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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1915)
14 . THE'.- OREOQN DAIL.Vg JOURNAL, - PORTLANPj xFRiDAy EVENIN ;MARCH; 19. 1915. .iTZr :rx.i .di NE VSPAN PROMPTS CONFERENCE ON THE .COMPENSATION LAW Thieves Slaughter iourteenl Chickens; ? Many Problems That May .'Arise Are. Discussed' by Commissioners, W LL LOCATE CHANNEL Pbted Point Will Determine State Shall Pay Damjei Cace of Mletaap. Whlc In Problems that may arise over the administration of the workmen's corr peiiaation laws of Oregoh and "Wasri- Inuton in connection with the con struction of the interstate ' bridge be - tween .Portland and' Vancouver were "discussed by members t of ; the Wasji - trig-ton and Oregon industrial accident r commissions yesterday.. . The confer ence was held In Portland., Those present, -were: Fioyd Daggbtt, chalr ' map and Fred Ernst of the Washing " toni commission, - and W. A. Marshall. ' chairman, and Harvey Beckwith lof the! Oregon commission, , and Cafle bfams, who will, bedome a member of the Oregon commission May 22. I It was decided .that ;one of the first things to be determined was the dafi- nite location of the river's channel at s the) point 'where the bridge is to be constructed. The Oregon compensa 'tlon law will apply to workmen and employers on this side of the cenjter jOflthe channel and ;the Washington law)-will apply on the ! other,, aide., "the United States army engineers will be astoed to indicate the channel's center. As this will be the first interstate bridge ever constructed where wtirk men's compensation laws apply, mkny . new questions arise. : For illustration: r Jf a contractor on ithe Washington ' side send a man on an errand to the w Oregon side and he should be injured, .which dtate would pay the benefits? Commissioner Beckwith said It fvaa agreed that each employer, in case of an Injury to a workman, will bel re quired to j designate I the exact pot wnere the accident occurred. Not m - 'Awakening- this morning, the family of William T. Dye, S1 Bast Fortieth I street, discov ered feathers i scattered one of the yard to the tiler Investigation followed and f It waa founS that "14 of the! chickens Had been killed. j feathers 'pcked and the bodies removed dlirtng the nightj iNo noise -was made by the, thieves to 'be heard by the Dye family. Suicide Jealous One ; Squawk from i m best i their Pact Was Prompting Men Who Had Sworn XT ever tq Marry Separated When! One Breaks Oath; Other Trie Ito Kill Both, Shot Bead, March 19.f-George here' to ar busi- friend, Lester W, under, arrest, while Cleveland,- Ohio, D. Kent, 28 years bid. Is dead day ajnd ftisv partner In the ct ncss land melons c.v. - - - .3 n k i the police are! investigating a strange story or jealousy and a broken suicide pact. ! Scheu told the police that Kent tried to force him Into a suicide agree ment at his holme' last night. 