12 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, (PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 23, 1915. 1 SITUATIOXSl-IALE ' ' 2, : 1 " f Contlaaad) . ' ' Wa.V'I LJ...,- , . . ..... , . nanhunin and Janitor In hotel. offlc building , 3?3 front rooms, beautifully fur or apartment bouse, by first clan me- nlened. Complete for housekeeping, chanic. O-607 Journal silverwarej linens, : regular kitchen, 1- uwui ;r 73- sleepnig porch, piano, sewing machine, 3tZ0.b'? - eXtteur w fireplace,, not water, furnace heat, tnt n 1rlvlJ1? del very car or electncity laundry, yard, first floor, truck; will also drive private car; well ' j 2;t f,'. 23rrl. - , " 'luaiiiiHi wnn city. rt-zai. journal. WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention Tb Journal. V8ITUATIONS FKMAL.K PRIVATE secretary and amanuensis, capaoie. experienced in de-tan worn, thorough In shorthand and typewriting. Late secretary for law firm. Phone Marshall 6444. EXPEKlJiNCEIi young woman wishes kitchen, cafeteria work or dish wash ing. . In great need of work. Main 7061, A-1617. . JuADY witn daughter 5 years old wishes housekeeping,- good home con sidered more than wages. Mrs. Nettie iJewBlng, 451 Sumner at. RKLIABL.K woman wishes chamber- work; can give best of references. S 443, Journal.' , WASHING and lace curtains laundered at home; called and delivered. Mar- AVOMAN wants work, hour or day. Woodlawn. 4 127. WOMAN wants1 washiiiK or sweeping by hour. Phone Main 2143. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work, 25c hour. Kast 5904. LADY wishes day work, any kind. Main 6886. ' YvuAIaN wants work by hour or day. Phone A-1 79 WANTED Work by hour or day; re : liable reference. Phone East 20b.-. CURTAINS laundered at home. Main 9130. DAY work. Tahor 6013. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE . AM) FKMALK '2 MAN AND AV1FE want position . ks cook and helper in camp or hotel,' logging camp pr.cf erred. exreri enoed references. C. W. K-, 335 5th St. Tel. Marshall 2287. . . tit man and wife, to manage rooming house or hotel on percentage basis. Main 9581. ' DJtESSMAKIXG 40 FASHIONABLE dressmaking and makeovers. 648 Division st. Mr. Lane. FIT t.ISHKl ROOMS 1 ANSON 1 A HOTEL, 124 t., cor. Washington. Most desirable location, strictly modern, private baths, phones In every room, 3 week up. Bates to tourists. Main 1443. , IN HEART of city, clean as a pin; running water, steam heat, free bath, phone. lolVfe Broadway, between Alder and Morrison. Hotel Kegent. Only a few left at $2 and $2.50 a week. YOUNG men . may consult without 1 charge register or rurmsnea rooms at iicuiwiua ai flirts of rhecTty!sasu those the j V. , t . : 1 I 1 J i V u a 7a- i 1,11 K.iiVKnir ' KAnAmr. Arn Suites $5. Outside rooms $3 up. court rooms. $2,50-up By day 60c, 7oc. $1. j cor. 1 2th and W ashington sts. , WANTED Room mate to reduce rooming- expense. Fireproof build ing, shower baths, individual beds. Call or address Y. M. C. A. business office. A QUIET PLACE FOR QUIET PEOPLE HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison, st., near Grand ave. Cleanliness and comfort. $3 per wk. up. THE ALBION HOTEL, 212 3d and Salmon. -Rooms $1.75 week up; steam heat, hot and cold water, free bath, phone. DON'T WASTE MONEY. If you want a cleaner, better room for less money, go to Hotel Amsdon, :g(t8 3d St., cor. Jefferson. AlAAWbtiti uAUii, residential hotel, 207 14 tli- et., rooms single or en suite;, modern, rates reasonable; In the heart of business district. HOTEL ARTHUR; 11th near Morrison. Transient and permanent, rooms with all modern conveniences. $17.50' mo. up. Tourist Hotel, 1st and Mor., modern front rooms. $3.50 up; others $2.50 up; tran. 60c up.: tran. trade sol. TNiceJy furnished A D DHTT day up. 228V4 Wash, st, rD DU I I 1.50 wk. up. ' itOUAiy and apartments in mouern no tel. $2.6u week and up. 455 Airier. $2 WEEK up, clean, warm, modern fur. rooms, central. The King, 309 Jeff. TO RENT Furnished room with bath room, reasonable, at 189 Stanton Bt. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention .The Journal. ' - FUKOTSHEX BOOMS WEST SIDE PKJ VATE FAMILY 70 BEAUT1FUL suite of rooms, private bath, heat, .light and phone; en- trance off large roomy porch; large yard; view and air grand; furniture iiiKuec quaiuy auu. new, in Hinciiy private home, close walking distance. 489 Jefferson, off of 14th. ' LARGE front room for men; 1 block lrom Washington; $1.50 week. & 10th st. . WELL furnished room.' in strictly modern home, close in; all conven- lences. phone, $9. Call 87 N. 16th st. NICELY furnished room, modern con veniences, central, very reasonable. 404 Clay, -near 10th. $1 WEEK, good room, free phone, bath. Also one $9 month. 405 West Park. Phone Main 4582. a Iter 9 a. rn. M o nday . $2' WEEK, small, neat room. 268 12th. r UK WISHED BOOMS ; 5338 Foster road. See Jewt-ler. 'EAST SIDE PRIVATE EAMTXY 71 ! 8 ROOM house, fine view, Mt. Tabor. 2 NICELY furnished rooms, with bath V 6sth andi Belmont. $16. Main 3863. and conveniences. 128 E. 16th st. 7 KOOllS, close in. east side, $12; wa TWO rooms, 1 front, nice view, tl.2a ; ter included. Phone East 6115. and $1.50 per week. 189 E. 9th st, 1 NEW 6 room bungalow $18, restrict- KOOJ1S AND BOAKD 15 PARKVIEW HOTEL, 386 Montgomery st. at West Park. Family hotel; all modern conveniences; rates for regular and transient guests. . - THE HAZEL, cor. 3d and Montgomery. Fine furnished rooms and board, $5 up: steam heat, hot baths: free phone. NiCe large airy rooms, home cooking. Casa Rosa, 300 Jefferson. BOOMS AND BOABD PRIVATE FAMILY 73 ! ROOM and board in private home. ' every modern convenience, hot and cold twater in room, use of piano. 344 - Salmon st. Main 4504. ROOM and board tcr 1 or 2 gentle men, 54 N. 16th. cor. Davis. ROOM and table board $4 per wk, East ' 2522. 755 K. Davis. 332 10th st. Modern. M. 69 79. A-2865. HOUS J KEEPING ROOMS 8 WESlSIDE ONE room with kitchenette, complete ly furnished, steam , heat, running : hot And cold water, phone In every room; 7 blocks from 6th and Morrison sts.; r- ana up. - t,oiumoia st., corner 6th mt. I AND 2 room H. K. suites, $8 to $12 - month.-steam heat, 2454 N. 17th St.. comer Marshall. Marshall 4943.; ROYCREST, 12th and Yamhill Suites and single housekeeping rooms, all conveniences. . G1LM AN hotel, 1st ana Alder. Fur nished H. K. rms.. cheap. $1.60 wk. up. Cambridge bldg., furnished H. K. rooms" central, cheap, 1654 Sd. cor. Mor'n. GEM APTS.. 1, 2. 3 room suites, free - bath, phone; $1 wk. up. 401 1st st. - KOXnSEKEEPIlTO BOOMS i WEST StDE PRIVATE FAMILY 73 WHY NOT rent rooms? , Housekeeping, large yard, close in, at1 reasonable rates.; 105 West 10th at. - Marshall 4 6945. ; - - - - - I -.; TWO large rooms. 