HE OREGON' SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND; 1 SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 21. 1910. 10 Has Classes for - Women Prisoners Xnmates of Xliaol PnltarT Tmnght SomMtio Selene tn Effort to t Them for nigb joliet. Ill- March 20. The debt which society owes to Ita unfortunates should bo repaid by giving them every possible opportunity to learn to live under, normal conditions. This is the theory of Miss Grace Fuller, superin tendent of women at the Illinois state penitentiary at Joiiet. Miss Fuller is putting her theory Into practice, and With gratifying results. A group of white clad, smiling wo men stood today labout their leaders In a domestic science class room. They beat eggs, measured out sugar and did Other things, all according to recipes written on a blackboard by one of them. Laughter and talk came easily as they worked. These women are prisoners at the state penitentiary, but they were transferred into new. happy persons by the application: of a scheme of rev olutionizing prison metljods. In this work Miss Fuller has the cooperation, of Warden Aliens i Dressmaking, rue; weaving and other domestic activities are Included in th new rule of procedure for women in the Institution. Everywhere is no ticeaile a serine of contentment and absence of restraint. . .''It Is to give these' women, who did not have adequate opportunities before they came here, an opportunity to 'qualify for normal society that-we are doing this work," explained Miss Ful ler.; ' , NEW TODAY MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved tcity; and farm prop erty at current rates. Attractive re payment privileges. Loans quickly closed. Mortgajges bought. Call today. tCfn lAJtOB LOANS OIT , O v BTTEXirESS PBOPSBXIES v A. R BIRRELL CO. 817-319 rTorthwe-tern Bank Building. Marshall 4114. A-4118. . T- MORTG AGE LOANS Had on City 4nd Hearty r arm Prop erty Interest 7 and 8 Per Cent. No Overcharged. No red tape. Straight Loans ion Straight Propositions. obeooxt rinr. ft mobto. gov Stock Exchange Building, Third and i Yamhill Streets. ' DEATHS AND FUNERALS 75 FLAHERTY At Rainier, Or., March 1&, 1915, Mr. Marynaherty. aged 86 yeara, belowd mother of Daniel Flaherty arid :Mrij Jiellie Ryan, of Portland. Mm. Kt Bris. ofKaln ler. Or.. Mrs. Annie Fan-child- of T-om. Waae.. and Jim Flaherty t La Center, Wah, Funeral from the residence, 148 Graham art-., Tuesday, March 23. at 8:30; thence to 8t, Mary, church. Williams e. pod Stanton at., where service will be heldlat 9 a. m. Interment at Mt. Calvary cemetery, j Friend liiTitcd to:SatteiHi. ' SXYVEU-n be ' funeral serTlcea Jof the late James Snyder will be held; at the conaerra tory chapel of F. S. Dunning, In., Baat Bide funeral directors, 414 Eaat Aide at., corner of East 6th at., at 2 p. ib. todiy Sunday), March 2L I under the anaplcea of Coort Mt. Hood Koy. Foreatera of America. Frlenda Invited, Interment Roee City etmetery. neral FOB SALE HOUSES (Oontlnned ai ME PffG NOTICES 41 Open meeting; for men only, Rose City camp to morrow (Monday) even ing, Selling-Hirsch hall. 886W Washington. Wood man and invited guests. Sol Reehanbach, consul. T. I J. Darlington. ! clerk. 212 Ahington bjdg. Main 2439. ' Planning to Make Chicago a Sahara Temperance Forces Are Collecting m : Tnnd to Finance Campaign for a "Dry" Metropolis of Middle West. Chicago, March 20. Temperance forces are today planning the greatest fight they have yet- undertaken. Their plan Is to make Chicago, second largest city In the United States, as arid as Sahara. A fund of 4200.000 Is being raised for the assault in force on the middle western metropolis. "Work of raising a preliminary fund of $25,000 already has started. As soon as the $25,000 is in the hands of the general committee of church and temperance workers, every ward in the city will be combed '. by workers for signatures to a petition asking that the question of closing up every saloon in Chicago be put to a vote i.n April, 1916. Temperance workers declared today they will make the 'Chicago fight the most - spectacular one in the history of organized war on Intemperance. The bitter" struggle waged at Springfield some weeks back, when a sharply drawn alignment of wets and drys completely disrupted party organiza tions and held the lower house dead locked for the longest time in the state's history, was merely a foretaste of the temperance fight that is planned. Speakers of national fame will be brought to Chicago to aid in the fight. . The government I of Brazil maintains a snake farm for the production of se rum antidote for shake bite. NEW TODAr LAsW! 20 Years to Pay! 0f Ynt Farm Horn fros tUm Canadian Pacific. Most productive soil- frond climate r arty marked a transportation ail the comforts and ways of making money farming that you nod in the best farm ing section everywhere. ' . Low Prices and $2,000 loan TM rich bad only JU to ,30 per acre hrig-atrti hail irbm (35. TVmftf ytarm to pay ihink of it. Lane before your final rymrnt is duo your m will har paid tor Itself. W lend you up to . -uu for farm 1 mprovements, on cgertain romlitions. with no ecurtty but the land itself. Twenty yean to repay it.. Interest per cent. II yos want a farm home all ready to step into, get one oi o Ready Made l-arms. DaJrylns-. Nog an4 Umtach M. ha - Inoawa Moro. Lands Meal tor these purpovs. Present conditions In Kn-ope assure highest wees kao a for erythlng- raised. These Offers Based od Good Land finest en earth fee mixed farming and grain growing. The best land will be taken first, so time's precious to you. Write or aul today for frt AaadOooic and full particular. Excursion t party tearing Seattle, Maroa 23 L. K. THORNTON, Dist. Rep. V..la.. - . V.a.l 131 J 2MiaAuvuiss nuiri siuf Portland, Or. . II FARM i LOANS We are loaning Eastern Life Insur ance money and will make choice Willamette Valley farm loans at lowest rates ever quoted in Oregon. The DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE CO f 607 Concord Building Second and; Stark Streets Portland Oregon Seaside, Oregon ATTXA.CTTVTB KESTDEITCX: FOB B1LB OH BOARS WAX.K. Ocean and Tillamook Had In 7ull View Corner lot, nine rooms; -spacious ver- Lndah; hot and cold water; electric lJsbta; Borage and all modern con veniences; large open fireplace. Fur ' nlahed In elegance,. Including piano.