I THE OREOpN DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY -EVENING, MARCH 20, 1915 METHODIST CHURCH ; ADOPTS NOVEL PLAN TO CALL MEMBERS Colonels, Captains and Pri- vates to Comb City in Ef " ficiency Campaign, . With Rev. Frank Ij. T.oveland as commander in cliief, Uirectlnf? five colonels', iwq adjutants and 25 cap tains In 20, automobiles, the First Methodist Kptscopal chiirch will In augurate next week the mot ef fective efficiency campaign ever con ducted by any church In Portland. The object of this movement is not to get new members. but rather to as certain. in a systematic way. why a cer tain ; number already enrolled do not attend services and fake more Inter est in church activities. With the controversy involving th old Taylor Street, and First M. K. church practically settled. Dr. Iove land. the pastor of the Hrst church, decided that the time for an efficiency . campaign such' as be has launched had arrived. Aided by his assistant, II. T. Greene, he worked out a plan which he is cer : tain will have the desired result. - , - Autos Will Carry "Army." : Automobiles will carry the "army'" to liOinrH-and off iocs - or any other f place where thf workers can find .members of the First church who have neplected to attcjid services. 4 Kaf Ii colonel will have under him five ca)tainM, wli.n will le provided with cards bearing questions to be ajiswered by tho.se visited.- The -officers of the llylns squad ron" are: donvnander. in chief, Rev. Frank Jj. Iiveland; colonel, L." li. Baketel; captains, J. 8. Hamilton, Mrs. - Orace Ferris Mrs. "VV. J. Casselberry, A. M. ymith; nigh t -.captain, 'F. II. Ru pert; Colonel, 1?. A. Greene; captains, Jessie ' Kkinner, C, D. Minton, George Koelin, Courtland I Booth, J. E. Tour tellotte; night captain, W. J. Cassel berry; colonel. O. It. Parks; captains, W. J. Gill, J. P. Kasmussen, L. S. Wil liams, Airs. McKenzie, M. Dean Wells; colonel, K. A. Itaker; .captains, ilrs. R. Kelley, Mrs.' Js. Baketel, Mrs. Lillian Mankiri; nibt captain, Edward Brit ton; color.fl, E." . S. Miller; captains, Mrs. G. R. Park?, John Corkish, W. W. ! Rlchaixlsoii. JV. F, Titus; Jiight captain, , O. C. Callahan: adjutants, C. W. Hen-. :dernon unci li. T. Greene. , i 2Xas 1600 Members. J The Fir. t: M. K. church haa a mem- bcrship. of ' about ' 1600. and' of this i number. SiW to lOoO attend Kunclay luorningr services, with a greater 'at- tendance Sunday evening. It is for ; the purpose of getting the "stay-at-home" ones out that lr. Loveland j originated the efficiency campaign. Every evening after the day's . "round-up" the workers will be served j with dinner "prepared in the church by! the church women. After the reports j have been tabulated and classified the campaigners will adjourn to the' church proper to hear a eeriea of Pas- ; nion week lectures by Dr. Loveland. The lectures are announced as foi- j lows: i Tuesday,. "Christianity in names," . Illustrated by 100 views of Quo vadis; Wednesday, "The Conver , elpn of General Lew Wallace," as il lustrated by .his. great t book, "J3en Hur; Thursday, "Divine Passion," with 50; views of the great Passion play; Friidrf.y, "The Spread of Christi anity,'! illustrated by views of the life of Chifist. These lectures will be free to the publie. Statement for Members. Dr. )Loveland has written for tomor row's church bulletin, which is dis tributed to the congregation, a strong statement in connection with the cam paign. It follows: "Efficiency in church work i,s a moderh necessity. Without -it churches like cujrrency become depreciated. Dead weights aeid uselews 'wheels' are as bad -aSrbarnacIes. Unwise duplication of '" Machinery- and energy is the subtlest form of waste. "Ef f lcienoy depends upon a sane sys - tem, orderly organization, cordial co operation and local loyalty. This Passion week efficiency Campaign will send J00 campaigners Jn 20 automo biles to every home and office of First church members in .Portland with a plea for an 'every member enlistment in me cause oi a Digger, oeiier aim i brighter Methodism; for personal loy-I alty to Christ and the church; for a pledge of financial (support froih each; for a pledge of attendance at Sunday and midweek serviefcs and an enroll ment in the Sunday school of workers in tojne department of the church." ; Object of Campaign, lie has also prepared for the bul letin a' long list of questions which he reqrlests the congregation to read carefully. i "I want t distinctly understood."