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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1915)
, Ij. FOR SALE LOTS (Continued) Y . West Side Lots '- . -':!.:-; Big Bargain While They Last TERMS 110 TVYOTM IS'PEK-MO. You may think this impossible, but we can do this very thing. sell you a 60x100 ft. lot on the went aide, beauti ful view, only 20 minutes out on elec tric car; I city water, electric lights, etc.,, for only $250, and to add mora to rood, fortune we can. arrange term of TO cash and payments of $5 per mo,, we have only a. few of these lota, they naturally ! won't last long. - LET US SHOW THEM TO TOU OR AT LEAST TELL YOU ABOUT THEM. . WM. L. GRAHAM, I 212 Selling Bldg. ' t Phonw Main 1800. A-62S1. ; , interstate Bridge . - " I ACTIVITY. '.. New! Center In the Old Town EL TQVAR AND LOVELEIGH Hav many advantages, where money will be spent in large amounts. A new business district, beautiful homes now built and a number new ones now being: built. Come out and get ac quainted. Buy something a home, a lot, business site, any of which means security to you. Vancouver car to Morgan St. Tract phone Woodlawn 3t The Brong Co". Inc.. 267 hj Oak st. ROSS CITT PARK . 1 J LOTS. 'Deal direct with the owners, the original platters of this beautiful part of. Portland. Call on our realty de partment. ! cor. 4 th and Stark. ;iIlATMAN & THOMPSON t HAVE ; lots 60 triet. for Ian opportunity of buying 8 1 1 a teet each, AlDerta ais $300 each. I want two of and want -six people to loin kheae lots me and tike one. These lots sold for $700 each originally. See Mr. C. De- Youn, 514 Chamber of commerce. ;; BUSINESS CORNER, $"00 I WORTH $1100. Southwest corner 21st and Killings worth, 58x100, 100 on Killingsworth, assessed value $490 $50 down, $15 monthly. Fred JV. German Co., 914 Chamber of Commerce WEST SIDE HOMESITES only $250; on Oregon Electric at Garden Home; 7c commutation fare; electric lights. water.. Cj and ask OWNER. ati station tor so. ju.iviiw, Also cheap acreage 1 uys- LARGE TRACTS, 80x175. Adjoining carline and station. 25 jntnutes" ride, .water piped, graded streets. iieip you ouiia ana sell on easy, terms. Ak'erson Gooch & Co., 614 Stock Exchange bldg. - LARGE, beautiful view homesite, west side, . only 16 minutes' ' car ride, 5c fare, the! best value in the citv for S3&0. io down. Jo per month, Hi. iu. ce, 605 Corbett bldg. 60x100 iot on Willamette blvd. over ooklng fiver. Price $700. includes cement sidewalk and paved street. $250 down andj $10 per mo. E-633, Journal. 4 S600 LOT. 50x100 On East 13th St.. 100 fft frnm JOl- Mngsworth, most any reasonable terms. Security Development Co., cor, 4th and .Pine sts. .ROSE CITY PARK, $850. 'Lot 114 feet, on Sandv blvd.. one of finest I corner lots on Sandy blvd. i nis is a quick rorce sale. Security Development Co.. cor. 4th and Pine. I ASK FOR AN INVESTIGATION. 11395 CASH EACH. . Two bic lots. 60x114. Witten add. ' 5 blocks from" Hawthorne car. H. Ij, IDI..RMAN. 616 Oregonlan bl1?. NO bridges to cross, Multnomah sta tion, beautiful homo site. 16 min utes' car ride. Bull Run water, $300, iia aown, e per mo., o uonneil & Warner, $01 Corbett bldg. 12 BEAUTIFUL view lots (100x100), f. - "water, sidewalk. 20 minute car ride. leround dultlvated ready for garden; Jonly $400 for both. Terms to right party. i ya x. yy. tsaiiK oiagr. $550 ABSOLUTE SACRIFICE $550. SFine lot. 36th and Schuyler sts.. 3 blocks td Rose City Park car; pavfr. ment and sewer In and partly paid. Phone Tabor 4103 evenings. JHAVE beautiful lot on East Side, close I In. free) of incumbrance, worth 1900. IWill sacrifice for quick sale. One block prom car, i joiinson, Treves hotel, 1th and Stark sts. Alain 7689. Westmoreland District "tiSast lfcth street. 50x100; one to 5 ots, $300 each. P-302. Journal. ACKKAGJ3 57 $10 down and $5 'a month btiva 5 hcres logged-off land between. Port- ana ana centralia on main line of 3 ailroadsJ h miles from town of 800 toopulatioii. Sawmills, shintle mills nd othej- industries. Some of 'these tracts arie partly cleared and have a spring or running stream on. Price from $35 1 to $75 per acre. Manv tracts ft different size to choose from. Oood ! ruw. iiesj . wen, nne location,, perfect itte, '1 i BELL REAL ESTATE CO., aia nauway exchange. - A NICE LITTLE HOME. 2 acres. 5 blocks tn denot in c-vnl business town. 23 miles from Pnrf land nil in cultivation, mostly In berries! iew u room uungaiow, new. barn, out buRdlngsL 3 good cows, 6 pigs, 6 aces In crop. $150 worth of household goods AU for $1800. Easy terms. Hontetler & Anderson, 725 Chamber of Commerce. IN ONE MI'.R flF HTiTinv nd 30 miles from Portland, for onlv S60 down, we offer 10 acres of land Jttiat will! make a dandy chicken ranch; flue sprits- good soil, well burned over bnd easy to clear. On the bal. of $250 Jyou canjpay at only$i.oO per mo. J. flB. Ruleyj Co.. 928 Cham, of Com. iAVUlll TORESLOSURE. 7 rooms and sleeoinar mirrh ttinr. !ughly niodern, close to car mortgage 1250, assessments $79; $500 for squity. Place worth-$27au. Fred W Jerman Co., 914 Cham, of Com. IF you are in the market for ri-h vnai win give you lndepend-ice.-werean arrange for you to pas f"-cv . rrnne ior you to pay lh bulk of it In light labor at over a uay. investisate. , !02 rhamher :igate, , 903 tland. I ES $1500." ! .10 ACRE 13 mines from Portland n. -1. rrie carline; part in cultivation; ex tra fine soil. Security : Ievelotiment o.. cor. of 4th and Pine sts. 10 ACRE CHICKEN RANCHES. " $300 cash, balance to suit Fine tkVtil lanVI on litrtn far n.. riam. Security Development Co., cor. RIIU lllie SIS. J DEAL. COIiNTRr HI1MP Dandy- new 6 room bungalow, plumb- 'o, iguis, nier, un auto mobile drive and sidewalk to station: i cent fare; a bargain. J-825, Journal. nxt.v isi".iV 4 room Dlastered , hnnValnm plaeft, water, lights and acre of ground. pAlll siVe verv eaav terma tn And ttble party. J-826, Journal. 4o ACRES at Etna Wash.. 2 acres in fruit. new . 4 room house: land is Nil level and of fine quality. Oreson investment -u., tvi ixotncniirt DKtqr. f6 dovv; -.'. Jo monthly. H acre in city limits, are. W Ik.--'- I hitmer-Jvelly Co., 711 Pittock WILL sell cheap for cash. 10 acres near Reedville. containing 800 cords if wood. E. 2022. Res. phone Ta- BOUT 600 acres, 65 per cent cultlvat- we, io per acre. i casn, Dal. 6 ner & ACRES, choicest soil, mile east of W a. a .3 m. 0 o -. . IJ ON3 acre and good 3 room shak. uiwiii cur, i vviii tare, at arK- ose; 3 per month, can woodlawn 369, CO ACRES near Beaverton. highly lm- yiuvw, tuesp, iiuif casn. Dai. tune. Oregon Inv. Co.. 402 Rothchild btdg. , 0 ACRES. 9 milM south rinUkoni. PHCe (2000. 