- A moat desirable home and surprisingly low figure. No trade. Basy terms. For further particulars apply riKST STATU BAKI OP BBASXBS, steasiaf, wregon. Wanted Retail In AIT OOOS XrOOATZOH at from 110,000 to 935,000, In exchange for high class west side income -property Price 935,000. - Yearly rental Income $3240. XTO CASK required. Long time .on any dlffertnca. Phone for appoint ment only, not for Information, Main i - ' - O. SSCnpSSTDOBF, 31S-1S STOCK XXCEANOS BXVXa one Woodla PORTLAND STAR HOMESTEAD NO. 42; B. A. Y. meets, every TBursday evening In the Woodmen. Hall. 128 11th street. Visitors welcome. i FRANCES FRY, 406 SIMPSON ST. n 94. Correspondent krKPATRICK Council 2227, Knights nd Ladies of Security. Big- tree open meeting next Friday, March 26, 8:80 p. m., shirp, Moose hall, Morri son and Broadway. Cards, 500, enter tainment, dancing. Best Union music. Good prize$. -y Come and bring your rrjenas lor a gpoa lime. i MACCABifE CARD PARTY Given by Portland Tent No. 1. Thurs day evening, March 26, at their hall, 40$ Alder st. Will play 24 hands, fol lowed by nrogitam and dance. Admis sion I6e. PEOPLE of character attend our en- itertainment tomorrow night. 129 4th et.. Foresters' I hall. Dancing, music, admission 15c. i Sons and Daughters of the "Ark ' 9 to 12. Fourth and Wash- ington. ; ' . UNITED degreje teams. W. O. V.. will jgiva a hard times dance Thursday, jaarcn z&. at tne w. o. w. hall. 334 Kjussell st. Prizes. Union music. Re- rresnments, r-T.ATJK-'ft Flower ShoD signs, flowers. 430 Wash. de- ain 1771. FUNERAL. DlRECTpRS A splepdld taoasnment, residence undf wxri f Y nrivatA il P. FINLEY & SON. Montgomery at Fifth. MP fTlWARTI HOLM A?. t I . t n n r, ft .3 runerai airecior. ou Salmon, ft Lady assistant. 1511. Main bU7. A-4558. ! F ast Fast Aid rtaklng es- riveway. ; ' the leading st.. corner Phones A- ! f Dunnirig & McEnteey every detail. 7th and Pine. Undertaker.. oiicrn In Main 439. Lady assistant. S. Dunning, Bide Funeral Directors, 41i er st. East 52, B- 2525. - i C r Killings worth ave. OnampefN UU. and Kerfcy. Wood lawn 3308. C-1133. Lady etnbalmer, A, R. Zeller Co.; 692 Williams ave. East 1088, C-1088. T-iflv attendant. Dav and night service. Walter C. Kenwd 1632-1534 E. 13th. Sellwood A. D. KENWORTUY & rmm nMv flnswprorl n city. I. 6T O. F. bid?., Lents. Hamilton CO. i Calls Darts or Tabor 6267. atl Qlisan. Fu- leral services. Tabor 4313 PORTLAND Cbuncil No. 102, Modern Foresters, will give "500" Darty Tuesday evening. March 23. 1915. in Hall 400. Alisky bldg. 24 hands, prizes. rerresnments. Admission 15c. ANCHOR Cuncll. No. 746. K. & L. of S. I will crivA a. nrhiRt nnrl SUA nurtv Wui. nesday eveninfT March 24, at 129 4th sf. Refreshments and prizes. No dancing. . ORPHIA Temfrle 18, Pythian Sisters. j meets on Thursday evenings of each week In K. of P. hall, 11th and Alder. ueien a. Lamar, m. of K. & C Wtat Statistics ITlarriagcs.Birtbs, Dtatbs. marriage: licenses Eliaa Larsen. B03 iCamDbell at.. 27. anil cerrie: reaersoo, st. Jocns. , . O. idenrlksten. Kenton. 30. and Insa jwepmne jonnsori. et. jonns. . o. Kan u. Everest. Hi E; 11th at.. 24. and bid-it men, 019 Aiarsnau at., o. I Nathan L. Barker, 8S2 Clinton at., legal, ahd Kdna Cuchuu. 328 Bberman st.. 16. William John i Borthwlck. Ne mort. Or.. legal, and iiargaiet Grapenls, Hotel Houston, tegai. I . 1- wiuiam Earl O'Brien, oreeon Tacht clnb 22, and Luclle Juilkini. 1139 E. 22d et. N.. 19. iuari e. ricKS. ssister 01 tne uood suepbera iiome. 4, ana Kcfse ana, is B. 17tn at., M. iiuram 11. uricr, tirst national bank, leeal. lid T. Ernestlna Khelknbereer 4K6 Eut 61-t nortn, leeal. I ti R. T. Byrne Williams East 1115. and Knott C-194S. DC A DOOM Undertakers r .nimjwin East 1080. 369-371 Russell st. j P. L. LERCH, leading east side under takelrTjE. 11th & Clay. B-1B83. E. 71. OI r lAf TO Undertaking Co, Or- VV,l0 a-2321. Cor. Sd ERICS0N RESIDENCE END. PLS M. 6133. A-223j. 445 Mor MONUMESIS Decoration Day Is drawing near. Now is the time to place your order for a monument 'or 'marker for the beloved ones whom you wish to honor on tnau aay. De- Biems ana estimates xurnisnea iree- Give usia call. Otto. Schuriann Gran ite and Marble Works, .asfl Pine. Phone East 743. W.G.,SmitH&Co. y". hird floor, Mj3rgan bldg. DRESS suits for rent, all sizes. Unique tailoring jo.l 309 stark st. MIRTHS PETERSON TV Mr. and Mra. Paul Peterson, ! 401i 1st St., Maitch 17, a aon. LEONARD To Mr. and Mrs. Barje Leonard. ; us c. isren aij m.j Marcn 14. a daughter. HAUFMAN To Mr. and Mra. Charles Kauf- ! roan, 703 Firt at.. March 9, a daughter. K.1MMER To Mr and Mrs. Louia C. Klmmer. I 17 13th St., March 18, a aon. BATCIIELDER To Mr. and Mrs. Charles I - cacnelaer. b. i2t ana Washington, March 17. ai dauehter. ! If USBONM E R T6 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nns- 1 winner, oo c. Hist St., rD. 3, a daughter. BUKBACH To Mr. and 'Mrs. Adam Burbach. 475 FUnt st.. March 17. a son. PENNY To Mr. land Mrt William H. Penny, i or n o i t . 4n . . rf STAHN To Mr. i and Mrs. Henry A. Stahn, i 2911 B. 7th at.. March 16. a son KENNETH To Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Ken neth. 693 E. 20h St. 3.. March 14. a dsneh- icr, FIJKERAL DIRECTORS - "-- - L maELAESING GRAtkllTELCQJ A Sac5e Zenflt11 PORTLAND MARBLE VK3 4th st. QPP- city hall. M. 8i S64, BUSINESS PROPERTY EBUSINESS CORNER. Lot 50x100. East 32nd Tiarelhurst. All imDrovem- nearly paitl Tor. value a sell for 12765. Terms. T-244, lournal. j Security' Dev dnpmmt Co.. cor. 4th and t.; Opposite 4ntn in and 600. Win FINE ipartment site; 60x100,1 facing 2 streets; sacrifice. Wolf stein, -20a Alisky bldg. GEXEliAL REAL KSlTATE. 62 west iide. Ko reafson- Journal. FINE Income property on 10 minutes from P. O". abde offer refused. X-161, ' FOR SALE or trade, 7 room modern house, sleening noroh. 50x100' lot. 6 FOR SALE--HOUSES . 