2 beds, range, sink, for family, $2.50 week. 408 Jeffer - son t. . -' - "''.- ' ' ' NICE single housekeeping room , $2.50 per week; one single; room $2, close In. 223 W. Park. ' L A NICE large corner room with use: ot ftHUIIBll. Oirt -ounion pi.. WELL furnished IL K. room, $8, in cluding wood. 312 Main st. 3 KOTT8EKE2PHTO ROOMS WEST BrDS PBIVATE FAUXLYx' 73 i" luoatmued) 2 MCKLlf furnished housekeeping rooms, with everything furnished, very reasonable. Call Sunday or mornings.- I Main 7681. 331 Montgomery 1 LAKGE front liousttkeeDine rooms. heated, free cooking gas. 2 to J2.50 1 "n, ': rr si. FURNISHED two room suite, running water, sink, basement, electric light, $12 monthj Mrs. Johnson. 168 10th st. NICE front rooms, housekeeping, sleep ng. $5 month up. Close in. 129 13th, near Washington. 361 TAYLOR Suites and single house keeping i rooms, x'ree light, phone. path, laundry. 19 THREE unfurnished, housekeeping atn, yara. se pa r a te e n t ranee; close in. 610 1st. THREE bfckutifully lurnished house keeping rooms; heat, light, phone, and bath. Main 4339. 700 Flanders. $8 TWO room suites furnished. '490 Clay. ' j . HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 48 KASTSIUJB ; $1.50 TO $2.75 week, turnished H. K. rooms, gas, free heat, laundry, bath. Phone East 6039. 406 Vancouver ave. $9, THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms, close in, adults. East 963. HOUSEKEEPING" KOOMS -EAST SIDE PRIVATE FAMILY 74 IS A goO(J housekeeper wants clean 'furnished housekeeping rooms, call at 687 E, Morrison. Phone East 5111. Private family. TWO large light housekeeping rooms in private family; walking distance. 514 E. Oak cor. 11th. CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooms, walking kitstance. 71 10. ,11th st: N., between Davis and Everett. FOR KENT HOUSfcS 12 MEIER & FRANK'S FREE RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU . Tenth Floor, Temporary Annex . Complete and reliable list or all va cant houses, flats, apartments, and bungalows! in the city; make use of this service when you desire; this does not obligate you in any manner to this store. You will find us willing and ready at all times to help you in locating. Newcomers In Portland will find this service especially valuable. Real estate men and owners of private property are invited to list their un occupied apartments, flats; and houses at Meier k Frank's freo rentaS bureau. FOR RENT rBetter to sell to tenant heap, 4 1 room house, lull lot, small iv,i..t - ,. . .,i i,. 1 1 1 1 , A 1 1 1 11U1L. I 1 1 1 1, 1 1 L MMtWdlK, le block to carline; terms. Phone Aaoi. v - V. FOR RENT A nice 2 room house and 225 by 10O feet of land, chicken yard berrit.s ati $d a ,nonth. 512 E. Tyl Ht st jonns. s0 oy 100, jail kinds of large fruit and 7 .ROOM house, 262 21st st.. near Washington, modern -improvecents; suitable tor small rooming house. Phone East 509. Tabor 2543. NEW modern 7 room house and sleep ing porch, furnace, - fireplace, hard wood HOors. 33d and Hancock; $25. Marshall 2432. $7.50 3 i ROOM house; $13, 6 room house, bath, gas and electric, paved street, 2 blocks to Hawthorne car.rjln quire 1220 E. Main. ' i 12 ROOMS $12. Close lnj east side, 100x100; divided into 3 aptd. Fred W. German Co., 914 Chamber Of Commerce. $156 ROOM modern house; shade trees, fruit, nice lawn, larrre garden. 889 Michigan, corner Mason. Wdln. 2132. - 8 ROOM new bungalow, Dutch kitchen. electric light, full basement. Rent cheap. East 88 and Main. Phone Ta bor 3320. FOR RENT Five room cottage, bath and attic; large yard, inclosed; E. 45th and Belmont; $15. Phone Main 26. Tabor 4353. WEST SIDE MODERN: 5-ROOM : COTTAGE $11 Yard, porch. 866 Vaughn, 23d car. FOR RENT Houses,' West side, $10 to $20 per month. . M. :E. Lee, 505 Corbett bldg. - MODERN. CLEAN 8-ROOM CORNER I COTTAGE, $12 Close in.' 81 Fremont. Mississippi car. 7 ROOM house, 382 45th N-. Rose City Park addition: all modern improve- ;.ments. Phone East 509, Tabor 2543. j8 Good house, big garden, henhouse, j wood hoist, bath. Dutch kitchen, phone B-2S32: .Sellwood 1469. $10 COMPLETELY furnished 4 room house; acre ground. Owner, 614 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 6765. $15 6 roonl house, fruit and roses. gas and i electricity, near car. Phone nights or mornings. East 2020. $6 A MONTH, near car, 12 apple trees, garden and chickens will more than pay rent: nice district. Wdln. 448. FOR attractive houses to rent use Clark Rental Seivice, 2d floor Title & Trust bldg $135 ROOM house, 651 2d. west side, walking 1 distance, gas, bath, water included. Medofsky, Main 5730 $4.50 TO $T.00 Nice houses and stores. ed district. 864 E. Franklin. W-W car. 4 liOOM house, close in, ,426 E. 9th, only $6. ! Tabor 261. 6 ROOMS, modern, sleeping porch, gar den, chicken yard. Tabor 3555. SIX rooms, modern, $13 to good tenant. Tabor 3555. 5 ROOMED house. 57 Ella st, $15. Key 63 Ella st.. Marsh. 4338; A-3576. CLOSE in.; Good 5 room house, $10. 4 room, $8l Inquire 660 Kerby. WHEN you answer these Want Ads: mention The Journal. FURNITURE FOR SALE HOUSES FOR RENT 32 BIGGEST snap ever sold. 7 rooms, best of furniture. Cheap rent; must be sold. Mrs Johnson, 168 10th st. ADS of furniture for sale are pub lished in the Household Goods classi ficatton wh.en house is not for rent.- FURNISHED HOUSES 3G FURNISHED modern 4 room cottage with nice yard, all kinds of fruit, garden and chicken yard, 'at 220 Ivy. for $16. Marshall 2563. NICELY furnished 6 room house, $15; University Park; garden, roses, etc ; lovely home, permanent. 502 Couch bldg. i . , COZY 7 room bungalow, or would rent 4 nice sleeping rooms, $6 per month each, with all home comforts free. Woodlawn 2796. 8 ROOMS, furnished for restaurant purposes, adjoining Sellwood car barns. Phone Sellwood 140. - TWO rooms partly furnished house, lot for garden, $6.50. 6th ave, Lents. oom.li ui car tnicK. UOnneii 6 ROOM i furnished house in grove, nSarf-?yrfai: c,ean neat, cficken yaru, i xai tu. ?in St.. JN. FURNISHED 6 room oottage, close-in, 49 East 7 th St.. between Oak and Pine. $18.00. T-819. Journal. A TWO room cottage for rent the 1st. $14. C.IF. Smith. 1493 Atlantic it WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention I The Journal. FOR RENT Furnished house, large light rooms. Marshall 3451. $16.00 ON or before April 1. 5 room turmsnea cottage. IZ4 m, 26th st. $17.0 -FIVE rooms,- furnished, except dishes oind bedding. 