11230 no irt atae, tnr EOn jm uunnr. journal. t a 1 : : 1 ' i 11 . .' ' DA,iJ.u,1 acre at vvooastoo: cleared; all t part. Y-4S0, Journal. 82601 57 60 Imperial 1-4 Acres, $250 WHERE ARE THEY? IN THE CITY OF GRESHAM. 12 miles east of Grand avenue, on the north side of Division street, be tween the new automobile factory an I , cannery, west of s new union high wua eiecirie ranruau uiriuiu the. tract. ... - . - .). , WHAT WILL THEY GROWT Anything you plant, fruit, berries, vegetables, grain or grasses. The soil is a rich alluvial loam and "free from rock or gravel, not cold or sour land; will produce sufficient fruit and vege tables to make your monthly pay ments, and then some. Get a tent snd start the garden and chicken raising NOW. TODAY. WHAT WILL THEY COST T $230, $25 down and $5 per 'month, 6 per cent interest, with a credit pf $50 on each of the first three 6 room bungalows and $40 on each of the first three 4 room bungalows erected by purchasers, : WHAT WILL, YOU DOT ,We will plow, the tracts and furnish fruit trees for planting free of charge. Now we nave done our part for you; do yours. . - M We 'lea v a Portland for Gresham at 1:30 p. m, Sunday with round trip fare of- 26c. Call up and give your order" for tickets. SMITH & IIOUCK, S01 Henry bldg. Marshall 2396.: FOR SALE, EASY TERMS. 23 acres, 6 in cultivation, balance pasture, " good small house and out buildings, trout stream runs cross cor ner of place. The land all lays well and can all be cultivated. This is an ideal place for dairy and chickens; soil Is A-l, located 84 miles S. W. from Ooble. on county road. Price $1500, on easy terms. -JORDAN Sc. GARBADE. 232 Washington street. REMOVED REMOVED REMOVED OUR PORTLAND OFFICE To 310 Oak St., between Eth and 6th sts. Will sell METZGER ACRE TRACTS at $260 and up (until further notice). Situated on the Oregon Elec tric Ry., about 2a minutes from Jeffer son st. depot; commutation fare only tic. Office also at Metxger station. HERMAN METZGER, Owner. ACREAGE. 1. 2. & and 10 acre tracts, SO min utes out. NEW BIG RED STEEL ELECTRIC CARS. 12c commuters' fare; very best of soil; water and community conveniences; $125 to SfiOO per acre on installments. IxIE SHAW-FEAR CO.. Main 35. 102 4th st. A-3500. 1 1-3 acres, only 300 steps from, two eiectnc stations, an in cultivation; lc carfare; 30 minutes' ride on elec tric line; must be sold this week; $20 down and $10 a month. Call at 600 uoncord bldg. $500 Cash 5 acres, 1 mile of Hillsboro, on good rock road; 4 room bungalow, painted; good barn and other outbuildings, fruit and berries. Price $2200; $500 cash, balance at 7 per cent. Walter Ros wurm. Forest Prove, Oregon. $50 CASH PUTS YOU ON. 1 acre near Gilbert Btatlon and Pow ell Valley road, good sotl. lies fine nice neighborhood, Jitney service. A tew cMCKens will make your payments. Price $480: terms '$10 monthly. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. CHICKEN and 1 run ranches near Port land; Gresham district, electric sta tion mile. New subdivision. Sun shine Valley orchard tracts; best soil, free wood; elegant location. Prices only $75 to $160 per aero In small tracts; easy terms. Frank McFarland Realty Co.. 308 Yeon bldg., Portland, Or. TEN acres, all Cleared, deep red shot " soil, near railroad, close to Portland. $1000. Terms $300 cash; balance may be paid in lls-ht labor at over $4 a day. Investigate. G. Wynn Wilson. 903 Cham. Of Com., PorUanot $100 DOWN BUYS 3 ACRES 12 miles from Portland, borders elec tric line; all fine rich soil, no rock, lies fine. Ideal chicken ranch, good onion land. Price $00, easy monthly pavments. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913-917 Chamber of Commerce. Acre Snap, Only $235 85 minutes' ride; right at electric station, R. F. T)., lies level; will sell for $j ppr month. .THE ATCHISON-ALLEN CO.. 500 Conoord-bldg. 2d and Stark. SOUTHERN-OREGON 30 acres, part t richest creek bottom, $500; nesr railroad; running stream; fine for dairying; $100 cash " , balance easy. G. Wynn Wil son, 903 Cham, of Com., Port land. ' A SNAP. $2000cash, or $2500 on time, 2 acres, new house, completely furnished. Take big red cars to Jean, 1 block from sta tion, 10c commuters ticket, 35 min utes' ride from Portland. Ask for Bennett. Gibson Half Acres Good soil, city water, close to car line, easy terms; will build to suit purchaser; Phone Marshall 1585 or Sellwood 47S. John H. Gibson, owner. 2 miles from Oregon City, 6 culti vated, 4 room house, barn, outbuild ings; no waste land; good soil. Price $1850, $800 cash? bargain. J. Haas, Gerlinger bldg. ONIONS CELERY ASPARAGUS A beautiful 2 acre tract, over cleared, nice building spot with trees, near Tigard; $675; $100 down, $12.50 er rnontn, including interest. Tea f. German ..o.. tfi4 unam. or Com. TEN acres, 6 miles from Vancouver, 1H acres cleared, clear of Incum brance, $1360. $115 down; 7. D. J. Armstrong, R. F.?. 5. No. 91, Van couver, Washr -- MILWAUKIE & Suburban Realty Co. handle property exclusively along Oregon City electric. ; Phone 19-J, iviiiwauKie, vJr. 80x180 FT. tract facing fine road, beau tlful view, 20 minute car ride, best of soil. Only $425, and $25 Cash, $5 per month. 706 N. W. Bank bid. 20 ACRES, $700, 4 miles from Scap poosev deep soil, plenty 'water, sev eral carloads of cedar fence posts. Jep- - ' i ,i I,,.-.. , I., son, Main ail. 10 ACRES. 6-year-old apples, 10 min utes walk to Newberg, for $4000; Portland ' residence. . Needham, Sell. liisr. S .ACRES, highly improved, good buildings, 2 miles from Reedville; snap at $2200; small payment down; TEN acres right on carline with fine creek running through. 14 miles from center of Portland. Most any reason able terms. zv fine st. THREE choice farms fbr sale in any size . acreage on Capitol Highway. owner, n. trepe. j igarq. or. 40 ACRES, some cleared, running wa ter. $1000; $100 down. $2 per month. jwarsnaii zoyo. ; ! - -ONE acre, 4 room house, outbuildings, fruit, berries, best soil, on 2 canines. IT-996. Journal. - 6 ACRES or Dart for sale on easv tav- ments. nothing down, near station O. W. P. line. G-162, Journal. $4500 m, acres, 9 blocks Irvlngton club house, 2 "i blocks' schooL . N tratlfH. f.-ix hox 4 60. DO you "Want it? One acre, small ..hf uIJ"l'cC,??a ?ft' $1550. inquire WILL sell one acre clos in; h&rnin- easy term. : X-615, Jouru&l. I acreage (.Continued) 57 - SMALL FARMS. 15 acres, 3 in cultivation, most all clear. Uttls timber, all good land, Yam hill county, prioe $750. $50 down, $50 every six months, 8 percent. - 89 acres, over In clover, all in cul tivation, fins rich bottom land, fenced. 