61 bearihg fruit 4;rees and garage. Will mao auto or lot as iirsi payment, la bor 1764. OUT OF MONETSl MUST HAVE SOME MONET Take Alberta car. get off at st; N.. EOto 1104 E. 2ath At classiest 5 room bungalow in berta district. Make offer. Wdln. 1561. " ! ROSE CITY PARK. 3 room bungalow. . large attic, full cement basement, paved streets. House faces east. -Hardwood floors, tile fire place, imirror doors, buffetJ Dutch kitchenj; bookcases, fixtures, furnace and shades. Buy direct ffom owner and builder. Come out todayj 511 E. 44th st;! N.. or phone Tabdr 680. My price 133250, and you will pure get your money s wortn. SMITH In this pity. March 20, at her lata i residence, 530 Eaat 14th St.. Cynthia K. Smith, aged 7 years, known as Mother Smith prison missionary; TThe funeral serrlcea will be held today I Sunday), at 2 o'clock n. m. at the ahore residence. Friends Invited. In terment at Lone Ffr cemetery, galem. Or., and jWalla Wallai Wash., papers please copy. SKETVE3 At the horn of her daughter In ! Boise. Idaho. March 18. lain. Krh w Skeves, aged 89 years. Deceased is sur vived by a dauKhter. Mrs. E. L. Dwieht. of Boise, and one oni, Charles H. Bkewes, of I c-ortiano, w. Bait tute tnty papers please copy. KPSTEYN At Lioa I Angelea, Cal.. March 18.' ! David L. Epateyn, aged 66 years, late of Juneau, Alaska. Friends invited to attend fuceral services, which will be held at Hol man's funeral psrlora at 1:30 p. m. today (Sunday), March 1 21. Interment Ahavai Sho lom cemetery. CAiLERON Funeral services of the late Mary i E. Cameron, aged 63 years, beloved wife of William Cameroq, j will be conducted today (Sunday), Sarch Bli at 2:80 p. m.. from Pear son's undertaking! parlors, Russell st. at Union aval BVi-ns1H tit i I S2350 BUYS A SMALL FARM IN THE CITY ! nern nnrl 5 room house and barn near Mt, Scott car at Firlafadi Toung bearing:! fruit, good garden Plot. a rjlaca tdi live ana make a large Dart of your living; $25 down and l$16 month. including interest. - BELL' REAL ESTATE CQMPANT. 318 Railway Excharjgw. : 1 20(10 New, (modern, S room bungalow. Fine filace, bookcases, paneled dining room, arge buffet, Dutch kitchen bath, two airy bedrooms, attic, full cement base ment, wash trays. Close to new brick scheol. i Terms to suit; . will i consider lot. 6720 33d aTft, S. E. IRVINGTON DISTRICT I have a dandy lot. on -wfhich I will bulla at modern Dungaiow lat Dargain Drice Oh t very easy terms, i Located 750 ft. to Broadway car. i Can show you houses I will duplicate. Phone Tabor 2852. an Invited. I k'TEY At her late residence, 1515 East 11th l st. north, Minerva McVey. aged 80 Tears. Funeral services (will be held at P. L. Lerch j brance. ( tmdertaking parljr, East 11th and Clay sts.. wmuriurr vaxuuuaj;, ai u a. m. (Tlenos in vited. i 7 i i OESEB -March 2oJ Jennie E. Orser, aged 47 ROSE CITS' Park Home, j njiodern in every f respect. - iirepiacesj lot iuux 100. beautiful lawn, fine ! shade and ears. ' xruil trees, place la ciear uri mvuui- Will give you a Dargain, you Jordan, ibui.-? Juum- i -r- : sears, beloved wife at Marshall: TC rr- and mother of Gertrnds M. Orser. Funeral Berfvlces will be held at Dunning & MeEntoe's, tomorrow (Mondayi). March 22, at 2 p. m. Friends Invited. ttqry. nterment Bose City cem- YMOND In this cltv. March 24. Fii.n A. Rirmnnil mb-titl l va . l-. cao ... tajlor st. i The Femalni are at the residence eetahushment or tabllshment of J. P. Flnley A Son, Mont tnery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter, Bei ams inent later.! It aged 78 y parlora. 502 WU OX In thU city. March 20. O. M. Fox. a 7)t vesra. Romstna af A 9.11.. rr. ave. Funeral announce- HAUL At his IBte residence. 636 East 84th i St., Charles G.j Hall, aged 46 years; funeral tejrvice will be held at the Portland Crema torium Monday kt 2 p. m. Friends Invited. Kcmains at f. i.g K.ast ntn ano ilVEY At her Lerch undertaking parlors. QUICK REAL ESTATE LOANS - On city residence : and "Willamette valley farm property. E. A. CTJRTIS, S67 Oak St- Q round n. Main -743. Clay sts. r lata residence, IE aek-jra J. McVey, a Sarg-ln, 6 acres, Buckley ave-1 (nlles east of city limits. All under cultivation. Bull Run water. Adjoining toroperty held at $1000 per acre. This paves If taken this week J3000. (Ground Floor, Henry Bldg; 1S1R East 11th at nnrthj U i tiw-bb j f iVv -0 4 k . Remains at P.- Li Lerch undertaking parlors, East 11th and Clay sts. Funeral announce ment latere I - r : UOHTFOO T M fry Ann Lightfoot, 9234 61st ! !ave-, 8. B., Match 18, 77 years, apoplexy. BEARDSLEIr Oiihella J. Beardaley, 281 B. Ii 16th at., Maj(ja 17, 75 years, senility SWEET Arvlllai J. Sweet, 845 Jackson St., ! March 17, T years, lobar pneumonia. EHAIB Mary Bbalr. 1021 Yale st.. March 18, ji 4 years, pneoitwoia and measles. HOWABJ ETwtti B. Howard, I. i O. O. F. i home, March 18, 68 years, chronic intersti tial nephtltls. : ktlTCHELLrIdaj iM. Mitchell, Good Samaritan hospital. March 17, 23 years, laporotomy. CO BART Mary iHobart, 1461 E. Everett st.,' i March 18, 84 jvcara. vslvnlsr heart dlKease. MARTIN & FORBES CO.. florists, 847 ii Wash. Main! 269, A-1269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS- florists, fine flowers ana worai aesigna. -01 -aomson uu make the terms. bermen's bldg. ii i LAURELHURSTi Dutch; colonial home, date, with hardwood : and down stairs. : Located choice part or the tract, 1 car. This wtfs built for a choice buy. Phone Hbine Tabdr! CORBETT street, roomk handV to factories and mills: snap: S2S00, $300 cash, balance to suit. Geo. G. Mairi. 325 Railway Exchange. Mar- Bhall 2574 l! WEST SIDE. 989 1st street, beautiful home, large lot, all improve beautiful view; cost 14700 Tor J37&0. fee it toaay. 7 room tents paid. Will sell Tar. 1761 LAURELHL'RST bun galowL just cbm- pleted. 5 rooms.- win m sold mis week. Your own terms. : 1229 Senate st. 609 McKay bldg. FOR SALE-rHouse and 10 completely 1 lurnisneo. blocks from car line, w-31 1HV1NGTON home. 8 rooms, nice lo- cation, hardwood flooris. i modern. full lot. cheap. East w. Hprdman. j! " J0 CASH. If $10 PER MONT foot lotl Frost, 518 Corbettt 6 ROOM , bungalow, 4 acre ground. nlowed: fine view: only terms to responsible party, western Bank bldg. N. W. Bank bldg. weu. Main 8147. nc; Hawthorne Avenue : , Bungalow room modern complete bun galow on E. 47th- Large living room with -fireplace, built-in bookcases, large den, L dining room, built-in buffet, 2 large bedrooms, Dutch kitchen. Can make 2 bedrooms upstairs. New stove, range, gas heater, inlaid linoleum on kitchen floor and bathroom. Electric fixtures and window shades. Full cement basement, wash trays, on hard surface street. Lawn all in. For only $2800. Terms. Call ,M. 6782. G. II. KLEINSORGE CO., 310 Board of Trade. FOit SALB---OOUSl9 (Continued) 61 FOB SAI-E HOUSES ( Continued Hawthorne District $2500 61 Buys this beautiful new 5-roora bun- ffaammireM anirrissis 20 minutes ride Ore. Elec. 7c fare 9th grade school; electric light, water. 4 r,oom house, 50x100 lot, water; piped to house; S500; your own terms. 6 room house, 1 acre, all cleared, good well. etc. 2 blks. from sta., $1900. Easy terms. This is a snap. Come out today. 