THE t OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND., MONDAY EVENING.. MARCH 8, 1915. 9 AND PRY THE INDIANS LOOSE FROM BOTTOM Pleasant Pastime Slightly : Differs From That of; Other ;i Managers, Several Canned 1 . Hy 111 Sheridan. li Cleveland. Ohio. March 8. Whilo a majority of big league managers are iflguring cut ways and mean of Jim my In s their taams into first place or -hereabouts, Joe Birmingham, manager of tb' Cleveland Indta-ns, erstwhll Naps, is facing the problem f lifting his team out of last place in the Amer ican league. - Birmingham has entered into the pleasant though somewhat perplexing pa time, with the zest that always marks, the doings of a youthful man ager, and hopes to land his team in at leant the fifth berth. , JI9 started his cayjpalgn this winter by eliminating from the team tseveral - playero whose views on running a bail elub did not coincide with his own. Ole Olson, utility lnfielder was sentenced r t the Cincinnati eds, Napoleon La Id e was sold to the Athletics and Poo Johnson, first baseman, f ailed to find his name on the team roster when the list was made public. l ine Indians will start the srason , with only three veteran pitchers, unleas toother is obtained by trade or purchase before the middle qf April. Willie Mitchell, a southpaw.'and Fred island ing and Bill Steen, right banders, are the vets. i Guy Morton, obtained from the Wa terbury club last season, and who beara the earmarks of a future great, appears to bo the pick of the younger I pitchers. , Sam Jones, a member of the Cleveland association club last season, Coumbe, Walker, Bowman and JHar atadt are the other pitchers. Several infield changes will be ap parent when the team takes the field for the first game of the season. Bill liodgers, with Portland, Pacific Coa6t league; last season, Will replace Lajoie at second base. Hoy Wood, who showed good form last season, probably will . cover first. Barbare, recruited from New Orleans, or Terry Turner, will hold forth at third." WambKganns, Cedar Rapids short atop last season; Shields, Waterbury, first baseman, and Thomas, Omaha third baseman, 'will fight It out for ;the utility Jobs, Barbare or Turner, having Jthe first call, of course, if either fails to break in as a regular, i Five outfielders will try for Jobs, Manager Birmingham among them. Joe Jackson will hold forth in right field and will again try to nose out Ty Cobb In the race for league batting honors. He hopes to succeed this year after many vain efforts. Elmer Smith, a Waterbury recruit, will play center field. Smith played 18 games with the team Mast fall and batted .327. lie is one of the best outfield prospects the Cleveland team has picked up in years. Graney will play left field arid Leebold and Birmingham will be the extra out fielders. j Steve O'Neill and Ben Egan, the lat ter with Baltimoreristst season, will do -the bulk of the catching. Devogt and Billings, with the Cleveland associa tion team'last season, will fight it outj for the third string job. Fohl, j veteran catcher, "will "instruct the young pitchers. i The Cleveland team may be the dark horse of the American league race. If Bmith, Barbare and RodgerB come through In style and two of the. recruit pitchers . deliver the goods, the club should make a hot fight for a lust division berth. Mechanician and Spectator Better J. M. Claary Wag Hurt During? Raca nd Obuln Cashing Was Struck by Automobile Tire. San Francisco, Cal., "March 8. At tending physicians at McNutt hospital announced today that .James M, Cleary, ineclianician for Bob Burman, the au tomobile ' racer, and : Cnarles Cushing .would recover from injuries they re ceived during Saturday's Vanderbilt i teup race, i' ; . ,';".... Cleary'a legs and ribs are fractured and he will-be in bed for several weeks. It was thought at first that Cushing, , a spectator,' had sustained a fractured '' skull when a tire from, one of the rac- ing automobiles whirled