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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1915)
16 ';. THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. MARCH 14. 1915 REALTY AND BUILDING NEWS OF TIME WEEK IN AND NEARTORTLAND ' ' . ' .... " 1 : m . ' 1 . : . , ' V SALES AND HAPPENINGS IN THE REALTY WORLD XmproTmtnt Trend Za notable. That the realty and building busi ness as a firm trend toward con tinued improvement was noticeable during the week just ended, and more over thlji general awakening of busi ness apparently Is reflected through out the state, as la indicated by pub- : llshed knd confidential reports re ceived, f , . One feature of the local realty market lis seen In the entrance of in vestment buyers in increasing num bers Men with financial resources at their command are buying quietly and with as little noise as possible. Realizing that the tide has tirne they are making carefully selected purchases, particularly of inside pro- dential properties are being chosen by respective horaebuilders. . "V Fartri lands are moving exception- ally well considering the time and conditions and outside -points report a. steady influx of eastern and middle west farmers who are new a HAVfloDment in Ore- The biggest state deal of the week centers around the sale of the ;600, 000 timber lands of the A. C. Smith company to the Delaware concern. The lands consist of 45.000 acres in Linn county. The actual cash con sideration was femall. however, as less than $150,000 was paid by the-pur-rhaser7 who assumes a $1,300,000 mort gage jwhich protects a bond Issue m that aimount. Locally two fair sized -deals, each Of which presages apartment house construction, were reported. The first involves the sale of the vacant south- i anil, tv In? West corner oi vviin&v" streets to Dr. Luther Hamilton and hi brother for $28,000. It is under Stoodfthey purpose to build an-apartment bouse on the premises. The seoonl deal revolve around, two im proved lots on Salmon street between Vesc " Park and Tenth street bought from Fred Kribs by Dr. DeWltt Con nell of this city for $40,000. Whila he dees not contemplate immediate building,- his ultimate plan calls for the Erection of a $40,000 apartment house for "bachelors only." . A !$ 40,000 transaction in Portlana realty has been made by Seid Back and the buyer was unarjea v, aAmo'ng larger srructures scheduled for construction Immediately is the 840,060 Klks lodge building af Kla math) Falls, for which bids are now belngf received, the $15,000 plant for the (poln Machine company of tni city Which Will go up In the Holgate addition and the $100,000 Josephine county courthouse fof which, it is un derstood, bids will be asked in a few days.' v -V Governor to Speak, . Governor Withycombe will Be tne principal speaker at next 8 regular weekly, luncheon of the Port land Kealty Bbard. The subject on Whicb the chief executive "w111 has mot been-given out. J. E. Shears will be the chairman of the day. At the conclusion of the luncheon Dor E. Keasey of the Dorr B. Keaaey company, will take the members on an automobile drive over Kings Heights to see the signs and the '400 lots which he is selling onthe "bargain counter" system. Automobiles, says Keasey. will be at he ;doors of the Commercial club ready to transport the ' governor and realty member to the heights. ' . Keasey ha completed the work or erecting slgus on the 400 lots on which is given the former asking -price I and the present cut price; In addition be has prepared a particular ly big sign for the benefit of "knockers" which reads. "They knocked Portland Heights, look at it nowt'1 The heights is directly across from Kings Heights and a big painted finger points to it. i Building Code Revision. The! movement inaugurated by the Builders Exchange for a revision of the city building code with a view of making it less stringent in many re spects received fresh impetus at Fri day's luncheon of the Portland, Realty Board when President Vincent ap pointed a committee to confer with the exchange in this regard. E. B. MacNaugaton, of MacNaugh ton & I Raymond, architects, who made a strong address in favor of lessened restrictions on buildings in the down town district, was appointed schalrman of lha committee. ' MacNaughton declared that the 5 present building code as It affects down-town properties is too stringent arid makes for lessened' building oper ations;. He said in part: "Uflder our . present 'fireproof building code it Is not possible for a property