THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, . POR TLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 1.8. 1915. 17 in EFFORTS TO SETTLE THE TROUBLE WITH LONGSHOREMEN FAIL Prospects of Strike Spread-! i i, . . . . a , ' of Seattle Meeting. ; ONE LOOPHOLE REMAINS President International Association on Way to Seattle, Asks That Action Be Withheld. Efforts to bring the warring fac tibns in the longshore strike at Seattle dit night were ineffective, and as a suit the belief that the strike is due spread has been greatly strength ened. No change In the situation has appeared here. It is believed that the one hope of timing an end to the strike lies lit V. O'Connor, president of the Inter. national Longshoremen's association. ho is en route to Seattle from New OHeans. O'Connor is said by steam ship men to be averse to trouble when ielfer possible, and better able to reason Ith his men than any other labor :IdB.der on the coast. He has wired tre North Pacific officials asking them to Ithhold action till he arrives here. and hope is expressed that he. may be pie to bring the two factions together, The meeting field in Seattle yester y, at which the peace proposals were voted Mown had been brought about b port officials of the Puget sound pOrt. J. A. Aladsen, the Portland labor lefader, headed the labor delegation. The Men voted to continue the strike vig orously ' till their demands -vere granted. NEW CHARTERS REPORTED. hooner Okanogan and Steamer Thor Taken for Lumber. fean Francisco, March 18. The fflhooner Okanogan has been chartered td carry lumber from Puget sound to a direct port on the west coast of South America at' 60s, by Comyn, Mackall & Cj... . The 'American - Hawaiian steamship Company will have eight steamers with cargo coming to San Francisco during April. - The British steamer Lowther Castle. 41 route from Japan for the Columbia MlVer, was forced to put in at Hono lulu The dispatch states that the vessel encountered a hurricane, in which two propeller blades were lost, i Ifrhe Norwegian steamer Thor, which has been engaged in the coal trade be tween this Dort and -Australia. and which Is to load lumber on the Colum-, bla river for yuebec, sailed for Nan- aiimo this morning. ! i fThe British steamer Eschunga has been taken', on time charter, delivery Z.T ""tf."T "I i JNDrtn i-acn.ic ire-cnarier, iia), aim British steamer Lord Derby, time Clilarter. delivery and redelivery, Aus- tnalla via North Pacific (20 months) tj-8s, hi A; Weir & Co. : IIOUGH BARS DELAY CRAFT. Steamer Yucatan . Only Vessel to ( j I Sail 3ron Astoria. 1 Stirred by a strong southeast gale, th mouth of -the Columbia river and all other Oregon coast bars were so rolugh today as to cause most of the . . I vjBei id ''' x, i ' i a : i - a i . t . - i sailed from Astoria this morning. The ' Bear. Santa Barbara and Bankoku Maru are waitinar Inside. The steam-I ere Geo. V. Elder and Nann Smltn are barbound outside of Coos Bay, the Elder probably to such an extent as to make her late arriving' here. " The wind attained hurricane veloc ity- last night, blowing 72 miles an hur at North Head, 60 miles at Ta- toosn. at Seattle, 3t at laeoma and 27 miles an hour, here. It calmed d()wn appreciably this morning, how- ewer, and the 8 o clock observation at Tifirin neaa snowea a la mile Dreeze frbm the southeast. The sea was still rough, however. Storm warnings wfere ordered down at 7 a. m. OXE SAILING CANCELLED. Great Northern Is to Have Minor Adjustments Made. . htomOrrow'B scheduled ealllntr from San Francisco for Klavel of the steamship 1 Great Northern, was can celled today. Minor adjustments to the giant ship ' Will be made at San Flanclaco.! The regular sailing sched ulje as outlined will be adhered to, beginning with the sailing from San Ktanclsco on next Tuesday, March 23, arid southbound from Flavel on Thurs day. March 25. The North Bank of fices notified all agencies this morn ink of the change. I The adjustments to be made on thje steamer are of a minor charae- 3 HOW TO PREVENT ACID STOMACHS 4 And Food Fermentation By a Stomach Specialist. As a' specialist who has scent mariv years In the study and treatment of Siomacn trouDles. 1 have been forced tn the conclusion that most people who complain of stomach s trouble oosnens Stomachs that are absolutely healthy miu -noimai. ine real trouDie. that Wihich causes all the uain ftn.l difficul ty. Is excessive- acid in the stomach, ltyperacidlty Irritates the delicate lin ing", of the stomach and food fermen- vmon causes wind which distends the stomach abnormally, causintc that full, floated feeling. Thus, both acid a id termentation interfere with a.nd retard the process of dts-estirm th Stomach is usually healthy and nor. hjal, but : irritated almost past en durance by these foreign elements--acid and wind. In all such cases and they comprise over 90 per cent of all stomacb difficulties the first and only -step: necessary is to neutralize he acid and stop the fermentation By taking: in a little warm or cold water Immediately after eating:, from one to two teasnoonf uls of bisurated mac- Jnesia, which Is doubtless the best arid Pnly really effective antacid and food orrective known. The acid will be (neutralised ana the fermentation (stopped almost instantly, and -your ntomacn wm at once proceed to digest tne rood in a neaitny, normal manner. Be Sure to Bk voar rime-Fiat Tnr thi 'bisurated magnesia, as I have found otner rorms utterly lackinar in Its becnliarlyi valuable properties. F. kf. f , - (Adr.V i ter but" will necessitate a, layover for this trtp. . Jhe vessel demonstrated on the t-un t I Honolulu as " well as the trip through; the Panama Canal, that