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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1915)
THE OREGON . DAILY JOURNAL,' PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 8, 1915. ' COASTERS BELATED BY HEAVY WIND FOR THE PAST SEVERAL DAYS if Gales Are Encountered From San' Francisco North to Blanco on Trip Up Coast. 1 ARROW LINE IS INCLUDED Steamer : Daisy Putnam Arrived, H- ing Ballad Thursday Evening .i With Puel Cargo. Ilue. to a heavy northwest breeze foushj off the coast for the pa.t few da'.vs, every coaster reachw port since for Coos Bay on Friday instead of i aturdajf night has been late. The Wednesday morning. She 'will leave winds, vere "encountered from San Coos Bay for Portland on: Monday, ar Francisoo mirth to Blanro and, with- riving Wednesday. This arrangement out exception, the vessels were laU. will be much to the benefit of Coos The steamer Roanoke, Captain Dick- Eay residents, as both the Elder and on, bringing 10') passengers and 9(H) the Breakwater how leave Coos Bay tons of freight from San Wego. Los for Portland the latter part of the Atlgeles and San Francisco, did not week, while there Is no sailing during reach the river till late yesterday aft- tn early part. There will now be a prhoon and after, taking oil reached boat into Portland and from Portland Columbiadock at 3 o'clock this morn- every third or fourth day, Irtff. 'The northwester ' caught the j 11 " Ron-nokej'soon after she left San Fran-' Hark Katanga Libeled. Hco and- held her as far north as j Departure of the Belgian bark Ka Cape Blanco. The weather was fine.tanga for the United Kingdom with a overneaq. However. iemer nose vlly or lne iiiree neet aia not reacn me river nil 9:45 this morning. She was off Cape Blatico at & o'clock last night, so liaJ northwester con siderably herself. Captain Blake of the steamer Ohloan, I the. 1 American - Hawaiian freighter, which reached Albers dock at & O'rjock! this morning, is another mas "w$o: was delayed by vthe breeie. The- Arherican-Hawalian steamers usu ally make the run from dock in San Francisco to the dock here jn 47 to 50 noprs, but- the Ohioan required more 'th.-1 69 hours, -as she sailed from the Bi City at 7;15 p. m. Friday. The ve ltl Isi out of New York exactly 28 da fe With StODS at all th California . PO JS , when she rtached Portland. She R,.,.,ir A?!7 ' aron . , btCTzht 12500 tnn rf fr!), Boanoke.e American steamer. Captain Diok- tons of freight. Ism. nuiiRers and freight, from San Diego. 1 he- Arrow Line freighter Daisy Pedro and Sau Francisco; North Pacific Pujtnara Is another arrival In the river ! 8-,8-. Co-'. Which was,delvid Sh Kiiilnj n,,,.. I )a's,y Pat nam, American steamer. Captain w4icn was. aeiayea. tone bailed Ihurs- 'Donaldson, freight, from San Francisco. Arrow da everting and did not reach Albers Lie. ! " dock till this, morning. She brought'. Ohioan. American steamer. 'Captain Blake. A full load Of. f relent. , freiitht. from New York, rta way porta. ., fc I American-Hawaiian Steamship Co. V.' ' . I Kose mty. American steamer. Captain SHIPPING" AT SAN FKANCISCO ' S"nkln- I"en(ter8 ami freicht, from San , - . ; I elro and San Francisco. S. F. & P. S. S. Co. Oil Tanker Encounters .Hurricane! w Arrivals, itarch 7. I . ,.. ! '- Herriu, American steamer. Captain l j M JlWOCean.. Entratln, bulk oil, from Monterey. Associated 5ah Francisco, March 8 "VVlth 1 Oil Co. - nf .AJi , ,, vv,ln a I Hreakwater. American steamer. Captain caitgOs of general merchandise, the Maf-geim, passenn. and freiKbt, from Coos American - Hawaiian steamer . Dakotan i Hay- C. B. a. 8. Co. "" iiere tuuay.irom iNew York via thri Panama canal , . . ' tanker SnnhrtrtfA. I The British oil whlcii reai-tied port yesterday from the orient, reported that for three davs a hurricW was combated L E ft Mil aba escaped damage. -- The tug General Alexander, .which sailed fpr Eureka Saturday, put back to ,Port itho same jilght on account of tha roug-h seas. , - - " , - "The barken tine , Encore, schooner William F. Garms, barge Edward May and barge Electra have been purchased by Jtha Rolph Navigation & Coal com pany, terms private. The British steamer Strathendrick, th only "Strath" steamer left under charter : to Davies & Fehon, who be- rore tna war had 14 of these steamers working for them, is at Honolulu and ! -"6'ii6 iiicib win oe sent iu mo urin racuiq ro loaa lumber. Two (additional Japanese steamers have been-taken for cotton, loading on Puget sound. They are the Tokushima Maru and the Kaga Maru. MACMAHON TO LOAD HERE m iixu uam jiruurieu Jlliiacea In cleaning up the odds and Ands of Ithia season's grain crop, Strauss i &' iCo. j will bring the French bark i iuacmanon nere for part cargo, acJ cordipgj to advices received from San Franciaico today. She will load 12)0 ton's of cargo at the Bay City and then come north for .the balance of her) cargo. .The MacMahon holds"with the Rus ia bark Port Stanley, which sailed from here) Saturday, the honors for thej high charter rates for the, season. fene received 55 shillings for her FortIand cargo and 47g 6d for her i on - r rancisco loaaing. sne was or iginally chartered by Hind, Rolph & Co.j but was relet to Strauss & Co. wbil en Toute to San Francisco from Newcastle. POUT orford Huor is Dark Aid to Navigators Goes on Strike During Storm. v Fort Orford gas and whistling buoy waa reported out again this morning and it is probable that it cannot be relightfed for several days. Captain Weber of the steamer Saginaws which arrived, in Saturday from San Fran cisco j also reported that the Fox Rock light, marking the spot . where the-1 steamer Navajo had trouble sev eral yars ago, was also out. Orford Reef buoy has given trouble all jwitvter. Regarded as essential to navigation, the lighthouse depart ment itrtll have it. relighted as soon as' possible. The tender Manzanlta is Washing boilers- today so cannot get afj'ay till , tomorrow at least. jut along the waterfront j . -. Unless some delay occurs while dis charging cargo on Puget sound, the big Royal Mail freighter Glengyle will be in Portland Saturday, according to advices received this morning by Frank Waterhouse & Co., her agents. If ai crew can be signed in time, the Britieh ship Bay of Biscay will be taken to. sea Wednesday morning by the! Port of Portland towboat Ockla- hama. She was placed in S the stream Saturday, "The towboat Ocklahama moved the French bark Gerinalne into the stream from the elevator dock . this morning, Hugh Brady, municipal grappler, yes terday recovered --several bundles, of pipe ana a long- piece of steel shafting which td been lost from Oak street dock Thursday night. - , ' The Japanese steamer Senju Maru, loading flour and lumber here for Mitsui &r Co., will clear tomorrow morning; and probably at noon for the orient and Manila. ; Saginaw Was in Danger. While Bound up the coast from Re dondo to San Francisco j just before coining here, - the steamer Saginaw of the Arrow Line chartered fleet, had a narrow escape from possible loss, according I to Captain Weber. Hex main steam pipe( broke during the night and temporary repairs were made with a heavy (rubber hose and two turn buckles. iThese man aged to .hold till she could be "worked into San Francisco, the usual 16-hour passage requiring 30, hours. She was delayed four ''days in San Francisco making repairs. Xew Schedule Announced. ' B k;' ,mZ "T .cm-go of wheat, loaded for M. H. Hou- ser, has been delayed owing to a libel filed against her by the Portland Flouring Mills. The company alleges it advanced the sum of $1300 to Cap- tain Marks for expenses here, and that the money has not been refunded. To Ixad Li'mber at Portland. San Francisco, March 8. The Nor wegian steamer Thor, which is to load lumber at Portland for Quebec. reached this port yesterday and after tier coal cargo is discharged' will de part for the Hose City. NEWS OF THE PORT Departures. March 7. . .teo. W. Elder, American steamer. Captain I.tittfiit naicnAtifreri on.) f.i..h, , ' ) B" aurt Kureka. North Pacific S. S. Co. r'ashtSnaw-. American steamer. Captain S?,nd- water b11"t for Monterey. Unioo Uezina. Norwegian shin. Cantain Mlchelsnn wheat for the United Kingdom. Kerr. Glfford & Co. Heaver, American steamer. Captain Mason, passengers and freight, for San Francisco and San Peilro, S. F. & P. S. S. Co. Marine Almanac. Weather at Hirer's Mouth. North Head, Wash.. March 8. Condition of the mouth, of the rirer at 8 a. .in smooth; wind, east 15 miles; weather, clear. Sun and Tides, March 9. Pun rises, 8:35 a. iu. Sun sets, 6:08 p. m. Tides at Astoria. fl.i.HJsnwatrv iow water. feet, t 0:37 a. m.. 3.B feet. 7:02 p. m., 6 feet. I 2:25 p. m., (J.4 foot. Daily Kiver Headings. stations' c ' ? s "24 2.61 O.ljO.OO 25 1.61 00.00 lO 4.50.3 0.00 20 4.2 O.3 0.O0 20 3.7 0. 3 0.00 7.1 14. 1 0.00 15 2.6; 0.7:0.00 limatilla Eugene . siem Wilsonvilie 1'br.tland ( ) Falling. ' River Forecast. The Willamette river at Portland will re main nearly stationary or the next twjdays. Steamships to Arrive. PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT Nam From Date .. S. D. and way... Mar. 21 ..Coos Bay Mar. 14 .. B. F. and way. ..Mar. Kounoke. . . Breakwater Rose City Geo. W. Elder . .Coos Ban Mar n ge" -s. ! ana way. ...Mar. 13 Yucatan S. F. and war... Mar. 14 Beaver S. F ..Mar. 18 Steamers Due to " Depart. PASSENGERS AMD FREIGHT 'Name From Date Mar. 14 .Mar. 22 Geo. W. Elder. Beaver......... Roanoke Northland .... Breakwater... .. Rose City Bear Yucatan . Coos Bay S. P. and way., . S. D. and way., .S. D. ... , Cc.s Bay ...... S. F. and way . . . .8. F. and way.. S. D. and way., .Alar. Jo .Mar. 10 .Mar. lo .Mar. 12 .Mar. 17 .Mar. 17 Vessels in Port. Name Berth UgbtKbiD No. 67. Am. str On.n nnHnrk Bamoena, Rus. acb.-. I.-P. Lbr. Co Katanga, Beig. bark., Stream WiHcouibe Park. Br, th .Astoria (iezina. Nor. Bhip .Astoria Morna. Nor. bark.. Banfilld Port Stanley, Runs, bk ...Astoria Kay ot Biscay, nr. an.... Stream Stream . . . . Oregon dry dock .....l.-P. Lbr. Co. ". . . Irving Stream .......... . Linn ton -. . . - Linntoa ,.... I.-P. Co. . f . N. P. Lbr. Co. ...Port. Fir. Mills Touraine, . Fr. bk ....... . Francois, Fr. bk David Evans, Br. sub..., Combermere.-It. sh...... Germaine, Fr. bk....... Lika, Nor. sb Nordfarer, Nor. sh. , Bankoku Maru, Jap, str. Ia Peroose, Fr. bk Sen Maru, Jap str Kaginaw, Am. str ..... Albers ...Crown Mills .... .Knappton Conch . . . Columbia .Albers No. 1 .Albers No. 3 ....Willbridge . . ... -Ainsworth Keukan Maru No. 8, Jap. str. DaiiA Freeman, Am. str North laud. Am. str. . 