDrenu w catenae, xuuy eauiDDeui tjplano cost $960. . Price today for all. i $476. peters. i& im. otn st. . STflRH buildinar for rent or sole: onlv store In Parker. For .further partic ulars inquire .Ernest zieiesen,jr,axKer. Jl COMPLETE ground floor photo t studio worth $800,' Take it for $160 cash, or "will trade, uauor oao. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 1 Continued) WANT A CLEAR HOUSE. Will trade an 88 acre ranch, about 10 acres in cultivation, good house, f ine,prchard, fair barn and outbuild ings, at R.; R. station and P. O., un limited outrange; a dandy stock ranch; price $4000; mortgage $800. J. H, Marlels, 284 Oak mU ' HAVE clear property, farms, acreage and lots, to trade for your equity. Will assume and give quick deal. SEE GAGE. 186 WEST PARK ST. Houses Bosibniess I jOpportooMes List of Business Opportunities BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 20 (Con tinned) WHAT ABOUT THIS? The last opportunity is now offered you to invest a portion of. your idle money and thus secure a good steady position with the Pacific Furniture Specialties Mfg. Co., Inc., of Portland, Oregon. A few more good, sober, re liable men are required to complete our working force, and only a. limited amount of our stock can now be bad at par, $1 per share, as our machinery will be installed as soon as it arrives, at which time the stock will advance to $1.50 per share. Our business is founded on a. strictly cooperative profit sharing plan, thus every employe will receive his rightful share of all he helps to produce. An investment of $250 to $5000 is required from each stockholder, all of which Is fully se cured by real estate, buildings, machin ery, etc. Let us show you our property and otherwise demonstrate our ability to double your dollars within the next year. We court investigation. Pacific Furniture Specialties Mfg. Cv, Inc., 418-419, Lumber Exchange bldg. POOL HALL AND CONFECTIONERY. Big bargain; building and lot 50x100, on -Alain street. No other pool room; living rooms upstairs; 2 tables, card table, fine stock cigars, tobacco and confectionery. Sftingle mill going night and day, sawmill full time. Good, live town. No trades. Small amount cash will handle. Come look it over. II. B. APPERSON, RIDOEFIELD, WN. Must Sell Bakery And lunch room near Portland, clearing $125 Per month. Receipts of business can be seen to prove this is not exaggeraed. Will stand inspec tion. Price reasonable and terms of fered. 1010 Yeon Bldg. Main 5456. Grocery Store Snap Stock will invoice $1600; fixtures ana horse and wagon, $1000; price for all, $1600. Must have money quick; good business, new goods.. Here's rare snap. 502 Couch bldg. Stores and Rooming Houses We have all sizes, all kinds, all prices $200 up. Some to trade. See ua before buying. Hoyt & Qulgley Co.. 509 Rothchild bldg. Money Making Confectionery Rent $15, large stock, soda foun tain, lively location, ought to sell for $800; price for quick action $350. Rare bargain. 502 Couch bldg. CONFECTIONERY, cigars; low rent; some groceries; 3 living rooms in rear, all furnished. This is a snap, and won't last long. If you want something good. Price $650 for all. Call 619 Lumber Exchange. OWNER of a solid auto repair shop wants a young man as partner, eith er mechanic of office man; can draw salary $15- weekly and share profits; $300 required; fully secured. 317 Rail way Exchange. j WANTED Young man to work ins fac tory on wood and iron and look-after help as partner in a solid manufactur ing business; only small amount of money required. Call 317 Railway Exchange- AUTOMOBILE garage and repair shop opportunity for an active man as partner in this solid business, to keep plain accounts and sell gasoline. 317 Railway Exchange. FOR SALE or lease, first class mfg. plant, near Portland, fullv eouioped for manufacture of furniture. Q&n be bought reasonable. Address Box 177, Newberg, Or. WELL established law practice, with complete linrary ana office equip ment; will sell and turn over practice on very reasonable terms. SX-456, Journal. . . TO STOREKEEPER. Have a eood location for countrv store: no opposition. Inquire McLeod, Security Development Co., corner of 4th and Pine sts. DELICATESSEN and lunchroom, apart" ment nouse district; busy time com ing on; swell fixtures. Clear bill of sale for $300. Easily worth $600. 414 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark sts. CONTRACT WORK. Carpenter with little capital. hav proposition that will interest you. In quire McLeod. Security Development Co., corner of 4th and Pine sts. GROCERY, doing $50 per day will in voice stock and set price on fixtures; good reasons for disposal; about $2000. 414 Lumber Exchange. CONTROLLING interest- or will sell outrleht: well equipped grocery, es tablished 7 years; will discount for cash. Owner's address. L-438, Journal. WANTED Steady man to work in a small casn Business as partner, .fay $80 mo. Requires small investment. call room 329, Morgan bldg IF YOU want a steady job at THE FAIR and have $125 to Invest, come in and see what we have. 519 Lumber Exchange. LIVE little grocery, conf.. cigars, to bacco, with 3 living rooms: rent $14. Clear bill of sale for $276. 