THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, j SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 14, 1915 J EXCHANGE REAL. ESTATE 24 Coa laea . BECK'S- SELECT "EXCHANGES. Very fine Issoo homo.. . I2a0tt lot a.uu wwp tor ,.. v vcone. v" -165x300 in California, fin house, servants' house, garage, tropical fruits and flowers. $10,000. Want property . here, :--.- "vi.-" --i" '' : r- . ;'V ..v '- .. 'V rj ' - .Meat market, lea and cold storage ' plant, 3 ; years' record open for inspec tion.. Nets over (5000 per year. Price 913,600. i Owner must get outside. Take , good farm to 120,000. Two modern houses, 16500, also $10, S0O in gilt-edge mortgages for a fully . equipped farm to $17,500-. i : .-. $37,500 modern brick business blocks. want farm to - $37,500 California big Income prop erty. Aged owner wants to be with son here. Take property to '430,000 . here. i I" 'r- ' : .. . $35,000 apartment here. Positively nets $200 per month. Take other prop . erty to $28,000. 501-302 1 Railway- Exchange Building. " . excellent farm trade. 65 acres, 20 in cult., bal. pasture and- timber. Ail tillable; no rock or gravel; i finest soil, creek and well. Fair 6 1 room bouse, barn, new silo, other building's: 6 cows, 2 heifers 2 i horses, 2 colts, 7 hogs, wagons, im plements, some feed. This farm is "right on the Pacific Highway. 14 miles : from Vancouver, 4 miles to Ridgefield. Owner will sacrifice all for $5000. Will take lot in good district up to $2000. cash $1000, bal. 3 years at 6 per cent. This place ; is priced low for Quick disposal. -d H. B, APPERSON, Ridgefield. Wash. TO EXCHANGE. ; 680 acre stock ranch- in Urant county to exchange for. valley property; price I $13,600. j , f . : . - , $10,000 equity in a west side apart ment house, mortgage $5000; want to exchange for land In the valley, or smaller i property in Portland. KELLER & DEAL, Suite 314, Lumber Ex. Bldg.. Portland, Or. ", KLEGANT COUNTRY HOME. 5 ' 8 '- acres near- Tigard station, nice view, 7 j room fine modern house, also 4' room) cottage for help, garage and all other buildings, choice fruit, perries, shrubbery, etc. Everything the best, A-l condition and elear of mortgage. Will consider clear vacant lots for part r whole value. N, M, APPLB. $28 Henry Bldg. T RANCH FOR INCOME. T $50,000 stock and wheat ranch of 1000 acres and 800 acres leased land, 400 acres fine wheat, -30 good horses, 36 headi cattle, full equipment, includ ing combine, plenty feed for summer; everything clear; owner will trade for Income property. B. S. Cook & Co., 60S CorbcttjbJdr. ' YOUR CHANCE CLOSE IN. " 1 acres. Oak Grove, Oregon City line, all! In cultivation; fruit, berries, 4 nl a- w v v ea-waw a. uva a room house, usual other buildings; also chicken raising outfit, buildings. Price $2650. Warranty deed and abstract. Will take auto or other property to $1000, balance $10 per month and Interest-, i N.- M. Apple, 823 Henry bldg. '" !. 80 Acres We hav a very fine' 80 acre farm near Molalla, to trade for a good busi ness. $10,000. $3000 mortgage. What have yOu? , Morgan & Smith Agency, 431 Ry.i Ex. bldg. MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE 27 I HAVE several amounts on hand to ou within a few days if your security i s satisfactory : to my clients. Mam 6974. Wm. Q? Beckendorf, 815 Stock Exchange. LOANsi! on improved city property or for building purposes; advance made as building progresses; liberal repay ment privileges; no commission. J. P. jLipsscorno, 242 stark st. Main 442v. PRIVATE ON HAND TO LOAN. $8000 at 7 $5000 at 7 3000 at 7 2500 at 7 ton at 8 300 at Sco 40 JSiol ENiUE jfe CO.. 615 Oerlinger bldg. iKET TO LOAN Any amount, no delay: mortgages purchased; can use several desirable building loans; owners! only. Sire insurance, Henry C. pruanomme. Morgan Piog. , Mortgage Loans : I. I WHITE, 701 Selling bldg. BUILDING LOANS on city and subur ft ban (property; money advanced as Work progresses, W. O. Beck, 815 Fail- lng oiag. Main guy. MORTGAGE loans, city and suburban ;si property; lowest rates; -mortgages and contracts bought. Cowlishaw. 607 Commercial block. Main 6120. .. LOANlof. $4000- on highly improved Willamette Valley 80 acre farm val ued at $11,000. D. McCbesney. Title A Trust bldg. Main 3477. WE have money to" loan on your real "i i estate; first mortgages only. aiAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, t - 423 Chamber of Commerce. 2J.ONEY to loan on good Washington , county farm. Walter Roswurm, for ? est. Grove, Oregon. MONEY to loan in amounts of 3100 to $5000 on city property. A, H. Bell, EPl oerlinger Diog. MORTGAGE loans at current rates. Real estate security. Apply room 202 Stock Exehange, 8d and Yamhill. CASH paid for mortgages, notes,, con-- tracts; mortgage loans; reasonable ateB. F. H. Lewis & Co., 3 Lewis bldg. LOAisii MADE on improved Portland real tr at 6, 7 and 8. UNION SAi'E $100,000 on mortgages, city and farm ' property, fire Insurance. f McKensie gs tjo.,1 oerlinger mag., zq anq Aiaen MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 per cent. Xvouis Hoiomon uo zzv etam st. 200. $350. $600, $900, $1200, $1S00. i-Yd W, fiermari Co., 914 Cham, of Com. ' $40,000 OR LESS. KARRINGTON, 80 4th st. Poard of Trade bidg. MONEY to loan to 8 per cent. W. 1L Selt & Co., 310 Spalding bldg, $5000 to $15,000. private money. Z-824. $600, $1000. $2000, no com., no delay. j t Ward, -All wky bldg. $500 to $500 to loan on ilty or farm property. Tabor 25gQ. B-S73. Journal. iWHEN you answer these Want Ada. s mention The Joiirnal. ; - TO LaAN 480O at 7. A. J. Fax- m er 4 07 Btock Ex. LOANS or contracts. $50 up; write de tails. Box 34, Lents. ' $1000 AT T?e; $2000 AT 7." L.- J, LAMB, Oregonian bldg. M. 1083. 6 AND 7 MTG. LOANS. " Aj K. HILL, 419 Henry Bldg, 'WILL loan $SO00 on improved city Property. M-73, Journal. I aiOXEV TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 67 LOANS IN SIX HOURS' TIME. : , I At Legal Rates We jloan money on diamonds, pianos, ltvesteck. storage receipts, plain notes r furniture. - x Portland Loan Co, Licensed .by State. ; ? . Room SOS Rnthf.hril KJ- '. Bet. 4th and 6th on Washington st. SALARV LOANS ON PLAIN NOTKS ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY, . Busineas Strictly Confidential. STAT0 UWTYOMPANTV , f 309 FAILING BLDG. ,t .....j. .... MON-EY AT ONCE. , Diamonds. Watches. Musical InstrunVts . , Separate dept. for ladle. . - i ELBY CO. Licensed.) lt?0 lumber Ex. bldg., 2d and Stark. MONEY to j loan, ehort time on ap Proved eecurity. Hatfield. ,165 M 4th at. - " (- LOANS on diamonds, jewelry, strictly , confidential. 