i THE OREGON, DAILY JOURNAL, POTLANiy FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 19. i 1915.' M9 67 I M MEDIATE j LOAN8 t. ON ' DIAMONDS , - AT EAS J. i m .. .. Q - if 4ho finest retail V H ilil 1 c .1 w a jeweiry-sioi - . : partinent Js conducted in connection with-same, mKing umiiKM Oiiuv- signs, .designating - loan, business dls- ipiayea in rnwroi ow . j IcWhdise pledged is - held ' fora- period !OI- etII miwuiai.' " - - rr ccnd and Jiavfi Jfeen ft tabllshed since loan:eSUbllfhment;ithls city. Ia " . 324 Washington st. " ! , WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention ine juuiiim; MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewe eiry. i w, mitie . I a Din 11 e. ... liOAXS WANTED 80 HVANTED$500. 6 mdnth m 0 per. cent uncicnip - Uage on $2400 worth of personal prop-iSrtv- nronertv new. Would bo easy tn rnnvrf into cash. B-749, Journal. wAN T ED $ 2500 tor 3 to 6 years, i 7 per cent interest, no uiunc.6o, . bm. bearing property value 5000. ipnone xapor za. 15000 On Income Property. Moral r 1 vr 3f.ni K-389. Journal. bo borrow $100 on east side property; I lo rV iw r ,, V OlUC j-.-mV. ' 'I w " , t iFINAJVCIAi. 51 FIRST and second mortgages, also sel r I---' ii.r,ci in Contracts DUrchased. Oregon and Washington. H. E. Noble. ILiumbermens pjgs HELl WANTED MAL,E M. C. A, E MP LiO Yauin i UH.tr i,. Record for year 1314: ..j. alls for men J' Positions filled i ....... . . .1314 All young men seeking employment ire cordially invited to consult with the ' secretary of tne employment u- , partment. j I ! MAN and wife to take charge of farm; must understand orchard worn ana taising hogs. Give age and euperience i nd references of where you have worked for the Dast 0 years; state, inumber in family and Iwitges wanted. B-4 8 6, Journals L SINGLE man. clean milker, 10 cows; I noultrv. vesretables. gairden and lawii. po not apply without A-l referenced. K-386, Journal. WANT good real estate salesman. Se curity Development Co.. cor. of ,4th and Pine sts. t WANTED Tea and feoffee solicitor. Call before 9 a. m., ao Kairnon. ' liElil WAMKD illSU. 4U " Y. M. C. A, Automobile School ; ng, driving, selling and machine work, ncludlng forge, lathe, shaper. drill press, etc. ' Moderate .charges. Fair dealing and expert . training. i ijeiore enrolling eieewiier caii ai tU 0i.UW ltD 'V'. v epect our shop and methods.- Time un- iiniite'i. j . i DON'T pass this opportunity; investi- I cmta A little mnnw will filurt vml in the "business of the hour." Experir ence not necessary, waniea avian u bperate and. own his own bus; to those purchasing we will put: in a position Irt ofiriiro rf.ntraf't tiavinu aDDroximate- ly (15 a day. if you mean business, let us show you. . . ' pee- aire. HAXtt-s, o4 waanington bl PACIFIC AUTO & GAS ENGINE SCHOOL, i 266-268 11th st-, Portland, Ore. THE LITTLE. SCHOOL wher you obtain BIG RESULTS. - Call or write for' tfRtTTH ABOUT AUTO SCHOOLS. DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES. HAUFEEUKS are In j demand; we - Want sober. 'reliable men whom w an. recommend, for positiorts to. take uc course in automobile repairing ana riving. PRACTICE-. - BEATS TllEA RY and' our, eourse-or instruction is ' rt A I . L L UAL ALL I THL WAI Ihrdugh. L. & M. Autb Keprlr Co. $69 Hawthorn. I r'E have several openings for eatab- lishmtnt of independent mail order business : . energy, good habits andl lound Judgment more important than1 capital; spare time at. first; particulars: (ree,- Opportunities - Exchange, Buf-i (alo. N. Y. . EN tnd omen wanted to advertise anid bell our Bell's Peroxide Beauty; iVfim r -Wftji it i f i pj imminiiatelv: tOf I5u' weeklv ' easilv:. made. Write auic-k -or territory. Bell Brothers, 325 W.i 9th Bt.New xorK city. ; j Government wants clerks. Exam-j j inations -April -22. $70 month. Gam ble questions 'free. - Frankrln Instituto. Dept.' 347C; Rochester, N..Y.. ' MEN,, wonu-n wanted, government jobs, i . $63br to -$15 inbhta. - Writer, for list poqitions-now- otetaipable. ! Franalin In- BtUut. 4Jcitr,ainJ...R0cheSteE,-N. Y. Government, wants, clerks, $70 a j -ionth. -Per tland examinations April 2!2.:PaftleuIars free." Apply immediate ly. BX-906, Journal: ljF. B SAP! )DLK horses. 50c first hour. 25c t additional hours; English or stock COOK headquarters California Wine Depot, 291 Yamhill. Near 5th. NCALLED for tailor made suits $6.5u up. Taylor, the Tailor. 289 Burnslde. HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 WANTED Experienced skirt and waist help. 20d Columbia bldg. U1KL. wanted for light housework. 605 E. 48th st. N. ; WAN TED- Girl for light housework. sellwood , 678. i 11ELP WANTED MALE AND , MEN and women to leara the barber 1 trade, wages paid while learnine: tuition reduced, positions secured. The omy chain or scnoois m the world. Send for;free catalogue. Moler Barber College, H. 48 N. 2d st. regon oaruer woiiege win teacn yi tne traae in weeKs: scam and face massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed; pay wniie learning; tui tion reduced this term. 233 Madison. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, ineniion xne journal. BARBERS AND SUPPLIES 69 Berbers' Supplies MWE prices Kpr standard goods, call or write to dept. 6, - Clarke-Woodward Drug Co.. wooaiark Blag.. Aider at West Park, Portland, Or. Elevator to -5th floor. LksT your shop with us. We bring !buvr an? seller tocthir. Pnrtlan.i -Cutlery & Barber Supply Co.. 86 6th st. LEWIS-STENGER Barbers' Supply CoT Morrison and 10th. .Oldest and most reliable house on the coast. That's all SITUATIONS MALE - Skilled Carpenters n short notice. Call Mar. 765. PIG and clean wells and cessDools. IWork .promptly done, i Good refer- ence. Box 6. Oswego. r STEADY, Ichauffe sih.au i, rennea, single man as bhauffeur or in garage. Neither chiew, smoke nor drink. S430, Journal. KALSOMINING, rooms $l up; painting, toaperhanging, whitewashing. Will. Mfetn 2529. I vjORK wanted in garage or. machine hop,. , .mechanically i experienced; wages no object. Woodlawn 1849. w a niku position as moving picture operator, jviarsnaii . bj PAPERING, painting and jkalsomlnlng. an laoor oioo ' SITUATIONS FEMALE 4 B JT stenographer, bookkeeper; general .experience?-10 years lumber.. V-631, Jotirnal. - r : . j GERMAN lady wants day work. Call Ynbnr 4508. - i WOMAN wants day work. Phone iln Zi43. ...MONEY TO IXAN CHATTELS.' SAL.A1UJSS - f Continued) .-,.., .J , . SITUATIONS FE3IAUS (Contlnaod) I REFINED girl -wishes - position as and! bookkeeper, expe- stenographer nencea: srood recommendations. Call jiwarsnaii 707 Miss Bennett. !!