VJiCUANGK REAL .iSTATE 24 Cotl-ed) : 800 ACRES, all under irrigation, near Boise. Idaho, 'about $6 . acres .in alfalfa, good bouse; barn and .out buildings. This is a fine place -and is ideal stock, alfalfa, or grain ranch. Price only $16o per acre, half cash, balance 7 per cent Of would consider . Income property up to $80,000. For Particulars inquire of W. J. Davie. 08 Corbett.Rldg. ' FINEST apartment building in Wash J lngtan, D. C. Spot cash value $200, 900. Leased on net rental basis. Will "take unincumbered land or timber or ny first class western proposition up . to $$0,000, balance easy terms from Tents. For full particulars inquire W. B, Roberson, t02 Title & Trust building. 160 ACRES, Clackamas county, very finest soil in Oregon; 126 acres in cultivation; fine house, barn and out buildings r county road through place; large spring running water; school on ?iace ' We court strictest investlga ion, Price $20,000. Trade for city property up to $13,000. bal. 4 years. i tit en Keaity t;o., 249 nn si. .WHAT am I orfered In trade for $6000 : " equity in first class residence prop erty? Finest location m Portland, on a corner, east side; on carline; will take unincumbered lots, timber, acre age or unimproved land; the mortgage Is a straight first mortgage of $5500, with nearly .3 years to run. F-604, journal. ,.: Trades, of Every Kind - We can match you. Stores, rooming and apt. houses, lots, houses, lands. We have them. Kquare deal guaranteed. Don't wait to sell fori cash; trade what you have for what you want through wrae-awake nustlers at 5t)z t:oucn otag. I'OR SALE OR TRADE 320 acres in ,- Central Oregon. 80 acres in cultiva tion, water, house, barn, fenced and -all plow land, will raise anything. $10 an acre or trade. Address J. O. Whit-aker.- 362 Van Btiren St., CorvalUs, Or. ; 40 ACRE improved and cleared, one ' mile Odell. Or., Hood River county; " best of land, well worth the' price, $1200; will exchange for any good equity and assume. See Gage, 188 .-West-tPark et. : . H ACRE mountain ranch, partly iin- proved, Lincoln county, 2 miles R. lit.; "value ; $4000 exchange for city Ptoroperty about same value. See Oage, 188 West Park st, 4V' ACRES with a small house. 4 miles from post office, price $4500, attractive terms, would 'consider clear j house and lot, M.. 15. Dee, 605 Corbett iBidg. - ; '. $3500 HOME close in on East Side, clear of all incumbrance, to .ex change for small farm, not to exceed $3500; must have some, buildings. W J. Davie, 5f.5 Corbett Bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 XHEAP PASTURE LANtTOR OTHER PROPERTY . In exchange for furly equipped saw mill; clear of incumbrance. . , . COU REALTY 1NV. CO. k-x:- Formerly Col. Trust Co. 617 Board of Trade, j- WANT SMALL PLACE. " Must be well improved, near Port land or valley town, for 80 acres near railway station in Deschutes Valley; alfalfa, timothy, clover, orchard, buildings, etc., and clear. Price $6500. B, S. Cook & Co., 605 Corhetj bldg. " , VACANT LOTS WANTED "to exchange for other property. " COL. REALTY IN V. CO. Formerly Col. Trust Co. - 617 Board of Trade. X FIRST-CLASS apartment building In fxchah(t for a splendid $30,000 farm In beautiful, southern Oregon. John Harteg 'at , HARTMAN A- THOMPSON 4th and Stark. WANTED 5 to 10 acres cleared with - 5 or 6 room house, not more than 20 miles from Portland, one mile to J$. It (Jive location; must bo cheap for, casly T-T-tfljO, Journal. 'K want several good income pro perties. Can offer clear properties and cash or mortgage. - r C S. MORTGAGE INV. CO.'. 13 ' 606-;607 Y eon Bldg. WANTEDl to buy from owner. 14 or 1 : acre, good 3 or- 4 room house, $50 flown, good monthly payments. 10c fare on P. R., L. & P. lines. G-341, Journal. .-WANTED 100 -acres or moresui table for dair clear or assume, pxehange for good property in Portland; also other lands. See Gage, 188 W. Park nt WANT best buy Portland" home to S3600 cash. 430 Worcester. Main 1940. WANTED, house and lot, $2000; no ineumorance, jjzuu lot part pay mem, pai. -asti. A-a;;, journal. Vant KD 5 or 6 room house, from owner; give phone number. R-240, Journal. TWO good lots in Eugene, Or., as pa-rt r payment on sinau nungaiow Jn ,1'ort- ano. J-7H3. .lourrml WANTED Two lots clone to carline; give pnone. w-izb, .lournai AVANT12D 5 or 10 acres, close to car; give pnone. -u4. journal WANTED Cheap acreage , for stock ranch near roast. Box 364. Lents. WXNtEBT 5 acres un improved, near city; terms. U-81 7,. Journal. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 WE have money-to loan on your real - estate; first mortgages only. Hammond mortgage compant, 43S unamoer er commerce. BUILDING LOANS on city and suburb ran proppriy ; money aavancea as work progresses. W- Q. Beck. 315 Fail nv Vlo- Main in7 ';,. Mortgage Loans ' "LI WHITE. 701 Selling bldg. MORTGAGE loans on city and subur- ban properties, lowest rates; mort rac and contracts boueht fnuoi. ehaw, 607 Commercial blk. Main 6120. MONEY for Immediate loan, $1500 at 7: $1000 at 8; $800 at 8r would like to place 1st part of week. Smith Wagoner Co.. Stock Exchange. CONSULT US FOR loans' on improved I'ortland realty, 6 7 and 8 per cent. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO., 284 Oak et. MONEY to loan in amounts of $100 v to $6000 on city property. A. II. Bell, got Gerlinger1 bldg. .MORTGAGE loans at current rates. Real estate security. Apply room tot Ftoc rrngnge. n w Yamnill. CASH paid for mortgages, notes, con 's tracts; mortgage loans; reasonable rates. F. H.-Lewis & Co., 3 Lewis bldg. FARM -loans. $1000 and uo 7 Der cent City loans at current rates. Hostet ler fe Anderson. 725 Cham, of Com. $100,000 on mortgages city ana -arm - property, fire insurance. McKensU cp.j ternnper ning., and Alder. $600 to $500 to loan on ,-ity or farm ; property. Tabor gRgp. B S73, Journal. $200. $360. $600, St0, $law0, $1800. Fred w. utrman co., 14 cnam. of Com. MONEY TO LOAN AT 7. L. DE- 1.UUH1, BZ4 Front st. Mam 7806. irittTnnif. i a, & x-1 i ' -- lunula Solomon A Pn 990 !t.,b j$600 TO $2000 on improved real e tate. at reasonable rates. Tabor 3402. $40,000 OR LESS. FARRINGTON. MONEY to loau 6 to a per cent. W. H. Belts tk Co.. 810 Ppslding bldg 6000 to $15,000. private money, g-824. Journal. LOANS $50 up. Write details for con sideration. Box - 864, Lents. VHEN you anbwer these : Want Ads, mention The Journal. $1000. $1,500 to loan on close in real -estate.