The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 22, 1915, Page 13, Image 13

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Grace and American-Hawaiian
Line' Steamers. Bring
General Cargoes ' Into Port
roll trader Deck Xioads tnl Good Pi-ssng-er
XJsts Reported by Vessels
V Coming' Into Tltii Hsrbor.
On steamers of the Grace and American-Hawaiian
lines arriving from New
Torlt yesterday and today are belter
than 3000 tons of general cargo for
this port, while the two vessels will
have almost tha". much freight out
ward bound, i The American-Hawaiian
steamer Montanan, Captain Wright,
reached the river yesterday morning
and tied up at -Albers dock at 4:30
Pi m., while the steamer Santa Clara,
.Captain Orossley, is expected into the
river this afternoon and at the' muriicl-
: pal dock No. 1 late tonight.
: The Montanan was discharging this
morning from evety one of her six
cargo hatches. She has about 1800
tons -of freight, made up of several
hundred marks. -er cargo greatly re
lieved the congestion of general cargo
on the New York piers of he American-Hawaiian
Steamship company. She
Will carry a shipment . 1000 tons of
wheat,' a" heavy shipment of empty mall
sacks for the government, and con
siderable canned salmon and general
freight outward. Her outward cargo
will be the heaviest an American-Hawaiian
steamer has yet taken from this
.Coastwise freights continue heavy
also. The North Pacific steamer Roa
noke, Which arrived i roni San Diego
and way ports last night, brought 800
t tons besides 78 passengers. The Dodge
Steamship company will have ttie
Northland In with a full cargo from
San Francisco tomorrow while yes
terday the steamers Solano and Hornet
arrived for them with full underdeck
cargoes. The Hornet also had a heavy
shipment of asphalt on her deck.- ihe
steamer Johan Poulsen arrived up with
a heavy shipment of cement' and as
phalt also.
On her way up the river the steamer
Johan Poulsen brought the schooners
Virginia and Mabel Gale up stream
from Young's bay, where they have
,been since last summer, to the Oregon
drydock where they will be overhauled
and painted. 1 When these operations
are completed they will be loaded with
lumber for the west coast.
The Japanese steamer Azumasan
Maru, which is taking a lumber cargo
from river mills to Shanghai, shifted
late yesterday afternoorr from the In-man-Poulsen
mill dock- to Westport,
where she will finish. She is .being
dispatched by Mitsui & Co.
Ote Craft limps Into 1 San Fran
cisco, One Beached, One on Fire.
V San Francisco, Marchf 22. "The
teatner Sea Foam limped into port
yesterday with the aid of one pro
peller, blade, v While en route from
here to Mendocino last Wednesday the
vessel's propeller, struck an obstruc-,
tion, and three blades were knocked
off.- The vessel made Mendocino, dis
charged cargo and made return trip.
Either an open seacock or a leak be
neath the hawsepipe in the bow of the
steamship Manila took so' much water
on Saturday it was necessary to run
her on Mission Flats, where a great
part of her cargo was discharged. The
Manila was to save sailed for Mexico
and the west coast.
The tanker El Lobo, under charter
by Balfour, Guthrie & Co., of this city,
caught fire In Hunter's Point drydock
yesterday morning. With the com
bined efforts of the ship's crew and
the city fire fighters the flames were
subdued without much serious damage
being dotie to the vessel.
The old Pacific Mail steamer Barra
couta. Which has not been here since
r1908, arrived yesterday from Central
.America and west coast ports, and an
chored off the Mail dock, after com
pleting a rough passage.
The Standard Oil tanker Maverick,
which has distributed many thou
sands of barrels of oil from Cali
fornia oil ports to north Pacific ports
'' la her day, was Saturday sold to John
Craig for 945,000. JShe will be re-
modeled and used as a cargo carrier.
Captain A. Erickson, formerly on the
steamer Atverado, will be her master.
Japanese . Steamer Will Bring
; Cargo of 5000 Tons. .
San Francisco, March 22.' Under
charter to Frank Waterhouse & Co.
the Japanese steamer Hakushlka Maru
will arrive In Seattle from Kobe at the
, end of the month with the first full
catjgo of Manchurian corn ever brought
across the Pacific ocean. It aggre
gates 6000 tons. The corn is used in
the manufacture of stock food. Since
; the advance In the price of wheat, the
east bound movement of- the Man
churian product1 has steadily gained in
volume and now forms one of the big-
W gest items in all cargoes from the
orient.' . i
. For return voyage, to the orient
the Hakushlka Maru will load 8500
bales of cotton, valued at 1445,000. for
Vladivostok. .
Newcastle Will Be Overhauled at
San Francisco, Mach 22. The Brit
: lsh cruisei; i Newcastle." according o
word brought to this city by the tanker
El Lobo, is at Esquimault, British Co
lumbia, on drydock undergoing a com
plete overhauling. The' big tanker was
unable to make use of the drydock for
some minor repairs because the New
castle had. secured the first option. .
The cruiser Was to have been fol
lowed into drydock tty two submarines.
The mystery of the strange four stack
cruiser which appeared off the Golden
Gate two weeks ago was also cleared
r up by the El Lobo crew, who stated!
mai me vessel was tae cruiser Kent.!
Police Make Quick Response to
Riot Call.
Seattle, Wash., March 22. Quick re
sponse by the police to a riot call, sent
In from pier 5. about 8 o'clock laat
right, averted a possible gun battle
between the striking longshoremen and
r file nonunion workers. Two men, who
gave their names as Frank Collins. Sti.
, and Pete Mezovisa, 2. - were arrested.
i Collins la accused of carrying con
Ferry Crew Slaves
Boys From River
When Boat II psets
Promptness of the crew of-
the ferryboat! W. S. Mason la
lowering a lifeboat and going
to the rescue (of a party of four
.boys who had been tipped out
of their canoe, saved the first
bright Sundafy of the spring
from a river fatality.
The four boys were in he
fcanoe "Hobof They did hot m
jgive their names to the f erVy-
boat crew. The accident hap-
pened about S 1 o clock y ester- -m
day afternoon and was wit-
nessed by a number of people ft
on the Broadway bridge. , The
harbor patrol was called but
the ferryboat crew. "hid the boys
out of the water and ashore be-
fore the boat could reach the
scene. j; v:
l & l 3jr lit JtC-llrJlt Jit 4
cealed weapons,; and the other man is
held on an open charge. Both are said
to be nonunion -men.
