6 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SATURDAY. EVENING, MARCH ' e, 1913 MEETINGS IN BEHALF OF IMMIGRANTS ARE TO BEGIN ON MONDAY Series Represents Portland's -Participation In Coast Wide' Campaign, Under the auspices of the Home Missions Council,' a series of meetings on-behalf of the immigrant will be held at the First Methodist church. Twelfth and Taylor streets, next Mon- bJ Tnauiv T?ir C A- WOOddV of the Y, M. C. A. will bo chairman and addresses will be given by Rev. Reuben Lb Bree3 of the Congregational Home Missionary society aiid Rev. "William P. Shrlver of the board of home missions of the Presbyterian . church. , The, meetings will begin Monday at. 10 a.' m. and the sessions will be open to the public. , The meetings represent Portland's participation in a coast wide campaign which began at Los Angeles, February 18, and takes in Fresno," San Francisco, Portland, Seat tle and Spokane. The meetings will cover three phases of' the immigrant question: The local situation with reports on field studies by the local committee; methods, deal- 'ing with the approach of the church to a specified immigrant community and the broader questions of policy. . including missionary, education, leadr sliip and training, social service, ade quate maintenance and cooperation and the relation bf .the local sit.uation touthe national Immigration policy. i The first evening will be devoted to a public and popular meeting, with ad dresses by the mentbers'of the depu tatlon on such subjects as "A Survey of the National Field and Protestant "Work for Immigrants," "Life at the Bottom," "The Immigrant and Chris tian Democracy" and "Life Investment Among Immigrants.". The purpose of the conference is to stuJy present conditions and also to bring- together thosfe on the coast who - are actively interested, or engaged in work among the Immigrant population. One purpose is to bring the national home missionary societies into closer touch With the situation on the Pacific . Preliminary to the Portland meet- ing, ; the local committee has been ga.theri.og considerable data, ' covering the : number and -distribution of Vari ous groups of immigrants by races , in this locality: what progress ' has '.bean made economically, socially, 'edu cationally and in civic affairs; what definite lines of" work have been car ried on among5 recent immigrants by public, philanthropic and social agen cies; and the religious situation among recent immigrants and the work of all churches Greek Orthodox, Greek Catholic, Roman Catholic and Protestant. A feature of the Portland conference will he stereopticon lectures by . Dr. Shriver, and Dr. Breed at the Monday night meeting. "Life Choices" to Be General Theme '."Life Choices" will be the general theme of another series of Sundav eve ning sermons, to be given during 1 March, at the .Fourth Presbyterian tunl ties That Summon Us" at Chris church by Rev. H. O. Hanson. The i tiar Endeavor hour, and evening pro- dates and sermon subjects are -as fol lows: Tomorrow, "The- Choice of Friends Companionship;" March 14, The Choice of Work Vocation;" March 21, "The Choice of a Life Part ner Courtship and Marriage;" March "28. "The Choice of an Ideal Jesus." Tomorrow , morning the theme will be, '"A Religion of Action." The regular monthly iheeting of the . teachers' council was held last Monday evening . at the home of Mrs. John i . Wellbrook, 863 Front: street. The re ports showed an average attendance ol i 243 at the Sunday school during the month of- February.. Rev. Charles W. - Hays. I). D.. Sunday school missionary of Portland Presbytery, was present and addressed the council. Plans were adopted for greater efficiency In the school, also special preparation for ' Easter services were Inaugurated. Temperance Orator To Speak Tomorrow Dr. Harry G. McCain, of Topeka, Kansas, extension secretary of the Methodist Temperance society, will Bpeak at the Central Methodist church, Vancouver avenue and Fargo street, Sunday night. Dr. McCain has been associated with D. Clarence True Wll- son in the campaign for prohibition in a number of states. He i has dis tinguished himself as an orator and has had no small part in the recent victories achieved. In several states. His ability as ' a speaker, with a vast fund of information woven Into argument always , compels the atten tion .of his audiences. He Is a resi dent of Oregon, a graduate of Willam ette university, and a member of the Oregon conference. His ministerial brethren