The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 13, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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Big Royal Mail Liner Under
-Boycott on Puget Sound,
Unable to Load,
n f , .-L .
Chinese Sailors Discharge Cargo
XrOngshoremen Refuse Because the
. , Craft Touched at Vancouver.
-Folic Ouard Vessel.
Seattle. Wash., March 13.
Under guard of a detail of po
lice, do-Jk employes this morn
ing began discharging the liner
Giengyle. The vessel's Chi
nese crew worked cargo aboard
the steamer from one hatch.
The Giengyle has 1000 tons of
cargo! or Seattle and 2000 tons
for Portland.
. I
:. because she touched at Vancouver,
prt a strike is in proa res a, I
tne ttrUiish steamer Giengyle, one of
; the big i carriers of the Royal Mail
v Steam Packet fleet, has been declared
unfair by the longshoremen of the
Pacific coast She has 2000 tons of
cargo, roe this port and space for 2009 I
tons of export freight has been re-j ine Japanese steamer Azumasan
served here for her, but unless she j Maru which is to load a cargo of turn
is promised quick and uninterrupted j De,r for Mitsui & Co., reached the river
dispatch by the local longshoremen, I
will not come here.
The disposition of the big steamer
... V. . c.j. iuiig-
shoremen). J. A. Madsen, secretary and
treasurer of the Industrial Longshore-
men's association, and the head of tne
Portland j union, together with John
Kean, president of the same body, ara
vu ruisei Bouno. Anaur to. uarnes. i
pusiness j agent ior- rvo. e, the union
wnicn handles all offshore vessels, has
wired his superiors, asking for infor
tnation; but up till noon this had not
been forthcoming. The McCabe com
pany, stevedores for the Royal Mall
line, have asked that they be allowed
to work the craft, but have so far
Been given no encouragement.
' The Vincouver strike was brought
No.; 1 and the Union Steamshin com-I
pany's dock to pay only the usual
union wages for truckers, accordlne to
advices received here from Vancouver, j
- These cbmnanlAn hari hwn mvlnii 1
trulirV.! IniKruhn, tin.. AS I
hour on merchandise anrt Ki ont an I Yoseralte. American steamer. Captain Jahn
our on mercnanaise. ana 55 cents an J sen, passengers and lumber for San DleKo.
hour overtime to their trackers. Truck- I Charles K. ilcCormlck Lumber company.
lag and longshoreing are handled sepa- I
rateiy on, other docks in the British
miuuiuiat port, me irucners navmgr a
anion of
their own and a scale of 30
cents for straight and 35 cents an
hour for (overtime. Owing to the drain
on their finances caused by the Euro
pean war. these companies In their re
trenchment , decided to return to the j
iwwer scaio, it is saia.
. . To force a favorable settlement for
the British Columbia federation, the
entire coast body has been called in.
una no vessel wnicn nas touched at
Vancouver will be worked the union
leaders . assert
When Custar Edgf oss Signs, Ships
. ! i lave Trouble. -
uumi iiiigiusa, cooiv on .me steam- i; oanta aiaiina wnen sne was I
burned in the Columbia rir off Co-
litg a similar position on the Ameri
can -ship William P. Frye when she
was sunk off. the South American
coast by the' German converted cruiser
Prinz Eltel Fredich. .
1 Engfoss was paid off here about
October 22 and. signed on the Frye at
once. ,The young cook is well known
here, and his friends are planning on
presenting him with a collection of
old ' horse shoes, four ' leaf ' clovers,
and biliikens, if he returns.
Steam Schooners Will Tow Lumber
i Laden Barges. :
San Francisco, March 13. t- Hind, I
Rolph -i, & - Co . have chartered the
schooner; Camano to carry lumber I
from Pugret sound to;Sydney at 60s.
Conversion of-the steamer Charles I
Nelson Into a lumber barge will prob-
large number of discarded and obso- I
out 'of commission on the mud flats
of the Oakland estuary.., I
This is the first attempt by any of
the shippers in this vicinity to utilize I
. . - . . . . t
tne -smau scnooners in this manner, I
"u k i,viu . uii
lumber business. Each steamer leav
Ins the ilumber Yorts will be able to
tow one-or two of the lumber barges
loaded with lumber. The efficiency
of the lumber fleets will be increased
it is estimated at least 50- per cent.
More - than a Bcore of lumber schoon
ers, -wnicn irom various causes can-
nAf AAhnmia llv -iiti do ' nnajo. 1
slaaiMrs under nfesent ennditinnsi t
: . . . , . . i
I'DUiu, wiimi cuuvcrieu imu uarKe?, I
mnka it trnml nrofit for their owners I
As the freighter Frederick Lucken-
v . 1 1
bach of the Luckenbaeh steamship J
Put it teaspponfui of Omega Oft in a
: cup of boiling water, then inhale the
steam which goes through the passages
of the nose and throat. This simple
treatment usually gives quick relief.
Humane Society i
67 Grand Ave. x between Co neb and
wsvis, jrnones East 1423. .21-85X5.
OPErT JJAV awn manT
. , .
-2'?rl Fas.e9 ?f cruelty to this
" ' imiuisi vnamoer xor small anl- I
i. tr, amuuMiio sick or I
alisable4.animal at a moment's no tion. I
and Catarrh
illne was proceeding up the " bay" yes
terday, a. manhole on one of the ves
sel's boilers blew out - and Conrad
Kref t, as' fireman,; who was in the im
mediate vicinity of the explosion, was
oaaiy scalded.
The nitrate traffic from the west
coast to the Atlantic has attracted
several well known vessels from their
accustomed routes. Engaged In the
new service are the big freighters
Pennsylvania and Isthmian of the
American-Hawaiian line.
Authority to readvertlse' for bids for
the purchase of 'light vessel No. 60.
which has been ordered junked, has been
received by Robert Warracky Inspector
or We Seventeenth lighthouse district.
I.. . " 'O. itil
Vtt .v wo uecu iu raising fcl pomoa
of the submerged ; pipe line of the
dredger Columbia, which is reported
broken. It is expected to have me
dredger working .Monday.
Contracts to supply new boilers and
a centrifugal pump were awarded by
me -ort or Portland commission yes
terday for the new dredser Columbia.
me samn watertube Boiler company
secured the boiler contract for $26,875
and the Piatt Iron Works secured the
contract for the Dutho at 1900
in steamer Santa Catalina is rapid.
j ly taking- cargo. She shifts to the
I municipal uock. tonight, will work five
hours there and then shift to Irving
I dock. After taking 500 tons of wneat
at that wharf she will go to Llnnton
I to complete her Portland cargo. She
1 win loaa 400 tons at Astoria Tuesday.
I The Merchants' Exchange will move
to larger quarters in an adjoining
room in the Board of Trade building,
according to a decision reacned ty iC.
vvnsnt yesteraay,
ln low or the tug Tatoosh, the
American barkentine - John C. Meyer
reached port yesterday from Aberdeen,
Sh6 was brought up the river with the
Norwegian ship Majanka by the
"m" wamecocK.
"l,a morning xrom Nanalmo,
Alnsworth Gets Rehearing
w asniDgtoo, .March 13 Cantain
Frank Alnsworth. who was deposed
recently as immigration inspector at
San Francisco, has induced Immigra-
tion Commissioner Camlnettl to grant
him - a Tehearing. He declares the
case against him km "fr-m.ri
Arrivals. Harch 13.
Beac American ntctmpr. riantaln K,iui
Passengers and freight, from San Pedro and
Axumasan Maru. Jsnanese steamer. Can
tain Klkuchi, sulphur, from Yokohama via San
Francisco and Nanaimo for Mitsui & Co.
Majanka, Norwegian ahio. Cantaln Wln.
b,alMLMJifLtrmiMUre Tia
Pamoa. Rnii.? .hi "rZ.f- rv-
7 from Lyttieton via Astoria, x day in
last, to A. Berg.
I)BaXtUra, H&TCh 13.
. iuitnomah, American steamer. Captain
Charles R. jicCormick Lumber company.
Marine Almanac,
Weather at Kiver's Month
rorth Head- Wash. Marph tA rnniiuinn
m me mouto oz tno river at 8 a. m.. smooth;
nnna suutaeasc, iu miles; weather, cloudy.
Bans end Tidss, March 18.
Sun rises, 6:ii a
m. San sets. 6:15 o. m.
. Tides at Astoria.
TTf arh wa f pr. T mm ...
0:13 a. m., 7. feet. I 0:08 o. in.. 8.3 feet.