he is a sucjeess, but In the process of limbering nt!.it has been fqund neces sary to make mechanical adjustments which, tip to now, there has not been time for. '. j ' In speaking of the visit of the Port land and Astoria delegation! to Flavel, Traffic Manager Skinner ofi the North Bank lines Lois morning' said that the reason every one was not admitted to inspect thel big steamer was that it havel been a physic.! impossi- to have handled the thousands a. J IV 11J -w! v. aloxgithk watebpront. While repMra are made to' the steam er Harvest bueen, the steamer Hastrftlo, Which, has ljjeen in retlremelnt all win ter, will opierate on the A jstoria-Port land run fof the O-W. R. & change of steamers will be day evening. N. Co. The made Sun- With a. full load of lumber, the steamer Daisy ,G.dsby, Captaii Devit, Will leave for San Franciscd this after noon. She iis completing cargo at As toria. . ! ' I Carrying j 110,462 bushel of wheat valued at 1185.635, the French ship La Perouse, Captain Le Voqiie, cleared from the ciistems house. Sjhe sails to morrow for! Algoa Bay, South Africa. The steadier F. H. Buckj which ar rived in late yesterday with oil from Monterey, M likely be set to Japan with a cargjo of oil upon her return to the southern port, according to cap tain McDonald Harry Jakel, harbor patrol engineer, who has been ill at his home for sev eral days,? (following an operation for tonsllitis, iijs reported as rapidly im proving. I ! , Captain jkstrup of the Port of Port land tug Oneonta was in from Astoria this morniiig on port business The stealer Bee went to Rainier to load- lumber and the steamer Thomas L. Wand toi St. Helens. I Cargo taking by the Norwegian ship Morna will j likely be completed tomor row. With thelNorwegian barkj Skjold and the' Russiap bark Professor Koch on her towlinejs, the steamer, (gamecock is tn the wajf up the river, Port Commission to Meet. i This summer's dredging policy will I likely be outlined by the Port of Port land commission at a special meeting which that body will hold ' noon at the courthouse. C&ptain H. T. Grfaves andi Commissioner Jl. D. Inman Visited the dredgers Willamette and Portland tliis morning, and upon their return will report to the ! commission on; such alterations and plans as ther may have n mind. The matter of tha eeneral managership will! also come before the j commission this afternoon, Wireless Ftos Mutiny. San Fraiicisco, Cal., Mar;h 18. Cap tain J. A. paletcke of the pteamer De fiance seni wireless calls! for assist ance :to suppress six mutinous-Japanese yesterday, but ended i the trouble before the assistance could arrive. lArrivala. Karen 18 P n BuAk- Amerioan steamer. Captain McPonald, bulk oil from Monterery, Asso- ciaiea uu company. Bvep. Artierlritn iiteamer. Cjaotaln Mawm pHsBCntirPi'B and frelKlit from Vaw Angele and Shh Fraucimi'O, San I'raueiscq & Portlaoil M?mslilp citnipBIiT. DeDxture. March 18. DalPy OB'JWby, Amsrlran ateamer, Captain in-vnt, iiiuiuar ana ireignt lor pa i-rancJac-o, Arrow Hue.; ! j Maiine Almanac. Weathor at River' a Mouth. North Head. March 18 Condition of the moutn of the rler at 8 a. m.J rough; wind. wmtiieast. i waruiuga witSidrawn at 7 a. m Buna and Tide. Kar, " dbdi ana -xiaaa. jaarca iv. Sun rise. ti:l.S a. Sun seta 6:13 p. m. Tidea at Astoria.: Hiph Watfer ijoxr water. ; :.- j 3:2 .8.5 feet 8:28 a. m....0.S feet .6.8 feet 9:11 p. im.'...S.f feet Dally River Readings. a a o a 8TATIOj;3 a a O.3. ieMtou 24 2.5 10 20 37 15 2.S O.70.00 2.61 O.5kj.0O i-,,yL " AiiVr,- 4.1 0 0.14 4.R 0.2 4.1 0.2 7.41 O.l 5.2' 0.2 0.10 0.34 0.27 0.19 Salem Wikion Title Portland . . . KialiiR. ( -) Falling. Rivtr Forecast. The Willamette rirer at Portland will fall slowly during the next few dais. Steamships to Arrive. PASSENGERS AVD 1BEIGHT Nana Data .Mar. 19 .Mar. 1 .Mar. 21 .Mar. 28 -Mar. 23 .Mar. 24 .Mar. 2S Ma. 28 Ueo. W. Elder ..Coos Bar Bearer. .....& . a.......'. .1 S. t. and way.. Koanotte. .. Bom City.. ., t..... m. r, ana way., Breakwater. ........ uoos Bay , Great Northern .... S. F Bear.. ,........S. 1). and way... Yucatan. ........... S. F. and way.. Steamer Due to Depart. fASEXPEUS AND FREIGHT , Name - - From i Date Bear. ...... ...-S. F. and way. ..Mar. 17 Vucataii....i S. D. aad a.Mar. 17 Breakwater, t Coos Bay..:. Mar 19 Uco. W. Ailder , Cooe Bay.. Mar. 21 Beaver .. ...... .3. P. and way.. .Mar. lloanoke. ... i ....... S. D. and way. ..Mar. 24 Northland...!.. 8. P. and way. .Mar. 2H Klaniatu. .......... -uuayuaai Mar. 25 Oreat Northern S. F Mar. 25 Uva City .......... H. h. and way. .. .Mar. i7 San Ramon.. 8. D Mar. 27 t'elilo l.'..,. Mar. 27 ..... B. O, ....h Mar. 31 D k Mar. 31 V'osemlte. . Multnomab Vessels in Port. Name Berth Am. str. ...Oresoa Dry dock Libtblp Mu. 6T. sauioeua, Rus. acb... .............. .Stream .Stream KutanKa, Bei bark. . Morna. Nor, bark. ..... . bk , Br. ach . . It. shin. Irving Victoria dolphins Francois, Frj David Evans! ....... i.i.'tr. i.or. wo. ............. ..Stream Combermere. Ltka, Nor, ah.. .....i Aatoria i ..North Bank ................. .Stream Nordfarer, Nor. ab. T - 1 Fr. bk. Maiauka. N or. ah.. Ubnton ... .......... .I.ttinrnti Pampa, Rua. bark Bear, Am v........... .... uinrii j John C. Meyer, I Bee. Am. atr. , I Aiuuiua aiaru. jap. str .Fort. Lbr. Coi Am. t. j.. Linnton Kaibler ............ Aatoria j Xanta Barbara. Am. str Breakwater, Am. atr Aiiwwurt-h F. 11. Buck,; Am. str Willbridge Fekvar, Am. atr , Bound on Professor Hoch. Rosa, bk ; Bound up i veaaais xnaeng-at-ea. Akdtaa, Am. str.. Gobla Arnold us Viunen, Uer. rb...... Clifton Alliance, aiu. air. .............. ...,o. yy. P, Bcrllu, Am. I bk .........i ....tioble Cblnook, U.I S. dredxer....... Oregon drydock Col. P. S. Mlchie. V. S. dredger.. N W. Steel Dalbek, Uer. bk ........Clay street uotcair uua ,jm. au ,j. w. p. J. B. Stetson. Am. st.