! said Dr. Loveland today, "that this! campaign waa not started to get new , members, The sole object is to awak- j en interest in the members who remain j away from the church and take no; . active .part in the work, it will be a ' question of come 'to church or get out. I The efficiency of all the churches, in Portland is remarkably small. We arc froing to increase ours. I ;teel certain that this . campaign will do it." Dr. Boyd to Discuss "Ugly Little Jew" At the First Presbyterian church. Twelfth and Alder streets, the pastor' Rev. J.ohn IL . Boyd, D. D., win sneak at 10:30 o'clock tomorrow morning on The Return to Bethel." At p. in. he will give the third of a series of pro-Easter sermons his .. subject being 'Th? I gly Little 'jew Who Made Christianity." a large chorus of singers will lead In the hymn singing, which is a feature of the evening services during the month of March, and Mr. Coursen and the regular quartet will give five special numbers during the service. No seats .re reserved at the evening service Rnd the.:fpublie is cordially invited to Tin.rticinatfl in tHi intprpsiinr v, , , . . .-p worsriin at the close nf tt, Kfi, ' . . -T- ' Eapid Increase in Church Attendance ' Albert Creitz, violinist, will be the eoloist at the Atkinson Memorial Con gregational church Sunday evening in -connection with special music which Is a feature of the services in that church. , : iLast, Sunday the attendance was so large that the gallery had to be- used to accommodate the crowd. Dr. Gor man reports a steady- Increase in the attendance. COM ANDER IN-CHIEF fiF CAMPAIGN 11 V ;V w zj.&, t Re". Frank L. Loveland of First Methodist Church. ri fi 4 "Newsi es quests arch Girls at OfCh ntertainment The newsboys, of the city of Portland will be entertained at the First Congregational church 5 next Friday evening under the 3fc auspices of the high schoel girls' clasp, connected with the First Congregational Bibie school, the event being in hon- or of the birthday of the pas- tor, Dr. ly-uther R. Dyott. Among jjf the "prominent speakers o" tfie evening tvill be Governor & jjf- Withycombe, Mayor Albee, the -5 editors of -the Oregonian, Jour- nal and Telegram, the Junior its- mayor of the Newsboys'- ciub 3fc and the deputy prosecuting at sfr torney of. the Newsboys' clubi Mrs. Herman Politz will be the -SfS- soloist of :the occasion. ; Lutheran Ghurches , In Annual Session Astoria, Or.j March 20. The Colum bia conference) of the Lutheran -vugus-tana SynorJ olf America, embracing all Swedish-English Lutheran churches of the states of! Washington, Idaho and Oregon and British Columbia, is now In session in the First Evangelical Lutheran church in upper Astoria, having- opened Thursday afternoon with communion services and a sermon by Rev. Mr. Green of Tacoma. The conference address was given by Rev. Mr. ! Sandstedt of Portland. Thursday night, the ceremony com mencing at 7::50 o'clock, delegates, as sisted by President C. R. Swanson, installed Rev. J. A. Edlund as pastor of the local 'church. Mayor F. J. Johnson of Astoria delivered an ad dress of welcome. Yesterday a busi ness session was held to elect officers and hear rejports. The conference closes next Ttiesday. The twentyLthird annual conference is made up of pastors and laymen from each church in three states and British Colunibia, a total of 40 people. 