V 4 8 OIGON SUNDAY" JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUDY MORNING, MARCH 21. 19r5. PHOTOGRAPHIC GLIMPSES OF HAPPENINGS MENTIONED IN THE NEWS v 5: v " QGOOGt X r L jv' -r xf-. rf: P f W " '-"- w- V' f ' 4 s 2 f $ OCD 3 V-ST1 8 I, Nil? 3s- ..X ' ill' .1 1 'II i. v.: '3 " i All Principal Events of Week ' Briefly Sketched for. In formation of Busy Readers , ' General News. GAPTAIN IIKNRV K I NC,- formerly managing editor of. the St. I-oula Globe-Democrat, dipd at Si. Coxits. Lincoln Beahey, ttief amous avia tor, met instant death in San Fran cisco hay, after failing: 1n an attempt to make a hlgti dive in his niono ' j)lane. . , Despite the fact of his removal from the office of city manager of I'hoe . nix, -Ariz., V. A. Farish refiiKes to turn the position over to Robert Craig, who was named as bis buc- cessor and it is likely that the mat- iter will be taken into the courts. Governor Ijlster, of Washington, signed the measure passed by the - recent session of the legislature pro viding for, weekly flag drills In the schools of the t;tate. Three members of congress made . , Blr flights at the United Stales sta tion on .North island, opposite San Diego.' Cal. :'- Kx-Representative R. Mitchell - Palmer, " of Pennsylvania.' bas been .. chosen by President Wilson j as chief -. Justice of the court of claims, it is reported. Liosa ! estimated at $10,000 was caused to a ig lumber company in 'Tacoma as result of a fire believed to be of incendiary origin. The Mexican gunboat Progresso was destroyed in the harbor of Pro gresso by an explosion of a barrel of powder, which " it had been sup posed was butter. Twentythree men - .were killed-and others injured. A"8heriff. anfl posse crossed from " South Dakota to Minnesota in search f George "W. Galaw. suspected of playing',- his wife and 16-year-old . daughter' at Sisseton. -S. D. 4 Officials connected, with the prose cxitloVi fof Harry Thaw in New York are the targets for many threaten ing letters, the writers demanding ' that the prosecution cease. - Captain 7.- F. Ryan, recruiting of ficer at Indianapolis, has the support Of the government in his refusal to pay a fine to the court for criticising the judge for. sentencing a man to en listment in the army. The officer Tvas cited for contempt. -. Differences between the San Fran cisco police ' department and . exposi tion guards over .police -privileges within the exposition grounds were approaching "a crisis. Exposition ' of ficials recently issued an order that -ould prevent policemen from enter ing tlie fairgrounds to serve warrants.- .Detective v Ca-pfain Shea in Btructed his men it make arrests "at . any costs" and' to call for the entire detective squad, if necessary.. trading missionary wprkers were Kathered-. at Pittsburg for the twenty first annual convention of the Chris tian and .Missionary Alliance, which -. opened in, Carnegie - hall, northside. .The ' opening sermon, was preached .bj' the Rev. A. E. Thompson. o( Jeni sa lertt. v Dr.' Thompson had great : dl f flculty in : getting from "Jerusalem to i Jaffa b itjj and' cott by" cah cons riend pdsey. parin; "tlie beid proiniset: angli all hirai from of Ikrt o! their Theodi form e dov of th CJrleen Itoo Tlieton sidenci Mre t podorfe twd the estat About st K od opening rakers opis Ant) sr ier cl the btion t;l rs toi th ft" sloci tipn prpblemj thpmo o rrhe r4 fifh Coin conventl thh ind anld his Um. tlf big pa The cohven sek-era 1 rekentin, ildren Kxhib! wre shi cohisin th!e uni ddmonst 11 be inb at A man use this New inc whs m S parkill rhomi ventorj, ptcy ain c tied era 1 a. hank cmpan irtanufa cirs to tries, nbuncerf rentia pe-rfecteid The sylvania, News. efet shi ik 600. 9T feet. hjas cos Many 1arna at The Hteam.sHlp an Ft was: Oregon. ause of hi.s Knslish national- was fijualy furnished ;an. es lr. .Glazehrook.' the Ameri- Jl, and' a strong guard. ; of Juvenile Judge Ben of Denver, Colo., have been ; for a death struggle with st." Judge Indsey has been that ai granJ jury will prone s of the long fight r,o oust . office and; citizens j in all life hhve assured the! Jurisi &upport. ,! ro 'Roosevelt Til, grandson pr President i Roosevett, and litllp sistier. Miss! Gruce sevellt. arej the prospective the JSO.000.000 trust; estate feir great-great-graniitatner, R; Butler, Who died at his on January 19, 1886. The rust funds will go to Mrs". Roosjevelt Jr., mother of children, who will inherit es at her death. 