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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1915)
1 - i i s t THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SAtURDAjY EVENING.! MARCH 20. 1910 TOWN TOPICS 79tb DAY OF 1915.) HEI1.1G Broail.vav et Taylor. Cfertaijja 2:13 Hti 8:13. '"i'txlajrA WeUuesdsy ami Sat uitlay malltier. - fSAH.l:itl;roalway ami Sistu. Curtains 2:20 ml :2lt. Sliitioiieg Sumlsy. Wwluenday and Saturday. Unk-r Player in "Tews ot tlie Morm Country." UKt'I 1 KIM iiVuiidH ay at Stark. Vaudeville. t.urtairjM 2;yo, PANT.W.lili-. l'.roaiKvav at A liji'r Vauileville. i Curtains a::w. 7::Hi and 9:lu. ui mum a ,.f, i Vaudeville. t.'unilL i liromlway at Yamhill, iuiioit-. !::!) to 5:.'S0. ' 7:iit) to :!. week days. Continuous 1 tu 11, Sun- i vf- i, u,,t v.-...,.. U4JUB. 1 to II , ui. . Ct'l.l.MUIA Sixtu between ;ailnton ami i Sturlc ttr?eta. to 11 fl. 111. Motion pictures. 11 a. in. i I'KOI'LK'S VVcjft Park at Mo! A liter sirwt , mm pn:turH, ll:au- a- ui. to il:;J i. tu. Bi AU Washington at Park. &Iutinu -bicturcs. 11 a. m. to II p. in. NATIONAL I'ark and West Park, at Stark. APili'Hl idettires. l' m. tn Tl Ir m. H.W1.S.1K.-Washington at I'ark. Motion pic- iiir.. ji a. m. to 11 y. in. filiSK YVaHbiugluu at liroadwray ilotlilD , (.leiurcw. j j a. m. to 11 p. in. AliT Ml SKL'M Fifth auil 'l:-vlir. Hour 9 to 0 week S tn :t itmduys. Free after li'KMis of. Tuesday, Ttiurxdai, Friday, batur iay. Coming Kventw. Kant Side Kuaiuexa ' luncheon. Mar .h 1:2. IWilaiy club luncheon at the Benson hoU-1 4Iart l Ad Mou's lum-neon at Multnumali hotel iliin b 21. . i'rjire.sle JlHtdinifs Meu' luncheon at Mult- Iii luaii hotel. .March 2T. Kc.ilty iWiiid juoc-UeoB at Commercial dub. Maicb M. I r--..i ji T .. Central Library Meetings. KatiunalMf Boiiety, every .'iiikIhv oveuing. "lvlc league lectures every Thurs day evening. Pacific tiiiirerKify extension tec t urea, every eduesday evening. Port Information Supplied. Information regarding tbirf H.irt aiay be ob tained from Hie I'oitiund I'bandier of t.otn Uierce. ! Fifth street. Telenboiie Main Dilii A-120U. Fire, and Police. Fire department Main 77'. A l'i'. Police deivartuieut -Mail; Tlbl, A-Uiol. Totlay's Forecast. Portland and vicinity: Fair tonictit and hmiday; probably cotder Sunday; easterly V Ifltli. Oregon: Fair tonight and Sunday; cooler myest iKirtion Sunday; eaaterly w inds. UHiiiiiKlon:. iair tonight and koiiiday. Pt- Ull V. PI- 1 cent rain extreme northwest oortiou .suudav: I ranreriy vinn. Idaho: Fair tonight ami Sunday; frost to-! r,,--!.,-Uiaht. heavv in nlacea. I ' l-Oinpaims Weather Conditions. i Tiie two northwestern high pressure areaa . have united and the highest barometer tltis tiiorrilng waa at Havre. Mont. A moderate diaturtMU' is' paiMine down the St. Lau-rence Tallcy. Suow haff fallen In most of the. north ern otatea between the Uoky mountains and the lake region, and also in portions o-f Ne'w Mexh'o and Colorado. Frost formed this morn ing In many tdm'S in this district east of the t axead HionutaiiisJHie changes in temjiera -tore since yesterday have beeu uniiuiurtHiit. halr weather will continue in thin district over Sunday except in extreme western. Wash ington, where cloiidineHs will increase and be followed by rain. It w ill lie' cooler in western Oregon .Sunday and frost will form ait:tln to night in hiabo. KI1WARH A. 1VKALS. District Forecaster. Observations. Temperature S i 5 STATIONS B. b S i - i . ' t:i s -- "-- c tz 111 24 j-jo 4:i 24 t :r4 ; h .14 : n :it ! 4 4s 8 :'.2 - 4 40 ho s is i- 4 2H Id IS I O -Ji 14 IS ."2 i t; 2- ' 4 r.2 4 74 f.2 4 42ilt-t W 42 Hn its l-io as 1: 4 5i! 4 TO r.2 R 2s -; 4 j ;:s 12 4 ' r,o :h; 4 Kt j10 7 . r.s 8 4S '10 72 411 4 42 H- 6 72 42 22 :! ! 2 ..'i2- .'id 24 " !P fio 54 20 as ! 2 m :tti 12 4S Mil 74 41 4 5.1 'MO 07 .Vi 4 40 4 Btt 4" 4 H2 0 44 :V 12 40 i 4 4S 3S 4 54 ! 2 78 54 111 44 j 4 6H 44 6 2M ! 4 32 22 lft 4d I 4 j I 40 4 ;i4 1 i 1 so 1 .34 4 40 I n as 44' '4 M !10 56 4S 4H so j- tt :to 4 42 i 2 62 42 4 34 i 4 5i 32 t 4 20 2 22 ao 12 of preceding day. "'Abilene, Teias Tinker, Or Boston. Maws'. . . . Chicago, III.. J'efrver,, Colo. ... 1'uhith. Minn.... I Knrka, . Cut. . . ;. . Fresno, 'al .-. i . GalTestoiv Texaa. Havre, -.jlont Jacksonville, Fit. . ,Kajfts tlty, Mv. KuoxvillA. 'Fen nl. loa Angeles, 1.'al. MarbhfieJI. Or. . . . New tirleaniS,- La. New York, N'. V: N. Head, Woah. N. 'akiina.' Wu. 1'hoenix, Arist.... a 1'ortland, Or Koseburg. Or ... . ft. Ixmis, Slo.... 5 Salt Lake, L'tah. S. Francisco, Cal. Seattle. Waxh... Hheridan, Wyo, . . . Fltka, Alaska. . S)Hikinie, Wash. .. Tacoma, Wash-.. ". Tattwisb I'd., Vn. V'nldes, Alaska. . . . 