414 Lumber ijxchange ICE cream, bakery goods, lunches, etc. A splendid cash business for sale at a low price: Call room, 329 Morga nbl d g SMALL grocery stock, new and clean; good location; will sell business or Invoice. Tabor 4383. I WILL buy a stock of groceries for cash at a discount. Address TX-816, Journal. GENERAL radse.. in small, prosperous country town, no competition: will consider part trade. A-385. Journal. I'M doing a good business; must have partner to attend office; $150 one half interest. Call 414 Lumber Exch g. RESTAURANT, cost me $400;. am not used to business, so will sacrifice for $275. 414 Lumber Exchange. NEW stock hardware and groceries, $1500: srood rent: part trade. Phone Woodlawn 3913. CLEANING. pressing business, with io year ou lease, uoing away. journal GOOD blacksmith shop on main road. tools and stock, $500. 214 Panama Diag. HOUSE and lot, 100x100, to trade for grocery, about $1800. 414 Lumber Exchange. A GOOD opportunity for a live person with a little real money to get into the newspaper biz. A-382, Journal. .CUKfe-K, pool tables and corners for laoies. miliar d balls, cooking ontflt, cheap. Phone 281, Vancouver. Wash. I HAVE a srood grocerv for ! win show you that It is paying well. S- journal. WANTbl) Partner, well established yaini ana waiipaper store doing con tracting. For particulars. East 1940. IF YOU are looking for a nvl fectlonery and have $2800 cash, ln- twurhio mis. KA-SS3. Journal KEW and second hand furniture store! ; w... j . uiue. cneap rent, good location. Woodlawn 3219. FOR SALE--Good restaurant on ae- oi-Bicaness. Z48 Madison St. a. monthwnS' 00 investment " '"J -m-no. j-imiie jaarsnall 2595 RESTAURANT in Astoria, Or . $75 00 will handle. P. H. WeTchtnr iYJr VJ"j n outiit for rent, N- PY400.BITaiobrUT9? SOd locatiwn' EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 r Continued) wira AUTO TRADER. Wanted to trade farm in heart f Harney valley. Burns, Or.. ;for first clans auto; will consider auto, value as nigh as $1200 to $1600 on 160 acres or more. Call for Dr. Lehman, Sell wood 884. - 100x100 at Rockwood. Baseline Road, sell or trade. Woodlawn 8796. Is Continually Offered in These Columns BUSINESS OPPOKTUNITIES 20 (Continued) Read Thfs Do Ht Now Wanted 100 men to investigate this opportunity. We have a property in Mormon Basin 30 miles S. E. of Bak er, Or., comprising about 325 acres, lying between the Rainbow and Hum boldt mines. Both of these mines are producing "Now Today." The de velopment work on our property con sists of a crosscut tunnel which is now in over 400 ft. We have cut the Humboldt ledge and also the Rainbow ledge, on this level we have lso tt. of depth, and are at present drifting on the Rainbow ledge. We expect to encounter an ore chute with about 150 ft. more drifting, as the surface show ing at this point indicates a large ore lenz. , There are over 100 Portland people in this company already and your op portunity lies in Joining us and help ing to develop this property. , This is not a new district, but is a proven one. We are capitalized at only .o.ouu. The promoters have escrowed their stock till such time as the mine pays' at least 6 tier cent dividends, so we are not stock Jobbing. Come look this up. iNotning ventured, notning gainea. To hesitate Is to lose. Tbls Is your opportunity, take advantage of it. "Do it now." xes, we have a tnue sicy per mit to transact business. Full infor mation at CLEVELAND DEVELOPMENT CO.. 414 BUCHANAN BL13G.. 286M; WASHINGTON ST. ROOMING houses to trade for land. Grocery to trade for farm. Grocery stock to sell or trade, $3000. Confectionery. $25 per day; ' $560; terms. Grocery, S living rooms. $oo0; terms. Roller skating rink; cost $500; $250. Gas filling station; Invoice $600; $400. Picture show; weekly expense, $85; making now over $200 weekly; $4500; casn, oaiance easy; jnvesugate. Rooming house, furniture 84 rooms. all full; $4500. Trade for farm. several other things wmcn are mon ey-makers. TERMINAL INVESTMENT (JU, 519 Lumber Exchange. V Hotel Bargain Will'sell furniture and lease of only modern hotel in hustling city of cen tral Oregon, 40 rooms, stone, nreproor building; steam heat, electrio lights, hot and cold water in rooms, fine lobby dining room, etc, nicely furnished, at end of two railroads. Price $3500 cash, or will take small rooming house in part payment. Must live in lower alti tude. RX-246, Journah WANTED A man desirous of obtain ing a nosltion driving auto bus. ex perience not necessary, witn large company operating ouses tn ine ciiy. Man of good address, education and honesty essential requisites. Prefer ence will be given those who can in vest small amount of money on our firofit sharing plan and are willing to earn. Reply, giving last employer for reference, also amount of money you can invest. Salary and profits. B-648, Journal. Money Makes Money Interesting Information for invest ors of $100 and upwards. Money in vested in the "business of the hour," with best facilities for handling the public. Conservative management Immediate dividends within first year guaranteed. One of the best and safest investments of today, with large and permanent returns. Write H-4, Journal. DON'T pass this opportunity, investi gate. A little money- will start you in the "business of the hour." Ex perience not necessary. Wanted Man to operate and own his own bus; to those purchasing we will put in a po sition to secure contract paying ap proximately $15 a day. If you meaJi business let us show you. See Mr. Hayes, 694 Washington st. TRANSFER and storage business In valley town, also wood and coal, large barn, storage warehouse and coal bunkers, 11 horses, all kinds wagons, complete outfit, wood and coal on hand, $7000; trade for wheat or dairy farm. Neal Brown, 209 Panama bldg. WANTED- Reliable man to take in terest in established mercantile com pany, capable and efficient man more essential than the money; first class proposition with nation wide possi bilities. East 3990 GROCERY, conf., cigars and tobacco; swell place for delicatessen, apart ment house district: 3 living rooms, all furnished well. Price $550 cash. Will give some terms, if desired. 