owner to build a structure of RICHES GROW- LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE The best way to save a dollar is to , Invest it Bafely and where It can attract other dollars. The men who are buying real estate i today will be the rich property owners 4 of tomorrow., ' Read The Journal "Real Estate" i classified columns today and every day. A little "Want Ad." may be th beginning of your fortune. Items such as the following may interest you: -P::;: : Tor: Sale souses 61. L 1 SACRIFICE, 1 4 room modern bungalow, comer lot, ,20 minutes out. block from car, $1600, on easy terms. ( Tot Sale .Terms 17. TOR j SALE 10 acre partly cleared farm with small house and running water. 1H miles from R. R. station; easy terrhs. .,""! H - Acreage -67. TEN acres right on carline with fino ' creek running through. 14 miles from center ox .roruana. .Most any 'reason able terms. ..i- p : . - Acreage 57. . . CHICKEN' and fruit ranches near Port i . land; . Oresham district, electric sta tion Vt mile. New subdivision. Sun- shine vauey orcnara tracts; Dest soil. free wood; elegant location. Prices only $76 to .$150 per acre In small tracts; easy terms. ' 1- " . - t '- Tor Sale Lots IS. i LARGE TRACTS. 80x175. - i Adjoining carline and station, 25 intimites' ride, water pined. mlA (streets. Help you build and sell on I easy terms. ! ror' Sale. Irfts 16. ' ' BIG SNAP. ' I 50x100 lot on Willamette blvd. over looking river. Price $700 includes ' cement sidewalk and paved street; $250 down ana iu per monin. - - less than eight stories in height to make a profit, on his venture. And at the present ; time we have no need for any more structures of that height. "The code Is the most stringent In this respect on the Pacific coast. Other cities, iSan Francisco, Los An geles, Seattle and Salt Lake allow mill constructed buildings up to five stories. - .'i ri am not here to say whether that is right or not. but surely we should allow construction . of this class of buildings up to two stories. I know of instances where down town store Kninwa Ka rmtcii because fcsu&su,,ao ' - , the quarters are too large and the owners cannot pay the heavy expense of making fire proof . alterations de manded by the, code. The time is ripe ror a revision, ana we neea n. Big- Sale of Timber Recorded. The largest single transfer of tim ber lands in Oregon for some time was completed In Linn county last "week when the C. A. Smith Tlmper com pany of Minneapolis disposed of all its Linn county holdings, 45,405 acres, to the Continental Timber Land company of Delaware, a corporation which was organized only last December. The value of the property Is about $1,500,000, in the opinion of cruising experts, and was sold for $147,500 sub ject to a mortgage covering a bond issue of $1,300,000 assumed by the purchaser. During the last several vears the body of timber has been transferred from one holding company to another but at all times Smith has held con trol. But this last transfer, it is said, is genuine. Smith controls other lare timber tracts, notably in the southwestern corner of the state and the Smith mills at Marshfield are consilerci the finest on the coast. There is a rumor at Albany that tho new owners purpose erecting a mill in Linn county to cut the timber, but this, has not been verified. Another Apartment House Expected. A deal which it Is understood pre sages the erection of another apart ment house in Portland was completed last week, whereby Dr. Luther Hamil ton, of this city, and his, brother, Wal ter Hamilton, a druggist of Roseburg, came Into possession of the vacant lot at the southwest corner of Washington and King . streets. The property was owned by A. P. Pike, and the considera tion was $26,000 Ivan Humason, of this city, acted as Pikes agent. The property is a 60x100 foot lot, having a 100 foot frontage on Wash ington street. A hotel bounds the rear and an apartment house the south side. Although Hamilton admits that the place will be improved very shortly, he has declined b make his plans defi nitely known. Buys ZTlne Boom Kouse. Dr. Charles Chamberlain has just purchased a nine room residence at Twenty-"third and Stanton streets on the east side from the Mautz Building and Construction company, paying $8400, . In part exchange Mautz took a $2500 lot on East Nineteenth street, near Tillamook. Dr. Chamberlain is residing at pres ent, at 490 East Nineteenth and will move to his new home as soon as construction, of the building is com pleted. The structure