mi- .'V THE OREGON "DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 27 1915. NEW GRAIN WeS INCREASES ACTIVITY ALONG WATERFRONT Balfour, Guthrie' &CoV Fix British Bark, According to .Advices Receivld Here. OTHER RUMORS AFLOAT CarlatiaB Bora on Way to tlx Coast f ' MOW WW asiua iiuiiu Offering. Activities fn tho grain charter mar ket were reported today which may lead to the further argumentation of the grain fleet bound in this direction. One charter , was reported while sales f .grain in both Australia and the United Kingdom point towards further fixtures. Balfour, Guthrie A Co. have char tered the British bark Invereak ac cording to advices received here today. She was under fixture. 'to G. V. Mo Near for. barley at a S6c 3d rate, but according to -the report received was fixed at a much higher rate for United .Kingdom delivery of wheat from Port- land.- -; it has not been determined Whether she will low north or sail. , Iumors of other charters continue! on the waterfront, the Norwegian steamer Christian Bora being the most talked of offering. She is approaching the coast and as an immediate fixture - if a most tempting offer. The 70 sbill- .ing rate xor which ner owners are holding out baa no'far been too heavy for all the local exporters, however. ANXIETY FELT FOB CRAFT Steamship O. M. Clark Is Week Overdue. (United I 're si Leased Wire.) . : San iranciaco, Cai-, March 27. Fears were expressed today for the safety of the steamship O. M. Clark, which sailed from Ililo, Hawaiian islands, 15 days ago for San Diego and has not been heard from, -rihe should have reached the southern port a week. ago. The Clark has no wireless. Cap tain J. K. Higgins, brother of the owner, is in command,,- with one mate and 13 hands. The steamer O. M. Clark sailed from .Portland for Honolulu with lumber February 14 via San Francisco. She sailed from San Kranciseo February J9, arriving at Honolulu, March 2, a Journey of It days. She has a cargo of canned goods in her hold for Allen & Lewis' f Portland.' Y As she should be slightly higher out of the water ' than on her last - trip. It is believed here that she may-have met with head winds which held her back. JAPANESE CRUISE It DEPARTS Vessel Had ; Slipped in With Lights Out. Monterey. Cai.. March 27. Tho Japanese- cruiser Chitosa, which .slipped into, port here last night with all lights, out, left the harbor 'before dawn today And is now- outside the three mile limit." Although a revenue cutter was or dered here from Safl Francisco to Bee that the neutrality laws were ob served, it is not believed any. inter ference by " the cutter's officers will now "be necessary. The Chitosa, did not rem&in in the harbor the 24 hours to Which, she is entitled. The Chitosa. is 'convoying bargts from San Francisco to .Turtle bay. and will remain outside the harbor until repairs needed by the . barges are aompieted. . WORK ON SUBMARINES HALTS President Stops Vompany Building Ships for England. . faulted lrcs Leamfl Wire. San Francisco. Cai.. March 27. The frames Of six proposed submarines. generally believed to have been des tined for England, are standing today in the yards of the Union Iron Works, good only for scrap and hardly- saleable even for that. The action of President Wilson. In ordering discontinuance of their construction when it was learned that they were intended for belfieer- nts. has cost the local works between J80.000 and $100,000. The company undertook to build the submarines on a': basis of collecting only when, the boats were completed and read for BlllfUICUL All BWUVIia, ' STEAMER WASHINGTON READX To Return on Her Run Monday -Evening. After an absence of three months. during which time she has been com pletely overhauled, had " new boilers installed and painted, the steamer fetate or Washington will return to the middle river run between Portland and The Dalles, Monday evening. She will make one two - day trip and on Wed nesday evening commence on a sched ule calling for a round trip each 24 hours. - The steamer J. N. Teal will tie up nere ana oe overnauiea. The In creased service of the-State is needed through the starting of the steamer Inland Empire on the -upper river run from Celilo to Kennewick. ALL ALONG THE WATERFRONT On the Arrow Line steamer Daisy Putnam is to go to San Francisco the largest single shipment of box shooks ever sent from here. She has beneath' decks 350,000 of the shooks. while her deck load is composed of long timbers. . The gas schooner Tillamook is to sail tonight for Florence and Bandon with a full cargo of general freight. The gas schooner Roamer is in port I FOR' X7?llin0S et Rub Omega Oil gently over the place that hurts. Then soak a piece of nan, with the Oil, lay it on the painful tart and cover with a piece of dry arm el. This simple treatment usually gives quick relief. Trial bottle ioc ; fok the first tiijie in over a yeaf "with a ifull cargo of empty barrels from CcjOs Bay and WJold Beach. She will load , at general (cargo back, v Heavy weatHery which resulted In heM losing her anchor and some chain, was encountered by the gas schooner Mlifene, Captaii Casaday. outside of Waldport- Hhef Is to sail again to night for Newport Waldport and To- le1? Wltb a fuW car- Wringing United States Inspectors Edwards and fuller from ' Coos Bay. th steamer Gepge W, Elder made a rejrd run' f roip that port, reaching her! dock here ES hours after casting oitjat coos Ba; On the steamer Saginaw, which ar rived In last slight from San Fran ciaCo with. Aniow Line freight, was a hjart cargo W American-Hawaiian gopds trans-ship at San Francisco. t"he Astoria pipeline of the dredger CojumMa, f ullyli repaired, will be laid again Tuesday morning at low water, weiather permitting. , . -v ith a full cjiirgo of lumber for the it, the Japanese steamer Asumasan Maru will be brought out of West PoH slough andi started on her way atlhoon tomorrow. The Russian bark Pampa will fin ish; loading her European wheat at the North Bank dock this afternoon. She was shifted from the Globe mills dock at jjnoon. !'...