1H miles to Amity and R. R-. $4500. $500 down, balance long time 6 per cent. '1 . tt ; 10 acres, 8 In cultivation. 2 In tim ber, part fenced, spring, good soil, sightly place. $1000, $100 down and $10 every month, 6 per cent, i Yamhill county. ' ' . V 20 acres In Washington, K miles from Columbia river, running water, few scattering stumps, lots of grass for stock, $16 per acre, $50 down and $50 every 6 months, 6 per cent, P-300, Journal. - " ' : I BEAVERDAM. t 6 acres, all genulno pure beaverdam, 10 feet deep. This is not black swale, but the highest grade pure beaverdam. Adjoining onion gardens which pro duced 360 sacks of onions per acre last year. This is ready for crop and you can raise more than tha entire pur chase price this year. One grower produced $1000 Worth: of onions per acre last year. He lives on adjoining land. You can talk to him. This is Vt mile from electric station and 12 miles from center of Portland. Price $2500. Terms.' Tate Investment Co., 301-302 Couch bldg., 109 4th st. 10 Acres, 3 Mile v West Side Circle $4500 About 4 acres in cultivation, creek on one side, some native trees, balance slashed and part cleared. Good road to property; 15 minutes by auto; just y market price; must sell quick; $2000 cash will take this sacrifice. J. G. RAINEY. 904 Yeon bldg. Marshall 3177. West Side 7-1.0 Acre, $1250 Few blocks Council Crest, city water and all 'conveniences, street graded, surrounded by pretty homes. " No as sessments or city taxes to pay. Rich soil, good view, some pretty trees. Can be subdivided Into 6 lots and double your money. A fine place for chick ens and fruit; $250 cash. J. G. RAINEY, "; 904 Yeon bldg. Mat-shall 3177. FOR SALE OR TRADE r-PRICE $5500. 10 acres, located 1 miles from Ti gard, on the O. E. R. ; 2 good houses, barn and other outbuildings, -200 fruit trees somo bearing;.! acres bearing grapes, also small fruits; good horse and cow, 2 good wagons, and all farm tools, a lot of chickens. Will take a 6 or 6 room house up to $3000; balance part cash. No agents. S. C Tichenor, Route 1, Beaverton, Or. REMOVED REMOVED REMOVED OUR PORTLAND OFFICE To 810 Oak st.. between 6th and 6th sts. Will sell MET2GER ACRE TRACTS at $250 and up (until further notice). Situated oik the Oregon Elec tric Ey, about 25 minutes from Jeffer son st. depot; commutation fare only 9c. Office also at Metzger Station. HERMAN METZGER, Owner. A PAYING vacation In the mountains, 3 to 6 acres land to clear, day or contract, or work out, good camp out fit complete suitable for family; on fine stream-, garden land, chicken house and yard; no rent; one mile to postoffice; fine climate; bargain, $75 cash. Address 8. Sybeldon, Easton, Wash., or, see J. Kowalski, 695 Sher lock ave., Portland. Or. R. R. fare from Portland, $6.80. TWO acres nice nearly new 4 room bungalow, beautiful little home, black loam soil, all in cultivation. Ideal for berries and chickens. 2 blocks from electric car, about 12 miles from Portland In highly improved communi ty. Just the thing for an old couple. Price $1000. $200 cash, balance long term, 6. Tate Investment Co.. 801 302 Couch bldg. 109 4th st. YOUNG MAN. READ THIS. On 46 acres finest land,! 1 miles west of Scappoose, 20 miles from Port land on good county road there is 1, 000,000 ft. virgin saw timber equal to 2000 cords wood; 8 acres practi cally clear; living creek. $2500, hi 1 V. .. 1 i -1 . n n uasii, uai. iu dual. vwhgi. iuuib enough wood to pay for property. L-f 639, Joumahj . $150 IN WORK $60 CASH. " 10 acres, all tillable land ; fine soil, no rock, easv .-clearing. Close to Port land; store and school near; fine for chickens, vegetables, fruits, oernes, etc. Price $700; will give $150 in work and easy terms on balance-. U'EDPEMANJ.' COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. SUBURBAN ACREAGE 76 Exchange for Meldrum, Gladstone or Carline Property 20 acres 8 miles from Lakeview, Or; good fruit land; 1 lot in Lakeview, $400. 14 acres in cultivation, 8 room house, chicken house, inside city lim its of Medford, Or., 2 blocks from large schoolhouse, $2000. 5 acres 1 mile from Franclstas, Jackson County. Texas, on river bank, 8400. What have you to trade for these and some cash? Dillman & Howland Cor. 8th and Main Bts!, Or. City, Or. A SUBURBAN PLACE WITH - FINE VIEW OF THE WILLAMETTE. 2 acres fine soil. In bearing fruit trees; 7 room cottage house with 2 fireplaces, bath, etc., city water, elec tric lights. 6c carfare, barn and chick en house; mortgage for $1400 which can run. Will sacrifice for $3900. J. B. RULEY CO., 928 Cham, of Com. POSITIVE SACRDTICE BY OWNER. One of the most attractive homes on Oregon City line; must be sacrificed for $3700. Acre, large modern house, beautiful trees, fruit and flowers. Boating, bathing, fishing. Pressure water, telephone, electric lights, gas, good car service. T-611. Journal. Garden Home Acreage Cheap And on easy terms. Improved and unimproved; close to station; electria lights, water piped; come out today or any afternoon. . ,Take Oregon Electric to Garden Home. 7c commutation fare. Ask at station for M'CORMIC. owner. FOR sale or trade, IVt acres, fenced, cultivated and in fruit, new 8 room house. 6 finished, furnished if desired. good well and outbuildings, close to station. Oregon eiectnc. minutes from city. Want 80 to 40 acres with house, barn, etc. Bangs, 147 N. 6th st. CHICKEN RANCH 2 acres, lust out side city limits, close to car; fine 8 room house, fireplace, hot and cold wa ter, bath, toilet, garage. Price $3750; $500 cash, balance to suit, 6 per cent. 625 Hawtnorne ave. A BEAUTIFUL 2 acre tract, all In cultivation, close to' station, worth $1200; will sell for $800. Call 408 Mo Kay bldg. Main 934. FOR SALE FARMS 17 DAIRY RANCH Fully equipped and milk route. Good business and picking up. Will sell on easy terms or --, exchange for a stock and grain ranch. For particulars ad dress W. E. White & Co., Newberg. Or. FOR SALE 10 acre partly cleared farm with small house and running water, lhi miles from R. R. station; easy terms. J. R. Sharp, 403 Pittock DIOCK. $8 PER acre, 160 acres good land. partly improved, under irrigating ditch: with good water right; must be sold in 30 days. : Address V, Box 80, FOR one of the best pieces of land in write to lin jenea. sneriaan, Or. F6R SALB Ashland, Or., 6 acres. complete, bargain. TX-420. Journal. - BARGAIN. SU seres improved, close . to Port land. $400 will handle it. Morgan & Smith Agency. 431 Railway Exchange. 