188 K. 4 5th WHEN, you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal. .. r l i - '-n ' -X:Xxw, I APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED . i THE LUZERNE. 2 room furnished apta.. private bath, phone, dressing room, large kitchen; all outside rooms; modern., brick; $10 minutes from business center; $2t) and $25 i Marshall 4637. - nice THffi CODY. : cor. E. 7th and Tavlor sts.. has been remodeled with pri vate; baths, new- furniture and carpets. The! cleanest house in the city, 2 and 3 rooms; light and phone free; rent very reasonable. Call East 44. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apts. Wa aLiting distance. teiorence. . j BALBOA APARTMENTS. j 429 Harrison, near 12th st. Extra large 2 room furnished apts . modern, reasonable rent; phone; good service. Marshall 2900. References. COitpLETEL furnished - room steam hwuted apartment, easy walking dis tanqe, $l'i per mo., including lights, baihl, phone, Janitor service. 187 17th St., near Vamnill. ' bWEL,!, 4 room apt., partly furnished, all conveniences ouilt in, large porcihes, flowers and roses; "L" or St. Johns cars. lli'J Michigan ave. Wood- lawn 2544 THE ORLANDO, corner 20th and Wash, sts., very desirable, elegantly furnished 2' room apts:. $25 to $28; 3 rooms apts., $30 to $42.50. Every mod ern convenience. References. Mar. 1S4. TH1? NEW WESTMINSTER APTS. Corner 6th and Madison, modern 4 rooni furnished or unfurnished; best location, best of service, all outside rooms, cor. apL THE IRit APTS. 3d and Mill St. JULIETTE APTS. 2d and Montgora ery. Modern 2, 3 and 4 room apts.,1 furnished or unfurnished, $17 month up. j No charge for cooking gas. THE SHEFFIELD 2o Broaaway, south, a and 4 rooms, well arranged, easy! walking distance,, at very rea sonable rent; best of service. M. 26i6. OiNti loom ii. iv. apt., including lieat, biiith. piijjiie, etc., y per mo.; easy walking oistance. 187 17th sl near Yainliill. THE Florence apts.. oS 11th st. Cor ner apts., completely furnished, bluej rooms, private bath and phone; reaspnable rates, walking distance. J EFFERSOXI AN APARTMENTS. Corner 16tli and Jefferson; 3 large outside furnished rooms, walking dis-tanc(e,-2 beds; summer rates. THE MORTON, cor. King and Wash., new man'g.; 3 and 4 rooms, fur., and unfui. apts., reasonable rent. Pacific phone in apts.- Main 1082. A-5749. FURNISHED Davenport Apts., 605 Jefferson st., 2 and 3 rooms; very modiern; attractive summer rates. Main 6435. PENINSULA APTS.. concrete bldg., 2 arid 3 rooms, hot and cold water, batiks, steam; heat, phone, $12 up. C- 1170 lAMF.RICAN-MARLBOROUGH. Highest class apts. in the city. 4, 6 and o rooms, walking distance, reason able! Mar. 3360. Main 7516. A-267-J. THE DEZENDORF. 208 16TH ST. Marshall 2316. :ceptiOnally nice o room furnished unfurnished apt. E and DOWNTOWN modern apts., fur. or unfur., $16 mo. up; including light, heatj, etc. Royal Annex, 350 Mor rison. THE PALACE APARTMENTS. East 37th and Market; 4 rooms fur nished. private bath, phone, etc. tHE BUCK-HARTFORD APTS. 3 iroom apts, furnished and unfur nishipd: walking distance. 107 N. 21st. EVELYN apartments, 267 N. 21 st. 3 room furnished apt. Modern. Phone Marshall 1323. GRACE APTS.. 24th and Northrup. 4 large rooms, furnished; telephone, heatj, hot water, bath. Marshall 1075. DRICKSTON 448 11th St.; modern 2. S k-oom fur. apts., $20 to $3u: walking distance: excellent service. Mar. 57. TWO room apts., newly furnished, reasonable rent. Sawyers Apts., 82 N. IjOth. A-2238. BANNER apartments, 2 room suites, modern, walking distance, $15 to $20. 489 Clay. THE ORMONDE Modern 4 and 6 room apartments. 656 Flanders St., Nobj Hill. Main 8251. . MEREDITH 3 & rm. apts., reason able. 712 Washington, opp. 22d. M.7134 THI PAGE APTS. 3 rm. apts." with all modern conveniences. East 356C. 11 modi Ihaay T Ardhaay Terrace. 395 12th st. Large t room fur, apts. Mrs. John Cran. mgr MAY APARTMENTS, cor. 14th and Taylor. i;nf urniahed 2 and 3 rooms. FOR RENT FLATS 13 NEW. CONVENIENT, HOME-LIKE, 1 CLOSE IN FLAT, $15. . Built in buftet, bookcase, disappear ing bed. Dutch kitchen, linoleum, sleep ing porch, large front porch. 8 7 Fre mont st Mississippi ave. car. Mar shall 3408. MODERN- lower flat, double house in Wainut Park. Cheap to right parties. No children. Inquire 1155 Vi Williams avenue. MOViiK 4 and 6 rooms, near City nark, reasonable. M. 8988 or A-2676. TWO four room upper flats, upper and lojwer. Key at 444 I2th street. $10.00 GOOD 6 room flat, close in, nijee location. Phone i East 2409. NicjK clean 5 room upper flat, cheap. 3jb 1 01 lege. MODERN 5 room furnished flat, white bath room, .Dutch kitchen, sewing machine, $18. Woodlawn 3989. 674 Kerby st. , FOUR rooms, nicely furnished. $18; close in; 3 car lines; clean; also un furnished. $12. C-2961. STOKES AND OFFICES 11 BRICK warehouse in South Portland for rent, trackage, light and airy. On paved street, reasonable. Journal Publishing Co.. Broadway and Yamhill. hKN you answer VVubt Ads, mention T'he Journal. FOR KENT HALLS 59 381 E. Morrison St.. new lodges and dances; very reasonable terms. E. 22 FOR KENT MISCELLANEOUS 33 FOR RENT 17 lots for gardening. Tabor 3273. or write 1731 Scott ave. .1 VAXXKI- IWANT"TrTerit" -TO KENT A ANT to rent small house, oartlv riirnisned, close in, man and wite; good references. Marshall .4784. WAITED 4 or 5 room cottage, well fiirnished, near Brooklyn car shops. Sellwood 1251. JHORSES, VEJICLES, ETC. 18 CN1$ span ol mares. 7 and , 8 years old arid double harness, j weight about 22O0j; one sdrrel gelding, 7; one chest nut mare, b, and double harness, for sale cheap. Also one sorrel gelding, $20.1 Take Mt. Scott car to Lents. In- quire at Katzky Bros. J store. SOUND, 2500 lb. work 1 team, harness, farm wagon, two seat hack. Imple ments; light horse, buggy, harness, $2500. 1561 East Ash at. TEAM of mares, weight about 2300 Ibis., 8 years old and true. Call at house. 429 Hawthorne ave. GOOD farm horse. 130U lbs.; span of S00 lb. horses, cheap; heavy farm wagon. 239 'Russell st; - GOOD, sound, 1200-Ib.i horse wagon arid harness,' also 3-year-old saddle pony, for sale cheap. Call 848 Sumner. $175 BUYS team and harness, weight 2350; good workers, single or double. inquire a7 E. zstn st. wooqstocK car. DEAD Horses and cattle taken free. Tabor 4203. HOUSES for sale, all kinds. Apply S E. cor. 16th and Raleigh. M. 5640. WHjEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal.:! TEAM bays. 2000 lbsj with bs $15. 