Albina P.-T. (Circle Gives Entertainment m - Musical- and Literary Pro grajp Enjoyed by. Large (Audience at Albina Home ktead School Tuesday Eve- ' hi rig, T. HE Parent-Teacher association of jthe Albina Homestead school . gave a musical and literary enter taihment Tuesday evenin that , wa larftcly attended. The program In cluded tt selection by the school or t'lielHtra:, piano trio by Mrs. Edna Ga? belj' Mian Kather BoOcnuin and Mrs. KUit Jones, recitation by Lilly Miller, vorjal Bcdi by Mrs. I-enore Peterson, fcorij? by the Klrls of the school churus, adijrese j on social service by Mrt. HaphurBt, address on the Parent T4chpr association work by the pres ident ft . the Richmond association, recStatln by Alma Cox, piano solo, by QeifrevieVe France, recitation by Mary Kcijnier.j vocal salt) by Mr. Phillips, mutation by George .Tonkpsky, vocal olo byjClay Elwooti Walborn. accom panied fey Gladys Holgate,. piano duet by I Mlsa Ksther Bodeman and Miss Kdna Clabel, address on school work by I J. Boyd, selection by the school ordhpstra. The program was followed by refreshments and a social hour. A prcfijp of parents and teachers added in making the affair a success. L " " .' ial Semite Department Busy. .- 'fhe irfuniiyside Parent-Teacher asso ciation, IthrouKh Its social service com mittee. ;ls working diligently for the flucjeeasjof the benefit to be given at the,-Kcho theatre, Thirty-seventh and 1 lajwthoirne, Tuesday evening, March 1C. The teachers and pupils 'are aid ing in the selling of the tickets, and it jseems-s assured that enough money wi 1 bo secured to purchase shoes and ot I er a rticles. ' All cash secured by tht .sale! of tickets will be clear profit to the social service department, as thf theatre proprietor only asks to re t:iijn the cash that is paid In at the window; Miss Catherine Jordan and MiKs Olga I-eavitt will give readings. Anjy one wishing to secure tickets. HJfc p 13. phone Mrs. C. 1". Jordan. Tabor 31 'klcy Green reported raising $3& at thflr liicricfit. which was for social service I work, mid the Isis theatre ben efit at I Sellwood netted $10. Montu villa . reports that they are buHy nuiking quilts. ' everal chairmen report that many fa (nines have lots all ready for plant ing. For seed potatoes, phone Mrs. A. .1. Hoover. Sellwood! 24t2. purlijg the absence of Mrs. C. W. Jlkyluuist from tire ciity. Mrs. C. P. Jor- d.'ih will take charge of trie work of 1b A social service department. Mrs. ll;yhiirst will investigate especially social Service work and the adminis tering iof widows' pensions in San IMfgn, Jos- Angeles and San Francisco. Knst City I'iirk Asn?latlon. riic ! City Park F'art-nt-Teacher a .ssoHation will meet Tuesday evening at S nj'clock. The school orchestra, w ifl gijve .selections and the address wjtl lip hy Ir. C. II. Chapman, his sub ject liclrrjcr of an educational nature. Terwilliucr Association. The t egular -meeting of the Terwilli gir PHreitt-Teacher circle was held at thie school house Thursday; afternoon, March j 11. After a short business ittfeetin K the fllowing program was PARENT-TEACHER ASSOCIATION DIRECTORY Oregon Congrett of Mothers. fifth i rioor, .Mninty i-otirtbne. PrMidcnt, Arlstene Kplts. Phuie Marwbnll -.'5. Portland Parent-Teacher Association. tlenpral mpctlns first Trnii-sdn j- of enoh nifiith. ilertnre rim A ef llie public literary atl ' p. id. I'rfnich'iit. Mr. Martin Wajrner, S:it Et Thirty-fourth street. Tek'iibuue Ta Inf two.! A ihi worth ecoiii VedjieslHy . f ternfvn if enpli month. Priesldeiit. Sirs. J. t:. Iinvlilaou, 5S- Clifton it'et. Telephone M&rsball 8:!;!. Alameda Park, Third iFriday of each IVesident. Mrs. T. W. hrpe. 77- Kast Twenty-sixth north. 'J'ttlepboue Woodluwn 5:3). Afbina. Homestead. M SSrcoml Tncsrtay .-f p'h montU. President, jlis. John I.. .Miller. 4SO Ik-oeb trevt. Tele ptloDe ooilavn 7tJS. Arleta. I ISpcoikP Krhlar of -ali month. ''President, Miisa Aiils MeLauphlln, Arlola school. Telephone Titbor" tita. Snokunap . IThird -Thitrailay afternoon of each month. rre,i.1eit. Mrs. P. .:. Neelnnd. 7 Et T"enty eennd street iHH'th. Telephone East Capitol Hill. ! Second -Thursday evenlne and fourth Thurs day afternoon. President. Mrs. H. K. Iteeyes, Bex lf.".j. Hillsdale. Or. Chapman. 