Is a two story frame, and is finished in hardwood floors throughout. Will Get Money Back. Owners nf nrnnprtv In lh. Q.lmn district will have the money paid by inem in taxes to the city returned, owing to the fact that the supreme COUrt of the state haa rioiMrtaH thir tho annexation proceedings of two years n CI D mUl, During that period some property owners paid the city tax, believing that they were residing within the city limits, but a number refused. The council n n sitw.ct4nn i. city attorney has Instructed that the v-ia oe rerunaea and those un paid canceled. Flreboat Sock Site Bought. -n-ii ordinance authorizing. the mayor fireboat Georc. w wnn-m. .i. or the Montgomery dock in Lower Al- mna I J C An - as soon as the deeds are passed the city will take steps to build a slip and fireboat house. With we w imams stationed in the lower harbor and th David Campbell in the bridge (One. ereat.r nrntl m - - f - mil uq afforded water front properties in the vyuuuu Hi Hre oincials. Bachelor Apartments. Although no lmmpdiaio atinn i. contemplated it is known that Dr. DeWitt Connell, who recently pur chased two lots from Fred Kribs on Salmon street between West Park and Tenth Is considering the erection of a bachelor apartment building which will cost about $40,000. The property is valued at $40,000 and was so considered in the recen deal with Kribs. At the present time it is Improved by two frame bouses. Will Open Branch Here. Norman Berkelev. rnitir .ni.. n Pendleton, has decided to open a branch office in Portland, to handle eastern Oregon frtn lands, according to re ports in local realty circles. Berkeley, it is said, has bn r.noi, lng numerous inquiries along with oth er uui ex town aeuers ror .farming properties since the European war Buys Half Interest. The Amrlpsn Rait-u i - - - - j .v.ii,iiijr lias just closed a deal for an undivided one ua,i in iois za ana 23, block 4, in the Kenton 11tFf. ttujuu was owned by the estate of John Heusner. xue consideration was 910,000. Wil liam Heusner is administrator for the estate. The property is Improved by a ce ment block building.- Fublio Sock rurtfeyor. The Port Commission of Astoria has under consideration plans for a conveyor to be Installed at the en trance of the public dock. If found practical the contract for the first slip will be, let The estimated cost is $2600. i To Hold Election. An election will be held at Culver Or., April 10, to submit the question of the formation of guttle Lake Irri gation district and the authorization of bonds for the project proposed. Moose to Ask Bid. , , The Moose Lodge building commit- lee or uregon city will open bids on arc n ii ior tneir proposed lodee building. B Actual construction work will soon start on the $25,000 two story brick building, which will be built at the southwest corner of Fourth and Couch street for Rdniey Glisan, of this city. The struc ture will be of brick and slow burning mill construction and j I a designed for wholesale establish ments. It will be steam heated. The architectural firm of 3oiu"ghtaling & Dugan drew the plans and specif icaUons and they will receive bids immediately from contractors. i CONTRACTS LET AMD Bids on Xridge Building. Architects Houghtaling & Dugan are now receiving bids from Selected con tractors for the construction of the proposed $40,000 Elks' lodge building thut will be erected at Klamath Kails this spring Bids will close April 1. and as soon as possible thereafter contracts will be awarded and the work started. The building will occupy a lot 80x100 test, and will be two stories high, and 60x100 feet in dimensions. . The ex terior will be of red rock, (with a terra cotta trim and with columns of the same material. The lodge building will be one of the most complete in the northwest, and will be fitted for various social con veniences, from club rooms to. a swim ming tank and gymnasium. Courthouse Bids Will 3e Asked. Bids will be called this Week for th construction of the $100,0p0 Josephine; county court house for iwhich. plans and specifications were prepared by Architect E. E. McClaren.1 The struc ture will be two stories high with a full basement and 130x70 feet In di mensions. The closing date for bids Will be April 1. The building will be faced with light brick, the partitions will be of hollow tile, floors of tile, wainscoting in hall and lobby cf mar ble and granite steps.. ! Coin Company Beceivlng Bids. . The Coin Machine company, of which T. J. Potter is president. Is now receiving bids for the