THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, .SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 7, -1915. J r rrr 5- - - . AUTOMOBIJL13S-ACOTSSORIE3 44 fouds- ford3 fouds fords real bargains in used cars. til'X.'OND ,HAND IN NAJiK ONLi', ". 191F6m,i6 pass., fully equipped, practically new, price $395. 112 FORD, roadster, fully equipped, DidBter vibrator, speedometer and large WflnnMiio tank- in rfaf. This car has '"'liad bat of care, looks Ilk new. Price JY)RD S nitss.. fully eauipped. master vtbrator, presto tank and shook absorbers, practically new. Price $4 25. 1913 FORD, 5 pass., fully equipped, honk absorbers, master vibrators una new tires, finest condition. Price $360. If 13 FORD, roadster, fully equipped, eleetric. lights and speedometer, finest condition. .Price $350. . 1914 FORD, 6 puss., fully equipped, shock absorbers and ' speedometer, practically new; Price $425. .191 pase.. c fully equipped, electric Jights and starter. This car - was bought last .'. June and cannot be told . irora new. Original c-ost 140f. Price $695. 1 ft 1 1 CHALMERS 30. 5 pass., $495. .' terras.- V . 1911 MAXWELL 25, delivery, $295. 'liHl.MOLlNEao, 6 pasv, $275. If you want a Rood, reliable car, J-6u owe it to yourself to see these -unusual big values before you buy. "These cars may be seen at any time . at our. salesroom. "We will give you any kind of a demonstration you wish .and you are welcome to have anyone you want examine them. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE, f l E. 13th and Hawthorne ave. c Phone East 1109. .FORDS FORD3 FORDS FORDS Used Auto. Snap -. LIBERAL TER54S GIVEN. . FREE SERVICE GIVEN ON ALL . USED, CARS. . HLPP 5 pass. 32 h. p. COLE- 6 pass. 30 h. p. . I INTERSTATE 4 pass. 40 Jr. p. r R. C. H. 5 pans. 25 h. p. ' MICHIGAN 5 pass. 33' h. p. SEVERAL OTHER CARS TO SELECT FROM.PIUCES RANGING FROM i $350 AND UP. Northwest Auto Co, UROADWAT AND COUCH. M&Ih S8S7 A-4959 ,Used Cars We put those cars In first class shape arid offer them to you at emcrW fice prices. If you want a high powered car, in every way up to date, elec. starter and lights, etc., be sure to give us a call. We have some special bargains in high pow ered cars. , , MITCHELL, 6 cyl.elee. starter . and lights. e.vtra tire, ex.-, ceJInt. rendition - ,: .?l$950.0O OVERLAND. 5 passenger ; 500.00 HARRIS SIX. large 6 pass,. . 750.00 MtTCjLELLr A fine jitney .... 550.00 OAKLAND, -roadster 375.00 Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. EAST. MORRISON AND EAST FIRST East 2177. B-1216. OUAKANTEED -f USED CARS ! ON EASY PAYMENTS. LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. .INVESTIGATE OUR BARGAINS. .'. J. W. LEAVITT & COMPANY. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. ' 627 WASHINGTON STREET. INCLOSED CAR. " i . .. ; "Coupe," late model. Electric starter nd 'lights. Non-skid tires all round. This car has run about' 6000 miles. Looks and runs like new. Will sell for half of original cost. ' J. W. LEAVITT CO., ; Used Car Dept. 627 Washington st. Reo Truck Two ton, with body in first class con dition.. Will sacrifice for quick sale. f Northwest Auto Co, v HKDAPWAl AND COUCH STS.. Main 88.87 . A-4959. HAVK high powered auto with both -delivery and passenger beds, suit able for ' delivery . "purposes or stage line; will sell' for cash or trade for lotr Just overhauled; can show receipted bills for same. If interested, inquire TX-370, Journal. orEoc 550Wi ON VULCANIZING CO. Th. Tire -Shon - Washington st . at 18tn Marshall 379. BEST TIRE REPAIRING. TIRES Trade new tires for old ones. PEERLESS. 6 cylinder, 7 pass.; fully ,i equipped with electric self starter, electrio lights, etc. Everything right up to the minute. Might consider late model small car as part payment. Phone Main 6368. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOS Large stock, prices $300 to $760. V OREGON afOTOR CAR CO., r Studebaker Bldg.. ' Corner Chapman and Alder. IMPROVED PORTABLE GARAGE 10x161 best materials and wfrltman. hip, erected on your lot complete. $34, lunpwriaoi' ureaer one: tomor row it's done. B. T. Allyn. 1191 E. Sal motr st. Phone about 6 p. m. Tabor 194. P1BTS fnr 9ft Hlfforont ,ta mobiles, slightly used, but in first class condition, at reduced, prices. PA CIFIC TIRE & SUPPLY CC. 325-327 Burnside st. - - .T ONE panel delivery body. 1 Maxwell runabout, in first class condition; and 1 5 passenger body for sale cheap. United Painting & Auto Top Co., cor- ner or lotn ana wasnington sis. ONE Mitchell, 4 cyclinder engine, in fine shape. A bargain $75. Oregon Auto- Exchange, 129 LownsdaJe . st Mtm.1161. CADILLAC touring car, fully equipped, ami S toddard-Day ton truck, both in A-l condition. A bargain. Funic Auto Co., 'loth and couch sts. .RECOVERING- auto tops. $1.60 up. Auto painting, $20 up; all work guar anteed. ..United Painting & Auto Top Co.. 16th and Washington. Mars. 945. Written guar antee with every spring. '26 N. 16th . CHALMERS 30, 4 pass, model; fully -' quipped; exceptionally good value. You'll'like It when "ou see H. Will demonstrate.' Phone Main 5368. jRiCO touring car. 6 passenger, in good " condition. A -snap for cash. Inves- SLIGHTLY used ures. largest stock in Portland, $3 to $15. Fine re pal r- jng.- The Supply Co. 207. Madison. CADILLAC The - car of service. Per fect motor, new tires. A profitable investment. O-l SI. Journal. 1844 FORD. $500; $100 extra, equip .rnent; just overhauled; drop card. A. S. Blowers, Lent, Or. AUTO .SPRINGS Ix Ht Frank Imge. 228 Salmon. Main 181. NEW garage. iaxl8. Will sell c.han Make me an offer. TOO E. 62d st. N. j-Mone. mam izis, atter z p. m ?GAL, 5 pass-t Dayton airless tires; lewly.pinted and a bargain at $303. OVERLAND, like new, $550. 60S . Burn side- st. ..- - . AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES I 44 'Continued) ' 'i; Truck Buyers One 3-ton GRAMM truck; two bod ies, platform and gravel dump, in urst class condition, jiooo. ! PIKRCR - ARROW, 1 - ton delivery I wfon. Just overhauled; - good lire I equipment, $350.; r i APPERSON. a powerful 6-passenger touring car, $700. - -1 - . REGALj 5 - passenger, overhauled, $000. !: CADILLAC. 1913, 6-passenger, elec tric lights and starter; repainted, $750. WE SELL TOE BEST CARS1 FOR THE MONEY, OLD OR NEW. TERMS. Howard Auto Co BI'ICK DISTRIBUTORS. 