- ! PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 14, 1915 t 1 ' . ,'".! ' jj ; f SP1TBALL MAKES BIG PITCHERS- IT ALSO SPOILS THEM QUICK Use of Moistened Sphere Is Not as Common Practice . in Big Leagues Any More. SEATON FINDS NEW BALL Tormer Portland Bssvsr Twirlar WW, Try Licorice Ball Tola Season; Vf Kldss or Ponies for Covers. By Frank G. Mcnke. ' Spitball pitching isn't a common practice In the biff leagues any more, yet the fact-stands out that the best pitcucrs in tne leagues use trie moist ened twister. ."Big BUI" James, the pitching star of the Boston Braves, Is a spitballer, Jef Tesreau, . the Giant's mainstay, tine 'the spitball. Doak. of Cardinals, who Je'd the National league pitchers in 1914, is addicted to the use, of the spitbal). So is "llassen" Pfeffer, of thai has "busted" into the national game for a considerable period. The use of the spitball makes for ; grc$t twlrlers. History shows that ; mediocre pitchers who mastered the spitball quickly Jumped into first rank : In- ihelr particular department of the : Raixie. But. history also shows that the spitball shortens a pitcher's ca : iter. Jack Chesboro was a spitballer. The : use! of spitter ended his big league i Usefulness a number of years before ; the j scheduled time. "Big Ed" Walsh, of th White Knv. fa a Knitter and he's about through. ' The spitball; without doubt, kills a jHtciher'H arm. quicker than anything -else1. There i& no ducking the con-i ; sequences from the continued use of j truly great pitching youngsters, hav-j Jng demonstrated what it can do with; , the spitball, -will use it less freely in j the future and. save its arms. i ""? Tlhose were ; harsh, . cutting words ! Issued while on the subject of covers . for j baseballs and the ability of some. '. players to damage those covers.' .. The hide of Siberian ponies was used ' an ne. past tor covers lor base Dans. The) European war Itas cut off the -supply. It was feared for a time' that - there would bo a famine in baseballs. jBnt: there won't1 hs. I . "The hides from American ponies willj do Just about as well," says, this baseball maker. "Of course, the Sl- bar lan hides" are a bit tougher than the American ' hides, " but I guess the American hides will be able to stand up-preuy wen unuei ino luunineiins of such men as Cobb, Speaker, Jack- j Hun, zoning ana uauoert. - I -And then lie added this crual j thrust; I - "As for some of the other players -damaging the covers well, 't rom what I kjnow about their battling powers, I I, wpuld say that an ordinary wrapping paper cover on baseballs would stand up jjust as well .under their swings as; woilld a Siberian pony hide." I Tbm Sea ton, pi tehee for the Brook- j fedsji,- has discovered the "licorice j ball." ! , "And.lemme tell you," asserted Tom, when announcing his discovery, "that , ball. 1s going to be some fooler some fooler, belive me." : ' "What's it like?" I "Well, first of all I get 6 cents j worth of licorice. Then I put a chunk ; tot It In ray , mouth. Pretty soon the saJijva gets very black. Are you fol . lowing me?" ' . ' "We'r ahead of vou." ""Now as soon as I. set that licorice worked up nicely I smear half of the f ball with the black saliva. Then I; let jloose with the ball-let loose with , .11 i I "And then?" x" "Well, when that ball whistles up toward the plate It's sure to confuse ' the batter. As' the ball whirls round and: round the batter alternately sees black and white.. That'll cause him to, TMLUSe. in fascination. . While he's in that pause bing! The ball has whistled fever the plate for a strike. "Great idea, aint