THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 12, 1915 J j;tiirn!M. ( - The Ky t Etonomy" I f TheKy teEconony- fiV, I Bring Your National Service Coupons Introducing to Eilers Music House XT Shoes U AH VV if Hi ! I IJ V ll. ! The Nation's Largest ft vO I ei'iiii. m M i ($ t r o ! i & Fas for Men arid Women If It's a Walk-Over -v. That's AH You Need to Know Union Made Walk-Over Boot Shop 146 Broadway Biers Building if. Mlh l ' Th. lOv 1. E,.. - C TtfiHWi 1 A I, Si 146 Broadway Eilers Building C ' Tk Ky Economy " X I Tot Band and Orchestra Instruments, MandoUai, Guitars, Banjo and Vio lins. High-class Piano tuning mad repairing. Musio Books and sheet music. AU the latest nits mar bo found at our store. Corns in and hoar these: "There's a little Spark of Love Still Burning:'- .' 15o -Winter Nights' ..15c "When It's Night Tim Down in Dixie Iand" . 5o "Millicent" (Hesitation) 30o Flora" (Hesitation) 30c Rlaine" Hesitation) 15c "Some Pep'' (Fox Trot) , 15c "Why Not Sing Wearln' of the Green" . 15c. M i 4 -- . -15 SL-rgvjW?-- -4 Morrison Electric Co. NEW ELECTRIC STORE 4 111 West Park Street, Pittock Block Xiightinr rixturM -Electric Wiring . Vacuum i Cleaners ICasda lutmps All ths Xatost Things In Heating Appliances BTsrrtning Electrical Members of Ths ""rational Berries PoFftlaed Moll IT - I AM DOING MY SHARE ARE YOU DOING YOURS? Thousands of Suits will be bought the next few months. Will you let that contract in the East or give it to Portland tailors? q GENTLEMEN, ITS UP TO YOU, if you want to see Portland prosper, to keep every dollar at home;. the rent man needs it, the baker, the butcher and a hundred other industries that are waiting for Portland's pay-roll Sat urday evening. DON'T BUY OF ME ,t If you cannot save money and get -, V better satisfaction. I have spent seven years studying your needs and the art of building clothes that hold their shape in this climate. That's why my tailor-made kind look better in six months', wear than the ready made looks in one month. To Order Every garment made on the premises by skilled journeymen tailors under the personal supervision of an expert. The largest stock in the state to select from means that we have just the very patterns ' . you are looking for, and will be 'tailored to i suit and fit you. MAY BARKHURST Portland's Leading Tailor ' Open Saturday Evening Until 9:30 CORNER SIXTH AND STARK xl m f 'Pi ' Tailor ' ; itfij Made Winy Use in r' n : tt For Your Advantage Portland's Style Store offers highest quality apparel for men and 'women.1. Complete Spring lines are now on display, em bracing all that is newest and ' smartest in Millinery, Suits, Coats Waists, Dresses and Skirts for women, and Suits, Hats, Shoes and Furnishings for men - Lowest Prices and Credit if Desired 'Outfitting G3 405 Washington' at Tenth Street BECAUSE it is produced by clean dairies, which are striving for the highest score in the raw state, in a prize contest inaugurated by this com pany, for quality milk. BECAUSE it is the only perfectly pasteurized milk distributed in Portland, bought on a quality basis and daily examined by the company's chemist. Clean, raw milk, per fectly pasteurized, is absolutely safe. !-. BECAUSE I Purity Milk is no more expensive ; than ordinary milk, yet it affords, double protection to the consum er in its being clean, raw milk, safeguarded by perfect pasteur ization. It is the finished product of one of Portland's best estab lished and most dependable firms. Portland Pure Milk & Cream Co. Third and Hoyt Streets Main 3102, A-1462 - C 1 I TK Yury to &contwy m f I I mm $3.50 Iron only, each . 