233 N. 14th st. ? ' fcHEAP horses' for sale; good workers. AHi. foi vy sier bi. i. COUPLE clieap horses: good workers. ; Apply 401 67th St.. Kern Park sta. HORSES, TE-IICLES. ETC. 18 THE Union Transfer Co., at llth and Hoyt sts have put on auto trucks and will sell very cheap the balance of their stock, as follows: Team, matched sorrel mares, full sisters, 2900 lbs., and are a good, true pulling team, gentle and kind in lor out of stable, both will plow, single or dou ble and are proven brood mares. Price $265. j Team, horse and mare, weighs 2S00 lbs., bay and black, are good work team, true to pull and ror ait places, fast walkers, set good heayy harness at low pace of $223. Team mares, 2600 lbs.. 8 old and no older, they are and 9 years good work- ers and true to pull, gentle ana Kina; set good harness at low price of $185. Team colts, horse and mare. weighs chunks. 2650 lbs., are good Pair, ru ggied heavy boned and will last a! life time; worn single or double and able for anv Dumose: set Iride; suit- good heavy harness, -at one price of $26 1 Cheap, horses and maresj are good workers but not young; red roan norse, weiehs 1300 lbs., srood worker, price $50. One brown mare, in Ifoal, first class worker, and if she donlt foal will return $15; price for mare I $50. One team, small ones, horse and mare, good workers and will hitch and show you, set good harness at low price, $125 for both, can and see us Farm wagons, two new farm wagons at half Drice. 3lA axle. wid and nar- row tire, box ana seats. O ne second hand wide tire, $30; one cornel back and one top laundry- wagonj like new, ts single se and . double harness at low prices. Union Transfer Co., at llth and Hoyt. FARM outfit, team mares, wjeighs 2600 lbs., are good workers and not sore Or lame. Both will plow, single or double, and ride: set heavy harness and a new farm wagon with box seat and all complete at low prilce tor all, $250. Call at 129 N. llth St. ;.00 TEAM of brown Clde mares in foal; work any placet not fat; weight about 2500 lbs.; alsoja team of horses at my place for saile, weight about 2600 Iba., lor $90; they are going to sell. Call at once. Mite. Graves. "S" car, south to Sherman t., wain i blocks east to Hood, 2 blocks south to Chester. No. 180. i HAVE LEASED OUR FARM, Must sell our horses and mares at once lor cash. 3 well matched teams, wt. from 1300 to 1600 lbs., 3 good marc3 1260 to 1400 lbs. These horses are guaranteed. Trial will be eiven. The best offer ever made .in f Portland. Horses are fat. 267 East 8th st. SPAN of mares with foal to imported horse, weighing 2750 lbs.. sound and free of blemishes, $175. Bay mare and Id, weigh- bay gelding, 5 and 7 years ing 225.0 lbs., sound and true, $190. Several delivery and driv horses; will sell at a low price at Model Stables, 5th and Davis s trets. HANDSOME chestnut sorrel horse, 6 vears old. weieht about 1150. with out blemish and well bred. One spring wagon, il business buggy, 2 sets or harness. 1612 E. 13th st.. cor. Spo kane ave.. Sellwood. MARE weighing 1600 lbs., 9 very fat and pretty, for years old, only $100. Bay mare and bay geldingj 5 and I years' old, DroKen single a and good to ride, weighing and double 2350 lbs.. $190. at 29a Davis St. SPAN of heavy-bone and bjlocky-built Shire geldings weighing each, 4 years old; also mares weighing 2X00 lbs., 1 1400 lbs. span young low, sold w, heavy- built, extra good worKers; guarantee at 295 Davis st. with a Boarders Wanted Now that we have got the' Rose City stables in shape, we are ready to handle about 20 head of horses to board; w also will rent a few stalls reasonable. Williamson Sd Son, 605 Aiaer st. AUCTION SALE.! Of horses, vehicles and harness at Columbia stables, 302 Fro nt, every Thursday at. 2 p. m. We selll on com. mission. Satisfaction sr uaraln teed both ouyer and seller. If you w bring your horses to our t int to sell. auction. If you want to boy. attend tn is sale. LOOK! LOOKI Team brown horses youne. eentle. true. weight 2450; $250. race Nice mare. 5 years, weight! 1500 lbs.. price $150. Good span mules. $250. Call where eood stock is kept. sta- bles foot of Main, west sld DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 20.1 Portland Rendering Co. LIVESTOCK 35 FOR SALE 9 cows and milk route, pans, bottles, horse, wagon, hay cut ter, etc. Pays $200 month.j Some of these cows are selected stock Jerseys worth ach 1n -aetun.1 I va.1ha nnd will, be sold- at a bargain, jlf you ar& iooKing ior a smau aairy you cannot afford to miss this. No- business done Sunday. 32 E. 84th st. S 40 HEAD good dairy cowsj Holstein Durhams, 4 to 6 gal. a day; Jersey and Guernsey, 3 to 6 gal. Take Wood stock car tc 60th ave., walk; 4 blocks west and-1 north. j IWILL sell at public auction 7 fine dairy : cows and 2 16-hionths-old heifers Monday. March 29, iat 1:30 p. m. S. C. Bowles, Greenburg, Oregon Electric, near Tigard. '' I 3 EXTRA good fresh cows with, calves, 3 to 4 gals, per day; price $55, $60 and $75. 1480 Macadam it. Fulton car foot of Idaho. I FOR SALE Cheap. 7 fresh teows. Dur ham, Guernsey and Jersey, from 4 to 6 galas, at 957 Mississippi ave. Take Kenton or L. car. I 21 HOGS and pigs. Complete hog ranch equipment. Boiler vats, vagon, etc. $300.00. Terms or part trade. V-821, Journal. i COMB and see us about jail breed3 dairy cows. Geo. R. Mokel Cow Co., 607 Commercial blo'bk. Main 6120. FOR SALE Fresh cow and calf, 4 gal. per day. 762 Marion ave., Sell- wood car. I FOR SALE 20 good cows, some fresh and springers. 749 Fremojit st., near WANTED A young, fresh Jersey cow. MUST sell my Jersey cowj $55. E. 28th st Woodstock car. 7S? FOR SALE, family cow. milk. Tabor 4892. richest of POULTRY AND PIGEONS 37 olttKGON PouUryunletTstoclr Ex change, 65 6th st. Eggs, baby chicks, cocks, cockerels, hens, pullets; best laying strains; lots uip to 6000. Turkeys, pigeons, diicks, BelpiR n har-s. E. D. Schanen White Plymouth Rocks. first prize at the Portland poultry show, 1914; eggs, $2 and !$3 per 15 eggs". 287 Hawthorne av., Portland, Or. THOROUGHBRED Brownji Leghorn eggs for hatching. R. Fiegan, 3327 60th st. S. E., 1 block north) of Powell Valley road. CYPHERS strain White J Leghorns. Heavy layers. Only" $1 for setting, No. 5. "Washburn Farm, Kennewick, Wash. CARNEAUX, homers and Belgian hares; highest class stack; prices rigui. jua voi uiiiiu, ivii nuqu St., i'ort- lana, or. PARTRIDGE Wyandottes. eggs, $1.50 per setting, sell street. :- toure breed 315 Rus I SiLVERLACED Wyandotte ieggs, $1.25 ior is. hi 1 commercial stL Jrtussell- Shaver car. FROM prize birds. Silverj Campines and Ancona settings i ana $2. tie Ilvered. labor 40 11. FOR SALE Ladd strain dark barred - Plymouth Rock eggs fori hatching; Wood lawn 2 u 1 2 . INDIAN Runner t'uck eggs 75c for 15. guaranteed, lawn 1416. tor setting. Call Wood- BARRED Plymouth Rock eggs for sale. $1 per setting, delivered. E. Ek, 46tn and . rviiiingswortn, wain. 239 WHITE Leghorn laying bullets, I each. 1337 Bur rage. Wdlsn . 