1 1'lriit Tuesdav afternoon of each month L'irpKldeiU. Mrs. J. W. Fowler'. S72 Thirty-e-til street norrti. Telephone Marshall l.'JS. Clinton Kelly. ! Second Wednesday : fiernoon of eacli month IVesirteiit. Mrs., t hanes VV. Jones. M." East I'tveiltyj-seveuth 5tree;. Telephone Sellwood Couoh ! President. Mrs. II. II. O'Reilly, 2."i7 North Twentyi-se'ond street. Telcphoue 27:17. . Creiton I Third Tuesilay afternoon of each month. . 1'restiir avenue Eliot. iit. .Mr. W. M. Ober. ' 49.16 Thirty-first I Second Thuraday aftermam of each month. Pieiideif. Mr, t'. A. Zander, 420 Uautenbeiu. OFerawood. . l Seeotjd Tuesday afternoon' of pach nxinth. fresideint. Mm. J. H. MaBley. 452 Eat Tweuly fonrih street-north. Pboue Kast 4747. raiTingi I Last Thoruday afternoon of each month. t'residnt. Mrs. B. K. Jones. S04Vi Krout street. Telephone "'arfhrll 39T. Pulton Park. i Thiril Tuesday i'f each month." President, Mrs. I ana (j. WartsVo.-th: 4i7 Fleldner bulld Ing. Tlephoue Marshall tHSO. . r Clenco . . . - 1 S2o.At Tndiitr a-ftomiwin of afich v Tllont h. Presldtiir. Mr. W. r. Priar. 1342 Base Line road, h'elepbone D-1.102. Greror Heights. i ThlrJ Wednesday- afierooon of eaeb month. iPreaMent. Mrs. Mary K. Klllam, 007 East il'.lghtifjth street luirtii Glenhaven. Second Tuesday of each month. President, Mr. Jj. H. MacUreiror, 2101 Tillamook street. Telephone Tabor 4417. Hawthorne. geeoiid Wednesday at 2:30. President, Mr. O. ii. I Buland, OtHj Maple street. Telephone f.aac opto. Hicblaod. i Second Friday aflerr.oon of each month. PresliWDt. Mrs. Thomas ;. Greene; 3.; 7 Jessup latreet. j Telephone C-1204. HoUadly. : j Fonrh Friday afternoon of each month. Irresldrint, Mrs. Lawrence Ilolhrouk. 474 East Holma. ' . First) Tuesday afternoon of each month. President. Mrs. C. M. McKay, 2us Bancroft ae. - lelepbuue Marsnau s-v. . Budsoi .. ' ' ' Last Wednesday afternoon of each month. Presld 'Ut. Mrs. A. Carroll. 208? East Clay treet. Telepuoue Tabor 1611. t Irvingjton. 1 . .j ; Secdud Wednesday of each month. President. Mrs. E. G. Titus. East Seventeenth and Tilla mook (streets. Telephone East i'Ul. Kennady. - , i'irit Wednesday afterooon of each month. 7'' . ; - : - - . I;--- i NEW OFFICERS OF SOCIETY OF OREGON ARTISTS ,77-,,,'- i -7- .' ' - ''-,'.',?'. - 7 ' . i ' , . ,wl " "r7, ' ' - A'. , j ' s , ' j- f ' y jl t ' ' ''" ' , j ' , t . ' - ; -" -; ' -C- - r - '" J - ' Top G. C. Christlanson, president. Edith L. Miller, vice' president; treasurer. given: Vocal solos, "A Bowl of Roses," Henley, "Just a Wearying for You," Carrie Jacobs Bond, by Mrs. G. W. Stanley; piano solos, "Scherzo op. 16 No. 2," Mendelssohn, "Spanlsb Dance" Madrid, by Miss Letha McBride. The speaker was "Miss Hanthorne, who gave a very Interesting- talk on "Read ing for Children." I To Talk on City Beautiful. Howard Everts ;Veed, sijpervisor of Portland public school gardens, will speak on home gardening anil city beautiful plans i at a neighborhood President, Mrs. Herert W. Bushnell. 1192 East Thirty-second street north. Telephone Wood lan n 383. Kenton. Fourth Thnrsdsy afternoon of each month. President. Mrs. C. F. Nichols, Kenton station. Telephone Woodlawn 023. Kern. Third Tuesday afternoon of each month. President, Mrs. J. Emit Nelson, 1195 Laurel hnrst ave. Telephone: Tabor 695. La4d. j Second Thnraday afternoon of each month. President. Mrs. L; T. Newton, 267 Eleventh street. Telephone Main T602. Lenta. Third Friday afternoon of each month. Pres ident. Mrs. Otto Katzky, Main street, Lents. Telephone Tabor 2823. ' Llewellyn. Last. Thursday afternoon of each month. President. Mrs. George H. ' Crawford. 14,:3 East Nineteenth, street. Telephone Sellwood Mti. ' , Montayilla. Second Tuesday afternoon of each month. Tresident. Mrs. H. M. Sherwood, 1923 East Irving- street. Telephone Tabor 5820. Mount Tabor. Second Thursday afternoon of each month. President. Mrs. J. SI. Short, f3 East Sixty ninth street. Telephone Taor 120. Multnomah. Second Wednesday afternoon and fourth Fri day evening. President. Mrs. Helen C. Fries, Multnomah station. Ockley Green. 1 Second Thnraday efternoon of each month. President. Mrs. Marshall N. Dana, 1249 Al ina ave. Telephone Woodlawn 3104. Pcrtamouth. Second Friday afterno.n of each month. lresident. Mrs. Alice White, 1760 Portsmouth avenue. Telephone Columbia 480. Peninsula, Second Tuesday In each month at 2:30. President, Mrs. Herert W. Foster, 1537 Curtis avenue. Phone Woodlawn 1683. Richmond. Second Friday afternoon of each month. President. Mrs. J. F;- Chapman, 1031 Division treet. Teleiihone Tabor 2551. Bos City Park. i Third Tuesday afternoon ' of each month. President. Mrs. L. V. Rawllngs, Forty-fifth and Bra zee streets. 