, - -: '' ; ' ' ' "".' ? ' : ' " "; j " ' ' "" ": " -"' ! - k- ' J ''jkkk ' ' .. Kk k'kk'A: k ' kk.TV 5 ;:" ;'; ;;;v;;;;v -v?;;'.-' - 'r-.-v. ".. :;: : J --,' - ;' '-' Vtfkk k:' k' k :- .S-S, '. .k " 'kkk '--'''. ''"'--.!'.' -kkkikkk-v:-.'- - , ""';.'''.:, V' -t '" " k " - SECTION THREE " ft iVflil OluMPI " . j TEN PAGES , .. PKASIATIC, PHOTO PLAYS. AV Avl 1 YlVr" IV J AVJJl 1SNXC XVPUvlVVi .4vKlvlt ILIX'STnATED -KEW8 REVIEW j KpITpHIAIi I ( J y ' NEWS FROM FOREIGN LANDS ' . r PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 21, 1915. . j : :' mlllU IIU : I I I .- :. : : i ii ' ' 1 I-M.L'J: CrJMt Chtv nor r nnirn i vv.awvm. i i stTW u.w .xsrxf.T l Tr- i h v i iiitui iti linn , i s -vivaatfr f&fii - Ei .vnry ! vnr tr i ' ' i iiiiiii ini hum IVJilLaJLXl" i NWvVNV I MB f IV a. ' Mm M - 1,1 W ON PUBLIC ISSUES UNDER DISCUSSION When in Doubt Refrain From Voting, Says W. S. U'Ren and W, F. Ogburn, OTHERS SAY, VOTE "NO" Oreron ZaUrastlng; Sbat Held Before Civio Xearne Zanchon at Mult- nomib Hotel Teeterday. "When In doubt, refrain fromj ing" counseiea. priorsor w. l . burn, of Heed college,! and W. S. Uf in a debate .before the Oregron Civic league luncheon in the MultnomaH hot- tel yesterday afternoon "When In doubt votje 'No,' " rebiitted Li. rii,evincs and Jamea is. Kerr. Richard V. Montague presided lover the debate, but the general public is permitted to decide I which side right. "If peopjje learn the habit of vqtlng: 'No' when,'ln ;doubt, they will nullify the Initiative and referendum," jpre- dicted Professor Ogburn, who opened the debate. "The Oregonian" and some country newspapers have bsen giving this! ad vice, but to take It will result In: the neglect-of civic dutes, PlgTiree Are Presented. "It will be hearder to secure the enactment of progressive legislation if people learn the habit of voting I 'No' . when In doubt. ur rive per cent Of the doubtful fones liad voted 'No'. In the issue of the woman's suffrage the measure w)ould r have beeri defeated. The speaker produced 'a long ilt of figJres of'the vote on various Treas ures, showing- how In his opinion if doubtful voters had cast negative ibal lots, worthy causes would have been defeated. , , 'I used the same figures and they proved to my satisfaction that It is only safe to vote- 'No' when in doijibt," rejoined Ia L,. Levintrs. "And. then when 1 cast the figures up In another way they proved me a liar in seven different languages. "In other words, the argument based on "ir or. conjecture will not hold. ; Thlnjre to Consider. The thing that should governl the vote on a measure is whether Ithat measure is necessary to public welfare it Is not wise to exchange the known and the satisfactory for the unknown and the possibly vicious i uoii i go mucn on people wtioi are 1 vot- Ogi-Ken satisfied with, conditions.- B?ffgfvt . U Ken, and the remark was plauded. "That kind I of people rtjrely amount 10 anytnmg. From the bgin- - ning,- the big Interests the reaction aries and standpatters, the tories Oregon have been tryiiii? to kill -Initiative and referendum, and one of their methods has been to try t in - ; duce the unintelligent to vote 'Xd' by -aissermriattiig the advice. -Vote when in doubt.'" j x oeiieve inai on rererenaum nieas ures, issues mat naye been givejn to tne people tor , decision by the leiS ture, people should vote onlv theirl Itlve convictions," said James B. lCerr. - iJut I would say, as to inltiitive measures, the new, the untried, 'No when in doubt." No" vote Postoffice Receipts Show Increase for 19 Days of March For .'the. first; .19 days of 4k- March, with total receipts of J65.494.92. the tide has turned at the Portland postoffice, and 3f r receipts are again on the up- -ag grade. This amount is $1,- 9(f " 227.2 more than the receipts Hi y ' for tHe first 19 days of March, 4fr ' 1914". .Receipts show a loss for ft 'January and February, as com- ; pared to the same months last ."j-ear. j . . Funds to Be Secured i By Holding Benefit . Child Welfare CominlNlan Has1 Ho Appropriation With Which; to - Con duct Its Affairs. Plans are being laid to further the rwork of the Oregon child welfare '. commission by "securing funds through & benefit performance to be given at the Heilig, theatre early in Aprils The commission appointed by the . KOvernor carries: " no appropriation. Various phases of i educational and recreational problems are studied as well as the physical and moral de velopment of the children, alsq in stitutional care. Statistics are fath ered and knowledge disseminatedTthat can be used for the protection of the boys and girls. The work 'is fdmilar to that carried ,oir by the Federal Children's Bureau a Washington. I. C. This bureau has cooperated with the commission and! assisted in the recent efforts made: to secure, more , adequate birth and death registration laws; It has also aided through its ; printed material jln framing a proper law on prevention of infant blind ness. The commission finds thefe is -great need for further protective legis lation governing the children ot! the : etate. The program at this belief it , performance will be or unusual in terest and is being planned by Mrs. Harry E. Chipman. Tie members of the commission are: Mrs. Robert JL Tate, president; Jj. Ii. 'Alderson, sec retary; Dr. Maei H. Card well, Mrs. John IT. Smith, jAstoria; Dr. George Rebec, Medford. Saloobless Fifty Yefars. Polo, 111 "'March 20. Great prepara tions are being made by the citisetis of Polo for the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of that day when the) last . saloon was driven' out of . business. A . home coming. Is on i the program, "all former residents being invited tb the celebration. A committee is at te-orl: trying to fix a date and secure a speaker of national reputation. Silk Poplin Sui In a Dale or Paramount 1 ! Offering as It Doei $35.00 Sil That Are tlie Last Word in Spri At $24.85 ; ! - j A mere glance at these suits will be sufficient to convince you of their superiority. The silk poplin used in their making is of an excellent quality, possessing a soft, silky sheen, and in colors that are most fashionable, sfech as navy blue, sand, Bel gian blue and black. And the tailoring is what youj much higher-priced garment. ! i As to style, they are copied models, reproducing a very attractive short jacket mode, which is plaited and flaring, having revers. Skirts in flare and plaited effects, would expect arid demand in a after one of the lancy silk collars and novelty latest foreign -Third Floor A New Englisl Walking Coat tor bpnng and Summer Wear Featured at $1 6.50 But Is a Regular $22.50 Model i k - : - I . Again we come forward with a great sale of English style coats for women. The first shipment arrived two weeks ago and every coat jvas sold almost immediately. Owing to the many request for this style of ivrap, we placed a second order, and this shipment will be offered Monday morning. The coats are made of a fine imported English' tweed in gray and brown Scotch mixtures. In. a style adapted; from the Bal- macaan with flaring back and; raglan sleeves, long. Lined across the shoulders and sleeves With satin. . ! ! Third Floor full 45 inches $5.00 Elastic Top Silk Petticoats In the New Flare Style $3.95 Fitted petticoats iwith patent elastic tops, of fine j soft-finished taffeta silk, as well as all-Jersey with mescaline silk flounces. Shown in four new Spring styles, made with the new j full, flaring flounces, trimmed with accordion and knife pleating combined with tucks and ruffles. Colors are black, navy, emerald, new j green, sand, putty, battleship gray, army blue, white, pink and changeable effects. -Third Floor Five New Models in Our Popular "Specialty" Blouses At $1.50 Made to Sell at $2.00 i Even better than ever, if it were possible, are these new "Specialty" blouses of fine, soft-finish voile, in white or new sand shade. There are five distinct models, in allover embroidered and plain lace-trim'd iroile. featuring the new two-in-one flare effects, which can be worn in high or low-neck style, trimmed in several most attractive styles. -Third Floor Our Own Importation Just In of The Scarcest Silk Fabric Today And Naturally One of the Most Popular At Sale Prices Unparalleled If you have any thought of buying pongee for a suit, a dress, for a