8 room house,, modern, toilet,;' bath, etc. 1 acre, young orchard; good; view. Come out and look at this and; make offer or write J. A. King, Garden Home. $3500 HOME FOR $3000. Strictly modern new 6 room bunga low near car line, arranged so can add 3 rooms second floor; full base ment, beamed ceiling, oak floors,, fire place, built-in buffet, bookcase, writing desk, Dutch kitchen, bathroom, 2 stoves and some furniture included; lot 60x100. $300 down, balance $25 per month, interest 6 per cent.i 5908 44th st. S. E., Woodstock. For par ticulars see H. Klaetsch, 4305 Wood stock ave., Portland, Oregon, i. rthy i 71. B-1122. Main 4152. and Clay BEAUTIFUL MODERN HOME FOR SALE. On East Stark and 96th st. Owner is leaving -for California, will sell at hard times price, a new 8 room house with modern conveniences, including electric lights, Bull Run water, plumb ing, furnace heat, range, linoleum, iuu shares water stock and 10 lots. Good terms to right party. For further in formation call on John B. Cook, owner, or phone Marshall 1357. ' we will build in any part of city HOMES r costing from $2000 :to 120.000 Also apart ments and flats. We have money to loan. Call and see rlans. : F. E. BOWMAN & CO.. Commercial riiih bids ROSE CITY PARK HOMES. Deal direct with the owners, the original platters of this beautiful part oi foruanci. call on our realty ae partment, cor. 4th and Stark. HAKTMAN & THOMPSON LIVE room bungalow, reception hail, large attic, furnace, fireplaces-full ce ment basement, beautiful roses, lot 47x98, $400 street improvements paid. iiiiies .iciou'io nanaiei balance 30 per month, including interest at 6; How- thorne district. Place cost $4350; quick Kaiejawo. .fnone raoor 3089. ACREAGE and new modern bungalow with fireplace, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, bathroom, etc., near Mt. Tabor car, best of soil, ready for garden and chickens. Bull Run water. ceHnent TMra onri ' walks, very low price. Cash, terms or lnira ana i trade. Altamead office or 403 Yeon bide. 264-266 A-1516. 66 oak- floors. Dutch all kinds of built-in work; near new Franklin high school; Hawthorne car to 60th and Division, 1 block west, south to :ibib btn st. Owner. .2200. 6 room house, corner lot. 60x100. on Uackamaa and 75th sts.; no mortgages ouu aown, balance $20 per monto. Pine sts. COME QUICK.. All for $1500. terms. A o room house, completely rurnishea. II. L. WHEELER, 7812 57th ave., S. E. Mt. Scott car to Woodmere. BRAND new 6 room j bungalow with run if ront ana screened oac porcu, reception hall -with mirror door, Seat and, clOBetJ living I room has fireplace and built-in bookcases; dining room has buffetJ; plate rail and is paneled; hall, living and dining rooms are jconneeted with Targe cased openings and have ioak floors; Dutch kitchen, j cold air closet, (rnnind Vrv T-H anil ffOOrlltft 2 ldrEO bedrooms. connecting closets; bath- ' galow on paved street allj the desir- roora moaern tnrougnout ana nas pev- "o icatures or a weii-ount nome; eled gass door to imedlcine case; large reception hall, living room with pressed linen closet in hack nail. xiu cement 1 "r;a 11 replace and deep ooo&cases; basemiht, laundry trays.' cement wajlks, very . cosy dining room, With wide etc. This is wired throughout and beau- veneer panels and attractive buffet, tiruiiy ixinisned inwnite enamel wnn 1 1 wuea narawood rioors in reception mahogany trimmings; walls tinted , J11!. living and dining room, two fine throughout; close to car and' school. light airy bedrooms, F well-equipped This i& on E. 28h, hear Ainswqrth. bathroom with linen closet, white Exceptionally priced a-t zbuo or win ; "eieu uutcn Kucnen with an moo- with cement floor, electHc fixtures and Fdf Sale a take lt pr automobile! or both. Phone Sellwood I6l. 4 room oilet, 50x100 lot and al ley, frlce 1 nd i10 per b per Ti his ee POOJ $25 down Bnorttn, lnclud- cent interest. fte for Mich- and will sacrifice to ng 'arty leavl gan and wi et away, i buy in Henderson Ipu can't equal jt he city. on & Kichey. , , Jacobs Co Fred .A 269 Washlng'iton St. Beautiful 1 block soutiii of I Trade. J5782. hou Half Valui e. water. M room liouse on E. 57th st o all modern, facing harid-surface street. surrounded by beautiful homes;; large living rbpm.J dining rooni. breaKlast roon. kitchen, 1 bed-1 rodkn and toillfet downstairs; C sleeping porches, bedrooms and bath upstftlrst full cemenlt basjement, firerjilace, furnace and gaitage in fat. a complete home, ifor onjy $2500. I' G.lH. KLEIN30RGE. 310 Board I T-..a -ill , ., Un , Tabor Hawthorne. east. oh lot 50x100 Call bs up Main ! $1875; i $1875 I tB7Si 6 BOOM MODKRNl BUNGALOW 936 East 18th St., North I IRVINGTON HEIGHTS) 1 60x100 VIE V LOT. Sewer and Street Improvements, t- BKANU NEW. ! TERMS. OWNER. SEE AT i36 iE. 18TH NEAR PRESCOTT STREET. : irvingtonl Car i ' $1873 $1875 ' $875 shades; a beauty at sacrifice price. Call Owner 1078 Hawthorne Ave. PHONE TABOR 2608. EVENINGS TABOR Opportunity of tl No Interest, Th I 1 UlvC- Beautiful new 5-roorr. bungalow, oak iioorsj iirepiace, all the bult-lns; full cement basement, larg attic; shades. rixtures, lawn; 50x100 hst ifront; East 4Sth street. Rose City IflarkJ All street improvements in. Abilut $260 bonlds still unpaid to be assumed. Price $3,300; easily worth $3,500. $600 cash, $20 per month, nb interest. I COLUMBIA REALTY INVESTMENT jtj., en oard or 'i tade. $1050 75x100 FOOT LOT 4 room bungalow, tJioeiy finished Dutch kitchen, built-irt ironing board ana cooling cioset. liouse piped for gas. Easy terms. Take Rose City rare car to zd and Bandy Road. bEE AUSTflN. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO $600 jCASH buysl $S50 equity $4000 Rossm,ere home, prabtically new; bal ance 125 monthly Within two blocks two cirlines; 6 rdom; full sized path with sewer connection; three ped roomst hardwood (floors; beamed Jceil ing aad paneled dining room; built-in conveniences; attractive lighting j fix tures (including large indirect fixture livingjroom; firepace set; large Vulcan range! and inlaid linoleum in kitchen; Boyntbn - ifumace.l tubs and instanta neous! water heater in basement; shade! mowcl Journi screens. disappearing i bed E. 29th N. The the Al-Phone LET US BUILD YOU A HOME On your lot or ours; by - your own plans or ours; pay us like rent. THE OREGON HOME-BUILDERS, 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg. CHOICE 6 room bungalow,- Rose City Park; extra well built, fine finish, every convenience. See it. Real bar gain. Owner, 359 E. 49th St., N. Tabor 2029. ROSE City Park bargain; strictly mod ern 6 room bungalow, sleeping porch, furnace, fixtures, shades, all complete, $3250; part cash, balance like rent. Owner, 701 E. 60th St., N. NEAT little bungalow, niceiy located; gas, electric lights, full basement, nice lawn, cement walks, reasonable payment, balance easy. Owner. B- 386, Journal. EIGHT room house, corner lot, lOOx 100, fine location, lots of fruit trees Including fig trees and grapes, both bearinc. 