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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1915)
v THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 7, 1915. 61 $3000. ; "Will buy a choice home in Bow City Parle (now). The home is elegantly : constructed, has furnace, hardwood floors, fixtures all in. In fact it is all complete, it is well built, very best material, double constructed. There isn't another piece' of property in the Vicinity- offered at such figures, con sidering the construction of it and lo cality. Will take $500 as a first pay ; nient, , Otto Harkson Realty Co, 413 Chamber of -Commerce. -. . , . $2600. ' . 8MSTIMT ; I room new modern bungalow, hard wood floors, dandy fireplace, buffet, bookcases, panel dinlngroom; planned for convenient- housekeeping; ahadea and electric fixtures; 2 blocks to best eciiool; stores nearby. Hawthorne car to E. 4ist. south to E. Lincoln; house No. 1227 Ei Lincoln. Owner will be there all day Sunday. MODERN BUNGALOW j EAST 45TH STREET $3000. '-Any reasonable terms. All the built ins. Hardwood floors, fire place, furnace, shades, fixtures, lawn, 60x100 lot, east front. COL REALTY LW. CO. Formerly Col. Trust Co. 617 Board of Trade. - - A b'NAPPY 4 room- bungalow, abso lutely modern, all built in conven iences; nothing overlooked that would make this a desirable home; east front; nice selection of small fruit trees, 4 block from earline. Take A . car. 1029 E. 29th, N. Call Sunday and ;,. pet - prices. . J60 $60 CASH $10 per month buys .:- I a three room house, large lot. Ideal .home site, has a big future; This is one way to solve the high cost of living. On a large tract like this you . cftn raise all your vegetables, berries, etc., which Is the greater part of your living. M. E. Lee, 505 Corbett Bldg. i GOLD DOLLARS FOR 88 CENTS. -I BUILD NOW. WHY NOT? i You will surely pay more for that building you are contemplating, if you wait J much longer. ! JbKT US FIGURE WITH YOU. BUTTER WORTH-STEPHENSON CO.. ' INC., COUCH BLDO. . st7 ROOM house?,' sleeping porch, all -: f screened, - full basement, stationary : tubs, ; electric fixtures, three fire . : places, windows all screened, small 2 room house in back, cement sidewalks. About 60 rose btishes. $2000, term's. Call up Tabor 1665. W"if pay rent when you can buy a '.' three room house for $60 cash. $10' per month, -for only $450? The lot is alone worth this money; city water in the house. This in only 20 minutes' car ride, 6c fare. M. E. Lee, 605 Cor bett bldg. $200 DOWN tstops rent, buys bungalow; i. , 6 rooms; on 75x100; Rose City car line; gas, electricity, bath. All for only $1260; Home buyers. See Citi zens Agency,. 170 2nd st. ':- $25 DOWN. i E room cottage, west of East 34th, ilh Sunriyside. Electric lights, bath, j furnace. . George T.. Moore Co., 518 Abington bldg. ' 1 , --- SACRIFICE SALE. i Leaving city. .Must sell my one acre; modern 9 room house at once. F-418, ! Journal. . , 8 ROOMS, sleeping porch, basement, i - toilets, -. lavatories, hot and cold ( water, electric, gas, near high school; ,; improvements in. Woodlawn 2765. f SELLWOOD home, built 4 years ago, ; -. 6 rooms, modern, for sale by owner, i very reasonable. ' 648 Harney ave. ' BEAUTIFUL Laurelhurst bungalow. 'Fine location; See it today. Tabor , "8868. '' - : - ' - 6 ' NICE- lots. 5 blocks from Sandy .. Road on 70th fit., worth $600 each, take $300. S-609. Journal. NOTHING DOWN, $2750 for 5 room -. bungalow worth $3250. $20 and interest per month, t Phone I-14i0. SACRIFICE 7 room mouern bungalow, ' Waverlelgh. Heights, . $2000, worth $3500; $500 cash. Phone East 4276. $16 DOWN, $16 month. partFy finished 3 room house on corner lot. $7o0. Geo. T. Moore Co.. 518 Abington bldg. MT. TABOR. Bargain In fine home. Phone Ta. 5012. FOR SALE LOTS 16 Quarter Block for $1050 lOOxI 00 corner, on- car lirm; Rood residence, store, or flat location; non resident owner needs cash; offers this! Iveek at half value, only, $1050. See! t . I A . , r I n ja . I : - LADD'S ADDITION. Will sacrifice what I put in if you will assume the equity for ' my beauti ful, lot which actually cost me $2200, for $1500, Make me best bid. John Hartotr at ' HARTJIAN & THOMPSON 4th and Stark, WESi: SLOPE OF MT. TABOR." 60x106, beautiful view of city, ideal -spot for a home;, must be sold this week; . corner , 62d and Taylor; price $880, G. E. Weller, 1405 Hawthorne. Tabor-5642. sTJARGTS, beautiful View tract, west - , side,, only nc fare. 20 minutes' car ride, grand view, city water; the'best value in the city for $350. $10 down, $5-per month. If you are looking for a homeslte with a big future this will suit you. M. E. Iee, 605 Corbett bldr. 2 BEAUTlFULr . view 60x100 lots; i plowed ready for garden. 'water and sidewalk on street. Only $400 for both. $60- cash, $10 .per month. Snap you can't beat. -Buv now while lumber is .cheap. 705 Northwestern Bank bldg. U700 BUYS a one half acre; $20 cash, $10 per month. This is an ideal '.homesite, where you can raise all your vegetables, berries, chickens, etc.. which is the greater part of your ; living. Mj E. Iee. 605 Corbett bldg. Westmoreland District 1 to 6, 60x100 lots, $275 each. $1000 restriction. Houses will sell as fast as they can be built. P-297, Journal.' FOR SALE, 8 lots at Nehalem, Man hattan and Rockaway beaches: will sacrifice for cash; make offer. E. W. O. r Walsh, Anacortes hotel, Anacortes, Wash. - - FOR BALE 8 lots on the Neoanicum river, overlooking the ocean; fine grounds; 6 room furnished house. Box 662. Seaside, Or. - BEST CORNER ROSE CITY1 PARK. 49th and Tillamook. I block to car -line,- . Improvements all in, partly paid. Price $900. Owner, Main 8580. SPLENDID 60x100 in Kenton, $350. 60x95 on earline. Columbia Heights, $500. Fine corner on Dekum ave.. L "V -owner. ou3 Aimira apts. SPLENDID buildinir site. 100x100 ft cor., restricted district, close to one of . the best car lines in city. cu. iifr, is-j oa. journal, room modern house on t $$00 lot. 1 blk. from Hawthorne car. All for .$2000; $600 cash. Owner 1054 Eagt Taylor. .. . ' CORNER and inside- lots. Improve ments paid, one block to car near Jefferson High. Price $3000, terms. Woodlawn 2765. - . : BUY from -owner, lots 8-9, block 80 ,v5?5 flty Ptrk 80x100 $750 cash. AN apartment cite on the west Bide. close in, at ; a bargain, half cash. M. E. Lee. 606 Corbett bldg. I HAVE a good lot foral cheap. U-405, Journal. . ; LOT on St. Johns earline heap. Box I .96. Camas. Wash. ; - ' ' TWO fine lot near school, $900. $20 I v yown, jiff per montn. M-377, Journal. rR QUICK SALE 4 Linnton lots. ' , t T V. a j. r v .... rasri. Journal JMPERXAi, ACRES. FOR SALE HOUSES t Continued 1 ie COME TO EL TOVAR AND LOVELEIGH. Vancouver car to Morgan st-. Wood lawn car to tiekum ave. See our new ( California bungralow with all the con veniences; see our splendid homesites; ' see our new business district; see our factory sites, .we will have a little city of our own in a short time. Close to the 11,600,00 bridge which will .furnish employment and business for the next two years. This is your op portunity. Call up Woodlawn 351 ; Sunday. The Brong Co., Inc-i Union lave, and "Morgan st. or 267 H Oak -at. Idea! 2 Acre Tract ' 3 blocks to .Sycamore station, on Estacada line. 