141 Vt 3d st.. near Alder. LOANS on real estate, diamonds, jew- f eiry. wm. noii, . s, wasntngton bia. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal. G7 (CoBtlsned) ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY AT EASTERN RATES. We have one of the finest retail jewelry stores in the city. A loan de- j part men t is conducted in connection with same, making business STRICT . LY CONFIDENTIAL. Absolutely no t signs designating i loan Business ois- played in front of our store. All mer chandise pledged . la neia xor a period or seven months, wnetner or not in terest is paid when dWe. We are li censed and have been established since 1899. No connection with any other loan estaDiisnment in inn city. A. & M. DELOV AO E. JEWELERS, . vvasningion at. - MONEY TO XJOA3H" CHATTELS, SALARIES MONEY to loan oh diamonds. Jewelry. S. W. King. 46; Washington bldg. LOAXS RANTED 30 WANTED ON A-l SECURITY. $10,000 at 8, value $50,000. 6.000 at . .value ; 12.000. 4.000 at 8, value t 12.000. t',000 at 8, value 6,000. 1,800 at 8, value 6,003. 1,500 at 8. value 4.000. at 7, value -3.000 600 at 8, value 8,000. 530 at 8. i value ' 1,600. - 3500 at 10c. 1 rar. valua 32.500 M'KENZIE & CO.. 515 Gerlinger bldg. $1200 WANT to borrow this amount to help build home; have lot iuity paid for value $750, and have $600 which will rousrh in mv building: will pay 1 on straight 3 year loan, or 8 with privilege of paying- on principal each Interest period; no agents; refer ences. y-i4, journal. : WANTED Loan" of $1500 on modern bungalow worth $3500. Will pay 8 interest. HARGROVE & , SONS, 122 N. 6th at. Main 4381. A-7259. $3006 ON 40 acres near Greshamu 44 clear and men working on place now to clear balance. . Conservatively ap praised at $10,000. P. O. Box 42, or pnone aionaay jiain ,c. aayers. WANT $1500 or more to complete at- tractive enterprise; money abso lutely secured. Pay rignt party tiDer ally and furnish employment if de- sirea. su Worcester oiag. $1000 IRST mortgage on 160, acres, assessed valuation $1920, tor sale. Price $900. Elmer S. Shank, 303 iy. Exchange. Main 2113. Res. Ta. 4411. WANTED Loan of $1600. 2 or 3 years on improved 10 acres near Portland, value $4000. from private party. V- 81, journal. WANTED To bouow $50 from pri vate party, 8 l?er cent interest, on clear- lot. .adors. Jornce, xaam t7&t. 34 Market st; WANTED Loan $1200. 30ci of valu ation, on well-located Improved busi- uvea y i yjict ij, ,7, V 'uviyak. Journal. ' WANTED to borrow $15,000 on a farm highly developed, worth $70,000. Will iy 1 interest. Address N-204, Jour- nal. W ANTED $20,000 loan on security worth $100,000. win pay 7 inter est. Address V-628, Journal WANTED to borrow $2000 on West eide home close in; will pay 7 in terest. AtiaresH v-eau, journal. MUST have $t00. Who'll take my $3000 insurance policy for it? B-801. Jour nal. A $20 mortgage on 100x100 in Greg ory Heights riistrict; sell tor ZZ5; draws 8. J-8Z4. Journal. WANT $2500 loan on good real estate and rarm security. Aaaress,ii4 iz. 14th N. WANTS- loan of $160 on city property for i year. Call 191 4th st. Phone Main 8774 $i0uo. TWO years, 7, private par- ties. eiia uossett, i vv. bluings worth ave. LIBERAL bonus. No agents. Y-210, Journal. VANT $5000 on Al real estate secur ity J-823, Journal. $2000, 7, 3 yr.. Irvlngton residence, Valuation $5000. 825 Ry. Exeh bdg. WANTED, $300," 10, good chattel security. gast mi WANTED $6000 to build residence on $8000 lot. A-183, Journal. . WHEN you answer these Want Ada. .mention The Journal. FINANCIAL SI OUR METHOD OF ASSISTING YOU FINANCIALLY IS UNSURPASSED. WE LOAN YOU MONEY TO BE REPAID ON MONTHLY BASIS IF YOU NEED. AND WILL TAKE A LIFE IN8URARNCE POLICY THROUGH US IN A FIRST CLASS OLD LINE COMPANY. AND THE FIRST YEAR'S PREMIUM 18 PAID BY US. WE CHARGE ONLY 7 PER CENT PER ANNUM. B. & P. SECURITIES CO, 209 SELLING BLDG. MONEY FOR QUICK LOANS. $100 OR MORE PRIVATE AND ES TATE MONEY. NO DELAYS. ANY APPROVED SECURITY. WILH, BUY (OR LOAN UPON) MORTGAGES, REAL ESTATE (OR OTHER) CON TRACTS. LIFE INSURANCE! POLI CIES, ETC. ADDRESS BURKETT & PATTERSON, 209 BELLING BLDG. FIRST and second mortgages, also sel lers' Interest Ut contracts purchased. Oregon and Washington. II. E. Noble, Lumbermens bldg. ; WANTED To sell first class 44 rnort gage $2000, &, at big discount; 42$ Hen ry bldg. STOCKS AND BONDS 58 MONARCH Coal Co., 1 shares, $76. Y-237, Journal. B ELI' WAKTKI waiALK . 1 yT" mTc" a?" kmployment ijept. Record for year 1914: Calls for men ...1793 Positions filled ...... t ,. 1314 All young men seeking employment are cordially - invited to consult with the secretary of the .employment de- BETTER than; $25 per week;. $1000 starts you in jobbing business; pays 200; sells to confectioners and drug gists; no agents. Owner, -P-684. Jour nal.. GOOD room, board and washing, but no money, can for an indefinite period, be secured by a homeless old man who does ; not - drink. TX-612, Journal. r WANTED Neat appearing young man to tend of lice while owner is out. This is good proposition for the right man; small lnvestement. 619 'Lumber Exchange bldg. AN investment : of $200 gives you in side work, your own boss, can. beat wages. Investigate. Room 303, Lum ber Exchange. WANTED Canvassers to sell our line; outfit free; cash weekly. Ad dress Capital City Nursery Co., Sa- BOYS wanted for light and profitable wuin. mil umi icring wim SCnOOl. Don't pbone. Call on J. 1C Havely. c I 17 Tin w. WANT to let contract to man with i team to clear 1 acres near Lents. Stamped envelope brings particulars. Y-239, Journal. , LIVE real estate salesman wanted; igood proposition. tseeurHy Devoloo- ment t.:o., cor. 4tn ana Mntnti, y ANTED, young man over 18, with ! Home experience 10 uetp in small dairy. Phone Sellwood 2128 Sunday. WANTED, 10 good hustlers familiar : with furniture repairing. 1029 Haw- morne ave., Atonoay mor:ning: WANTED, good collector and eales man. Singer 6ew. Mchn. Co 402 vvasn. fix. WA NTED A good boy to work on a 1 farm with team. II. , Grebe, Tigard, V ANT experienced hypnotist to help me m experiments. SX-966, Journal. WANTED Tea. and " coffee solicitor: Call before 9 a., m., 209 Salmon. WHEN ypu answer tbee Want Ads, mention The Journal. WILL take painting en house rent or lots. McCoy, 333 Chamber Commerce. HELP WANTED MALE Contimned) GARDENER WANTED Middle-aged single man.