'VX'alla Walla, Wn Washington, D. C. ' -XMrntipeir, Man.. n o .46 .t.J 0 o O o 41 1 0 o o o o (I o 4 ; t .02 .04 " Afternoon report .Miss Joyce Miss .Alice 'V. to Address Joyce of Grange. Woodlawn ' sdiool will speak on "The Relations 1 ! Between the Home and the School-; j at t h t niihlic- lecttlcv linur nf r i ularf monthly nieetinsr of Woodlawn I . c-iCmetv at 8 o'clock tnnlirht'at iircen ! hall. Fast Seventh street and Dekum . -avenue. W. H. II. Dufur will sneak on "What Constitutes a Good Glance." Miss rsina l.nglin will render a piano solo and Miss Genevieve Robinson will contribute a vocal solo. Mrs. Sarah A.- Hyatt, lecturer, arranged the program, New members will he ini tiated at the closed session following the lecture hour. : Rationalist Lecture Tomorrow. "Folkways; A Study in Kvolutionary Morals," will be the lecture . topic before the -Portland Rationalist society at 'library hail tomorrow liiglit. The discussion by H. C. VTthoff will be based on the work of Professor W. G, Bumner of Yale university. Tire Damages Some. A three room! house at 624 Brooklyn street was par- j tiaily destroyed by ' fire at 2 o'clock; this morning. The house was owned; : by C. H. Hdiigdith, and the loss is es- ) limated at approximately $500. The .ggcause of the blaze is unknown. Steamer Jesse Sarklns for Camas. Washougal and jway" landings, daily ex : cept Sunday. Leiives Washington street dock, at 2 P-.nt. . (Adv.) World Peace Meeting. I n further aneelof a tentative outline for world peace, l?'aac Swett, J. K. Stack,' secre- Modern Business AND The Goiden Rule" WILL IT WORK? Hear DR. T. W. LANE : V" at " Centenary Church East Ninth and East Pine St. SUNDAY, MAR. 2t 7:45 P. M. A Chorus . of 100 WOMEN -I will lead, the singing. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. At 11 a. m. Dr. Lane", will.' speak on "Why "Religious Worship?" The Home-like church in the down-town district of the l'"ast Side. ' tajry ot the State 'Federation of Labor and Of thf Certtrajt Labor Council and airs. : J.. W. Latflmer will speak tonight for the World Peaie association." hall A. Central library will speak on far World P at! 8 o'clock. Mr. Swett Preliminary Legislation io', ' Air, biacK wi.i UI1 J jit bof s Fart in; world Peace." Mrs "The Earliest Litimer's subject is; Active Propaganda for universal Peade." Special music. First Streeters Active. The First Street Businesd Men's club at its reg- utar eemi-mon hlyt meeting last night Instructed Secretary E. J. Solomon to communicate w ith Commissioner Dieck and ascertain whjf First street is not flushed as ar other streets.! Plans 'far getting additional Mere', discussed 'arc lights fori I'arst street between Madiwon and Slarf streets and it was reported that sevleral buildings tiave already been pkinted white in ' connec- i-iion witn tne plan to make the street ( the "Great White' Way."' It was re ported that the streetcar company ! harts under advisement the rerouting via i Fii nt'street of , incoming cars crossing Hawthorne bridge. . ; . " C. O. Hall P: sses Away. C. C. Hall, a Portland blac ksijnith, died this morn irtg at. his resUen!f.e. 836 Fast Thirty fourth street, 1 olljiwing a long illness. Mr. Hall, who wis last employed by the Nehalein Tiiiiber company, ' was birn at Noia Springs, Ireland, 46 yearrf ago and had bsenj in Oregon about 25 years. lie let vei a widow and! one son, Ralph, ar d 'two brothers and a tter, all of wlhoin live in the Pacific northwest. Mh ijlall was a member 'f Orient iodgd. I I O. O. F.. and Coast j,lfic 3 0 0 y Funeial serv- l'acific lodge, I. Oj O. 1 ines .will be in). ci arge of one o th ohcr of thcsel ottkanizations. Petitions for Appointment. K. O. for the !Hborne yesterWayj filed a petition appointment a sjdUmiiiistrator ot ttato of his nigithr. -Mary OHboine, leaving who died sevralf days ago j property whir 'worth $11,000. daughters are ' was filed for ' Woods and I Sie cstiniates to be tiree sons and two the heirs." A petition appointment of 1,5. O. Ji A. Prttit as execu Dr. IVttit's motlier, who died March lu. tors of the will of! ' Mi s. J. W. IV cut. at Los A ngele.i 'leaving an estate' esti- inated in the pie tit! ion to be. worth' $12.- I oyo. .M rs. W4odrf Mr. Hannah tJ. Applewhite and Hi Pettit, children of . . . ... .1 . ' . Airs. fi UH, are ne.r neiis. tile Articles, Articles filed with County ; of incorporation (Terk Coffey ajre as follows; Roseburg Sand & Graveil fpmpany, 25,000 cap ifal.'O. T. Lar stan;! A. King and War- ren E. Thoma is, incorporators; Martin Brokerage to inpajny, capital , $lo,oou, K. B. .Martin L. B. Martin and G. A. atipirs; Cronan Mortgage Rittcr. incoi po company, capi al $50,000, John F, Cro- nan. P.