'Faces Foster road and is only 9 miles postoffice by auto. Ever-running spring, creek on place; practically all cleared; a few fir, ma ple and dogwood trees; - can be. made into a beautiful place; $200 per acre under value. , - $900 $150 CASH. J. G. 1RAJNEY. P04 Teon Bj.ig, Marshall 3177. Contractors and Builders INVESTIGATE THIS. I own 50 view lota, 60x100 each, on earline In Mt. fabor district, which I will sell at a. bargain. Will take first mortgage - securities or two or three clear residence properties as first payment, 6 vears on balance, at, 6 per cent annually. .No agents. Ad- oress a-wzo, journal. LOT 50x100. 2 blocks from good car- line, 4 block from hard surface street and good jitney service; nice residence district; street graded, side walks, sewer and gas in lot has south ftont, lavs about 2 feet above grade. Price $00. Would take 1914 Ford touring car in good repair up to $400. Balance to suit at 6 per cent. U-609, Journal. ' . ROSE CITY PARK , LOTS. Deal direct iwith the owners, the original platters of this beautiful part of Portland. Call on our realty de partment, cor. 4th and Stark. HAjRTMAN & THOMPSON 25x100 lot, near Columbia Park; $75 rash. A-371, Journal. . IMPERIAL W ACRES. ACREAGE 57 . - n ' t'T'NITDD IV 1 T(- On Oregon City earline, at station, with one or two acres of choice im proved ground; has all built-in effects and equipped with all city conven iences; pressure water, gas, eleeiric lighted; have two of them; priced at $4000 and $4500. These are up to the minute. Jacob Haas, Qerlinger bldg. Do You Want a Snap? Will sell one acre, all In cultivation, only 3 minutes' walk to two electric stations, board walk; $10 down. The Atchison-Allen Co. 600 Concord Bldg., 2d and Stark. FOR SALE 10 acres, part in cultiva tion, bal. . mostly in grass. Good house, barn, hen and hog house, well, bearing orchard and small fruit. hi mile from school. 3 miles from elec tric station. $1600. $600 cash, baL at 6 per cent. This includes 1 mare, cow, chickens and household furni- ture. P-m. journal. 4 ACRE $600. 1 ACRE $850. Best soil, ready for garden;. 5c fare by book; 17 minutes out; small pay ment down, bal. like rent. Take Oregon Electric to Ryan Place, ask for Mr. Hines. Main 8392. B. S. Cook & Co.. 605 Corbett bldg. 10 ACRES at Tonquin station. Oregon Elec with house furniture, farming imple ments, chickens, 12 or 14 sacks spuds, 60 qt. fruit, all for $2500; half cash, bal terms. 40 minutes out of city. Inquire of H. H. Anderson, owner. 1424 4th st., Portland, ur. CHICKEN and Iruit ranches n"MT Port land; Gresham district, electric sta tion W mile. New subdivision.- Sun shine Valley orchard tracts; best soil, free wood; elegant location. Price only $75 to $150 . pci acre in small tracts; easy terms. Frank McFarland Renltv Co.. 309 Yeon bldg., Portland. Or. r.AUIiRM HflMR ACRE BARGAIN. One 8-100 acres, 4 room house, fruit trees, berries, two block3 from Garden Home station; land lies ideal. Sell on easy terms; $31)0 cash, balance as you like. Price $1800. Jacob Haas. Ger- unger ruag. vsn 1S1 vvritfW T.nnTRS! you. On 10 acres, all tillable, finest soil, near station, store; school close. Price $700. Will allow good wages and give easy annual payments. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. Ideal Country Home Dandy new. 6 room bungalow mod ern plumbing, fireplace, electric lights, splendid view, fishing and boating; verv easy terms. Call at 600 Concord bldg. . 10 ACRES rich soil in cultivation, lots, fruit and berries, small house, easy walking distance to Oregon" City car line, I5e-fare. Good roads Into Port land. $1200 will handle a snap for someone; ho trade. Tabor 598&. " LAND BARGAINS. 20 acres, near Rainier, all tillable, $750, $150 cash, bal. 6 per cent. 40 acres, near Ridgefield, good black soil, $2500; easy terms, $500 cash. NELSON BROS., Lewis Bldg. M. 7591. ONIONS CELERY ASPARAGUS A beautiful 2 acre tract, over k cleared, nice building spot with trees,! near Tleard: 3675: 3100 down. $12.5 per month, including Interest, Freu . vv. German Co., ,914 cnam. or Cora. FOR SALE 4 acres of land, 44 miles east of Vancouver Wash., on Mill Plain road. Price $5 per acre; part time.. J. H. Roe, Route 4, Box 64, Van couver, Wash. ' ONLY $1200. 4 room plastered bungalow, with fireplace, electric lights, water and acre of ground; very easy terms. ML- 4is, journal. ACRE and coay -plastered bungalow, wired for lights, easy valk to elec tric station, 10c commutation fare. Price only $600; easy terms. T-368, Journal. I HAVE a bargain to offer in acreage with new modern 6 room bungalow, convenient to Portland; small pay ment; terms on balance. Box 28, Aloha. Oregon. - - OREGON CITY CARLINE. Five acres, all cultivated, buildings, best of soil; will sell on easy terms; 6 blocks from station; $4000; no trades. Jacob Haas, Gerlinger bldg. AT Bandon by the Sea, 5 acre home, 4 acres seeded in grass; 2M acres bot tom, running water, -on county road; abstract title, $500 cash. C. H. Chand- ler, owner, ttandon, or., Coos county. 4 ACRE, street graded,, water piped to it, tieauinui view, level, tine soil, no rocks, 20 minute ride. Right Bis for home. $350; $25 bash, $5 per month. 2 M ACRES, 4 mile circle; 1 joins elec- trie line; w-ater piped to it. Ifs a snap for someone. Only $1600. Terms to rignt party, yub jn. w. Hank bldg. IF you desire to buy, sell or exchange property between Milwaukle -and Oregon City "call or write Milwaukie & Suburban Realty Co.. Milwaukle. Or. FOR SALE '20 acres, running water, 1V4 miles to postoffice, high school, stores n,ngi R. R. depot. A snap, $40 per acre. e cj. un st., jn. ONE acre, in 6 cent limit' good soil, good location; price $1605, terms; near car and city limits.- Phone Wood lawn 27C&. ACRE, newly finished . 4 -room i.A . tr j . . . . . uuuaa, la lumuiw oui ur. uwinc; c rare. fxuu; easy Terms. Main 3741 FIVE acres, 6 room plastered house; all cleared; on S. P. electric R. R. Box 96. Camas. Wash.' - $5 MONTHLY, 80x200 with "house, j.; $650. A. O. Marstera, 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 3517., Tabor 1770. KQUITV in 2 acres at Bonita, Or elee-. for sale. Owner. Sell wood 1931. M.ODERN 5 room- house, outbuildings, small fruit: at bargain.