-ne familiar with vege tables and flower garden, to also help en stock farm, care for furnace and grates in house. Will furnish cabin, man - to board himself. State wages desired and recommendations. Will guarantee steady work to right' man until Nov. 1. House is mile and half from town on railroad. V-622f Journal. WANTED, loan broker la our real es tate loan department. If you know how to make loans see us. Security Development Co., cor. of 4 th and Pine streets. HELP WANTED -MISC. 49 Y. M. C. A. Automobile School Day and night instruction in repair Moderate charges. Fair dealing and expert training. Before enrolling elsewhere call at educational office, Y. M. C. A. oldg.. end secure pass entitling you to in spect our snop ana metnoas. PACIFIC AUTO St GAS ENGINE . SCHOOL. 26-268 Xlth st, Portland, Ore. THE LITTLE SCHOOL where you obtain BIG RESULTS. Call or write for TRUTH ABOUT AUTO SCHOOLS. DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES. CHAUFFEURS are in demand;, we want sober, reliable men whom we can recommend ror positions to mk our course in automobile repairing and driving. , PRACTICE BEATS THE ORY, and our course of instruction is PRACTICAL ALL THE WAY through. L. & M. Auto Reprir Co.. aog nawinorne. - WE have several openings for estab- llahm.n. . 1 . ,1 . , uusiuvu, eueis, guvu naoiis ana sound judgment more important than capital; spare time at first; particulars frM flnniptimitU. I." v V. . . 1J. i f . falo. N. Y. GOVERNMENT, noat office, depart mental clerk, bookkeeper and other civil service examinations soon. Get prepared by former government ex aminer. Booklet H-34, free. Write today. Patterson Civil Service School, nocnester, js. i. ' - SALESMAN, experienced in any line. w seu general traaa in. cacmo ter ritory. Unexcelled apecialty proposi tion. Commission contract. $35 weekly for extiensea. Continental Jewelry Co., 76-11 Continental Build iritr flovitliinil nhln ;--tf r " . ,.,yy- , , , , WANTED Four laundry drivers; al- irj or coiumusBiua; must urn respu'i- . I K I . . 1 ... ... .1.-1.1 caeh bond do not answer this ad. This Am nrilanil is AnnxBiunitir 0 rAf arvto-) Write full particulars in first letter. .. - i , r , journal THOUSANDS government lile jobs now oDtainame. sa& to iiso montn. Common education sufficient. Port land examinations soon. Write imme diately for free sample questions and run description. ifranklin institute, Tin., (1 ' i . " . v,.. .. .. -r SALESMAN Capable specialty man for Oregon; staple line on new and exceptional terms; vacancy now; at tractive - commlasion contract; $36 weeklv for exDensea. Miles If. Bixler La,, zdt-ii tjanin mag., tjieveiana. u, FREE to any woman, beautiful 4 2- piece dinner set for Bistriouting only 3 dozen cakes of complexion soaD free: no money or experience needed. B. N. Tyrrell Ward. 216 Institute Place. Chi cago. WATCHMAKING, engraving and op tical school, day and night classes, few months only learning, positions guaranteed. , Steady, pleasant, prof itable. work. 218 Commonwealth bldg., fth and Ankeny, Portland. MEN and women wanted for U. S. government life jobs. $66 to $160 month. Common education sufficient. Wr.ite Immediately for list xt posi tions open to you. Franklin Instl- tute. Dep t. 3 50 B, Rochester. N. Y MEN and women wanted to advertise and sell our Bell's Peroxide Beauty Cream; beautifies immediately; $25 to $50, weekly easily made. Write quick for territory. Bell Brothers, 325 W. 69th St., New York city. - A MAN who has or can develop sales manship aDimy ls-w&ntea cy a targe financial corporation. This is an op portunity for a eatable man to make a profitable connection and a position wun a Dig ruture. L-63S. Journal. SALESMEN to sell our fall line blan- aets, nanneis ana dry goods epecial ties to retailers in small towns. Strong side line, good commission. F. C. Rpllmann & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED. $300 monthly, -guaranteed1, valuable aeency offered, sells to business and professional men; repeat orders come unsolicited; samples free. western Jo--uajo twag.. los Angeles. AN, intelligent person may earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspa pers. No canvassing. Send for partic ulars. Press Syndicate, 707, Lockport. N. Y. i UESIRE direct communication with all foremen or floor ladies of con cerns employing considerable labor: object mutual financial advantage. fiease aaaress r-4ZB, journal. INTELLIGENT person may earn $8 to $20 weekly during spare time at home, writing for newspapers. Send for particulars. Press Syndicate. 640. Washington, D. C. WANTED At once, man to learn auto repairing and driving. Call at Haw thorne Garage. 445 Hawthorne ave.. cor. 7th. - GOVERNMENT wants clerks. Exam- inations April 23. s 70 month. Sam ple questions free. Franklin Institute. uept. 847j, itocnester, is. x DO easy, pleasant coloring work at home; good pay; no canvassing; no experience required. Write Oloa-on- yvneeier co.f 3a7 Madison, Chicago, WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARR MOVING PICTURE OPERATING; OPERATORS EARN $18 TO , $36 A WEEK. 64 BROADWAY. MEN, women wanted, government jobs. $65 to $160 month. Write for list positions now obtainable. Franklin In stitute, Dept. 849C. Rochester. N. Y. MEN, women, $25 weekly collecting all kinds names and addresses; no canvassing. Send stamp. Superba Co., X 60, Baltimore, Md. ' PARTNER in cleaning and pressing; small amount required; teach busi ness. 231 6th st. PORTLAND government clerk exami nations. April 22: $70 month. SairiDle questions free. Apply VX-271, Journal. SADDLE horses, 60c f:rt hour, 26o additional hours; English or Stock Baddies. M-5876; 16th and Madison. WATCHES cleaned, 76c. Mainspring, 6C- worn guaranteed. Zl Com monwealth bldg.,' 6th and Ankeny. CHICAGO lot. free and clear. Value $650, to trade for stock of groceries. Woodlawn 2610. . MISS MATTINGLY'S Private School, shorthand and typewriting. 