-" 664 V ancouver ave. .LOANS on contracts. $50 up. Write 2000 AT 7 PCT. GONtAN BLDG. security $1000 t. ?i AND, lr'n MORTGAGE LOANS, i .... A VU MllAjk 419 Henry Bldg. C $1000 AT. 7 PCT.: $ 1 V 1 J- LAMB, ORE I ttiNT to loan on city I ' in $2000. Box 6. Len 27 (Coatlaasfl) I HAVE removed my offices from 205 fitock Exchange to 315-16 same build ing. I have large amounts of 1" per cent and 8 per cent money on band for good city and farm loans; prompt serv ice and no red tape. Main 6974. . WM. G. SECKENDORF, 815-16 Stock Exchange Bldg. PRIVATE ON HAND TO LOAN. $8,000 at Ifo $5,000 at 1;0. i $.000 at 1 2,500 at 7 .700 .at 8 800 at 8 - ' M'KENZIE & CO., 515 Gerlinger bldg. hOA.HH on improved eity property or for building purposes; advance made as building progresses; liberal repay ment privileges; no commission. J. P. Lipscomb. 84 2 Stark et Main 442P. PRIVATE party has money to loan - on Improved city propertv; sums of $1000 and up; low rate of interest; no commission; no agents. X-6 02, Jour nal. MONET TO LOAN 07 CHATTELS, SALARIES gwp . IMMEDIATE LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY A? EASTERN RATES. We bave one of the finest retail Jewelry stores In the city. A loan de partment is conducted In connection with same, making business STRICT LY CONFIDENTIAL. Absolutely no signs designating loan business dis played in front of our store. All mer chandise pledged Is held for a period of seven months, whether or not In terest Is paid when due. Ws are li censed and feave been established sines 1899. No connection with any other loan establishment in this city. A. V M. DELOVAQH, JEWELERS, ' 824 Washington St. LOANS IN SIX HOURS' TIME. At Legal Rates We loan money on diamonds, pianos, -I livestock, moiafc rrcvipis yuun bums or furniture. 'Portland Loan Co. Licensed by State. Room 205 Rothchild Bldg.. Bet. 4th and 6th on Washington St, SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. Business Strictly Confidential. STATE SECURITY COMPANY. LICENSED. 809 FAILING BLDG. MONEY AT ONCE. Diamonds, Watches, Musical Instrum'ts , Beparat ; dept. for ladles. Ei ILBK CO. (licensed.! 880 Lumber E. Bldg.. 2d and Stark. LOANS on diamonds. Jewelry, strictly ifldential. 141 H d St., near Alder. LOANS on ral estate, diamonds. Jew elry. Wm. Hon. K 8. V awhinif Mn t.idg. MONEY to loan on diamonds, jewelry fi, W. King, 46 Washington bldg. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal. LOANS WANTED 30 WANTED Farm loan on improved farm of 80 acres, $3000, from 3 to B years, at 7 per cent. $4500 on highly Improved farm, mod em buildings, from 3 to 5 years, at 7 per cent, $1600 on 80 acres of timber land, with good piling on it, near R. It-, from 3 to 6 years, at T per cent. $3600 on small well improved farm close to live town, at 7, per cent for 5 years. . For particulars address w. R. White fc to., oa 1st St., isewperg, or. WANTED ON A-1 SECURITY. $10,000 at 8. value $50,000. . '8,030 at 8, value 12,000. 4,000 at 8, value 12,000. 2,000 at 8, value 6,000. 1,800 at 8, value 6,000. - 1.500 at 8, value 4,000. 1,000 at 7, value 8,000. 600 at, 8fr, value 2,000. 600 at &7o, value 1,500. $500 at 10, 1 yr., value $2500. M'KENZIE & CO., 618 Gerlinger bldg. PVTRA GOOD SECURITY. $3000 LOAN WANTED On Income property, 3 yrs., 7 per cent: building leased; insured $5000; moral risk good.. M-405, Journal. SECURITY $18,000 . (REAL & PER SONAL). LOAN WANTED, $4000 AT 10. INSURANCE $10,000. MORAL RISK FIRST CLASS. QUICK ACTION DESIRED. ADDRESS WM. 1LDMONS P, O. BOX 282, CITY. . . $3850 AT 8 per cent wanted on highly improved 45 acre farm, all under cultivation; very rich soil, extra good house; gross Income last year from fruit, butter, eggs, pigs and chickens was $2266. See me at 801-2 Railway ggfhange Bldg. WANTED $25,000, 3 years, property valued $100,000; Income between $200 and $300 per month. Will pay good Interest,- and would like to pay on prin- cipal every six montns. tr-i. jourriai. LOANS WANTED A $250 first at 9 per cent on 100x100. and $350 on a 60x100 building lot; aiso a uu sec ond mtjr., well secured, big discount S-4 23, Journal. WANT- to borrow $700 at 8 on real estate security, 1st mortgage; value of real, estate, $2500. 818 Railway Exchange, FOR SALE $250, 1st mtg., on 60x100 In Rose City district and $850 on 6Jx 100 in Alberta district Discount for cash. M-407. Journal. WILL pay 7 per cent interest on $20, 000 loan, $100,000 security. Address B-740, Journal. WANTED to borrow $2000 on close-in property, west side. Will pay 7 per cent. Address X-l 66, Journal. WANTED $1600 on new modern room house and acre on 70th st; no agents, phone Tabor 2506. $450 mortgage for sale at discount enough to net 12 per cent. Fred W. German. 914 Chamber of Commerce. WANT $1500 from private party on S room house, full lot. E, 16th st BIS Board of Trade. . WANT $200 j from private party, 1 year, 8 per cent, security $600. $08 Worcester bldg. , $1800 WANTED on improved business property, value $6000, 8 per cent; no commission. -A-363. Journal. $1000 TO loan on improved city prop erty. Mar. 192. 20 Wash, bldg. FINANCIAL 51 OUR METHOD OF ASSISTING YOU FINANCIALLY IS UNSURPASSED. WE LOAN' TOU MONEY TO BE REPAID ON MONTHLY BASIS IF YOU NEED, AND WILL TAKE A LIFE INSURANCE POLICY THROUGH US IN A FIRST CLASS OLD LINE COMPANY. AND THE FIRfgT YEAR'S PREMIUM IS PAID BY US. WE CHARGE ONLY 7 PER CENT PER ANNUM. B. & P SECURITIES CO., j 209 SELLING BLDG. MONEY j FOR QUICK LOANS. $100 OR 'MORE PRIVATE AND ES TATE MONEY. NO DELAYS. ANY APPROVED SECURITY. WILL BUY (OR LOAN UPON) MORTGAGES, REAL ESTATE? (OR OTHER) CON TRACTS. LIFE INSURANCE POLI-i CTES, ETC. -ADDRESS BURKITT & PATTERSON. 209 SELLING BLDG. ; FIRST and second mortgages,' also sel lers" interest in contracts purchased. Oregon and Washington. H. E. Noble. Lumbermen bid. HELP WANTED MALE WILL give boy not over 16 home, board and wages for light work, 143 82d St., MoritavUla car. " . MAN for small suburban place. Must be good gardener ana milker. : S 953, Journal. . WANTED Party to clear 10 to 20 acres. W. Schult. 787 Hawthorne. SPECIALTY salesman, a cnanee for living. See Plummer, 260 gd st. WANTED Tea and corfee solicitor. Call before 9 a. m. $09 Salmon. MONEY TO 1X5 AH REAL ESTATE THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, I HELP WANTED MALE 1 - (Continasd) - j MAN WANTED, f Experienced in selling country- real estate. Must be able to list property and take care of office work. Good opportunity for right party. :No fake. References , furnished and ' required. Our business not for sale. We want the man. Write us letter on type writer. Address Box 29. Beaverton, Oregon. - - - - -' : : . ; : WANTED At once, bright. husUing single man. capable of taking entire charge of large ranch and managing same successfully. Chance of a life time for right party. Send stamp for particulars. General deliveries not answered.