THE! OREGON " DAILY JOURNAL, . PORTLANdJ WEDNESDAY EVENING, WARCH 17, 1915. EOWNTOPICS (TBtkDAY Or 1915.) AMUSEMENTS E1LIG Broadway at Taylor. Curtains 2:15 sua o:j.. , iCHiav weauesuiiy auu mi urday matinees. iKKft brouUway an Sixth, Curtain 2:20 and si at met a liunday, Wednesday ana Satorda. Baker Flayers la "Xeam of ttie Storm Country." i KPHKUM Bruadway at Stark. Vaudeville. KJnrtalna 2;aO. 8:30. KNTAGKS Broadway t AMer. VaudeTlllft. ourtaloa a:30, 7:30 and 9:10. ttw KMfUKSH Broadway at lammu. Vaudeville. Continnuus. 1:3U to 5:30, 7:3 to 0:13 week days. , Continuous 1 to 11. Sun- daya. k UIC tfourtn at Stark. Vaudeville. Contln- uons. 1 i to 11 D. m. ? JkUMBlU SUta between Wastilnirton . and Stark ajtreeta. Motion lectures, 11 a. m. lu 11 u. m. '- UOPLE' West Park at Alder street. Mo tion uictures. U;30 a. iu. to 11:30 o. to. I AU V"aiiUiuj:tun at Park. Motion plcturea. 11 "a. m. to 11 d. in. ATIOSAL Park and West Park, at SUrk. Motion clotures. Vl m. to 11 o. m. .. AJKSriCWasainirum at Park., Motion pic- t a. iu-. to 11 p. dj. Washington at BroadAray. ..Motion 11 a. iu. toll d'. in. IT MUSEUM Fifth and Taylor. Hours 9 to 5 week "days. 2 tq 3 Sundays. Free, after uoona of Tuesday. Tuuraday. Friday, batur- 1 lien. shkt- pictures, rKre iltVuja unity tirc 19 lurckVu Mel ill fcsst.X KotarX Urea l Coming; Events. salve Busioeas Men'a luncheon at b hotel March 18. board luucLeon at Commercial club i:1t1o league luuebeon at Mnitnomab arcb 20. idle Business ten's luncueon. March -IS. club luncheon at Multnomah botel Central Library Meetings Rational I Oregon v eveu I'aoltic eduesduy t society, every Sunday evening. ( trie league lectures every Tnurs- university extension lectures, every evening. ; Tiri4r Infnrmntlnn I .- - W..W ft Informailuu resardlni: thls.oort may be ob- lined frdm the 1'ortland Chamber of Com- rce, 6U Flltb street. Telephone Main 1)93 Fire and Police. Wre .department Main 7700. A-1323. lPoltca department Male 7181. A 0751. Portland ursday ; wegon itherly Wasbk sh sou nds ease dabo Ton H; Unuitsday tbea tward red for tion 1 la rite Middle len in Id local! North fin uuoi triperalu li he trict Today's Forecast. and vicinity - Kain tonight and atrorut ao-itherly winds. Rain tonight and Thursday; strong inds. Rain tonlibt and Thursday: iberly gale west, strong southerly portion. niKht rnir soutn, rain norm por- raln. lndtoo etgetlc stefu condlti toto! STATIONS Elene, Texas. . . er. Or J kton, MAss: . . . . teag-o. III...... iver. CoSo nth Minn . Ireka. Cil...:.. no, cal vr. Mctot kaonnue, t ia. s t ir xena. . a. Cal. Or.... Weather Conditions. disturbance' Is central over Alaska which is moving- rapidly Southeast storm warnings were or- tliis dbftrubance at 7 a. ra.. at all this district except on tos Hay. igli pressure area in central over l'lateau States. l-lgnt ram nas extreme northwestern Washlngtou ' in Tennessee. Snuw bus oecnrred rakota and Colorado. It is colder in ' the Atlantic states and mild lies prevail on the Parlflc Slope. Turns are xavoranie or ruiu iu iuis lght and Thursday. District Forecaster. Observations. Temperature a! lozville. AngeK rshfleld ntrenl Oue. kv Orleans. La. hy xorkJ N. X. Head, wvn YaklmaL Wn. . tsbnrg. Pa -tland. Or Ueburg, Or. Louis, mo. ... t Lake. Utah.. ttle. Wksh,'... rldan. yo.. sa. Alaska.... ,lrane. Wash... xm a, Wash . . . toosb. I'd., wn. fides, Alaska.. ilia Walla. Wn. rahlnirtoif T C inmprg, iiuaa... Afterntxkn report of preceding day. JOBalOn pul jt'ta u ernoort, Ime of MOW. 130 vy left Jonsdn. f pectioti kison, 1 eel; mpbell y. pe, N. .,nd . Mr. it but a mate, Beveral residing Quincy, ear iccinauon tie lite w. aaury. certificate lef shAwln byment. 