269 14th St., near jetterson. Main 3893. EARN $7 daily, restoring faded colors in rugs and carpets; no capital. Particulars free. Eldred. Detroit. Mich. COOK headquarters California Wine, uepot. zi lammii, rs ear bth. UNCALLED for tailor made suits Jtl.Sa tip. Taylor, the Tailor, 289 Burnsldei USE Bassett's Native Herbs for rheun ; . ca . n I n . - ... j . . WHEN you answer these Want ; Ada. mention ire -otirnsL HELP WATEls- FEMALE 2 WANTED Middle-aged lady to act as companion for elderly lady evenings in exchange for room. Must be em ployed t tiring tne any. Walking dis tance, neierence required, X-4I1, Journal - ' : WANTED A middle aged . lady for jiouseiteeper in a srooa pome; more for a home than bie aalaj-v. "V-sis Journal. , . FIVE elderly. Women canvassers: ex rterinca linnweH-arv mv nallmra LADIES to denionstrate: $2 per day; residential work. Cull fins Columbia D UOl bldg. WANTED - Experienced makers and trimmers, onl y experienced people "eg appiy. iwengart fc ua WOMAN , for dining room for board. room nusDana ana sen. z4 ain st. HELP WAXTED irESLALK 2 . . j- Oontinned) n ; GOOD cook wanted, either trirl or wo man, to work on farm, one mile south of Woodburn,In family of 2, n children; good home, permanent placet Phone in the house, dally mail deliv ery, 1 hour's ride from Portland, either on S. P. cars or Oregon Electric Meet me in the ladies waiting room. St. Charles hotel, on Tuesday. March 16. at 11a.m. P. L. Kenady. -: t WANTED, a girl for general house-! work for e room cottage by March t 2Sth. 2 adulta and S children. Must f know how to use gas stove; family washing done at home; foreigner pre f erred; wages $25. 1541 Milwaukee st; Sellwood. 1 WANTED - Stenographer, no .objec tions to beginner; state age, speed, salary expected and phone number. V-615. Journal. HELP WASTED 5LLE AND ' FEMALE 29 MEN and wromen to learn the barber trade, wages paid while learning; tuition reduced, positions secured. The only chain of schools in the world. Send for free catalogue Moler Barber College, H. 48 N. 2d st. Oregon Barber College will teach you the trade in S weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed; pay while learning; tui tion reduced this term. 233 Madison. WHEN you answer these- Want Ads; mention The Journal. BARBERS AND- SUPPLIES 69 Barbers' Supplies bices For standard goods. x&U or write to T"-na- - E H A WAAil-HH mmJt T. ' i-cp u, viai uuuwfti u ru was- Woodlark Bldg.. Alder at West Parku Portland, Or. Elevator to 6th floor LIST your shop with us. We brinff ouyer aua -oner lugemer. rurimnu, Cutlery & Barber Supply Co., 86 6th St.; T.VWIlS.dTl'VftPD Tla rki,,.' ilntuil. luuuwun b.ixu jluvii. uiueKt nau most, reliable house on the coast. That's ail.; m... j . . 1 . i. i 1 . WANTED AGENTS AGENTS wanted for a new weed destroyer;- patent Just out; every man; that has a lawn buys on sight. Good agents wanted for Portland and goodj men for general agents to take charge of other cities, and even states, Good: live ones only need apply. Hustlers make good money. Call at 701 Swet land Bldg.. Monday and Tuesday from 9 to 5, or call up Marshall 608. BILLY SUNDAY'S MESSAGE; AU- We will tay you 1120 to distribute it in your neighborhood, 60 days work. Great opportunity for man or woman, spare time may be used. Particulars and sample free. Universal Bible House, Philadelphia. : AGENTS WANTED Realllv repre sentatives to sell patented articles of merit backed by Ironclad guarantee Household necessities that have never been offered before. Clear field open. Big profits. Write at once. Berg & Bead Mfg. Co., 61 Fleet PL. Brooklyn. AGENTS If I had your name I could show you how to earn $25 to $59 weekly. Greatest seller in years. Over 700.000 sold in last six months. Every housewife will buy on sight. Post l brings liberal proposition and free sam ple. Address, Manufacturer, 1 Union Eg.. N. Y. . J WE START you in business, furnishi ing everything; men and women. $80 to $200 weekly operating our "New System Specialty Candy Factories," home anywhere; no canvassing. Op portunity lifetime; booklet free. Rags dale Co,, Box Z, East Orange, N. J. ! UsE your spare time to build up a mail order business of your owni We help you start for a share in profits; 37 opportunities. Particulars free. Mutual Opportunities Exchange. Buffalo, N. Y. j AGENTS Chance to make "big money handling new fast selling household article. Particulars free. Propp Mert cantile Co.. 3717 80. Hoover st-. Los Angeles, cai, AGENTS -We have a fine proposition to offer. It's a winner. Particulars free. The Echroll Co- Bismarck. N. Iak. WANTED, 4 traveling "general agentsi. salary and expenses, me oau co. 114 unio st., Chicago. "WANTED A lady in each town to act as our agent; it per cent, ; Y 236, Journal. - . J . i SITUATIONS MALE YOUNG man, good office man, bus iness college education. steno graphic and bookkeeping; law student and first class collector, not afraid of work, wants position. , -4Z8, journal. YOUNG roan. 25, desires to make connection with resDonslble firmi accounting and selling experience lh Chicago and Detroit; best of refep- . r f, T t T.,,. n.ii nrfV, Inn. ..,luin. trt,t. 1 . ... .i a ,H.iia aw tA lwjhi"aa wishes work, 2oc per hour. Call Mr. ,AA. -4 TITO ilAS1 via' i .11, flinm t 4-' . v-quu. JUST graduated f rom business " col- lege; iive wun parent" ; uesiro con- . with liira hnalnau, hnillA mnatlv for exnerience. P-81T. Joue- na. W . YOUNG "man. 23 years old, desires position unvixig, cvvr iui y nvai, ily and do office work. Good, careful driver. L-685, Journal. ! EXPERIENCED bookkeeper would like few hours' bookkeeping forenoons. F-268, Journal. GOOD watchmaker and salesman wishes . position; good references. T-80I, Journal. WANTED by a steady young man, a chance to learn to drive and re pair automobiles. Phone Wdliu 619, AMBITIOUS boy, 17, wants -any kinii of work. Delivery work preferred. Call Marshall 197. - 1 CHAUFFEUR- wants job of driving auto; careful and honest. Have got A-l referencqs. L-415, Journal. ; YOUNG man will work for "room. tnnM-1 anil 1. !-' In Vma TA (ns llkk Or hotel. K-124, Journal. I PAlNTER,Il-rouna hand, marred. V-6 2 4. Journal. . JANITOR wants work, apartments or off flee; used to on or wood rur nace. M-388, Journal. YOUNG man wants work for room and board with private family. ; T- journal. . . WANTED-Fsiiori- chauffeur. experienced. Call woodlawn 1694. ODD jobs done at - your home. Call repair man,- Main 4693. f - ; YOUNG man wants work on farm. u-800, journal. ' : PAPERING, painting and kalaomlning. call u aDor aaa. - MAN with ' small family would like work on rarm or dairy, call B-Z7P3. WmKN you answer these Want Ads, mention Ttie Journal. - PLASTERING, tinting, or pklntlng reasonable. Taoor btfzo. . l WILL.? exchange carpenter work i for plumfting. fnone Tatjor 6986. I ; MAN wants work; risky jobs ac- ceptaoie. ijnon woqiawn ai . j SITUATIONS FEMALE WANTED By young girl position AS nurse girl or assist with light house work. Call Tabor 8611. - i I EXPERIENCED cook . wants hotel or camp, A-359, Journal. GERMAN lady wants day work wash- iroBiuii, c-icB-iiiny- x acjor 4 mug. - WILL give baby, mother's care. Phone 13 ITrt . O , - WOMAN wants work by hour, , 94 kith jut Main 2148. ' --! EXPERIENCED Voung lady wants day work; references. Tabor 4234. , GERMAN woman wants' work by day. Phone Woodlawn 1999, Ai'.v. -. . . CURTAINS laundered at home. Main NEED work at once; cashier, clerk, or office assistant Marshall 4771. RELIABLE woman wants any kind of day work. Main 7173. Relief Bureau, GOOD hand laundry "" wants washinsr or day work. Plione Tabor 4276.! DRAMATIC reader desires engage menta. Miaa Blowers. Tabor 3625. SITUATIONS FELAJLE J " , : iOontlnnedl CAPABLE, educated woman. 