- P. IM bney and L. M. Zigler, incorporutors Supplemental articles were tiled ch ng ibg the name of the Peoples UruslJ itiknpany to the Coast Brush compuidj Hotel Clerk to Give Smoker. April 17 has " been et i as the date ror tne I smoker to be) gflvein by the Oregon State Hotel C erltjs' association at the I Armory. Pro teedis from the affair will go toward ndii ng delegates rrom Portland to ti e n tional co-nvention of ancisco. A program greeters at Sap F of five boxm bo uts under the direc- tion' of Jack Kjng of the Imperial ' Athletic club apji several vaudeville acts is plana Boxers will wear fuir tights a come, women will be wei- Would Open Halsey Street. The city yesterday the First began proceedings against Afi cart M. E. church, the Holy Rosary cjhurpch and about 120 oth ers to secure thle opening of Halsey street east frohn East First street. The City asks that) a Jury be chosen to as- sess benefits ndf damages to property owners as thle result or tne opening of the street I 'ces Or j Several Divtarc ss Granted. Divorces : granted by Circuit Judge Davis this morning wre: Lulu Rounsevell against Arthur lounsevell, desertion; j Anna Pander from' Albert Pander, 'cruelty; Inez Me teal f from Melvin. o. ' Metcalf, eruejltyj Anna Muster, from W. H. Muss4r lesertion; Mary Coe le Cosgrove, cruelty, las brought suit grove from Re Hadel HurlBmt i against J- W Hjnibut for tTivorce, al- leging cruelty I,ectur on E&ocation. The eduea- irn tf Jewish ! children in Amprinn i will be the subject of a lecture to be given tomorrow evening at 7.30 o'clock by I. . L. Matin I in the Neighborhood House at Sejecmid and Wood streets. The lecture is; gien under the. auspices of tha Jewis Ijiiterary Circle. There will be no allmlssi I F " ssion fee. Plotence Cijawtord's Subject. "What Iau Paid flor j His Pottage" is the topic of the lejjture to be given by Florence Criwtlord In the Tyrolean room of the Ilbtel Benson tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock. Miss Hoar will sing. Mrs. Ft. ;Hollenbeck will play The public it? invited. Divorce Decree Granted. -Ruby Keenan yesterday was granted a di Itay F. Keenan by Cir cuit Judge Morrow on grounds of cru elty, Hotel Moore Seaside, Or., has opened for tbJe spring and summer sea- son. For reser ations address Dan J. (Adv.) Moor'e, prop Administrator Loses Suit. Franz V. Filing, administrator of the estate Jf Christine L. Filling, his wife, lost a $7300 damagfv sluit against the Blake- "AN HOUjR WITHIN A CHURCH CANNOT HARM may help ryou through doubt to faith, frorri weakness to strength OF 001! FATHER' rtitarian) TES YOU BroajdWay at Yamhill Service it i 12 All seats free EXCELLENT MUSIC Ushers g'l t and seat you PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM i toil6 ravTrafctoo of merit Helpa to eradicate doodraff. For Restoring Color and Beauty to Grayor Faded Hair. 6'. ana fl. float iTmririHH. CHURCH j IWHWAaPRIfJTirJC CQJ ! Obem f.greene. presioenti 12 1 S k ! STARK. STREETJ I ; In Circuit EUing Judge Sorrow's, court, Mrs. uicu as 1.(1! itssuii ui nijuda in a collision between an feu received tipnaobile in whicli she was riding and n auto belonging to the company. T4 e accif dent ocdurred at Fast Tw nt. -fourth 914. and Burtiside streets, July 5, Boys KcciT JtouAUOTL Another valuable: sell of encyclopediajB! hks been iven t thle boys' departmient of the Young Iden"B Cliristtan assoiiatlon. V. Pearson.! manager of the Gliers soci ety, presented the "Book bf Know! edge, in 1 5 volumes, to tHe boys yesterday.. j . IaJ-nred in Runaway. y. Iirj Baker, dairy, ined a owner'' of the . Macleay Parkl northwest Of the city, eijist; fractured arm and numerojus yesterday when his team ra near hi.i home and he was bruises away thrown from this wagon. Ho wad ken to the Good Samaritan hospital. First Presbyterian Twelfh land Alder streets, H. BoydJ pastor. 10:30 a. on "ThelReturn to Bethel." special musical program on "ThefUgly Little Jew.1 "Progressive Thoug-lit w er R. Lyott's theme in the gregatioftal church tpmorro rn. Dr. Oyotfs theme at World of Youth." US9 Common Sens -Kuv coal. $$t ton. M. lai. A-a54i Painting, Tinting, Paperha grin 8". L. T. Crane, 170 Tenth st. MJ 23 8. Adv. ONWARD SWEEP OF TIDE OF PROSPERITY FELT IN ALL (LINES nlinued From Page Ori Man u Cacti! ring industrial's a 1 read y are en.ijyiug a measure jf l-osper- lty. Or jegon-tnade goods iii Klome in stances are finding a t'4'inark; le sale to point The , is fast, 'north and s put 'local leal estate pi rket is featured! by the large propo tion of ir own people Jwho are builtling fl homes. Larger deals are pjenufng an,i investori are cornmenciiig fco cast their eyles about for likely bortuni- ties. Railroads and hotels have ndt as yet felt the benefits from the bout? st tide, although roads report thatj loW a! pas- at-iiiei ttim lieiKiit utisme are lm- proving rapidly. Passenger lexmerts es- timate ithat 100,000 peopi e U-ill be routed through Portland frd m he east during vember, the months of Mjay to No- inclusive. fttreet; aqd sewer improvements es timatedf for the year will release about $t', 000. 