1 -. . Young Men Invited To Attend Class The Young Men's Bible class of the First Presbyterian church will hold its annual meeting and banquet in the banquet hall Of the church house Wed nesday evening of next week, at 6:30 o'clock. New officers will be in stalled, and the social committee, un der the leadership of Clark Hazlett, will furnish good entertainment. Any young men interested in Bible study and not identified with other classes are cordially invited EVANGELISTIC DRAW PEOPLE TO CHU Pastor Loioks for large In crease in Church Mem bership, j The First Universalist church. East Twenty-fourth street and Broadway,, ! of which Rev. J. D. Corby is pastor, is the scene of Interesting and inspir ing evangelistic meetings. Many peo : pie of the neighborhood who have , never before! worshipped within the walls of this ' edifice are attending the i services, which will continue through ! out Lent. ; i Dr. Corby ias been fortunate In se . curing able assistance in carrying on tlle meetings. Next week sermons will be. delivered by Rev. Frank D. Adams of the First! Universalist church' of Spokane and Rev. Henry Victor Mor gan of Tacoma. Dr Adams will speak three times. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, at & o'clock in the evening. His topics will be "The Tap Root of Error, or the iFolly of Quarreling About Doctrines," "The Spiritual Develop ment of Jesijs,'' and "The Servant in the House, or, (How the Christ Spirit Settles All Problems." Dr. Morgan's! topics have not been announced. I Dr. Corby is Igreatly encouraged over the splendid attendance and the inter est manifested; 'He expects a whole sale Increase i in I the membership as a result of the meetings. ? Guests Eeminded Of Saint Hatrick Abouff fifty members anjfl friends of the Conquerors, the org: nized adult Bible cass of the Millard venue Pres- byteriaii church school gathered at the hofne of Mrs. C. Sw son, 7520 Sixty-first avenue, S. E., Mc opday eve- lung ror the regular m leeti ing of the class. Following the devo Ions of the evening! C. K. Butters mad an inspir- ing address upon "Ojpti mistn.". It was decided by the cla $ to change the time of the annual cla ss banquet and election or officers from December to January on account of the Christ- maa activities during the month of December. The rooms were decorate d with pa- per shamrocks. Green candles burning in various nooks and co rhers reminded those present of Saint PatHck The social committee una er the lead- ership of Mrs. Jefferies had planned a number; of amusing gam cis and on- tests. !A plentiful numbe r of good story-tellers were present with Ifish tales. Mrs. G. W. Snider rjecit ted some splendid Irish dialect. M and Mrs. at Seaside Wiseman, who have resided for thei past year, were Mrs. Wiseman delighted with her fine old Scotch present and all present ones. Mrs. S. W. Hickling and Miss Kit e Hickling assisted! Mrs. Swanson and her daugh- ter Qudenie, .in serving relj reshments. The next meeting of th be at the home of Mr. C. class will IC "Butters. the teacher, Monday eveniri April 18. Woman to Preach Sunday Sermons Revival meetings are beS ng conduct- ed at the West Pied moh t Friends' church, corner of Borthw ick and Jes- sup streets. Th pastor, T. J. Cobum Bs being as- sisted by Mrs. E. M. Arnold mission- ary and evangelist. Mrs. had a wide experience Arnold has h Christian work, not only in the eaist. but has la on the Pa- bored for many years also cific coast. She will morning and evening on flreach both Ch e Sabbath. The meetings will continue every right 7:30, except during the coming week at Saturday. Workers in Su:iday School 1 3 Meet Albany, Or., Marc h 20.-4-The annual convention of the Linn Coiinty Sunday ecnooi association will convene at Brownsville Tuesday for a two days session. Many prominent sbeakers will appear on the program, ' and It Is the belief that this will be the biggest convention in the history -of the asso ciation. Every school in Linn county will send a delegate for evfery 0 mem bers. MEETINGS RCH Ret. Frank D. Adat GREAT TEMPERANCE LEADER WILL SPEAK IN CITY TOMORROW Rev. P. A, Baker to Be Intro duced, to Congregation of First M, E. Church. Rev, P. A. Baker, said to be one of the greatest temperance leaders in the world, Rrrived in the cltyj this morning and will remain until to morrow evening. j: At 10:30 Sunday morning he will speak in the First Methodist Epis copal church, 'Twelfth and - Taylor streets, where he will be introduced