are proud of him and' greatly pleased at his growing fame. He is visiting for a few days at the home of his parents near Salem. Judg e Gatens to Speak at Sellwood - "Boys," is the subject that w4U be : discussed by Juvenile Judge W. N. ,. Gatens at. the men's assembly of the Spokane Avenue Presbyterian church, .East Sixteenth street and Spokane ave nue, at 12:15 p. m., Sunday. There will - be a stereopticon program - at 7:30 p. nv, and a dispussion of the subject! "Social Aspects of Foreign Missions." Other services will be Sunday- school at 9:45 a. m.; sermon. "Leaves for the A Healing of the Nations," at 11 a. m.. Vby tne pastor, Kev. j. is. Youel. There will be an exhibit of the missionary and benevolent work of .the Presby- lermri cnureu tin we. Ministers' Quartet Will Furnish Music The ministers quartet will render special musical selections at all serv- IrAo . sat 1 - Vflnfbm.vfbf. Aranna KTa. wegian-Danlsh t Methodist Episcopal church, ; corner of Vancouver avenue and Skldmore street,; .- tomorrow. Rev. F. . A. Scarvie, Seattle, Wash., will preach at the morning service, and Rev. C. A. Peterson, also of Seattle. . will preach' at the closing service of the district meeting.. Sunday evening at 8 o'clock, Rev. F Engebretsen wijl address the Epworth league. . , VENERABLE PASTOR : TO BE 98 YEARS OLD I f 1 s J, I -A J I ' I Xi J? Vyt" ' Father John J Flinn. Friday evening, March 12, the Bro therhood of Centenary M. E. church will celebrate the ninety-eighth birth day of Father Flinn, the oldest Meth odist preacher In the United States. Father Flinn will tell of his early day experiences in and around Portland. Rev. Henry Moys, who will be 80 years old March 22, will tell of pio neer work in Kansas, . he having preached the first sermon in Emporia. J. D. Lee will sing Indian songs and Rev. T. W. Lane will address the gath ering on the present needs of Portland Methodism. Annual Missionary Exhibit to Be Held The program for the annual exhibit of the organized world-wide mission ary and benevolent work of the Pres byterian church arranged by Rev. J. E. Touel, pastor, at the Spokane Ave nue Presbyterian church, for all of the coming week is as follows: Tomorrow Foreign Missionary day. Missionary story ' In Sunday school, morning sermon on "Prescription for Healing the Nations," discussion' of "How to Make This a Happier World" at Christian Endeavor hour, and eve ning - stereopticon lecture ! on "Social Aspects of Fpreign Missions." - Tuesday Freedmen's Aid and Tem perance day. Inspection and study of ex hibit, 3 to 5 p, in.; reception and social, with musical program and brief ad dresses, 8 p. m. Wednesday Publication and Sab bath School Work day. Thursday Church Erection and j Ministerial Relief .'day, j Friday College and Ministerial Ed ucation day. Supper by women- of the church at Sellwood Y. M. C. A., 6:30 to 8 p. m. Sunday March 14 Home Mission and Immigration . day. Missionary story. In Sunday school, morning ser rnqn on "All on the Altar of Sacrifice,' discussion of "Home Mission Oppor- gram by Juniors on "Our Welcome to iNew Americans. ' The public is invited to inspect and study the exhibit and attend the re ception every evening except Saturday and Sunday. Sermon to Enlighten All Having Doubts In answer to the question, "What Good Is God to You?" submitted to him recently. Dr. W. H. Hinson will preach at the WThite Temple tomorrow night, in an effort to help those who have their doubts about God or their rela tionship to him. He will seek to throw light on those things that cast a shad ow on the good of a God rather -than upon the goodness of God. The even ing service will be preceded by an: organ recital by Lucien Becker, begln-j ning at 7:15 o'clock. At the morning' iseniie, ur. unison win enaeavor to answer the question, "What Is the Gos-i pel?" He will show from the Scriptures the character of the good tidings pro claimed by Jesus. ' The ordinance of believer's baptism will be administered as part of the evening service. Will Give Illustrated Lecture. Chas. Spencer, president of the New Thought Young People's society, will deliver an Illustrated lecture upon "The Soul Victorious." tomorrow even ing at 7 o'clock, Temple of Truth, Eil'ers. building. EAGLES WIN BOYS' BIBLE CLASS ATHLETIC TOURNAMENT "''m'-1WMW'm n i. m i i iiui ii iiuui uiwiM$w iTW gm JW Cr i L . stwvJ Back row, left to right -C. Hopp, urates, Dale Foster and Front row, left to right G- Poole; Badtke, M. Gelsendorfer,- M. Th Eagles, led by John