The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 23, 1915, Page 14, Image 14

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Successfully Controverts Any
Statements That Might Re
flect on Work on Highway,
. . m nnriinr
Governor Junes Withcombe Defend!
Columbia Biver Highway Darin?
the Argument.
(Salem Rurrao of The Journal.
Salem, Or.;, March .23. At a meeting
of the state highway commission Mon
day afternoon. Highway Engineer
Bowlby from the' records of his office
successfully controverted much of the
misinformation that Is belns indus
triously circulated in the interest of
certain contractors to bring about the
iremoval of Mr. Bowlby.
Delegations from Clatsop and Co
lumbia, .counties appeared before the
commissioli to ask for state aid. From
his records Mr. Bowlby . showed that
they were greatly misinformed, rel
ative to jthe situation In their 'coun
ties. He also showed them that In his
recommendations for the apportion
ment of the 'state highway fund this
year their interests were being cared
for, and that they were receiving prac
tically all that they asked.
During the discussion State Treas
urer Kay asserted mat tne engineer
ing cost on' the Columbia highway was
$60,000 in Columbia county. Engineer
Bowlby .introduced figures, showing
that he had surveyed many miles of
other roads 'in Columbia . county and
'that the total cost for preliminary and
constructing engineering, was less than
' After the representatives of Clatsop
and Columbia counties had learned
that the amounts, recommended by En
gineer Bowlby to be apportioned this
yearr were practically what they
wanted, they appeared to have a bet
ter understanding of the situation and
"privately expressed themselves as be
ing satisfied with the showing made
by Mr. Bowlby. -
1 Judge Cl-ark said that Columbia
jCOunty had issued bonds in the sum of
1160,000 and had nothing to show for
Itt - This brought Governor Withy-
rfjOmbe to the defense of the Columbia
Thighway. "You have a nicely graded
road." declared the governor.
t . Bowlby Is Heard.
Judge Clarke asserted that $290,000
was spent in Columbia county on work
that was jlet on contract at' $220,000.
and was called sharply to account by
Bowlby, who pointed out that the con
tract' on file at the Columbia county
courthouse showed a contract of 280."
000, and that the company's bond was
based on that amount. Bowlby denied
thit the a'mount of work to be done
had been changed so as to bring the
contract down to $220,000. The engi
neer asserted that there had been bad
faith on the part of the Columbia
county court, and that $95,000 less had
een secured tor the work! than had
been expected.
Clarke told the commission that he
would rather have the county engineer
do the work than the state engineer.
Bowlby mentioned .that Clark had
been county Judge only about three
months and had had no experience In
roadbuilding. The state engineer said
his men had "long experience in road
building. I : l -
Bowlby declared that the ' criticism
of the, Columbia highway came from
people who. had never been over It.
lie Insisted that Clarke should have
known the engineering expense would
have to be met by the county, and Dis
trict Engineer Grisold said he toild
Clarke about it. Clarke said he could
not remember. !
"If we don't get help, there will be
no road through Columbia county to
connect Multnomah and Clatsep coun
ties this year," said Clarke. "If we do
not put Bom cover on those 'fills, they
will be useless in wet weither. Co
lumbia county has gone the limit."
Dougall argued that CLatsdp was en
titled to be idealt with liberally.' He
said, the county had spent a lot of
money builutrg roads, . and that it
would be neoebsary to spend 'a lot more
on repairing '
Counties May Bond.
State Treasurer Kay of the highway
commission said that when the state
started a year ago to build roads; it
decided to put the funds in counties
which bonded, and it was not the in
tention to put more money in them
this year, it being believed that there
would be a new crop of counties bond
ing. However, '-new " counties are not
bonding very fast, and the commission
has decided to get out of the situation
created last year the best way It can.
said Kay. Personally, said the state
treasurer, he had no criticism to offer
concerning the state engineer, but he
believed that too much money was
spent in engineering. He claimed $6-0,-0U0
had "been: spent in Columbia courfty,
Kay also said he believes that too
much road was torn , up, and that he
would have been better satisfied had
the counties undertaken only half as
imiclfand completed It.
Estimate riguies on Issue.,
Bowlby took issue with Kay on the
assertion that $60,000 had been spent
on engineering the Columbia highway
in Columbia county, declaring that the
total was only about $22,000. ,
Kay, and Bowlby also clashed over
some figures In Bowlby's estimate,
Kay insisting that $10,000 the commis
sion had promised Jackson county last
year should be Included, while Bowlby
said it was included in the amount
proposed to be given.
Bowlby mentioned a county judge
who thought he was $87,000 In the hole
on roads, when a check of the accounts
shpwed he had $9000 to the good in his
County Will Repair
Gresham Roadway
The county commissioners this
morning decided to repair a cave-In in
a filled-in roadway at Gresham with
piling and a fill at a cost estimated
at $422.28 by County Surveyor Bonser.
Mr. Bonser submitted three plans for
the repair, one being a permanent fill
which would make necessary the use
of about 60 feet of private land for
the embankment for approximately 50
feet In length. He estimated that the
cost of the fill would be about $600.