4 , -. ., . . Roanoke, Am. sir Daisy Putnam. Am, str-... 4 Oliloan. A str. ...... .T. . ..i Wm. L. Herrin. Anr. str L Breakwater, Am. str. 4... Rose City. Am. str..- w Vessels Dlseaa-aml. .Bound up Akntan, Am. str . Ooble Arnoldus Viunen, Uer. th. CI if to a Alliance, Am. str.. o. W. P. Berlin, Am. bk. . . .. . . Goble Chinook, D. S. dredjier, i.Oregon drydock Col. P. S. Michle, l;.' S. dredger.. N W. Steel Dalbek, Ger. bk. .i ........ .Victoria Dolphins Golden Gate, Am. str.... ......O. W. P. J. B. Stetson, Am. sU St. Helens Kurt. Ger sb .......,. Westport Nehalem, Am, str., St. Helens . At Neighboring i Ports. Astozis, Or.. .Atarcb 8. Arrived down during tb night Norwegian ship Geztna. Sailed at 6 a. m.. steamer Beaver, for San Fraucisco and San Pedro. Arrived t 9:45 and left up at 11:50 a. m.. steamer Rtwe City, from San Pedre and San Francisco. Coos Bay. March 8. Arrived at 7 a. m.i steamer Geo. W. Klder. from Portland. Astoria. March 7. Arrived at 2 and left up at 4:80 a. m., steamer W. 8 Herrin. from San Francisco. Arrived at T and left up at 8:30 a. m.. steamer Breakwater, from Coos Bay. Sailed at 7:30 a. m., Japanese steamer Kojo Mara, for Shangbal. Sailed at a. m.. steamer Solano, for Saw Francisco. Sailed at ttu.. Btcaraer dhasta, for Han Pedro via deen. Sailed st 2 p. u., steamer Wash for Port San Luis. Arrived at 2:30 left op at 6:35.p. m.. steamer Roanoke, Han Diego and way ports. Arrived down ... i?0. d."aild at 6:45 n. m.,: steamer Geo. -Elder, for Coos Bay am! Eureka. Arrived fV:30 1 and left no at 8:H0 p. steamer Daisy Putnam, trow San Frauciaco. Arrived POSSESSIYB PXTDEv Mike -Can you tell time by the sun, Pat? . - . r Pat I could till I bought this 1 watch. I find now that the sun is unreliable. ' ' Burglars Get Fit Then Vanish With All the Clothing Burglars not only broke into 3fc the tailoring establishment Of Max Michel in the Macleay building at Fourth and Wash- 3fr ington streets yesterday morn- lng and stole a quantity of gar- ments, but they carefully fitted Mfi the clothing they took before f leaving. In all 10 garments, valued between $150 and $200 ifc were taken, the heaps of cloth- ing strewn over the floor show- ing plainly tnat the visitors Sit picked out the garments in -jjf question with a view to utility. Mfr Michel's desk was also jimmied, a number of stamps and 16 -jjf it cents in change being taken. Entrance was effected- by Hfc breaking a glass' in the store ijt door and then turning the lock. There is' no clue as to the iden- & tity of the thieves. at 8 and left tip at 8:15 p. m.. steamer Ohioan, from New York and way ports. San Pedro, March 7. Arrived and sailed, steamer Willamette, for San Diego. - Aberdeen, March 7. Arrived at 4 D. m.. steamer Shasta, from Columbia river. Newport, Or.. Marclt s. Gas scbooner Ahwa neda arrived from Portland yesterday at uoan. San Francisco, March 8. Arrived American steamers Daisy Gadaby, ban Pedro, 4 a. m. ; Dakotan, New York, 4 a. m. ; Vanguard, San Pedro, 5 a. m.; Santa Barbara, Columbia river, 5 a. m.; Daisy Mitchell, Santa Barbara, 5 a. m. ; Yosemite, San I'edro, 6 a. m.; National City, San Pedro, 9 a. m. ; Multi.mab, San Pedro, 8 a. m.; Yale. San Pedro, 9 a. m.; Y'ellowstone, Coos Bay, 10 a.m.; City of To reka. Eureka, 10 a. in.; Claremont, Grays Harbor, ll.-a. m.; Adeline Smith, Coos Bay, 11 a. m. Sailed American steamer Aroline, San Pedro, 4 a. tu.; Multnomah. Portland, !0:3O a. m. ; Yosemite. Portland, 10:30 a. m. Seattle, Wash., March 8. Arrived American eteamers Nome City, San Frauelnoo, via Eu reka, 8:45 a. ni. ; Admiral. Dewey. &an Fran cisco, 11:15 a. ni.; Rainier, San Francisco, 7 a. m.; J. A. Moffett. San Francisco. Sailed V. S. survey steamers McArthur for Fort Ward and Gedney for Liberty Bay, lO a. m. Tatoosh Island, Marjh 8 Passed in Ameri can steamer- Mexican, 7 a. m.; American steamer F, H. Buck, 9:50 a. m. Out Ameri can steamer Admiral Farragut, 2 a. m. Comox, B. C, March 8. Arrived British steamer Oanfa, Vancouver, B.C. Bellingham, March 8. Arrived American steamer Mayfair. San Francinco, Victoria, March 8. Japanese steamer Pana ma Maru reports by wireless that nhe will ar rive at qnarantlne at William Head from the orient, Tuesday morning. San Francisco, March 6 Arrived: United Status steamer San Diego.- 11:30 0. nn Sailed American steamer Henry T. Scott, with barge Acapulco in tow, Nanalmo. 6:30 p. m American steamer Santa Monica, Eureka. 6:15 p 111.; American steamer Wbittler, Eureka, 9:15 p. m. ; American steamer Yucatan, San Diego, 9:40 p. m. San Fraucisco, March 7. Arrived American steamer Seafoam, Mendocino, 1:10 a. m.; American steamer Raymond, Santa Barara, 8:ao a. m. ; American steamer Pasadena. AI bion. 9:40 a. m. : Amerluen steamer Aroline. San Pedro, 10:20 a. m.; Norwegian steamer Thor, Newcastle, Australia, 12:20 p. m. ; American steamer Centralia. Eureka. 12:50 p. m.; Americuh- steaiuer Lyman Stewart, Port San Luis, 1 :30 p. 111.; American steamer Doris. Grays Harbor, 2:40 p. m. ; American steamer Stints Clara, Ban Peoro, 4:30 p. m. ; British tank steamer Hongkong, 5:06 p. m. ; American steamer President, Victoria. 