14TH AND DAVIS STS. Main 4555. A-2550. Automobile Owners, Attention The following automobile parts and accessories ror sale. 1 Front axle complete, 1910 40 Oak land:. 1 Rear axle housing, 1910, 40 Oak land. 1 Crank shaft, Kelley air cooled truck. 2 Cam shaft, Kelley air cooled truck. 4 33x4 front and rear wheels, with hubs. 1 Muffler. 1 Dash 1 hood. 12 Assorted rims. Battery boxes. Motor miscellanjr. 1 Model 1 Locomobile water pump complete. '-.--. Few automobile tires. 1 Windshield. Number of tire covers. New fenders.- Other parts and- accessories too numerous to mention. Come and -look them over, you can get them at almost your own price. Gerlinger Motor Car Co, 'Stock Room) . B94 Washington Street. Want a Good Auto Have 30 a. of good land. part cleared, in the Estacada district, clear.- win eiciiaiise iur a. gooa late model auto; no junk need apply. Kel ler & Deal, suite 314, Lumber Ex. bldg. M. 8095. W IN! ON Six, J pass., first class con- dition: must sell. This is absolutely the best buy in Portland. This ma chine would be the real thing for jit ney, stajge service or trip to San Fran cisco fair. This car will be sold quick because price is right; no dealers. T"1rs rd Salmon sts. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 AUTOMOBILE WANTED. I have 40 acres of fine alfal fa land in the Sacramento val ley, California, near good towns and transportation; price $4400. Will take in late' model 5 passenger car up to $2000 and small amount of cash as first payment, balance 1-3-3 years, 6 per cent. (V) Dorr E. Keasey & Co, 2d fir. Chamber of Commerce. HAVE hieb v-rariA nlavAi. nfann n .7 ' ' ' " air, TTl 1 1 S 1 0 . coon aa now etr u i A change for 1914 or 1915 6-pass. auto if nguL, vjveriana preierrea. journal. T ROADSTER WANTED. '. ' Own 6 pass, car and would consider trade. Need roadster for my business. If interested address owner, B-371, Journal. WANTED. ELECTRIC CAR. Will trade you my brand new 36 h, p. coupe and give terms on balance. u-oui, journal. WILL trade 6 room house, city, and $250 mortgage on acreage maturing in May for 6 pass. Ford; no junk. J- WANT Ford as part payment on 4 acres bearing prunes in Yoncalla. Price $160u. F. H. Cook, owner, Yon cells, Or. PRACTICALLY new $850 player pi ano or clear Portland lot in ex change for late Ford touring car. B- 382. Journal. THREE acres of unincumbered land to trade for auto. Must be in A-l condition. Ford preferred. Phone E. nov aionaay, or Hi. aa evenings. $600 EQUITY in a small modern Port land home and some cash for a used light delivery car- W-602, Jour nal. WANT FORD car as first payment on Hood River 10 acre ranch, 3 acres in 4-year trees. Price $1500. Address loio Columbia St.. Hood River, Or, WILL trade late model chassis as part payment on high class acreage 1 mile from Oregon City; value $1700. WANT roadster on easy terms or will give real estate part payment; give mwesi value. a-od. journal WANTED Ford auto, 1913 or 1814 with or without delivery body; give full particulars. O-802, Journal $700 MORTGAGE bearing 8 per cent, -to trade for automobile of equal value. Z-809, Journal. WANT roadster in good condition. -Ad-dress with full description and best price. F-302. Journal. HAVE 40; acres near Portland for au . tomobile. P--406, Journal. CITY lot to trade for 6 passenger Ford. -J-707, Journal. ' WHO has bargain? One or more 3Hx ou urea. -n, journal. WANTED Ford runabout. 1913 model; give mil particulars. r-SQ7, journal ROADSTER wanted, condition no ob ject: must be cheap. B-374, Journal. LIGHT 6 pass, auto for 0xl00 corner, clear; value $1000. Wr-813, Journal. MOTORCYCLIiBlCYCLES 55 TWIN Indian, $65 cash -Twin Excelsior, $110, equipped. r-iioiig cast hi; tn Vancouver ave WANTED To buy motorcycle, Hen derson preferred; state style, price and condition. B-951. Journal. WANTED Motorcycle, twin preferred, must be in good condition, cheap for cwgii. n. j. giyivesier, I liiamooic, Or. WANTED Two-speed equipped motor cycle for $225 diamond ring. Mar shall 792. 1913 TWIN Thor motorcycle. $135 or trade as nart navment on FVirrJ chassis. Sell. 1565. 838 K. Sherman. je jjj tuutujvvie, uuiy run iuv miles. TWi t L m a. -nr i " 7 . v-w , iwj ciati "Vsr i0" c. y i " r hv. WXLt sell my motorcycle on easy MOTORCYCLsE " wanted. Have $100 .... V. V, T. . i . t n t , SINGLE Harley. fine condition, will irane. cast loss. FULLY" equipped Indian motorcycle. 128S E. 9th N. Woodlawn 3470. COMPLETE 1913 9 H. P. Dayton for sale cheap. Call 621 Pettygrove. DANDY single Excelsior. Price $75; g-o oijwn. monthly. 3&o Alder. POPE motorcycle $40 ; Call 211 Ger linger bldg. INDIAN, single, fully equipped, cheap. Sunday a. m B-3453. MOTORCTCIiES-BICTCIiES 53 USED MOTORCTCLES. 4 II. P. Thor. $00. ,. ., 4 H. P. Thor, $65. 1913 7 IL P. Excelsior, tmlpped $140. v n. f. inaian, io Second hand bicycles $10 up. APEX BICYCLE CO.. 124-126 1 2th St Used Motorcycle Bargains . $250 DAYTON 1914,2 speed, equipped. ri.iuurj a, j., xuiiy equippeu. iou k-h, iuuy equipped.. $90 POPE, fully equipped. $0 MERK EL, partly eouipped. $40 f-YALE; a good buy, DAYTON MOTORCYCLES ' A I : ,' BICYCLES. 210 Broadway. Marshall 553$. .iv. HAKLEV-DA VIDSON, EX CELSIORS. MERKELS AND JEKFKKSONS. -We have 2nd hand motorcycles, all in good condition, from $25 to $150. See them before buving. ; Jetterson Cycle Co, 287 3d St. Main 6139. NEW 1914 Harley-Davidsuu to trade for lathe, Graflex camera, or Corona typewriter and cash, or all cash. It's worth your time to investigate, if you are in the market for a quality motor cycle. Phone or write Room 601, Con gress hotel. Used Motorcycle Bargains 1913 Twin' R S., equipped. $115. 1912 EXCELSIOR Twin. $90. AGENTS FOR READING STANDARD MOTORCYCLES. Rydman Bros. .309 OAK ST. 1913 EXCELSIOR, not used during 3 914, in A-l shape. $135. 1914 Merkel, fully equipped. $175, Thor, 4 h.j p., single. A-l condition, $50. Several other -good -machines from $35 up. Terms given. Motorcycle Repair Shop 89 N. Broadway. " Main 4467. WE make your" old motorcycle like new by. havftog- it rebored and ground. Expert, repairing, Teaseji able charges. Phone Main 8984. 