Hessemer, physical director, with 1087 points, won the membership campaign and games tournament between the Boys Bible clubs of Sellwood T. M. C. A., which ended Monday. The Colts, led by Harvey Madden, - assistant secre EVENING SERVICES DURING MARCH WILL HAVE EASTER IN VIEW Dr, Boyd Will Preach' to Gen eral Subject of Immortal ity; Special Music. Beginning on Sunday, March 7, there will be special evening services at tlie First Presbyterian church each Sun day evening during the month of March. The pastor. Rev. John H. Boyd,- X. IX. will preach a series of sermons on the vital topic, "Immortal ity," In preparation for the great fes tival of hope, Easter, April 4. The music of the choir will be enriched1 by special programs of anthems and solos. The congregational singing will be led by a large chorus under the leadership of the assistant pastor. The first ser mon of the series? will be tomorrow evening on "The Attitude of Modern Thought Toward Man's Hope of Im mortality." The musical program, aside from the congregational singing, Is as follows: Prelude, Andantino Rles Quartet. '"Along the River of Time". ; ...... Root Quartet. "One Sweetly Solemn Thought" Ambrose Trio for soprano, contralto and bari tone, "Abide With Me" Marsh Mrs. Albert, Mrs. Miller and Dom Zan. Contralto solo. "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere" Pearls Mrs. Lulu Dahl Miller. Postlude,.-"Song Without Words"... Mendelssohn . . E. E. Cpursen. The current events class announces the cohiing of Professor W. ; J. Kerr, president of Oregon Agricultural col lege, who will speak before .the class Sunday morning. Immediately after the regular services. Mr. Kerr will speak on "The Development of the Land Grant College and Its Place In the School System of the United States." The Portland public is in vited to hear Dr. Kerr's address and gain a " comprehensive understanding of the character end scope of the dis-r tinctive ; work of agricultural colleges, and especially of the O. A. C. ' The annual meeting f the Women s Missionary society will be held in the church parlors on next' Tuesday after noon. Mrs. Eva Hauls Douglas, wno Is the missionary of the First church to Persia, is in this country on fur lough, and will speak at this meeting Tuesday afternoon Sermon infNature Of Temperance Talk "America's Uncrowned Queen." is the j subject of the sermon to be delivered tomorrow evening in "the Firpt Meth odist Episcopal church, Twelfth and Waylor streets, by the pastor. Dr. ; Frank L. Loveland. In a sense, the sermon will be in the nature of a temperance address, as the late Fran ces E. Willard, for years president of the National "Women's Christian Tem perance Union, Is the uncrowned queen of which Dr. Loveland will speak. The local W C. T. U., together .with state and county officers, will attend the service in a body, and seats will be reserved for them. An added feature will be a special solo by A. Musgrove Robarts, to be sung by request. The quartet and vested . chorus will aho assist, i The contest, which the Sunday school is engaged in, is meeting with marked success, and the 600 per Sunday mark has very nearly been attained. At the beginning it was pointed out that no Methodist Sunday school In the his-i tory of the church in this city has ever averaged 500 a Sunday for a month at a time. The average for February was nearly 600. The contest lasts until Easter. Why Is the Church Condemned Today? Dr. W. G. Eliot Jr., pastor of the Church of Our Father (Unitarian), Broadway and Yamhill streets, has an nounced his general sermon theme for March as an Inquiry Into the reasons why the church of today Is Ignored or condemned. He will seek to answer a number of pertinent questions: Is the church maligned or is it unjustly arraigned? Is It to be revolution or evolution? Is It the "church of the future" or the "church In the future?" Is the church behind the age or ahead of the age? What are the personal problems of education and happiness, and what are the world problems of statesmanship, politics and morality that depend on the answer? Dr. Eliot regards these as some of the most critical questions of modern life, and will touch upon them' at both morning and evening services. L. Murray, H Beard, S. Poole. E. Glider, G. Morgan, J. Hessemer, Pel ton. tary, were second "with 895 points, and the Regulars, led by Lester : Ellis, as sistant physical, director, were . third with 650 points. Members of the two losing ; clubs will provide the prize, an auto ride