-.........,....8t. Helens Kurt, tier ah. Westport Nebalem, Am, atr..................8t. Helena At! Neighboring Porta. Aatoria. March 381 Arrived dowa durins tbe nisbt Steamer Santa Barbara. Arrlv ed down at 2 a. to.--Jananeae steamer Bankokn Aiaru. Arrived at 7:au and lett ud at 10:15 ni. area mer Reaver, from Ban Pedra anil San FrancisiN. Left up at ft ia. m. Norwe- fian narn kjoia and Russian bark Professor in. -tiaiutfi t j;ao m. m. Steamer luta tan, for Sad Ufrgo and war borta. Aberdeen, March 17. Arrived Steamer uaisy rreeman. rrom Portland; Ma l'MM March 17. Sailed Steamer fin. anoke. ; for . Portland. i New York. MurnH ' 1 T A rt.A fit A. mA ncwiiiiiin, prom rortund. i Astoria. March. 17. Left on at ll:Rn a. March 17, -4teamer P.- H. Back. Sailed at 2:30 p. m. NEWS OF THE PORT I . ( , mrauM-r urrn normerg, lor ban Francisco. ---! i oena Carries Lumber Cargo That Smashes i Record A world's loading record was ' broken here last week when the Rjussian - ehlp Samojena, 1839 tons net register, was laden wiith 1,140,181 feet Of lumber, according to Henry RothschiW, Pbrtland manager of Brown & ifr McCabe, stevedores Who loaded 3fr her. The vessel's eairgo is 101 jjt pr cent of her- net tonnage. while the average loading of silling vessels is from 86 to 90 ptr cert. The Samoena is to m leave down tomorrow mornina; & irj tow of the steamer Game- reck, and will sail sdon for the Ignited Kingdom. She is dls- m patched by A. F. Thaina & Co. m l ' '-- Shriners Are to Be Eoyally Entertained One Thousand Automobiles Will Be Pressed Into Service to Convey Vis itors About City. One thousand automobiles will bi needed for Friday, Julyll6, is estimated that fully 5jOOO Shriners, bound for San Francisbo from their imperial council at Seattle, will be in Portland. The visitors will be shown as mucli of Portland and environs as their1 itinerary will allow. Wfille an effort will be made to have the Bbrlner excursionists, going or coming from their national meeting at Seattle, stop more than four to six hours in Portland, it Was decided at a meeting of the entertainment com mittee of Kl Kadar temple last night that the visitors will bei given the best time possible, no matter howl long they tarry. ! "Portland's Hospitality Unsur passed" was the slogan j adopted. May Locate In Pbrtland. Ec ward Mayhew, a railroad supply man of Chicago and Pittsburg, is in Portland as the guest Jof Melvin G. Winiitock of the National Amusement company. Mr. Mayhew has been on the Pacific coast for he past three months and is seriously considering removing here from the east. He is undecided as yet whether to start busihess in California br Oregon, but Mr. Winstock, as a friend of 25 years' standing, is using everjy effort to in duce, him to eome to Portland. ArriWd down at. 8:30 p. m. Steamer Jim Butler. SaiJ Francisco, March 18.-jArriTed Ameri can atMuiera, T. A. Kllbnrnj Eureka. a. m.; Koauoke. San Pedro, a. m. ; Solano. Monte rey, s a. m.: Wniteaboror. Greenwood. 9 a. ml; Eureka, Port Angeles,! 9 a. m.; V. S. 8. Colorjado. San Diejro. 9 a. m.b.U. S. 8. Saturn, nreiuerton, tf a. m.; torooaao. Ban Pedro, 10 a.j m.; Vanguard. Eureka 11 a. m.; Yel- lowsijone. joos Kay. n Seattle. Wash.. March IS. Arrived Tusr iaiwn, loiuniDia riTer, Aineijlcan steamer Argyll. 4 a. I in. m. Sailed Port San Luis, Victoria, March 18. Japai nese steamer Re- attie Mara, irom Hunetoi.c. for Seattle, re ports! by wireless will arrive at quarantine at William bead Sunday nicht or Monday mnmini;. Tatotiah Inland. Marcb lis. Passed ont American ateamera San Ramon. 8:40 a. m.: Admiral Farragut, 7 a. mi; Mary Olsen, 8 a. m. : Makura, 8:15 a. mi Mafrsibfield. Or., March 18. Steamers Geo. w. telder and Nann Smith off shore, will arrive In this morning. i Seattle, Wash., March 17j Arrived Amerl. can steamer J. A. Moffett. San Francisco. 4:20 p. m. Hailed American ateamer Alameda, Alaska, 10:15 p. m.; American steamer Al-Kl, soutbieaatern Alaska. 10 . m.; American steamer Admiral Farragut, jSan Francisco 5 p mi; codfl.tblna; schooner Vega, Bering; Sea. steam wbaler Belvedere, Siberian coast and tee rotlc. aiuKUteo, siarcn '17. Baraentine Thomas p. r,mlh sailed tonight for Australia with cargo i.:ftXj.ouu leet lumber, steamer Falcon la tow ing ?r to aea. Vancouver, n. M.. siarcniiT. sailed Brit ish steamer Sydney, Australia, in. m.: British steamer Wyandotte for Sydney via Saa Fran ciscoL o p. m. i Pott Angeles, March 17.4-Sailed American ateatjier San Ramon, San Francisco. 5 p. m. bagie Harbor. Marcb 17.--lsailed American steamer Ebna-l'ak, Han Francisco. lapoma. Marcb 17. Arrived - American steamer Santa Catallca, Portland, Sailed British steamer CYown of SeTille, London, tit Panama canal, 12:20 p. in. an Francisco, cal.. Marcn 17. Arrived American steamer F. S. Loop. Port Ludlow. 12:15 v. m.i American steamer Helen P. Drew. San Pedro. 3:10 p. m. ;- American steamer Nomfe City, Everett, 6:50 p. m.: American steamer Svea, Port Gamble. :7:40 p. m.; Amer ican Kteauier Adeline Smith, Coos Bay, 9:40 p. ml; American steamer Defiance, Hilo, 10:15 D m.; American steamer San Juan. Balboa. 10 :2 p. m. Hailed American steamer Rose City.lSatt Pedro. 11:30 a. m.i; American steam er, L'ty or 'iopeka. Enreka. 11:50 p. m.; American steamer Speedwelll Bandon, 11:50 a. m.; American steamer TamalpRts. Grays Har bor. 12:15 p. m.; American steamer Queen, Seattle, 12:20 p. m.; American steamer Stew art. Port Man Luis. 1:20. in. m. : American steamer Tosemite, Ban Pedro. 