40, ex perienced, in. business correspond ence. I not a BtenograDher. wishes po- 1 sitioa as private secretary, reception room ! or any position of trust with ' responsible gentleman; will make em ployer's interest my own. P-S10, Jour t nal. ! wiMiiiiuMt.ii.i ana neat apper' inci tafffliltw trstnAil hiiAinb wom an, varied experience, reference fur nished, wants position. M-979. Jour- nal. ' : - : - '-, HIGH school girl wants work in pri vate family for board and small wages. Must, be on west side. Y-206, Journal. - ' - - -VvANXED A place as housekeeper in town: have a little girl 13 years old; can furnish tha best of references. 1240 Bortbwick st. GERMAN lady, middle aged. unin cumbered, wants, position, house keeper, family one or two. Call or write1 586 Tacoma ave. , STENOGRAPHER with 3 years' ex perience in shorthand, typewriting and general office work, wants posi- tion; good references. Y-223, Journal. NEAT, experienced cook desires poai tion hotel, camp or boat. 450 Yam- niu St., room 6, EXPERIENCED girl wishes situation " with adult family; references. Phone E. 4932 or F-468, Journal. WANTED, position as housekeeper. country preferred; references. L 637, Journal. ' MOST efficient cook, best references, desires employment in private f am- iiy. journal REFINED woman, with little girl de sires position as housekeeper for re- gpectabie people. Tabor 6000, YOUNG woman wishes plain sewing by ; the day or hour. Phone Marshall 3597. 1 WANTED -At once, by refined, edu cated girl, work of any kind. T-601, Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 23 TWO young married couples, one with one child, and one with no children, need work of any kind badly. In restau rant !or hotel, or on farm. Portland Common., phone Main 1665, Pacific DRESSMAKING 40 FASHIONABLE dressmaking and re modeling. 692 Lovejoy. Phone Main 3324. . FASHIONABLE dressmaking and make-overs. Mme. Lane. 648 , Divi sion Ft. DRESSMAKING 2-" Children's work, family sewing. $0c hour,- by day. Main 2660. DRESSMAKING, plain sewing; prices reasonable; satisfaction guaranteed. 864 Vancouver ave. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants work 'by the day. Tabor 2873 DRESSMAKING or plain sewing. Mar OUll i-.,Qj O, DRESSMAKING at home or by day; snail &4S3, apt. 8. wnrn gu-rnuu, aiain a. DRESSMAKER v Alterations, reason able. Tabor 4871, NURSES (SO TRAINED nurse wishes medical, con - finement or convalescent cases ' in her own home: modern conveniences, including .sleeping porches: city, doc- tor's : referencea-. Tabor 2687. 1 PRACTICAL Swedish midwife and nurse wants work; will do house work by day or hour. Phone Wood- lawn BUIU, PRACTICAL nurse," will do some housework. Terms reasonable. Tel. East 6374. ., PRACTICAL nurse, will do the house work; doctor's references. E. 6704. FURNISUEU ROOMS V WEST SIDE 410 Morrison, corner 11th; modern, cheap rates; cars direct from depot to entrance; walk up, press button, and we will serve you day or night, Mar shall 6082. 1 ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 14th s, cor. Washington. Most desirable location, strictly modern, private baths, phones in every room, $3 week up. Rates to tourista. Main 1443. THE YAMHILL, 881 Yamhill, JUra. Anderson, mar- newly cainted. Da- , pered, . furnished throughout; modern; t rooms $1.60 per week up; transient so- , liclted, 60c up. ' Morlroe UqI Suites $6. Outside rooms $3 up, court rooms, $2.60 up. By day 60c, 76c, $1; cor.' 12th and Washington ets, , THE ALBION HOTEL. ! 812 W 3d and Salmon. Rooms $1.76 week up; steam heat, hot and cold water, free bath, phone. j DON'T WASTE MONEY. If you want a cleaner, better room for leas money, go to Hotel Amsdon. 268 3d St.. cor. Jefferson. MAXWELL HALL, residential hotel, 207 14th st, rooms single orv en suite; modern, rates reasonable! In the j heart of business district ROOMS for young men in Y. M. C A. Ftrcproof building, shower bath&, vacuum eleaned, club facilities; mod- crate prices. jor, ana laytor. NEWLY furnished room, $1.60 week; also housekeeping; rooms. Under new ! also housekeeping rooms. Ui management. 210 Alder st nu i Anmun, tiia near rnon. Transient and permanent, rooms with til modern conveniences. $17.60 mo. up, BUSHMARK HOTEL rooms, $2 per week and up. walking distance. 66l Wash. at. READ HOTEL, just opened, every thing new. rate 33 per week up. 208 4 th st Tourist Hotel, 1st and Mor.. modern front rooms, $3.50 up; others $3.50 upitran. 60c up. ; tran. trade sol HOTEL SAVON, modern single rooms $2.-5 and $3 wk.; transient 60a, 76o, 11. I 121 11th Kt ROOMS and apartments in modern ha- f- " --oer. K228H Wash, st MDDUl ll.SO wk. up. $2 WEEK up, clean, warm, modern fur. rooms, central. The King, 309 Jeff. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. ! n7HIBH :xo BOOMS WESTBIPB j.IV ATE TAVOX.T 10 NEWLY furnished roomsXfor l ' orZ, choice location, easy walking dis tance from down town. 400 Clay, corner 10th. TWO modern well furnished rooms, in good home; hot and cold water; walking distance; home privileges. 741 Olisan. '';.; ' NICELY furnished room, modern con veniences, central, very reasonable. 404 Clay, near 10th. - NETVVLY furnished rooms, very reason able; 60 Ella, just off Washington; $1.60 WEEK -Furnished front room, nou.t, Dam, pnone, cxoae in. 420 Va jcuernun hi. WELL furnished room in strict!) uiuucrii uooie. oiose in, an conven tences, phone, $9, Call 87 N. 16th st. AN attic room for rent at 16 14th st. i jmr ween. LARGE front room, $ or 8 men, $2 week. 88 10th .st CLEAN, pleasant room, good, location, cloae in. 414 Market St. WHEN you answer these Want Ada mention The Journal. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 39 BUSINESS man wants room and board, near E. 24th and Broadway, E. i 33d and SB roadway or E. 83d and Sandy blvd.; sleeping porch preferred. L-420. Journal. WANTED By mother and Z daugh . tera. room with board lh private home; could use own furniture. East 6417. - YOUNG man wants room and board private family, close in; sleeping porch preferred; give particulars. ; L 642. Journal. - - . r APRIL 1 -Room and board, . middle aged gentleman, in private family, near Good Samaritan hospital; state terms. V-816. Journal. FUKX1SHED ROOMS EAST SIDE THREE furnished apartments ' and 4 single furnished rooms. 