0t0. Portland water departmeint kvill ex pend $2da,0tt0 for labor aAJ niaterial the ensuing year. Construction of Interstate bridge across the (Tolumbia rivet ihlls for the invrhediate expenditure! on 1,750, 000. I Millions Will be spent on gefbd high ways, j Postail receipts show a ga in over the same period last yer. than $000 for the first haljf oj Completion of the Celilo tan ' more March, means n. much ti the Columbia river! bait Business Men Say Outlook Good. ts from following. are oner statdmea Portland's leading business men re garding; present, business; eft nditions and thei outlook for the futur: A. C.l Martin, assistant en ral pas senger agent of the O-W, )R, k N. Co. Railrbad passenger agents fiave es timated! that 100,000 easjterii people will ptss ; through Portend in the period jfrom next May to- November, inclusive. - ;j The railroad of'ficipls have made these estimates after careful survey i of the entire field, '"lie bulk of the itraffic is expected to originate east of the Rocky moun :air s. This enormous j stream of trtve ers will come intoi Portland boti f-om the north indj south, to suit he conveni ence of the passengers in ilia king the loop ater arriving on the Pacific coast. iThe eastern traffic has not yet got into swing, but the loical business is picking jup at a rapid raie. Plant Banning' Pall Sarided. K. in. I nompson or t ie Portland running Woolert Mills Our plant is full handed night and daiy fctnd still we ar unable to ktep u kvith the flood df business which i pniing to Portlaiid. ; We have afou 0 people employed ; at our plant iijt Set. Johns, and the yearly payroll is approxi- mately $1,000,000. Eighty pe" cent of our goiods is marketed oul tsi i e of the state bf Oregon. Orders Cl (me from the ea;ftt and north, and sduti Nativ e raw mjaterials are used i h t ie manu re money ractur of these woolens. T which the mills bring 1 ttto Portland and the stale is almos al new riioneyj new money in the) me sentrf the farm- ps that winch is produced ers anjd the lumbwrmen. iby Nt Tine future injjj, indeed. outlook is most promts Presarinir for Big TxaTel. K. 1. Hawkins of the ikomhern l a ciiic - Terminal company in tinel fir beneficial resil Piartlanu id lt from ln- creased travel. This ga n has been particiklarly apparent on tliejlines run niiig. north and south. Th e increase is largely iii tlie' local end o ger traffic business. the passen- trtiB eastern roads j are making prepjarajtions for Evangelist W. L Shepherd will continue his EVANGELISTIC CAM AIGN .-; in the . First Nazarene . I . i m Church , East 7th and Ccjut ! Sunday services 11 al nn., 2:30 and 7.i0 p. tti. Morning Subject "HOW TO GE' SANCTIFIEli" eTvices every after oon (ex pt Monday and Saturday) ryj evening (except Saturday) Open $ A. M. to 8 Sundays. 10 to 12 Full Set Teeth, that Gold Crown, 22-k. . Bridge Teeth, 22-k. fit.. $5.00 ! . .$3.50 j ..$3.50 Pain e; Extraction J. . . .50c TBv. Wnetstoae. Mr McFall tioitipany yesterday Churchil corner Rell-. John pi., Ifsermon I 7:3W p. m.. and sermon : Udv- itl JL Luth- Fiftst Con- it 11 a. 7:4jt, '"The i (iWdv.) Superior L (Ad.) I? It I )ENTI jrS Corner of Second and itofrijson. Look for the bis Union sign. All jaork guar- I :- an teed. 1 ; . ' r- " : -p - handling a large number of passengers to tjie Pacific j coast this summer. The Panama-Pacific international exposi tion at San Franciaco, the exposition at San Diego f and the Portland Rose Festival .are among the big attracti ons out west. Hurtdreds will route through Portland on their way north or so! th. Special rates will attract many und the homeseeker, as usual, will ; be strongly in evidence this year. A trip to the Pacific coast without Portland in the itinerary would be a mistake. The shrewdi eastern traveler will iot make this mistake. Wool ; Will Be Biglx. A. L. Mils, president of tlie: First National banki The Pacific northwleat owes a debt of gratitude to the farn er. Tlie high price for wheat of the list, year's crop has been the means of bringing thousands of dollars into the pockets of the wheat farmer. Iii turn, the country fnerchant . and the: ni.ny other business and industrial channels, have reaped the benefit. Portland (ex porters have shared in this gain s nd the city of Portland has come iri for a share of tho proceeds, which: has; fov nd its way along the numerous channels of trade. Wool prices this year will reach 6 to 3o cents a poundJ The lumber business, wliich forms an Im portant cornerstone in the commercial life of Oregon, has been passing through a critical period. I am st(re, however, that the time has come! when we- may reasonably expect a vast ! m provement in this line. Many new in quiries are coming in and a number of big