- Mrs. Waton Box 307, Valley, Neb. ; ' . ; '! Y. M. U A. EMPLOY MibNT LlbPl Record for year 1814: Calls for xnen ............... ...17V2 Positions flUed ... 1814 All young men seeking employment are cordially invited to consult with tbe secretary of the employment de- partment. WANTED Men and teams ! for con ' struction work all summer; also ma chinery for farm. Will-furnish board and feed and pay wages in securities. No loafers wanted. 430 Worcester bldg. Call after 4 o'clock. WANT 3 men for mill work; also 2 carpenters. Must take land as part payment and join a cooperative coloni sation home building association. Mar ried men and Americans only. U-602, Journal. ELDERLY man to live on farm; must batch; will furnish grub, clothes, everything; no chores'; want man that wants home for life; cannot pay wages till later. J-722, Journal. WANTED Canvassers to sell our line; 'outfit free; cash weekly. Ad dress Capital City Nursery Co, Sa lem. Or. TWO married men, teamster and mill man, wages $2 per day and house furnish, free. Frank Cox, Appleton. Wash. WANTED 2 district managers to travel; salary $20 weekly and ex penses; experience unnecessary. Las tic Air, Niagara Falls, N. Y. WANT to let contract to man with team to clear 18 acres near Lents; stamped- envelope brings particulars. N-160, Journal. BOYS wanted for light and profitable work not interfering with School. Don't phone. Call on J. K. Havel y, 270 4th St. YOUNG man who lives with his par- ents. as usher. New Grand Theatre, 105 6th St. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. HELP WANTED 311 SC. 4 PACIFIC AUTO & GAS ENGINE SCHOOL 286-268 11th st, Portland, Ore. THE LITTLE SCHOOL where you obtain BIG RESULTS. Call or write for TRUTH ABOUT AUTO SCHOOLS. DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES. CHAUFFEURS are in demand; we want sober, reliable men whom ws can recommend for positions to take our course in automobile repairing end driving. PRACTICE BEATS .THE ORY, and our course of instruction is PRACTICAL ALL THE WAY THROUGH. L. fc M." Auto Repair Co 869 Hawthorne. SALESMAN, experienced in any line, to sell general trade in Pacific ter ritory; unexcelled specialty proposi tion; commission contract; $3S week ly for expenses. Continental Jewelry Co., 75-10Continental bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. GOVERNMENT, . postoffice, depart mental cerk, bookkeeper and other civil service examinations soon. Get prepared by former government ex aminer. . Booklet H-34 free. Write today. Patterson Civil Service School. Rochester, N. Y: WANTED Two high grade specialty salesmen or capable ex-merchants for 1916; vacancy now; staple line; lib eral weekly advances: protected ter ritory; via umuiisneu. nouse. b. Kline, 276-10 Crafts bldg., Cleveland. SALESMAN For general mercantile trade in Oregon, to sell a new pro- fosition I of merit; vacancy now; at ractlve 1 commission contract $35 weekly for expenses. Miles F, Blxler Co., wholesale jewelers, 227-10 Carlin nicig., jieveianq. kj. WE have several openings for estab lishment of independent mall order business; energy, good habits and sound judgment more important than capital; spare time at first; particulars free. Opportunities .Exchange, Buf falo. N. Y. PARTNER WANTED Young man or lady with some experience at type setting, to take half interest or invest in a growing card printing establish ment located downtown; must have $250. C-885. Journal. WATCHMAKING, engraving, optical schooL day and night classes, few months only learning, positions guar anteed; steady; agreeable; profitable work. 218 Commonwealth Bldg., 6th and Ankeny, Portland. BE a card printer $100 will start you in a profitable business" of your own: under, my instruction you can start in business for yourself in a month's time; outfit free. P-147, Jour nal.' ! .- LADIES Immediately; filling, label- ing boxes; homo work evenings; steady; no experience; absolutely no canvassing; excellent opportunity for willing worker: inclose stamp. Erina Co., Toronto, Ont. LADIES Immediately, copy and write letters at home; all or spare time; pen or typewritten; $10 to $23 weekly, no canvassing. Enclose stamped en velope for particulars. Columbia Co., Petaluma, Calif. ; MOLER Barber College wants men and women to learn the trade, in 8 weeks, clean work, percentage paid whlls learning; tools free; scalp and face massage a specialty; send for free cat alpgue. ; 48 N. 3d st - MEN and women wanted for U. S. government life jobs. $66 to $160 month, i Common education sufficient Write Immediately for list of posi tions open to yott Franklin Insti tute, Dep't. 850 "K. Rochester, N. Y. GOVERNMENT wants clerks. Exam inations April 22. $70 month. Sam ple questions free. Franklin Institute, uept. aye, rtocnester, xn. x. DO EASY, pleasant coloring work at home; gopd pay; no canvassing; no experience requirea. tiius. particulars free. Helping Hand Stores, Chicago: WANTED, a live doctor for a live town with good Surrounding country about 20 miles from Portland. FX' 303, Journal. ! 100 RECIPES for thos8 candy fruits, vegetables, etc, $L Privilege of comparing with original. M. Eddas, 249 Adams st - ATTENTION 1 Professional people register at once. The Anson Book ing Agency, with Carder Slide Co., 225 Morgan bldg. - MEN, women wanted, government jobs. $65 to $150 month. Write for list positions now obtainable. Franklin In stitute, Dept. 849C. Rochester, N. Y. WANT photographer, partner: i small 'tours; have something make T1C-W that will take; confidential. F-423. Journal. ' MEN, women, $25 weekly collecting ail kinds names and addresses; no canvassing. Send stamp. Superba Co,. X 160, Baltimore, Md. ; . . SADDLE horses, 60c first hour, 25o additional hours; English or stock saddles. Main 6876 Or 16th and Mad ison sts. - Boarding and livery. - - PORTLAND government clerk exami nations, April 22; $70 month. Sample questions free. Apply VX-271. Journal. TO EXCHANGE Modern bungalow rent for carpenter work. 0-162, Journal.1 . . . WILL exchange rent of S room flat . for carpenter or other work. ; K-603, Journal. . . . ' WATCHES cleaned, 75c, mainspring 75c; work guaranteed, 21$ Common wealth Bldg., 6th, and Ankeny. COOK beadtiuartjera California Wine Depot; 291 Yamhill, near 6th. ari 1NCALLED -for jailor made suits $6.6 op Taylor, the Tailor, 289 4 Bumside. MAN with $200 or more, poultry ranch.1 Wheeler. Cahby, Or. WHEN you answer these TV ant Ads, mention Tbe