waist or for a traveling coat, we urge that you do so now, for it lsJ very doubtful if you can find pongee at' any price) a little later in the season. It is one of the scarcest silks and at the same timi one of the most fashionable for Summer wear. The pongee in thi$ sale is of the finest qualities we have ever shown, and washes perfectly. $1.00 Pongee, 26 inches wide,, special 59c ' $1.25 Pongee, 34 inches wide, special 79c $1.50 Pongee, 34 inches wide, special $1.19 I Second Floor can coyer it up, but you can't rub It's an unbudeing fact that this store have come to be it but. shirt sales in known as reliable dependable, fruitful. Tomorrow We Place on Sale 1 056 Men's Shirts Not One Less Than $1.50 and Many to $2.00 j J At the Astonishing Price Real Hand. Emb Handkerchiefs Of Pure Linen and Batiste, Also the Newest English Voile Handkerchiefs Selling Regularly at 50c, 35 : and 25c Monday 1 5 c The hand-embroidered handkerchiefs show diinty butterfly and floral designs in one corner and one-quarter to one-inch hems, made of all pure linen. The fine lawn handkerchiefs show the new lock stitch edges done in lavender, pink or blue, with embroidered de signs in the corners. Those of voile are of a fine transparent qual ity in all white, with hems ranging from a half t two inchest Firstj Floor We Forecast a Remarkable Sale of Crepe de Chine Under wear There's FOR GIRLS AND SMALL j WOMEN These Wash Dresses In Eton Jacket Style Are the Very Latest Special $3.95 $5.50 If Sold Regularly The first tinie we have offered Scr new Spririg wash frock ata special price this season. Arid these dresses afe unusually stylish and attractive, made of chani bray or linenje, in new blue, green, pink, rose and sand color. Made with I a white blouse, with pleated. front and short Eton jacket of the colored material, braided in white. Skirt is in a new. flaring model, with inverted pleats in front, fin ished with belt at waist. Collar and cuffs of white lawn, the frofck completed with a wide, black satin tie. I -As illustrated. 4th Floor' 2000 Yards Spring Dress . Fabrics From the Foremost American Mill-In Very Newest ! Weaves-In Most Fashionable Shades Poplins,) Whipcords, French Serges, Granites, Melrose, Storm Serges, Baratheas, Black and White Checks and sev eral new weaves . in Cream Suitings. ! Materials! that are in greatest favor for Spring tailored suits and one-piece dresses materials that are of the finest qualities that have ever been offered at so low a price. In cream and all the leading shades, such as delft blue, midnight blue. : Belgian blue, green, navy, heliotrope, gray, sand, putty and black. ; Monday Special $1.19 l Second rloor Exquisite Garments at Lowest Never before have we been able to show such crepe de chine undergarments in' a special sale combination suits, envelope chemises, corset ment combining the. envelope chemise and corset and the other part over the corset. -All garments of a fine quality crepe de chine. effectively trimmed with laces, insertions, hems plique laces and nets. The skirts are cut with $4.25, $4.50 Skirts $3:48 $5.50, $6 Go $5.00, $6.00 Skirts $4.35 , $6.50, $7 3-Piece Suit $4.49 $3.75 Comb $1.50 Corset Cover $1.15 Envelope covers, night gowns, and a pew corset covert one part to be worn under the Chem AN OPPORTUNITY Washable Gloves in Doe and Chamois One and two-clasp styles, pique and P. X. M. sewn, Paris point and fancy embroidery backs. A goodly assortment, but not every size in each style. i ' , j v Extraordinary Prices $2.00 Quality now $1.59 $1.50 Quality now $1.25 $1.25 Quality now.,. .95c i Flret Ploor. For MONDAY ONLY I Engraving and ! Stationery Sale 100 Engraved Cards, 46c -We will engrave from your plate 100 calling cards on Crane's best kid finish or linen lawn cards.- ( New Plate to Your Order and 100 Engraved Cards, 99c ' We will engrave to your order 100 calling cards on Crane's finest stock, giving you a new plate and choice of four styles of script type. Pure Linen Paper, Pound 25c Lotus linen, an extra good grade' of fine white linen paper. 