'Kent, he said. ; produced two bottles of chloro form jand 'ordered Scheu, to' dink one of them, at thW saime time drawing a Thirty Days for Baxter, , Charles E.;Baxler, iwlio has a long criminal record. was I sentenced tol 30 days in jail for petty thievery by Mu nicipal Judge Stevenson yesterday, 32 VC Green Tradinsr - StamDS ! . L FREE! TOKOBSOW. SAT., KABCX 30 .. .. WITH THIS AD. I ,: In addition" tho-12 S. &Hi Stamps given out foif our 6 yellow or grey checks or. in addition tol the 12 S. &.H.. Stamps given outfor. cash purchases on 3 lbs. Ardmor Cof fee selling at $1.10 we will give tomorrow oh jy i I aO EZTBA Si BV STAMPS FBEE Goods may be jjenfouf regulai delivery lat day4 er on Mail orders given prompt attention 309 Salmon Street j Bat, Treat and Pizst. Ph'on. Milri 3969 T AGAIN WE LEAP H' Your choice of foiir good pat terns this Saturday and Monday ALSO MANY OTHER GOOD BUYS The BOLLS WALL PAPER CO. Portland's New Wall Paper. House Open Saturdav Nisrht1 203 SECOND STREET, NEAR TAYLOR leafs AT THE CH m i i CAGO MARKET FrSattFiky You all know that the Chicago .Market: has always li a an ti rA J n..1!X.. - L Ll! 1 .. ! 7 . uwcix iiuicu 4ui uiuilc mid.iiiy incaxs an iow prices. Therefore, when we make these prie concessions for Saturday selling, you should make it your busi ness tomorrow to be here with the crowds. Best Sugar-Cured Bacon, lb. . . 18c to 22c L . . .12c Shoulder .Young Lamb, j lb. Pot Roast of Beef ; lb. .... Sugar-Cured Hams1, lb. No, 5 Compound Nol'5 'Pure! Lard No. 10 Pure Lard Best quality Eggs, dozen Choice Sirloin Steaks, lb. Young Pig Pork Sriare Ribs, lb. . . .12 Shoulders of Pork, 12c to 14c .16i 4$c 6$i $1.25 .2( lb. Saturday Special Veal Sausage, lb. 18c Two pounds . If It's QUALITY you're lookipg for, be sure to come to. the old reliable Til wag 187 Third St., Beti Yamhill :i2c 35 j i Wd Taylor revolver.- -.If thai polaon failed to do its work, Scheu said, Kent t promised he would shoot him and ' then kill himself- . s y j t.-.f i ' Scheu said he refused to drink the poison mnd Kent pointed tn Revolver at hlmj Then. In orden to .gain' time, Scheu a id; he agreed. to driakj Kent laid; down 'the gun to pass . Mm' 4 the glass of t poison. - Scheu -l seized - the1 weapon' and i shot- Kent dead, j , . i The two' men. it Is said' had pledged ternall friendship:. and agreed' "-that neither should ; ever . marry. t r Despite this- agreement, Scheu ,'waa married in Feb(uaryt He' alleges ; tbaf Kent was insanely; Jealous , of his bride-) , ' ': BfiiTledSlxyTeiir;;' " ; ; ' Tillamook. Or., - March' 19. Mr. .and Mrs.. !. S. Maynard, w-Jio lve I two miles east; of this city. tcelebra.ed the sixtieth anniversary of .thir. marriage last. Saturday. , Aw. a-. eMrprtsi, njem bera of the..Fairvlew Osange, arrapged 5 Three 'Pbui . . . . j . . .. ,. , f m festltlUesj at-the j Grange hall at Mch about HdfneighbOrs and friends ejf. the couplje , assembled- I A collection! was taken; anwng-; those present, the funds to-bj 'used: by Mir. Bnd.Mra Maynard for: 4 trip to the exposition at San FtantiscoJ 7 , . j Mrj Maynard settled In this county 30 j yars.fago, - coming "here from Sari Francisco. Ills wife followed six years jp iakCi . xvjr ' c .www uauss'Lcr, : m ih W! T. itfeweomb, ianfd two grandchil dren. ' Mr." -Maynard Is 85 ' years (old. His lO yead faroun irer.'..1 : . k ( Kentucky choma. I haa JO cases of -"tra- 1 Full . F6r. Measure!,. Low- Price, Full Strength A - Double! Saving oh Golden West . - two : years, this, superior, coffee has en joyed -an. undisputed1 reputation if or. superiority strength, flavor and dependability.' .Golden . West is, .today, the best coffee 'you , . can buy at any price. 