by the pastor. Dr. Frank L Ixjyeland. Mr. Baker's home is In Westiervelt. Ohio. He is known from one end of the United States to the other as the superintendent of the Anti-Saloon league of America. He has been at the head of this organization jfor a number of years. j In the evening. Dr. Loveland will deliver another of his noted mono logue sermon-lectures. His subject will be Dicken's "Tale of Two j Cities or The Christ of Sydney Cirton." Those who heard Dr. Loveland (mono logue Dicken's "Christmas 3ar6ls" will be especially anxious to iattend Sunday night. Special music trill be rendered at both services. j -4- PASTOR WILL TALK TO YOUNG PEOPLE "The World of Youth"; willi be Dr. Dyott's theme In hie sermon to young people in the First Congregational church Sunday evening. Special em phasis is laid on the work among young people by the pastor and mem- bers of this church'. The Christian Endeavor society, one of the most vital in church life, is very active in its social life and also in social service work. The Forum, a recently organized so ciety of the First Congregational church, met at the home of Miss Ger trude Wylie Wednesday evening. An interesting program was ' rendered. The Christian Endeavor society of the First Congregational church held its regular monthly social in the par lors of the church yesterday. Enter tainment appropriate to St. Patrick's Day affortied amusement for the even ing. Refreshments were served. . ! i , A most attractive luncheon was given in the First Congregational church last Wednesday when Guild, chapter 1, entertained the E. Lj House Circle. Decorations appropriate to St. Patrick's Day were carried out in the dining room and parlors. An excel lent program was rendered during the afternoon.- The Business . Girls' club of the First Congregational church will be entertained at the home of Miss Laura Blood next Tuesday evening. Dr. Hinson Returns; Preaches Tomorrow After an absence of 10 days from the city, Dr.. Hinson of the White Temple will occupy the pulpit both tomorrow morning and evening. He reports great success iji special revival meetings in which he participated in the First Bap tist church in Spokane. . In the morning his topic will be "The Greatest Sermon of the . Greatest Preacher," and in the evening, "The Lost Christ." .These themes will be handled in his usual masterly way. Mr. Becker has some unusually good numbers for the pipe organ, and will give a recital, beginning at 7:15 p. m., for 15 minutes. The White Temple quartet, in the morning, "will render the anthem, "Ap pear, Thou Light Divine," by Morri son, and for 'an offertory, a trio, com posed of Madarnes Pauline Miller Chap man and Virginia S. Hutchinson, with Norman A. Hoose, will sing "Eternal King," by Leslie-Leach. In the evening the anthem. "Jerusa lem! Oh Turn Thee to the Lord," by Gounod, from "Gallia," will be given. A solo will be rendered by Miss Chap man and also by Mrs. Hutchinson. : r Methodist Church . South Has 3000 Indian Members New York, .March 20. Work among the Indians, especially the Choctaws, Creeks, Nez Forces, Kiowas, i Chicke saws and Cherokees, is rapidly increas ing in the Methodist Episcopal church south. This denomination already claims 3000 of them as members and 122 as lo cal preachers, 70 Indian churched, and 22 regular Indian preachers in active service. Three white preachers give all their time to Indian work. -Still it is reported, there are about 54,000 In dians who are without religious; in struction. Lively Interest in League's Contest The Epworth League of 4he First Methodist Church, South is carrying on a contest which is gaining in interest and a live bunch of young folk are pushing their sides to see wh.j shall win and let the other side furbish the "eats" at a banquet in the finish. Several special features in a j musical way are planned for this comiing Sun day's services by the pastor.j Lovick Pierce Law. . j Chorus of Hundred Women Will Sing At Church Services - - ; . In keeping with his efforts to make the chorus of his chjurch a feature of the Sunday evening $ services. Rev. T. W. Lane, jpas- tor of the Centenary Methodist church. East Ninth and Pine streets, has arranged to have 100' women sing tomorrow i eve- ning. Dr. Lane has been nqj-e successful, in securing the Woin- ' en singers than he has been i in getting 100' men to-: form a . .'chorus. ' .