? THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 10, 1915 11 PORTLAND GROCERS WILL ENTERTAIN THE OUTSIDE DELEGATES Letters " Indicate Desire to Take Trips Up Columbia .-.and on the Highway. ".'-t n ' PROBLEMS CONSIDERED Altered Practice of Wboleial Grocers ' Selling1 Good at Betail Discussed . J at Meeting X.at Night. T.hff -Portland Retail Grocers and Merchants' association made plans, at a meeting lajst night, for entertain ment i of delegates who will pass through Portland en route to the Na tional Retail .Merchants convention at San Francisco, May 10-15, travel ing' JnT special trains. Several of the letters read indi cated special' , desire for trips by boat on the Columbia river or by automo bile over the Columbia Highway. The Cincinnati merchants - were especially Insistent that their schedule allow therm plenty of time to see the fa mous; ; viewpoints in the vicinity of Portland. The association elected Its delegates to the national convention, choosing XV, CL Gunther, Us president, and Rob ert' G. Duncan, who is both secretary of tfie association and editor of the Oregon" Merchant's Magazine. Th thief, discussion subject was the alleged practice., of wholesale grocers -1 selling at retail throughout the fcltyi Representatives of leading wholesale concern appeared before the grocers, expressing willingness to cooperate In a. definite plan looking to . the sale of groceries and mer chandise handled by grocers through the jusual and legitimate trade chan nels.1 Addresses were made by J. H. McAfee. A. Robertson, J. W. Cald well; Albert G. . Clark, Harry .Meyer, "and iothers. TOWN TOPICS Admits Her Trua Name. That an investigation as to her sanity could be made. Mrs. Hazel Tackels, who was ar rested under the name of Dolly St. Denig for. shoftlifting at the Meier & l'"raiik company store Monday, was re moved yesterday to the county jail. The! woman admitted her true name yesterday under the persistent Ques tioning of City Detectives Hyde and Vaughn and Mrs. Lola G. Baldwin, or the Hiepartment of public safety for women. Mrs. Tackels told the officers that sho was divorced from her hus band a year ago, that she was forced into the action by the opposition of her parents to her husband. She wishes to remarry him, but her parents are op posed to the .action. Her 7-year-old daughter is with her mother in Mil waukie. Mew Class in Salesmanship. Be cause a large number of business men .have applied for the special instruc tion In salesmanship, a new class will ,. be started tonight in the YoungMen's Christian association under the direc tion of A. J. Robinson, business e8u- catlonal secretary. Last night H. J. Banta, sales manager of the Pierce Arrowi ! automobile agency, discussed "Present Opportunities In Portland." and XV. M. Umbdenstock of Umbden stock & Larson spoke on real -estate business . chances. Companies File Articles. Articles of ; Incorporation of the following three companies were filed yesterday with . County Clerk Coffey: Columbia Basin j Warehouse - company, capital $50,000, : inuorporators, E. XV. Rumble, R. W, i Wilbur and S. C. Spencer; Lambs Club i Dairy Lunch, capital $5000, J. W. 1 Barn'es Mrs. Jewel Barnes, J. H. Oliver ; and M. M. Oliver, incorporators; Farm I Produce company, capital $20,000, in ; corporators, Alfred P. JJobson, Her : man Moeller and E. C. Graham. ' Scalp Bounties Decrease. Because R. i T. Smith of Bridal Veil and Wil liam S. Hunter of Portland brought coyote skins to County Cierk Coffey's office td collect bounty Monday they WE HAVE BEEN TO THE sitions at San Francisco and San Diego and are in position to give the public reliable and helpful 'information. If you are contemplat ing Going East we will arrange an enjoy able trip through Califor nia with stop-overs to see the Fairs. . Two routes: Via El Paso and Golden State Limited; or via Colorado and Rocky Mountain Limited. . LOW FARES FAST TIME RAIL OR STEAMER I !-. r . ,?: EtC, M. J. GEARY, General Agent, Pass. Dept., I 1 1 1 3d St., Portland, Or. Phones: 334, A-2666 Expo received but $1.50 each. Had they ap peared yesterday t they" would have re ceived $3. The' amendment to 'thel bounty law bcame effective at once because of the emergency clause, added because of rabies epidemics, but offi cial notice of that fact was not re ceived by Mr. Coffey until yesterday. Under the new law seats bring a $1 bounty, but Deputy County Clerk Seth Smith, who handles bounty matters locally, does not anticipate paying any on those animals. H. V. Chase to Speak. H. V. Chase, representative of the Town-Planning league of New York, will be the chlei speaker before the Progressive Busi ness Men's club at luncheon tomorrow noon In the Multnomah hotel. His subject. "Cooperation." Warren A. Er win will sing. Announcement is made to members, of the club that reserva tions, for the excursion fo Flavel next AN EASY WAY TO END CATARRH T0REVER Simple Home Treatment Destroys Germs of Thii Dangerous Disease, The reason why bo many people who suffer from Catarrh neyer tieem able to get cured Is that the'' are continually seeking the mo mentary relief of