for the winners during the grammar school Easter , vacation, probably up the Columbia- Hischwav o. Exceptional Music : At Evening Service Ninety-nine men will sing the good old. gospel hymn, "The Klnety and Nine. as one of the features . of the. musical pro gram at Centenary Methodist Episcopal church. East Ninth and East Pine streets, Sunday night. With on voice more, this big male chorus will sing sev eral other songs. i"A Man n a Shn" Will b the subject of Dr. T. TV". Lane's 1 4 sermon, and all are invited to hear it. as well, as the music , "Centenary Is the home-like church, and gives the glad hand to all who come," said a mem ber yesterday. "It Is tho en deavor of Dr. Lane and the members to see that none go away dissatisfied or unprofited Located as it Is, to find, the church one need only to cross the Burnslde or Morrison bridges and follow the crowd." Midweek Services Keep Up Interest -Christianity and the Twentieth Century, will be the subject of the morning sermon of Dr. Olin E. El dridge at Mount Tabor Methodist Epis copal church Sunday. The evening subject wt be "The Making of a Life." There is a constantly increasing in terest In the midweek services of this church. Thursday at 7:45 p. m. Mr. Eldridge will talk on "England." This will close the Beries of informal talks on the nations at war. A concert under the auspices of the choir will be given at the church Fri day night. An interesting program has been prepared. The women of tho church enjoyed the hospitality of Mrs. Eb S. Brubaker at an all dayaneeting last Wednesday. A cafeteria luncheon and social hour was a delightful feature. The after noon was devoted to the study of missions. American Flag Is Gift to School With appropriate ceremonies the Sunday school of, the First Methodist Episcopal church. Twelfth and Taylor streets, Thursday night was presented with a large American - flag by the members of the Grand Army of the Re public. S. Hamilton presented the flag on the behalf of the local mem bers. Before the flag presentation Dr. Frank L. Loveland, pastor of the church, gave a talk on the "Temple Beautiful." showing a number of col ored slides of the Holy Land. The flag was hung behind the pulpit tn the center of, a number of historic flags. The veteran quartet of the G. A. R. sang several songs and a copy of the letter written by Lieutenant Com mander Bernard O. Scott to Mrs. Scott describing the capture of Manila in 1898 was read. i New Pastor Will Preach Tomorrow ! , who was called to Rev. A. L. Crlm. tne pastorate or wn' church last Sunday, will occupy nja new pulpit tomorrow morning. He will not assume full charge of the i society until about April 1, by reason of an engagement to conduct a series i of evangelistic meetings at Salem. Mrs. Crim and their family will not come to Portland to live until after the close of the spring term of school' in Tacoma. The church officials an nounce that during the present month Mr. Crlm will speak each Sunday morning, coming . to Portland from Salem for that purpose. There will be only one service. Young People Will Hold Eally Sunday A young people's rally will be held at Mount Tabor Presbyterian church. East Fifty-fifth and Belmont streets, tomorrow afternoon and evening un der the - auspijees of the T. P. C. E. The state president of the Y. P. C. E. and officers of the- Portland Christian Endeavpr Union will be present. There win-be a rany meeting at :u o ciqck church and class, as well as the Sun In the afternoon, followed by supper, day school in general. For a time a praise service at 6:30,, and at 7:30 I these were held In th hon. of the regular evening services will be held, conducted by members of the Y. P. C. E. St. Patrick's day has been chosen by men of the church for; a program masquerade in compliment to the Women. There will be refreshments, music, and a variety of "stunts." Bristow, Lt. Clieeley, R. Field, T.' Bristqw, physical director and leader; I. or to Rhododendron. The campaign has been the liveliest activity at Sellwdod T. M. C. A. this winter, some 50 boys having competed since . No vember , 17 in securing new members, attendance, basketball, volley ball. Indoor baseball, swimming, soccer and .OULS fJlM ORGANIZATION I fi; ! ;": fft i I -Villi I if 1 ' 9 .. Top, left to right, E. S. Miller, I . rirppn assistant Rftcrptarv Middle, left to Heht Mrs. J. H. ' Mrs. L.. B. Baketel. recruiting Bottom Mrs. C. W. Henderson, entertainment L. Bryan, refreshment committee. Among the divisions of activity