erection of its proposed manufacturing plant which will go up on property In the Holgate addition. The structure i wilt be two stories high with a full basement and will be of brick and mill construction. Contracts probably wil) bo awarded this week. The architects ere Jacob berger & Smith. The estimated cost of he plant, exclusive of machinery, is $15,000. Will Build Retaining Wall. Mrs. Solomon Hlrsch, who recently purchased the irregularly shaped lot at "Washington and Ford streets, which adjoins her residence property, has awarded a contract to the Friberg Con struction company for the tonstruc tion of a concrete retaining vail fac ing the street car company's right of way at the Kord street turn. The wall will be erected immediately at a cost of $3000. The property cost her $35 -000 and gives her complete control of the Washington street frontage of the block from St. Clair street to Ford. Will soon Ask Wirlag Bids.. The public dock commission will soon advertise for bids for electric wir ing installation In the municipal dock on the east side. Plans will be pre pared for a single story addition to the municipal boat landing which will be used as offices for the commission. The Brayton Engineering company was awarded the contract for? the construc tion of an open 40 foot dock on the low bid of $17,575. Permit for 890,000 Ball ding. Permit for the erection of the $90, 000 Blake-McFall building, which is going up at the east end of the Burn side street bridge, was Issued to John Almeter, the 'principal contractor, early last week. The structure is being built by 0? E. Helntz, owner of the site, for the paper company. The site was formerly occupied' by the Pacific Iron Works. Will Build Six Besldenoes. Permit for the erection of six resi dential buildings on East Grant and East Sherman streets has been taken out by G. C, Purdln, of the Railway Exchange building. The .total cost of the structures will be $10,800, or $1800 eac h. The houses will all be single story affairs. Three will rise in the $1S00 block, zone on Sherman street, and three In the $1300 block on Grant. Contract for Residence et. J. W. Hunt of 7419 Sixtieth avenue southeast, has been awarded a con tract to erect a single story frame dwelling house at 7425 i Sixtieth ave nue southeast, for Mrs. Jennie Smal ler. The building site is on a lot ad Joining Mrs. Smalley'si home. The estimated cost of the structure is $2000. ! S350O Residence. Thirty-five hundred dollars is the estimated cost of a residence building which F. C. Larfleld will erect Imme diately at 1235 Aash street The build ing will be of frame construction and one; story high. ' j Permits for Two Bouaesv The Hallock Investment company has taken out permits for the erection The Morgan Wall Paper Co. wish to announce that they have opened tempor4 ary quarters at 213 Second Street with a complete new stock of Wall ?1T BUILDINGS PLANNED of two $1500 frame residence build ings, which will go up immedlajtely. One will occupy a site at 663 Holman street, and the other will be erected at 6S1 Holman street. . i Mrs. roots Lets Contract. Mrs. Jessie -C. Foots has let a con tract to Albert Townsend for the cpn struction of a $1500 residence building at 7030 Forty-third avenue southeast, near Seventieth street. The building will be a story and a half in height and of frame construction. j Will Cost $2500. 1: Twenty five hundred dollars Is: the estimated cost of a story and a half residence which KJamt & Niner have been commissioned to build for; G. T. Dorner of 122 Idaho street. The! build ing Will occupy a avenue. site at 1594 Fifth Commence Bew Home. Carl Denton, a well known orches tra leader of this city, has started the construction of a $500 home on his property on Vista avenue and Pa-t-ton Road. The structure will .be (wo stories in height and will be I fitted with all modern conveniences. ,M. j W. Lor en z has been commissioned tO; dO the building. Building' to Cost $2500. J. Agnew of East Seventh and Brooklyn streets, has commissioned J. B. Bartow of 874 East Kelly street, to erect a story and a half frame resi dence at 520 Rhone street. Construc tion work has been started already. The building will ,cost $2500. Building One Story Residence. De Peel & Murphy have started; the erection of a single story residence in the Orchard Homes addition, at 66 East Sixty-second street -north. The structure is of frame and the esti mated cost Is placed at $2000. Rome In Ients. R. B. Urfer of Eleventh and Hoyt streets, has commissioned