f f THE OREGON ' SUNDAY; JOURNAL, PORTLAND, STJ NDAY MORNING, MARCH . 21, 1915. - i .- j .- . - i Through i sarvlc th marketer can Show the elxtent of hlsj knowledge rel ative tjo goferalng condition and tfadc demanjds, and demonstrate his willing ness to make concessions for the con venience or the purchaser. In return ror paJtronage.i mat was wi inougm In mind ' when the Standard ' Oil com pany purchased the National Supply company's service stations situated ion selected eit-is In the liargefr cities of California, v '-v ... j . The Standard is now foltowlinir out further its general policy I of going ACCESSORIES MADE BY BUILDER OF CAR SHOULD BE USED Complaints Made to Local Factory Branch .Showed Violation of Rule, CHEAPER PYRTS COSTLY Experience Shows Sepalr Man Who Substitutes OeneraUy 3oes 80 Because Profit Zncreaaed. Thrre is a great deal of diwsatisfac tlon and complaint being received at th local factory branch of the. Kord company due to the many' new ideas salesmen have for equipping Ford cars with aacessoriea i other than those placed' ther"e by the manufacturer. J-V B. Norman, local manager for Henry Ford, gives owners some very eobnd advice regarding what should and should riot be! used on their cars: "Investigations ! show that where ' troubles have come In the running of Ford cars, they have been caused, in the main, through the use of outside devices- and unnecessary accessories. Our. urgent advice to owners of Ford cars is to use the! car as we equip it. riton't buy repair parts that are not made by Ford. IC your repairman of fer something 'just, as good it is probably for the reason that the cheap er material allows him a larger prorii. and if defective will not be replaced under our guarantee. . smoothers, easy riders, or any other ... such contrivances.) Instead of being of any direct benefit to the car owner, many serious ficcBdents .have , been traced to these wholly unnecessary at tachments. "Jf afety first' means anything to you, don't permit of any substitution or alteration being made in the spring suspension or your ora " car. ...... , : "Doo't use any connecting or radius Tods except Ford make. There are many cheap onus substituted la repair whops, that are bound to " bring you trouble. i- "Don't neglect to oil your springs frequently. A little oil and graphite between the leaves, of the springs' makes the riding of the car as smooth as riding in a oaC. Take care of your nprings. Keep them, painted, because ' from washinsr, water- is bound to seep In between the leaves ana reduce iiexi- - biiity. - . i . "Don't use any other form of igni-j tion. The Ford magneto is satisfac tory and bpst. E)on't throw money away by letting aAybody sell you one of the many ignltfcon systems that are advertised for Vote cars. "Don?t change the carburetor. We ere using the best Carburetor for the Ford .car, because we know ; what the. car 'demands in a Carburetor. ) "Don't use any. special type of! honey-comb radiator because the thin circulation pathway -results in clog ging and trouble. ; "Don't use any jbut the Ford vibra- ( tor points as there are many poor imi tations on the Aarket resulting in much ignition trouble. "Don't put -in any but Ford piston rinus. "Don't experimen. with any 'gas- oline savers' -the1 Ford oar is the ICreaiosi, gasuiine saver, in ue inuiwr wo rid. ' ."Don't forget to clean and oil the commutator. This small but impor tant part, of youri'car is the one per haps most neglected by owners, and the owner who doesn't . give the com muttor "its proper share of attention Is 3ue'-for bother.: "A dirty commutator is directly re ponsible, in many cases, for missing cylinders. When the car is running at a good speed the commutator revolves o rapidly that there i imperfect con tact With thsj" segments if it is ;not oiled and absolutely clean. ; T I "When you want any advice, on what not to buy forj Ford cars write to iour service departijnent i and we'll give iyou honesty unbiased advice and save you money and troiuble." Motor K Subjected) To Gasoline Test Experiment Xxanciaoo to Machine Will An 1 ; ;-.)