of the First Methodist Episcopal church. Twelfth and Taylor streets, one that Is attracting the attention of the mem bership by Its earnest interest in church affairs, is the Millgr Bible class. $ : Eight men and women gathered at the home of E. S. Miller, 656 East Thirty-eighth street. In- the late "fall of 1913. Following a social hour they organized a class to take Its regular place in the Sunday school of First church. No name was chosen at the time, but the class immediately became active. It has continued its activity from that time to this and is known as one of the "'live wire" organizations of First church. Shortly after its organization, it was decided to hold monthly socials for the purpose of getting together, be coming: acquainted, talking over nlana j securing new members for both the- lerent memDers. out the class crew eo rapiaiy it soon became necessary to have the parlors of the church re served one night each month for this purpose.. These socials have proved WHAT CHURCH MEMBERS AND CLERGY ARE DOING Preparing for Easter. . "With March services tending toward a full" intellectual and spiritual prep aration for the Easter service, the spe cial significance of Easter Sunday will be observed by appropriate services at the Church of Our Father (Unitarian), April 4. At 10:15 a. m. there will be a christening service; at 11 o'clock will be held- the regular Easter celebration, with special decorations and music; at 12:15 will " come . the communion serv ice, at which new members will be re ceived into the church. Plans for spe cial observance by. the Toung People's society, and for the evening service will be announced later. xraxaxens Revival Services. Following close on the heels of the Bulgln meetings at the tabernacle, the First Naiarene church at East Sev enth and Couch has inaugurated a spe cial "Win One" campaign under the leadership of Rev. W. E. Shepard, the author-evangelist of Pasadena. Cal. Thus far the meetings have been of unusual interest. The services will continue all next week, with Bible readings .every afternoon at 2:30 ex cepting Monday and Saturday. Will Speak Tomorrow. Dr. Perry Joseph Green will lecture tomorrow morning nd evening at Temple of Truth," Eilers building, upon the subject: "The Scientific Law of Healing by Absent Treatment," demonstrating the power of "love," or universal i law" over - mental and bodily ' diseases. Pre-Easter Sermons Anaouacsd. -, ; The pre-Easter sermons of Rev. Wil liam Graham Moore,- pastor of - the iMount Taboc Presbyterian church, will IS ONE OF MOST ACTIVE IN CHURCH Baketel, president and teacher; L.. B. Watson, calliie committee: W. W. - committee. committee; C. W. Henderson, vice president; Mrs. J. of more than, ordinary success. Starting with eight, the E. S. Miller Bible class, as it was named, by an unanimous vote of the membership, a few weeks after it was organized, has grown until ltjs roll contains the names of 80 active men and womfen and it is expected to increase this to 100 by Easter Sunday. In addition it has an honorary list made up of some 30 others. These are people who are un able to attend regularly but who re tain their interest In the class and give to lt every resource at their command. The business of. this class is not merely to hold Boclals, but to do things and In this lt has been remarkably successful. Its membership Is made up Into various committees, such as entertainment; refreshment, calling, recruiting and literary. It has a presi dent, vice president, secretary and treasurer, assistant secretary and as sistant treasurer. The entire member ship is a committee for visiting the sick and. doing good in any way pos sible. Every j member is a committee of one to be (called upon at any time for any purpose and their personal in terests are sacrificed whenever neces sary to lend aid to those in need. From the beginning. a. Miner nan been the president and teacher of the be as follows: Tomorrow, "Jesus"; March 14, "Jesus the Man"; March 21, "Jesus the j'Teacher and Healer?; March 2S, "Jsus th King." In this series of sermons -Br. Moore will give the modern conception of the life, work and sacrifice jof Jesus as the son of God and savior- of the world. " Church Sour Kindergarten. Inorder that parents, especially mothers, mayj not be obliged to stay away from Sunday services the Church of Our Father! (Unitarian) will open a "church bourj kindergarten" beginning tomorrow. Little children may be brought to church and left : In the church