. L. Blair, general manager of the
Sain Francisco & Portland ' Steamship
Cj., arrived by rail from San Fran
cisco this morning on a short business
trip. L
Kobert Warrack, lighthouse insp:
tdir for the Seventeenth district, com
pleted an inspection trip of his district
yesterday. He came from Puget sound
tol Astoria on th tender Heather.
The steamer Hassalo went out on the
usual Astoria run of the Harvest
Queen last night. The latter ves3el
will b overhauled at once.
jThe steamer Daisy Putnam Is due
Wieanesaay witn ireigni irora can
Fifancisco for the Arrow line.
IBound for San Francisco and Los
Aijigeles, ,the steamer Beaver sails this
afternoon with passengers ana ireigr.t
Steamer for Upper River.
Kennewick, Wash.,, March 22j Word
w.s received today by the Commercial
cllub that the' Willamette & Columbia
Rfver Towing company, operating The
Dalles-Columbia line, win piace in
operatiOn'March 25 the steamer Inland
Eimpire on the Columbia and Snake
rivers above Celilo, This company has
purchased several boats from the Open
Rjiver Transportation company and as
soon as the ceiuo is open lor commer.
c-ial business steamers will operate di
Tct from Portland to points on the
upper Columbia and Snake rivers.
ArriTala March 22.
Johan Poins: American steamer. Captain
CJvestad, .-freight! from : San Francisco, Loop
Lumber Co.; American scboonors Mabel Gale
and Virginia, in Jow fivui Astoria to Portland
Arrivals Karoo, SI.
Montanan, Anierload steamer.' Captain
Wrleht. frelebt from New York via California
porta, American-Hawaiian Steamnlp Co.
! Roanoke. American steamer. Captain Dick
On, passengers and freight from San Diego
and way ports. JJorth Pacific Steamship Co.
I Rolano, American steamer. Captain Wolvlg,
freight from Sau FraaciBco, Dodge Steamship
Tl -Hornet,
Amerldao steamer, freight from San
rrancisco. ixxigfl Btenmsaip uo:
Sailings March 22.
Bearer. American stesmer. Captain Mason
passengers and freight for San Francisco and
Los Angeies, a. r'. & i s. s, Co. :
Sailed Karon SI.
Geo. W. Elder. American steamer. Captain
Ifstedt, passengers and freight for Coos Bay
and Eureka, North Pacific Steamship Co.
i Francois, French bark. Captain Mot-ran,
Wheat for United Kingdom, M. H.: Houser.
Marine Almanac. '
Wsataar at Hiver's Mouth.
North Head, March 22. ConditWm at the
mouth of the river at S a. m., smooth; wind,
north. 19 miles; weather, cloudy.
Bun and Tides March 23.
Sun rises 6:1)8 i. m. Sun sets' 6:27 p. m.
Tides at Astoria.
High water. I Low water.
B:06 a. m., 7.5feet. 0:43 a. m., 1.4 feet.
:ao- p. m., o. teei. 11:47 p. m., 4.3 feet.
Daily Hirer Readings.
- "I l
vt ll is fa
J5.5 5 n"
u5 tag Qs as
24 2.91 0.1 0.00
J2o 2. 0.1 0O0
10 4.2 0.2 0.00
20 3. O.10.O0
20 3.4 0.10.00
37 6.6 O.SjO.OO
15 3.2 0. 310. 00
.ewlstou . ,
Albany ....
Salem .....
Portland . .
Kisiug. ) Falling.
River Forecast, j
The Willamette rlret at Portland will re-
Imaln Eearly stationary Curing the next two of
three- days. I j, ,.
! . jj
River Forecast.
The Willamette river at Portland will fall
slightly during tas next two oc threa days.
I ' : !:
. Steamships to Arrive.
Name . I From Tm
Beaer. ......S. V i... April 2
Koae City.... ...... S. K. and way. ..Mar. 23
Rreakwater. Ibf v . . on
Great Nortnern ....B. F
.Mar. 24
Geo. vv. ciaer...... uooa. say ..
Mar. 28
.Mar. 29
.Mar.- 28
.April 4
Koainoke. . .
H Tl inH pdw
....H. F. and way.
. ...S. D. and way.
Steamers Dae to Depart.
Name. j From Date
Bear F. and war. ..April 1
Yucatan .....8. D. and way. ..Mar. 81
llreakwater. ........ tof-s Bay.... .....Mar. 20
Beaver. 4.....S. P. and way. ..Mar. 22
Roanoke. ............ S.,D. and way. ..Mar. 24
Northland. ..... . ..S. P. and way. .Mar. 24
Klamath Gu.iymas ........Mar. 25
Great Northern. S. F. Mar. 25
Uoe City S. h . and way.... Mar. 27
San Ramon...J S. D. .' .....Mar. 27
Celilo i S. F. ' Mar. 27
Geo. W. Kldr....,Ckxs Bay. ...... .Ma. 29
Yoaemlte .,.. S. D Mar. 31
VluituoaiaU.... S. D. Mar. 31
I ,
Vessels in Port, v
..Oregon Drydock
I.-P. Lbr. Co.
... Astoria
...... Montgomery
r, ........ . Linnton
........ .Westport
. . ..... .Alnswortb
..... . ...Colombia
...Oregon drydock
...Oregon drydock
.....Star Sand Co.
. .... Albers No. 3
...... f. Columbia
...........Oak st.
Lightship No. 67. Am. str.
natanga, neigj oara.....
Morna, Nor. bk
Francois, Fr. bk
David KvaBS. Br. sch.......
Combermere, It. tinlf .......
Nordfarer, Nor. ah.
Majanka, Nor.lsb
Pampa, Rub. Ibark .."
Asumasan Mara, Jap atr. ...
John C Meyer. Am. bk...,
Beaver, Am. sir.......
Professor Hoch, Buss. bk..
Skjold. Nor. bk.....
Geo. W. Klder, Am. atr..'...
Virginia. Am. sch...
Mabel Gale. Am. sch.......
Johan Poulsen, Am. str..,..
Montanan, Am. str ,.
Itcanoke, Am. str. ...... ....
Solano. Am,atr. .
Hornet, Am. atr
... . ........ .coucn
Veaiela Disengaged.
Akutan, Ami. 1 str... :Oobl
Arnoldus Vinoen, Ger. th.. Cliftoa
Alliance, Am. I str. ................. .0. W. P.