apraya, douching, greasy creams, ointments, etc. Such things do open up the swollen nostrils and clear the head temporarily, besides stopping for a while the disgusting blowing, hawking, spitting and choking, but they never cure. To drtre out Catarrh for good you bare got to get down to its real cause. Catarrh is a germ disease. The air la always full of catarrh germs thrown off by one person and abaorbed bv another and when the aystera ke fail to throw off aiich germs they find permanent lodgement in the none, throat and head and multiply rapidly. The gertna of catarrh can be best dtftroved by inhaling the pur medicated air of Hyoinei (pronounced High-o-me). This splendid and powerful combination f oil of Kucalyptus with other healing agents. ba a wonderful germi cidal a.-tion. You breathe Its air Into your nose, throat and lunga by means of a small hard-rubber Inhaler which The Owl Drug Co. and other leading druggists In Portland? and vicinity, supply with every treatment. Thia medicated air Is cort-in" death to the germa of Catarrh and drivt them completely out of your system and when the germs are destroved the catarrh with all Its dixagreeable symp tcma will atop. Even two or thrte ..minutes' use will give refreshing relief, while, if you will use It two or three times a day for a few weeks it will completely banish catarrh and every symptom or catarrh. As Hyomei is pleasant to breathe and is always sold by drusrgistH everywhere with a positive guarantee of successfnl results or money back, surely no Catarrhal snfferer kbould go long before try ing this simple home remedy. (Adv.) iwovvor. Now i 1 F Reduced fare round trip tickets, permitting stop-overs at all points in either direction, to the t Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, and to the Panama-California Exposition, 'San Diego, on sale every day to November 30 ? Via the Scenic Shasta Route Three Fine Trains Daily Shasta Limited San Francisco Express California Express Stop-Overs on One-Way Tickets Ten days' stop-over will be allowed at San Francisco and Los Angeles on one way tickets v. sold to Eastern Cities when routed via the i Southern Pacific. The Exposition Xilnc 1915 r, NORTH COAST LIMITED ATLANTIC EXPRESS The high-class, fast daily, through trains between the Pacific Northwest and CHICAGO Via Minneapolis and St. Paul Northern Pacific Railway Or use the Mississippi Valley Limited Ftne daily service to and from , ST. LOUIS Via St. Joe and Kansas. City Finest dining car service, and the "Great Big Baked Potato" , v served on all trains. Give us the names and addresses of your friends in the East. We will advise them of the EXCURSION FARES to Pacific North west and the California Expositions. , Tuesday, there to welcome the new Hill steamship Great Northern, will not be accepted later than Friday noon. ; Negro Saves Perkins Life. ;.. West Palm Beach, Fla., March 10. A boat from which George W. Perkins r ,z x:':, near by saved Perkins from drowning. NEW TODAY 20 Years to Pay! Qt Your Farm Horn trwm flw Canadian Pacific Most proiuciieoil good ciimatc i fy market fine trausportitron all the comforts and ways of maki&ff money hrniag that tou hxui in the best krwi iag sssctions erery wbeje. Low Prices and $2,000 Loan TW rich land oolv $11 to $so per acre hrigatrd1 land from f Twenty years to pay think of R. l-onf before your Saal paymmt is due your an will have paid lor ttaeii. We lend you up to , u) lor farm i mpTovementa, on certain conditions, with no security but the land itself. Twenty yean to repay It. Interest 6 per cent. If you -want a farm horn all ready to step into, get one c( our Ready Made Farms. DairyiM. Hogs and Uvattack Mdis rtg Incomoa Her. Lands ideal for these purposes. Present conditions in Kuropa assure highest ricea ksowa for everything raised. These Offers Based on Good Land finest on earth for mixed farming and grain growing. The best land will be taken first, so time' j precious to vwi. Writ or coil Utdayforfri handbook and full particular. L. K. THORNTON District Beoresentative, 271 FINE STBEET, (Uultnomali Hotel BldsT.) ZOBTIsAXTI, OB. ft. 70 Room Modern Hotel With large lobbies, freshly kalsomined and painted, all in first class condition, located on prominent street. Inquire at 910 Cham, of Com. bldg." Phone Marsh. 1585. MEETING NOTICES 41 e-ttr i REGULAR meeting this fi$i2iP0c (Wednesday) evening. ArXir Visitors cordially invit ed, jnrst degree. W. W. TERRY, Secretary. OREGON COMMANDERY, K. T. Regular conclave Thursday, March 11, at 7:30 p. m. Your attendance will be appreciated.. C. F. WIEGAND. Recorder. sitions Optsn 0 XD0 "California and Its Two World Expositions" A new booklet describing the trip from Portland to Sam Siego including the two Expositions, the scenic beau ties of Oregon, the Slskiyous and Shasta Mountains, San Francisco, the beach and outing resorts of California, the San Joaquin Valley and Tosemite National Park. .Free on application at City Ticket office, 80 Sixth Street, Cor. Oak or Union Depot. Southern Pacific John as. Scott, General Passenger Ag-ent, Portland, Ore. Tickets, full information: D. Charlton, A. C. P. A. 255 Morrison St. Thones Main 244, A-1244 Portland ; .' l :. 