- - - ' - HIGH school girl -wants work in pri- vate ; f ami wages; best lor i board ana email Of : references furnished: must Be on west side. 0-41 1. Journal. EXPERIEN'QED German girl wishes place to do housework. Sellwood 1307. 4- EXPERIENCED woman In poufcework .wisnes two 879, evenings more days a wbek. ' xabor WANT ED Care of rooming onte. B-909, house or Journal hou se wor k at CURTAINS laundered at home. Main 9130, QIRL wishes position at housework. caur tabor 3282. ! WAN SNTEr TED Work by hour day: re- 1 liable reference. Phone East 2065. TYPIST would Ilk tion. CaHA-3419.T temporary posl- DKESSL4.KINO 40 FIRST class dresamaking. tailoring. I! alterations, :1496. ' worK guaran teed. Tabor DKESailAKING aid plain j sewing. t reasonaoie. Mrs. Hogan. East 6710. Ask for FURNISHED ROOMS ANSONlAt HOTEL.J I 124 14thi st., cor. Washiiton. Most desirable location,! i strictly modern, private baths, phones ;in every room, $3 week up. Ratas to 'tourists. Main 1443. J YOUNG mein may consult j without charge register of furnished rooms at Y. . M. C. A., listing several Hundred in all parts of the city, also those in the Association building. i Madras Hotel 8iu& rooms, $2.50 up. By day 50c, 75c, 1; cor. 12th and Washington sts. WANTED i Room! mate to i reduce J rooming expense. FlreDr6of build ing, shower bteuhs, individual peids. Call or address Y M. C. A. business oince. t-. . i r - i 1 f . i - . I " "i - ( . 1 t ln. a HC under new management, de9rable & room apts., het-t, liight, bath', phones, centrally located; rates reasbnable. HOTEL. CEUIU 270 A 4th st.i corner Jefferson, across! from city hall; modern in etery respect. Rates $2.50 per week anq up. A QUIET PLACE' FOR QUIE Jli East Morrison st near Cleanliness ajnd comitort THE I ALBION HOTiL. 212 3d and Salmon, i Rooms $1.J75 week up; stjeain heat, hot and col water; free bath, phone. DON'T WASTE MONlY. If you wajnt a cleaner, better room for less moijey, go ' to Hotel Amsdon, 268 3d St., cor. Jefferson. I MAAWKLL iHALLj residential hotel, 207 14th t., rooms single or en suite; modern, rates reasonable; in the heart of' business district- ' OUTiSlE. CORNER RLOM. $2.75; other outside roomsj $2.50; In side room, 3 1.7 5 week: brick, steam heat" free phone and, bath. 283 13th st. SAVON HO'ifEL, 131 11th stJ Close to theatre and shopping district; every thing modern. Katies $2.50 !toi $3 per week; transient, 6oc, 75c andl $1. BUSHMARKj HOTEL Modern rooms, $1.50 per iji'eek up; walking distance. tba vv asnirigion. HOTEL ARTHUR. 11th near Morrison. Transient and permanent, rooms with all modern conveniences. $17j50 too, up. READ HOTEL, just opened, j every thing new; rates 3 per week iup. 208 4th st. I j ! '! Tourist Hotel, 1st I and Mor.. modern front rooms, $3.50 up; others $2.50 up; trap. 50jc up.; tran. trade j sol. Nicely furni$hed A D RATT 'V 228 Wash.) st. ApDUl I 11.50 Wk. up. up. RUOMS and! apartments in modern no te!, $2.50 week and up. 4o5! Alder. C .V WV. ii.tJi oilman warm' mniirri fur rooms, central. 'Tie Kingj 30;9 Jeff. WHEN youfanswe these VVant Ada, iti t In ri 'FVia .Innrnal i rtTRNISHED ROOMS 1 WEST SIDE PRIVATE PAMXI.T 70 ROOM, north of Jefterson on Broad painted, , exclu or pro- way, newly papered an d connected with bath and hiall sive. small family i busin ess fessional man desired, who! n ! a j .- n ii , r o j o can give Journal. TWO beautiful froijit rooms, furnished in leather furniture, piano, tewing arhin Kl4frtintr norch. two! beds. fireplace, fuTnace, hot watef, laundry, electricity. jJard. 123 N. 23d; i FRONT room, pleasant and comfort -able, very I reasonable. 268 12th st- ROO1S AND BOARD' i 15 PARKVIEW HOTEL. 386 Montgomery st. at West Park) Family hotel; all modern conveniences; rates for regular and transierit guests. I ' The ManitouL 261 l$th St. Select fam ily boarding hou;ie. Modern conven iences, walking distance, home cooking. reasonable rtttes. Main 118, THE HAZEIL, cor. 3d and Montgomery. Fine furnished rooms and! board, $5 up; steam .heat. hot baths: tree phone. NICE large ttiry rooms, home cooking. Casa Rosaj, 300 Jefferson, j j BOOMS ADTX BOABO T PEOPLE uralnd ave. to per wk. up. PRIYATBTAMIY 1 73 WALNUT PARK jFine modern i home, large rooriis. with doors,: windows, large closets;, goodi table boiard, piano and phonograph; jnice sleeping tents under the fiij trees.jclose to 2 car1 lines, restricted neighborhood. Wdln. B025. NICE; room 'for quSet gentleman, in modern private hjme. Alameda! Park; breakfast if desired. AVoodlawnj 1678. FRONT room, goold board, i $18, $20. Marshall 2,506. jS6 N. 18th st LADY wants! child to care fpr at own home. 519j Guild ave. 332 10th st. Modern. M. 6979. A-2865.. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 WESTj SIDE J.jl. ly furnished, stfcam heat, running cot ana cona water, pnone in 'every room; 7 blocks from 5th and Morrison sts.; $12 and up. ! 291 Columbia St., cornpr btn stl i BUSHMARKfllOTEL Modern keeping rooms, gas, heat and reasonable, ivalking distance. Washington st. i j ' ouse- ph one. 565 1 AND 2 roojm H. K. suites, ; $8 to $12 uiuiiin. Bieam neat. 243 N.l-ivtn st.. corner jviarsnaii. Marshall 4?43. DEL MONTE, H. K. apartments; $2 up; 20th and Morrison sts. Phone lviarsnail 44b4. "SOUTHERN," 647 1st Furnished jn.. jv. aunes, i. of) to tz.ao week. GILMAN hotel, 1st and Alder. Fur- nished H.-K. rms.. 'cheap. $1:60 wk. up. Cambridge bldga furnished U. K. rooms, central, cheap? 165 3d. cor. Mor'n. ROYCREST, 175 12th 1. 2 and 3! room II. R. suites. All conveniences. GiM APTS.,! 1, 2, 3 room suites free bath, phone; $1 Wk. up. 401 1st st. WEST SIDE PRIVATE FAMILY 73 Three f ront J rooms, beautifully fur msbed, leather furniture, ciano. sew ing machine, sleeping porch, Itwoi beds. ;cs"'a' cnen, not - waterj furnace firiV i cv"'jfLy. iawo-ry, range, J yard. ii, xticiuaue. iza IS Z3fl. une 6 room suite.! one 2 room third very XlOOr. modern .lutrn ii.vi.j 1. """ i arge parior suite, :V-F-k distance. 67 . N. 20th st. MaifshaU AT 887 Mill tj 9 r o pleasant rJ?s' f u r.n,!sJe3. or unfurnished, suitable for light j housekeeping? free reasonable.! 149! 13th, 361 - Taylor: ! suites anH cinJi v,,, e he tta8-... hU phone. BASEMENT. II. KL rooms. JS.tp; nor. month light, clean, pleasant fnr man. 594 E ereiisi, cor. 19th, 2 ROOM su te; well furnished; $2.50 week. 4QSj 48 1 1 t i EAST SIDS S1.60 TO 12,75 week, furnished H. K. rooms, gas free heat, laundry J bath. Phone East 6039. 