N. Ej Brad ley of Lents, to build a residence structure at Ninty-fourth street and Sixty-sixth avenue southeast, j Lents. The structure will cost $1500 and will be one story high. j welling to Cost $4000. j Four thousand dollars is the esti mated cost of a two story dwelling house which Thomas Vigars of 67i Locust street, is building at 413 Hem lock street, in the Ladd addition,, Residence Contract Xet. " r Norman E. Landls has been awarded the contract for the construction of a story and a half residence which is going up at 2019 East Main street. The building will be a story and a half high and of frame construction. I Contract for Home Let. . A $3000 residence in Woodlawri at 452 Dekum avenue, will be built im mediately for W. L. Green, of 446 De kum -avenue for his own use. -The structure will be of frame construc tion and two stories in height. Oarage to Cost $1000. " j. M. W. Lorenz has been commissioned to construct a reinforced garage at the home of Dr. R. Fenton, at r 283 Summit Court. The structure will cost $1000. i Work on Residence Started. L. B. Winship has started the con struction tf a single story residence at 1186 Senate street for Lorent H. Marshall of. 1195 Milwaukle street The structure will be of frame and will cost $2500. 1 Residence In Overlook. j E. M. Arnsten has been- qomimis sloned to erect a two story residence at 875 Patton road, in the Overlook addition, for O. Hegerness, : of : 434 Blackstone. The building will cost 42500. Anderson Starts to Build, i iv T. G. Anderson has started the con struction of a $3500 residence build ing at 1331 Alameda street Which will be a story and a half high and will occupy the center of a two lot; site in Rose Cty Park addition. Bunding One Story Rouse. Moore & Beckwlth have started; the construction of a single story frame residence building, which will be erect ed at 1362 Grand avenue. The struc ture will cost $1600. Work Xs Commenced. u. u. tuiarKs nas started work on the construction of a single-Story dwelling bouse which Is going up at Paper. & r- g & ?? GC 4 u o6Kee65et -aMMNKNk.. Sftte. : I 706 East Seventy-sixth street north. In the ' Gregory Heights district The estimated cost is placed at $1100. Will Begin Work at Once. i John liedstrom has been commis sioned to build a two story frame resi dence at 1059 Cumberland road for F. W.. Prael, of 710 Flanders street and the work will begin immediately. The residence will cost $5500. . " Alexander Erecting Home. ' A. T. Alexander has begun the con struction of a story and a half resi dence for his own use at 204 East Fifty-second street north, which will cost $1800, Cost to Be About $4500. A. W. Rrutsche has started the ere& tion of a two story frame dwelling house at 75S, Talbot road, in the Green- way addition. Its estimated cost is placed at $4500. Permit Taken Out. J. Whitley has taken out a permit for the erection at 1629 Oregon street of a one-story residence. The struc ture will be of frame and will cost $1500. Bungalow Will Cost $2500. , A bungalow ofi-'an estimated cost of '$2500 is being biilt by N. O. Elkund in Rose City Pa& at 554 East Sixty first street north'. 1 Two Story Residence Planned. A $2500 residence will be built Imme diately by F. J. West at 454 East Oak street for Mrs. M. Galloway and Mrs. L. Thompson. The structure will be two stories In height Modern Swelling Tinder Construction. A five room modern dwelling house Is being erected at East Sixteenth street and Marion avenue by J. N. Harring ton. Ornmwalt Gets Contract. W. O. Grumwalt has been awarded a contract to build a single story frame dwelling at2104 Hassalo street for E. F, Perkins of 110 Seventy-eighth street The structure will cost $1500. BUILDING PERMITS Minnie RteTensou, repair one story frame JwelliiiE. Lenora. between Magnolia and Lib erty; bulltleri N. Keller; S155. G. H. Salth, repair two story frame dwel ling. Kast sixteenth, between, Ankeoy and Burnslde: builder, same; $200. ; Frank ScUleeel, repair three atory brick or dinary store. Ererett, between Fourth and Fifth: builder. Lee Hone: $40. C. B. Wallace, repair one atory frame .dwel ling. Seventy-eighth, near Siskiyou: builder, V. Kose: $30. C. II. Greene, erect Jtory frame dwel ling East Fortr-econd. Between Tillamook and Thompson: builder, same; $2500. Fordham Investment company, reDalr five story brick ordinary apartments. Ford and Washington: builder. ' Portland Construction company; $200. Lydia M. Willis, repair 1V4 story . frame dwelling. East Ninth, between Rhone and