Journal. KELP WANTED M1SO. 49 (Cos tinned) Y. Mi C. A. Automobile School I Day and night Instruction In repair lng, driving, selling and machine work. Moderate charges. Fair dealing and expert training. - i i Before enrolling elsewhere call at educational office, Y. M. C A. olds., and secure pass entitling you to in spect our shop and methods of In struction. $ . . ; OLD, substantial manufacturers of products in universal tlemand want men and women -if honesty, ambition and energy to become dealers and es tablish their own business by market?, lng to consumers and stores; spare or full time; immediate Income and as sured future; large returns; credit given; exclusive rights; experience un necessary.. Address sales manager. Dept. '2 41, suite 2117, 111 Broadway. New York. WANTED, man or lady of neat ap- position, steady work for tne right arty; $65 per month and expenses. iviust give 350 casn bond. Refer ences , required. Don't answer this unless you are able to work by the 10th of this month. B-898, Journal. BECOME INDEPENDENT. Others . are doing it. Why work for a sal ary? START MOVING PICTURE ROAD SHOW, PLAYING SMALLER TOWNS. Small Investment We teach you, furnishing everything. THE MOVIE SUPPLY KINGS, 64 BROAD- WAX. INTELLIGENT person may earn $8 to $20 weekly during spare time at home, writing for newspapers. Send for particulars. Press Syndicate, 640 Washington. D. C. IIJElP WANTED FEMALE 2 SCHOOL gifl, 14 to 16. to help eve nings and mornings in private fam ily for board and small wages. Call at 647 E. 60th St.. N. Phone Tabor 5799 GRADUATE nurse understanding mas sage and hydrotherapy. Third floor, Empress Theatre bldg. Apply Monday afternoon. EXPERIENCED and thoroughly com petent mail order woman, one who understands typewriting and steno graphy. Answer 0-12S, Journal. WANTED A girl for housework; must know how to cook; 3 in family. -1364 Alameda Drive. Rose City Parlt car to 4Sth st. PLEASANT young- woman to wait oh middle aged man, helpless invalid. $20 month. Send photo and partlcu lars. Box 636, Newberg, Or. THOROUGHLY experienced tailor skirt and waist makers wanted; no Others need apply. 205 Columbia bldg. MILLINERS. Wanted, experienced maker,. Apply Bradshaw Bros. LADlKS wanted to demonstrate; resi dential work, $2 to $4 per day. 605 Columbia- bldg. . ' MILLINERY apprentice, wide awake lady to learn the business; $1 per day to start. 385 Alder st THOROUGHLY experienced bakery saleswoman. Answer W-810, Journal.. WANTED, thoroughly competent um- brella saleswoman. V-i 08, Journal- LADY wishing room, no rent a little work. Marshall 4368. today. : HELP .WANTED MALE AND ! FEMALE 29 Oregon Barber College will teacn you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and rase massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed; pay. while learning; tui tion reduced this term. 233 Madison. WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention The Journal. BARBERS AND ' SUPPLIES 69 i n i r . Bam erS OUpDIieS LOWEST PRICES For standard Broods. Call or write to Dept. 6, Clarke-Woodward Drug Co., Woodlark Bldg Alder at .West Park, ' Portland, Or. Elevator to 6th floor. LEWIS STENGER Barbers Supply Co, I Morrison and 10th. Oldest and most reliable house on the coast. That s all. LIST your shop with us. We bring buyer and seller together. Portland Cutlery Barber Supply Co., 86 6th st BARBER wants position in or out of rltt OX-139. Jou ma 1. WANTED AGENTS 6 BILLY SUNDAY'S MESSAGE, author ized. We will pay you $120 to dis tribute It in youir .neighborhood. 60 days' work. Great opportunity for man or woman. Spare time ma be used. Particulars and sample free. UNIVERSAL BIBLE HOUSE, Phila delphia. AGENTS If I had your .name I could show you how to earn $23 to $50 weekly. Greatest seller in years. Over 700,000 sold In last six months. Every housewife will buy on sight. Postal brings liberal proposition and free sam ple. Address, Manufacturer, 1 Union Sq., N. Y, ? WE START you in business, furnish ing everything; men and women; $30 to $200 weekly operating our "New System Specialty Candy Factories" home, anywhere; no canvassing. Opr portunity lifetime; booklet free-. Rags dale Co., Box Z. East Orange, N. if. t USE your spare time to build up a mail order business of yours own. We help you start for a share in Frofits- 27' opportunities. Particulars ree. Mutual Opportunities Exchange. Buffalo, N. Y. AGENTS, new proposition; best season just ahead; one agents' orders $2650 1 month; easy-wringer mop; 150 per cent profit; 18. sold by Randel 4 hours. $9 made by Baker in 2 hours. 131 sold by Martin In 2 days. Particulars free. U. S. Mop Co.. 246 Main St.. Toledo, O. RESPONSIBLE manufacturer desires placing valuable agency, sure re peater, permanent income, business builder, easy, no competition, protected territory guaranteed. Perfection -Co., 18 West 31st, New York. AGENTS, salary or commission, great est seller yet Every user pen and ink buys on sight; 200 to 600 per cent profit One agent's sales $620 In six days; another $32 in a hours, Monroe Mfg. Co.. X-244. La Crosse. Wis. AGENTS sell guaranteed hosiery to wearer; large profits, quick sales; make $10 daily; experience unneces sary. Mrs. Lottie M. Davis, district manager. 544 N. 3d St., CorvalUs, Or. AGENTS Chance to make big monev handling new fast selling household article. Particulars free. Propp Mer cantile Co., 3717 So. Hoover st.. Los Angeles. Cat. - r 400 PER CENT profit selling our re peat order goods; samples and par ticulars "free. Luther Gorden Co., Northwestern Bldg., Chicago.- ; HUSTLER to represent me t every ceunty; popular poods; tremendous profits; free advertising; everybody, buys. Jacobson, Box 657, Portland. ; SITUATIONS MALE ' EXPERIENCED and reliable man de sires a position as clerk in a store. P-801, Journal. - j Y'OUNG man wishes position as chauf- j READ HOTEL, Just opened, every feur for room and board. W-811. thing new, rates $3 per week up .208 journal. PAINTING, kalsomining, reasonable. I All work guaranteed. Sellwood 1399. References. BUILDERS, expert window frame maker needs work; 15 years experi ence. East 2736. j FIRST-CLASS carpenter finisher, good on rough; has the speed. Ref erences. Phone East 2823. ' WANTED Lots or acres to plow, also good manure for sale. Phone Main 8960. Ask for Mr. Seley. , PAINTER with family must have work, day or contract; all around man. Tabor 2859. " ;' - ; J. t POSITION by chauffeur, touring, car or truck. S-413. Journal. CARPENTER or furniture repair man wants work. Tabor 6143. t PAPERING, painting and kalsomining. Call Tabor 6268. . . WANTED Excavation, plowing, all kinds of team work. Woodlawn 883. SITUATIONS MALES MALE . stenoeranher. maxrled. - east' erner, university graduate, 10 years' experience in court, railroad and com mercial work, speedy typewriter, un derstands all modern filinr systems. some experience as salesman, desires permanent position Portland, eitner in straight . stenographic work or as salesman and stenographer. 