parlor in care of. Miss Ruth Eliot, who will conduct a kindergarten. If it is found ithat mothers take kindly to the idea the kindergarten will be continued through April and May. i . Unitarian Ken's Club. The next meeting of the Unitarian Men's club of the Church of Our Father will te held the evening of March 10 at :30 o'clock in the dining room of the "S"oung Women's Christian association. Professor -Norman F. Coleman ot Reed college will be the guest of the j evening an'd will speak of his impressibns of English life In view of the stress of war. Professor Coleman - returned recently from Eu rope, j I Hew Tork Pastor to Speak. ! Rev. Reuben. L. Breed, of New York city, secretary of the Home Mission ary society lof : the Congregational church., will speak at the First German Congregational church. Stanton and Seventh streets, .of which Rev. F. A. WlUman, is pastor, tomorrow, services beginning at U 0.30 a. m. Rev. G. E. Photograph by Buahoell. secretary and treasurer; B. Richardson. assistant treasurer; class.' His lessons are up-to-date and his references timely. He has the knack of holding the close attention of the class and makes the lessons of such an interesting character that every member Is anxious for the next and looks forward Jo it. In addition to his duties with the class he is also president of the Men's Brotherhood. C. W. Henderson is vice president and assistant teacher. Mr. Henderson is a comparatively newcomer to the city, but has made his presence in the church felt and Is one of the "live wires." He is also chairman of the literary committee. The-other officers are: L. B. Bake tel. secretary and treasurer; B. A. Qreen. assistant secretary, and W. "W. Richardson, assistant treasurer, cnair men of the class committees are: En tertalnment, Mrs. C W. Henderson; refreshment, Mrs. J. L. Bryan; calling. Mrs. J. H. Watson; recruiting, Mrs. L. B. Baketel. " Each .Sunday at .12:15.-the class meets in the northeast corner of the church auditorium and there its regu lar sessions are held. It is especially a class for married people, but nura bers among It some of those who have not yet forsaken the mantle of single blessedness. Paddack, superintendent of Home Mis sions. of Oregon, will also be present. Presbytery to BSeetb The annual meeting of the Portland presbytery of the Presbyterian church will be held at Kenllworth Presbyterian church. East Thirty-fourth street and Gladstone avenue, Tuesday and Wednesday nights of next week. At the Tuesday evening service the Rev. A. L. Hutchinson, moderator of the presbytery, will preside. Speaks on Sunday School Work. "Sunday School Work in the North west," will be the subject of an ad dress by K.. R. "Martin a the T. W. C. A. tomorrow at :30 p. m. Miss Anna .C Johnson will sing. A cordial welcome is extended to girls and stran gers for the social hour following the service.. . Clifford's Junior orchestra will play for the Sunday school of the First Methodist Episcopal church tomorrow. This Is one of the largest Sunday schools In tb city, having an attend ance of 500. - RoKue - River Evangelist s Harry Scriver of Portland started a series of revival services at the Presbyterian church last Sunday. .- - . : Salem More than 400 signed cards to join i the 'various churches" of the city as the result of the recent union revival. :: - Eugene Rev. W. A. Moore ' of Ta coma began his series of meetings in the Christian church Wednesday night. : i..'.. .. , , .-.-'.-.-.. '.. La Grande Ministers and layman of the Methodist church south for three states are meeting in the annual dis trict conference of the East Columbia district. ...."'' j STATE-WIDE BREVITIES?' Innr nr nmrniini nmi U5t Uf raiHULUuI IN BUSINESS TO BE DR. DYOTT'S THEMl Sermon Will Be 'Fourth ii . Series; New Members to B Received in Church, '- ihe se of Psychology in Bu ness will be the theme fur the fourt sermon-lecture given In a series n "Practical Psychology" bv Dr. JJyo in the First Congregational church t. morrow evening at 7:45. In the niori tig Dr. Dvott will speak on "Th Riches. of God." a communion addres At this service there will be receptio of new, members Into the church, fa. lowed by Holy CoM,muiii,.n. Sped; music will be rendertift at .this servh -by the"--quartet and organist. Ffv Bralnerd will preside at. the organ, i Uiola school precedes the mornin services, opening at 9:50 a. in. In tl. school are trained teachers and sp. cial classes for, all ages. The honi department, of alio Ull.le school Mr D. D. Clarke, superintendent, embrace the membership of.', those who are vm able to attend the school in perH' but who desire to kfep In clo toiic with the work and do the class stud Ing In their homes. The Guilds, chapters 1 and 11, en ploy a trained klmlergarten teach, to take .charge of tin; little . 