30 S 28 IS .to 2S 48 M 44 28 42 30 30 I a 4 4 - - 4 2 2 4 2 - 4 12 4 4 es i 4 44 i o 28 60 40 22 40 46 82 S6 58 I - 4 0 6 -14 9 4 - 2 - 2 0 4 ! 2 28-8 44 (- 2 S3 l 4 44 6 C2 I 2 38 I 8 42 1-12 SO -10 SO 8 50 62 48 40 44 30 80 78 56 48 60 46 86 90 4S 2 4 48 6I 66 4.8 69 66 46 52 72 58 50 6' 60 62 '64' 46 43 30 S4 2S 28 30 22 46 64 44 26 40 80 SO 62 14 42 26 48 38 22 49 40 32 84 54 44 28 42 88 42 46 26 40 28 28 ".a I5 eft. 5c a 4 10 14 8 8 8 6 4 8 18 10 6 12 6 lO 22 12 4 12 2 4 6 S 4 4 4 4 . 4 4 18 ' 4 4 14 10 a. 0 o o 0 .08 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 .50 O 0 0 0 .06 0 o 0 o o o 0 0 o o o o .82 0 0 o O Passes Awy. Accord- telegTam received yesterday Carl J onson died at the his son at Rockford, IU. The Mrs. Hannah Jonson, resides est "Webster street, this city. the following; children: O. F. employed at the building department; Miss Alma Ibrarian Jefferson high school, at 130 West Webster Mrs. Tillie Trygstad, 1191 street: A. E. Jonson, attor- Wash-: J. R. Jonson, D.; R..- K. Jonson, Rockford, Rev. E. K. Jonson, Chicago, Jonson' spent some of his in this city, but went east year ago to try a change of as - his health had been poor years. He was 78 years Tavocinatlon Provided. Free for civil employes whose them to perform inter- or handle the mails Is ar- by ; a recent order Issued . McAdoo, secretary of the The service can be had by mploye3 upon presentation of from their immediate g the nature of their em- The . following physicians require travel ior 0- are authorized to make the vaccination: Astoria, Dr. Jay Tuttte: Newport, Dr. M. F Clattsius; North Bend, Dr. I. B. Bartle and Dr. L. K. Strate; Portland, United States public health service In the Medical building, i Junior Team Wine Debate. In the inter-classj debates at i Reed college laet night the Junior team, represented by George Axtellj and I Lloyd Carrick, affirmativje, won over the senior team, represented by Robert jSabin and Del bert Frenbh,. nesative, I with a unani mous decision. The question was, "Re solved, That the United States Should at Once Take Steps Looking Toward the G radial Decrease i of Its Navy." Professors Josephine Hammond, Nor man Coleman and Harold Merrlam act ed as judges. Unfortunately,- Delbert French, ofi the senior tejam, was ill, and had to leave in the middle of his speech. The secorid inter-classj debate will be held Thursday night j in the college chapel atj 7:30 o'clock, between the sophomori and freshmen. The debate will be on the same question . and the winners then will . debate the Juniors on -April 13. ! I I 1 Portland Student Honored. l David tioring Jri, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Loring, Sl2 Marshall treet, formerly a tuden( at the; Portland academy, has been Selected as "ibis" of the Har vard Lampoon. Uorinig is a member of the juriior class at Harvard and the position to which he his been appointed- is quile an honored) one among the students. The Lampoon is the col lege comic paper andj treats of the humorous! side of the! student activi ties. Aftjer completing his work here at tne ir-pruanri academy, coring at tended the Milton academy, Milton, Mass. Endeavor Society Grows. Eighty one new knembers have been; taken In by the San Grael Christian Endeavor society oif the i Firsjt Presbyterian church during the last: year, as shown by the reports read at the annual ban quet at (the church Monday. The total membership is now 174. New officers have been installed by the pastor, Dk John H. Bpyd, as follows: President J. E. Yatesj Vice president, Miss Mariam Ewing; recording sec retary. Miss Katherine Nelson; corre-. sponding