41 , MULTNOMAH COUNCIL asYk Royal Arcanum, meets) ,Vc "econd and fourth Wednes- .. JH days of each month at Ar- r. Miniin. Kail VeAnlA - TtAm pie, W. Park and Yamhill 8 p. m. Visitors sis., at ,cty welcomed. E. R. REED. Secy.. 438 Russett St. WASHINGTON LODGE NO. . 46, A. F. AND A. M. special communication to morrow (Thursday) evening, 7 o'clock, E. 8th and Burn- Bide. E. A. degree. Visitors welcome. Order W. M. Vital Statistics tnarrteges.Birtbs. Dtatbs. MARRIAGE LICENSES (ieorga Willisana. St Jobns. 34. sad 8. aaaa. St. Jonna; or. Carl Walter, San Franciso. Kostta. St. Chaxlos hotel. 27. 27, and Emms Arthur A. Wbarfield. 35 East Seventy-elsrhth street, lejral, and Joanna A. Parker, 2 East Klglitieth street, legal. W. G. Smith &CosV-js? nil o noor, Morgan blag. DRESS suits for rent, all sizes. Unique iguuimg u., aua tarK St. BIRTHS BS,G?BTo Jir- and M- Benjamin Berrer. 43S ast Seventeenth street, Korth. March 2. a daughter. URIGSBY To Mr. andvMrs. Fenton E. Grigs Dy, 1575 Alameda Drive, February 23. s daughter. I BRISTOL To Mr. and Mrs. William C. Brls tol, 215 orth INienty-aecond, February 23. a d&ugbter. Sf11?.-T0nMr-,an'1 Mr"- Clarence H. Prehn. 322 Esst Twelfth street. North. February 21. a daughter. HIKfC:TVMK V"d Mrs" Blamin W. Hill. Kelso. Wash., tebruary 18, a son HEJ.MI, Mr- and Mrs. Charles W." Helm. 60 TT-W,eJi J.erry sttwt- February 14, a aon. n.I1'.J'N1KAt'HTo Mr n1"1 Mr- William A. Weifenbach. 1123 Montana avenue. February I-. twin daughters. WISDOM To Mr. and Mrs. Layton Wisdom, a daughter Thlrtyninth street, February 11. H?Pi5iiItTiro Mr- ahd Mrs. George J. Hodder. Laddington Court, February 9. a daugh- OLSEN To Mr., and Mrs. Arthur E. Olsen, Rainier, Or.. March 4. a eon. DUFFY To Mr. and Mrs. John J. Duffy. 240 -ahKVSScS1 "feet. February 25. a son. RICHARDSON To Mr. and Mrs. John L,. Richardson. 1068 East Eleventh street. North. March 1, a daughter. IX N BACK To Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian I.un- back. 215 Gilbert Road. February 22 a eon. PENJf To Mr. and Mrs. George S. Penn. 224 ,EastJThlrtyBeTenth ire. South, February 15, s daughter. WEST To Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. West, 143 o.T?wJb8t" street February 9. a son. oAiRE lo Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Sayre. itu Williams avenue. February 25. a daughter. THON'VEXEIi To Mr. and Mrs. Lester W. Thonvenel, 227 Chapman street. February 22. a son. DEATHS AX1) FUNERALS 75 j MINOGUE March 8, Nellie Minogue. aired 62 i years, beloved Bister of Thomas and Terence Minogue. Funeral will take place from Dun ; ning & McEntee's chapel Tbnrsday. . March 11. at 8:30 a. m. Services at the Cathedral, cor : ner Fifteenth and Davis streets, 9 o'clock, i Friends invited. Interment Mount Calvary ; cemetery. , HOWARD March 9, at the residence, 590 Alberta street. Thomas P.- Howard, aged i 66 years, beloved husband of Mary T. How ard, and father of Mrs. Guy Depue. Mrs. George Carvell. Miss Francis and the late Matt Howard. Notice of funeral iater. Wood stock. 111., papers please copy. j LERGEN The funeral services of the late I Joseph P. Bergn. aered 53 years 5 months '11 days, will be held at the family residence i on Harrison st., in Milwaukie, Or., tomorrow ! (Thursday) March 11, at 1 o'clock p. in. In ; torment Milwaukie cemetery. Friends Invited. ; liOOttB March lo, at the residence, 493 Mag nolia at.. Charles J. Moore, aged 47 years. ; Beloved husband of Mrs. Anna Moore and ; brother of Joseph L. Mre of Astoria, Or. Remains at Dunning & McEntee's parlors. N'o tlce of funeral later. . OSGOOD In this city, March 9. at the resl ; dence. 2S35 71st st. S. E., Mrs. Elizabeth ; Froom Osgood, aged 75 years. Friends invited to attend the funeral services to t held at ; Ho man's parlors tomorrow (Thursday), at 2 p. m. 1 LBWELLKN-William J. Lewellen. St. Vin cent's hospital, March 4, 51 years; carci- ' noma. ; DONOVAN John Donovan, Willamette river, March 2. 41 years; drowning. I GOLDSTEIN Philio Goldstein. St. Vincent's ! hospitsl, March 5. 32 .years; perforation of i nicer. . KOMERS Alfred H. Somers. Good Samaritan, j March 5. 21 years; pneumonia. BODWAV- Eva Bodws.v. 1303 Hood street, 1 March 6, 41 years: cancer. T ni t A.' I Sa.tl.. CXI 1Tb- CI street north. March 7, 56 years; diabetes Insfpidis. MARTIN & FORBES CO., florists, 347 Wash. Main 269, A-1269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. i CLARKE BROS., florists, fine flowers and floral designs. 287 Morrison st. ! CLARK'S Flower Shop Funeral de signs. flowers. 430 Wash. Main 3771. FUNERAL- DIRECTORS A splendid residence undertaking es tablishment, with private driveway. J. P. FINLEY & SON, Montgomery at Fifth. Dunning & McEntee gsa erery detail. 