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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1915)
THE OREGON ', DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAN D, THURSDAY EVENING, ' MARCH 25, 1915 13 JITNEY PROBLEM I S AT CLOSE QUARTERS BY RAILWAY CHIEF Jitney Bus Clever Scheme to Take Legitimate Profits From Carlines, He Says. C M. CLARK EYES SYSTEM Expert Does Hot Believe Jitney Can Succeed Permanently on a Piv Cent Fare Basis, He Say. r After a study of the jitney problem a first hand, C. M. Clark, chairman of . the board of directors of the Portland .Railway. Light & Power Co.. left Port land this afternoon on the Shasta Limited .for his home rn Philadelphia toy way of San Francisco. Mr. Clark had no announcements to make as to plans of the local com pany, but he did have a. few definite .thoughts about Jitneys. "Th jitney," he declared this morn- inff. "Jsthe cleverest scheme ever de vised to take the legitimate profits of the public service corporation and put them In the pockets of the automobile ,i manufacturer. : , The Jitney driver is "not the one who makes the money in the jitney business; it is the automobile manu facturer and the dealer in second hand cars. The Jitney i8 the product of dull times, men out of work seizins . upon it in lieu of something- else to fo and the automobile people, unload ing their cars upon them. : "On the Pacific coast and some places 'in the middle west the jitney is prevalent, and it is taking away the cream from the street car com panies at the present time. The P. R Li. & P. Co. will giy tle maximum of 'service to the 'Portland public, despite this- fact, as long as it l.s aole. "Personally, I do not believe th Jit ney can" be a permanent success on a 5 cent basis." No Word as to How S. S. Denver Sank Cascade Locks Man ; Claims Big Estate i if John Livingston Assert He Is Gains' "-to Hew York to Collect Money; Will ; Stay in Oregon. John Livingston, a farmer living near Cascade Locks, was in Portland yesterday. He claim a $100,(100.000 estate in New York and is soon going east to collect it. ,. When lie gets his money, he i3 still going to live at Cascade Looks and spend' all his money, in the .vicinity. SNOW AT PENDLETON Pendleton, Or., March 25. There was a sudden drop in temperature this morning, followed by a flurry of snow, the first for two months. Slaking- of American X.iner in Atlantic X Unexplained ; Fart of Her Crew and Passenger Sao Tomorrow. New York, March 25. "We have not been able to get another word by wire less from i the captain of the Denver and the sinking of the liner is as much a mystery as it was yesterday." said the manager of the ;MaHory line here today. The White Star line received a wire less message frpm the liner Megantic saying she wlllj reach her pier tomor row afternoon. The Manhattan will dock' "Sunday. ; These two steamers carry the survivors of the ill-fated Denver, which siank in mid-ocean. The Mallory line officials are trying to ob tain some explanation of the accident, but so far without success. The wireless reports merely state that the Denver, leaking ba.dly and in a sinking condition, wirelessed for aid. Several vessels rushed to the scene and rescued the" crew and passengera Soon afterwards the wireless stated, the Denver sank. Bernhardt Ready To Take Up Work She Wires, Her American Manager to Arrange for Tour Next Fall Despite Xoss of Xeg I17 Amputation. New York, N. Y., March 25. Un daunted by the recent amputation of hr leg in a Bordeaux hospital, Mme. Sarah Bernhardt, the famous French actress, will make a tour of the United States this year, according to an nouncement here today. W. F. Con nor, her -American manager, has re ceived the following cablegram, from the actress, who is convalescing at Andernos, France: "Will you kindly arrange for my tour in September? Advise me number of plays." "Nonpartisan" Bill . Wins in Sacramento Spectacular Fight Against Measure Ends After 17 Hour Debate; Measure How Goes Before California Senate. Capitol, Sacramento. Cal., March 