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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1915)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 25, 1915. The Last Friday in March and How COURT IS SUGGESTED . - - - . t - - This Store Celebrates the 1312th I Friday Surprise : Sale! TT1& QJJALITT STORJE- OP- PORTLAND 18 L)LUIa1 AMLM I M UA ii . .. i . 1 ' . 1 "... .. . . 111 .. .. i... '.. .,. " 11 - 11 1 rLIUllnnLMI mmmLu i , . ie7 ' ' ANNUAL REPOR Municipal Judge Stevenson Declares Experiment Sue . cessful. - ATTORNEYS FAVOR PLAN STHE- Q.UALTTT OP PORTLAND 4 rvUAbaJv"MarriwMvAMva System of Paying1 IFines in Installment Said to Ear Proven ; ' Satisfactory. Recommendation that tlie pity .pro-; ' vids jy law for a moral pourt to supplant Hie work of the municipal court i made by Municipal Judge ; Stevenson. in his annual report to the. mayor .ad commissioners, made put- , He today. 1 ! The morals court was. instituted j May 23, lat year. All cases involving : domestic relations or moral turpitude are tried there in comparative privacy. ' Only -the Judge, the attorneys, and the principals of the case are admitted. Tlie plkn has been satisfactory to everyone, especially the attorneys, and it lias been found that women will talk much more readily than in the presence of a courtroom audience. The greater part of Jud? Steven-' son's report is devoted to a discus sion of this and other new phases of : the work under him, He says: j "My observations of the workings of 1 the so-called morajs court and court of domestic relations lead me to what I think the very sound conclusion that suih a court ought to be created by law, thus conferring the added pow er and dignity that would . attach to it by- reason of such an enactment. ' 1 ."The experiment of probation for first offenders' has been given a thor ough, trial, and has proved very suc cessful. ' - 'At the close of the period covered by this report there were approximate ly 200 men on probation, and the rec ords disclose that most of them have made good. I desire to report to the credit of J. V. Inskeep, that he has In " numerous instances secured re munerative employment for men placed in his charge and that, gener-. ally speakiiu;. his services as proba tion officer, have teen invaluable to the court. "Early in the year, at the sugges tion of F. W. Stadter, deputy city at torney, asslgnad to the- municipal court, the plan of installment fines - was put in practice. The system is very generally successful, and is, of Itself, an excellent scheme of proba tion ana deterrence." First Jitney Dance Proves Big "Success Guests Art Delivered at Somes Tree of Charge When Tired of Waltz ing. . With about 400 present, . the first dance by' the Jitney drivers and owners was held in the Armory last night. As it was a decided success the Jitney people are planning to hold another but bigger ball within the near fu- lure. . A unique feature was the delivery of those who attended at their homes following the dance, free of charge. For awhile It looked as if the dance would be called off for some one had peglected to secure the required per. roiU It was obtained,1 however. Just before the city hall Cloned. Then it was discovered that the law prohibits admitting women free. This . was Vrem'edied, however, by chargingfor couples. First Spring Lamb . Of Season in Market Initial Shipment Hails rrom Canny and Is Taken at liVaC Per Pound. Veg--tagles Plenty. Weather conditions and the calendar tmav-unite; in saying that spring has arrived but it takes the first arrivals Of spring lambs to truly confirm the entrance of the season. First arrivals of, spring-lambs came to the North Portland stockyards today , from Candy and were purchased by the ! Union Meat company at 12C a pound. The season for lambs is earlier than usual and this year's arrivals have broken all records of recent years. Spring vegetables are also arriving. There is asparagus galore and rhubarb in 'plenty! at lower prices than usual. Spinnach has been with us for several weeks and home grown cauliflower has likewise been available recently ProbaWy Had "Beer Bust." Albanjv Or., March 25. No trace has been! found of the robbers who Sunday 1 night broke into the Albany Mill & Klevator company's warehouse, stole several flour sacks; went to tho. Oregon Electric freight depot, stole a harret ; Of beer, carrying the bottles away In i the sacks, and then went down the! river, in a rowboat they ap- . t . 