937. THOROUGH BRED eggs Phone Tabor 6013. for hatching. ANCONA ezR9. ll setting 752 East ; Yamhill. SS car to E. 2 Sd. BELGIAN hares and pigeons bough ana sold. Alain si&i. POULTRY" AND PIGEoInS 37 tConttnned) L . Account of big demand for these fa mous Browndale strain 8. C, White Leghorn baby i chicks, we areiisold to capacity to May 1. Have several hun dred yearling land 2-year-old hens to sell this spring. M J BROWNDALE FARMS. INC.. hox ion. Aurora, i WHITE LEGHORN baby chU; heavy laying stock; March delivery, $9.50 per 100; April, $8. We guarantee safe box loe. Aurora, ucnvery. A II X lulled xxalucv, lurna. Cal. ! ' ' iuma. ai. ; . - . ! E(GS for hatching from wild Mallard Bucks. White Pekin, domesticated Mallards and jToulouse geese: Shields Silver Spring. Oregon City car or 233 Alder st.. Portland. , ORPINGTONS!, your chance; mjy finest pen, purchased direct from (Keller s trass; cock alone worth price. Real balrgain. Worth investigatlhg. K. VJMOIIC, Q MZi. OOtJ gl. iOI til. WHITE Orpington 100 baby chicks and jone Orpington cockerel, one "Old Tflusty" incubator, one cornet, 1719 Ttiorburn ave.iTabor 345, Mt. Tabor. WpEN you answer -these Want .Ads. fnentlon Thel Journal. t Shane. 254 E. 63d st. North, DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 46 GREAT DANE. 10 months old; fine pup; ii. zv rtussell st. AUTOMOBIIiES-ACCESSORIES 44 Usedi Aujo Snaps LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. FREE SERVICE GIVEN ONi ALL L USED CARS. i We offer you the followinafi list of cars to select from: 'I J OKI), r, passenger, late model. PHALJIERS; 30 H. P.. 5 passenger. COLE, 30 Hj P.. 5 passenger.! COLE, 40 H. P.. 4 passenger. MICHIGAN. i 33 H. P.. 5 passenger. HUPP. 32 H. P., 5 passenger. R. C. H.. 25 IH. P.. 5 passenger. u nese cars nave been overhauled and e all in srood condition. Prices rang- are in g from $350; up. ; Northwest Auto Co. BROADWAY AND COUCH, STS. A-4959. Main 8887. ! , PORTABLE Oarages AND HOUSES B 161 lit of best m aterlals, ar- ti tic designs. Erected complete. lock ud. Portable 1 houses. arid key. $32 1 5 up. I mm ediate deliverv. 1 TAKE DOWN MFG.- CO. Fdot of Harrl son St. Phone Main 1167. 7 GUARANTEED USED CARS ON EASV PAYMENTS! LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. INVESTIGATE OUR BARGAINS. 3. W. LEAVITT & COMPANY, USED CAR DEPARTMENT. 527 WASHINGTON ST R EEX- Trucks TERMS GIVEN. REO I la ton -tin A-1 nnitln with large van body. 1 DERAL 1 j ton. with body knd tdp. nearly new. j Northwest Auto Co, FEDK BROADWAY AND COUCH STS. Mai n S88 l.i i A-4959 FEDERAL 1 iton truck, was iguaran teed by Federal agents for lift tons. Has body and curtains. This Jtruck is nofw being overhauled and wEll serve ybfu like a new one. Wrrite orfcall on US! for further! information ISormm It detelred. Address Mr. Gilbert. 1 Oregon Motor Car o. Chapman and Alder sts Main 9402. Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac. Perfect motor, new tire', price ri$rht; a car tjhat will give rejal serv ice; also three other bargainsiin used cairs. ! i Covey Motor Car Co. . 21st and Washington Sts. WjlNTON Sixes thoroughly overhauled and rebuilt, jin 4 and 7 pass.j models, cars are fully equipped and carry standard guarantee of the Wihton Co. fojr 1 year; be sure and see us before ycju buy a used car; liberal terms. Wiinton Motor) Car Co., 23 rd and Wash- ington sts. RKO truck. 150O noundsi bought last i .- jMay from q. L. Boss, used Very lit- tl. Come and see It or write us at once. Price $350; terms. Address Mr. Oregon Motor Car jCo, Alder Sts.' Min 9402. PORTABLE GARAGE. Cljiapman and IMPROVED 10x16, best materials, erected on ydur lot c omple ete, $32 up. Any other at prices that ban't be style you want beat. B. T, Al LLYN, Garage ISpecial- ist. 1191 E. S Sallr mon st. Tabor 194. ! OREGON VULCANIZING CO. T'The Tire Shopi" 550 Washington st.. Iat 18th Marshall 379. RES BEST TIRE REPAIRING. Trade new tires for old ones. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOS. Large stock, prices $300 to 4760. OREGON MOTOR. CAR CO., Studebaker Bldg. J uorner inapman and Aider. JITNEif ori stage bargain :-i laren 7 pass. Garford, "Just overhaulled and repainted; new top and new tires. Win- ton Motor oar oo., zira and Wash- pton sts. 1H1TE "40'' idition, new In fine 'mechanical con- i tires. fully etauinnert. 1 nitkel plated Main 4244 for jand newly painted. Call I ia demonstration. I Writtasn guar- a n t e e with every, spring. 26N1 16 th st. RECOVERING auto tops, $18.50 upT Auto painting, $20 up; all work guar anteed. United Painting &. Auto Top Co., 15th and Washington. Mars. 945. AUTO SPRINGS MADE AND RE- Fifank Lange. I 228 Salmon. Main 181. Fl VE passenger 1911 Reo, In good ii-unnuig condition; no traaej labor 3429. J);LR SALE is y owner, 5 pass. auto. I Hn food- condition: will null choan 1 In -good- condition; will sell cheau. I i'lsone aeiiwooa ia.s. ONE Ford, 1 Flanders delivery, 1 E. M. IF. roadster, I 1 Herrshoff roadster. t red Jester, i;u union ave. . FIVE pass. Maxwell in A-1 condition. j$225 cash, j Mar. 3083. J Fj-ed Tester, 1;70 union ave. S. HIGHEST prices paid for old! rubber. metals. J. Leve. 186 Columbia M. 619S EXPERT auto repairing, reasonable charges. J.JJ. Zimmer. 123 N. 6th st. CIEAP FOR CASH 5 pass. Olverland. I CI. ... V I bitvo. FOR SALE, niy Marion roadster, fine (condition. $350. Columbia 352. AUTOMOBLLES WANTED 78, HAVE Hobart) M. Cable 88 not player! jpiano, Circassian walnut case and. 30j rolls musict played very little. Will ' sell cheap fort cash, or will exchange j a part payment on 1914 orl 1915 6 pass, auto if I satisfactory; Overland! preferred. J-B34, journal. i WILL PAY YOU CASH a-'or your old 4-cylinder ca. Bel mont Garage. E. 23d and Morrison st. TIRADE $1000 1 equity in & rooni bunga- jlow for auto; snap if taken at once. ICES cut n two; your, car over- auieu in your own garage; sttisiac 1 guaranteeid. Phone East tHn 1-k ACRE, east of Montavillh. want roadster or llighti delivery car; give or take difference, i N-205. Journal. $7i00 EQUITY! Z lots, for light truck or auto. Discount for cast Sell wood 1399. ! T ' ILL trade 160-acre farm inj Alberta if or automobile. ..Woodlawn 2222. Automobiles wanted 78 (Continued) WILL accept auto on my beautiful gain at $2650. Col. as first payment bungalow. A bar- 352. ! MOTOKCYCLES BICYCLKSSS pnpC -Motorcycles and Bicycles. 