1 Telephone Tabor 2022. Sellwood. ! Second Wednesday afternoon of eaeh month. President, Mrs. -Ik-ssie P. Elkin.- 626 Tenluo avenue. Telephone Sellwood 1750. Shattuck. First Tuesday afternoon of each month. President, Mrs. J. F1. Kelly, 615 Fifth street. Telephone Marshall 347. , Shaver. 1 Second Friday at 8 o'clock. President, Mrs. R. E. Ureeo, 774 Michigan etreet. South Mount Tabor. ! Second Friday, afternoon , of each month. President, Mrs. Frederick J. (ilass, 630p. Thir tieth avenue, S. E. Telephone Tabor 37S4. Stephen. i First Weduesday afternoon of - eieh month. Vice President. Mrs. M. M. HalL 4 Elliott avenue. Telephone Sellwood 2080. Bunnyside. Second Tuesday afternoon of each month. President. Mrs. J. Ira Boutledge, 870 Belmont street. Telephone Tabor 72. Thompaon. , . ' j 1 , . First Thursday ajfterrjoon' of each month. President, Mrs. W. K. Ogden. 0C6 Mchigan avenue. Phone Woodlawn 1419. Terwilliger. j Second Thursday afternoon of each month. President. Mra. W. A. ViRgera. 1557 Virslnla street. Telephone Marshall 457S and A-3673. Ternon. i - t rTrst Tuesday afternoon and third Wednes day evening uf each month. President. Mrs. F. E. Julian. : 084 East Thlrtr-secoud street north. ' . i : Woodlawn. i ' : 1 .':?! " .' '''.' Third Friday at 3 o'elocki President. Mra. W".- W. Williams. 1403 Koduey avenue. Tele phone Woodlawn 907. ? .Woodmen. j - ;7 President, Mrs. Ella Decrevel, Milwaukie. Or. Route 2, box 88. Woodstock. ; 'Third Friday afternoon of eaeh month. Pres ident. Mr. E. H. tncham. 11S1 Herald ave nue. Telephone Sellwood 1S51. THE OREGON SUNDAY ; JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. Bottom, left to right Mrs. W. H. Blevins, secretary and 7 meeting to be held in Dr. Wadsworth's club house, 16 43 Fulton Park boule vard, Monday evening ati 8 o'clock. The lecture will be illustrated by stere- optlcon slides. 7' Concord Association Meets. March 5 a nieetihg of 'the Concord Parent-Teacher ' association was 'held at the school house. t After a short business session an Interesting program was ertven. Contralto solo. Mrs. Tyra Warren; talk on school girls' dress, by Mrs. Montgomery or Portland. Kle a.ld id part: "Every girl has a right to look beautiful. To be appropriately Pressed means to be dressed to suit the indi vidua), to bo dressed seasonably, to be dressed for protection, to bs dressed practically and prettily." I From the practical side of dress she discusssd the durability of goods, cost, etc. From the protective side she discussed coats, shoes and stockings and emphasized the moral influence of "protective clothes." If a girl dresses modestly she will be protected from $lander, she said. ! She spoke of the foolishness of silks and satins "for th school I girl these leaving her nothing to look! forward to when she is a, woman. The teacher Is the ideal of the child ! and lias a great Influence on the growing ehildV But the mother's influence is greater. Teach your daughters to be above fashion. Following are the officers of Con cord association: Mrs, George C. Brownell, president; Mrs. Powers, treasurer; Mrs. Veleria Benby. secre tary. The next meeting will be held on the first Friday in April. A good program is being prepared for same. . j - :. An Eveninj of Songs and Dances. For the benefit of FernwOod an elab orate entertainment Is being planned by Mrs. C. C. Shay, the affair to be given Friday evening at the Hose City Park school house. Seventy-five lit tle children will take part In the elab orate program of dances, j pongs and dramatizations . as well I as Indian scenes. Solo dances will be given by Dorothy Lyons, Margaret i McCulloch, Wllletha Ritter, Helen Ritter, Wini fred Flanders, Bonnie Merritt, Nellie Hubbard, Elvin Rasmussen, Roger Shay, Robert McCulloch and Marvin Beechel. Vocal solos will be given by Corrine Key and Fred Crowthers. The Yama Yama song and dance will be given by Miss Laura Shay with Bob Cook as the Bogey Man. There will be selections by the school orchestra and the school glee club. Miss Ryan, Miss W: C.T. U. LECTURER HERE Mrs. ; Cornelia Templeton Hatcher. 