6S0 ACRES, all fenced no buildings; 400 acres can be irneated: a anan at $20. Y-21 7. Journal. ? T 160 ACRES, 4 miles from , Kalama, ACREAGE ' (Continued) 17 - Good Stock and - Dairy Ranch 40 Miles Out Here Is one of the best-stock and dairy ranches adjacent to - the city of Portland. There are 110 acres, 80 acres in high state of cultivation, balance seeded to good pasture; all the very best " of land; good buildings, 7 room house,, good barn and outbuild ings. Good bearing 'orchard. PERSONAL PROPERTY: Fine team, 7 good cows,: 10 nead young stock, lots of chickens, hogs, full set of farming Imple ments, feed stuff, etc. Price for everything only $S500. This place is just 40 miles from Portland, boatlanding on place. Hargrove & Sons 128 N. 6th st Main 4381. A-7251. Farm 30 acres, 14 miles from Port land, one third mile from Ore gon Electric, on main, county road; 22 acres cultivated and in crop; ' good buildings, 1 team horses. 1 colt 8 months old, 1 cow, 75 chickens, all kinds' of tools.' 2 wells, even potatoes, seeds in the basement. This " place should bring $300 per acre; must sell at once. Price only $185 per acre, your own terms. Geo, H. Kleinsorge : 310 Board of Trade. FOR SALE, YAMHILL FARMS. 53 acres 3 miles from Yamhill, small house and barn, nice spring branch, good wood and piling, enough to pay for place, $1600, half cash. 76 acres, 4 miles, 10 acres In culti vation, balance pasture. " : 90 acres, 30 In cultivation. 68 acres, 35 in cultivation. Several other small places. Will consider some trade on the above. 70 acres, new house and barn, 65 acres in high, state of cultivation. 5 acres good wood, 18 acres hops. All; nne river bottom. $125 per acre, ft cash. 101 acres, mile from depot, in crops, balance small oak stump pas ture, $75 per acre, half cash. - MA GOON REALTY CO., Yamhill, Or. Willamette Valley Snap! 116 acres, 1 miles from: Newberg. on fine auto3 road: 90 a. in cultivation, 60 a. in Fall grain, 25 a. In good timber and Pasture; hi mile to electric R. K. station; ,8 room house with fireplace, large barns, hoghouse, 2 wells. Will let some stock go to make quick sale. Price $13, 000 (about $112 per acre). Harry B, Humphry J13 Chamber of Commerce. See This S3 acre .highly improved ranch, 4 miles from good town, on county road and only hi mile from Columbia high way, in Columbia county, fine soil, half in high state cultivation, balance all tillable and easy to handle; fine 9 room plastered house, painted; splen did barn, outbuildings, well and wind mill, water piped into house: bearing orchard, small fruit, etc., all for $2800. Half cash, balance 6 per cent. Chittenden & Neiil 310 'Oak street. Eastern Oregon Wheat Land Lands in Eastern Oregon and Wash ington which will average 20 bu. of wheat per acre under existing condi tions; will net (leased) 794 per annum on a valuation of $50 per acre should wheat-remain 76c per bushel. I have such lands for sale in tracts of 160 to 1200 acres at $26 to $36 per. acre, and on attractive terms of eala. I shall not waste your time and my time and money showing you doubtful val ues. M. Berkeley, Pendleton, Or." i Nothing Better for the Price 65 acres 10 miles from Portland postoffice. 45 acres In cultivation, some good timber, all good soiV lWs fine, no rough or . waste land, good buildings, well fenced, all In crop; Alt stock, crop and implements with place for $225 per acre. Remember you are right in the market with your product. If you want the best, see this one. $65 AN acre for a' fine improved Wil lamette valley farm of 318 acies; level gravel road,' 3 miles to Ry. st tion; a farm for dairying and hogs; clover raising and grain. 228 acres in cultivation, balance oak grubs, 70 acres of clover, 6 acres orchard, good 8 room house. 2 barns, plenty spring water; will yield good profits. Owner wishes to retire; will take small down pay ment, balance long time at 6 per cent. Li. McChesney, Title & Trust bldg. Wheat Ranch, $12 Acre Splendid investment, worth 820 acre. 800 acres all in cultivation, 200 grow ing wheat; good well water, house, barn, 7 head horses, thrashing machine and tools. 8 miles from station, biggest bargain In Oregon. $5000 down, bal ance 6 years, 7 ner cent. Particulars, 509 Rothchild bldg., cor. 4th and Wash. 10 ACRES FOR YOUR LABOR, f Cooperating with others and a pow-, erful land clearing outfit, you may pay the bulk of the cost of 10 acres: of rich land with your labor. Light work, high wages, independence as sured. A little cash needed. Limited number wanted. G. Wynn Wilson, 903 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. 14 ACRES BOTTOM LAND. This is very finest rich bottom land.! T.l 1-va1 All In riiHK-o tl Pivan forms one boundary of place. No over-1 now. iocatea close to good railroad town, W illamette vaney. worm $2800 trice ftoou ror quick saie. A. K. HILL, 419 Henry bldg. 2800 ACRE WHEAT RANCH, Discount sale, for quick cash. SOS acres in fall wheat now, 400 acres more ready to put in crop, balance bunch' grass. All can be cultivated.; Worth $17 an acre. For quick action, will cut this price to $8.50 an acre.; Jacob Haas. Gerlinger bldg. r . ; ,80 ACRES FOR $2000. House, barn good and all fenced.- 10 acres cultivated. No hills. Lies on county road 2 miles from R. R., town A bargain. hi down, no trade) 609i Rothchild bldg., 4th and Washington HAVE 84 acres; highly improved and! well stocked; will sell all or trade hi, balance orftlme; 10 miles from Port land, hi mile from S. P. R. R. Write J. H. Hathaway, Beaverton, Or. Call or phone Honey s store, 'Aloha. Or." mDroved 160, $2400 Good dairy, stock and grain farm, eastern Klickitat county. $16 trer acre: sacrifice because of old age. - R. F, Feemster. 309 Ablngton bldg. i T CANBY 40 ACRES IMPROVED '. Half cultivated, balance pasture, fine house and barn, orchard, spring water, on main county road. Price $4800, big sacrifice in this. Jacob Haas, DAIRY ranch, 1060 acres. 60 0V under . ditch, big spring $0 head cows. 100 head stock cattle; everything goes at 845.000. or $35 or acre for ranch: 4 vt miles to towns good, terms. Box 885.3 Yreka. Cal. . - - : f 216 ACRES, all fenced, near rood WlV lamette vallev town, R0 miles from Portland, 435 per acre. Will take unin. cumbered, city property, part payment; 455 Pittock block. l-i 20 ACRES, 5 acres clear, lhi miles from station, soring, orcha d. 3 room house. Price $850, $250 down. C1U- FOR SALE FARM3 - f Continue - 17 r Wheat 1600 acres. 1400 in cultivation. t ' 700 in crop, mostly wheat, bal- ance good pasture, with running water;-30 head of -work stock, i ; mostly mules, some brood mares and young , stock.-1 stallion. 