20 minutes out. 1' hloolc If rom car. B-746. Journal. A MONT A VILLA bargain Five room house, full lot, bath, improved street. near school and carline; $1700; terms to suit. 313 Chamber of Commerce. DANDY good 6 room modem house, value $3000, on 50x100 corner lot; mortgage $1400. $200 cash will buy; balance on easy terms. S-439, Journal. 4 ROOMS $400. Neat 4 room plastered cottage, new ly painted, in Lents close to car. Fred W. German Co., 914 Chamber of Com. $15 monthly, including interest, buys modern 5 room bungalow from own er, corner 80th and Clayton sts. S. E., $1700. Tabor 2984. nt FOR SALE Four room plastered house, east front, street graded and sidewalk in and paid. 3fe blocks north Montavilla car. 217 E. 3rd St., N. $8 MONTHLY, 80x200 with house, $650: other good snaps. A. C. Mars ters, 202 Wilcox bldjr. 'Main 161,7, Tabor 1770. ' ctly up to !. bath up . in the lock from and is 2852 nice lot, rooms. cheap; Johns. 2 7. Journal. Very Bt. cotitage, 60x100 bldg. $1800; easy V.-.k iva iiui ia" A NEW, modern, $600 house for $4800. Close In. restricted district. Phone Woodlawn 1522. NEW, 6 room, modern , house, near Peninsula park. Must he sold at once Owner, 1242 Montana ave. ' $1300 $200 down; modern house, full lot; range, fixtures, shades near car. Sellwood 1605. SIX lots, west side, and small house; just the place for- chickens; part cash. East 4259; C. J. Roswell. 8 ROOM modern' house, 'JpOxlOO lot, fine location, close to car; part trade, Marshall 2595. 812 Journal bldg. SACRIFICE 7 room house, with gar age, one third under "value; walking distance. vjwnei n-o-it. journal. SMALL furnished house cheap,! easy terms. Phone Tabor 983. 6703 3Sth ave. S. E., Mt. Scott. ji ' NEW modern house, never occupied. 31st and yamnui, diock. sunnysiae car. Tabor 3ia. & ROOM furnished house and lot,$2100, terms, also equity in goodVhonie,. $900 cash. 664 Vancouver ave. -; i: MODERN 6 room bungalow. Rose City Park, close to oar, maae gooa terms, Neal Brown. 209 Panama bldg. , TT.ANTS 15 BUNGALOW PLAN BOOK 10c A. II- FABEB Architect. 860 Ainsworth ave.- fnone vvooa. z BEAUTIFUL bungalow, $1400, easy terms; large lot, Oregon Electric, Ma- plewood. owner, ti-aaj, jouniiu A BARGAIN Fine modern home in re stricted district, some ,down,j balance like rent. Owner, L-656, Journal. A BARGAIN 5 room modern fioune, 1 Or 2 lots, owner. jsis wtm a. . TWO beautiful view lots. 3 room house, j Taurelwood station. ground plowed, zo jmnuste oar nue ownei onlv $500. $75 cash. $10 per mo. 705 ' FOR SALE by ownei New. latest de- ots-n ii n n aate Dunsaiow. iui Haight ave.. Piedmont. Tel. 'Wood. 702. . s. r . . - i t I. . . . r.iB : Z nwm nouaa, lurmwiew ' -"xu.- , ,, mrvrlorr, rnp. nlsbed. x lots, so minutes; nae, gooo pw"" "".7, .17.5' fruit will take any trade. Tabor 4729. IF YQIX want to gtet a bargain, corrie to No. 674 Prescott St.. ioday. earner itn, fsou down, aaiance terms to suit. For $32850 I will teell you my horrie. .5 room bungalow, jbatjh, gas, furnace, fireplace,! full ceirnertt floor In base ment, buffet, hardwood floors, electric lights garag 14X18J I have- bought a iargier home and some one can -easily matte n. aeai witn me on tnis Dungaiow. Come Uses ft. if it suits you. wi can agree Ijon iprice and terms. Call owner. vvooaEawn sss. Modern gardeih, 0n a lflrra riippa D-rmin i;t lr tthi vaii .on , nose ana garaen toois. Jty-aio. which is the greater ilart of your ! ilng.- It would nav Vou to see this FOR SALE BY OWNER. I! place. M. E. Lee, 505 Cornett bldg. New, modern bungalow. r 4 large room bathroom, J large attic finished. ' : c .nnma all hnill.lnkf v,i i., .kij.. i "wre, pressea oncK Piers iu .UI.ai.. W'1? -limuvr , !,,. cit.ooV.H 1- Kolr Tirlnrl A4( T I (i . V. lr(tihAn ... . ooleru woodlift, doluble walls ! and ;floors street improvements paid. Price only 11900; $200 down. 1 block rorn Alberfla car oh iE.JlSth and Sumner sts. 602 STtmner st. woodlawn 1696. '. BUNGALOW SNAP $100 CAS Swell njew 5 roon bungalow, all large airy rooms, strictly biodem, fireplace, hardwiood floors, jbuiut-in effects,4! fine fixtuilB!, I shades, lietc, ready to move into. Fflce only J28D0: S100 cash and lt per montn. laKe sen wood car to Reynolds; st., half utes" fide from Front and Madison! sts. See ic today and theni see the owner. 326 BUtidrd? ISBSrWn ! wesT bldgMaln 419q hduse in Hawthorne f ireblaceiihard surface streets. 1 i o-Vt . fivliiraa on "shoiAH In I trflHA This fcoiise sold fr $3300 a short time i less. S"ee Dr. .JefferSonl 212 Selling 6 room modern; distriot. electric A Big Snap ago. but! I am forced to sell. price $24o0B $500 cashil F. M. PhelnsJ 204 Fallirtjg bldg. Main I7141.-- 5 room bungaloiV, fine liawn. on 37 th car. ferlce $.250, $ month 6 F. E. $20 MONTH W modern 5 room fireplfeck built-in! and fixtures; cerileht paid for, restricted 371Z. FOR SALE Goodl6 room housel lot 50x)l4;4; fruit trees and berries: feide- and sewer I in. Desirable TJlace to car, Sone cash and terms. 143 e. Hoyt st. I L walk! 1 blottk Owner, HAVE pay -li on andj Ahkeny; all will be nal. ed at $15 ptrl $180 4. Vt3S7 walk P-60 MODERN oms, 1327 cement : w! g distance) journal. LARGE absolutely modern 9 noiatae, asm st., nnear nancocK st. to Hand bloc Own4jr $140 "1 a 410 B, 38j nkqdern 2 roqhf part pi E. " vy fliffFOUR rci()hi house and eautiful s, close to aj-ment J. W. car. Chlcktiri iced . Terms I f boft-.&23 ' fl 8 ROOM II Mm lot, 20 w biocMp irorn car. mone); LOOK ! Its. either sacrifice a $Ul00 hdme for $2400 or lose all. , Seeing is oeiieving. isew. & rooms; oatt floors. fireplace, bookcases, ii buffet, Dutch kitchen, electric fixitures. window blinds, shower bath, j pedestal china lavatory, bisr attic full basement. I on corner, 150 feet car, Iafn. house double constructed, built by olwner. 605 Jun lor st., Woodlawn car to E. 15th sti, 1 diock Bouin; open, go tpaay. 