Berlin, Am. bk.. ..Gobi
Chinook, U. 8. dredger, Oregon drydock
Col. P. S. Michle, U. 8. dredger. .N W. Steel
Dalbek, Ger. bk.... ....Clay street
v,oiaeu uaie. Am. str. ............. .vj. w. f.
i. B. Stetson.
Ami at.-.
...........St. Helena
Kurt, uer sh.
..... westport
...St. Helena
-Nehalem, Auui
At Jjreighboring Ports.
Bandrm, Mairca 21. -Arrived at 5 p. to.
Gasoline schooner Atiwaneda from Portland.
Astoria, March 21. Arrived at T:15 and
left up at 8:iiO a. m. Steamer Montanan, from
New lork. Sailed tt S a. m. Steamer V?ee
for San Franeuteo. Arrived at 8:30 and left
1 at 10;25 a. m. Steamer Solano from Ss
Francisco. Arrived at 8:30 and left up at 11:20
a. m. Steamer Johan Poulsen from Saa Fram-
Mr. P. Handler De charity gruys
turned me down an' . me disabled bv
wounds- received In battle.
Mrs. Goodsole Poor man! In what
battle were you wounded?
Mr. P.! Handler- T'anks, ilady! It
was a battle wit' a cop. is
Speaker at "Mobilization"
Luncheon Urges Strongest
Support. . r
"The pride of Portland is at stake
in the membership campaign of the
new Chamber of Commerce which
opens tomorrow," said E. L. Thompson,
chairman of the general campaign
committee, this morning, i
Mr. Thompson and other speakers
expressed themselves in this manner
at the "mobilisation" luncheon held at
the Corttmerclal club at 18:15 today.
They declared that; they liad confi
dence that they will' emerge from the
four day campaign which: opens to
morrow J with the New Chamber oi
Commerce one of the strongest nu
merically in the country. i :
"This j is no thoughtless statement,"
he saidJ ."Throughout the country a
city is' icomlng to be known very
largely by the kind Of commercial or
ganization it has. Portland has been
widely known for its energetic citizen
ship and progressiveness. f This ity
may continue to hold high place among
the cities of America, and be in the
front rank of the municipalities i of
the United States. The plan of or
ganization for the New Chamber . of
Commence which has been painstak
ingly btllt up, after thorough study of
the organic , laws under which the
leading j organisations of this country
are operating, is the last word In com
mercial! organization development- It
possesses features which place It la
advance of all others. i
'This being true," , continued Mr.
Thompson, "and Portland? having a
class of citizenship the pjer of any
otner in loyalty to tne city, in devo
tion to j the highest ideals of business
integrity, in readiness to take an ad
vance'dj position in commercial enter
prise, Portland should unquestionably
be placed at the front in the matter
of her I Chamber of Commerce. - The
opportunity is at hand for creating for
Portland the largest and most Influ
ential Commercial organization of the
west, Wnd, in ratio to her population,
in the Entire United States."
cisco. Arrived at 11 and left tip at 12:10 p.
m. Steamer Hornet from San Francisco. Left
up at 11:20 a. xu. Schooners Maoel Gale and
Virginia. Arrived at 12:1$ and left Dp at 3:15
p. in. Steamer Koanolte from San Diego and
way ports. Arrived down at .12:30 p. m.
Norwegian ship Nordfarer. Arrived down at
3:30 and sailed aJT 6:40 p. m. titeamer Geo.
W. Kld;r for Co6a Bay and Eureka. Sailed
at 3:30 p. m. Russian ahip Ramoena for Lon
don; at 7 p. m. Steamer Sieklyou for Saa
Charleston, March 2t. Arrived Steamer
Iowan ffom Portland for New York.
New York. Marrb 2:. Sailed Steamer Ha
waiian for Portland.
San Ft-anciaco, March 22. Arrived Ameri
can steamers Prentiaa, Ban Pedro, 2 a. m.;
J. A. Moffett, Port Well. 2 a.-m.; Yosemite,
Saa Pedro, 7 a. m. ; Davenport, Tacoma. 7
a. m.; Daisy Mitchell. Hueoaroe, 8 a. m.;
F. A. Ktlburn, Eureka, 8 a. m.; Shoahone, San
Diego. 9 a. m. ; Yale, Sao Padro, 9 a. m.;
San Pedro. Albion, 9 a. m. Japaaas steamer
Sblneyoj Maru, Orient. 8 a. m., American
steamer Shna-Yak, Kagla Harbor. 10 a. m.;
U. 8. S. Nero, Ban Diea, 11 a. m. Sailed
American steamer Prentiss, Eureka, 10 a. m.
Han Pranciaco, Marcb 21 Arrived Amari
can steamer El Segundo, Seattle 6 p. m.
Seattle, Wash.. Marcb 22. Arrived British
steamer Titan, Liverpool, via Orient, 10:10 a.
m. ; American steamer Admiral Schley, San
Francisco, 7 :30 a. m. '
Seattle. March 21. Arrived British steamer
Strathendrlck, Honolulu, 6:30 p. m. Will load
6000 long tons wheat for Melbourne and Syd
ney under charter to M. H. Houser.
Vlctoitia. Marcb 23. Arrived Japanese
steamer Seattle Morn. Orient, 8:15 a. m.;
Norwegian steamer Thor, San' Francisco, via
Nanaimo, B. C. c
Tacoma, Marcb 22. Arrived British, steam
er Astyanox. Liverpool via Vancouver, B. C.
Port Townsend, Wash., March 22. Arrived
American schooner Okanogan, Honolulu. Sailed
Barg4 Dashing- Wave, Alaska.
Mukllteo. March 22. Sailed American
steamer! Santa Catalina, New York via San
Pedro, 2 p. m. i :
Port I Angeles, March 21. Sailed American
schooner Forester, lumber laden, Valparaiso.
Tatoash Island, March 22.-Outside bound.
Is a three masted barkentlne. Pafed in
American steamers Governor, j. 9:30 a. m.;
Rainier, 10 a. m. Pasised : out American
schooner Foresters towing, 9 a. m.
Port Crescent. Marcb 22. Passed in Jap
anese steamer Seattle Maru, 7 a. m.