1 Jack. 4 cows, about 12 hogs, 2 . brood sows, about' 200 chickens. good well with gasoline engine. all necessary machinery to make , up a well equipped ranch;- In- ' eluding a 2-3 interest la a com- r bine harvester, hack, buggr, wagons, racks, header beds, har- i ness. etc.; good 7 rooirt house, barn and outbuildings, telephone in house; the growing crops and everything go -with the place at . jr $20 per acre r will accept trade ; to about $5000, some cash and ' balance easy, terms. - Is on a good road, -about 9 miles from ; a good town east of the moun tains, Upon ? investigation you will find that this Is cheaper than neighboring places and is a ' snap. Harry , B. Humphry 213 Chamber of Commerce. 40 Acres 20 milles from Portand, S miles from North Plains and electric line, 10 acres in cultivation, fine spring, close to school, on, county road; price $1200; $300 cash, balance in 10 years, 6. 40 acres, 6 miles N. Plains, 20 acres cultivated, good 6 room house, barn and other outbuildings: orchard, ber ries, team, cow, 4 head young cattle, hogs,-, chickens and all farm, imple ments; -price $4000; h cash, balance easy, 6. 26 acres, 2 acres cultivated, 24 acres fine timber, small house and barn, 2 miles from electric line, fine wood rroposition; all down hill haul; price 2600; $700 cash, balance easy, 6. 680 acres, stock farm, 125 in wheat, 65 alfalfa, good 6 room house, 2 barns, good orchard, fin springs, $20 per acre; $5000 cash, balance to suit. 79 acres, 1 miles good town and electric line, river bottom, all in culti vation; 7 room bouse, barn, outbuild ings, good orchard, 15 acres oats and vetch, 40 acres clover, some imple ments; $125 per acre; any kind of terms. Owner, 625 Hawthorne ave. ATTEIT 100 acres, 5 miles of Wash ougal. all under fence and cross fence; 45 acres in cultivation, 7 5 acres tillable, balance rolling; 8 room house, good spring, wa ter piped to the buildings; good family orchard, bearing; real value of the place at the pres ent time is $8500. Will take $6000; $2000 cash, balance on easy terms at 6 per cent. Here is your chance to get a good farm and go right on to. Might consider clear property up to $2500. G. S. Smith & Co. 432 Chamber of Commerce. - A Quit Working For grocers, butchers, landlords and save 69 per cent of your wage by feed ing yourself and others while living on this 18 acre farm between Portland and Puget sound, on rock road 2 miles from town, 1500, with rail and water transportation ; good soil ; 4 acres in cultivation; 12 acres easy clearing, 2 acres pasture land; over 50 7 year old fruit trees; logan and blackberries; 8 room house, milk house and barn. -Prico $800; $500 cash, balance 1 year. G. W. Felker, 702 Oregonian bldg. 500 AGres On "Willamette river, 400 acres in cultivation. 850 bottom land, 40 miles from Portland, clear of Incumbrance. Will consider income- property up to $100,000. Harry B, Humphry 118 Chamber of Commerce. A Bargain in Acreage 10 acres, 11 miles out on the Red Electric on main road; all in culti vation; 6 room house, barn and all out buildings; fine family orchard; 3 acre loganberries In full bearing; all kinds of. small fruit and berries. This is a fine location .on the corner, and a snap at the price of $3000, half cash. Hostetler & Anderson 725 fham. of Com. A GOOD FARM. 160 acres, all fenced and cross fenced. : 60 acres of fine wheat and some other crop. Rent of place goes with the sale. Good house, barn for 30 head of stock, lots of outbuildings, lots of good water? 6 acres of prunes. About hi of this farm in cultivation. Good road. $75 per. acre. $500 cash, bal. long time at 4. HOME BROKERAGE CO., r 822 Henry bldg. 120 ACRES. 60 acres In cultivation. 40 acres slashed.. Modern 6 room house. Fin est set barns and outbuildings in coun try. Family orchard. Good fences. Good soil, lies well, springe. Shi miles to station on electric 25 miles Portland. Snap at $135 per acre. Terms. Neilan A ParkhllL 803 Stock Exchange bldg 40 ACRES CHEAP. 20 acres .cultivated, 10 acres more partly cleared, balance timber and pasture. Free outrange for stock, barn, house and good orchard. Stock, crOp and implements go with, place. Lo cated close to railroad town, 88 miles from Portland. Price $2500. Terms. A. K. HILL, 419 Henry bldg. 40 ACRES. $2000. 6 acres cultivation, 10 slashed. All tillable; springs. On county road, hi mile to good school. 4 hi miles to town on Ry. : 80 miles Portland. Fine soil and bargain. Terms. Neilan, & Park hill. 803 Stock Exchange bldg. COUNTRY HOME. 28 ACRES. 18 cultivation. All level, rich, till able land. New buildings. hi mile station, electric line. Near Forest Grove, i On rock road. Snap at $4500. $1500 cash, balance 10 years, 6. Neilan & Parkhlll, 303 Stock Exchange. TEN to 40 acre tracts, cleared, level, bottom land, in grass. Fine try ing district. Walking distance from largest summer resort convenient to Portland. Big local market. We will furnish cattle and hogs to settlers im mediately. Price $60 per acre and up. Easy terms. 627 Corbett bldg. $11.50 an acre, terms. 160 acres close to Estacada, county road. One-third tillable and easily cleared; balance side hill, good soil, second growth fir, alder and valuable cedar. Large creek, 76-3 Lewis bldg. TEN acres, 3 room house, bottom land, part In hay, on county road, big local market, 3 good cows . go with place. Convenient to Portland. Reliable party can have very easy terms. 627 Cor bett bldg. - - ' $7500 120 .acres; 60 acres cleared; near Corvallis. Farms adjoining held -at $100 to $125 per acre. For particulars -see W. J Davie, 60S Cor- Deti Diag. 3 ACRES, rood bulldinas. 20 tnila from; Portland. Will .sell at a rea sonable figure or trade. K-l 93, Jour nal. 320 ACRE farm or sale in Eastern Oregon by owner. Jack Walsh, 788 rteea si. lei. Marsnau TRACT LAND, large, 72nd and Stan ton, for sale or lease, or both. Come ana see. GILL & DUFUR, ' 312 Abington bldg., have: some of the best farm bargains ever on tne market. Bee tnem WHEN yon answer these Want Ads, & j rm. v " uiuwa muEB84 . . . FOR SALE F ARSIS - (Continued) - 17 Gilbert's Bargains, No, 24 FOR SALE. EXCHANGE AND RENT. No. 91 2fl with IS a.TAu I cleared, balance In pasture, one acre vl assorted orchard, : gooo a room house, barn 44x40 bBt of soil, in n ! fine locaUon. Price $2600, $1250 cash, I balance terms. . i L Jtio. 98 24 acres, 21 acres cleared, I 80 rods from ( Country, town, 3 miles irom y. town, finest of aoil, a gOod 6 room house, barn 55x65, usual out buildings, no assorted fruit trees, all xinds of small fruit, about 15 acres of the finest ONION LAND, which' is worth more than the owner asks for the place. Price $5000, $3000 cash, bal ance terms. . ' ' No. 101 (o acres, '28 acres cleared, 10 acres of timber, all tillable, one acre of assorted orchard, 3 room box housfe, good barn, well, spring and run- - water, tenra, , wagon. narness, plow, harrow, some small tools, about 10 tons hay, fine soil, good location. Price $3600, .