25. The Young nonpartisan bill passed the assembly at 4 o'clock this morn ing after a continuous debate of 17 hours. The vote was 4 8 to 31, coming almost at daybreak after a most spec tacular fight. The Republicans, Dem ocrats and Socialists who opposed the bill "died fighting," as they remarked. The measure now goes to the senate, whore it wljl pass more easily. The demmstration against the ad ministration measure which seeks to eliminate party politics from state and legislative offices was known to be fu tile froin the start because sufficient votes were already pledged, to the bill. More than three score Of amend monts were voted down. RENHARD RECEIVES CALL (Rev. Carl J. Renhard, superintend ent of the .Emanuel hospital, on Tenth eet, has tendered his resignation. st afjer three years' tenure of office. a If you haven't yet smoked your first NEB O Plain end s "Utterly Different9' cigarette then you owe your palate & dime. -Pay the debt. Drop in at the near est tobacco store, and treat yourself to, an "Utterly Different" cigarette. "Utterly Different S" 100 ciuierent. We've put over a Halt or accumulated centurv-and-a- experience and expertness into makina NEBO plain end pleasure. . Now it's yours. Don't put off your ; Make this the "Utterly Different day. : : i i GUARANTEE If after spooking half the package of NEBO plain end fQU qj-q not delighted, return balance of package Jo P. Lorillard Co., Nefv York (Estab lished 1 760) and receive your money back. -MBS) i -5 CIGARETTES - -" f 'TT-r-7 V CRACK 80XER TO MEET MEXICAN TOMORROW NIGH 900.000.000 BUSHE t WHEAT CROP LIKELY, SAYS CHICAGO EXPERT Every! 19 Indication Crop for 5 Will Break All Rec ords, Reports B, W, Snow. Billy Maiscott (on left), who will meet Cordova in one of the stem! events of the Imperial club smoker tomorrow night, snapped ring one of his daily workouts with Jimmy Moscow. Mas- made his first appearance in the new association last Fri- nieht. . fin du cotfi Mr. Renha to the college, Goeu he does probably now No succ for the uei hospijt rd is now considering a call presidency of Coeur d'Alene r d'Alene. Idaho. In case not accept the call he will remain with a congregation under his charge at Colton. Or. 6SOr has as yet been, named perintendency of the Eman- al. mi 0oy Struck by Jitney. Abe Lvoff, aged 8 years, of 1300 Cbrbett sjtreet, was' struck by a jitney bus at Siecond and Alder streets yes terday aifternoon, the real wheel of the machine passing over him and slightly bruising his right arm. Wit nesses asjsert that the boy walked into the machine. The car bore the license 12339, and records at police station show .that this license to be ijn the name of Mrs. T. H. Greer. I - ' 1 1 1 1 Drug Fiend "Is Suspected!. A drug user, who it is believed hoped to replenish his supply otj mor phine, is thought by1 the police to have stolen the medical case from the automobile belonging to , Dr. f. W. Wood of the Morgan .building; at Broadway and Washington street last night. . The case of a new electric torch is extended In tubular form to slip On the handle of an umbrella or cane. I fll'nited Pr Iaed Wire.) Chicago, March 25.-Tbere is every present; indication that the wheat crop for 1&15 will be a record-breaker in the history of the country, but.itis too early yet for any definite state ment, according to. B. W. Snow, chief statistician of Bartlett, Fraxier & Carrington. ' "With conditions similar to last year, the 1910 crop will break all records. said Snow today. "Last year 36.000.000 acres of wheat yielded a total winter and spring crop of 891.000,000 bushels. Of this amount; 683,000.000 bushels constituted the winter wheat crop. This yar the acreage is between 41. 