214 Jefferson st.; bet. .Front and 1st. WE make out your auto and motor cycle license applications complete with all notary work for 40 cents. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 A.'der st. 1 HAVE paid down $150 on 1916 Day ton; cannot take out machine; will transfer receipt for $125. Inquire i 'avion cycle (JO, INDIAN, 1912, for sale, $90; A-l con dition. A-367, Journal. . LAUNCHES AND BOATS 4 EVINRUDB ENGINES for row boats, ' canoes, motor boats and fish boats. In use bv 16 governments. Pacific coast ' lighthouse stations, lite K"-ing service, and .U. Q. 1 war department. Over 4000 in use in Columbia riv er, Alaska and Scandinavian fishinir fleets. More Kvtn- rude Engines fold last year in Portland than air other .-uarine engines put to gether. World famous for remarkable power, speed and wonderful waterproof magneto built within flywheel. Free catalog. Dealers nnd agents wanted in every town. Largest stock in west at lower prices.) Canoes, row boats, motor boats, marine supplies. Call and see new special model 6 passenger pleasure boat at bargain price of only $80. F. G. Epton, Dist. Sale Manage.' Evinrude Motor Co.. J 86 Morrison St.. Portland. Or FURNITURE, rugs, everything com plete for housekeeping for six room house It you are looking for something good and reasonable it will pay you to investigate at 1239 East 10th st.. N.; Take Woodlawn car to jessup st. FOR SALE Wizard magneto auto sparker, 2 circulating pumps, 14 H. P., 2 cycle engine, 20 ft. bolt with en gine. Call aily time Atkinson & Pater- on. i-ortianq jrtowing club. LAUNCH, 25X5 foot, 2 cyl., 4 cycle, 12 H. P. electric lights, chairs, cush ions, complete equipment, $300 cash. Call Marshall 3510 this a. m. 22 FOOT launch "Naomi" with house. two cylinder, 10 horse-power. Vim engine. Complete "equipment. Speed 30 ft. Cabin Launch, 4 cylinder, 4 cycle engine, first class condition, cash or terms, very reasonable. Call Monday, East 32 80. FOR SALE 2 rowboats. 17 ft. and 19 ft., built of vertical grain lumber. Petersen, foot of Lowell ave.. South Portland. FOR SALE 3 room houseboat, fur nished, including small launch and rowboat; must be sold cheap, cash or terms. P-813. Journal. WHITE steam engine, steam genera tor and fuel tank connections, $St. M. McCracken, Portland Wood Pipe Co.. 24 York st. - BOATHOUSE for sale, 16x42 feet. Or will trade for a car that is in good condition. Answer R-237, Journal. FIVE acres land on the lower Colum bia river to trade for launch. W- 613, Journal. HOUSEBOAT, for sale cheap, inquire Hinkley's Marine Repair Shop. ft. Hamilton ave. 18x4 MOTORBOAT hull, A-l condi tion, $15. O. Overland, 1870 Bayard St.. St.. Johns car to Peninsula. FOR RENT Furnished houseboat. woodlawn i960. TWO scow houses for sale, $15 and $25 MEXAL pattern, 16-incn Harthan pro- r.lln. A '1 II. OQ.L. . XT CANOES painted and varnished; work guaranteed. 920 Hood st. A-3761. PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL, INSTRUMENTS 34 COLUMBIA hornless phonograph, new. penect ana positive, zn popuiardou ble records and stand; everything oes complete; cheap; cash. Call Sufday afternoon, or Monday evening only. Room 12. at 435 Alder St. ONE fine organ in piano case irt fine condition; cost $135 new; must sell Monday to make reom; $39 spot cash." Mish Furniture Co., 184 1st st. MY $300 equity in $600 plaver piano for a good grafonola, talking ma chine or piano. Will give 250 rolls music wun piayer. Tabor 5882. SPLENDID -Edison phonograph' and 100 4-minute records: cost $75. Price $27.50; $5 down, $2.50 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder st. SPLENDID Willard -piano. full sized, beautiful burl walnut casse. Price $120; $15 down, $5 monthly. Hyatt i aimng jiarnme o.. 3tv Alqer. FOR SALE 88 note player piano, plain up-to-date mahogany case': will take old piano part payment.- 213 E.- 35th St.. cor. Salmon. WISNER concert upright piano, Ger man action, like new- leaving town; sell at sacrifice; $275. Main 4832, mornings. j HIGH-GRADE piano, remarkably low:' price $20. j Lumber Ex. bldg., 2d and Stark sts. i Dftoi. oner takes a baby grand piano, fine German make. 68 Grand ave.. cor. starit. $86.60 BEAUTIFUL piano, bought re cently, must be sold for above price. dii tiumotr mcnangB blag CRAMER piano, $76; music, metro nome and icover included. 1261 Bel mont. ;- - - 3000 2 and 4-Inch cylinder records. All new. 15c each. Keisters 5, 10 and 15c store, 2d and Morrison st. HIGH-GRADE player piano and music good as new; value $786; will sacri fice for cesh. R-99, Journal. FOR SALE Cabinet Victor Viotroia, good as new, 21 records. B-3306. - FINE . upright piano 'for sale cheap. Call room; 318 Clark hotel. ; HOLTON trumpet model cornet. A and B flat, $30. J-820. Journal. FOR RENT Nice, new, player piano. N-126. Journal. . . - N i - f v ; ' .. :.' ; . ,. PIANOS, ORGANS ANT 84 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS CContlaaed) ,- CLEARING sale of used .and shop worn pianos. All of these have been put in the finest, condition and fully guaranteed. Fine man. rasi like new. regular $325 value. $165. Another oak caae, need very HtU, $107, ' Another oak case, splendid tone, $146. Baby Grand, mah. case, like new. $676. . $800 player, latest improvements, fully guaranteed. $425. ! Another player, $600 value, new, but shop-worn, tomorrow $395. Fine 88 note Player, best of condi tion, latest model, $285. - A number of Uprights, $105 and up. Terms. j Call early and make selection. E.. H. HOLT PIANO COMPANY, i 333 Morrison St.. ; 1 Northwestern Bank Block. WE HAVE a number 'of machines, all j makes, turned - in' as first payment on the new 1914 GRAFONOLAB which we offer at great reductions, i Cylinder phonographs, 50 records with each machine, $15 for the outfit. ! $90 wood horn disc outfit, including record cabinet and 25 disc records, all for $35. ' - Used disc machines from $3 up, all in first class condition. COLUMBIA ORAPHOPHONE CO., - 429-431 Wash. st. Phone Main 1750. FOR CASH My elegant $750 player ,plano. One of New York's best makes, with a lot of music rolls. Has finest walnut case, in best possible condition. The first check or accept able note for $475 gets it. Call after 6 p. m., lower flat. 904 E. Couch st. TYPEWRITERS 77 ALL Makes Factory Rebuilt LARGEST STOCK. LOWEST PRICES. TERMS. $5 DOWN, $5 A MONTH. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED PRICE LIST. RETAIL DEPARTMENT, THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO. 321 Washington St.. Portland, Or. Stores in all Pacific Coast cities.' G ILL'S REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. Underwcods, Remingtons, L. C. Smith. Oliver. nmith-Premler. Royal, etc.. $16 and up; terms. Agents for tne "Corona" folding typewriter. Type writer desks, tables, and chairs. The 3 K. GUI Co.. 3d end Alder sts. Wis save you from 50 to a per cent-on all makes of typewriters. Send for our illustrated folder; retail depart ment. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Washington st. TYPEWRITERS for rent, 3 months for $5 and up; 6 months' rental ap plied on purchase price. Remington Typ writer Co.. 86 Broadway. W1L.L exchange first class talking machine for good typewriter. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder st. NEW. rebuilt 2nd hand, rentals, cut ratffl. P D a. Co 2?.1 Rtark. M. 1407 NEW model No. Oliver, now on mar ket. See it. 244 Stark St. Alain 6273. FINE latest model Remington No. 11. Bargain. Highland Court. Mar 81$1. HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 65 ROOMING houses and housekeepers, attention we have nought the en tire C. A. Slinger stock, consisting of new and second hand furniture, car pets, rugs, stoves, ranges, etc., at 50c on the dollar. Investigate this be fore buying elsewhere. M1SH FLHN1TUKH CO., 184 1st st. HANDSOME genuine fumed oak la dy's writing desk. This is an. ex pensive desk (Stickley), and contains snelves tor books; the owner paid $40 for this less than six months ago. Yours for $14. Covell Furniture Co., 2U4 1SI 8t.- . NATIONAL CHIEF STEEL RANGE m good condition: has hot water "coil and 14 inch oven; neat nickel plated trimmings: cost 4o new; tlb.oo casn takes it. 208 1st st. THREE magnificent 8 ft. quarter sawed oak extension tables, which sell ordinarily up to $50. Bought from a bankrupt stock. Will sell quick for $22.50 each to make room. Covell Fur niture Co.. 204 1st St. WE have ten steam cleaned second hand carpets, ranging about 10x12 in size, in good condition, which we will sell for from $3.60 to $7.50. Covell Furniture Co., 204 1st St. 11-3X12 BRUSSELS RUG, Nearly new, In splendid condition, a soft color,, small pattern rug; $13.50 cash buys this rug now. 208 1st it, after Sunday. FOR SALE. $125. Furniture of 8 rooms, 'kitchen, dining, living and bedrooms, all complete. Main 6964. 408 Park" st. ; ONE Wheeler & Wilson 6 drawer sew ing machine as good as new. Will sacrifice for $17.50. Covell Furniture Co., 20 1st st. FURNITURE for Bale, flat for rent. 5 rooms completely furnished, rent $20. west side, walking distance. Mar shall 2595. FIVE 40 pound silk floss mattresses from one of the best homes In the city, clean and in fine condition, $6.75 each. Covell Furniture Co., 204 1st. DINING room set, rocking chair. Sing er sewing machine, iron bed, dresser, chiffonier, rug, gas range. 284 Russell st. Or East-4432. - I WISH to sell my box top Household sewing machine and attachments for $6.50; a fine machine for plain sew ing FURNITURE for 6 rooms, all solid oak. including grafonola, cheap. Marshall 2921. 2 DRESSES Almost new. $4.50 each. K.ltchen cupDoara. iz.6U. tint bed. $3. Woodlawn 3783. THREE Standard ranees sent to -us on consignment to sell for $15. Hur ry. Covell Furniture Co., 204 1st st. $85 SOUTH BEND malleable range, good as new, will sacrifice for $37.60. Mish Furniture Co.. 184 1st st. CALL Bell Auction Co. and get gcod price for your furniture. Mar. 4783. ID HAND clothing and everything. Htehesr prices. M. 2080. 288 1st. HOUSEHOLD goods for sale, very reasonable. Phone East 297. FURNITURE, ranges as good as new i below cost. 226 Yamhill. HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale at. 432 E. 9th St.. corner of Sherman. FOR SALEMISCELLANEOUS 19 FORS ALE '"CHEAP. Or trade for good team horses, stock, or anything of value; 16 h. p. Russell traction engine, mounted steel water tank and log truck; all in good condi tion. Sell or trade, all or part. U--606, Journal. SEWING machines Singer $14, New Royal $12, Wheeler & Wilson $22.60, Demerist $9. Minnesota $14. White $17.60. Domestic $6. Singer $6. Sew ing Machine Emporium, 180 3rd St., near Taylor. Main 9431. DROP-HEAD Wheeler & Wilson. $10.00 Drop-head Singer ..$12.50 urop-heaa xsew Home. .'..... i .. .$10.00 New Royal Cabinet...... ....$10.00 All Guaranteed. 349 Morrison St. FLAT-TOP desk, stand, chairs, tables, blackboards, fine gas range, electric fixtures, small heating stove, etc. No. 19, Adrian Apartments, Grand ave. and E. Morrison st. FERTILIZER, rotted or green manure, delivered any part city. Call C-1725. COMBINATION Dado cut-off machine, belts, pulleys. 1109 Hawthorne ave. 41 SQ. YDS. inlaid linoleum. Call Sun day, 2 to 4. Monday a. m. 71 N. 6th. 3 POOL tables for sale cheap. Phone 281 Vancouver Wash. No. 6 PREMO 6x8H. $25.. 43 .East 29th st. N. ' f- ' ! . POTATOES No. 1 delivered $1.05 jer far. main i ovj. FERTILIZER for sale. Phone C-1876. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 1 I" . j. fContt-nned) " '-"' J MEIER & FRANK CO. OFFER FOR SALE ONE 1911 Stoddard-Day ton t as9en ger car, in good mechanical order. Dne Carson feed roller, in- good or- 20 to 35 bushels per hour. ne 1911 Harley-Davidson motor cycle,' in good order. Apply Meier & Frank Co.. Garage, i 2d and Jefferson sts. WE have a splendid line of used sewing machines taken in trade on new Singers. These Include Singers, New Homes, Domestics, Whites, Wheeler & Wilson, etc.; most are drop head machines. We want to turn these into cash and will offer prices you cannot afford to miss. Every machine complete with attach ments and with a written guarantee. SINGER SEWING MACHINE STORE, 882 Morrison. Marshall 721. RESTAURANT OUTFIT . Consisting of Vienna chaira. extra fine nearly n-w large sire:Mcvray refrig erator, restaurant tables and coffee urn. We can offer you some big bar gains in tuis lot. . Gevurtz Furniture Store. 