secretary, Mips Lura Parker; treasurer B. M. Behson; historian, Herman Eckhardt; elder, J. E. Wheel er. I . i Bead Extension Xiecture. In Reed college extension course 23, develop ment of the drama, Miss Josephine Hammond, professor if English, will give the iast lecture this evening at 8 o clock, iji room i A or the central 11 brar'. Her subject w Spirit and the -New Law in Contem porary Drama." In course 12, natural science. Dr. H. B, Tortey will give the 54th lecture, entitled, of Development,'! tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock, in the biological lecture room of the college. Motorman Given Cooper, superintendent of transporta- Demerlts. Fred Railway, Light anhounced that tion for the Portland & Power company, has Motorman William Bui-pee of the Haw thorne lihe had received a number of demerits I for runnlngj his car, Sun day evenjng, dangerously, close to an automobile occupied by Frank W. Baltes, of F. W. Baltes & Co., and his wife. The motorman, at a hearing Monday, admitted thai he thought the automobile was a Jitney. Good Boads Will Be Topicv "Good Roads" will be the subject at the Pro gressive 1 Business Men's club lunch eon in the Multnomah hotel tomorrow noon. a S. Benson will preside. John B. TeonL county commissioner, and Julius l Meier, president of the Col umbia IJighway association, will be guests of honor and speakers of the day. Stanley Baker will render a saxophone solo. A report of last Sun day's Lairch Mountain trail trip will be made. Trestle Will Be Replaced. The county Commissioners yesterday ac cepted tjie offer of Robert Wakefield, sub-contractor on the interstate bridge, to replace the present trestle and old bridge civer a part 6 the Columbia slough. The cost will be $400, and will come from the road fund. The acceptance of the ofijer was made on recommendation of County Surveyor Bon'ser and Superintendent of Bridges Welch. Lumber ized at X, umber Company Incorporates- Ar ticles of incorporation of the Siletz & Logging company, capital $5000, were! filed yesterday with County Clerk Coffey, by R. L. Donald, MacCormac sjnow and Wallace McCamant Besides j engaging in the lumber manufacturing industry, the company proposes tp open a ware house and store at Hoskins, Or. Pastor Will lecture. a stereopticon lecture is to be given Friday, March 19, at 8 jp. m., at thejWaverly Heights Congregational church, by the pastor. Rev. A. j C. Moses, under the auspices of the Young People's society. He went through the great national park on a bicycle.' The lecture will be il lustrated by 100 stereopticon slides. Glaosnelm Sanitarium, where the cheeriness of home ;is combined with scientific treatment land the best of care. Call or address Dr. EUa K. DearborH, 800 Union avenue. North. Portland, Oregon. C-1108. Woodlawn 1365. . (Adv.) j Prefers Hot to Accept. Although the meinbers of thfe local board i)t censors ) want Mayorf Albee to act as chairman of their board, it is unlikely that he will do so, as he does not be lieve thie plan advisable at this time. He hasj the matter finder advisement, however, as the result of a confer ence with members pf the board late Saving Habit Leads to Comfort The Spending Habit Leads to Want Which Condition Do You Choose? ' j j Your Future Depends Upon Yourself : I i Liberal Rate of Interest Paid by 'H.. United States National Bank . . .1 - rf- 1 C . . I n . . . nira ana vatt sireeu. tortIand,l Uregon. - . - - I, ! Resources, $12,000,000.00 j Banking by Mail for Out-offTown Customers Si- vesterdav, Th nfiw: ordinance ulatlng the exhibition of all motijon pictures takes effect next Monday. Mrs. Almlra P. Elliott