'ft - 11 pc -v i II w&mmMbr- mm JSf s C 2 "? L I W " TX-' ?""" '''XU ' " " " i I Metzler, Mrs. Brubaker and Miss TUch ardson of the teaching force, will act as chaperones for the children. The proceeds will go toward' purchasing a stereopticon lantern for the Fernwood school. '. Oregon City Association. ' The Parent-Teacher association of Oregon City is growing rapidly into a strong organization. Tuesday, the association met and an interesting program was rendered. The children sang in chorus as well as in individual folk songs. Tae address. "Our Opportunity for Service, was given by Mrs. E. H. Frazelle, of the Oregon Congress of Mothers. She showed that to be. able to work for the great child life, which is the key. note of Parent-Teacher work, is not a duty but- a real- opportunity for self growth through organization with others. That in ail cities there are numerous cliques but that in Parent Teacher work rich and poor work side by side, the thought of society bting laid., aside and the thought of i-ervice only predominating. . 'Peestrict Skule" a Success. The "Exerblshion of the ieestrict Skule," given Thursday, Friday and Monday -evenings at the Richmond school as a benefit to the Parent Teacher association of that school, netted the splendid sum of $135. At each' of the three performances the house was crowded and the entertain ment went off with a great dear of dash ; and enjoyment. Mrs. Meeker and Mrs. Walton, who werj leading spirits in the' enterprise, deserve great credit for their unceasing efforts in making the affair the succes3 that it was. . Creston Meeting. , Creston circle will meet Wednesday at 2.30 p. m. in the assembly hall of the school house. Mrs. Aristene Felts, president of the Oregon Congress of Mothers, will address the meeting. The program will also include a solo by Miss Hardie; club swinging by Miss Murray's pupils, and a whisUing solo by Jack Carlson, of the Franklin high school. . Refreshments will be served. The meeting is open to' all who care to come. - Will Hare Tart-el Post Social. The Woodstock Parent-Teacher as sociation will hold a parcel post social Friday evening at the school house. Each guest is requested to bring a parcel wrapped ready for mailing. In return they will receive a parcel. The value of each parcel must, not exceed 10 cents.' The social is designed as a get acquainted meeting and a cordial invitation is extended to the men pat rons and friends of the seljool. Re freshments will be served. 7 Fulton Park Association. The regular monthly meeting of the Fulton Park Parent-Teacher associa tion will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2:45. Mrs. Aristene Felts, president of the Congress of Mothers, will speak on "Twentieth Century Education." Executive Board to Meet. The executive board -if the Sellwood Parent-Teacher association will meet tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. OLD PEOPLE'S HOME SERVES PURPOSE WELL (Continued From Preceeding Page,) ident, present as speaker and in structor. Central W. C. T. U.I held a most en thusiastic parlor meeting at the home of Mrs. D. M. Cookingham, East Sixty second street. Speakers were Mrs. J. M. Kemp, state president, and Mrs. M. I T. Hidden, state superintendent. Mrs. Lillian Downing, 'county secretary, gave one of her readings. The nearby M. E. Church Aid society attended in a body. Dainty refreshments were served by the hostess with beautiful bouquet's of jonquils and white carna tions as favors. A large number were present. Mrs. Hatcher will speak at the T. M. C. A. March 16 and at Centenary M. E. church on March 21, under the aus pices of the Central union. Mrs. McCourt of Woodstock, will ad dress Central W. C. T. U. on Wednes day, March 17, on the subject of "School Savings Banks." W. C. T. U. state executive commit tee will be in session March 18 and 19. Newberg W. C. T. U. held an enter taining and profitable meeting at the home of Mrs. Charlotte Hannon, state lecturer and field worker. Pictures of places visited by Mrs. Hannon in her work as lecturer and field worker in the recent campaign, were shown and explained. Mrs. L,1 P. Round, state su perintendent of peace, and Miss Edith Minchen, state evangelist, made short addresses. Miss Gladys Hannon; one of the house to house visitors during the campaign, told of her work. Lunch eon was served to 50 guests. Mount Scott W. C. T. IT. met at the home of Mrs. D. H. McKinley, March 9. Mrs. Swqpe spoke on "Press and Publicity Work." Mrs. J. A. Dunbar, who leaves to make her home in Cali fornia, was tendered a farewell. - Mrs. Dunbar has served the union for