000,000! and 42,000,000. So far, the weathet has been encouraging; and everything points to a bumper yield. This is particularly true in Oklahoma Kansas1 and Nebraska, generally known as the I'dry states. "There is a possibility that the yield this year might -reach 900,000,000 bushels, but it is mere guesswork to try to estimate the number of bushels now. But as no one can tell what the year will be until after the crop is cut, it would not be surprising even yet if the crop dropped as low as 500,000.000 bushels. But present indications are fine." ! . now said that he could not make any prediction as to the possible prices of wheat and flour, asserting that the" prices will depend upon the law of sup- ply and demand and the lessons learned from the war. has pieces of land scattered In many parts of the city. Local applicants will deal direct with, the general offices. ' .,: . ' .v.- Seek Yogel Reward. Los Angeles, CaL, March 25. Los Angeles detectives who Captured A. E, Sells,i convicted in Oakland for tho murder of Mrs. Jacob Vogel, have em ployed an attorney and will tight for the 13000 reward offered for the Vogel slayers. Attorney Arthur L. Veitch, accompanied by K; C. King, will leave for Oakland today in an effort to col lect the reward. Sells repudiated his confession to the Vogel murder after receiving a life sentence for the crime. ' W. G. Hale Pleads Guilty, W. G. Hale pleaded guilty this morn ing to a charge of non-support, and was sentenced to six months in Jail. Judge Davis paroled him-on condition that he support his family in the f ture. Big Steelhead Is j Caught in Bull Run Ksa Waiffhinr 89 bounds Is Said to ! B Xargest Salmon . Erer Caojrbt With Sand Kin. : A steelhead salmon " welshing 29 pounds, and 42 , inches long, .was cap tured after a j fight of 50 minutes Tuesday evening by Police Sergeant Fred West in the Bull Run river,- a quarter of a mile below the -Mount Hood power station. : i According to Dr. MeFarland. ; presi dent of the Multnomah Anglers" club, this is the largest steelhead ever taken on a hand line . in the north west. West was equipped with a six ounce rod and trout tackle.l The fish rose to the spoon at sunset, and it was dark before it was finally landed. Not anticipating such a catch. Ser geant West did not have a gaff. The fish was finally lured , out; of the deep hole in which it-was making its" fight, and Clarence Hlnson, West's roommate, dove head fir6t Into, a riffle, and grabbed the big fish by the gills. Joseph Robson Pardoned. Salem, Or., March 25.- Joseph Rob son,, aged 19 years, was granted a con ditional pardon today by Governor Wlthycombe. TCoDson was committed to the state penitentiary January 2 1 to serve a term of from one to five years for the theft of an automobile in Portland. It was contended that it was the prank of a number of boys who took the machine for a Joy ride. The pardon was recommended by Dis trict Attorney Evans. Pickpocket Sentenced. For attempting to pick the. pockets of F- Nelson, a streetcar .conductor on the Morrison bridge yesterday. Mike Toriff was sent to Jail for 15 days by Municipal Judge Stevenson. He was arrested by Patrolman L. Stone. IDLE LANDS AVAILABLE Concrete encouragement of the back-to-the-tand movement was given yes terday! by officials of the O-W. R. & N. Co., I when ihey issued a bulletin in structing agents throughout the sys tem Ihat idle lands owned by the com pany will be made . available for gar dens to worthy persons who are In need. Persons wishing to make use of th!s land, whether in cities and towns or between stations, need only apply to the agent. In Portland, the company Double Stamps Tomorrow and Satur day, With 20 Extra-Use the Coupon SPECIAL Read the last paragraph in this ad It may mean much to YOU COUPON 20--Extra-20 Bring this coupon and get 20 extra "S. & H." Trading Stamps on your first $1 cash pur chase and double k tame a on. balance of purchase. Good on first three floors tomorrow and Saturday, iarch 26 and 27, Going to the Exposition? Expect to Write Home? UJf Take a . 81.75 TOXJBIST TABLET with voir at. special i-, WATERMAN IDE AX rOUTTTAIlT FEB The new COMBINES Safety and Self-filler. at . . . .S2.50 up WATEBMAMT XDEAZ. INK, the traveler's style, container-can't spill ..j 25c SPECIAL OFFER FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 3 cakes Palm Olive Soap' . 1 jar Palm Olive Cream Total' . 