414 Lum ber Exchange, 2d and Stark sts. , Corner Cash Store, $1200 On one of best corners, big cash business. Rent $20; money maker. Can prove it. 502 Couch bldg. GENERAL mdse.- business for sale or trade; good location: stock and fix tures, about $9000. Best of reasons for selling. $22,000 business 1914. TX S07, Journal. STOCK of groceries, about $850 fix tures and delivery outfit, $200; ex tra fine location, 11 miles from Port land; postoffice in store more than pays rent. R-180. Journal. MILK route, have opening for steady man willing to drive delivery rig. Can make $90 month. Requires small investment. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. ' FOR SALE--Stnall general merchan dise store, farming community, 35 miles from Portland; good reasons for selling. Inquire of J. W. Gray & Co., Cove orchard, or. YOUNG man wanted to take interest in moving picture house. Owner has 2 others and wants a partner to take charge of one. Requires $350, in terest. 619 Lumber Exchange. RELIABLE .contracting firm wants partner to take charge of office. Party must be reliable and have $450 cash. Call 619 Lumber Exchange. WANTED Partner to" take half in terest in my business, to go to Fris co. $250 required; well secured; fine chance for right party. G-372, Journal. REAL grocery lusiness, about $3000. Will trade this for acreage. Must have a house on it. 414 Lumber Ex change. - GROCERY and meat market, a strict ly cash store for sale cheap. Has 6 living rooms; does a good cash trade Call room 829 Morgan bldg. PARTNER wanted In old-established office; can make $175 per month; easy work; H interest, $200, .secured. 519 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE OR TRADED Bakery and confectionery doing good business. Ij B.. 112, Castlerock. Wash. - 1 000 Business Cards $.85 Ryder Ptg. Co.. S. W. cor. 3d & Morrison FOR SALE or rent; moving Picture i theatre In Astoria. Or. Terms. Par- tlculars D. H, weicn. Astoria, Qr, MOVING picture show, good location; will trade. . What have you? Phone Tabor 1263. ' - :: - - " ' - MEAT market, good location, in con nection with grocery" store. Cheap rent. Tabor 682. -.- FOR SALE--Grocery and meat mar ket, cheap rent and living rooms. Phone Woodlawn 845. CIGAR store, will sell cheap and the sales are $40 to $50 day. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. A GOOD restaurant for sale at 93 N. Broadway. Owner. EXCHANGE REAIi ESTATE 24 COonttnned) " - 50 ACRES, all in cultivation, 1 mile of "Harrlsburg, Linn county, 5 room house, good dairy, barn 48x60, two good wells, all fenced and cross fenced, place is plowed and ready for crop; good family orchard and all kinds of small fruit; this is a No. 1 place; price $6500; will trade for city property, clear; will be in office Sunday. Carey's Realty Co., 203-4-5 LumberVExchange. Second and Stark. . BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ' Continued 618-19 Yeon Bldg 6h and Alder Sts. Picture show, th-jSed Valley town: made $2393 clear -iat year; has good lease, and invoices $2100. Price $2000. Attractive terms. C963. 1. Fully equipped factory, making big line ofr table necessities; owner thor oughly understands business, and wants partner to look after selling and accounting end; established 4 years, and opento full Investigation. C971 We -will trade for property an old established grocery on best East Side street; Invoices about $2500. Owner retiring. Act quick on this. C942 Kosher grocery. In good South Port land location; established 3 years, and does a large business; rent only $25. Will sacrifice for $760. , C958 We have a dandy buy in country town confectionery. Price cut to $1250 for quick sale. , C943 SEE OUR BIG FREE LIST. WANTED I have an option on one of the best automobile agencies in Portland that controls the best line of trucks and pleasure cars on the mar ket. Would bonslder partner with capital to handle this. Leave your communication at Oregonian office. The company will bear the closest investigation. A-3 79. Journal. SNAP! ! ! First class tailoring establishment; has also the altering work of three large stores, is clearing now over $100 a montn and can be doubled; can be bought for about the cost qf fixtures as present owner is not able to run it. Inquire 612 Gerllnger bldg. Grocery Store and Apts. Grocery and confectioners', 12 rooms, apts., nicely furnished, that will pay all expenses beside giving good home and leaves the profits of store clear. Price $700. Snap. 502 Couch bldg. TO INVESTORS. Work has commenced on interstate bridge. I will sell my 100x100, 2 blks. from approach, 39 room hotel on the ground, steam heat, new furniture. $30,600 takes it, as I am forced to sell It. 316 Wash, st., Vancouver. Wash. PAYING butcher shop In valley town without competition. Includes deed to 60x100 lot-, with 18x36 building; rented acres. 