1:30 p. m.i British ateame Satanta, Wcjosung, 1:30 p. m.; American steamer San Gabriel, Umpqua river, 2:30jp. m. ; American steamer Multnomah, San Pedro. a:zu p. m. ! American steamer National CityJ Fort Bragg, 3:30 p. mj; American steam er, Krle, Columbia river, 8:40 p. m. ; American steamer Brunswick, Fort Bragg, 4 p. m.; American steamer Harvard, San Diego, 4:10 p. m. ; American steamer Muriel, Manukona, 4:20 p. m.: American steamer Be a Foam, Men docino, 4:3o p. m.i American steamer Daisy Mitchell. Ventura. 4:40 t. m.: Norwegian steamer Triors, Nanalmo. 0:15 p. m.; American u timer Hornet. Portland, 7:40 p. m. ; Ameri can jsteamer Wilmington, Puget sound, 9:40 P.. m. i . , REPORT MANY CASES OF RHEUMATISM NOW Says we must keep feet dry; avoid exposure! and eat less meat. Stay off the damp ground, avoid ex posure, keep feet dry,! eat less meat, drink lots of water and above all take a spoonful of salts occasionally to keep down uric acid. Rheumatism is caused by poisonous toxin, called uric acid. I which is gene rated in the bowels and absorbed into the! blood. It is the function of the kidneys to filter this acid from the blood and cast it out In the urine. The pores of the skin are also a means of freeing the blood of this impurity. In damp and chilly, cold Weather the skin pores are closed, thus forcing the kid neyB to do double work, they become weak and sluggish and fail to eliminate this) uric acid which keeps accumulat ing! and circulating through the sys tem, eventually settling in the joints andj muscles, 'causing stiffness,, sore ness and pain called rheumatism. At the first twinge j of rheumatism get from any pharmacy about four Ounces of Jad Salts; put a tablespoou f ul in a glass of water and drink be fore breaicf ast each morning for a week. This ia said to eliminate urio acid by stimulating the kidneys to nor ma action, thus ridding the blood of these impurities. j Jad Salts is inexpensive, ': harmless and 1 made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithla addl is used with excellent results by thousands of folks who are subject to rheumatism. Hera yoti have, a pleas- I ""H """--'r. "r." wtMen overcomes une acid sua IS Cene- I IlCiai to your auaneys as wen. AdV. I " : : ATTORNEY CONDEMNS MAKING OF CHARGES AGAINST OFFICIALS Many Acts Condemned Have Been Done With -qest In 0. tentions, Says Staple-ton, "These charges that courtii are par tial and officials are crooked and are cnakes are what are damning: our coun try today and are undermining: our courts. Much that to inter jsted out siders looks crooked is seen, when thft outsider loses his interest, to have been done with the best i ntentions. Every nuin "has the right tc err," de clared George W. Stapleton of Gresh am grange, last night at Gresham grange hall, during the conclusion of the Multnomah County Pomcna grange session. "If you establish the fact that officials are crooked, you can en Join any contract.'' He was replying to a speech by Jo seph taquet, in which Warrtenlte pav." ing was criticised, asphaltic concrete paving was praised, the 'cost of paving in. this county was criticised, and it was stated that if Roadmaster Teon makes the specifications fori the roads to be hard surfaced under the proposed bond issue he will specify Wjarrenite. "My ideas of 3. B. Teon'i integrity and those inferred from Mi. Paquet'3 talk are different," said Mr J Stapleton. "I have known iir. Teon tot 18 years, during 14 of which I have I been inti mate with his business affairs as his attorney, and I believe hind to be of strict integrity, as nearly laa a man can be. He is earnest, economical, and at times, as in his road i work in this county, willing to make personal sacri fice for the public good." I . Previous to Paquet's talk and Staple- ton's reply, informal five m nute talks on the bond issue were delivered at the close of the afternoon session. Eugene Palmer declared the grange should pass a mption against the bond issue. W. A. Young asked ijow the in crease in land values which it was said would follow the har surfacing of roads would benefit anyone. S. H. Welch declared it to be to the farmers' interest to vote funds for the Columbia highway. H. A. Darnall of Lents deilared that the county commissioners would be dominated by the Good Roads associa tion and yie automobile crowd." Tha $1,250,000, he said, will not be spent as outlined in the newspapers- they will spend most of it first on the Columbia river highway, and this, with mainte nance each year, will take all th money the county can supp y for' road building. He also stated that people would not be satisfied with "Warrenite, and urged the appointment of the standing roads committee. Jury Says Grocer Brown Was Slain Coroner and Detectives Declared Death in 1912 Case of Suicide and Insurance Bought For That Season. "Although the coroner .and detectives reported tnai unanea m. jarywu, a. iiu- ( cer. committed suicide in Ms home at 126 East Twenty-ninth street, north. January 30, 1912, after attacking his wife with a hammer, a Jurjf in Circuit Judge Gantenbein's court this morning returned a verdict on the first ballot which all members signed holding that the man was murdered and that tne Mutual Benefit Life Insurance com pany, of Newark, N. J., mjust pay to Mrs. Brown's estate $4000 dn a life in surance policy. Mrs. Brown) became in sane as tbe result of the hammer blows and the shock of the attack and her husband's death. "I have tried nine murder cases In which the evidence of murder did not impress me more strongly," said Juerge Gantenbein, "At. the time of the tragedy the examination, according to the evidence in this trial was very superficial. No inquest wajs held, the coroner calling the case