'Roasted and packed in Ore con. '. Always fresh. . CI os set & Devers jPortland,-Orejon; ' Oldest ' and Largest Coffee oasters in the-Northwest; Vyl,,-.: ' -n 1 . at the Sftattle Markftl: i . r i r r n n - r 't m 11 mmm 11 O M"(Gini'l Trading Stamps FREE to jcverv i - i who open! 1st. an account fflL FREE jCo ar With the qua customer with us between now and April No accounts opened except to customers ' with firstrclass references. OUR the lowest in ity the city consistent of meats offered. BayCtyM rner Fourth and Ya rr inis arket i 100: FREE amhill. Streets A: BALANCE OF 'n i- H Of D. Germanus Must . Be Closed Out .WsJ -i. f-f Choice WHISKEY, GIN, of $1.00 Grades of BRANDY, CORDIALS, ETC. While They Last OLD WINES 65c ioseL GAL. (Containers Exchanged) Malt fints WhiskeVs, Gins, - Cf Brandies, Cordials, etc. at i OC , " ' ! -t .. 1 : ' , 1 ' ' ' I d uvimDoranff jlo 134 Third, Street, Corner Alder Mairi6737 Free Motor Deliverv ! A-777fi ' . J -www r WW. M L . rjuue best Low Presh Eggs, Ranch , Kggs, Creamery Crejamery Dailry.-Butter- TurkeyB. per Fulh "Cream Cheesa. per lb It Crejamery 60c i doz '.-4&d . . -fiO and 65 Butter t 55 Chickens, lbL JOJ, ! GOODS 4 "11 .25 .15 VJKOIiESAl PBICES. 1 Grande .Creamery Co. A3TD Be Warned! There; are several MarkeU m the Washinsrton Public Market. Look for the sign oeanie meat m arise t. i & ! I I I I : 'I i II"..- brightest market, where ... m.1. 1 f...i . r -t . . .i l ' . - . IV you uie rresnesi rooas at me Diggesc savings tUmmm. .M L. ,1 J. t omy. thousands ot Portland people have found this out by trading at THE NEW CEN TRAL MARKET. ; It's by far Portland's cleanest and progressive merchants give Famous Clover" "White Ice Cream Bricks 45c Qt. ZXTKAl BIO CBAH COITE 5c X nadii, thm 25c Pt. ICB f : Man rWtU Bntter ROAST OIPOR Kiand ROASTJ OF BEEF Saturday Only n c 1. f Mill ( t 3 Big oLaves of Fresh Bread, lOc HAMS AND BACON i Hairbr Whole For Saturday Only LOOK FOR THE SEATTLE MEAT SIGN , MARKET e Meat Specials below i hold good at the Come to the Seattle Market and do - your ami Beef Roast Pork Roast. . Boiling Beef , i ! I: BeefSteak . .' Veal Chops. . Pork Steak, lb. Round Steak. 'Sirloin Steak - j! : .- - ; Roast of Lambj Ffcy Salt Pork: BTalf or VThole Sugar-Cured H Sugar-Cured Bacon . . . Sug.-C'd Cotiage Hams, 14,1 m 15c Fresh Side Port Pickled Pork. Picnic. Hams, Best Putter, for . . v . lb lb 8c V2 c lie 2 GUARANTEED EGGS Dozen 45c OrcHest Four-piece . . Every, v Afternoqn Saturday a ' I " ' I ' t I . i.fte big meat inarket m the Washington Public Market, Cod First and Wash.'! trading. Seattle Market ..MJ:J l.i-- V ra Oregon Ranch ' Eggs, 2 dozen 45c FREE! ... , . . . Cone of ICECR made fro m cream witn evjefry pound of CANDY! ..." i EAM Halibut. FiMb Snails, per dosen . . . I . . . . . i 71a , Mt Bongli Twin sisters' Only 10c 10c Bakery. Boyd's 35c CoffaaL, rotrt- d frtikl erery qnais moss oo x oof fee. . T r h - Boasted trades Coffee. that nn o rrades, special r7tr Saturday only, in !S: rxesh rtunt lvttir, g-roond while . you Iff. wait, vspeoisj, lh4 - Boyd' Tea Booth. 2 lbs of Fin FrK Country Butter J 50 c Only a limited amount f- Come early. ; j 1; SepenAahle. Butter Store The Central Market Bakery., the, most I mod era bakery In Fortland. In the basement of the Mew Central Market. We bake the very finest Bread. Cakes. Pastry, and all kinds of Pies for sal at out store In the market- at rery. jnod- arate .Dries. TEE ! CEKTXAi ; JCBT BAKB' A dellolons Tit Bit for Uffht lunches . and the unexpected raeat. , Try s pound tomorrow 'Qg Delicious Sharp Ameri can j. Cheese, ipi- OA. clal. lb. ....... V. W Tli Swiss Cheese -1 Btor. t'--:' , -U f 50c