6:05 p. ui.; American steamer Enterprise, Hilo, 7:25 i. m. Sailed American steamer Washlncton. Eureka. 8:50 a. m. ; American steamer Phelan P. Drew, Greenwood, 10:15 p. ni. ; American steamer Homer, Ventura. 11 p. m.; American steamer Bear. San Ptisro, noon ; American steamer F. A. Kilburn. Eureka, 12:30 P. m. ; American steamer Oleum. San Pedro. 3:30 p. m. ; American steamer Arctic, Fort Bragg, 3:40 p. m.; American steamer Katuenne, .tureiia, 5:30 n. in. - Balboa, March 7. Arrived snd proceeded American steamer Lewis K. Burlow. Arrived RuHHian steamer Kiev. Cristobal, March 7. Arrived American steamer Peter H. Crowell and Art zona n. Austrian Officer Is Killed in California Body of rormer Zdeutenant Found in Xtailroad Tarda Se May. Han Been Murdered Befora Sit by Train. ' Los Angeles, Cal., March 8. Wheth er a man believed to be Christian Mathias, formerly a lieutenant in the Austrian army, met death under the wheels of a Santa Fe train or at the hands of assassins is a problem the Los Angeles police are trying today to solve. The man's body was- found on the railroad tracks last night. It had been cut in two by the wheels of a "freight train. Marks of violence led to ,the suspicion that he had been killed and the body placed on the tracks. Papers on the body partially identified it as that of the son of Dr. Junkert Mathjas. of Temescorrott, Austria. FINE FOR RHEUMATISM! Musterole Loosens Up Those Stiff Joints Drives Out Pain. You'll know why thousands use MUSTEROLE once you experience the glad' relief it gives. Get a Jar at once from the nearest drug store. It is a clean, white oint ment maae witn me 011 or mustard. Better than a mustard plaster and does not blister. Brings ease and comfort while it is being rubbed onl MUSTEROLE is recommended by doctors and nurses. Millions of jars are used annually . for Bronchitis, Croup, Stiff Neck, Asthma, Neuralgia, Congestion, Pleurisy, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Pains and Aches of the Back or Joints, Sprains, Sore Muscles. Bruises, Chilblains, Frosted Feet, Colds of the Chest it often prevents Pneumonia). .. ; At your druggist's, in 25 and 50 jars, and a special large hospital size for $2.60. , Be sure you get the genuine MUS TEROLE. Refuse imitations get what you ask for. The Musterole Com pany. Cleveland, Ohio. BEUABTX ' Jinks So Jones has discovered: a substitute for rubber tires? JSVhat is it? -.; Blnks Legs. NEWS IN SUNDAY'S JOURNAL Brief Paragraphs Also Give Journal Readers Summary of General European "War. Attacks- and counter attacks by Ger mans and French along tha western front are reported and both aides claim victories. Because it printed an article advo cating the future annexation of Bel gium, an edition of tha Muencher .Zeitung at Munich has been confiscated. The Hammer, an antl-Semetic period ical published at Leipsic, was . bus pended until April 16. Berlin reports that Serbia is plan ning a raid on Albania and it is said the Serbians have, already crossed the border at several ' points. Berlin reports that sinca tha begin ning of the war 821.000 allies have been captured by the Germans, and that since January 1, 200,000 have been taken.. Three -hundred Turks are reported from London to have been killed after a battle by Germans after the Turks had retreated from the Suez canal. Presence of German cruisers in South American waters is reported in London, although the Chilean - govern ment is taking every precaution to preserve neutrality. The British East Indian fleet bom barded Smyrna, the chief city of Asia tic 'Turkey. The Greek cabinet resigned because the king would not approve the plan to join the allies in the war against Germany. Eastern. . "The railroads are under the weath er. You may attribute it to the war or anything else,, but the railways are down and innocent people are suffer ing." This was the declaration by Judge J. W. Lusk, receiver for the St. Louis & San Francisco railroad, be fore the Interstate Commerce com mission in the freight rate Increase hearing at Chicago. Discovery of a gigantic "dope syn dicate," whose trail was uncovered, will lead "from New York to San Francisco," was announced by Lfnited States District Attorney Clyne. The syndicate. Clyne said, was formed to LATE REAL ESTATE Today's Happenings 'With the Builders, Architects, Contractors and Realty Brokers. Changes Planned In JBuildlng. Bids will be received in about a week for making changes in a build ing owned by the South Portland In vestment company at First and Grover streets, and also for installing a two ton capacity elevator within' it. Plans for the job . have been com pleted by Architect C. A. Duke. The structure is three stories high. Will Start on Club Building. Architects Camp & DuPuy will start to work immediately on working plans for the East Side Business Men's club now that preliminary sketches have been approved. The date of asking bids is not known at this time. ; ' Storeroom to Be Remodeled. A five year lease on the building situated at Sixth and Alder streets baa been secured by the Wonder Millinery company and 10,000 will be spent in making alterations immediately. Mac Naughton & Raymond- are the archi tects. The block' was occupied until decently by a merchandising store operated by R. E. Worrell. The build ing Is owned by the Long investment company. " Building Permits. Mrs. W. L. White Repair 2 story frame opening, c . 