$1640 cash, balance 6 years at 6f0.- FOR EXCHJr&GE.'' -No. 89 15 acres, all cleared, level, on main road, iy miles from car line and Ry., 3 acres mostly all prunes, about . 4 acres which, raise fine onions, grapes fair 5 room house, barn, well, fine location. Price $3375, will take $1000 cash and terms or a small place up to $1600. . FOR RENT. . 160 acres with 85 cleared, rood buildings, barn 50x100, water piped to buildings, one mile from . town, best of soli. Rent $400 per year or will rent on shares. If you are looking for-a snap see this at once. - . 44 ACRES. Close to car line, good 8 room house, good water, chicken bouse, small fruit, lhi acres cleared, balance pasture. Rent $7 per month. 80 ACRES - With 60 acres cleared, balance pas ture, good location, best of soil, fair buildings; rent $350 per year, $100 down and the balance In November or December; and the following personal property is for sale, which you can buy at a snap: Horse and buggy, har ness, 2 cows, one steer, potato -planter and digger, binder, mower, rake, wag on, 3 tons hay 3 pigs, ton of oats, 36 chickens, fanning mill,' some potatoes for seed, some small tools. Price $81). E. F. Gilbert 101 Washington St., Vancouver, Wash. YAMHILL COUNTY. IMPROVED FARM. WITH STOCK. SShb acres black soil with 30 In cul tivation, only 3 miles -from railway town, Willamette valley, good grade school adjoining farm; fence mostly woven wire, bearing orchard, 3 springs and running water; 5 room house, good barn, hog and chicken , houses; . 6 good cows, 2 fine mares, 10 hogs, 'mower, rake and farm machinery; all Included at a little less than $100 per acre; terms. D. McChesney, Title & Trust bldg. DAIRY RANCH. 109 acres, 14 miles to town and R. R., Yamhill county, house, barn, sheds, good orchard, running water, hi fine rich bottom land, about 70 acres in cul tivation, 22 acres in clover, fenced, county road, price $9500. Terms to suit. 80 acres. 4 miles north of Willamina, some in cultivation, fine lot piling and tie timber, all fine land, no waste land, $50 per acre, terms to suit. P-301. Jour nal. : BACK OF VANCOUVER 120 acres, $17 per acre, 7 acres cleared, 4 room . house, small barn, chicken house, smoke house, etc., near ly all tillable; chickens and small tools go with the place; Ihi- miles to the railroad, price for the entire place, $2000, $500 cash, balance 3 to 5 years, 6c0. You know what will happen when completion of the bridge, and you will have to hurry to get this one. Fred W. German Co., 914 Cham, of Com. DOWN THE COLUMBIA. 10 acres or more of fine level ground, good soil, no rock or gravel, on county road, close to school; this ground will grow anytning mat can Da grown in this climate; good markets and ship ping facilities. Price $30 per acre; $5 per acre down; will give terms on bal ance that any industrious man can meet. No interest. F. L. GORDON, CLATSKANIE, OR. FORCED TO SELL. 70 acres smooth land, new build ings, all under plow, cash price $7500. 110 acres smooth land, all under plow, 40 acres clover, new - buildings, on good road close to Independence, $12,000. 2400 acre stock ranch with stock, $20. per acre. F. I Wood, Box 67, Salem; Or. SUBURBAN TRACT OF 30 ACRES Less than hi mile from Westside Electric station; perfectly choice land; very attractive surroundings, select-orchard, part in 6 year old Eng lish walnut ' trees of best grade; will make price a bargain and terms if de sired. See owner, 406 Northwestern Bank bldg. 60 ACRES IDEAL FARM HOME Every acre In cultivation, deep rich soil, fine house, with water, bath and fireplace: only 100 yards to station; less than 4 miles to 2 good towns, 10 miles to Salem; frequent car service; a real bargain and terms reasonable. See owner, 405 Northwestern Bnk bid. 70 ACRES. CLOSE IN. , 10 miles from court house hard sur face road, half cleared, fair buildings, orchard, land lies beautifully, no bet ter soil; surrounding land held at $200 and up. Price cut on this to $125 an acre, terms on part. Nothing better, Jacob Haas, Gerlinger bldg. I 40 acres, $2500. $1500 cash. 4 acres cleared, 6 acres slashed. Plenty of wood and water. On Columbia High-i way and R. F. D. hi mile from station and Columbia river. hi miles from town. mile from good school. 38 miles from Portland. . R. F. D. 1, box 45, Goble. Or. - FARM. 100 ACRES, with all buildings on, hi mile from station; nearly' half In croo: runnlne- water on it: X40 jo. -Box 2, Summit, Dr., B. Co. from station, $2000, Box 2, : Summit, Oregon, Benton county. ' i 160 ACRE hillside farm in Wasco coun ty, Oregon; 30 acres in cultivation, 4 room house, -good furniture, 2 barns, stock and tools; sell cheap, on account of sickness. Write to owner, F. Balzer, Tygh Valley, Oregon. QUARTER section, choice location la White Salmon valley; some-improve j ments; maraetaDie timoer. near saw mill, school and P. O.; small payment down, long-, time given on balance. (Jwner, CJ-44, journal. VERY choice farm, rich soil, beauti ful view, zb minutes' ride, com muter fare 12c electric railway, publio road and creek runs through place; $176 per acre; .easy terma Wingren, Beaverton, . z. GENUINE bargain Improved 40 acres including: stock and implements. 8 miles station, hour and half from Fort land. Other good buys in vacant lots, houses and farms. S. M. Venard. 409 McKaj bldg. .- FOR SALE by owner, 25 acres 6 miles from McMinnville, Or." $1660. $600, balance terms. Write to S. Cam best, Cove Orchard, Or. FOR R ENT- -FARMS 14 WANTED To rent on shares in Wil lamette Valley dairy farm with all stock and equipment complete by x- penencea aairyman. v-i 4, journal. 3 FARMS, 2 chicken ranches, 1 dairy 18 rows; zor rent, casn or snares. Send for list of 200 propositions, lOo tamp. ftictjoy, 5BZ tjnamoer or com FOR RENT or lease, 8 hi acres., 8 miles from courthouse; ground i cleared ready for cultivation; , running water. rriorie aiain bsoi FOR RENT 8 acres good - garden ground. Mar. 4S72 after 6 p. m., or after 9 a. ' m. ; -' y ! '; FOR RENT 4 room cottage, 6 acres, on Estacada car. Inquire at store, Bell Rose statien. for C. J. Jones. IMPROVED 5 acre home, Oregon City , i . .... i . tnre, tocn, ttc ' j--bj. journal. FOR RENT or for sale on easy terms. 160 acre Improved irrigated farm. B. p.