suicide." The insurance company declined to pay the policy as it had been issued but four months before. the death of Brown occurred. TRIAL IS COMMENCED The ' trial of J. S. Stevens, accused of counterfeiting, was Started in United States district court before Judge Rudkinthia morning. Accused with Stevens are Zeb Harshman and Robert Baker. They were arrested at Marshfield, where, in a cottage rented by Stevens to Harshman, (57 counter feit half dollars and a number of counterfeit fives, all unpiated, were found, with nearly 100 plaster molds. A plating outfit, ordered! from the east, had not arrived. Harshman has expressed an inten tion to plead guilty, with1 the idea. federal prosecutors believe, of assum ing the whole responsibility. He Is about 60 years old, and has spent much time In prison. Man Is Held Sarke Owen Duffy, the man! who ran amuck at Bonneville yestjerday, was zouna sane tnis morning by Dr. Cur tis Hoicomb, who examined him. Dr. Holcomb said that Duffyj had been suffering from delerlum tremens, as the result or a spree begun Sunday. FAMOUS DANCEiR "BOBS" HEFjE HAIR A famous dancer recently startled New Tork by introducing "bobbed" hair. The fashion will hardly become popular with people who admire beau ty rather than novelty. I Beautiful hair will Continue to be wdman's most prized crown and the hair which gets the beet care will always (be the most beautiful. f In washing the hair it is not Advisable to use a makeshift, but always use a preparation made ' for shampooing only. You can enjoy the best that is. known for about three cents a shampoo by getting a package of canthrox from your druggist; dis solve a teaspoonful in a cup of hot water and your shampoo is ready. After its use tbe hair dries rapidly, with uniform color. Oaadruff. ex cess oil and . dirt are dissolved and entirely disappear. Tour halt will be so fluffy that it will look much heav ier than it is. Its lustre and softness will also dellarbt yoo. while tfc stimu late! scalp gains the health which Ia sures. hair ero-wth. - . ... ,'. J ., ttr- SDOFLV TJCPOSSIBLE. $ater- Well. young Jones aa feed me fori your hand I told him hie must save up 110.000 first. Daughter But. papa, do yoh think I Would marry a man who wajs mean enough ing to save $10,000 whilei court- NOTES OF WE fEDNl Journal Brief Paragraph, G1t Afterftoon and European War. Petrograd bekieves that, judgijng from thfc activity along the 600 ihiles of frdnt in the e4st, the spring cimpaign has been commenced. The fighting is almost continuous along the entire lirie. - IThe fall of Przemys.l, which has been holding out against, the attack of toe Russians in Galicia. is expejeted to occur at any time. The capture by the Russians of the important and( heavily fortified posi tion of Yednorozec is believed to have chbeked the advance of the Germans along the river Orzyc The bombardment of Ossiwetz con tinues and heavy firing in Bazura dis trict Is taken to indicate the Jreawak- Wjarsaw fronti Austrian war office reports that the eriemy made isolated attacks in Rus sian Poland artd western Galicia, which wre repulsed, no Important) events halving occurred in the Carpathian frontier. lAustrians sjoon checked attacks - of thte enemy's ihfantry on the Southern bank of the Pruth Germans claim to have'woi impor- tajnt engagements on the southern slopes of thel Lorette Heighti north west of Arrai, and the French deliv eried several unsuccessful attacks in the Champa grie district. In tie 'Argonne the oermans arc said to have driven the Prendh forces back from tpe slopes southwest of Vaupois, which had been oociipied by them. Executive. Under the assumption that the Jews are In sympathy with the Gerrhans and are therefore Rendering them Spy serv ices, commanfler-in-chief of tjhe Rus sians has ordered the Jews out of the district occupied by the army Chief of arimy engineers arid Secre ry Of War Daniels are in favor of Work on Oregon projects River ahd harbor allotment Will be de Utyed another! month. President Wilson sold a bale or REAL ESTATE LATE Today's Happenings With the Builders, Architects, Realty Oil Company Liets Contract. The Standard Oil company has awarded the icontract for a $4000 Job at Willbrldge; to the Dinwidflie Con. siruction company,- of Portlarid. Tend. ers are wanted . for supplying reinforcing- steel for a concrete i-etalning Wall. To Build Frame Residence C. N. Ackdrson of 768 Eafet Bum- side street, has been granted a per- mit to build dence at 1026 a one-story frame rest Hancock street, Hancock addition. It cost $2000. Building Permits. Thoa. Oinnan-j-Heptlr 1 story frtme atore. 14 th between Flandera and Ullsaq; ouuaer, SI J. Belland, Z90- I M. E. Whitner Er:ci 1 story frit me dwell- Ing. 84th at. between 48th and 4 Jth aves.; nililder, G. Nlchjolas, $500. Tw. B. McKeuna Erect 1 story frame sar eie, Alblna avej between HunibolJt and Blaa dana; builder, same, $00. Mead estate , Repair store room ior nuai- hduse. Front between Samblll and Morrison i biilder. F. H. iBrandea. $500. I K. W. McOalian Repair 1 spory frame dwelling, E. Both between 52d and 63d aves.; bliilder, Eric Anderson, $300. "j, Naaman Erect : story frame dwelllne. 6$th ave. between 6th and 7tb ata.; baUder, aame, $1000. . . J ' MrS. Cane E. I Shine Repair 1 story frame direlling, K. Yamhill between 69th and 70th; builder, ueo. anus, cotr. i uorrjett esiai ie .r n , . ym-m ... nSry atorea. otn oeiween oiarn auu vam. bailder, B. 3. Stewart, $d000. I Blumauer aatate Kepair a btbtt ra-'i nary bntiding, tn between aiornaon auu hnllripr. A. 1 K.. Davis. S50. James uuTW-t-creci x iiwi imific mi-sht El 8th between lxin(ttoa and Bldweu; pnnaer Fi E. Vanderhovf, $100. .1 . Lenore Underwood Krect i snory iramo df eUiup, Westanna between lale ano am berst; bnllder. Same, $250. I Ctossett estate Wrecx iy aiory iraiuo dwelling, Jefferson between ol apa 4tn, .wrecker, 8, f. White, $100. . i , B. Yost Erect 1 i tory irame aweiiins, m. 5Ttn nv. between 74th and 77th avea.; Duna- e, Harry PhUllfea Jr., fisoo. 