6:Jtt a- ax.. 1.7 feet. 8:47 D. m.. O.l feet.
Dally River Readings.
S A. M.. 120th Meridian Tim
' " ' s 3
f fifi 5e5
-5 "S n 2"5
' U.CB Bw C J
a. 4
1 0.11
5 . Pi
3.G! 0.5I0.H
Rising. ( ) Falling.
Riyer Forecast.
The Willamette liver at Pnrti,ni m
main nearly stattooary for the text two days.
Steamships to Arrive.
Name From ...
Xucatan , S. fr. and war nr.. w
Breakwater. . .
. Coos Bay Mar. 19
.....Coos Bay.. Mar. 19
g- Mar. 18
..... S. D. and w...Mr. 21
..... S. K- and Way. ..Mar. 2H
......S. D. and way Mar. 28
Geo. W. Eider
Koanoke. .....
Rose City...,
Bear... ,
Steamers Due to Depart.
Multnomah j s. 1",rom te
Xosemite s. l). m"' ;?
IHfn w Wet S00 Bajr Mar." i
El". o Mar. Jo
........S, F. and war...u,, it
............ H TV r I .1
i- "n5 wr-
Mar. 19
.Mar. 22
Har. 24
.Mar. 25
.Mar. 27
j. uu way.
toe City.......... a P.. and way"
vessels in x-ort.
T i.kt.tiln mrr
'"71"" IXh wegen Drydork
-l.-P. Lbr. Co.
ivatanfa, nelg. bark
Wlscombe Park. Br. ah.'...
.; Astoria
victoria dolphins
l.-P. Lbr. Co.
...... ... .stream
. . . . . Montgomery
! Morna, Nor. bark
Bay of Biscay. Br. so
Francois, Fr. bk.....
David Kvans. Br. sen......
Oombermere. it. shin
Gerraalue, Fr. k ,
l.ika, Nor. so.....
I Nordfarer, Nor. sh... ......
Baokoku Mam, Jap. atr...
isortn Bank
P. Lbr. Co.
. . . kle va tor
..St. Helens
. . . . . Rainier
L.a Perouse. r r. hit
. JaP- str.
otuiLiHiinttii, Am. str...
xoeemlte. Am. atr
Palsy Uadsbv. Am. atr..
tr ... .. . . .. . . . ... . . ...iw,inl,.
... AU1- "r tongue Point
Geo. w. Eider." 'I'm ' " " " A:dh
aiajanaa ivor. an.
Pampa, Rus. bark
... .Astoria
.. . .Astoria
Bound un
. . .Linn ton
Bear. Am. str..
Azumasan Maru. Jan. atr
John C. Meyer. Am. bk.
Vaaaala Sliaim.ii
nauiau, BUI. sir..., Johla
Eeruu. Am. bk..... Zit,
Chinook. U. S. dredger, . . . . . .Orea-on 'drvdM-k
Col. P. S. Mlchle. U. a. Ar.a,n "tSJS
Dalbek. Ger. bk.,...-.7.::"ta.V.?nS
Uolceu Gate. Am. atr... to r.
i. B. Stetson. Am. at.- St." Helen.
nnrt, L,er an. Westoort
Nehalem. Am. atr r;.........:.8t?Hrf2Si
i h
At Neighboring Ports.
Astoria. Or.. March Arrived m'.tn
and left ud at 8:30 a. m.. steamer kui
San Pedro and San Francisco. Sailed at 7 a
m., steamer Rose City; for San Francisco and
Sau Pedro.. Arrived at 10:20 a. m.- Jin.....
steamer Asumaaan Alaru, from Otaru and wav
lacoma. Wash.. March 12. Arrived. f..n..
San Ramon, from Portland.
Astoria, Or., March 12. Arrived at 4 and
left up at 8 p. ru.. Barkentine John O. Ikies er
from Aberdeen. Iett up at 8 p. m.. Nor
wegian ship Maianka. Arrived down at 10
p. m.. steamer Rose City.
Marshfield. Or., March IS. Arrived. Amer
ican steamer Yellowstone. 8an Francisco 9 a.
ni. Sailed, American steamer Nann Smith.
Sah Francisco. a. ra. -
San Francisco, March 13. Arrived. American
stesmers Carlos. Coos Bay. 7 a. m.: Bruns-wit-lt.
Fort Brage. 7 . m.; Roanoke. Port
land, 8 ai m.. Katherine. Eureka. 8 a. m
r.lisabeth. Kindon i m . u....l o
Pedro. 9 a. m. "
Seattle. Wash., March 12. ArHved Ameri
can steamer Concress. Kan IMea-i. -. via H.n
iran aipii
Francisco, 10:15 p. jn.; Americas atearoer Fni-
ton, writlsb -Columbia. - 4 n. m.: Jaoaneae
aicaxucr, caao aiaru, orient. 11 D. m. !
Fort Ludlew. March laAsailedAmericaa 1
Blaze Conquered' !
After $2000 Loss,
1 s
tri tv.. .tn nf th' ja
ct , i
Portland Marine Supply com
pany, 31 Ankeny street, last
night did 12000 damage. E. C.
Mason, manager, says he has no
Idea how the fire started as he
bad closed up for: the evening
about two I hours before. - The
blaze started in a quantity f
oakum and ship supplies which
burned furiously for a, few rain-
utes. TheMoss is fully covered,
by insurance. '.. i i
Vhile making a landing at ?
the foot of Ankeny street that;
she might fight the blaze,, f ire-" JM
boat Geo. H. Williams, collided
with the bargeWeasel of the
Columbia Digger company fleet
doing some damage to-both her.
own and the barge's guardrail. '
Grist of Divorces
Are Granted Today
Mrs. Eleanor 7. Eastman Oraated 2e
eree Prom Watson Eastman 1 Srop
erty Bight Hot Xeatioaed. '
Mrs. Eleanor P. Eastman was di
vorced from Watson Eastman, presl-
aent or the, Western Cooperage com
pany this morning by Circuit Judge
Davis. They were married in Chicago
May 7, 1908, and she alleged that he
deserted her September 7, 1912. No
mention was made of property rights
or alimony. ,
Judge Davis granted a divorce to
Mrs. K. I. Huntington from. John B.
Huntington on grounds of desertion.
The Huntingtons were married ln
February, 1S80, and she alleged de
sertion. They have a daughter, Min
erva, who is of age.
Other divorces granted were: By
Judge Morrow, to Beulah Burke from
Vernon M. Burke for cruelty; by
Judge Gatens to J. W. Oster from Mar
garet Oster for desertion; by Judge
McGinn to Minnie T. Leighton from
Prescott H. Leigrhton for cruelty. . Di
vorce suits filed were: Anna Y. Du
Rant against Albert M. DuRant, cruel
ty; Clarence L. Fowler against Eva
F. Fowler, cruelty; Harriet I Gray
against Robert R. Gray, cruelty;
Helen J. Vendermeer against Peter
-Yendermeer, cruelty; Harry Welch
against Fanny Welch, cruelty.
W .C. T. U. Workers
Are Entertained
The members and friends of the
Portland Central W. C. T. U. were en
tertained at the home of Mrs. D. M.
Cookingham, 34 East Sixty-second
street. Wednesday afternoon. Mis.
Mattie Sleeth. countv oraaniser. aave
an exDOsitorv reading of the lifu of
Deborah, after which the state presi
dent. Mrs. Jennie Kemp, reviewed the
4 0 years' history of W. C. T. U. work;
Mrs. M. L. T. Hidden, who has been
a coworker with Frances E. WlUard
and other prominent workers- for the
cause, related many Interesting remjn
iscenses, closing with an appeal for a
clear vision of woman's responsibilities
and a willingness to make the neces
sary sacrifices to realize the vision.
Mrs. Lillian Downing gave a humor
ous reading and Miss Louis Noel
sang. Dainty refreshments were
served and each guest was presented
with a corsage bouquet of spring flow
ers. Rev.. W. E. Vauehan
To Preach Sermon
Rev. W. E.. Vaughan, editor of the
Pacific Methodist Advocate, who has
many friends in Portland, will occupy
the pulpit of the First Methodist
church South tomorrow evening.
Rev. Lovlck Pierce Law, pastor of
the church, extends a general invita
tion to the public to hear Dr. Vaughan.