-Myers, box g. quiver, or. RENT or lease, 19 acres, crop half in; good building. , Million. Helvlta station. United Railways. ; FOR RENT taproveL15 acres, close SottlVti, 0aer7iQlMaajrbldx, FOR SALE FARMS Con tinned) 14 Fine Stock Ranch for Bent One of the best In central Of egom Over 7000 acres finest range land, some alfalfa land. 4 miles of river ajfi many springs. Good buildings, fruit : Renter must buy livestock. Machinery, ; vehicles and tools rented with ranch. ' $10,000 will handle it. For full de . tails call or write room 209 Panama btdg.. Portland, Or. FOR RENT A large stock and al falfa ranch. Located in the best bunch grass section of eastern Oregon. Plenty of outside range. This place will carry 600 head of cattle and 2 or 3 bands of sheep. Stock for sale, long lease on ranch. Will take $10,000 to handle this. For particulars call at 209 Panama bldg. ' FOR RENT 120 acres, 80 acres under cultivation, 6 acres in assorted or chard; large bam, house and iH out buildings; silo 12x28;. IS acres already planted to grain. 20 acres In meadow, $600 a year. Will sell stock and ma chinery if -desired. Address "Owner," Journal office, Vancouver, Wash., or call at 201 East 6th St. - FARM to rent, 91 acres, 4 miles north west Battle Ground. Wash., 20 miles from Portland; 18. acres cleared; good pasture; 15 cows and heifers; good work team, machinery, "household and kitchen furniture for sale. May work out . rent; 3 to 6 years' lease. Ref erences required. Q. Strode,f Battle tiround. wash. 160 ACRES Tygh valley., near town. small house, barn ana water. 40, 80 or 120 acres near Spring water. Large-Treek. 6 room house. bfcrn and staMsfamlly orchard. Will rent, .sell cheats r trade. - R. F. WALTERS, I33H First st. 67 ACRE farm, all in high state of cultivation, -rich land, near electria station: stock and implements for sale. Write Dr. llawke, Gaston, Or., if you mean business. 10 ACRES of garden land in highest state of cultivation, hi mile from city limits, west side, young bearing crcnarq. a-i, journal, WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention 1 he journal. FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUY 38 Wanted Farms X have , clients who have good noroved city oroDertv valued from $5000 to $150,000, -to trade for improved farms in Willam ette valley, eastern .Oregon or Washington. (Bl) Dorr E. Keasey & Co. 2d Floor, Chamber of Commerce. I AM looking for a farm of not less than -100 acres . with stock on it. I'll pay half cash but the price must be right. Give me complete descrip tion in your first letter and if. It looks good I'll go to see it at once. I. want to get located before March 25th. W. T. Adams, P. O. Box 284, Portland, Oregon. - : - HAVE constant call for Improved Wil lamette valley . farms, especially those with stock and equipment, at reasonable prices and terms; several buyers waiting for . 40 to- 100 acre places, with Sfctock. Owners should write with full particulars. D. McCheB ney, Title & Trust bldg. WANTED to hear from owner of good farm for sale; send description .and, cash price. C C Sbepard, Minneapolis, Minn. ,- - - , ' i WANTED to rent or buy little chick en ranch without stock; easy terms. F. J. W., 174 Front st.. Natal hotel, Portland. Or. WANTED to hear from owner of good - farm for sale. Send cash price and description. D. F, Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. WANT to rent farm on shares with stock and machinery furnished; must be In (rood condition. L-89, Journal. WANTED to lease farm of 16 to 40 acres in Clackamas county. Want to pay monthly rent. L-640., Journal. FRUIT X4ND8 FOR BALE 43 CAN YOU BEA ITT Profitable bearing cherry and peach orchard (85 acres) for sale, exchange or rent, on your own term. Owner unable to work place, Write today, T 610, Journal. HOMESTEADS 47 RICH DEEP SOIL. Rich 'land can be bought direct from owners at $15 to $40 per acre 6 and easy terms within 6 to 12 miles from Aberdeen-and Hoqulam. two prosper ous cities with the largest lumber In dustry in the world. The land, is level, free from gravel, well tvatered ana produced enormous crops, -i for which the market is unlimited right here on Grays Harbor. It Is free from under brush and accessible by good roads. No wilderness, as there are schools, post offices, stores and many settlers on the land now. With returning .prosperity secure -a good tract of .and without delay. For further information write at ence: WASH.. STATE- COLONIZATION CO.. ABERDEEN, WASH. 2 320 Acre Relinquishments 320 acres each, 6 miles from Vale; 3 from station. "Every acre rich farm ing land. 110 feet deep well on land. Price only $226 each. A rare bargain. Write ' JOHNSON & TREGASKIS. 203 Nelson Bldg. Vale, Or, 160 ACRE RELINQUISHMENT, 12 acres broken, 10 acres growing wheat, pair young horses, wagon, bug gy, harness, house,, barn, all fenced. 800,000 timber. 2 miles from town. $1000. 609 Rothchild bldg., cor. 4th and Washington. ' ' HOMESTEAD relinquishment - near Deschutes river, 20 - acres - plowed, buildings and lumber, fence, good for stock and fruit: near late gold discov ery; trade for, lot, auto or cash; sick ness; must sell or trade.. Address Box 144, Sisters. Or. ' FOR hogs, chickens and fruits, my 160 acre homestead relinquishment: fir and oak timber, cabin, creeks, 2 acres cleared, county road crosses; school and stores 1 mile. Columbia river and railroad. 6 miles. 60o boat fare; $600. Maln-S95. V-613. Journal. HOMESTEADS. Big Indian reservation to open 750, 000 acres for settlement; fruit, timber, farm lands; send 25c with this ad to Wenatchee. Wash., Dally World, Dept. G., for reliable data about this great region. 169 AC, relinquishment, southern Ore- gon, 8 miles to P. O., 1 mile to school, 15 to R. R., 10 ao. cultivated, 26 more can be. $4000 offered adjoin, ing claim. Price $1000. Address C 848. Melinda.. 40 ACKK- homestead relinquishment, only S6Vs miles from Portland, lhi miles from school, town, church, post office, ho teli and mill; price $860 cash: fine soil, creek. For particulars, write V. O. box 1Z3, Buxton, ur. 160 ACRE relinquishment under lrrl- gation, project nearly completed; all fenced; 40 acres cleared and small house; only 2 hi miles from city; fine land, sacrifice at $960.. - Johnson & Tregaskia, Vale, Or, RELINQUISHMENT. 160 acres. QUI good house, some cleared, a lot of nice timber, close to Portland. Price $300 cash or trade if taken at ' once. Call 60 Broaaway, cor, ?tn ana Davis, WISH to buy relinquishment with some Improvement, - in western part of Oregon or Washington; not over 19 miles from R. R. station. X-809, Journal.