2C-802, journal, A YOUNG Swedish dairy engineer wants position: can do any kind of work, in dairy; nave 3 years' experi ence as dairy , engineer; also $ years as macnmist; nave rererences. ao dress C, Christenson. 412 larrabee st. rpruana, or. COMPETENT office man wants poel. tion; 20 yearg' experience in office work j as clerk, bookkaener and man ager; j no objection to going out of town.' Can give best of references. T' 408, Journal. , . AN AMBITIOUS young man who Is not' afraid of bard work desires an opportunity to earn his meals while attending business college. Call Main 513 or A-2664 Monday. RELIABLE young man desires posi tlon as an apprentice in a newspaper office. Have bad experience in all , departments. L. M. Bean. Esmond hotel. WELL' trained stenographer and book keeper, living with parents, has own typewriter; aesires orrice position. Alain ;673t. WANTED By an experienced pruner and lawn cutter, a job at 20 cents per hour. K.-381, journal. PAINTER, all round hand, married, wants work $2.50 day; good refer- encea. w-8iz. journal. WHtiN you answer tnese Want Ads, mention The Journal. . SITUATIONS FEMALE REFINED, middle-aged woman seeks position as nurse or traveling com panion, stewardess on ship, or any po sition of trust Highest references. 310 Benton et Phone East 8737. EXPERIENCED laundress takes work home; high class work done cheaper, last longer; will call; send me card. 1729 Berkeley, LADY, middle aeed and experienced. wants position as housekeeper in apartment or rooming bouse. Main 2664, room 206. LADY, 24, wants bookkeeping or hmiMWArlr (small wtures. Trivi1 ,ir. hof going to night school. 0-338, Jour nal. ! HIGH school girl will care for chil dren after school hours. Nob Hill neighborhood. References furnished. Phone Marshall 2876. . FASHIONABLE dressmaker wants sewing by the day in families; sat isfaction guaranteed. Marshall 1161. Address 448 Clay. WILL teach beginners to read, spell ana write letters in English. Private lessons afternoons or evenings. Main 7774, or 433 Market' st REFINED young widow with little girl desires position as housekeeper for honorable gentleman with nice home. Tabor 6000. ' TWO ladies wish anjr kind of dajr work; practical burse, best of ref erences. Phone Columbia 28. POSITION as cashier or telephone op erator. Experienced In both lines. Phone Marshall 4018. WOMAN wishes position as housekeep- I er. State what salary win pay. o- 604, journal. . NEAT appearing girl would like work -of any kind. Marshall 6365. Miss Potter. B WOMAN with two small children , wishes position as housekeeper, city or country. Mrs. Martin, 426 Alder. AT once A position as housekeeper by refined, needy woman. V-607, Journal. - . TWO sisters want work as chamber maid and waitress in country hotel. J-813. Journal -. GRADUATE teacher will give private instruction to anyone desiring help. East 6717. ; , , .. WOMAN wants work by day or hour. Woodlawn 41.27. CURTAINS laundered at borne. Main 9180. WANTETJ Work by hour or day, re liable references. JEast 2065, WOMAN wants work any kind. Tabor 6048. COOKING and serving dinners, teas, partiew. pr ironing by hour. Ta. 3171. LADY wants practical nursing or work in small family. N-806. Journal. M I DDLEAGED lady wants a place as housekeeper. U-610. Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AND FEMALE S3 MAN and wife wish work on farm: no children. Tabor 4416. 649 - E. 82d, DRESSMAKING 40 FIRST CLASS dressmaker wishes en gagements by the day; fancy suits end evening gowns a specialty. Phone Mala 110, A.-1136. DRESSMAKER would like to do gen eral sewing in families, $1 a day. Address 170 N. itn st. FASHIONABLE dressmaking and makeovers. Madame Lane, 648 Di vision Bt EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants -work at home. Gowns a specialty. 314 K, 48th. Tabor 2379... ? DRESSMAKING or plain sewing, rea sonable. Call Mar. 6463, Apt No. 8. DRESSMAKING and remodeling. Lovejoy. Main 3324. 693 NURSES eo PRACTICAL nqree will do some house work. Terms reasonable. By day or week. References. Teh E. 6374. PRACTICAL nurse desires engage ments: experienced; terms reason able. Main 8198, Apt. I Experienced nurse, best of ref- erences; confinements preferred. Phone East 8663. FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE 9 Madras Hotels Suites $5. Outside rooms $3 up. court rooms, $2.60 up. By day 60c, 75c $1; cor. 12th and Washington sts. - THE ALBION HOTEL. 212H 3d and Salmon. Rooms $1.76 .week up; steaa. heat, hot and cold water; free bath, phone. HOTEL SAVON Large room witn private bath, $4.50; other room, $2.25 to $3; transient, 60c. 75c, $1, 131 11th st, near Wash. - - i- DON'T WASTE MONEY. If you want a cleaner, better room for less money, go to Hotel Amsdon, 268 Sd st, cor. Jefferson. OUTSIDE 'CORNER ROOM, $2.75; other outside rooms, $2.50: in side rooms, $1.75 week; Brick, steam heat, free phone and bat- 283 13th st MAX WELL HALL, residential hotel, 207 14th St., rooms single .or en suite; modern, rates reasonable; in the heart of business district ROOMS for young roed in Y. M. C A. Fireproof . building, shower baths, vacuum cleaned, club facilities; mod crate prices. Cor. 6th and Taylor. 4th St. HOTEL ARTHUR, llth near Morrison. Transient: and permanent rooms with all midern conveniences. $17.60 mo. up. CLEAN furnished sleeping rooms, fl.aa ween, ziut Aioer gt. ROOMS a'.d apartments la modern ho tel. $2.60 week and up. 456 Alder. Nicely rumished A D RnTT Se day up. Wash, st nwtvy i i I 60 wk. up. $2 WEEK up, clean, warm, modern far. rooms, central. The King, $09 Jeff. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal. , mltSTSHEO BOOHS WES BIDE PRIVATE PAMTLT 70 LARGE, nicely furnished, very - clean front room, Marge alcove, sleeping porch, all conveniences. 60 Ella st $2.60 WEEK Large corner room, alsd smaller room adjoining. zbi a et TWO nicely furnished sleeping rooms. if j la. istn. MARCH 71 1915. KHTSXf BOO WEST BIDS P&XVATa T, X 70 tt; Con tja tied j ONE or two rooms in beautiful home: running water with shower, j 60S Everett et'' -.. - ' - r . NICELY furnished, clean. cheerful room. , windows two sides, walking 01 stance, 310 per month, bo iia st WEsJT SIDE, fine location; clean, light. xieauy lurrusnea.. moaern; prices rea eonable. Ask about them. Main 8021. LARGE . front room, suitable for one or two gentlemen; walking distance. East 1653. - ' - WHEN you answer thee Want Ada mention The JounaL $1.50 week. Kin all. neat room. T268 iztn si TWO clean, airy, front rooms. Prices $10 and 314. 255 11th st ; ONE light dry room only $5 per mo, 294 Jefferson. FURNISHED ROOMS EAST SIDE 62 LARGE front room, suitable for rone w iwo g-enuemen; waiing oisi&nce. East 1662. nrBslSHED BOOMS EAST BIDE PRIVATE FAY 71 LARGE, pleasant front room, modern home, short walk from business cen ter; gentlemen preferred. Phone East 1552. WELL furnished large front room, clothes cloeet, - all home comforts. Both phones. ilS E. (Salmon st, near 30th st. GLASS sleeping porch, with large room, also smaller one, reasonable, walking distance, E. 7 th, near Ore gon, Phone East 454. QUIET, pleasant r room near center of city, Rent reasonable - to desirable party. rnone v 227 6 LADY having new modern home will share it with coneenial ladv. Ta- bor 6516. CLEAN pleasant bedroom, $5 a month, exchange rent for wiring 5 rooms. 291 E. 49th st. 1 UNFURNISHED ROOMS 14 THREE large. unfurnished rooms, close In. 93 East 8th st N. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 Tbe Manltou, 361' 13th st Select fam - ily boarding house. Modern conven iences, walking distance, home cooking, reasonable rates. ; Main 1184. BACHELOR APTS., 331 JEFF. Just fitted up, nice rooms and excel lent board, all modern conveniences; rates reasonable. Main 2656. PARKVIEW HOTEL, 886 Montgomery st. at West Park. Family hotel; all modern conveniences; rates for regular and transient guests. THE HA EL, cor. 3d and Montgomery. cine xurmsned rooms and board, ft up; steam heat hot Paths, free phone. CASA ROSA, 800 Jefferson Room and board; excellent home cooking. sooms Axna boa bo PRIVATE FAHILT ra STRICTLY private family in Rose City Park, with well appointed home. newly furnished, with piano and every home comfort has one - iaxge room and one smaller room for two or three fentlemen; breakfast and dinners if esired; two blocks from two carlines; rererences. Tabor 1078. WALNUT PARK Fins modern home. large rooms, witn aoors, windows, j i . . 1 , , 1. , . "i and phonograph; nice sleeping tents under the fir trees, close to 2 car lines, restricted neighborhood. Wdln. 2025. LARGE, nleafcant and elegantly fur nished room, with best of home cooking, choice location, west side; price reasonable. 181 17th .st. BOARD and room in private home, every modern convenience, hot and cold water in room. Use of pianos 344 saimon st Mam 4&04. NICELY furnished rooms with or wlth out board, use of parlor and piano. furnace heat, all modern conveniences. 611 Morrison. Main Z72Z. WANTED 2 young men to room and board, $22.60 per. month, working men preferred. 696 Johnson st, or Main 8370. WANTED Small hildren of e-ood family to care for. $15 a month. Best attendance in private family. K-799, journal. FURNISHED rooms, with or without board. 847 Grand ave. N., near .Broad way. - ROOM, 8 meals daily, $5 week; two in room, 4.to.; z4 Main st. . WHEN you iLawes thttse Want Ads. mention ine journal. FRONT room, good board, $18. $20. Mar. z&os. 166 n. lotn. ROOM and board for working girl. $4 a week. East 6106. WANTED To care for child at my home. Main 7088. 332 10th st Moder"f7 M. 6979. A-286S. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 89 WANT apartment or room and board in exchange for piano. F-606, Jour nal. GENTLEMAN wants room and board; must be modern,; private, rirgt-oiass home; west side. U-81 6, Journal, t - WANTED A home for an aged lady. fiione Main Z7. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE ONE room with kltcnenette, complete ly rurnisnea, steam neat, running bet and cof& water, obone In every room; 7 blocks from 6th and Morrison at a.; $12 and up. 291 Columbia s, corner 6th st - . HOUSEKEEPING suites of 8 rooms from $3 to $3.50 per week; transient, 60c and 75c; all ; light, outside rooms, very central; walking distance. Court House apta.. 2474 6th St.. Main 7916. TWO and 3 unfurnished housekeeping rooms, also single rooms, good con dition; bay window view, centrally lo- catea. iuo jeiierson St., cor. otn, opposite City Hall. - . - -- 68 N. 14TH ST.. near Davis Three pleasant furnished : housekeeping rooms; heat and tunning' water; first floor. Marshall i486. 295 10th et, 2 nice front h. k. rooms; also single suite or rooms: neat bath and phohe included; very rea sonable. VERY desirable housekeeping rooms, also single: musical; all sunliaht everything complete and abundant; a home. Marshall 8214. $2. $a, $4 rer week, nicely furnished housekeeping apt; . light phone. heat free. Del Monte, 1 block .south of 20th and Wash. Marsh. 4464 ONE room H. K. apt.. Including heat. bath, phone, etc.. $8 per mo.; easy walking distance. 187 17th, , near Yamhill. ONE furnished housekeeping room, free. $7 per mo. 471 range and gas Main st ' 1 AND 2 room H. K. suites, $8 to $12 month, steam heat 2454 N 17th st, cor. Marshall. Marshall 4943. 2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, also single room, rent reasonable, walking dis tance. 262 Clay st FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. also a "Yamhill, also sleeping room, cheap rent. 87$ LARdE front room, with kitchenette, heated, free, cooking gas. $3 week. 402 Park st SINGLE $6 mo, up; suites $10 mo. up. Furnace beat, hot, cold water, free phone; bath. Corner 20th and Morrison GEM APTS.. i, 2, 8 room suites, free bath, phone; $1 wk. up. 401 1st st GILMAN Hotel. 1st and Alder. Fur nished H. K. rms., cheap, tl.b'j wk. up. Cambridge bldg.. furnished H K. rooms, central, cheap. 165H 8d. cor. Morfn. "SOUTHERN," 647 14 1st Furnished H. K. suites, $1.50 to $2.60 week. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $1.60 week. 210 Alder st. NICELY furnished H. K. rooms. V Grand ave. ROYCREST, 12th and Yamhill, sunny front suites, complete for H. K.- . HOUSEKEEPING rooms $2 . and up. '-' 206- 1st 8t - . WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. ' OtTgl!II!l!PlMa BOOMS WEST SIDE PRIVATE MJUXT 73 TWO 4r X elegantly, furnished front housekeeping rooms; sink, tele phone, hot, cold water in rooms, elec tricity, launary, 1 urn ace neat, oeauu fnl yard. 123 N. 2 3d. ONLY $3 week,- fine housekeeping rooms, with closet also large corner room with kitchenette end private porch, electric light both phones, large yard, only $3.60 week. 171 13th st ; VERY nicely furnished housekeeping rooms to party wno win do caamDer work for rent OX rooms. Marshall 2552. 382 Harrison st TWO or three nicely furnished House keeping rooms, bath, gas, phone; nice location; 15, minutes walk, to P. P. 614 4th st. - 295 10Tit-TWO nice front house keeping rooms, also single sleeping rooms,- heat, bath and phone Included. very reasonable. - $2.50 WEEK, 10 minutes from P. O., one large front II. K, room, large clothes closet newly papered and painted. 307 Harrison St. PLEASANT rooms: cinftie or eh suite. furnished1 or unfurnished; suited for light housekeeping; vater, gas, .bath, phone and electric light 38,7 Mi Mill. $8.60 THREE clean. unfurnished housekeeping - rooms, cottage, gas, bath, yard.i separate entrance. , -; 610 1st. Tabor 1114.- 250 N. 19th 1 or 2 large outside H. K. rooms, strictly modern, beautifully furnished.' Best In city for price. Marshall 4281. - THREE sunny rooms, nicely furnished, '- for housekeeping,- partly modern, rent reasonable. -Phone Main 7017. 616 vista ave., Portland Heights. TWO rooms, - nicely furnished, for housekeeping, beautiful view, partly modern, rent reasonable. - Phone Main 7017. 615 Vista ave., Portland Heights. LIGHT,- pleasant, 3 room H. K. suite or suitable for 2 gentlemen. Walk ing distance. 309 Jackson st, bet 6th snd th. 1 LARGE outside rooms, nicely furnished tor Housekeeping. Moaern con veniences. . Reasonable rent 163 16th st, cor, or j Morrison, CHOICE housekeeping rooms en suite ana single, a gas range, running Water, phone, electricity, clean and sunny. $12 to $18. 474 Alder, cor. 14th "NlCELY furnished ' housekeeping: rooms $2 per -wk. 241 6th st. cor. Main, ",." - - ; NICE, clean rooms, housekeeping an5 sleeping. I Good location. Bath, phOhe, light. $8 and $10. 400 2d. NICE front - rooms, housekeeping, sleeping, $6 month, up. Close in. 12a 13th, near 'Washington. THREE newly furnished housekeeping rooms; neat, light, ptione and bath, reasonable. Main 6019. 700 Flanders. THREE 1st floor front, aas raiiKa. - sink, 2 beds, piano, furnace, -bath. pnone. zs ftiarKet. - TWO large front rooms, newly fur- nisnea tor Housekeeping, sleeping noroh 4z main. 3 COZY H. K. rooms, pantry, gas aio, uaui, (fliuui;, , CAOimuiC, JLU, couple. 184 N. 17th. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, private en trance. 349 Market. 1 OR 3 rooms, $2 and $3; heat, phone, light, bath. '208 13th st. ; buIlE of Z and 4 housekeeping rooms, well furnished. 216 10th St., wet. SMALL rooming house for-sale. Call 188 10th St. Main 8898. AND 2 well jfurnished housekeeping rooms; walking distance. 883. ljth. NICE, front housekeeping rooms, phone, oatn, eiectnc ngnts, ftas. 84 lztn. 2 LARGE front modern 1L K. roo ins. it montn. 4z Aisjn. HOUSEKEEPING, and sleeping rooms, $5 to $8 month. 394 Jefferson st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 4 EAST SIDE - , f -1 1- -.i-i.i-i -T-i-i. -u -i 1 -1 -. - : MORRISON house, 132 Union ave. B., cor. Morrison and Union ave., now u'iuci ucw uBiiajrunuii furnished, painted and tiKDered. H. K.. also sleeping rooms, phone, free lights and bath.- Very reasonable. NICK, furnished .2 and 4 room house keeping suites at 214 Klllmffs worth ave.; low rent Phone Wood lawn 680. C-1387. . ' $1.60 TO i $2.76 week, rumished H. K. rooms, gas, free heat laundry, bath. Phone Kast 8089. 406 Vancouver ave. $9 4 unfurnished housekeeping rooms, i ciose in. aouiis. r.ast 903. - WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The, Journal. .- HOTBSXEEFXK BOOMS EAST SIDE PB1Y4TE PAMI-T 74 PRIVATE entrance lower floor. 3 con necting rooms burnished housekeep ing, $10 month; cooking gas, light water, phone, sewing machine, parlor organ Included. 731 Rodney near Free--mont. Williams or Union ave, car. TWO newly furnished , housekeeping rooms with two clothes eloset. sink, lights, bath, furnace heat and place for small gardens, 76 E. 20th st N. rnone r;ast iy, NICE rooms ahd small kitchen, tur nl shed for light housekeeping. In pri vate home. Will make attractive price to right party.. Reference required. rnon aoor M. A BARGAIN Front suite, modern, $11 month; electric lights, gas range, running water, phone. 308 Hancock; "II" ear. 1 - , - , TWO furnished connecting housekeep ing rooms, lower floor, private en trance, free phone, lights, bath, sink. paniy; reni-ia.T b gtn St.. x 3 FURNISHED housekeeping roeuis. upper nat, $12.50; three in lower, $ir. Near- east end Broadway bridge, 400 Ross st r NICELY furnished ' houHekeeping rooms, walking distance. 71 E. llth St. N between Davis and Everett Phone B-8075. $2 WEEK, large h.'k. room, stove, gas, sink. 651 East Morrison. Walking distance, - TWO furnished H. K. rooms, first floor; lights, water,-phone and bath. 430 Williams ave. E. 4949. Near B'way. TWO rooms, with bath,' nice, good lo - cation, for dressmaker! part payment or rent in worn. tj-zsi3 TiiREE f urnished housekeeninsr roums. - hot and cold water, Dutch kitchen, private bath. 727 Milwaukle. Sell. 8 6, FURNISHED 2 and 3 room" suites, $19 and up; heat IJght, bath; Mississippi car to Morris. 622 Delay et' LARGE front , room, walking distance; .gas, -bath, phone, heat; J8 month. Fast 1484. 661 Belmont. CLEAN housekeeping rooms, light and phone free. - 219 Morris st. Wdln. 2324. Prices Very reasonable, ' FOR RENT ROUSES 12 $12.60, NEWLY Painted, papered C room cottage, electricity, gas, bath East 2305. - $10 Good 6 room Siouse, electric and bath, good yard. 196 f Ivy et R-s car. - , $16 6 room cottage in walking dis tance, cor. 16th, Hawthorne. In qulre house in' rear or tel. E. 8980.- FOR RENT 7 room house, $12 month: music and English taken as part payment 783 ygsKenllworth ave. RENT 7 room hoi No, 288 Broad way. near , - WlUl ens ave.. phone East 3319. 8 ROOM MODERN COR. HOUSE.' $141 Close In. car. 81 Fremont, vMissisMppl 6 ROOM bungaiow n(ew ot at 1266 E. Caruthers, $1L Tabor 2642. ATTRACTIVE Irvlngton home for rent Phone East 1490. i ROOM bouse, 4 lots, garden, chick- .vvw- uvHB-ws SWP a, q.1 tf V en house, rent $10. East i2739. ODERN T room house, 835 Wood- wa.ro ave.- rnon reu. JPB1. is-fBMALL bouse and acre, w(h chick- en houses. Owner. Tnbo 829 $6-5 room cottage, big lot, 4922 4Isi ave. Ken jweoofsky. Main 6780 MODERN 7 room bouse, 2 lots, 200 ft . fmni Jter asv mKnn 1, M O O S-svS. Vttl ) ICUt V.IICTfXJ, I'ani -OOU, 10 ROOM bouse, wafkinTdrstance. tl8l ft room uat, 3I1. '42Z First st 13 FOR RENT HOUSES 12 MEIER & .FRANK'S FREE RFNTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. Tenth Floor, Temporary Annex Complete and reliable list of all v Cant houses, flats, apartments and bungalows in the city; make use Vr this service whan you desire; this does not obligate you in any manner to this store. You will rind us wining and ready at all times to help you la locating. Newcomers in Portland will find this service especially valuable. Keal estate men end owners of prlvata property are Invited to list their un occupied apartments, fists and houses at Meier & Frank's free rental bureau. - . HOUSES. - ! ,,J1 rooms, at 418 49th ave. S.