208 First. Near Taylor. SPECIAL ON TWO Electric Washing Machines $38.50. Guaranteed for three years. Call at factory warehouse. N. E. Cor. Union Ave. and Belmont. Phone East 139. SEWING MACHINES. All makes, new, 2d hand, for sale or . rent. $2 up. Sewing Machine Emporium, 190 Third, near Taylor. Main 9431. Electric Motors- Bought, sola, rented and repaired. Walker Electrio Works. 413 Burnside. cor. Ifttb. Main or A-6674. GIVE your pocketbook a square deal by seeing us before you buy pipe and plumbing supplies. We also have new and second-hand pipe and all kinds of fittings. Northwestern Pipe 187 Tont st FOR SALE or exchange for wood, 5 teams, 2 sets harness, S short wood dump wagons. 1 lumber gear.' Phone Wdln. 3113, C-2169, or call .at Miller Wood' Co.. 872 Garfield ave., City. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," "Type writers" and "Household Goods" are separate classifications. Ail adver tisements of these goods are published under their respective classifications. Look them over. NEW SEWING MACHINE STORE. 60 slightly used machines of all leading makes at very low prices. We give Scrip on all .cash sales 25c and up. White Sewing Machine Store, 243 Alder. Phone Main 2978. FOR SALE New and second band carom and pocket billiard tables and bowline alleys and accessories, bar fix tures of all kinds, easy payments. The Brunswick-Balkc-Cplander Co. 46-41 Bth st. Main 769. A-1769. Jot horses and vemcles, dogs and household pets or poultry, read the ads under these respective headings. The Journal leads all other mediums in these classifications. UOhb your talking machine need re pairing? We have the best shop in the city. Work called for and deliv ered. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder st. FINE $200 Edison Ambe'rola, with 100 records; cost $250. Price $135; $15 down, $6 monthly. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co.. 350 Alder st. NFFR Ri FARR?or and Oak cord wood fir $5. 26. up. Also sawed PHAI to order. Main 4696, A-454 7. wvfnt. FINE 8 and 10 ft. counter show cases; will sacrifice for $10 each, as these are out of our line. Covell Furniture Co., 204 1st st. 2 MACHINES for sale, one for grind ing safety razor blades, one for grinning lawn mowers. 208 Vi 6th. Main 2U42. LEAD pipe, sheet lead, pig lead, fish line sinker, general machine work. NORTHWEST LEAD & MACHY. CO.. PRICES cut in two, your automobile overhauled in your own garage. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Phone and let us tang it over, rnone iast 6808 case, thin case, splendid timepiece. i io uo casn lanes it. IV i 1st, near Taylor. BARGAINS in unredeemed watches. jeweiry, musical instruments, leath er goods, etc. Globe Exchange, 193 j.tsi, near -tayior. FOR SALE 10 H. P. vertical boiler. ttii complete, oo. n.ast aiae Holler Works, .8 1st and Nicolal sts. Phone Main 9310. SEE us before buying baths, toilets, basins, boilers, sinks, pipe fittings. We also install and repair plumbing. 226 Yamhill. Main 6297. AUTOMOBILES, motorcycles launches or boats are separate classifications. A l.irge listing can be found under tne uiiierent neau-ings SEVERAL small motors, A. C. and D. C. current, like new, cheap; also new 2x4x5 Burnham steam pump. 225 Pine st. SEND 25a for recipe to make quart of best black ink for 1 dime. L. Funk, jtuusevei c, w a an. uox a. FOR SALE, on doa. W. Leghorn hens, canned 'Sruit and saddle. P-396. Journal. FOR SALE, cheap, good piano, oak sectional bookcase, dresser and one set or encyciopeoias. T-350f Journal. 40 BUYS elegant diamond ring, ex ceptional bargain. 320 Lumber Ex. Bids., 2d and Stark st. GENTLEMAN'S diamond cuff but tons, diamonds, over carat Will sell at sacrifice. 192 1st, near Taylor. FOR SALE, set of books for book keeping of Behnke-Walker, cheap. Call Alar. 5278. A COMPLETE 6x84 camera outfit cheap, or exchange for 6x7. C S. Reeves. Vancouver, Wash. SNAP Oriole cart, rubber blanket, complete. $4. 197 E. 60th st near Taylor. Sewing Machines &l&rtJE terms. 882 Morrison. A-511p. Mar. 721. DIAMOND housu paints, strictly pure; made 1l Oregon. $1.65 gallon. Port land faint Jo.. zo l'TonL Mar. io. SMALL building for sale, good for garage. Apply 24 Chapman St., or phone A-3826. - ltO AMPERE, 6 volt, exide storage battery, . very reasonable. U-156, Journal. v 16-FT. canoe. $20. Wheelchair. $5, nearly new. 649 Front St., off Sheri dan. 14ALF. PRICE Modern computing scale, medium size National regis ter. 60 E. Ankeny. . GIRL'S bicycle, in good condition, $4. 321 W. Park. Marshall 1426. ONE 10x12 wall tent with floor, cheap. 1183 E. 16th st. N. :. ONE pool table complete, $50. 33 N. 10th st. $12.6v DKOPHEAD sewing machine with attachments. 162 Grand, ave. PLUMBING supplies, wnoiesale prlcea - Stark-Davis Co.. 218 3d. Main 797. GEVURTZ furniture store. 208 1st. Lowest t-anh price in the city. WELL rotted fertilizer, delivered, i 1 I . . I . . . . A SAFES, new and i -cond hand bargains. The Moler3afe Co. ?64 Stark st. BROWN English perambulator, body good as new. Marshall 4259. FOR BALE, chest of tools, half' the value.- 470 Main St. LADY'S bicycle. $4; gent's, $6. At $44 E. Ankeny st. - " - . - - v WANTED ansCELXANEOUS 5 WANTED Excavating and. basement digging. Phone East 4804, or C-1477. DIAMOND wanted y to IK; cash tor nargam. A-gs, journal. WAft r woodturning lathe, must be cheap for cash. Tabor 4153. WANTEJD MTSCELLA.NEOUS I 8 OLD coins , "wanted; $50 paid for 1853 half dollar, no arrows: $5 for 1S78 S. mint; $l0 for 1894 dime S. mint. Many valuable coins circulating. Send now 4c Get our coin circular. May mean large 'profits to you. Numlsma tic Bank. Dept. 55. jFt. Worth. Texas. NOTICE TO .MOVERS." We wantfto buy HOOD worth of sec ond hand furniture arid pay all the cash it is worth. WiUiamsAve. Fur niture Exchange. East 636. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO.. 221 Front St.. buys 2d hand fur niture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hard ware or tools or any una. cau a-3174 or Main 907g. Our buyer calls promptly WANTED Piano for $410 equity in 2. good Irvington ! Park lots, with bearing fruit treea. Address Engineer, FIRST class carpenter will build bouse complete, or 1 painting, cement or brick work. for furniture or lot. J-812, Journal. ; i - - - - . BRING- in your old jewelry, old gold, silver, ore or platinum and get cash for it. F. Sennet, 510 N. V bldg-, 6th and Wash. 1 - i - : WANTED The people of Portland to know. I pay highest cash price for household goods. Prompt attention. -E. 6707. N. M. Seater, 143 Russell st. WISH to buy diamond about 1 karat or over; must be first quality and cheap; will pay spot cash. S-95, Journal. ' WANTED Large Bize baby buggy; must be Al condition. Will not con. sider go-cart. Prjee must .be right. rnone seuwooa 691, WANTED Second band punching bag with or without- platform. wood lawn 2724. WILL pay cash for 3 A or 2 A Kodaks Ul KUUU tUIIUHlOU. JDl, HI. LCI Sunday. WANTED A printing press, also type, if in good condition; or will consider buying a small shop. T-376, Journal. CASH registers for Frisco fair; will : pay cash. Here for 3 days only. E; Dobbins. 88 11th st.; Treves hotel. ; WANTED Barber outfit for 1 chair shop; cheap and good. A-355, Jour nal. WANTED 3A Graflex camera, with Cooke lens, series II, or with B. & L. Zeiss Tessar Series 1C. Wdln. 2584. WANTED Quartered oak dining table. Give full particulars and p rice. M-41Q, J ou rnai. WILL buy a diamond for cash, karat or over; must be a bargain. Marshall 6048. WANTED Now or before April 1, good steel range; -rive name, condi tions and price wanted. 836 Fremont st. CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS. 320 LUMBER EX. BLDG, ZD' AND STARK STS. , - - WANTED Second-hand -vulcanizing outfit; must be cheap for cash. U 821. Journal. WANTED Sei-ond-hand lady's bicy cle, coaster brake, . steel rims. good. conaition, reasonaoie.: u.auor iszi. WANTED Second hand engine lathe; must be cheap; cash. A-360, Journal. SWAP COLUMN 23 30 CHICKENS, 2 young ducks and drake, trade for ; furniture. Call POWERFUL foot power wheel. 21, inches in diameter, face 3 Inches, ror sale or traae for bicycle, is. zb4 GOOD express or dairy wagon for top buggy; also light weight team, for cows or neiierB. law ioi. ONE second-hand Lef f el water wheel with 2 inch shaft ; and pinion. JTor sale or exchange. A-866, journal, SPLENDID typewriter cheap, or trade for camera or something I can use. Phone Monday. Main 6584. EXCHANGE well equipped photo stu dio, good live business. What have you ! Marsha,!! Zit EXCHANGE new 4x5 Seneca camera plate holders and carrying case for is. a. iaagtman tconax. "'-4it. journal; -KTTnitT f ii i-ni t n .v fi)io n .a t rt r- Ua ley-Davidson motorcycie. B-695, journal. WANTED To exchange table board for sewing or millinery. B46 Col lege st. 1 ' A GOOD 9 H. P. motorcycle to qx.- change. i.z-163, Journal. WANT small typewriter for painting, tinting, papering. East 6467. HAVE a $45 invalid reclining chair, sell cheap or trade. Marshall 25M5. "WlLL trade lot for good Ford auto mobile. Call at 210 Yamhill st. TWO residence lots,- west side, trade for cows or horses. Main 8380. - SMALL diamond, trade for furniture. D-1Z90 WILL trade Rhode Island Red; pullets for repeating shotgun. Tabor 3672. SWAP Diamond ring, worth $60. for motorcycle. A.-402, journal. ; TWO residence lots, west side; trade for carpenter work. Owner, Main 8380 $500 CLEAR lot for household furni ture; must be good. 311 Alisky bdg. 2 COLORADO lots for motorcycle. Main 8047. ." $5t0 EQUITY in Eastmoreiand lot. for typewriter. 8-955. Journal. . ' ; WILL exchange Nehalem Beach i lot for tailoring. J-i, journal. WILL trade electrio stand lamp for good motor box.' C-1860. ; Prof 1 essiona AQpOR JI0 f LEATCT Q PICOIINO' HaVMSTl JUINO. BIlAimNO, rt!HKOIIEll!NO. EASTERN NOVEL.TT MK. CO.. So 6th ST.. NKAB OAK - & a.- a rrm ri tltl St 1 ft A , and anbaret pleUni; Uuttor 4COTered( (ockSs aponyeo-. pcaiwynig. . ATT0HKEY8 FKEE advice, experieueed attorney. Term to ult client. W Spalding bldg. MarabaU 1363 llAV IS BoLUAnI JUic, 10 4 at. Btaalt book manofacturera; aienta foe Jonas Im proved IxKrfa '.Leat LedKera. urn ua bbtt Eureka Leaf. A-8IS3. Main 183. CARPIirTERS IF 'von bava carpenter work or repairing can ave money by calling B-15&S or 71 Grand ve. K. CARFEt CLEAUIJrO JOiCK BHOd. KlectrU Cleaning worka. cms peU cleaned and laid, refitting oar spe cialty. Ktat 440. B-1963. 204 B. lt . at. N. CARPETS cleaned, refitting and laying. W. Packer. Tabor 105. Linoleum poUalied. CARPET WEATOT3 hUKl'UVVUSl ttU CO., ruga from old eer peta. rag ruga, carpat cleaning. 18S B. Stn. Vi'rk railed for. Eaat fO. B-12W). ' fbMAgLA Uug Worka Rag rag nud r pet weaving. 1513 frattoo ave. Wdln. 2083. CHIROPRACTORS '; i)H. UcMAUONBet reaulta chronic eaaea. at treat men ta S15. iH for AlO. lal th at. CHIROPRACTIC, Pr. Mc.Mahon, 31 treatmenta $16. Surely thoroogb. ljl 4th at. . , COAL AMD WOOD Pnone Main 2153 A-HS42 SOCTH POHTCAJt 8LABWOOD CO., Fir wood.- aB. oak. inalde block and eoaa try aiab wood. root cannon atreet. NICE dry bos wuod and eordweod 4 feet or aawed. Bummer prices.: Standard Wood Co., Eaat 231S. R-1TO5, nUmn J- EVKKTS. MAIN b7U7. Un3rC0ar foot or cm by otbekt. HfcAVY plank wood, aawed atove leugtha, $3.5Q. Also wreckage. Kant 4070. WHENf you answer tuese Want Ada. mention Tne journal. i . ' . COLLECTIOKS 1 BOX. seeooata bill a, o tea a no jndgmesta of every name aal natar anywhere. : for qnlck rennita anawvr MW, jouroaL "- ELi:CTRIC MOTOR8 AHD PYifAMOg Yi6 buy, aelL rent and exchange new and aecond band motort, repair work a apecialty, Western Electric worka 213 th t. Mar.- ,'. EYE. ER. Q6E. irKOAI, LU-to8 8pclallaU Moderate prlcea. Gleeeea fitted. Dr. V. r. Caaaecay. 517 Oek- m bid v. 8d at Wuh WHEN yoa auawer Wauc Ads mention . The Journal, w. ';-,- .. SWAP COlitTMJf sa (Continued) 2 CONN cornets, cost $130; $74 Spen cer microscope; .22 Winchester. .23 Stevens rifles. - telescope, large Tur ner double jet, double torch braserj geared foot power; 6x6-ln. polishing lathe; 6 . wheel numbering machine; 2 40-tnon megaphones; pair $18 states with shoes: $40 -grip; I5 Everready lantern: $60 raycyple. - Want dentis try, chickens, launch, tools, Evinrude, carpenter work or See Gunsmith. Hud- sow Arms .;, DUROCK Jersey boar, highly bred, 150 lbs., also tent house. 10x24. $27 last June, $10 each or trade for what have you. E. Glisa,nst., mile from city timia - . -. - - $135 EQUITY new modern house. $1285 - worth $1500, rest like rent. Will sell furnished. $140 equity. $409 A-l piano, bargain, cash or trade. 255 E. o tn st., north $700 EQUITY in, modern 7 room house. ' Want small farm "near city on car line. Will trade for stock; a little cash, remainder, as rent. . Tabor 6376. o-l 67, Journal SWAP -Black racfnlr mare, sound and" .true, weight oo; single, ooudis or good saddler, with buggy and harness. Will swap for motorcycle. Main 4086. xzt i innders. $5 DRESSER. ' 4-ft. mirror, $40; phonograph, cheap or exchange for sewing machine, or book case, dining; WANTED Wood cut in exchange for thoroughbred White Wyandotte pul lets; $1 each; ready to lay; will sell. 15OXJ04, r 6, Oregon City WHAT have you to trade for' first class rooming - house, clearing $150 per month? Ail housekeeping rooms. vatue 12000. Phone Main zzes. TRAP drummer's outTit for sale cheap, -or trade. Will sell bass and snare drum separate. - Phone Sellwood 1145. TO TRADE 1914 Indian Motorcycle, electric equipped, for Seaside lot. Ap ply 1226 concord st. WHAT have you for Edison Triumph ana 100 records, value $100 when new? journal WILL sell or trado soda fountain with spray, classes and holders, for a. safe or ron top asK. . -woooiawn issis. 32 FT. Palmer launch, fully equipped! to swap. A. A. Dixon, McMlnnvilie, Oregon. W'lLL-trade for motorcycle, one fine driving mare. Address Box 94, Cove Orchard. Or. - WHAT have you to exchange for rent of outside offices, second floor, choice location? J-818. Journal. HAND - MADE violin and bow, leather case and music, value $110, for mo tor c y c I fvj-40ijournai WANT good piano, have clear prop erty, securities and cash. 430 Wor cester plug $1000 EQUITY in $1450 lot, close in; what nave you? Will trade. Mar shall 792, r WANTED Pal nter,"1 kalsominer. In ex change for house rent. - 252 Qlbbs. T LOST AND fOTJND 21 LOST between Feb. 19 and Feb. 26 black velvet muff with sealskin trimmings i on each end lined with black satin. $5 reward.! Leave at Journal office.- - i ' ANYONE holding a sterling handle umbrella with Mlzpah on handle, re turn to 312 Rothcfciid building to real owner and receive reward. May have been . found on Alberta bus. LxIBERAL reward (no questions asked) for return of bar f dia mond jewelry; lost In city Feb. 16. Mrs. Josef . Tartoler, Sherwood, - Or, route 4. - - -- J - - . . .Ty lKja X l.H (j.y m ni!pr, . VlftVK W1U1 11 11- liant buckle, size 4, - between Rose City Park and Cotillion hall; return, to 1240 sanny oiva.:- rewara. LOST Carbon copy order book "Red Rock Dairy.' Tlgard. Or. Finder please notify same .or return to 148 ist st, LOST Gold necklace, amethyst pen dants, bet. E. 9th and 17 th sts., near Memorial church. Reward tor return. 216 Stock Exchange bldg; LOST- Black jet necklace and cross with gold trimmings, valued as keen- sake; liberal reward. Phone Main 7481 LOST Lady s gold watch, initials, "J. .K. L."j short double gold-chain at tached. Reward. ' Columbia 77 LOST Gold locket Monday; Initials X. R. Please call Tabor 830; reward. LOST Brown & Sharp micrometer. Reward. Marshall 2591. PERSONAL 22 HA RTN E S yTd msrfea t her ''worker s, wholesale, retail. Cor. Park. YarohilL I mmiar ! Consultation fres. Mala lctvyjrci 4883. 70S Selling bldg. BALM of i Figs. remedy for disease or women, mi uavis st. main za. LESSONS j ln phrenology and card readings, tao, tn st. r none m.. iot, WANT Baby to adopt under 1 month old. journal "YES, yes, yes. (Signedr - j i m ia iia norm. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. , USE Bassett's Native Herb for rheu matlsm: 60 tablets 26c. All druggists MRS. HAMOT, spiritualist medium. 6S N. 20th st.,' near Wash. Main 8950. A. W. SUITS. Mar. 4868. Private, free consultation. ! tiucnanan Bldg. andB EDUOATIOirAI. DAKCINO PROV. WAL WILSpN. waits, bealtatlon. as. atep, fox trot, oiaxlxe; morning, afternoon and evening; 4 private leasona $2. Guarantee to teacb anyone who walka how to dance. Claaaea Thuraday and Sat. evealaga, T to S:SO, 2lx-. Hall rented for pari lea. h5 (Lb aU, MR. A Nil MRS. HKATH' & School, fancy atage, eocia-1 and all tbe la teat dance taught. . Walts and twe-etep guaranteed In 4 private leaaona. Claaa. 'i.'uea. and KrU evaa., S ta 10. ,109 2d bet. Wwbj end Stark, Leaaona So VTJSIO SCHOOtB jCTD TTACHEBS C TU1ELUOUN, violin teacher, popll SevHk. 2Q7 n.tldoer bldg. A-'l. Maraball lS3e. rOPtTLAR aTCfSIO RAGTIMii m piano guaranteed baglnnara la 10 leaaoba. Picture pLvying. Fras demen gtration. Kree Booklets fkll Eilera bldg. - ICHOOM ABTO COttlOfJ LINK'S Blsi;.l3 coLLKXiiS, bth floor, TU. lord bid.. I'ortlard. 3i, Phone Main (X 183. ' ELECTRIC MOTORS AKD TJTHAMOt MoluitS, generatof . botai.t, sold, rented sad repaired, i We do all klnda of repairing and rewinding. 4 All work guaranteed. : H. Id. H. Eleetrle Co.. 31 N. lat 11. Phone Main 210. I-OTTifPRY AWS MAOHUTE BHOP ' PHOEMA Irjn Worka. k.aat 3d and Haw. tliorne. General ma?blne and foundry work. GARDEWnfO Help Make Portland Beautiful iTSrorr IrinA r Un snt a saAne. a.. Ing and pruning. T. M. Chaaw A Co. Tabor 81Q. "nrsTOAircg PACF1IC 8TATKS PIRBS, IXSURAKCB C6., cnly Oregon flrr Inauranre" company. -:- ' " ' '; -: - KaCHTlTEaT' "; '''" -' -----'-' fel'ClKLH CO., 60S Plttock bik. Steam abov. ela, dredgea. L. T. Rnaaell, Repreaentatlve. urovnrf TrrirB'a' niwtv vnvm MOVING plctbre maoblnea, flima. lantern. w wf wiuar. oe - zsrvaaway. i Manufacturers JoLL DRY POOPS WHOLESALE Fleischner, Mayer & Co. PARM TMPLEMEltTt St VEHICLES R. M. WAl)lt t CO.. -HXl-H-M Uawtborae ave. LEATHER A VD TTHDIHOS CHAB. L. MASTICK M CO., 74 Proat. Leatber' of every deacrlptlon: Undlags. PAIMTr OIL A59 SLABS P.ASMJUSaKN at CO "High, tttaoderd " palat. i. B. cor. d Taylor. U. 1771. A4UL 3 I-8ING FAT GAINING HE ALT 1 j -Mr. Frei, the well known cupitaiiM ana manufacturer of this city. rri de" of tho lel pieki0 Works. WAH REDUCED 6 INCHES IN WEASUKK and 6J4 LBS. LN WEIGHT IN TWi TREATMENTS, and wa relieved ot an ASTHMATIC COUGH with phlegm of NlNB YEARS STANDING Al'TEIt FIRST m TREATMENT. - Mr. EranM Engle of Oregon City, R. 1., could hei a whisper after the first treatment, after having, without results, treated for months with others. OTHER AlL MENTS TREATED AS SUCCESSFUL LY. Testimonials from physicians oi all schools, and ministers of all faiths on file for Inspection. NOW, USii A LITTLE