3 Per Cent InteftfsV $10 Per Month, 39 Years Time Fine modern 7-room hopie, on veil Improved corner - lot; Beaumont dis trict; $350 cash required, j COLUMBIA REALTY INVESTMENT . CO., 617 Board f Trade. SOMETHING Dl The latest 6 room low. 2 blocks from hardwood floors. full cement basement. tion throughout, bricld with terms. . Take Vaneou Morgan st- Call at ou rhone Sunday, - Wooul daysr Main 1743. The 267 Oak st. : WHY pay rent when lyod can buy a 3 room house on, thb West Side! 5c rare, 15 minutes' cart ride, for only asu; casn, sio per mpntn? atibn; choice of btiffftt. hnokrihses. i, urejiia, ,vJ Vt,Y,Z-n- Zr porcn; ooxioo; good io several plans. See us flat nee COLUMBIA REALTY INVESTMENT I CO., 617 Board pi Trade. ALMOST new 8 room bungalow, five bedrooms, modern, elxcept hardwood floors, lot 40x100, hard surface "street, west of 39th. 1 block tit Richmond jear. This is a snap, $3300Jl teifms. Corner lot 75x100. imoroved street, can build three bungalows on thijs. If sold this montn f . vutf win ouy at. I uaDor l B-1541. W. H. Sawtel block west; 13 tnin- Stanton, Between B9th 40th Sts. 6 rooms, street Improvements all paid. ' $1900 COLUMBIA REALTY) INVESTMENT 1243. e Centura Years FOR SALK- HOUSES ' (Continued) ' $100 Down New 5 vrrwm Tiuncalow. ha noors, shades, fixtures, all conveniences. "large attic and fu ment, lawn seeded, facing ea; nff lI.nlV,A,r. ni-!- I.' Ik out today. Call J. L. Karnopp, xwarsnaii 2574 or Main 9457. fdwotod uUt-in baso- i Just FOR SA ItK-- jLOTS Interstate Bridge ACTIVITY. ! A New Center in the Old -' "- El Tovar and Loyeleigh. Have -many advantages,; where will be spent in large amour new business district, beautiful nqw built and a number jiew orJ being built. Come out 'and g quainteo. Jtjuy; something a lot. business : site, any . of means security to vou.,r Vt oar to Morgan st. Tract phone 3 61. jut fcirong Co. (Ine.ijJSl Tdwn . - money tst A hoiVieB es now bt i ae- eL a which ouyer Wlh. I liik Horn story place, v FOR SALE. I" ; BIO BARGAIN. 8 room, strictly modem lU nome located on Broadway: n furnace, very fine electrical ft aii.Duiitin errects; sleeping par V rt all ID. iam.n.i f n.l.l, 1 1... J.r.. shrubbery etc; completely . equipped garage, rnis place at least J1U00 low actual value and no trade rwill considered. " Price, if taken thik week, $4500. Terms. Call East 3070 re xtui ch Need Money Will sacrifice my 60106 cotjner lot on E. 52d and Taylor I sts.; sulenktid neighborhood, ;and all street likiprove ments included in price. A snap at $1250; half cash; street Improvements were tuu. Kauffmann &. Moore 324-325 Lumber Exchange $29950x100 East 19th! St. Sewers, sidewalks; electricjily. both phones; i paved Street few away, $1,000.00; restrictions, five lots - less valuation. Journal. ' i " . ' - IFFERENT. i ia bunea- car. i lot 60x100. fireplace, furndce. double constrnic- pl liars; $2650, lver car to tr branch office. bwri 351. Week Brojng Co., Inc., , hardwood ersj full cement , ROSS CITY PARK LOTS. I ... Deal direct with the 1 owneri original platters of this beautilu of Portland. Call on our realty partment. cor.; 4th -and Btarit. HARTMAN & THOMPSON $6000 FOR $2000. Non-resident in citv for a must sell for $200a equity worth on account or threatened fo- for 7 room house and -0 lots proved street.rl block from st 16 minutes from 2d and Alder. did property. I Owner, P. O. city. ! : . 1 fJw days IS II 00. ecloaur;,' on iin t car. Splen-' 1061, fleet Bdxx FINE view lots at Garden HA uregon Electric, only $200; $1 d montn; electric llgnts, wa phone; 7c commutation -fan cheap Improved and unimprovi age on easy: terms. Come ou and ask for McCormic.i owner, tion. -.-!.. - . mej oa 11 ltwn ter Tand Also d acre- today at sta re. - BUSINESS corner. S7&0..w-Or.tr. $1100; tlllings- drsworth, monthly. Inber of southwest cor. 21st worth, 58x100, 100 on assessed' value $490; Fred W. German Co., 914 Cha t;ommerce. and Killin $15 oiiu amowj -Hut llret-see t residence-site, looxiao, loo nawtnorne canine on E. Oitn neighborhc-od. near new; Franl school site. All Improvements or owner; save commission. T his t-S in. apor kllln ll CO.. 617 Board jof Trade. A FURNISHED 3 room hbuse, chicken park; fruit trees, laiwnL roses, $400 mortgage runs 4 years fet; lot alone cost more than we are asking for the whole property. We Willi take $300 for the equity. This willJipaV 12 per ceut on the investment. Elliott, 601 North. ROSE CITY PARK HOME This, is the most beautifuli hdme in Ios Citv Park. Fine, lak-ed grounds: 1 rooms, garage, hardwood floors, beauf uiui decorations. will consider some Worth flO.OOQj Will sell Ufor Easy terms 5 ' room! house, chicken yard. fruit trees, lawn, lot 501100. Aioena car. vvopQiiawn iaxi NEW.imodern bungalow, 4 large rooms. large . I attic, full basement, cement floor.fl laundry tr4-y4- oak floors, jbuf- let, raoojecases, Dutch kitchen, double waiisii east rront, 2 blocks rrom Union ave. II FHce $2100. 300 cash. Pfaone Woodlawn 4173. I REED ! COLLEGE. tricfty. 6 blocks north of Reed college. 50x10,0 demerit basement, cement wtalks, bath, eas and elec'-v 3 . bluc-ks to i. $151 per street. 100 down jSqachrest, 109 Slid st. includes interest. bungalow, with path. conveniences, snaoes it sidewalk inland district. Woodlawn a 4 room ilcottage, near E. furnished and rehted 1 my equity for $300; $11 month. T-812. Jour 61 room, bungalolw, 3 Delaware: nice lawn. afks, 3 blocks car; high school; terms. bungal car: will take ail at 6128 62d boulevard north. Tabor room cheap. 6882. 4t, acre. park - and hbuse. like rent. ... Owner. OU8E. $1200. inutes from . terms. Need Owner, Marshall 1240. CLOSE in west Hide income property roil sale at 1 natTgain. or might con sider! ether good property. See Owner, sue snaioing niog. ' ' 1 i L MODERN tip to date bungalow. iRosa park, for sale at a sacrifice. tblvd. Ownjft. 692 E. Bffth N. of Sandy FORjSALE by owner, 7 room mOdern MODERN 6-roorn fraipi owner. BBth st. S. E. Sell nou lawrti 245f- and and. 8 LOT 1 1 se. lot 50xH 968. 0; very cheap. Wood- TERMS; i garaee: Ii 6 th. Phone Madison, bet. Tabor 6920. t, roses, $1 room modern h7uKe house, garage, cheap 50x100, 4 irpom modern cottage, 00, terms. 30th 5 to bldg. HAIRF. r AUTTl V(aO-Alt O htaa fKiiif etc., which is the greater parti of your living. This is Thd real way to soive tne nign cost or living., we navo rnA nuflrtAr aiin fa r-tm -i t . 