4000 delegates of thej Meth- copal church' attended tne bf the Ohio convention. The include John R. Mott, Bish- rtrson tjnii Wilson, and many rrgy and laymen. A survey ial. itidustrial, rural,, immi- eduftational and missionary of ihe district was the f the big meeting. atlonal Asso-iation of Shell- missiiners held its annual bn, and organized a boom of fstry. The succulent oyster many, dousins, the shrimp, the e lobster and the crab form rt of tjhe nation's food. Baptist State Sunday ! School brought to Durante Miss., housanld church workers, rep ; the boo.OOO Sunday ! school of the state. Its .to (the vn,lue of $1 wn at the XTnivercity of Wis- positiqn. Kach departijnent of ersity prepared an exhibit, to rate it work. Tlie exhibits laced in the Wisconsin build- an Fralncisco. rkablf collection of" Kipling pts, said to he the largest country, were placed on sale York. 1 Many scarce editions lMded ii the collection, which by i G. M. Williamson, of N. Y.I s A. Edison, the electrical was k witness in the bank- fourt at Newark. N. J.j to ex- rtain ; transactions with the Storage Battery Car company. pt corporation. The Federal was originally organized to rture street and other railway e operated by storage bat-. having been repeatedly an- by Mr. Edison that jhe hsfd the storage battery.! hew superdreadnaught Penn- was ! launched at Newport The Pennsylvania is tjie larg- m ine American naVy. . She feet long and has a beam df Mer itonnage is 31.000. She tthe jgovernment $14i.000.000. itate i officials from Pemiavl- ttendefl the. launchingj f naugufation iof the nte-w Hill company J service Ibetween ncis?oland the Columbia rtvif celebrated by f the citizens bf An excursion of 2000 met ad 000,000 Is- n - 3& ' , 9 r. 1 Seine at ! he dedication of the Indiana building at the th0 repjica of an English country house. 2 Posse of! deputies in search of the fighting Piutes. halted Garjgway! and bridge New-s, Va., after a some neutral craft Eight anid 12-inch frani Giiantanamo. j -A dentist at work hn the steanier t. entered tifie rlvfr on her first trip of the new A "labor ffeM day" wasl held j by the Wisconsin on labor fecting The new workmen s lonipensatlon from 65i to 7S per cdnt; increasing the compensa tion for fechedu increasing the Delegates nominations of Francjsci. and annual State Fe matters of child schedule. bills mum yeajrly wage basis. of the German vessel- Eltel Friedrich longi cruise, during which she preyed ;as wen. guns aboard the U. S. S: Georgia, which recently reat Northerb as ishft 'assembly committee when the many I bills i af labor were given A hearing. provide for increasing the German trenches in Poland. su pe injuries 25; per cpnt; minimum and maxi- frjom all religious i de California met at !San there were majiy dele gates frojm neairby states; It wasltha pongreps of the California rleratidh of Churches. Among discussed is the Indorsement labof amendments to j the state laws.' a bill creating; a public defender.) one Oay rest in . seven bill, the incaskire creating two state farms; and 'the proposal of municipal lodg ing housles and a state labor bureau. The federal operate the Wj This wa Benjatnin Western Grande roads, w regardi n first named sy ship, One of the rfut y it ever seem by Xew Yorkers Is the lection op plants .brought from Brazil by Harry J. Hlack, and 'plabed beifore connection the public in! Third In! Black c laims M the F PacS and hen a the government j ought to estern Pacific railroad. opinion expressed! by push, preside fic, Denver Missouri Pacific fatl- ked at San Francisco probable fate of i the stem, now lrt recei ternatjonal Flower duration1. It is the timA of tH March,, to September. The IFlying tional Sunday Pittsbuitg in ht of! the & Rio most unique exhibits col- with I the show, j Mr. certain of his plants can see nd hfiar, and he says hejwill demonstrate their fighting; abilities. Andre Gedry. 