-"ill.- 'ill, ! I II Wotten to Hold Oregon Maae-in Fori in Ghurc" '.e ladies of kbn First Methr odS 1 church for a ' sou th are plant ni Wide in Oregon fa in the nfeajr future. Th lain will sho to- the public s made Oregon from' ev y part of the state, and w n continue h! ree days. A building ill be secured , and demonj- j various conn fob- the' dlsp a; st itions of th in w ities prod ed in Oregon be a feat u e. Enthusiastic I Pl s are In P riogress to make t fair a grtal it success. 4 Yotog Pdrjpl e ijive Delig-htf ul Party embers the Young People's of the R pfe City Park Meth- ahurch held delightful St. Fat- tarty Wed Aasday evening ill Ithe iJ parlors, EA it Fifty-eighth-lidrth Alameda dri Me. The social ! Ige of the -a ojcial committee. pretta Mojo berry as chair; air ranged a Pleasant evenin fehioned ga es. J decoration's were symbol! jdjay. The supper tables lly decora tied with greeni trl- favors and jcandles. society w recently orga 3 the young people of Rosej The off era- are: . Leonard n, presiden ; Elizabeth Tetiben. liresident; M gene Vincent, trjeas- and Dorotl y Cahill, secr4ary. Society holdM its meetings every evening 6:30. Midweek Services ! Help Communi ty midweek services of the Mdunt M. E. chur jh, which are a sqiurce if t in all Hvays, are meetrng a e need in the community and ell attended, according toj the , Rev. E. p. Eldridge. Bfegiti 3unday, Ms -ch 28, Lenten jperv 'ill tfe obs rved nightly, aM an interteting Eastef- concert is beinipre- by the Sunday school. j! Friday evening at Mount Tabor M. E church a large and appreciative audience attended a concert fort the benefit of the music department! A deligntful program was given. Mrsi. D. A. i Grout, 1,625 East Ia,in street, will entertain the members and frienc s of Mount! Tabor TI. E. chiurch next Friday afternoon. Sociability is an oqjeci at thes!e gatherings and all women interested! are invited. r 1 i STUDENTS OF BIBLE WILL BE CONFIRMED Th$ confirmation of a class of yjoung peopl that has been engaged in the study! of the Bible' for the past win ter will take place tomorrow. In the evening the cholrl will render Stataer's "Crudifixion." The Misses Johnson and Miss Kiel sen entertained Ithe oung Ladies Guilcu of the church last Monday even ing At their home at 756 East Oak street. The members quoted from their favorite author, j After the business evening was spent In a so- cial way Refreshments were seirved. Mr Ande Mary Mowrey and Mrs. A- L- tson will give a tea next Thurs- day a fternoon and evening at the home of the former, 1318 East Sixteenth street for the benefit of the, "church An i hteresting program is being ar range il. Du ing Passion Week services will Fri- be hejld Wednesday. Thursday andi day tvemngs. Communion and-recep- tion A f members Will take place Easter Sunday morning, i CARRIES GOSPEL Rev. John W-Hoyt and his Ud ique among the pastorates pf Oreg bn is the one held by Rev John WT Hoyt of the Gold Beach Presby teriah church, of old Beach, seat -of county, onj the Rogue rivef. Curry Hdw many paistors in the tjnited walk 42 miles once a month to States minister the gospel? Thkt Is what Dr. Hoyt does. . Hoi w many churches have a seating capacity sufficient; to' accomodate all who litre in town? THe (iGold Bea(:h etiurcit nas that. many Seats and some to spare. . TWi si small house of worship has been completed feihee last 'September, when H was dedicated by J. V. M,ii- liganL SUperintenueht of Sunday school world for the Synod .6f the Presbyterian church '-!' , . . - . 