Grade ored Japan Special at. . . . . Pure Spices, can. . Arm Soda, age. . Java Coffee fncol-Tea, 35c 5c & . Hammer pack- 1 rf Store. I -Tine Taney Poul try, per lb P r e sh BUbutJ 3 lbs. zoxj . . , . Pin Seep 8 e a Black Cod, a lbs rine Boyal Cri- nook , Salmon, . lbJ P r e s h Columbia BlTer Smalt, 3 lbs. Pancy Smoked Chi-' nook Salmon, lb i - Sxtra Pin Canned nook Sainton, cans ,tor- ... L . . . Central 'Plan, and Poul try StUJ 20c 25c 25c 20c 10c 15c Chi- 25c Practice Real Economy New! Central At the Grocerv Branch of the PEOPLE'S MARKET, 1st and Taylor Fruits and Vegetables Pine Plortda OrapeQC Trait. 4 for ..... Pine California Bad lahes, 3 hunches for c 5c 10c 10c 15c Extra largre, sweet Off Orang-es, a dosen 3C Fine Dig- Bananas, dosen for ....... Sweet Potatoes, i n special. 3 lbs. for llC Big- California Peas, special, lb.. Pine Oregon Caull-f C flowM, spe'l, a lbs. J.OC Pine Celery Hearts in. 1 big- bunch, special UC Pancy Bead X,et- 1 C tuoe, a heads for IOC Pine big- Yellow W.w towq Apples, spe- JtL- cial, box . OC Presh Oregon Bhu- ( barb, per lb. ...... - OC Presh California in. Aspararus. per lb. Ivv Extra big Arti chokes, rp.'l a for Pine big- Baldwin "TC Apples, per box. . Extra Ux Z.emons Off. -Mda.1. a dosen.. 3C Pine big- Presh Pineapples speol Presh Cranberries, off-, a pounds for wC 15c 20c Tomorro w Gbori DAIRY BUTTER Two Pounds 45c 60c 20c Albany Butter, roll. . .V. .. pbesb: OBjeaoHiBJurox BCIOS.' . dosen for . . 3 Pound F of PuBniButtr off-. aSW Perc lb.. I;' 10c bsi 25c . .25c Smelt, 12 1 Clams 6 lbs . 2 1 pkgs. ,GOLD EGG Macaroni, Vermicelli or Noodles .... 15c Tarjs Moui it Vernon Milk . J. V. .j,i..25c '. i I i . . . WASHINGTON .65c rvi a rzr7Ktt W lLIJ U CORNER FIRST AND WAS rf I NGTON, 313 Reg. j2 for 25c Pine apple 3 cans . . . 25c All' kinds 'Spices . . 56 4lbsyhBeans25c . best Ext :25c 50c pkg. Jap Tea 35c I ' - I. I - - "' - 5. PlateiFree Witb Each Ord I er 4-4 Asparagus, 2 for 25c Rhutiarb, 2 lbs. 25c NewSpuds,21bs,25e F'cy Apples,! box 75c Dry0h'ns,2Olbs25c iet Ofl,' Saturday t bottle 25 c 10c 20c ory or TOCZc H J eJ4o Sa"As v4. Pin Pineapples, Saturday, per caa, .-.L....i.. -1 IK: Monarch - Coffee, with 1 lb. X,oaf Bngr e.bars Of - Soap . t - lb. sack: of Corn Meal for. 30c SPECIAL For: Satorday OnlyL Pick' from amy SOo brand bf Tea In the 4 en- npLl U tire store, spe-ZoCLD. dal (Saturday'-'' SUGAR, lis LBS: $1.00 OellTered ' Pree ' witb other Sup plies Sack - S5.95. nl --! rPeloban ban for OBAWOB BAT, Saturday r in ert, large, sweet Orang-es, , O ff dosen ... ................. Extra gpedal, B-li. can Cf fffl of If. J. B. Coffee. . .'. ' P 0 V Wdlk, specUli 4 25c Carnation Milk, special, . 8 1C bans for xV. Earl KUk, per can 15c; flf JC csen . . amous Easy Jell, Saturday, ff ackage . i V nlders Catsup, . Saturday, Ort bottle .. . l o glasses Chipped Beef, Off pedal --v. FAGIFIC' MARKET - j ' ' j- - f - s- ' ':-.K i- I - ' : - i . -f . -V." r-eimyCHahge T rr r hv 1 '. .. - ;U : i ' AS aviings FREE With Every Purchase! Sahirdaywe are-going! to give our customers a real gift ia Sayings Bank . to keep your penny change. Absolutely 'free with every purchase, in every depart - ment. Make it a point to come to Portland's newest Meat and Poultry Market. We sell you the choicest cuts at prices you pay elsewhere for ordinary meats. AH meats are United States Government inspected. In the New Central Market FRED KOLT, Proprietor. u I 3