- fargO-taking ijy the Norwegian ship Mdjjanka was .finished last night and sh4 will sail at noon Tuesday for As toria. - ' . "the American; ship Levi G. Burgess, wriljcb. was Drought up from her win- teil quarters at Goble yesterday, is taking coal, the first of her Alaskan cargo, this afternoon. Robert Warrkck. United States lighthouse inspector, received " word .this morning that the wireless appa ratus for the tender Manzanita would be shipped from Washington April 1. Orfprd Reef gas buoy has been re lighted, according to a wire received this morning, a At some time between 10 p. m. and miinight Thursday, the front range be: icon at Tongue Point crossing was carried "away. As this is , a most Im- Kant aid to I Navigation. Immediate cajla for bids fori its replacement were seat -out. . A fine stall el of water will s-reet th Celllo -excursionists from present Indications. The river is aU 4.5 feet nop with probabilities that it will continue to risel Owing to the higher waster the government engineers have tiea up arm scows isos. i ana 3, ana halve moved the steamers Asotin to Diamond Crossing in the -Snake river j ana fhe Umatilla to Five Mile rapids Liner to Make Vladivostok. frnaat In'pwi furrier. 1 Seattle, Wash., March 27. Officials of the Great Northern Steamship com paivy have announced that the liner Minnesota, on Its next voyage to the orient, wui maae v laoivostoK, iub ir- minus of the Tranasibertan railroad ania chief port of Russia since the clos- 1 ing of harbors J on the Baltic and the Black sea, a. port of calU sola will sail on May 20 The MInne-J with a cargo pf cottonj macliinprv foodstuffs 1 """""I"- v.. kuiu waicn witn long SS ui' ,ln- heart shaped slide, small gold stam snovels, automobiles and miscel lameous freight. Try to Settle Strike. Cogt Nimfs srrloe.y IV'ancouver, BL C. March 27. In an endeavor to settle the longshoremen's strike now . in progress on Vancouver docks; T. V. O'Connor, president of the International Longshoremen's asso ciation, is in Vancouver &day. O'Connor declared that he expected ani early and amicable settlement of the strike. Conferences between strike leaders and" employers are being held today. . NEWS OF THE PORT Departures March 87. Rose City, AmttcMi utoatner. Captain Ran kin, piswBfm-iiid frlht for San Francisco ul Lcm Angele. F. A IV S. 8. Co. Nortbland, AiMTlnin steamer. Captain BndKe. pienf.rt l Iamb?; for Saa Francisco, lMlgc S. S. Co. Klamath. Amrrk-an atramr. Captain Grpn. pansenera and lumber Tor San Dieso and way ports. i, ilcCornilc'k. Lumber Co. Marine Almanac. Weather at Rirar'a Xonth. T North Head. March 27. Condition at the nxmta of the river at 8 a. m., amootb; wind east, 12 miles; weather clear. Saa aa3 Tide March 8. Sun riaes 3:58 a. tn. San et 6:34 p. m. Tides tt Astoria. High water. " , Ixiw water. 10:44 a. m.,, 7.9 feet- 5:01 a. m.. 2. feet. 11:31 p. I"-, 7. feet. 6:25 p. m., 0.8 foot. Dally, River Readings. STATIONS si 1! is as 4 ewlMon Cmatilla ... Kugene Albany .... Malem WilsonTille Portland .., 24 S3 10 20 3.i 0.310.00 20 .SI o.;i IKJSO.UO 3.4' 0. 2 0.00 RiBing. ) tailing. lUytr Forecast, The Winamette river at Portland Trill rise slightly , during the next two or three days. it ips to Arrive. PASSENGER8 AKD FREIGHT Name . j From Data Bear. r....... ...... .8. D. and war,.;. Mar. 2S Yncaua.. .......... 8. F. and wif...M.r. 2S Great Northern ....S. F Mar. US oreaswaier. ........ -ooa a. ....... .Mar. ao Geo. W. Elder...... Coos Bay.. ...April Bar..., .. .....S, K.. ... ....... April Koanoke. ........... S. D. and wav. ..April Rosa City. ... ...... S. F. and way. ..April S - 31 i : Steamers Due to Depart. PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT Name - ; Jrom X Oars Geo. W. Elder....;. Coos Bay.i.......Msr. 28 Great Northern S. V. ...v.. Mar. 28 Multnomah. ........ S. D. " euit& ............. .s. . Vu.Jlfa. .On ... ..Mar. so lucatan. .... ....... 8 D. and w.r u. t ..... ........... 0. ... ......... nir. j Bs r... ............ F. and war... April 1 Kreakwater S. p. and way. ..April 2 Bearer i. p. and way... April 6 trr. r :.' n; wav...aprii 7 um ,M m.,. ....... a. F. and way .April 13 Vessels in Tort. Name- J Berth . Oregon Drrdoek Stream ...I -P. Lbr. Co. Lightship No. 87. Abu str, Katanga. Belg. bark .. David Eana. Br. ach Coin ber mere. It.- ahlp.,. ... .stream ?Tia V,-r- L Stream ; Aiamasat Mari limiS fS. Balboa. March 25. Arrlred. Korweg!aa bark lobn r MfV,r ' an? & tport Jauna. from San Franeiseo for United Klng "roir Hh k,,: hlrt i--L'nn ton dom. la tow of tag Hercules: American steam IktoJKjSt' hark.. North B.nk ,r Ater, from Saa Fraaasco. Sailed Amer- Viialnia Am. scbl""' OrVeI ican Panajnan. .New York. foF s.n m. son , Ureiron drydork t Francisco. , tiT VSt 'at'.---Oregon drydork f Seattle, Wash.; March 26. Arrived. Amer- vhtsnd' Alnsworth ten .taamer Al-Kl. Alaska, 1 p. m ; Amer-, nL. P.f;. Af" AR2Dif.r l ' steamer Hy axles, &aa Franc iVoo, 4 p. m i tw' ,tr V ' ,C; Americaa steamer Congresa. San Francls, li iZ;.Am 1,:" " Tonni Po'nt p. m. SaUea, Americas, steamer Governor. Shasta. Am. str............. . ... Rainier ! ft. rnnriim. 2:lO n Anwrw. .,-. J!. .' "- nuippran t .St. Helena ! (elilo. Am. str. . ............. ....St. Helens ftiultnomaa. Am. str. .................. .Conch Saginaw, Am. str............ Albers J!o. 1 Seo. W. Elder. Am. Str..,.. ........ ..Columbia Tillamook, gas sch. ... ........ ........ .Oa at. Koamer, ras w-ti. ... .......... .Albers o. 2 Mirene, gas, sen. . i ...... . . ...Albers Jso. 2 Vassals Piaengagad. -Akutan. Am. str. ....i. ...... ...... ....Gobla Armldns Vinnen, Ger. rh. ............ .Clifton Alliance, Am. tr.. ..........0. W. P. Berlin. Am. hk. ................. .......Gobla Chinook, C. sT dredger, ..... .Oreffoa dry dock S. MieSle, V. 8. dredger.. N W. Steel Dalbek. Ger. bk..,...............aay streat 9lie". .a,e' - ate.... ..-.. ....O. W. P. J. B. Stetson, in. t.-. : 5t n.ini Kurt ber n- ... . Weotport neuuvHi ask str. 8U Bcteaa v At , Neighboring Ports. Port Allen. Marrk 25 Sailed Schnoaer For. est lioma fr Colombia river. Astoria, March ; 2. Sailed at 4:40 p. at. All Speed Eecords Are Broken by S. Si Great Northern Sari Francisco. Cai.. March 27. ; From the Columbia river to the Golden Gate in one day was : realized yesterday for the. first time when" the steamer Great Northern made the - run in 23 : hours! and 24 minutes, the fast est time ever, recorded between the two porta. She reached her dock here at 3 p. m. . . at Birthday Affair Fine for Newsies Merry Tim Around Vestal Board Xad by Throng at Or. Xriithar m. Uyott's Celebration. - Portland newsbovs do not wish to see Dr. Luther R. Dyott grow old rap idly, but they do wish that he would have a blrthuay every little whiles ; Last night at Dr. Dyott's church, the First Congregational, Park and Madi son streets, the occasion being the pas tor's birthday.