three years as its president and is much be-' loved by all who know her. A very ac ceptable memento, a gift from the members, was presented to Mrs. Dun bar, by Mrs. Richardson. The presen tation speech was in the form of a well written poem. Mrs. Hatcher, W. C. T. U. lecturer, returned to the city Saturday and-will remain one week' filling dates in var ious parts of the city. Mrs. Hatcher has won the applause of the public in places Yisited over the state the past month. Mrs. Hatcher spoke in - the Grants Pass theatre, to a crowded house, the past week. She spoke at Wilbur and secured 11 new members for that union. Shef is helping in Linn county institute with-unusual attendance and interest. V Women Have AH Day Session 1 An all-day meeting of the Women's Social union of the Taylor Street Meth odist Episcopal church was teld ,at the home of Mrs. J. W. Wiedrlck, 400 Prescott street, on last Wednesday. The day was spent in sewing' and mak ing plans for . the various interests of the society. In the absence of the presr ident. Miss Anna Finley presided over the business session held at 2 o'clock, when reports were heard from t-he committees, after whi;h severlal mus ical numbers were rendered. 1 Guests of honor at the rioon luncheon were Dr. Fletcher Homan, president of Willam ette university; Rev. E. L. Clark, of Columbia -River conference, Washing ton, and several pastors of the city. There was a large attendance, 111 eing present. The April meting will be held at . the home of Mrs. A. L. Thurlow, 660 Belmont street.- The officers of the Women's Social union arei president, Mrs. Samuel Con nell; viee: president, Miss Anna Finley; secretary. Mrs. H. C. Clair; treasurer, Mrs. Nettie Greer Taylor. in several towns in Germany work ingmen are visited at their homes on pay days by savings bank officials to collect their savings. r- - FRATERNAL NOTES Minnehaha Tribe of Red Men to Celebrate 25th Anniversary. ". an Ait Xnylt. , i Minnehaha Tribe, Improved Order of , Red Men. will celebrate its twenty fifth anniversary on the evening .of the ?18th sun of Worm month," otherwise March 18. Members of all tribes, and their relatives and paleface friends are invited. There will be music, readings, speeches, dancing - and refreshments.. George M. Orton, big chief, will pre side. .. Proceeds for Uniforms. : . The Portland company of the. uni form rank. Knights of Pythias; will give a benefit dance and entertainment at Cosmopolitan hall, southwest corner of Third and Madison streets,' tomor row evening. This is the only1 uniform rank company in the city, of the K. iOf P. Proceeds will go to securing the uniforms for the members. All Knights are invited with their ladles. . Eastern Star social. Friendship Chapter No. 115, Order of Eastern Star, will have'a social to morrow evening! at Rose City Park. A good program has been prepared. After the program light refreshments will be served. Returns From Convention. J. W.'-Sherwood. Kunreme master-at- arms of the Knights of the Maccabees, and state' manager for Oregon, re turned last Thursday from the state convention or W ashington, at Tacoma. Royal Circle Is Host. . Royal Circle, Women of Woodcraft, held a reception to visiting, members from five other circles last Wednesday evening at W. O. W. Temple, 128 Elev enth street. After a musical und lit erary program, refreshments were served. - Will Address Junior Moose. Portland lodge No. 19, Junior Order of Moose, will hold an open meeting at Moose hall, Tuesday evening, to hear Dr. Calvin S. White speak on "What It Takes to Make a Man." The rheetlng is for young men from 15 to 20 years of age. - Anniversary Dance , Wednesday. Portland ; lodge. Fraternal ' Brother hood, announces a grand anniversary dance Wednesday evening, at Selltng Hirsch building, Tenth and Washing ton. . Eureka Council Society. The members ef Eureka council. Knights and Ladies of Security, will entertain their friends on tomorrow evening at the east side W. O. W. hall, with a literary and musical program, cards and dancing. Kirkpatrick council, Knights and Ladies of Security, held its regular so cial, cards and dancing, with a good program of music and stage features, Friday night, Hibernians Will Celebrate. Easter Monday will be celebrated by the Hibernian Social. club at their new hall at 340 Russell street, by a dance. The following committee is in charge James Goyce, chairman; Mrs. O'Han