40. of jSeattle. a Spanish-American War, was found dead in bed in a lodging house. Gear1 was ; waiting papers admitting Mini to ' the national sol diers h6me hre. Nothing! is known of his relatives. A conference of eastern college men opened At Hartford, Conn.; to in the ministrv. Thf s called bv! A nrtnvpr Union, arid Halrtford theological sem Inaries, and njiany able spteakers! are on the prograrto for the thre-day jcon- rerence. The abnual 111., of . the churches 600 ministers of the ttate, conference at Sharinon, United Evangelical of Illinois brought together ana prommeni laymen One or the! Important topics Is the hanging of the service of pastprs frfem four' to Iflve years also planned to change e annual meieting from Squadron i- bf the t Na- school ' leadeirs will " hit its cruise about the country. The "sqtiadron" is coii Ing a spirited campaign on the tion, how can the 6,000,000 me women of North America's schools build a wall around th 000,000 boys and, girls now e in tnose schools strong enou safeguard and hold them future. In order to - stamp out thei caterpillar, the Massachusetts board of agriculture has' offered cups, to be awarded to school dren who collect the greatest n of egg masses to May 1. The. children are out in forf huntii the masses of eggs, which are to hatch with .the coming of sp duct- ques- h and nday e 12.-rolled gh to. the A Legal and Criminal. S RESULT of the failure of the anti-capital punishment lajw to pass in Arkansas, 11 condemned men will die in , the electric jchair. Three executions will take place this month. The lower house of the. Colorado legislature expelled Representative Howland, who confessed activity in the campaign to oust Judge lansey from his position. IJowland found guilty of perjury and improper official conduct. The Colorado house will continue the probe of the report that wholesale corruption , exists as result of pri vate corporations seekirtg special priv ileges from tne legislature Trapped by liis alleged victiijn and the police, h,. taubon,, a negro, was arrested at San Francisco and charged with attempting to extort $500! from! Major Kdward Pelxotto, philan thropist and leading spirit of the Co-j lumbia Park Boys club. April 13 is the date set by the su- preme court for hearing the ajppeal in the cases or Earl .Locmis, (sacra-; mento murderer, and Frank Creeks.j Both Loomis and Creeks .ane now . in! the death cells at Folsom. The apH peals will be heard in Ios Angeles, t Mrs. Gertrude Boyle Kanno, isculp-i tress and principal figure in. th "love! triangle" 'which has excited San! Fran-j Cisco art circles, left the detention! hospital a free woman when Superior Judi?e Thomas Graham dismissed the insanity charge, which had been! lodged against her by her sister, Missj Helen Boyle, The hearing of the government's! suit for the unmergtng of the Cen tral and Southern Pacific railroads) came to an end so far as San Fran-j Cisco is concerned. C. E. , Mel ennad and J. W. Orr, government represent-) a ti ves, left for Boston to continue the hearings there. ' In affidavits filed today with UnH ted States Judge Van Fleet. J. JSs Phelps, state insurance commisioner Panama-Pacific Kxposition, in thfe Utah fof lunch , which recently on the enetay's tent state four chil- umber school g for ready ring. at San tempti Bond in Fran tig to K. & Cfasuality cbthpa the. state, befcause against the The legafl French! and the owjnersli less sration : was German company te answer t French troverf ment etntered arid Gorman brolirf' but. Witli the abstracts ofi neys for th by Joseph Vf. Foljk,..ch the- in lerstate commerce the bearing to a close. report 1911, locate the $ is bell claimed by cials tlhat t police for mjonths the ca The openeq Toledd tournament Any was ordered to y is t rallroafl, ordered submitted to gross. robberV of the detectives the "ache 00.00 eved put jsbipsj isco. Klrlve German p of the T Wl in a and which is ids. t Newport destroyed i I Vera Criiz was the CBomr of pe oncerh. cohtrovi ersy cdhi received iwas the suit b company. Ijnv.olvd e good faith into by th rompames riiccused - of int- monwealth ny out! of sonal animus betwieen panies over kerton wire- when ithe ordered to file ought' by rthe in the Con- of an agree rival French before the war filing! y, 'evidence Rook Tsl4l estle on the by cob It is! expp of tie Inyestiga the next s While George Webstfer Binghaim wire be1ng Chicago In connection Bank of sieoure of W stolen to nrt con1 the Jtlontrekl e arrlest bjl Chaiflty pog at tie Seventy armorj, Nef TorK, rolice jdogs the other va of the show in it tee on', other charit At a meet tel. Peoria American Rhwjinitr as t fire dpgs. t rietics. Th will !je the (memnloyme jes. ing : ajt the III:, the o ft congre pe plkce folr rne.ys daring! younijr German, W the international !bridge) boro. vent Maine, to TVRSSIDEN rtary of art hour ropeart and decision was cerninlg the be sent to for rday of ithe the attor- nd road