7th and Pice. Main 430, A-4558. I. any assistant , Ch timbers Coi -dUicerby!;tlWo ave. ood- i lawn 3306. C-1133. Lady embalmer. A R 7pllpr Ca 692 WllUama ave. I Mi rii -ClltJl uUiEast 1088, C-1088. j Lady attendant. Day and night service. Walter C, Kenworthy 1532-1534 E. 13th. Sellwood 71, B-1122. ; A. D. KENWORTHY & CO. Calls ' promptly answered in all parts of city. I. O. O. F. bldg., Lents. Tabor 6267. PFA RQHM Undertakers. East 1080. TLnnOUlH 369-371 Russell st. P. L. LERCH, leading east side under ' taker. E. 11th & Clay. B-1883, E. 7S1. QrAFQUndertakinsCo. Main 4152" OILVVlO A-2321. Cor. 3d and Clay r DPQnNRES1DENCK UND. PLS. LnlOOVJIMM. 6133, A-2235. I45 Mor. Hamilton 80th and Glisan. Fu- eral services. Tabor 4313. D X Dirno Williams and Knott. Ill II uj I I I J East 1115, .C-1943. mm MEETING NOTICES (Continued) mi I Ul.l l "JWUJ- MM - y2 Mile of Travel With Every 25c Cash Want Ad 1 Mile of Travel With Every 50c Gash Want Ad iy2 Miles of Travel With Every 75c Cash Want Ad 2 MUes of Travel With Every $1 Cash Want Ad Scrip will be given with every telephone Want Ad paid within five days from date of bill to the amount of one-quarter mile for each 25c paid-, ; r v FUNERAL DIRECTORS Cotlnued) MR. EDWARD HOLMAN. tha leading funeral director, 220 3d st., corner Salmon. Iaiiy assistant. Phones A- 1511. Main 607. . F, S. Dunning, Inc. East Side- Funeral . Directors, East Alder st. Kast 52. B-2525. 414 MONUMENT PORTLAND MARBLE WKS., 264-26S 4th st., opp. city hall. M. 8564. A-1516. TO LEASE 63 WANTED To buy a small stock of groceries that can be movea; wouia consider other goods if price is right. T-oas, Journal. BUSINESS PROPERTY 6G BEAUTIFUL west side corner, near 11th and Columbia sts.. improved with 2 strictly modern flat buildings or 14 rooms eacn: epienam income. This place is easily worth J30.000. but ior quicK sale wm oe sacriricea ror $22,500. Terms allowed. Yates Realty Co.. 249 4th st. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 COMPLETE HOME FOR SALE. The buyer of this home Is not only gonig to tret one READY TO USE. but is going to be able to save around $2000. It is located close in on Gar field ave. BEACH, -605 Yeon bids. READY-TO-USE HOMES exclusively. ALBINA BUNGALOW SACRIFICE. Nice, nearly new 5 room large bun galow, ou a fine lot 60x100: half block from L car. 2 blocks from Jefferson High school. I paid $3000 for this one year ago; will sell for $2500, ir iooo cash is paid. OWNER, 326 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. ROSE CITY PARK HOMES. Deal dfrect with the owners, the original platters of this beautiful part of Portland. Call on our realty de partment, cor. 4th and Stark. HAETMAN & THOMPSON YOU are able to buy can you find a better investment than to purchase my 6 room bungalow, sleeping porch, bath, hardwood floors, built-in feat ures, furnace, cement basement, situ ated in one of Portland's most desir able districts? Right party can buy this on the rental plan if desired. Call Main 10-8. - SACRIFICE SALE. My beautiful 7 room house, located in Rose City Park, one block from car line; hardwood floors, fireplace, fur nace, built-in bookcases and buffet, 2 toilets, cement basement and wash travs; fruit trees, berries and roses; worth $5000. Will sell for $4500. See owner. 476 E. 52d St. N. ' . MUST sell one of these make offer: 6 room bungalow. 1 block to car, 2 lots, fruit and berries, value $2000, un incumbered. Modern dwelling, re stricted district, full lot, 6 rooms; more $150 additional; value $4250; mortgage $1750, renewable. Call eve nings 915 E. Kelly st. Sellwood 601. A Bargain 6 room modern bungalow; 8 more rooms can be put in attic. Double con structed throughout. Cost over $3000 to build. Lot 50 by 100. Paved street. On carline. Price $3800. 216 Panama bldg. SOUTH PORTLAND. 989 FIRST STREET. New 7 room home, everything the best, Improvements and taxes paid, large lot, beautiful view, 3 cars, 6 minutes out, cost $4700. Need money; give me an offeiv 325 Railway Ex. WHY pay rent when you can buy a 3 room house dn the west side for only $450, $60 down and $10 per month. This is only 20 minutes' car ride, 5c fare. . The ground alone ia worth the money. M. E. Lee. 605 Corbett bldjr. LET US BUILD YOU A HOME On your lot or ours; by your own plans or ours; pay us like rent. THE OREGON HOME-BUILDERS, . 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg. BEST built bungalow in Rose City Park, 6 nice rooms, large attic, fur nace, fireplace; everything first class; paved street, sightly lot. Genuine bar gain. Owner, 212 Mohawk bldg. $1875 Brand new 5 room bungalow. complete and jnodern, 50x100 lot, worth $2400; must sell quickly; terms. OWNER. 936 EAST 1STH. NORTH. Irvington Car to Prescott St. A SNAP. $2600 buys my interest in a $5800 bungalow, balance runs at 6 per cent interest from Dec. 12. 1914. Phone Woodlawn 3240. No agents. 