San Francisco. Cal., March 20. Arrived
American sfeamer Oleum, Port San Luis, 6:20
p. m.:j British steamur Waitemata. Sydney,
Australia. 5:15 p. m. ; American steamer Atlas,
3unean Alaska, 11 p. m. ; American steamer
Barracoota, Labofie Island. IO3SO p. m. Sailed
American steamer Eureka, iSonth American
ports, 5:40 p. m.J American steamer Northland.
Portland. 5:40 p. m.; American steamer Santa
Clara, Portland, 6 p. m.: American steamer
W. F. Herrin, PortUnd, 6:20 p. American
steamer Daisy, Grays Harbor, 6:50 p. m.;
American steamer Vanguard, Eureka, 7:40
p. m. ; American steamer Svea, Grays Harbor,
8 p. ml.; American steamer Yucatan, San Die
go, 9: W p- ta. ; American steamer Daisy Put
nam, Portland, 9:20-p. m. j'l
San 1 Francisco.. March 21.-fArrived Ameri
can etjeamer Santa Barbara, 'Columbia river,
1:20 aj m.; American steamer-Santa Rita. Pu
get sound, 2 a. in.; American steamer Wash
tenaw.) Port San Luis. 8:20 1 p. at.; British
steamer Kanakuka,. Horgkont. 4:80. a. m.:
American steamer Avolona, Willapa Harbor,- 0
a. m.; American steamer San .Ramos, Everett,
8 a. nj. ; American steamer Glaremont, Graya
Harbor, 8:10 a. m.; American steamer Daisy
Uadsby, Columbia river, 9 a. m.i American
steamer Lakme, Eureka, 9:20 a. m.; American
steamer Argyll, Seattle. 10:30 a. m. ; American
steamer Santa Clara. San Pedro, 12:40 . m.;
British - steamer Wyandotte. Vancouver, 12:5
p. m. 1 American steamer Hardy. Cjo Bay,.
2 p. nj.; American steamer Taboe. Grays Har
bor, 5:10 p. in.; American steamer Seafoam,
Mendocino. 5:15 p. ta.; American steamer Pres
ident, j Victoria, 6:30 p.- m. Sailed American
steamer Aroline, San Pedro, 12:40 a. m.;
American steamer National City, Saa Pedro,
7:10 a. m.; American steamer. Ob loan. New
York. j9:20 p. m. ; American - steamer Olenm,
Portland, 9:20 p. m. ; American, steamer City
of Topeka. Enreka. 11:50 a. m.; American
steamer Yellowatone. Coos Bay, 12:15 p. m.;
American steamer Rose City, Portland, 12:40
p. m.2 American steamer Santa Barbara, Sao
Pedro 1:2U p. m. : Americas steamer San Ra
mon, Saa Pedro, 2:30 p. tn.; American steams
Maverick, San Pedro. 2:30 p. tn.; A trie ri can
steamer Aleatras, Ureenwopd. 3:18 p. ta.;
American steamer Arctic, Fort Bra pre. 3:40
p. mui Arrived American steamer Henry T.
Scott, I Nanaimo. 9 .05 p. m.
Cristobal. March 21. Arrived British
steamer Bevnue, London for San Francisco and
American steamer Santa Cms, New York for
Portland arrived. v - . !
BallMM. March 21. Arrived and proceeded
American e learner Edgar Vance, fiew York
0000 njtir.
" " "
Baker Wilkers says his wife's
word Is Jaw.
Wood,s So is my wire s; but I ap
pointed myself a higher court to over
rule her-decisions.
Brief Paragraphs Also Give Journal Beiders Supuhary of General News of Late Yesterday Afternoon
Pacific Cout.
The spring wheat acreage in the dis
triot of Nampa, Idaho, is 40 per cent
greater ' this year than usually, and
oat acreage is said to have decreased
60 per cent. " ,,.
Mrs. Charles Lore, wife of the
banker who was sent to the peniten
tiary for falsifying reports, is j circu
lating a petition for a parn apd she
is having no treuble in getting names.
Deal has been closed by L. Ai King
of Portland for the purchase pf the
Huntington coal mine, near tastle
rock. Wash. Mr. King has been mak
ing experiments with the coal as a
means of manufacturing briquettes.
Appeals for the starving people of
Palestine who have been subjected to
great suffering by operation of the
war In Europe and Asiaj were made at
a meeting at San Francisco Sunday
night by Nathan and Oscar Straus,
the financiers of New York. J
Superior Judge Seawell of San Fran
Cisco granted an interlocutory j decree
of divorce to Mrs. Maud Eloise iiartin,
whose husband was Chester Mj. Mar
tin, son of a rich. San Francisco Ice
man. Martin, who is only 20 yars of
age, was married two .years ago. His
wife charged cruel treatment. The
divorce was not contested.
Alfred B. Sells of Oakland, confessed
murderer of Mrs. Elise Vogel who was
slain, with her husband, In theifr home
Jn Fruitvale several weeks ago, was
taken to San Quentln prison ti begin
the life sentence for the crime.
Eastern. ; j
The International congress of wom
en issued a call at Chicago for) women
of the entire world to attend the in
ternatibnal peace conference that will
be held under its auspices next month
at The Hague.
Mrs. Stella S. Bernheimer, wfdow of
Max E3. Bernheimer of the Bernheimer
& Schwaz Pilsener Brewing company,
was married at New York tjo Fred
Housman, brother of; Clarepce J.
Housman, head of the brokerage firrrf
of A. A. Housman & Co. : Max E. Bern
heimer died in September, 19jl3," and
left an estate valued at $4,000,000.
Japan would not take the' Philippine
for Ban Francisco; American steamer, Colum
bia, New York for San Francisco arrived, t
Marshfleld. Or., March 22. Arrived Amer
ican steamer Elder from Portland, 7 a. m. ;
American steamer Yellowstone due tiday from
San Francisco; American steamer Breakwater
sells at noon for Portland. .
Marsbfield, Or., March 21. American steam
ers NannvSmith and Adeline Smith i sailed at
3:30 p. mf for San Francisco. Arrived Ameri
can steamer Carlos, San Francisco, j
- 1
Summit of Hood Is
Beached by Party
Eleven Portland - People Climb Snow
Peak and Return to City in Less
Than 36 Hours. - . '
Old Man Winter and Colonel Mount
Hood, hitherto considered an Impreg
nable combination, were routeel for the
second time this year yesterdny when
a party of 11 Portlanders, led ty "Lije"
Coalman, veteran guide, succeeded in
reaching the summit of Hood in 11
hours and five -minutes from Govern
ment camp. , I
The ascent was the first ever made
by a party in winter time and was the
earliest party climb on record, the best
previous record being May SO,
The party was spurred to reach the
top by the success of Charles E. "War
ner, consulting engineer, who .witth
Coalman as guide, reached tjhe sum
mit on March 6, making the first known
winter-time ascent of the mountain.