632 Wil liams ave. C-1523. :- - . - -: " - FTTXXrXSXES BOOKS ! EAST BIDE PRIVATE AMU T Tl IVRGE front room, walking distance; gas, bath, phone, beat; $6 month. East 1484. 661 Belmont. TWO furnished rooms, nice location, 1 block to car. Apply 792 Cleveland avenue. LARGE front room furnished for$ month. -634 E. Morrison. - - UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 $9. 4 unfurnished housekeeping rooms, close In. adults. East 963. j R003IS AND BOARD IS PARKVIEW HOTEL. 386 Montgomery st. t West Park. Family hotel; all modern conveniences: rate for regular and transient 'guests. -. ;. - .- ; ; The Manitou, 261 13th st. Select fam ily boarding house. Modern conven iences, walking distance, home cooking, reasonable rateB. Main 1184. i THE HAZEL, cor. 3d and Montgomery Fine furnished rooms and board, $5 up: steam heat, hot baths; free phone. GOOD room and board, $5 per week. Aioer-urand notei. 131 urana ave. East 6986. NICE large airy rooms, home' cooking. Caea Rctaa, 300 Jefferson. 1 WHEN yiru answer these Wan. Ada. mention; The Journal BOOMS AND BOARD, PBIVATE FAMILY ' 73 MEN Business man has opportunity for furnished house in Irvlngton, with good housekeeper, desires coop-, eration of two or three other men. Will divide expense or assume entire responsibility. L-419, Journal. ROOM .and board, 5 minutes' walk from postoffice; low rates to tran sients. 221 10th. cor. Salmon. Main ; WANTED To board and care "for baby or srirl not over 4 years old. Good home. Best of care. 401 Sumner st vvooaiawn car. LADY wants to board couple children; nice home and good care is offered: price $15 a month. $64 Qirard, Uni versity Park. ' (VV ANTED- Two young men to room and board in- private noma. Mar. Phall 1039." . WOMAN with good country home near school wants children to keep, llar- shall 133. I i WEEK Room and board In private flat Use of piano, bath; walking distance. 600 Market st. 1 ' tESIRABLE location general aesocla tlon with or without meai. 141 18th. at Alder. ' WOULD take two school children to room and board: exchange refer ences; West Side. V-629, Journal. I"RONT room, good board," $18, $20. Marshall 2506. 166 N. 18th st KIND lady wishes to board children 383 6th. - YOUNG lady wants roommate, wor;k- Jng girt preferred. Phone East 6940. BOARl with room, $6" week; phone and bath.. Marshall 207. ROOM and board for one or two gen- tlemen. R4 N. 16th. cor. Davis. 8S2 10th st. Modem. M. 6979. A-286S. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS j 8 WEST SIDES I $3 WEEK up. absolutely clean, com pletely furnished- housekeeping suites, baths, hot water, . every con venience, free. Large corner room, disappearing gas plate, $3; other sin gle, $2.60; desirable people only. Save carfare. 288 3d St., near Jefferson. ONE room with kitchenette, complete 'ly furnished, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone lnevery room; 7 blocks from 6th and Morrison sts.; $12 and up. 291 Columbia St, corner 6th st. BU SUM ARK HOTEL, best furnished housekeeping rooms in Portland at reasonable rates; walking distance. 65. Wash. St. - OUTSIDE CORKER ROOM. " " $2.76; other outside rooms, $2.60; In side room, fl;76 week; brick, steam heat; free phone and bath. 283 13th St. NICE large room and kitchenette to rent; rent reasonable; 403 4th St Phone Marshall 6211. ROYCREST, 12th and Yamhill Sunny front housekeeping suites; all con veniences. SINGLE $6 mo. up; suites $10 mo, up. Furnace heat, hot, cold water, free pnone: oatn. oor. oth and Morrison, X AND 2 room II. K, suites. $$ to $lS montn, steam neat. 4 P. i7to st, corner Marshail. Marshall 4943. DEL MONTE, H, K." apartments: all prices; 20th ana Morrison sts. Phone THREE front rooms free heat, cook- ing gas, $2 to $2.60 week; 402 Park st . TWO well furnished housekeeping rooms, two beds, gas and range free. 471 Main st . TWO large housekeeping rooms. $10 per month, close in. 42$ Salmon, between nun ana liiq sts, K also sleeping- rooms, suitable for plain working . men, $1. $1.60 a week. 676 Couch, cor, 18th. "SOUTHERN," 647 V. 1st Ftirnlsnia jt, xv. nuiii-n, iu . wees. GEM APX8.. 1, 2, 3 room suites, free bath, phone; $1 wk. up. 401 1st at OILMAN hotel. 1st and Alder. Fur nished H. K. rma., cheap. $1.60 wk. up, Cambridge bldg furnished H. K. rooms. gnirnij cneap. io aq. cor. MOrn. TWO fine housekeeping suites. 64 'N. 18th st Phone Marshall 1037, NICELY furnished housekeeping and i.urijiBi)u room. aio nmnul. OLIVE. 494 Morrison st, housekeep ing and single roomsf $2 week up, HOTJ8EX:EIIltG- BOOMS VST BI D E PBIVATE PAMI-T 73 TWO large rooms, suUable for 2 or 4 people, clean and first class; phone, electric light, bath and heat free; rent wenff i "ounuip. iigrteraon. FRONT, alcove housekeeping rooms; heat, light and cooking gas: $9. 650 uayiur BI, TWO furnished rooms, sink, electric ity, gas. yard; good place for ebil- Art, . . .... r" rr CA4 T I. .. B'l yy wtii.imwi p. TWO large front rooms, furnished for housekeeping: ground floor, bath. pnly $3 per week. 366 Second st. j PLEASANT, airy 3 room H. JC suite. walking distance. Phone Marshall 9io. a'J9 jscmon st., pet -tn and 6th 8 NICELY furnished, large housekeep ing rooms, heat and lights, mawn able. 68 N. 14th st. Marshall 2486. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $2 up; sleep ing room. $1; electric light, gas. bath, phone. 349 12th st. , CLEAN, desirable ground floor 2 room , suite, private entrance. $3 per week. 2. tn st-, near uourtnouge, TWO Large front rooms, with gas range, very reasonable. 313 Colum bia st NEAT housekeeping and sleeping rooms, outside rooms; light, phone una pain; -.oo. u eeconq st. CLEAN, light, front rooms, in business section, -312 month. Also sleeping room. 104 llth st Main 2018. TWO suites housekeeping rooms; also tngio room; very reasonable. Mar- i a A An TWO front housekeeping rooms, mod ern, best in the:eitv for the money; walking distance. 83 llth st. THREE cozy Ii. K. rooms, gaa range, bath, phone,; in cottage, very reason- able for two, 184 N 17th. TWO front, gas range, sink, pantry, closet, 3 beds, furnace, bath, phone, laundry; 429 Market. FRONT room with alcov kitchen, $1.75 per week. 490 Clay. $8 AND $10 Two room suites, .fur- ROOM suite on first floor, walking ' distance.. 