lon, Miss M. Whitney. Mrs. Conway, Charles Ward. Andrew Healey. Miss Annie Leonard, Miss Mary Lafferty, Miss Maggie Daugherty. First Social la Held. On Friday evening the new fraternal organization. Sons and Daughters of the Ark, gave its. first social in Port land, at Christensen's hall." L. A. Helllg gave a short address on the objects of the order, after which dancing and re freshments were enjoyed. On Monday evening at Forester's hall, 129 Fourth street, a class of 40 will be obligated, after which a 600 card party and pro gram will be given. Fraternal Visit Made. Thursday everting a delegation of the Shepherds of America of this city paid a fraternal visit to Court Robin Hood, No. 9, F. of A7 at Oregon City. De grees were' conferred on a number of candidates and the visiting brothers re ported having had the . time of their lives. ! NATIONAL GUARD NOTES Xaval Militia Opens Xew Ite cruiting Office Here. ' . Officers Volunteer Services. The Oregon" Naval militia has opened a recruiting office at 344, Washington street just above Broadway, in the Morgan building. Captain G. F. Blair says that the office will be kept open by the volunteer efforts of the differ ent officers, and it is hoped to secure a number ot recruits. A display of arms; photographs and accessories at tract the attention of passers-by, and any young man desiring to be informed of the requirements of the service will be received gladly "by the officer in charge from time to time. ' Ex-Navy Men Wanted. Captain F. C. Blair, of the Oregon Naval militia, will be pleased to hear from all x-navy men in Portland, with a view of forming a division of them. All who have been students at any time of the Oregon Agricultural college, he thinks, could form a divis ion. The idea of these formations is COMB SAGE TEA IN HAIR TO DARKEN IT Grandma kept her locks dark, glossy, thick with a mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur. The old-time . mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur for darkening gray, streaked and faded hair is grandmoth er's treatment, and folks are again using it to keep their hair a good, even color, which is quite sensible, as we are living in an age when a youthful appearance is of the greatest advan tage. ' Nowadays, though, we don't have the troublesome task of gathering the sage and the mussy mixing at home. All drug stores sell the ready-to-use prod uct called "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound" for about 50 cents a bottle. It is very popular, because nobody can discover it has been applied. : Simply moisten your comb or a soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair disappears; but what delights the ladies with Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur is. that, besides beautifully darkening the hair after a few applications, it also- produces that soft luster and appearance of abund ances which- Is so attractive; besides, prevents dandruff, itching scalp and falling hair. . , Adv.) MARCH 14, 1915 PRIZE WINNING BABIES VJ SA ' j?-- - 7;-' .7 1 5 rsfy . i.-- f&ir - v - ; - ; N"-" - !i7 V TJ 111 J ' ' "i,t X ill ui f rv Ml ill ' t,K y tt. A '-"fll ill y " f ii Top, left to right Bernard Francis . Schumacher, six months;' Char lotte Prichard, three y.arsi . " 7 Soticm Margaret Elizabeth Eichenberger, seven months.! Interest in the eugenics test for babies is keen at all times. Some par ticularly hfgh scores have been made recently! Bernard Francis,- the six months' 'old son of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Schumacher, 999 East Caruthers street, received the very fine score of 99 4 per cent in the physical and men tal tests made last week by the Oregon Congress -of Mothers. Bernard Fran cis is the first baby to reacii this score since July. 1914. - Margaret Elizabeth Eichenberger, not to enlist them in the National Guard, but to have them in touch with one another. Captain Blair can. be found at the office of the adjutant general in the Morgan building during effice hours. . Badges Will Be Given Out. There are now in the office rt the adjutant geneiral about -150 ' badges that are to be given by the United States to the members of the O.; N. G.' for good shooting. The classification is expert rifleman, sharpshooter and marksman. They will be given out at the big muster and review on the night of March 31. Problems Discussed By Class. Instructor-sergeant