Beacon; builder. E. A. Burke; $50. August Calliersr, erect 1 4 story frame dwel ling. Wainona, between Dekum and Durham; builder. E. Sundquist. $l!iOO. . Martlb Winch, repair three story brick or dinary buildintr. Washington, between Twelfth and Thirteenth: builder. J. S. Seed: $200. Steve Shlvioros, repair one story frame sta ble. East Eighth, between Buffalo and Mor gan ; builder, same; $25. East Side Mill & Lumber company, erect one story frame warehouse, Halser. between East Thirty-ninth and East Forty-first; build er. B. F. Dillev; 600. R. G. Perclval. erect one story frame car age. East Forty-sixth, corner Alder; builder, day work; $50. Eastern Oregon Ranch. An 80 acre ranch near Haines, In eastern Oregon, has been sold by R. G. Wright of Baker, to E. T. Jaco for $3000. Jaco has also taken a five year lease on 360 acres of land ad joining the Wright property. Gold Medal Faultless Fixtures At the recent Manufacturers' and Land Products Show When your plumber furnishes you with our "Faultless" Fixtures, you are assured of satisfaction, j fMff BUILDER AND INVESTOR HAVING THEIR INNINGS By J. E. Tourtellotte. Now is the time when the building investor is having an inning. During the years from 1905 to 1912 the man who put. his money Into a building paid a big price for his ma terial and labor, : and found the men with, whom he dealt full of business and in the attitude of "you can pay your money and get what we give you for It and feel that you are lucky, to get anything for your money at a time when material is so hard to get and labor, is so scarce." But the building epidemic was on and you just had to build regardless of whether" you got value received, or not. : Real estate buying was the same. In both cases it wras everybody getting in on the high, tide, thinking It was forever going to rise; but the tide went down, out has turned, and is beginning: to come in. The things you hoped for made Portland grow, those things have be come realities. One sixteenth of the world's population and one third of the world's wealth is in America. The coming theatre of the- world's com merce, the Pacific. Is at our doors. The Panama canal is a fact - The expositions at San Diego and San Fran cisco are in full blaat. War in Eu rope is a wall raised for our benefit to keep the moneyed?- leisure class on this side of the water. They will be upon us in the near future. . Europe xot untold millions from them, each LATE RURAL REALTY Will Tote on Bond Issue. An election will be held at Warren ton March 20 to authorize a $25,000 bond issue to pay for the proposed school site on the Harvey truct and provide funds for the erection of a $15,000 school building which the school board is contemplating. Several Portland architects have exhibited plans for a building and should the election carry, others. It Is understood, will submit drawings, i There Is some opposition to the pro posed bonds on the ground that tho population of the town does net war rant the expenditure of such an amount for another school building. The district at present has no debt. It Is intended to ask for plans based on unit construction which would al-. low the erection of a structure to which additions could be made as needed. Three Story Apartment. . Plans and specifications were com pleted yesterday by MacNaughton' & Raymond, architects, for a three story apartment building that will be erected in Astoria for F. J. Dunbar and T. It. Davles of Astoria, and bids will be called for tomorrow In all probabil ity; The structure will cost approximate ly $25,000 and will be of brick and slow burning mill - construction. It will be 50 by 100 feet In dimensions and will contain 25 apartments of two and three rooms each. Contracts will be awarded ; about April 1. !!.! Combination Store. Georgia M. Nichols of 221 East Fifty-third street, has awarded a con tract to I. I. Kablanow for the erec tion of a combination store and resi dence building which will go up im mediately at 1109 Division street The building will be of frame construction and the main floor will be used lor store1 rooms and the second floor for living quarters. The estimated cost is placed at $2500. Deal In X.ane County. Property valued at $55,000 was in volved in a Lane county deal last week in which H. A. Myers traded his 160 acre farm three miles, south of Junction Ctty, for a 1080 acre stock and alfalfa ranch near Gobdland, Kan., which was owned by C. B. Ryckman of Eugene. . 