off and : knocked 'him down. Physicians now Bay this is improbable., - - i . -. Two Athletic Clubs ' a Suspended Today "Wastern and Mohawk Are Accused of Violating1 Union's Bales; About 30 Boxers Are Affected. T. Morris Dunne, secretary of the Pacific Northwest association of the A. A. V., today suspended the Western Amateur Athletic club and the Mo hawk Amateur Athletic club. Both clubs are charged with violating the rules fo the amateur union, hence their suspension. Between 25 and 30 boxers have been placed on the black list by the P. N. A. secretary, who has been carryine on an Investigation against the simon-pure mitt men for the past several weeks More boxers will likely be blacklisted in the near future. - - -'- - America's Greatest Cigarette MataseftheHtfiest Grade Turkish and Egyptian Cigarettes in tht VirU. Franklin I Field to ". Be Meeting Place "New "York, N. Y.. March 8. Franklin field. Philadelphia, will be the scene of the struggles for Intercollegiate track and field championship honors -this year. This was decided at the annual meeting t)f the Intercollegiate Associa tion of Amateur Athletics of America, held today. Only two invitations, one from the University of Pennsylvania and the other from Harvard, were re ceived by the association, and by a vote of 17 to 2, the Pennsylvania grounds were chosen. The meet, the fourth of the annual association, will begin on Friday, March 28, i.nd con clude on the following day. Multnomah Will Join in Tournament S. S. Humphrey, chairman of the bowling committee Of the Multnomah Amateur Athletic club, announced to day that the "Winged M" clHb would participate in the 'ocean-to-roceah" tel egraphic tournament for the Colonel Robert Pi. Thompson trophy April 24. This prize is to become the property of the club winning trie competition twice, not necessarily in succession. The Chicago Athletic club and the Cleveland Athletic club have each won the" cup once. A handicap bowling tournament will be . started on the cluo alley tomor row night. Mohawk Card Announced. The program of the Mohawk club smoker to be staged Friday night wis announced today by Secretary Proctor. AJrfSommers will meet Harry Mahoney in the head liner. The card: 145 pounds Al Sommers vs. Harry Mahoney. 135 pounds Jimmy Moscow vs. "Carman" Syveson. 125 pounds Fred Meagher vs. "Kid" Snyder., 120 pounds Lylo Frisbee vs. Clyde Taylor. 125 pounds Hanson vs. Eddie Bul len. 125 pounds Conley vs. Wachline. PLEAS ARE NOT GUILTY Frank Alley, an attorney of Rose burg, and Carlos Byron, a timber oper ator of Seattle, charged Jointly with conspiracy to defraud the government out of timber lands embraced in the fraudulent Hyde-Benson lands, were arraigned in the federal cour"t today before Judge Bean and pleaded not guilty. They have filed a demurrer to the indictment and argument was set for Monday. March 22. Deputy Clerk Resigns. Deputy County Clerk L. E. Sauvio has left the county service and this morning became identified with tho iaw firm composed of E. V. Littlefield and Robert F. Maguire. Iteputy Coun ty Clerk Charles Strode will become clerk of Circuit Judge Kavanaugh's court in Sauvie's place. "Cupid" Comes Back. Once rnor "Cupid" Cochran, known to his family by the name of John. presides at the marriage license win dow in County Clerk Coffey's office. Cochran left his place last January to become chief clerk of the last senate and sbas been occupied in the past cou ple Of weeks since the session ended in compiling senate records. ! Rmergeney Clause Removed. The proposed ordinance regulating the Jitneys and auto buses will be discussed at a pu. -c hearing to be held in the council chamber of tho city hall beginning at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. Commissioner Daly an nounced today that the emergency, clause has been removed. Aluminum Castings Filled Sack. With a grain sack filled with Alumi num castings from an automobile - i.i their possession. Jack