'J ;r li ( Tr jeS ox uregonj ana ur. xxoyt as- 1 PLANS NEW: BUILDING FOR ARMY CORPS I CATHOLIC CHURCHES r mmmmmmmmm . i - - h IK I ...'" :V;.J . .:-'.vA -.. - I - . I I ff J v 1 I I I ill rVi&VJ; I. 1 li x M IN I f I' 111 MrAAi vast W ' ''""uJT I I : - ' . r V&V! wen Ensign Fred Anderson at: d wife. t " : The Scandinavian cjofrps of the Sali vation Army will havld a new Jiali all Its own if the plans Anderson, who rece pf Ensign Fred mly came here from. Tagoma to takfe charge of ! the ands he say corps, are carried on he hopes they will be Assisted by his wife, who also ranks as ensign, he has man y new Ideas he intends to introduce into the local field. For Instance, He will visit the inmates of charitable institutions and leave with each- one an orange or some- thing else to convince them that some- body outside is taklnjk an Interest in them. "You would be surprised. If you could see how a little present brightens up these people, said Ensign Anderson "Their hearts are tduched and they begin to realize that somebody is thinking about them. I tried the plan tn Tacoma and It had wonderful, ef feet. T" WHAT CHURCH AND CLERGY Will BLscuss Chtrlty Problem. Marshall Dana of The Journal Re lief Bureau will speak tomorrow be fore the Current Events class of the First Presbyterian church, which meets immediately after the morning service. He will discuss the pertinent problem of the need of "Co-ordination Between the Various City Charities," in their effort to relieve the needy and unemployed. This class Is open to the public and an opportunity is given for general discussion of each topic, after the main address has been heard. ' Xr. Oarrlson Remains. Owing to unforseen conditions the Rev. Ralph L. Ross, who came to take charge of the Christian Yoga work in Portland, has found It necessary to return to Seattle, and Rev-. Frank O, Garrison will remain' in charge until the first of April. Mr. Garrison will be in his Study as usual and will speak Sunday evening at the Christian Yoga center in the Abington Dulioing on the topic, "Healing, Its Manner and Meaning' Dedication May 16. The regular services of the Rodney Avenue Christian church will proceed as usual under the direction of the reg ular minister tomorrow. The dedica tion of the basement building, which was postponed, will be held May 16. Rev. C. F. Swander, who preached at 42 MILES ON FOOT church at Gold Beach, Or. sumed the pastorate. He started out with a determination to make his work count for something In- the small com munity and that he has succeeded in no small measure is evidenced by the large number of persons who attend services. They come from miles around-r-by wagon and by -boat. , In draw nig plans for the church the organizers looked well to the- fu ture, and as a result the building is large enough to accommodate the peo ple for years to come. -As-there are no churches in Oregon south. of Gold Beach Dr, Hoyt believes it Is, bis duty to visit a many of the settlements between his home and the Chetco river s-s he can every year. So once every month he is off on the 42 mila bike to bold these services. handlnavian branches of the army, always erect their n hall whenever; they are able to do so. We believe it) will be cheaper In the long run,, because we- can then escape rent bills. ! "While we w ere in Tacoma the Scan dinavian fcorpsi put up a nice hall there with officers' quarters, reading rooms and -otter conveniences. ' I want to see a simitar home for the local corps." Ensign " "Anderson lias had 'some thrilling I experiences during I his 20 years" service In Minneapolis, St. Louis, Chicago,: i( Brooklyn, Seattle, Tacoma and many smaller cities. Eighteen years ago he: waa arrested arid sent to the rockplle In Belleville, 111., for marching on the street. Th mayor, who : was on the sid of the hoodlums!, was removed as the result of an investigation, and a publjic shake up followed. The local Scaifdinavian corps haa-60 soldiers and Its own band. MEMBERS ARE DOING Rodney last Sunday, is not state sec retary for the Baptist church,; as re ported in an afternoon paperUnut of the Christian church. of the state of Oregon. EvangBliUc Meetings. Special) evangelistic meetings will be neia in the vv ichita Evangelical church. lasting ten days. They will be con ducted by Rev A. P. Layton of Everett Wash. He will fill the pulpit both morning and evening on Sunday and every