1 . -T t. cash or installments. New and used. Supplies . and repatrlng' F. P. KEENAN ICO., 190 4th Bt, 1912 TWIN Excelsior in excellent con dition;, new tiresd good bargain. X- i, journal. LAUNUHES AND BOATS i4 EVINRUDE Detachable Row boat Motors for' rowboats, canoes, mtorboats and fish boats are I in use by over 15 governments. The Evinrude Is world famous for remark able Dower. sDeed and won derful waterproof magneto built within flywheel. In use bv U' S. I-War Department, handling 30-ft. pontoons. Over 4000 In use in Columbia river, Alaska and Scandinavian fishing fleets. A j motor you can carry byl hand will give- as much speed as average 6 horsepower motorboat, and the iprice of $58 to $83 is so low anyone can own a' motprboat New special model! 6-passengeri boats as low as $80.' Fred catalogue; address Evinrude Motor Co., 186 Morrison. WOULD like to I rent .2 or 3 room houseboat, furnished or otherwise. ror 6 months; state particulars, it-zz, journal. PIANOS, ORGANS ANli MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 NEW Grafonola and 16 double records; cost $86. Will siell for $65. Going away. S-957. Journal. ! i FOR SALE Firie-tone, liKht-tOUch ' piano, cheap. Phone East 274; WHEN you answei- these Want Ads. mention Tfte Journal. 4 TYPEWRITERS 77 GILL'S - REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. Underwoods. Remingtons, L. C. Smith, Oliver, Smith-Premier, iRoyal, etc., $15 an'd up; terms. Agents fot the "Corona" foidink; typewriter.! Tyje- writer desks, tables and chalrsj. The J. K. Gill Co., .".d ahd Alder sts.i ,WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters. Send for our Illustrated folder; retail depart ment. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Washington st. j TYPEWRITERS for rent. 3 months for $5 and up; 6 months' rental ap-, plied, on purchase price. Remingtoa Typewriter Co.. 86 roadway, j ' NEW, rebuilt, 2d hand, rentals, cut rates. P. P. C. Co.( 231 Stark. M. 140. WHEN you answer these Want Ads mention The Journal. 1 CALL Bell Auctior. Co.. and get good price for your furniture. MaT. 4783. GOOD furniture of rooms. '264 Broad way. l ! WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal. j FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 1 BUY FROM THE MANUFACTURER. We have a complete stock of galvan ized lawn fence gales and posts. We also manufacture ornamental wire and iron fencing In any design you may re quire, and our specialty is erecting any . fence complete! on surfaced cedar or galv'anlzed stedl posts. Be sure and see our new samples before you buy.: Corns to the east side, where rents are low, and pave money. : Orna- i mental fence 5c per lineal foot and up. Phone E. 1398. Reliance Wire & Iron Works. East 10th and Flanders sts. SEWING MACHINES. All makes, new, 2d hand; for sale or rent, $2' up. Sewing Machine Emporium. 190 3d St., near jTaylor. Main 9431. . tlectric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works, 413 Burnslde, cor. 10th. Main or A-6674. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," l"Typj writers" and "Household Goods ' ar separate classifications. All iadver tisenients of these goods are published tinder their respective classifications. l ook them over. I i OR SALE Ne 1 arid second! hand Carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories, bar fix tures of all kinds, easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Cplandef- CoMl 46-48 6th st. Main 769. A-1769. j FOR horses and vehicles, dogs and household pets or poultry, read the ads, under these respective headings. The Journal leads jail other mediums in these classifications. ! 'H'fGH - GRADE PIANOS AND' COR NETS A"ND OTHER MUSRJAL IN STRUMENTS AT BARGAIN "PRICES. ELBY CO., 320-3i6 LUMBER EX CHANGE BlJlti., AU AND STARK. PEARL handled itable cutlery, cut glass, fancy chiiia. W'ernicko book cases, .books,' Victor phonograbh and records, cneap.- -jt38, joutnatj LEAD pipe, sheet lead, pig lead, fish line sinker, general machine work. NORTHWEST LEAD & MAUHY. CO.. 311 Front, j Main 6492.- AUTOMOBILES, inotorcycles, launches or boats are separate ciassmcauous. A large listing cajn be found under tnese qitrerent neaijiings. SECOND HAND 11 inch Barnes lathe, only with chuck and tools; us ed snort time; spiencjid siiape. Hardware &' Machinery Co.. 194 Dayton 1st st. DIAMOND house paints, strletljK pure; made in Oregon. I $ 1.65 gallon Port- land Paint Co., 230 Front. Mar 100, IVOROID House Paint $1.25 gal.; clos ing out line; was $1.75 gal. Timms Cress Co.. 184 2d st-. ' i GOERZ lens. 6-8, s plants, shrubs or 606. Journal. Lie or exchange for garden utenfcils. O- Sewing Maehires;;Slredf terms. 382 Morrison. ' A-5110, far. 721. PRINTING press, ixl2 Gordon, good conditi6n, for sale for $100. jX-173, Journal. I '.- FOR SALE Antique walnut bedroom set. Phony Mali .582 after a. m. Monday. J - .j POSTAL CARD, machine outfit, com plete, anyone can operate. V-633, Journal. I ! NATIONAL cash register, half price. 9Zi. r-none tseiiwooo no. I SAFES staekMti r Bafe 261 $12.60 UKOPHKAD sewing machine with attachments!. 152 Grandi ave. GE V U KTZ furniture store, 208 1st. Lowest cash prlcjes in the city. MBINU supplies, wholeaitie ark-Davis CoT.212 3d. Malni PLUM Star prices. 797. WHEN ,you answer these Wan t Ads. mention j ne juuiinai. VAXT ED---MI ijiCELLAX KOU S g " 'NOTICE- IMlilVERS.'f . We want to buy $1000 worth pf sec ond hand furniture and pay all the cash It Is worth. Williams Ave. Fur niture Exchange. East 636. ! LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO.. 221 Front sti. buys 2d hand fur niture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hard- ware or tools of arty kind. Call iA-7174 or Main am a. our ouyer calls promptly. CASH PAID FOR, DIAMONDS AND PIANOS. SEPARATE DEPT. FOR LADIES. ELBY CO., 320-326 1 LUM BER EX. BLDG., 2D AND STARK. FURNITURE WANTED WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES FOR HOUSE HOLD GOODS ALL DESCRIPTIONS. KLINE'S. E. 7169. j 87 GRAND AVE. WANTED The people of Portland, to know x. pay highest cash price for household goods. Prompt attention,! E. 670 1. N. M. Seater 143 Russell 1st. WANTED Electrics motor, V II. "P A. C. current, single phase, in first class condition. yyoodlaWn- 31,44. CLOTHES, shoes bought; $5 up for suits. Main 3591. 247 Madison jst. 2D HANb clotiiiilg and everjythihg. iiignest rjnees. m. zvhv. za 1st!. WE pay tpp price far old furniture. far old po. Main Mlsh Furniture 6768. WANT to buy water tank, about 200 gai. .mimermaa iiro s.. -A'taard. 