4 Frrni 41, - lan.1ln It At bany Sand & Gravel company. The boat was .found adrift down the" river. RESINOL A SAFE XmN-KrMr )Y ; ltYou need never hesitate to use Res in&l Ointment and ResinoJ Soap. There is nothing in them to injure on irritate thetenderest skin. Resinol is a doc tor's prescription ; which for twenty years has been used .by careful physi cians for eczema and many other itch ing, burning, unsightly skin affections. They prescribe Restaol freely, knowing that its soothing, healing action is brought about by a medication so bland and gentle as to be suited to the roost delicate skin even of a tiny" baby. Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap top 4 itching instantly, and speedily heal skin humors, pimples, sores, boils, burns and All druggists sell them. For samples write to Dept. 'Shampoo with Resinol Soap, rub bing its lather thoroughly into the scalp, so as to work in the soothing, hyaline Resinol medication. This al most always stops dandruff and scalp J Itching, and keeps the hair alive, thick Jf and lustrous. - . - - tAdv.) I The fflZ Friday Surprise Fine Silk $1 Petticoats QC Very Special Jr -Guaranteed mescaline Petti coats, in - desirable . street shades. Cut generously full, and made with 12-inch accordion pleated ruffle. All fitted-too Ptyle. This is a genuine bargain. rifth Ploor Sixth St. Bid. 5Qc Hosiery 29 c For Women less fet-t and slate They're fiber silk bootj double lisle tons. Made ind reinforced heels and toes. smoke, sky and emerald colors First Ploor, Stxth-St. Bldg, Hose with with seam- Black, white All sizes. THE fflZ fftttlAY SURPRISE Plaid Crepes 10i0 Were 25c JL U i V Just half price for this fash- . ionable crepe matsrial. in a number of handsome plaid patterns, wide range of color combinations. Splendid material for children's wear and Women's tub dresses. Third Ploor Stctn-St. Bid. Tta W Friday Sorpr 4. Embroideries 14c Were 20c-50c 300 yards of these favored trim ming materials. Beautifullv em broidered n a, number of designs, including Baby Irish and bund work. Widths from 2 td 4 inches. Jrirst Ploor, Sixth-St. Bids- Iht 171Z Friday Surprise i 39b Drawers ; ; J Very good quality chil dren's cambric in the favorite- Knickerbocker style. j Finished with neat, narrow .hemstitched ruffle. Full cut and well made. Sizes 10.112 and 14 years. Always 3Sc Friday 25c. J Second Ploor, 6tn-St; Bldff. agsB ThE IIZ Riiday Surprise New Jewelry Novelties 1 9c i Brooch pins in imitation Italian ivorj'L in butterfly)., rose, cameo and other designs; fancy ba:r pins; jet cuff pins; pin sets in a, great variety of styles and hatpins in pairs. i First Floor, 6th-St. Bldg. the is B Friday Surprise $1.50 to $5.00 Valdes in This Men's 69c Uhderwe Men's 25c Sox, Broken Lines lOc Clean-Un Sale Shirts and Drawers. makes as Lewis, Globe and Gantrier & M; are silk and wool and silk and lisJe and pink. Such famous attern. There ents in blue Cotton, lisle, cashmere and wool, wide rangej the MZ8 fiiiDAY Surprise $1 Envelope Chemise of colors and Temporary n all sizes. Annex. First Floor. Made of fancy crepe, embroidered jn pink and blue dots and fin ished with pretty laces. 69c trimmed. -St. Bids'. $ 1 .00 Combinations s at Women's of nainsook or crepe, lace Made in corset cover and drawer style. 