3 LOTS, 3-ROOM SHACK. $600. $25 down, $10 monthly. In Monta villa, near sew Jonesmore school; some fruit trees? Fred W. German Co., 914 Chamber of Commerce. SAVE $1250 buying from owner, ab solutely modern, just finished home. croauway car, naru suriace street, sewer, walks, fixtures., etc. , Tabor 4S14. $2850 NEW 6 room modern bungalow on m. I3tn St., near Ainsworth; $250 casn. Daiance montniy payments. Miller. I3(&4 I3tn st; n. 1 HAVE tnree good homes in Irving' ton, one-tnird less tiiati cost; one mansion fine. East 273. W. H. Herd man. $3800 WILL buy 2 acres, house, barn, orchard, ten minute walk from post office. Address M. D. Simonson, Mc Minnville, Ore. A SNAP Good J room house, lot lOOx 100, electric lights, gas, phone, fruit and berries. Don't miss this; Phone Tabor 118. RENT BUYS HOME 4 room, shack, 78x100 lot, $650; $10 per month. Home phone D-1010. GOOD comfortable 3 room house and lot for $450; $50 cash. $5 per month; a snap Smith & Houck, 301 Henry bid. FOR SALE: Modern 4 room bungalow, $120 yearly income. W. Hague, 331 Madison. NEW modern house, never occupied, 31st and Yamhill, block Sunnyside car. Tabor 3199. FOR SALE 6 room house, 50x100 lot, with furniture, for $1200. 159 E. 75th St. N.. near Olisan.. $50 CASH. BALANCE LIKE RENT. New, modern 5 room bungalow. Close to car. Owner. Sellwood 2204. SNAP FOR CASH. Modern 5 room . bungalow. Sellwood 2204. Owner, IRVINGTON home, 6 rooms, modern, for sale reasonable: 637 E. 11th. N. 5 ROOM modern house and 2 lots by owner. $2200. 3915 64th st. S. E. 60 IMPERIAL 4 ACRES. HIT 10 61 : .. ' - (Continued) - f 1 I'OR SALE BY OWNER, " ,New, modern bungalow, 4 large rooms, bath room, large attic finished, full size basement, cement floor, laun dry trays, fruit cupboards, oak floorr, combination fixtures, window shades, disappearing bed, buffet. bookcases, window seat, Dutch kitchen, water cooler, woodlift, double walls and floors, street Improvements' paid. .Price only $1900; $300 down. 1 block from Alberta car. on E. 16th and Sumner sts. 602 Sumner st, Woodlawn 1696. $1375 $300 Cash 1 block from Hawthorne ave., 5 room bungalow, almost new. inside partly unfinished, lot 40x100. If you want a nice little home on Hawthorne ave. cheaper than you could buy it in Mt. Scott district,, call us up. This must be sold and we offer it at about the price of the lot. 1084 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 2017 or Tabor 912. ' FOR SALE LOTS 16 ROSE CITY PARK LOTS. Deal direct with th owners, the original platters of this beautiful part of Portland. Call on our1 realty de- partment, cor. 4th and Stark. HAUTilAN & THOMPSON BEAUTIFUL view hornesite on the west side,' only 15 minutes' car ride, best value in the city, for only $350. $10 down, $5 per mo. M. E. Lee, 605 Corbett bldg. LOi' ior sale on 49th ave., near 58th. for $323; easy terras. Owner, 1174 Holjrate. Phone Sellwood 1407. TWO Riverview lots cheap for cash. 216 Panama bldg. . 60 IMPERIAL 4 ACRES. ACREAGE 67 BEAVERDAM. 10 acres. M of this is irenuine pure beaverdam, 10 feet deep. .This is not black swale, hut tiie very nignest graae pure onion land adjoining tne tinest onion gardens in the world, which pro duced 350 sacks of onions per acre last year and brought the owner over $1000 for each acre in onions. You can raise more than the entire purchase prtee tnis year on this land wnicn is ready for crop. H mile to station on electric and about 12 miles from the center of Portland. Price $3000. Rea sonable terms. Tate Investment Co., rooms 301-2 Couch bldg., 109 4th Bt. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port land; Oresham district, electric sta tion i mile. New subdivision. Sun shine Valley orchard tracts; best soil, free, wood: elegant location. Prices only $75 to $150 per acre In small tracts: easy terms. FranK Jttcfeariand Realty Co., 309Yeon bldg., Portland.-Or, SOUTHERN OREGON 80 acres. 1ft miles from railroad, close to Pacific Highway, $1000; prac tically all tillable; running water: electric light available $2,')0 cash, balance easy. G Wynn Wilson, 903 Chamber Of Commerce, portlana $200 CASH TAKES BARGAIN. 10 acres, all good tillable land, fine soil; 6 acres nearly clear ea; Daiance easy clearing. Close to station. Price $650; terms to suit on Daiance. J-iUEDOliiMANN COA1PAJNX, 1 913 Chamber of Commerce. : 7 Acres $1200 ' 600 feet from electric car, 40 min utes to Portland, finest -BOil, level, good water, part m cultivation; terms. K. r . rUBMSTEK, 309 ADlngton Dldg, Gibson Half Acres Good soil, city water, close to car line, easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 1685 or Sellwood 476. John H. Gibson, owner, ONIONS CELERY ASPARAGUS A beautiful 2 acre tract, over V cleared, nice building spot with trees, near Tigard:- $675: $100 down. $12.50 per month, including interest. Fred W. German C-. 914 Cham, of Com. 10 MILES FROM MORRISON ST. BRIDGE. Will sell at $226 per acre, 15 acres or perfectly choice land, very sightly. nearly ail in cultivation, on rock road. Owner, 405 Northwestern Bank bldg. IF you desire' to "buy. sell or exchange property between Milwaukie and Oregon City, call or write Milwaukie & Suburban Realty Co.. Milwaukie. Or. $5 MONTHLY, 80x200 with house. bo. A. c. Maratprs. 202 Wilcox Dldg. Main 3517. Tabor 1770. 60 IMPERIAL 4 ACRKS. SUBURBAN ACREAGE 70 CHICKEN 'RANCH 2 acres, just out- side city limits, close to car; rine 8 room nouse, fireplace, hot ana cold wa ter, bath, toilet, garage. ! Price $3750; $500 cash, balance to suit. 6 Per cent. 2i Hawtnome ave. 60 IMPERIAL i ACRES. FOR SALE FARMS 17 40 Acres 20 miles from Portland. 