and ef counsel; of , commission. t fairs of ithe gress. comes Hed that jthe tion will i be ssion of con- ! - -and John Wherp frm ti brob Wernd the r Ilorn, ho dynamn ted between ! the United Statds and Canada, at Vance- fight to pre- begaii 'their! is being taken fo sndictments Bostonj to found by a fedora KranA jury, charging him with transporting dynamite from one s to anather. JExecut T W State and Mex IV4 ILSONT Bryan k half iican si reached. form of t England, thi arraigned hs'lth tho Montreal! the city) to the bulW of the hank in big in Is ealed.. It bank Offl- ' the Chicago Bingham Ide- !ebste ahd work of detectives, who have! been working on phow, which rst regiment ght together rriers andj all beneficiaries mayor's - com fit and three Jefferson icials of ess selected next year's ho-the tate and Srtcre- conferred over the ituations. lowever. e protest for pon- to conversation being preliminary to a report the sfjate department's legtl experts 4re to make on tne urtusn; oraer-in- council. It was understood that fresh rep resentations will be made toi General Cprranza concerning conditions at Progresso. : i ! The state department learned un officially that Provisional president Gjarza. who was elected by the peace returned reported ample de- bn as convention, in January had i tj . Mexico City. He was ! to have promised the ' publt protection, annoi?ncirg he 'would cjare the capital under matitlal I ifi necessary. Official ihfbrmatl regarding Garza's whereaboMts w lacKing. j I Of f icials of the navy departm believed that the German; Oonver cruiser Prinz Eitel Fi-1eirich wotlld Interne at' Newport News, Va., np announcement to this effect wi p-lpeciPd rrom .apiain inierjcnens i Read Admiral Capertpn has- ordo tlie collier Brutus from Vera C to Progresso. A dispatch 1 contain that information was received Secretary of the Navr Daniels, wtas believed that th? Bsrutus bfeen sent to aid . th t cruiser Moines in cari-ng for Americans PVogresso. ! J Tlie state departme.it feceivod report that the. forces of ;Carranza and Villa were enaraged, in what might, be decisive .fight to! determine control of the Tampico district United Statg government;' is s4id to have protested to Japan! against the demands .made by the mikado kin the Chinese in respect to j territorial rights and concessions. 'iijians are stopping at Motels r'n Copn hjagen and m Norway knd i Sweden Jh of'jer to lessen the biirdeiis oiwn country. They are no ti military duty. . I 1 In an attack on a I small the western theatre df war claim to have repulsed the the latter leaving SO dead field of battle. ' i I After being compelled td fall baick bjeyond St.. Eloi before a force of Germans,' the Brit ing gained reinforcement to the fight, and i;eca ptured lage. I British -assert they took .ill i rf trenches oh the j?pur Af Not Dame do Lorette and-captured prisoners.- . ' - . . Berlin report that the French bat tleship Bouvet was fMhk. by aj mine while bombailding! the fobrts fk the Dardanelles. 1 , j A shell from one or the the Dardanelles is ,sa14 tolhave a!n English torpedo boat. The British battleship i 1 was put out of action and! hjattleship waa disabled i fhe Iflar- dlanelles. it is claimed, in Be r fin i Proposition . was broached in the I British house of common 'that - the European War. ERMAN minister df the and the chancellor will never sheathe! the i sivord u til she is assured of Iasting peace, Earge numbers of wealthy G statie-jGermaby n- of thplr . jsubjict fort I in , Fretich Jermahs, on the super! sh. hav- ed il ea re 00 return the j ree liii forts rrlxit anoth pr at nk pie er &4 United" StateH conduct an investiga tion of the treatment being afforded prisoners jln the hands of the Ger- niins. --!'-'''".-!!' ; I ' " '!' Norwegian steamer Balto, ; which le t ' New York.. February 1 for Onithenburg. 'was held for. Inspection at Kirkwall, Orkney -islands, by the Briitish. . f" j!