4nd Seoond embroidi Ploor, Silk THE l?IZ Friday Surprise Any Pair of Men's $5 to $7.50 Fane v Pants for $3.85 Friday only will this great offer be in effect. There are 300 pairs of pants to select from, all wool materials in grays, plain and. striped pat terns. Included are sizes 30 to 50 waist measure !n ,ttnrt(H Tentrths fomp arlv Fridav that vou mav secure vour size, your color and your pattern at, pair $J.o5. -fciemporaiT 69c dry Sixth Women' taped yokes length in re! THE fflZ fiUDAY sbRPfiSE - - 1 . J Ribbed Vests for 17c Annex. Soeond F1o"r. f Swiss-ribbed, 1 Summer-weight, mi Low neck, sleeveless, regular and ercerized and sil extra sizes. : 35c Union Suits for Women's cotton, light weight, with jgular and extra sizes. 19c sleeves and knee low neck, no Second Ploor, Sixth-St. Bldf. the i?!? Friday Surprise Early Shoppsh Will Get the Pick of These and Wool Dresses The Values Are Really Wonderful faille silk, finish led with gilt to select from. The Silk , . . long sleeves, pretty black satin girdle; collar, cuffs Dresses Come in Tomorrow & See Them IJ7Lf nL The one illustrated is ot DiacK ana wnite I lie WOQl UreSSeS checked materia1!, with the new flared sWt, and- deep vestee of white buttons. Also a number, of other attractive styles The model illustrated is of white satin .KvitK shadow sleeves. and torsage of red roses. Iri ad dition you'll find a great variety of dainty "light' shades arid black, all; made in tne attractive new styles ana in a variety mat aiiows a wme &eicctiuii. Remember, these Dresses are for Friday onlyand in all probabil ity will not last the day Tic IflZ Friday Surprise Girls9 Coats $2.75 They're last season's models, but every one attractive and worth a great deal more than we're asking. . Some belted styles, oth ers plain box. Sizes 2 to 6 years. Friday, only $2.75. Fiftn Floor. 6th-St. Bids. The l?C Friday Surprise Grass Rogs Splendidly woven " Grass.. Rugs, handsome shades of blue, green and brown. $1 27x54 Rubs 69c: $1-25 30x60 Rugs, 85c; $1-65 36x72 Rugs $1.23. Temporary Annex. Seventh Floor 69c Indestructo Suit Cases $5 25 of these $6.50 and $7.50 Cowhide Suit cases. Full stitched frames. With or with out straps. Linen lined shirt-folds. Three oz. leather sewed handles. While any of the 25 remain, these "Indestructo" Suit cases for $5. - Temporary Annex, 5th Floor out. Fourth Ploor Sixth-St. Bldr. THe: I?IZ Friday Surprise $3.50 to $6 i Trimmed N ew H ats One Like i r. ..... naure Below On Sale Friday At $2 Hons eltied ashionable nd trimmed in and hand THE mi Friday Surprise 50c to $1.00 Laces fy. m Shadow, net top, foreign," domestic, S f white, ecru and. two-tojned effects. B t - Fifty different patterns, all effective for transparent waists. 9 to 18 ins. i First Floor. Sixth-St. Bid. The mz Friday Surprise $3.00 to $5.00 Scarfs j Daintiest of colors and combina- tions. Soft chiffons, silk crepes and AmJaS' marquisettes, in stripes, jplain effects Jr and many combinations.! None, sent C..O. D. None . Exchangeable. First Ploor. Sixth-St. Bid. .'' 11 In III H I The Friday Surprise $3.90 Card Tables $2.98 "Burrowes" make. casy-to-fold styFe. Made in the Regulation size and top, covered with felt or leatherette. Regularly $3.90 Temporary smi, fcta Floor. som trimmings. 95c w hats, all straw or strafwj and silk combina- attractive wreaths, fancy flower and fruit nov- e ribbons. There is a variety in shapes and Untrimmed (TKC good variety of styles, black and colors your choice 5c second fiogr Bum-g. j.. The UIZ Friday Surprise Glove Worth $1.50 90c Real kid skins, made in Grenoble, irance -ciasp, overseam sewn, tn sizes SYi to 7. Your choice of black,. "white, brown, grayblue, mode and tan shades. 2 pairs $1.75. i First Floor, Sixth-St. Bldff. THE l?IZ Friday Surprise $5ioo GoFsefe Sizes 20 to 30 :.