- more than 20 criers of headlines! i were miraculously filled Girls of Miss Mary f. Merrill's Sun day school class brought ip culinary reinforcements. Philip Ankelas. smallest newsboy in Portland.fetanding on a chair, made few remarks. His speech was a trifle thick with his last piece of pie, But he said he Was glad to be there. So did (Governor 'Withycombe, Mayor Aloee, Junior Mayor Nathan Casler, E. L. Thompson, David H. Smith of The Journal, Horace E. Thomas of the Ore gonian, John V. Carroll of the Tele gram; Isadora Tonkin of tho Newsboys' association, and Dorr E. Keasey, "father of the newsboys." Quantity of Stolen Goods Eecovered Knch of Goods Sag Bees Xdeatifisd, but Owners BtiU Bought for Soma of the 1 JLrttoles Secoverj As the result of the confessions of Victor Hjfckuer and Wilbur and Ward Welter, 4ho were nrincioala in over 80 burgUries committed in Portland in JNoveni ber and December, he police department has recovered a. great quantity I of jewelry and other valu ables; . ' ,j' "ATontant stream of housewives v, 4, ...,, . ,. ; apl's"ln the city . detecUve ".of thU property nas been I identified. , The following ar iities are sun unclaimed: HaI, i . l . . . -a K l j woman's IH. C. gold watch with long bead necKiace. several fine neck chains, and numerous rings. One ring is engraved B. W. W. , The Wei terf boys were brought back from Tyghe valley Thursday by De tective Abbott. They will be given a tfiial on larceny charges in the munici pal courtL March SI. Hotel Is Visited B- Sneak Thieves 2- XvlTers Victim f SOO Cement Sacks Also Stolen, Says Kepbrt Itam City Englneer'a Of floe. Shoes, a razor, articles of clothing, a revolver, and other personal belang fngs, were ; taken by sneak thieVes from- the room of V.' J. Rivers at the Minook hotel. Fourth and , Salmon streets, yesterday, according to police reports. - ' Thieves also invaded the home' of Mrs. ,T. Peterson of 763 Williams ave nue, while she was absent yesterday, stealing $15 and some Jewelry. En trance to the house was gaiae'd by way of an unlocked basement door. The City engineer's office reported to the police detective office that 200 cement sacks were stolen yesterday from Corbett and Ivanhoe streets. Finds Iotash Deposit. ; Ely, Nev., March 27. A mammoth denoalt rtt nntuh i u-n n , he?e todv. hllK t,;." 7 .1"" I mountains east of Ely by James Mo-! uonougn, rormerly known as the silica king. Steamer Breakwater for Cooa RaJ T.f nn .Ot" O.J Q.tlO ! oimuiw ffl)(lliaw. 4 i; O.H0.03 : 8a Francisco. March 27. Arrived. Amer 3.61 0.3iO.2 ; tna teamT San Pedro. San Pedro; 2 a. I .'JOi t.3io.ta)i ": 8an Ramon. Redondo, 3 a. m.; Santa io". Jtii. o a, m. ; r-rentlas. Eu reka, o a. ao.; national Clty.Mendoelno. 7 . m-, n"1 ng t-eoro, s:zu a. m. ;4 rwiuw, 9 a. m. saiiea, American iKiufrs orooaixn, uanaon, 1 1 p. tn Vri dayanta , Clara. Blaine. 10:30 a. tn.; Brit ibu Bi-mrx uwn or steruie. London, 9 us.; rreuiin, bibi trearvf. iu ax in. Seattle. Wash.. March 27. Arrived. Amer ican steamer J. A. Moffett. Saa Francisco, ria Port Wells. 7 a. to.; American steamer Jefferson. Beilingham. 7 a. m. Hong Kong. March 27 Sailed, American steamer Minnesota for Manila. tancoaer. B. C. March 27. ArriTed. Jan- ianese steamer Asama Maru 1 Mara. Yokohama. Nanaimo. B. C, March 27. Arrived. A mer lean steamer Henry T. Mcott and hi. l gmtrv. on riMiumv. Port Crescent. American steamer fn... sn Col. E. L, Drake, 8:30 a. m. t Marshfield. Or.. March 27. Arrlred, Amer ican steamer Breakwater, Portland. 9 a. m.; American steamer Hardy, Saa Francisco, yes terday, 2 -p. m. Saa Francisco. March 26. Arrived. Amer ican steamer Great Northern. Columbia river. 8 p. m.; American steamer Tamaipais. Grays Harbor" 4:10 p. m.: American steamer Peter H. Crowell. New York. 5:5 n. m. Sailed. inn iv u ..ir.iuci a a ivu, t. iiiapa narmr, ia:io p. m.; L. . torpedo boat destroyer, Paul. Jones. JSan Pedro, 1:15 p. ia. ; American steamer .Bear. Portland. 1:15 p. m.; American steamer Yale. Saa Diego. 4:10 n. m Amer ican eteamer Ravalli. Eureka. 4:15 p. m.; ! An erlcan ateamer Homer, Ventura, 4:20 p. m.; ' Asaerican ateamer Qoeen. Saa Diego, 4;iK p. I r..: ."s'iirv,,:"?:,1'' I B:20 p, m.: 0T.B. steamers Shibpte" PerrV! rreDie, lrunuu, aii w Ban Ulego, fs.at a. m. ; American - steamer Necanicam. . Eureka. 7:30 p. m-: American steamer Elizabeth, Baa don, 8:15 p. m.; American steamer Daisy GadsbvJ Portland. 8:40 o. m. Admiral Evans. Alaska, a n. Anerlcan ateamer Northland, aoatheaatern Alaska, via " Tfc ti.n a -P. ( Island. March 29. Passed rait. American schooner Robert Lewis tuwuig, 'J:2i p. m. -i- Victoria. B. C. March 28. Arrived. Jap anese steamer Asama Maru. Yokohama, for Vancouver. B. C: Americaa steamer Henry T. Scott, towing barge Acapyluo, tiaa Fran Ciseo for Nanaimo, K. C Beilingham. Wash.. March 26 ArrlTed.' British steamer Wmdher. King Cove,- luJO p. m. Port Vells. March . Sailed, American steamer El Segaado, for Saa Franclaco, at 4:30 p. 'at. . , Mnkllteo. March i 26. American ateamer Hornet arrived today from Seattle, will take SOo.ono feet hnnber. aad sail tomorrow- for San Pedro via Taeoama. Port Ladlow. Marcb 26. Sailed. American steamer Rainier, for Saa Franctaeo. Port Townaend. , March 2. . Passed oat. Americaa steamer El Segnndo at 6:SO p. m. rasaed . in. Americaa ateaater Jaaea A. Mof fett, at 7 p. aa. HIGH flNANCE PLAN VHICH FAILED, BARED BY ACCUSED BANKER 11 Depositors' Money Taken to Fill Breach Caused by!i His Timber Speculations, ii SOME MONEY WAS REPAID ! Closing- Arguments la Trial of Tnomaa B. Sheriaan of Xosebnrg to Be r (.'-, icade Xonday. .His speculations in land did not! turn out as he expected , III This was the reason given by fho as R. Sheridan for his failure to repay depositors for money that he, as presi dent of the First National bank of Roseburg, took from their accounts W"ith Sheridan's testimony yester day, his defense closed Its case jwlth the exception of the final -argument. District Attorney Reames, for the gov ernment, offered no witnesses in re buttal, and waived cross examination on many of Sheridan's witnesses. ; . The attorneys will make their clos ing arguments and the- case will go to the jury Monday. Xo session wjill be held today, as Judge Frank H. Rud- kin of Spokane, who is presiding,! had to, go to his home city to -hear iome naturalization cases. : j Timber Seal rails. . . j - Explaining his financial failure, Sheridan said that he was one of a syndicate tn a timber deal. They ex pected to Bell for $5,000,000. Sheridan's share was to have been 9250,000. The money market tightened, and, pressed by his large creditors, he was com pelled to take 9130,000 for bis mare. Of this amount 990.000 went to repay one loan, and the rest to repay other creditors.