- Being- Co ndnoted in San Satarmiaa ' How Lone Rust on 19 Gallons. tterestlmg Sn ing .conducted Car company, mine how loni will 'run on 19 In their sbo has Wad a car 8 o'clock each idle and 19 gallons ning until used. A number experiment is now be- by the Pearson Motor San 'Francisco, to deter- t a Maxwell "25" motor gallons of gasoline, f )w wjndows the company jacKea up ana irom 2 to day, its motor is run will continue to do so of gasoline have been the bay cities official time duty is to contest each the time and ence to the run lowed. nu'uic DDcnihinMe Ull I lid I IILUIUIIUIIO ill " ..i i H . i i ! I Far Away, I He! Said Wartted It, Auto." t premises were sound enough, and that J he saw Into the future with i fairly t accurate vision. - The automobile serv j ice station is the logical response to ! a demand that has come with the vast ' Increase" in the ranks of motor car ... . 1 owners, proa to the customer with ita tn this ' instance. Bed Crown and Zerolene lubricants for cars-bv ooeninc service the principal corners of this With these I stations, in downtown ucts gasoline motor at qlty. stations and residence diatrlcts, on ways ana byways used by the hiali automo- biles, the company is demonstrating its understending of service to the mo toring public. Jt is endeavoring to bo at the customer's elbow when he wants what he needs. Time Not When All Who iuuuiu vaei i A little known prophet few years aigo that the jtiihe was not prominent motorists of lare acting' as judges-and Weepers of the test, whose chteck. the findings of the start the motor, keep nee, jthat a strict adher es pf the contest is fol- dky. far distant -khen everybody ed a motor car would have one, and predicted a who want- that faucets where one could get gas oline and ; motor oil would-be conve niently located on every street corner. just UKe letter Doxes. Altfiough one San Francisco bay town has a cluster of serlice stations that suggests mail service where the rural delivery obtains, the automo- station has not yet be come as coijnrnon on the Pacific coast as the lettejr box, one obvious reason for this bemg that there still are fewer persohs with letters jto post. However, present conditions indi cate that fur little known prophet' 5 (Q)p ? 0 0 0 Lined up for your review by General Service Taljc about an army of facts we have been able to check up the returns from 500,000 JDiamond Tires. Just think it over for a minute This is nol puny group of isolated tire testimonialsj it s a real report from hundreds of Diamond (Tire distributors on tires sold and ired returned for replacement or adjustment. O! ore roanuiacturer ever dared to speak in public about such a report, let alone offet to place it in the hands of every interested tire buyer. Usej the return coupon and receive the book of compelling tire facts showing, that on an average but one Diamond Tir out of every hundred wax returned for replacement or adjustment. 1 i 1 Added to the'wonderful Diamond service you can now buy Diamond j Squeegee Tread Tires at the following 1 - FAIR-LIST" PRICES : Size 30x3 30x3( 32 zy 33 4 Diamond Squeegee 9.45 12.20 14.00 ' 20.00 Size 34x4 36 x 4J4 37x5 3Sx5& PAV NO MORS JlcnSmri7ri?n HII I Hill mm 1 hi 1 a a a 1 tit is Ail; i .1 :mg? a I ((.inf Diamond Tires, Akron. O. S Diamond Squeegee $20.35 28.70 33.90 .46.00 V Send tne your jook entitled S pOOOO Strong." S Same... lAMrae ....... .M ................ J TIRES 1 ; 1 I - ' WE ABE OFFICIAX. BXSTBXBTJTOSS ARCHER and VIGGINS 1 I OAS STBSET, COSITSB SZ3CTK 1 j ' - ! -.I"- ---r t 1 . I . - --, - , 1 f . : . In number of cars sold in Multnomah County for over $600.00 by a large majority. THERE MUSI BE A REASON There has been some misunderstanding regarding the position of otudebaker oales wnicn compels us to puDiisn Tacts. lne tigures we give are registrations to 1.3618 for Multnomah county; These figures are given to the pum ing and will not be referred, to again because it is entirely foreisrn to our 1915 Models. Studebaker . . . I . . . . . L . 