Dilllan, aeed 19; Joseph Dunn, aged 31, and W. C. Wakefield, aged. 33. were arrested by Special Agents Chandler and Kelly of the Southern Pacific Saturday at the S. P. shops. i Los Angeles Auditor Here, John S. Myers, city auditor of Los Angeles, was a visitor with City Audi tor Barbur for a few minutes this morning. Mr, Myers i. on a vacation trip, visiting the cities of the north west. ( 1 i Shipping Commissioner Dies. Tacoma, Wash., Mareh 8. William Welsh, United States shipping ! com missioner and pioneer resident,' well known in the northwest, died at his home here today. He had been ill for several ntonths, the result of a general breakdown, Welsh is survived by his widow and four children. Burglars Brave Hoodoo.! Salem, Or., March 8. The Gooding general store at St. Paul. In the rob bery of which two weeks ago one rob ber was killed and two others were captured, was robbed again last night; The safe was blown. i MULO00N GIVES OUT - ALL-STAR LINE-UP OF PORTLAND VICTORIA Great Interest Attracted i by Corning Two Game Series With Vancouver Team, Manager Peta Muldoon of the Port land Rosebuds today announced the lineup of the all-stars of the Victoria Portland team, which will clash in a two game series with- the Vancouver Millionaires here March 15 and 17. It is: j Mike Mitchell, Portland, goal. Lester Patrick, Victoria, right de fense. : . . . "Moose" Johnson, Portland, loft de fense. Fred Harris, Portland, rover. Ed Oatman, Portland, center. Ran McDohald, Portland, right wing. Art Throop, Portland, left wing. : Charley Tobin, Connie Benson and Shore will decorate the bench. There is a great deal of interest in the 'coming series, and record breaking crowds will likely attend both matches. The games will start promptly at 8:30 o'clock.' Tom Phil lips and Skinner Poulin will be the officials. Vancouver's lineup will be: Lehman, goal." Griffis, right defense. Patrick, left defense. Taylor, rover. Mackay, center. Cook, right wing. Nighbor, left wing. Stanley, M alien and Seaborn will decorate the fence. K league and the National Hockey asso ciation, over the officials for the com ing; world's series hetween the Van couver! tea and the winners of the N. A. "title, which will be decided this week.- President Patrick of .the Coast league la holding: out for Tom Phillips and Skinner Poulin, while the N. H. A. wants Jack Marshall and Lester Pat rick to officiate. ! other parts of the Job. It Is the In dention to. complete the job the latter "part of April. The enlargement will t cost about $75,000. I . .':v;V""i-',:i' . Fire Destroys Barn. St. Johns, March 8. The barn and contents ' at ft 469 Macrum - avenue, owned by Mrs. Jamile Apach. were de stroyed by fire at 12!15 a. m. Sunday. It is believed the fire was started from a cigarette dropped by a tramp. The St. Johns volunteer' fire department responded to the Call. The loss is placed at $160. ; i! j "Moose" Johnson, Ed Oatman and Charley Tobin will leave tonight for Vancouver to play with the Victoria team against the Vancouver Million aires tomorrow night. These players' will return to Portland Wednesday, when they will resume training for the series with the champions. There is a hitch between this offi cials of. the-Pacific Coast Hockey The Ottawa and Wanderer teams, which are tied for the championship of the N. H. A., will settle the ques tion of supremacy this week. On Wednesday night, the two teams will battle in Ottawa, and on Saturday night in Montreal. . The team scoring the highest number of points wins the title. - SLAYER GOING TO TRIAL I.os Angeles, Cal., March 8. Follow ing his arraignment for robbery to day, A. E. Sells, confessed slayer of Mrs. Jacob Vogel, of Fruitvale, will be taken to Oakland tonight to stand trial for the most serious of his crimes, ac cording to District Attorney Woolwine. That Sella is not tho prisoner's real name, but that he has served' a term In prison under it and has been- mar ried under that name. Is the