-, Hia other resources Vent the same way. "I also lost 910,000 in a real estate deal that a bank in .Oakland, Call got me into," he said. The indictment namear eigh tj in stances of Sheridan's having taken money from depositors accounts, ag gregating 918,020. The money wlas re Paid in some Instances, both irithin and without the indictment, but the total amount lost by depositor by reason of heridan' failure has been shown by the evidence to be much more than the' indictment figurs. Says B Bad. Authority. In all cases, Sheridan tesfffUd. he had authority from depositors to use their money as he did. "Can you tell, within 910,000 or 915, 00. how much you took frop de positors' accounts V asked District At torney Reames. Sheridan said that he could not, but that the books of the bank, whidh haft been introduced in eviSence, Iwould show. Neither could he remember the amounts he had borrowed from de positors' accounts and placed to the credit of A. M. Kelsey and B. C. Agee, business associates of his. "When I found I was unable tt meet my obligations I made an assignment, said Sheridan. "I didn't have a dollar left, and have no money now. I bor rowed 925 to come hero for this trial. My failure and the eharges against mi wer a. great shock. My health was impaired and I did not have ranch of a memory for some time. It hSis only been the past few months thatl hive been getting better." Character Witnesses Appear. C W. Fulton, chief' counsel for Sheridan, said in his -opening state ment that he was the- only attorney for the defense who would be paid, and his money would com from do nations by Sheridan's friends. .Attor neys J. W. Bennett of Marshfield and E. B. Hermann of Roseburg, also ap pearing for Sheridan, came on their own expense, Mr. Fulton said.- The defense had several Witney to confirm Sheridan's claim that he was authorised to use the' money. OltlH irienos and neighbors directly con tradicted each other. , Character witnesses for Sheridan said that his reputation had always been flawless The government did V0 f"emPt to contradict this, affirm ing it, rather. The determination of the case seems to hinge on whether Sheridan" was au thorized to use the money. The crime of which he is accused, that of wilfully abstracting and con verting to his own use depositors' money to the damage of the depositors and the bank, is punishable by from one to five years iraprisonnjeht. Chief to Register Vigorous Protest t:hief of Police Clark today said that he would register a vigorous protest with the Multnomah ' county commis sioners and with the county commis sioners of Chehalis county. Wash-, over the sending of sick . persons, who are destitute, to this city. Word came to the -chief yesterday from Chehalis that P-E. Scott, a suf f erer. While on his way 'to Portland from Seattle, was forced to give up and apply for treatment at Chehalis. County Commissioner Miller said the man was a non-resident and the police then gave the man transportation to Portland. NEW SUITS-FILlfD . city l. responsible i? aIecu? sidewalks MrsL Katie Linn yesterday filed suit against the citjr for 120,350 damages as the result of a fall caused shy a defective ald-' walk on Beech street near Mississippi avenue November 19; 191. Various city official including the mayor and commissioners are named In the suit. S. II. Shelter yesterday aued the Portland Gun club to collect f 600 al leged to have been advanced on a note. The county commissioners this morning authorized the Dalntinsr of portions Of the Morrison and Bumsida bridges as recommended Wby Superin-1 tendent of Bridges "Welch. A NOTRE DAUE LADY'S APPEAL To.' all knowing aafferers of - rheamatlsm. whether masenlar or of the Joints, sciatica, lambagoa. backache, x-alna la the kldneya or reoralgla pains, to write to her for a borne treatment which has repeatedly eared all of these tortures. She feels it her doty to send It to all sufferers FREE. Toe cure yoaraalf at horn aa thousands will testify bo change of tdiroste being necessary. Thia aim pie dis covery banishes . nrie add frwn tke blood, loosens the stiffened Joints, purine the blood, aod brightens the eye, giving elasticity aad tone to the. whole system. If the above to teresta you, for proof addraaa Mrs. M. . Snos- Boz R-. Hotra Dame. Lao.- (Adv.) . 1 CHURCH SERVICES S3 - ' . : . Baptbt. Flrtf White Teaaple. W. B. Bineon. pa tor. Bible M-hOOl. 8:45. Kerriecc. 11 and 7:30.: S. 10 au im. B. Y. V. C. :SO. MorntagV "Ttie Worth ot God." Evening. "iX-aUi la ; tae Treucfcea.r , - --J Eaat Side Eat rfth aad Aokeny Rev.; W. 0. aanj pastor, errfeea 11 aud T.3U. S. 8., 10. B. VLI P. U.. ,8:30. il.jrain, -The Trinity.' Eeiilua, j "BnlidlBg Great Characters Oat. j of n aaiefi iTe. JUigbMhd sst eth aad Alberta-Re. Cbas. r. AUerj B. Y. P. t' :3. Jmtlor B.-Y P. b"., 8. SerTiees 11 std i iM. 8. 8.. :43. CalTary tat stb aofl Grant lie aa.sk ir as Duff, castor. 11 and g. S.. lo B Y. P. m RevcB j .. t;., 0:30-1 Palm IMiwlif ubect, "The Cries Ir'rain tht Crun." Arleta-fKer. W. T, (T. Springs. 8. 8.. a:45. B. X. P4 V.. 6:15. Serice. 11 and 7:3a "The Seven Sayings From the Croas. Krenfng, "A Perpje.'tle ot Provide im-v." i L'nlverx ty frk -Ker. A. C. Saxtoo, pastor. 11 and T:3o:' 8 8.. lo. B. Y. F, t'.. I. ! SUwoo4-Rt. r. U. Hares. 11 and TSJO. 8. 8., IJ B. y. 1. C. :ao. Grace Monta Tills Be. H. T. Cash, tl and T130. ,Yi P., :30. . 8. Horsing. Y. a. C. I A erana-ellstlo team. . . - St. JoihDs (German) S. 8.. :4 T:5K. BUY. P. C. T. St. Johns E. P. Borden, pastor. 43. II ..J 8. S..: 10. Tblrd Knott aad Vancouver aveaoe Be. W. J Beavaa. It and 7:30. B. Y. P. U.. :iSO. a S DilH Vorain, Wlrian! nt Jmn " Eb. - ii s s nV a . . let. '''The Law of Jeaos." J Chinese jMlasioa 8. 3., TV J. C Malone,! a- nerintendent. - r Mt. Calar Weidler and t-nhm aa.. Be. A Xt &r..-hrk: Sprrlm 11 maA 8. S a. n. II , Thr,,..iA as mt shit a.nth are., ft E. Rev. Ji llihirk Tlbbettsi pastor. 8ermons 11 ri -T-lf Morning. . "Trinmph it aa JUn - imrnMl 1KI" K.t.nlnr -'Chrisfs Soeial Pro - gram." gjs.. 10 a. m. B. Y. P. C, 8:30. Second: 'German Ke. Frederick Buernaan, 11 and 7t:&0. 8. .. :4S. B. Y. P. U., :45. Lenta-i-Be. J. M. Kelson S. S.. 1Q. . 8er- Ices, 11 kind 7:3 I vr Vfu-tr. fifth street Ttev A. B. Walts. S. 8.1 a5 a. m. Services 11. an T:3t. Morn- ln. -A Man." Evening, "Sanctified Sorrow." BI Y. II. C. 6:. I. to. Mount Olivet Ke. W. A. Marr-ett, pastor, 1 and p. uj. 8. S., 12:9o. j ' Swedish 15th aid Hurt sts.. !0:43 and ?-!. u a nk b v ' i 1: a-rji i - Itslisnj jMissioO Ke. Frsm-esco SanneUa, pastor. (Pastor's circle. 8. presehlng. 