Dr. Law, who has just returned from
Corvsllis and Roseburg. whem he con
ducted successful revivals. xroot tr.
taKe cnarge or the services ln the j
morning at n o clock, when there Will .
be a sner-ial unln v,w Mm a
. ' J ....... OllCtiai
musical program has been arranged
for the evening. Dr. Law ia rlenirmifx
of having the people meet the mem
bers of Epworth league of the church,
who meet at. 6:30 o'clock.
Wants to Increase Rates.
Salem, Or., March IS. The Oreaon-
Washington Telephone company today
filed application with the state rail
road commission to increase rates on
each" of its telephones in Hood River
25 cents per month. The "comnanv
explains that it wants to adopt the
discount system of collecting and can
not do so without increasing rates.
New AVells-Fargo Express Chief
Clerk Here.
E. J". I. ally Suoceeds Z. MV Oranam.
E. J. Lally. formerly agent for the
Wells-Fargo Express company at Eu
gene, has been transferred to Port
land as chief clerk of the local office.
succeeding E. M. Graham, who has
been made routing agent, with head
quarters at Seattle.
ZT. P. Officials En Bouts.
Vice President J. M. Hannaford of
the Northern Pacific is exoected to
o I
arrive ln Portland Sunday or Monday
Me will stop here for a day on hi:
way to San Francisco. Mr. Hannaford
will be one of the party of Northern
Pacific and Great Northern officials
who will make the trip from San
rancisro to Flavel on the; steamer
Great Northern.
rreig-ht Agent oa Visit.
Traveling Freight Agent Henri of
the Krisco lines, with headquarters In
San Francisco, is in Portland on busi
ness today.
steamer F. S. Loop, 8an Francisco.
Mukilteo. March 12. Sailed American
steamer Nome City, -Sao Francisco.'
Taooma. March li Arrived British steamer
Kleh, Seattle. 3:30 p. m. . . . ,
Vancouver. B. C.', March 12. Arrived Brit
ish steamer Makura, Sydney N S W
San Francisco. March 12. Arrived American
steamer Whites boro, Caafaar, noon: American
steamer Lakme. Port San Luis, 1:40 p. m.:
American steamer Pasadena. Albion, 1:50 p.
m.; American steamer Homer, Hueneme, 4:20
p. m.; American steamer Hardy, Redondo, 4:30
?. m.; American ateamer Balboa, Topotobampo,
:10 p. m. Sailed American steamer Yuca
tan, Portland. 10:40 a. m.; American steamer
PrenOsa, Eureka, 11:10 a. m.; American ateanv
e- Beaver, San Pedro. ll:ao a. in.; American
steamer Centralia, Eureka, ll:3o a. m.; Amer
ican steamer Doris. Grays Hsrnor, 12: lO p. m.t
An-erica n steamer 8aBta Barbara. Portland.
1:15 p. m.; American steamer Oorcnado. San
Pedro, 2:10 p. at.; American steamer Grays
Harbor. Tacoraa. 3:50 p. m.; American ateamer
Yale. San Diego. 4:10 p. m. ; American ateamer
Admiral Farragut, Seattle, 4:15 p. m . Ameri
can steamer Queen, San Diego, 1:30 p. m.l
American steamer Daisy Freeman, Portland,
4:50 p. m. : American ateamer Olson A Mi.
hony. New York. 4.00 p. m.; American steam
er,- Kaymone. ru:apa Harbor, 4:50 p.
American ateamer Cricket. Boston. 6:20 p. m.;
American steamer Avslon. Willai.a ri.ew
f - aosw i, - jWiUi Hrtor
First 12th and Taylor sts. Bev. Frank L.
' ITeland. V. D.. minister. S. S.. 12:15. E. L,..
'. :15. Rerrlcea 10:30 and T:30. Morning, "Chaft
X I Bd Wheat"; eTening, "The Breakdown of a
tsoni; or under a Juniper xree." . -
I Trinity East 10th and Sherman. Ber.' A. B
f. Calder. 11 and 7:30. 8. S.. 10. E. L.. :3a
Xj Morning, "The Relation of the Spirit to the
Z I Written Beveiatkm"; evening, "A Visit to So-
Swedish Borthwick- and Beech. F. I. Bere
pastor. 11 and 7:30. S. K-. 10. R 7.
Enworth 28th and Savler Rev. C. . Mc-
CSUocb. 11 and 7:30. S. S.. 9:45. E. I... 6:30.
Morning. "Coming to Coronation Day." Eve-
ntrg. ' now King Lost ills crown."
'First Norwegian Danish Corner 18th and
uoyt. Kev. hJlas ujerding, 11 and 8. 1
Woodlawn ast loth and Highland Rev,
Louia Thomas, castor. S. S.. 10. E. I... 7.
Preaching 11 and 7:45. "The Day of Opportun
Norwegian Danish Vancouver a-ve. and Skid-
more nev. a or. vereiae. pastor. io:-a ano
8 S. 12.
Sannyside--E. S5th and Yamhill Rev. R.
i.K r. t ,1 .. 1 "7 - i r. m u o
, lill 1 111 I LU, V. V. . . BUS. .-XV V . . .
9:45 a. m. E. U. 9:30. Evening. "The First
Question That God iver Asked." 1
Centenary East 0th and Pine Thomas W.
Lane, D. IX, pastor. S. a.. 8:45. E. It., 6:30.
Services 11 and 7:30. - ' .
Central Vancouver its. and Fargo Rev. C,
C. Karlck. Services 11 and 7:80. S. S., 9:46.
Class meeting 12:15. E. la-, 8:15. Morning
sermon by Rev. G. L. Lewis; evening. "Pride
i Christianity."
St. Johns Hayes and Leavitt sts, W. E.
IngallB. Services 11 and 7:30. ft. S., 9:5o.
E. L-, 6:30.
Montavilla Rev. W. H. - Hamton, 11 and
7:30. S. S , 9:45. E. L 6:15. J. h., Class
meeting 12:15.
Rose City Park Sandy blvd., Alamada and
E. 58th sts. Rev. William W. Xoungson, pss.
stor. 11 add 7:30. S. 8., 9:45. X. P., 6:301
Morning topic, "The Power of the Resurrec
tion"; evening, "The Doubting Thomas."
Japanese .Mission Rev. Eilsea Ribara. 9:30
asd 8:30. S. 8., 8:30.
Sellwood Rev. Alexander P. Maclean, 11
and 7:30. J. E.. 2:30. E. L., :80.
taurelwood Rev. . J. E. Willing, 63d at.,
S. E., and Foster Road. S. &., 9:45. . L.,
6:30. Services, 11 and 8.
Chinese Mlfslon 11 'and 7:30.
Clinton Kelly Memorial John Parsons, pas
tor. S. S. 9:45. Services 11 and 7:30. E. 1.
:45. .
Monnt Tabor 61st and East Staik, Rev. E.
Olin Eldridge, pastor, 11 and A :30. S.
9:45. E. L., 6:30. Preaching in morning by
W. H. Hamden; in avening by pastor, "The
Religion of a Busy Man."
African Zion Rev. W. W. Howard, 11 and
8 S. &., 1. . 8. L. 7.
German F. A. Schumann, S. 8., 9:45. Berv
ices, 11 and 8. Epworth League, 7:15.
Bethel Rev. J. L. Craw, pastor, 11 and
7:45. 8. 8., 1:15. C. E.. 7. 1
University Park Lombard and Flake streets
Rev. C. L. Hamilton. 11 and 7:80. 8. 8., 10.
E. L., ff:15. Topics, "Nearness to God" and
"The Hidden King."
Patton Rev. G. H. Freese, pastor, 11 and
7-45. 8. 8., 10. E. L., 6:43.
Woodstock East 44th and 00th ave. S. E.
Frank James, paster, 11 and 7:30. 8. S., 10.
E. U, 6:30. Class, 12:15 p. m.
Lenta Rev. W. Boyd Moore, 11 and 8. 8.
8., 10. B. L., 7.
Lincoln East 524 and Lincoln M. O. Reed,
pastor. 8. 8., 11. Service. 7:30.
Osk Grove Rev. C. E. Curtis, 11 and 8.
8. 8 lO.
Westmoreland Rev. J. West Thompson S.
S.. 10. Sermon, 7:30.
First German A. V. Cramer, pastor, 11 ana
8 8. 8.. 10. E. L., 7:30.
Brentwood Rev. J. West Thompsoa. s. a-.
10. Services, 11.
First White Temple, W. B. Hloson, paster.
Bible school, 9:45. Services, 11 and 7:30. 8.