1 . ... J. Jeffries Brect 1 ttory rrame awemuB. Ej 69th St. and frith aTe.J builder, tiarry Phlllipa Jr., $1600. Clarence N. Aekerson Erect 1 story name d Welling. Hancock between 33d ana djin; bhllder, same, S2000. I iScnool uiatricc no. -i nepair - i"r' hool, 67th and Divialon; builder, Joseph Ad ltjr, $150. T . . ' L M. J. Delahdnt isrect l story ' rrame sr- aTR. E. intn nerween 'xiiiamoua aim buii.i bGilder, same, $J5. 4 I Real state Transfers. Bert Meyer Carlson to Knad A. BjeiV j strup, L.. 85, i 38, B. 30, Hyde Fark$ SUsabeth A. Thompson and husband to 10 nana jacknmBen, et ai, u. 21, n. , Uishland Parik ad . -. A 10 Board vof Home Missions & : Chjurch Etn."of M. E. church to Firft m. &. Church of Portland. Or., L. 3, 4. E. U. R. "G." Portland 1 tter Dorias tnd wife te Eliza J.I Al len, part tract -b," Grovera aoeinon R. A. MeCuliy and wife to Mary K. Shelton. I. 8J B. 18. Kernel Park..., 10 1 JL C. Coetello And wife to W. W.J Mc Credle et aliN. 4O0 feet tract tying K. of and adj. K. line aiaeaaam also tract bes 150 feet K. of begi pt. In above tract! 10 Sarah E. Landry to E. Peoples, 5, (6. B. 8, Edendale ad 4 'm. T. Kreba and wife to John GiKiber U 8, 10, B.iia, Altamead.....J.... ictor Land Col to K. Koviato L. 8, B. Knromit aflrtltioti.. 4.... 2,000 10 BOO 4oseph A. Strow bridge Estate Cd. tf 600 ! Tobey. V. 5, !. B. 67. East Portland 100 Oiaa. Cleveland and wife to Anrena Tavlor, I.. 22. 25. 30. il. A, ueve- lanil artimtAtl L ......... 100 100 Mary A. Uitcbell and hosbaBd to Wdpar W. HntcbtnaeB, I Z, is. a, iiTOom bod's addition! J ... . Wilfrid F. Jones and wife to 8 U nicy Ijmk W. fi. B. 74. Laarelbarat. . 10 1 Kmma O'Brien 'et al to Jennie A. Tbeadore T. Caloort and wife to T. T H. Cowley et a I. 1 B. . Klberta kahel imboJs t aaa. L. IS, B. 5, El- r u m n lAfnnrflft..,...., to saeta ... Bamrjr A. Baarrts aaal wife ta Rati. .Bry- TirsEASOirAsu: btdwobI Judee What's vdur name? Prisoner Winteri. Judge Your first name? Prisoner-Somers! Judge Now, donft spring anjr joke stuff; I won't fall or It. NESDAY'S HAPPlzN I NGS Readers the News of Late Yesterday Last Night. cotton and sent the proceeds to the aid of charity in Oklahoma. Bale Issued brought 10 .cents pound. The department oif agriculture an- order prohibiting importation Of Indian corn from Java, India and parts of Oceania. A disease is said to have broken out in the corn. General. Number of Americans are Said to have lost their lives in the jwreck ing of the American bark Port of Bal maka, which went: ashore near Sylt, one of the North Frisian islands. .After a hard fight on Italian puna five expedition sent from Bongaxi un der Colonel Faiola dispersed a strong force of rebels near uebadia. I rnsur gents lost 10J, killed and Italians 40. The European War has exploded some of the theories which surgeons and medical experjts had held Pro portion of wounded who recover Is said to be large. The Pacific Tank & Pipe company of Portland was glvn tbe contract to furnish 4800 feet of wood stare pipe for the Outlook irrigation district, Sun- nyside project, in Washington, kt cost Of $11,345. Robert Rogge. rind Charles 'Frank, German subjects who' were taken off the William P. Fryp by the comfrnander of the Prirs Eltel, deny they -were being held on latter ship against their will. They are willing to sefve the country. In four days of' fighting, from March 10 to March 14. 112 British were killed or died of their wojunds, Pacirid Coast. Professor Bernartd " Lambert, head of the department of public speaking. Col lege or puget bouna, oiea, agea i. Captain Frank Ainsworth, lately re moved as immigration inspector of the port of Sau Francisco, returned : from Wasbinerton. where he conducted a fieht for reinstatement. Wreckage of the fishing schooner Kingfisher came ashore near the life saving station at Ilumbolt bar.. No trace of Captain Alex Johnson and Alex Binno.uist were found. AND BUILDING NEVyS Contractors and Broken. an ti, 7, 8. 125, Rose City Park 10 l 10 10 1 1.401 10 10 10 1 100 JO 1 Thomas B. Ford and wife to Even An- derson; L. 10, 11 acres B. 4, Laioqia D. G. Scoboy and viflfe to Hana Ild- aette, L. 13, B. 42, Irvington Pairk Christian Efteland id Hans Bosette, 27x75 feet beg. at SEly line Jlalaey at.. 92 feet in NEly course from W corner B. 3. Me Mi pen's addition. Sarah A. Shirley and husband to F. Wagner, L. 3, 4, B, 2, Montavilia Northwestern Trust Co. to W. 8. Badger and Wire. 1.. 4, 5, B. Z, 1. 1, 2, IB. S. Rosemead Park . J J.. Laurelnarat Co. to Ida Condit, Nly 14 i.. e, K. 71, L.aureinurst .w. 3. H. llormaa and --ife to Ward m. Bwope et al, S 47 feet I. 9. 11. 