406 Vincouvelr-ave. WHEN you answer these Want Ada. mention Tlw journal. HOTTSEKEEFUrr BOOKS EAST I STDZ3 PRIVATE PAMUT 74 THREE i very nicely furnished iouse . keeping rooms with bath; pjrivate nome; nice lawn; walking '.distance. aouiw. ,c-zoiz. TWO i and 'Si furnlshedihou sekeeping rooifas, lights, water, phond and : bath; 430 Williams ave.J near jtsroaa- way. pnone jEaet 494, BEAUTlFULi 10 room stone resid corner Holladay and Seventh: hand-j fire-f some I grounds and shrubbery, 3 places!, furnace, fireproof garage minutes' walk from p. o.Ji dkch from car. I Inquire executive office North Pacific College. Pnone iast 74 or C-2258. i ! FOR RENT i ' Neat, clean 6 room - house M5it side: near 20 th and Sal mon: 1 f in heiKhborhoodi gas, bath, floweis and fruit. J16.50 East 2120 6 AND 6 room cottagea, clean and rhfri r tn th ri-ht Derson. Ciall at 591 Miiiwaukie st., near Powell. Phone Sellwood 1146. " I 7 ROOM i house, 262 21st st-, near Washington, modern improvejcents; suitable for 1 small rooming house. Phone! East 509, Tabor 25j43. $14 New! 5 room bungajiow, mjodern, -garden spot, 100 feet noirth of Mount Scott jcar.i Key 6829 82d 1st., corner of UJLII HVC IUC. 1 AUU1L. pwi -w EIGHiT roomed house, acte of barri. chicken house, 411 ! ground. kinds ,of fruit .ndl berries. E. 39'th st. 27. Collins. ! Main i 12 ROOMS $1 Close irt, east side. lOOjxlOO; djlvlded into 3! apts. Fred W. Geifman Chamber f Commerce. . Cp $6.50 -5 and . 4 room cottage, walking . .i.i i i i . . i ' - t A yage, iEasit 44 t. idODERNl 8 room house, on Nob Hill, $35. Partly furnished 6 room house on E. 21stL, $15. Main 67192. 112.504 Modern 5 room cottage, garden. shade, desirable. Woodstock. 1 Sell wood 1335;. ) I FIVEFroom 'cottage; electric gas.i full pllumbing, basement; lights. Dutch kitchen; $10. Tabor vas. 7 ROOM house. 382 45th N.. Ho City Park addition; all modern im iprove- mentsJ : phonie East 69, Tabor 543. FOUR rooms. closet, pantry. Iwater, easi furnished or unf urnished. 412 Vancouver ave ' FIVE i room house, bath, icementl base ment. 3 blocks from union ave. car; $10 month. ' 313 Chamber Of Commerce. $8 Good house, big garden, henjhouse. wood hoist, bath. Dutch kitchen. Phone; B-2832: Sellwood 1469 $15 room i house, fruit and gas land electricity, neajr car. nights' or mornings, East 12020. roses. Phone FOR attractive houses i'to rent use Clar'k Rental Service. 2d flooif Title & Trust bldg. MODfiRN 6 room cottage,! cheap J. D. Morris, aiainoe, a-4jdj.. 7 ROOMS, iclose in, east side, $ ter 'included. Phone "East 61 E; wa ll. 5 ROOM cottage, 670 Taggert W. V. car.! Marshall 4317 st., $10. WHEN you janswer these W'an t Ads. mention The Journal. ' MODERN house. Ladd add E. 725. FURNITURE FOR SALE 32 i HOUSES FOR RENT ADS of furniture for sale are pub- llshedlntho Household Goods flcaticim when house is not for blassi- tent. FURNISHED HOUSES 36 FOR RENT-4-Cheap. 4 room furl fiished o unfurnished bungalow in good good part Of town with nice garaen nlace ifor chickens, only $8 mont tjh. See owner! at place. 4719 61s 1st. S. K 8 ROOMS, IfUrnished; suitable fjr res-car-140. barns' rent! $16. Phone Sellwodd T - i: ) L I.1 1; ! lhiuA,. ror-fr nf in i .rin -fur, corner Stantpn. j $17 FIVE (room furnished bouse, ex cept dishles and bedding. 188 East 45th, 'near Belmont. j NICELY fvirnishel 6 room houe, 1 blocks f nam car. Wrpodstock add. Marshall 4?9, FIVE! room furnished- cottage. water. E. 401. eya E. JMorrison. WHEN you! janswer tbese Want Ads. mention The Journal. j ! APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED t TtiE LUZERNE. 2 rdom furnished apts., 1 private bath. pi-.one, dressing room, targe all outside Irooms: modern, t kitchen; brick $10 and minutes from business center; Jr'O Marshall 4637 THE iCODY!,! Cor. E. 7th and Taylor sts.j has been remodelea with pri vate baths, hew furniture and carpets. The cleanest flouse In the city, 2 and 3 rooms; liight and phone freej; rent very reasonable. Call East 44. VltiLA ST. CLARA. 12 th and Tavlor: Modern, completely furnished pta. Walking ! distance. Kei erences. THE j ORLAN "DO, corner 20thj and ! Wash, sts very desirable, elegantly furnished 2 rooms! apts., ropm apts:. $2a to $28; 3 $30 to S42.i0L Every mod ern convem ence. References. Mar. 184. THE NEW WESTMINSTER APTS Corner er . 6th and Madison, modern 4 room f urn istoed 1 or unturnisneq; best of service; all Outside location, best rooms, cor. pt. THE IRIdi APTS. 3d aind Mill St. JULIETTE UfVPTS. 2d and Moidtgom- erv.i ModArn 2. 3 Ann 4 room a nts.. rurnished of unfurnished, $17 jmonth up. No charge for cooking gas. CLAKETON Nicely fd -nished apartments, in eluding hea ;, water, phone arid jan- nor service summer rates. 800 E. Ankeny Phb ne East 5721 MELCLIFFE COUBT. Eas lltU and Morrison, opposite East Side Public Library;' walking dls tance;!2 and!3 rooms; modern in every way: nates reasonable. BALBOA APTS.. 429 Harrisonj, near ltn; new. (extra large I room apts.. strictly modern, completely furms hed. reasonable rates, free phone, good serv- ice. jaarsnaiu zuu. - i THE SHEFFIELD 27i Broadway, south, 3 and 4 rooms, weir, arranged. easy warning distance, at very rea sonable rents best of servjee. A. 2600, THE MORTON, cor. King and Wash.. new man Kf; 3 and 4 rooms, fur. and unfur.i apts.J reasonable tent. I phone In aptk Main 1082J A-574 i 1.,. 1 i Pacific ROSEN F1SLDJ I 14thf and East Stark. ' Furnished and unfurnished acts. rtent reasonaDie; wanting distance. PENIN SULAi APTS.. concrete bildg and baths, 1170. 3 rooms, hot and! coid Dt and cold phone, $K 2 water. steam! heat. C- AMERICAN-MARLBORO UGH. Highest class apts. in the city, 4, 5 ana looms waiting distance, reason able. Mar. 8360. Main 7516. A-2675 r. THE DEZENDORF. 20$ 1STH ST. Marshall 28 6. Exceptionally nice room and unfurnished apt. furnished DOWNTOWN modern apts.. f unfur., $1$ mo. up. Inoiudlngi ur. or light, Mor- heat. etc. Royal Annex! 350 rison. j ' I . THE PALACE APARTMENiTS. East) 37th iand Market; 14 rooms fur- nished; private bath, phone, etc. TWO i room apts.. newly furnished. reasonable rent. Sawyers Apts., 82 N. 10th. ' At238 THE IORMOND1C Modern 4 and 6 room apartments. ; 656 iFlanders St.. Nob Hill.- Jatn MEREPITHh-3 & rm. apts., reason- able.' 712 Washington, opp. 22d. M.7134 -i i APTS. 3 ni. Pta(. with conveniences. East 3566. 11 modern Ardmav Terrace. . S95 lZth st Large 2 room fur. apts. Mrs. John Cran. mgr. HOUSEKEEPING JlOOS: FOU KENT nOUSfcS 13 APARTMENTS I 3 FURNISHED A ND UNFURNISHED CCoatlsTied) - -t f 1 T HANTHORN APARTMENTS.! 