2 horses, harness, 2 wagons, tools, etc.; all only $550, $350 cash; rare chance; see Citizens Agency, 170 2d st. - 26 ROOMS OF GOOD FURNITURE In brick building, steam heat, walk ing distance; less than half what It sold for 3 years ago. All or part cash; o? trade for stock- of groceries, notions, hardware, furniture; or what have you? Q-171, Journal. Store for Trade Value $1000; confectionery, cigars, etc. Will exchange for small clear house or lot game value, 602 Couch bldg. WE HAVE a number of choice money making propositions, both large and small, in groceries, restaurants and delicatessens. 414 Lumber Exchange. ASSUClATliU IN V-fcjisTM.fc.NT CO., Established 25 Years. TO BUY OR SELL A BUSINESS OF ANY KIND ANYWHERE SEE Business Chance Department SECURITY DEVELOPMENT CO, Ground floor Multnomah Hotel, - Cor. of 4th and Pine sts. FOR SALE The best restaurant In Vancouver, Wash., close to- new In terstate bridge; price $500, rent $10 per month. 307 Washington it, Van couver. Wash. DON'T FOOL AWAY YOUR TIME. $300 safely Invested in practical ex clusive manufacturing business, will Vay iuv monini tily steady increase; par 408, Gerllnger Bldg. ticuiars room WANTED A partner with $3000 cash to Invest in one of the best profit Da vi n CT rtn11 hualnoaa in might consider half in real estate; no aspiim. journal. I HAVE for sale a good butter, egg and buttermilk route; will consider any good offer. I have a store and cannot care for both. 405 S. Jersey St., St. John. Or. DRUG store, fitted with shelving and wall cases, adjoining stores and doc tors' offices doing good business; ex cellent location; ice cream center; cheap rent. Tabor 682. 500 BSS3 59c Rose City Prlntery, 8d at Taylor. FOR SALE Business property, also stock of groceries -at a bargain. Owner, 310 West 8th st.. Vancouver. Wash. ..- - IDEAL location for light grocery and delicatessen near Grand ave. and E. Morrison St., with lining room; rent reasonable; phone East 1706. FOR SALE Good going business for $150, complete. Call Saturday or Sunday p. m. Newman, 288 Weidler st. East 786. GARAGE $225; must go at once; best outlying location In the city; 82nd and E. Stark st.. Montavilla; reason for WANTED, first-class dressmaker, take charge of good business established nearly 7 years; some cash. Z-ll, Journal. MY equity, $1250 in 6 room modern house, to trade for grocery, oonfec tlonery or lots., 395 Brazee st. HALF interest in $2000 electric fix ture and wiring business for $700; will invoice. Call 395 Brazee. BICYCLE repair business for sale cheap. L-670, Journal. t BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 68 QUICK LOAN SERVICE . $20,000 CASH READY. $1000 TO $3000 ON FIRST MORT GAGE AT 8. WILL BUY FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES OR CON TRACTS. WILL LOAN MONEY TO ASSIST IN BUSINESS ENTERPRIES. WILL LOAN UPON (OR BUY) LIFE 1NURANCE POLICIES, EQUITIES IN ESTATES. ETC, UPON LIBERAL TERMS. - IT WILL PAY YOU TO LOOK US UP. PATTERSON" & BURKETT, 209 SELLING BLDG. FOR TRADE BY OWNER7 Mr $2000 equity in modern 6 room house and lot with, bearing fruit trees, A block from car, to. trade for stock of groceries. Balance $500 easy terms. B642, Journal. WANTED-AA grocery store that will stand investigation; about a $1600 stock. I havp got a good first mort gage note, balance cash. Z-l, Journal. WANTED To buy or lease with pur chase option, good newspaper in Ore gon or Washington. L-ti62, Journal. PORTLAND lots for confectionery stock and fixtures, or grocery. K 894. Journal. WANTED A good business; wlli pay up to tttunp casn. vf-aca, journal. HOUSE and lot to trade for good ro eery. U-823, Journal. EXCHANGE REAIi ESTATE 24 C Continued) Trade for This 55 Acres of Good Land 3 Miles Out Just 3 miles east of Montavilla we have a splendid piece of land, the owner of which is very-anxious to trade. There are 5a acres, about 8 acres in cultiva tion; all good land, and lies well; some buildings and good welL You can buy no land in th im mediate vicinity of this tract for less than $600 per acre; but for the next few days the owner will sell this splendid close-in 65 acre tract for only $250 per acre, and will take $6760 in trade of any clear property worth the money, city property, or otherwise. Will give 4 years at 6 per cent on the balance. This tract is right in line for rapid advancement, for all roads out that way will be paved the coming summer, and this tract is close in. Get busy and trade for this tract. You will never re gret it. Hargrove & Sons 122 N. 6th St, near Gllsan. Main 4381. A-7259. Clear Properties and Cash for a farm in Clarke coun ty, Washington, or in Ore gon, reasonably close to Portland and transporta tion. Price not to exceed $5500 and will take 25 to 80 acres, according to loca f' tion and conditions. Must be good and have improve ments. Some stock pre ferred. Will put in house at $3300 and one at $1400, both clear, and pay cash difference or assume. See Mr. Parker Fred A. Jacobs Co. 269 Washington street. SO Acres for Trade Near Oregon City SO acres. 60 acres In cultiva tion, balance njee timber: good soil: good stream of water; good 5 room house, barn 60x50, lots of outbuildings; good bear ing orchard. Price, with con siderable personal property, only $8000. Will trade even up for food Improved property. Farm ree of Incumbrance. Hargrove & Sons 122 N. 6th st.. Near Glisan. Main 4381. A-7259. 640. ACRE alfalfa ranch, over 400 un der irrigation, main' irrigation canal crosses place, lot of fine buildings, price $60,000, and everything clear of mtg. Consider valley or Portland property to $50,000, bal. to suit. Large fine hotel and contents.