1 .nmn house. West Side, 15 mlnbtes'. car rid. 6c fare, for $550. $74 iash. $10J per montn. ivi. m. lee, bOQ Cjorbett bldg. A GREAT bargain fot quick sale: 6 rooms and sleeping! porch; nothing better; all modern improvements, close in, on East 10th stJ half block of Broadway, on a fractional lot If you want a good home atl a sacrifice.! "see this; good terms. Phone East 37561 i BUNGALOW BARGAIN 5 rooms, 2 blocks frojm car,, fireplace. This is a dandy home arrongthe trees, 2 blocks from schooLl or quick sale $1700, terms. The Brtng Co., Inc., 267 Oak St.; or Suiidky take. Van couver car to Morgan st. branch office. $1800 FOR A fine modern up-to-date b room bungalow tin E. E6th. 4 Kali double constructed, -H i'ith modern builtin conveniences, built for a home. payment down. bai. lJk rent. BLANCH ARD & QLEMSON, 102-3 Selling bldg. 5 lots S. 11250T 4 room modern bungalow, fireplace, bath, good fixtures, hard plaster, two blocks from car, near j Columbia Park, 100 feet from paved street, can make terms. Security Develop nent company, corner 4th and Pine gjs. j ' NEW 7 room house, modern in eery' particular except fiiinace, of best construction, Irvlngton ark district,! 1 block to car, corner lot with fruit. shrubbery and flowerifc. East, awth st, pi. email Daymen balance line rent, wee i 2 LARGE lots anil ikriodern. 5 room residence; nice lawhj flowers,' ber ries, fruit and garden. Located west of fieomont. win sociiirice ior oniy $2600. including street improvements Terms. , :, - II ' A. K. HILL, 419 llHenry bldg: S2650 New 5 room mioidern bungalow, hardwood floors, fiirjna.ee, fireplace. buffet, etc. Most be ae ciated. If looking for East 13th st., near J with iruit. at No. 1121 ay ment down, it. today. 1 ert to be appre home see it on s worth. Miller, 2 the 85th 1961. 100x100 OF ground; small new house, well and outbuildings; Oregon City car; Evergreen stationTone block West; $850, part cash. Call 'Liter Sunday, or address D. L. Myers, penL Del v.. city. BUY my Laurelhurstljliome, 1221 East Glisan st.. $1500 uMiler cost- to; -me before-Tuesday nightJJ , . t . -ELMER 8. g HANK,' ll"-' Tabdr.4411. 302jltailway Exj'h. DANDY new 5 room, out $750; mtg. $760: cash. 141 E. 69l h after noon to day. - Owner. -- Ij - ; . "' BEST bargain In new! E room home in Rose City Park, 59Q E. 61st st, N. Half' block south of gland y boulevard: FOR SALE 6 room ihouse and- sleep ing porch, Hawthorhe district: ji By owner. Wdln. 1205. i ' ANY offer considered on 2 i small houses. 1433 Delaware ave.. Sti Jcar. em cottage, fine location. C-2691 INVESTMENT without" cani now; your cnoice oxi unsoio Ridge Beach lota: no nrincinal until values double. Present price to $500. Write, owners, Box 30 tki Ctas to Ci Pattif LOT 50x100 located at 5 on tlie Montavilla cat line; for $365 if I can sell In the ri days. " Address C. E. Bailey, 1 cadam st.j city i Will oxt 68 CHEAP ior caBh.--100xi00 in Iriviukton Park, on 26th between. Aihswiorth and Hoi man, four blocks, from site of new club house; fine shade trteest al ley. Z-6, Journal. . FINE homesite on theT West Bide, minutes car ride. 5c fare, ditv ter. tor only I $350: SlO down. SS months Thiaiis the best valu iii city. M. ,E. Lee, 505 Corbett bldg. I MONTAVILLA East 76th and Pine, beautiful lot. $600; $60 down, balance 6. George G. Mair, 325 Railway Exchange. Marshall 2i4. .. ! . TWO beautiful : "View I lots. lOOitlOO; Water, sidewalk. 20 minutes ear ride: ground cultivated, ready for garden only $400 for both; terms to right party. 705 Northwestern Bank bldg. 80x180 FOOT i tract Facing fi beautiful view; 20 minutes' i best of soil; only! $4 25; $25 cas month. 70d .Northwestern Ka ROSE CITY PARK; beat building site blvd; price reduced- to! $850 Tor k-usli 614 Chamber or commerce. FOR SALI-J 6 lots on i the Netamcum river, overlooking the oceds; fine grounds; 6 room furnished houfce. Box 662, Seaside, Or. TO AVOID: FORECLOSURE 10 lots, neighborhood 20th arjd E. Ankeny. Submit offer. Fred wt German Co.. 914 Cham, of Com. TWO fine building- lots University Park, on easy terms or chleap . for cash. B. Best, 122 Clara at., Sdn Fraji- C1PCO. I . LAUD'S ADDITION. That $2200 lot. will take $12; than lose it. -.: John Hartog, 2 St.; near 4tn. ! - 50x100 FEET in Gregory will sell any part at a bargaj terms, w. 11. Land, owner. Hotel. -' -I - I ' I - " HERE'S, your chance. West walking distance, actual pr Sell for i half, $600. Terms. Journal." ; ' I ' - - - - 1550 ROSE CITY PARK CO I must do it. j It is worth $8 2 blocks from car. This mea P-307. Journal.1 I ' FOR SALE or will accept seednd hand auto or cheap lot for equity Lin 114 7 passenger I 6 . cylinder Stuiidbaker. Phone u-ieea. tfOR SALE--1 00x100 cornerJ West moreland. All improvements in, partly paid for' Prlc $1100. B36 Fre mont St. ! - " I - KlIY from owner, lots -8. 9. Rose City Park. 80x100 fd cash 0172. Journal, j FOR SALE Choice building site on Council Crest; a little cash 6r might trade. Tabor 3821. e; THIS snap on! SunnyWe car 35x100; oniy ou; uoerai terms, 182. Journal. . I -, '- I x - ALAMEDA PA RK bargain. near car. owner, 593. " - . --r.! - - - I LOT 4xl07.7Ainsworth, neaij corner tuuxivu, on.vc u.uu ave. Call week days jonly. i- LOT for sale on 49th ave., nr for $325: easy terms. Ownter. Hoi gate, ii Phone Seljwood 140 50x100. WALK and curb in, $4 (J xlOO corner on carline, -$100f al terms; 603; AlmiraLApts. LOT, 60x100, for saJelch eap at once. 18 11 Denver ave. $460 BITY8. fine lot. Rose Ci 614 Chamber of Commerce. iir.i fAKll a fine Linnton assessment. N -61 5, Journal; ACRKAGK FOR the mos.t reasonable acreage in from 1 td-10 ae see G. A- Powers. Concord r'itv i carline. 1 t iphi.- ia arre. newly, flnishi house; 15 minutes' out, west fare. $1400; easy terms. Own. S741 ' -' : nur room Dlastereds bonne .v lk to station; 10c faWe. Very easy Wm.Xjll4. JournaL TrrSx nvrzT-VoiT acres in m.riv batebali park. Fh 99UA impbovED acre, good 4 roo(i fruit and berries, outbuild m . ...Una V " r. l : JmirTlj o owner. es; in ACREAGE (Continued). 57 . 2 ACRES. Fine home convenit-nt to oar line, all ' good garden soil, plenty of fine watt-r, gotd house. 6 roomn. good barn, and other outbulldlngsi owner - i- cripplo and must sell; will take $2000, $ii00 cash.. 10 ACHES. In the best prune district in the northwest; all fine loam soil; fine view" of the Columbia; river; M mil, from Knapp station, in Clarke vountv. wash.; s passenger trains daily, on good road, near church, nchooi and store; plenty of fine water; fair lumen and barn; family, orchard, hshoiIcJ iruits. vve can sen this ror . f.iruu, one half cash, balance terms. b ACKrif. I: Only $50 cash, bulaiK-e very rasy terms; take one of theso tracts now; It will make you hnnui ns well .t liv ing; only i mile from" paved road in Clark, county. Wash.. 5 mile's 1 rom Vancouver ferry. Thin is lonri1-if f land and owned by partv who Is land poor: therefore goes for $125 per aero, or $625 a tract. ATKINSON & NICHOLS, 611 Main St. i Vancouver, Waish. j Phone 832 J or 04 8. Sunday. ! 