it?" concluded Sea ton, ' -:yc , MOTORCYCLISTS WILL RACE ON SPEEDWAY Number of Prominent North west Riders Will Be Seen on Track This Year.' the Portland Motoicle clubr has arranged for the Rose City park speed way -for May 3 0,v Decoration day, and ' will hold a series of races as lias been their custom on this day for the past few. years. " . This race meet promises to be the most Interesting from a spectator's standpoint that Portland has witnessed, due to the rivalry between a number of ithe prominent northwest riders who , have been winterlng-Jn this community. There will also bj several riders of - national reputation here to participate : ln.l the different distance events, and If the track is at all fast there should : bej some new records hung upi. One fofl the members of the local racing fraternity has Just gone to Venice, Cal., to participate in the races there on March 58. lie will ride a Thor as usual. '.ast Thursday night the Motorcycle cliib met at their headquarters " and heard the report of the committee on the-early part of July. f ' . - Reports were to .the effect that' great ; interest is being shown by members and quite a number have already signl s fled their desire to accompany the run. (.An! offer of 15 was posted In the club -jrooma for the member offering the .' best, slogan or name for the run. The Judges . of the contest are ' to be thk board of directors and the contest will close April 1. Reduce the High Cost ol Living, Open a Charge Account at This Store and Get Green Trading Stamps With Purchases-Start Monday St, Patrick's Day Novelties, Shamrocks, Flags, Greetings, Favors, Invitations, Table Decorations, Etc, in Complete Assortment, 1st F). Bnrbank's Seeds 'A We are exclusive Portland agents for the original Luther Burbank Garden and Flower Seeds. Beauti ful illustrated booklet, "The Cul ture of Flowers, Fruits and Vege tables" given free with $1.00 pur chase of Burbank's Seeds. Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods PkfSc PfaocW Marshall 4800 Home Pfaona A-6231 TAKE LUNCHEON IN OUR TEA ROOM FOURTH FLOOR A quiet, rest ful place to dine with your friends amid pleasant surroundings. Plan your shopping tour to include luncheon here tomorrow. Unex celled cuisine and prompt 1 service. "... :- i ' : dDpsnnnmiffl' , l This Greatt Stlore Spleridtdly Prepared ftp Soppily Yotuii? Eaisfleip Neeails Hoir LESS2 1 ' ' ' I! ' Every; (department is resplendent with Springtime freshness counters piled high with the choicest merchandise gathered from many lands ready for your inspection and approval. Men's, Women's and Children's Ready-to-Wear Apparel new Gloves, new Ribbons, new Ho-; siery, Silks and Dress Goods, new Table Linens, new Corsets, new Undermuslins, etc, at lowest prices, j Annual Pre-Easter Sale of Wommees Mew Sprfing SMitts 012.50 to $65.00 GARMENT SALONS. SECOND FLOOR The season's smartest styles are here for your choosing, and our prices are most reason able. Among the new, models being shown are the popular "Meadow Brook" Suits in military style patch pockets, belt and plaited back. Also handsome Norfolks, high waistline aftd novelty cuts of various kinds. Many are decidedly "tailored," while others re more fancy with trimmings' of braids, buttons, novelty collars and cuffs, etc. Skirts mostly in full-flare effects. Every wanted fabric and color is represented in this matchless showing of the new styles. Step n tomorrow and view these new firCC ff 1 , tpuuuu Evening models. Prices range $12.50 to ShowingSilkPetticoats At S3.98 and S5.00 SECOND FLOOR At $3.98 we are showing a new line of Petti