Dies. Mrs. Almlra Fay Elliott, daughter of tihe late Joseph H. Harriman, well known bar pilot at Afctoria. died of pneu monia yesterday: afternoon after a 110 days' illness atT her home at -Wist Portland, on the Oregon Electrio rajil road. She was 8 years of age. The remains will be shipped tonight to her birthplace, Astoria, for Interment tomorrow In the family plot in Green wood cemetery. Her husband, Fred erick R. EUiottJ and their two sob, Ralph, aged 7, And Frederick, aged! 3 months, will make their home with Mrs. Elliott's sister, Mrs. Josephine H. Forrest. 605 East Thirty-seventh street, Portland Henderson the result of fall during the) Mount Hood ing at Oregon Henderson was ages against the bricklaying ing. The verdict cuit Judge Kav derson sued for JBrefwing Jdhn As a the 6d- Awarded Damages. injuries received" in construction of company's bu City in 1913, George awarded $2389 dajm Stewart, who contract on the buld was returned in Cir anaugh's court. Hen $10,000 damages saloonkeeper, of liquor to O. S. Dowgiallo had days in Jail by enson- and had aj en Alaska BCarsbal Alice Cox. an they are taking prison for worn Deputy United Mrs. H. A. Bis district of Jun Portland last east this morn serve a se murder of a Mr. Bishop is serious illness. tog. ntencee white Sunnyslde W, Sunnyside W. C been organized ence and laws suae iowgiauo Acquitted A jury, in Circuit Judge McGinn's court tihis morning acquitted Mike DowgialloL a a charge of selling Cole, 19 years old been .sentenced to j 50 Municipal Judge Stjev- Ippealed. The boy Was the only witness, who testified that he waa served liquor in the saloon last New Year's eveJ day when he fell out of the cab win-' dow of his train near Forest Grove. The train was having trolley trouble, and Luster was watching the ' trolley when he overbalanced and fell. Me 4 was brought to Good Samaritan hospital. Estate of John ICcCraJcen. John McCraken, who died February 15. 1915. left property valued in the report of the appraisers filed yesterday at $216,178.04. Real estate forms $201, 000 worth of the estate and personal property forms the rest. Stocks and notes held by the estate were listed as of no value. John D. Wilcox, Whitney L. Boise and C L. Starr were appointed appraisers. Divorce Suits Piled. Divorce suits were filed yesterday as follows: Ort ance C Johnson against Arthur A. Johnson, desertion; Mary E. Weber against Daisy Hubbell, desertion; and drunkenness; Judson A. Hubbell against Daisy . Hubbell , desertion; Frances SL Bell against Tedd J. Bell, desertion. on Way East. With Alaskan Indian, wb;om to the United States at Lansing, Kanias, States Marshal and hop of the First judicial in the to the feau, Alaska, were lght, leaving for The woman ia of 15 years for man near Juneau. Just recovering f rorh a C. T. TT. Meets. T. U. will meet row afternoon Vlth Mrs. Snow at Marguerite avenue. A study class to study political pertaining to the amendment. Mrs. Hatcher, who announced last is unable to attend because of illness. Collector to figures Martin, the su turned over by the county last week's $964,428.52 Turns prepared treats collection turnled in Cash. Accord! by County Aud m of $333,130.49 Tax Collector Lewi ureras the result making in over this year. Leg laborer's Susa, Southern tham. Or., wht leg yesterday was brought hospital yesterday, tv tp looses -Motorman motorman on Eastern electric toes and his foot The tomor- 319 has cl- Vv-as week, to be present, Injured. Antone Pacific laborer of received a -hen a tie fell on! the Good La- fractured it, Samaritan Entertainments at Y. M. C. A. In teresting entertainments presenting Jane Tuttle, dramatic