450 Market at, I; ho 8E-xirrj. xooira xds uos x bx ' va I - (Continaed) 12.50 WEEK 10 minutes from P. O.J large front housekeeping room, with large kitchenette, alcove and closet; newly papered and - painted; clean linen, light and water free. $07 Har rison st. - ---.- TWO. cheerful front rooms, beautifully furnished for housekeeping, linens, silverware, sink, plenty hot water in rooms, gas range, furnace heat, elec trioity. laundry, yard. 123 N. -3d st. $8.60 THREE tUean unfurnished nousekeeping rotnna; cottage: gas, bath, yard, separate entrance. 610 1st. Tabor 1114.f TWO . large -front rooms, nice furni- ture and clean housekeeping; running-water; mere block from Journal office. 198 Parte.- CHOICE housekeeping rooina, en suite and" single; gas range, running wa ter, phone, electricity; clean ana sun ny; $12 to $18. 474 Alder, cqr. 14th. 186 16TH st.. near Yamhill, neatly fur nished outside housekeeping and,, single rooms tor 1 or 3; modern, rea sonable. Tel. Marshall 3826. WELL furnished housekeeping rooms; reasonable. 821 Kelly st, S. car south to Whttakcrj ijOR liENT, chean, ,2 single housekeep ing rooms at 186 14th st HOUSEKEEPING ! ROOMS EAST SLOE 48 NICE, furnished 2 and 4 room house keeping suites .at 244ft Killings worth av.; low rent. Phone Wood lawn 680. C-1887. $1.60 TO $2.76 week, furnished H. K. wrnnm w 1..k.. ..w , .ww, B,, ib, JQUllUi VWH.ll, 1 Phone East 6039. 406 Vancouver ave. TWO 'furnished housekeeping rooms, let floor, porch, $6 month; no chil- -a. a. tm st WHEN you answer these Want Ada. uriiuun xn journal. .- - Houssxl-xyua xoom EAST BIOS mTtTB-LgAMlX.T; TWO flnii t h ra vAnm 4 .v .1 --. Dutch kitchen, hot water . day and night, wood lift, heat, free gas, prao tlcallr nrlvatA btha- ikin- i i. tancerTawn; enamel finish ; rent $15i rm -v. 91 B.n St. IN, IWO.very clean, well furnished rrns. and kitchenette, pleasant and desir able; gas, bath, two carlines and walking distance. 772 2C, Taylor, East 6260. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, lights, water, phone and bath: 430 Williams ave near Broadway, Phone East 4949. THREE light housekeeping rooms, fur nished; private bath and toilet; large bungalow porch, $16. Inquire 1161 B,i mont, near 89th. Phone Tabor 865. THREE furnished housekeeping rras., corner flat $12; water In kitchen; I blocks cast end Broadway bridge. 400 Ross at THREE very nice housekeeping, rooms, first floor, near car shops,' reason able rent; high, sightly. Call 749 Mis slaelppl ave. - 75c UP weekly, outside rooms, com. plete housekeeping, bath, phone frtu. 804 K. Clay. ) f NEWLY furnished housekeeping room's; free heat, light and water. Price $8 to $16. Apply 71 M. 11th st N. 9 , THRE well furnished," lower floor, oonnecting housekeeping rooms, cheap rent. 89 E. $th st, north. 3 ROOMS, good lolcation. sleeping and housekeeping. $1 up. 665 6th Street, cornjer Lincoln. . . FROM 2 to 4 neat furnished house keeplng rooms, near Belmont st, E. ! -a st. NICE, "clean, airy, newly, tinted fur nished housekeeeina fromt Joom; es Xj. jaorrison st FINE light 'rooms, nicely urnlsbed. very reasonaoie. ... e hnont at phone Tabor 632 TWO unfurnished, IL K. rooms and sleeping oorch; no other roomers; Bell -ood 3488. TWO or S furnished H." K. rooms, 640 E. Stark st . ' $ NICELY furnished rooms, light and bath; walking distance.. 12$ E. 16th. FOIfc ItKNT UOUSIC8 IS $6 No. 6104 80th st. S. Ii. 6 rooms. modern. $6, No. 4911-5103 49th st, S. E., 6 rooms, modern. Smith-Wagoner Co., Stock Exchange, . ' $16 SUNNY 7 room house, modern conveniences, large yard; 6 rooms, $13, partly furnished if desired. $49 Eaat stark, near 27th, 6 AND 4 room cottages, clean and cheap to the fight person. Call at 691 Milwaukie st. near Powell. Phone Si3 a rooms, iouxioo root lot Ber ries, trees, chicken houses and yard. .Ton, di i orueii uiog. FOR RENT 7 room house, $7, 186 Clackamas, Mrs. Smith. Key at 247 Margin. FOR RENT Modern $ room house, -cheap. 68th and Ev Olisan. Phone Fast 61. ALL or part of S room strictly modern house. Laurelhurst district; 939 E. Everett st. MODERN 7 room house, $ lots, 200 ft. frem car. Water rent paid. $13, Fast 8363. 7 ROOM cottage, basement . and gar den. ' Call 92$ xu, Morrison, near 30th, A sa a w a 1 - liOUSE, rooms, big garden, henhouse, wood, hoist, bath. I'hon- 28S Hell. xaDor oi mmnnjm 11AO $1$ SIX room cottage in walking dl- tance, cor. loin, xu twmorne. in- 9 ulre house in rear or tel. East $980. WO 4 room cottages, $9j 7 room nouse. js; e room nouse. i, in- ROOM house with,, Quarter block of ground, gas range and watr, $1 month. . Tabor $262. ROOM" cottage, bath, baaement. wslk Ing distance. 808 17th st Phone wain 16.0, LOT 140x120, Z room house and wood shed. fine tor chickens, $4 per mo. Phone Woodlawn 209. - 4 ROOMS. 1st floor, large, light and clean; fruit and garden. $10. phono wooniawn o. i'OR RENT or sell to tennant cheap, full lot and bouse of 4 rooms. Terms. Phone East 9020. 6 "ROOM house.'-barn, chicken" house . l i . . . . . . , j r- . 1 1 , ft iiu vH vfuvk vi .rvuuuu vaii Fj. ln Btf pn minx bb- tO)ERN room house; furnace, f ire; walking distance; $.2.60, Cor- ner in. ttn ana m sts. 6 ROOM house. 6 room cottages, first class condition. Inquire 926 E. Stark. i?TVE room cottage, basement, " $15. walking aistanee. 446 wf H roan w ay. FIVE' ' room modern bungalow. Gas, electricity. W.- W. ear. Main 7803. 6 ROOM cottage, 670 Taggert st, $10. vv. w . car. ffmrBnoiii if. $6 5 ROOM cottage, big lot, 4914 ist st. yne jweaoiBsy. ftiain -730, 4 ROOM cottage, yard and rosea. 467 Montgomery at. $12. t'OR IlENT 6 room bouse, 1 acre. Tiui i iij mm st.. ' " a m $16.60 7 room" house, 27$ ' Mill. 2 uaroen Hom, m a year. C-2832. IUUIUB J L : V P. HIT BUWlCj at I IV. JrlVE room Iwuse for rent. 54 Bucbtel aye., wear E. Ankeny car barn. 10 ROOM house, 317.50. . Tw n..