coats of exceptional quality. They are made from fine, soft mes salines and pussy willow taffetas and are styled with the new cir cular flounces, fitted tops and with or without silk underlays. Beautiful new shades to match Spring suits and gowns. QO QQ Priced special now at J)0O LOT 2$5 Messaline Silk Jersey and Taffeta Petticoats with cir cular flounces and plaited ruffles. All plain colors and 00 changeables shown in this assortment. Moderately priced vtlevlvf $39,50 to $135.00 New Spring Waists, 1.49 to $28.50 SECOND FLOOR Exquisite new Gowns for evening wear of pussy willow taffetas, beauti ful silk voiles, embroidered grenadines, silk laces and nets, satin-striped taffetas, etc. Ex clusive models shown only at this store. Very latest high waistline effects some with corded skirts others in pantalet effects. Also many dainty bolero models. Shown in all daintiest of pastel shades. Prices range C"fl OK flfl from $39.50 to plo0.ilU SECOND FLOOR In addition to diversity of styles and fabrics, the quality and workmanship of the Waists we sell put them in' a class by themselves. That's why we do the bulk of the Waist business in Portland. Our taew Spring lines are now complete with latest mod els in silks, laces, chiffons, crepes, crepe de chine, tub silks, voiles, linens, etc. See -these at your earliest convenience. Prices range from $1.49 to .... .'. . . $28.50 New Spring Dresses tor Dancing & Reception Wear Just In Showing Smart New White Coats $12.50 to $35 GARMENT SALONS, SECOND FLOOR White Coats are to be worn extensively the coming season. We are prepared to show you the most complete stock in Portland. Scores of smart styles, includ ing the new high waistline effects, with full flare skirts. Some are finished with belt others with yoke back. Also many in plain, loose back models. Trimmed with black velvet collars or self material, patch pockets, fancy buttons, etc. Several models shown in new double-face materials in black and white, pink and white, etc. flJQK Full assdrtment of all sizes. Prices range from $12.50 to vOtJ Coatt alt $18.50 GARMENT SALONS, SECOND FLOOR At this popular price we show an exceptionally attractive line of Women's and Misses' New Spring Coats in all the wanted Spring shades, also in- fancy checks, stripes, plaids and mixtures. Norfolks, high waistline and novelty styles in great variety. Many models designed especially for juniors, in sizes 14 to 18 years. .Ask to see these new Spring J"f Q PA Coats. Priced at only PO.UU New Separate Skirts in Great Assortment $3.98 to $20.00 Department Main Floor t LJr. i In theface of constantly increas ing cost bf Linens abroad THERE HAS BEEN NO AD VANCE in Linen prices at this store. Hundreds of our customers have noted this fact by compar ison with other Portland stores. Beginning tomorrow morning our Annual Pre-Easter Sale offers savings no thrifty woman should overlook. AND, REMEMBER, the Linens we sell are the world-famous Richardson make standard of quality everywhere. I Richardson's Finest i Linen Sets MAIN FLOOR Boxed Sets, con taining pattern cloth and one dozen napkins to match. Beautiful new patterns. $14.00 Linen Sets,! size J" O (f 2x2 yards, now at.."