Making the ascent yesterday ;w"ere
T. R. Conway, Annie Dillinger, : well
known Mazama and mountain; climber;
Dale Simons, George X. Riddell, L. A.
Nelson, Frank H. Hilton, Portland at
torney; George H. Smith, Enjiil Fran
ettl, E. W. Howard, L. Van1 Bebber,
R. H. Atkinson, city passenger agent
for the Oregon-Washington Railroad &
Navigation Co., and Elijah Coalman.
The party left Portland Saturday
night by auto, getting to within three
miles of Government camp. They spent
the evening at the camp, and started
on snowshoes up the mountain at 3
o'clock yesterday morning. Making the
usual stop at. Crater rock, thejr reached
the summit at 2:05 o'clock yesterday
afternoon. .. j
Members of the party desprlb the
day as ideal for climbing and for the
view, all the large peaks of jthe coast
being visible, from Shasta t Rainier.
. The ascent was Coalman's three hun
dred and twelfth climb to the summit
Of Mount Hood. I
First Straw "Lid"
Of Season Is Out;
Everybody Looks
A straw hat, indicating that
spring is here again, madei Its
jjt appearance at the city hall this
4 morning. It was just a plain 4
-, last year's sailor "lid" but it
it excited the envy of all who "saw
it. f . . j
Hr The hat was. small, vpith a
4K- : band Of black and had that pe-
it culiar appearance thajt all
tit straws have that have been in &
cold storage during the Winter
4r months. I v I
4r Observant Jim Backjnstos, t
lr '. conductor , of the city hall ele-
it vator, looked twice at the hat
to make sure that the material
He : was of straw and now he says
it looked - so well on ' the
stranger that he is going ta
jfc wear his tomorrow If the sun $-'
m hines. - - j- m
& 4lt 4it 4fe Jafe- 4s 4t 4f fe A. 3jc Jfe sk. Jfe. sc.
1 s s iPi ff fS
Pop Hicks D.idl y' see Lew in his
weddiri' dress suit?
Hank Wicks It seems a shame t
pay' tbat much for a weddin' outfit
and then maybe get married only once.
ana iiasx jsignt.
tslandf as a gift unless accompanied
by a xnus of 11,000,000,000, Profes
sor T. Iyonaga of Chicago university
declared. He spoke at the close of a
discusi Ion at the Republican club on
the f u .ure of the islands.
Announcement Was made of th( en
gagement of Miss Margaret M. Mc
Cann, laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
J. McCann of 211 West 107th street,
to R. C. Kerdinahd Schumann, fifth
son of Mme.: Schumann Heink, at New
York. j ,
In the arrest of Irving Mitchell, a
negro, at St. Louis, on a charge of
killing X family I at Monmouth, 111.,
with an ax. the '! police believe they
have the man who has committed
many similar crimes.
European War.
Three Turkish forts -are said to
have been demolished by the terrific
bombardment of j the allies and thp
damage caused is said to have jnore
than Compensated for the loss of the
battleships Bauvet, irresistible! and
Ocean! '
The! Austrians are said to have re
sumed! their operations against Serbia.
Aftlr the battle of Neuve Chapell
300 German artillerymen were taken
to th4 hospital at Alx la Chapelle for
treatrhent for insanity. The roar- of
the big guns had unsettled j their
minds. " i;
Catholic churches throughout the
Pacific coast observed a day of prayer
for peace. A mass meeting, to be at
tended by members to all denomina
tions is to be held at San Francisco
April 18. ' ;
Crown Prince Rupprecht of Bavaria
has been seriously wounded by a shell,
according to a report from, London.
Parjis amd Berlin reports agree that
the (jermans. took important" heights
in th Vosges mountains.
That Germany Intends to adopt ths
samel course as : the ailies, wherever
possible with reference to neutral
ships! carrying food stuffs to enemy
portsj was indicated by dispatches re
ceived at London. '
Additional casualty lists given at
Londbn included! the number of Brit
ish officers killed in the recent fight-
. . . - 1 - - :
Today's Happenings lYUh the Builders, Architects, Contractors
' Realty
Apartment House Plans Completed.
Plans - have been Completed for an
apartment house: to be built by R. F.
Wassell and associates on the north
west corner of Eighteenth and Couch,
streets. The structure is to bel brick
and concrete construction, five stories
in- height and 100 by 100 in dimensions.
The building will be divided into 60
apartments of two and three rooms
Construction will be similar to
of the Rex Arms and Royal Arms
apartments, both of which were; built
by Mr, Wassell. The cost Is announced
as $100,000. j
Wilr Build 1 Two Residences.
J. J. Gannon has been commissioned.
to build two single story frame resi
dencies on Webster, street, Riverside
addition, for F. W. Todd of 704 East
Fiftv-eighth street north. Each:: is to
cost $1500. ' !
Building. Permits.,
,.1 vregm iuuiiter jo. Move l1 Stozy dwelUng. Ea 6jth between Sand rdfil
. . . . . ... . . .
iu tuit.uiui mover, a. U. Mooaie, 1150.
Wakefield Frfea fi. R,nf, 1
dwelling, Glisan between 13th acj 14L4i build
er. Jtaa. Hyland. S200. ,
Merchants National tank Repair 4 atory
fireproof reinforced corcrete bank, Wasblna;
ton between 3d and 4th r builder, Findley
Jaoobsen, $300. j . ' ;
Mtleller Si CaseyRepair 8 story hotel N.
eth between Flanders and Glisas: builder,
D. B. Campbell, S0O. I
Myron McGrejfor-i-Erect JZ story frame' dwell
ing, B. Alder between 34th and 38th: builder.
The J. H. TUlin Co., $1900. i
Cljy of Portland Erect wharf, N.' Front
between 17th and 18th ati.; builder, Brajton
Engineering Co., $17,576. ' i
Cic,u-S.cottISect 1 frame jraraw,
E. 36th between Fremont and Berkely; builder
wmi $100. 1 j;
Real Estate Transfers.