The other method was a double
strength piling job, which it was esti
mated would cost $694. Mr. Bonser
said the method chosen should last
for over 20 years.
If you haven't yet smoked
your first NEBO Plain end
" Utterly Different " cigarette
then you owe your palate
a dime.
Pay the debt. Crop in at the near
est tobacco store, and treat yourself
to an "Utterly liferent" cigarette.
1 ' Utterly Different" -100 per cent,
We've put over! a century-and-a-half
of accumulated experience and
expertness intomaking rJEBO plain end
"Utterly Different."
Now it's yours.
Don't put off your pleasure.
Make this the "Utterly Different'9
GUARANTEE If after smokinq
Mlthe package of NEBO you are
not delighted, return balance of package ,
to P. Lorillard Co. ,J New York (Estab
lished 1 760) and recetve your irvoney back.
1807 Kmmm
Tn& Quality" Store- op Portland
riftK- SbctVWorrisoiv Alder Sta.
Every Section, of ifae Store Is Brilliant With Bargain
1 - "te
m i . ii in
Easter Baskets
At -5c to 75c
Make your selections early from complete as-j
sortments of Fruit Baskets, Flower Baskets,!
Sandwich Baskets, Work Baskets, Novelty Bas-j
kcts and Artistic Shida Baskets,, all in a great;
variety of shapes. Temporary Annex, rights rioor
Save Your Carfare by
Shopping Wednes
i . day When You
May Buy
35c Worth
of Notions
Silyerine Picture Frames
You may select any
thing in our Notion
Department except Silk
Ihread to the amount
of 35c and pay 25c for it. Cottoin
th -ead to the amount of-lOc may be
included in the purchase.
i .
'A penny saved is a penny earned"
here's a chance to earn ten.
Plrrt rioor. Slxth-St. Bid?.
$5.00 Silk
Women's" India Afk
style, fast black WF tg
and colors! warrf ssrfjijF
ranted water-
prbof. Not all colors in the lot. Good
assortment of handles to select from.
Made with 10 ribs. Just 100 Umbrel
las in the lot.
rirat Floor, 81xtn-8t. Bid.
lOc Hand-
jWomen's and Children's
hand - embroidered initial.
made in Ireland, of fine, 1
sheer materials. All initials
harid-embroidered. :
Women's 20c Pure Irish Linen
Handkerc h i e f s, with hemstitched
hems, full size; 6 for 50c
each ..
rirat rioor. Slxth-St Bide
25c Stamped
j Caps for
Dainty sheer lawn ma
terials, stamped for em
broidery in many lovely
designs, to be done in
75c Pillow Cases and Day Cases,
stamped ready for embroidering in. a
variety of handsome new designs in
excellent quality tubing. Size Q
36x42 Choice tomorrow; pair Ol
I Seventh X"loor Sixth St. Bldff.
$5.00 Eye
Tomorrow only
Fitted to youri
eyes by our reg
istered graduate
J first Floor, Slxth-St. Bid.
Mary Antin Lectures
at the White Temple March 31
Subject "They Who Knock
at Our Gates"
f you would become familiar
with this inspired speaker's view
point, 'read her . two wonderful
books: . '
'"the Promised Land," price $f.7o
"They Who Knock at Our Gates,"
priced $1.00.
Jow in: the Book Department.
TICKETS for the lecture on
sa e in Book Dept., 6th floor, 6th
St; Building, Meier & Frank's.
Small Cabinet and Postcard
Sizes priced at ;
Large Cabinet Sizes priced JJT f ,
tomorrow, special at ..... . .OvrC'
Shown in oblong and oval shapes.
Purple velvet easel backs and ball
feet. Absolutely non-tarnishable.
SNSfffa18 Mirrors 35c
Our search for a novelty was re
warded by this! "find"
Silverine Non-Tarnishable Boudoir Mirrors, with velvet easel;
back and ball feet to match the picture frames on your dresser;
oval and oblong shapes look and wear like; sterling silver and
priced at 35c i i
xThese on display tomorrow come and see them!
1 First Floor, Sixtfc-Bt. Bldff.
I A Special Price Tomorrow on
Shirts and
Ecru color, splendid quality balbriggan
garments. Shirts with plain neck, 'full
sleeves with elastic ribbed cuffs, pearl
buttons. Drawers cambric-faced, double
seat, iight-fitting at' ankles, suspender
tape and pearl buttons. All sizes shirts
34 to 54, drawers 30 to 54. Extra spe
cial price for Wednesday, garment 39c
Mail orders filled. ! I i
Temporary Annas, Tint Tloor.
Kimono Silks
Deeply Underpriced
Several attractive patterns in a good
variety of colors, especially woven silk for
kimono purposes, reduced as
ollows :
Was Was
85c I . 65c i
50c 39c
Temporary Annex, Hlath Tloor.