soprano; Gene vieve Fodrea, violinist, and Adela LaV, pianist, will be given March 19 and 20 at the Y. M. C. A. hall, at 8 p. m., under the auspices "of Sumner Relief Corps, for the National Society for Broader Education. Pifty Dollars will be paid for proof that I am employed, by either telephone company. Five dollars may be saved by reading my letter entitled "Public Information" in this paper. For addi tional free Information address Ed Word, P. O. box 2104, city. (Adv.) bREGON WILL fc L EXHIBIT AT t ... SAN FRANCISCO FAIR MNERA Bureau of Mines and Geology Commission? Meets and Committee Is .Named, ng tor was to of all Toes. T. E. Luster, B. .Portland, hJugene & train, lost sevjeral was crushed yeter- Contpany Piles Articles. Articles of incorporation of the Pacific Timber Cruising company, capitalized at $500, were filed with County Clerk Coffey this morning by Frank S. Grant, R. A. Inlay and Helen Maney. Children's Orchestra to Play. A special attraction at the social to be given this evening at the First Methodist church is Clifford's Junior orhcestra, which will play Irish selections. . Desertion Is Alleged. Suit for di vorce was filed this morning by Grace H. Gregory against Allan M. Gregory, in which she alleged desertion. - Steamer Jesse Sarklns for Camas. Washougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock at 2 p. m. (Adv.) One Suit Pressed Each Week. $1.50 a month. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark. Main 514, A-4314. (Adv) Painting1, Tinting, Paperhanglng. E. T. Crane, 1J0 Tenth at. M. 2326. Adv. Low Prices on Printing" of all kinds. F. W. Baltes & Co. Main 165. A-1165. Ad. r. W. A. Wise will leave in a few days for Bar View. (Adv.) Dr. E. C. Brown. Eye. Ear. Mohawk bldg. (Adv.) Delaware will not resort to bond is sues to meet state expenditures. ' Conforming to therequest of Gov ernor Withycdmbe, the Otegon bureau of mines and geology commission met in this city laist Monday 'night for the purpose of giving consideration to the state mineral exhibit at the Panama- Pacifio International exposition in the mines and metallurgy building. The late legislature appropriated $10,000 for the exhibit wiich is to be under the management of the bureau of mines and geology commission. A committee coniposed of W. C. Fellows H. M. Betts and J. F. Reddy was em powered to carry out all arrangements for the exhibit such as tie collection, assembling and display of specimens. The eommjl tee is to adt in conjunc tion with H. pi. Parks, director of the bureau. It ia planned to have the ex hibit in place by May 1. The mineralogy of the state will be fully represented particular attention being given tp the gold exhibit. In additior to arranging for the exhibit the commission also considered tentative plans to continue the inves tigation of the mineral resources of the state. A working s :af f was en gaged for the next 12 months. Among the appropriations made by the legis lature was pne of $251000 for the maintenance of the bureai. The staff engaged consists of W. A. Swartley, mining engimeer ; Jra A. Wil liams, who will Investigate the cement materials, salines and fertilizing- de posits of southeastern Oregon; G. A. Goodspeed, mineralogist. Smith of thef departmen University of Oregon. In connectljon with the mineral ex hibit at San jFrancisco it was decided to condense the bulletins issued by the bureau the past eigtit years into a souvenir edition for distribution. The Oregofa bureau of mines and and Professor of geology. geology com W. J. Kerr. Agricultural mission is president of the Universi W. C. Fellow of Whitney Cornucopia; J. F. Reddy, J. L. Wood, Albany, and