evening during the week at 7:30 o'clock. . " Penny SoclaL i A. penAy "social has been planned by the young people of the Portsmouth Evangelical Lutheran church for March 26. A spelling match will be one of the features of the literary pro gram. Lunch will be served, the price depending on. the stature of each per son, i "The 17 nl tartan Churches." "The Unitarian Churches' will be discussed by Rev. W. O. Eliot Jr., pas- tor of the Church of Our Father, after the morning service tomorrow before a class hel ls conducting for those who desire information and advice concern ing the ideas and usages of the church - Lecture on Christian Science Rev. Li. K. Richardsqn will begin to morrow evening the last of his series on "Christian Science" with an ar raignment Cd; that faith. Hid subject will be, "Does Christian Sclencle Cure?" The remaining lectures will be deliv ered March 28 and April 4. Will Beoeiv Holy Communion At the Holy Rosary tomoitrow the members of the Ancient Order of Hibernians and the Ladles Auxiliary will recejve holy communion in a body. They will assemble at 8:30 o'clock in Hibernian hall. Hew Sunshine Hour Clan. . The membership Of the C'raurch of the Good TUlings.Universaliit), .East Twenty-fourth, arid Broadway, haa grown so last that another Sunshine Hour clabs has -been formed. " ' . !" May Get Charge. According to a. report. Rev. K.. C Alford. a retired minister of the Mcth odist chMrch, wiio resided lb Salem for manO- years, will be given U. charge near Tualatin in' the near future. Women's Missionary Society Organizes Mrs. T t G. Farrell, 328 East Twenty- fifth st cot, entertained the women gational After of the W averly Heights Cong. church at luncheon Wednesda luncheon an excellent program was given Mrs. N. C Thorne an g two beautiful solos; Mrs. Elva Carl son and Irs. Sisani S'tarr-Kresstfiann sang "The Wliolc Wide World fori Jesus": interesting missionary articles were read by jMesdames Smith, Derii son and Kressma. Several pIano ho los. were renaereaj uy aiihs uenevieve razer. ssionary An enthusiastic Woman's M society of 21 members was organ! ized. with the following officers: Presi- aent, Mrs. A. C. Moses; vice presidentw Mrs. G W. Cutts; secretary. Mm. W. Carlson; Den i son; treasurer, .. Mrs. E. secretary of literature, llrsj J B. Hurd. Young Women to Care for Babies Taken to Church Young women of ' the-. -First Congregational church hdvi vol unteered their , services to care for the children too youdg to be left with the trained teacher employed by the guilds t An tertaln children of kindergar ten age. i. Under this new Ar rangement !all children tinder 7 years. -of 'age may be left by thelrj parents during the hour ". the I primary rooms . of the church. - "The fei V istie Earnestly lishioners and; o Discuss War Requests P Priests Not Peace Sund;ty 11 be bbsorvrrl to morrow in all thef-ti 'atholic chuirlies in Oregon by order o Archbishop c'li'ri.s- tie. In his deoreb kinnouiM'ing the hit vices ho requests-! 's people to refrain from (Mtminentinc in the war nn. t in- line menisci ves to earnest pfiij-ers for Iieace. ms aunuu icemen t follows : in me morning Immediately iil'ter te last mass, thl most Mcssoil -sa-rumen t shall be lekposed, after win. h the psalm misere iiii-l, imis -(PshIiii 601 Shall be sunk with the mil inlton: Da pat-eni, Ioniltif, in iHtlniB -iustri. : mm est iin nobis nisi tu, ih by the veriscle: is qui puK'iet pro is noster, followed l-'i.U pax in irlute tua; the response, .ft a tiiinilan t la m lurrinus tins, arti a quo sancta desji the erdlect. Ileus, erla. etc. tne most ble ed sacrament" uliall remain exHoked for public ven- cration till even fg. It Is our enrri- est desire - that arrangemeiits b hililre'n alto .shall art in the public before the i-kmsI-bli ssecl Hin t jiinent the rosary js to l by the tiiM'ehib'd mtde whereby take prominent adoration. . In the evening lion or tne mos the third prt of recited. - followed rayer,. expressly composed by t ho father in . order to obtain the benefit of peace!; then the litimy of the saints, according 'to the form pre scribed for the 