72 Buick !......!.. 33 The above figures are positively authentic! Older .Mocels. 522 242 Total. 594 275 icj merely to straighten out a misunderstand in advertising copy . of this organization, business policies. Don't buy an Automobile until you have seen the hew STUDE BAKER with its oversize Full Floating Axle, Long Stroke, Monobloq Motor and Timken Bearings throughout. OREGON Silent i Distributors of ST F.- C; Riess, PresidenL i f C' Garbe, Sec. and Treas. MOTOR s CAR CO. JDEBAKER AUTOMOBILES ! Cor. Chapman and Aider SU. Phones Main, 9402, A-7656 The two commonest mistakes You will have only yourself to biamelif yoii ains talked, into, buying unsuitable not suited to your need& Second, Buying a car that has r or a the made in buying an automobile are First, Buying a car an "un- 38,000 happy satisfied! cost that any man of any The first mistake buying suitable" car is perhaps made even less often than the second. But for your own sake study your needs t en sibly, just as you study your house- iii i i L J 1 L I L. noia neeas, ana nuy a car you yun afford to enjoy a car you will Have pride in, and yet one that will not be a "ghost of reproach" to your good sense. The second mistake buying a "theoretical" car -j- is perhaps the sadder mistake of thi two because when you have marie I this mistake, . yoik have on your hands some engi neer's or designer's untried theory, instead of a tried, known, successful car. And you have paid a price that, pui in the right car, would never have been; a reproach but would have not passed retical the theory stage. Maxwell owners are driving 38,000 standing can afford, and at an o 200 M Twelve hundred a week, five thousand a month. That is the actual output of ' now and constantly increasing Ftoz Dare promises mai cannon oe Kepi, duc actual apyenesio hioawbu ictucrs. Stop! Think: a moment; There must be something i i i e i ! . . J' L e i - L i m 1 . t bought an automobile of real prido and joy. It is because we see these two mis takes being constantly made be cause wesee sensible people bein constantly talked into these "auto mobile fiascos" that we boast co much about the record of the car we sell-! The i Maxwell. handsome streamline riginal cost that is simply a Maxwell Cars to-day at an upKeep practical investment. axwell Cars Every Day back of a production so great. fThe Wonder Car 99 right Zk maxwell cars every t . m ! in wnen you oraer a iviaxweii, Back of each' Maxwell one strong enough financially to insure you against the deliveries of a wonderful The , Maxwell you get one stands one car on the day you want it. There must be the all. ic are buying, and the day you want it. of the greatest and -most efficient organizations in the industry, and hearty approval and confidence of the public in the car they buy and the Car must merit it hour of the business day. Yes, that is just what the) publi purchase of an " orphan ! car Company's Guarantee of Service to Maxwell Owners ' and to give you actual No other automobile is backed by a more reliable service than that guaranteed every Maxwell owner. More than 2,000 Maxwell dealer In every part of thU country are always ready to give expert advice, to make adjustments, and to supply new parts at reasonable prices. This splendid Maxwell dealer service organization is perfected arid completed by the chain of Maxwell owned and Maxwell operated Service Branches. Sixteen great Maxwell Service Stations are so located throughout the country that a Maxwell dealer can supply any part - -.i r i i r m ii . i m. 11 e ' . c a.i r j 1 . m 11 OT an owner wiuun a. iew noun ir not in ou bioul. tnuweu ocrTicc u ouc 01 iuo yrcai auvauuigct enjayea uy mazweu owner. Order a Maxwell from us now, and when you want it delivered, we will give you your car not an excuse on delivery dav fEVERY ROAD IS A MAXWELL ROAD" ' -.! . r. C . ELECTtlC omorr staktes $55 emu Factory Distributors Twenty-Third Street PORTLAND, OREGON r.o.s. ramie CCSC omoir STAXTEI pJJ ccrxs ic