S., 10 a. m. B. V. P. D., 6:30. Morning,
Opportunities ana Responsimunes oi ui
Church." bv Mrs. A. W. DeLong. Evening,
preaching by C. A. Wooddy and Rev. Thomas
Wooddr of Africa.
Bast Side Kast 20th and Ankeny
Rev. O;
W Shank, nastor. Services. 11 and 7:30.
8. S., 10. B. Y. P. U.. 6:30. Evening. "Why
the Christian Church is losing ita Power."
Highland. East 6th and Alberta Rev. Chas.
F. Mier. B. Y. P. U.. 6:30. Services, 11
ana 7:30. 8. S.. 9:45.
Calvary East 8th and Grant Rev. Walter
Duff, pastor. 11 and 7:30. 8. 8., 10- B. Y. P.
U Ar8leta Rev. W. T. 8. Sprggs. 8. S.. 9:45.
B. Y. F. U., 6:15. Services, It and 7:3a
Morning, "A New Testament Church."-Evening.
"In, the Swelling of the Jordan."
l?ulverslty .Park Rev. A. C. Sazton, pastor.
11 and 7:30. S. S. 10. B. Y. P. U.. f . .
Sellwood Rev. F. H. Bayes. U and 7:30.
8. 8., 10. B. Y. P. U.. 6:30.
Grace Montavilla Rev. H. T. Cash, 11 and
preaching by Rev. J. H. Baker, of India. Eve
In. nr.,.hinv hv Rev. Oatva R. Pratt.
St. Joihna (German) 8. 8., 9:45. 11 and
r-sn tv v. P. II.. 7.
St. Johnt E. P. Borden, pastor. S. 8., 10.
Services, II and 8. t
Third Knott and Vancouver avenue Rev.
TV .1 tt....n 11 anil 7:30. B. Y. P. L.. 6:30.
S. S.. 9:45. Morning, "The First Lord's Day
Wnfiin." Kveninar. "The Satisfied Christ.'
Chinese Mission 8. 8., 7. J. C. Mslone, su
Mt Calvary Weldler and Union ave.. Rev.
A. M. Machrack. Services, 11 and 8. 8. 3.,
9 a. m.
rr.K.rn.i 10ri at- and. 45th ave.. S. E
c t m.rv Tihhetta. oastor. Sermons 11
and 7:45. 8. 8- 9:45 a. m. B. T. P. U.. 6:45.
Second German Rev. Frederick Buerrman,
ii .nri t jk a. a. 9:45. B. x. p. v.. :4
inta Rev. J. M. Nelson. 8. 8.. 10. Berv-
11 7 -'V
East Forty-fifth street Bev. A. B. JVaits.
B. . 9:4a a. m. oervicea, xx ino-i-w.
v o it -'wi n. m . Miirnmir. i ce mociu.
ary of God.
fjvenuig, onriuaing vuuw
VSroilfc-Rev w' A Magnett, pastor
Mount Olivet Rev. w. a. asgntii, yoan,
! . nri H n m. S. K.. li.M.
Swedish 15th and Hoyt ats., 10:45 and
T.-S0. 8. 8.. 10. B. Y. P. V.. :. .
Italian -Mission Bev. t'ranpesco Sannella,
pastor. Psstor's circle, 8. Preaching, lo:dO.
Short sermon for English speaking people also,
rinndwill Mission 15th and Boise S. 8., ! 3
p m. Rev. Walter Duff. T
First German Fourth and Mill B'-
Krail. Services, 11 and 7:30. 8. 8.. 8:45.
North Portland Mission S88 Nicolal street.
Servicea Friday, 8 p. m.
First 12th and Alder Re. John Boyd.
iiu.- 1,1 M anil 7:.HO. C. E.. S:30.
Mispah E. 19th and Division Rev. Harry
Leeds, pastor, 11 and 7:30. 8. 8., :45. C. E.,
030 '
' Fourth First and Gibbs Rev. Henry JO.
Hanson, paator, 10:30 and 7:30. S. .8., Xi.
r IT. tft-.'in
'Kenilwortta East 34th and Gladstone Rev.
Leslie Kirk Richardson, pastor, 11 ana i :
mhi. hi t-4.v .(' E.. 6:45. Morning
"Kenllworth Presbyterian Prosperity." ETen-
i tm.. UuiUn, Af riierf nlneas. " 1
Calvary 11th and Clay ats. Rev .O. 8.
BaunV. S:30 and 7:30. 8. S.. 12. "A.Thrtll
ing Account ot VVsll Building" and "Grave
Anabel Rev. Alfred t. Taxis, 11 and 7:43.
8 8.. 9:45. C o:. !
'Hope Montavilla, 78th and Everett stsj
Rev. 8W. Seeman, 11 and 7;3o. 8. S., ;a
C E 630 !
p.rk P.Hmt 12th and Taylor ih.
K Crimes, castor. 10:3O and 8. "God Needs
You in Building You a Character." 8. S-, i
Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett sts. Itev.
3 E. Knyder. 11 and 7:3U. C. E., 6:30. S. 8,,
-45 Topics, "The Church's Responsibility j in
Educstion" and "The Four-Square Christian."
Uev. Wallace H. Lee of Albany college will
nank hnth aar tTMrnft. !
Third East 13th and Pine ats. Rev. A. .L.
Hutchinson, pastor. 10:30 and 7:45 8. S.. tj.
O. E. S:45j Morning, "Your Debt to God. '
th UiTorct and Re a trill
BiBUl Mj , sv-us - ,j
FSrb Kev. Henry L. Pratt, 11 and 8.
S S.. lO. C. E., 6:30. !
'Mt! Tabor Eat 55th and Belmont Rev.
Wm. Graham' Moore, 11 and 7:30. 8. 8., :45.
Unity W. tee Gray, minister, 11 sod
"Arbor- Lodge Bev. .George R. Cromley,
, t.k t a 10
SOU , i
Vernon istn ana U '
Mount, pastor, 11 and 7:30. 8. S.. 1T. C. E..
6:30. Junior C. E.. 4 p. m. Morning, Tb
Empty beat." Evening, "The Divine De
fender !
W eatmlhster-East 17th and Scnuyler-Bev.
Henry Marcotte, 16:30 and 7:30. S. 8., 12.
Y P 8. C. E., 6:30. ; Morning, "Fear Not."
Evenlnjt, "Why - Men Do ot BeUeva j In
CbRoei City Park Rev. J. M. Skinner, 11 and
7:30. C. E.. :30. 8. 8 9:45 j .
Millard Avenue Rev. W. H.. Amos, 11 and
7-" S. 8.. 10. Y. P. S. C. E., :30. - -
Spokane ivenue-K. 16th and SpoMne-J.
E. Yonel, pastor. 11 and 8. 8. 8., B .45.
Assembly. 12:15. Morning. "Alon the Altar
tc kiacriflce." C. E-, 6:30. "Home Mission
Opportunities That Sammoa TJs. l
Marshall Street Rev. A. J. Hannah, psstor.
11 and V.30. 8. 8.. 10. V.-J.8.C. 1. -30.
Trinity, corner Virginia and Nebriski .tsj
Bev. E. Benson, pastor. 11 asd 7:20.. 3.
10. Y. P. S. C E., 6:30. . .r i f
Chinese 143H 1st St. 7:45. 8. 8.. 6.45f .
. CongregatUnal.
First Park and Madison Rev. TtherB.
Dyot. D.-D., 11 and 7:45. -Morning "What
It Means to Be a .Christian Todsy." Evenitig,
"The Broadest and Best Use ?f Psychology."
First Germs n East 7th and Stauton Rev.
F jJheThnrst Rev. . B. Gray, lland 7:45.
8. S 10. C. E.. :30. : LL
Pilirlm Missouri and Shaver sts Prof. W.
f Proctor acting pastor, 11 and 7: JO. I
-45 B.. 6:3of "Socialism Compared Wth j
the Social Teachinga of Jeaus." . ! J
University Park Haven street near Lombard I
,Pr.y Wa fW - paatoc, 11 and I
7:30. S. S 10. Y. P. R r E.; 4 and S:30.
Highland East Btb and Prescott Rev E. 8.
Bollinger, U and 7:30. 8. 8.. 10. Y. P. S.
C. E., 6:30. Morning. "The Avenging Detec
tive." Evening sermon by Rev. George E,
Laurelwood 45th avenue and 65th street.
Bev. C. 8. Johnson. 10 and 7:45. C K.. 7.
- Waveriy Heights kast 33d and Woodward
- K-v. A. t. Closes. 11 and 7:30. S. s.:o.