251 12th stv 2 room apartments. . modern in every respect; furniture' absolutely new;' each apartment bas private bal cony; unfurnished apartments -thoroughly renovated, spick and span, like new; walking distance. DRICKSTON 448 11th su; modern 12, 3 room fur, apts.. $20 to $30; walking , fiistane; excellent- service. Mar. 57j. FOR RENT FLATS 13 LOWER, toodern 5 room flat. 163 E. 17th st-. $16. Near Belmont St. Marshall 4317. , LINNTON road, Gasco station, roo! nv flats, $10. including watexl. M. Puffy. Main 570. : $16 New. modern, 5 room, fumade, - fireplace, linoleum in uutcn Kitcnen, gas range, neater. Key 840: la AnKeny, MODERN 6 room, lower open! air flalt; walking distance. E. 2173.1 E. 3737. IdUucKiH 4 and ti roomsj near City park, reaaonable. M. 8988 o A-2676. MODERN 4 room lower flatj- Inquire 628 Williams ave. Phone H. 1977. FURNISHED FLATS SO ONLY $18 Well furnished frst flopr flat, four large rooms, clean, well lighted, gas, bath, large! basement; two carllnes; best Jitney teeirvlce Jn city. 772 E. Taylor. Phone East 6260. FOUR room furnished flat, free heat, phone and water. Woodlawn 4001. STOR AND OFFICFS i 1 BRICK warehouse In South Portland for rent, trackage, light 4nd airy. On paved street, reasonable. Journal Publishing Co.. Broadway and Yamhill. WHEN you auswer mese Wlaai Ada. mention The Journal M I - WANTED TO RENT 17 WANTED Furnished or unfurnished 4 or 5 room modern housed Y-231, Journal. ' 1 WANTED 3 or' 4 room modern cqt tage. near pavement. Tabdr 6148.1 HOIiSES VEJICLES,! ETC. is THE UNION TRANSFER COS.. at 11th .at Hoyt sts,, have several mares and horses, wagons and some harness that they will sell very cheap. M Team bay mares, 3200 lbs.J 5 and 6 years old, sound and true, gentle. Team bay mares, 2980 Ibis., are 8 years old, sound and true. Team seal brown geldings, (2900 lbs., full brothers, 6 and 7 years, ojd. Team blacks, horse and mare, gen tie, young and good workers, I 2700 lbs Team matched sorrel mares, 2850 lbs., are both proven brood mares; young. j I Team matched creams, sound and young; 900 lbs. each. M Team blocky mares - harness and farm wagon, idl for $225. i j Three farm wagons, narrow and wide tires, two laundry wajgons and one top camel back, express wagon; your choice cheap. ! j All mares and horses will be hitched, tried and tested and delivered free Ito any boat or freight yard; feed three days free. UNION TRANSFER STA- BUia, iitn at' rioyt. HAVE on hand 65 head of horses, con sisting 'of 1300-lb. farm! chunks, mares with foal, wagon and delivery horses. The following are some Tof tne prices: Span of 1400-lb. mares, sound and free of blemishes, both with foal 'to imported horse, $175. j ! Span of seal browns, mare jand geld ing, 5 and 6 years old, sound 'and trjie. weighing 2600. $250. I ' I Span of blacks. . mare and gelding. weighing 2800 lbs., t ana -8 years osia, sound, true, and free of blemishes, $300. 295 Davis st.. cor, otn. HORSES AND MARES. I If you are looking for some go$df cliunky young mares, eound' land trijie, good workers and good pulljers, with or without foal, or some equSally good farm horses, chunky built, sjound and good workers, only a little stireet sote, come and see FRAZIER & M CLEAN, cor. 5th and Taylor, Portland's oldest ana most reiiaoie norao ueaiers. Boarders Wanteld Now that we have got the Rose City stables in shape, we are readv to to handle about 20 head of Worses boara; w also will rent a ijew s tall s reasonabiiv v niiamson & jtion. Alder st. ' - ' j aiction sale. ! ' 5 05 Of horses, vehicles and harness 1st Columbia stables, 302 Front, every Thursday at 2 p. m. We sell on com mission. . Satisfaction guaranteed both buyer and seller. If you want to sell, brinaf your horses to our auction. lf yourwant to buy, attend this sale. ! LEASED place, have team mares, blocky built, weight 2400, right out of work ,in good condition, price $165. including good harness. Take Oregon City car to Arlington station'; come to wagon bridge, cross, turn to left, first house. . j SPAN mares, weigh 2400, price $175. Span mares, weigh, 2600, $175. Four 1200-lb. horses, ' $75 each. Oine colt, weight 1400. Harness andl) wagons cheap for cash. : Noland Transfer Sfca bles. E. Irving and Union avA ' Notice Horses, Mares I All kinds, Madison Stables;! foot iof Madison st-, on approach of bridge, west side. 1 ! ! PAIR mares, weight 2800, double work harness, sound, good workers, $275; pair horses, weight 3000, and jiew har ness, $300; free trial. Star Barn, 308 Front st. . j j FOR SALE 5 or 6 good work teams and harness; weigh fromj 1200 ito 1600 lbs.; prices right. 453 Goldsmith St., Alblna Fuel Co. stables, f, . ! FOR SALE 1 bay horse, 4 years Old, sound and broke single aha double, for $125, or willjtrade for cat We, byjC. A. Butcher. Phone Tabor 4739;. j TEAM weighing 2400, harness aind farm wagon-, for $100. Bay maire, 1000 lbs, harness and spring" wagon, $50. at 81 E. 11th st. T SALE,-trade, team, age 6, weijght 33D0. sound, true," for good teamfi perfect, weight 2800. 186 E. 6th. Phoiie Wood- lawn 87. 1 . ! GOOD, gentle family or ranah majre, with harness and buggy, . all $65. Sellwood car to, Insley ave. Inquire house No. 781. ; , i DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. ' I ! WANTED Team not less than 2400, harness and wagon. Pay .$p0. Ad- dress Frank' Bagley, Vancouver, Wa 12 HEAD of good farm horjses aind price. 267 E. 8th St. DEAD horses and cattle taken free. Call day or night. Tabor 4203. I HORSES for sale, all kindsj! Apply s. Hi. cor. 'ietn ana Kaieign.: tvi. 6640. WHEN you answer these Wynt Ads, mention The Journal. 1 1 LIVESTOCK 33 BARGAIN. II 8 heifers. 1 Durham bull, yearlings and past; if taken the lot afcl$22 per head. Phone 899-R. J. Schmadder. 39th and V sts.. near; carbarns. Vancouver, Wash. ii .1 AUCTION SALE4 WOODLAND,! WASH. March 26: - 45; cows, 25 fresh; 93! 1 and 2-year-old heifers, mostly Hbl steln; 6 yearling grade, Holstein bulls; 2 large teams, etc. W. S. Wood, auc tioneer. i - l ! I 25 HEAD first class mlik cckws, 1S high grade Jerseys, 3 to 5 gallons per day; 10 large Durhams, 4'Nio 6 gal lons. Take Woodstock car to 60th aye waiK a DiocKS west, x norm. ssmwsr! firut plana fresh cowaif- .lernev and Jersey-Durham; 1 ; exitra fine 1 Jersey with heifer calf, will exchange for beet- 1480 : Macadam, st-jj Fulton car, root or laano. . 1 1 , - j FOR SALE, some fine DurOc bropd sows; may consider horses Sn trade. X-63-. Journal. 1 I ! fASTUKti ior BIOCK, Wira (tWU, CiOBB ' in. W. W. Smith. R. No. 11 Clacka-j mas. Or. " ' ' - 11 -. I I FOR SALE ' Guernsey-Holsifcein cow -.and calf, fresh 5 weeks, 3 gaL aind better. Phone Milwaukie 85-W. j COMB and see us about all breeds ' dairy cows. Geo. R. Mokel Cow Oo eoi commercial diock. juain-oizu. POULTRY! AND I PIGEONS 37 AT STUD. erniu Newell Rufusi Red Belgian buck. Btour ResH s tin eel of noted Stour strain, 1. im- ii.so. wln $1.60. port ed from England 1914. - Feel New sw Zealand buck, Goia iJoliar, ner or 6 firsts ilftis season, ree frs BA RRED ROCK cockerels. $5: O. A. C Whitri Orpington cockerels, i'$2.50. ! Leave Eggs for setting. $1.50 ana z ord era tnti haliT chicks. 