2isi Derween xnompson ana Til lamook; builder. Leif Erickson. JlftO. S. P. Kwy. Co. Wreck 2 story frame aweurng, ita Detween Kurnslde and Couch; wrecker, V. E. Knight. $100. J. Ag-new Erect li story frame 'dwelling, Rhone between Mllwaukie and 11th;' bulller, J. P. Bartow, $2500. O. W. Olsen Erect 5 foot retaining wall. Hall between 16th and 17th: builder, same, $2lH. O. E. Helntz Erect 5 story mill warehouse, E. 3d between Burnstd and Ankeny; builder, John A 1 meter, $75,000. Brn S. Walker Repair 1H story frame dwelling, E. 24th between Gliaan and Hoyt; builder, J. C W. Ward. $70. J C. Dement Repair 1V story frame dwell ing and stores, E. 21st between Bismark and Smith; builder, same, $40. J. I. Marshall Repair 2 story factory, 10th between Flanders and Glisan: builder, same. $10O. Mrs. C, Bollerslev Repair 114 story frame dwelling. Sumner between Patton and Con cord; builder, same, (50. American Lifeoa-raph Co. Erect 1 story fire proof concrete vault 'C. Yamhill between 84th and 35th; builder, N. M. Peterson, (300. ' Multnomah Lamber & Box Co. Erect frame abed, foot of Bancroft st. ; builder, same, $80. Carle E. Rogers Erect 1 story frame gar age, E. 44tb. near Thompson; builder, C. W. Christiansen. $250. - Haynes Foster Baking Co; Erect I story framfe garage, E. 7th between E. Davis and 15. Everett; builder, Take Down Garage Mfg. Co., (SO. Ixls Mai Dwyer Repair frame dwelling, 1757 Flske St.; builder, same, $lEO. Frits & Russell Repair 2 story brick ordi nary restaurant. 2d between Burnside and Couch; builder, Becker & Co., $25. Real Estate Transfers. Ladd Estate Co. to Mary O, Forrest, l. 21, siy. 10 rt. l. - :du, m. it, , J .J 1 n rm. . BU. A,ilO Carl F. France and wift "to Carrie H. Sabln. S. 19.2 ft- L. 2, B. 4j Kensington, N. 31 ft. L. , B. 11. tj Brainard . 10 J. B. Wilkes, ami wife to Frank B. Ford. L. a. B 17, Woodlawn.. 10 Carl Franco and wife to R. L. Sabin, L. 6, B. 7, Mt. Tabor Villa Anx. . ! 10 Geo. H, Barr and wife to Mary L. ... Carter. 5 acres, beg. In center Co. Rd., 20 ft. N. and 20 ft. W. of S. W. cor. L- 2. B. 2, Springwater Acreage, also uud. 5 int. in 562x 14 tt-. beg. in, cent. Co. Rd SO ft. W. ef N. E.'eor. I 2, B. 2. Spring water Acreage'. 10 W. A. Cougblan snd wife to Carolina A. ThomRon. L. 6. . B. J-f, Cook Ad. to Albiaa axe. striD off W. end. 10 Lillian P. Putnam et at to Edna L. Slocum. L. B, B. 117, Rose City Park 873 . 10 200 Commerce Trust k Sav. Bank to E. Harold Cross, L- 28. . 30. B. 30. E. St. Johns G. L. Webb and wife to Geo. Thomp son, lot 14, B. 2, Haseldell .-' Mrs. M. P. Diinlap. Gdn, to O. T. Peters. W. 12 V ft. U 10, E. 25 sooaiHO. Street Kid See here! Just call me that name again! Call It me again! Ally Urchin Aw, you'll be getting proud if. I do! I must think UP a worser one! ' and Last Night. , evade tha Harrison .drug law recently passed. . Lillian May Cook, theJ pretty 18-year-old typist who committed suicide at New Haven a- few days ago, was soon to become a mother, according" to Coroner Ell Mix. Simultaneously with thisi information. Coroner Mix gave out an . announcement that the case was closed. John D. Rockefeller Jr. will visit Colorado ishortly after April 1, accord lng to the announcement of J. F. Wei ll or n. president of the Colorado Fuel & Iron, company. Young Rockefeller will visit Ludlow an other points where the bitterest fighting took place during the recent coal strike. Solution of a mystery which has been puzzling the police at Greenpoint, L. I., for two days came with the find ing of the body o,f Mrs. Henry Grill behind a trunk in a closet of her home with a bullet in . her head. Grill, a prosperous tobacco man. killed him self Thursday. The police now be lieve Grill killed his wife in a fit of jealousy and then took his own life. Pacific Coast. . Denying that there had been any irregularities in the conduct of , the affairs by the New York commission to the . Panama - Pacific exposition, Norman: E. Mack, chairman, expressed surprise that the comptroller of the Empire state had instituted an In quiry." John A. Prentice, who pleaded guilty to a charge of embezzlement of $7560 from the Bank of Italy at San ran cisco, but whose operations are said to have cost the institution $100,000, was sentenced to four years and six months in San Quentin penitentiary. Three sergeants at the Vancouver barracks have passed the .examina tions and are now eligible for appoint ment as Philippine scouts. The Castlerock High school debating team won the championship of south west Washington when they defeated the Hoquiam team. The names of the winning team are "Miss Mildred Mc Clane, George Hubbard and Joe Mai lery. AND BUILDING NEWS ft., L. 11, b. 1. Hawthorna Terrace. Eva Bnrt and husband to Emma Rosa Zimmer. L. 6, B. 40, Alameda Park... Lorens Lund and wife to J. W'. Wise man, lot 24, B. 2. Thors Hts T. M. Hurlfrurt. Shf.. to William Mac Master. E. 16 2-3 ft. L. 8, W. 16 2-3 ft. L. 9. B. 8. Mallory Ad Ladd Estate Co. to O. S. Blanchard. L. 19, 20, B. 29, Westmoreland Mary L. Sweeney to D. V. Sweeney, part I 5, B. 3, Cberine Ad Edith K, Reeves and husband to G. W. Priest, L. 4. B. 18. Tremont Place. . . Theodor J. Hoist to Matilda J. Hoist, L. 1. B. 17. L- 4. B. 18. Elisabeth lrvings Ad J. A. Hubbell and wife to C. U Starr et ai, N. 40 ft., S. so ft.. L. a. E. 44.28 ft., N. 40 ft., S. 80 ft.. L 7. B. 5, McMabon's Ad 10 10 600 73 S 1.183 . 