Portland. Whiti White Salni the monthly Salmon was elected succeed Dr. ing for elected vice Conger who Seattle. president of the Oregon college; P. Salmon on. Wash., luncheon ... Comtnerclal 'club president of W. Sayre, R. L. president to has gone to composed of L. Campbell, y of Oregon; 5 H. M. Betts. Grants Pass; H. N. Lawrie, d Elects, ilarch 17. At the White H. Douglas the club to who is leav- Haman was succeed J. J. St. Paul. lllHI!llllljiieiBII8llS3 aMslssslssar $1.95 SS Cut from I JSbSS A folding sidewalk sulky, as with rubber tired. 50 Worth of Furniture 75 Worth of Furniture 00 Worth of Furniture 25 Worth of Furniture $150 Worth of Furniture $?00 Worth of Furniture lllllllilllllHIIIIIIIHIHHHD ' fa. aTT Baas. aw t "snssBBsB 5.00 Cash $ 1.00 Week $ 7.50 Cash 4l.50 Week $10.00 Cash $2.00j Week $12.50 Cash $2.25! Week $15.00 Cash $2.50 Week $20.00 Cash $3.00 Week i o n i a rii 1 TV I r $z.du rianK lop iming Quarter Oak -Octagon A splendid dining table pattern with 45 inches in diameter and pedestal In with broad, flaring, heavy legs. A most sign and at this price unusual value. thick octagon plank top design j pleasing de-j pictured. steel wheels', enameled gear and body, -very comfortable. light and Oriole Go-Car ! Reduced $19.00 mohair) and 12 for . "TOT $7.95 $11.75 Oriole Go-Baskets. in pretty uphol stering!, for 1 ". Oriole Go - Baskets, closely woven CO Cfl $14.00 with reed sides, for Folding Go-Carts. With auto hood, reed biody in. wheels $J35 Short Lots of Lace and Scrim Curtains These lots contain from 2 to 6 pairs of a pattern, and are the greatest value we have offered in months. $3.50 Curtains reduced to, J QQ pair tPlaOtJ $5.50 Curtains reduced to, d0 QQ pair DSe7P $7.50 Curtains reduced to, IQ Qf? pair j50ee70 $14.50 Curtains reduced to, pair SEE YAMHTLL STREET WHTDOW $6.9 New Cretonnes and Taf fetas Underpriced Designs not ordinarily shown at this price. Taffetas and cretonnes fin shadow effects, in pink, blue, yellow and lavender, also Old English chintz designs CAN SO BETTER jFOB X.ESS OH" TTTTUTl STRTTRqin Al Remarkable Brass Bed Value $7.95 Table i Base $19.85 EXTRA! 45 Comfortable Arm Rockers k e r s, I d d e d 1 wood. nice-' 1 Excellent Arm Roc with panlel back, r arms, saddle shape seats, of 1 good desigtk, ly iinisnea in goiaety 1 $2.79 j Housu furnishing Specials ; No. 1 plete ting Food Chopper. set of cut special with knives, $1.50 set, ent Dover fitted handles No. 6 g u a r a- in every for Sad Iron with pat for. . . Jewel Electric Iron. n t e ed satisfactory , respect. com-' 82c! i. 3 in' 89c! Look at the cut and splendid brass bed can this low price. It is other stdres as high as large 2-inch posts, fitted knob mounts and 10 finished in royal satin rigid an construction to a customer. $1.75 White Enamel Bath or Medicine Cabinets fiee what a be had at quoted in $14.50, has with door filler rods,- and very bed only inch inches 8x12 hooks llll Well finished, convenient!. "" ly arranged, bathroom or medicine cabinets, 11 H e s wide and VI high, fitted Witt h? mirrorf fitted with ready for ' r hanging. Extra MHr cnAlail volna minims; $2.29 10 Ck Ponfe I I Piece white and' gold , ms) A Id j I ner sets special . . ; -. - . - --- -' - .-. .: - . 1 i ., : ,. .