40 Colors in
Our McCallum's Make
AU Pure Silk
. Thread Hose
In 40 of the lovely new
Spring! shades, black,
white and sta- C"l TA
pies, pairj tpXeOl
Women's $ 1
Silk Hose
Mill run, extra qual
ity, serviceable Hose,
some all silk, others
with fine lisle tops. In
black and white, and
all sizes. Price, 7Qr
pair wl
At a
7irst Floor. Slxth-8t. Bid?.
i Tomorrow We Specialize in Boys
Suits and Coats $3,50
All new goods and I typical of the values we are j offering
Oliver Twist Stgle
Either wash or wool materials Combina
tions of greys, tans and blues and splendid
mixtures. Sizes 2 to 10 years. vgO Kfl
These; Suits priced at .J POeOli
The Middy Styles j
Some with laced fronts, some with tie
and sailor collars, all braid trimmed. Shown
m combinations of blues, grey, tans and
browns. Sizes 2 to 10 years. Dq- flQ
sirable Suits at pOUJ
Dombey or Vestee Style
Checks, plaids and mixtures, splendid
variety of colors 2 to 8 yearsj. fiQ fffl
Excellent little Suits at. tpOetJU
Balmacaan Coats for Boys
Wool or wash materials, great variety materials and colors.
1 to 10 years and priced
Temporary ' Annex, Beoond Floor.
More Specials in Our
Drug and
Toilet Goods
Sale Tomorrow
50c Denver Mud, priced for OQ
this sale, special at Us
Waterglass for - preserving HKg
egg$, 1-gallon size.......... Ol
Waterglass for preserving
eggs, a-gallon size. . . uUL
Steam's Cough Drops, 5 1ft
packages for this sale at ... . JLUL
Canthrox (shampoo at the fTfif
low price of -iiV
Mercolized Wax, specially KQr
priced at JJs
$1.50 Hughes' Ideal Hair QO
Brushes, this splendid make VOt
$1.25 Bath Brushes, detach- CQ
able handles, .special OIC
i$l Rubber Gloves, guaran- rTQ
teed quality, pair IU
35c to 50c Hand and Nail Brushes,
!ebony and assorted backs, 0
reduced to -itH
1 rirat rioor, Slxth-St. Bid sr.
To Wear With Top Coats These
New Correct Spring Styles in
A great variety! of styles, plain and
semi-tailored effects; made in moderate
widthsfrom 2y2 io 2fi yards, the
actual width being obtained in many
instances by means of pleats below the
Skirts made of
Gabardine Mixtures
Palm Beach
. Many made with the new suspender
and vest effects, patch pockets, self
belts and button trimmings. Two at
tractive models ate illustrated dozens
-JTourtli rioor, Bixti-at. Bid.
For One Day Only Tomorrow
in Your
nousz iur
Made in the regular "A
there's none better. Regul
oven and shelf ' size of oven
of broiler I6xl8bc6. Four
simmer burner,
for . . . .
corn wav and
size, with high
)1 8x1 6x1 4, size
large burners and
TemporaiT inu. Tilth Tloor.
i n
There's Charming Variety in New
es-Te a G o wii s
Never; have we shown a larg
er or more representative col
lection :of these "dainty gar
ments, i Handsome brocaded
crepe de chine, nets, chiffons,
plain crepe le chine andiPoiret
silks are; the favored- materials.
The models are so. varied that
description is impossible. Come
in and see them. ' I
Priced at $3.95
Negligees, made of crepe de
chine and crystalline silk) crepe,
in lovely color combinations.
Made in Empire style, lace
or organdy collars and
Priced at $7.5p
Crepe de Chine Negligees,
messaline and albatross, an
unusually fine assortment made
in Empire, straight or flowing
styles, j - j
Priced at $10.95
New Japanese Hand-Embroidered
Kimonos, in lovely rose,
wistaria j and chrysanthemum
patterns, of heavy double silk,
in a" great variety of colors.
Made with oba of same material
with fringed ends. , :
T " I '- .
Pitta Tloor. BUth-8t. BolUUnr.
Grocery Specials
10-Pound Sack Pure Cane Sugar 63c
Put up in net-weight new cotton sacks, a new-style package we
are introducing, convenient and easy to handle. Sold tomorrow at
a slight advance over sack prices- -10 pounds 63c
Asparagus or Tips, Hatchet brand,
dozen j cans $1.40
the can .....
Peanut Butter, best
in pint Economy jars,
WhiteJ Beans, larere.i
made Of? .
only CtOV.
cooking, 5-lb. cloth sacks . . . aCC
Salt Pork, best dry salt cure, A
pound, tomorrow at. . ... . . ; XffC
Molasses. - in No. 2
splendid; flavoring, priced at
Cottage Hams, fine; sugar-cured,
nearly b o n e 1 e s s, .the Am t
pound. . . . ... .......... 1 4 V2C
Sauer Kraut, ; Libby's solid , pack,
No. 2y3 cans, dozen $1.15 1 A
single can priced at only lUC
Petite Prunes, latest Ore- e
gon curing, G lbs, tomorrow DC
Cluster Raisins, lilue OlA
Jay No. 1 cartons, priced X&t ' " C
Pur rood Grocery.Baaement, 6ta Bt. EWf.