... tPJLlOvJ $13.50 Linen Sets, size Q QK 2x2y3 yards, now at... pl.OVO $17.00 Linen Sets, size ?" r QO 2x3 yards, now at.... P--00J Fancy Linens 8-inch, Madeira Doilies, IQ QK $4.50 grade, the dozen J)O.IJ 8-inch Madeira Doilies, P rfP $6.00 grade, the dozen $1.50 Venetian Lace Doilies, on sale tomorrow at, each . . $1.25 Fancy Huck, 27 inches wide, special tomorrow, yard LinenjCloths Reduced Richardson's finest quality hand loom satin damask Pattern Cloths reduced. $10.00 Cloths, size 2x2 yds.. $7.50 $12.50 Cloths, size 2x2 yds., $9.50 Round, scalloped imported home spun Linen Cloths at reductions: $2.25 Cloths, size 36x36 ins., $2.00 $3.25 Cloths, size 45x45 ins., $2.95 $4.25 Cloths, size 54x54 ins., $3.85 $5.50 Cloths, size 63x63 ins., $4.95 S1.75 Damask, $1.48 MAIN FLOOR Extra good grade full-bleached damask. All pure linen and 2 yards wide. Reg ular $1.75 grade. The yard $1.48 Millions of Women Demand : ' 1 The Ideal Foundation For Yoar New Suit, or Gown The right Corset comes before anything else when milady begins to select her new wardrobe. If she would give her figure correct lines and enjoy per fect ease,: the Corset . she needs is the "GOS SARD." New Spring models now ready. Priced at $2 to $25. Corset Department, Second Floor Q Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of This Wee Portraying Our Millinery Supremacy; Smartest Fashions of Fashion v m i ii i n ii ' ' i ii THE style supremacy of this store has; long been conceded, and in the field of creative design we occupy a peculiarly un equaled position. - This Brilliant Ensemble is by far the most attractive we have ever shown, con taining hundreds of unique designs -with that rare artis tic qualification which make them exceedingly becoming to i almost every woman, "whatever the type." f This Resplendent Showing once again emphasizes convincingly the enviable reputation , this store has achieved for- combining - the artistic with the practical. Simplicity style and beauty are conspicuous in every hat. . We Anticipate the Pleasure of a Visit mm m lW I ( ; ; ! From the . Women' ot Portland 1 and Vicinity Opening Days I Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Millinery Salons, 2nd Floor V S3.00 Indian Moccasins for $1.69 On Sale at Bargain Circle, First Floor i Tomorrow we place on sale 1500 pairs Chippewa Indian Moccasins for men and women at a very special price. Made of elk hide, with hand cushioned sole and beautifully embroidered or beaded toes. Exception ally fine workmanship. All sizes and regular $2.50 and $3.00 IQ grades. On sale at, pair PAUJ Sale of Black Velvet Ribbons At About V3 Oil " Department Main Floor A fortunate pur chase early in the season from one of the best New York importers enables us to offer our customers this exceptional, bar gain in black satin velvet Ribbons. Sale prices average about one-third on regular. The great demand for black velvet for millinery and other purposes makes this a most Important offering. - Note the list: No. 1 Blk. Vel. Ribbon, 6c yd., 55c pc. No. 2 Velvet Ribbon, 8c the yard, 70c pc. No. 4 Velvet Ribbon, 10c- yard, 95c pc 1 - in. Velvet Ribbon, 12 yd., $1.20 pc. 1 U-in. Velvet Ribbon, 15c yd., $1.40 pc. 1H -in. Velvet Ribbon, 20c yd., $1.90 pc. 2- in. Velvet Ribbon; 25c yard, $2.40 pc. 2 M rin.. Velvet Ribbon, 30c yd., $2.90 pc 3- in. Velvet Ribbon, 35c yd., $3.30 pc. 3H-n. Velvet Ribbon, 40c yd., $3.80 pc. 4- in. Velvet Ribbon, 45c yd., $4.25 pc. ill Important- New Copyright Books Price 50c "Peg o My Heart." ! "He omes Up. Smiling." "Gold," by Stewart Edward White "Desert of Goldby Zane Gray. "The Trey o' Hearts," by Lduls - .Vance. ! "The Key to Yesterday," by C. N. Birck. : "Parrot St Company," by Mo Grath. 1 "Judgment House,'r by Gilbert -. r Parker, j "Cry in the ' Wilderness," by Mary E. Waller. "The Financier," by Theodore Dreiser. - i - "The Red Republic," by Robert Chambers. I "The Rosary," by Barclay. The Book Department, f irst Fir. SAVE S. & H. TRADING STAMPS AND CHOOSE BEAUTIFUL PREMIUMS FREE Silk nor Milady! M A I N F L.O ,O R Matchless in beauty of ; colorings and weaves, these new Silks will be of greatest interest to every woman. , : ' New ' Pussy Willow Taffetas, in plain colors and printed effects, in latest Spring colors, and black-and-white effects. 