1 10 t 10 2.40S NEEDLES AND IN Do you feel tired and "worn outr Are you nervous and irritable? Don't sleep well at night? Have a "dragged out," unrested feeling when you get up in the morning? Dizzy spells? Bilious? Bad taste:' 'n the mouth, backache, pain or soreness in the loins and abdomen? Severe distress when urinating, bloody, cloudy urine or sedi ment? All these indicate gravel, or stone in the bladder, or that the pois onous microbes which are always in your system have attacked your kid neys. , You - should use GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules Immediately. The oil soaks gently. Into the walls and lining of the kidneys and the little STOMACH TROUBLE OF FOUR YEARS' STANDING IS CORRECTED BY AKOZ Mrs. Stella Peterson, 346 N. Ninth St., Portland, Rid ' of Old Ailment. After suffering four years from stomach trouble, Mrs. Stella Peterson. 346 Ninth street, Portland, was so pleased with the first three weeks' treatment of Akox, the wonderful Cali fornia medicinal mineral, that she wanted others to know what it did for her. She says: . "For four years stomach trouble caused me great suffering. My main trouble was gas. The gas would form pressing against the heart which made it dangerous and caused me almost to become a nervous wreck. I was con stipated greatly and tle suffering J underwent, caused my eyes" to become greatly weakened, I tried tnree ; or four medicines without results. Three weeks of Akoz did -more than all of them ever started to do. The gas pressure was goneK my eyes are get ting stronger and my bowels are be coming regulated. I- shall take the In ternal treatment for three months, that I may isfce permanently ; relieved. I am glad to recommend Akos to anyone suffering from stomach trouble of any kind." Akos is effective in rheumatism, dbv SMA8T BOX. -r- 4- " ' jl - Teacher Can you give rru a sen tence with deliver in it? Small Boy; Da liver of a chicken is very smalt, j . " News of Late Yesterday Afternoon N D. C. Freeman, publicity agent fot the Oregon Trunk line, showed a num ber of interesting scenic views at the Farmers' Institute for; the Indiana held at Gateway, Or. ; Mrs. E. J. Tollner, who has lived in the state of Washington more than 40 years, died at Seattle. A class for the study of the subject of healing through divine power may be formed at All Saints cathedral, at Spokane, Wash., under the leadership of the Verir Rev; W. C. Hicks, dean, according to the announcement of the latter. I i ., Local. : R. E. Kremers, head of the bureau of highways and bridges of the city, left for California to spend 10 days examining the .various systems of street repair plants with idea of put ting in municipal plant for Portland. Revision! of. the Jitney ordinance has . be.en made, the license fee being reduced. Names of the routes are to be painted n the cars r the new Interstate bridge Columbia river has been and in honor of the oc across the commenced casion leading Portland and Vancouver citizens head a celebration near the first concrete pier. Governors of four states have - ac cepted invitations to be present at the celebration jto mark the formal opening of the Celilb canal. . ' Sport. The Portland hocxey team won the closing contest with Victoria with a score of t ijo 2. During the game two of the players, Thorpp and Poulln, clashed and the referee separated them. . '. University of Oregon soccer team and the Multnomah team played a tie game. The locals showed the better generalship; for a greater part of -the game but the Invaders were strong and always around at the. right time. Melvin Lake, former pitcher for the Victoria, Northwestern, baseball team, signs up with the Piedmont Maroons of the City league. Royal Bids. Co. to O. O. Ticknor et al, L. 18. B. 18. Elmhurst 10 E. B. Hyatt and wife to Susie C. 1 Turner, N. 40 ft. L. "O." East Port- land Hts, L. 2. B, 58. Waverly . . . 1 . . 10 Joshua Hv AgTiew, - Exc.i to , George Lamer. W. 32.2 ft.. L. 1. R. A Rea- con Hts 650 1 V. K. Oven an a 1 to Andrew Overland, L. 4, B. 6, Arcadia Jo O. I. Calkins and wife to Louise Cofelt. land in See. 10, IT. 1. . It. 3 K 1.500 John H. Foster And wife to Veronica K. feebneider et ai. L. 25, 20, 27. B. 12. Peninsular Ad. 1,300 C. I. Adamon to Exile Burkitt, S. 55 ft-, N. 205 ft., iL. 10, Lenore Place. 10 Same to same. N. ;50 ft., L. 16, Lenora Place . . .- I 10 Swlnton Land Coi. to Minnie L'rsln, L. 3, 4, B. 48; Swinton.. 