T. SI. Hurlburt, sheriff, to the Haw
thproe estate, Lj n b. 13, L. 8. B..
14L U 4, B. 20; U. 8, B. 13, Haw- 1
thbrne's 1st addition v$ 2,49$
3. t. SouvlgBier et al to Grace B. Mc-
Cdrd, L,. 4, B. B.IMontavllla i....
E. Hurlbert and wife to Cbas. M;
' Hkdley. L. 18, 19, May Fair i
Laurelhurst Co. to F. B. Turner. L. Hi
Bj 104, Laurelhurst '. ,
W. KJ. Sbellenbaxger and wife to T. Ml
Word, li. 4, 6, B. 8, Chlpman'a adJ;
tol St. Johns L. fji
E. f Howard and wife to W. A. How-
and N. 40 feet h. 16. B. S. Ravens-
wpod addition ..J: 10
or centuries GOLD MEDAL Uaar-
leni Oil has been a standard household
remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and
stojmaeh trouble, and all diseases con
nected with the urinary organs.; The
kidjneys and bladder are the most im
portant organs of the body. They are
the) filters, the purifiers of your blood.
If the poisons which enter your ays
tern through the blood and stomaca
arri hot entirely thrown out by the
kidneys and bladder, you- are doomed.
yVeariness, sleeplessness, nervous
ness, despondency, backache, stomach
trouble, headache, pain Tin loins and
lower abdomen, , gall-stones, s gravel,
difficulty when urinating,- cloudy-and
bloody ruin, rheumatism, sciatica and
lumbago, all warn you to lookl after
yopr kidneys and bladder. GOLD
MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules are
whjat you need.
They are not a "patent medicine,
nor a "new discovery.' For 200: years
Mrs. Broadacre Are i there any rats
lit your apartment? . - , - '
Mrs. Littleflat Mercy, no! We
have a few. mice, but there's no room
in our f,iat .for rats. :
ing at Neuve Chapelle land St. Elol to
240. In the same engagement 295
British officers were wdunded. -
Charges that the British; to escape
possible submarine attacks, have trans
ported war munitions across the Eng
lish channel In hospital ships, were
made at Berlin.
Owinar to the Inability of stockhold
ers to agree to details of the plan the
proposed merger of the Northwestern
National bank and the Lumbermen's
bank has been abandoned. Had the
plan been carried' out tjhe new institu
tion would have had $1,000,000 capital
stock. I - j -
Thirty-One people were caught in a
raid on a cock pit neatf Gfesham. Hu
mane Officer Pitts and' Sheriff Hijrr
burt and deputies conducted the raid.
The Portland Chamber of Commerce,
Commercial club and! the Order j of
Moose decided to invite Vice Presi
dent Marshall to visit Portland on his
return to Washington jfrom San Fran
cisco, where be attended the-exposition
as representative of thje president, j
The Married Workers' association,
composed of married pjersons, has been
formed in Portland for mutual aid in
getting employment for its needy
Robert Franklin Is leading Indi
vidual bowler of the Woodmen pf jthe
World Club Bowling league, his aver
age fdr the season being 192. ! ..
Tentative rules governing motorboat
racing in Portland have been 'dis
cussed. There will illkely be I six
classes of races, one of the fea
tures being a free for 'all open to all
boats up to 40 feet over alL
Johnson is reported ! to be In fear of
losing the heavyweight title. His easy
life of the past few. years has caused
increased fat, it is declared in iHa-j
van a. Wlllard is confident. . ' I
Thirty-two mitt slipgers have been
blacklisted for appearing at unsanc
tioned meets, and (under, assumed
names, according to ruling of .T. Mor
ris Dunne, secretary of the Pacific
Northwest association of the Amateur
Athletic union.
J. P. Mag-innla and wife
Orath, l. 11, B. 27,
Arthur W. Brooklnga and
ReajulS it 1, L. 6,
to E. A. Me-
Wife to Txmis
B. 2. Bonlta
. 1
F. W. Hild and wife to James Carlyle
Benton et al. L. J, Georgian Court
Richard W. Forbes and wife to Ida M.
Pundas, S acres In Sec. T, .1 S.,
R. 8, B j.......
Daisy tjoughler and h unhand to W.' w.
Aahby. L. 6, B. 89, Rosedty Park
John Bier- and wife to Anna Burgess,
L. 7. B. 8, Wlllanrett.............,
T. M. Hurlburt. . sheriff, ! to Maufle E.
Graham, E. L. 1. B. 123, Wood
stock -.1
Edmnnd W. Acrell, sdni.,. to Coe A.
McKenna,. U 18, 16. 17, 18, 19, B.
12. Northern Hill addition..........
J- Noaler and wife to A. K. Ward,
L. 17, Newburst parki... ,
Harbsrtoo Water Land Co. to R. E.
Wattt, t,. 19, B. 8, Harborton
H. K. Raach and husband to Municipal
Ry. A Imp. Co.. L. 7l B. 16, Han
son's 2d addition .
Wellesley lnd Co. to Jolia Mctzner.
U 8, 4, B. . Wellesley
Julia Gllnett and husband to Henry T.
P. James, li. 6, B. "A," Park View
Extd. i , ..
Aua-usta E. Stevens to IWm. 1.. Bttr
ens, L. 10, B. 8, Waverly.
Title Trust Co. to Anna Pearson. Ik
"B," B. 68, Parkrose.j.
Susan Mulligan to John Gregory, h. 12.
B. 1, Dlv&lon St. addition..:........
T. M. Hurlburt, sheriff, to P. W. Tbor
son, L,. 16, -B. 15, Council Crest Park
S. C. Stay ton and husband to R. M. Bur
ley, L. 13, B. 17, Tremont; Park . . . . . .
Jese Brooks and wife to same. L. IB.
19. B. 82. Piedmont I. !
Nellie C. Rike to E. I,. Jackson et "al.
L. 84, So. B. 82, Irvlngton Park....
Kenton Pacific Imp. ' Co. to Laura 8
Helm, V. 12, B. 40. Kenton :..
Gysbert to F. J. Leonard, L. 4, B.
48, Irvlngton ,
Tbos. Boggess to Lulu ID. Knight, N.
Vt L. 15, B. 12. Central Alblna....
Fred A. Jacobs and wife to Lena Wa
ser. L. 26, 28. B. 28, Berkeley.,..