25 REPEATING rifle, shotgun nd pos tal card machine, anyone can oper ate, to trade for horse and light wagon,; X-1H4, Journal. i - WANTED To trade a new Studebaker wagon, m in. and 3 In. tire, cost $85. Will trade for a good' milk cow. T S24. Journal. ; WANT to trade talking machine, lat est style, for typewriter ! desk. Co lumbia Graphophone Co., 429 Wash ington st. : i PIANO Trade for cnickens or cow, auto, or lathe, or motorcycle. Phone East 604. I Wanted Rent of small house or H. K. rooms for carpenter work. T-830. Journal. POOL table, complete, and dump wagon. What have" you? Snap for cash. 378 4 th. A-1513. 1 luo NO'iE, grocery account, clear lot. ..acreage, for diamond, piano, etc Main 9483. - WHAT have you to exchange for L0113 Beach lots? R-602, Journal. WJiO :! wants -to trade good piano for Drand new victroiar s-9b. Journal. FURNITURE exchanged. 226 lamhill. Main 6297 FURNITURE for Mink neckpiece, deep in back, or set. T-820, Journal. LOST AND FOUND 21 LOST LRdy's gold watchi Waltbam movement, initials a. a. n.. lost be tween 12th and Columbia and Mont- gomery and Park streets. Park View hotel. Reward. Return to LOST Seal brown. Boston terrier. . male; has a wide brass stifdded .leather collar with name plate, "Pat rick Henry the Second." ; Call Alain 4C86. R. ) - LOST Male Spitz bull, black with white ring around neck, white breast and feet, license No. 1681, Reward. wooaiawn o LOST Mink muff; between Mllwau kie and Portland; liberal reward. Phone Sellwood 1010. - LOST Lady's old watch; owner's name in back. Return to 129 4th St., second floor. Reward. LOST- Lady's patent leather dancing slipper, bet. Irvlngton and Piedmont. Woodlawn 3209. Reward. LOST Pink Canton crepe silk bolero. Reward. East 2158. ' LOST "Saturday night, brown neck fur with fur buttons. Main 1665, A-7426. PERSONAL SPIRITUALISM r Medium Rev. Vir ginia Rowe. Readings; healing daily, circles Tuesday and Friday evenings, 8 o'clock. 231 6th. Phone A-7116. HAVE your hair permanently' waved. Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Beauty Parlors, 400 Dekum. Marshall 1702. DR. G. Vj KETCHUM Women' mala dies and acute diseases of men. Wash. bldg.. 4th & Wash. Rm. 41. Ml. 448 URI RITUALISM. Rev, M. A. Price, cir cles, 'lues, a p. m,; vveo., oun. jp.rn. Readings daily. 603 6th at.j Mar. 3960. Dermatolcsrist iresldential) hairdress ine, manicurlne:, electrical equipment. M. 653Q. Miss-Johnson. ' CHIRopoDi zib Royal Annex bids-, SfiO1 Morrison Bt. US1-; Bassett's Native "Herbs for rheu matism: 60 fablet:2Bc. All druggists. BALM of Ells, remedy for discuses of women. 604 Davis st. Main 2393. ' Professional and ACCORDIOW FLEATINO ACCUKl'lb.N, KN1KU ASD BOi t'lJSATJNb, PICOTLNG HEMSTlTClrtNO. 1 BHAIDINfJ. EMBBOIDEKINO. EASTEKN I NOVELTY MKO. CO.. Hfl Bth ST.. NEAR OAK STlil'HAN HeniatltchluK, aceordlon, aide and uunburat pleating; button covered, goods apongpd. Scalloping. 3H3 Alder. M-9J73. ATTORHEYB FKEE advice, expuriencd Bttorney. Terma to an It ellent.-X07.-Spal.llnK hldg. Marahall 1363. BLANK BOOK MAKEHW DAVIS A HOLUAN, Inc. lo 2d at. Blank book manufacturers; ngenta for JonM Im proved Looae Leaf I-edgera. Bee ,tb new Eureka Leaf. A-8183.. Main 1H3. , CARPET CLSAKIlfQ JOYCE BKOS. Electric Clennlng worka, carpeta cleaned and laid, refitting our specialty, Eaat 44o. B-iye.. an r im u CAK1'B1 cleaned, refitting and l"1? W' Packer. Tabor 10t. LlioteM ' pollahed. CARPET WEAVTf KORTUWEST K. U. CO., Iruga from p& car DetB. rag ruga, carpet cleauingjrisa JC 8tb. tEM-NSlLAK Kug Worka Kag rug and car pet weaving, laia ruroo av. CHIXNEY8WEEP8 UELIABLB chimney weep., 1 . rience. beat allyi ref.i 1'Wodm. A-10KK, Main K2.-..V Frank Baaoorm. ' j CHI-RO-ra ACTIO PHYglCIAW TJh McMAllUN. 121 4th at. Cb -onlc- dlaeaaes requiring extended time. 31 treatmenta $16. PH. loLXHON, apeclalUt In paraljaU. nervoua. cbroi.lc dlaeaaea. H&O PWocfc blk. M. 8414. COAL i-NP WOOP bELIVEKEU In reasonable distance from 8d and Eaal Stark. 4 Iwt Xlr wod $4.25 par CO"1" STANDARD WOOD CO. ; Kant Z31i; Bmim I NEER&FARR and i iuaida block wood. 4 foot or aavrea to order. Telepbonea Pf)AI Malu 4fi06, A-4547. JJfU FOli SALE Alxjut 100 corda fir wood, heavy, aecund growth; soma nab; all for $200 caabj Ou aiulu road, down grade to I'ortland. Ural house went of Oswego cemetery. Bo 34, ...... n, I . MCli dry box wood uiitl our d wood, 4 feet or sawed, bummer prices. Standard Wood .Co., Ea wt Z.S15. B-lttl5. i ; M I F. J. EVEKT3. J MAIN 77. uharcoai foot w cukrx street. HEAVY Dlauk wood, aawed atove ktugtha, :?M Alan wreckage. $3. Et 497Q. COLLECTIONS 1 BUY accouuta. bilU.-te and Judgments - uf every name and bafure anywhere. For nulik reaulta anawer M-W. Journal. CONTRACTORS AMP BUILDERS Notice to Home ..Builders Mattman Bros., builders. ! will save yoa 20 on yur home. Call Manihall 547 ELECTRIC MOTORS AMD PYKAMOB kUlOltS:' aeueratora boughit. oid, rented aod repaired. W do all kinds of repairing and rewiudiug. - All work guajranteed. H. M. H. El'trlc Co HI X. it st. PhoiH- Main ft21o. VE buy. sell, rent and exchange new and 2d baud motors; repair work a upecialty. VE8l E It N ELECTRIC '"FS., ' gKt em at. Mar. OtfU. WHEN you answer thes Wants :Ad. mention Tbe Jmimal. ! ' '' EYE, EAR, KOBE, THROAT. LOTTOS Specialist. Moderate prices: ti lasses fitted. Dr. V. F. Caseeday, 617 iJekum bldg.,8d tt Wanh. T EDUCATIONAL DANCJMO fHOi. WAL WlLbO, waits, "besltatloo, cue step, fox trot, inaxlxe: morning, afternoon and evening! 4 private lessons $2.- guarantee to teach anyone who walks hovr to dance. Classes Thursday and Batcrday evenings. 7 to 8:;tO. 25c. 5, Sth.. bet. Ktark A Oak. M. 7037. MR. AND MK3. HEATH' B tknool, fsncy stage, toclal and ail tbe lau-st dances taught. Walts and two-step guaranteed In 4 private lessons. Class Vues. aud Ifrf. evea., t tm lO ! 2d bet. Wnb and Ktark. Leasons 5c WHEN you answer Uieaa Wants Ads. luentlon The JournaL - ' ' ! MUSIC BCHOOLS ASP TEACHERS FREDERICK V. FERINGER, organist. Sec ond Christian Science church, teacher, piano and pipe organ; atnaio r.ners omg E. THIELHORX, violin tescber, punll Kevclk, 207 Fleldner bldg. A-4I0O, saarnii w. Manufacturers1 DRY POOPS WHOLESALE Fleischner, Mayer & Co. vrARM IMPLEMENTS A VEHICLES K M. W A I YK A CO.. 422-321 Haw'horue ave. LEATHER ATP FINDINGS VHAS. L. MASTICK A I O.. 74 ;'ront- Leather of every decrlptIor; findings. I PAINT. OIL AND GLASS UASMtSSEN A CO.. "High Btandrd'' paint N. E, Corner 2d t-ad Taylor. M- 1771, A-05J1. SWAP COLUMN 3 A FIGHT on high prices. Why pay $5 to $10 for classes. when I can fit your eyes with first quality lenses In a cold filled frame art" low as $1.50? C. W. Goodman, 209 Morrison St.. near bridge. .Mail orders promptly filid Write fr.r pnrti'-'ilH rn. MRS. STEVENS. 21 years Portlands renowned palmist and clairvoyant, -has her book. "Palmistry Made Easy," on sale. 291 4 Morrison nt. MRS. SOPHIA B. SElP, rnt-iitHl nd ' spiritualist scientist. 