1 Williams Poii ltry Farm. 5617 73d st. B. E Port- land, Oregon. I. OreiroTi WH bab y chix; heavy I4yl ying stock;! March delivery $9.50 safe per iuu; April. s. wi Ruarantee dell lurd very. The Pioneer Hatchery Peta- a. Cal. PIG EON sleamlcss bands made to or- d er; laitee number. berl color bands; ! prompt. deliver factory prices! Orc- SOM Craneau flo' Box Z79, Pdr tland. raqne labor 483 FOR SALE 90 thoroughbred Golden Huff Lefhorris. cood la vine- strain: 100 fawn land I white I Indian Runner ducks. WbodlaVn 2513. 327 Fremont. SIllVKR rnmnihoa tnnk first and sec- ohd brizes and silver' cud: strong babjy chickta 206 each, ' eggs $1. BO set- ting. 743 E. 10th st.. Sellwood par. SEATING Gulden eggs from bur trap nested uff and White Leghorn a; splendid lay ers $1 per 15. Fre- mo nt st. Woodlawn 251V. CYPHERS strain White Leghorns. Heavy 1 averst Onlv SI for setting. NO. Wa 5 vvasnmirn iarm, Kenhewick. feh FOR SALE Thoroughbred islngle- corned White Leerhorn eees. 91 for it. 10 w. Simpson st. SINGLE eombi White Minorca eggs for setting. $1.50 for 12. E. Ander- soni & Co.J 8 19 1 Mississippi 'ave INDIAN 'Riunner duck eggs for settlng. 7$c for 15, guaranteed. Call Wood- lawn 1416. B. R. ROOSTERS, eggs $1 e Irtlng. Bjoyce, 5i630 44th Btj Sellwood 1335. WHITE Leghorn laying pullets. $1 each. 1 37 Burrage. Wdln 937. COMMON fclffeons wanted: state price. 630, J purnai. ! WH EN yqn aniswer these Want Ada, mention The) Journal. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PIJT8 48 WANTED4 Fox , terrier pup; cheap. 5C-633,' Journal. must be 3ei AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 PORTABLE GARAGES AND HOUSES Built of best ma e rials, ar- tistiio designs. Erected comple lock; and key. $32 up. Portable ouses. 12 UD mm ediate deliverv. TAKE DOWN MFG. CO. Foot of Hirrl son St. Phone Main 1187. GUARANTEED USED CARS EASY PAYMENTS. ON LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. I3MVESTIGA TE OUR BARGAINS. J. W. ELEAVITT & COMPANY. USED! CAR DEPARTMENT. B27 WASHINGTON STREET. Trucks TERMS GIVEN. REP 2 ton, iin A-l ! condltiori. With; j t large Van poay. FEDERAIl 1 ton. with body and top, Nearly new No rthW est Auto Cd BROAD WAY AND COUCH STS. (A-4959 Ma n 8887 DON'T pais thfs opportunity; invest! gate. Ai little money will t start you In tne busine ess or the hour." Kxperi encb not ecesfeary. Wanted- Man tof op ei-ate and own his own bus; those puiichasi n 8 we win put in a position! to ly Secure contract paying approximates cont day. xa a If you mean businessJ let us show yon. See! MR HAYES. 694 Washington StJ FEPERAJi 1 e ton truck. . was guarann teed by Federal agents for 1 tens,! Ha body and curtains. This truck is! now being overhauled and will serve you like aJ new one. Write or call on us des for fuilth er information. Terms ifi red Address Mr. i Gilbert. ure on Motor Uar Uo Chapman nd Alder sts. Malh 9403J - ON to D. U 4 Bosh magneto wi th wir- irt g and cu tout switch, compl te $35, Qne E. Prestd light tank, $10. ;ne model N, xi uru, engine, in good shalpe, $50 a ne w ihton windshield. 42 ins , 16. IQn e good etojaee batterv. 86. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. iz Lownsqaie st. Alain 1161. REO true :. 15$ 0 pounds, bought last May frn n C. and e $3 L. Boss, used very 11 t-i see it' or write us at tie. Come one Pri 50 terms. Address Mr Gilbert. Oregon Motor Car Cb Chal pman nd Alder ets Mai h 9402, LATE model Winton Six, self starter,, electric lignted. ruiiv equipped. warner speeaotneter, new top a hd new: seat covers, thoroughly ove auled;! will take light bar! or roadster as first pajyiment. Liberal terms on balance. Call Main 4244. 191 it us 0 pa qs. OV eriand.i good tires, elec-4 See! lc 11 sated an a in good sharie. for pr ices ana demonstration very lipei ral terms. WIN TON MOTOR CAR CO, 23 d and Washington sts. FEDERAL 1 tons; for sal nice: body, truck in good order, Se this; bef re yoa buy! will give dembnstra- tiOri ; term s given to responsib e par- ties! ; will makel good jitney ca.4. AQ-! dr Z-81 9. Journal. IMPROVED FiORTABLE GARAGE, 1 xl6. pest is. erectied on you lot complete, $3 up. - Any other s s you B. want at prices that can t be beat T. ALLYN. Garage Special-! 1st, 1191 B. Salfhon stJ ialfho EGor Tabor 1 OREGON VULCANIZING CO, ' The Tire Shon." 650 Washington st., ait 18th! TIRES I Aiarsnail 39. BEST TIRE REPAIRING, Tradte new tires for old! ones. 153 i0 Stea rns, 5 passi fh good jcondl ti and tipn. This ms is a targe, roomy car; is idei eal f 1 rori Jitney worn. j WINTON INI 23d ON MOIOK CAR CO, and Washington ets, Bargains in used autos. Large stock. Iprlces' $300 to $750. ORiSUOlN MOTOR CAR CO. I Studebaker i Bldg. Corner Chapman and Alder Written guar- ante with every 1 26 N. 1 pring.it btn st. CARTERCiAR for sale or trade would 1267; consider a Fotd.i Tabor 2476, E. !Y amhil ON ifi ton Reo truck in fine condition,. $ qoo foi- quick sale.. - Phone! Sell- food 1961 FOR SALP Au to truck and 7 passen- gar touring car. some cash, and terms, bum Journal bldg. Mairi 3221 AJT0 SPRINGS f ilADE AND RE-! PAIRED. Fraikk Lari ge, -2 28 Salmon. Maih 181. FIVE passenger 1911 Reo, in good!' Tabori! running 3429. condition; 1 io trade. TWO autbfmobili oil limps wanted for caish. CH533. Journal FIV E pas Maxwell jn A-l condition. 3 cash Mar. 3083. SMALL cottage or vacant lot for late model 311 Allsky jbldg. 19131 Overland, $500. 1 ' Will consider Ford m trade), R-243, Journal, HIGHEST prices paid for old rubber, . Levje. 186 Columbia. M. 6198 me tails. EXPERT charges. auto J. J. 1 . lift , l Zimmer. 123 N reasonable 6th st. W HEN YOU an wer these Want Ads. mention Tn Journal. te. P AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES . 44 - COontiniied) ! w . Used ; Auto SnaDS FREE SERVICE GIVEN ON ALP - USCiU AI3, T- following list of we orrer you. tn CHALMERS, 30 if, P.. 5 passenger. tJULiK. 30 li- Jf 1 passenger. . passenger. ; - - If. P., sfi pass. INTERSTATE. 40 - STUDKBAKER, 4 MICHIGAN. 33 H.Tp.. 5 pass.; i TIT T T On T T : TT C . w H. P.J 5 pass. UTTDD on TJ- I'D R. C. fa.. 25 h; p. r. j. 11.. so It. lr.i o iH.eiisei;. , Ths fara huv Mon wprrha,uld arid 5 passenger. are all in good condition.. Prices! rang ing from S3 SO 11 n Northwest Auto Co, BroaDwAy; And couch; Main 8887. i A-4959, RECOVERING auti Auto painting. $20 tops, up; all S18.