4 , f ; . . New i Tub Silks just received. ri $1 to $2 yard. A Marclhi Salle j .oil Rnnjjp Undcrpriclngs Affording Greatest Savings $17.50 AXMINSTER RUGS in Ori- C"ll OK ental and Persian effects, 9x12 feet P-I-xiO j35.00 Wilton Rugs, size 9x12 feet, special $29.75 $45.00 Wilton Rugs, size 9x12 feet, special $35.50 $60.00 WUton Rugs; size 9x12 feet, special $49.75 Shown in a handsome assortment of patterns. $ 7.25 Wool Fiber Ruga, size 9x9 feet, now $ 5.95 $ 7.75 Wool Fiber Rugs, size 8:3x10:6, now $ 6.55 $ 8.75 Wool; Fiber Rugs, size 9x12 feet, at $ 7.45 $12.00 Reversible Art Rugs, size 9x9 feet, $ 9,95 $13.50 Reversible Art Rugs, size 9x10:6 ft. $11.45 $16.50 Reversible Art Rugs, size 9x12 feet, $14.55 S5LaceCurtains,g3.48Pr, ; ; , . . ; I: 45c Imported Voile, 27c Yard Third Floor 350 pairs fine Irish, Point Curtains in Biege colorings. Beautiful two-tone effects. See display in' window. $5 IQ A Q Curtains, the pair j. .. SHJtJ j on sale tomorrow at, yai 35c Marquisettes white, cream and ecru special, the yard, onlyi 19c Third Floor Beautiful new Print ed Voiles in dainty patternsjlwith fancy borders - and hemstitched edges. Standard 45c grade, OTi ird $3.75 Velours Third Floor Short lengths of high-grade Velours, suitable for portieres, couch . covers, etc. Richest of colorings. (?1 Afj tp.A.eS A Specnafl; Salle og Mmioeir Set! Special Reductions Department on Third Floor English Serai - Porcelain Dinner Sets, with dainty pink spray, gold-line decoration. ; j Very at tractive patterns. I $ 5.15 Set of 42 pieces $.4.10 $7.45 Set of 50 pieces 6.95 $ 9.90 Set of 60 pieces 9 7.90 $14,90 Set of 100 pieces $11.00 Old English Blue Semi-Porcelain .Dinner Sets on sale now at re duced prices. j $ 8.00 Set of 50 pieces $ 6.40 $10.00 Set of 60 pieces $ 8.00 $16.00 Set of lOO pieces $12.40 White and Gold , Semi-Porcelain Dinner Sets. Attractive patterns. $ 7.52 Set of 50 pieces $ 6.00 $ 9.60 Set of 60 pieces $ 7.65 $14.90 Set of 100 pieces $11.00 American "Semi-Vistrous Dinner Sets, with gold-traced green bor der decoration. Very attractive pattern. ' t S 8.70 Set of 50 pieces $ 6.95 $11.25 Set of 60 pieces $ 9.00 $17.10 Set of 100 pieces $13.65 Semi-Porcelain Dinner Sets ln popular Indian Tree design. $18.90 Set of 60 pieces $12.60 Dainty Turquoise Border Setsi $14.90 Set of 60 pieces $12.90 iEngfish Semi - Porcelain .'Dinner Sets in design with, wide gold-line border. Very neat design. . $40.00 Set of 117 pieces $26.00 We Give Trading Stamps Annual Spring Sale Garden Tools in Prop res 14-In. Lawn Mowers Third Floor t4-inch' ball-bearing Lawn. Mower, with 8-Inch wheels, four blades, sliding pawl ratchets,, adjustable bottom.- On 4'Cf special sale Monday,! at 4tJU Grass Catchers; with gal- C7 vanized bottonjs; special at U I C Long-handle Shovels now only 60e Socket Garden Hoes special at 45c Garden Trowels on sale now 12c Pruning Shears on sale, now at 45c Cultivators on sale now at only 67c 1 50j feet 12-in. Poultry Wire 60c t50 feet 24-in. Poultry Wire $1.20 150 feet 36-in. Poultry Wire $1.80 150 feet 4 8-in. Poultry Wire $2.40 1 50 feet 60-in. Poultry Wire $3.00 Black or Galvanized Window Cloth, sold im roll or less. Guaranteed Garden Hose in all lengths. !l!!!'l!!ill!r""l"!H!!!r'!!,'""""""'"!!,I" illlhllllHiliiUililiiliiillliiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu