14 ,the ', Oregon daily journal, Portland, THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 11, 1915 HELP WANTED 3USO, 49 Y. M, C, A. Automobile School Day and night instruction In repair In, driving, eeiling and machine work. Moderate charges., Fair dealing and expert training. . - Before enrolling elsewhere call at educational office, Y. M. C. A. oldg.. and secure pan entitling you to in spect our shop and methoda. -'. PACIFIC AUTO A AS ENGINE SCHOOL. : 268-268 11th. at., Portland. Ore. it ' THE LITTLE SCHOOL where if, you obtain BIO RESULTS. . -. can or write lor ! TRTH ABOUT AUTO SCHOOLS. 1 J HAY AK1) NIGHT CLASSES. j . CHAUFFEURS are in demand; we i l want sober, reliable men whom wc J 4 can recommend lor positions to take t our course in automobile repairing and 1 1 driving. PRACTICE BEATS TIIE m onif, and our course of instruction Is ). PRAOTICA L ALL THE WAY i" through. Ut & M. Auto iieprir Co., !l 36H Hawthorne. :-- ' j"! WE have several openings for eatab 1 1- lishment of independent mail order i i . business; energy, gocxi habits and t sound Judgment more important than li capital ; spare time at first; particulars 'n free. Opportunities Exchange, ,Buf i falo. N. Y. I WANTED Four laundry drivers; .h1 ary or. commiBsion; must be respon-K- Bible, awl unless you ean put up $30'J cash bond do not answer this ad. This r Is a splendid opportunity for good men. Write full particulars In first letter. N-"1. Journal. MEN and women wanted to advertise and' sell our Bell's Peroxide Beauty Cream; beautifies immediately; $25 to $60 weekly easily made. Write quick for territory. Bell Brothers, 225 W. 69th st. New York city. MOLER Barber College wants men-and women to learn the trade iii 8 weeks; rlean'! work; percentage paid while learning: tools free: scalp and face massage a specialty; send for free catalogue. 48 N. 2d st. CARPENTERS. paintefs""and bricklay- -er., . I wiii sell you a 4, 5 or 6 room cottage or a lot and pay you- i-:s in money and let the 2-3 go on the house or lot. See J. H. Nash, 1217 Division St., or' 723 Chamber of Commerce bldg. A FORTUNE for you. be a card print er, earn $30 to $50 a week; 1 mo. I instruction, free outfit. Schwartz Card; Printing School. 327 Washington st. GOVERNMENT wants clerks. Exam inations April 22. $10 month. Sam ple questions free. Franklin Instltuto. Dept. 347C. Rochester. N. Y. , j MEN. women wanted, government jobs, j $65 to $150 month. Write for list j positions now obtainable. FranKlin In- j ftltnif, Dept. 349C. Rochester, N. Y. f SADDLE horses, 60c fiiet hour, 25c ' additional hours; English or stock saddles. Main oS76 or lotn ana Aiaa ison sts. Boarding and livery. PORTLAND government clerk exami nations, April 22; $70 month.-Sample 'questions free. Apply VX-271. Journal. WANT good" salesman, liberal proposi . tion, on commission. Room 3, 376 Yamhill st. COOK headquarters California Wine repot, 291 Yamhill. Near 5th. UNCALLED for tailor made suits $6.50 up. Taylor, the Tailor. 289 Burnslde. 1 1 ELI" WANTED FEMALE 2 "WANTED Experienced corset fitters; give full particulars about ability In reply. N-oll, Journal. WANTED Cierman or Swedish girl to help- with housework;- must know how to- cook; good home, wages $15 month.- Writp or phone Henry Schulz, LatouTell, Oft EXPERIENCED nmsners on waists, gowns. . Must have long shop ex perience with dressmakers. No other apply. . 434 Morrison. LADIES of refinement to retail the exclusive Franco-American hygienic toilet requisites. Marshall 1217. WOMAN for upstairs work for board t-husband and self. 284 Main st. GIRL: wanted for housework and chll dren. 1015 E. ltth. N. THOROUGHLY experienced tailor help wanted, 205 Columbia bldg. HELP WANTED MAXE AND ' FEMALE 29 Oregon Barber College will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; .scalp and face massffge specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed; pay while learning; tui tion reduced this term. 233 Madison. WANTED Young man or woman for office work. T-419. Journal. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. WANTED- AGENTS BILLY SUNDAY'S MESSAGE, author- lzeo. we win pay you iizo to dls- tribute it in your neighborhood, .60 uay wont. ureal opportunity lor j ui tin ir woman. opare nine may do used. Particulars and sample free. UNIVERSAL BIBLE HOUSE, Phila delphia. - AGENTS wanted. CaU apt. 5. Ideal . Apts.. 16th and Couch sts. BARBERS AND SUPPLIES 69 Barbers' .Supplies VESJRlCEs For" standard goods, call or write to Dept. 5. Clarke-Woodward Drug Co.. Woodlark Bldg., Alder at West Park, Portland, Or. Elevator to 5th -floor. LIST your shop with us! We bring buyer and seller together. Portland Cutlery & Barber Supply Co.. 86 6th st. LEWIS-STENGER Barbers' Supply Co. Morrison and loth. Oldest and most reliable house on the coast. That's all. SITUATIONS MALE S GARDENER. Young man with long experience with lawns, gardens and -flowers, wishes work. 25c per hour.. Call Mr. Garrett. Main 7173. or A-6051. RELIABLE party with family wants management of farm on salary; state size, nature and location of farm and salary offered. A-3 7 5. Journal. Av'ANTED A situation as janitor of an apartment house, or position on a farm. Have experience In both. G 337. Journal. - FIREMAN just from the east, mar ried, wants steady job .firing or night watch at once. Tabor 767. KALSOMINING rooms $1 up. Painting - whitewashing, papering reasonable. Main 2529. . WANTED Lots to plow and acres; nlso manure for sale. Main '8960. Ask for Seley. : SALESMAN who covers Oregon and Washington wishes few articles as side line. T-410. Journal, - - WANTED Position as sheep herder . T-4 18. Journal. . nt-f you answer these Want AQa, mention The Journal. ,r:,t'-fij?-AT-.Pja!T'ALE - 4 MIDDLE aged woman wants position - as housekeeper,, good cook and house keeper; jrive references. Mrs. J. Camn bell Canby. Or.. R. V. D. 2. A GERMAN girl would like to take - rare i cuiia aim assist wiin nouse work. Call 291 E. 48th st. S. EXPERIENCED woman wants dinners, serving or other day work. Mar shall 171. evenings. EXPERIENCED young woman wishes kitchen work or cafeteria: must have work, at once. Main 7051, A-1517. WANTED Work by hour or day, re liable references. East 2065. GOOD working women wants work, laundry work preferred. Wdln. 613. WOMAN wants work by day or hour. Woodlawn 4127. CURTAINS laundered at home. Main 8130. NORWEGIAN girl wants housework. East 6828. SITUATIONS ' WANTED MALE 1 -. ' AND- FEMALE 23 SPRA Yllt jV - MJn 2629. 40 EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants -sewing at home; gowns a specialty. 814 E. 48th. Tabor 2379. HKfcBoilA KER Alterations, reason able. Tabor 4871. ffURSKS 60 PRACTICAL Swedish midwife " and nurse: wants work; will do house work by day or hour. Phone Wood lawn 3010. . - I'X'ilAISIIEI KOOMS 0 I t WEST SIDE THE YAMHILL, 381 Yamhill, Mrs. Anderson, mgr., newly painted, pa pered, furnished throughout; modern; rooms J1.60 per week up; transient so llcited, 60c tip. Madras Hotel 52SI p0! rooms, $2.60 up. By day 50c, 76c, $1; cor, lzth and Washington sts. -. THE ALBION HOTEL, 212 3d and Salmon. Rooms $1.75 week up; steam heat, hot and cold water, free bath, phone. DON'T WASTE MONEY. If you want a cleaner, better room for less money, go to Hotel Amadou, tid 'id St., cor. Jefferson. OUTSIDE CORNER ROOM. $2.75; other outside rooms, $3.60; In side rooms, $1.75 week. Brick, steam heat, free phone and bath. 2X3 13th St. MAAVVtbij iiAi.u residential hotel, -07 HtJi st., rooms single or en suite; modern, rates reasonable; in the heart of business district. ROOMS for young men in Y. M. C. A. Fireproof buiiuing, shower baths, vacuum cleaned, club facilities: mod crate price? Con 6th and Taylor. READ HOTEL, just opened, every thing new, rates $3 per week up .2t8 4th st. NEWLY furnished room, $1.60 week; also housekeeping rooms. Under new management. zio Aider st. HOTEL ARTHUR, 11th near Morrlaon. Transient and permanent, rooms with all modern conveniences. $17.50 mo. up. Tourist Hotel. 1st and Alor., modern front rooms, $3.50 up; others $2.50 up; tran. 60c up.; tran. trade sol. ROOMS and apartments in modern Ho tel. Z.h0 week and up. 455 Alder. Nicely furnished A D DHTT25C day up. 228 Wash. st. nDDUl I i.5o wk. up. $2 W'KElv up, clean, warm, modern fur. rooms, central. The King, 309 Jeff. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. XTJRZTIS-:ZJ BOOMS WEST bIDjB PHPMTEJFAinLT70 ONE or two rooms in beautiful home; running vater with glnwer. 655 Everett st. TWO large front rooms, newly fur nished for housekeeping, with sleep in gprMiru NICELY furnished room, modern con veniences, central, very reasonable, 404 Clay, near 10th. 448 TAYLOR st., well furnished, large front rooms, suitable for 1 or 2, modern, rent very reasonable. $1.50 WEEK,- small, neat room. 268 12th st. WKKJi you answer these Want Ada mention The Journal. FtrKHISEED BOOKS EAgyE raryATEFAMILT 71 BEAUTIFUL front room In private family. Home conveniences. 926 E. Taylor. TWO furnished rooms, lights, water, phone; x bajk of Williams I ave., near Broadway. Phone East 4949. KOOMS AND BOARD 13 PARKVIEW HOTEL, 386 Montgomery i st. at West Park. Family hotel; all modern conveniences; rates for regular and transient guests. The Manitou, 261 13th st. Select fam ily boarding house. Modern conven iences, walking distance, home cooking, reasonable rates. Main 1184. THE HAZEL, cor. 3d and Montgomery. Fine furnished rooms and board, $5 up; steam heat, hot baths: free phone. GOOD room and hoard, $5 per week. Alder-Grand hotel, 121 Grand ave. East 69 S6. ; CAHA ROSA, 300 Jefferson Room and board: excellent home cooking. BOOMS Ain BOARS PRIVATE FAMILY 72 ROOM and board, in private home, every modern convenience, hot and cold water in room: use of piano. 344 Salmon st. Main 4504. WIDOW lady in the country wants some children to keep, $10 per month. Adlres R. F. D. 2. box 17A. Oregon City, fr. . : CHILDRKN'S board and room; moth- er's care. For particulars call E. 5106 FRONT room, good board, $18, $20. Marshall 2506. 166 N. 18th. 332 10th st. Modern. M. 6979, A-2865. 1 WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 39 BOARD and room wanted by married couple, both employed; mast be rea sonable. T-423. Journal. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 W EST SIDE - ONE room with kitchenette, complete ly furnished, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone in every room; 7 blocks from 5th and Morrison sts.; $12 and up. 291 Columbia st, corner 5th st. SINGLE $5 mo. up; suites $10 mo. up. Furnace heat, hot. cold water, free phone: bath. Cor. 20th and Morrison. ROYCREST. 12th and Yamhill Sunny front housekeeping suites; all con venlences. 1 AND 2 room H. K. suites, $8 to $12 month, steam heat. 245 N. 17th St.. corner Marshall. Marshall 4943. GEM APTS.. 1, 2. 3 room suites, free cam, pnone; i wk. up. 401 1st St. OILMAN hotel. 1st and Alder. Fur- nished H. K. rms., cheap. $1.60 wk. up. Cambridge bldg., furnished H. K. rooms. mm, cneap. mo aq. cor. At or n. HOUSEKEEPING rooms $2 and up." 206 1st st. i HOTJSEXEEITWO BOOMS yiST BIPB PBITATB rAMUT 73 TWO beautifully furnished front housekeeping rooms, gas range, laun dry, yard, electricity, furnace hear, sink, hot, cold water in rooms. 123 LARGE, pleasant front room and kitchen;, up-stalrs: electric Ughts; running water; no children. 205 11th, near library. THREE beautiful furnished house keeping rooms; heat, light, phone, bath; reasonable. Main 6019. 700 Flan ders st. " 1 AND 2 rooms, reasonable; basement roorns4 family, bachelor, $6. 161 Lownsdale. TWO front, gas range, sink, pantry, closet. 2 beds, furnace, bath, phone. muuury, yaro. aa Jiarnet $10 PER month and up, i and 2 apts.. uctii, mm ana oata, oa Everett. cor. 19th. Main 3306. 361 TAYLOR Single housekeeping room, free light, phone, bath, laun dry. : H K.. als sleeping rooms, suitable for r Pla4,n working men. $1. $1.50 week. 5 1 5 Couch, cor. 18th. TWO room suite, gas range, all con veniences. Fine location. $2.50 and up. iva jcirergon, DOWNSTAIRS front suite, clean, well a. iviain bs. i tzx Morrison 3 WELL furnished H. K. rooms, light. bath, phone. 481 W.i Park. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 43 EAST SIDE NICE, furnished 2 and i 4 room house keeping i suites at 344 - Killings worth ave. : low rent, j Phone Wood lawn 680. C-1JI87 I . $1.50 TO $2.75 week, furnished H. K. rooms, gas, free heati laundry, bath. Phone East 6039. '406 Vancouver ave. $! 4 unfurnished housekeeping roorai, close In. Adults. East 963. WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal.! DRESSMAKING VATTU M u Kl'.mlMO BOOMS CAST SIDE FRIV ATB.gAiniiT 74 2 AND 3 room furn. apts., white enam el finished. lotsf hot water, Dutch kitchen, furnace heat, wood lifVfine lawn, walking distance, tsweU,- rent $16 and $20 mo., gas rree; n jv. THREE furnished H- IC rooms, hot and cold water; uuicn i";ucu, p vate bath. 027 Mllwaukie st. Phone PeilWPOQ BP. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. lights, water, pnone aria uawi. Williams ave., near Broadway. Phone East 4949. 165 16TH St., near Yamhill, neatly fur nished outsiae ni;uiiccui6 -''-single Tooms for 1 or 2 ; modern, rea- sonable. THwarsnan FRONT suite 3 bright, sunny rooms, electric lights; running water; gas range; telephone; $16 per month.. J06 Hancock. .' cars. ; OR MORE furnished H. K. room. 640 E. Stark st TWO and 3 room suites $8 and up, 1st floor. 749 Mississippi ave. . FOR RENT HOUSES 12 MEIER ft rUAXK'S FTt IJF K ET" A t, AMD INFORMATION BUREAU, Tenth Floor, Temporary Annex Complete and reliable list of all va cant houses, flats, apartments and bungalows in the city; make use of this service when you desire: this does not obligate you in any manner to this store. You will find us willing and ready at all times to help you in locating. Newcomers in Portland will find this service especially valuable. Heal -state men and owners of private property are invited to list their un occupied apartments, flats and houses at Meier U Frank's freo rental bureau. 8 ROOM - modern house for rent, 19th and Marshall sts., desirable neigh borhood, reasonable rent. Phone A or Main 2474. MODERN 6 room bungalow, ground 100x200, rent $14, including water. M99 E.. Burnside. .'See owner. 100 E. 57th st. N. FIRST CLASS modern 8 room corner house. choice neighborhood, West side, walking distance, rent reason pbfe. Main 2656. FOR attractive houses to rent use Clark Rental Service, 2d floor Title & Trust bldg. $18 To responsible party new house. 398 E.i 3 2d st. S. Woodlawn 1754. 7 room Phone 1 ACRfcS in city to rent, fenced, cul tivated and fruit; 4 room iliouse. $10 per month. Hatfield. 165 4th st. 5 ROOM cottage, bath, basement, walk;, ing distance. 308 17th st. Phone Main 1520. NEW 6 room Waverleigh Hts. bunga low, $18; furnace, fireplace. 864 E. Frankiin. MODERN 6 room house; furnace, fire . place: walking distance; $22.50. Cor ner E. 18th and Oak sts. FOR RENT Six room house with al cove, fireplace in living room; $17.60. Woodlawn 4109. Call 969 Union ave., N. $12 Seven rooms, gas, etc.; 627 E. 9th, Brooklyn car. East 6115. - - 6 ROOM house, 5 room cottages, first class condition. Inquire 925 fc. Stark. $8 per month, 3 room furnished shack. acre or grouno. taoor za&n. FIVE room cottage ($8). and five room flat ($10) for rent. Tabor 2840. $6 6 room modern house, Woodstock. Smith-Wagoner Co:, Stock Exchange. $12.50 MODERN 5 room cottage, shade, garden, desirable. Sell. 1335. HOUSES for rent cheap. Tabor 138. FURNITURE FOR SALE HOUSES FOR RENT 32 ADS of furniture for sale are pub lished in the Household Goods classi fication when house is not for rent. GOOD furniture of 7 rooms for $150; 3 rooms rented pays expenses; rent $27.60. 264 Broadway. FURNITURES roomflat for sale, flat for rent. Marshall 918. A-1574. FURNITURE of 5 room modern house; house-rents for-$10 only. 335 17th. FURNISHED HOUSES 36 A 7 ROOM Irvington home for rent, cor. E. 13th and Tillamook. 429 E. 13th st. N. Partly furnished or unfur nished. Inquire at residence. 'I Vv o modern furnished 4 room cot tages, one has all kinds of fruit, garden, chicken yard, at 220 Ivy. rent $16. One at 50 Failing. $16. Mar. 2563. FOR RENT 8 room furnished for res taurant purpose, near Sell wood car barn, $16 monthly. Phone Sellwood 140. $18 4 room house, clean; piano, sew ing machine, water and phone. Woodlawn 3161. 6 ROOM bungalow, Mt. Scott car, $15.60; adults. Tabor 3161.- V HhN you answer tfteso Want Ada. mention The Journal. . FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS 43 VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apts. Walking distance. References. SNAP. $26 Large, light, 3-room front apt.; phone, bath, excellent service; quiet neighborhood; fireproof building. Mar shall 66. THEWRIS APTS. 3d and Mill St, JULIETTE APTS. 2d and Montgom ery. Modern 2, 3 and 4 room apts., furnished or unfurnished,;. $17 month up. No charge for cooking gas. THE ORLANDO. ' corner . 20th and Wash, sts., very desirable, elegantly furnished 2 rooni 'apts., $25 to $28; 3 room apts., $30 to $42.50. Every mod ern convenience. References. Mar. 184. THE NEW WESTMINSTER APTS. Corner 6th and Madison, modern, furnished or unfurnished; best loca tion, best of service, all outside rooms, even the bathroom. JEFFERSONIAN APARTMENTS. 16th and JeffersOn. - Three room fur nished apartments, two - beds, walking distance, summer rates. THE SHEFFIELD 270 Broadway, south, 3 and 4 rooms, well arranged, easy walking distance, at very trea sonable rent; best of service. M. 2506. THE MOtTON. cor. King and Wash.. new man'g.; 3 and 4 rooms, fur., and unfur. apts.. reasonable rent. Pacific phone in apts. Main 10&2, A-5749. AMERICAN-MARLBORO UGH. Highest class apts. in the city, 4. 6 and 6 rooms, walking -distance, reason able. Mar. 3360. Main 7516. A-267S. THE DEZENDORF. 208 16TH ST- Marshall 2316. Exceptionally nice 5 room furnished and unfurnished apt. PENINSULA APTS., concrete bldg., 2 and 3 rooms, hot and cold water, baths, steam heat, phone, $12 up. C 1170. DOWNTOWN modern apts., fur. or unfur., $16 mo. up, Including light, heat, etc Royal Annex, 359 Mor rison. TWO room apts.. newly furnished, reasonable rent. Sawvers Antfl 82 N. 10th. A-2238. EVELYN apartments, 267 N. 21st. 3 room furnished apt. Modern, Pbone f-Marshall 1323. - ' - - - THE ORMONDE Modern 4 ana S room apartments. 656 Flanders st-. Nob Hill. Main 8251. 1, " 2. 3 ROOM furnished apartments; private baths; reasonable. 109 .N. 1Rth ' DRICKSTON 48 Tlth st; modern 2, 3 room fur. apts., $20 to $30: walking distance; excellent service. Mar. 87. MEREDITH 3 and 4 room apts., very reasonable. 712 Washington st. opp. 22d. Main 7134. ; .-. . '- THE PAGE APTS. 3 rm. apts.. with an moaern conveniences, tasi ROSENFIELD Fur. or unfur. 3 and 4 room apts., modern. 575 E. Stark. KEYSTONE Apts., 11th and Jefferson. 2 rooms, modern, rent reasonable. - Ardmay Terrace. 395 12th st Large 2 room fur, apts. Mrs. John Cran. uurr. APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED (Contlnaed) - The Glenn 984 Hawthorne avej" furnished or unfurnished 2 and 3 -room apts. Just completed; never been occupied. Large rooms, hardwood floors, large dressing i and bath rooms; vacuum service; steam ! heat. Best of Janitor sefvice. You will 1 fine our apts. have all the new and I modern Improvements. Prices $20 and f up. Tabor 6 1 11. - , -t , . 1 THE LCZBRNE. 2 room furnished apts.. private bath. I phone, dressing room, large kitchen; an ouisiue rooms; mougrn. onin; i minutes from. business center; $20 and $25. Marshall 4637. - - ' - - THE CODY. cor. E. 7th and Taylor sts.. has been remodeled with' prir vate baths, new furniture and carpets. The cleanest house in the city, 2 and 3 rooms; light and phone free; rent very reasonable. Call East 44. FOR RENT FLATS 13 A 6 ROOM flat upstairs, 748 E. Tay . 'lor St.. in good condition; price $10 per month. Inquire of Sam Stott In cottage next door, cor. 22d and E. Tay lor. $16 6 ROOM lower; furnace fireplace, linoleum in Dutch kitchen, gas range, water heater. Key 840 East Ankenj ' FOR RENT 'New 6 room modern flat on car line, $11 per month. Call Tabor 3118. MOUJRrv 4 and 6 rooms, near City park, reasonable. M. 8988 or A-2676. 5 AND 6 room flats. 728 Belmont, near 20th. Rent $15 and $16. FURNISHED FLATS 50 15 MONTH Four room flat, complete ly furnished, electricity, water, no objection children. 986 Albina ave., cor. Blandena. L car. 4 ROOMS, first floor, well furriishea, choice, central location,- fireplace, furnace. 222 N. 18th. FOUR rooms, nicely furnished, $18; close in; 3 carllne-s; light, clean. Phone C-2961. FURNISHED ami unfurnished flats. Key 280 Morgan street, East 2411. HOTELS 5 ANSONIA HOTEL, 124 14th st., cor. Washington. Most desirable location, strictly modern, private baths, phones in every room, $3 week up. Rates to tourists. Main 1443. STORES AND OFFICES H BRICK warehouse in South Portland for rent, trackage, light and airy. 1 On paved street, reasonable. Journal Publishing Co., Broadway and Yamhill. NEW 2 room suites, water, $5; four rooms, $9. 344 Front. WHEN you answer me"se Want Ads, mention The Journal.. RESPONSIBLE party wants 5 or 6 room house furnished ready for housekeeping; state accommodations, location and price. V-609, Journal. A GOOD 4 room house, furnished or unfurnished, with good yard. S-424, Journal. . ' WANTED 6 or 6 room house, walking distance. G. E. McClintock, 494 Mor rison st. A 5 or 6 room house with place for garden and chickens. A-376, Jour nal. HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC. 18 UNITED GLASS AND GLAZING STABLES. 103N. 11TH .ST. One pair of da"pple gray horses, weight i:600. chunky built; $225. Al most new harness with them. One pair horses, weight 2550, 6 and 7 years old, almost new harness, all complete, for $210. $85 takes a sorrel horse, weight 1250, sound and work single and double. $65 takes a bay driving mare, gentle for lady or boy to drive. , $45 takes" a gray horse, weight 1100, work single or double. Also have a few second-hand double and singla harness. Will be sold for, the best offer. Must be sold by the 1st of the month. Will give trial on all stock. MARE team, low, blocky mares, 5 and 6 years old, weighs 3200 lbs, and will weigh it; are sound. Come and sea one of the best teams in Oregon; also team matched bay mares, full sisters, 2900 lbs; 1 team seal brown geldings, 3000 lbs, 6 years old. All will be guar anteed. Union transfer Co. Stables, 11th at Hoyt st. - I TEAM of heavy drafters, 3000 lbs.. hoi;se and mare, 6 years old, are good ' true pullers, gentle and kind fo any lone to handle; ready to work; price, including their almost new harness, $326. Union Transfer Stables, 11th j and Hoyt st. . . TEAM of closely mated bay mares, weight 2700; price $150. Roan and gray mares; weight 2400, price $175. Pair bay geldings, 2800. $200. 3 single horses, weighing 1200 each, your choice $75. Also several sets or double and single work harness, 2 trucks, 1 dump wagon, 3 single wa gons. Can be seen and bought from our barn man, at 380 East Irving st Boarders Wanted Now that we have got the Rose City stables in shape, we are ready to handle about 20 head of : horses to board; we, also will rent a few stalls reasonable. Williamson & Son, 605 Alder st. SPAN of matched sorrels, mare and gelding, weighing 2500 lbs., work single or double, and very closely mated, also span of iron gray mares, with silver manes and tails, 4 years old, weighing 2760 lbs. G. K. Howitt, 5th and Davis. AUCTION SALE. Of horses, vehicles and harness at Columbia stables, 302 Front, every Thursday at 2 p. m. We sell on com mission. Satisfaction guaranteed both uuyer and seller. If you want to sell, bring your horses to our auction. If you .want to buy, attend this sale". LOOK! LOOK! ,- Arrived, from La Grande, Or., car load nice horses, mares, weighing 1100 lbs. to 1500 lbs.; choicest of matched teams, all young, sound, guaranteed. Call where good ones are kept. Sta bles foot of Main, west side. HANDSOME chestnut horse, 6 years old, weight about 1150, sound and well bred. This is no plug. 1 spring wagon, 1 business buggy, 2 sets of harness. Address 1612 E. 13th St.. cor. I Spokane ave., Sellwood. - - 1300LB. horse, single farm wagon and harness; also sorrel male, weight 950; harness -and buggy,; Must be sold at once. Address 4010 67th St., Kern Park station. MUST sell team mares, wght. 2400 lbs., good workers any placip, . with har ness and farm wagon, all $165. Take Sellwood car, get off Insley.ave., walk 6 blocks east, house rio. 781. FOR SALE 5 or 6 good work teams ' and harness; weigh from 1200 to 1600 lbs.; prices right. 453 Goldsmith st.. Albina Fuel Co. stables. SPAN of dark iron grays, mare and , gelding, 4 years old each; heavy bone and blocky built, weighing 2600, $240. at 295 Davis. : - WANT to trade for teams and equip ment. Have good securities, property, some cash. Main 1940. 430 Worcester bldg. ' ONE horse and double harness, wagon box, hayrack, spring seat for sale cheap, at Sellwood Transfer , Stables. Phone Sellwood 64. - TEAM, weight 2500; harness, wagon; $175; bargain. Inquire 787 E. 28th st. Woodstock car. GOOD true team, weight about 2200, mare and horse; will sell separate. Call 429 Hawthorne ave. DEAD horses and animals hauled awav free. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland ttenoenng lo. DEAD horses and cattle taken free. Call day or nignt. labor 4 z 03. GOOD 3-year pony, gentle. $35. 787 K. 28th st. W'oodstock car. - FOR SALE A pair f good farm horses cheap. 1967 E. Stark st. HORSES for sale, all kinds. Apply S, EL oar. 16th. am RalaiKb. M. 6640. HORSES. VEHICLES, ETC. 18 f - - - (Continued) j r ' i , GOOD, gentle, working- borse, 9 yrs. old, weighs 1100. Broken to at 1 -kinds of ranch and orchard work. With com plete I set of collar and baffle harness, $50 cash takes outfit If taken at once. 446 E. Davis st LIVESTOCK 33 i Ai mm OPT- if And will sell at a bargain my entire herd 'of dairy cattle, consisting of the following: 1 registered Holstein bull. 3-yrs. old. 9 Holstein cows, 3 yrs. old. . 2 Holstein cows, 6 yrs. old.' 1 Holsteiri heifer," 1 yr. old. 2 Holstein bulls. 1 yr. old. 4 Holstein calves. - other calves. -1 Durham cow. 1 Jersey cow. 2 yearling steers. Mistletoe Farms, Leland, Or. I HAVE new latest model Edison disc phonograph, mahogany, . cost $200; also $80 worth of records. I will trade this for good "cows or heifers. A-3 5 4, Journal. 25 HEAD first class milk cows. 15 high grade Jerseys, 3 to 5 gallons per day; 10 large Durhams. 4 to 6 gal lons. Take Woodstock car to 60th ave., walk 3 blocks west, 1 north. EXTRA fine lot, 25 high grade Hol steins, 3 and 4 years old, fresh and springers; tuberculin tested: 3" blocks north, 1 west Kenton bank. Wdln. 4026. SILVER Campines took first and sec ond prizes and silver cup, strong baby chicks, 20c each; eggs $1.50 for 15. 743 E. 10th st., Sellwood car.i JERSEY -Holstein cow at a sacrifice. 1870 Bayard St., St. Johns car to Pe ninsula. ' COME and see us about all breeds dairy cows. Geo. R. Mokel Cow Co., 607 Commercial block. Main 6120. FOR SALE, cheap, 7 fresh cows. Dur s ham, Guernsey and Jersey. 957 Mis- stssippi ave. l ake Kenton or L car, TWO young fresh 4 gal. cows, $55 and $60 eacn, lr taken at once; trial. 891 fi. Wash., cor. 30th. TWO registered Holstein cows, fresh- soon. Knone n;ast itbs. JERSEY cow will be sold cheap. 787 E. 28th st. Woodstock car. POULTRY AND PIGEONS 37 PRIZE winning bucks at stud, from imported stock; ship us your does to be bred, fee and de scription upon applica tion; ear tags, pedigree blanks. breediner cards. seamless and large' number .pigeon bands marked to order. OREGON CARNEAU CO., H. J. Hamlet Mgr. Box 279. Portland. Phone Tabor 4S83. i SOLD TO CAPACITY. Account of big demand for these fa mous Browndale strain -S. C White Ieghom baby chicks, we are sold to rapacity to May 1. Have several hun dred yearling and 2-year-old hens to sell this spring. BROWNDALE FARMS. INC.. Box 106. Aurora. Or. ENGLISH penciled I. R. duck eggs, pure white, guaranteed, $1.50 for 15. White Rock eggs, thoroughbred, $1.50 setting. Inman Bros., Estacada, Or., Route 3. WHITE LEGHORN baby chix; heavy laying stock; March delivery, $9.60 per 100; April, $8. We guarantee safe delivery. The Pioneer Hatchery, Peta Inma,' Cal. THOROUGHBRED O. A. C. S. C. White Leghorn eggs from best laying strain in state. 60c for 15; order early. C. Wi Johnson 4236 74th st. S. E., S blks. north Firland sta.. Mt. Scott 1 ine. SILVER CAMPINES $1 and $2 per set ting; Anconas $1 per setting; deliv ered. Tahor 4071. ' WANTED Brooder for about 100 chicks. M-383, Journal. CHOICE B. R. roosters; eggs, $1 set tlng. Bargains. Royce, Sell. 1335. WANTED Setting hens. L-629, Jour nal. - - - WANTED Setting hens, Plymouth Rock preferred. Main 757. WHEN yon answer thea Want Ads. mention The Journal. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 Suitable for JITNEY BUS or with REGULAR EXPRESS BODY. Would make SPECIAL PRICE on two or three at one purchase; terms. JJ W. Leavitt & Co, Used Car Dept.. 527 Washington St Reo Truck Two ton, with body In first class condition. Will sacrifice for quick sale. Northwest. Auto Co. BROADWAY AND COUCH STS.. n Main 8S7. A-4959. IMPROVED PORTABLE GARAGE. 10x16, best materials, erected on your lot complete, $32 up. Any other style you want at prices that can't be beat. B. T. ALLYN, Garage Specialist, 1191 E. Salmon st Tabor 194. JITNEY BUSES BUILT TO ORDER. We have- a new G. M. C. truck with a 30 passenger bus bed, all complete ready for service, price $2200; 10 pas senger Ford, all complete, ready for service at low price. See Geo; Hobson, Lents. Tabor 24 89. OREGON VULCANIZING CO. '"The Tire Shop." 650 Washington st.. at 18th Marshall 379. BEST TIRE REPAIRING. Trade new tires for old ones. TIRES FEDERAL 1 tons, for sale; nice body, truck in good order. See this before you buy; will give demonstra tion; terms given to responsible par ties: will make gOod jitney, car. Ad dress Z-819. Journal. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOS "Large stock, prices $300 to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., Studebaker Bldg.. Corner Chapman and Alder. A DANDY foredoor 7 passenger auto. Just overhauled. In fine shape. Paint good. 216 Panama bldg. Marshall 5374. Evenings, woodlawn 143. Royal Q3i. Hiveninga. wwjqiawn xs. itoyai, RECOVERING auto tops, $18.50 up. Auto painting, $20 up; ail work guar anteed. United Painting & Auto. Tor Co.. 15th and Washington. Mars. 945 tAMtft SPKNO CO. Written guar- a n t e e with every spring. 26 N. 16th st 1814 CADILLAC, fully equipped, extra tires, seat covers; trade for land or mortgage. Address Joseph & Haney, 511 Corbett bldg. USED cars to sell or trade; also parts of second hand cars and. wrecks. Repair .Shop, 17 0 Union ave,, between Befmont and Yamhill. Fred Lister. TWO ton Reo truck, paying business, with.it reasonable price. Write or phone evenings, room 308, Edwards hotel. .' AUTO SPRINGS MADE AND RE PAIRED. Frank Lange. 228 Salmon. Main 181. ONE 7. 1 6' passenger car, just over hauled, fine ' condition for Jitney, cash and terms. Owner.' M. 1948. 7-PASS. .auto to trade fpr roadster and cash or .roadster and real estate. mono Oregon City, 323-W. FOR TRADE Good, light auto truck for motorcycle. 612 E. 18th st, Vancouver. Wash. . CASH -for intermediate sliding gear for 1909 Rambler car. Tabor 4158. FIVE passenger body. A-l condition, cheap for cash. Main 9032. HIGHEST -prices paid for old rubber. metai. .i. ljve. is coiumnia. m. bias OVERLAND A real bargain at $290 1200 cash, balance time. Wdln. 2144, AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 li (Continued) PORTABLE OARAGES ' AND 1 HOUSES Built of best materials, ar tistic designs. Erected complete, lock and key; $32 up. Portable bouses. $125 up. Immediate delivery. TAKE DOWN MFG. CO. -Foot of Harrison St. Phone Main 1167. Used Auto Snap. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. Free service given on all used cars. HUPP 6 pass. 32 h. p. COLE 5 pass. 30 h. p. r INTERSTATE 4 pass. 40 h. p. R. C. H. 5 pass. 25 h. p. MICHIGAN 5 pass. 33 h. p. Several other cars to select from. Prices ranging from $350 and up. Northwest Auto Co. BROADWAY AND COUCH. . Main 8887. A-4959. i GUARANTEED USED CARS -ON EASY PAYMENTS. LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. INVESTIGATE OUR BARGAINS. 3. W. LEAVITT & COMPANY, i USED CAR DEPARTMENT. 627 WASHINGTON STREET. FORDS FORDS FORDS FwRL3 ,1914 FORD, 5 pass.. $395. 1913 FORD. 5 pass. $350. 1914 FORD, 5 pass.. ' $4 25. 1913 FORD roadster, $295. ,1913 FORD roadster. $360. 1914 FORD, 5 pass., $425. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX.. East 1199. E. 13th and Hawthorne ave. EXPERT ; auto repairing, reasonable charges. J J. Zimmer.. 123 N 5th st. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 WILL gie 88 note high grade" player piano and music, like new, as part payment on 1914 or 1915 5 pass. aut, if satisfactory. Overland preferred. L-413. Journal. WILL pay cash for Ford auto if price is right. J-774, Journal. MOTORCVCLES-B1CYCLES 53 UNREDEEMED 9 H. P. 1914 Reading Standard, used 4 months, cost $320, for $170. 26 N. 6th. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 64 EVINRUDE Detachable Row- boat Motors for rowboats. canoes, motorboats and fish- boats are in use by over 15 governments. The Evihrude Is world famous, for remark able power, speed and won derful waterproof magneto built within flywheel. In use bv U. S. War Department. handling 30-ft. pontoons. Over-4000 in use in Columbia river. Alaska and Scandinavian fishing fleets. A motor you can carry by hand will give as much speed as average 6 horsepower motorboat, and the price of $58 to $83 is so low anyone can own a motorboat New special model 6-passenger boats as low as $80. Free catalogue: address Evinrude Motor Co., 186 Morrison. METAL pattern. 16-inch Harthan pro peller. ,,43 E. 29th st N. ' WANTED Launch! What have you? P. O. Box 712. city. , PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 BEAUTIFUL upright plan o, e taTndar make, slightly used. $185; terms. E. II. HOLT PIANO COMPANY, 333 M0rrion st, Northwestern Bank bldg. . WILL rent, my new Vose & Sons player piano to responsible party. Give; address and phone No. A-281, Journal. " SLIGHTLY used player piano, splendid condition, $600 value. $395. Terms. E. H. HOLT PIANO COMPANY, ,333 'Morrison st. Northwestern Bank bldg. 1 FOR SALE $115 Kennedy Piano Co. credit slip, good till March 24. Take $25. T-356, Journal. TYPEWRITERS GILL'S REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. Underwoods, Remingtons, L. C Smith, Oliver, Smith-Premier, Royal, etc., $15 and up; terms. Agents for the "Corona" folding typewriter. Type writer desks, tables and chairs. The J. K. Gill Co., 3d and Alder sts. WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters. Send for our illustrated folder; retail depart ment. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 821 Washington st. ' TYPEWRITERS for rent, 3 months for $5 and up; 6 months' rental ap plied on purchase price. Remingtoa Typewriter Co., 86 Broadway. NEW. rebuilt, 2d hand, rentals. - cut rates. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. M. 140. NEW model No. 9 Oliver, now on mar ket See it, 244 Stark st. Main 6273. HOUSEHOLD GOODS ror SALE U3 MISSION living room set; mahogany - bedroom set. Going east, good bar gain. Call at Wlckersham aPts-. apt. 2, between 6 and 7:30 p.- m. ' PIANO, davenport, buffet and rocker; will sell for $180 cash. 808 6th st. near Columbia : CALL Bell Auction Co. and get good . price for your furniture. Mar. 4783. 2D HAND clothing and everything. Highest prices. M. 2080. 285 1st. FURNITURE, ranges as good as new below cost. 226 Yamhill. FOR SALt: MISCELLANEOUS 19 "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," fTyPe writers" and "Household Goods" &rv separate classifications. All adver tisements of these goods are published under their respective classifications. L.ook tnem over. FOR SALE -New and seeohd hand Carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories, bar fix tures of all kinds, easy payments. The Branswick-Balke-Colander Co., 46-48 6trr st Main 769. A-1769. FOR ' horses and vehicles, dogs an J household pets or poultry, read the ads, under these respective headings. The Journat leads all other medium in these classifications NEER & FARR fir and' oak cord wood; fir $5.25 up. Also sawed pfYAI to torder. Main 4596. A-4547. wnL 'i MACHINES for sale, one for grind ing safe'ty razor blades, one for grinding lawn mowers. 208 5th. Main i:&42. SEE us before buying oaths, toilets, basins, boilers,, sinks, pipe fittings. We also install and repair plumbing. 22 Yamhill. Main 6297. ' LEAD pipe, sheet lead, pig lead, fish line sinker, general machine work. NORTHWEST LEAD & MACHY. CO., 311 Front Main 5492. AUTOMOBILES, motorcycles, launches ot boats are separate classifications. A large listing can be found under these different headings. Sewing Machines ISSSft term a. 382 Morrison. A-51 10, Mar. 721. 10 io 20 yards of good soil to be moved, who wants it? 20th and Morrison, Marshall 429. ,- - - $12,50 DROPHEAD sewing machine with attachments. 152 Grand ave. DAIRY manure delivered, $2.50 load, Sellwood 1696. " OEVbKTZ furniture store. 208 1st Lowest caBh prices in the City. PLUMBING supplies, wholesale price. Stark-Davis Co., 212 3d. Main 797. iKlK' SALE 2 good pool tables. In- quire 904 K. 14th st N. SAFES, new and second hand bargains. The Mosler Kafe Co.. Z4 Stark st. FERTILIZER for sale. Phone C-1876. DAXB.Y manure for sale. Wdln. 2200. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 " . ' f Continued) ' - -i SEWING MACHINES. All makes, new, 2d hand, for sale or rent, $2 up. Sewing Machine Emporium, 190 3d st, near Taylor. Main 9431. Electric, Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker i Electric Works, 413 Burnside. cor. 10th. Main or A-S74. DIAAioND house paints, strictly pure; im.ad? ,ta regon.'$1.66 gallon. Port land Paint Co., 230! Front Mar. 100. WANTEI MISCELLANEOUS 5 Wwapt to buy $1000 worth of sec ond hand furniture and pay all the cauh -it is worth. jWilliams Ave. Fur r.iture Exchange, j East 636. LX1N "ARDWARE & FURNITURE CO.. 221-Front st. buys 2d hand fur niture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hard wareor tools of any kind. Call A-7174 or Main 9072. Our buyer calls promptly. WANTED The people of Portland to .. know -4 pay highest cash price for household goods. Prompt attention. E. 670.. N. M. Seated 143 Runnel! St. WANTED Second hand flreless cook er, 2 receptacles; do not answer un less in No. 1 condition. L-632, Jour- WANT washing machine; see me. M-a n 4190' Swank: 0I Northwest WANTED Excavating and basement uigsiiig. rnnne l.ast 80. or C-1477. SWAP COLUMN S3 I WANT some good heavy horses; will trade unincumbered cottage in the city: for teams. Sbo J. 11, -Nash. 1217 Division, or 723 Chamber Commerce. TAILORS attention, exchange $200 lot central Oregon for two suits clothes. T-411. Journal. f GENTLEMAN'S irold watch. 12 15 jewel Waltha.m movement, to trade for a-A Eastman kodak. Phone E. 1467. WHAT have. VOU I to exchane-e for a live, well equipped photo studio? ftiarsnaii -aa.i. FOR SALE Post jcard machine, pump sun, ruie, complete camping outfit 382 Hawthorne ave. LOST AND rOOD 21 THE following articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power company, March 8, 1915: 1 -gold chain. 1 coat, 2 overalls, t lunch box,. 1- handbag, 1 pall lard, 1 bottle liquid. 1 hat, 1 mitten, 1 case glasses, 1 packagei silk, 1 ax, 1 brush. i Key, l glove, 1 bucket paint. THE !Hwlng articles were found on the cars of thai P. R. L. & P. C, March 9, 1915: 10 umbrellas, 1 bag to bacco, 2 packages, 2 grips, 1 rake. 1 pair shoes. 2 purse. 1 bundle wire,. 1 stick pin, i giove. ;l letter, l book LOKT Sirruil black purse, containing $10 gold and several money orders and checks. Rewatd.1Return . to. Jour nal office. j LOST Sunday night, gold rimmed spectacles on Blandena and Ganten- beln and Halght. ! Phone C-1287 LOST Lady's gold watch, initials. "J. K. L."; short, double gold chain at tached. Reward. Columbia 77. ". LOST Very small red Maltese --Terrier dog, female; answers to name of Pinkie. Reward. Main 5276, A-4640, LOST Gold necklace with gold en graved cross.' Reward. 770 Wash ington nt. ' - ; LOST Long handled blue silk um brella, initialed j "V," on Broadway auto bus. Telephon e M arshall 188 2 . PERSONAL 22 USE Basse ft' s Native Herbs for rheu mattsm; 50 tableits 25c. All druggists. MRS. HAMOT, spiritualist medium, 63 N. 20th st., near Wash." Main 8950. LESSONS In phrenology and card readings. 235 6th st. Phone M. 7548. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. ' Professional and AOOORDION PIXATINO ACCORDION, KNIFkI AND BOX PIJCATIN.O. PICOTINIJ. HBMS'f ITTTIINtJ, BHAIDINO, EMBROIDERING:. JEASTKRN NOVELTY Mil. CO., 85 51b ftT., NEAR OAK. K. STKPHAN nematltcblDC. aceordloB. ld and unb'irt"pleatlDg; buttons eorered, gooda yponpea. tjcaiioping. ;H3 aioct. mnain. ATTORNEYS FREE adylee. experlenod attorney. Term to nlt elient. WOT Spalding bldg. Marshall 1MH. BLANK BOOK KAKERB DAVIS & IIOLMAN. (Inc.. 10 2d at. Blank book manulaeturerst agenta for Jonea' Im proved Looaa Leaf . fder. Bee the new IMreka Leaf. A-313. Main 13. CARPET CXEAHIWO JOYCE BROS. Electrif ClKanlng worka, earpata cleaned and laid, refitting our apeclalt. Eaat 44. B-l3. 204 .. 19tb at. N CARPETS, eleaned. refilling and laylDf. W. Parker, Tabor 1Q5. I I.lnoieunr ponneg. CARPET WEAVIKO NORTHWEST R. GTjcO., rtuta from old ear peta. rag nigs, carpet eleaning. 1S8 B. 8th, Work called for. Eat B-12H0. - PKNINSl LAK Aug Works Kaa; rug and ear- pet wearing., l.'iiw I'f iron aye, yvouai n. ww. WHEN you aiMWr ua Want Ada meotloo The J oii ma CHI-ROPRACTIC PHYBICTA1T CHIROPRACTIC. Dr. !Mcbon, 31 traatmeoU $15. Bnrely thonmgB. I'Jl 4H r. DR. POULKON. apertailat In paralala, naryooa, ehrnnle dleae. Ptfa-k tilki M. M14. COAL AND WOOD Phone Main 2153. A-8842 SOUTH PORTLAND FLABWOOD CO. "Kir wood, -ab, oak. Inrlde block and country Jab wood. Foot Balnioo atreet. .j - - -NICK- dry box wood And cord wood. ' 4 feat or awed. tsutnmer prjqea. oianaara. yyoua Vmut 3:nn. R-lAlin. i PUoronol 4. I EVERTS, MAIN 878T. OharCOal robov, curry street. i. iii n ' .J i i ii- mi. L " a'- ' HI HEAVY lank wood sawed oy i tengthaT Also wrecaaite. o. r,i -.p.. WHEN you answer tlieae Want Ada, mention -l pe journal. . - pfttttrmnwi i 1 BUY iccwdU, bills, notes and Jodgmerrts or erery name an nnura nj .i.-c. qnlfk retmlta answer . MB. Journal. 1 ELECTRIC IgOTORg AND DTSAMQ8 WF. buy,' sell, rent and exebange new and second hand motors, i repair work a specialty, WESTERN F.LECTBIC WORKS, 213 6th it Marshall ' ' " : EYE, EAR, HOSE, THROAT. LOTTOS Specialist. Moderate prltea. Glasses fitted. Dr. F. r. Cssseday. 517 ;lekom Mdg-.Hd Sc Wah. EDUCATIOWAL DAKCINO PROF. WAL WILSON, waits, hesitation, ooa step, fox trot, msxlw: morning, afternoon and evening; 4 private lessons (2. - Guarantee to teaeb anyone who walks bovr to dance. Classes Thurfday awl i Saturday evenings. 7 to 8:3, 25e. 6th- Mt. Btark A Oak, M. 7H37. MR! AND MRS. RKATU' S ScbooL fancy stage, social and '! all tba latest dances taught. Waits and tjwo-atep gnaranteed In 4 private lesson. Class Vnes. and Frl. eves., 8 to 10. 109 2d bet. WaahJ end Stark. Lessons 2ftc aTUSIC SCHOOLS A WD TEACHERS FREDERICK C. FERINiiER. orgsttlat fee oud Cbriatlsn Selen'ie cbtireh. teacher, piano and pipe organ: atudljo 4QS Ellere bldg. C. - EDWARD GRIFflN. tenor. pupil of Gorgxa: 4iH Elleraj bldg. Main ei.-5. fc. THIKLIIORN, violin teacher pupil Kevcik, 207 Fleidner bulg. - A- io!, aiarsusii ioju. lVl anuf act urcr-"---J o PRY GOODS -WHOLESALE Fleischner, Mayer & Co. park impleme: EMENTS st TE CO., 322-82K H VEHICLES K. M. WADE A a wt borne ave. , LEATHER AjNP INDnf68 j i HAS. L. MA STICK A CO.. 74 Front- Leather of every description j findings. PAINT, OIL AND GLASS I UAKMUSfsEN A CO.. "Hlgb . Standard'' paint. ti. Jb Corner 2d and: Taylor. M. 1771, A-e031. PERSONAL toon tinned) ' A FIGHT on -'hlghf prices. Why pay $5j to $10 for glasses.! when 1 can fit your eyes with lirst quality lenses in a gold-filled fran as low as $1,507 C. W. Goodman, 203 i Morrison st, near bridge. Mall orders promptly filled. Write IT r particular. f SALE new spring coats and suits. If just purchased a sample line of 100 garments; buy now, save one third. $16 coats, sale price.. ;..$10.00 $22.60 coats or suits .$15.00 $29.00 coats or suits $19,75 "CRANKS." Ill Broadway, near Wash Ington. MRS. STEVENS. 21 years Portland's renowned palmist and clairvoyant, has her book "Palmistry Made Easy, on sale. 291 Morrison st. SPIRITUALISM Medium. Rev. Vir ginia Row. Readihtr: hpaling dall. circles Tuesday and-Friday evenings f o clock. 