10:30. Snort semoa for English speaking people alao, . IT . - i 1 Goodwill Mission Iftu and Boise 8.8i. 8- p. m. tt v. waner xuii.. Atwresa at imns b Dr. rjbbtts. . i . First German Fourth and Mill Bev.l 3. Kraiu Serrtees, 11 and 7:30. S. :4S. North I Portland Mission to Jncoial streeu Services Fridar, 8 p. m. I I ' - Praahrteriaa. Flrst-4ll2th and Alder Rev. John Bojd, minister I i IA .In and 7 -.an. i' 8:30. I Mlzpah K. 19th and Division Re. Hrry Leeds, pastor, 11 and 7:30. S. 8.. 8:46. CJ 6:30. i ii FoarthH-Flrst and fclbbs Re. Henryi 7. Hanson, psstor. 10:U0 and 7 :-. B. 8.. 12. C. E.. :30. Junior. S. ' I Keullwortb ast 34th and Gladstone Re. Leslie Kirk Richardson, pastor, 11 and 71:45. BIMe School. 9 45. C. K., 8:45. Calam 11th and Clar sts. Rev .O. 8. Baum, i:30 and 7:30 S. 12. Morning, "The Hiding of God'a Power '; evening, "pnie Heroic m BerTice." j AnabeHRe. Alfred U Taxis, 11 and 7:43. 8. &, 8t43. C. E., 8:45. Hope-fMontaTilla, 78th and Everett Rev. 8.11V. Seemaa. 11 and 7 :3o. S. S., 10. C. E.. em Hawthorne Park East 12th and Taykr-L. K . Grimes, pastor.. lo:30 and 8. S. S.. 12. Morning-j "Paying the Price"; evening, -saved From taa Wreck." I Piedmont Cleveland and Jsrrett sts. Be. A. J. Montgomery, llnou 7:3(1. C. B., S:30. S.- S-, j:4a. . - I , .ThirdKast 13th and Pine f s. Bev. AJ I Hntchisdn, pastor. 10:30 snd 7:45. S. 8..I 12. C. E., 6:45. Morning, "The King Cometh." Evening Jonrney to Jerusalem contlunvd; topic, "At . Jericho.' Special music for 1'alm Sunday. F - , ' ForbeJ Rev. Henry L. Prstr 11 -and S. 8.. lO. C K., S:t0.. . Mt. Tabor Eaat &5lh and Belmont 1 lev. William F Graham Moore. 11 and 7:3o. S. S-, :45. C.IE., :45. Intermediate C. E. 4 p. m. Yonng pieople'a prayer meeting, 8:30. Unity W. Lee Gray, minister, 11 and . 8. 8.. lO. Arbor I Lodge Re. George R. Cromley, 11 and 7:43- 8. S.. lO. Vernoa lath and Wygnnt strets H. ?, Mount, psstor. 11 and T:'. 8. S.. 9:43. C. ., S:30. Junior C. K.. 4 P- m. Weattainster East rtth and Schuylr iev. Henry Marcotte, 10:30 aad 7:3w. S. S., 12.. Y. P. ST C' K., :3. Morning, "The Shouting Mnltitndea and the Weeping Christ." Evening, "At Eventide H Went to Bethany." Rose City Park Rev. 3. M. .Skinner, 11 and T:30. C. E.. 6:0. 8. S.. 9:45. Janior C E. ::jO. Millard Avenue ke. W. 11. Amos, 11 aad 7:HO. S. SL 10. Y. P. 8. C..-E :30t , lokane ivenuer t. -l&rh mid. Sitokane--.' E. Yotiel pastor, '11. S. S., :i5. AsHem' bly, 18.-1$. Morning,, "fioo'i Kinf . tmi the Im-reiw of His GovcaamenV and' Peace. ven-, log. Within, the Silent Tomb.'.' Marshall Street Kct. A. J: Hanna. "pastor.', -II and 7:30. 8. .. 10. Y. P. 8. C. :S0. Morning, "Wayside Minist.rs or Mealed ,mie You iV'toh." Ereulng, "DlvUie Love Auawering Doubt. 0 Trinity, corner Virginia and Nebraska sts. Be. E. Benson, par-tor. 1J. and T:ZO, : 8. 8., 10. P. S. C. K., S:30. .Chinese 145 ii 1st st. 7:45. S. S., 6:3. - .; Methodist. First 12th and Taylor sts. Bev. Frank L. Loveland, D. D.. minister. S. S.. 1:15. E. I... :13, Services 10:30 and 7:30. Moraing. "Christ the Advocate of Kf fictency.' Evening, "The Old Man of the Mountain." Trinity East Kith and Sherman. Rev. A, B. Calder. 11 and 7:30. S. 8., lo. E. L.. :. Morning. 'A Vition ot a Perfert Life." Kvcn ixg. "The Way That See roe tb Bight." Swedish Borthwick afid Beech. . J. Berg, pastor. 11 and 7:80. . E- 10. B. L.. 7. Epwortb 2th and Savler Re. C. O. Me. Culloch, 11 and 7:30. 8. S., 9:45. E. C:S0. First Norwegian Danish Corner 18th and Hoyt. Rev. O. T. Field, 11 and 8. Woodlawn East loth and Highland Re. Louis Thomas, psstor. S. K., lo. E. L.. 7. Preaching. 11 and 7:45. Topic. I'aliu Su,ndsy sermon. "The Critical Hour of Life." Baxter services all week. Norwegian DanWh Vaneooer ave. snd Skid more Re. Abr. Vereltle. pastor. 10:45 and S S. 12. . f Sunnvside E. 3olb and Yamhill Be.-. R. Elmer Smith. D. D. 11 anJ 7:45 r. m. S. H.. 9:45 a. m. E. L., g6:'M. Evening, iiluetrated adiirers oa "Tbe New Era in Asia." Centenary Eat 9th and Pine Thomas W. Lane, D. D.j pastor. S. 8., 9:45. E. e:.-JO. Services 11 and 7:30. ' Morning topic. "The CVrtatn Conversion of the World." Evening. "Astounding Doctrines." Mixed chorus of IjO voices at evening service. CentTsl Vsnconver ave. and Fargo Be. C. C. Barick. Service 11 and 7:30. Si 8., 9:45. "The Fruitless Tree;" evening, ;Mn i Trail ing Cloud of Glory." - ' St. Johns Hsyes and Leavltt ts. W. K. Ingalla. Servlcea 11 and 7:a0. S; S:, 9:5u. E. L., :3U. , ! Montavllla Be. W. H. Haraton, It andi 7:30. S. 9:45. e. 1, fi:l5. J. L., 3 CUsa meeting 12:15,, BoHe City Park Sam'y Wvd.. Alameda and E. fi&lh sts. Be. William W. Youi-gsou. pas stor. 11 and 7:30. S. S., 9:45. Y. 1'.; 6:. Morning, Palm Sunday. "The EmperoF'of tbe Heart.' Evening, monthly musical service. "Light Out of Xark3ess,'r a pre-Easter can tata - Japanese Mission Re. Ellsea Bibara. 9:30 aod 8:30. S. S 3:20. i Sellwood Rev. Alexander P. Maclean, 11 and 730. J. H. 2:30. E. L., 6:30.. Laarelwood Re. J. E. WHlings. 63d St., S. E.. and Foater Eoad. 8. a., 9:43. E. L 6:30. Services, 11 and 8. Chinese Mission 11 and 7:30. -' Clinton Kelly Alnuriiil John Parsons, pas tor. : S. S. 9:45. Srricea 11 and T0. E. L. ... Mount Tabor 61st and East Stark, Re. El Olin Eldrldge. pastor. 11 and 7:30. S. S., 9:45. E. L.. 6:15. Morning, "Tbe Triumphant fcntry." Evening, "A Penonat Queatioo." African Zioa Rev. W. W. Howard, 11 and 8 8. ., 1 Ev 8. L. 7. German F. A. Schumann. S. 8.. 9:45. Serv ices, 11 and 8. Ep worth League, 7:15. Bethel Be. J. L. Craw, pastor. 11 aad T:44r S. 8., 1:15. C. V... 7. .- University Park Lombard and Flake streets Kev. C. L. HsmUton. 11 snd 7-.30. -S. 8- lO. E. L.. 6:30. Morning Tbe Trinmph of Christ-" Evening, "The Omnipotence of Faith." Pettoa Re. S. H. Frees, pastor, 11 aad 7:45. S. S.. 10. E. I. 6:45. Woodsfock East 44th and 60ta ave. 8. E. Frank Jamea, pastor, 1 1 aod T :5W. 8. , 8, 10. LV L-. 6:30. Class. 12:15 p. at. Lenta Rev. W, Boyd Moore, 11 and S. 8. S., lO. E. L.. T. Lincoln East 624 and Lincoln M. O. Reed, pastor. S. S., 11. Service. - Westmorelsnd Be. J. West Thompson 8. 8.. .30. Sermon, T:30. First German A. F.'Craaier, pastor, 11 aod 8 S. S., lO. E. L-, 7:30. ' Brentwood Rev. J. West Thompson, S. S.. 10. .Services, 11. , Congregational. - First Psrk and Madison Bev. Lather R. Dvott, D. . 8. :5f, 11 and 1:45. Morning, "The Trinmph of G kL" Evenin;. 'The Con. or.ering Souls of Men."'- -y First Geruaa Eaat 7th aad Stan too Kev. r. O. W'illmao. ' Liaderiuirat Bev. D. B. Gray, 11 aad 1:45. &' S.. 1ft. C. B.. :30. Pilgrim Missouri nd Shaver ata Prot HF. If.. Proctor, acting pastor,. 11 and 7:30. 8. 8., 9:45. C. F., :30. I ; Diversity fark Haves street sear Lombard Be. W. C a-aatner, I. Vm jsaator. 11 aad 1 -TO. 8. 10. T. P. 8. C. 4 and :30l ! Uighlaml gast tb a ad Prcott Kev K. 8. Bollioger. 11 aad 1:30. 