Y. P. meeting, :30i. Topics. "Working at
Rnln." unrf Vt ).. I.. U'.ln..n.,miil'
- Suanvslde East S2d and Tavlor Rev. -t.
J. Suub. 11 and 7:45. b. 10. C. E-, 6:80.
I. C. E., 3:30. Topics. -The World As Seen
from Calvary" and "An Everrdav Rallaton."
St. Johns Rev. Daniel T. Thomas, 11 and
i:ao. . 10. u, k e:ao. Morning, -xue
Call of the Church Bella." Evenins. illustrsted
lecture oo "Amerlcau Colleges and Univer
sities" by rroresaor C. J. KUMbneu.
Ardenwald Rev. Daniel T. Thomas. S. 8.,
10:45. C. E., 6:45. Ileacblng, S p. m
"News That Makes One Glad."
Zion (German! East 9th and Fremont. Bev.
J. H. Hoop, 10:30 and 7:3U. C. E., 6:30.
Atkinson Memorial East 29th and- Everett
Bev. . W. Uormas. pastor 11 and 7:45. C,
E.. 6:30. Junior C. E.. 3:30. 8. 8.. 9:45.
Toplca, "The Silence of Heaven" and '"The
Aim: of Teaching." f
First Park and Columbia sts. 8. M. Con
nor, temporary pastor, 11 and 7:30. 8. 8.,
9:45. c. E., 6:30. Morning, "Stewardship."
' Montavilla East 76th and Hoyt Rev. J. C.
Ghormley. 11 and 7:30. 8. 8.. lO. C. E.. 6:30.
.Junior C. E 3:30,
wood lawn 7tn and Liberty sts. Kev.w.
J. Malllnger. 11 and 7:3o. 8. S., 9:45. C. E.,
Sellwood Cor. -19th and Tsehalem Rev. D.
E. Nor cross, pastor, 11 and S. 8. S.. 10.
C. E. 7.
Gladstone Rev. Roy L. Dunn, pastor, 11 and
a 8. 8.. 10. C. 7.
Rodney Avenue Corner Rodney sod Knott
O. P. Burrla. pastor, 11 and s. 8. 10.
C. E., 7.
- St. Johns Rev. J. R. Johnson, pastor. 11
and 8. 8. 8., 10. C. E., 7. t
Kern Park Bev. R. Tibbs Mszey, pastor,
11 and 7:30. 8. 8.. 9:45. C. E.. 6:30.
Vernon Church of Christ B. 15th and Wy-
gant A. J, Melton, 11 and 7:30. S. S 10.
i;. is., o:ao. . -i
Bethel E. 82d and Tbompson. 8. S.. 1:30.
Central East Salmon and Twentieth streets
Rev. A- L. Crim Bible school. 10. Services.
11. pastor or Rev. U. T. Porter of Salem will
speak. C. K., 6:30. :: . o evening service.
Taltad Pressytarian.
Kenton J. 8. Cole. 10:15 and 8. 8. 8.. 10.
First Sixth and Monttromerv Frank Da
Win Findley. 10: So and 7:3U. 8. 8.. la. C. E..
6:30. Morning, "The World'a Light." Even
ing, "The Test of Houuage."
Third 37th and Hawthorne W. A. Spauld
lng, D. I)., pastor. 11 and 7:45. 8. 8., 8:50.
United vangelleal.
First East 16th and Maple Rev. C. C. Po
ling. 11. S. S.. 9:45. K. L. C. E. 6:45.
ist. Johns J. A. Goode. pastor., 11 and 7:30,
S. S.. 10. K. U C. E 6:30.
Wichita Rev. B. H. Famham, pastor. 11
and 7:30. 8. 8.. 10. C. E., 6:30.
Ockley Green Willamette blvd. and Gay
Rev. 8. L. Lovell, pastor, 11 and 7:30. 8. 8.,
10. iv. L. C. E.. 7.
Trinity church Rev. Dr. A. A. Morrison,
rector. 8. 11 and 8. 8. 8., 9:45. Good Feilow
abip society, pariah house, 19th and Davis Hi.,
7 to 7:56 p. m.
8t. Mark's 21st and Marshall Rev. 3. E.
H. rJlmpaon, rector. Holy Sucharlat. 7:30 a.
m. 8. 8., 9:45. Matins and Litany. 10:15.
Holy Eucharist and sermon. 11. Evensong, 7.
8t. John's church Rev. T. F. Bowen, S. S.,
2. Evening prayer and sermon, 3.
Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen the Martyr
Rev. H. M. Ramsay, 7:45, 11 and 7:45. 8. 8.,
10. Special service for colored people, 8.
St. Mathewa Kev. W. A. M. Breck, vicar.
S. 8., 10. Service and sermon, 11.
St. David's Rev. Henry Russell Talbot.
Celebration of the Holy Eucharist, 7:80 a. m.
S. 8., 6:45. Morning prayer, 11. livening
prayer, 4:30.
St. Johu'a Milwaukle Rev. John D. Rice,
8. 8., 2. Evening prayer and aermon, 3.
Services, 4.
St. Andrew's Portsmouth Rev. .F. M.
Bauui, vicar, ln charge, 11. Prayer and ser
mon, 11 and 7:30. 8. 3., 9:45. Communion,
7:30 a. m., third Sunday each mouth.
Grace Memorial Rev.. George B. Van Wa
ters and Bgv. Oawald W. Tavlor. Holy com
munlon, 8 a. m. Except first Sunday la
March 8. 8. 10 a. m. Services. 11.
Good Shepherd Rev. John Dawson, 11 and
7:30. 8. 8., 10.
St- Michael's and All Angels' East 43d and
Broadway Uev. dC, IT, Bowen, vicar. 8. 8.,
10. Holy communion first Sunday, 11; third
bunaay, i
Bishop Morris Memorial cbapel. Good - Sa
maritan hospital Chaplain. Frederick K. How.
ard. Holy communion 7 a. m. Prayer and
ermon. 7:zo.
St. John's church Sellwood Bev. John D.
Rice. 11. Evening Braver. 7:80.
Ascension chapel Portland Heights. Rev.
B. G. Lee. Communion, 7:45 a. ox. S. 8.. 9:3i.
St. Paul's Woodmere Rev. Oswald W.
Taylor. Holy communion, first Sunday in
month, 8 a. m. Services 4 p. in., except
first Sunday in montn.
Portsmouth Hereford at., near Lombard st
Rev. F. M. Baum, vicar. S. S., IU. Serv
Ices. 11 and 7:30. Holy communion on sec
ond, fourth and fifth Sundays of month at
7:30; on first at 11. Holidays by appointment.
patton, Michigan and Alberta George t
Hopkins, pastor, 11 and 7 :30. S. 8. 10.
Eton's German (Missouri Synod) Corner Sal
moh and Chapman H. H. ixoppelmann, 10:13,
7:45. S. S., 9:15.
Bethany DauUb Union ave. and Morril
M. C. Jensen-Eugholm, pastor. 11 and 8. 8.
S.. 10.
Swedish Mission Rev. B. J. Thoren, 11 and
8. 8. ., 10. i.- P., 6:3U.
Elim chapel Uev. B. J. Thorson. 11. 8. 8..
Immasuel 19th and Irving sts Rev. J.
Richard Olson. 11 aud 8. 8. 8.. 8:45.
Trinity Geepian (Missouri Synod) Williams
avenue and Graham J. A. Rlmbacb,- 10 and
7:30. S. 8.. 9:15.
St. Paul's German East 12th and Clinton
A. S. Krauae, pastor, 10:30 and 7:30. 8. S-,
United Norwegian Ditman Larsen. pastor,
11 and 7:45. 8. 8.. 9:45.
Norwegian Synod Eaot Grant corner 10th
aev. ueorge nenariKaeu, 11 ana s. s. 9., iu.
St. Johns Peninsular and Kirkpatrick Uev.
K. O. Salsman. lo:j and 7:30. S. 8.. 8:3o.
Immanuel German Sellwood H. C. Ebe-
ling, 10:30. 8. 8., :30.
Grace English (Missouri Synod) Alblna
ave. and Mason Rev. C. Luecke, pastor. 10:30
and 7:3U. s. ., uiio.
St. James' English West Park and Jefferson
sts. Rev. J. A. Leas, psstor. 11 and 8. S. 8..