96 sheets to the poundv r i Lotus Linen' Envelopes to I Match, Package 10c In the popular Premier cut. 24 envelopes in a package. ! i . i . - : Mezzanine Floor 45 Limoges China Dinner Sets From Tfieodore Havilar j At Two Exceptional Prices $11.48 813.98 For a ,47 -Piece .Set For d 53-Piece Set Delicate spray decora tions in the exquisite tones of French wild flowers, showing six dif ferent designs. Gold stipple is used on every set. Hie meat platters have gravy wells. The 47-piece set consists of . one cov ered vegetable dish, one pickle dish, ' one I IP-inch platter, one 12-inch plat ter and six dinner plates, breakfast plates, bread-and-butter plates, soup plates, fruit ; saucers, tea cups and saucers. The 53-piece set consists of six dinner plates, breakfast plates, bread-and-butter plates, soup plates, fruit saucers, tea cups and saucers, one 16-inch platter, one covered vegetable dish, one sauceboat, one covered butter dish, one open vegetable dish, one sugar bowl, one creamer. ; ': ' 1 Sixth Floor Mrs. Housewife, Here's a Curtain Treat 300 Pairs of $5.00, $6.00 arid $6.50 Lace and Scrim Curtains Which Go on Sale Monday. Morning k:: l At $2.87 Pair N Seldom ifffcver is it possible to buy curtains of the regular $5.00 and $6.50 qualities in fresh, new stock and in the newest patterns in a sale of such importance as this. But these are just the kind of curtains you will find tomorrow at the remarkable price of $2.87 a p'air. There are new fillet "scrims and French net curtains.made with fine lace edges and insertions to match. Also new fancy braided borders. These curtains come in white, cream and Arabian color, full 2 yards long, and in the assortment there are curtains suitable for every room. j Fifth Floor. Drapery Materials Greatly Reduced Materials that reflect the new patterns, designs and colorings, all fresh, beautiful fabrics that are suitable for bungalows, for Summer nomes. xor oearooms, uvuig-ruuu. madras. . f 60c Colored Madras ... 49c 35c Fancy Scrims.'. . . ,21c 45c Curtain Nets . ... . .29c 98c " j -Plain negligee shirts with stiff cuffs. Plaited-bosom shirts with stiff cuffs. Semi-dress shirts in white with plain and plaited bosoms.' Soft shirts with French turn' bach cuff s. f : k;, ' "."I;1 : -Shirts of imported materials- madras, French per cales, silk-finished shirtings, all in attractive plain or now elty stripes, absolutely fast dolors, which launder perfectly . Ti EADEKSHIP m business is impossible nowadays without public confidence. You have; our assurance that this is the most forceful, satisfying j sale of shirts ever held in the city bar none. 1L Mrs! CToos. Every Reason for It Quality Economy Prices We've Ever Known I ! -I - ' i . an interesting and extensive collection of and with prices so extremely low. j Skirts, three-piece gar- which can be had in pink or white and most pitching, beading, ribbons, chiffon roses, ap- flanng flounces. j -j wns $4.69 $3.00 Envelope Chemise for , ... . . j : . , . . $2.39 $5 Combination Suits, Envelope Chemise $3.95 ! fourth floor full Gow ns $5.79 inations and $2.98 use THIS IS SPMliC MESEf WEEI ' " : . EXCLUSIVE NEW MILLINERY That Cannot Be Surpassed at $10.00 to $15.00 IT IS A SEASON OF BECOMING MILLINERY that without question. We believe that no woman could walk through our Milli nery Salons now and fail to see almost at a glance a dozen, fifteen,' twenty hats with any of which she would be mor than satisfied. Hundreds of models are here, no two alike, each with a different treatment of trimming and color.- Dress models in hemp stfaw with racings of maline or Georgette crepe, large sailor shapes, shepherdess and poke bonnets, turbans and tricornes for tailored and semi-dress wear, with exquisite flower trimmings in most beautiful natural col ors, smart ribbon bows and streamers, in styles suited to evry type, for the miss or matron. Secohd Floor i Household Linen Sale Thf ttmt gf thf vpir a htrv linen INCi W The place to buy them is-Lipman-Wolfers Supply Your Needs Monday at Lowest Prices MERCERIZED TABLE CLOTHS IN NEW PATTERNS Regular $1.10 Cloths, size 58x58 inches. .89c Regular $1J5 Cloths, size 2x2 yards . . . $1.15 Just received these cloths, which are remarkable bargains tat these very' low prices. They come in a beautiful, satin mercerized finish, in the new circular floral designs, which usually 'are only made in more expensive cloths. There are pansy, poppy and rose patterns artistically designed. For ; every-day wear and for summer cottage, use these cloths are ideal, as they will launder beautifully. t 4 $1.75 PURE LINEN LUNCH CLOTHS, $lifJ9 German linen lunch cloths, silver bleached, in your choice of several pretty designs. Size 57x60 inches. Splendid cloths for every-day wear. -y-jaj k Plain and fancy scrims, nets and ... - 45c, 50c Fancy Scrims, 29c 25c Curtain Nets. . ... .19c 50c Curtain Nets . . . . 