8. &- I. Y. P. 8. C. JI ortiine. Tt Key t f.lfe Dark Problems." Mm Im nf ihfJwiih services. . Evening The Eutraj-e,of the Kiug of Many j Realms.' ' ; ..f . ! . Ijiurelwood 45th are Que and asta treeT Be. C. S. Johnson. 10 ao0 7:44. C. E., 1. I' Waarlj lielgbts iist SUA aaa Wuudwsrd Be. A. C. Uuses, li aad ?:3U. 8. 3.. 8:4i. X. P. meeUag. :30. i 8aBBraid Ksbi S2A and Taylor Re. J. 3. btaub. It and 7:4i. b. .8.: lo. V. K.. :3U. J.: C. K., 8:3W. Topics. "Paloi Brache aad a Royal Entry" and -Keeping Bad Coaipany.! St. Juhns Re. Daatol T Thorns. 8. 8.. 10. C; K,. B.-30. JdoraUg service at 11, "MldUl. Wlb ! Ardecwald Be. lSDiel T. Thomas. B. 8.. lu. v. e., 7. Preahthg. 8 p. m. i iwn (German; kat tb and aremaat, ite. I - Hoop, O:30 aud 7:ao. C: E., :. i Atkinson Memorial East '20th and :en 1 Be. K. V. GornMs. ptor. 11 and 7:45. eratt .. Junior K- 2:31). 8.. :4&. Morning, Paiu Sitndaf serrlces. enlng rWaat Are W WorklLg rort". Chriatlaa. 1 ' v - " s First Park and Columbia ! t, 8., M Cna- oor. nantor. 11 and 7:3u. H. 8.. :4t. V. t :oO. Morulcg, Th3 Mala laaoe.' - gveatag, MontaTilla East 70la aad Hojt--BT. J. C Ghoratie. 11 and r.ju. 8. 8.. lO. . C. JC. 80. I Junior C K. &:Utt . ii i nKiuwa-jia aad llDerr sis. tker. jr, I Maiunger. il aad 7:3o. S.i g., 8:45. C a,, . u . u. ... - s - . J 8e!lood Cor. 10th and Nehalata Bev, p. I E- Norcroaa, pastor, 11 and; 8- 8. 8., la I C. K.'. 7. M- I Gladstone Be. Roy 3L. Dunn, pastor, It atd . 8. 10. C. K.. T. i r , " I Bodnejr Aenu. cruer Rodney and Knott I o. -. Karri, pastor, 11 and 8. 8. .. to. It. 7. 41 I Johns Bey. J.. R. Jotiason, patter. 1 I and 8. 8. 9.. 10. C t... V. II i- .' I Kent Park ite. 11. Tlbbs Mase, pastor. 1 ana ia. .jj. . :4S. u. Is.. :au. j t I Veruott CburcU Of Christ K. lath and gant A. J. Melton, 11 and 7;3U 8. a.. 10. . C K.. 6:30. i I; .. - - - Bethel K. S2d and Thompson. S. -8., 1:30. Central East Salmon and Twentieth street ! Re- A. L. Crim Bible sebooL 10. C. K-, ! 6:30. Servlees. 11. Ke. J. I R. Johnson Will peak. Kveulug address by klrt. Mattie'8 Sieeth I vt , u.. 4. c. United Preabneriaa. : I Ketcu J. 8. Cvle. jO:Ja and a. S. S-. 10J 1 Firt Sixth snd Moncgumerjr rrauk De Wtl. riiidier, 10:uo and 7-.JO.) 8. 8.. 12;. C. g.. :0. Topic, "llouie Ailiwtousi.' Morning. "fA Uurst Manhood." KTcnifg. -"Coming Back to God." ! I I i Third 37th and Hawthorne- W. A. Snaald ing. It. D., pastor. It and fits. S. 8., :U. r. o-, 4.. i ... Tnite4 EvaagaUoaL First East lth aod Maple Be. C C Pa ling, it sua i;jo. n. 1a c. a. o;JU. St. Johns J. A. Uoode, pastor., 11 aad S. 8.. 10. K. U C. K.. 8:30. 7:30. Wichita Re. Hi H. Farnbaav, paator. and. 7:30. S. 8., 10. C, 8:30. Special aa- Ockier Green Willamette Md. a Rev. 8. V. LoreU paator, 11 aad 7:00. SV S.. IV. A. Ij, V. Ju.. 4. -I Frisnds' Churah. Sunnrside East 35th and Mala sts. Homer uox, pastor, 11 and 7:30? S. H.. V.45. C.Ifi., :ao. I'rsyer meeting Thursda. 7:aO. Lenta South Msiik street, Ke. Joba Riley. pastor. 11 aad 7:30. Bible school, U.it. a... 8:30. ! West Piedmont Friends- Rev. T. J. Coburn, i i sna i ..:J. uni scuool, i:10. 8. &., 10. Taitad Brathrsa. First East 15th and Morrison Bev. 3 Nlewonder. nastor, 10 and 7:30. S. 8.. lo. ' evening, -xoming victory." c. E., 6:30. : Aiueria W ana Aloerta-4-l He. C. C Bell. Ji mil i:m. : B. S., lO. C. 6:30, Guy Woodworta" Meanorlat, Vancouver, Wash. nev. j. Lincoln tills, paator, 11 and 8. la,, lo. Y. P. . C. E., 7. 1 Fourth Re. J. E. Gouner, pastor, 11 and I :.w CO.. iu. V- o:jo , i . Radical Jeasop at'. Be. A. 8. Hendersdh, pastor, ii and 7:Kl. S. S..I lO. C. hi., 1 Manor Circuit Services Mauor. 11 a. Cherry Groe, it p. m. Brush Prairie. 7:30. Ihlrd 7th st. S. E. and 32d a. Be J. B. Parson, pastor, 11 aad 7:30. . 3-. lO. g. a., o:ju. Episcopai. N r Trinity ebarch Rev. Dij. A. A. Morrison, rector.- 8. 11 and S. a. 8., 9:45. Good fellow ship society, pariah house, 19th and Davis ata., 1 to 7:55 p. m. St. Mark s zist aod MarkbsU Be. J. H. Simpson, reotor. Holr Euchariat, 7 :30 m. 8. s.. 9:45. Matin ahd Litany, 10:15. tioiy eucoariat ana sermon 11, preached Bishon Sumoer. Sitetlai uiuatc. . Ibeasouc: St. John's church lie. 1'J F. Row en, t. b.t cveurag prayer ana sermon, t. Pro-Catbedral 'of St. Steohen - tha Mart Rev. H. M. Kamssy, 7:45. 11 and 7:45. S. S.. lO. -8eeial service for colored people. 3. St. Mathew's Be. W. A. M Brek. vicar. o. ra., iv. servica ana aermon, 11. . St. David's Re. Henry Russell Talbot. Ce If brat ion of tbe Holy Eui.barit, 7 :30 a. ui 8..: 8., 9:43, iiurniug. prayer, 11. tveulug prayer, m:jv. - - i r, - St. Johns Slilwaukiei Kev. John D. file. o. e-, j.. i bveaung prayvr aud sermon, Services, 4. . J ... ; St. Andrew's Portstnontb Re. .F. M. Baum. ienr. la charred li. Prayer and ser mon.. 11 and 7:ao. . . s.,.9:45. ComtuunKw, t :m a. m. , mira ounaajr eaco jnooui. Grace Meniorlal RevJ George B. Via Wa ten and Bev. Oswald W Taylor. Hoi com muBlon, ha. m. Except f irat Sunday ia March.' 8. 8. 10 a. m. Services. 11. Good Shepherd Rev. .Joan Dawson 11 and 7:3o. 8. S., 10. St. Michael's and All Angels' East 43d and Broadway Kev. x. ir. Bowen. icar. . S.: iu. Holy eommuuioa .first, Sunday,. 11; third Sunday, 7:30. - Church of Our Sakmr60th are. and '41st st.- S. K. Bev. E. Ik Clark, vicar. Holy week Biabop Morrt Memorial chapel. Good: Sa tuaritau hospital Chaplain. Frederick K. How. ard. Holy communloa J a. m. Prayer and seimoa. 7:20. .- ' St. John's church Sellwood Re. John D. Bice. 11. Evening prayer, 7:30. Aeeenaioa chapel I 'or t land lielgbts. "Be B. U. Lee. Communion. 7:45 ay m. S. 8., 9:3X St. Paul's Wood mere Ke. Oswald W Taylor. Holy communion, first Sunday la month. 8 a. m. Servicu 4 p. Ui., except urt nunuay in muutn. Portsmouth Herefurd St., near Lambard st. Uer. F. M. Bauui, vluar. S. S., lo. Serv ices, 11 snd 7:3o. Holy communion on see ond, fourth aud fifth Stindaya of month at 7:30: on first at 11. Holidays by appointment Pat ton, MK-blyau and Alberta George '. tlopKius, pastor, ii auu tju. o. a. iu. Latharaa. Zton'a German (Mifaourl Synod) Corner Sal- cion snd cnapman ii. u. jkoppL-imaaa. lolo, 7:45. B. S.. 9:15. Bethany Danlnh Union ave. and Morris M.- C. Jenseu-s,ngnolm, pastor, 11 aad ; 8. S.. lO. . Swedish Mission Re. B. 3. Tborea, J.1 and S. ts. b., 10. i. r., a:if. Elim uhapel Kt. B. J. ,Tfiorson. 11. 8. S., 10. Immannel 19th and Iriog st Re. J. Richard plson. 11 and 8. S. S 9:45. Trinity German Missouri- Synod William avenue and Graham J. A. Hi in bach, lo and 7:3o. S. 8., 9:15. St. Paul'a German East 12th and Clinton A. S. Krauae. pastor. Service and confirm lion 10:30-. Beoaioa of ail confirmed, 7:30. Uermaa and English S. S-, ' Cniteu. Aorwegiaa Ditmaa Xjmea, paator, 11 and 7:45. S. 8.. 