1 Myers left immediately to, take pos session of his Kansas property. Ryc man is a former Kansan, but has livod in Eugene for several years. He took immediate charge of the Myers place. Sign School Contract Awarded, The Union school board at its meet ing Wednesday at Gresham, awarded the contract for the construction cf the proposed Union hign school' build ing to J. H. Tillman of Portland. His bid of $17,990 was the lowest offered and was only $5 lower than one put In by James P. Taylor. Seventeen bids were received!. i The building will be two stories Call and see them as they would appear In your own borne, M. L KLINE Wholesale Plumbing and Heating Supplies 84-86-87-89 Front Street Portland, Oregon Awarded r . year for giving them third rate ac commodations at first rate prices, re ceiving coin for tickling their vanity. You will get millions of their money in persuading them to invest in the coming city of the northwest Good crops and; high prices. -What more assurance could you want as an assurance of the return of the wave of prosperity? . Contractors have nothing on hand, they can get materials at cost less than actual cost in many cases as manufacturers are forced or are will ing to sacrifice to get things started. I might state you couldf'save from 15 per cent to 30 per cent, which would be indefinite, and even if I compared the cost of materials of two years back with present prices it would not give you an adequate . impression of the great amount of building value an investor can get for his money now as compared to two ' years back, and in a.l probability with what Iti would cost a year hence. General Grant won battles by strik ing at 3 o'clock in "the morning when the i opposing , general s courage was low.: John Jacob Astor made a for tune in real - estate when other real estate owners saw only gloom' for the future. We have had a period of gloom , the rays, of the rising sun streak the east. You men of courage and sagacity move forward now and have your work well on when the other fellow awakens and the dollars are sliding down the chute Into your hop per. I . 1 TRANSFERS AND SALES high. It will contain 11 class rooms, an assembly hall with, a seating ca pacity of 250 and a gymnasium 49 by 72 feet In dimensions. It is the intention of the board to have the structure completed in time for the opening of the fall term. ; Tonag Apple Orchard Bold. Freewater, Or., March 13 . v, ,, The Hall Brothers of Vincent have sold their ,1,., '.in- ic.i .vv. . y '""1010 Ueul I Katate Co. to P. W. UaTla. acres, to the N. C. W. Investment com- T B MJ 4 lal0 ,j. to st- J()lll pany, represented by the president of tire company, James JSfolan of T endle- t miT- ,." , .i nn. ton. The consideration was 66,000. Mr. Hall took In part payment 800 acres of wheat land and 250 acres of alfalfa in th nirnh C!ri.k rnuntrv near ... . . . . ; Pendleton. In addition to the land sale, he trades his stock, machinery and implements for a lot and rest- dence In Pendleton. - Iffarch Starts Off BrlsklT lUTcn starts oil araxij. . March, from the Viewpoint Of DUlld- er and realty operator, started off. briskly at La: Grande. Permits for the erecUon of five residences and one garage were, taken out during the first week or the montn. xne permits called for about tlO.OOa worth of con- struetion. ' - , i . ' IK1I Practical Information ffl JfOMJ For Home Owners anri Builders Union Abstract Co. EXPERIENCED MANAGEMENT EFFICIENT CL.ERICAX. FORCE PRICES REASONABLE. 411-413-413 COBBETT BIDS, Phones Main 66 and A -3817 SPRING TIME BUILDING TIME ror a Hellable Builder i Call H. R. KIBLER Phone 8-3786. 1104 East TamnlU St. Oregon Heating Co Incorporated rrZAK A3TD HOT W1TXX HEATING omee Phone Marshall 3738 Mezaher Builders' Exchange 307 Clay Street. - Portland, Or. J. C. English Co. r Lighting Fixtures TR. Irving and " ITnlon Ave. Pactory to Consumer ROSE CITT PARK LOTS. Deal direct with the owners, the original platters of this beautiful, part of Portland. Call on Realty iJepart- ment, comer 4th and ptarKi j IIARTMAN & THOMPSON. ! Miss Fortune and panics fore real eatate prlcea down and tnoae who bare a little cash abonld taka adrantaca of tola rare opportunity buy now bottom prices. , , j THE rEEB A. 7ACOB8 CO., i ' L KSe Waahinrton Btraat. - " SH0PE BRICK CO. 803 ZA8T HOSB1BOS ST. Will build you a beautiful brick borne at the cost of afwdbden one. I j OiU AVX LIT ITS SHOW TOT. General Insurance BONDS McCargar, Bates & Lively Yeon Buildinz Main 168, A-2694 NOW Is the Time te Bnlld That Some - See H. R. KIBLER , i , A Reliable Builder, ' ! 