- Main 7776. . - jMPERLiiriiAcSEar": . FOR SALE LOTS (Continued) . 57 FIVE ACRES $2800 All In cultivation; on. Pe-eifie High way; on paved road; 4 miles from Vancouver terry; fair house and barn; 2 acres, in strawberries; young orch ard; lots of other fruits. This is a bargain; good home; plenty of fine water; $1000 cash will handle it. SEVEN ACRES $2100 All in cultivation, J blocks from earline; running water, 2 acres - in prunes; $1000 cash, balance long time at 6 per cent. - TWENTY ACRES $3750 This must be.' sold account old cou ple being unable to handle it, and who wish to go east. This is good land, extra good for prunes and walnuts; all in cultivation except - two acres; fine springs, fair building; good land; 2 miles east of Ridgefield. Clarke county, Washington; $1250 cash will handle it; balance two years at 6 per cent. 160 ACRES . MAKE US -AN OFFER This is in Clarke county, Washing ton; must be sold this weak. There re 90 acres in cultivation; good buildings; plenty of fine water; on good county road; lfc. miles off Pacific Highway; lihk miles from f averaent now; one mile from school; f you are looking for a farm you had better see this for it will be sold way under value. Would consider ATKINSON & NICHOLS , 611 Main St. ancbuver. Wash. $30 an Acre y Good Tillable Land No cash, small monthly payments. And those waived, the months You irre out of a job. On a good road, neighbors, telephone. Good transportation to Portland. 30 Acres, $500 But half easif. balance 3 years. Fred F. Huntress, 284 OAK ST. $200 Cash Fractional acre facing on Buckley aye., mile from Gilbert station on O. W P. electric line. 7c fare; all fenced and under cultivation and im proved with neat 4 room house with hot ; and cold water; chicken house and runs; some fruit and berries. Price $1550. $200 cash. bal. $15 per month. : Kauffmann & Moore 324-325 Lumber Exchange. ACREAGE : ACREAGES tt 23 MINUTES OUT RIGHT AT TWO GOOD CARLINES. 1 racts all cleared, in cultivation, no rock nor gravel; excellent water; lays fine and sightly, view of vallev and mountains; located in a community of elegant new homes, good roads. 7 cent fare - Prices range from $450 to $850 -per acre. Terms. Marshal 5370. Ask for Reagan or Moles worth. 832 Chamber -of Commerce. FIVE ACRES FOR $250?" $10 down -and. $5 per month. BV,ys-. acres good logged-off land, 1 mile from main line of railroad and town of 1000 population, with cannery, creamery; between Portland and As toria; land from $35 to $60 per acre on these terms; many 6 acre tracts to choose from. BELL REAL ESTATE CO.. 318 Railwav E-jcrhanire THrlo- T-. " -i - "... .... - j-et. au ana tin wis., on Stark. KH3MOVED ' REMOVED REMOVED OUR PORTLAND OFFICE To 310 Oak St., between 5th and 6th Will. sell METZGER ACRE TRACTS at $250 and up (until further notice). Situated on the Oregon Elec tric Ry., about 25 minutes from Jeffer son : st. depot; commutation fare only 9c. Office also at Metzger Station. iir,xT..vLAN i Zjiti, owner. CHANCE TO SETTLE IN TUB COUNTRY. ONLY REQUIRES $60" NOW. On 10 acres of rich land, 6 acres of which can be put in cultivation with 3 weeks' work. 27 miles from Port land. , mile to railroad. In good neighborhood -nd growing community Total price $600. but bal. above $60 can run on easy terms. J. B. RULEY CO.. 928 Cham. o Com. ACREAGE. 1. 2. 5 and 10 acre tracts, SO min utes out. NEW BIG RED STEEL ELECTRIC CARS. 12c commuters' fare: very best of soli, water and community conveniences; $125 to $o00 per acre on installments. w ; TlIE SHAW-FEAR CO.. Main 36. 102 4th st. A-SSOn DOWN THP. r-OT tttu r r a .10 acres or more of fine level ground, good soil, no rock or gravel on county road, close to school; this ground will grow anything that can be grown in this climate; good mar kets and shipping facilities. Price $30 per acre; $5 per acre down; will give terms on balance that any indus trious man can meet. No interest. F. L. GORDON. CLATSKAN1E, OR. NICE LITTLE HOME. Two acres, S blocks to depot. In good business town; 23 miles from Portland; all in cultivation, mostly in berries; new 5 room bungalow, new barn, out buildings; 3 good cows, 5 pigs, 6 acres crop, $150 worth of household goods; ALL for $1800; easy terms. Hostetler & Anderson. 725 Chamber of Commerce 2 Acres J CHICKEN FARM. Modern 7 room house, well fenced, bath and fireplace. 1 acres in culti vation, fine park. Close to city or good car line. Price $3760; $500 cash. bal. easy. 625 Hawthorne ave. ' ii - MliLTNOMAH ACRE. Level, sightly, fine soil, cleared and improved, 4 room house nearly fin ished, and 2 room bungalow; 10 min utes' walk to 6c commutation fare; near school; $1450. Phone Main 1654 A-noo. eo u qi j. FOR SALE Cranberry acre, all ideally cleared, cleaned, sanded, save small strip; ready for planting; located in heart of improved marsh near Long Beach. Wash. Sickness- enforces sac rifice offer. Address, Owner. 633 Al berta st. Woodlawn 1786. 6 ACRES UNDER CULTIVATION. " Lies level, finest soil, faces county load, 13 miles from Portland; borders electric line, near school. Price $1650 Easy terms. " LUEDDEMAN COMPANY, ! ;- 913 Chamber of Commerce. I ' 24 ACRE tract at TigardviUe,: unim- proved, facing Kinton road, about 200 yards from Evangelical church; lies high and level; very rich- soil; will sell very reasonable; Will subdivide to suit 'purchaser. Address owner. O 304, Journal. 1 Gibson Half Acres Goo soli, city water, clow to ear line, easy ? terms: , will build o suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 1685 or Bell wood 476. Job? H. Gthion. owner . . . 3 ACRES AT LENTS. , $100 down, balance to suit, on Be car. All In cultivation. 1 room box house; lust a few blocks out of town. cp tiuv, uwner, main Hit. 5 ACRES on the W illamette, 20 . miles , from Portland! ideal for beautiful home, fine bathing beach, attractive 8 ACRES' choicest soil, mile east Mil- 4 price in neignnor- 53 ACRES, best-of land, Willamlna, 3 miles; Sheridan, 5. No waste land. $46 per acre. Linn Jones. Sheridan, Or. ' IMPERIAL . ACREsT" SUBURBAN ACREAGE : 76 HOUSE & LOT FAYS -NO RETURN. An acre' at Gresham will make your living; your chance 4 room house, 30 chickens, fruit, berries, highly im proved, $900; $550 handles, bal. ' easyj A BEAUTIFUL 2 acre tract, all In cultivation, close to station,- worth $1200; will sell for $800. Call 406 McKay Bldg. Main 84. ACREAGE (Coataaaea) SUBURBAN ACREAGE 76 t - " (Coatlaned) -j - i - i 4 room house. 