statement of the police here. Griffith Lateral Started. : Klamath Falls, March 8. Actual construction work on the enlargement of the Griffith Lateral was started to day by the reclamation service, when a big force of men and teams was start ed to work at the head of the water way near the Lost river diversion dam. Wednesday another crew will start to work at the Merrill end of the water way, and the following day a number of contractors will begin work On Statement of Condition of LADD & TILT0N BANK At the dose of business March 4, 1915 RESOURCES Loans and discounts Bonds and stocks . . , Customers' liability on letters of credit. Real estate Cash on hand and due from banks. LIABILITIES Capital stock fully paid Surplus and undivided profits Letters of credit Reserved for interest and taxes Deposits ' .$ 7,866,586.43 . 3,375,446.44 71,994.0: 60,000.00 3,406,007.77 $14,780,034.73 .$ 1,000,000.00 . 1,315,940.52 82,064.34 47,000.00 . 12,335,029.87 $14,780,034.73 Statement of Condition Lumbermens National Bank of Portland J At the close of business March 4, 1915 : v , I RESOURCES , Loans and discounts $3,375,342.55 U. S. bonds and other securities to secure circulation 549,066.87 U. S. bonds to secure government deposits. . 75,000.00 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank 22,100.00 Municipal bonds and premiums. $869,444.73 Other bonds 44,532.59 913,977.32 Furniture and fixtures ... 53,850.00 Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer..... 18,770.00 Due from U. S. treasurer 8,730.00 Cash on hancl and in banks 1,468,532.91 Total .$6,485,369.68 LIABILITIES Capital $1,000,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits 236,041.03 Circulation ' 375,400.00 Deposits 4,873,928.66 Total .$6,485,369.63 HIBERNIA SAVINGS BANK OF PORTLAND, OREGON Statement at close of business March 4, 1915 RESOURCES Loan and Discounts ............'.............. .$1,993,706.45 Real Estate, furniture and fixtures 41.145.15 Stocks and securities 24,657.31 Bonds and warrants i .,' . 4j . ';"',' ; U.j S. Government 4 per cent bonds . .... . . . . . . . . ..$ 54,500.00 ; City of Portland improvement! bonds 291,440.37 i Other bonds and warrants . .! : 12.745.64- 358 fiRfi m Cash bn hand and due from banks . . ..... L .. . .-.... 675,936.62 JS'lSl f60'e$ ' I S ";! . ' v ' - I ! LIABILITIES 1 f Capital stock Surplus and undivided profits Dividends unpaid .!. ....... . Savings and time deposits $1,861,914.83 Demand. deposits r. . J.i 917,739.22 v! lotal deposits . ...i. 2,779:654.05 $ 200,000.00 113,165.49 1,312.00 $3,094,131.54 The First National Bank of Portland, Oregon . , t At close of business March 4, 1915 . RESOURCES Loans and discounts ................... U. S. bonds at par Other bonds, etc. , Stock in Federal Reserve Bank Bank premises and real -estate ........... Customers' liability under letters of credit, Due from U, S. treasurer Cash on band and in banks $12,107,157.73 1,800,000.00 ; 1,987,475.16 60,000.00 . 524,435.31 36,4850 j 75,000.00 . 5,967,414.69 LIABILITIES Capital stock . . . , ....... Surplus and undivided profits Circulation . . . . . .'. Letters of credit Deposits $22,557,972.39 .$ 2500,000.00 . ! 1086,834.04 . 1,261,595.00 . : 40,864.50 . 17668.687.85 $22;557,972.39 Condensed Statement Security Savings and Trust Company Portland, Oregon 1 At close of business on March 4, 1915 RESOURCES Loans $504,007.11 ; Bonds, stocks 362,204.77 Real estate . . .' None Customers' liability under let ters of credit 38,824.50 : ; Cash on hand and in banks. . . . 118,118.72 $1,023,155.10 LIABILITIES Capital... .$250,000.00 ! Surplus and undivided profits. . 202,399.68 f Letters of credit 39,154.50 1 ; Deposits 531,600.92 $1,023,155.10 i Report of the Condition of MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK i I Washington and Fourth Sts., Portland; Oregon At the Close of Business March 4, 1915 RESOURCES Loansi and Discounts ......'..........................