6 ACRES. $250. $10 down and $5 a month luv 5 acres logged-of f land between IVr.t. land and Centralla, oti main lino of S railroads, 1 milen from town of H n population. Sawmills, rihiiilo .mills and other industries. Some of thes,n tracts are partaly .cleared and huve .t uprjng or running ulrcain on. rri-. from" $35 to $76 ier arte. Many tracts of different nizo to choose from. Goodj soil, lies well, fine location, perfect; 1 1 A " - ? '. BELL REAL ESTATE CO., I 318 Railway Exchange. . ,Jl gas, fee I One! to L-669. the part ae- fine off best igh Buy buy sic pay $25 St., sell few Ma- , 16 war per the lie road ; ar ride: a per k bldg. V 0 rather 69 IStark eights; int easy Congress Side lot $1200. N219,' Me EH. iOnly now. I rick 80, $75d lot A- Ifdice lot Wobdlawn Union: Manor t 33 68 th. 1174 O.i 100 Liber- taken T'ark. IMPERIAL ACRES. Bull Run water. AUTO factory. ' -Cannery. 1 "Electric line. New high school. . ;. $25 down, $6 per month. Drop fn and talk it over. SMITH & HOUCK, 301 Henry Bldg. 40 ACRES, $45o0. Over in clover; 114 miles to Am-" ity. Yamhill county: all in cultivation. all fenced,- fine rich bottom land; $500 aown. Durance b years, t per cent. 14.65 acres. 2 miles to Aniitv. Yam hill county; part in cultivation; part timber: fins running water; jUI good land; $1,100, $100 down, $60 every months, 6 per cent. V. E. SEACHREST, 109 3d St. IDEAL COUNTRY HOME. Dandv new 6 room bungalow, plumb ing, fireplace, lights, water, on auto mobile drive and sidewalk to station; 9 cent fare; a bargain. K-l 92, Jon rnal. ACREAGE. 1. 2, S and 10 acre tracts, SO min utes out. . NEW BIG RED STEEL ELECTRIC CARS. -12c commuters' fare; very best of soil, water and community conveniences; $126 to S&00 per acre on installments. THE SHAW-FEAR CO., Main 35. 102 4th et. A-3600. Imoroved 2 Acres New modern 6 room house, water Piped 'in house, beat of plimibiiiK. Half in potatoes; level rich land. Just off Powell Valley road, conven ient to station, Jitney service. I'rlc $2500, $500 cash. J. G. Ralney, 9U1 Yeon Bldg. Marshall 3177. CHOICE SITE FOR SMALL FARM HOME - I will sell 'far below actualvalu 40 acres, .10 miles on rock road to Aiorrison oriage, an ueep, ricn nou, some timber very sightly and attrac tive. Owner, 405 Northwestern Bans bldg. i CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port land; Gresham district, elec trio sta. tion Ja mile. New subdivision. Sun shine Valley orchard tracts; best soil, free wood; elegant location. Prices only $76 to $160 per acre "in small tracts; eaBy terms. Frank McFarland Realty Co.,309 Yeon bldg., Portland, Or, Section Line Bargain 1 acres, half beaverdam, 6 mllea from city JinUts, on o. W. P., near Sec tion Line road. Only $2500; easy terms. W. II. ROSS, . 212 Mohawk bldg TO AVOID FORECLOSURE. 7 rooms and sleeping porch, thor oughly modern, close to ca.- mortgagi $1250, assessments $79; $000 for equity. .Place worth $27Lu. .Fred W. German Co., 914 Cham, of Com. WHEN you .buy land buy where val ues are increasing, where people are enterprising, where you get the best value. Here it is. 63 acres-6 miles 'from Sheridan at $45 per acre. Lynn Jones, Sheridan, Or. . . .- ' Gibson Half Acres Good soil, city water, clone to rat line, easy terms; will build to ui4 purchaser. Phone Marfchal 7585 of Sellwood 476. John M. GihHon. owner. SMALL house with acre of .good land; fruit trees, berries; 6 rnirfutes-' walk from Rhine Sta., Oregon Electric. 6c car fare; will leane cheap for. one year. See Colley, Bairdley and 'Primrose ave-- Portland. WANTED, 30 white families Join cooperative colony on logged-off land; $73 canh needed; part of. balance can be paid in work. W rite W.. 1. i. Box 373. Portland. FOR SALE BV OWNER Three acres of unimproved land, well located, no gravel, suitable for fruit and garden truck; close to Lents Junction; 6c car fare; also on county road, can l aoor imi. i crm-.. TRADE or sell cheap a-re on cornel Powell Valley and Buckley ave.. . . .... .1. &.... r. r, r, d ' O . n u BlgflLiy lUUilllUtl, .ViWi". line to place; niunt nell, leaving city; tiui-k action. Call Marshall 220$ after 9 a.' m.. or Talior 6jjg. c.Y.l'jnJ5iL CRANBERRY acra prepared by nkilfui hands in . every detail ror planum this neaaon. located in heart , of im proved marsh near Long Beach. Wanh., sickness enforces sacrifice offer.- Se owner. 533 Alberta. Woodlawn 1786. cJnToNS CELERY ASPARAGUS" A btsautlful 2 acre tract, over cleared, nice building Spot with tree, near Tlgard; $676; $10" down, $12.50 per month, Including interest. Fred W. German Co.. 914 Churn, of Coin 4.rm. Iide; 5c , Main LjtrtSi oh kts. no .17 rice In itractw. station, for: a Mam house. Ifngs, on Journal. : r n 1 a I- T( I.- K 1 r. a l'A I miles from Gresham, on fins auto road, 100 yards from electric car; small stream, extra ine soil, terms to suit, l Security Development CO., cor.. of 4th and Pine m ' - TUALATIN 10 ACRES, 41500. Part in .cultivation, fine noil, near e.um eierMH" line. 1 2 Vi miles from Portland. Security Development Co.. cor, of 4th and Pine win FOR SALE chea-p-- acres of, beuv.-r-darn readv for the Plow, fine tor on. Ions and celery, ! U; fare. Owner , , I'J Belnion t phone ..Eust6jjil. I' 1IAVE 40 acres T- iniles from Port land, 2 from Linneiiiaii station; price $2 0o.-' terms, fan et inlorrnu tlon at H'it Washington t., room 1 6. BEFORE iyou buy or sell -property along Oregon City - ele.lrlc, rail or write MHwaukie fe Suburban Really Co., lUonJl'Ji MHwaukle, Or. 40ACitEVl, ifyx tnlls from Jt. tlx pr- $750 cash $100; no ro-k. Home stead Realty Co., room 16, 232 :t Wah. $T5rt-J acres, V blocks lrv"lrit.iii inTre hoUic. 2 blocks school. No trades. t. O. box 4W. ' 40 ACiiES. some clea red, , $ 1 ooo, 1100 down, balance to suit 'buyer.-. Mai- shall 2595. in ACRE.-4 near Beaver ton. 'Improved; cheap; terms. Oregon Investment Co.. 402 Jtothachlld Mdg. ACRE -tracts on -Hiline, 10c fare; o, W. P. line, $450: terms to suit buyer. T-BZ1. journal. 8 ACRES choicest soil; mile east Mil waukie; cheapest in neighborhood. X- 813, Journal. FOR SALE, acrem. all ready to plow, on Oregon llectric," Grcenbci g Heightii BAR'.JAlN.S in onion land farms, pa rt i ci 1 1 a rs phone Main For ACREi for tale or exchange, at Or r h a r d a, Wa sh. Call S4 6 -re g on. (ContinUoU oa next Pg"0 . t . t. -. i