-- 'i - - 320 ACRES, 8260. Relinquishment, Crook county. SO acres cultivated, all ready to plow. 6)9 Rothchild bldg., 4th and Washington. SEVERAL, good ones for bonafide set tlers: no- agents. P. ; N. .F Nena mtiea. Or. WANTED Desert claim rellnqulsb ment Vale or Burns district, lmme dlately. Box 673 Medford. Or. FOR SALE Homestead relinquish ment: well located near ft town, $800. M-350, journal. WANTED Homestead relinquishment. FOR RENT FARMS C Continued) 47 (Conttanad) BEAUTIFUL, level, fertile land. .mll ltons of acres, productive soil, home stead land, cheap state lands. Ion? years to nav. You are entitled to 320 acres. Why not have a farmT Handy to markets, schools and railroads; fine climate, good water and plenty of it. Will grow 40 to 60 bushels corn, 4 tons alfalfa, fruit and other small grain in abundance, without ' Irriga tion. : Get a good home. Uncle .Sam will give you one. State assists set tlers. Send 50 cents for maps and re liable information showing and tell ing all about said lands. Cooperative Colonization Dept., Box 616, Lewlston, Idaho, TIMRKR 28 120 ACRES fine piling timber, one mile to railroad, all down bill. 3H miles from Yamhill, $60 per acre, or will sell timber without land. MAOOON REALTY CO.t Yamhill. Or. FOR SALE Cordwood on 40 or 160 acres; terms. J. R. Sharp. 403 Pit tock block. HAVE 2000 acres Umber land in Crook county, near Bend, Or., for sale. Jnelson, 427 Lumber Exchange. WANTEIi tTKAI, ESTATE 31 Wanted-City Property , Wanted Good, Improved city property to trade for highly Improved farms. I have clients who are in the market for small places, and also have farms of several hundred acres. If you have any good city property to trade, it would pay you to Investigate these farms. (Bl) Dorr E. Keasey & Co. 2d flopr. Chamber of Commerce. WANTED REAL ESTATE. . Want good modern west side house, no Heights property considered. Must be bargain and will pay all cash up to $7500 to $8000. Owners only. See King, SECURITY DEVELOPMENT CO., Ground Floor Multnomah Hotel. Cor, of 4th and Plne Sts. Bungalow, Equity Wanted LRose City Park preferred, in ex change 20 acres ' under cultivation, clear of Incumbrance.: COLUMBIA HEALTT INV. CO., 617 BOard of Trade. 7 Room Home Wanted . 29 acres, highly Improved orchard 6 years old. mixed fruits, cost $8600, in exchange. COLUMBIA REALTY INV. CO.. 617 Board of Trade, WANTED 40 acres or more, Oregon or Washington land, that can be had at a "reasonable price for cash. State details, also legal description, also whether equity or clear at present. L-424. Journal. . GOOD house wanted, not over $4000. for small residence clear, balance as sume or cash. U. S. MORTGAGE INV. CO., 606-607 Yeon bldg. WANTED, a modern up-to-date bunas- low in .Sunnysldn or Hawthorne. Must be a decided bargain.. We have a buyer "who means business. C. De YOUNG & CO., 614 Chamber of Com. WANTED Several .good houss equi ties for lots, unimproved lands in different parts of Oregon, etc. U. 8. MORTGAGE & INV, CO., , 606-607 Yeon Bldg. WANTED Acre, O. C. carline; - will give lot on 38d and Powell, clear of all incumbrance, value $800, as first payment; improved or unimproved. T 606, Journal. WANTED A nice bungalow or a full size lot, close In; must be cheap; as sume some mortgage. Boggess & Co., 206 Gerlinger bldg. WANTED or 6" room house, from owner; give phone number. J-828, Journal. HhaVk cooM moVttP for bls In St. Johns, irvlngton. Woodlawn. 311 Alleky bldg WANTED House and 2 lots for well improved acres in Roseburg. 423 Henry bldg. ,' WANTED 50 or more acres, improved or unimproved. F-81H, Journal, WANTED--Two Hots -tlose to carlltie; give phone. F-469, Journal. WANTED 5 or 10 acres, close to car;' give phone. B-426, Journal. EXCIfAXOE-itKAL KSTATK 2t 80 ACRES Unimproved; some opeu, nearly ready to plow; 2 hi miles to town, paved streets, several mills, t railroads and boat: loins tracts held at $100 to $300 per acre. Clear of debt. i'rade for Portland property. Mort gage or auto, or small payment and long time. Box 17. Castlerock. Wash. TRADE 7 acres Falls View, Oregon City, and 4 lots, $9000. for Portland income property; no incumbrance and' assume to t$I6.000; mile courthouse, 16 minutes' walk to car. Give f hit par ticulars in first letter. J. V., Box 12, wregon Ji-ty, ur. CASH AND CLEAR PROPKrtfy Attractive home in fine residence district of Spokane, worth $5600. Will trade for acreage near Portland up to $7600 and pay cash difference. LUEDDEMAN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. WILL trade choice 6 acres, deep black soil, in Beaverton district, with good 4 room neat cottage, barn, well, all fenced, fine condition; $2500, and well worth more, for dwelling in Portland, clear. Call Main 1242, 40f McKay bldg. EXCHANGE for caah. city property or farm, grocery clear of debt, clean stock and good location and good rea son for selling. Give full particulars regarding location, etc. G-343, Jour rial. - TWO No. 1 wheat and stock .ranches. with stock and equipments, one of 1880 acres, $60,000; one of 960 acres. $32,000. See owners at Hotel Huston. N. 6th and Everett. BUNOALOW. court lot, Los Angeles; mtg. $1400. Want stock ranch west ern Oregon $66 00; cash, $2000. Canavla lanfl larger deal. B. Monroe, Bremer- lon, wasn. I WANT AN OREGON HOME, for my 160 acre, A-l Dakota farm: price $2880. Either closein acreage or county neat wn home Willamette valley. VX-81 3. Journal. FOR EXCHANGE -4 room house, bath and pantry, 2 lots, central Alameda, CaL; will exchange for Portland prop erty, vacant lots preferred. Owner, R. Wagner, 8036 60th ave.'S. B. WILL trade fine lot on&aat Side, close in, no Incumbrances, 'hlock from car, for auto that will stand close Inspec tion. Robert Athon, Treves hotel, 11th and Stark sts. Phone Main 7669. FOR EXCHANGE Fine income vln yard, aouthern Oregon, $6500; for property north and some cash. Clark rteaity Co.. Medford, ur. FIVE room modern -bungalow, Rich mond district; my equity $1600, for lots or acre; must be clear and close to city limits. Y-206, Journal. FOR SALE or exchange for general ' merchandise, beautiful-home-on Co lumbia, $1850. Must be sold at once. Ellsey. Main 1293, -WANT to trade my equity of $1601 in house. .4ith and Hawthorne ave., for acreage ; on Oregon Electric M-386, Journal. . ' Xhi ACRES, good land, in Kprlng- fi .is4 t tn Irnila for team aria wagon. H. Derrick. R. No, 6. Salem, Or 40x133. 6 room house, St. Johns: I blocks car exchange acreage- vacant lots or auto. F-470. Journal. CITY lots or house and lots for a good grocery stock and store In good lo- cation. Woodlawn 2148,- ' 100x140 FEET, on K. V2(i St. 6. E.. value $760. What havei you? FuU description In reply. R-208, Journal. BOISE, Idaho city home, for Newberg, Or.-, property. Box 658, Newberg. WHEN you answer these ; Want Aae, mention The Journal. j EQUITY In 9-roorn house for auto or rlear lot. Tnhor 1635. ' (OoaUaue oa axO II03CRSTEAD3