94.60 Iron only, each . lo.qo Iron only, each . $7.00 Iron only, each . $18.00 Brass only, each .' $22.00 Brass Bed now only, each..... Beds Beds Beds Beds" Beds "GADSBY SEELS IT FOR LESS" f Solid Oak Kitchen Cabinets for $7.50 Jjwkc, full alxe. hlKli ierade Kitchen Cabinet with all the latest modern cook inn devices. Solid cmk. Other stores ask $18.00 GADSBY'S PRICE Sale of Steel Beds now. now now oBMoaooaoo. $1.95 $3.50 $3.75 $5.75 $8.75 ! $12.50 7-Piece Dining Suite for $21.00 - WSF 1 " ' , Ml W I 4 $7.50 Child s Crib Sale $4.00 This Seven-Piece DlnlnK Room Outfit In solid ak. consistinc of six chairs, solid oak box seat, and solid oak table, massive ly .constructed and beautifully waxed, col den or (Ol yff fumed oak. Gadsbys' price. Jo& A .UU Otasr Btii as low as axa Reg. $16 Dressers $11.50 Oval or shaped French bevel mlr- ard- $11.50 tbllds Crib, whltn enamel, with drop Hides and (utrantexd 9l uprlnga. on sals for only. . vHr.Utl - $7.50 SoGcj Oak library Solid Oak f ir Table Reduced to Half-Price $3.75 This Solid Oak Llbrsrr Table, top rneaslires 2Sx 36, with lees 2 Inches thick, finished golden wax or fumed oak. Thin rs extra poial value and very plesing de sijrn. Kegular price $7.60 Uadfibys' half price Is $3.75 ror. finished eo en; regular $16.00 value. Special this w e etc for. . . . USE OuX XXCHaHaZ 1PASTKEHT If you have furniture that doesn't -suit ; want Kmethlnr' more up-to-date and better phone us and we'll send a competent man to see It and arrange to-take" It as Dart paymentl on that kind you want the Oadsby kind. We'll make you a liberal allowance for your poods and we'll sell you new furniture at low 'prices. The new ifurniture will , be promptly , delivered. Have farniture you'll be proud of. ''; $3.75 f " Th. Koy to E-MBOn. mw !JrtfelIl!lIlMWW:M4M:if:i Ami Stiirm Business Where Am I Located Now These are "questions that, have been asked several times by some of my old faithful customers who missed me after - my leaving - the old stand in First street, which had. been my location for so many years. Ten, Z AU Smi XV THE XABSWABE BUSINXSS, and located at 111 Sixth, between ; Washington and Stark, and carry a complete line of Xardwxr Mechanics' Tools Fishing- Tackla Butchers' Supplies Garden Tools Xiawn Mowers Anl Hrm't foraret Camping' Outfits i in preparing your 1 camp kit for your ; nitting , ana auiu trip to the Panama-Pacific Expo sition. Our camD outfits 'are practl cal. compact, serv iceable and com- ; . plete. AdoIphA.Dekum 111 6th, between Wash, and Start " Trade with ns and ret ITational Serv ice dividends. Shetland's 269-271 Morrison St. Lunches Confections Ice Cream Water Ices Your purchas e s for either will entitle you to ybur cash dividends the "National" way. f -Thol Koy to Economy" I 1 SEE THAT CURVE mmi rc mw v i Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Lenses Duplicated THOMPSON , j Optical Institute , 809-lOrll CoriMtt BniKllng, rufth and Morrison. HOTEL CORNELIUS The House of Welcome Park and Alder Streets, Portland, Or. In the theatre and shop ping district, one, block from any carline.' Rates $1 per day and up. With bath, $1.50. per day and up. Take our Brown Auto Bus. 1 J C. W. Cornelius, Pres. H. E. Fletcher; Manager ii C -TKKy t. A New Store Bootery Introductory sale now going . , on. We sell men's and wo men's high-grade shoes FOR LESS Why? Because bur. rent is the lowest in the city; ' - ' SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Surgical shoe making and quick repairing de partment i in connection 128-Broadway-128 Bet. WMklnrteoV .and Jild-jx. Phone Main 767 Here th business man, the pro-: fessional man, the' stu dent, the teacher and the banker find " the books of . his j" calling; also the furnishings for his officer in abundance and art organization of specialists to serve p.r ompt.l y, efficiently, courteously. ; GilFi The J. K. eiU Ce., Third Jk .Aldor .Bookseller. tstkaer and com plete Of flee Outfitters, w QM$nttrayvtv" cruicirgrv. C "Th. n r .... i I I 124 FUth. Street 141 Sixth St. at Alder. This is the only Store in Portland sell ing Children's Wear exclusively, and the only , store where you can receive cash divi dends on Girls' and BoysV Clothing and Shoes. Special Sale Dresses Trldar and Satnrday we place : on sale a nice assortment of newest Spring- Wash Dresses for girls 6 to 13 rears; nsn aUy sold at $1.76 to CI OC a, for 8 days six V 1 mm C -ThKyi.E The Kry te Economy I The ICpy te Econony y' Q 1 . , lfciSaWs-----1MSssssss V tj- r ,; " : - -J-:. - - .. -.- ?. . ' 5 - .r-' . '- ' . . . -- j BHf