9:45. Norwegian Synod Ka.t Grant corner loth Re. George Hendrlksen, 11 and 8. 8. S., 10. St. John Paulnaular aad Klrkpatrlck Re. K G. Salzmau.- lo:45 and 7:30. S. 9:3. Immanuel German Sellwood H. C. Ebe- llng. 10:30. ' 8. 8., 9:30. Graca English Missouri Synod) Alhlns are. and Mason Re. C. Loeake, pastor. 1UUM) aad 7.30. 8. 8., 9:15. St. James' English Weet Park aad Jefferson sts. Be. 3. A. Leas, pastor, a. 8. 8. 10. La ther league, 6. Morning, confirmation services. Evening, oratorio' by choir at S. Swedish Augustana Rev. it. E. Sanstedt, 10:45 and 7:45. . 8., 90. Betfaal Ivy aad Willis ma Rev. Ji A. Blow, ney, 11 aad 8. 8. S.. lO. United Norwegian iortmoutb H, O. Hen drlckon, paator. It. . b. S.. lo. Laade'a hall, Veraon. ' .Mission MoBtavilla. Hamilton's chapel, cor ner E. Gliaan aod K. SOth W. F. Lots, pas tor. S. S., U.au. Uetnaa servlea at 10:15. Holy Cross Cnlversity Park Be. T. B. Murphy, C. S. C. Low maas and instruction, (1 a. su. Sermon, lo:30. eermoa aad beuedic tioa. 7:30 p. m. St. Joseph'a (Germaa) - Ht. Bev. James Bauw, V. G. Low mass, 8. High mass and set mo O, 10:30. Vespers and benediction, 3:3U. Holy Redeetser Bev. Joseph A.' Chap a too. Low aaaas. a and 8. High mas and sermon, 10:30. Benediction. If-JHt. St. Ignatius Be.' F. Dilson, S. J.' Low mass 8 and 9:30. Mass, sermon aad benediction, 10:30, " ."-. ; .i St. Franci -Rev, 3. H. Black.- Low mass, 6. ay 9. High ma and -riuou, lo:30. Ves per. Instructioa aud becedlctiua, 7:3o. , St. Stephen's Rev. W. A. Waitt. Low maas, S:aw. High maas . nd sermon, lo:34. ioi maculate Heart ot . Mary Be. W. ' A. Daly. Low mass. ti. , 9. High mas and sermon, lo:30. .. Vespers and benedictkMi, 7UJO, St.. Lawrence" Ke. J. C Hughe. Low mass. 6, 8. High mca and serosa, 19:30. Vespers sad benediction. T:3ov . fct. Patrick's Rev. K. f- Murphy. Low mass, 8. High mass aod sermon, loux. Veapera and benedict ion. g.ao. ---, Sacred Heart Milwaukle Be. George Ru ble, O. 8. B. Low BUM, S. High maas Sod sermon, 10:30. ' Vespers and beoedu'tkm, 7:a0. Ascension Mootavtlla Maas st S. High mass with aermoa, lO'Jti. Sunday school at 9. Benediction 3.30. . ' Hely Boss ry Very Rev. B. H. Kelly. Low rum, 6, T, 6 sod 9. High mass and aermoa, 11. Vespers and benadirtioa. T:30. . 8t. Andrew's Re. Thoma Klarnaa, Lew mats, 8. Uigb mas snd sermon. 10. Vesper, instruction nod benedlctlou, 7:30. St. Uirr'i Pro-tatbeural Most Rev. A. Ihrltie. 1. D. Law mass. . 8. and 9. High was and aermon, 11. vesper, instruction aua benediction. 7:43. ! ' V St. StaaUlaoa Polib) Rev. Ft Matns sewski. Low. was. 8U1U. High sna and stir. St. John th BaptUt Mllwankle Father J. M. u yelli. Masse, a ana iu:ao a. . m. 8. 8., 9 a. ! m. Service, 7:30 p. m. St. Charles Alberta be twee a Glenn v. and E. aSd St. Low mats, 8 a. m. High mass, 10:5o a. m. Bosaad beoedlctloa. 1 :30 - - - f "!'-! I Chriatiaa Bei First Churvh of Christ, Xselentlst Everett between- ltb aad ldtb at. Wries 11 and 8. 8. S.. 9:45 and 11- VemtmLTmon. "BealHy." Second- East ttth and Molladay Services. It and s. S.t'S., 9:45 acd IU Lesson sermon, "Beality." - i, - Third East 12th and Salmon ata. Services. 1. 8., 1 and 12:13. Leasoa aermoa ."Real ity." . - I -Hi Fourth Vsncouver ave, and Emerson t. Services 11. 8. 8.. 1:45 gad 11. Leasoa Ser mon . "Beality." i ;.- Fifth Myrtle Prk- ball Services. 11 a. ta. S. S., r:30. Leasou se- -non. -ReaUty." . Evaagalieal Assoclatlsa. Carson Heigh ti-j, Stocker, psstor, 11:30 and 7. 8. 8., 10:80. First English Kaat 6th and Market, . B. K. O. Hornschuch, pastor, 11 aadns. 8. 8., lO. Y. P. A.. 7. First Germaa Evangelical H. Scbokoecht, pastor. Savsnth Day aavaatiat. t . Not Reg la r services of this denomination art- held on Saturday. Central. E. Jlth and Everett Elder Milton H. St.' Johns, paator. 11 a. m. 8. 8 . lo. MontavlUa.i East 80th and Everett J. F. Eeatty, elder. Sabbath school, 29 - . . ou Preaching. 11. St. Johns Central , and Charleston St. Elder E. D. Hurlburt. - Sabtath school, 30. Preaching 11. Missionary society 3 p. m Mount Tabor Eaat B0 thy and Belmont Ke. C J. Camming, pastil, Scrvlci; Sabbat!) school 10. Preaching 11. 6 ' , : Lents Marion ave. and Blumaner D. J. Chltwood, elder. Si obatb school, 10. Preach ing. 11. Sunday. :7:SO. ' ' Alblna (German) St Id more and Maltorv Henry Block, elder.: G, F. Bnsch. local elder. Sabbath school, 10.: Preaching, 11 .30 and a. Preaching Sunday ievenlng at a.. Scandinavian church,' o2d and 39!h ae., ft. E Elder O., E. Sandues, pastor. H. 8.. 10. Preaching, il. Sunday service, 7 :3o. , . Reformed Preahytarua. I 1,5 First - church Minnesota -and Alnsworth Be. F. V. iFraaer. SerTics. 11 snd 7:30. a. o., lu- Oak 6 ro Methodist Ed i ace cai. First M. B. chureh Cbealev B. Curtis, ras ter, ii ana e. e. i b.. iu. jc. l... i. usweao. preacning i :iaj a. a. 10 a. m: jc-eJ Chureh South. First Union ave). and Multnmab- L. P. Law, pastor. Service 1 aad 7:30. W. J. Fentoo will preach at both services 8. a. 10. E. L-, :so. " i. Frea Methodut. 'First charch Cor. East Vtajand Mill t;--. Re. E. L. Horrlugton, pastor, 11 and 7:30. Central rhurch-j-56ib and East Flan Ut Re. John G. Hesalcr. 11 aad 7 :30. 8. S., 10. Y. P..M.. -6::0.T ij - jj I Xangalical Byaod. ' - Germaa EvaBgelK-sl Friend church Tseoma arc and East 15th Rev. Ells Uergsrt, pat tor, 10:43 aad 7:30. 8. 8.. 9:30. C. 6:30. St. Paul Evangelical church 417 Falling st. Be. 3. Ilergert. -paator, -11 sad 7:30. Y.. P. 8., . i.06:3 " ' ; . ' .1 TJaivaraallat, ' Church of the Good Tidinga Broadway and Eaat 24tb Re: J. D. Corby. 10:45. Noon. Sunahiae hour. Palm Sunday aod anniversary ervlce. Special music Alameda Eaat K5tb and Preacott Rev. J. D. Corby, pastor. Dr. 3. Lavalley, Supt, 8. 8.. S p. m. r Peaching by pastor, 3:45 p. m. J Jswiaa. - Congregstlon Beth . Israel 1 2th sad Main sts. reform ritoall Friday night at 8. Satur day morning at 10:3t. Religloas school st 9:M Sandsy aaorhing. Btbbl Jonsh B. Wis cuaducta all service cad Bible classes. I I Christadalphlaaa. West Portland 4354 Montgomery. 10:30 a. m. Mt. Tabor E. Both and Belmout, 11 aud i.:aw. Ra formed. First. Germ a (5. Uafcer. pastor. 10:43 aod 8. 8. 8.. 9:30. Y. P. 8.,'7. -"la Seoond Oolumbta blvd. and SSd t. A. E. Wya. 11 and 8. S. 8.. 9:30. Y. P. 8., 7. Third rifih lie., Lenta Be. H. Scbald- kaecfat, paator, 11. C. S., lO. j - ' . .' Unitarian. Church of Out Father Broadway and Yam bill Re." T. L. Eliot, D. D.. minister emer itis; Rev. W. G. Elkil, Jr.. minister, 11 and 7:45. S. 8.. 