39c ruth, rioor - Hemmed ready for use. 60c SILVER BLEACHED DAMASK, 48c YARD This is less than import cost today. Comes 60! inches wide, in dice pattern. A firm, evenly woven damask very desirable for restaurants and hotels. ' i "' TURKISH BATH TOWELS SPECIAL 39c Extra heavy, two-ply cotton, firmly woven- bath towels.1 in plain white, with hemmed ends. Extra large. Size 25x54 inches. CASTLETON LINEN-FINISH SHEETS Size 2y4x2V2 yards, 68c Size 2V4x23A yar4s, 72c ' Sheets, sizes 2yx3 yards, special 83c." y The best sheets on the market today for long service. Made of good, clean cotton, free from dressing, Tom before hemming. Made with 3-inch head and 1-inch foot hem. CASTLETON PILLOW CASES TO MATCH Size '42x38Vz inches, 17c ecu Size 45x38 inches, 18c ea. 25c HEMSTITCHED, EMBROIDERED PILLOW CASES 19c EACH ! Made from fine, evenly woven cotton and free from dressing. Neatly hemstitched and embroidered, with space for monogram. - Basement We have been -'ding-donging corset service to the public for the longest time by every method of advertising known through the newspapers, streetcars, by mail.. We have claimed that eight out of ten women in Portland 'have never enjoyed corset comfort, cor set luxury or corset satisfaction, j Now our hour, is chiming we are helping women every day in the scientific art of corset fitting. More and more women are seeking our expert corset service. Tomorrow We Inaugurate by Special Arrangements Corset Week, designed primarily to attract new patrons to this department. Through the courtesy of some of the foremost corset manufactur ers, we have secured 1 ' 5 ' t- ; , : New Spring Models at Special Prices for which we have special demonstrators and fitters, who will be pleased to explain to! you their individual merits. j i S2.00 W. B. CORSETS, $1.69 Made of coutil with low and medium bustline, long and medium length over hips and back. Finished with embroidery. Three pairs of supporters attached. For slender . and medium figures. Sizes, 19 to 32. ! i - k $2.50 W. B. CORSETS, $1.79 Of fine coutil with medium bust, and medium length over the hips and back, new curve-in at the waistline, bones finished with silk floss, trimmed with lace and embroidery. Three pairs of sup porters attached. Sizes 21 to 30. " $3.50 W. B. CORSETS, $2.29 Made of striped coutil, medium high bust, medium length -over hipsand back, slightly curved in at the waistline, elastic lacing. 3 pairs hdse supporters! attached, i Sizes 19 to 20. Good for all figures. $3.50 W. B. ELASTINE REDUSO CORSETS, $2.25 In sizes 21 to 36. Made of splendid quality coutil. medium bust and long over the hips and back. Elastic gores on the fullest part of the hips. Three pairs of heavy supporters attached. Reinforced Over the abdomen for full figures. j SELF-REDUCING NEMO CORSETS, $5.00 Are now being shown in models suitable for the average and full figures. In sizes 22to 36; Made of dainty silk flowered brocade, in white or pink, k - 1 $1.50 BRASSIERES FOR $1.00 Made , of -fine cambric with wide embroidery at the top .and bot tom, which forms the V-shape neck, edged with fine Valenciennes lace.! Hook-in-front style. Sizes 34 to 46. rotath noor Sale of Gray Switches and Transformations HAIR $115 I for S4.15 GOODS" '' for switches, 18-in., 'i 1' $i 55 switches. 20-int. ..........$2.95 switches. 22-in .... ..... $3.95 Experts in attendance will guarantee a perfect match. .. .. ... i -gccyp'l noor $7.85 switches. 24-in.. for .$4.95 $7.45 transformations for ....$5.95 $10.45 transformation a for ..........$7.45