$2,193,643.39 United States Bonds 433 300.00, Premium on Bonds 7,l$6.39 Other Bonds, Stocks and Warrants 860,854.13 Real Estate and Mortgages 57,760.69 Furniture and Fixtures .W 29,750.00 Banking Premises ..i......... 78,500.00 Cash and Due from Banks 1,115,767.34 $4,776,761.94 LIABILITIES Capital. Stock ... . . ... . . . . . .... . , . .. . . ...... . . . .... ... . .$ 500,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits ....... . ......... 109,839.67 National Bank Notes Outstanding , 490,000.00 Dividends Unpaid - 448.75 Bonds Borrowed 123,000.00 Deposits 3,551,473.52 !': l'; ,:-:Msy Y:' - - $4,776,761.94 The Charter No. 4514; Condensed Report of United States National Bank Of Portland, Oregon Submitted to the Comptroller of therCurrency At the Close of Business March 4, 1915 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts United States Bonds at Par .............. k ... . Municipal and Railway Bonds Bank'. Building ......... i . . . .................. Customers' Liability on Letters of Credit '. ; . .. Cash in Vaults .;. ..$2,579,752. Due from Banks .................... 11,072,787. . . .$ 5,597,251.70 ... 1,116,000.00 ;...' 1,559,078,22 125,000.00 12,883.60 52 65 3,652,540.1 7r Total . . . . ,$12,062,753.69 LIABILITIES Capital Surplus ....i. ..... Undivided Profits ............ Circulation . . -............................. Letters of Credit Deposits ............ . . ................... ...$ 1,000,000.00 ... 1,000,000.00 220,393.64 .... 1,150,000.00 12,883.60 .i. 8,679,476.45 Total i .....;............ . . ... . $12,062,753.69 Condensed Report of THE CITIZENS BANK Portland, Oregon i At the Close of Business March 4. 1915 RESOURCES Ca&h and Due from Banks , Loans City of Portland Bonds Real Estate and Fixtures ........ .$211,516.49 L. 381,875.20 105,480.00 28,060.00 LIABILITIES ; 7?H an An .. . i. . i apuai ramin , ...4 i .$100,000.00 . Surplus and Profits , ...j .L . 22,008 04 Deposits J.. 604,923.65 . M $726,9319 I v-"" Report of the Condition of ' The Scandinaiaan-American Bank. Portland, Oregon j f At the Close of Business March 4, 1915 : RESOURCES Loans and Discounts ..... . . ..I. , $1,044,959.88 Stocks and Bonds ..... .4 .......... . 170,379.35 Real Estate 30,936. 1 8 Furniture and Fixtures 16,135.50 Cash and due from Banks ......................... 450,804.13 Total Amount of Resources ....... - LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid -in . , . . Surplus and Profits . .-. ....................... . Meposits .$1,713,215.04 ..$ 100,000.00. 23.905.61 1,589,309.43 Total Amount of Liabilities . , . . . ... . .$1,713,215.04 Statement of the Condition of The Northwestern National Bank of Portland At the Close of Business March 4th, 1915 RESOURCES M Loans and discounts . ... . . .". ...... .$1,908,711.32 United States bonds . . . . . .. . ... .... .1 f 50,000.00 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank ' 11,00.00 Other bonds and securities I 577,965.57 Furniture and fixtures . . Cash on hand and due from banks . . .. 347,980.72 74,966.68 3,971,1 LIABILITIES 24.29 Capital stock paid in ... 1 . . ; . s j 600,000.00 Surpjus and undivided profits 111,108.68 Circulation . , J... V ! 148,750.00 Deposits'. ' J I 3,211,265,61 $3,971,124.29 , Statement of the Condition of Portland Trust & Savings Bank At the Close of Business Mareh4th, 1915 RESOURCES Loans and discounts . . . . . v. . ...... Bonds and stocks . . . , . Real estate and furniture and fixtures Cash on hand and due from banks . . 743,539.73 135,078.49 249,316.94 452,873.63 r LIABILITIES : Capital stock . ... .v; . . . . .... . s Surplus and undivided profits . . i Deposits . . . . ; . . . . i . . . . $1,580,808.79 $ 300,000.00 53,350.13 1,227,458.66 $1,580,808.79 DIRECTORS OF BOTH INSTITUTIONS: H. LV Pittock, Chairman of the Board, L.'B. Menefee, John Twohy, A. p.' Charlton, George II. Kelly, A. S. I Nichols. O. L. Price, J. D. Farrell, F. W. Leadbetter, Emery Olmstead: Combined Deposits . . . . i ,; .$4438724.27