9:30. Y. P. K.. 6:30. Morning, the closing senuoa of th March aeries upuu tbe theme. "Tbe Church in the Future." Eveu iitg address by Orrln C. Cocks, sdvtsory secre tary aatiooal board of axiUvn pictur censor ship. . Latter Day Sainta. Chnrch of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint (Mormon) East 19th and Harrison S. S., lO Preaching. 11:45 an 7. Montavllla (not hij-moo) S. S 9:43. Ser vice. 11 aad 7;30.1r - atormoB. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Dsv Sslntt East 19th snd Harrison Services. 11:43 aod 7. - S. 8.. 11. Spiritual. First 201 Allsky bide. R. Althea Wlea. endanger. 3. Mewages, 8. le-'nre. Church ol tne Soul Sd St. Her. J. II. 'Lucas, pastor. 'Conference, .11. Mubject. 'Dreama and V talons." Medlnma' meeiinv. 3:30. Lecture 7;30 by Mr. Smucke. oa "liar- I mony." - ; rourta 003 ata st. aev. May A. rrice, & Ssrvios for th Deaf. rnlted Presbyterian Re. S. Carl Dubol. 10:30 aod 8. C. E.. 7. New Church Society. Swedenborglan K. of .P. hall. 1 1th and Al der Be. Samuel Vtanceater 8etce. II, "The Lamb of God .-a th Ever-lTeaeut Ss vior." ' Advent Christiaa (Vet saves th Day) Adveut Christian C. P. L. Smith, baa tor. 11 and 7:0. 8. 8.. lo. Loysl Worker. 6:3o. Prayer meeting ,7:45 Thursday. Associated Bihl Student (I. B. g. A.) Odd Fellows' bsil Eaat 6th snd Alder sts. 1:30 P. m.. Bereaa Bible lessoo. 3 d. m.. baptismal service by A. A. Yerez, First Chris tian church. Psrk and Columbia. Memorial upper at 7. Prayer meeting 7:30. . ' - CarUUaa Spiritual lata, - First Esst 7th- and Hassalo Frederick M. S toller, paator, 11 and 7:30. Commuuion, 3. Salvatloa Army, ' Corn 3iO. 4 2U7 Salnioo t. Staff Caotain and sirs. Gale la charge, 3:15 and 8. Iloll aeas meeting. 11. 8. S. 1:30, Corp No. 1Z1 Aakeny Adj. aod Mr. Whitney In charge. 11, 8:15 and 8. 8. 8., 1:30. V. P. 8.. 6. - - . Swedish Corps t.'io Buraside 11. 4:30 and 8. Scstidinavlau 243 -.ab st. S o. m. Rev. John Ovsel. Volunteers .of America Mission hall 22 Ash St., near 3d 3:3 and 8:15. laUsc41aaaoaa. Portland Bahai Assembly 402 Ellers bide. BcrVlces, 8 p. m. Dllne Trotn enter fveiJing-uuca bias. Bev. J. M. Mlnard, pastor, 11. Christian Yoca Ooa Ablngtoa hid. P. ft. GarrlaoB. Ill aud 8. 8'. 8.. 13. Evening, E sentisl of Christian Hoga." Church of the Brethren Dunkardsl Be. George A. Carl. 11 sad 7:3o. 8. 8 lo. G. w., a:w. The Cbureb or Goa 35t Failing St. Pas tor. Bev. D. F. Ha mm. Gerafka aervleea. 10-4.', a. m. 8. 8., 9:30. English servxlces, 2:30 ana b. b., i;jo. 1. r-. 0:0. Church of Christ LCnts Preacbiag. II and T:30. Bible class. 10. 1 . W. V. A- at roadway ana Xarlor Veaoer servlee. 4:?0 p. m. Plsgah Mission Lentax-Full gospel Sunday. 10:30 aad 2t;30. Taeslar and Friday at 7:30. Lenta chorea joba auiey, 11 aad 7:45. 8. . 10. C. E-. S:45. Tbe Irvington Center f Troth 713 Thomo- soa st.., cor. cst 21st Service. 11, Mrs. Florence Crawford. Commons Mission 22 ft. rroat st D. A. Nortbrup and J. 8. Montgomery, aapt-, 8. Tb Christian aod Missionary Alliance Cor. East 9th and Clay ata. Me. 3. K. Fee. pss tor. 11 and 7:30. 8. 8., 10. Y. P.. 6:30. ScsndtnaTlan Evancelical Mission Church 737 Alberta Services. 1 and 7:43. 8. 8.. 1. Y. J. M. Soada a uX. Prayer meeting Thnrs. day. 8. M. Olssa. pastor. . 'ineoaopatcai noeiety 12s Morgas bldg S. Alameda Sunday school. 23tb and Preitcott 8. S., 8. Preaching by Dr. Corby at 3:45. . I . m. A. Hutu aad Taylor ts. It. K. Raadall. religion work director Meeting for nn it 8:13.. '-: -A C 1 PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM li A toilet preparattos of merit, I Helps to eradicate daadrafT. ForRsatoriatg Color and ,, Baty tsOray or Fadad Hair f V. and tt.es at rmnrHW. The Journal Bcildhg Is Ccsdccted ca Eqd (ab!s Less Obviously vre refer to rentals, and unequivocally we Intend that they shall be equitable to all con cerhed. Wewill not in any cir cumatances subscribe the perntcioua practice of persuading a lease from one tenant by a concession -which we cannot afford to give to another. . Wa have tha most modern building in Portland, one of the latest built, all out aid rooms; and no build ing in the city can matcfi its advantages nor claim equal facilitiea. If these, considerations, to gether with reasonable rents, are not sufficient inducement to , locate in The Journal Hulldlng. we will lone a tenant rather than relinquish a princi- 'JOURNAL BUILDKG Broadway at Tamaill. i ' r -,. ui -at at i uTii II 111 1151 i: II3J3! -I 3 2 J m e - s T f 7 The Journal Building Tenants' Directory Al. V c at. luvealiueakS. taiMUi wtS. UMM AUTO JHAI'fc.ii WaXFABE 80 CIJLlY. Uuuui 00 1. Uiu iUUl. BR0JI lBHO&.,.1 Wallpapsr aud a-aluuug. Mmia bUsu. A-4i.'. UroUiMi t'luwr, Broadway. BKUXRE, OUhlAVE. E. M, Xk MaiMiail tul, A-ZttXl, lUta ftr. BUELL, W, B.. Loans aud lo- urau.-s. Mtd iiarf A-Jwim tuwtu mi. . CHAMBtELAia. DA. CHAR. T.. as. At, aiuirsuBM twi, 1. iviuif ihu, UaUA XtavaJuvxMXKI CO., a iiio.aaii iawa. tw., Mw uW, A-lval. Uwu i4. laVIa, JAJaaJt an, Lawr. Mai SMIUUl oui. XJAVIA, C. 1C it., lia.be luua. C0WK8, AElavS at., Uptlclao. itiUVUl bli. - i ... vuiiAM, W. W., atiuruey. Maiu DUTillxh U.ia at CO., 1'uu li. awva. itiMM, aMu tfiftu, SMMlIU V. tlilS. 11.0.-. AOthCX, J. . aivit, M.tM.gec, m.m iltfi lUa, , ltv as,, .ptouMtUial. :L aaU .MM, AAMi, MMill AW- ttavaaa, J. it., jm. ii. alaiaait traa. twuia ooa. 1 1 ..a., tit, a. u., l'll)ll(laa, staid buout svt. IU.&1,(, 4WAm ... ileal kllu, v. an, iMal ill. kUrVMMka, luOKia, Ula auaiuuauu, 4 J, ii., i'ii 4w.a kuu a. i a-iwli, vaw, aikJavS, liav. Ja. at., Oaleupato. aMili a4w, i,MM aot. .LMlli, asaanaa, Atlvxii. aiu iwi uMut ova. riauli, -a.ii., Ovutlal. mtm vVV, W. - OaSiUa. IM), Ally. Jluiu 0.UAa.ja ia ill 8. CO,, a. - c tauuiuguai, ubttn. OaAOOJi Caw u.aUi., Aiaia . ., Mwa ola. OK IUO aaiwavAVIMO CO., AbMftil JUm, awoutf - Jvvf - Ita'lauUa, a-. v ., aiauufaclur ara . A.cul, M.uniif ou .nc. saw taatf, ai.u tjt. Jriaia'Pt ' Jt .wajiaJi, A l tor ae at a-aa, i-m,u 3vV, iwtl, aiouai 1. QUICK, &. mw, sir luauraae. oresuu a at uelu.. As. u. aaats ROBERTS, MAita ., Public WOugJ'svl, la Mwia RaTHERFOKu, P. B Attorney, a,aail Zjit. Uuais elZ. SEVrSRX. X. J., riuelliy Cop par Cw., Atalu jWJ, avuua avu. ITERXBERO, Uau . D., Phy sioau auu 8uravu, aiuta r. it A-li t I. avuuut a.o. TBOafJaAXXfT UaV. O. T,, Phyal clau ai.a Suiawu, aiaia kwo sol. a TVITER8ITY OP OKE00S. Bi leaslwa 1rpt. aiaia zooy, iluvut 1. WA11II COMSTBUCTIOM CO., l aviug Cobtraciura. Ajalu iitwo, A CMtaeutO liuc. WEST, OSWALD, Lawyer. Mais , UwWUi OUi. WX8TBR00K. at WESTBK00K. Arttwneys at Law. statu luui, Bouui suit. WESTERS OPTICAL CO. alala JtVvOi j-1V-j. Uuuui AW. WHITZSltlE;' DR. etO. 8 Phy. alclan and Surgeon, alula Ul, Kuuui to7." WHI6HT-BLODOETT CC ITD. Timber l-.ail, kialu 7145, I lib Ir Wiur.