The Jos. A. Strowbridgei Estate Co. to
: 10
v;iara u, uempaey, L,. s. , B. 8, Dar
lington i
W. . Hauser to Martha I. Goodwin.
ti. 41, 42. B. 1. Stanley
Provident Truat Co. to Ladd tt Tiltoai
nana, u. o. n. ti, nofre city Park..
JUzzlc Rebatock to Gk-vanni rerrettl.
L. 17. B. 79.-Sell wood.... .
C. W. HUlia and wife to Harold G. Ep
ton et aL g. 1 foot U 19, part L.
20. B. 13. -Hawthorns Ave. T,ntt..n
The Peninsular Real Estate Co. to
Emma tt. Brows, andj y, K. 76 fee
andj y, K. 78 feet
1, E 76 feet'L. 4,
arol'lBe' D "Griffith
t. Si. 44 feet L. 8,
ot o.- 44 reet L,. 3, Ki 76
B. 260, Portland"...
Tyler Inv. Co. to Carol
uud. V, E. 75 feet.
E. 75 feet L. 4. B. 260. Portland
Fred G. Lawson to H. Taylor Hill. TrJ
J. o, a. , irvicgtOD .
they have been a standard household
remedy. They are the pure, original
Imported Haarlem , Oil your great
grandmother used, jand are perfectly
harmless. The healing, soothing- oil
soaks into, the cellsj and lining of the
kidneys and through the bladder, driv
ing out the poisonous germs. 1 New
life, fresh strength and health will
come as you continue the treatment.
When completely restored tot your
usual vigor, continue taking a capsule
or two each day; thfeywill keep you in
condition and prevent a return of the
disease, ' - j -.
Do not delay a minute. Delays are
especially dangerous in kidney and
bladder trouble. . All druggists sell
GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules.
They will refund the money- if not as
represented. In thre sizes, sealed
packages. Ask' for the original im
ported GOLD MEDAL. Accept no sub
stitute. -Guaranteed and sold bv the
pwl Drug Co,
City's Bright Lights
"No Longer Appeal
X.e Fosg- How, Suspected of j "Being
Gunman, Released From Jail and
Will Go Bom to Sureka j
Le Konar How." aged 17. suspected
by local Chinese merchants of being a
California .gunman, sent nere to snooi
up the town,- was releasea Dy ipe gov
ernment officers who were lnyestlgat
lna-his record Saturday. I
For th first time, then, Lee Fong
broke hs silence. i
"No more bright lights for me, he
said in perfect English that astonished
those who heard hlnu "I was never
in a bisr town before. 1 ! passed
through 'Frisco at night once, and so
last week I decided to see wnas -on
land look like. I v
"Just to show these fellowsi that I
wasn't c-reen. I told some that I waa
Just from Chicago, and others! that'll
had just blew in from New York. They
compared notes on me, and began tax
ing me seriously. I'm going back to
Eureka on the first train." - f .
Immigration Inspector Bobbins, who
investigated the case, found that Lee
Fong How Is the 0n of a highly re
spected and prosperous Eureka mer
chant, and that he is properly equipped
with citizenship papers. j '
- rr - 1 r
Kidnap 'Screaming
Girl m Automobile
Man and Woman Take Child rwsn
Street Corner, and Threaten SSau
Who Attempts to Interfere, j
Ban Francisco, Cel., March 27. Kid-
napers who abducted an unwilling gjrl
in an automobile from the street st
Golden Gate avenue and Taylor street
early today are being sought by police
after they heard a story of the affair
from Frederick, Seachrist, who Saw the
abduction, , L
Seachrist said the kidnapers, a man
and a woman, seized the girl on the
street while she staggered along, ap
parently under the influence Of some
drug. They hustled her into their
car, threatened Seachrist when; he at
tempted to interfere, and fled. Sea
christ said,, the girl' was stil strug
gling and screaming as sne- was Dome
away. ;. - - .
Pleasant Weather
Attracts Thousands
Pirst Say of Spring Seea Big Hamber
of reople at 01 of Portland's City
The first day of spring caused thou
sands of people to visit the parks yes
terday, according to J. O. Convlll. su
perintendent. While the crowds -were
thickest at Washington and Peninsula
parks, there were a large nuimber of
people In Mount Tabor and -Columbia
parks, and many in the plaza blocks.
Two Hart in Jitney--Seattle,
Wash., March 2t Alfred
Dwyer, an employe of the Post-Intelll-
gencer, and Mrs. S. Porter; la newt
paper woman, were painfully Injured
yesterday when a jitney bus In which
they were passengers was overturned
While attempting to ! avoid I collision
with an automobile truck. . Three other
passengers and the driver were unin
jured,- . 'i ':
esse d. Balney and wife to Fse. Title
te Tr. Co.. und. Int. W ,ii
See. 27. 1 N.. R. 6. B 10
Ceo. H. Campbell and wife to Wl O.
mrrora et i, 1 n, . iw, rorrs-
mouth 10
Corolla J. Poole to City of Portland,
iana in pee. z, 1. 1 n., iu, n.,
belnr nart P. iiuild D. L. C I. . . . S.000
F. DeWayne Spraa-u et al to J. B. Med-
lev et 41. L. 8. B. 8. Mallory addlUon 3,850
John Bomestch and wife to Ed Mendan-
halr, I.. 16, B. 12, central AiDina,
L. 1, 2, 8. 4. B. 27 Point VWw Sddl- 1
tion to St. Johns 1,000
Earl J. Allen to 8. I. Allen. I. S, 8,
t, . 1. a tj ft iiMMVh,. mA J IJWn
Bruno P. John nd' wife to Tbos. Pfau
et al, L. 1, Z, 8, 4, x5. a, jNorman-
dale. 1.BO0
Recovers Health
in Record Time
Mrs. . M. J. Coleman More
Than Pleased at the .
Splendid Results.
"Health certainly means ail and all
to women beauty, success and happi
ness everything." The difference be
tween an unhealthy woman and her
healthy sister is easily ' discernible.
The one is anaemic, pale, white lipped.
thin-cheeked and dull eyes, with a
drooping figure and ! lack-lustre hair.
The other Is a Joy to all beholders,
full figured, rosyvcheeked, with bright
eyes and skin like satin. Her lips are
ruddy, her movements graceful and
sheets full of life and spirit.