&0 up. fworkjguar- anteed. United Painting Auto Top jo.,; istn and Washi ngtonj Mars. 945. ! AUTOMOIjIl4 WANTED 79 FOR TRADE My 82000. eaultv BY OWNER.! an 6 room nnoaern house, bal. $500 easy payments; dik. irom canine;, tjo stock n suburbs. FORDS FORDls Two very good cars. 170 Union wont and Yamhill. trade , .for grocery K -391. 'Journal ' - FODRS FORDS bargains in! used ave.. between Bel- Fred Lister. WANT a bargain in car for cash; give run description and lowest price In first letter. B-T47. Journal. . WILL PAY 1YOU CASH . For your old 4-dylinder car. f Bel mont Garage. E,i 23 and Morrison st. FORD wanted. 1 Giy e particulars for cash. Address Gresham. Or. route 3, box 50, 1-3 ACRE, eastt of Montavilla.i want roadster or lignt or take difference. klelivery carj give N-zo&, Journal. WILL trade 160acite for automobilel V farm in ; Alberta. foodlawn 232. MOTORCYCLES-BICYCLES 5.5 pnpp MotordJ 1 l casn or clies and Bitycles, ins tallments New and used.- Sjuppli es and re pMring. r . f. KKENAN (CO., 190 4th t. - WANTED Twin! n otorcyCle for $76 cash. N-823. Journal. TWIN Merkel lrigbod condition, $70. t3t hj. couch St. LAUNCHES AND BOAT 04 EVINRUD: Detachable1 Row- boat Motors for rowboats. torboats and fish- ln use !by over 15 governments. The Evinrude is world fkmous for remark- speed and! won derful waterproof magneto built witip liywneeL in use by U. S. war uepartment. handling 30-ft. pointbons. Over 4000 in use in coiumma! rver Alaska and USC 111 .UlUUlUia 1 1 V- , AAAjnOf . " '- Scandinavian fishinfe fleets. A j motor you can carry by hand will give as much speed, as average 6 ! horsepower motorboat, and the brice of $58 ito $83 is so low anyone can own a motorboat New special model 6-passenger! boats as low as $80. Free catalogue; address 186 Morrison. Evlnrude Motor Co PIANOS, ORGANS! AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 $285 buys brand! new 88 note player piano, latest improvements, uerma. HOLT PIANO OOAli-AI X, 3S3 Morrison street. Northwestern Bank Blocks VICTOR phonograph, concert! size. brass horn: cost $100; I 160 choic records; $40. B-638 Journal. $145 buys upright tion: guaranteed): piano. ! f inei . oondi- terms. 1 " E. H. HOLT PI AN iO COMPANY, ! 333 Morrlspn street. ' Northwestern Bank Block.! TYPEWRITERS 77 GILL'S REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. Underwoods, Smith. Oliver. Remingtons. - L. - C. Smith-Pf emier. Royal, etc., $15 and up; tl erms. Agents roi- the "Corona" folding typewriter.! Type writer desks, tables and chair si The J. K. Gill Co.. 3d irtd Alder sts.f 0 to 75j per dent on all makes of tyi writers. Send for our illustrated folder retail depart- ment. 1 WHOLES A LE 3 TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Washlngtd n st. - . TYPEWRITERS far rent; 3 months for $5 and up; 6 plied on purchase; Typewriter Co., 86! months' rental ap price. I Reminztou Broadway. . NEW.! rebuilt. 2d hand, rentals, cut rates. P. D. C. Cd.. Z31 StarK. Al. 140 NEW model No. 9 idliver.now 011 mar ket. ! See it. 244 Stark st,! Main 6273. HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 63 LARGE office des, chair brass bed. leather oak roekin e chair, rugs. etc.. cheap.; Call mornl hgs. and evenings. 550 E.1 Everett st- Phone B-3630 FURNITURE for rooms, including very reasonable. range and- heater Any time before 5 p m. 998 E. Taylor, CALL i Bell Auction Co. and get price for your . f uimiture. Alar. 47 83. 2D HAND clothin lg and everything, M. 2080. 285) 1st, Highest prices FOR SALE MIStfELLANEOUS 1 SEWING MACHINES Alii m al,.. n a n, . I hand; for sale or! runt, $2 upl Sewing -Mkchine Empc rlum, 190 3d St., near fay lor. Mam 9431 tlectric Motors Bought, sold, rented . and repaired. Walker Electric Works,! 413 Burnslde, cor. 10th. Main or A-56174. 1 VMIIRIPil. IVfiTUiliUlirVTB " "Tv. writers" and "Hdiiisehold, Goodja" ars separate ciassincations. Ail aaver tlsemeiits of these gjoods are published under their respective classifications. Look them over. j j- FOR SALE New I land second hand Carom and pocket Ibilliard tables and bowling alleys and fcessories. baf fix tures of all kinds, e;asy paymentsjl The Brunswick-Balke-Coiliander 1 Co., " ; 46-48 5th St.! Main 769. A-1769. I! FOR horses and yeniclesi, dogs and household pets oif poultry, read the ads, under these respective headings. The Journal leads iall other mediunn, In these classif icatidns. ! LEAD pipe, sheet lead, pig lead,! fish line sinker, -general machine work. NORTHWEST LEAilt) & MACHYl CO.. '311 Front. IMaln 5492. . AUTOMOBILES, motorcycles, launches or boats are separate classifications. A large listing cahl be found under these different headings. j' FOR new and second hand billiard and pool tables, see W. J. Quigley, 256 Market: St.; lowest! price and ' easy payments- rnone -aiain 039 9. j DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; 121a.ua m U1C6VII, Kaiion. ,t-ort. 1 and Paint Co.. 230 tfront. Mar. 10 0 . WINCHESTER 12 gauge pump; iWin- chester, .22 automatic, i $20. !; Will trade, fv-617, journal. i ! SEE us before buying baths, toilets, basins, boilers, sinks, pipe fittings. We also Install and repair plumbing. 226 Yamhill. Main! 6297. i i' $70 White sewing machine, $13.50; going east. 426 Ftleidnei- bide., cor. 10th ana wasn netoii: ' ' -i -j IVOROID House Palht, $1.25 gal.; clos ing out nne; was 81.76 gal. Tlmms. Cress 00.. 184 za st. Sewing Machin Sold. -Rented, Repaired. !Easv terms. 382 MorrisoWj A-5110, Mr. 721. 16 FT. canoe, $25, Journal. Good condition. B-6371 HAVE elk tooth, molunted, ! and cougar skins and, rugs fori sale. Tabor 6649. SAFES ITr . i 26i $12.50 DROPHEA eewine machine witn attaenments 152 Grand ave. GEVURTi furniture store. 208 1st Lowest cash- prlcesj in the city. PLUMBING supplies, wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co.. 22 3d. Main 797. FOR SALE 2 good! pool tables. Phone woooiawn aioz, evenings: FERTILIZER manure; all kinds, deliv ered any part of city. Call C-1725. DAIRY manure for Sale. Wdln. 2200. 1 FOR SALE -MISCELLANEOUS 10 fContlBaad) 1 - v PRIC'REbuCTlON " " , Ever Ready Flashlights; $1.25' Everready Flasllght, 75 cents. $1-Everready Flashlight. 50 cents. $2.40 Everready Flashlight. $1.25. $3 Everreadv Flashlight. ;$ 1.7 5. I $1.76 Pistol Flashlight. 85; cents. 30 cent.- batterv , renewals, 20 cents. Crescent Tileotrie 1 Works. 366 Stark. FOR SALE Large refrigerator for ! grocery or meat market; i else . 