30c 50c 80c Special both for 39c PAINTS AND VARNISHES TOB SFECIAX. PURPOSES "Scar -Not" Waterproof Varnish for furni ture, pint SOd "Rexpar." outside Varnish for doors and win dows pint 40c '"Screen Enamel. black or grreen. pint 25 Aluminum Paint for gas stoves and water pipes. ii pint .'. .....30 Bicycle Enamel for autos and motorcycles, H Pint l . 25 "Flaxoap,", for "cleaning without eatine'." all L - .tl painted. I varnished surfaces. 1-lb. can 20c paint ad vice cheebjtolt given y FISH WITH REAL JOY G. WASHINGTON COFFEE is a soluble product requires no boiling. Can be made in a minute. Pure comfort without the headache. The next time you fish, take a little package with you and enjoy coffee without annoyance. CANDY SPECIALS Imported English Toffee, lb 40d Easter Egg Candy, all colors, lb . .25 Hand-rolled Chocolates, special 33 O Toasted Marshmallow, special. 27c Assorted Jelly Beans, lb. 16 DRUGS AND PATENTS 15c pomestic Ammjonia 1 lb. Cascara Barki l 'lb. Senna Leavesj 25 Ibis. Epsom Salts IDc Boric Acid ...i 10c Sulrhur j 10c Sorti'jm Bicarbonate ............... 25c Witch Hazel .1 25c Rose Water . .i 25c Spirits Camphor ................... 25c Bay Rum 25c Clarosan Powder Disinfectant tl.00 McArthur's Syrup Hypophosphites $1.Q0 Ayer's Sarsaparilla .............. 60c Chamberlain's Cough. Remedy ...... 25c Omega Oil L .......... 50c Carles' K. and!B. Tea 1.00i Page's Asthma Cigarettes 50c Cuticura Ointinent ............. 25c Musterole . . .1 $1.00i Stewart's Dyspepsia Tablets ... 50c Cascaret9 . ..I .4...... . .25 .35 85 7 . 7 . 7 .18J .15 .19 18c .15c 85c .85c .40c 20c -40c .85c 43c .20C 85c .38c r ' i . Our Photographic Contest for March closes on the 31st. Gat full particulars at the! Photo Department. j YOTI GET "3. & S." OBEEN T&AOZNO STAMPS WITH TESBE PRICES. dte. Gillette Blades j ....39c 1 doz. Gillette Blades doz. Durham Duplex Blades J2.50 $1.60 $2.00 16.25 $1.75 $2.25 $2.50 77c - -39c Pearl. Handlei Knives R1.SS Pearl Handle iKnives ............. -97 Ironclad Alarm ' .S1.49 Eight -Day Mantel Clock. ... i .. 83.98 Junior Tattoo! Alarm 81.15 Junior Tattoo Alarm SI. 65 Old -Style Razors S1.49 orLY TVfO MORE DAYS BIG HAND- BAG SALE 25c CONSERVO BRAND PRESERVES . . 2 1 C 15c Pimentoes, Spanish, 2 for ...25c 25c Dusseldorf Prepared Mustard 19c Heinz Baked Beans, all styles. . .10-15-2c Heinz Dill Pickles, tin cans 20c MEDICINAL WINES AT REDUCED PRICES T5c Cresta Blanca Choice Wines 59c $1.00 .-Spanish Port, imported 87c $1.00 Old Tom Martin Bourbon 69c ,85c Royal Sparkling Burgundy. 44c 85c Rock. Rye and Tola 67d $2.00 Leroy 3 , Star Brandy.. SI. 63 $1.25 Guckenheimer Rye SI. OS TOILET GOODS Forhan's Pyorrhea Preparation for the gums, special... J... 50c Mary Garden Talcum .. . .. 50c 2oc Societe Baby Poudre de Talc, special. . . 15c 50c La Blache Face Powder ....3c 25c Perspl-No JL5c 8 for .....25c 25c Rubifoam ...15 50c Pebeco 28c 20c Amoline 16c 25c Vantine's Kutch Sandalwood Talcum 15c 50c Stearns' Peroxide Cream ........... ,29c 50c Suprema Cream 29 Krank's Lather Kreem no brush, no soap no cup- no rubbins apply and shave. . 25c 1 Dound Antiseptic Tooth Powder.... 25c BRISTLE GOODS Pyralln Ivory 25 discount. $2 Hair Brushes, 12 and 15 row, genuinehrls- tles. special ...j Sl.OO 75c Hand Scrub Brushes ............... 50c itc Mara rcuDDer ioroos ............... f7C Just drive up to one of our Service Stations. .They're centrally located for your convenience. In less time than it takes to tell it, your gas tank is filled with Red Crown gasoline and your crankcase brought to the right level with Zerolene Oil. ZEROLENE The Standard Oil for Motor Cars and RED CROWN The Gasoline of Quality have for years been so; uniformly satisfactory that most motorists loi)k upon them as the "standard" oil and gas. " Mow we" have put these prdducts where you can buy them as easily, quickly and conveniently as you buy your favorite magazine or cigar. We have established Standard Service Stations the best we can devise in the way of location and equipment. Buy Standard Products backed by Standard Service. You'll find both at - 50c Cloth Brushes 25c Tooth Brushes Military Brushes. I 60 Per 33c ic genuine Russian bristle. Cent Discount. BATHING CAPS You never know when vou are I going to take a- WEEK END TRIP to the BEACH. Lasti year's bathing cap may be old and cracked. You wilr want a good, tight-fitting cap. We ihave a full: stock of caps in njany styles and colors. -Green Bathing Cap with large yellow rose and two preen tatsels . . . . 