60x100 lot, water piped to house; $500; your own terms; 5 room house, t acre, all cleared, good well, etc. 2 folks, from sta- $2000. Easy terms. This is a snap. Come out today, 8 room house, modern, toilet, bath, etc. 1 acre, young orchard: good view. Come out and look at thu and make offer or write J. A. King, Garden Home. Oregon Elec 20 minutes' ride from Port land. 7c commutation fare. Good 9th grade school, electric light, water. ; PRETTY HOME FOR $850.' ; Good 4 room house, 2 foil lots. 10 minutes walk to electric car at Os wego, 100 yards from beautiful; Os wego" lake, fine auto road into city; electric cars 25 minutes to Portland business district;, good publio school close; electrid light, telephone; a pretty home both, summer and winter, in a district where great developments in electric car service are underway, and values sure. to advance. 602, Title & Trust Bldg. ; , Need Money . Will sacrifice my 60x106 corner lot on E 52d and Taylor streets,, splen did neighborhood and all street, im provements included In price. A snap at $1250, half cash. Street Improve ments were $500. . . Kauffmann & Moore 324-315 Lumber Exchange. a suburban place with fine View of the Willamette. 2 acres, mostly in bearing fruits, very rich soli. 7 room cottage house, 2 fireplaces, -bath, etc. City ' water, electric lights. 6o car fare, barn and chicken house. Mortgage for - $1400v which can run. isacrince price, tnis week, $390J. J. B. RULEY CO., 928 Cham, of Com. Stop Losing Dollars An acre at city limits will make your living. We have it, with" 5 room bungalow, chicken house, fruit, ber ries, near car, $3700; Vi down. Hoyt- Qulgiey Co., 310 Stock Exchange. FOR sale or trade, ZVt acres, fenced. cultivated and in fruit, new1 8 room house, 6 finished, furnished if .desired, good well and outbuildings, close to station. Oregon Electric, ! 25 minutes from city. Wrant 30 to 40 acres, with house, barn, etc. Bangs, 147 N. 6th st. 5. ACRES. Modern city bungalow of 6 rooms, full basement; ground all in cultiva tion: large chicken house, orchard: ad joins red car line, near depot. Price $3500. Neilan & Parkhill. 303 Stock Exchange bldg. - . 10 ACRES. 6 room bungalow, orchard, barn; all tillable; i mile to station, on electric line. Price $2000: cash $750, balance long time, 6 per Cent. Neilan & Park hlll. 303 Stock Exchange bldg. FOR SALE FARMS 17 See This 32 acre highly improved ranch. 4 miles from good town, on county road and only h. mile from Columbia Highway, in Columbia county, fine soil, half in high; state cultivation, balance all tillable and easy to hanr die; fine 9 room plastered house, painted; splendid barn, outbuildings, well and windmill, water piped into house; bearing orchard, small fruit, etc., all for $2800. i Half cash, bal ance 6. Chittenden & Neill 310 Oak Street. IMPROVED FARM WITH STOCK. CLOSE TO TOWN. 55 acres black soil with 30 In cul tivation, only 3. miles from Ry. town, Willamette valley, good grade school adjoining farm; fence mostly woven wire, bearing orchard, 3 springs and running water; 5 room house, good barn, hog and chicken bouses, 6: good cows, 2 fine mares, 10 hogs, mower, rake and farm machinery; ail in cluded at a little less than $100 per acre; terms. D. McChesney, Title & Trust Bldg 50 ACRES, 12 miles from center of city, house and barn, some cleared. Price $3200; terms. 25 acres south 40 miles, 22 acres under cultivation, balance timber. Price $1950; terms. 100 acres, 23 miles from city, south. Part under cultivation. Price $45 per acre; terms. 40 acres south of Portland, j $750, terms. HOMESTEAD REALTY CO.. Room 16. 232 WTash. St. SCAPPOOSE 40 acre blocks rignt by railroad, under 30 miles from Portland, $1000; red shot soil 10 feet deep; great dairy ing land. Has been logged off and burnt over. With first 4 blocks sold we will give a land clearing machine that cuts clearing cost in two. i Terms, $200 cash, balance spread over 6 years. G. Wynn Wilson & Co., 903 Chamber of . ': Com merce, Portland. ; BACK OF VANCOUVER 120 acres, $17 per acre, 7 acres cleared, 4 room house, small barn, chicken house, smoke house, etc., nean ly all tillable; chickens and small tools go with the place; 1 4 miles to the railroad, price for the entire place. $2000, $600 cash, balance 3 to 5 years, 6..You know what will happen when completion of the bridge, aha you will have to hurry to get this one. Fred W. German Co.. 914 Cham, of Com. FOR SALE, a bargain if .taken at once 40 acres 7 miles north of North Plains, Or., mile to school on the countv road, 20 acres in cultivation, fenced, good 5 room house, barn and outbuildings, well and spring, young orchard, abundance of berries. This Is a' nice olace and best of soil. Price with stock, farming implements, only $4000: half cash, by owner. E. M. Brnwer, Banks. Or., Route 8; Are You Making a Living? Others are. 160 acres, 10 In culti vation, 8 growing wheat; pair horses, wagons, harness: all fenced; -some tim ber; $1500; no trade. 310 Stock Ex- change. ' 40 ACRES White Salmon Valley, fine 6 room house, large living! room, fireplace, bathroom, etc Non-resident owner must sacrifice. It's your oppor tunity. Can be handled for $2000 cash, balance to suit. No commissions. In- qulre 808 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 2389 $12 PER ACRE, 28 miles to Portland. 820 acres. Near good railroad town and' boat landing. Accessible to school, settled community and good roads. 40 per cent tillable. Terms. No trade. Owner. J-815. Journal. GREAT BARGAIN 6 acres fine bot tom land, near Skamokawa, $50 an acre, terms; splendid for dairying: can be cleared-for $25 an acre; adjoining land, cleared, sells for $150 an acre. 708 J-rfW13 Djttg, 40 A. STOCK - IMPLEMENTS $5600. 3 miles from rail and boat. 25 miles from Portland, best soil, Sfr acres in cultivation; crop in; 5 cows. Imple ments, chickens, etc.: terms. S. Cook & Co.. 605 Corbett bldg. 20 Acres for $900 $300 down; living water; fruits; some timber; shack; near -electric; bandy to Portland; real bargain;? $900. see citizens Agency. ivo zq st. HERE'S a bargain: 40 acres, 16 in cultivation, 2 acres bearing orchard, new house, barn ahd outbuildings, stock and farm implements, $2700 no trades. Further; particulars, write Box 96, Gates, Or. - . . . ; m mm mm- - - $150 per acre; close to Baseline road, west of auto club;, must have cash; sacrifice. Telephone Sellwood 476. 87 ACRE farm, all" In high state of cultivation, rich land, near electrio station; stock and Implements for sale. Write Dr. Hawke, Gaston,; Or., if you mean business. v - TO: avoid foreclosure, will -sell 160 - acres for $8 per ; acre; improved 75 ere ; farm, city limits of Vancouver. $ 1 00 per acre. B-380, JdurnaL 80 ACRES. 