COMMON SENSE and investi gate a system that assists nature in accomplishing cures by the temoval of obstructions, where results and not empty promises will be shown ihe in. vestigators. CONSULTATION FREE. The best Is the cheapest In the long run, so why experiment and throw Hie and money away on so-called cure that do not bring results. Spechil rates during March. SWEDISH INSTITUTE,-TWELFTH ST., COR., A1 DER, opp." the Kirst Presb. church. OUR MOTTO: "NO WOODEN NU'i MEGS, BUT RESULTS." WILL parties who saw lady fall frmn baiexmy steps at Heilig theatre, 11th and Morrison sts., June 26, 1914, dur ing matinee jierforinanee Annettn iveuerman s i-ii ture enow, piease communicate with Mrs. Rose Rogers, 254 12th St., tity. Will man who si the same time kicked his foot in hols In carpet and elderly lady who asked to take Mrs. Rogers home after the accident, also please respond. A FIGHT oji higu prices. Why pay $5 to $10 for. classes. when I can fit your eyes with first quality lenses Ln a rold-fllled frame as low as l.tUT tj. vv. uouurnan, zua Morrison St.. near bridge. Mall orders promptly filled, write ror prtlrnmr, A BOOK that answers all the uues- tions you would like- to ask, but won't: descriptive circular giving coin "plete table of contents mailed free. .The Century Press, Collins Block, Se attle, wash. ANYONE knowing the whereabouts of wm. MacDonald, who has a uroincr, Robert F. MacDonald, should tell him it will be to his or their interest to correspond with Mrs. F. J. Monroe, 1241 Farrell st.. Butte, Mont. JOHN SLATER, spiritual medium of California, will hol'l a qircle Sunday afternoon at 3' sharp tnd 'evening at 8. Mrs. Mallory's, editor of -Advance Thought, parlors. 611 Yamhill si Mr. Slater's "ly meetings. WHY be disfigured by moles or warts 7 "One application of my medicine ana they disappear without pain or st ar. City references. Phone and be con- vmcea. woooiawn MRS. STEVENS, 21 years PortlanU'e renowned palmist and Clairvoyant, . V. a. Vtnnlr "Pilmlilrv Midi 1 ' as V on sale. ' zvxy wurriwu ii m . it r, . . . i ... WANTED To meet gentleman or -a couple going to H. F. exposition next week. Give name and address. - J-Jsl'J, journal. SOPHIA B. SE1P Mental and spirlt ua.1 scientist. 318-819 Alisky bldg. Question night Wednesday 8 p. m. Main 8225. ' 1 ' ' - -. SPIRITUALISM . Medium. Kev. Vir ginia Rowe. Readings; healing daily. Circles Tuesday and Friday eve ninffa 8 o'clock 231 6th.. Phone A-711. FAT actresses or ladies reduce your hips, abdomen or waistline; io exer cise or dieting; easy way. Tabor 361. Maud t'asey. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, moles, warts. etc destroyed forever by electrio needle; no pain, no scar, cure guarsi. teed. Mile, lie lng. ru4 nwmanci i-n"r: DR. G. V. KETCHU&r Women's maU adles- and acute diseases of men. Wash, bldg., 4th & Wash. Km. 41. Ml. 44 BPIHITIIALISM. Rev. M. A. Pries, cir cles, "rues, a p. m.; wea., eun. V'"i Readings dally.- 603 6th st. Mar. 39'.. HAVK vcur hair permanently waved. - Guaranteed to last. Sanitary r.auty Parlors, 400 Dekum, Marshall 1702. CHIROPRACTIC, chronic chsh, 31 treatments, $it. utneis less, cv ri. 121 4th. , NOTICES C(I NOTICE TO CUNTItACTilltd. Bids will be recelred by Uie Kiaia illfrTiwiy Coiumiasloa at tbe Cauitol llullUliitf, hnl.-ni, Oregon, on March 17, 1U15, 'J p. in., fur tli eonstruction of" portion of tlw ()lnmUia Hlgbway ln Uood ItiTer County. TImh ami tpeciftcaUons may be obtaliixd at the office of the State Highway. Engiuvar, fcalc-m, Oreicou, by dapoaitms sa.uo. H. I.. IJOWLPY. Fta te Highway Kn yH"ST- mm m mm la effacl Ov-totxr 1. 1914. ALL fHEVIOUS KATES CANCKIXED . . CUAUOEU ADVKUTI8KMKMS Dally tr Sunday .. . 1 cents per word par lmertlon. ' This cbaraa la for all elaaal(lratton. H' eeptuig "For Rant In I'rirata Faoilly," "Roma and Board la Private ; family," 'Hltumli Wasted," ana " wanted, uent" aoa. wuitn ar 1)4 centa per word per inavrtfon. tie ad charged for let than 15 casta. CAKU ADVSUTISfcMKNTS ' cents per word for alt ciaaalflcatlona. excepting "For 11 ut m private kamlly.' 'Hoom and Board ln Private Kaoillr," "Siina. tioi wuim ana "waaica, to nut" whic are 1 cant,- par word, Cvnaecuuri buaarUoa -of eaab want da. t Inaertiona tut the; price of a , 1 tnrtloD ft tn prloo of B PERSON AX. , (Oontlnp4 usmess Directory JTATTROPATKIC PKTSICIAKB bft. I'iHLLIi'K l'ar.l. narvotia arid' dir.. m -le dlaeaaea. (K)4 6 fragociac bldg. M. 814, PAVI1TO COMPAMIE8 4KB pi'viMu CO.. I'utL- . lend ntttrr 23- liiirca bldg. gAHrrrwo. aperha3ioiq, tivtiwo FAiNXiNU, kaiaoiuliutig, paterbnuk . m'i work rniriBiiwi. hnn, w..t i . ,. ... kALHO.MlNINU roouia $1 up. Painting, wMiJ FPfEXTxTK HUK.D, beat work in Zmia Una? papering. M. 1ST. -A-2273. 12u Uth at. RUBBER BTAafPS AMD SAXs ALoO atanclui, trade rberka, bra a algna. Ml- V,UB1 SIAr W UKhd Z31 Waahlngton St. Main TIP, A-V7I0 SHEET METAL WORKS RKPAtaiNU, tin aud srVviroifa JicoJ . Ixwli, 810Lrtrt at. I iione MiHti H24. lkaajm AMD nioaAVA U. O. PiCak 'lraiiater atloraga Co. otfiew and oummodioua 4 atory buck waranuuae vlUj separats iron rooiua and fireproof vault for Valuable. JK. VV, eoruer M add i'lti ata. Piano and furniture moved aud packed tot ablpplng. Specutl ratea made on gooda la througn eara, U all komeatle and torelga point.. V.Bln Ifm, A -1098. OLbiaA-ROat IttAHlill CU. Kew fireproof warebouae with aeparala fount. We Liuve and pat-k bouaenold $w and piano end euip at reduced rate. Auto Van and tea ma tor moving, forwarding a n't dutrlbuting agvnu. Kree trackage. Oftloa and Warenouae lBih and Hoyt. Malu tyit, Oregon. Transfer Co. Eatabllahed 1H70. Traoafer and forwarding agents. Storage, free Track are. Office aud storage 47 'UUaan at. Igtlt and OHaan. Main 6:i. A-llia. klUOAUi: TRANS EH ikLHVlCiia CO... bJi P1MC ST. MAIN U. A-U03. WALL PAPER MOROAN WALL PA'PEU vO. JfcW 2d au. b twee Halmon and Main. WISDOW CLE A It IH O KAPKUT WINDOW CUANtttl A-iUJ, Main 6827. 212 iienry bldg. -WLolcal era- era PIPE WOOD PIPE A'OH'ILAAII WOOU lii'il CO a-turj ami efflre near 24tb and York ata. Mala 14 t. PLgMBIKQ PIPE STEAM SUPPLIES M. L. KLINE S4-tfi-8T-IS9 PHONX M f HEIST ROPE AMD BI9t)ER TWINE Portland Cordage Co. WIlBN yow auawer Ibaa Waut Ad matitioa lb JouruaL ; i ,