orders have been delivered.! Banks Save Plenty of Money. Emery Olmstead, vice president Northwestern National bank- The banks of Portland have plenty of money, and this money is readily avail able jtfr use in all legitimate ; enter prises, such as manufacturing, jobbing and merchandising. The banks; how ever, are careful not to make! loans on doubtful propositions. In this they are lollowing a safe and san policy that protects the fi.narcial interests of the entire comuiunityp Taken all in all, I am confident that the tide ha turned. Business is improving slowly and surely. There is a more optimis tic feeling everywhere among our cus tomers. This marked change iri com mercial and industrial sentiment i is bound to have a beneficial influence on all lines of business. - A Preparing for TBig Increase. Julius Meier of Meier & Frank- Portland's. natural advantages place her In -a unique position. "The pendulum Of business is bound to swing our way. With a vast empire immediate ly adjacent to pur doors, there is never any need to fear that this city will fall behind. We will continue to grow in, the future as we have in the past. It is the conservative spirit of the people of Portland which will win in the end. With abundant crops, a great variety of natural resources, ; and a rare climate, Portland stands preemi nent among tlie cities of the northwest. The Meier & Frank store is planning to share in the increase in business which is destined for this section. We are banking on the future. Our new building is but one concrete example of the manner in which we intend to be pie-pared "to maintain a place in the commercial and industrial procession. Industries to Peel Effect. Lloyd McDowell, publicity manager Portland Rose Festival Outside pub licity which is being given the Rose Festival this year should cause a rec ord breaking attendance next June. Through tlie distribution of articles in newspapers and magazines in all partus of the country, and ""the medium of moving pfctures, the festival will be brought to 'the attention of probably 50,000,000 people. Two thousand news j .articles descriptive or tne nig event, will be printed. The National ijjditorial association and railroads are cooperat ing with us. Portland should: be the direct gainer from the influx of new people to Oregon next summer. - All lines of industry will feel the effect, directly or indirectly. . Good Prices for Cattle." C. C. Colt, president of the Lnlon Meat company The sheep industry is improving rapidly, and the wool men are also in a fair way of making: pood returns this year. While the demand for beef cattle and hogs has been somewhat slack, sUH the general situ ation is fair. Cattie raisers are ;get ting good prices for their stock, i; and in some lines the conditions at Ithis time of the year are about tlie same as they were just one year ago. It is my firm impression that Portland COME TOMORROW to the FIRST METHODISTEPKGOPA Twelfth and nd hear one of the "Vorld's REV. P. A. of "Vestervclt, Superintendent of the! Anti - IN THE Ihe pastor DR. FRANK L. W ill Deliver Another of His Famous TOnC: DICIEEN'S "TALE OT TWO EVERYBODY WELCOME. You Cannot Afford to ! : (Publicity ' IT Every delicacy in jseson and Sunday Dinner : - i- I) . Served from 5:30 t ; Weekday Lunch. 12 Weekday Dinner, 5:30 2Xk Imperial a! prjgon as well the e;i north weit, will see a decided improve snt In tJhe commercial industrial horizon by ihext summer bnd fall. Bl Travel iBxpected. Phil Mdtsehan J k. manager Impeiria Hotel-4-Jiine. July .august and ifept banner months tfoi temberl stould be the rallrulads ente Hni' Portland. epej dally frohi eastern Points, and the ho tels hdre (should bnesit accordingly as result of the increased traffic W7 the trive! on the southern run is In creasiiig ally, tH e eastern iioooj oi j touris business as not started or en r l Hotels in, Los An el as are haVtngl an except onilly fine rade iust now. iifOW ever, dnd ere long thei tide should tura and to urijsts Degirk heading for Port land, W are couhtiftg on a subsfam tial irrl petius to thd hotel business ur ing thle ose Fes tiv4l. The event is being well advertised , and thousandj( isit Portland iri of peqpl ought io June. ie liuropfeart war has closed the doprsl to the tpurtsts formerly journiJig they can broad, ahd it fail to see how esist-coikiinig west this year. Beports of Increases, Johri Stanton sbperlntendent ofi BradsU reel s Mercantile Agency Busy utlttok is ericoiiiraging, althdugli ness O still i ie prospective stage. Mer chants! the re) have gene: ally been following tretichment policy, in order t3 meet tihe pemands Ifihis retrenchraeni has ha a good eftec U on business terpris. in that it ihas enabled thS merchant to tide oi er the rough plaices. Through his readi ustment rirms