7 ! ft; seven large compartments; Also 2 sets -ayion scales: counters ana meat slicer. I Call Woodlawn 151. W'ANTIUVMkllSCELLANEOUS OU3 5 ni of 'fech all the i 'NOTICE TO MOVERS.?', We want tol buy $1000 worth! ond hand furniture 'and Day ' cash it is worth. I Williams' AV. Fur- 1.11U1 C ' X-i A. V 11 CI 5 g. r-jttBt IO LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO.. i221 Front St., buys 2d hand fur niture,! carpets, stoves, ranges, hard ware or tooU of any kind. Call A-7 174 or Main 9072. Our buyer calls promptly. WANTED The people Of Portland to know I pay highest cash price for household gooids. Prompt attention. E. sym. n. Mt seater, 143 Russell st. CLOTHES, j shoes i bought; - $5 up Ifor suits. Main 3595. ? 247 Madison1 St. WANTE 2829. Pool table. Phone Marshal STEAM boiler, 4 or 6 horse; must b cheap. Kj-390, Journal.- ' . WE pay top prices for old furnltureJ Mish Furniture Co. Main 6768. ! SWAP COLU.MN I HAVE new,s latest model Edison disc phonograph, mahogany, cost $200, also $80 worth of records; what have you r Jt-63i. journal. WANT newj r second hand' rugs for ueatrii loiai uuain 401 TO EXCHANGE, gas reading lampj fori goou eiectnc iron. cuast 4zs. FOR SALE E4 iSmall Digs. Will trade for fresh ggs Tel. Milwaukie 85-W. HAVE j lc mond or 1 ler safe to trade ifor dia- ano. 1-102 Grand ave. WILL exel used. 226 ang ! new furniture for vamhiii. 1 LOST AND FOUND 21 FOLLOWING) articles were found on' the tears bt the Portland Railway, Light f Powkr Co., and owners thereof may claim Bime at the First and Alder street i statidni Marshall 5100, iA-6131: " Marh 17, 19152 suitcases,! 1 Mar ket basket. 1 hand grip, 1 pkg. i collars, 1 Pkg.t (2 aiigfers), 1 pkg. bread!, 1 pair rubbers, 1 pkg., 1 rain coatj 3 umbreU las, 1 pkg. shioes, 1 note book, 1 sign, 3 nalrs clovelsi 2 nurses 1 hcinkL LOST '; in west side shopping district last i Saturday afternoon, gold badge, about inch diameter, set with pearls and diamond', reward. : X-628, Journal. RING with & stones setting and I en- ' graving lost in or between Jef f er- son high Reward. school and 1407 Mallory ave. . 11 1 LOST Umbrella, , some time . ithli month; p earl handle, sliver knob. Write to 705 E. Powell st. ! - LOSTA b rown aligator wallet, be- tween Da vis and Everett on 11th st. Reward Call Sellwood 196. ' LOST Brindje bulldog, white blaze, 2 white feet. Return- to 577 E. 7th. N. I.' PERSONAL 22 BALM of Fdgs, remedy for diseases, of women. 604 Davis st. Main 2393. n AW SUITS t lL,Mar; 4368 II rpjiivate free council. tT314 Buchanan Bldg. i mmmr Consultation free.; Main lClVJCt i 4$93. 708 Selling bldg. USE Bassett's Native Herbs for rheu matism; 50 'tablets 25c. AU druggists. Professional and j ACCO&DIOK PLEATIMO I ACCORDION, KNIFK AND BOX PUCATINQ, PICOTING. HEMSTITCHING. RH AIDING EMBROIDERING. EASTEKN NOVKLAX MKG. CO.. 8 ftth. ST.. -NEAR OAK. 3 K. STEPHAN Hematltcblng, ccordlon. aide - and auDbura eating; buttons corered, gooda aitonged. Scallotilng. 383 Alder. M-9373. ATT0KNEY8 FUEE advice, experleucd ittornty. Terma to ult client. 801 BpaUlng bldg. Marahall 1863. BLANK BOOK HAKEEB DAVIS HOLMAN. -Inc. 109 2d at; Blank -book manufaeturera; agents for Jones' Im prored ! Loose Leaf Ledgera. ge the Sten Eureka Leaf. A-B1H. Main 183. I CASPET 1 CXEAM1MO; JOYCE BROS. Electric Cleaning worka. carpets cleaned and laid, refitting our specialty.! East 440. B-1963; 204' E. 19tb st; W. ' 1 CARPETS cleaned, refitting and laying. 1 W. Packer, Tabor 105. Linoleunr ' pollahed., . CARPET WEAYIKQ ' NORTHWEST H. O. CO., ruga from old nets, rag ruga; carpet cleaning. 188 B. Work called for.r East 3580. B-128Q. 8UU PEMNSCLAU Rug Works Kag rug sod car pet wetTlng. 1518 Patton Te. Woodl'n. 2Wo. CHI-HO-BACTIC PHYSICIAN DR. MtMAHO.N, 121 4th at. Ch.-onlc dlaeaaea reanlrlnir eteied time, al treatmentai $16. DK. 1'oUi.SON. specialist in paralysis, ntfrroua, chronlo dlaeaaea. K50 Ptttock blk. M: B414. COAL Jf WOOD ' DELIVERED in reasonable distance from 8d snd East Stark, foot fir wood $4.23 per cord. STANDARD WOOD CO. East 2:115; B-16H5 i mrrD P. TADDA-l dry fir, joak, sab niLIin Oi innil sndr lnsidej-block wood, 4 foot or sawed' to order. Telephones; rfl A I aln 4.-506. A-4M7. 5 f- i-VUnL Main Ihone Main 2163L ! ! At384 SOUTH PORTLAND SLABS'OOD CO, " Fir wood, situ, ionk. intlde block and oountry slab wood, root salmon street. NICE dry box wood .n4 eordwood, 4 fet or sawedi Sumuier-prices. Standard, Wood Co., Eaat gais. M-iapa. ?iLnriArt ij i. EV ERTS, MAIN i(77 unarcoai vow? or cl-bb stbkkt, HEAVY plank I wood. Also wcckaxe sawed store Iuk tbs, :.60. , Bat 47Q. ivHru miiMuwr these WanU Ads. meatloB me1 journal. COLLECTIONS r BUY sceounts bills, notes and Judgments of every name; nd nature soywhere, or quick results anaWer M-5M8, Journal. ELECTRIC MOTORS AND DYNAMOS MOTORS, geueistirs bought, sold., rented repaired. We dkl ull kluds of repairing roni,,,ilmr. All! Work guaranteed.; H. M and and H. Eb-ctrlc Co.. 81 . ;t st. Phone! Ui, 21l. WE buy, selL rent and ekcisnge new and 2d hand motore; repair work a specialty. WEST ERN ELECT RIO fyKS. 213 6th at. Mar. S6. EYE. EAR. NOSE, THROAT,' LUNG 8 RueclallHt Moderate prkes. Glaaaes fitted. Dr. F. K. Caaseday D17 Ittum Ding ,.ig st Yvmn. EDUCATIONAL - -. ' - 1 1 DANCING - i I PROK. WAL WILSON, wslts, hesitation. 1 one step, fx trot, : iniaxUe: morning, afternoon and eenibg; 4 private lessons $2.; Guarantee IO ICSCU liJVBO!,.uv " " ' -" " " ' - Clseaes Thurdsy ' and Saturday erenlnga, 7 tc 8:W. 25c, otbr. bet.gStark A Oak. M. 7S37. t teach anyone 1 wno wains 1 sow w usucc 10 UU. A.N1J BlUS. uum O BCOOUl, IlllfJ stage, I toclal ; and all tb Utcst dances taugbt.- 'Walt arid two-step goaranteed In 4 private lessons. Class '-lies, and Frt. eves., IS to 10. 1j 2d bet. Wash ond Stark. Lessond 25c MUSIC SCHOOLS ASP TEACHERB FREDERICK Ci jFERlNGER, organlat. Sec ond Criuan.qience nurcn, teacuer, pianu nd pipe organ:! stamp os r-unrs oiuk. EDWARD G1R1FFIN. tenor ,j pupil of Rweoii : 408 Eilers Wdir. Main: eoso. E. THIELHORN, livlolln teacher, pupil Sevcik, rIORN.. ner: bfdg. -Tf 207 Fleldner: bldg. A-sioo, siarsnsu m. acturers- PHY GOODS WHOLESALE Fleischner, Mayer & Co j FARM IMPLEMENTS A VEHICLES R. M. WADE A (JO., vez-'&'im Hawtborne LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHAS. U MASTDUK CO., 74 iTont. Loatber of every dencrififion : rinnings. 1 1 1 PAINT.' OIL AND GLASS UaSMCSHEN A CO., "High Standard" paint. K. E. Corner M MW Taylor. M. 1771. A-031. 