-E.. Woodstock car to Hows station. $12.60 5 rooms, large j yard, at 174 4 Fisk st, St Johns car. $16 6 rooms, modern, at 997 Com. mercial St., near Blandena. 16 4 rooms. 467 Market near 13th. . $17.60 -7 rooms. 789 E. Ash St. , $18 660 Pettygrove st, near 16th. $20- 6 rooms, 694 Raleigh, cor. ltli. $37.60 9 rooms, hot water' heat, suitable for boarding house, 'at Glisan st, near 20th, across from new Couch school. $509 rooms, modern Irvington home, garage, at 461 E. 24th st H. P. PALMER - JONES CO.. 404 WrllcOx bldg. Main 8699, A-2653. MODERN up to date 4 room bunKit lOWS. With bUlltin bed. bnfftx. bookcases, window seats end coolers, also self lighting gas ranKe. water heaters, linoleums in kitchens and bath rooms, full sttici with .inftrix lights, full basement with wash trsy. fas and electricity, fine lawn, windows ully screened, on E. lSth rind Suinntr sts, 1 block north of Alberta car. Hlanchard - Clemson, 702-3 rJelling bldg. Phone Bun, or eveninxs C-128 7. 8 ROOM house, beautifully located la Irvihgton, on carline, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, servants' Quarters, all modern appointment, to esirable responsible parties I or more years' lease. K. L. McDougal, 6l( Chamber of Commerce . ' " HOUSE FOR RENT. ' 8 rooms, all large and tinted; lot 100x100; 12 fruit trees, bearing, all kinds small fruit, rose hedge on three sides of lot chicken house. 1 block to car line, $18.00. Including water. Phone Woodlawn 209. A NEW modern 6 room bungalow, 1 acre .of ground, a good place for cow and chickens. 8 block from Mt. Scott car. only 3 blocks west of Watson sta tion, on Estacada line, $12.60 month. Tabor 1974. - GOOD housa and acre of ground, one block from 60 fare; fine place for chickens, southwest corner 71st st. end 30th eve:, $12.50 month; Hawthorne oar. Phone Main 428, except Sunday. p. N. AnderHon. ) HAVE several houses: will rent froin. $10 to $30 per month. If occupied for a- number of years will give deed. All new, and in good districts. J-792, Journal. FOR RENT 6 room cottage. 406 lulh st East. -' 6 room cottage. 491 Mill. 8 room house, 60 Mill st Phone P. C. Burns. Main 618. 70 E. 13th st, corner hT. 13th and Frankfort sts., one block from Kcil wood car line; old house but well lo cated, garden and trees; $10 mouth, in advance. 816 Yron bldg. 118 E. 74th st, one block from Monta - villa car line; old house but a snap at $6r-month rent; keys at grocery store' next door; rent payable in ad- vance at 916 Yeon bldg. A 7 ROOM modern house in Vsncou ver. Wash. 2 lots for rent or ex change for a ff room and 1 lot In Port- land. Phone Main 7010. 8 BOOM .modern house for Jent,' 181 ii and Marshall sts., desirable neigh borhood, reasonable rent Phone A f" Main 2474. ' . FOR RENT- 4 room house, 7 .1 irom. courtnouse, near cartine, a:t - a'n, plenty wood and chicken housea. i $ Pr mo. G-l 40, Journal. ilMBf CLASS modern 8 room corner house, choice neighborhood. West ,sider walking distance, rent reason able. Main 2566. FINE new moucrn 4 room cottage, $Tj good 4 room, plain, partly furnlxhcd, $5; 5 room, modern, partly furnished, 8. Smith A- Houclt, 301 Henry blrier. SMALL house. 1621 Oatman st. IV. blocks south from Lombard t, ner Peninsular school, St Johns line. $ti, with water. ' SEVEN room house, lot 100x103, rent $18.60. Water paid, gas, electricity. 600 1st st. ; FOR attractive houses to rent ua Clark Rental Service. Id floor Title Trust bldg. . PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 6 room bungalow, fireplace, close to rar. 718 Patton road. Alain 4&77. GOOD modern house,, big garden and hen houie. . $10. Also & rooms, bath, wood house, $7. B-28.'12.J FoH. KENT 6 room honne, It io 1 1 i, Hawthorne district, E. 43d end Main, lu.oii, wiin water. 1 anor i w i. 18 ROOM house, on West side, laid out ana locatea ior hospital pur poses. Main 1201. - . $8.60 FIVE room .modern house with basement water paid, near school. Call 6732 37th ave., H. E.. SlODKRN buugalow, 388 H. 46th, N., near Sandy $23. - V.. DeYoung, 614 Chamber of - commerce. MODERN 5 room bungalow, 60th st. H. V., bet. 64th end 65th aves. $8 monthly. Tabor 2984. 7 ROOMs and bath, lot 100x100, i.n car line; near in; rent $16.50. Phons C-1846. 7 ROOM house, ss, electricity, ' fire place, furnace, large lawn. 71$ H, BtiriiMide. SMALL house and garden, $1 month; 3 room house. Rood garden, fur. niwhed and water. $5 mo. FOR RENT Splendid " bungalow In Rose City Park. .Mar. 6o. C. G. w-agan. 6 ROOM house, newly paintf d ' Inside and out; free water, 6 lots, fl.&O. Ownf-r, E. 82d at. Tabor 1899. 8 ROOM housn, suitable for LoriK - ihg house or two families, 1. Phone East 4287. i ' IODERN cottage, ' iarge 'yard, imily for garden, irultHrees, etc.. cheap rent. 881 Front, Phone Mar. 5941, MODERN 6 room house, close in, de sirable location, yard, 1 bloc to car; rent $16. Phone Main 7778. $)12 MODERN 6 room coTuk. newly tinted- close in. Call at 8 71 Larth St., Ladd addition. 6 ROOM modern cottage. $10 r--r month, with range all set up, 648 E. 14th South. 7 ROOM house, west side. 254 lltu st, $i&. Phone woodlawn till. $8 MONTH, 6 room cottage, west ide. ciose in. inquire ai Morrmon, F"OR RENT, 6 room cottage, bath, basement 808 17th. , near (.'lay. 6 ROOM modern cottage, 666 Mill st! tent 815. EAST 68th and Glisan. $S per month. 8 room cottatre, with HOUSE for rent, furnished, $14. Main 9130. , $9 8 room cottage,, modern and clan, 2 blocks to W. V. car. Sell. 2472. $12.60 Modern 6 room cottage, gar den, tres, desirable. .Sell. 1335. FIVE room house, $9, good location; small family. Inquire 660 Kerby ft. $10 'Six room Sunnyside house. Ta- nor Bbsa. - FOR RENT A 7 room cottage, IhZ N. 4 2 1 n t. Phong Main 174 7. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, -mention The Journal. 6 ROOM houue, 2 lots. $12 per month. 764 E. 8 9th; W-W car. H ROOM modern house rent Call Woodlawn 1827. I COTTAGES, 268 N. l&Oth st. $10 each. Inquire 293 N. 18th st. 6 ROOM house on Portland Height. Beautiruiiy locateo. ytiorte j-;. i'M.z. FOR RENT. Vt story cottaije,- Jit. inquire ast rtarK. J , . -J n - n : ROUSEBTor rent cheap. Tabor 138 I ivoauaaea on xt rug 'IV