Paul , Hathaway met the non-commissioned officers or the infantry companies -last Friday evening at the Armory and the class considered practical and theoretical problems put before them. Sergeant Quick Removal of Wrinkles I M,ar A o,,irJSoiTie Other w iww nao uiva Beauty Secrets Viletk Buratt, Ammica's Self -Made Beauty AetxeM. Gives Startlins Secrets for the At tainment of Quick Beauty. By VALESKA 8UKATT THE. remoTal of wrinkle ta no longer a problem. Of cowrae there are many prepared creama which are aold for the purpose but the experience of moat women with theae rVeble ag-enciea ha axuallr been one of keen disappointment. The loo of pre cious time to such caaea ia particularly , de plorable.. What erery woman wanta and can now obtain is the quick removal of wrlnklea, rot a proceA requiring- almost a year If at all. but one which will ahow wonderful re aulta in a few weaks' time. The followtns formula Is one which doea thla In a very "The Way This Secret Removes Wrinkles and Barring- of Flesh la Truly Kemarkable." . imtilni waj. Too make this up yourself . at home In a very few momenta by diwolvlng twe 4.kl..iMMifti1. 9 1fmHii mnA- tVA ftnnrM tit' )..u. rt s ntnl In half a Dint of hot water.- The aatlnr cream which reaults removes ' wrlnklea almost magU-ally. Thla "Tt ia one of the most valuable I Know. Mrge and small Wrinkles, crow's feet, lines of age and saggine; of flesh, all disappear quickly and completely trans form one's appearance from age to youth. ERNESTINE M. -The pvalenee of falling hair is alarming among all classes of women. Dandruff is one of the main causes of it. An other cause is lack of nourishment of the b air roots. The ordinary hair tonics bought these days merely sttmolste for tbe time being. There can not- stop dandruff or make hair grow. What ia needed Is to supply the nec essary nutriment so thst tbe tissues of the scalp and hair roots may return to their rig-' lt.a! condition of vigor and health. For this purpose nothing Is so remarkably effective aa a mixture of one ounce of beta-qninol, half a pint of alcohol and half a pint of water (or with a full pint of bay ram Instead of water and alcohol if preferred). Thla Costs less tbsa any prepared balr-tonle ami , its , results in forcing hair, to grow, stopping dandruff and the falling of hair axe very remarkable . and rapid. ... - ... 7-:- MBS. S. jO. B. Simply eae thla cream every day on your face. armf. haode. neck and shoulders, and in a vrry short tin yon-will find - tbe : most- decided change fn yoar eom- r irK7" , hv.T ts IN EUGENICS TESTS seven" months' old daughter of Mr, and Mrs. C. J. Eichenberger, ; u31 East Thirty-sixth street, made a score of Charlotte Marie Prichard took the sweepstakes prize at the recent Land Show, where she was chosen as the prettiest baby In Portland. Charlotte recently celebrated her third birthday. She holds a eugenics sc6r9 of. 99 per cent. She is the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs.1 J: C.'. Prichard,-. 365 Beech street. ' i . Hathaway gives ! his fuillHime to the work of . instructing the. officers and men of the regiment. Inspection Monday Wight. Captain John H. Pagr, U. 8. A., will inspect " regimental headquarters and the band at the Armory Monday eve ning. March 15. Thlsi will complete his work of inspection for this year, Hay Fever Vaccine From Plants Pound Summer. Trips to High Altitudes M4y Ho Xionger Be STeeessary if Expecta tion Are mifllled. jv Boston, March 13. -Summer trips to high-altitudes will be , no longer neces sary to hay fever sufferers if expert ments . announced by IPt. Harris P. plexlon. It never fails. Alt red apots. freckles mi oicmisnes vanian. proaucing a most ex uulslte purity and lint toi the skin. It la tbe beautifier without a peer, , and is very economical. Mix fne talilntpoonf ul of gly. cerlne In a pint of hot water and add one ounce or ainione, wntcn can . he secured at any drug store. This Is dons in a few nv. rcents. Von will need nothing el to mike tur oompiexion isscinanug. ----- - -- - . T L.I . UI, IB cirfl.-iilt matter ssd canimi - h sored. .However.