10. Lutber league, 7. Morning, "Meat Indeed."
Lveulng second of aeries of illustrated lec
tures on Palestine. :
Swedish Augusta na Rev. H. E. Sanstedt,
10:45 and 7:45. S. 8.. 8:30.
Bethal Ivy and WUUama Rev. J. A. S ow
ner, 11 and 8. 8. S.. 10.
United Norwegian Portsmouth H. O. Hen-
drickson, pastor, 11. S. S., 10, 3. Londe'a
hall, Vemon. -----
Mission Montavilla, Hamilton a chapei, cor
ner E. GUsan and E. ssoth w." r . Luis, pas
tor. 8. 8.. 8:30. German serv let at 10:15.
' Catholic. I
Holy Cross University Park Rev. T. R.
Murphy. C. 8.' C. Low mass and instruction.
8 a. in. Sermon, 10:30. Sermon and benedic
tion, 7:30 p. in.
St. Joseph's (German) Rt. Rev. James
Kauw, , V. G. Low maga, 8. High mass and
aermon, 10:30. Vespers aud benediction, 3:3U,
Holy Redeemer Uev. Josepti A. cnapatoo.
Low mass, ti and 8. High mass and sermon.
10:30. Benediction, 7:30.
St. Ignatius Rev. F. Dllaon, S. J. Low mass
8 and U:3U. Alaas, sermon aud benediction.
10:30. :r
St: Francis Rev. J. H.. Black. Low mass.
0. 8, 8. High auw and sermon, lO:30. Ves
pers, Instruction aud benediction, 7:30.
St. Stephen's Rev. W. A. Waitt. Low
mass, 8:30. High maaa and sermon, lo:30.
immaculate Heart 01 Mary tier. w. a.
Daly. Low mass. b. S, 8. High maaa and
strnion, 10:30. papers aud beuedlctluu, 7 :30.
St. Lawrences uev. J. t,. iiukihu. lxw
mass, 6, s. 8. High maas and sermon, 10:3U.
Vespers and benediction, 7:30.
. St. Patrick's Rev. E. P. Murphy. Low maas.
8. High masa and sermon, lv:30. vespers
and benediction, 8 :30.
Sacred Heart Muwauaie ov. ireorge no
ble, O. 8. B. Low mass, 8. High mass and
aermon, 10:30. Vespers and benediction, , 7 :aO. ,
Ascension Montaviua maaa at . Jiiifn
mass with sermon, 10:30. sunuay scnoot at v.
beuf diction 3:30. , .
Holy Rosary Very Rev. H. H. liy. low
mass, 6; 7, 8 and 8. High maas and sermon,
11. Vespers and benediction, 7:3U.
St. Andrew's Rev. Thomas Kiarnan. Low
mass. 8. HiKb mass and sermon, lu. Vespers,
instruction and benediction. 7:30.
St. Mary a Pro-Uathedral most uev. A.
Christie, D. D. Low noasn. 6. 8, and 9. High
mass and sermon, 11. V espers, instruction aud
benediction, 7 :45.
St. Stanislaus' ipolisn) uev. si. aiaiua-
sewskl. Low mass, 8:3o. High mass and aer
mon, 10:3U. - . 5
St; JObU ' tne jsapcisv jsanwauaie -saioer
M. O'Neill. Masses. 8 and 1U.:10 a. m.
K a a. m. Service. 7:30 B. m.
Su Charles Alberta between Glenn ave. andJ
'1- I BARKER'S v
A toilet preparatloa of merit,
.fi?! Helps to eradicate daadro.
, For Restoring Color ami
jr.." -----T Bsaaty to Gray or Faded Hair.
t ' aacandtl.oaatnrugcii'ta.
E. 33d at. Low mass. 8 a. m. Hlcbi mass.
10:50- a. m. Rossry and benedictiou', 7:30
p. m. s
Friends Church.
Bannyaide East 35th and Main sts. Homer
Cox. pastor, 11 and 7:30. 8. 8., 9:45. C. E.,
6:30. Prayer meeting Thursday. 7 :SO. -
Lenta South Main street. Rev. John Riley,
pastor 11 and 7:30. Bible school. 9:45. C.
E-. 6:30. - .
West Piedmont Friends Rev. T. J. Cobnrn.
11 and 7:30. Bible school. 10. 8. 8., 10.
C. E., 6:15. . . - :
United . Brethren.
First East 15th and Morrison Rev. J. D.
Nisewonder, . pastor, 10 and 7:30. 8. 8., lO.
C. E.. 6:30. . -
Alberta CTtK and AlbertaRev. C. C. BeU,
11 and 7:30. 8. 8., lO. C 11., 6:80.
Guy Wood worth Memorial. Vancouver. Wash.
Rev. J. Lincoln Ellix. pastor, 11 and 8. 8.
S., 10. Y. P. 8. C. E . 7.
Fourth Rev. j. E. Conner, paator. 11' and
7:30 8. S.. 10. C. E. 6:30
Radical Jeasup st. Rev. A. B. ' Henderson,
paator. 11 and 7:30.- 8. 8., 10. ' C. E.. 7i
Manor Circuit Services . Manor, 11 a. m.
Cherry Grove, 8 p. m. Brush Prairie, 1:30.
Third 67th at. 8. E. and 2d ave. Rev.
3. B, Parsons, pastor, 11 and 7:30, S. 8., 10.
0. ., 6:30.
Christian Scieaee. 't
First Church of Christ. Scientist Everett
between 18th, snd 19th sts. Services 11 and 8.
8 S-. 9:45 and 11. "Substance."
Second East 6th ""and Holladay Service",
11 and 8; 8. 8 . 9:45 asd 11. '"Substance."
Third East 12th and Salmon ats. Seralces,
11 aud 8. 8. 8.. 11 and 12:13. "Substance.''
Foorth Vancouver in. and Emerson St.
Services. 11 and 8. " S. 8.. 9:45 and 1L "Sub-
rifth Myrtle Park hall Services. 11 a. m.
S.' S., 9:30. "Substance." .
Evangelleal Aaaoeiatlon.
Carson Helrhta J. Stocker. rnstor. 11:30
and 7. 8. 8.. 10:30.
First English East 6th and Market sts.
Rev. E. O. Hornscbnch. Daator. 11 aud 8. 8.
8.. 10. Y. P. A.. 7.
Firm German Evangelical H. Schuknecbt,
pastor. ' .
Seventh bay Adventisti.
Note RcElar services of this denomination
ar held on Saturday.
central. K. 11th and Everett Elder Milton
H. St. Johns, pastor. 11 1. m. S. 8.. 10.
Prayer meetiiir Weduesdav. 7:30. Y. P. 8..
7:3o Friday evening.
Montavilla. East 80 th and Everett J. F.
Beatty, elder. sabbath school. 10 a. m.
Preaching, 11. Prayer meeting. 7:45 Wednes
day evening, x. 1. m.. Jriaay 7:45 p. ni.
St. Johns Central ave. and Charleston St.
Elder E. D. Hurlburt. Sabbath school. 10.
Preachina 11. Mlssionarv aocietv 3 d. m.
Piayer meeting Wednesday. 7:30. '
Mount Tabor East 00th and Belmont Rev.
C J. Cnmmings, pastoi. Services: Ssbbath
school. 10. Preaching. 11. Prayer meeting,
7:45 Wednesday evening
Lents Marion ave; and Blumatier D. J.
Chitwood, elder. Scbbatb school, 10. Preach
ing, 11. Sunday, 7:30. Prayer meeting Wed.
c today evening, 7:45. -
Alblna (German) Skldmore and Maliory
Henry Block, elder. G. F. Rusch. local elder.
Sabbath school. 10. Preaching, 11:80 and a
Preaching Sunday evening at 8. Prayer meet
ing Wednesday evening, 8.
Scandinavian church, 62d and 39th ave., 8.
E Elder O. E. Sandnes, paator. S. 8.. 10.
Preaching, lit Sunday aervlce, 7:20. Prayer
neeting, 7:30 Wednesday.
Reformed Presbyterian,
First church Minnesota and Alnsworth
Rev. F. D. Fraser. Servicea, 11 and 7:30.
8 8., 10.
x Oak Grove Ms t hod lit Episoopel.
First M. E. cUtirco C. H. Wooley. pastor,
It and 8. 8. 8 , 10. E. L., 7.
H.. E. Church South.
First Union ave. and Multnomah Service
11 a. m. by the pastor. L. P. Law. 8. 8., 10.
Evening sermon by Rev. W. fi. Vaughan of
San Francisco.
Free Methodist.