600 Lydia M. Graham and -husband to Winifred G. Lea, N, 20 ft.. L. . S: 20 ft, L. 1,1 E. V,. N. 20 ft., I,. B. E. S. 30 ft.. L. 2, B. 15, Central Albina Ad. i t W. S. Miller to Emll Anderson, L. 10, : B. J, Lanrelwooil Park...., ' goo Catherlne E. Matson and husband to ; Selma L- Mi live L. 4, 5, B. 104, ' Univemitv Park; ...i 10 Fannie Johnson and husband to I, a. PINS THE BLADDER poisonous animal germs which are causing the Inflammation are immedi ately attacked and chased out of your system without inconvenience or pain. Do not delay a minute. Go to your druggist and Insist upon his supplying you with a box of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil capsules. In 24 hours you will feel renewed health and vig or. ,After you j have cured yourself, continue to take! one or two Capsules each day so as to keep in first-class condition and ward off the danger of future attacks. Money refunded if they do not help you. Ask for the original imported GOLD MEDAL brand and thus be sure of getting tho genuine. Guaranteed and sold by the Owl Drug Co. j ; a (Adv.)- SCKS. 8TX.IA PETE a SO IT. betes, Bright's i disease, liver, kidney and' bladder, trouble, catarrh,, blood diseases, - eczema, ulcers, piles ' and other ailments. Akoz Is sold at all leading drug stores; Ask for further Information regarding this advertise ment , Adv.) j r , f RAILROAD NEWS Problems on . the Transportation of Fruit Were Discussed Friday. Problems of transportation arising -from the1 variations In size of fruit boxes were discussed' Friday at Bell ingham by traffic ffiplals of the rail roads of the' northwest,' Intruding rep resentatives Of all the lines centering , in Portland. The officials decided among themselves that a uniform box and a uniform pack would greatly lesson the difficulties of loading and weighing' and representatives of the fruit distributing and . marketing agencies will, be Invited to a Joint meeting at Spokane late this month The Portland men attending Friday's conference were: WV C, Wilkes of the North Bank, J. II. Mulchay of the Southern Pacific and J. R.J3tein of the' O-W. R. & N. - i . ---: --i- " I School, boys from Australia, JT In number, 1 are on their way to America to! find put what this country, is like. Their government Is paying their ex penses; believing that travel in an ideal education and that the boya will, by their widened experience, become better citizens when they return. The ship bearing them will reach San Francisco about ' March 23 and after several weeks at the two expositions the lads will come northward, stopping for at Itast a day in Portland. They will proceed to Puget sound for more . experience and their Itinerary may cover other parts of the United. States ' also. i J ..-' i 1 : . -W. B, Jerome, general western pas-' senger agent of the New York Centdal lines, was a Portland visitor yester-, day oh! his way to the San Francisco exposition. He called upon a- number Of th locul rnllwnv nfflMali i nllt.J . : J ..w.;v by W. O. Seachrest, general agent here. 1 - . Campbell et si, L. L jS, B. 8, East View ....... : 10 Carl Duhrkoop to Josephine Duhrkoop, o acres cai Btewan u. 1. u.. Wee. j 6. T. 18., K.) E.. 10 j Joel M. ( Long and wife to 'Vlncuso ; Apa, L. 17. 18. B. 6. Tabasco Ad... 400. Title & ' Trust Co. to Myrtle Abbott, ' i Li. i-.t. tascot acres.. sbi , A. K. Higgs and wife to Richard L, L. 19,' 21, " B. 9, .Irvington Park,.-.. 10 Fred Kribs and wife to E. DeWltt Con- oell. E. 6, L. 7, 8, B. 221, Portland. 40,000 Mf. Hood Valley Co, to B. C. Brown, L. 1, B. 24. L. 2. B. 23, Saginaw Hts. .1 10 TJ B. McHolland snd wife to O. P. Elsman, L. 10, 17. B. S, Olmsted I'ark 10 O.: P. Elsman and wife to T. K. McHolland et al. It. 4, S, B. T, 01m- - sted Park , 10 W. Priest and wife to P. L. Ab bott, L. 1, B. 4, A von la.. . 10 Omerine Fleves to James B. Hamilton et ai, L. 11, 12, B. 7. Kensington.. 10 W. A. Ilossnck and wife to W. f. Hal- . lock. I 9, 10, B. 83. I. 16. B. 84. Rosamere 2,750 R. Lu Gliran to James D. Hart, K. ; 190 ft. E. Vx, ti. 1. B. "J." US. B. "K," lu 3 8. of Belmont at.r . h. 4, N. of Belmont St.. L. 6, 7, B. 'H,r' L. 8 S. of Belmont St.. fi. A. L. !4, B. "S". Tabor HU...... 8.500 C. C. Masten and wife to Roland I. Mastent L. 8, B. 39, University Park. ioO AJ LeRoy to Laura A. lUdKrs. L. 4. B. 4, Belle Crest BOO Laura Rodgers and husband to Fred W. Rodgers. L. 4. B. 4. Belle Crest. 500 John P. Johnson Snd wife to Frank P. . Martial et al, L. 14. B. 1. Klickitat . Ad, .i.i.... 450 E. J.- Nansa te James W. Reads, psrt . L. 1. :2, B. 17, of replat part of Cook's Ad. 10 Jas. W. Welch to Oltva B. Welch, t 10, E. 8- ft., U 11, B. 63, Laurel- . hurst ........... ........ ........... 10 i' Forgery Suspect Returned. ' Gus Pf under, charged with - passing a forged: check on Ladd & Til ton's bank, came back to Portland this morningi from San Francisco. In com pany with City Detective W. H. Hyde. I prunder is cnarged with forging ms father's name to a check for $180 on, ine .f irst rxanonai Dane ana passing it at the' Ladd A Tllton bank. Htm father, Louis G. Pf under, is a retired! business man living at 60 Vista ave nue. . . - . . .