nave been abld to work off a large part ol! tive oveijhead expense Which naturailly accumulated during the pert ried wjheiH conditions were more plrosif perou. aianufacturfers, jobbers and hs are thus in k position now to flor better tiifingte. In some lnea ; i on creases pvefr the correspond h last tear nave oeen r N'unieroub Instances of un' over Febi-kiary'B volume o re noted rcial Atmospnere Clearing', ortman, of Olds, Wortman &f rch business shows an irnn- over tlie Record for Februjt ke this td b one inaicaiiqn oj. easing tf the financial fcohf oinpared with the volume o; ransacteH ate this time a ireal present yeJvr is holding! it( a shadtj to the good. Jon in buyiig Is the rule. Meirf aire noi uutung in any ipuro n they iteciikire, but, with) th btidn of tihe M brisk aemanas, entually nJust come, havy Asiiikj will bt necessary. M6nef commence to una its waa accustomed channels, an certaim to improve. Thi I atmodphire is already be tp clear. Extraordinary, laifld Seed mpany Extrfaof dfemand fpr wheat, oats ariic seal- iness. Farmers throughout d WasH inriton are preparin ly incre iisetl acreage in ones Prices or f! grain have bee farmers have parted ducts a elxceptional advaiju- Vim sale ofl corfn seed has Bhowip crettse ove flOrmer yearsj al is yeti sAmewhat earljy - to rrect estimate on this spcy. ck is td bej a prominent! fac- e local mafrkets this seitsoii. part to thejl impetus given tb raising br the public rnalt- ortland pardeners ar al- innine tb prepare the ground, t quantatle or seed wm pe in the next few weeks. hinery Business .Better. A. J. VIosher, of tha T-irViin-Tr :. -qpening up pf j a Supply company mini bier f sawmills and prospects Of resuriipt n by otber plants has shown a malter .1 gain n the volume of the machine ty busirt esslj Numerous In quiri tra comihg (In, and wheri tlfe cloueu slta.ll have been lifted fronji the lumbf rirji'g industry one of the greatest sourqes f incom 4 fot Portland and the nortliwe: t will be! made available again. O-W. R, & S. Obserres Orange Day. "Of tn e day" being observejd by the q-v the Va: R. & with an exhibit hington window o city et officd Third and "Wash- ingtoh si reets. Boxes are btt of perfect 'Sunkist' actively ar ranged agal purple ackgrou d. Oring cakes. Pi ary dai ties in w hid motif e a re ORNING Tayldr Streets Grette BAKER Salooh EVEN D CIT1ES, or TEE CBSZST OP Miss Either Corrupit Dine Here II: Tomorrow and : - I enjoy-a Sunday, of genuine rest. tile most, cari efitl service. ne Dollar td Music. to 5c and 50c tol 75c ic. KCptel prill and trie State Of U a Ef Bp trel iMaip el and other iui.L if (TflTl iTT 1 H HTFftSk M mi'&i I I I f Dererfd upon you," and you only. I I S1! S?'- I f?.l I " . i I fJ, : - ! : I hi k':; ; oavmg riaou ' openaing naDii f. J. I j Leads to Comfort' Leads to Want M KI.H Which Gonditiori Do You Chon? l l I VIIUIIU1I 1 . , i: T ii s i . iii i un i i ; -I...- ' i i : 1 1 1 1 i i-'i I. Il. ! iwie ui imi ralQ py ; If 1 1 II 1. 1 11 u i.nPer, eaaers - ' .1 '! ' i. L" ! g'l ! !j II! Illlll II- i i !: : 1 - - i - ! Illlll I g I League bf I America I I !l I .. mm - L mm - ... '!' L ' -! '. p I I Un teri States Nat rina - KM 1:1 II II! Illlll : -www ... w ... I lol V " dun AWm . - .7 i . 7 .- ' ' i " T ' r - " ' UJ ' M v J-4-,if - M Banking ibyl Mail for Out-of-Town Customer mf MtinologTie S4rmon-Lecturs,n II i j ' . . .- ; !-. ' I iii II 11 II !IL: I ' ''111 Ml 111' ! ' "1 !ll e.) ; i -r " f :! i tir -!!-; iX; , J , ll - II 1 j 1 iw u n rrrw f i --.I - ; UNION LABOR j WILL SELECT CANDIDATES FOR COMM SINR Central Council Decides to Issue Call for Mass. Meet ing Thursday Night,, L FIVE MEN TO BE PICKED Nibii of Those Chosen mitted to Members Will be Sab ot tb Tariou TJnijonS. By vote of the Central Labor council-last night, al union labor , mass meeting was called for nect Thursday night to select candidates for city commissioner to be presented to the various labor unions e ff illated with the labor council for endorsement. The mass meeting will be jielif in Library hall. Cental Library. Only members of labor unions in good standing will be permitted to participate. It was decided to have the meeting select five candidates, wfcose names will be submitted to thje arious labor unions for a referenduri vote. The one .receiving the highest vjote will be de clared the candidate o:' organized labor. There will be no liml : t the number of names that may be placed in nomi nation at . the mass mjeetlng, but be fore a name will" be considered 10 per sons must second the domination. , Efforts of Fred Bourne, a lineman, to require candidates to pledge them selves to support the final nominee, failed. The proposal tha L only union men ooiuld be nominate! w as discussed but no action was taken. - E. E. Smith, president ot the Central Labor