'devotion of 4D hours in the rituale itoinanum. Immedi ately after the litany shall Tie sung the parce, Domlrity puree pupulo tim; ne 'in atearnum inasearls nuiiis with the Wersicles -ami prayer usually re cited after, tlie! f procesn Ion in qua cumque tribiilatipne as in the rituale Komanum, with I lithe addition of the collect Deus, a !uio fancta deslderia. etc. l he sucretj function hall eon-" chide with the t diction of the ment. htum eruo and lions iinost blexsed : Bacra- It is our express desire that no comment regarding the war, . other than an earnest!) exhortation to pray ers for'peace, be made in any i-hunh on Passion Sunjday or publii-ly . at any time, in nny place, by jirienls of our archdiocese. ; Sert'lcew' in' Sell wood. . ; Sell wood. Or.. March 2t". Peace Sun day, in conformity with the dei ree of his holiness, Pope ' Benedict X V, for a world-wide peace Sunday In Cut hollo churches, will be observed all day to morrow at'- Sh Agatha's cbunli, Tlie blessed sacrament. will be-exposed aft er the late high mass at. 10:30 a. m., and will remain .exposed' for, the ven eration of the faithful throughout the day. A special peace prayer, composed by his holiness for. the solemnity, will be said at the evening service by Fath er John Cummisky. . The sermon at the. evening service will -be on a peace theme in keeping with the spirit of. the occasion. GOLDEN RULE IN BUSINESS - "The Modern Business Man and the Golden Rule" is the topic Rev. T. W, Lane, of the Centenary M. K. church. East Ninth and Pine streets, yvill preach on tomorrow evening. As the pastor iays, there has tieen sonre doubt expressed as to whether business and the golden rule can - go hand in hand.; Ho will explain Ill's, version, of it. j IN OTHER CITIES Interesting Church Xoten (With ered in Various l'tiits of Coiinli j ." Gather Many Pennies. Forth Worth, Tex., March .20. To gather.in 84,480 pennies', which.' placed side by side, would make a copper streak a mile long, is the task. that the' members of the- Weatherford Street Methodist have Set opt to accomplish by June 30. This method wan adopted to raise money to wipe. out a church debt of $925. The pennies have been coming in "at the rate of 40 a week. Many Ww Pupils. New York. March 20. Since J310 the Methodist - Episcopal church ha made great gains in its Sunday nehool attendance. The number enrolled in the past four yen rs is more twin Ifi't.- OUO in excesa i mc nivr total church membership during that ne.rlod .- The number bf scholars who belong to the church is 577,077. It l estimated that there are about 2,00u, 000 scholars in the schools v ho do not belong to the church. mm Distribute 14,000 Bible-. Mew York. March 20. More than 14.000 Bibles have -been diwtributed among the hungry pcrnori who have formed eight of the tunny "bread lines'" in New York this winter. This dintribtt- l,.n lu mailn lllwli.l' the l 11 K 1 1 il'CM of the New York Bible society, which had th Scriptures printed in almost every known language. Spend Much Money. Gnnlrrina Vfufr.1. It . V t A t M 1 1 C H nri- pared by Secretary M. K. Carroll of the . Federal Council of the Evangel i':'i. churches tsliow that auring .. jai i bii American c-hurches spent the ntupen dous aggregated turn of $4 10,000,000, the. largest amount of money ever ex pended before in one year in tins oinir ..... i i.a u.M.i t-', il lir similar work in other countries. Will Balae $1,000,000. New York, March 20. -To btiifd'riew r.hur:hes in the suburbs the New Vojk Presbytery has .decided to ral,"e Irn- rnedlately $ 1,O0,0(i0. My the will of the late John S. j.Ketineny t lui jjjjh.v- terlaris received $l,h00 0o0 for extension-work and moHt of it has been spent. - i m m $13,000 Church Completed. Seattle, Wash.,! March 3(1. The, new St. 1'auIJs English Lutheran-, church, erected at a cost of "$12,000. was, de dicated here last Sunday. The work of organizing the church was begun in January, 1911. Visit OUR CHURCH AND SUNDAY SCHOOL DEPARTMENT BOOKS. BII5LES, TESTA MENTS, ' M A PS, B UTTO NS' CARDS, CERTIFICATES, Etc. X5be3.'K.BiUi:o. THIRD AND ALDER STS. Archbishop Ch