4 .82.00 Bluel Cap with ! large yellow buckle in front and blue frijnge ... .. j ..Sl.OO Greeh Toques .1 50c Divers' Caps 35c Mens Skull .Caps 50c LAWN! MOWERS E. 10th and Hawthorne Avci Belmont and E. 8th. St. Broadway and E. 11th St. Union Aye. and Clackamas St. E. 3d and Oregon Sts. E. 18th and Burnside Sts. 21st and Washing-ton Sts. 10th, Oak and Burnside Sts. Standard Oil Company (CALIFORNIA) Stfletto Lawn Mowers, 14-inch. 1 5 blades, high wneei, oan ueanng. . regular price $10.00, special .! j t f b All Jlast year's stock Garden Hose at Grass Grass Hook . , Shears ONE-POTTBTH OPP BEOUAB PBICE Lawn! Mower Sharpiener ...25d 25c ...25c EASTER GREETING CARDS AND POSTALS ( ; At the Stationery Dept. FOOT TROUBLES A BETTER UNDERSTANDING i i TOMOBBOW, for one day only, an expert in Or. thopeqic. xaecnanicai Adjustments or (foot mal formations, from the Shaw Mfsr. Co. of Chicago. New York and London, will be in attendance in our ADDliance Dept.. 4th Floor, to "render exoert service free to all who may desire. Properly constructed, expertljf adjusted arch supports furnish instant v expertly adjusted, produce - remarkable results. Many who ascribel their foot troubles to rheumatism or gout, secure instant Teller oy me use or inese appliances, nunareas or people in trie city are now wearing them with most excellent results. Private fitting rooms and every Convenience for! those who are interested. TBIOAT ONLY FOURTH PXOOB. . j I COCOANUT OIL FINE FOR WASHING HAIR - It you want to keep your hair In good condition, the less soap you use the better. poos contain too much I alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and is very harmful. Just plain mulsified cocoanut oil (which is pure and entirely greaseless), is much better than soap or anything else you can use for shampooing, as this can't possibly injure the hair. Simply moisten your hair with water and rub it in. jOne Or two teaspoonfuls will make an abund ance of rich, creamy lather, and cleanses the hair and scalp thor oughly. The lather rinses out easily, and removes every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and exees sive oil. The hair dries Quickly and evenly and leaves! it fine and silky, bright, fluffy and easy to manage.: j You can get mulsified cocoanut Oil at most any drug store. It U very cheap, and "a few ounces is enough to last everyone In the fam ily for months. Adv. A New WOODARD, . Alder at West Park IIIPIIIH Oregon Humane Society 67 Grand Are. XT., between Conch and Davis. Phones East 1433. B-231& OPEN SAX AND HZOHT." ' Report all cases of cruelty to this office. Lethal chamber for small ani mals. Horse ambulance for sick or I disabled, animals, at a moment's notlc. The. "California," running heretofore between Los Angeles and Kansas City, will hereafter run between Los Angeles and Chicago via the El Paso 'Route (S. P-E. P. & a. W-C. R. I. & P.) . 1 " - r Through Sleeping Cars from San Francisco to ' Los Angeles in connection with the New train, also with thc ' ; ' v Golden State Limited The de Luxe Train no extra fare Los An . geles to Chicago" daily.. : Lvs. Los Angeles 11:45 A. M. daily. 1 0 Pays' Stopover - ' At San Francisco and Los Angeles allowed on all one-way tickets to Chicago or other East ern Cities via this route. Literature on California and illustrated booklet, "The Golden State Limited," with full information, reservations, tickets, etc. at City Ticket Office, 80 Sixth Street, Cor. Oak, or Union Depot. " ., : X"--- - '7 ' .- ". "' . ' " ... Soofttnerini Pacific John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent. Portland. 4