$1.19 High, medium and low-bust in styles to suit all figures Fine batiste, plain or fancy coutil and tricot, with light or heavy boning. Sizes 20 to 30. Nojcx changes no credits no phone orders. I I Fifth Ploor. Sixth-St. Buildln. ; The JK fftiDAY Surprise " MewWaisits eries ,$1.25 Plain voile, fancy stripet and embroidered voile and fancy cotton crepe, vestees and new-style collars of white organdie, others self-trimmed. Long sleeves. All sizes. Fifth Floor, Slxth-St. Bldr. THE l?IZ9 Friday Surprise Ribbons Yard. Were 15c to 35c iOc Imagine buying satin taffeta or- plain tattcta Kpbons at lUc! Were offering 3500 yards of.these silk ribbons, in 25 good and desirable colors, widths No. 16 to 60, at 10c v First Floor, Bixth-8t. Bid. The m Friday Surprise at Dresses and ch line whi 6 tty Russian tyles, plaid aijnbray. white madras or ithout belts. ontrasting colors, trimmed, 1 Cmldren s p French he, with or ie or c rt years. 5 0c to Second Floor,'1 Sixth-St. Bldff. The Friday Surprise Kerrioainits Tpat have during the pas Handsome scrims. nets and Swisse did variety, an remnants only 10c accumulated few weeks, j ., cretonnes, j s,- in spien- :, ...... unexcelled quality, sold m t.yard 10c. I " Annex, Hlnth Ploor. Temporary Palmolive rlrchase a Friday for only FREE 3 10c ca worth' of famed Combination 39c 50c jar of Palmolive Cream '39c. and we shall include ces of Palmolive Soao. 80c Palmolive preparations 39c First Floor. sixta-Bt. miag. "RiE Ml fftiDAY Surprise 9 d Boy ;t,r.a-$f. (fill ;QQ. alive colors. fJJ ii JrJ Ic coats and the Form majorit conservati Norfolk Knickerbocker pants. lined throughout. In sizes 5. 6, 7. 11. 12. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18. --Temporary Annex, Second Floor. T the UK8 Friday surprise -$,1 Table ! i 'Tunnibiei's c Tapering shape Tumblers made of the best lead-blown thin class. A varyiiiff line of sizes regularly selling up to $1 the dozen. Your choice of 4-ouncc, Axt, 5, 7, 8, 9 and 10-ouncc sizes. i Temporary Annex, Fourth Floor 5 Geim Mooiiit V Put ud in small-size cans. A staple that should be in every well-stocked pantry. Limit Friday 1 dozen cans ' : - L L . . . V . . to oitcT person. Take advantage of the liberal otter to the tull extent tomorroww 63c BUTTER-Blue Ribbon brand fancy Oregon make ; roll SHRIMP Fancy R. R. grade, C L large cans 25c, small cans. . . 1 Oy CODFISH New boneless QL Alaska in .No. 2 bricks. s TABLE SYRUP Monogram Aw No. 22 cans, while they last 1 COVE OYSTERS Standard O C U 4-ounce cans. 3 for. ... OV "Rie fftiDAY Surprise $2,50 Sweepers $1.85 over for $2.50. Spc at $1.S5. Seventh Floo The famous "Bisseir make, "Standard" grade. Carpet Sweep er. Sold the- country Special here Friday, only -Temporary Annex BUTTER-Victor brand, very C Oc satisfactory; roll.. . . . .iu COFFEE Challenge, freshly 7 Cr roastedJ 4 lbs., 95c, lb. . . . . I LD" ST ARCH Corn or glosi No. 1 packages, 4 for . . . JLO TOMATO CATSUP Blue Label or Snider's. bottle.. MACARONI or! Spaghetti, HXfor Oregod.make, No. 1 pkgs 20c er . A ims j The- QyALrrV Storr op porjlawd NAPTHA SOAP brand. 6 bars for. si w Economy CORNMEA low, freshly Whiti ground, CREAM OF WHEAT known cereal, package -FridayC ibars fortJw LAUNDRY SOAP Soecial. well asred. 10 RUNKELL'S COCOA- Eastern make, lb. can . Pnre Pood Grocery. Basement. 6th St, Bldf. L 19c No ?rl9c or ye'Jfn 15c 9 sk. k-Well- ThE 17IZ fftlDAY SURPRISE Infants 19c down to 5. the years. Button Sizes 1 Fridav special for the little ones will attract many shrewd mothers. Second FJooi Were 45c." Made of ton in weights for Sumra coU 4r- frorit. Thts 9T, Sixth-St. TBi&g. f THE i fftlDAY SURPRISE . ! . Middy Blouses for White galatea in regulation style, all white, or white with blue or at tractive novelty collars. Sizes for children 6 to 14 years and women's . sizes 36 to 44. . Fifth Floor, Sixth St. Bldgr. 9Sc The uiz FftiDAY Surprise Med. Pillows for Emmerich make, filled with good,: fSi clean feathers and covered with the viJ f best, fancy art ticking. CottorrBlan- mjj KmiX kets', white or tan color, with fancy e borders, 92c. Temporary Annex, XT lath Floor TriE UIZ fRiDAY Surprise Dining Chairs $2.25 Were $4.00. Fumed or wax ifnish, with full box seat. Every joint mor tised. One of our most popular de-signs-(like illustration.) - - Temporary Annex, Tenth Floor.