-" $11. Corner First, Ha.ll, 422 H 1st? ilVK room cottaga,, 2ll Clackamas; FOR RENT 5 6 room; hous, west nmp. vx.isnt. Muwzm. ovo -?roett Din bia rooms, (rtirucn, iruit, near ear; i i i i icani7iiauiu. I 5Ufir O.DD FOR RENT Unfurnished or furnished - hows snd rooms. Main i 9130. - CLObE in. good 6 room house, $10; 4 room, $8. Inquire S60 Kerby st. 6 9.L,lou"- gas. Mrs. Wolf. 039 37th ave.. Myrtle Park, $$ MONTH room cottage, west aide, los In, Inniiire 328 Morrison. - FOR RENT 4 room house. $6 per month. Inquire 1 178 Clinton st fe'IX room house, 283 Lu.ra.beo; pnone Main 7762. $10, good 6 " room house, electricity and bath. 196 Ivy. R. B. car. 8 ROOM-inodern "house, $ T60. West side, walking distance. Marsha 3 624. FOR RENT HOUSE- 2 t Contlanea) ' METER & FRANK'S FREK RF?TAL AND .' INFORMATION BUREAU. Tenth Floor, Temporary Annex Complete and reliable list of. all va cant houses, flats, apartments an 1 bungalows in the- city; maite use ( this service when you desire; . thi does not-obligate you In any manner to this store. You will find us wiiUn and ready at all times to help you i 1 locating. j5wcomr in Portland wi.l llnd tnia service especially valuabl. Real estate men and owners of private property are invited to list their un occupied apartments, fiats and houses at Meier 4 Frank' ireo rental bureau. HOUSES. $10.004 rooms, at 4139 49th ave.. S. , E., Woodstock car to ilowe sta- tlon. i $12.606 rooms, ' nice yard, at 1744 ... Flsk st.,-near St. Johns tar. $16.006 worm, furnace, at 7 Com- mercial st. near Blandena. $16.004 rooms, 467 Msrket st. near 13th. i $17.607 rooms; 789 ZS, Ash st. $18.00 5 rooms, 550 Pettygrove st., near 16th. i $37.60 rooms, hot water! heat, suit able for boarding house, at 6a3 Gllnan at near 0th, acrois . Trom new Couch school. ,H- P. PALMEK-JONE3 CO.. 404 Wilcox bide. Mai n 8699, A-26f.3 . FOR RENT. . UNFU RNlSilltD. 6 room house, mi Belmont St. ..$15 8 room house, 875- 14th st -5 6 room cottage, 633 E. Market St.. 10 6 room cottage, 463 E, Couch at..l2 6i room cottage, 467 E. Couoh at.. 13. 50 6 room cottage, 419 E.-47th St.... 13 f room bungalow. 1475 K. 1 11th.... 15 $ room houn-, 1008 Kelly st 1- FURNISHED, o room ' modem house. I Presoott L L....,...$25 the Lawrence; co., M-89,5. 1U "." I A-2815. Houses Cottages Flats " If you are going to move, get eur 'rB list o. vacant properties and save time. 1 1 . . Tthi FRED A; JACOBS CO., Main 6869 . .69 Wash, Pt, A-l 777. WE own, 17! modern up-to-date bunni lows, all' nioiiern and convenient, with beds, ranges, water heater, lino leum, everything complete. We have 688 Sumner land 1080 fc. 13th for'-rent. 1 block north Ot Alberta car, bee these If you want something good. Phone evenings and Sunday. C-1887. BLANCH ARD it CLKMfcjON, 70. -g selling bidjT ROOM house, beautifully located in . IrvlngtonJ on carllne, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, servants' Suarters, all modern appointments, to eslrable.-responsible parties. 1 or more years' lease. E. L. McDougal. 610 Chaniher of Commerce. I i FOR RENT.! Houses and Flats J. J, Oeder Real V.HtAi mnA nnl- Cor. (irahd ave. and E Ankenv REN'i $13-4-Moderii 6 room buiigal o w, rkll.. . Lrl.. t ...... s .... i I.. , j . ,. hi ,. 1 -'v.v.. " (i . ii, ciruu iu n ii ai lights, gas orange, oook atove, bllui, cement walks, basement, " W-W" car. half block.) 1193 Leble St. Key next house. ( HALL audi 16th t, nicely furnlhd tent house, gus, heat, liglit for cook ing. phon, Iveny comfortable, splefiald view. You! must see it to appreciate It. Rent very riwaonahlw to rlht party, SMALL new bungalow suitable for 2 people. Lots of room for garden and chickens. Capitol Hill on Oregon Electric. 6c fare. Near station. MUo walk and c Ity water. In q uire at stHj i on , A MODERN five room house. With sleeping porch, a big garden with berries and orchard, and garage, con venient for repairing autos; $18 per month. lif,Q ftHti av-e. H. E cor. 38th. NINE room modern home on 1 arT of ground, inside city limits. 1 block from car; fenced In chicken yard and bain or gaiate: fruit ami berris; fig month; no fsinan children Tabor 221. i'dit REisfl IK acre tract with a "i room house, mtod gardun spot, and chicken yard fenced, with modern houses, $5.ft0 a mo. 445 E. 77th st. Ron, cor. 77th and Division. HOUSE fop rent, 7 rooms, linoTsuirn gas range and water heater, $16 per month. 661, East 39th st. Kevat.1103 Woodward gve. Richmond car, Port land. I - NEW1, "modern 7 room house and sleeps ing porch, furnace, fireplace, hard wood TloorH. 33d and Hancock, $.5. Marshall 2432. Portland iikights. 5 room bungalow, fireplace, yerd, close to car, 718 fat ton Road. Main 4577. i- $14 NEW i fi room bungalow, adult-; garden spot; 100 ft. north Mt. Saott car. T. 14.8. Key 68.3 $2d st, cor. 69th ave. . , TWO modern 6 room cottages n-wly tinted; one $10, 'one $8 per month; walking distance. 871 Larch st, j j-.jiq p h-ijijjmuii, CO-Y 6 , room house, splendid neigiif borhood, ! walking distance, bath, large cement basement, J15 month at JSO K. Iavl8 or phone Eawt 69. COTTAGE of 4 large rooms, 2 lots, barn; very desirable; rent $8. 7015 43d ave.. Kern Park. Take Mt, fccott car. Key at 6916 48d ave. siury piasierea nouss, uain, gas, chicken yard, good barn, 21 bearing fruit trees, lot fcOallO, 430 Kiillngsworth ave, E. 118. Fine 6 room house, furnace, gas', electricity, lawn, roses, flowers, fruit, berries, garden. Good condition. j-ast ezna and Htark. Phone Tabor 654, 8 ROOM modern-house for rent lfctti and Marshall sts., desirable neigh borhood, reasonable rent. Phone A or I'OR "RENT by owner 6 room eottage, 2- lots, good garden and lawn, near school a.Z3 67th st, H. E., near Powell Valley road. I'hone Tabor 3887, " FIRST CLASS modern 8 room corner house, . choice neighborhood. Weal side, walking distance, rent reason able. Main 2566. 6 ROOM house, clean, " newly tinted water, garbage, $14; 4 room flats, $10. Keys at 447 Fail ing. Tabor FOR attractive house to rent use Clark Rental Service, 2d floor Title 6c Trust bldg. - '" CLEAN, modern 7 room housed walk- ing distance; good location. 718 14 i ROOM" MODKHN i'Oil,' liOLbE, 1 1 Close In. yard. 81 Fremont, Ml sisBippi car. MODERN 6 room tiouwe, 1 block from j . . i . , . , t .... ... ROOM plastered cottage, $6; ,0x104 or lOOxluO ft lot Froat, 618 Corbet! bid - $8.00 & room modern house, basement near school, water paid. Inquire 64. i 37th ave. Kern Park sta tlon. ACRE. 3 room house, partly furnished if deelred, fruit, Hull Run water, . fare, $6 month. Main 3741. $12.60 NEWLY palnttrt and papered 6 roomi cottal, j tlectriclty, ga batjhEast2306. -" STRICTLV modern i 7 room- housa Portlana ' IIelghts.1 rent reasonable Call M a rs hal 1 2 it. . - $12 MODERN. 4 rooniH, mrrnfi porch, cooling closet, 60100 foot lot Frost, .61 8 Corbett bdg. MODERKr7 room bouse. gs end ei triet: lirhtn . rent ! reusonbl. 4i)3 TO. Rherm an st. ! - FURXITCRK FOR SAL13 HOU8Ef4 FOR KKST ADS of furniture for sale are pv lishedlnthe Household Goods fleet,. fixation when hunme in not for rent. MODERN $ room house, f urnitiirelfil sale; rooms rented pays rent; c!os4 to libra ryi Y-226, Jourri i NEAR in well furnished 14 rooms; ZA i Jefferson.