18 miles from Vancouver, Wash:, $&00; terms. Wdln. 1242,; 182 Ainsworth ave. WHEN yon answer- these .Want Ada. ' uieuugn iu jauxsu. ... . FOR SALE FARMS 17 C Coxitis u.d) t Gilbert's, Bargains No. 23 FOR SALE EXCHANGE OR RENT. . SO acres with 20 acres cleared, near ly all level, good soil, much easily cleared; running water, county road, neighbors close; good, bearing orchard; 7 miles from a good town of 2000. Price $4000; $600 cash. $1400 in ex change, balance terms. 27 ACRE RANCH. , With about 14 acres in bearing Firnnes, an ideal orchard which never ails; overlooking the Columbia river and Portland; finest of soil; 25 acres cleared; good buildings, prune dryer; Miil pay better than 20 per cent; good terms can be had. Price $7000; It's a snap and a money maker. FOR EXCHANGE. 80 acres, all in ALFALFA, nnder the government ditch; two sets build ings; Xh miles from town; wants a well Improved place i in the valley. Price $8000. 20 ACRES, $2000. Will take a small place in exchange up to $800; mile from station and store, about 7 miles from Vancouver; best soil. FOK KENT. 5 acres, close to the city limits and car line, all improved, fine location; good 7 room house and outbuildings; all kinds of fruit in bearing; fine loca tion, on a macadam road; rent $140 per year. , - '. E. F. Gilbert 101 Washington St., Vancouver, Wash. 79 Acres, Well Stocked $7900 -79-acres, all in cultivation, close to good town in the Wil lamette valley; 5 room house. 2 barns, family orchard and. small fruit, 6 cows. . team horses, 20 pigs, 60 chickens, telephone, cream route and R. F. D-, good graveled roads, full , line of farm machinery; the ' personal property is Valued at $1400; price, including same, $7900, or will hold it and sell for $6600; terms. (H) Dorr E. Keasey & Co. 2d fir. Chamber of Commerce. Splendid Stock Ranch $35 Per Acre- 160 acres, 2 Va miles from Ry., Lane Co., i practically ' all tillable. 60 acres under cultivation, . 50 more almost cleared, 50 acres gopd; piling timber; spring and good creek; house and out buildings; family orchard. $2500 will handle. . 1 Kauffmann & Moore ! 324-325 Lumber Exchange. FINE 40 ACRE FARM BARGAIN. CLOSE IN. EASTERN MULTNOMAH COUNTY. Near Sandy river and auto club grounds. New buildings, splendid loam soil, well stocked and equipped, close, to creamery and store; fine level auto road into Portland. Price 'for every thing, including household goods, $6500; good terms. , 4 acres clear, level land, mile from Tigard station, bouse, barn, chicken houses, fine well. Sacrifice price $1250; terms. Inquire 319 Commercial block. Eastern Oregon Wheat Land Lands in Eastern Oregon and Wash ington which will average 20 bu. of wheat per acre under existing condi tions; will net leased) 7 per annum on a valuation -of $50 per acre should wheat remain 75c per bushel. I have such lands for safe in tracts of 160 to 1200 acres at $25 to $35- per acre, and on attractive terms of sale. I shall not waste your time and my time and money showing you doubtful val ues. M. Berkeley, Pendleton. Or. 120 ACRES. 60. acres .cultivation, 40 acres slashed. Modern room house.' Fin est set barns and outbuildings in coun ty. Family orchaxd. Good fences. Good soil, lies well. Springs. 3 miles to station on electric 25 miles Portland. Snap at $135 per acre. Terms. Neilan & Parkhill, 303 Stock Exchange bldg. 74 ACRES. 45 in high state cultivation, bal. pasture easily cleared, 19 acres No. 1 prune orchard, good dryer, good . 5 room house, 2 good barns, 3 fine cows, goats, chickens, good buggy, 2 wagons, all kinds of farm implements, and feed, $2500: cleared on prunes last year. $10,000, half cash, bal. long time.- M AGO ON REALTY CO., Yamhill, Or 40 ACRES CHEAP. 20 acres cultivated; 10 acres more partly cleared; bal. timber 'and pasture: free outrange for stock, barn, small house and orchard; stock, crop and im plements go with place. Located close to Buxton, a small railroad town ' in Washington County, Or. Price $2500. Terms. A. K. HILU 419 Henry bldg. $4S3 CASH, $483 CASH, $4S3 CASH. Puts you In possession of a dandy little 20 acre tract, 10 in cultivation, good 4 room house, nicely painted and plenty of shack outbuildings. Balance of $1167 payable $20 per month. This place is a sacrifice. No trade. Fred W. German Co.. 914 Cham, of Commerce. CHEAP LAND. 40 acres, mile school, 4 miles Ry. and good town. Nearly all way hard But face road. 30 miles Port land. All tillable. Best soil. 5 acres cultivation. 10 slashed. Snap at $50 per acre. Terms. Neilan & Parkhill. 303 BtocK Exchange bldg. TEN to 40 acre tracts, cleared, level, bottom land, in grass. Fine dairy ing district. Walking distance from largest summer resorts convenient to Portland. Big local market. We- will furnish cattle and hogs to settlers Im mediately. Price $60 per acre and up. Easy terms. 627 Corbett bldg. SOUTHERN OREGON 80 acres. 1 miles from railroad, close to Pacific Highway, $1000; prac tically all tillable; running water; electric light available; $200 cash, balance easy. " G. Wynn Wilson, 903 Chamber of - ; Commerce, Portland. - 70 ACRES. ! 2 miles from Yamhill, on good rock road, 65 acres in- cultivation, 18 acres of fine hops, all rich - bottom land, new . 7 room house, new barn. One ofthe best buys In Yamhill coun ty.! $126 per acre, half cash. MAGOON REALTY CO., Yamhill, Or, FOR SALE Farm of 9 acres. 4 miles east of city limits, fine soil, build ings, good cows, horse, chickens, farming implements, on good road, no Incumbrance; price $7000, 'about half cash, balance 6 per cent long time; reasons for selling, age. T-405, Jour nal 20 acres, 6 room house, large barn, outbuildings, fruit trees, berries, good stream on place mostly bottom land, big local market. Will furnish cattle and hogs to stock place. Very easy terms. 627 Corbett bldg. - NOW Is your chance. Buy now; get your ' crop in, and realize a profit this year. Get my 10 acre home, high ly improved, for only $400 down. Write me for further particulars. Box . 54, Canby, Or. - V 63 ACRES 8 miles from Yamhill, on good rock road, house ana barn, 16 acres cleared, enough' wood to pay for place. 4 mile to school, nice -spring branch. Onlv $1600, half cash. MAGOON REALTY CO.. Yamhill. Or. 76 ACRES, near Scotts Mills. $2000: rare bargains In valley farms and large wheat tracts. Gill & Dufur, 312 Abington bldg. - - j . ' 80 ACRES, 76 tillable, now, close : to good town, price-$3200, $1100 cash, baL all the time you want. N-1S2, Journal. 30 ACRES highly improved; only $500 Cash. bal. 8 years. 6 interest. A. K. HILL. 419 Henry bldg. 60 ACRES partly improved, near Sa lem, $70 per acre. Owner 311 Alisky Bid jr. ' FOR SALE, farm land. 160 acres In 4 ALuineaota. Xnqulr owner 20. 