- 86 rooms. In one of the best towns in Oregon. Price $48,000, consider wheat or stock ranch to-even amount. Wheat and stock farm, over 2700 acres, 1000 in wheat, all goes with sale, fine buildings, large amount stock and implements, water piped to house and barn, some ' can' be irrigated, price $76,000. Consider other good property to $40,000, bal. best of terms. 1624 acre wheat farm, 800 In wheat, share goes with place, fine well, good buildings, nearly all cult. Price $45, 000. Consider other good property to $30,000. Remainder crop payments if desired. L. K. Moore, 317 Board of Trade bldg. Exchange Have a 1000-acre wheat farm; 400 acres in fall wheat now, more being sown this spring; all un der first - class irrigation system. Price $12o per acre. Will take apartment house or income. Mr. Peterson Fred A. Jacobs Co. 269 Washington street. For Sale or Exchange LEASE AND FURNITURE 60 room family hotel, close In west side, modern, dining room, etc., rooms all full; a money maker; good reasons for selling; will accept clear improved or vacant property in Portland and small amount in cash. Dorr E. Keasey & Co. 2d floor Chamber of Commerce. Trades, Swaps, Exchanges Anything, anywhere. If others fall try us. W'e get satisfying results. Nice 4 - room house, clear, value $1500, for good rooming house. 4 room bungalow, town near Port land, for lot. Value $1200. 50x90, 44th and Alder, for house and Jtt. 19 rooms good furn., for lot. Hoyt-Quigley Co.. 20 Rothchild bldg. WANT FARM NEAR COAST. Have $1000 cash and 6 room house, good locality, no mortgage. Price $3000. Exchange for 20 acres or more, "with house and some Improved land, near any coast town. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. WHEAT FARM FOR CLOSEIN FARM. 480 A. In Sherman Co., 320 A. in cult, 220 in full wheat. New bungalow and barn, horses and machinery. Good wa ter. 5 miles to railroad. Price $14,500, clear of incumbrance. Want 40 A. or more close to Portland. J. B. Ruley Co., 928 Cham, of Com. Acreage Wanted Clear property at Woodmere; house, 3 lots: equipped for chicken ranch; $3000 In exchange. COLUMBIA REALTY INV. CO, 617 Board of Trade Bldg, 80 ACRES, partly improved; house, etc.; especially adapted for poultry raising, well located; value $4000, clear of incumbrances; want to ex change for small suburban home. Must be free from debt. Owners only. X 203, Journal. 10 ACRES NEAR GARDEN HOME. Facing county road; lies fine; nearly all under cultivation. Price $5000; equity $2600. Want lot or -residence near Sellwpod carbarn. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. PASADENA bungalow for Portland 5 room bungalow, lot 50x185. all kinds fruit. Cash price $3500. Want East Side bungalow, Sunnyside or Haw thorne preferred. B. 8. Cook, 605 Cor bett Bldg. $500 EQUITY modern house. 100x100, - and some cash to exchange piano, pianola. Victrola. or hlglk class furni ture. Marshall 1363. . FINE Improved farm m Minnesota, .adjoining town site, consider acreage or resilience as part payment, bal. easy. Owner. A-384, Journal. $500 EQUITY modern houne, 100x100, and some cash to exchange "piano, pianola,' Victrola, or high class furni ture. Marshall 1363. WANTED Jo trade two house for farm land. R-29, Journal. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 (Continued) : 1280 ACRES, Adams Co., Washington; all under cultivation: $00 acres in crop, balance to summer fallow or spring crop;' good buildings, good wa ter. ViH consider good Portland in come. . . . -,. - 1000 acres, about half In crop, well watered, set cheap buildings, family orchard, some good alfalfa land. East ern Oregon. - Will taka good Valley ranch or city income. v 200 acre Tillamook County dairy and stock ranch, with lots of fine outrange. The easiest place on earth to make monejK Will take Portland houses and lota or Valley acreage, if improved. 16 acres, 10 miles out of Portland, on fine road, best of soil, for Portland home. - Good eastern property, clear of in cumbrance, for Oregon or Washington property. 6 room ottage on choice lot. all Im provements in and paid for; some bear ing fruit, good neighborhood, for acre age with-some Improvements. Chittenden & Neill 310 Oak Street. ' For Trade Dairy Farm at Salem Here Is a splendid 45 acre, dairy ranch Just 2 miles out of Salem; fully equipped and good milk route. The land is excep tionally rich, being dark, rich bottom, 30 acres in cultivation; splendid 5 room house, fine dairy barn and good outbuild ings; good bearing orchard; ' place well watered. Personal property: 12 Jersey cows, 1 Jer sey bull, some heifers and calves, 3 horses, 2 wagons, all farm Implements, cream sepa rator and full dairy equipment. Price $8500; will take $25O0 In trade; milk route clearing $125 per month. . Hargrove & Sons 122 N. 6th st. Near Glisan. Main 4881. A-7259, WILL WHEAT REACH $2? Some bargains worth your while to investigate: . 1224 acres, Gilliam county, 1200 acres have been cultivated. $17.60. 2600 acres, Gilliam county, 1000 wheat, fully stocked and equipped, $27.50. 320 acres, Gilliam county, 250 acres in cultivation, $17.00. 640 acres, Gilliam county, 200 acres wheat. $12.60. 1428 acres. Gilliam county, 1000 acres wheat, well improved, $22.50'. 3280 acres, Gilliam county, 1600 in cultivation, fully stocked and equipped and a good buy. $15.00. 480 acres. 300 In cultivation. Im proved. $15.00. 680 acres.' Morrow county, 300 acres wheat. $20.00. AIL the above ranches are well lo cated, good water, best of soli and worth the money, Will onsider Port land income on part of them. &.-S. COOK & CO, 605 Corbett bldg. Main 953. , Here's Some Good Trades 20 acres near Portland, clear, want store, rooming house or house equity. 