5 miles from North Plains and electric line. 10 acres in cultivation- fine sprin close to school, on .county road; price $100; $300 cash, balance in 10 years. 6. 40 acires, 5 miles N. Plains, 20 acres In cultivation, good house, barn, fine orchard, berries of all .kinds, fine spring creek; price $2500; $500 cash balance Iff-years 6. 40 acres, 6 miles N. Plains, 20 acres cultivated, good 6 room house, barn and other outbuildings; orchard, ber ries, team, cow, 4 . head young cattle, hogs, chickens and all ; farm imple ments; price $4000; vi cash balance easy. Vc. 26 acres, 2 acres cultivated, 24 acres fine timber, small house and barn, 2 miles from electric .line, fine wood proposition: all down hill haul- price zou'j; uu casn, Daiance easy, 6. 625 Hawthorne ave. Eastern Oregon Wheat Land Lands in Eastern Oregon and Wash ington which will average 20 bu. of wheat per acre under existing condi tions; wui net (.leased; i"0 per annum on a valuation of $50 per acre should wheat remain 75c per bushel. I have such lands for sale in tracts of 160 to 1200 acres at $25 to $35 per acre, and on attractive terms of sale. I shall not waste yOur time and my time and money showing you doubtful val ues. M.i Berkeley, Pendleton, Or. BACK. OF VANCOUVER 120 acres, $17 per acre, 7 acres cleared, 4 room house small barn," cmcKen nouse, smoKe nouse, etc., near ly all tillable; chickens and small tools go with the place; 1 miles to the railroad, price for the entire place, $2000, $500 cash, balance 3 to 5 years, 6. You know what will happen when completion of the bridge and you will have to hurry to get this one. Fred XV. German Co.. 914 Cham, of Com. $483 CASH, $483 CASH, $483 CASH, Puts you in possession of a dandy little 20 acre tract, 10 in cultivation, good 4 room house, . nicely- painted and plenty of shaek outbuildings. Balance ! of $1167 payable 190 smi. annually. This place is a sacrifice. Nor trade. Fred W. German Co., 914 Cham, of Commerce. $7500, 1'iO acres, located one mile, from Sauver station, lays fine; 60 acres in cultivation; finest soil in the Wil lamette t valley: land adjoining sells from $10 to $125 an acre. This is a fine buy; half cash, bal. 3 years at 7. W. J. Davie, 505 Corbett bldg. 101 ACRES 3 room house, mostly bot tom land, part in ' hay. on countv road,' big local market, 3 good cows go wltn place, convenient to Portland. Reliable party can have very easy terms. 627 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE Home comfort raneh. finest acreage on capital hisrhwav. 1 tm 100 acres, all in cultivation, n Ti gard auto stage, fare 25c, car very hour. Owner, II. Grebey Tigard. Or. FOR SALE by owner. 25 acres 54 miles from MCMinnviiie. pr.: $1600, $600, balance terms. Write to S. Cam- best, Cove Orchard, Or. FOR SALE 200 acres of good land in r- t i . : . n , ii. i i WHEN yo answer the Want Ads. i mention The Journal. r 60 IMPERIAL .14 ACHES. FOR SAHZ HOUSftS FOB SALE FARMS - 17 t Continued) - 115ft ACRES. 70 CLEARED .,. : $6500. - .. . , Only 1 mile from Ry. etatlon, grade and high schools. In Willamette val ley; good 6 room house, 2 barns, spring and creek; all fenced: has family or chard; terms.- ; D. MoChesney, Title & Trust bldg. FOR RENT FARMS 14 FOR RENT 120 acres. 80 acres under cultivation, & acres in assorted or- V UCLl 1.1 , UiVl li, IIUUPO HUIl tt. I t UUl" ffi Vanomivw. Wash 57 ACRE farm, all in high state of cultivation, rich land, near electric station; stock and implements for sale. Write Dr. Hawke, Gaston, Or., if you mean business. - IRRIGATED farm and" orchard; small building and barn; suburbs Lewiston. Idaho; will rent on shares to married couple. 459" Morgan bldg. KENT or lease, 19 acres, crop half in; good building. Million, Hel vita station. United Railways. WHEN you answer these Want Ada. : mention The Journal. FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUY 88 WANT to lease a stock; farm for a term of years; must have water and grass. Write me what you have. N- 810, Journal. HOMESTEADS 47 HOMESTEADS. -Big Indian reservation to open 750, 000 acres-for settlement; fruit, timber, farm lands; send 25c with this ad to Wenatchee. Wash.. Dally World, Dept. G., for reliable data about this great region.' EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 For Exchange 160 ACRES FINE TIMBER, 40 MILES FROM PORTLAND, NEAR R. R. AND RIVER; 4. 000,000 FT.. ALL FINE TILL ABLE SOIL; 4 ACRES CLEARED, 3 SPRINGS, WELL, ETC.; WILL ACCEPT CLEAR HOME IN PORT LAND FOR SAME; VALUE $4500. - - Dorr E, Keasey & Co. 2D FLOOR C. OF C. BLDG. INCOME FOR FARM. A grain warehouse enuipped with chopping and other machinery, com bined with fuel and flour business. Lo cated in a good live Willamette valley town; no competition. Gross income, $50,d00. Will exchange for a farm to full value but it must be g'ood. Price $12,000, clear. Will put In residence on a farm. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 813 Chamber of Commerce." FINE store building in Oregon -City, modern flats above, $5000 stock gro ceries and general I merchandise, team and wagon and auto delivery; doing $100 per day business; ' price $12,000. No debts. Trade - for part Improved farm. Yates Realty Co., 249 4th st. WILL trade choice 6 acres,- deep black soil, in Beaverton district, with good 4 room neat cottage, barn, well, all fenced, fine condition; $2500, and well worth more, for dwelling . in Portland, clear. Call Main 1242, 401 McKay bldg. HAVE desirable lOQxlOO corner, east side; also timber claim, total value $5000; incumbrance $150, to trade for house and lot or farm land. Address P. O. Box 1 071. city. . $700 CASH equity in modern 5 room bungalow to exchange for acreage, lot or auto. Will assume on acreage, T-372, Journal. HAVE lot one block from carline that I refused $900 for year ago. Will trade for new 5 passenger Ford. Rob ert Athon, Treves hotel, 11th and Stark. PhoneMain 7669. . i EXCHANGE 5 room house. 'A lots - Value $2500, clear, -Kenton, fer 6 to 1 acres with buildings. Call Wood lawn 1087. or write 2 W. Halleck st. FORTY acres irrigated land, fenced, 26 acres in alfalfa, small- -house, paid up water right, for Portland property. 325 Railway Exchange. HOUSE, modern, 6 rooms, lot 40x100, $2500; equity $1800; will trade for sinall farm or good lots. T-417, Jour nal. ; - I WILL trade modern apartment houso, all full, for farm, business or -anything to the value of $4600. Call or write. 619 Lumber Exchange. ' ' ' 40 ACRES, some cleared. $1200; will consider $400 in trade, balance time. Marshall 2595. , 75x125 -Downers Grove,, a Chicago su burb, facing park; all improvements paid. X-423, Journal. 3 - IF YOU have any property for sale or exchange it will pay yoil to see M Kenzie & Co., 615 Gerllnger bldg. CITY lots or house and lots for a good grocery siock ana snore in gooa lo cation. Woodlawn 2148. 24- ACKIiH near Forest "Grove, good soil; will trade for city property. 231 E. 76th st. N.; M-V car. 2 STORES, 10 rooms above; 6th St., Leadville. Colo. T-414, Journal. BOISE, Idaho city home', for Newbergt Or., property. Box 655, Newberg. WHEN you answer -. these Want Aea, mention The Journal. WANTEI KEAL ESTATE 31 WANT a furnished : bungalow with vard. Will give clear deed to San Francisco ' lot or Los Angeles as first payment and assume or would rent. East 3990. WANTED 6 to 10 acres, with build ings on, for good city, property. See Juilson, 427 Lumber i Exchange, LOT wanted. Holladay or lrvington add., cheap for cash; S-302, Journal. ROOMING HOUSES 53 FIFTY room - apartment house, abso lutely clearing -ziw momn. Cheap rent and lease. A-l building. Always full. Genuine cut price of $1800.' Small cash payment handles. We control and guarantee this, ; Investigate. Asso ciated Investment Co., 618-19 Yeon hlritr. ' WOULD you inves $800 if guaranteed that you wouia clear to $110 per montnr ir. so, look up this 23 room house, rent $66; furnace heat, very clean and extra weir furnished. half block from Morrison St.; price $16fl0. Yates, 249 4th St. 84 ROOMSTRENT $200. t and 3 room apartments, central lo cation, well -furnished, clears $200 month: inrice $2000; terms. Hovt Quigley Co., 509 Rothchild bldr, cor. 4tn ana wasnington. 11 ROOMS. beautiful home, near White Temple; extra fine furniture. all mooeni. Sold for $1200. Owner must sell quickly. First one comes gets this snap for $500; some terms. can s mm, near aiam IF YOU want a beautiful home, rent free and net income $75 month, and the best ? furnishings at a lro-lr. owner leaving, see MacKay, 376 Yam- hin st. 22 ROOMS RENT ONLY $65. Pays $100 clear every month. vr-v central; a snap for $50; consider good lot Hoyt Quigley Co., 609 Rothchild niqg., coif.-' m ana waqnington, FOR SALE-r-Irviijig Hotel, cor. 6th and Oak sts.. on account of ill health of owner. Price right, rent reasonable. Apply at hotel. FOR ,SAXE Rooming House in As torla. Or., 24 rooms, centrally, lo cated. .Particulars, D. H. Welch. As- HOUSEKEEPING -rooms for saTS: cheap. Must sell. Sickness. Ham nwn. er.Mrs. M. A. Maddick. 168 loth t 10 ROOM, all H, K. worth $400; must sell this week for rxit of for T, today $190. Call 88 10th, near Stark. J ROOMING house for sale-cheap. In- SMALL rooming hoysft for sale. Call i iptn si. - Alain- skss. FOR HALE Close in. paying rooming' house. & snap. 308 6th st . ' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 3 BECOME INDEPENDENT. Other are doing it. Why work for a sal ary? START . MOVING PICTUR 13 ROAD SHOW, PLAYING SMALLER TOWNS. Small investment. We teacfi you, furnishing everything. TJH ti MOVIE SUPPLY KINGS, ft 4 BROAD WAY. - Hoyt-Quigley Co. V have moved to our new office. I . A Dnfhnhtl ...... , . . . ... ash. inesa specialty made -at trades. Call and TO BUY OR SELL A BUSINESS OF ANY KIND ANYWHERE SEE Business Chance Department SECURITY DEVELOPMENT CO Ground floor Multnomah Hotel. . Cor, of 4th and Pine ets. . FLOUR AND FEED MILL. In the best town of the close in Wil lamette valley farming district; has a splenttnl trade and good opportunities for enlarging. We have a special low price at 618 Yeon bldg. C957. $1000 CASH will place you in posaes Bion of a first class hotel in Wil lamette valley; long lease, 60 reoms. hot and cold water in every room; fin est turniture and carpets f trade con sidered, 310 Spalding bldg. YOUNG man to work 8 hours in a manufacturing business that will make better than $5 per day; must have $300 to purchase ft Interest Call 519 Lumber Exchange. ' - baker v ! and grocery. Stock and fixtures, invoice $900; wide awake business; $650. Trade for lot or equity. 