4060, 17 For Sale v 16 acres of which 12 acres are under plow; balance used as pasture; no waste land; every foot can be cultivated: the Im provements 'consist of an old 6-room house, fairly : good barn, room for 5 bead of cows and 3 . horses and space for hay of about 25 to "30 tons; there is a small orchard;, place ail fenced; schoolhouse on one corner. Per sonal property consists of , one span of. fairly good horses, double set qf harness, 1 single set new), 1 light farm wagon, single buscy. plow and harrow, 4 cows. L heifer.i 1 calf about lo days old, a few dozen cuiek - ens, also sufficient feed for stock, , Price for all $3160. $1900 cash can be ' paid - on or before 3 years from March 1 at 6 per cent, balance cash. This Is. a good buy. Place only 1 miles . from town und 2 rarllnts Otto & Harkson Realty Co, 413 Chamber of Commerce. . .163 ACRES. 4 miles from good town and electric line, 30 miles from Portland; 82 acres 1n fall seed- ' ing, 12 acres in hops, 2 acres In orchard, 30 tacres - slashed and seeded to pasture, balance oak timber; on Yamhill river; modern 6 , room house, hot-and cold water with - bath, large barn, hog house, ; chicken v house and goat shed, r4 fine work -horses, 3; fine Jersey cows, 9 steers, 6 Ishoats- and t brood sows. - 44 goats, s chickens and turkeys, wagonsi! and buggies, . fill - farm . machinery . and tools. This the cheapest farm in Ore gon today., Price for ail. $90 per acre.f All clear of in cumbrance. . 1 ; Harry B. Humphry . . 213 Chamber of Commerce. 15!1 acres, 4 miles from WaldVfort, Lincoln county.. 3 miles Bayview, mile to Lin yill P. O., near tidewater, on main county road; all fine loam soil, no rocks or gravel, 70 acres; sandy loam bottom land, 130 acres tillable when cleared, 1.0 acres under plow, 25 acres slashed and burned, fine creek through land; 10 head cattle; school on place; some - tools; small buildings. Worth $5000. Must have cash. Will sell for $2500;;. part . terms. Death in family; forces me to sell. C G. North, Box 134, Newport. Oregon, RICH DEEP SOIL Rich land can be bught direct from owners at $15 to $40 per acre and easy terms within 6 to 12 miles .from Aberdeen and Hoquaim, two prosper ous cities with the largest lumber industry in the world. The land is level, free from gravel, well watered and produced enormous crops, for which the market is unlimited right here On Grays Harbor. It is free from underbrush and accessible by good reads. : No wilderness, as there are schools, postofflces, stores end many settlers on the land now. With returning prosperity secure a good tract of land without delay. - For fur ther information write at once: WASH. STATE COLONIZATION CO ABERDEEN. WASH. GOOD FARM WITH STOCK. $58,50 AN ACRE. " Am old and wish to retire, farm Is 4 miles from Ry. town of 1200 popu lation; main road and mail route; all good -farm land, 6 acres now In cultl vation. balance used for pasture and Is seeded to tarn e grass, a little good timber; well built 8 room house, large dairy barn; running water and springs; 9 cows, 5 heifers. 3 - work horses, 6 hogs, 100 chickens, mower, rake, reaper, cultivators, plows, cream separator, wagons, harness, feed and many tools; all for $9000; easy terms or will take a $4000 Portland home and little cash as first payment. D. McCHESNEY. Title & Trust Bldg. CLARKE COUNTY. 65 acres, 20 in cult., bal. pasture and timber, on Pacific Highway, 4 miles from Ridgefield. Has fair 6 r. house, barn and other buildings, 6 cows, 2 heifers, ; 2. horses, 2 . colts, about 7 hogs, wagons, implements, some feed. Big sacrifice for $5000, If you have' lot's in good district will take up to 92000, $1000 cash. baL 3 yrs.1 at 6 per cent. 1 1 also know of no better farm buy In the county as all the land is tillable good creek and well. H. B. APPERSON.i Ridgefield, Wash. 1?0 ACRES FOR $700. $50 don-and $10 per month, buys this littlq farm with a house and barn. On main line of 3 railroads between Portland and Centralia, 1 miles frOm a good little town of 800 population. Good soil, perfect titte, and warranty deed and abstract. i . - i. j Also 7 acres all fenced, and "3 acres cleared, house, chicken house, good spring; fine place for thicken ranch. Same location. Price $490. Same terms as above. BELL REAL ESTATE CO., 318 Ry. . i ' EXCHANGE. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY. TO BUY A GOOD FARM. 70 acres only 6 0-cent carfare from Portland; black sandy loam. drains well; good 9 room; house; new hip roof barn, 40x60; i new root house, chicken houses, -etc.; farm all woven wire fence, good family orchard, fine trout stream; included are 7 cows, Jersey bull, 1 calf,! 3 hogs, good team, harness, 3 wagons, I mower, rake, plow, harrow, $85 separator; 40 prize chick ens; all kinds of tools; all roes for $8000; easry terms. D. McChesney, Title & Trust Bldg, : Farm ! For Rent ' 5, acres all Improved, 5 room house, barn, chicken house, fruit, roses and shrubbery. Soil Is A 1, situated near car line between Oregon City" and Portland. Price $15 per month. . D1ULIWAIKI & HOWLAHD 8th and Main st.; Oregon City. Or 20 ACRES STUMP LAND, $300.. All level,: fine soiL close to a good business town with high school,1 bank, creamery, electric: lights, etc,;.- less than 1 miles to;R. It-, store, P. O. and eighth grade 1 school; large saw mill,: with plenty of work; $200 cash, 6 years to pay balance. HOSTETLER & ANDERSON. - 725 Chamber -of Commerce. 78 Acres, $130 Per Acre 39 miles ; from Portland, 1 miles from town; and S. P. electric ! road. River bottom land,:' all in cultivation. Good buildings running water, gravel roads, milk rout, all fenced and cross fenced, new wire, some implements and nay, owner. nzt aawmorn ave. WASHINGTON COUNT Y1 FARM. 60 acres. 18 miles west of Portland and near Hill sboro: all in cultivation; good buildings: all the best of soil and 'with all rural conveniences; this is the best farm buy near Portland; price $8500: terms, - HOSTETLER & ANDERSON, r iza unaniDtr or commerce, 320 ACRES, 8 miles south of Mosier. Must sell at $25 per acre. Some im provements. R-2 14, Journal, or see Mrs. Nelson, Princess hotei. - . 