6 acres, townsite property. Coos Bay. $60Q Want store or rooming house. 2 Tots, Vancouver electric, and som cash for store or auto. 40 rooms, apts, for small house and lot or farml 10- acres with house and orchard. White Salmon, for rooming house. Grocery tore, invoices $2600. Want $1000 casfr- and real estate. Confectionary and cigar store, value $1000. Want small house and lot. Improved Columbia river1 farm of 68 acres for house and lot.- $4000. 410 acre wheat farm near Walla Walla for Portland real estate. We can match any legitimate trade. Honest dealing and quick results. Goddard. 502 Couch bldg. FOR EXCHANGE California land. $50,000 to $100,000 worth of very choice level San Joaquin valley land. Located midway between San Francis co and Los Angeles. Must get $8000 cash in this exchange or property upon which that amount can immediately be secured; will assume up to a third of value on income property. Submit full particulars of what you have to of fer. Address owner, 904 Oakland ave, Pasadena, Cal TWO GOOD PROPERTIES. 1. Close in, 6 room and good lot,.Al bina. 2. Close in, 9 rooms and large cor ner, Sunnyside. Both in good condition; value $8j00. What have you to .trade? 303 Stock Exchange Bldg. Mar. 2832. GOING WHEAT RANCHES. THE BEST SELECTIONS FROM BEST DISTRICTS, EASTERN ORE GON AND WASHINGTON. Values from $25,000 to $173,000 to trade for citv income or valley ranches. ' U. S. MORTGAGE & INV. CO. 606-607 Yeon Bldg. . 6 ACRES choice level land, 20 miles Portland, mostly cultivated, young orchard, well fenced, chicken house, 2 room shack, half mile Boring station. Easy terms or exchange. $2000. I want farm $30,000. $50.0u0 In exchange for city Income property. Thomassen, 402 3rd. m ifPKa pnn RTTvrar.ftw 10 acres at Beaverton, partially im proved, all splendid soil . and very sightly, to exchange for a bungalow. Prefer Rose Citv Park or Hawthorne. U..-S. MORTGAGE & INV. CO, 606-601 Yeon iqg. . Wanted Income Equity' 'Exchange CLEAR property. Ashland, Oregon, up to $8800. COLUMBIA REALTY INV. CO, . t I 1 tt .... TJ 1 rl rr Pi.1 rt'jni o ui uwo v. . MODERN 6 room bungalow on good lot. Close-in, to exchange for lOOx 100 ft. ' vacant north Union ave. dis trict. NEILAN & PARKHILL. 303 Stock Exchange Bldg. WHEAT AND HOG RANCH. 480 acres in western Klickitat coun ty, fully stocked and 'equipped to trade for Portland property. Value $28,000. U. S. MORTGAGE & INV. CO, 66-607 Yeon blag, WILL trade for unimproved or partly Improved, my suburban hame vith 7 acres in high state of cultivation, new bungalow and bam. cows, chickens, implements and tools; 11 cent fare from Portland. R-50. Journal. WANT good farm or city property for 6 acres fronting on river road at Courtney station. New bungalow on place. Will trade clear for clear or equal on mortgages. Consider value up to $15,000. U-824, Journal. WILL exchange $400 equity in 5 acres of fine commercial orchard for piano, high grade Victrola or equity In good lot. Balance of $1100. payable $15 .monthly. Phone Sellwood 38. rHATR FOR SMALL RANCH. On electric line. 10c fare single trip, improved and fixed for chickens. Want small city property. N. M. Apple. 823 Henry bldg. . ' 5 ACRES in fruit; buildings, just outside elty on Bar road. Value $5900. Trade , for Portland property. U. S. MORTGAGE & INV. CO, - 606-607 Yeon bldg. IN Douglass county. 80 acres of good land, value $3200. exchange for Port land property. Will take 5-pass. auto in on trade. .What have you? 0-321, Journal. NINE room house on two acres in Walla Walla to exchange for land In Oregon, or Washington near Van couver, u-siiz. Journal. $360 EQUITY in $700 Rose City Park lot, $200 cash, or trade' for good piano. J. A. Smith. 288 E. 61 N. Ta- uor is it. FINE acreage home with 7 room, good house, in Beaverton. Value $X500. Mtg. $1500. Want about enme In Port la nilhorne:T8101jrou GOOD 6 room house, cm 50x100 lot. lo . cated on East 1 6th, near Division, to trade for auto. Mar. 1319, 160 ACRES wheat land for city prop erty. Give phone. Y-260, Journal. EXCHANGE REAIi ESTATE 24 COon tinned) FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 5 acres under high state of cultiva tion, good house and barn, good auto road, all rural advantages. Will trade for good unimproved, property, city or country. m 6 acres, ' high state cultivation, paved road. 6 room, house, all neces sary outbuildings, rout stream, fam ily orchard, close to Vancouver. Will take city property. : 13 acres, all under high state culti vation, 2 4 miles froruf c Vancouver; good auto, road. Fruit valley district: worth $350 per acre.- Will sell on easy terms for a short .time for $32uo, 101 acres. 45 cult, 16 acres slashed and seeded, lays level, fenced and cross fenced, family orchard; pood house and barn; living water; easy terms or will consider Portland or Vancouver property. . Personal prop erty consists of 16 cows. v3 calves. 18 head hogs, tram 'im.i u rA horn.,.. I 1, ,1 . m , -.0v.. .. nut .J.C30, rll kinds of farm machinery, 200 acres, 70 acres under "cult.." 40 acres more easily cleared; 300 cord fir wood; fine spring; 7 room house, large barn; good location; 4 cows, team, wagon, harness and farm imple ments. Will consider Portland .or V ancouver property or wheat land. . . THOMPSON & SWAN. Phone 107. 