231 tn. Rhone A-711K SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, moles, watts, etc., destroyed forever by electric needle; no pain, no scar, cure gtia.iu teed. Mile. De Iong, 604 Swetland bldm. DR. G. V. KETCiiUM Women's mala dies and acute diseases of uteri. Wanh. bldg.. 4th K- Wash. Km. 41. Ml. 41 SPIRl'l UAL1SM. Rev. M. A. Pile... circles,- Tues. 2 p. m.; Wed., Hun. h p. m. Readings dally. 6J3 5th st. Mar. 3 9ft. DR. DICKEY, fpirltuiil teacner; uieH Ing Friday 8 . in.; written ques tions. 314 Columbia. Marshall 107. Dermatologist (residential)' hairdieKH lng, manicuring, electrical equipment. M. 6520, M. 12. Miss Johnson. HAVE your huir perinanuntly waveii. Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Reuuty Parlors. 400 Dekum. Marshall 170i. ' Chiropractic, chronic cases. Ul treal mentH. $15. Others leps. 30 rms. 121 4th HARTNESS, leading feather workeis, wholesale, reta il. W. 1'h i k , Y urn I 1 1. I HAior Consultation free. Main laWVCI . 4 91)3. 708 Selling bldg. BALM of r'igs, remedy for dlseHxes of women. 6n4 Davis st. Main 2393. 'l LL Dan Rrng please" sejul ills ad : dress to J. Magurn. 320 Hancock st. OlIlKOJ'olfV zlt Royal Annex bldg., 350 Morrison st. NOTICES SKA LEU bid on olionl lekH. tcarhnrs' dcHk ml teacher' cliulm for the time belwt-en An gina 1, IUI.j. ami Juun will lie to celled at tbe office of tbe umliTHltfncd, 4"1 court hoime. until A p. in'.. March ill, 11)15; and will be opened -nt a mealing- nf tli Ixuird to b.' held in room U4 courtliotwe, at 4 p. in., April 1. 191.-1. .-.-'- Certified check for $200 pHjphla to R. II. ThomHH. Rcbool clerk. iiiUHt arviuiii,T em h proposal for Bfhn.il it kn; pertlflo.l phwk $," for each irnMisul on tin-lierii' !ik; ami certified check, for for each proposal u tearbera' chair. Kei-lflratloiia tiiar le ! tulned at the offh-e of I he nnilernlKiied. Th" hoard of director' r'afere th rlKht to re ject an aud all blda. It. 11. '1IIOMAK. th-ho I Clerk. Hated at Portland. Or.. March to. U:. '- NOTICK TO OONl'HACTiHIH. Blda will be recelrcd by tbe fitam illghwnr Cnmtnlaalon at the. Capitol HiillUIng, KhIimd, Oregon, on March. 17. 11)15, 2 p. iu., for dm ronal metlon - of portion of the Columbia HlKbway In Hood IUtpt Count. Pinna and aiieclfirathma nmy- be obtained at tbe offli-e of the fitale Hlfrhua Ilnglueer, Kalem, Oretfuu, by. depositing $j.UO. -il. L. nowtnY. Stale ICkIiwht Knslneer. In effect Octolier 1, 11UI. A IX I'UKVIOt'S RATKS CAM T.I.I.ED CHAUUKlt AUV1-.IITI.HKM.KN Ta Imll or Hiinday il'-i cent per word per ' Invert Ion. Ttiia chnrge la for al! claaalfb-atlnn. ' ex cepting "l-or ftent In iTIyate Kuml'.." " ' It-m and Board In frlyatr Kainll." "Hltnal l"ii Wanted'' and "Want'-il to-Ui'iil" ad",' which are D4 eenta per word per lii'ertlon. No ad charred for than l.'i ceutl. CASH AUVKk'nSKMKSTS. 1 cent per word for all rlaMiflcatlnna, excepting "i'or Kent in ITlrafB Knmlly." Room and Board In Private Kainily," "SUmr thin Wanted.-'" ami Wai.tcd to Rent" n'l, which are 1V4 cent per word. t'oiiHccuilta loaertlon ef cah want adn: 3 iiif ertlotia for the price of 2. 7 inwrtloiia for the price of - Business Directory POPULAR M1TBIC RAi;TIMR on pliiiin gunrHiiteed 1r.-L-luin-rn In ,10 lessons. I'lrtnre pli.ylng. 1 ri-e . demon. atratlon. Free book let. Ml Filers hlilu. SCHOOLS ASP COLLEOIB LINK'S HI SI NESS OU-l'lj K. Slh fh.r. 'uC ford l.lily. . portlsnd. Or. Phone Mnln ng:i. ELECTRIC MOTORS AND DYWAMOB UOTORS. generator Ixiiiiilit, ki.i.-i) ,nil repaired. We do jll Ltml of repnirlntf i.nU rewlmllng. All work ifUHrmiii-cl. II. M II. Klectrlc Co.. HI N. ;t a'. I'hone M .iln i'VI" - FOTTWDRY ArTO MACHINE BHOF I'll O KM i Iron Work. East 3d and iln. thorns. General ma bine end foundry work rp-RNITTTRE REPAIRIKO .' FURNIUCRE repairing and s-neil (..l.l.liii: ,.t all kliwls, window and door siti-i-iik iiin'lc, Fainted 'and hung; work -railed for and d" Ivered. Hawthorne Cwldnet Worka, lii'JH Haw thorne ave. Phones Tatior 2I.".H. A-4-VJI. INSURANCE PACFIIC STATES FIRE INSI'RANCK CO.. enly Orec"n fire Insnrame company. - ' MACHINERY -.; bliCVItl 8 ( O.,'o6"s I'litoi-k blk. Sieam 'ov. els, dredges. L. T. R nssell, II e p ree 11 1 IIt. ; MOVIHO PICTURE SUPPLY HOPBE VlOVINU picture - machines flluis. lanterns, slides to order. 4 Broadway. - HATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. PHILLIPS Paralysis, nervous a nil cbron le dleea. Oreeonlan - bldg. M. 3142. PAVINO COMPANIES 1 TUB BARBER AHI'HAI.i' I AVTng CO., I'ort Isnd offl.e 223 Khrlo.k bldg. PAIM1INO, PAPERHAJOINO, TINTIMO PAINIINU, kalaouilning, pi,-iljsnKliiK. ail work gnaranteel. Pbone W'oodlswn aCi9. BtTCLIFFE & BI.IEK, best work In palutUia, papering. M. 1H72. A .'25. I'M lltb at PAINTING, tinting, psperhanglugi E. '. T. Crane. 170 lOtb st. Main i..2i. RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS atenclls, trade checks hrn.s signs. PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS 231 Washington ftt. Main 710, A 2710 ' SHEET METAL WORKS ' Repairing, tin ana gravel rfiT! Ticoi Iosll. 810 First st. Phone Main 1424. TRANSFER AND STORAGE C. O. PICK Transfer A Sturugo Co. Off he and commoilliKj 4 story bih-k wsrehimst with separate iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuablee, N. W. corner WI. and Pine sta. I'lanoa and furniture moved and parked for Shipping. Special rates tusdn on goods Iu through csr to all domestic, snd foreign points. Msln t,W. A -1 WW. - OIE.N"-rUK TitANKFEJt CO. New flrepnsif w:.rehuuso with separate rooms. We move and pack household goou and pianos'-ani.l ship at reduced rates. Aulo vans and teams for moving. Forwarding and distributing agenta. Fr- trackage, officii ami warehouse 1Mb and Hoyt. Main R47, A-2J4. Oregon Transfer Co, Estalished 1170. Transfer and- forwarding agenta Storage Free Trackage Office and fetora 474 GlUan St. 13th snd Gllsan. Msln f. A-1!R. BAGGAGE TRANSFER KKRVICE- CO.. Si PINE ST. MAIN liMi A-1"0.'I. . WALL PAPER MORGAN W'ALL PAfETl. CO-2:; 2d St., le tween Salmon snd Main. WINDOW CLEANIKf EXPERT WINDOW CLEANERS A-41ijS. Main 8327. 212 Henry ldg. b p Wliolesaler ers- PIPE WOOD PIPE fORTI.ANIi WOOD PJi'K CO. Factory and office pear 24th and York sta. Mnln ;4Sli. 1 PLUMBINO PIPE STEAM SUPPLIES M. L KLINE FRONT STREET ; ROPE AND BINDER TWINE Portland Cordage Co. WHEN you answer, these Want Ada m-iiUmi The JwuruaL