--' '. By a vote of 30 to 18, the Dublin ci y council - Withdrew from! Kuno A.1 ivF of thn' T7ni vet-Kiiv of Berlin. Jthfe freedom of the city becaiise of hlji activity in conducting an antl Bifltish campaign in the United Statesj. J ' U ' 1 Great Britain formally stated to thk world her policy of shutting off ai rood .supplies ano oaner commoni i ti s fioin Germany. Action is' based j or .'attacks of German submarines bn Ei zlisb, French and Itusslan snipping. iTnited States is expected to make a strong , protest to Great Britain In thb matter of "blockading Germany on the claim that international law is being violated by auch a plan. ; The minesweepers' of the Anglo Pi ench Yivet are pentratlng the in ne - straits of the Dardanelles, ac co ffing " to advices received at -A th ru -. The1 fleet -was -said to be pre pHring to. use Its 'full resources asfiinst the inner forts. The -fortl-fi d - village of KebedJI, according to di patches! has been fired by shells, thens f; dispatches asserted . that th ? .allied! fleet's operations . against th i forts j were less violent snd the opinion' was expressed that Its com miinders were about :! to abandon, their tempts . to force a passage. (Reports at received at Berlin- from Atjhens said that 28 .officers and men from tne!. British cruiser Amethyst wire killed and many others wounded en five! of the enemy's vessels at ked the Dardanelles inner forts. I Commercial and ' Industrial. ! RAILWAY from Edmonton to j the Arctic . circle will be com pleted . this year. .About 2000, m n are working oni the construction of the ' Edmonten. Dunvegan A Br1t isli Columbia railway and the Alj beirta - ! Great Waterways railway', Tijains will he running to Fort Mcf M irray on the McKPnz-ie river! in Ih4 fa!L The Albe.rta A Great Water ways road is the lini which will reach th Arctl circl. ' - I ' "' : I new Iterminal wjill soon he undef construction in' Sanj. Antonio. Texa fo the Missouri, Kansas & Texas railway. Through il subsidiary, the San Antdnio Belt & Terminal railf way. rlghjts of way jf or luepfoposed trucks arid buildings have ben se cured, and tlJ city jrmcl will sooa be asked.! for a ' franchise.-,, An ext pendituret of $1,500,000 Is. Involved. Ti e road' ha Ixsen untng the terminal af the Sotithem Pacific.. . . j The Pennsylvania I building iaf, th Pi nama-Paclfi; exposition' - has ' been deaicated.i Former Governor James K. T ner delivered the address, as the delegate of Governor Brumbaugh. A committee of five olf'lcl.ils frOih Pennsylvania accompanied "Mr. Tetter. It . has-Heen definitely Uicjdrd that. Pennsylvania day at the fair will be on September 4. Iowa editors of weekly newspapers attended chooi. Three days of lec tures are provided forth'!rn hy tho state . board of education.' Prf)llcm in' the printing trade sre not th only subjects, for tlie htUU: authori ties believe the editors should have ideas .of the social and economic phases of Vural life. An organization of fruit snd truck growers .on ho e:ist hank of the Mississippi rtver In r.otihla na, will be form'-d at a rneellng at 1'olnte-a-la-Hache, c wrnrti ' will be attended by Governor Hal!, Mayor Brhrman, of New Orlearws. snd other prominent officials. The new association will establish a uniform grading of prod ucts, packing and shipping, and bring together- the krowers." . The descendants of. the rowlltz tribe of Indians have' c .osrt . two delegates to present at Waahlngton their claims for settlement for th lands of the trite. The treaty of 61 years ago, made by Governor Stevens, did riot IncIudA thix trlhn Thn wrtm - en mombers of Ihe trlh ' iotned In a hot debate as to who should present tho argument t Washington, but peacp, (was finally p;itchd up by sending, two men, Peter Kalarna and Frank i-;y gel 1, representing both factions. . - Advises Lime for Tuberculosis According1 to th Journal of ths Amerieaa Medical association (July 27. 1913, page 308), Dr. O. T. ien. of Minneapolis, holds that a "dfi Clancy of calcium" (lime) is respos eible for the. physical conditions which lead to tuberculosis, "and -the therapy he advocates rests on this basis." One of the' reasone for the wide spread I'.ucecK of K-krnan's ,lt"ra tive In Ihe treatment t.r i n tn.r,-n and chronic throat and hrnrv-hfa I , troubles Is Its ability to huppiy -this deficiency. It contains a lime e.-ilt In-such foim and so -combined with other remedial agents as to he easily vsiml la t-d bv the average person. There are on record ruativ "cases- In which' it seen is to hav effected complete atij last ing bettermciit.- However. we niBke no exaggerated claims for Kcktnan's Alterutlve. We frefT that it be tried on the xame ihsis one. '..tries any othej- jirescrip t !, and e helli've It wijl help, for IT HAH IIKU'Kl) In many cases. YaAi fiit-Tlntrttr driitra TiiA,Afnr t safe to take.-. If your drugxlett is out of It, he will order, or you can get it direct. Eckman Laboratory, PhiladelphU. Ad. 4: ft i