- Press Club Jinks I l Comes Off Tonight Chairman MoOettlgan Announoes That All the Stars in Kls Constellation Hare Seen Securely Corraled. . Chairman Frank McGettiganJ of the entertainment committee of the j Port land Press club, announces that no stir will be missing In the constella tion he will offer tonight In the Press clb theatre in honor of the St,- Pat riok'a day Jlntea, now; a regular an- nuai feature of life around the news papermen's club. . All members of the clulf are invited and are expected to bring at least five friends with them to enjoy the good times prepared. The performance will begin at' 8:30) o'clock. a distinct novelty on the program will) be the pianologue by Mrs. E. M. Hogan. long a Press club favorite, afad the I dances by Miss Frances Magill. who is now completing her) dancing" studies ia Portland i preparatory to embarking on a vaudeville oareer. Among the other numbers on the! program are: , ! ! Piano solo. Miss Viola Made n; raon loKue. Al Keel, the Keystome com the ae-( dlan, vlolinl "feat," Mss Golda M. Gouiet; cross-fire comicalities, Dun it Dunkle: Irish songs, Miss Iva Lyon; recitations. E. C. Horton; operatic se latetlonB, Miss Leah Cohsn. j Besides these, there are half a doz en or more big numbers and the noyet Stunt in preparation by the orchestra from the Orpheum, Empress and Pan tagea theatres, under tjhe leadership Of Frank Harwood, leader of the Or pheum orchestra. . I Cowgh Stop is a reat stopper. Plum iner Drue company, Third and Madi son, i - (Adv.) on A. & M. Delovage A. Sc M. Delo vage 324 " slsslSSBslSs1 SsSSBBsM SsVJ SSaBI SsBB 1 THE SMOKE AND WATER SALE GORHAM TEAPOTS SterUng Silver Teapots of Oornam Manufacture. Compare These Prices t $30.00 Teeapot at. $33.75 Teapot at. .S21.SO S24.50 Original Price Ticket Every Article. - SUGAR HOLDER Rtsrllnir Sllv.p Snirar Holder sold regularly $5.50, J2,40 CUPS AND SAUCERS ; Black Coffee Cups and Sauc ers sterling silver. I Sold regularly at $3.50 the eO OC pair, now at i'W Original Price Ticket on Every Article. BREAD & BUTTER PLATES Sterling Silver. Regular $4.50 values, CO Ofi our price now, each.. VUiAU COMBINATION TRAY Combination Sterling Silver Sandwich and Cheese Tray, sold regularly at 10 Rd $25.00. now at l AiJU, "FAIRFAX" TEA SET Five-Piece Sterling Silver "Fairfax" Tea Set. We org you to compare our sale: price with tVi.t rk-f finv -tVir ,tnr Reg. $173.00 value $28,00 - Original Price Ticket on Every Article. SHAKERS Sterling Sliver Salt, and Pep per Shakers. Prices Are on Sets. Reg. $1.60 Shakers at 754 Reg. $2.50 Shakers at 81.25 Reg. $3.00 Shakers at 81.50 Reg. $5.00 Shakers at S2.50 Original Price Ticket on Every Article. CANDLESTICKS 7.75 Reg. $13.50 Sterling Silver Candlesticks WITH FUK.Y Do Not Miss This Great JewelrySale Are you going to be one of the per sbns who arrived at the station just a minute too late only to see S the train receding in" the distance? Arj you going to let this great opportunity to buy high-grade Jewelry at cut prices pass you by? Would you miss this SAL E? Well, hardly! Read our prices below. Make comparison. "Merit welc omes comparison." . We invite comparison. Our prices are unap proachable because we are not taking a half-hearted measure in disposing 6f this -stock. ' " - j -!' j . . CUT GLASS BOWL Gorham Cut Glass Bowl, with sterling silver ; rim t very beautiful design priced at less than cost. Reg. Clfl flfl value $25.00. now.. VlUiUU ' Original Price Ticket on juvery Article. DIAMOND , . I -r i lirnal stAClca O diamonds in Portland. It has always been known that our diamond prices ar lower than elsewhere Now durj ini this sale, our prices are reduced from 25 to 40 per cent .from our alh ready low prices. .We are not holding in reserve any of our diamondsthe entire stock is now on sale, including all solitaires set in platinum, and also onyx mountings. We have diamonds as low-as $5 and up to $1000. j ' ! Read These Savings DIAMOND RING RV.eguTof value $35. now going at. .... DIAMOND RING value $70, now going at.. .. . . ' VU miliniin Dlllf Solitaire Diamond ummunu ninu Bing. setting, reg. value $100 Ring, platinum, tGf , now... . v, f f P1II0TCD ninMniin nihin Turquoise ULUwlLn uiniuunu imtw i .... . WWW , ... v.. " - - - lJUObd Dikmond5! Ring iurquoise . surrounded with ten full cut diamonds, reg- JRC ulitr value $100, now going at... "'Vj DIAMOND-PEARL RINGiil with seven graduating full cut dia ,m6nds. regular value $160,. now JJ DLAMOND Rli afit "ii trl Srfe newest I design, reg. value $145. CQJ now going at . .4 . .'