10 ACRES for sale or rent; 3 mile east of Sycamore; $0 cords of -wood n the place. Route Js'o. 5, Boring, Or; j. HOCK partly cleared. ; House, bam, good spring. $3000 cash, balance terms. Lewla, ISX Grand, ava, N. FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE F AIOlS - 17 Continued v . . . IDEAL FOfR COUNTRY HOME. 30 acres, on fine' stream. all build Inga, hot and cold water In house, good soil part in cultivation;! on macadam road ' and lovely 'drive to and from Portland: 23 miles; 22t0 ir sold soon; terms. N. M. Apple.; 323 Henry bldg, FOR RENT -FARMS 14 15 ACRES, 5 miles from Portland post ottiee, at root or ml i;bor, on nara surface road. fine - level land, all cleared and plowed, good soil and lays fine, to rent to some body that wants to work, wau rent on shares or otner wise. Come in and see me about it at once. . : -i '. - 5 - !.: . - , CHARLES jpKLFKL, 31 Railway Ex. FOR -RENT 40 cre of river bottom land, all .cleared and In cultivation. W'ish to rent, this to be planted to po tatoes, .vegetables, etc. on snares. Vi mile from Newberg. Boat landing on Place. Datlv boat for Portland, very low freight rates. H. A. Calef. Calef uroB., iiousefurnishers. ! FOK- HKN'j'r-.A large stock and al Talfa xilace, This place would take care of 2000 head of cattle, is one of the bet' In- the state of Oregon, foe lease for long term of years; livestock for sale. .You can geti rich in five yearn. M. it. ttoimes, i0fti corbett bldg, - A UiG SNAP FOR RENT. a r ...... . . .1 - i ... i ........... - MH on acres of fall wheat kom with one of the best farms in Washington Co. for $250 cash. Call Monday lat my office and I will explain all. 204 Lumber Ex., 2nd ana.. BtarK. - . ( 6a ACHES in cultivation; good build ings; 4i interest in i30 hogs and horses "'and ail farming Implements ana siock.. f rice 70u;- renter give of profit for rent of farm. Citizens Agency, 170 2nd st SUBURBAN home, 6 large rooms and bath, 3' acres, abundance fruit, pas ture, barn, poultry houses,- runs and park. El Alodelo Farm, 1 mile east of JMiiwnukte station on Foster road THREE farms, 2 chicken ranches, one dairy, with 8 rows, for rent; near Portland; 6c carlinea. ;S tamped en velope . brings particulars. U-607, j ou rnai. . . FOR REN T, $10 Acre and modern bouse, 7 rooms, oak furniture and 100 chickens for $180.. -7$a E. 39tn st.; W.W'-car. .... . .-, ! - ... 60 ACRES, 30 cultivated,, near Po rt land, barn, house, spring water. 695 E. Ash st., eyenhigs after 6 o'clock. -' 1 ACRE fine Magoon strawberries; plenty pickers; mile Lent". Franco Lents, Box 871. ' ' I " n FARM near tqwn for 1-3 of grain if prepared with - team and lmple- ments. u-i, journal. EXCHANGE eluts. runabout for clear lot, E. M. E, Dely car. Snap $150. R-937. journal. FARM for rent, 98 acres. Will Beil stocK -ana -lmniements . roason able. P. O. Box 267. Forest , Grove. FOU RENT 4 .acres In iJenfs, for - merly baseball park. N."M. Stevens, 335 14th t. FOR RENT Dairy or truck farm, 4 mites east of city. Phone Sellw. 198. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. IMPERIAL ACRES. FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUY 38 1 AM looking for a farm of not less than 100 acres with stock on it. I'll pay half cash but the price must be right. Give me complete descrip tion in your first letter and if it looks good I'll go to seef' once.- I want to get located befdpa March 26th. W. T. Adams P. O.jfox 284, Portland, Oregon W A N TED--Improved farm of. 5 acres or more,; ranging in price -from 12600 to $7000. owners of which would ac cept unincumbered houses as part or lull payment. Kauirmann & jvioore, azs bumper exchange MUST leave the place. Will sell team. wagon, harness, cutivator, cow, now, 80 hens, house rurnituTe, ail ror sv. Can buy 120 acres cheap or rent it. F. R. Hullman, Estacada, R. F. Walters, 133 First. r - ' f ' ' r - - ; CASH rent for 80 to 80 laere improved farm; will take stock) on shares, if desired: 20 acres must be suitable for potatoes; some fruit preferred. Send run particulars, a. ij-tvs, juuiubi. WANTED to hear from owner of good farm for isale; send description and cash price. C C. Shepard, Minneapolis, Allnn I WANT to buy an improved farm. (preferably stocked), j of 30 or 40 acres. Will give South 'Portland acre as first payment, rwaa. journal WANTED To rent dairy farm with stock and tools on shares, in the Willamette valley, by experienced dairyman. MX-37X, journal. WANTED In Clackamas Co., 60 to 80 -acre rarm on snares or wr vnt "V- Keep. rt-in, journal. WANT farm suitable for dairy on whares or care, rs-804. Journal. ' IMPEltTAL ACKES, FRttT FOR SAIiE1 45 FINE 10 aero prune orchard. car Vnncnuver at a bnrcain and nominal sum down. . ADinttrn nng. 20 ACRES commercial apples at Dufur given away at $2 31 2 " Abington bldg. Dufur, IMPERIAL j ACRES. HOMESTEADS 47 HOMESTEADS."' Canadian-Homestead r Land Club be ing organized. 100 men-only accepted. Right of selection same as number of application. We locate you on 160 acres of mixed farming land, partly frairie, partly light timber, level black cam soil. No stone and no alkali, and withii 6 miles of town and raiU road. -One of these claims worth- a lifetime of saving, total fee including everything $50. $10 wnen you join. $10" " March 16th. Balance paid when you file. WIH ail go together, between March 15th and April 1st. .Here is a chance to get a first class farm for less than $100, includinglocatlon fee, railrpad fare, filing fee. etc. Come and see us, or write at tonce. -' Alberta Land Co., 402 Pittock block, Portland, Oregon. 160 Acre HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT 120 acres level, balance rolling, on county road, near Snake river and rail road; good Climate, rine location, ex cellent soil: all fenced, new house, cellar and well; have spent $1400 on place; will ell for $l?00: half cash, balance trade: will take less for all cash; must sell at oncei on, account of sickness. J.- S. Wheeler, Homedale, Idaho. ' - -;- : ' - - HOMESTEAD relinquishment near De schutes river, 20 acre plowed, build ings and lumber, fence, ,good for stock and fruit; near late gold discovery; trade for lot. auto or cash: sickness: must sell or trade. Address box 144, Sisters, Or. ' - ' . - HOMESTEADS. BTar Indian reservation to orn 760.. 000 acres for settlement: fruit, timber. farm lands; send- 26c-with this ad to wenatchee. wasn.. Daily world. Dent. G-, for reliabl data about this great region. . m O-R-K-G-O-N, - ! CENTRAL OREGON. The land of sunshlna irOMERTriTia located, fee $60. Rellnquishmentu from $350 up to flfiAO. Map and Informa tion for 25 cents, stamps or nnin. uryiaso eorg, ijryiaKe. or, i'id ACRE homestead or desert claim. 9 iiuicB iroiu it. .i ana town, in Malheur, country: plenty of water for irrigation at email expense: eloma ' to fine grass range. $160. F-4 07, Journal. FOR SALE -Relinquishment for cash: situated in western Oregon on good wagon road. Address, Owner. P. O. Box 320 ACRE RELINQUISHMENT 320 acres. Crook : countv. 40 ren cultivated,,, all good level land; bar gain. $250. S10 Stock Exchange AM making up a party for Idaho home- . steaus; i am not a locator. For par ticulats, phone Sellwood! 2097 evenings. SEVERAL good ones for honaflde act. tiers: no agents. , P. Jff. F Nena- niu8, or. TIMBER OB SALK Cord wood timber. I'hone Tabor 4767. j:XCHAX(;KKE.h ESTATE 10 ACRKS near Forest Grove. 