5U9 Rothchild bldg., cor. 4 th tind Wash , WANTED Man to travel with vaude ville act, 2 girts In act; require $b(. 619 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark. CIGARS, confectionery, light grooer- ies, living rooms", furniture, stock and fixtures, $400; bargain, quick sale $230: owner leaving city. fOaat 871. CIGAR STORE. -W'ell located, rent $15 month, stock and fixtures will invoice $800. Price for all, $160. PMers, 15 N. 6th St. LIGHT groceries, butter, eggs, etc. Owner wants a partner to help him In his striutly cash store; pay $100 month. Call room 829, Morgan bldg. 500 BUSINESS CARDS 59c 1000 for 90e. Hose City Printery, 3d at Taylor. - A GOOD live feed business and feed barn. Building and lease at a bar gain. Invoice stock. 600 Journal of- nce, Vancouver, wash. PARTNER wanted for a small repair shop; pay $80 month now, which can be, increased. Call room 329, Morgan bldg. FOR SALE Small grocery, low rent, good trade. Phone Maiu 9340. after 2 p. m. week days. FOR SALE Well established buttor and egg route. 60 E. 12th st, N. ti$ not call Sunday. lih.tr I AL RAN T for sale, cheap, in good location; party must leave city at ont-e. 216 Panama bldg. 1000 Business Cards $.85 Kyder Ptg. Co.. S. W. cor. 3d & Morrison MANUFACTURING partner wanted, able to keep plain accounts, etc.; good pay. Call room 329, MorgHn bldg. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The journal. BLSINKSS OPPORTUNITIES WANTKIJ 6S WANTED A restaurant or confec tionery store in country town. K 642, Journal. WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal. BIOXEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 LOANS on improved city property or -for building purposes; advance mads as building progresses; liberal repay ment privileges; no commission. J. P. Lipscomb, 242 Stark St. Main 442J. PRIVATE ON HAND TO LOAN. $8,000 at I'o $5,000 at "9i 8,000 at 7-'. 2,500 at 7 700 at 6 300 at 8y M'KKNZIE & CO., 615 Gerllnger hldy. Mortgage Loans I. L. WHITE, 701 Selling bldg. BUILDING LOANS on city and subur- Dan property; money advanced as work progresses, W. G. Beck, 315 Fall ing bldg. Main 3407. ' WE have money to loan on your real estate; first-mortgages only. HAMMOND MOHTflAUM COMPANY, 423 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY to loan in amounts of $100 to $6000 on city property. A. II. Bell, 201 Gerllnger blte, MORTGAGE . loans at current rate. Real estate security. 'Apply room 202 Stock Exchange, 3d and Yamhill. CASH paid tor mortgages, notes, con tracts; mortgage loans; reasonable rates. F. II. Lewltt & Co., 3--Lewis bldg $100,oo on mortgages city end iarm property. fir insurance. McKenzis ft Co.. Qm linger bldg.. 2d and Alder. MORTGAGE LOANS, tt and 7 per cent. Louis Solomon & Co.. 229 Stark st. $200 $360, $800. $900. $1200, $1800, Fred W. German Co.. 914 Cham, of Com. MONEY TO LOAN AT 7. L. DE LUCHI. 324 Front St. Main 7804. $40,000 OR LESS. FARRINGTON. 80 4th st. Board of Trade bidg. MONEY to loan 6 to 8 per cent. W. It. Kelts & Co., 810 ypalding bldg. $5000 to $16,000, private money. Z-S24. journal. $500, $1000. $2000, no com., no delay. Ward, Altsky bldg. ' $1000 AT 7; $2000 AT Te. L. J. LAMB. Oregonian HI. Main WHEN you auswer these Want Ad. mention The Journal. $1600 CITY property. Smith & Houck. 801 Henry bldg. on :lty B-S73, properly. Tnbor 2,Si!0 Journal. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, HALAIUE3 7 f IMMEDIATE LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY - AT EASTERN RATES. "We have one of the finest retail Jewelry stores in the city. A loan de partment is conducted in. connect l"ii with SHine maklrig business STRICT LY CONFIDENTIAL. Absolutely no signs designating loan buslnes dis played in front of our store. All mer chandise pledged is held for a period of seven months, whether-or not in terest is paid when due. ' We are li censed and have been established since 1899. No connection with- any other loan establishment in this city. A.- & M. DEIXTVAGE, JKWELERS, J24 Washington st. LOANS IN SIX HOURS' XI HE. At Legal Rates V We loan money on diamonds, pianos, livestock, storage receipts, plain notes or furniture. Portland Loan Co, Licensed by State. Room 206 Rothchild bldg., 4th and -6th on Washington Bet. st. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. , ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. Business Strictly Confidential. STATE SECURITY COMPANY. LICENSED. . S09 FAILING BLDG. MONEY AT ONCE. Diamonds. Watches. Musical Instrum'ts - Separate dept. for ladies. tKLBY CO. i Licensed. I 980 Lumber Ex, bldg., 2d and Btark LOANS on diamonds, jewelry, strictly confidential. 141 3d st n-ar Alder. LOANS m real estate, diamonds, jew el r lOW mHolKRVVs hJngtonhld MONKY to loan. fhort time, on ap- proved wecurltv-. Hatfield JBf54tli. WHEN yon njr these Want Ads, tnentbi'n The Journal. ' (Continued ou ext P gt