612 Main st.. Van couver. TO TRAhK .160,,acres m Klickitat county, Wash, 12 miles west of Goldendale, all roll ings land, 30 acres under cultivation, 5 acres in commercial apples; peaches bear this year, good 6 room bungalow with stone- basement, good barn and good spring water, can irrigate 20 acres; nice creek with a 50 ft. water fall; good trout stream; dandy for stock ranch; will trade for stock of goods or groceries; cash price of $2600; will, be in office Sunday. Carey' t Realty Co, 203-4-6 Lumber Exchange, Second and Stark. . ACRE, good house, close In, mod ern and electricity, $3500, for prop erty in Alblna. East 4447. Monday. WANTED 7?EAIj ESTATE 31 . WANTED FOR EXCHANGES.. Houses and lots, farms, acreage, city lots, timber lands, rooming houses, business opportunities, etc. If you have any property anywhere, that you want to sell or trade, for quick re sults SKE GAGE. 186 WEST PARK ST. WANTED Portland lot in trade for HOUSES WANTED. We have several clients who will exchange clear property for moderate priced houses and assume. Might pay soma cash if price is attractive. U. S. MORTGAGE & INV. CO, 606-607 Yeon bldg. ' Wanted, Farm Up to $1500 $20 acre, good wheat land; CLEAR; part payment. COLUMBIA REALTY INV. CO., 617 Board of Trade building. WANTED 5 to 10 acre tracts ' near the city. We have cash buyer. Also clear city property to exchange. AYRKS-SMITIl CO, -601 Northwest bldg. Main 7266. WANT small house and lot. also va cant lots in St. Johns. Give details with price and terms. Clients waiting, to buy. Cochrun, 606 Spalding bldg. Main 3897. WILL pay cash for best bargain to be had in 40 acres or more of Oregon or Washington land, improved or unim proved. . State details and legal de scription. W-819, Journal, . Mtg. at 7co on 80 acres, Douglas county, Oregon. Mtg. 1 4or $1000. Value of land $2500. --. SEE GAGE, 186 WEST PARK ST. WANT apartment house site for clear high class, well Improved small ranch, close in. N.'M. Apple, 323 Hen ry bldg. WANTED, a 6 room strictly modern house not to exceed $2500. Have good lot to trade in as part payment, from owners only. N-8Z8, journal WANTED -Small modern bungalow. near St". Johns or Kenton carllne. Must be cheap. Some cash, balance m on tbly. C-2879. WANTED House, not to exceed, $2000, first payment equity in good lot. Sellwood Z021. - -. wanted 5 or. 6 room house, from owner; give phone number. J-S28, journal. HAVE buyers for small Improved acre age; must do rigni price na suinii first payment W-824, Joifrnal. I WANT the best house and lot that $1500 will buy; give location. W-815, Journal WANT good second "mortgage bulld ing lots. . Hale customers waiting. O-408. -journal PARTY with good real estate to take interest in merchandise business. 427 Pittock block. $1000 SECOND mortgage to exchange for lot; 2 years at 7 per cent. O 613, Journal. ; ' - - RELIABLE- party would like to buy East Side home; nothing down and good monthly payments. R-46, Journa I. WANTED Suburban acreage, $2500 to $5000, for city residence. 720 Northwestern Bank rllg. HAVE clear lots in Astoria to give . as part payment on house in good district. P-310, Journal. WANT to buy a lot in good district. low value, east frontage. Marshall 3469. ' - WANTED Two buildlnn lots close to carl I n e: give phone. F-469, Journal. WANTED 6 or 10 acres, close to car; glve.phone. K-4Z6, journal WANTED 60 or more acres, improved or unimproved. P-818. Journal. MONEY TO JXAN 27 IlEAL ESTATK WE have money to loan on your real estate; first mortgages oply-." HAMMOND MORTGAGE UOMPANY. 423 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE loans . at curreay' rates. Real estate security., Apply roomOi S toe k Exchange, 3d and YarnhilL CASH paid for mortgages, notes, con tracts; mortgage loans; reasonable rates, r . n. ewig g vo, j oiu. $1300 first mortgage security at 8, farm security & to 10. H-288. Journal. I WILL lend any part of $20,000 on improved property at 7 per cent. 'No agents, a-biz, -ourimi. WILL loan few thousand dollars on un incumbered city property; no agents. Woodlawn -83. $100,000 on mortgages, elty and farm property, fire insurance. McKenzie St CO.! terllnger oing., ta inq imr. LARGE and small loans on improved roruana reany w iv invu. ju- Depostt & Trust Co, Uak. WANT a number of small loans. $100 and up. Smith-Wagoner Co, Stock Kxcnange. $500 Real estate. . Smith-Wagoner Co, Stock Exchange. $100 $250, $300 and up on real estate. isoia ,rteany v o., -t nimr $40,000 OR LESS. FARRINGT'ON. hn. 4th frl. poh ni iiw.-w -..,. MONEY to loan 6 to 8 per cent. W, H. Seits & lQ; 310 Spalding bldg. $500-$S0o-$l0u-$1200; no commission. wara. jiry q"-"h $600 to $500 to loan on sltv or farm propery. t -. MONEY to loan at 7 per cent. U D L.UC1I1. 44 x- l " " $To-JO to loan on city property; George Anderson. 1415 N. W. Bank bldg. LOAN'S $50 up. Write details for con- t. DA 4i -1 ,4 A. IV. re i v-dXt, jfiy iicnry mug, $1000 AT 1; $2000 at 796" w --- s-n .. 1 r jJ- VAMB Oregonian bldg. M. 108. WILL 'loan $3000 on Union a, busl ness property. V-644. Journal. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and 7" per cent. Louis Solomon & Co.. 22'JJjtark st. $200 $360, $t00. $900. $1200. $1800. Fred W. German Co, 914 Cham, of Com. 27 (Continue.) HAVE you secured that loan, on youi and no red tape? Then see me! i will either make you a loan quickly or ad vise you that I canrjot handle it. Main 6974. Wm. G. Seckendorf, 315-16 Stoc Exchange. . LOANS on improved city property or for building purposes; advance made as building, progresses; liberal repay. ....... v .'....'v t vF-v.,i,a. j. . . J pscomb, 242 Stark st. Main 4420. rmVATK llAiND TO LOA.N, $8000 at T.'o $5000 at 7' p 8000 at 7 S500 at 7' 700 at K'M 300 at h'o M'KENZl E & CO, 515 Oerlinser bid Mortgage Loans I. L. WHITE. 