First chnrch Cor. East -8tk and Mill sts
Rev. E. L. Horrlngton, pastor. 11 and 7:30.
Central church 66th and East Flanders
Rev. John Q. Hsseler, 11 and 7:30. 8, 8., 10,
I. P. M.. 6:80.
Evangelioal Synod.
German Evangelical Friends church Tacoma
are and East 15th Rev. EUaa Hergert, pas
tor, lo:45 and 7:30. 8. 8.. 8:30. C. E.. 6:80.
St. Paul Evangelical church (47 Falling
st. Rev. 3. Hergert. pastor, 11 and 7:30.
Y, P. 8-v .06 :3
Church ef the Good Tidings Broadway and
Esst 24th Rev. J. D. Corby, 10:46. "The
Something ln Every Man." No evening aervlce.
8 8.. 12. Y. P. O. U.. 6:30.
Alameda East 25th and Prescott Rev. J,
D. Corby, pastor. Dr. J. Lavauey, Supt. 8. S.,
3. p. m.
Jewish. ,
Congregation Beth Israel 12th and Mala
sts. Feform ritual Friday slsht at 8. Satur
dav mornlntr at 10:30. Relisloua school at
8:30 Sunday morning. Ri-bbl Jonah B, Wlso
conducts all services and Bible classes.
Chris tadelphians.
Went Portland 354 Montaomerr. 10:30 a. rfl
Mt. Tabor S. 60th and . Belmont, U and
7:30. ,
o - . 1
First German G. Uafcer. pastor. 10:45 and
8 8 8 9'30 Y. P 8. 7.
Second Columbia blvd! and 83d St. A. E.
Wyss, 11 and 8. 8. S., 9:30. Y. P. 8.. 7.
Third Fifth ave., Lents Rev. H. Stobeld
knecbt, pastor, 11. 8. S., 10.
Church f Our Father Broadway and Yam
bill Rev. T. L. Eliot. D. D., minister emer
ltis; Bev. W. G. Eliot, Jr.. minister. 11 and
7:45. S. S.. 8:30. Y. P. B., 6:30. Uorning,
"Has the Church Failed V Evening, "How
Unitarians Think."
Latter Dav Sainta.
Church ef Jesus ChrUt of Latter Day Sainta
(Mormon) East 18tb and Harrison S. S., IO.
Preaching. 11:45 and 7.
Montavilla (not Mormon) S. 8., 9:45. Ser
vices. 11 and 7:30.
Church ef.Jesua Christ of Latter Day Saints
East 19tb and Harrison Service, 11:45 and
7. 8. S., 11.
First 201 Alisky bldg. Jtev. Althea Wles-
endanger, 8. Messages, 8. lecture.
Church of the Soul 208 3d at. Rev. J.
H. Lucas, pastor. Conference, llj, Mediums
meeting. 3:30. Lecture, 8.
Fourth 003 0th at. uev. May a. trice, a
Bervioss for the Deaf.
United Presbyterian Rev. S. Earl Dubois,
10:3O and 8. C E.. 7.
Xew Church Society. :
Swcdenborglgn K. of P. hall. 11th and Al
der Rev. Samuel Wanceater Services, 11,
Why the Lord Came Into the world."
Advent Christian (Not Seventh Say)
Advent Christian C. F. L. Smith, pastor.
11 and 7:30. 8. 8., IO. Loyal Workers. 6:30.
Prayer meeting 7:45 Thursday
Associated Bible Students (X. B. t. A.)
Odd Fellows' bail East 6th and Alder st.
thing; evil about to happen, creeping
flashes, weariness, sallow complexion
UlV Ma Mia way tsj f wwm waaai, ehaaaw n-a, m m uv wvihi UTUlfi
I Invite You to Send Today for My Free 10 Days' Treatment
and learn how these ailments can be easily and surely conquered at hom with
out the dangers and expense of an operation. When you are cared, arid hi
to enjoy life again, you can pass the good word along to some other sufferer
My home treatment Is for young or old. To Mothers of Baurhters I will Vxl
filain how to overcome green sickness chlorois. irregularities, headaches nrl
assitude ln young women snd restore them to plumpness and health Tel'l m
if you are worried about your daughter. Kemember, it costs you no thin a- to
give my home treatment a ten days' trial, and does not interfere with iMiiv
work. It health is wortb asking for, then accept my generous offer and writ
for the free treatment, including nry illustrated booklet, "Women's Own Mad.
leal Adviser." 1 will send all in plain wrappers postpaid. To save time von
can cut out this offer, mark your feelings, and return to me. Send today am
you may not see this offer again. -Address.
1:43 p.- m.I Be res n Bible lesson.- 8 p. m., public
discourse by Stewart McKissick,-4:15 j. m.
Praise and testimony meeting, 7 p. m. Prayer
meeting, i:bos aiscours ny a. a. lerex. .
-lv - .i ;-. i - .
! JTew Thought Tam pis of Truth.
- Church Ellers bldg. P. . J. Green, pastor.
11 and 8. 8. 8., 10. Lecture oa -"What Is
few Znougbt T' j
I - Ckrlstisa Spiritualists.
First East 7th and Hassaio Frederick H.
Stoller, pastor, 11 snd Tito
pastor, 11 iuq i i".! vuiumuninn, a
p, nx. uorning, - iw
Evening, "Spiritualism.1
Morning. -ine nt or t&e spirit.
; "' ' Salvation Army. :"'
.Corps No". 4 207 Salmon St; Adi. and Mrs.
F. -tienge in charge,. !4l5 and 8. Holineas
meeting, 11. . - W i.
Corna No. 1 227U4bkeny Adj. and Mrs
Whitney In chargel. 3:16 and 8. B. 8.,
1:30, Y. P. S..-6.
0 Burnslde 11, 4:30 and 8.
; Scandinavian 24
ish st-s p. m. itev
John Ovael.
Volunteers Hf
erica Mission hall 243
Ash at., sear Sd-
30, and 8:13. t.
' Mislellaneous.
J Portland . Bahai Assembly 402 Eilera bldg.
acrvicea. a p. m. ' - 1
Divine Truth Center Selllng-Hlrsch bldg.
Rev. J. M. Mlnard. nastor. 11. -
Christian loas 603 Abington bldg. F. O.
Garrison, 10:30. 11 and 8. 8. 8.. 12.
i Church of the Brethren (Dunkards) Rev,
George A.' Carl, 11 and 7;SO. 8. 8 10. C,
W 630. -
The ' Church" of God 861 Failing St. Pas.
tor. Rev. D. F. Ha mm. German services, 10:45
a. m. 8. 8.. 9:30. English servslces, 2:30
and 7:30. 8. 8., 1:30. X. Pt M 6:30.
Church or Christ Lenta freacning, 11 ana
7:80. Bible class. 10. !
Y. W. C. A. Broadway asd Tajlor Vesper
aervlce. 4:"0 p. m. . - 1
Pisgah Mission Lenta Full gospel .Sunday,
1:30 and 2:30. Tuesaay and Friday ir I :aJ.
I Lents church John Riley. 11 and 7:45. . 0.
8.. lO. C. E.. B-.45. . . : -
iThe Irvlngton' Center of Truth 715 Thomp
son St., cor. East' 2lst servicea, 11. airs
Florence Crawford. 1
Commons Mission 22 N. Front at. D. A
Northrup and J. 8. Montgomery, -supta., 8.
ine i nnatian ana Missionary alliance cr.
East 9tb and Clay at a. Rev. J. B. Fee, pas
tor, 11 and 7:30. 8. s.. lo. ! Y. P., 6:30.
Scandinavian Evangelical Mission Church
737 Alberta services, 1 and 7:4a. . n., jo.
Y. P, M. Sunday. 5 :8u. Prayer meeting Th ure
as y, . M. uisen, pssior. 1
IX. M. CV'A. Sixth and Tsylor ts, R. E.
Randall, religious work director Meeting for
ncn at 3:15-
Theosophlcaf Society 726 Morgan bldg. 8.
"The Message of Reincarnation," by Mrs. Mil
died Kyle. , I
i Alameda Sunday school, 25th and Prescott
8. 8., 3. . Preaching by Dr. Cprby at 8:43. -
' Clarkstoit, Idaho Finishing touches
are being putt on the new Catholic
church herer It was erected at a cost
of 86000 and has a seating capacity of
600. The Clarkston has never had a
resident priest.'