council, will preside ahd E. J, Stack, secretary of th 3 labor council, will act as secretary. A Committee; of 10, and the executive committee of the labor council, will havs charge of the niass meeting. The members are James Irving, Glenn ! Harris, A. j -E. arnes j. &i. Kynfcrsbn, William jMacKerrzie, Mrs. L. Clefe, Jr. W. Miller, in ea well, is. P. Rittter and A. W jones. WOMAN TEACHER INDORSED Moral Support ExtenJled Mrs. Flora Foreman. At the Central Labdr (To iJiK last nigni moral sup lenuea to Airs. Flora Foreman th Columbia county school teacher,, "as and there is ' the resolu- we think her pause is jus' tL vital principle involved tion reads. Another resolution recommended by tne executive committee dorsement of "The Spirit. queror" moving picturle at the Sunset theatre, upon, the reebminendation of 40 memoers of different labor unions who had viewed it kslnte Thursday. It was reported ' to SiaV e been Con- demned by the official censors, but this was shown to have been a mis- apprehension. The executive comrpita ee asked ! for the abolition of the "board of control of the Labor Press, the official organ or the labor forces of Po tland, on the ground that the boaitd did not meet for' months together and therefore did not control. This was voted down, and the executive com fait tee instructed JLo call out the reserves of its powers and force a meeting oi thkt uncontroll able board of control. In reply to a letter rrorn the council to the state board of piiblio utilities alleging violation of law by the Port Power, corn- land Railway. Light Here's a SpIei Already Constructed for You New Bungalow 4 rooms, double constructed; foafeerheht, rooms laundry with electrio fix trays, complete turns and window phadea; near MtL Vabor car llrio; Valance $20 pr interest; 60x100 between K. 8 Sth J2000, J200 cash month, including lot. Eait vvasn and E. 90th St., Altamead district Or we will build your lot or one of ours. Guaranteed home.. Pay by the month. t.onsuBt our Architec tural and Construction depart ments. We of far a splenidiijl in vestment for yo&r - ...: The lugs or capitali Get information at bnce. NORTHWESTERN BANK BUILDING r tits 1 1 i " erangesi : ' . I - : - - h oranges are ta ifULAU aU. VMlVMeU R)) of , the exhibit. 'I tt '' ' 11 1 - '' - ' - " . . II1 illlll i i oi r fi A j ' . .i : J HI I ' Third nrl Cklc Strata, PnrHnnH O! 1 1. " 11 " " - ' ' " 1111,11 ' Service - 1 :4....-.c.i,im-i --.r n ir- - , III I fl ' I. r.. I I II .MB all s fMSMVMT-11 I- 7 and other cables ahd itwires, the sec -rek ary of the board istated that the matt er would be given -a j hearing at an date.: '- !.':!:' i: -" ' - I ly " A- complaint i that tlie state bos for tuberculos a Waa not giving Altai buf- ficient nor wiiblesjome food to tje pa tients was referred to the exec uRive committee " fur! investigation. I A telegraiW if rokn Attorney O enki ral G. M. Brown tb 1' II. Burchard dent of the Sltate federation of pifeh sl- Labor, declares that !"AIl! advice from thia of- fice is given ki state officials and not to steel or other private corpora tlottis." The telegram was in reply td a pro test filed byl the I State FederaMoif of Labor executive ebthmlttee under the misapprehersjoa that the atto rne ey general would 'assume to!; allow the for eight hour clause!! in the contracts the interstate bridge to bo mpdtf ied. tlfmal without bringing the mattef befbre tha courts.- i - - : ,- i ' .) ' " " I !i, ,; ' 1, ' L-;, .' 1 . i. Would Administer Williams Estate Butte, Mont., March 20. In h coin se quence of a Jurj' having declared fraud- ulent a .Will purporting to hak-e left the estate; of; Rachel IS. Willlaips val ued at 1;20,227, to Andrew J. Davis, president ;of khe tnist National ltnk. Public ; Administrator T. J. Ifarrjingr ton has filed"!a petition asking that he be appointed j administrator. Adminis trator Harrington asserts; by jreatfon of the will being adjudged invalid fltrs Williams "filecl intestate, as he can iinu no other will. I This is ; the latjest de velopment in j the Bensational WflUiiima will case In which the rights of lipro-. thy Alice! Williams, aged 16, of IWt land, were upheld;at'a second trial of the suit, wli ch already has been In the courts of for eight ydars, having been sent back for retrlapj by the supreme court dfter the inirtlon aire Butte, banker had obtained! a (ver dict In his jfavo at the first tjrial. Dorothy ''William:-is next of klfl o( Rachel William's and the only heif at law. The cafee again will be taken to the supreme court. Sentenced to Serye 180 Days in Prison George ! Gujbrandsen, a laborer. Was given 180 diys iri jail this.nior; ping by Aftiniclpal j Judge-" Stevenson hen the he pleadeld. guilty to a charge!; oj theft, of a suit, and the court also rected that ;he 'be examined iby grand