25, Brentwood Thillp Hureh to E. M Baker, W W 18. B. 37. Vernon J. B. Dickover Co., Inc., to W. M. Kllllnsrswortb et al. L. 6, B. 11. Walnut Tark J Bessie Bennett to Ralph McLeod, L. 2, 30. b. 2. isruee s addition E. Ij. Thompson and -Vlfe to J. V. Mc- Fadden, L.. 1. K. .isj uoaamera A. W. Ocobock and. wife to Chas.' OP. Uttie. U. 10, 11. B. a. I'ledmmit. . HAARLEM GOLD MED Ali Haarlem Oil has fle- clared war upon jthe enemies of to system. For centuries all oyer the World, GOLD MED AX. Haarlem (Oil Cap sules have afforded relief In thousands upon thousands of cases Of larhe back. lumbago, sciatica, rheumatism. gall- stones, gravel and all other affections of the kidneys, liver, stomach. bladder and allied organs. It acts quickly. It does, the work. It cleanses ydur kid' neys and purifies the blood. It makes a new man, a new woman, of jyovu It frequently Wards off attacks of the dread and fatal diseases of the kidneys. It often completely cures the distress ing diseases of the organs of the body allied with the bladder and kldneva. Bloody and cloudy urine, sediment or whenever you are trbubled with minor ailments of the digestive organs, that these, may soon develop into more serio 13 sickness. Your future safety, as well as your present comfort may depend on the quickness with whici you seek a corrective remedy. By commoi consent of the legion who have tried thenv Beecham's Pills are the most reliable of all family medi cines. This standard family oumuiaio wc ciugiou nvci (CUMbco lliattlVti Improved digestion,' brighter spirits and system has been cleared t GiirSiuini9 ;:: ri-.';:;J ; ' -.-1 (Ta Larsaat Sal ot Aay Sold EvvrrwWra. Ia 10 I ; 's'- - - os Air abx. ; j '. y The Westerner Just thipk .of the thousands of Americans who Wers stranded in Europe for lack of trans portation facilities. The New Knglander Too baa tney didn't have another MayfloWer.- ' Oranira Phelna ni1 wif tn nui. T. l it- tie, L. 10. 11. B. 2. ' PledmontL..... 10 J. W. UeBolt to 1. O. Gilbert. L. 1. 10, 20, 21. B. 147, TTniversUy Ptrk W Clinton Ambrose and wife to Frnnces A. Freacott, L. 13. B. 85, Wst Portland -. 10 X. 8. McDatriel to Adam" J. Voeloel. I- 18, B. 13, N, Mt. Tabor. 1,500 1 Portland Realtv ft Trust Co. to Jeta e , It. Lewis. L. 5. B. 3. Elmira.l S0 I Lndia Thormann and husband to J. ' V. Richards. C 15. B. 2, Elberta... 10 Lj-dia A. Carter to Mattie T. CanKin. L. 2, B. 6, Hullivan'a adIition, 1.500 I D. L. Filler to Thoa. J. I'arsoh'a. U. 23. 24. B. 1. Fllley Park ...... 1 ..... . SOB COUNTY COUBT NEWS Mrs. E. Hyde requested Information of the countv commissioners as to the amount spent by the county in caring for James L&wless, who died at Mult nomah farm March 9. She said Law less left a gold watch and. about $8. The request Was referred to - Mies Edith Muhs, superintendent of : the farm, for an answer. Foreman John Denison, Of the Farm, notified the board he had received $179.88 for cattle he. was directed . to sell, and was authorised by the board to use the money wi,th the balance of a cattle purchasing fund provided In the budget , for purchase of new dairy stock for the Farm.; . . Superintendent of j Quarries Katchel recommended the purchase at $400 of an Austin gyratory rock crusher at Estacada, used about six months. The matter was referred to Roadmaster Tfeon. ' . . - - j . Roa4nfaster ' Teon, County Surveyor Bonser and Dorr E. Keasey were ap pointed viewers to take legal steps re garding the extension of Hillside Bou levard. j . County Clerk Coffey was author ized to appoint Dan J. Gregory and J. E. Miller deputies In the department. District Attorney Evans lzed ' to select a bonding registration was author company to furnish surety for the appeal of Sher iff Hurlburffrom the decision, against the county In tbe suit of the Western Union Telegraph company to enjoin the county. from collecting! taxes on its franchise.' NEW SUITS FILED - Alleging - that the Alameda Land company represented that the Colum bia Realty Investment company would receive a new sales contract for Ala- meda Park property and that on the strength of that representation t. Jthe latter company raised the prices of the property, though the Alameda com pany at the time knew no hew contract was to be made and had lowered prices on the same property, the Columbia company started suit against the Ala meda company for $25,000 damages yesterday. The Columbia company also asked' for $8259.38 Commissions, alleged to be due on sales. - - ' I Louts "F. Heuer yesterday started suit against the Oregon I Independent Paving company for $10,625 damages, alleging injuries received in a collis ion between a company motor ' truck and his motorcycle at East Twelfth and Stark streets August 18, 1814. " ' !' ' --.' I . - The Covey Motor Car company yes terday brought suit against-the Asso ciated Oil company for $1730 damages,, alleging that a demonstration automo bile was demolished by an oil truck at Fifteenth and Burnside streets on March 10, J ! Long Time iTncoajscions. Hoquiam, Wash., March 18. Struck a violent blow on the head! over a week ago at a camp of the- Poison Logging DECLARES WAR 'brtck-dust,, Indicate .an. unhealthy condition. . . - f Do not delay a minute If your back aches or you are sore across the loins or have difficulty when urinating. Go to your druggist at once and get a box of imported GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. They are pleasant and easy to take. They dissolve in the stomach, and the kidneys.; soak up the on like a sponge does water. They thor- oroughly cleanse and wash out the bladder and kidneys and throw off the inflammation which is the cause of the trouble. Tour druggist wlllcheer- xuiiy rerund, your money . ir you are not satisfied after a few days' dm. Accept only the pure, original GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. N6ne other genuine. Guaranteed and sold by the Owl Drug Co. . (Adv.) remedy tones the stomach, bowels. sounder sleep, better looks,1 greater vitality come after; tha and the blood purified by tm tke World) lOsb. 2Sc company, Charles Nelson., a logger, lute ain' been in an unconix iaiis i on dltlon at the! llouuiam general hos pital. Surgeons have worked over the man alinoHt (vnstantly in iiri effort o restore his senses. At time ln showS symptoms of mental clearing. War JlorHts 'Wanteii. Pendleton, Or., March 18. IV I'arv left, local manager of th AmerWau Express. company, has