I Oregon City J. Bruce Evans,- - the
evangelist, has just closed a very
successful revival meeting, securing
90 converts,
1 -
I Salem Rev. P. O. rBonebrake of
Hood River, expressed satisfaction
over the services he has been conduct
ing here in'-, the United Brethren
church. He made many-new friend,
j - .-.'.. I - ' '
I North T Bend Revival ' meetings
which have been ln progress here for
several days will end tomorrow. Rev.
C. IL Bryan and Dr. W. H. Sellectc
of Portland, have been! active in the
work. "
i Eugene Rev. "W. A. Moore, preach
ing Wednesday-night in the Christian
church, presented many proofs of
Christ's resurrection, i The revival,
which has been ln progress in that
church, closed Friday evening.
I. Salem Attorney-General Brown
will explain the new prohibition law
at a mass meeting tomorrow after
noon in the First Methodist church
here. lie was invited by the minis
terlal union. , , ,1
r? Eugenes That boys are Just as re
ligious as girls was one of tht, catchy
statements-made by Rev. W. A. Moore
ln an address at the Christian church
Sunday .evening. He declared that a
boy may break a dog's lea; with
club, but he is always the first to
assist the animal. Tomorrow evening
the Fairmount Christian church will
Join with the First church.
Men's Bible Class
! Starts. Off Well
! The Ttrst English Evangelical
church. East Sixth and Market streets,
has a men's Bible class, which was
organized - last Wednesday evening
with 40 men present. X. O. Barker
presided and Introduced the speakers.
Prof, F. C Streyfeller, who sug
gested the idea of organizing the
class, spoke first, followed by William
Gunther, G. M. Hawes. Albert Bittner.
Rev. K. D. Hornschuh, - who told Of
the need of such a class in the Sab
bath school. Twenty-seven men
signed cards pledging ; themselves to
maintain a Bible class. Organization
was then effected and ( the following
Officers elected: President, K. W.
SUcher; vice-president, William Koeh
ler; ' secretary, S. Helmer; treasurer,
George Weatherly; look-out, II. C.
Stlcher; librarian. Elmer Shtpton.
The class meets each Sunday morning
at Iff o'clock." The slogan will be:
Fifty men ln two months' timo." All
men are welcome. i
Company Files Articles.
Articles of incorporation of Beebe A
Black, capitalized at $5000, were filed
yesterday with County Clerk Coffey
jy James Nichols,. Charles F. Beebe
and George Black. - 1
Auto Buses to Xents.
Auto buses are now operating be
tween Portland and Lents on a 15 min
ute schedule. The first one appeared
Thursday noon. ; t-;f-r -
'I am a woman.
I know a woman's trials.
X know bar need of sympathy and help.
. If you, my sister, are unhappy be
eause of 111-hefclth, if. you feel unfit for
household duties, social pleasures, or
dally employment, - write and tell me"
lust how you suffer, and ask for my
free ten days' trial of-a home treatment
suited to your needs. Men cannot' un
derstand women's sufferings. - What we
women anow irom experience, we know
better than any man. I want to tell you
how to cure yourself at home at a eost
of about 12 cents a week.
If you suffer from "women's peculiar
ailments causing pals In the hand. back,
or bowels, feeling of weight and dras
ring down sensation, falling or displace.
mJlt..,0,a J,lirio o'tran. causing kidney
and bladder weakness or constipation
and piles, painful or irregular perloda.
catarrhal conditions and dlscharsres ttil
treme nervousness, depressed spirits
melancholy, daaira to v v.. v .1 r"
fselina; along the spine, palpitation, box
with dark circles under the eyes, pain in
state-wide BREVITIES j
I 4
The Journal Buildicj Is
Conducted ca Eqd-
Obviously we refer to
rentals, and unequivocally
we Intend thst they shall
be equitable to all con
cerned. 'We will not in any cir
cumstance subscribe to
the pernicious practice ot
persuading a lease from
one tenant by a concession
which we cannot afford to
give to another.
We have the most modern
building ins Portland, one
of the latest built, all out
side rooms; and no build
,Jng In the city can matcM
its . advantages nor claim
equal facilities.
If these considerations, to
gether with reasonable
rents, are not sufficient
inducement to locate ln
The Journal Building, we
will lose a- tenant rather
than relinquish a princi-
"journal building
Broadway at Yamhill.
-I'.' '
if If I IB 31
t W fan as. '
3 . at
The Journal Biiildiiig
Tenants' Directory
aXVOSD, 0. A. iDveatmeuU.
alaianad toVo. Uoum sit
, CISTV, Boom 007. Uaiu XIU
BEaOEH BEOa, Wallyaper and
i'aiutlug. alaln (5isu, A-421 1.
Urouiid riuur, Brvadway.
. Marsuail tol. JV-2-iM, lots tit.
BUTIX, YT. B., .Loana and In
urauce. Mala , HUlb, A-tf7ft.
M. U. JaarsoaU Oil, A-UJ,
loili liooc,
. itAix.AAit 'iauii,' CO., Jdasoa
VVuiculivitf, KausKslr. alarsSaU
1W0, A-luil. Houlu al4. ,
DAVIS, JAJtas K Lawyer. Mais
. 6744, Kvout Sol. ,
DA VI. a K. It., Timber La ads.
Slam 7446, Uta flwuc.
D0WMB, JLB.Xa.VA JL, OptlcUa,
stuwiu 911. -
DVOAM, W. W., Atturaey. kiala
itlisX, BuUUl Oul,
ilu accuu-lauLa. Siaiu alad,
ituom 'WW.
. tt. Blliotl, Mauager, Mxmxti tt,
xmjulu ii.
fOX, IBVUT B CptometrlsU
atalu 4i, A-lal. uuuxu sie,
OB1K, 3. i.. M. D. MannaU
Vaa. bvuui aOa. .
u.4xx.L, DB. at. U., Fbysician.
alain IdM, swout uol.
HEALY. 101 ti at.. Real E
la ia. aiaiu Uuuiu 401.
LYILZ, E. aUal Batata, -.
juiauali 2Mj, itouw uifl.
xtULm, 4iium B. vVaiua, uu.
triul Bales asaut. aiaiu 44X,
lUUW tfUO. .
' autiu atf, Uuuiu xam. .
MOMXOOatBas-, JisU 3. H., f by.
wuia ,tuU aurgv.i. Auxxu .0,
A-Mtl. ttvuui blW. '
MTXKS. Da. K. S., UsteuiiaU.
. aiaiauail UTJ, Buujn 0.
'BLLSOB, AJsatAataat, Attorsey.
alalu 1007, Muutu auW.
JfELBO. Ja. aaUL, Destiau
aiaiu 4JSi, tuiuut WW.
O'BETOM, OtO, a-," Atty. Uaiu'.
vt ad, iwvw ool.
i. O. Cun ii lua uaui,
. atarsuall . 17w, xumjib aai. ,
.-: Buvui Sl4.
aiarauaU IMn. neuuuu kar.
. OBTUABB, TTwTr alsriufaclur.
els' Aaul, UttiiM'Sji Suypuua,
Jaain ., LleLl.U llwl, :
fKiyrB aunajian, attor.
utijrs at kaw, aiaraiiau 8ou, a-
Itul, uajvux ai4. J
QUICK, 1 A. s.., rtre lusursnes.
lrvgua aire ttsllc' Asa'u. -Siais
Wtf, A-4V7d, 1UXIO. soo,
B0BEBTB, at An a E., fublle
BleuuKiaviHU, aaain Uli, Mvuiai
BUTHEBrOBb, f. B. Atturuey.
Siarsiiall 2oi. Uuolo 1Z.
SEUFEBT, X. J.. taut 11 ty Ol
V Km., kmla j'ja, 'xujum aw.
8TEBBBEBO, Da. 3. D., Fhy.
alciuu aud Jiurgeuu. atuia bi,
A-x4tl. Buvut bid.
TB0UMALS, DB. O. T., I'bysl
ctau aud Buiawu, alain wttt,
bwvm aui.
tension .Dtiyl. Slsiu xxltf, Bvuui
14. , . -
1-avluK Cobiiaclvra, Ma 111 ,eO,
a-Wii. eeveulS tkwr.
WEST, OSWALD, Lawyer. Uals
4tKa, ixouu 6oa.
Aitorueys at Law. aiaiu lou7,
Bouu su.
iHMUi, Uuuut CJU.
. sit-'lao and gurtfSuu. alalu IJ.l,
Buuut So7. ,
Timber Lauds, alalu 744S, 11 lb
. .
rt i h i
; i i
K? 1 n J1 fc