. ... i 0-CARAT DIAMOND LZt -,Aa nerfect rem a rare tQCH uty, reg. value $500, now at f " bea SOLID GOLD RINGS Solid Gold Blrthstone Rings In individual stones and com binations, values to tt AC $7.50, choose now aVliUU CUFF BUHONS Solid Gold Cuff . Buttons Some With Diamond ! Setting. Regular Buttons Regular Buttons $1.25 $2.60 Cuf: at .-. : a't6 00..0"'! $2.50 Regular $10.00 Cuff ffC fin Buttons at . J,UU ! Original Price Tickets on j- Every Article. LAVALLIERS Solid Gold or Gold, -with Platinum, j Jf .vt.rr!1.1: $5.00 Reg. $15 Lavalllers, C7 Cff now-it .(.... L aitOU Lavalllers. Q QQ .LT!u!1:i$l2.50 Reg. $20 now at Reg. $25i now at All other Laval- A0 flPP Hers up to $100. .WO " Original Tickets on Every .,. ; . j ArticU?. J ' SCARF PINS Solid Gold Blrthstone Scarf Pins. . s?a:f $1.25 3.5?7.s??ff $1.75 Scarf 0 CfT $3.75 $5.00 $7.50 Scarf f $10.00 Scarf $5.00 Regular Pins at Regular Pins at Regular Pins at Regular Pins at Regular Pins . at Original Tickets .on Every Article. POCKET KNIVES SoUd Oold One-Half Price. Regular $5.00 Pocket 60 Cfl Knives at .... v0U Regular) $7.00 Pocket -Q Cfl Knives at j. VW.OU Regular! $10 Pocket QQ Original Tickets on Every Article. CLOCKS Our entire stock 6f High- Grade Clocks, including nit eTact."'. HALF PRICE Original Tickets on Every Article. One with V. 1 , t, i I All III tention iy sua i I 17 ! ' Z "'HI' 111 sL -p SJ?5 E-X-T-R-A S-P-E-C-l-A-L lot of LocketB solla goia- sorns small aiamonas. roiuj w greatest bargain ever ciiereu jelwelry concern in Portland. Jff fjn i a. i4Ann vrtttr nir it it iOrlgtnal TicKeii on xuvc jr S-P-E-C-l-A-L Gold . Filled Cuff Buttons, values to $2.00, your Ona pick at.j. .:.. UB Mail Orders . i - mall orders receive our prom ptl at iho.1i filial nur Eruar- ana are ,rirnr- tee accompanies every TTT w e shopper wno0.u- -',""',: prepay all express customers. ..t EBelovage 324 Washington street At the Sign Established or tns Ked f ri Since tiiocic 1889 V ! S All I I If "m. i 'S 1 ' II I Order of i United Artisans A Social, Fraternal, Beneficial Society for men and women. Four plans of Insurance based upon ade quate rates, and backed by a sur- flus of nearly one million dollars. 0 lodges in Portland. Over 11.000 members in Oregon. Let us tell you, about It. Phone Main 1220. C.sXi. MTCEWlfA, i -1 -( Buprams Secretary, : 62X Beck Bldg Portland,! Oreroa. Oregon Humane Society 67 Grand, Ave. VK between Conch and Davis. Phones East 1433. B-3516. OFEXT BAT AW KTOET, I Report all cases of cruelty to this office. Lethal chamber for small ani mals. ' Horse ambulance for sick or Cis&bled animals at a moment's notice BITIILITHIC pavement is to permanent that -there can be no question of its ' economy. DENTISTS Corner of Second and Morrison. Look' for the big -Union sign. All work guar- s j - anteed. ; j Open t A. M. W I P. M. . ! - Sundays. .10 to 12 A. M. Full Set Teeth, that fit. .$5.00 Gold Crown, 22-k. $3.50 Bridge Teeth, 22-k. . . . .$3.50 Painless Extraction .....50c: j Sr. Whetstone. Vz. Hotel Lienoii THIRD AND MAIN STS. has more attractive accommodations, and rates, than any modern hotel in the city tor permanent guests 910 i " ' - r, j - i 1 . . ' . - - V