just received an order from- the office at Denver fort 1000 cavalry-ho sues wanted by buyersr in that city for Kurojean buyers. Mr. Parlett has ulready lined up 600, and expects to get the rest. Kiom the rc- nulrements as statea in tne teiesrain. it Is apparent: that the Kuropean "coun tries are not ao particular in their se lection as they were at the outbreak of hostilities, j Ijanip Caused Fire. AlHonv liri March 18. A kerosene lamp explosion was the cause of a fire that completely destroyed the Myeis general merchandise-store at Sydney, a station on the Oregon Klectric, 15 miles north of Albany, Tuesday nisht at 9 :0 -o'clock. ,. Don't Merely "Stop" I Cough Stop the Thing that Causes tt and the. Conga will Btop Itself. ' A cough is really--one of our best friends. It warns us that there Is in flammation or obstruction in a danger ous place.' Therefore, when you get a bad cough don't proceed to liose your self with a lot of dru-gs .that merely "stop" the cough temporarily by dead ening the throat nerves. Treat the cause heal the inflamed membranes. Here is a home-made remedy that gets right , at the cause and will make an obstinate cough vanish more, quickly than you ever thought possible. Put 2V4 ounces of I'lnex (50,,cent.s' wortn) in a pint Doitie and 1111 tne bot tle with plain granulated sugar syrup. This gives you a lull pint of the most pleasant and) effective cough remedy you ever used, at a cot or only 6 4 cents. No lother to prepare. Full directions with Pinex. It heals the inflamed membranes so gently and promptly that you- wonder how it does it.' Aleo looener a lry, hoarse or tight couglr and stops the formation ot phlegm in the throat and bronchial tubes, thus ending the per sistent loose cough. , , Finex is a highly concentrated com pound of Norway pine extract rich in guaiacol, and is famous the world over for- Its healing effect on the mem branes. . To avoid disappointment, ask your druggist for V2V4 ounces of Finex," and don't accept I anything else. A guar, ante of absolute . satisfaction, or money promptly refunded, goes with this preparation.: The-I'lnex Co., Ft, Wayne, Ind. ! Adv.) Thin Folks Who Would Be Fat Increase in Weight Ten Pounds or More. A Physician's Advice. "I'd certainly Hive most Hnvthine to be able to fat up a few poundH and stay that way,;res every ex cessively thin man- or woman. Such result is not impossible, 'despite past failorcs. Thin people are victims of malnutrition, a condition which pre vents the fatty elements of food from leirtr taken un lv the blood' as thev are iwhen the powers of nutrition mo normal. Instead of netting into the blood, nil the fat and fiend producing elements stay in the inteatines until they pans from the bodv a Waste. To correct this condition apd to produce a healthy, normal amount of fat the nutritive processes must l artificially supplied with the power which nature has denied them. This can best be accomplished by eating a Kargol tablet with every meal. Har irnl in n scientific: combination of kik of the beet streiiKth-gl ving, fat-pro- ducing elements known to the medi cal profession. Taken with meals, it mixes with the food and turns the siiaars and ! starches into rich, ' ripe nourishment1 for the tiasues-and blorxl and Us rapid effect is remarkable. Reported gains or from ten to tweniy fiv imnmla In a. Mlnale month are hv no means inf renuent. Yet. its action Is perfectly natural and abHolutely harmless. Hargol is sold by good drug gists everywhere ana every pacaaga contains a guarantee of weight in crease or money back. caution:- While Kargol has produced remarkable results in the treatment of nervous indigestion and general stomach disorders, 11 snouiu not, ow ing to Us remarkable flesh producing effect, be used by thoae who are not willing to increase their weight ten pounds or more. ;(Adv.) Restorative Treatment for Nervous Men Coming from a source of un questioned authority on the. all-, ments of men It Is presumed to be Infalilhle, while the profession generally endorse the Ingredient!, and prescribe them In many dif ferent forms of various disease The following formula Is highly efficient in juickly restoring in nervous exhaustion, melancholia, anxiety, timidity In venturing, disziness, heart palpitation, trem bling limbs. Insomnia, thinness, cold extremities, tired-all-in feel ing and general inability to do those natural and rational acts upon which depend a man's suc cess and hHppiness lneocial ana everyday life. " . ' The Instructions for obtaining in three-grain tablets are simple, as a physician's prescription is no longer necessary, becaiiBe the tab lets do not contain any opiates or habit-forming drugs. Just ask f "r three-grain cadomen tablets, In sealed tubes, with full directions for home use. .Astounding nerv ous force; and equilibrium follow the treatment, no matter how seri- oua the ra.e, and the Joy of a healthy body and strong - nerves is soon experienced. Adv. KTlii K 1' 8 V The Koslna T r e a tment re- has been used with remarkable ' success for fifteen yearn. Kuy a Dome r tvosma ior $l.f0. If. after using,- you. are not entirely satisfied, your money will b refunded, ask ror dookici. ine uwi Drua Co.. Broadway and Wash. tils. Oregon Humane Society 07 Grand Ave, I"., between Couch and Davis, ynoaat fast 1423. B-2S1&. OF EST BAT AVS XIQHT. Tleport all cases of cruelty to thla Office. lethal chamber for small ani mals. Horse ambulance for sicK tr disabled animals at a moment's notlc-v. TTIOrl I I Tl 1 i fl Heves ail fear of I V4 I I I I be dreadful Bt- I j" I I I I V tacks which are I I I fl I I .Nl so r frequent to J L f the sufferers of aa-fc V ls' Kpiiei.y. Kosine j x -Bssaw