6 room . bungalow and other good, buildings, plenty of fruit and berries, team, cows, hog-a and tools. Pric $0000 . Want a wheat ranch in vicin ity of Pendleton. 20, acres extra well Improved, t miles out, - good- team, cow, etc., all goes for $5500.- If you have a good home not to exceed $3000, write me or call. 32 Va acres, 3 H miles of Forest Grove, on good rock road, bottom land, price $5700. Will take good houne or acreage up to $3000. terms on balance at 6 per cent WALTUR ROSWURM. Forest Grove, Oregon. ; WANTED, A VALLEY" FARM worth '$000-in exchange foi" 1080 acre wheat raaCh; 750 acres In wheat, 150 ready for barley, about 400 busheir wheat and barley in the bin, 16 head of horses, all farm implements, houye. born for, 34 head horses, hav mow above, granary, et. All goes tW S5. 000; must have $2000 cash, balance terms. Do not overlook the fact tluit you get the entire crop. J. E. Shears, 301 McKay bldg. - IN most bealthy climate t have a fine house and lot at Boulder, Colo., and Deortrail., Land Isn't improved. Re linquishment 'and lot at good railroad town. AU clear. For sale or trade lor Willamette valley property. Joe iiati penstaH. Ktayton, or. Give full tlc scriptitm firwt letter. - 16 ACRES 1 mile Or. Electric. 10 miles Portland; 10c commutation fare; 4 room bungalow, barn, chicken hon, spring; ubout 2 acres beaver ditr.i. Price $6400. Take house to, $4000; bal. mtg. oizs, jou rn ai. EXCH.4.NGE EQUITY. Equity in well improved small farm for stock of groceries or other mer chandise, in Portland, or suburban town. 'Address Box- 26. Beaverton. Oregon, j -! -' COTTAGE, 6 rooms down and 2 up stairs, bath. Thoroughly mo.lern, fur' nlshed 7 room house. Hawthorne 11m- triot for equipped farm near Portland.- No acent. Wdln. 13.U2. 1718 Patton ave. 7 Vt ACRES, 5 miles from the city, on junnson i reK;i station on tno place; 5 room house, large soring, water piped to house and. barn; will trade for 1 t . '1 A u i .... i . r juviici ii i . ui oi ijijiu iiiuno, j. tit Farmer, 407 Stock Kxchange, WOULD like to exchange my equity In a stricuy rirst clam modern 7 room house in Rose City Park, for a good paying buslnees, i1n or vut of the city. WE have several large Improved farms with high grade-tialrv cattle, situ ated in Willamette valley." Want city property in exchange. C. De Young & jo., . ti cna muer or commerce. 80 ACRES, cleared, seeded to graxs; all fenced and level, clear of Innimlw ranee. Will trade for bungalow close to Hawthorne ave.", Main 3710, after 6 p. m . WILL trade toy $600 eiulty In on acre 5 room house. HI l'rult' trrea I chicken houses and runs in Benverton for lot as first payment on house near j-'ortiand. J-is, Journal. WHAT HAVE YOU TOoWER7 ' $1500 second mortgaga. secured b Seattle property worth $8500: wsnt property here or close bv. X.147. journal. CLOSE in .acreage,- fine soTT good buildings, macadam roail, fruit, ber ries, milk, mail routes, close to car, for improved acreage farm further out. M-413. journal. FOR SALE or trade 1 acre, well im- provel, on earline. 30 minutes out, for clear'lots and ho mo cHh, Thla I" a gool thing. Owner, O-i po,. Journal. FOB EXCHANGE Fine Income vine yard with lmprOvemenf h. . In --hou tit- em Oregon. $6500. Clark Realty Co, .ivieqroro, or. - HAVE an' acre and 3- room house on Oregon Electric to trade for euulty-- lnhpuse and lot In Mount Scott dis trict. D-146, Journal.. ", ' SIX nice lots, close to-'MultnoniRh sta tion, on O. Electric, value $600; no incumbrance, for a 5 vhhh. auto. 4')3 McKay bldg. Main D34. $700 CASH equity in modern 5 room bungalow tol-exchange for acreage. lot or auto. Will assume on acreage. T-372, Journal. ' EXCHANOK 6' roorh house, 3 -.lots. vaiue DU, ciear, jventon, ror to 10 acres with buildings. Call Wood lawn 1087, or write 2XH W. Halleck t. $1000 equity In modern T room $40uo Rose City Park residence, for lot, or will trade for small bungalow. Ta bor 491. A $3000 WEST SIDE. CLOSE-IN Lof TO TRADE , . stock - merchandise, acreage. S-60S, journal. i ONE acre, 4 loom bungalow, woodshM, enicaen house; Oregon t ity ,'ar. Price $100. Take lot to J00. Itul. $7 per mo. X-194. Journal. FOUR acren, good -liouMe, on Alt. Mcolt canine; win trade tor modern houses muHt be clear and centrally located. A J. Farmer, 407 Stock Exchange. $800 EQb'lTY 2 acres. Ideal chicken ranch. 2 block- to Jitney Hue. lor lot. house equity or what. - B-577, Journal. 21) acres, 164 miles from I'ortlanU. all level land, nice creek. $125 per acre. In city property, bal. lonir time, owner. Main .8380. I HAVE several modern houses mlg. for about one-hair their value: trade for land, lots or automobiles, . 408 Mc- Kay bldg. Mai n 934. ; WANT a modern home; will exchange good lots, free OZ incumbrance. Tut substantial equity. Marshall 1363. $2100 EQUITY nice home and $1400 cash for good business. Portland or Willamette valley. H-608, Journal. A DANDir mod. 4 room bungalow.- price $1600. Take lots to $1000. Bal. mtg. 55-907. Journal. WANTED San Diego or Los Angeles income property forPortland Income property, this office. O-30B, Journal. HAVE clear lot in good addition. Will trade for live contract. Mar. 3ZS or A-3897. HAVE good mortgages for 2 lots in ' St. Johns, Alberta or Woodlawn. '311 Allslty bldg.. IMPROVED, farm, y clear, Willamette valley, for 'city income property. 811 AHwuy Mog. CHOICE lots near Chicago for Oregon property or . merchandise. B-JJ. journal. IF you have any good property to tt ade we will match you. Ayres A Smith, 601 Northwest bldg Main 7Z6. JF YOU have any property for sale or exchange it will pay you to see M;'. Kenzle & Co., 615 Gerlinger bldg. - . WILL EXCHANGE Eaultv 'In $2000 modern home for clear lots. O-Hl, journal. 6 ROOM - house and 3 lots clear ot incumbrance: will trade for farm in, Wlllam valley. 488 Rhone st. Owner. EXCHANGE modern home for farm or close in acreage, near earline. Owner. J-718, Journal. ; - WE hav land here, for Kanuas, which will trade, come in. i oara oi Trade. A LOT at Yaquina bay for a fire vrot safe. Address F. L. Boyd. 627 L. 5th St., north. - A DANDY mod. bungalow. Price $26 . Take lots to iuuw; ua-i. jhib. Journal. ' ; - ' 1 ' ' ' FINE lots in Seattle for Portland or vicinity. Tabor 5138. EXCHANGE lots for bouse. Owner. Main 9130. WHEN you answer: these Want Ada, mention rni j numm. FOUR lots. $20Co. Mtg, $500 for gro- cery. . J-817. journal. . GOOD Portland, lot for team, wagon and harness. 311 Alieky bldg. UNIMPROVED land for Portland ri-. dence. Will aatuime. 811 Alifky bldg. BOISE. Idaho city lioin. for Nevvbeig, ' Or., property. Box 655, Newberg. - IMPISH I A I,- ''4 ACRF.K. tOoatlaaed a Meat fagti. "3 t i