Plant Juice, the mfw herbal system
tonic, has done more to restore the
strength and health to Women in the
cittes where It has been Introduced
than any preparation ever placed on
the market, j and the thousands of
beautiful women One dally sees on the
streets of our city have but Jone agent
to thank for heir beauty health.
: That this contention is backed up by
facts, it is only necessary to read the
testimonials of ladies who have been
restored to health by Plant Juice. For
Instance, the statement recently re
ceived from Mrs. M. J. Coleman, who
resides at No. $8 Excelsior street,
Pittsburg, and whoae husband Is a
trusted employe of the B. A O. rail
road, where he has been .employed for
the past 1$ years. She said 4 '
'I had been sick for , years gradu
ally growing worse i day by day
until I had begun to think I would
never be any better. My stomach
pained me and my whole body hurt.
My food would not digest and I spent
a large portion 'of the time In bed. 1
don't, see how anyone could suffer
more than I did. I was dizzy, nervous
and always constipated. I had tried
every medicine I ever heard Of In the
hope of obtaining relief, -but without
receiving any benefit until I took
Plant Juice. It helped me the first
day and I can hardly realise now that
the stomach pains are gone; I do not
suffer with headaches anyj more; can
eat what I want; feel fine and am now
able to do my work. X surely; will:
recommend Plant Juice to anyone suf
fering from stomach trouble.' -
Plant Juice Is sold In Portland by
The Owl Drug Co. at - Broadway and
Washington streets, where jit Is being
Introduced and its merits explained. Ad.
Oregon Humane Society
67 Grand Av. V. between! Cones and
Davis. Phones st 1423. B-OSlB.
Report all cases of cruelty to this
office. Lethal chamber fori small ani
mala Horse ambulance for sick or
disabled anlmala at a moment's, notice.
( The Jcjmil Buildh? Is
Conducted ca Equi
. labia Less
Obviously we refer to
rentals, and unequivocally
we intend that they shall
be equitable to all con
cerned. We will not in any cir
cumstances subscribe to
the pernicious practice of
persuading a lease from
one tenant by a concession
which we cannot afford to
give to another.
We have the roost modern
building In Portland, one
of the latest built, all out
side rooms; and no build
ing in the city can match
its advantages nor claim
equal facilities. ,
If these considerations, to
gether with reasonable
rents, are not sufficient
inducement! to locate in
The Journal Building,, wo
will lose a tenant rather
than relinquish a prlncl-
Broadway at TamhUI. 1
(Tl (ft i, ll
ia?5E 3 "
W.'jfr -rtf!:''.v: -v4'i itv iM- :-v .'v-iSJ-i'.
The Journal Building
Tenants' Directory
XVOMO, C. A. Investments.
AUrsuaU iioi'i. K00U1 blX
CliXV. aoom.OOT. MaUt :
B&0& BROb., Wallpaper and
ralouug. 'Main OttMU, A-4aI,
Uiouud JTluor, ilruadwa.
Mar saail Sol, A-MUS, lUUi lit,
PELL, W. B., Loans and la-
urmu.-a. Malu XUiS, A-oU76.
chambealaxm, ca. chab. t..
M. ii. MarsaaU ek, A-240J,
ivtb tluor.
laitaaAliilkui ciu., kiwa
. Humniim, Uau(. aianuaii
IkKA A-1U11. aoviu 14.
DA VIS, JAMB u., Lawtr. Mats
74d, ituoiu 001.
DA VIA, 0. H. Jr., Xlmbat La ads.
. Mala 144b, 11 th tluor.
SOWXS, AM.XJi.USt K.. Opticus,
aovtu sii.
DVQA3h W. W Attoraa. Mala
bitj; Boom sol. si CO., fub
liu AcvuutauU Alaut Dao,
flBK TZAClLEaa' aoemot, j.
t. Suioit, sjum(1', iaaut aliu,
Iwvu bi.
gOX, UIVIK a., uptomatrlat.
Ataut ttM, A-JL1. uuuui Via.
Q&1X, J. 6., st,
tA. ttuum so.
tt. MaxsbaU
aAIX, Da. a. tt.. Pbjraiciaa,
Mala la, aooai vo7.
MUt. iialU IVd, koulB tiVl.
I.TXLX, X. lUat EstaU.
aaomiaU io, ttwu M,
lrau, Jams B. .Htica, Ui
it Lei. saiaa Asu(. Auuu 4ij,
UwulU MOV.
Matu au, Huuut Mm.
MOMTOOMEaX, Ua. i, H., Pb.
mmiiMM sua bursoud. iau oit.
XTXBA, SK- K- octsopata,
aaarsaaU iTi, kwuta sul.
MaXaOK. AiiaawasT, Attorns,
ataia iWI, twin SoW.
SXLSOM, J. AjalL, Pantist,
MUt aAv, laouui W.
0'SaTOK, 0AO. i, Atty. Mala
i. C Cuuulusuaia, auiuiw,
AssrsOsU Haw, ttuvia ua. .
0&X00JI ClViO LXA0UX, Hals
MW, HouiB 14.
StmiSUaxl booeaa k Utut.
OETMAirV, . W., Mauufsctur.
era' Agout, Batiwa buiivum.
' aiala kiavtrblii kiuut.
scjra at Law, alaj-auau Sou,
stoma al.
4UICK, A. LL, fire lasurancl,
UreguU aire tolled Asa' a. aiala
SWla, A-iiVlS. Kooui Sua,
XOBEftta, MAS1 ., public
Stau(rayber( Alala as. Uwu
EVJTHEEroaP, I, B Atlornay.
aUraliaU Uuit. Hoota SIX .
iETjrxXI, T. ., s'tdeUty Cop.
lft Cu, Mala Mwuis ViAJ.
fTEBlTBXaO, PE. J, Pby
Iclau aud Surnoo. Mala bi,
A-IAU. Mooiu ylH. s
XXOMHALD, DE. O. T., Pbysl
clau aud Murgaoa, Mala bit,
Imauuja Uvt. Mala 2txiM, ttovu
S14. . ,
Paving Coblravtors. Mala 7o,
' A-eXi. aarautH IkM.
WEST, OSWALD, Las-jar. Mala
4W5S, Uuom ouo.
Aitoroers at Law. Mala luu7,
EoofB SU.
a-315. Huuu bUl.
sician and surfaoo. Mala 14,
Uouto bu7.
Timber Lauds, Mala 1443, Ills .