Jury on a charge that he held up the F4 Wl Lutkemeier aalopn ai t 43 Lnlon avenue last Monday night THREE ARE SENTENCED "Zeb" Jtarhner, who pleaded sfiiilty to counterfeiting, was sentenced to seven years, and ft S. Stevens, whoi was convicted of rthe same . offense, was sentence to six years at j McNeil island penitentiary by Judgej;Rvdkin in United States district court this morning. I Robert Baker, arrested with Ilarshnerj ard Stevens, was given 10 days in Jaii for having had and, con cealed knowledge of a felony." "All three 'were Arrested at Marshfield by William iGlover, secret service agent, llarshneij tried to shield the othera. i Residence Robbed. '- Thieves "who entered the homn bf'll. i-eece , at ziH .- Occident street! yes terday afterjnoon took $35 in money A skeleton key was found on the Kitch en floor.; The money was stolen from a hiding place in a laundry sac Hotel Multnomah The Wednesday 'and Saturday dknees at Hotel Alultnomah will be discon tinued owing to the approach of ik-arrri weather. II. C BOWERS. (Adv.) - I Manager. Have You Ever Been I Asked to Give Bond ? .'In Ansijefing a' .'rnanl credit fori bond, we place lager limit upon him. if I he owns fii3 own home."' I rran e. smith. Pre, and Vtz. rrast; E. Smith Comninv T Oorbett BUL, Portland, Oregon. - ':"! I '- '!- ""-"-.! : r Oregon Home Buflders rj. pany in stringing: overhead trolley i r t- mm i I! I HEAVY WlfE KEEPS " N JUMP THE ENTIRE MORNING Six Alarms ml Dliffe rent Parts 1 1 rr uit 1 1 of City OccOr Up to -1 o'Clock; None Serious. The heavy wind; today Is keeping the fire bureau on the jump. Tp lo t o'clock this af teijnoon, nix fires had occurred. .- None was Serious, however. and in most casiss started from de- fectlve flues, and! sparka blown frota the chimneys' to jthe roof, The fhet fire started .shortly after 10 o'clock. and between 12 'and- 1 o'clock four alarms had been jretleived. The fires follow: Fourteen East Twenty-fourth street ' Burning flue, little! damage done. Five hundred alid three Mississippi avenue Burning flue, roof slightly damaged. East Eighth. and Hawthorn Dwell- ing, fire confined to I the roof, damage was ought. One hundred and hlne North Ninth street Roof fire, caught front burning flue. The blaze got iunder the. rafters and proved difficult for the firemen to. handle. Damage was mimll JviUiugsworth ji;nd Dwelling, slight! dajtnage to,, the rogf, rire caused by sparks from chimney lioou and 'UalneM utreets Slight fire in dwelling, caused ing. ' ' by defective wir- Otto Kleemann Has " T..i.L n.' .1. Otto Kleemann hltect, while pas.i- ing along tlie south ide of lOast Burti ird utreet, was y a falling steel for advertising and was slightly sHa tsreet, near! t struck on the brad ftanie being erecte purposes, yesterdiy, injured. . i WIF'E RECOVERS-NOTHING Katherine Koscloli-k yesterday lost her suit asainst the (Portland Itailway. Light & Power conufuny, in which the Bought to recover damage as the re sult of the fall of John Kosclolek. her ' husband, from his water wagon. She aeked for" $2n,o(J!il damages, alleging his death February 12, 1013, duo tu the collision of aj stlreetcar and a city waterwngon wliich liosciolek was driv ing at First and.Ankcny streets. ".lack" Maltliew h Serious? y HI. - Suffering froui! a IKeneral breakdown Walter F. Matthew, l.iUter known as Jack" Matthew. I 'seriously , ill at St. Vincent's hosidt il. Mr.. Matthews was for many years protuitiently iden- lif led in Oregon iitk-a, holding nu fflees, sinong thetn merous appolntiv e o deputy auditor. as: istaTit postmaster and United; States rkiarshal Rocks and stone buildings that are struck by ligjhtndig often are rrliity. magnetized by. e 1" arasf. fee Carrtf . LUttleil Monthlr Magazine ' rubUthed i 1 J UlIM US1IC :r just 10c l- VUI AT ALL NEWSTANDS .or Tid ti 10r; In tampa or pom lor twaipio copy TO ST08Y BOOK, CHIC ACQ if ?',,. it I The modeirn conception of a bank iw the "he that einpha i7.e the fp!irlt( bf friendlv In terest In thn progrews of; lt depoHitors. j This bnnk strlvea to enter heartily , 1 n t o this spirit of . co-operation and to a sMD re its depositorH of ome : thing more! in tlieir asaocia- tion here tha n a convenient way of taking car of money. The Northwestern National Bank - i i - - Sixth, and Morrison Sts. -I - w'X,x.':l'i:..? N. SOLOMON i ' -u, - j of - THE STANDARD JEWELRY STORE has removed td 331 Morrison St. Worthweiteru Bank J31df, 'i'lJT.rV'm ;",,' ;,"". - -i . i i . - 1 - Oregon Humane Society 67 Grand Are. K.J between Conch and Davis. Phones E.t 1423. B-2515. OPE If DAY AHD HIOHI, " Report njl cases of cruelty to thi effhe. Leitil clijunjyr for small anl itials. Horse n inhu ;ance for sick or uisauied anlinai at a inumont notice. FIREMEN eo 102 .'r 1 r .--'" m -C !; li '; , - ii It i - . I I IV i