-a mixture of two ounces of rnerane ana naif a cup of surar in pint of cold water, and taken Is two reaapoonfuls after each meal and before retiring, la the riesi ana surest means known for the purpose i . n. .. -in. - . i . . . w un vr oiet-DBHicif appliances MISS T. B-A tra.noonful of eggI In half a cup of hot water makes an amazingly rich and effective head wash and dandruff re. n:orer. The action of this shampoo is to uiwe t-tt-ij psrcicie or aanorurr sne Tarry accnmulatlon, which roap doea not do because of the alkali It cvntalna. : This Is tbe only head wash that acta on thla Drlnclnle. It makes the scstp extranrdinarMy clean, and tbe hair silky and easy to do up. This la very economical, as enough eggol - can be secured for a very modest price st any drug store to furnish a dogen or moro of these unusual snsrupoos. it la In fact a real ne cesaity to nair neaitb. MISS F. X. N. I aareel wlL. ' you. Nearly all face powders are too "chalky and make the face ''powdery." I use none but my owe race powaer, vrnicn -'ss absolute do cbalkl nesa. It Is superb In Its fineness, smooth ocas and scent, and Is indetectable. It is bow obtainable at drug stores aa"Yaieaka guratt race rowaer. - .. -. y- j. MARY JANE E. The removal of sunerHn ous hairs is tsccomnlished more eaailv. aulcklv and thorough Iv by - the -use - of simple suite oiuiion man oy any oincr means, xnis aim' ply dissolves away - the bafr Instead of burn. lng It off sa do other depilatories. It never leaves a mark, never falls and never harms the most delicate skin. Any druggist csn supply yon with the simple . nln solution or If be hasn't It. get the " suUC powder. It's the same thing except that yon Just wet It with a imie water oeiore applying it. ARABELLA M. No. Face ateamlnar will not remove blackheads. - Yon can get rid of . inrm cwpivicir iu i lew wninuces Dt vimpi rubbing thera wita aomol powdered neroxl sprinkled on snooze r made wet with hnt water. Any drug store cen aupply yon with the netexia. Every blackhead will disappear : . . - MI88 T. H. Ji. I am eorry you" were dis appointed In not getting, the xlntone from your druggist. My secretary will get it for you aaa aend it on if you simply address -Becretary to Va leaks Suratt. Thompson Md. micago," and enclose the . price, i which is M cenu. - " k . , .;. MBit. It. O. - B. -Excessive sad unnatnrs! arm-pit persplratloa from which so msny wo men saner at an seasons as at once relieved by the simple nae of bydrollaed talc, which can be obtained at any pharmacy. It also de. stroys all perspiration odors Instantly and an mner nooy ooors. - it will prevent that terrible aoppy condition ander the arms. It saves your garments red relieves you .f roticfa embarrassment. , - -' - (Adv.) Mosher t the Harvard medical school fulfill expectations. . Dr. Mosher haa been, experlmentln t tor hv fever and at a public lecture explained that "If 'a' hay Tever patient; coma aecim vn v n.i.ii tuvtr ireerl nollen which caused his affliction,' he had only to Inoocuiate nimseir wim tuchi extracts of thie pollen to become' Im mune. -' .' " ' Tk ar-iii welrht now carried by v. . u-ltUh .an1tir Irhlltlv of rifle. bayonet and clothes, is 3 pounds, 14 ounces. The rifle and bayonet to gether weigh 10 pounds. 8 ounces. CORSETS Stand Alone! three models the best-known among Nemos date back four, five and ten years. Details have been conformed to changing fashions, construction and fabrics are improved; but the hygienic features have re trained the same. These models are in greater demand to-day than ever hef ore. What does that mean? It means that women who have worn them can't do Without them. There is no substitute. No other corset can give equal . style, long wear, and HYGIENIC SERVICE. Through all the foolish corset fads the Nemo has come out stronger, more pop ular than ever. No. 322 $3.50 Tor ml avsraaro full figures. Klrrui support. Medium skirt with Leatt curve-Back. Medium bust. Sixes 21 to M. No. 32S ia same, with kmgsr Idrt. -, No.403-$4.00 For large figures, flesh evenly distributed- Semi-elastic Kellef Bands give fine support. Madiera bust. Lens; skirt with Lea Ucurvs-Beck. Slsea Zi to So. . - ' No. 523 $5.00 For fan. heevy flgures. Famous Lestfkepa Baadlet rives psrfeet aup pert front uaderneeth. Strongly ree ommendad try doctor. Medium boat and skirt. Szes 22 to SS. No. 341 $3.50 The aaw Inviaibls" Self -Red acfn r. With concselad aupporting strapa. Ai rsedy a grast favorite with womsa whonssd Name Seli-Esdudng service, but like corset bit lighter, fclase 22to. .. Be a Wise Woirtzn! Get the Nemo Habit SOLD EVEttYlYH Tie ITsae ffrgisak-rasaisa fasMtsta Three Models are '; IT p - '- ffi! I Friends . y - Jj . I 403 " I 5231S ! 7 fi .W. T. 7