318 and 31? Alisky bldg. Question meeting Wednes- day, 8 p. m. Main 822 Jk SUPERFLUOUS 1A1R. moles, wanT etc.,' destroyed forever by electric needle; no pain, no scar, cure gtiarari teed. Mile. De Long. 504 .Swetland bldg. Chiropractic, chronic cases, 31 tre;.t- ments. to. unit 13 less. ;su rms. 11 4tii TTaRTNESS, leading lea I her workers, wholesale, retail. Cor. Pa r k Y am lu'l. LAW SUITS imiivule tieo council. Mar. 4.168 ITM14 Buchanan Hldg. I oiuwor Consulta'llou free. Main 1993. 708 Selling lld. LESSONS In inhrenolOKy and card readings. 235 6th it. Piion M 7M..- NOTICES '2(1 PERSONAL' (Continued) Call for Bids on Lumber The nnderf tRiifd will receive tililn fur uii carifo of Ittfliher eltbcr ll r uleam . I. "f. I.ll liug. Sydney, iintrttlla, for April. May 0 Juik loHtltiiK. 8ierlf irationa on file lit tbe office of the rerelarieii of the Sea I lie, WhkIi., ilnil lNirtla 11 d . Or., Chuuitiern of Com merce. Mid houlil b mulled or wired to me before IV eliieil.v, .lurch 'it, 1!K. Adilre Nlel Nielsen,. Trade oiuiitliutloiier for New South Wulua,'' 411 Market st., Sau FraneUco, . l. ; SEALED iroposala lu triplicate will bo re. celved by the quai-lertnaatie Kenernl of the army. - Washington, 1. C until 2 o'clock p. m., eastern tluie, April llil.'. for fur- nlxhluK toilet artlelea, aliavtnK bmabua. rn-wh-, hamlkerfhiefa, tovcln, blneinK. Ix-rax. metal iHillhb, laundry uw1 toilet up. etc , for delWery during the l'is-al year 1UHI nt deiKita ot the ipiartermaatcr corps .Untcd In achednle. Sihedulea furolahed upou appllcn tlou to quarleriuaater K'tieral. II. K. rm.-; WahliiBton,-IT, C. or by quurujrmaater I'ori land, or. . . bLAI.Lli propoaala In triplicate will be re- celved by the uuarterinaater general of tli" aruiy. WaahhiBtou, U. 1, until mi a ciock p. in., eaatern tlm. April 1. ltilS for fur. iilablna; hardware and tiala for delivery dur ing the fiscal year 1!10, at deiwta of I ha llula.t In .he,lnl Scheil. ,ji,ni ic i uiu.i . . ... - - ulea furnished upon application to iiiarterina ter Boneral, U. S. rmy. Waahlngluu, 1. C, or by piarierinaater. r-oriiium. or. lu effect Oetolerl. 101 . ALL lUKVIOL'S KATKfisrA MXLLKD CHAUUKU AUVLKTISKMENia , bally -r fciuuday IH cent per word per Inavrtlnn. Thlir charse la for al' cluHalflcnttona, ci ptiutf 'r or Rent in Private Knudly." ''Kooni and Hoard In Private I'ainlly." Situation Wanted" and "Wanted u Kent" aila, which are H4 ceuta per w or 1 per IiiTrtlon. No ail ctiartred for -ea than ccnta. CASH AUVLUTJSKMK.N'l.S 'lH-centa per word for all clarification", excepting "lor flout In I'rlvate lanillv." 'Room and lioard lu Private Kaiutlc." "t:iua. tlon Wanted." and 'WaLti'd to Kent" ad. which are 1 V tenta per word. t ousecutlva luaertluu of caab . ant ada: . - 3 lnertlotia f r the price 'of 2. 7 inaertloua for tba price of ' Business Directory Mil at(J HCHOOLH AMD TLACHEK9 C. EDWAUI) tillUHN. teiuii pupil of CJort'oita : 4i Ell.-ra hldit. Main 1" NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS 1R I'lUiXil'H I'aralyVis," n.-i vcim uml rTin.u 1c dlxeaaea. r()4i oregonlan-bldar M. .U42. POPULAR MUSIC - KAtiTTiiK on pi'anu cuurunteed Ix-aluiieia In 10 lessons. I'li-tiire pUlnx. Kii-e demon trstlon. Free iMKikiet. ?l Elli-rs Mdif. SCHOOLS A1JD COLLEOra LINK'S til 1 N l-:xs ' ULL EG K, 51 Ii f l.ir. fl I ford bldg.. Portland. Or. f'liuue Main- rOH.i. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE KHOP I'lluE.MX iron Works. East ad and Uaw ttiorne. General ma bine and fouprtry work. OARDENINO EVERY' kind lawn and garden work, apralng and pruning. 1'Uone Tabor a 10. h. M. Cliane Il Co. . INSURANCE I'ACHIC 8TATEs KIKE ISSI HAM K CO.. enly Oreigon fire Inwuraiice company. MACHINERY fcl-CYKll CO., 00 1'itUK.k blk. hiHNin aiiov. els, dredges. I.. T. Kussell, ltepreentaitve. MATTRESSES HYGIENIC MATTRESS CO.. old niaUres.-a made uew with our H.VKlenlc prmeaa. Riiawejl. cor. lJon. C-:t-'l 1 . tls.n:i. MOVING PICTURE SUPPLY HOUSE MOVING picture machine, filma... lanterns, slides to order. 4 Broadway. -- PAVINO COMPANIES THE BAKUEtl AHl-tlALT i'AVINU CO., Port land office Khe-irHk Mdg. PAIN UNO, PAPERHAJfOINO, TITIMO bELlABLE f-uruiturc itepair shop. I'aiutlng, papeiiug, tlallug. 3M Main and Otb ata. Main 4M. PAlNHNii, kalsomluiug, paperbauglug, all work guaranieeft, I'iTona Wooumwii ;io'.. BUTCLlaEE & Bi.lEl, in-Sx work In painting. papering. VI. 1x7. A-ax'i. II tn at. PAINTING, tlutiug, piiijerlTMiiglugT EI T. Crane, 170 loth al. Main V.iVu. RUBBER BTAMi-B AND SEALS ateuciia, trade checka, brass signs. PACiUC CO A3 1 KIAitl' WUUKH 2a I Waahlngton t. Main 71". A 2710 SCREENS i'LY HCKEENS made to order. 5. Zlegler, b0 Maaou atreet. Woodlawn 'ZM'i. SHEET METAL WORKS REPAIRING, tin and gravel foufa. Jacob. Lull. aio Kirat at. 1'iKiiie Main 1424. BHIPPINO AND FURNITURE PACKING UjbDUCa-D FREIGHT CHANGES O.M' IlOLSE HOLD GOODS I First class furniture and crockery packing. Ask to have estimator call and name price fur handling your good. Malu 61ZU, A-4iZS. Evenings Marshall HKj. CO-OI'fcRATI VB FREIGHT I OIIWA KDING AGENCY. 72.1 CHAMHER OF liii.MMKIH.K. SFRAYINO WHI'lEWAhlilNG ir.e. buildings. Work guaruuteed. F, K. folnrr, 6'4u t. 3Sth st. BaH41. TRANSFER AND STORAOE C. O. PlCb Tianater A Btorugo Co. orriie and commodious 4 story brick wsruhouae with separate Iron rooms and fireproof vauit for valuables, N. W. corner iA aul l ine sts. i'lauos and furniture moved and packed for shipping, ripuclai . rates wade on good ia through cars to all douusstlc and foreltu points. Main 0; A-1 Wo. I OLlEN-ROE TUANHEER CO. New fireproof wsrehuuae witn separata rooms. We move puck ! bouaehold gooils and pianos and ship at redur-ed raK-a. Auto vans and ttautt tor moving, lorwardlng and dbtrlbutlng agents. Free truckage, oiri.a ami wrehiH4- 15lh and iloyt Mam 547. A-illM. Oregon Transfer Co, Esta)laliel 1K70. . Transfer and forwarding agents riturage, Fre Trackage Of fie- sud Etorjfcd 474 Gll.ai; Bt, 1.1th. spd Gllsan. Msln M, A-I1B8. BAGGAGE 'i'RANHrEK bEltVlCE .CO.. I'l.XK rT. MAIN 12' A-12';!. WHEN you answer these Wants Ads.' mention Tbe Journsl. - WALL PAPER MORGAN WALL PAI EK CO. 2d St., be. twen Halmon end Main. WINDOW CLEANING EXfEHl WINDOW- t LEAN fcii-S A476U. . Malu 327. 212 Henry ldg. -WLblcsalcrs ers- PIPE WOOP PIPE Pt'KTLANO WOOD PIPE. CO. factory and office near 24ti and Vork ts. Main H4H. . 'PLUMBING PIPE STEAM SUPPLIES M. L." KLINE 84 -W-87-htt FRONT STREET ROPE ANP-3IKDER TWINE y Portland Cordage Co. ' V'HE.N oii answer thet Waal' Ads mention Ihe JournaL l , .- ... : ! . I