1104 B. TamUU St. ' Phone B-3786. El REALTY TRANSFERS WeUesley Land Co. to John Wllllama et al. C. ill, 12. B. 8. WeUmley t.50 trank Anderson ant wire to iv w. Tay lor Jr.. L.. ;ta. Ik. Id. Oreenoe Ilia... C- V. t'ooivet and wife to Title Trut Co., L. 10, 11. B. t. Laiirelhtirat, LI. 1. 2. B. 15. Job a Irvlng's 1st ad.. If. E. L. 10, B. 10. John Irvhig'a lt ad. .1.. Alauieda luv. Co. to IaOttixe Poulscu, ' L,. 4. 5. 8. B. 12. Alaim-da l'ark 10 10 Kum CUy Oem. Aukii. to Flora R. Eroiia. li. Mi. 8 U. L. 4d. Sec. "11." Rone City Ceui. 51. Ullckman aud wife to Helen Kited, U 5. n. 10. Eliuhurajt. .....L.:..... Krank W. Smith and wlfo to S. I,. 50 2.500 fcilily. i.. !2tf. N. . Ls B. 7. Ir- tngtoii' l'ark 25 Wni. II. C ex til an and wife to L, V. Bcr- hlde. L. 81. U :U. B. 71. Uuuver.Ur l'ark ; C. W. Card and wife to botiltw I'ouUen, 1,500 10 Li. 0. 7. B. 12. Alameda l'ark M. C. (iuoTKe sul wife to V. M. Lou- ard, L. 4.1. 44. Linn l'ark A. I). Chittenden and wire to J. C. Thompson. So acres beg. In N. -line. Sec. 111. IT. t N . It. 4 K. 107.7 ft. 8., 89 Uejf. 64 nilu. K. from NV. cor. Sec. 8t, iia Sandy rler Kiiie'H Iltd Iteallr Syndicate to. A. C. Ciurk et til. L. ia. B. i. Kinit'H lit... Same to Kxrae. L. 10, U. 2, KIiib'h 111k. W. M. tjuliiu and wife to Mr. Kewitn ; TorlnR. U. 17. 18. 11. 0. Wheatland Ad. (to correct) - Hyman Israel and wife: to Sam Lerluaoti, W.- 2 ft. B. Vj. U. 7. 8, B. 70. Caruilter'e ad., J. O. Duka and wife to I. A. Coi, U 9. II. a:?. Brentwood . . Roman Cath Arch to Mm. jane CaUtlr. .11 1. 1U 10 10 10 It. -241. K73, Sec. ''A." ;Mt. Calvary Cem. 104 T. M. Iiurlburt, 81if, -to Mary Buuik-r, Ij. 1H. B. 2. Kuiietilu Park 1.0S9 Chas. ltual to M. 1. Moulrezia, nnd. int., Li. n. B. 3. Slmdywon.1 l'srk 10 Martha K. Voetilor and Imnbsnd to J. A. Roleal et al, U 45, 40. 47. 48. B. 174. llnlrerally l'ark 10 . V. Joiifa and wife to M. 8. Cobb, L. 13. B. 1-. Jim l'ark 2,000 The Linbdenatwk & Iaraon Ilmblili". Inr. Co.J to Win. B. Klcun, Li. 1, B. T, Jouenmore 700 H. I. Newell and wifo to John F. WoodwaKd, Li. 23. 2. B. 31, foint View ,J......... j 10 Unleralty Land Co. to Hid B. iSallaeher et al. L.I 1. 2. B. .'-'. UnlTerslly Park. 1.009 L- 1. Ladd Katate Co. to Walter r. Case. Ik ltt, B. (1, Ladd'a ad l.S.'-O Mike llrublafc to J. I, Ihulinan. L. 14, B. . Katberlne 600 Jane Mae key and hukband to Donald A. . Kkene eii al. L. 0. 10, B. 81. irving- ton ... .1. 1 T. -U. Andi-run and wife to Panny K. HollabanKb, L. I'i, B. 5. Me ne fee ail. 10 Mabel MHU-'r and mlfo to Kauiual Browu et al. 1. 1. -a, B. 3. Kern l'ark 3,500 Arthur J. gander to Clirletlim Z. llle- man, L.. P. , 7. H. B. W. Broadway ad. Julian to Klura Noyea, Li. 7, B, Wllllama ad. No. 2.... 10 1 Ut City il'ark AHn. to J. W. Koeliler. t. 10. It. 12. Beaumont 10 10 Ceo. J. Miller and wife to Ceo. W. Parker, L 2. B. fl Tremont lUaee. J.0T5 Fannie J. Ivano to Win. B. . Boberson, - gt 33 jL3 fr. i,. a, 3, b. "C," 1st ad. to HolHd'ay 'l'ark 'ad.'. ... .' 4,00f Sonti.gort Mud Co to Joseph B. Oberlo. - L". B .4. houthnort. ..... ...... .... J? . jacou iitannari ana who 10 o. o. Palmer. 14. Averlil Dietrich ff-erl to If. B. Noble. L. 2. IT, B B"M6- j Vo'cu H. Gaffuey, U 2, B. 6. liuacock at. ad. ...I.. : Vfm- T- Krebs and wfe to M. 0. Black, L. t. b. 23. Kimimrst Fred K. Uleaeker and wife to B. B. Wright. Jl.. 7. 8. B. 22. N. V. U - f Aa5mwJl1't0k v'ti-i"h' "oiJkkiiJ 1 7 . 22 N, t u, 10, B. :;7. Alameda, Park 10 10 BOO 10 10 10 050 475 IS1"1, V J" ,r, luummiu' L- 10'P-.rUP'.ld Hts......... ..... Kenton' Pac. Imp. Co. to It. L. Wake- Item. L.I 11. 40. Kenton Kalamine Iron Doors and Hollow Metal Windows Manufactured by J. C. Bayer Furnace Co. BVma w i . Mam a iiM nOVT AJTB KAJtXllT STB. Pacific Iron Works i - poBTXuixrz, oxraoir. Structural Steel Plant FOUNDRY Beaver Eoarii TIMMS CRESS & CO. 114-S SEOOXTO STh P0XTZ.A1TD Phones Mala 3033 A-2023 To Get the Home You Want Read, the ads under the heading of "Houses for Sale" in the classified section 'fef today's Journal. ; "1 A-6291. Mar. S71S. p. K. JEFFERT, Pres. Build you a home on terms like rent. Any part of the city. ,1330 Bask Bide. Rector System A Perfect House-Heating System Economical to Operate Portland Gas & Coke Co. SUPERIOR SERVICE BEST QUALITY M. L. KLINE Wholesaler, Psnltless Plnmblar and I Keating- Material. 84-86-87-89 FRONT STREET Phone Mais 1608 TJtB Morgan Wallpaper Co. WALL PAPER 230 8ooad St.. Bte Salmon and Mela . j3il STARK ST. Responsible Lightins Pixtares and Supply Dealers,' See us before placing- your order.