23 A FIGHT on hlK prices. . Why pay Sj to 810' for classes, when I csn fit your ' eyes with first quality lenses ! In a gold-filled frame a low as $1.60T C. W. Goodman, 209 Morrison St.. near brldtre. Mall orders promntlv filled. Write fir rrtrtlc'ilnrs. ANY person, whether on car or not. witnessing accident to man sawing wood on Williams avenue; between Hancock and 1 Broadway, evening of February 24, please telephone numbers below. Man in close circumstances needs you. Main 3002 or Main 11R2. ' r "1 lit COLLAR used to be No. 22. Now I am using No. 17, stated a promi nent Portland business man '"name on request," and that after only 2 weeks of treatments! at the Hweiiisli Insti tute, 12th St., corner Alder. Other ali ments treated with eg u al success. FAT LAlilKS. " Reduce your fat places anywhere on the body; easy way,;' no massage or dieting. Lorena" Casey, Tabor 361. 2087 E. Madison. MRS. STEVENS. Zl years Portland a renowned palmist and clalrvovant, has her book, f'Palmistry- Made Kay," on sale. 291 Morrison a t. ' ' PS VCi lOL'OG Y Di. Uickly demon: strates in psychic and healing every day. Circle Thursday, 8 p m., 314 C lumbla. cor. 6th. Marshall 1U7. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, motes, wai is, etc, destroyed 'forever by eliutrlc needle; no pain, no scar, cure guaian-. teed. Mile. De Long, 504 Swetland IjI . lg, SPIRITUALISM Medium, Rev. Vir ginia Kowe. Readings; healing' dally, circles Tuesday and Friday evenings, 8 o clock. 231 6th. Phope A-7116. Dermatologist (residential) hairdress lng, manicurlne, electrical equipment. M..6520. Miss Johnson. ' HAVE your hair permanently -waveti. Guaranteed to last. Sanitary -Heauty Tarlors. 400 Dekum, Marshall 17t)2. DR. G. V. KETCH UM -Women's mala dleo and acute diseases of men. Wash. bldg.. 4th Wash. Km. 41. Ml. 44S SPIRITUALISM.. Rev: "M. A. Price, cir cles, Tuea. 2; p. ni.; Wed., Sun. 8 I', tn. Readings daily. 603 5th st. Mar. 3!I60.- HARTNESS, leading fearher Workers, wholesale, retail. Cor. Park, Yainli.U. DR. FRED C. Engel. divine healer. 132 Main st. 8., Lenta. r- CHlKul'uln 215 Royal Annex bldg., 350 ' Morrison st. Chiropractic, chronic cases. 31 tceat menta, $15. Others less. 30 rms. 121 4th LESSONS In i phrenology and card reudinKS. 23S 6th st. I'hone M. 7&48. NOTICES 20 SEALED I'ltOPOHAliK will be oiened t tba Bureau of Lighthouse, Department of Com merce, Wanhlugton, 1 . 4'.. on April 27, 11)15. end hIiw nn the tame dnte at itie office of the Ughthoune luictor. ban Kranrlat-o. Cat., for coiiKlructlng I the eteel llghtbuuse ti-mli-r "Cedar," about 17.') ton uiHolucenHMit. l'ur ticulars may be ibtnluel Um appllcHtlon to the Hureau of l.lghlhouiiea, WaiililiiKt.iu, I. C. Iu effect October 1, 1914. ALL PREVIOUS KATES CAM.EI.I.ED CIlAllliED AD VI. liX IS KM E.N 13 Dally or Sunday 1 cent per word per Inwrtlon. Tola cburge la for al' - cliiSHlf lt atlona, ex cepting "Kor Kent iu Private Kauilly," "Honiu and Hoard lu l'rlvnlo Family." "Situation Wanted' and "Wanted to Hciif ada, wUlcU lire I'h cetna per n-orl ter lu-rtlon. Ho ad charged for . IIihti Kj rrnta. - CASH ADVICKT1.SEMENTS y centa per (word for all cla.nlflrnttnna. excepting "Kor Kent In rrivate r'anilly,'1 "llooiu and Hoard iu Private Kamllr." "Sluia tlon Wanted." and 'Wai.ted to Itenf aila, which are 4.cen4s pec Word. CuusecutlT lnaertlon nt cah!.ant ada: i 3 1 nfer ttona for the price of 2. 1 lnaerthuia for the price of 0- Business Directory POPULAR MUBI0 EaotT ME on Pimm cuuranlecd' Ik-vIiiiihik ' In 10 jeaaona. rlcture I'lc tiire p li- 1 11 tr . r n-e dpiiinu- pli. fratlon. rYee booklet KUera Mflir: . SCHOOLS AND COLLEGE 8 LINK'S HLSINKKS ' OLLeQ'E, o'tU n.-rr. ill- ford bids., Portland, Or. I'hone Mlllll ,'lHS.I. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP I'llgUMi iron :Wutk. ad n.l .! t borne. General 'im hi ne and foundry work. INSURANCE PACFIlG STATES KIRK INSURANCE cnly Oregon fire Inaiirance company. LANDSCAPE GARDENING LANDSCAPE .Gardeiing KuliilWiK. tlntlnif. price right. Geo. a-ue. H'l l'lorlda t. MACHINERY BL'CYRL'S CO., UU8 I'll Uk? k blk. Mlfxin aliov- els, rtredgen. I.. T. Kuaseil. Heprecntllve. MATTRESSE8 UYU1E51C MATTRESS CO., old mattrsHm-a 1 made new with our Hygienic ir'f. Hit Rtufell, cor. Union. -C-8211. E. (W.'t. MOVING PICTURE SUPPLY HOUSE MOVlN'fj picture- uiachluea. films, lanterns. illdea to order, tH Broadway. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. PHILLIPS Paralysis, nt-rvou and cliron. lc dUeaaea. 604-5 tireronlan tilde. M. .11-42. PAVING COMPANIES ' THE BARBER ASPHALT PA V1NU CO., Port I land office 22- Kbe-lock bldg. ! PAINILNO.. PAPEHKAJGINQ. IINTINO PAINTING, kalaouiiuiug, pupeiliaiiKlog, all ! work guaranteed. I'hone Woollawn SLTCLIl'KE t BL1ED, best 'work in palullng, I papering. M. 137'.:. A-WZb. I2U I lib at. - PAINTING, tinting, papvrhanglug. E. T. Crane, 170 10th at. Main XMti. slUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS AI SO stencils, trad checka, tii'nia algL PACIFIC COAST. STAMP WORKS 231 WaaulUKtou nt. Main 7H, A-aJIO SHEET METAL W0RK8 ;, REPAIRING. tin and gravel roofa. Jacou Loan. Biu rirat at. Pnoue Main 1424 SHIPPING AND FURNITURE PACKING Reduced freight cuakges onho"lse- 1101, u uuvim . . First claas furniture and crockery packine. Ask to bavo ealiuiator call and nutue prico fur handling your good. ' Malu Z12, A-4SM. Evenings Marahall &r. ' CO-OPRATlVE F HEIGHT I-ORWARDINO AGENCY, 723 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. TRANSFER AND 8T0RA0E U.I O, PICK Transfer at Storage Co. urri-s land commodious 4 story brick wsrebou with separata. Iron roou. and tlrcprotil vault for valuables, N. W. corner 2d an-1 Pine ta. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping. Special ; rates wade on g.xxln lu through cars to all domestic and foreign points. Main . A-lbUtl. OLSEN-ltOE '1UANHFER CO. :ew fireproof i w.rcbouHe wltn neparat rooms. Wo move ana pack bouxehold gooda and pianos and ship at reduced anlca. Auio vans and teams for moving, torwunilug ami distributing agents. Free truckage, ('trice "'l warehouse 15th and Hort. MhIii Oregon j Transfer Co, Eatallabec ' 1H70. Transfer and forwardlnir agents Storage, Fres 'Trackage Offic- and tturias 474 Glan St. 13th and Gllaan. ' Main iHt. A-11W. BAGGAGE TRANSFER OfcUVTCE CO., 3Jl INK ST. M1 1'. A-11.1. WHEN you answer these Wants Ads. mentlou The Journal. 1 ; WALL PAPER ORGAN WALL PA I Ell CO. ftweeri Salmon and Miln. -2M 2d at., xt. WINDOW CLEANING EXPERT WINDOW (LEA N ERS A-47U.1. aln :tX7. Hcnrt Klg. - . WOOL COMFORTERS JUL. comforters: i-lld lumltrf recnrdi'd nd made ovee by the Milwaukie Wool Card. t fsctory, Milwaukie, Or. ri i 1 ers- Vv noicsaiers 1 " PIPEWOOD PIPE Pt.Kli.AM WOOD PIPE Ci. -J'mUny and 'fflce Ber 24lh and iork n. Main :4h;i. PLUMBING PIPE STEAM ?UPPLIE8 M7LT KLINE FRONT STREET ROPE AND BINDER TWINE Portland Cordage Co. WHEN you auswer Ibext Want Ads lucuiiou 1 'The JuuruaL .v PERSONAL (Continndj IS -t , . ; . .. .. . .1 . 1 -V t l' J