4-hlldrr of kindergarten age during the hoi of church worship Sunday tnornfDK, . the parlors of tiie church. At 3 o'clock! the Y. P. a. -0. K. -w i conduct gospel, services at . JMuitnomu farm. The "idling People's society this church have charge of tliese met ' Ings the first Sunday of m Ii uiont Following the services, members wh are not able to attend, are. viwlted i person by the young people, who cat ry gifts of flowers and fruit to all tl members of the-farm. On Monday evening last In the pai lors of the church the Brotherhood nt for their regular monthly dinner. Pre' dent Bushnell, of Pacific tmlverslt addressed the men on "The Challenti of the Twentieth Century."' Mr. Mont gomery sang "Mother o' Mine." 'i'l balance of the evening wus spent i singing college songs and an. lnfui ili.. good lime. L -' . ; " Miss Marie F. Knight addressed lt Ladles AM society of the First -Cot grcgationr.1 churc h at the meeting Ik I In the church parlors Wednesday afi ernoon. MIhh Knight, who lia char). of the older girlH at the Frazler l'ltim spoke of. the work in general In thi Institution., dw oiling particularly, o the results, to Le acconiplished If moi time could' be given to the study aii care of th individual - child. The E. ' Hous Circle . met 'in tl parlors for their regular monthl meeting. The day was given enttrel to sewing for" thi Visiting Nurse a. soclation. The hostcssis. Mendunx T. E. Oatei and E. I. Pi-tt Ih and Mi Gertrude Pratt, served luncheon. .:On Tuesday nt 6:15' the HiiHine' Girls' club will have a pot liick huip at theJiome of Miss Gertrude . Will' 636 East Thlrty-eighlh Mreet, nort All of the members of the, club an their frit-mis will 1 mowt welcome. The t Women's league will meet i the church parlors Tuesday at JO :. m. The day will be spent In sewin for local charities. A cordial Invito, tlon ls extended, especially to m.-v comers. Each will bring her o lunch. ! Joppa to Damascus Subject of Lecture Details of a trip from Joppa to L.' mascus will be given In a series three' Illustrated lectures on moderi Palestine, which will be given by Re'-i J. Allen Lea, pastor of St. Jamc English Lutheran church. Tho picturt are made from recent photographs an have been made especially for tin. series of lectures. The manners an customs of the people will be show and explained. Mrs. Charles F. Fisher and Mrs. N. Bequette entertained the Ladles' Al society of the church Thursday aftei noon st the home of 'Mrs. Flwher, 123 East Tenth street north. Plans wer completed for the mission study wor to be done by members of the oclot Refreshments were served 6and Mu1 Abbott favored the members with noni pretty vocal numbers. Mesdaroes Mary Mowrey and A. I Anderson will serve a tea for the ben eflt of the church Thursday afternooi March 24. The Brotherhood of the church wi: serve refreshments Wednesday at 6:3 p. rh, in the church clubrooms, so tha anyone desiring to come to tho even Ing service direct from 'the office, h tan do so. Everyone will be welcomed Confirmation Glass Is Being Prepared - Bishop Walter Taylor Mumner Is ex pected to make a visitation to Kt John's Episcopal church, Sellwood, thi month or early in April. A class l being prepared for confirmation, meet ing for Instructon each Wednenda evening. Midweek Lenten services at thi church, consisting of a celebration o the holy communion Wednesday morn ings and the litany arid an address oi a topic selected frpm church hlstor Wednesday evenings by Rev. John i Rice, rector, are being well attende-J "Early Perversion of Christianity" wa tha theme Wednesday. The vested Choi is practicing Stalnerfs "Crucifixion, which will be rendered at the enure) Good Friday evening. The series Of special revival nervier at Sellwood Methodist cfiurch ever night except Saturday, with two serv ices Sundays, is being continued Indefi nltely by Rev. A. It. Maclean, pastor There is special music at each servltf Mrs.. Odelia Naylor. mother of 1' children, married 30 years, Is an appii cant for divorce in Cleveland. Visit OUR CHURCH AND SUNDAY SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. BOOKS. BIBLES, TESTA MENTS, MAPS! BUTTONS, CARDS. CERTIFICATES, Etc. ?5)i'3.'li.mZa. THIRD AND ALDER STS.