-..j 1 . Pleasure To Do Her Work Mrs. Louiia Patterson, Who j Lives in PitUburg, Pa., Makes Statement. I Plant Juice, the new herbal stomach remedy, is like a ray of hope. It Is a modern . remedy for modern Ills. caused by the rush and hustle of the times. Plant Juice is a vegetable rem edy, made j from the Juices and ex tracts of medicinal plants, brought up to date by modern science, and is the best remedyi to be found for all ail ments of the, stomach, liver, kidneys and blood. ! I .Only recently the following state ment was received from Mrs. Louain. I M. Patterson, who lives at No. tit j Jules Verne Street, North Side, Pitts f burg. Mrs. I Patterson was born on ! Smithf leld Street and has resided in Pittsburg all her life. She states: i "My stomach was' in such s bad con dition that I was a nervous wreck. When I was alone I never felt safe and would always, require assistance to get home if I came down town. My stomach was so weak I could not re tain food.' Even aJ drink of water would cause me to vomit. I lost flesh and weight and my condition had be come serious. I. thought I woutd never again: fregain my health. I had read many testimonials of people be ing helped by Plant Juice and I inter- , viewed a nurtiber - of them. ; They praised Plant Juice so highly i that I , was induced to try it. I want to state publlcly that! since taking this medl- cine1 1 have not vomited one time; I ! eat any kind of food and am not the ! least nervous. My general health has improved and I feel well and strong, i In fact, am doing all my housework. Plant Juice, has certainly been s bless - ipg to me." i ' Plant Juice is sold In Portland hv The Owl Drug Co. at Broadway and Washington Sts.. where it is being in troduced and its merits explained. Ad. For Sprains and Bruises 1 The first thing to do f or a rprain or a bruise i to cover the hurt with a j piece of flannel soaked with Omen t Oil. Quick relief usually follows tins I simple treatment. Trial bottle xoc j mi- The Journal Euiiding js Conducted ca Eqri- j table Ihzs ; Obviously we refer o rentals, and Mnequl vocally we intend that they shall be equitable to alt con- cerned. : I : . We1 will not in any cir cumstances subscribe to the pernicious practice of persuading a lease from one tenant by a concession which we cannot afford to : give to another. .j We have the most modern building in Portland, one of the latest built, all out side rooms; and no build ing in the city can match its advantages nor claim equal facilities. If these considerations, to-! gether w i t h ,-Teaxoiiuble rents, are not sufficient inducement to locate in The Journal Building, we will loan, a tenant rather than relinquish a princl- JOURNAL BUILDING Broadway st T a nib ill. ( , i Kg II 3 I i The Journal Building Tenants' Directory ALV0HD, 0. A. Investmeota. UarsUall 295. Kouin tsVl. AUTO TEAKS1T WX1TABE 80. . CIEIY. Uoom 607. Maiu 0221, BE&OEH 'BB.OB., Wallpiper and faintius. ' Mala Basu, , A UruuuU Floor, Broadway. , KTTEKE, OUStAVE. li X. a Slarsuail fedl, A -4UT,, iO(n fir.' BVEIX, W. ' B..-LVians1ahd In- urau.:e. M.Uii suij, A-jyza. Boom 403, CHAKB2S1AIM, SR. CAS. T., M. D. UarskaU 8&i, A-i-loJ. iota iioor. ! DALLAS DEVELOi'MElfT; CO., rtxitaAL iHub; co M.oU VVltlenlier, aiau.gtir. iUui'.UaU UOO, A-lull. Booiu ais. j - DAVIS, JAMi-B H., Lawyer. Mais blU, Uuom mil. j DAVIS, O. H. Jr., Tlicber Laada, Mala 11th tluur. DO Witt, ABTUUJt IL, Optlclas, Uvout 011. i OUOAir, V. W Attorney. Uala bliti. Boom tol. SrTBIE-BiaAUAM U CO., rub lie Aeoou-ianu, aialu bJtxi, Bweni 'W. i IISS. TXACHEBS' AGENCY. J. tt, KlUuti, MalutKer, Aiaiu 4aiio, awotu 614. v - ! - FOX, iaVIM a.. Optometrist. Alain uM, K-I4i. Uoout Vie. GRIM, J. O., M, D, AlaisliaU Uvoui oo. . dilXL, Ca, . K. 0., I'listciaa. aiaia xi. tuxiu - uo. HZ ALT, iOuk.SH. mi., E- lata. Mala US. auu ui mil. X.TTXX, Z. m., Ki Kitale. EDI MDLTlCOLOa tfJUki, Jatuas 11. Vi.u, Ui. tiWl teals AKSUt. Ulu Uli, liuuia ovu. , . I MoCOLLOCH, CLAUDS,! Law.f. Maut oa, Movui uoj. i M0HT0MEKY. Hit. J. H., iciao sua oui'tfeou. iliu M. i4lU iMiOUl triO- 'is KYES8, DK. K. ., O.ieoiiath. Marsusll bourn SUl. ill VEXBOlt, ABRAHAM, Attorn, Mala 10V1, MwutH eov. . I V ELSOX. i. AJSIL, Ueutt. Main Uouui Hiti. O'B&YOH, CEO. ., Atty. OCdDCKTAI. LlJr- 1X5. Ctf., 1. U. Cuuuhia(Uaui, HuUMt. Marsnau. au,, awin ttuw. j- oazooa civio league, m Zaou, liooiu e14. ra ' Hknmu uoo, Duuouu lour., : : 0B.TMAMK, E. W., Alanofottu. eta' AKcut, ItaUwajr buiuuu4.: Mats litHLll 1M. !1 JHIPPS EUUAUK8, At tof uu. a I Law, MarauaU SUV, (lUICX, A. ii.. fir ' Insnranr Orcgon rtrs Uellu.' Asa'u. ilsiiii U4i, A-oW75, Uoou. o. ;. i B0BZBTB, KAH E., iubli StKOvKrafbsr, Mala iS. Uuuoi 000. J j m ! I EUTHEEFOHD, T. B Attorne1 1 MarsaaU ZJtib. Kcaiio bVi. j ; tlUrEBI, T. t ride 11 ty Cop-, per Co., il-in itlj. Uuuut aoo. STEHMBEKG, SB. J phy.; tela ii ul Surseuu. Main 4-4. : A-1411. iuxiui wio. iJ TKOsUtALD. Da, O. T.. Pbvi rlau and Burgeon. Mala fcZtf. humm sol. !; ; UWrVEESITY 07 OBEO0B, Ex-; . teDsUat lcft. Main 2soy, ttooui' 1. . . ; : .; ; WABBEH C0B8TBUCTI0V CO., faring Contractors. Mala tJOtt, -A-tU-ti. keveutb floor. - ,, , i ' j WEST, OSWALD, Uwjet. Mala Uvouj boa. ' j . WEITBR00K WESTBB00K. AtUn-neys at Law. Maiu lool,: Uooui svtf. WE8TEEM OPTICAL CO. Mala ikHiO, ' A-31-S. Kouui OOU. : WHITESIDE, DB. GEO. S Phr . aicfan and Surgeon.- Maiu iai:i. - . Uooui tHl7. ., I : WRIGHT-BLODOETT CO., LTD. Tlmlier Lauds, Ida In T415. liio floor. Tl - 6 I i 1 1 1 iiiii Sf -T ?3i f55?.5s" a-ssa ; ; ; - 1 i