701 Sellinc bldg. BUILDING LOANS on rit v mt uiir.ur- j ban property; money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 315 Fail Ing bldg. Main 3407. MORTGAGE loans. ity and sub urban; lowest ratex; mortut:e and contracts bought. Cowllshaw, 607 Commercial block. Main 6120. MONEY to loan in amounts of $100 10 ibuuo on clt 01 Qerlinger b to $5000 on city property. A. II. Bell, log. $ouo TO. loan. A. J. Farmer, 407 Stock Exchange. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. SALARIES 07 ' IMMEDIATE LOANS ON DIAA10NU"S AND JEVVELRt AT EASTEitN RATES. We have one of e fluent retail Jewelry stores in the city. A loan de partment, is conducted in coiimc t lull with same, niakiiiK business STRICT LY CONFIDENTIAL. Absolutely no signs designating loan business dis played in front of our store. All-merchandise pledged Is' held for a period of seven months, whether or not in terest is paid whew due. We art 11. censed and have becti established since li9. No connection with ny other loan establishment in this city. A. & M. DKLOVAUIO, J KVVELEKS, 324 Washington st. Notice New Address LOANS IN SIX HOI: US' TIME. At Legal Rates . We loan money on diamond,' piunoK, livestock, storage receipts, plain notes or furniture. Portland Loan Co. Licensed by State. -311 1 X'kuui Bldg, 3rd and WashinKlon. Mar. S286. A.2S97. SALARY LOANS ON I'l.AIN NoTE ,-ABSOJUTKLY NO SECURITY. Business Strictly Confidential. "'. SXAXJJ SKOIMUTY COMPANY. LICENSED. ' 309 FAILING iiLDO. MONEY AT ONCE. ' Diamonds. Watches. Musical Instrum'ts Separate dept. tor ladies. ELBY CO. (Licensed.) 320 Lumber Ex. bldg., 2d and Ptnrk. SMALL amount of money to lou short time; no com mission. liatliehl, 165 Mi th st. WHEN you answer lliebo Want Ada, mention The Journal. LOANS on diamonds. Jewelry, Btrlctly confidential. 331 Morrison t. MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry. 8i. w. rung, f w uNnliiKtoii bldg 1XJANS WANTED HO WANTED ON A-l HlOt.'l ' HIT Y. $10,00 Ht ',,, valuu $5,000 4.000 Ut hr ', vii I in; $12,010 2,000 at ', Viilue 5, out) 1,600 lit H, Vu'liiR ' ,( M) 1,000 nt ,-;, valuu y,'lii, 600 at- '. value -$500 at 10 a year, value $oii0. M'KENZl B & CO., 5l.WierliitKfr uldg. $25,000 WORTH ot unincumbered property in Coos Bay, want Uo day loan of $6oliO or will, acrept kiii!1 loans in multiple i8 foo; will puy 10 per cent and liher:l bonus; will Hand 'strictest invent Ipti tion. y7 Spalding bldg. Marshall 1 3 ."t . ' I HAVE 1-0 lots uoxIOd 8:11 In Coos Bay, valued-at $24,000. Want 0 Oay loan of $6000; will r'Y if ( wnl a liberal bonus. Property will stand strictest Investigation. Cull bu7 Bpuld- Ing bldg. . $400 $400 8 - $400 h'o Nice lot, 60x110, 4 room. cott;iKH, small barn, ' chicken house. V'ulutj $1100. Fred W. German Co,- 114 Chamber of ComTner'e. $400 9 - $00 9',(, $4 00 !', Four room plasten d cottage, a ni lot CoxJOO; tiwucr'H value $1 too. f- i i l W. German Co, tM Cham, of.' '0111. LOAN WANTED. $12,5,00 on $l'.,oo0 r.-iilty; $2i.'t' $8000 "realty. He owiif-r, tZ0 Nott'i- wewtern Bnkbldg. WANT to "loan JO. 000 "to" "$15,000 In come prcperty; private party.. K-4. Journal. 1 WANT $4500 at once on west si'le brick building. Will pay ,re. O l3, Journal. $1650, 85i wanted. Security close-in income property. Value $1000. A. 1C. HILL, 419 Henry l:llg. WANTED $4000 loan secured by lt mortgage on fine improved farm. R- 40, Journal. WANTED from private- party Ji;600 ,11 farm; flrfct mortKage security. X.K- 43, Journal; 1UC1I gold quart, mine developing; need $15,000. Chip in; Investigate. Y 415, Journal. $1600 to $3000. H per ent, to improve $15,000 worth KUbuib-n property. Owner. East j13 , $1000 wanted from private party, for modern bungalow. No brokers. N- 402jlournal. ' t . $727 first mortgage; ti'i'iHt have -h(i; will sell for i00; 609 Rothchild bldg. corner 4th and WashlnKton. - $1000 to $20Q0ou hand to loan. 1"',. Prompt service. Fair treatment. A. K. HILU 419 llenry Hldg. $850, 8'c, 1st iiitg, bunnalow; good - curiiy. joot-mhi WANTED $800 on business lotw. Phone -Tsnor zvia. WANTED -$1000 on first inorl Kse ; no broker. i;nt sJii LIBERAL building loans on attr vtctl v terms. E. A. Cm-tin. 267 (. Onk ft.. LOAN wanted on Gleneyrie lot, 27th, near Stanton. .tomiiai. WILL feme one loan " ldy ,'' ou 100x1 ftO 7 Wood U w n 2 796. FINANCIAL .51 OUR MKTJIOO OK ASSISTING YOU FINANCIALLY , 13 UNSURPASSED. WrE WILL LOAN YOU MONEY TO BE REPAID ON MONTHLY BASI.4 IH YOU NEED, AND WILL TAKE A LIFE INSURANCE I'OLM'Y THROUGH VH IN A FIRST CLAMS OLD LINK COMPANY. AND THE KIRST YEAR'S PREMIUM IH PAID BY I S WE CHARGE ONLY 7 PER CENT PER ANN I'M. B. c P. HECI'RITTF.S CO. 209 HELLING BLDG. Money Makes Money . - Interesting information -for invent ors of $10o and upwards. Money In vested in the "tjuHliimii or the hour, with best facilltl-M for handling tii. foiblic. Conservative management.! mmediate dividends within Hint y;ir( niamntfod. On of the bent and MHfent investments of today, 'with lari;. and permanent returns. write ii--t, Journal. ' . MONEY FOR QUICK LOANS. $100 OR MORE PRIVATE AND ES TATE MONEY. NO DELAYS. ANY APPROVED SECURITY. WILL BUY fOR LOAN UPON. MORTGAGES, REAL ESTATE OH OTHER) CON TRACTS. LIFE INSURANCE POLI CIES. ETC". ADDRESS BURKETT A PATTERSON". 200 SELLING BLDG. FIRST and second mortgages, also el lers' interest In contracts purchased. Oregon and Washington. H. E. Noble. Lumbermens bldg. (Cotnued,oa Nxt Vnf) MONEY TO LOAN KKAIj ESTATE